Supplier Delivery Manual - Version 1 - Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth ...

Page created by Troy Dominguez
Supplier Delivery Manual - Version 1 - Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth ...
Supplier Delivery
             Version 1
                              1.0 Introduction                                         4
                              2.0 Background                                           6
                                2.1 GC2018 Sports Program                              7
                                2.2 Venue Phases                                       8
                                2.3 Accreditation                                      9
                                2.4 Vehicle Access Parking Permit (VAPP)               9
                                2.5 Master Delivery Schedule (MDS)                     9
                                2.7 Vehicle Screening Area (VSA)                     12
                                2.8 Keys to the Gate                                 13
                                2.9 Considerate Working Procedures                   14
                                2.10 Smoke Free Environment                          14
                                2.11 Radio Equipment                                 14
                                2.12 Games Route Network (GRN)                       15
                                2.13 Games Route Network Summary                     16
                              3.0 Preparing To Make Deliveries                       18
                                3.1 Registering for Accreditation                    19
                                3.2 Registering for a Vehicle Access
                                    Parking Permit (VAPP)                            19
                                3.3 Registering for the Master Delivery Schedule (MDS) 19
                                3.4 Acceptable Vehicles                              19
                                3.5 Prohibited and Restricted Items                  20

2   Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
4.0 Delivering To Venues                             21
                                4.1 Delivery Windows                               22
                                4.2 Vehicle Search Point (VSP)                     22
                                4.3 Using a Vehicle Access Parking Permit (VAPP)   22
                                4.4 Booking a Delivery on the
                                    Master Delivery Schedule (MDS)                 22
                                4.5 Applying Tamper Evident Seals                  24
                                4.7 Approaching the Venue                          24
                                4.8 Vehicle Permit Checkpoints (VPC)               24
                                4.9 Attending the Vehicle Screening Area (VSA)     24
                                4.10 Multiple-Venue Deliveries (Milk Run)          25
                                4.11 Cancellations                                 25
                                4.12 Empty Vehicles                                25
                                4.13 Urgent/Exceptional Deliveries                 25
                                4.14 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)           25
                                4.15 Chain of Responsibility (CoR)                 26
                              5.0 Venue Information                                27
                                5.1 Venue Information                              28
                              6.0 Glossary of Terms                                29
                                6.1 Glossary of Terms                              30

3   Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
1. Introduction

From 4-15 April 2018, the Gold Coast 2018            The main objectives for the Supplier Delivery
Commonwealth Games (GC2018) will offer               Manual are:
11 unforgettable days of world class sporting        ++To protect the venues and those within from
competition. 18 sports, including the first            harm. All delivery vehicles entering venues
ever presentation of Beach Volleyball at a             will need to conform with compulsory
Commonwealth Games, and the largest                    GOLDOC security standards
integrated para-sport program ever, will be
presented in the first large-scale multi-sport       ++To manage the efficient and safe operations
spectacle to be hosted in Australia for over           of Games venues, including the schedule of
a decade.                                              all deliveries and collections. This includes
                                                       ensuring personnel are in place to receive
The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games                 goods and materials and any handling
Corporation (GOLDOC) has been tasked with              equipment required to assist with the
the planning, organisation and delivery of             loading and unloading
GC2018 with a vision to stage a great Games
in a great city leaving great memories and           This manual has been produced for
great benefits for all.                              informational purposes only. Should you have
                                                     any specific queries or concerns about this
GOLDOC has various Functional Areas with             Supplier Delivery Manual, please contact your
the Security and Logistics Functional Areas          contracting GOLDOC Functional Area (FA).
primarily responsible for vehicle delivery
processes before, during and after Games-time.       This Manual (Version 1) will be
                                                     updated with Version 2, released
The purpose of this document is to inform
                                                     in November 2017.
stakeholders of the Supplier Deliver Manual
and describe the processes needed to be
taken to prepare and make delivery during

  5    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
2. Background

2.1 GC2018 Sports Program
An extravaganza of 18 sports, including the
first ever presentation of Beach Volleyball
at a Commonwealth Games, and the largest
integrated para-sport program ever, will be
presented in the GC2018 Competition
Event Schedule:
++Athletics (Marathon, Race Walks, Track and Field)
++Aquatics (Diving and Swimming)
++Beach Volleyball
++Cycling (Mountain Bike, Road Race, Time Trial and Track)
++Gymnastics (Artistic and Rhythmic)
++Lawn Bowls
++Para Powerlifting
++Rugby Sevens
++Table Tennis

  7    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
2. Background

2.2 Venue Phases
This Manual focuses on the access requirements
for the Bump-In, Games Operations and Bump-Out
periods detailed in the table below.

