SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 13 - 14 May 2022 Organised & promoted by Manx Auto Sport Ltd

Page created by Donald Tucker
SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 13 - 14 May 2022 Organised & promoted by Manx Auto Sport Ltd
13 - 14 May 2022

    Organised & promoted by
      Manx Auto Sport Ltd

SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 13 - 14 May 2022 Organised & promoted by Manx Auto Sport Ltd
Art. 1.      Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 4
  Art. 1.1       Preamble ................................................................................................................................. 4
  Art. 1.2       Length of Special Stages and Road surface ........................................................................... 4
  Art. 1.3       Overall SS distance and total distance of the itinerary ............................................................ 4
Art. 2.      Organisation ................................................................................................................................. 4
  Art. 2.1       Championships and titles for which the rally counts ................................................................ 4
  Art. 2.1.1        FIA titles and classifications ................................................................................................. 4
  Art. 2.1.2         Other Championships / Titles / Cups ................................................................................... 4
  Art. 2.2       Approvals................................................................................................................................. 5
  Art. 2.3       Organiser’s name, address and contact details ...................................................................... 5
  Art. 2.4       Organising Committee ............................................................................................................. 5
  Art. 2.5       Stewards of the Meeting .......................................................................................................... 5
  Art. 2.6       FIA Delegates & Observer....................................................................................................... 5
  Art. 2.7       Senior Officials ........................................................................................................................ 5
  Art. 2.8       Location of Rally HQ and contact details................................................................................. 6
  Art. 2.8.1        Rally Office and Rally HQ ..................................................................................................... 6
  Art. 2.8.2 Service Park ........................................................................................................................... 6
  Art. 2.8.3 Notice Board (NB) and Digital Official Notice Board (DNB) .................................................... 6
  Art. 2.8.4 Administrative Checks ............................................................................................................ 6
  Art. 2.8.5 Scrutineering............................................................................................................................ 7
Art. 3.      Programme in chronological order and locations ......................................................................... 7
Art. 4.      Entries .......................................................................................................................................... 8
  Art. 4.1       Opening / Closing date for entries ........................................................................................... 8
  Art. 4.2       Entry procedure ....................................................................................................................... 8
  Art. 4.3       Number of competitors accepted and vehicle classes ............................................................ 9
  Art. 4.4       Entry fees/entry fee packages ............................................................................................... 11
  Art. 4.5       Payment ................................................................................................................................ 11
  Art. 4.6       Entry fee refunds ................................................................................................................... 11
Art. 5.      Insurance Cover ......................................................................................................................... 12
Art. 6.      Advertising and Identification ..................................................................................................... 13
  Art. 6.1       Obligatory organiser’s advertising ......................................................................................... 13
  Art. 6.2       Optional organiser’s advertising ............................................................................................ 13
  Art. 6.3       General provisions................................................................................................................. 13
Art. 7.      Tyres .......................................................................................................................................... 13
  Art. 7.1       Regulations regarding tyres which may be used during the rally .......................................... 13
Art. 8.      Fuel ............................................................................................................................................ 13
  Art. 8.1       Refuelling............................................................................................................................... 13
  Art. 8.2       Ordering of Fuel..................................................................................................................... 14
  Art. 8.3       Penalties ................................................................................................................................ 14
Art. 9.      Reconnaissance of Special Stages............................................................................................ 14

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SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 13 - 14 May 2022 Organised & promoted by Manx Auto Sport Ltd
Art. 9.1       Registration procedure .......................................................................................................... 14
  Art. 9.2       Specific regulations ............................................................................................................... 15
Art. 10.     Administrative checks ................................................................................................................ 16
  Art. 10.1 Documents to be presented: ................................................................................................. 16
  Art. 10.2 Timetable ............................................................................................................................... 16
Art. 11.     Scrutineering, Sealing and Marking ........................................................................................... 16
  Art. 11.1 Scrutineering, venue and time ............................................................................................... 16
  Art. 11.2 Mud flaps ............................................................................................................................... 16
  Art. 11.3 Windows ................................................................................................................................ 16
  Art. 11.4 Drivers’ safety equipment ...................................................................................................... 16
  Art. 11.5 Noise level ............................................................................................................................. 17
  Art. 11.6 Special national requirements ............................................................................................... 17
  Art. 11.7 Installation of the safety tracking system ............................................................................... 17
Art. 12.     Other procedures and regulations.............................................................................................. 17
  Art. 12.1 Start procedures and order.................................................................................................... 17
  Art. 12.1.1 Ceremonial Start ................................................................................................................... 17
  Art. 12.1.2 Starting order ........................................................................................................................ 17
  Art. 12.1.3 Restart after retirement (Art 54 and 55 FIA-RRSR) .............................................................. 17
  Art. 12.2 Electronic start procedure (Art 48 FIA-RRSR)....................................................................... 18
  Art. 12.3 Finish procedures .................................................................................................................. 18
  Art. 12.4 Permitted early check-in ........................................................................................................ 18
  Art. 12.5 Special procedures and activities .......................................................................................... 18
  Art. 12.5.1 Availability of participants ..................................................................................................... 18
  Art. 12.5.2 Classification......................................................................................................................... 18
  Art. 12.6 Official time used during the rally .......................................................................................... 18
  Art. 12.7 Rally emergency phone number............................................................................................ 18
  Art. 12.8 Shakedown regulations (FIA-RRSR Art 36) .......................................................................... 18
  Art. 12.9 Special procedures for the Service Park ................................................................................ 19
  Art. 12.9.1 Service pass and service space ........................................................................................... 19
  Art. 12.9.2 Speed limit (FIA-RRSR Art. 57.4) ......................................................................................... 19
  Art. 12.9.3 Behaviour in the Service Park .............................................................................................. 19
  Art. 12.9.4 Infringement of Service Park regulations .............................................................................. 19
  Art. 12.9.5 Security ................................................................................................................................. 19
  Art. 12.9.6 Electricity in the Service Park ............................................................................................... 20
  Art. 12.11 Gravel Crews ........................................................................................................................ 20
  Art. 12.12 Damage Declaration Form.................................................................................................... 20
  Art. 12.13 Timecards ............................................................................................................................. 20
Art. 13.     Identification of officials .............................................................................................................. 20
Art. 14.     Prizes ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Art. 15.     Final checks / Protests / Appeals ............................................................................................... 20
  Art. 15.1 Final Checks .......................................................................................................................... 20
  Art.15.2 Protest deposit .......................................................................................................................... 21

