SUPERIOR SUN - Copper Area News

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SUPERIOR SUN - Copper Area News
Mila Besich | Superior Sun

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                                                                             A community publication of
                             Volume 97 Number 14   Periodicals Postage Paid at Superior, Arizona 85173   Wednesday, April 7, 2021   50¢
SUPERIOR SUN - Copper Area News
2 | Superior Sun                                                                                                                                                April 7, 2021

                                                                                                       Ramiro ‘Milo’ Ramirez
                                                                                                     Ramiro “Milo” Ramirez was born           cleaning, and volunteering at the community food bank.
                                                                                                    in Jerome, AZ on Sept. 26, 1925 to        Most days you could find him at the Senior Citizen’s
                                                                                                    parents Ignacia and Miguel Ramirez        Center or Church.
                                                                                                    and entered into heaven into the           Milo was a loving father, grandfather, and great-
 New Location                                                                                       Lord’s arms on the morning of March       grandfather. He is survived by his three daughters, Terry
 550 N. Willow St.                                                                                  28, 2021.                                 (Richard) Coronado, Josie Ramirez, and Della Ramirez;
 (at Ash & Hackney)                                                                                  Milo spent his early youth delivering    6 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Milo was
                                                                                                    milk in the town of Jerome. In 1943       preceded in death by his wife, Sara, and great-grandson,
                                                                                                    at the age of 18 he joined the US Navy    Jessie Michael Casillas Ramirez.
                                                                                                    and was stationed in Guam to provide       He will be greatly missed and never forgotten. His legacy

    The Superior Sun                                                            protection for the US occupied island until 1946 when he
                                                                                was honorable discharged. He was awarded a US Victory
                                                                                                                                              of hard work, strength and dedication will continue on
                                                                                                                                              through his family.
                          USPS 529-320                                          Medal for his service.                                         Services for Milo were held Friday, April 2, 2021 at
 James Carnes…................................................Publisher           Upon Milo’s return to Jerome he met and married Sara        Superior Funeral Home. He was laid to rest at Fairview
 Michael Carnes ...................................... General Manager          Carreras and stated a family. During that time he began       Cemetery.
 Jennifer Carnes.........................................… Managing Editor

                                                                                                                                                     Superior Police
                                                                                working in the Jerome Copper Mine until its closure in
 Mila Besich..................................................Advertising       1953. Milo quickly found a new job at the Magma Copper
 John Hernandez........................................Reporter                 Mine in Superior, where he worked in Exploration and
 Cat Brown.................................................Reporter
                                                                                Development of deep copper ore beds as a diamond
                                                                                driller. He was also managing director of the house
         ;                                 limited on behalf of all Trafalgar Drilling Company for 30
          ;                                   years until the mine closed in 1982. He also worked for the
                                            University of Arizona in Tucson to drill for Exploration
                                                    and Development of Core Samples for the U of A.
                                                                                  Milo then served as a security guard for Pinkerton
                                                                                                                                               Items are given to The Superior Sun by the Supe-
                                                                                                                                              rior Police Department and reflect information
      Find us at                                        Security in Superior until his retirement. Over the years     available at the time the report is compiled.
     Follow us at                                     he was a devoted husband and he cared for his wife of 50        Activity listed March 28 through April 3.
                                                                                years up until her death in 1996.                             March 28
 Published each Wednesday in Superior, Arizona by Copper Area
 News Publishers. Subscription rates in advance: $35.50 per year or               Milo continued to remain active by welding, yard              Leanne Misra, 58, Phoenix, was arrested in the 500
 $31.50 for 6 months in Pinal County; $40.50 per year or $36.50 for 6                                                                         block of Kiser St. and was charged with assault/domestic
 months elsewhere in the U.S. Change of address should be sent to                                                                             violence (DV) and disorderly conduct/DV. She was trans-
 the publishers at P.O. Box 579, Kearny, AZ 85137.                                                                                            ported and booked into the Pinal County Jail in Florence.
             Member: Arizona Newspaper Association
                                                                                                                                              April 1
                                                                                                                                                Assault was reported in the 1000 block of Panther Dr.
 Second class postage is paid at Superior, Arizona. Postmaster: Address                                                                         Criminal damage was reported in the 500 block of U.S.
 changes to The Superior Sun, P.O. Box 579, Kearny, AZ 85137.
                                                                                                                                              Hwy. 60.
                   Telephone (520) 363-5554                                                                                                     An accident with injuries was reported in the 1000 block
                                                                                                                                              of U.S. Hwy. 60.
                      Fax (520) 363-9663
                                                                                                                                                Calls not listed include: agency assist (4), alarm (2),
 “There are numerous countries in the world where the politicians have seized
                                                                                                                                              citizen assist (1), illegal shooting (1), field interview (4),
 absolute power and muzzled the press. There is no country in the world
 where the press has seized absolute power and muzzled the politicians”                                                                       abandoned vehicle (1), information (3), medical assist
                                                        —David Brinkley                                                                       (2), suspicious activity (2), traffic (29), trespassing (1), 911
                                                                                                                                              hang up (1), animal complaint (1), attempt to locate (2),
                                                                                                                                              traffic hazard (2), town code violation (6), found property
  For just $2 a month, you can download                                           Monsoon Mechanical LLC                                      (1), fire (1), threatening (1) and welfare check (5).
                                                                                                                                                To reach the Superior Police and Fire Departments:
 and read all community                                                                                                        • Emergency (Police – Fire – Medical) 911
     publications. Downloads available
                                                                                  Air Conditioning & Heating                                  • Police Non-Emergency 520-866-5111
                                                                                                                                              • Police Department Business 520-689-5255
           the day of publication.                                                 Service • Installation • Maintenance
                                                                                            Licensed – Bonded – Insured
   Subscribe online at:                                                                                                         Obituaries are published free of charge in the Superior
  or use your phone to scan the QR code.                                               (480) 229-8966                                          Sun. If you have an obituary you would like us to print,
                                                                                                                                               submit it online at, click on “Customer
                                                                                                  Ike Martinez                                 Service.” You can also request our newspaper through
                                                                                                                         the mortuary or funeral home.
SUPERIOR SUN - Copper Area News
April 7, 2021                                                                                                                                                               Superior Sun | 3