 Period                Description
 Overlay Build         Period when all required temporary overlay is installed in the venue.
                       Access to venues is controlled by the GOLDOC Venue Delivery
                       Overlay FA.
 Bump-In               Period when GOLDOC install equipment required, including Sport
                       Equipment, Technology and Furniture, Fittings and Equipment (FF&E).
                       Access to venues is managed by GOLDOC and entry is dependent on
                       compliance with a number of access controls. All deliveries must be
                       booked through the Master Delivery Schedule (MDS) system.
 Games Operations      Operational period of use for venues.
                       Access to most venues will require all ‘Keys to the Gate’. Please see the
                       ‘Keys to the Gate’ section of this manual for further details.
                       Delivery windows for venues will be determined by the GC2018
                       Competition Event Schedule and On-Venue activity which may vary
                       on a day-to-day basis. Any changes made to Delivery Windows will be
                       communicated via the MDS system.
 Bump-Out              Period when GOLDOC remove all equipment, including Sport
                       Equipment, Technology and Furniture, Fittings and Equipment (FF&E).
                       Access to venues is managed by GOLDOC and entry is dependent on
                       compliance with a number of access controls. All collections must be
                       booked through the MDS system.
 Overlay Removal       Period when overlay is removed and remedial work is undertaken to
                       return the venue to its original condition.
                       Access to venues is controlled by the GOLDOC Venue Delivery
                       Overlay FA.

  8   Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
2. Background

2.3 Accreditation                                     As part of the accreditation process,
                                                      each applicant will need to provide a
Contractors and Suppliers who require access          valid identification document when
to Games venues during the accredited                 picking up their accreditation from the
Lockdown period in order to provide goods             Uniform and Accreditation Centre (UAC).
or services to GOLDOC will be required to             All identity documents used in applications
submit accreditation applications.                    for accreditation must be the same
                                                      document used for accreditation collection.
Applications for accreditation are only
accepted from employers, organisations or             ROs and ALOs will be able to submit applications
groups who have been identified by GOLDOC             for required personnel from 7 August 2017.
as having a role in staging GC2018.                   The GOLDOC Accreditation FA will provide
                                                      guidance on how to apply for accreditation.
For workforce accreditation purposes, they
are defined as ‘Responsible Organisations’
(ROs). The ROs will nominate an Accreditation
                                                      2.4 Vehicle Access Parking
Liaison Officer (ALO) who will act as the             Permit (VAPP)
single point of contact for the GOLDOC
                                                      GC2018 will be implementing a Vehicle
Accreditation FA.
                                                      Access and Parking Permit (VAPP) system. All
ALOs will be responsible for submitting all           delivery vehicles must clearly display a valid
applications for participants who require             GC2018 MDS VAPP to gain access to venues.
access to accredited venues (including any
                                                      Please note: MDS VAPPs only give rights to
third party/sub-contractor personnel).
                                                      loading and unloading at venues.
ROs and ALOs are responsible for collecting
the necessary data (including suitable passport
photos and scanned ID copies) and submitting          2.5 Master Delivery
it on behalf of each applicant.                       Schedule (MDS)
All applicants must also undergo a background         The MDS is a centralised scheduling system
security check in order to obtain GOLDOC              used to assign delivery slots at venues
accreditation.                                        including the Commonwealth Games Village
                                                      (CGV) and to ensure non-screened deliveries
A background security check can include an
                                                      are scheduled for inspection at the Vehicle
assessment of information relating to an
                                                      Search Point (VSP). The online system, which
individual’s identity, criminal history, a national
                                                      will be managed by the Logistics FA (LOG),
security assessment and where applicable,
                                                      will be used to control the flow of delivery
an immigration check. As part of this process,
                                                      vehicles requiring entry to venues and to
personal information collected from applicants
                                                      ensure the necessary resources and handling
will be provided to external partner agencies
                                                      equipment are on-site to assist with loading
to conduct checks on applicants, assist in
                                                      and unloading.
determining their suitability to participate
in GC2018, and where applicable liaise with
the Australian Government Department of
Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP)
for immigration purposes.

  9    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
2. Background

A list of venues in which the MDS will be applicable is listed below:

 Venue Name                                                                   Venue Code
 Anna Meares Velodrome                                                             QSV
 Belmont Shooting Centre                                                           BEL
 Broadbeach Bowls Club                                                             BLB
 Cairns Convention Centre                                                          CCV
 Carrara Precinct                                                                  CAP
 Commonwealth Games Village                                                        CGV
 Coolangatta Beachfront                                                            COL
 Coomera Indoor Sports Centre                                                      CSC
 Currumbin Beachfront                                                              CUR
 Gold Coast Aquatic Centre                                                         GAC
 Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre                                       GCE
 Gold Coast Hockey Centre                                                          GHC
 Nerang Mountain Bike Trials                                                       NER
 Oxenford Studios                                                                  OXN
 Regional Village Cairns                                                           RVC
 Regional Village Townsville                                                       RVT
 Robina Stadium                                                                    ROB
 Southport Broadwater Parklands                                                    SBP
 Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre                                    TEN
 Vehicle Search Point                                                              VSP

It is essential that Suppliers comply with the       Requestors will receive a confirmation or
MDS times, as demand to access venues                rejection notification from the MDS system
will be at a premium and strict controls are         once the request has been processed. Requests
required to prevent congestion and delays.           must be submitted no later than 48 hours prior
                                                     to the requested delivery time.
Delivery requests are to be made as far in
advance of the delivery date as possible             Deliveries that require assistance with MHE
and LOG will confirm all requests within             for unloading and loading vehicles can be
one business day.                                    ordered through the MDS system. Suppliers
                                                     are encouraged to use vehicles equipped
                                                     with a tail lift.