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SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 13 - 14 May 2022 Organised & promoted by Manx Auto Sport Ltd
Art. 15.3 Appeal deposit ......................................................................................................................... 21
  Art. 15.4 Fines ........................................................................................................................................ 21

Appendix 1                          Itinerary
Appendix 2                          Reconnaissance schedule
Appendix 3                          Names and photographs of CROs and their schedules
Appendix 4                          Decals and positioning of supplementary advertising
Appendix 5                          Extract from FIA Appendix L relating to overalls, helmets and any other
                                    safety requirements
Appendix 6                          FIA Regional Rally Sporting Regulations Article 53 “Competitor Safety”
Appendix 7                          Subjective Route Note Providers
Appendix 8                          Local competitor assistance

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SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 13 - 14 May 2022 Organised & promoted by Manx Auto Sport Ltd
Art. 1.      Introduction

 Name of the event:              Manx Rally

 Date of the event:              13-14 May 2022

 Status of the event:            International

Art. 1.1 Preamble
This rally will be run in compliance with the FIA International Sporting Code (ISC) including appendices,
the FIA Regional Rally Sporting Regulations including appendices, the ASN Rally Regulations (only when
related to national cars) the WADA/NADA Codes, and the FIA Anti-Doping Regulations, as amended from
time to time. The National Road Traffic Regulations shall apply. Unless provided otherwise by these
Supplementary Regulations, the provisions of the above Rules and Regulations shall apply.

Any modifications, amendments and/or additions to the Rules and Regulations shall be made in the form
of numbered and dated bulletins. Additional information will be published in the Rally Guide. All FIA
regulations can be found at .

The various documents will be written in English. In case of any discrepancy the English text will be binding.

Art. 1.2 Length of Special Stages and Road surface

 Leg 1: Asphalt         69.02      km
 Leg 2: Asphalt         100.26     km

Art. 1.3 Overall SS distance and total distance of the itinerary

 Number of Legs                                  2
 Number of Sections                              4
 Number of Special Stages                        14
 Total distance of the itinerary                 332.76   km
 Overall length of Special Stages                169.28   km

Art. 2.      Organisation
Art. 2.1 Championships and titles for which the rally counts

Art. 2.1.1 FIA titles and classifications
 Championship / Series / Titles                                                Status
 FIA European Rally Trophy (ERT) – Celtic for Drivers and Co-Drivers           International
 FIA ERT3 Celtic Trophy for Drivers and Co-Drivers                             International
 FIA ERT4 Celtic Trophy for Drivers and Co-Drivers                             International
 FIA Junior ERT4 for Drivers                                                   International

Art. 2.1.2     Other Championships / Titles / Cups
 Championship / Series / Titles                                         Status
 HRCR Stage Master Historic Stage Rally Challenge                       InterClub
 WAMAC Historic Stage Rally Championship                                InterClub
 ANWCC Stage Rally Championship                                         InterClub
 SD34 MSG Stage Rally Championship                                      InterClub

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SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 13 - 14 May 2022 Organised & promoted by Manx Auto Sport Ltd
Art. 2.2 Approvals
ASN registration number / Visa
 Visa No.:         International:       125611                        Approved on:     24.02.22
                   National:            123807                        Approved on:     24.02.22
                   InterClub:           123806                        Approved on:     24.02.22

 Visa No.:            02ERTCE/110322                   Issued on:      11.03.22

Art. 2.3 Organiser’s name, address and contact details
 Organiser:                         Manx Auto Sport
 Organiser’s representative:        Mark Quayle
 Street/P.O. Box:                   PO Box 85, Douglas, Isle of Man
 Post code/city:                    IM99 1GQ

Art. 2.4 Organising Committee
 Organising Committee:      Mark Quayle, Mark Ellison, Tony Quayle, Andrew Gilmore, Christopher
                            Woodcock, David Clucas, Garry Kneale, Gavin Clague

Art. 2.5 Stewards of the Meeting
                                           Name                               License no.
 Stewards of the Meeting (Chairman):       Joe Corcoran (IRL)                 FIA-STW-017-000162
 2nd FIA Steward                           Jan Seinen (NLD)                   FIA-STW-022-000110
 ASN Steward                               Nicky Moffitt

Art. 2.6 FIA Delegates & Observer
 FIA Observer                              Jan Seinen (NLD)
 ASN Delegate                              Vic Fancy

Art. 2.7 Senior Officials
                                           Name                                   License no.
  Clerk of the Course:                     Mark Quayle                            173323
  Deputy Clerk of the Course:              Andrew Gilmore                         110067
                                           Christopher Woodcock                   56217
                                           Tony Quayle                            240293
                                           Mark Ellison                           59906
  Assistant Clerk of the Course            Richard Beaumont                       -
  Secretary to the Stewards /
                                            Laura Sawyer                          -
  Secretary of the Event:
  Chief Safety Officer:                     Tony Quayle                           240293
  Spectator Safety Officer                  Neil Fuller                           18065
  Scrutineers (Chief Scrutineer):           Geoffrey Doe                          13957
  Scrutineer                                David Kennish                         28437
  Scrutineer                                Paul Loveridge                        13111
  Scrutineer                                Christopher Higgs                     23582
  Scrutineer                                Andrew De La Cour                     110202
  Environmental Inspector                   Peter Clingan                         140296

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SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 13 - 14 May 2022 Organised & promoted by Manx Auto Sport Ltd
Chief Marshal                              Mark Ellison                             59906
  Deputy Chief Marshal                       Heidi Woodcock                           -
  Chief Medical Officer (CMO):               Dr Nicholas Ardern                       -
  Deputy Chief Medical Officer               Mark Corlett                             155068
  Timekeeping (Chief Timekeeper):            Richard Blackshaw                        70882
  Competitors’ Relations Officer (CRO):      Paul Crossley
                                             Jane Evans
  Safeguarding Officer                       Heidi Woodcock
  Covid-19 Officer                           Tony Quayle
                                             Matt Cotton
  Press Officer:                             MCR Motorsport Media