                                                                      COPPER CORRIDOR CHURCH DIRECTORY
       Casa De Salvacion                           Church of Jesus Christ                 Church of Jesus Christ                       Church of the Good                              Family Life Christian Center
       201 E. Kino (& Catalina)                                                                                                                                                             56 Kellner Ave., Superior
                                                    of Latter-day Saints                   of Latter-day Saints                            Shepherd                                     “When Life Hurts – Only God Heals”
              Mammoth                                        Kearny Ward                  San Manuel Ward • 101 S. Giffin Ave.          Bottom of School Hill, Kearny
                                                                                                                                                                                         Pastors Dennis & Sandy VanGorp
           Carlos Gonzalez                                 200 Hammond Dr.                       Bishop Jim Bingham                         Pastor Jimmy Nelson                                   520-689-2202
            520-487-2219                                Bishop Brian Coleman                        520-385-4866                               520-363-7283
 Domingo: Escuela Dominical 10-10:45 a.m.                                                                                                           Sunday Prayer 9:45 a.m.
                                                       Sunday Morning Meetings:               Sunday Morning Meetings:
    Servicio de Alabanza 11 a.m.                                                                                                           Sunday Worship 9 a.m.                               Worship 10:30 a.m.
                                                           Sacrament 10 a.m.                       Sacrament 10 a.m.
 Lunes: Servicio de Oracion 6:30 p.m.                                                                                             UMC in cooperation with the Episcopal Church & the    2nd Sunday Miracle Service 6 p.m.
                                                         Scripture Study 11 a.m.                Scripture Study 11 a.m.
  Miercoles: Estudio Biblico 6:30 p.m.                                                                                                 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America            Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m.
                                                                                                                                   We stand in awe of God and of one another           Everyone is Welcome • Assembly of God

     First Baptist Church                             First Baptist Church                                                           Infant Jesus of Prague                             Kearny Church of Christ
      103 W. Galiuro, Mammoth                         1st & Nichols, San Manuel                                                         Catholic Church                                     103 Hammond Dr., Kearny
        Pastor Joe Ventimiglia                           Pastor Kevin Duncan                                                            501 Victoria Circle, Kearny                         Minister George Randall
            520-405-0510                                      385-4655                             Advertise                        Rev. Fr. George Kunnel (Pastor)                              520-363-7711
        Sunday School – 9 a.m.                        Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m.                Your Church                                520-363-7205                                  Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m.
       Sunday Worship – 10 a.m.
   Prayer Meeting Wed. – 5:30 p.m.
                                                           Worship 11 a.m.                           Here!                        Daily Masses Tues. 5:30 p.m.; Thurs. 8:30 a.m.            Sunday Worship 11 a.m.
  Movie Night Last Friday of the Month – 7 p.m.
                                                   Sunday Evening Discipleship 5 p.m.                                              Saturday Vigil 6 p.m.; Sunday Mass 9 a.m.                Evening Worship 6 p.m.
                                                    Sunday Evening Worship 6 p.m.                                                   Sunday Religious Ed for Children, Youth               Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m.
        “The Church on the Hill”
                                                   Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6 p.m.                                                Ministry & Jr. High Youth Groups 10:15 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Serving All of the Copper Basin Area