 10    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
2. Background

GC2018 will provide MDS system training              Please note: if you are delivering or collecting
for all relevant stakeholders, sponsors,             from both a Lockdown and training venue,
contractors and Suppliers who will require           you will be required to book an MDS slot for
deliveries to Games venues. The MDS system is        all Lockdown venues and complete these
programmed to go live in late 2017. Suppliers        before proceeding to any training venues.
need to register their interest in delivering to
venues via the process outlined in this manual.
Queries relating to the MDS system should be
sent to
GC2018 will also have training venues
(which are not considered a Lockdown venue)
during Games-time, which do not require
a booking on the MDS system. If you are
delivering or collecting goods and materials
from a GC2018 venue not listed above, you are
not required to make an MDS system booking.

      1                                                                                          i
                                                                      Requests must be
                  Delivery request made via                           submitted no later
                  the MDS System.                                     than 48 hours of
                                                                      requested delivery time.

      2           GOLDOC confirms receipt
                  of delivery request.
                                                                      Confirmation receipt
                                                                      will be via email.         i
      3           Request is processed.
                                                                      MDS System processes
                                                                      the request.
      4                                                                                          i
                  Delivery approved. Suppliers                        Assistance with MHE
                                                                      for unloading/loading
                  are encouraged to use vehicles                      vehicles can also be
                  equipped with a tail lift.                          ordered through the MDS.

 11    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
2. Background

2.7 Vehicle Screening Area
The Vehicle Screening Area (VSA) is an airport
style screening station for vehicles as part of
the overall venue security overlay undertaken
by the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and
GOLDOC Security FA (SEC).
All delivery and service vehicles (including
vehicle drivers and occupants) will be subject
to security screening at the VSA at the
venue perimeters prior to entering venues in
Lockdown. The VSA will ensure the delivery
complies with the access requirements
(Keys to the Gate) and if applied, security seals
will be integrity-checked against compliance.

 12    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
2. Background

2.8 Keys to the Gate                                 3. Vehicle is listed on the Master Delivery
                                                        Schedule (MDS)
 Keys to the Gate                                    Delivery/service vehicles must be listed on the
                                                     MDS by the Supplier for authorised entry to
 1    Vehicle occupants are carrying or              a specific venue within the specific window.
      have in their possession GOLDOC                The delivery or service vehicle must arrive and
      Accreditation                                  depart from the venue within the allocated
 2    Vehicle is displaying a valid Vehicle          window on the MDS. The Logistics FA (LOG)
      Access Parking Permit (VAPP)                   manages the allocation and functionality of
                                                     the MDS, however it is the responsibility of
 3    Vehicle is listed on the Master Delivery       the Supplier and relevant contracting GOLDOC
      Schedule (MDS)                                 FA to ensure the correct MDS procedure
 4    The vehicle is sealed with tamper              is followed.
      evident seals                                  4. The vehicle is sealed with tamper
 5    Vehicle is screened at a Vehicle                  evident seals
      Screening Area (VSA)                           A vehicle’s cargo hold, storage boxes, and
                                                     accessible areas must be correctly affixed
This Keys to the Gate section outlines the           with valid tamper evident seals to prove
minimum requirements for a vehicle to access         the vehicle has remained sealed since being
a GC2018 venue during the Lockdown period.           searched. SEC directs the provision and
                                                     application of tamper evident seals through
Keys are detailed below:                             the VSP.
1. V
    ehicle occupants are carrying or have in
                                                     Those wishing to have seals affixed to
   their possession GOLDOC Accreditation
                                                     facilitate a transfer between secured venues
Drivers and occupants must hold a valid              need to ensure the vehicle is of a make which
GOLDOC Accreditation to prove they are               can appropriately facilitate this activity.
authorised to enter a Lockdown venue.                Whilst every effort will be made to procure
ACR manages the accreditation process for            tamper-evident seals which do not leave a
GC2018, however it is the responsibility of the      residue or cause any damage to paintwork,
Supplier and relevant contracting GOLDOC             there remains a small risk this will occur and
FA to ensure correct accreditation is obtained       GOLDOC, QPS and/or Defence will not be
and visible.                                         held liable for any damage related to the
                                                     placement of security seals.
2. V
    ehicle is displaying a valid Vehicle
   Access Parking Permit (VAPP)                      5. Vehicle is screened at a Vehicle Screening
Vehicles must display a valid VAPP clearly in           Area (VSA).
the vehicle’s windscreen to prove the vehicle        The vehicle and occupants must be screened
is authorised to enter a Lockdown venue. The         at a venue’s VSA in order to proceed into a
Transport FA (TPT) manages the provision             Lockdown venue. This process is to ensure
of VAPPS, however it is the responsibility of        the vehicle has remained secure since being
the Supplier and the relevant contracting            searched and is authorised entry. The QPS
GOLDOC FA to ensure the correct VAPP is              manages the screening process at all VSAs.
applied and visible.