Art. 2.8 Location of Rally HQ and contact details

Art. 2.8.1 Rally Office and Rally HQ
 Name:                  TT Grandstand
 Street:                Glencrutchary Road
 Post code, city:       Douglas

Rally HQ in operation:         from 11.05.22 at 08:00hrs   to 14.05.22 at 19:00hrs

 Wednesday 11 May 2022                                 08:00hrs – 12:00hrs
 Thursday 12 May 2022                                  08:00hrs – 12:00hrs
                                                       16:00hrs – 20:30hrs
 Friday 13 May 2022                                    08:00hrs – 01:00hrs
 Saturday 14 May 2022                                  08:00hrs – 19:00hrs

Art. 2.8.2 Service Park
 Name:                  TT Grandstand
 Street:                Glencrutchary Road
 Post code, city:       Douglas

Service park in operation:     from 11.05.22 at 09:00hrs   to. 14.05.22 at 21:00hrs

Art. 2.8.3 Notice Board (NB) and Digital Official Notice Board (DNB)
Official Notice Board (NB): Rally HQ, TT Grandstand, Douglas. Isle of Man
Digital Notice Board (DNB): Sportity App or

Sportity application:

Password: MR2022
Download Apple:
Download Android:

Art. 2.8.4 Administrative Checks

 Name:                  Media Centre, TT Grandstand
 Street:                Glencrutchary Road
 Post code, city:       Douglas

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Art. 2.8.5 Scrutineering

 Name:              Technical Bays, TT Grandstand
 Street:            Glencrutchary Road
 Post code, city:   Douglas

Art. 3.   Programme in chronological order and locations
                                               Location:                Date:         Time:
Publishing of the supplementary regulations    DNB / Sportity           14.03.22      19:00hrs
Entries open                                   DNB / Sportity           21.03.22      09:00hrs
Closure date of priority entries               DNB / Sportity           25.03.22      14:00hrs
Issuing of Rally Guide                         DNB / Sportity           02.04.22      19:00hrs
Closure date of entries                        DNB / Sportity           30.04.22      23:59hrs
Publication date of entry list                 DNB / Sportity           04.05.22      20:00hrs
Issuing of the road book, maps                 DNB / Sportity           06.05.22      20:00hrs
Start of reconnaissance                                                 07.05.22      See Appendix 2
                                               TT Grandstand,
Opening of Service Park                                                 11.05.22      09:00hrs
                                               TT Grandstand,
Collection of material and documents                                    11.05.22      From 09:00hrs
Closing date for shakedown registration        DNB / Sportity           12.05.22      20:00hrs
                                                                                      From 15:00hrs –
Administrative checks                          TT Grandstand,                         19:30hrs
                                               Douglas                                From 08:00hrs –
End of reconnaissance                                                   12.05.22      See Appendix 2
                                                                                      From 15:00hrs –
                                               Technical Bays, TT                     19:30hrs
Collection of rally safety tracking system
                                               Grandstand                             From 08:00hrs –
                                                                                      From 15:00hrs –
Scrutineering – sealing & marking of           Technical Bays, TT                     19:30hrs
components                                     Grandstand                             From 08:00hrs –
                                               Centre 21, Greenfield
Drivers’ briefing                                                    13.05.22         08:30hrs
                                               Road, Douglas
                                                                                      From 11:00hrs –
Shakedown                                                               13.05.22
Publication of list of cars eligible to start and
                                                  Official NB + DNB     13.05.22      14:00hrs
start list for Leg 1
Ceremonial Start                                  North Quay, Douglas   13.05.22      18:31hrs
                                                  TT Grandstand,
Start of the Rally – Leg 1                                              13.05.22      18:01hrs
                                                  TT Grandstand,
Finish of Leg 1 (estimated time of 1st car)                             13.05.22      23:28hrs
Re-scrutineering, cars to re-start after          Technical Bays, TT
                                                                        14.05.22      07:00hrs
retirement                                        Grandstand
Publication of start list for Leg 2               Official NB + DNB     14.05.22      08:00hrs latest
                                                  TT Grandstand,
Start of the Rally – Leg 2                                              14.05.22      09:06hrs
                                                  TT Grandstand,
Podiums Ceremony                                                        14.05.22      16:23hrs
Final scrutineering                               Technical Bays, TT                  Immediate after arrival
(following the marshals’ instructions)            Grandstand                          in the finish

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Publication of Provisional Classification         Official NB + DNB         14.05.22        17:30hrs
                                                                                            After signed by the
                                                                                            Stewards and after
Publication of Final Classification               Official NB + DNB         14.05.22
                                                                                            expiry of the protest
Prize giving ceremony                             Comis Hotel, Santon       14.05.22        21:00hrs

Art. 4.   Entries
Art. 4.1 Opening / Closing date for entries
See programme in chronological order (SR Art. 3) and FIA RRSR Art. 23.

Art. 4.2 Entry procedure
Art. 4.2.1 Entries must be submitted in accordance with the FIA RRSR Art. 22 – Art. 24.
          See also FIA ISC Art. 3.8 – Art. 3.14

          An electronic entry application (Internet) will be accepted via

          Contact details for Entries Secretaries are as follows:

          Katie Woodcock -

Art. 4.2.2 Acceptance of Entry:
          The online entry form must be used in order to enter the event.

          As we expect the number of entries received full be greater than the number we are intending to
          run, the entry procedure will operate as follows:

              1. Manx Auto Sport reserve the right to offer 15 places at their discretion.
              2. Entries will open at 09:00hrs on 21 March 2022 and will close at 14:00hrs on 25 March
                 2022 for priority entries. There will be no benefit in entering early within that period, as all
                 entries received during the above dates will be treated equally. Receipt numbers will be
                 allocated on processing your entry.
              3. No payment should be sent at that point.
              4. Manx Auto Sport will use a random number generator to select 105 numbers from the
                 entries received, plus the 15 as stated in point 1. The remaining entries will again be
                 randomly generated, and these will form the reserve list.
              5. Successful entries will be confirmed on the unseeded entry list which will be available via
        on Monday 28 March 2022.
              6. Successful entries will be sent an email on 28 March 2022, which will confirm your entry
                 status and advise that you will have until 4 April 2022 to make your payment which must
                 be sent via BACS to the details shown in Art 4.5.
              7. If the entry fee is not received by the date and time stated in point 6, then the entry will
                 be moved to the bottom of the reserve list and the first entry on the reserve list will be
                 offered the place. The entry confirming a reserve has a run will stipulate the date when
                 the entry fee should be paid.
              8. If the entry is not filled by 25 March 2022, then all entries will have been deemed to be
                 accepted and payment will be requested as in point 6. All subsequent entries will be taken
                 in the order of receipt of both and online entry form and full payment. Entries will finally
                 close on 30 April 2022.