    Lighthouse Assembly                               Living Word Chapel                    Living Word Chapel-                    Oracle Assembly of God                              Oracle Church of Christ
           of God                                      Copper Corridor                             Oracle                                      1145 Robles Rd.                                     2425 El Paseo
   Hwy. 77, MP 134, 1/2 mi S of Winkelman                Love God, Love People              Casual, Relevant, Contemporary                         Oracle                                             Oracle
           Pastor David Wade                              Pastor James Ruiz                        Pastor James Ruiz                       Pastor Nathan Hogan                                    Richard Ferris
             520-356-6718                                  520-896-2771                              520-896-2771                                                                                 520-818-6554
                                                                                              Join us at 8:45 or 10:30 a.m.              Sunday Prayer 10 a.m.
 Worship Service 9 & 11 a.m.; Evening 6:30 p.m.            Join us at 5 p.m.
      Wednesday Family Night 7 p.m.                                                                 3941 W. Hwy. 77                    Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.                           Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m.
                                                       402 Danbury Rd., Kearny                                                                                                               Sunday Worship 11 a.m.
          We Welcome You!                                                              Find us on Facebook @              Find us on Facebook @ LWC Oracle
                                                                LWC Kearny

     Oracle Seventh-Day                              Oracle Union Church                       Pathway of Hope                         Presbyterian Church                                  St. Francis of Assisi
      Adventist Church                                   705 E. American Ave.                 Foursquare Church                            of Superior                                       Catholic Church
               2150 Hwy 77                                      Oracle                      3270 E. Armstrong Ln., Tucson               100 Magma Ave., Superior                            11 Church Ave., Superior
                  Oracle                                 Pastor Dr. Ed Nelson                    (Behind Golden Goose)
                                                                                                                                                520-689-2631                                    Fr. Samuel Jandeh
                                                            520-784-1868                         Pastor Karen Kelly
          Pastor Michael Soto                                                                                                                                                                     520-689-2250
                                                                                                   520-344-4417                      Worship Service Sunday: 10 a.m.
  Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m.                  Sunday Services 9 & 10:30 a.m.                                                         All are welcome.                              Weekday Mass Tues.-Fri. 8 a.m.
                                                                                               Saturday Worship 9 a.m.
  Saturday Worship Service 11 a.m.                  Wednesday Bible Study 11 a.m.                                                                                                      Saturday 5 p.m. • Sunday 9 & 11 a.m.
                                                                                         A House of Prayer, Healing & Salvation      Anonymous prayer box located at
                                                  Thursday Prayer Time 11 a.m. to Noon                                                                  Confession: Sat. 4-4:45 p.m. or by req.
                                                                                                                                  Save Money Market. We will pray for you!

          San Pedro Valley                              Set Free Church                  Superior Harvest Church                           Vista United
           Baptist Church                                302 Danbury, Kearny                Hill St. & Stone Ave., Superior              Methodist Church                                 To be included in
     Dudleyville Road, Dudleyville                       Pastor Daniel Sostre
                                                                                            Pastor Albert M. Rodriguez
                                                                                                 480-354-4499 H
                                                                                                                                               JOIN US ONLINE
                                                                                                                                             Sunday live at 10 a.m.                       the weekly church
       Pastor Anthony DaCunha
            520-357-7353                                 Sunday Service 10 a.m.                  480-329-3647 C
                                                                                                                                              (Or stream anytime)
                                                                                                                                                                                           listing, please call
                                                   Followed by Fellowship Luncheon
      Sunday School 9:45 a.m.                          Food Boxes Upon Request
                                                                                           Sunday Morning Service 10 a.m.
                                                                                            Wednesday Bible Study 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                            Facebook/Vista UMC                            520-363-5554 or
      Morning Worship 11 a.m.
       Evening Service 6 p.m.
                                                                                                    Victory in Jesus
                                                                                                                                     Community, Friendship & Faith
                                                                                                                                             Fred Baum, Pastor
                                                           Sinners Welcome
   Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.                                                                                                             520-825-1985
SUPERIOR SUN - Copper Area News
4 | Superior Sun                                                                                                                              April 7, 2021