 13    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
2. Background

2.9 Considerate Working                              2.10 Smoke Free
Procedures                                           Environment
Delivery vehicles and drivers need to be             All GC2018 competition, non-competition
sympathetic to the needs of local neighbours         and training venues, and the CGV are smoke
and businesses in the vicinity of venues.            free areas. This means smoking of cigarettes
Suppliers are requested to ensure disturbance        inside or within 10 metres of a venue/CGV is
to local neighbours and businesses is kept to        prohibited by Australian Law (Tobacco and
an absolute minimum, particularly reducing           Other Smoking Products Act 1998 and Major
unnecessary noise outside normal business            Events Act 2014).
hours and maintaining access to local
properties and businesses.                           This smoking ban includes the use of all
                                                     smoking products, including tobacco,
A selection of general guidelines is provided        hookahs and electronic cigarettes.
++Ensure staff involved with the delivery are        2.11 Radio Equipment
  well briefed and trained appropriately
                                                     The use of any radio transmitting equipment
++Ensure deliveries are on time, in accordance       (i.e. PMR radio, CB radio, amateur radio,
  with the MDS, to avoid excessive vehicles          PMR446) is not permitted within all GC2018
  arriving at the same time                          venues and surrounding areas. All radio
++Ensure the driver knows the exact location         transmitting devices (excluding mobile
  of the delivery point and the access routes        phones) must be switched off when entering
  to and from the venue/delivery locations           a GC2018 venue.
++If arriving early for deliveries, do not wait
  close by to a residential property and switch
  off the engine
++Make sure all equipment is in good working
  order and maintained to minimise noise
  when in operation
++Avoid sounding your horn unless required to
  by relevant road laws
++Engines should be switched off immediately
  when not manoeuvring
++Minimise the frequency of opening and
  closing vehicle doors and when doing so,
  do quietly

 14    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
2. Background

2.12 Games Route Network                             This will support travel time reliability so
                                                     athletes can get to events on time and
(GRN)                                                competition can proceed without delay.
                                                     Priority measures will be a combination
In order to provide Games Family client groups,
                                                     of dedicated lanes, signal priority, traffic
in particular athletes, expedient and reliable
                                                     management measures and/or signage
journey times, a Games Route Network (GRN)
                                                     improvements. Measures will be used to
will be implemented, which is similar to that
                                                     achieve the optimum journey times in a
used at previous Commonwealth Games. The
                                                     cost effective manner while minimising
GRN will comprise of a network of roads linking
                                                     disruption to road users.
accommodation with GC2018 competition
and key non-competition venues/locations and         The proposed GRN includes five categories
will be dedicated to those vehicles displaying a     of route; these are:
VAPP (for Suppliers this will be an MDS VAPP).
                                                     1. Core Routes
The most efficient means of providing a safe,
                                                     2. Competition Venue Routes
secure and reliable transport for the Games
Family is to implement a GRN. These routes           3. Training Venue Routes
will be managed to facilitate reliable transport
operations for the Games Family so athletes,         4. Alternative Routes
officials and broadcast media can arrive at
                                                     5. Port of Entry Routes
competition events on time.
                                                     The nature and function of these categories
The GRN will integrate with the broader road
                                                     is described below under Games Route
network, active transport network (pedestrian
                                                     Network Summary.
and cycling) and freight network to maintain
business as usual operations and to ensure
the resilience of the broader road network.
Games Family client groups travelling on the
GRN will see periods of intense use, followed
by quieter periods, depending on competition
event schedules during GC2018.

 15    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
2. Background

2.13 Games Route Network Summary
Games Route Network Summary
Core               ++Busiest section of GRN, daily volume >2,500 two way trips
                   ++Operational for duration of GC2018
                   ++Key venues are located on this route
                   ++Comprises four key links:
                       –– Smith Street
                       –– Gold Coast Highway (Southport – Broadbeach)
                       –– Nerang Broadbeach Road (Broadbeach – Carrara)
                       –– Ross Street/Currumburra Road/Olsen Avenue (Carrara – Parkwood)
                   ++Approximately 27 kilometres
                   ++Most competition and training venue routes use part of the core network
                   ++Efficient and reliable travel times essential
                   ++Travel time commitments apply to this route
                   ++The traffic management measures described in the Transport Operations
                     Plan (TOP) will predominantly apply to the Core GRN
Competition        ++Links the CGV to each competition venue (via Core GRN)
Venue              ++Approximately 162 kilometres total
                   ++Only required on competition days
                   ++High priority route, efficient and reliable travel times essential
                   ++Travel time commitments apply to this route
                   ++Some traffic measures will apply
Port of Entry      ++Links the CGV to Gold Coast, Brisbane, Townsville and Cairns Airports
                   ++Less time sensitive
                   ++Reliable travel time important but minimal traffic management measures
                     are proposed
Training           ++Links the CGV to training venues (via Core GRN)
Venue              ++Approximately 17 kilometres
                   ++Only required when training venue operational
                   ++Reliable travel time important, travel time commitments apply
                   ++Minimal traffic management measures will be required
Alternative        ++Contingency routes for use during significant disruption on primary route
                   ++Used and managed as required – exceptional use only

16     Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018

                  Pacific Mwy (M1)                 o   a d water A                                                                                                                               Cairns


                                                                         Oxley Dr
                                                                                                                                                                                           Gold Coast
                                                                                      Runaway Bay                                                                               Adelaide           Sydney
                                                    ld C
                                                        oas                                                                                                                          Melbourne   Canberra
        Oxenford                                           t   Hwy