Art. 4.2.3 Withdrawal of Entry:
          Entries can only be withdrawn in writing, fax or email to the Entries Secretary at the nominated
          address or contact details as identified on the Official Entry Form.

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Art. 4.2.4 Foreign Competitors:
          Foreign competitors, drivers and co-drivers, must present an authorisation according to Art.3.9.4
          of the ISC.

Art. 4.3 Number of competitors accepted and vehicle classes
Art. 4.3.1The number of competitors shall be limited to 120. The minimum entry is 95. The minimum for
          each class is 5. Should the minimum not be reached, the Organisers will amalgamate classes.

Art. 4.3.2 Eligible cars


                  Rally2                              Group Rally2 cars conforming to the 2022 Appendix J, Art. 261

                                                      Cars fitted with R4 Kit conforming to the 2022 Appendix J, Art.
                  Rally2 Kit (VR4K)

                  S2000-Rally: 2.0 Atmospheric        Super 2000 cars conforming to the 2013 Appendix J, Article 254A

                  NR4 over 2000cc                     Group N cars conforming to the 2019 Appendix J, Art. 254

                  R4 (NR4) (not eligible in Europe)   Group R4 cars conforming to 2018 Appendix J. Art 260

                                                      Group RGT cars conforming to the 2019 Appendix J, Art. 256
       RGT        RGT cars
                                                      Group RGT cars conforming to the 2022 Appendix J, Art. 256

                                                      Group Rally3 cars homologated from 01/01/2021 and conforming
       RC3        Rally3
                                                      to the 2022 Appendix J, Art 260

                                                      Group Rally4 cars homologated from 01/01/2021 and conforming
                  Rally4 (atmo over 1390cc and
                                                      to the 2022 Appendix J, Art. 260
                  up to 2000cc and turbo over
                                                      Group R2 cars homologated from 31/12/2018 and conforming to
                  927cc and up to 1333cc)
                                                      the 2018 Appendix J, Art 260
                  R3 (atmo / over 1600cc and up
                                                      Group R cars homologated before 31/12/2019 and conforming to
       RC4        to 2000cc and turbo over 1067cc
                                                      the 2019 Appendix J, Art. 260
                  and up to 1333cc)

                  R3 (turbo / up to 1620cc /          Group R cars homologated before 31/12/2019 and conforming to
                  nominal)                            the 2019 Appendix J, Art. 260D

                  Group A up to 2000cc                Group A cars conforming to the 2019 Appendix J, Art. 255
                  Rally5 (atmo up to 1600cc and       Group Rally5 cars homologated from 01/01/2019 and conforming
                  turbo up to 1333cc)                 to the 2022 Appendix J, Art. 260
                  Rally 5 (atmo up to 1600cc and      Group R1 cars homologated before 31/12/2018 and conforming to
                  turbo up to 1067cc)                 the 2018 Appendix J, Art. 260

See also FIA RRSR Art. 12.2 additional provisions.

Only above listed cars are eligible to score points in the FIA European Rally Trophy.

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Art. 4.3.2 Eligible national cars

The following cars complying with Motorsport UK Technical Regulations can enter the event:

                    Cars up to and including 1450cc and cars from 1451cc up to and including 1650cc; having not more
       B1           than 2 valves per cylinder – 2WD cars only
                    Cars from 1451cc up to and including 1650cc, having more than 2 valves per cylinder (including R2
       B2           cars (VR2C) – 2WD cars only

                    Cars from 1651cc up to and including 2100cc, having not more than 2 valves per cylinder – 2WD
       B3           cars only

                    Cars from 1651cc up to and including 2100cc, having more than 2 valves per cylinder including R3
       B4           cars (VR3C) – 2WD cars only

       B5           Cars over 2100cc – 2WD cars only

       B6           Any 4WD car not classified in Class B7 or B8

       B7           All current and previously homologated WRC cars

                    Homologated cars (excluding WRC cars)
       B8           Any derivative of an FIA R5 car converted to RHD whose conversion has been supported with
                    photographic evidence and original LHD homologation papers for that vehicle.

Should fewer than 5 cars be entered in any one capacity class, the organisers reserve the right to
amalgamate this class with the next higher class

For National and InterClub status events: Vehicles with forced induction (except Diesel engines) and
rotary engines will have their engine capacity increased by 70% to establish their class. (Motorsport UK GR

Art. 4.3.2 Eligible historic cars

The following cars complying with Motorsport UK Technical Regulations can enter the event:

       H1         Historic cars registered before 31.12.85 (Cat 1,2, 3,4)

                  All FIA Appendix K `Cars, first registered before 31.12.90. All vehicles must comply with current FIA
       H2         regulations

All vehicles in Categories 1 to 4 must comply with the 2022 Motorsport UK vehicle regulations for Histroic
Rally Cars (Motorsport UK Yearbook 2022 Section R49 and Section K and must be in possession of a
Historic Rally Vehicle Identity Form (HRVIF).

Vehicles that comply and run under the current FIA Appendix K regulations must be in possession of a
valid FIA Historic Technical Passport

Should fewer than 5 cars be entered in any one capacity class, the organisers reserve the right to
amalgamate this class with the next higher class

For National and InterClub status events: Vehicles with forced induction (except Diesel engines) and
rotary engines will have their engine capacity increased by 70% to establish their class. (Motorsport UK GR

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Art. 4.4 Entry fees/entry fee packages
With organiser’s optional advertising (see also FIA RRSR Art. 29)

 GBP     725.00             up to entry closing date
 GBP     1,130.00           up to entry closing date with travel*

*Travel includes 2 adults plus car/van and trailer up to 10.5m

Without organiser’s optional advertising: (see also FIA RRSR Art. 29) double the appropriate fees as
detailed above up to a maximum of €2,000.