                                                                                ADOT says lane restrictions
                                                                                 and delays to be expected
                                                                                on Pinto Creek, Winkelman
                                                                                      Bridge projects
                                                                                 Motorists on US 60                  with caution, slow down,                   Drivers should follow
                                                                                between Miami and                    watch for equipment,                      the direction of flaggers.
                                                                                Superior will encounter              and follow the directions                 Temporary signals will
                                                                                lane restrictions and                of flaggers and law                       continue to control traffic
                                                                                delays Wednesday, April 7,           enforcement.                              when flaggers are not
                                                                                through Friday, April 10,             More information                         present.
                                                                                for the Pinto Creek Bridge           about the project is                       The overall project is on
                                                                                replacement project.                 available at                   track for completion by
                                                                                 Flaggers and restrictions           PintoCreekBridge.                         early June.
                                                                                are scheduled Wednesday              Winkelman Bridge                           Drivers should slow down
                                                                                and Thursday from 7 a.m.              Motorists crossing the                   and watch for construction
                                                                                to 6 p.m. and Friday 7 a.m.          Gila River Bridge on State                personnel and equipment.
                                                                                to noon.                             Route 77 in Winkelman                      For more information,
                                                                                 The restrictions are                may encounter delays the                  please visit the project
                                                                                necessary while crews haul           week of Monday, April                     website at https://azdot.
                                                                                girders for the new bridge           5, while crews remove                     gov/node/14664.
                                                                                to the work site and place           concrete barriers, pave,                   Schedules are subject
                                                                                them to form the bridge.             and complete other work                   to change based on
The new Pinto Creek Bridge is being constructed alongside the old bridge.        While delays will generally         on the new bridge deck.                   weather and other
                                                                                be limited to 15 minutes,             Work is scheduled during                 unforeseen factors. For
                                                                                longer delays are possible           daylight hours. Delays of                 more information, please
                                                                                during peak travel times.            approximately 15 minutes                  call the ADOT Bilingual
                                                                                 Motorists should proceed            are possible.                             Project Information Line
                                                                                                                                                               at 855-712-8530 or go to
                                                                                                                                                               select Projects from the

                                                                                        Put the “food”                                                         drop-down menu. For real-
                                                                                                                                                               time highway conditions

                                                                                        in snack food.                                                         statewide, visit ADOT’s
                                                                                                                                                               Traveler Information Site
                                                                                                                                                               at, follow
                                                                                             Make your kids some                                               ADOT on Twitter (@
                                                                                                  deviled eggs.                                                ArizonaDOT) or call 511,
                                                                                                                                                               except while driving.

                                                                                  ® © 2021, Hickman's Family Farms   
SUPERIOR SUN - Copper Area News
April 7, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                  Superior Sun | 5