                                                       o rt
                                                Southp Rd

                                                      g                                                                 Main Beach

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                                               Carrara                          l                                         Surfers Paradise
             Nerang                                                         Ash ayter

                                                                               mo       Ave
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                                                    Niels                                         o St
                                                         e ns R d                               ac


                                                                                    Boradbeach Hooker Bvd
                                                         G oo

                                                                                                       eri S t
                                                                                                                                  Mermaid Beach

                                                                                        Chelten h a m                                   Miami
                                                                                             Dr                               e
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                                           Mudgeeraba                                                                                     Burleigh Heads
                                                                                                             uda St


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                                                                                                                                                  Palm Beach
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                                                                                                                                         Gold Coast Airport

Gold Coast                                                                            Legend
                                                                                                      Core GRN                                                    Venue location

Strategic                                                                                             Primary route
                                                                                                      Secondary route
                                                                                                                                                                  Venue precinct

Travel Map
                                                                                                      Pacific Motorway (M1)                                       Airport
                                                                                                      Heavy rail line
                                                                                                      Light rail line                                             Commonwealth Games Village
                                                                                      Competition Venues

                                                                                                      Belmont Shooting Centre                                     Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre
                                                                                                      Broadbeach Lawn Bowls                                       Gold Coast Hockey Centre

Size: A4                                                                                              Carrara Precinct                                            Nerang Mountain Bike Trails
Map Number: GOLDOC011                                                                                 Coolangatta Beachfront                                      Oxenford Studios
Date: 12/06/2017
Map not to scale                                                                                      Coomera Indoor Sports Centre                                Anna Meares Velodrome
© Copyright and database right 2017.                                                                  Currumbin Beachfront                                        Robina Stadium
You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute
or sell any of this data to third parties in any form.                                                Gold Coast Aquatic Centre                                   Southport Broadwater Parklands
Preparing To
Make Deliveries
3. Preparing To Make Deliveries

3.1 Registering for                                  3.3 Registering for the
Accreditation                                        Master Delivery Schedule
Drivers and occupants must hold a valid              (MDS)
GOLDOC Accreditation to access Games venues
                                                     The registration process for MDS is
during Lockdown. It is the responsibility of ROs
                                                     completed within the MDS/VAPP
to submit applications for all personnel who
                                                     Questionnaire Registration Form. Please
require access to accredited venues (including
                                                     ensure all mandatory details are provided
any third party/sub-contractor personnel).
                                                     to streamline the issuing of log-in details
ROs will be identified to the ACR FA via the         and system access. Once registration has
contracting FA through the application for           been completed, Suppliers will be issued
accreditation process.                               with system access credentials.
All accreditation is subject to the direction        The MDS system will be operational from
and approval of the Commonwealth Games               November 2017.
Federation (CGF).
Please note: Only those personnel
                                                     3.4 Acceptable Vehicles
nominated by the Supplier and approved               Cargo compartments must be separated
by the contracting FA will be issued with            from the driver compartment by a physical
accreditation.                                       barrier, with no internal access to the cargo
                                                     compartment by vehicle occupants. Cargo
3.2 Registering for a Vehicle                        compartments should consist of either solid
Access Parking Permit (VAPP)                         metal side walls or soft-walled curtains
                                                     (side-loading). If divided by a soft wall, it
The registration process for vehicle VAPP            must be constructed using a durable material
is to be completed within the MDS/VAPP               with no defects, and all access points are
Questionnaire Registration Form. Please              secured and sealed with a GOLDOC Tamper
ensure all mandatory details are provided            Evident Seal.
in order to streamline the issuing of the
                                                     Drivers should also arrive in a clean cab.
vehicle VAPP’s. Once registration has been
completed and the required number of
VAPP’s been approved, Suppliers will be
required to collect their allocated VAPPs
from a designated location (this detail will
be provided in Version 2 of this Manual).
Please note: Suppliers will be required to
provide registration details for all vehicles
requiring an MDS VAPP. These details will
be sought by the GOLDOC Transport FA
prior to collection.

 19    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
3. Preparing To Make Deliveries

3.5 Prohibited and
Restricted Items
Liquids – Are prohibited, other than for
personal consumption, where the volume is no
greater than 350 millilitres and is contained
within a plastic unopened (commercially
sealed) container. No part-filled consumable
liquids will be permitted to pass through a
Pedestrian Screening Area (PSA) lane and
should be consumed or disposed of prior
to entry.
Aerosols – Minimum quantities of aerosols,
no greater than 250 millilitres, will be
permitted for those with accreditation only
and who have a reason for bringing these into
a venue e.g. Medal Ceremonies; Ceremonies;
in transit media and for spectators where the
aerosols are not flammable. These must be
removed from any vehicle or bags for screening
Creams/Gels – Non consumable creams or
gels in commercial packaging, where the
volume on the packaging does not exceed
250 millilitres, is permitted.