The entry fees are fixed and include the following:
   § One set of road books collected at Recce Documentation
   § One service plate and service decals
   § One set of recce decals
   § All car number panels and plates
   § All Organiser’s optional advertising
   § Legal liability insurance cover
   § Safety tracker
   § Service park area – 6m x 6m

Optional payments include:
    § Optional Shakedown Stages – GBP 75.00

Travel and Accommodation
Travel for the travel inclusive rate and any accommodation requirements can be booked through our official
travel partner Isle of Man Event Services on +44 (0)1624 664460 or email

Art. 4.5 Payment
The entry fee shall be paid by bank transfer to the account indicated below (adequate proof of payment
must be attached to the entry form):

Organiser’s bank details:

 Bank                       Barclays Bank PLC
 Account holder             Manx Auto Sport
 Account number             13418782
 Sort code                  20-26-74
 IBAN                       GB64BARC20267413418782
 SWIFT/BIC                  BARCGB22

The payment must include all charges involved with the transfer.

Please ensure that the “initial”“ last name” of the driver and “MR22 Entry Fee” are included as a reference
on the bank transfer document.

The full payment of the entry fee must be on the Organisers bank account before the closing date for
entries. No entry will be accepted without the full payment.

Competitors who wish to receive an invoice for the entry fee should send their request to before 30 April 2022.

Art. 4.6 Entry fee refunds
Notice to withdraw a confirmed or reserve entry must be made in accordance with Art 4.2.3 as soon as

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The entry fee shall be refunded in full:
   • if the event does not take place;
   • to teams whose entry application is rejected;
   • provided a reserve entry is available to take the place;

If the rally is cancelled or postponed, entrants will have their entry fees refunded in full, with the
exception that, under these circumstances, the Organisers may retain up to £100 to cover administrative

The organiser may partially refund entry fees, if a competitor cannot take part in the event due to a duly
proved case of force majeure. This must be applied for in writing to the entries secretary, given reasons for
withdrawal before Thursday 12 May 2022 (start of administrative checks), including competitors bank
The above refunds only apply to the entry fee for the EVENT ONLY. Refunds in respect of the travel
package will be subject to the Travel Operators terms and conditions. Entrants will need to address
this directly with the Travel Operator.

Art. 5.   Insurance Cover
Art. 5.1 Description of insurance Cover

Art 5.1.1 The Organisers have made arrangements to Insure, entrants and drivers against third party
          risks while taking part in such parts of the Rally as are held on private lands or roads specifically
          closed for the purpose. The indemnity provided under this special insurance is GBP
          100,000,000 covering any accident or occurrence. The insurance cover will come into effect
          from the start and will cease at the end of the rally or at the moment of retirement,
          disqualification or exclusion.

Art 5.1.2 Entrants and drivers must have valid insurance covering them against liability for both personal
          injury to and damage to the property of third parties on public road parts of the event.

          It is the entrants’ and drivers’ responsibility to arrange such insurance and/or to extend existing
          insurance as necessary. Entrants and drivers will be required to sign and declare that they are
          covered by such insurance. Any failure to sign a declaration may mean that the car in question
          may not be permitted to start.

Art 5.2   The Organisers have applied to Bluefin Sport for a Blanket Cover Note under the above scheme.
          This will provide competitors who need to use the scheme with the Third Party Cover necessary
          to meet RTA requirements on the Road Sections of the event.

          The basic rate before any loading will be £28.00.

          All applicants wishing to use the scheme must be able to comply with all points of the Bluefin
          Sport Declaration: -

            -    I do not have the Third Party Road Section extension on my current Motor Insurance.
            -    I am aged 19 or over.
            -    I have had no more than 1 fault claim in the last three years
            -    I have no more than a maximum of 6 conviction points or a licence ban on my UK driving
            -    I have the appropriate competition/club membership licence as well as a UK/EU driving
                 license and if my license is provisional I will be supervised by an adult over 25.
            -    I have no physical or mental disabilities
            -    My vehicle is MOT’d, Taxed and Insured for the road
            -    I have no other material facts to disclose
            -    Anyone aged less than 19 years old will also be accepted at the same price should their
                 co-driver be a more senior member of their family or over 25.

          If you comply with all points above no Letter of Acceptance will be required. If unable to comply
          with any of the above points you will be required to complete the Declaration form (the form can

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be obtained by contacting the event secretary or Bluefin Sport) which should be forwarded either
          to the organisers or direct to Bluefin Sport prior to the event to allow sufficient time for a letter of
          acceptance to be issued.

            Marsh Limited
            1 Whitehall Quay
            LS1 4HR.
            United Kingdom

Art. 6.   Advertising and Identification
See Appendix 4 of these SR “Decals and positioning of supplementary advertising”.

Art. 6.1 Obligatory organiser’s advertising
Advertising and identification proposed by the organisers is a follows:
   1. Rally plates (front 430mm x 210mm, rear window 300mm x 250mm).
   2. Sponsor panel and Competition Numbers both sides (on panels 670mm x 170mm)
   3. High Visibility Competition Numbers (on both rear side windows)

All plates are mandatory.
Competitors registered in the various Championships are reminded of their obligation to display the
appropriate championship decals

Art. 6.2 Optional organiser’s advertising

Additional organiser’s advertising: Associate Sponsor decal which will be supplied at mechanical
scrutineering Optional adverting will be published in a bulleting.

Art. 6.3 General provisions
The provisions of Article 28 and Article 29 of the FIA RRSR and Appendix 4 of these Supplementary
Regulation apply to identification and organiser’s advertising. The material will be issued by the organiser
and must be affixed to the cars prior to scrutineering and shall remain there during the whole event.

Art. 7.   Tyres
Art. 7.1 Regulations regarding tyres which may be used during the rally
See Art. 13 of the FIA RRSR (tyres and wheels).
All other classes must comply with Motorsport UK tyre regulations. The number of tyres is not limited

Art. 8.   Fuel
All type of fuel must follow Appendix J Art. 252.9. (RRSR Art. 62).

Art. 8.1 Refuelling
Competing cars may only be refuelled using the facilities available at roadside filling stations along the route
(these will be indicated in the Road Book), or in the refuelling zone provided by the Organisers (no refuelling
from cans, drums or similar is permitted in the Service Area. Competitors are permitted to use their own
refuelling systems in the Refuel Zone.