   Superior PD, Copper Corridor Community Substance
   Abuse Coalition to co-sponsor drug take-back event
  Don’t dispose of unused or expired         Back Day, DEA has brought in more than                         of prescription drugs. Liquids (including                                   Helping people dispose of potentially
medications by flushing them down the        6,800 tons of prescription drugs. With                         intravenous solutions), syringes and                                       harmful prescription drugs is just one way
toilet. Instead, bring expired and unused    studies indicating a majority of abused                        other sharps, and illegal drugs will not                                   DEA is working to reduce addiction and
pills, powders, patches and ointments to a   prescription drugs come from family and                        be accepted. DEA will continue to accept                                   stem overdose deaths.
drive-through drug take-back event April     friends, including from home medicine                          vaping devices and cartridges at its drop                                   Join the coalition’s next once-a-month
24 at the Superior Senior Center, 360        cabinets, clearing out unused medicine is                      off locations provided lithium batteries are                               meeting online, for details like and follow
Main St., from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Drop     essential.                                                     removed.                                                         
off your medications without leaving your     According to the Centers for Disease
car. Pills, powders, patches and ointments   Control and Prevention, the U.S. has
are accepted but do not bring needles,       seen an increase in overdose deaths
inhalers or liquids. Copper Corridor         during the COVID-19 pandemic, with                                   Public Notice                                     Public Notice                                    Public Notice
Community Substance Abuse Coalition          83,544 Americans overdosing during the                         Community Development Block Grant                 Pinal County’s certification for a period        IMPACTO NO SIGNIFICATIVO El
and Superior Police Department co-           12-month period ending July 1, 2020, the                       Program         Combined
                                                                                                            FINDING OF NO SIGNFICANT IMPACT
                                                                                                                                             FONSI/RROF       of fifteen days following the submission
                                                                                                                                                              date specified above or the actual receipt
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Condado de Pinal ha determinado que el
                                                                                                                                                                                                               proyecto no tendrá un impacto significativo
sponsor this event.                          most ever recorded in a 12-month period.                       AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST                   of the request (whichever is later) only if      en el medio ambiente humano. Por tanto,
                                                                                                            RELEASE OF FUNDS April 8, 2021 Pinal              they are on the following bases: (a) the         no se requiere de una Declaración de
  This event coincides with the Drug         The increase in drug overdose deaths                           County PO Box 1348 Florence, Arizona,             certification was not executed by the            Impacto Ambiental bajo la Ley Nacional
Enforcement Administration’s Take Back       appeared to begin prior to the COVID-19                        85132 (520) 866-6422 heather.patel@
                                                                                                   These notices shall satisfy
                                                                                                                                                              Certifying Officer of Pinal County; (b)
                                                                                                                                                              Pinal County has omitted a step or failed
                                                                                                                                                                                                               de Política Ambiental de 1969 (National
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Environmental Policy Act, NEPA). La
Day.                                         health emergency, but accelerated                              two separate but related procedural
                                                                                                            requirements for activities to be
                                                                                                                                                              to make a decision or finding required by
                                                                                                                                                              HUD regulations at 24 CFR part 58; (c)
                                                                                                                                                                                                               información adicional del proyecto está
                                                                                                                                                                                                               contenida en el Registro de Revisión
  With opioid overdose deaths increasing     significantly during the first months of the                   undertaken by Pinal County. REQUEST               the grant recipient or other participants in     Ambiental (Enviromental Review Record,
                                                                                                            FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS On or about                  the development process have committed           ERR) archivada en el Condado de Pinal,
during the pandemic, the Drug                pandemic.                                                      April 26, 2021 Pinal County will submit a         funds, incurred costs or undertaken              31 North Pinal Street Bldg. A, Florence,
Enforcement Administration announces          The public can drop off potentially                           request to the US Department of Housing
                                                                                                            and Urban Development (HUD) for the
                                                                                                                                                              activities not authorized by 24 CFR Part
                                                                                                                                                              58 before approval of a release of funds
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Arizona 85132 o en el sitio web www.pinal.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               gov/grants y puede ser revisada o copiada
its 20th Take Back Day is scheduled for      dangerous prescription medications at                          release of Community Development Block
                                                                                                            Grant funds under Title 1 of the Housing
                                                                                                                                                              by HUD; or (d) another Federal agency
                                                                                                                                                              acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has
                                                                                                                                                                                                               en días laborables de 7 A.M. a 5 P.M.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               COMENTARIOS PÚBLICOS Cualquier
April 24th. At its last Take Back Day in     collection sites which will adhere to local                    and Community Development Act of 1974,            submitted a written finding that the project     individuo, grupo o agencia puede enviar
                                                                                                            as amended 42 U.S.C.-530.1 et seq,                is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of         comentarios por escrito sobre la ERR
October, DEA collected a record-high         COVID-19 guidelines and regulations                            to undertake a project known as Pinal             environmental quality. Objections must           al Condado de Pinal en el PO Box
amount of expired, unwanted, and unused      in order to maintain the safety of all                         County Emergency and Public Health
                                                                                                            Facility Improvements for the purpose of
                                                                                                                                                              be prepared and submitted in accordance
                                                                                                                                                              with the required procedures (24 CFR Part
                                                                                                                                                                                                               1348, Florence, Arizona 85132 Attn
                                                                                                                                                                                                               CDBG Specialist. Todos los comentarios
prescription medications, with the public    participants and local law enforcement.                        preventing, preparing for, and responding
                                                                                                            to the coronavirus. Pinal County proposes
                                                                                                                                                              58, Sec. 58.76) and shall be addressed
                                                                                                                                                              to HUD administration office at address
                                                                                                                                                                                                               recibidos hasta el 23 de abril de 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                               serán considerados por el Condado de
turning in close to 500 tons of unwanted      DEA and its partners will collect tablets,                    renovating a Pinal County building                of that office. Potential objectors should       Pinal antes de autorizar la entrega de
                                                                                                            previously used as a jail. The renovations        contact HUD at CPD_COVID-19OEE-                  una solicitud de liberación de fondos. Los
drugs. Over the 10-year span of Take         capsules, patches, and other solid forms                       of the building will primarily occur on the Potential objectors should          comentarios deberán especificar a qué
                                                                                                            interior to include the demolition of the         contact HUD to verify the actual last day        Notificación se refieren. CERTIFICACIÓN
                                                                                                            existing interior jail cells, and underground     of the objection period. Leo Lew, County         AMBIENTAL El Condado de Pinal certifica
                                                                                                            utilities. Exterior improvements will include     Manager, Certifying Officer                      al Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo
                                                                                                            windows, doors, siding, and installation of       DETERMINACIÓN SOBRE IMPACTO                      Urbano de los Estados Unidos (HUD)
                                                                                                            HVAC equipment. The project will include          NO       SIGNIFICATIVO         (FONSI)       Y   que Leo Lew, en su calidad de Oficial
                Felix Bermejo with                                 Public Notice                            the purchase of essential COVID related
                                                                                                            equipment. The building will become Public
                                                                                                                                                              NOTIFICACIÓN DE INTENCIÓN DE
                                                                                                                                                              SOLICITUD DE LIBERACIÓN DE
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Certificador, consiente en aceptar la
                                                                                                                                                                                                               jurisdicción de los Tribunales Federales en