 20    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
To Venues
4. Delivering To Venues

4.1 Delivery Windows                                 4.3 Using a Vehicle Access
Delivery windows will vary from venue to venue       Parking Permit (VAPP)
and from phase to phase. All venue deliveries
                                                     Upon allocation and issue of GOLDOC vehicle
must adhere to the delivery windows provided
                                                     MDS VAPP’s, all Suppliers are to ensure these
in this Manual (detailed delivery information
                                                     are affixed to the correct vehicle.
will be incorporated into version 2 of this
Manual). The MDS system will automatically           The MDS VAPP must be placed on the
determine approved delivery windows and              windscreen of the vehicle for SEC and QPS to
available times for Suppliers to book deliveries     view (affixed to the inside of the windscreen,
and collections from Games venues.                   on the passenger-side bottom corner of
                                                     dash/windscreen) and to allow the check
4.2 Vehicle Search Point (VSP)                       process at the VPC or VSP. If the VAPP is not
                                                     correctly affixed, this will delay or lead to
The VSP is located at 44 Dominions Road,             the rejection of the vehicle from entering a
Ashmore Queensland 4214 (entrance off                Games venue or VSP.
Currumburra Road), and will conduct all
vehicle searches, application of tamper
evident seals and subsequent staging for
delivery slots as per the MDS. The VSP will
contain vehicle search equipment, a staging
area and will be facilitated by QPS and SEC.
VSP search operations will consist of Xray
screening of goods and the search of vehicle
passenger and cargo areas. This may require
vehicles to be unloaded and reloaded
(depending on loads).
Drivers and passengers will also be required
to undergo full airport style screening of their
person and belongings at the VSP.
After search and screening at the VSP, delivery      4.4 Booking a delivery
vehicles will route directly to required Games       on the Master Delivery
venue where final checks will be conducted
at the VPC/VSA before progressing to the             Schedule (MDS)
appropriate delivery point within the venue.         Information on how to book a delivery on
For deliveries to Games venues in Cairns and         the MDS will be published in version 2 of
Townsville, there will be specific search and        this Manual.
screening procedures as local Suppliers will
not be requested to travel via the VSP on the
Gold Coast. Further detail will be incorporated
into Version 2 of this Manual.
The VSP will be operational from 9 March
2018 until the final delivery window.

 22    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
Cairns International

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  port Ave



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                           oas                             Runaway Bay                                                                                                                                 Rd                      St

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                               t    Hwy                                                                                                                                                                                 ce
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                                                                                                                                      International                                     St               rto
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                                                                                  Main Beach


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                      Carrara                      te                              Surfers Paradise

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                                                            e                                                                                       Woolcock St                                                              Bound

                                                   re R
                                                       d                            Broadbeach



                                                         Hooker Bvd

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                 Mudgeeraba                                                                     Burleigh Heads

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                                                                                                       Palm Beach




                                                                     (M1                                                                                                  CBD                 yM

                                                                              )                                                                                                                 wy

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                                                                                          Gold Coast Airport        Coolangatta                  Rd                                                  Mounalaba Rd
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                                                                                                                                                    n Mwy
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                                                                                                                                                            (M2)                                            M
   Gold Coast                                                                                                                      Brisbane

                                                                                                       Core GRN                                          Venue location

Venues and
                                                                                                       Venue GRN
                                                                                                       Training GRN                                      Airport

Games Route
                                                                                                       Alternate GRN                                     Commonwealth Games Village
                                                                                                       Port of entry
                                                                                                       Heavy rail line                                   Regional Village Cairns

Network (GRN)                                                                                          Light rail line
                                                                                           Competition Venues
                                                                                                                                                         Regional Village Townsville

                                                                                                       Belmont Shooting Centre                           Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre
                                                                                                       Broadbeach Lawn Bowls                             Gold Coast Hockey Centre
                                                                                                       Carrara Precinct                                  Nerang Mountain Bike Trails

Size: A4
                                                                                                       Cairns Convention Centre                          Oxenford Studios
Map Number: GOLDOC011                                                                                  Coolangatta Beachfront                            Anna Meares Velodrome
Date: 12/06/2017
Map not to scale                                                                                       Coomera Indoor Sports Centre                      Robina Stadium
© Copyright and database right 2017.                                                                   Currumbin Beachfront                              Southport Broadwater Parklands
You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute
or sell any of this data to third parties in any form.                                                 Gold Coast Aquatic Centre                         Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre
4. Delivering To Venues