The refuel zone provided by the organisers will comprise of a Vital Equipment dispensing area. Details of
fuel available can be found in Art 8.2.

Competitors using the self-refuel area must have deposited their British Standard (BS) standard fuel
canisters within the self-refuel storage area prior to 16:00hrs on Friday 13 May 2022. Fuel canisters must
be clearly tagged using competitor number), logged and released for use to your nominated person(s)

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only by the Event Environmental Refuel Scrutineer. Fuel must be delivered to the RZ by a licenced

Except as detailed for the changing of a fuel tank crews may only refuel in the designated refuel zone or
at commercial filling stations on the rally route. Competitors are not permitted to refuel in the Service

The responsibility for refuelling is incumbent on the competitor alone. Only two team members in addition
to the crew may enter the refuelling zone for the purposes of refuelling the car.

In order to access the RZ, all personnel involved in refueling operations must wear clothing that provides
adequate protection against fire and includes at least: long trousers, long-sleeved top, closed shoes,
gloves and a balaclava (FIA RRSR Art 61.2.3).

ENGINE SHOULD BE STOPPED. Fuel should not be poured straight from the can and a hand pump
should be used in the first instance, then either funnel or other appropriate pouring attachment must be

When necessary as part of service, changing a fuel tank or any item of the fuel circuit, emptying and/or
refuelling is permitted in the designated service area provided that:
                  -   The work is carried out under the knowledge of the organisers;
                  -   No other work is carried out on the car while the fuel circuit is open and/or empty
                      and/or refilling;
                  -   A suitable safety perimeter is established around the car;
                  -   Only sufficient fuel is added to reach the next refuel zone.

Art. 8.2 Ordering of Fuel
Fuel will be available to order through Vital Equipment on 01981 241169 by 30 April 2022

Vital Equipment will be able to supply the following fuels on the event:
    • Carless Hiperflow Turbo Ultimate DEV2
    • Carless Super Unleaded, a 98/99 octane fuel similar to Shell V Power

The current price will be advised in a bulletin.

Art. 8.3 Penalties
Failure to comply with the refuelling regulations will be reported to the Stewards who may apply/impose a
fine or disqualification.

Each crew is responsible for the actions of their Service Crew, and any breach of these regulations.

Art. 9.   Reconnaissance of Special Stages
Reconnaissance will be according to FIA RRSR Art. 35. The schedule for the reconnaissance is
published in Appendix 2 of these supplementary regulations.

Art. 9.1 Registration procedure
Art. 9.1.1 Recce Cars
Recce cars must be registered with the Organisers prior to the start of reconnaissance. Details of the car(s)
which they intend to use for reconnaissance, mobile phone numbers for the crew and the address in the
Isle of Man at which they can be contacted. The recce car must be registered with its official licence plate
according to Art 35 of the FIA-RRSR. Rally cars used in the event may not be used for reconnaissance.
Registration and the issuing of reconnaissance will commence at the Rally Office, TT Grandstand, Douglas,
Isle of Man, during the hours published in Article 3 Programme.

Art. 9.1.2 Reconnaissance car numbers

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The organiser supplies reconnaissance car numbers, which must be affixed to the top right of the
windscreen and to the rear side windows They must remain there for the entire duration of reconnaissance.
The driver teams are obliged to immediately inform rally control of any changes to the recce car.

Art. 9.1.3 Reconnaissance documents
Each team will be provided with a RECCE card. The RECCE card must be handed in to the rally office after
the completion of reconnaissance.

Art. 9.1.4 Number of persons on board
Only the driver and co-driver of the entered team are allowed to be on board of the car during the
reconnaissance of the special stages (FIA-RRSR Art 35.4.6).

Art. 9.2 Specific regulations
Art. 9.2.1 Schedule of reconnaissance
Reconnaissance of special stages is only possible in accordance with the schedule detailed in Appendix 2
of these supplementary regulations.

Art. 9.2.2 Speed limits (FIA-RRSR Art 35.4.4)
The maximum speed limit of 50 km/h may not be exceeded when passing built up areas, individual
buildings, courts or company areas and areas that are specified in the road book.

The organisers will ensure the monitoring takes place of the reconnaissance on special stages through the
use of rally observers , police, public authorities, land owners and officials of the event. Speeding will be
reported to the Clerk of the Course and to the Stewards.

Art. 9.2.3 Driving directions
The teams may only drive the special stages in the direction of the rally. The teams may only enter the
special stages at the start specified in the road book and exit at the Stop control.

Art. 9.2.4 Restrictions of reconnaissance (FIA-RRSR Art 35.3)
Each driver or co-driver who is entered for the rally or intends to enter for the rally and who intends to drive
on streets and roads that are or could be used as special stages, needs prior explicit approval of the
organisers after the publication of the supplementary regulations

The approval can be dispensed if the driver/co-driver concerned, lives along the aforementioned street or
road. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in the driver being reported to the Stewards for penalty.
During reconnaissance, all national traffic regulations must be followed, including but not limited to the
speed limits.

Please note that the Special Stages will not be closed to public traffic during reconnaissance. The
organisers may reduce the allowed speed individually by marking the areas in the road book along the

Art. 9.2.5 Number of reconnaissance passes
Competitors may make a maximum of TWO passes of each Special Stage during the
Reconnaissance periods (See Appendix 2) even if the stage is used more than once during the event. Each
competitor will be allowed TWO days reconnaissance in total. There will be four periods available for

Art. 9.2.6 General controls of reconnaissance
Checks can be carried out by the police, public authorities, landowners or officials of the event.
Infringements to the rules of reconnaissance will be reported to the Clerk of the Course.

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Art. 9.2.7 Subjective Route Notes
Competitors may purchase subjective route notes from those stated in Appendix 7. Competitors are advised
that the organisers accept no liability or responsibility in the use of subjective route notes.