 Peace Pest Control
                                                                 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                     Health and Emergency Management                   FONDOS (NOIRROF) 8º de abril, 2021               caso de ejecutarse una acción para hacer
                                                                                                            storage       of     emergency        supplies,   Condado de Pinal PO Box 1348 Florence,           cumplir las responsabilidades en relación
                                                                             SECURITY                       food, personal protective equipment,              Arizona, 85132 (520) 866-6422 heather.           con el proceso de revisión ambiental y
                                                                     FEDERAL EMERGENCY                      refrigeration for vaccinations, and a    Estas notificaciones             que estas responsabilidades han sido
                                                                    MANAGEMENT AGENCY                       restroom facility. Project location is at 971     deberán cubrir dos requisitos de                 cumplidas. La aprobación del HUD de la
                                                             Proposed            Flood           Hazard     Jason Lopez Circle, Pod 100 in Florence           procedimiento       independientes       pero    certificación cubre sus responsabilidades
 Offers complete satisfaction for                            Determinations for the Town of                 Arizona, 85132. The project is covered            relacionados entre sí para las actividades       bajo la NEPA y las leyes y autoridades
                                                             Superior and Unincorporated Areas              under CDBG fiscal years 2019 to 2021              que realizará el Condado de Pinal.               relacionadas y permite que el Condado
   all your pest control needs.                              of Pinal County, Arizona, and Case             in an estimated amount of $1,222,324.             SOLICITUD DE LIBERACIÓN DE                       de Pinal utilice los fondos del Programa.
                                                             No. 20-09-1494P. The Department of             FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT                  FONDOS El 26 de abril de 2021, o                 OBJECIONES           El   HUD       aceptará
 Pest • Termites • Rodents • Bird Control •                  Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency          Pinal County has determined the project
                                                                                                            will have no significant impact on the
                                                                                                                                                              alrededor de esta fecha, el Condado
                                                                                                                                                              de Pinal presentará una solicitud al
                                                                                                                                                                                                               objeciones a la Solicitud de Liberación de
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Fondos y Certificación del Condado Pinal
                                                             Management Agency (FEMA) solicits
    Bees • Scorpions • Roaches • Spiders                     technical information or comments on           human environment.              Therefore, an
                                                                                                            Environmental Impact Statement under
                                                                                                                                                              Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo
                                                                                                                                                              Urbano (HUD) para la liberación de
                                                                                                                                                                                                               por un período de quince días después
                                                                                                                                                                                                               de la fecha de presentación especificada
                                                             proposed flood hazard determinations
                                                                                                            the National Environmental Policy Act of          fondos del Programa de Subvenciones              anteriormente o de la recepción exacta de
                                                             for the Flood Insurance Rate Map               1969 (NEPA) is not required. Additional           para Desarrollo Comunitario (Community           la solicitud (lo que sea posterior) solo si se
                        Contact Felix Bermejo                (FIRM), and where applicable, the
                                                             Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report for
                                                                                                            project information is contained in the           Development Block Grant) bajo el Título 1        basan en lo siguiente: (a) la certificación
                                                                                                            Environmental Review Record (ERR) on              de la Ley Federal de Vivienda y Desarrollo       no fue ejecutada por el Oficial Certificador
                             (520) 466-9408                  your community. These flood hazard
                                                             determinations may include the addition
                                                                                                            file at Pinal County, 31 North Pinal Street
                                                                                                            Bldg. A, Florence, Arizona 85132 or on the
                                                                                                                                                              Comunitario de 1974, en su forma
                                                                                                                                                              enmendada 42 U.S.C.-530.1 y siguientes,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               del Condado Pinal; (b) el Condado Pinal
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ha omitido un paso o no ha realizado
                              (520) 280-6915                 or modification of Base Flood Elevations,
                                                             base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard
                                                                                                            website at and may
                                                                                                            be examined or copied weekdays 7:00 A.M
                                                                                                                                                              para ejecutar un proyecto conocido como
                                                                                                                                                              “Pinal County Emergency and Public
                                                                                                                                                                                                               una determinación o hallazgo requerido
                                                                                                                                                                                                               bajo las regulaciones del HUD en el 24
                                                                                                            to 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any                  Health Facility Improvements” (Mejoras           CFR parte 58; (c) el beneficiario de la
                        PO Box 310, Eloy, AZ 85131           Area boundaries or zone designations,
                                                             or the regulatory floodway. The FIRM           individual, group, or agency may submit           en las instalaciones de emergencia y             subvención u otros participantes en el
                                                                                                            written comments on the ERR to the                salud pública del condado de Pinal) con          proceso de desarrollo han comprometido
                          FelixBermejo1953@hotmail.          and, if applicable, the FIS report have
                                                             been revised to reflect these flood            CDBG Specialist at Pinal County Finance           el propósito de prevenir, prepararse y           fondos, incurrido en costos o llevado a
                                                                                                            Department, P.O. Box 1348, Florence,              responder al coronavirus. El Condado             cabo actividades no autorizadas por 24
                                    com                      hazard determinations through issuance
                                                                                                            Arizona, 85132. All comments received by          de Pinal propone renovar un edificio del         CFR Parte 58 antes de la aprobación
 We Thank Our Customers!                                     of a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), in
                                                             accordance with Title 44, Part 65 of the
                                                             Code of Federal Regulations. These
                                                                                                            April 23, 2021 will be considered by Pinal
                                                                                                            County prior to authorizing submission
                                                                                                                                                              condado de Pinal utilizado anteriormente
                                                                                                                                                              como cárcel. Las renovaciones del edificio
                                                                                                                                                                                                               de una liberación de fondos por HUD;
                                                                                                                                                                                                               o (d) otra agencia federal que actúa de
                  Se Habla Español                           determinations are the basis for the
                                                             floodplain management measures that
                                                                                                            of a request for release of funds.
                                                                                                            Comments should specify which Notice
                                                                                                                                                              se producirán principalmente en el interior
                                                                                                                                                              para incluir la demolición de las celdas de
                                                                                                                                                                                                               conformidad con 40 CFR Parte 1504 ha
                                                                                                                                                                                                               presentado una constatación escrita de
                                                                                                            they are addressing. ENVIRONMENTAL                la cárcel interior existentes, y los servicios   que el proyecto es insatisfactorio desde
                                                             your community is required to adopt or         CERTIFICATION Pinal County certifies              públicos subterráneos. Las mejoras               el punto de vista de la calidad ambiental.
                                                             show evidence of having in effect to qualify   to United States Department of Housing            exteriores incluirán ventanas, puertas,          Las objeciones deben prepararse y
                                                             or remain qualified for participation in the   and Urban Development (HUD) that Leo              revestimiento e instalación de equipos           presentarse de conformidad con los
                                                             National Flood Insurance Program. For          Lew in his capacity as certifying officer         hvac. El proyecto incluirá la compra de          procedimientos requeridos (24 CFR Parte
                                                             more information on the proposed flood         consents to accept the jurisdiction of the        equipos esenciales relacionados con              58, Sec. 58.76) y se dirigirán a la oficina
                                                             hazard determinations and information          Federal Courts if an action is brought to         COVID. El edificio se convertirá en un           de administración de HUD en la dirección
                                                             on the statutory 90-day period provided        enforce responsibilities in relation to the       almacén de servicios de emergencia,              de esa oficina. Los objetores potenciales