4.5 Applying tamper                                  4.8 Vehicle Permit
evident seals                                        Checkpoints (VPC)
Tamper evident seals will be applied to all          Vehicle Permit Checkpoints (VPC) exist as the
vehicles by the onsite Security team at the          last checkpoint on a road prior to entering
VSP (after their vehicle has been searched           a VSA.
and declared secure by QPS).
                                                     Drivers will stop at a VPC where their ‘Keys to
Those wishing to have seals affixed to               the Gate’ compliance will be checked by SEC
facilitate a transfer between secure venues          prior to being allowed to enter the VSA.
need to ensure the vehicle is of a make that
can appropriately facilitate this activity.          If one or more of the ‘Keys’ are not met,
Whilst every effort will be made to procure          the delivery will be rejected. It will be the
tamper-evident seals which do not leave a            responsibility of the driver to resolve the
residue or cause any damage to paintwork,            issues with the appropriate GOLDOC FA or
there remains a small risk this will occur.          employer before re-approaching the VPC.
GOLDOC, QPS and/or Defence will not be
held liable for any damage related to the            4.9 Attending the Vehicle
placement of security seals.                         Screening Area (VSA)
4.6 Attending the Vehicle                            After being instructed to enter the VSA
                                                     from the VPC controller, the driver will
Search Point (VSP)                                   move to the entry of the VSA where they
Suppliers, as well as meeting all the other          will take instruction from the VSA controller.
Keys to the Gate requirements, must attend           Once instructed to do so, the driver will enter
the VSP prior to making a delivery to a              the VSA. The driver will need to depart the
venue. No vehicle will be permitted entry            vehicle with their possessions and undergo
to a GC2018 lockdown venue without first             airport style screening i.e. magnetometer
attending the VSP.                                   (walk through) X-ray and baggage X-ray.
                                                     Once instructed, the driver will get back into
4.7 Approaching the venue                            the vehicle and complete the delivery.
The map below contains an overview
of GC2018 Venue locations including a
preliminary layout of the GRN. The GRN
is a network of dedicated roads linking
venues and other key sites in the host city
during Games-time to ensure athletes and
officials get to events on time. The dates
and times when the GRN will be operational
as well as further details on delivery routes
between and within venues will be provided
in Version 2 of this Manual.

 24    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
4. Delivering To Venues

4.10 Multiple-venue                                  4.13 Urgent/Exceptional
deliveries (Milk Run)                                Deliveries
If a Supplier has multiple loads in one vehicle,     For all urgent or exceptional deliveries
which have to be delivered to more than one          to venues, please contact your GOLDOC
venue, it must be re-sealed following each           representative to liaise with the relevant
delivery. The responsible GOLDOC FA at               person(s) to arrange necessary approvals.
each venue will check and re-seal the vehicle        GOLDOC will assess each request based on
before it continues onto the next venue.             the operational requirement and access
                                                     cannot be guaranteed.
This will remove the requirement for the
vehicle to be checked at the VSP between
each delivery. However, if the vehicle delivers
                                                     4.14 Personal Protective
to a venue not in Lockdown, the vehicle will         Equipment (PPE)
then need to return to the VSP before going
to a venue in Lockdown.                              During the different phases of each venue,
                                                     there will be a minimum level of Personal
All multi-venue deliveries must be noted on          Protective Equipment (PPE) required to
the MDS prior to departing the Suppliers             gain entry. The minimum requirements are
premise or the VSP.                                  detailed on each of the venue maps in the
                                                     Venue Details section of this Manual.
4.11 Cancellations                                   Please note: failure to meet minimum
Suppliers are requested to notify the GOLDOC         standards will see the rejection of the
MDS team ( as soon as                 vehicle and load, these items could include
possible of any MDS cancellations as availability    the following:
of unloading spaces at Games venues and time         ++Safety boots (steeled toed boots)
slots at the VSP are at a premium.
                                                     ++Hi Vis vest/shirt
Where a Supplier fails to advise the MDS team        ++Gloves
of a cancellation for consecutive bookings, all
                                                     ++Safety glasses
remaining slots will be automatically cancelled.
                                                     ++Hard hat
4.12 Empty Vehicles                                  Please ensure all Suppliers (drivers and
If a delivery vehicle is empty of assets and         occupants) adhere to the PPE requirements
requiring entry to a venue, the vehicle will         set out in this manual.
still need to meet all security requirements
pending the phase of venue operations.

 25    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
4. Delivering To Venues

4.15 Chain of Responsibility                         Driver Fatigue
                                                     Ensuring drivers are well rested and are given
(CoR)                                                adequate time to take their scheduled rest
Chain of Responsibility (CoR) is relevant for all    breaks. Taking into consideration the amount
areas of GC2018. The four main elements of           of hours worked.
the Chain of Responsibility are:
Mass and Dimension Limits
                                                     Ensuring driver’s routes are realistic and safe
Ensuring trucks leave sites within the mass          and imposing demands are not placed on
carrying constraints and the mass is distributed     them which may result in a driver putting
across the truck axles. Also ensuring dimension      themselves or others at risk. Schedules need
limits are adhered to.                               to take into account the distance to be
                                                     covered, traffic conditions and delays at
Load Restraint
                                                     VSP’s and receiving venues.
Ensuring that when trucks are loaded, the
load is adequately secured to the vehicle.

                                     Chain of
                                   Responsibility                                     Receiving

            Packing                                                          Operating

                                  Loading                 Driving

 26    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
5. Delivering To Venues

5.1 Venue Information
All venue information such as sports, events,
mapping, venue delivery windows (dates and
times), safety (PPE requirements), vehicle
specifications and contacts will be published
in Version 2 of this Manual.