Art. 10. Administrative checks
Art. 10.1 Documents to be presented:
To keep the time required for the administrative checks to a minimum, please make sure thst you bring
and present the following documents:
   § Competitors’ licence
   § Driver’s and co-driver’s competition licences
   § Driver’s and co-driver’s ID cards/passports
   § Driver’s and co-driver’s valid driving licences
   § ASN authorisation for foreign competitors (if required)
   § Completion of all details on the entry form
   § Car registration papers

Art. 10.2 Timetable
See programme (SR Art. 3)

Art. 11. Scrutineering, Sealing and Marking
Art. 11.1 Scrutineering, venue and time
Cars may be presented at scrutineering by a representative of the team. See programme (SR Art. 3)

Art. 11.1.1 Scrutineering, mandatory documents
    •   Cars’ complete certified homologation
    •   SOS / OK board (DIN A3 format)

For each car of the FIA Priority Drivers, one spare gearbox and one set of spare differentials (front and/or
centre and/or rear) may be used in each rally. These spare components and those fitted to the car will be
marked/sealed at initial scrutineering. These cars must have their sump guards removed for sealing of
gearboxes and differentials and be kept with the car for the purpose of weighing.

The installation of the tracking system will be checked at scrutineering.

Art. 11.1.2 Timetable for scrutineering
See programme (SR Art. 3)

Art. 11.2 Mud flaps
See ISC Appendix J, Article 252.7.7
See Motorsport UK GRs R48.1.12

Art. 11.3 Windows
See ISC Appendix J, Article 253.11
See Motorsport UK GRs R48.1.10

Art. 11.4 Drivers’ safety equipment
All items of clothing including helmets and FHR (Front Head Restraint) intended to be used, e.g. HANS
devices, must be presented for scrutineering. They shall be checked for compliance with Appendix L,
Chapter III.

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Art. 11.5 Noise level
The organisers will conduct static sound tests prior to the start.

For all National classes, these will be conducted in accordance with Motorsport UK GR R4.1 and Motorsport
UK GR J5.18. All competitors’ vehicles must pass these tests which will allow for a maximum of 100 DB(A)
at 4500 rpm using the 0.5 metre test. Competitors entered in FIA homologated vehicles must comply with
FIA International Sporting Code Appendix J, Article 252.3.6. Failure to do so may result in disqualification
or a refused start.

Art. 11.6 Special national requirements
For all National classes, the national technical regulations of Motorsport UK GRs will apply.

Art. 11.7 Installation of the safety tracking system
In Association with Sporttrax and, the rally will operate a mandatory GPRS safety
tracking system that will enable the speed and position of each competing vehicle to be monitored and
logged. Before the start, all cars will be fitted with a tracking device that will remain active throughout the
event. This must be retained in the car until the finish where it will be removed by the system providers.
Further information will be available in the final instructions.

Should you retire from the event, please return the tracker to Rally HQ.

Failure to return the tracker or any damage caused to the unit will result in a £300 penalty to replace the
unit. If the tracker isn’t return or payment hasn’t been made to the supplier for loss or damage to the unit
you will be reported to Motorsport UK (C.1.1.13) and your licences suspended until payment is made or
tracker has been returned.

Art. 12. Other procedures and regulations
Art. 12.1 Start procedures and order
Art. 12.1.1 Ceremonial Start
The ceremonial start will be at the start location in Douglas. Details will be available in an event bulletin..

Art. 12.1.2 Starting order
Starting order (Art 41 FIA-RRSR)
The starting order is in accordance with Art 41 of the FIA-RRSR

Art. 12.1.3 Restart after retirement (Art 54 and 55 FIA-RRSR)
Any crew which has failed to complete a Leg will be assumed to re-start the rally from the start of the next
Leg. Competitors will be penalised in accordance with Art 54.2 FIA-RRSR

Competitors who do not wish to restart must fill in the retirement form included at the back of the timecards
confirm this to be the case and submit to the CLO as soon as possible, if possible before the publication of
the restart list.

The competitor must advise the organiser in writing of the reason for retirement _e.g. accident, technical
problems etc), and the intention to have the car re-scrutineered. This shall apply to any car which has not
been classified on the grounds of exceeding the time limit or failure to report to a control , but shall not
apply where the car has been disqualified for breach of eligibility requirements, traffic infringements or a
decision of the Stewards.

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Art. 12.2 Electronic start procedure (Art 48 FIA-RRSR)
The starting for special stages will be given by means of “Start lights” which will work as follows:

 30 seconds                                RED light will be displayed
 15 seconds                                RED and AMBER lights will be displayed
 10 seconds                                RED light will go out
 5 seconds                                 AMBER countdown 5,4,3,2,1
 START TIME                                GREEN light goes ON
 5 seconds after the time                  GREEN light goes OUT

The system is electronically coupled to a start line detection device that records any situation where the car
leaves the start line ahead of the correct signal.
In the event of failure of the electronic system the timekeeper will count down aloud 30” – 15” – 10” and the
last five seconds one by one and then raise a flag or hand.

FIA-RRSR Art 48.4.3 applies – ‘Any car not able to start from the start line within 20 seconds after the start
signal will be considered as retired and immediately moved to a safe place.

Art. 12.3 Finish procedures
See Appendix 4 of the FIA-RRSR “Podium Ceremony”

Art. 12.4 Permitted early check-in
Early-check in is allowed at the following time controls:

Entry to Parc Ferme after Leg 1 – TC 6B
Finish Holding – TC 14C

Art. 12.5 Special procedures and activities
Art. 12.5.1 Availability of participants
Participants who park their vehicles in the Parc Fermé upon passing the finish line, must remain available
by phone (mobile) until the final classification have been posted.

Art. 12.5.2 Classification
The final classification will not be distributed after the event. The final classification will be published
on the Digital Notice Board

Art. 12.6 Official time used during the rally
All clocks will be set to BBC / British Telecom time

Rally time can be checked by using

Art. 12.7 Rally emergency phone number
The emergency number of the rally is +44 1624 644633.
It is mandatory for all competitors to save this number in the mobile available in the rally car to ensure quick
dialling in emergency cases.

Art. 12.8 Shakedown regulations (FIA-RRSR Art 36)
A shakedown stage will take place on Friday 13th May 2022 from 11:00 to 14:00 hours.

The registration for participation is made together with the entry. Only participants who paid for Shakedown
will be eligible to take part.

Closing date for Shakedown registration is 20:00hrs on Thursday 12 May 2022.

Shakedown fee: GBP 75.00

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Only competitors who passed administrative checks and scrutineering are accepted. Participation is only
possible under compliance to all regulations of a special stage (marking and advertising complete, clothing
as in competition etc).