   Find us on Facebook @ CopperArea
                                                                                                            environmental review process and that             alimentos,      equipos     de     protección    deben ponerse en contacto con HUD en
                                                             for appeals, please visit FEMA’s website       these responsibilities have been satisfied.       personal, refrigeración para vacunas y  Los
                                                             at         HUD’s approval of the certification               un baño. La ubicación del proyecto es            objetores potenciales deben ponerse en
                                                             BFE_Status/bfe_main.asp, or call the           satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA         el 971 Jason Lopez Circle, Pod 100 en            contacto con HUD para verificar el último
                                                             FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange            and related laws and authorities and              Florence Arizona, 85132. El proyecto está        día real del período de objeción. Leo
                                                             (FMIX) toll free at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-         allows Pinal County to use Program                cubierto bajo los años fiscales 2019 a           Lew, Administrador del Condado, Oficial
                                                             877-336-2627).                                 funds. OBJECTIONS HUD will accept                 2021 de CDBG por un monto estimado de            Certificador
                                                             SUN Legal 3/31/21, 4/7/21                      objections to its Release of Funds and            $1,222,324. DETERMINACIÓN SOBRE                  MINER, CBN, SUN Legal 4/7/21
SUPERIOR SUN - Copper Area News
6 | Superior Sun                                                                                                                      April 7, 2021