 28    Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
of Terms
6. Glossary of Terms

6.1 Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
                               GC2018 Accreditation provided to a person authorised to carry
Accreditation                  that accreditation and which gives that person an entitlement to
                               enter specific GC2018 venue(s).
                               A vehicle with assets or goods for service for a venue, with a
                               MDS VAPP.
Delivery and Service           A vehicle delivering goods (materials) to a venue or a vehicle
Vehicle                        providing a service to a venue such as waste collection.
                               Is a pre-determined time frame allocated for the delivery
Delivery Slot
                               or collection of goods.
                               A delivery window is a period of time which has been designated
Delivery Window                for a secure venue to receive deliveries of goods or services
                               required for the efficient functioning of the venue.
                               Means the venue has been searched by the Queensland Police
                               Service and declared clear of any dangerous articles or devices that
                               could cause injury or death to persons within the secure perimeter.
                               It also signals the commencement of access management and
                               a search regime that requires the searching of people and their
                               belongings as they enter the venue.
                               The term Lockdown period refers to a secure venue at a time when
                               a defensive search commences. This search will be conducted by
                               Police and Military personnel who are searching for any prohibited
                               items already within the venue.
Lockdown period
                               Once the defensive search is complete the venue will be declared
                               secure and formally handed over to the Venue General Manager.
                               The SEC FA will be responsible for keeping the venue secure until
                               the end of competition.
                               The MDS is a tool used for scheduling deliveries to venues.
Master Delivery Schedule       Suppliers will be responsible for requesting a delivery slot and
(MDS)                          will receive notification for an approved delivery slot(s). Suppliers
                               must deliver within the approved delivery slot.

 30   Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
6. Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms
                              Material Handling Equipment (MHE) are mechanical devices
                              for handling of supplies with greater ease and economy. MHE
Material Handling             refers to various materials handling equipment, to include but
Equipment (MHE)               not limited to forklifts, shelf pickers, hand trolleys, motorised and
                              non-motorised pallet jacks (hand trucks), and other specialised
                              industrial equipment.
                              Pre-planned supplier delivery run where a Supplier is scheduled to
                              make multiple deliveries to a range of venues without returning to
Multi Venue Deliveries        a secure screening facility (VSP).
(Milk Run)
                              In either case the vehicle is resealed within the secure venue prior
                              to departing for the next venue.
                              The PSA is a screening process for all persons entering a secure
                              venue. This process commences at the ‘Search and Lockdown’
                              phase. Other than where there is a specific exemption, only ticketed
Pedestrian Screening          and accredited people will be permitted entry through a PSA.
Area (PSA)
                              Any person passing through a PSA will be required to undergo a
                              screening regime which may include X-ray screening to identify
                              any Prohibited or Restricted items being brought into the venue.
                              Items which cannot be brought into any secure competition venue
                              by any client group excluding a limited number of exemptions
                              outlined in this document.

Prohibited Item               These items are either prohibited by Queensland legislation or
                              deemed by an organisation (GOLDOC) likely to pose a threat or
                              have the potential to cause harm or disruption to the normal
                              business and function of a venue, including, but not limited to,
                              items listed under Section 20(1) of the Major Events Act 2014.
                              Means a distribution schedule which includes collection and
                              delivery information.
                              A tamper evident security seal applied to the access point of a
                              cavity of a vehicle that can be opened. After the seal is applied it
Tamper Evident                will be evident if any attempt has been made to open the cavity.
Security Seal                 Seals will be applied at the VSP after searching. Vehicles doing a
                              Milk Run (other than Waste removal vehicles) will be resealed after
                              each delivery by GOLDOC.

31   Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
6. Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms
                              A Vehicle Access and Parking Permit is issued by GOLDOC and
                              affixed to a vehicle as a form of vehicular accreditation. The VAPP
                              is a mechanism used to identify vehicles that are accredited to
                              enter a venue secure perimeter or a ‘Games-Vehicle only’ road.
Vehicle Access and
                              Vehicles with a VAPP also need to meet Secure Venue – Vehicle
Parking Permit (VAPP)
                              Access Protocols in order to enter a venue. The VAPP is checked
                              at a Vehicle Permit Checkpoint (VPC) by a Traffic Marshall.
                              VAPPs may be venue specific or be applicable to multiple venues
                              depending on individual requirements.
                              An area prior to the VSA where GOLDOC staff will check the
Vehicle Permit
                              vehicle VAPP, occupant’s accreditation and the availability of
Checkpoint (VPC)
                              parking for that class of vehicle.
                              The VSA is a vehicle screening area usually positioned on a road
                              outside a venue secure perimeter. The purpose of the VSA is to
                              ensure all vehicles permitted to enter a secure venue are inspected.
Vehicle Screening Area        The inspection is undertaken by trained Police or Military personnel
(VSA)                         to ensure the vehicle does not contain an improvised explosive
                              device (IED), weapon or other prohibited items. Occupants of
                              vehicle will be subject to a PSA screening before re-entering
                              their vehicle.
                              The VSP will be a secure non-competition venue used to conduct
                              inspections of vehicles intending to enter a secure venue. The
Vehicle Search Point
                              inspection is undertaken by trained Police or Military personnel
                              to ensure the vehicle does not contain an improvised explosive
                              device (IED), weapon or other prohibited item.
                              The Pedestrian Screening Area (PSA) adjacent to the VSA will
                              be used by passengers and their carry baggage. Passengers of
VSA-PSA                       vehicles undergoing an inspection will be required to remove their
                              baggage from the vehicle prior to the vehicle inspection and be
                              processed through the PSA.

32   Supplier Delivery Manual – Version 1 GC2018
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