Competitors will be allowed to have THREE passes through shakedown.

Only persons who entered the Manx Rally are allowed to take part in the Shakedown. Any person other
than the Co-driver, who wishes to take part in the Shakedown, must fill in and sign a disclaimer.

Official timekeeping is not provided by the organisers.

Art. 12.9 Special procedures for the Service Park
Art. 12.9.1 Service pass and service space
All competitors will be issued with a service pass. The entry fee permits a rally car and one
service vehicles into the central service area where a 6m x 7m pitch will be provided. Additional applications
for ‘Permitted Vehicle’ passes may also be made. If accepted the fee will be GBP 200.00 and will normally
cover any size of vehicle that can be accommodated within the 6m x 6m pitch.

Art. 12.9.2 Speed limit (FIA-RRSR Art. 57.4)
The maximum speed in the whole service area is 10 km/h. Speeding will be sanctioned by the Clerk of the
Course with EUR 25 per km/h over the speed limit.

Art. 12.9.3 Behaviour in the Service Park
Only competition cars and service vehicles with attached service plates of the organiser or the start number
are allowed to enter the service area.

The surface of the Service Park shall not be damaged. Nails, screws or similar materials for fixing on the
surface of the Service Park are not allowed. The term is liable for damages in the service area assigned to
the team.

The following apply:
   • In the service area a liquid-tight ground sheet with a minimum size of 6 x 3 metres has to be placed
         under the competition car as long as service works are being carried out.
   • Service works shall not cause sustainable, avoidable, ecological damages.
   • Refuelling is only allowed in the foreseen refuelling zone or petrol station and in accordance with
         Art 58 of FIA-RRSR. Refuelling is strictly forbidden in the Service Area.
   • At any time, the service team must have a sufficient volume of oil absorbent materials and canisters
         for the disposal of oil, brake fluids, etc.
   • Waste, packing materials, vehicles parts, tyres, empty oil cans, batteries etc, must be taken away
         and disposed of by the team. Used oils must be collected and disposed by the team.
   • Any materials or liquids on the ground sheets/environmental sheets must be placed in the
         competitors own containers and removed from site.
   • The teams will receive 2 trash bags for garbage papers, and biologic waste which shall be disposed
         at a specific location In addition, team/competitors are required to have sufficient supply of trash
         bags (min 100l) as a spare to remove their rubbish. This regulation will be checked by Judges of

After the end of event, it is very important for the future use of the area by the event, that individual allocated
service bays must be handed over in a clean and tidy condition.

Art. 12.9.4 Infringement of Service Park regulations
Infringement of these regulations will be reported to the Stewards for penalties and the cost of the disposal
company and damage will be charged to the team/competitor.

Art. 12.9.5 Security
The Service Park is only guarded temporary. The organiser takes no liability for the belongings of the teams.

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Art. 12.9.6 Electricity in the Service Park
There will be no electricity available to teams.

Art. 12.11 Gravel Crews
Gravel crews are prohibited.

Art. 12.12 Damage Declaration Form
The damage declaration form, on the rear of the timecards, MUST be completed by the competitor. This
form refers to any third party damage the competitor may have contributed to whilst driving on the road
sections of the rally

The damage declaration form must be handed into the CLO as soon as possible after retirement.

Art. 12.13 Timecards
Timecards will be issued after the Drivers Briefing.

Art. 13. Identification of officials
 Competitors Relation Officer       Purple tabard with “Competitor Relations Officer”
 Scrutineers                        Black tabard with “Scrutineer”
 Special Stage Commanders:          Red tabard with “Stage Commander”
 Marshals:                          Orange Tabard with ‘Marshal”
 Timekeepers:                       Orange Tabard with ‘Timekeeper”

Art. 14. Prizes
 Overall classification:                           1st – 3rd – Trophy for Driver & Co-driver
 FIA ERT Classification:                           1st – 3rd – Trophy for Driver & Co-driver
 Classification by divisions/classes:              1st – 3rd – Trophy for Driver & Co-Driver

Class prizes:
Should there be only 5 entries in a class only 1st and 2nd in class will be given awards. Should there be 3
entries or less the organisers may amalgamate classes. Overall award winners will not be eligible for
Class awards. 3rd in class will be awarded if there is a minimum of 8 entries in a class.

Art. 15. Final checks / Protests / Appeals
Art. 15.1 Final Checks
Time and location: see programme (SR. Art. 3)

Any teams required to undergo final checks must immediately follow the instruction of the marshals in
charge, even if this prevents them from proceeding to one or more time controls (TC). The complete original
FIA homologation form and other necessary certifications must be available for final checks. For national
cars the corresponding original ASN documents must be available.

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Art.15.2 Protest deposit
The protest deposit is:                             EUR 1.000

If a protest requires the dismantling and re-assembly of a clearly defined part of the car, any additional
deposit will be specified by the Stewards upon a proposal of the Chief Scrutineer.

The relevant bank account details are:

Crédit du Nord
50, rue d’Anjou
F-75008 PARIS

Banking code : 30076
Counter code : 02020
Account number : 25368000200 key RIB 34
IBAN code : FR 76 3007 6020 2025 3680 0020 034
Swift code : NORDFRPP

If the protest is upheld or judged partially founded in accordance with Art. 13.10.2 of the Code, the deposit
will be returned by the FIA upon receipt of the relevant Stewards decision.

Art. 15.3 Appeal deposit
The appeal deposit is:                              EUR 3.000

The appeal deposit amount for an international event is published on the FIA website:

All protests and/or appeals must be lodged in accordance with Articles 13 and 15 of the Code and, where
applicable, with the FIA Judicial and Disciplinary Rules.

The appeal deposit for a national event is in accordance with Motorsport UK GRs Appendix 3 Chapter 13.

Art. 15.4 Fines
In accordance with Ari. 12.8 FIA International Sporting Code, the payment of the fines must be done online,
within 48 hours of their notification, at the following address .
Any delay in making payment may entail suspension during the period a fine remains unpaid.

NOTE: Protest and Appeal fees, Fines and monetary penalties which are stipulated in GBP will be
applied in GBP or their EUR equivalent value and those that are stipulated in EUR will be applied in
EUR or their GBP equivalent value.

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