    Superior spring athletes back in action, posting wins
        By Nathaniel A. Lopez               play,” said Coach Manuel Ortega. “We          “In order for us to do that, we need to get   challenging, as we were down several
             Superior Sun                   were focused and mentally ready for this      better still. We need to be focused and       players and had to move players into
                                            game, unlike our previous two games. We       ready mentally when we have games.”           positions they had not practiced,” said
 After a winter season with no sports due   hit the ball really well as a team.”           On April 7, the panthers will travel to      Coach Alfonso Lopez. “We had an
to COVID-19, athletes at Superior High       Coach Ortega also mentioned notable          Lincoln Prep for their seventh game, and      outstanding performance from our junior
School are back in action on the baseball   players.                                      the second against them.                      pitcher Danika Bryant, going all 7 innings
and softball diamonds.                       “Our whole team played really well, but       The softball team stands with a 4-0          and keeping us in the game until our bats
 As of April 5, 2021, the Superior high     some outstanding players for that game        record.                                       came alive with a 10-run sixth inning.”
school baseball team stands with an even    were Matthew Cruz, who went 4 for 5            The girls season started with a win and       Another noteworthy player is Alisha
3-3 record. The team’s season started       with a grand slam and 6 RBIs, he finished     a 14-point difference against Miami,          Garcia going 5 for 5 at the plate.
in March with a win against Lincoln         a triple shy of the circle. He also started   with a final score of 18-4. The next game,     “The girls are working hard, and
Prep. The Panthers have been battling       the game on the mound, and got the W          against Hayden ended with a larger point      are determined to get back to the
to keep their record even or positive.      with 8 strike outs,” he said.                 difference, with a 26-4 win. When playing     championship game again. It’s been a
Their second game was a loss to Miami.       Other notable players were Nathan            against Florence the girls completely shut    rough year and they’re happy and feeling
The third was a win against the Hayden      Duarte, and Adam Navarrette who both          them out with a 20-0 victory. Their last      blessed to just have the opportunity,”
Lobos. The fourth and fifth games were      went 2 for 4, and had a couple RBIs as        game was on March 27, against Chandler        said Lopez, “We have a small squad this
losses to Florence and Tempe Prep. Their    well. The final score of the Coolidge game    Prep. The girls walked away with another      year, but we are expecting great things, as
last game on Saturday, April 3, against     was 15-4, Superior.                           win to add to their clean record. The final   they are hard workers and making great
Coolidge, the team was able to even out      “Our expectations for the rest of the        score of the Chandler Prep game was           progress thus far.”
their record.                               season is to bring the championship           21-9.                                          On Friday April 9, they will face off
 “We finally showed up and came to          trophy back home,” stated Coach Ortega.        “The game versus Chandler Prep was           against Hayden for the second time.
SUPERIOR SUN - Copper Area News
April 7, 2021                                                                                                                         Superior Sun | 7

               Shop at Home: Picket Post Antiques
   n April 2020, COVID-19 brought much       the next several weeks, our newspapers           Kelly Elliot and her husband Clint Elliot     a few other local items.
   of Arizona’s economy to a screeching      (Copper Basin News, Superior Sun and           rolled with the challenges the pandemic          Kelly and her husband love local
   halt. All businesses not deemed           San Manuel Miner) will be featuring local      created but thankfully they have re-            history and you will often find them
“essential” were ordered closed by           businesses and non-profits, encouraging        opened and found ways keep their                volunteering with local historical groups.
Arizona’s governor Doug Ducey.               our readers to Shop at Home, stay local        business operating safely.                      One interesting aspect about the Porter’s
  The lockdown continued for nearly two      and support our local businesses. To             Inside the Picket Post Antiques, you can      Building where their business resides,
months. When Gov. Ducey finally gave         date, Copper Area News has featured 42         find so many wonderful and nostalgic            the building opened on July 4, 1917, right
the go ahead to reopen, businesses slowly    businesses in the Copper Corridor.             treasures from holiday and home decor to        before the Spanish Flu pandemic. They
began the road to recovery. Even those        When the COVID-19 Pandemic Hit,               vintage original signs. Children’s toys and     opened Picket Post Antiques on July
listed as “essential” had a challenge with   small stores such as Picket Post Antiques      books are also abundant and what pulls          4, 2017 and thankfully their business
this economic recovery.                      were quickly affected by the physical          it all together is Kelly’s eye for design and   is surviving through the COVID-19
  Many small businesses and non-profits      distancing and retail shut downs. Antique      putting everything together. Each visit         Pandemic.
in Arizona didn’t survive the lockdown.      stores are not quite an “essential service”.   you will see something new, even if it’s         Picket Post Antiques is located 400
The businesses that did survive are          A store filled with so many treasures          been there for a while – she has a way a        W. Main Street and is open Wednesday
hanging on as best they can. Copper Area     also creates another logistic, sanitizing      drawing you into the store. In addition to      through Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. You
News wanted to give something back           everything and ensure that groups do not       wide variety of antiques she also has DIY       can contact the store directly at 480-748-
to the local business community. Over        congregate.                                    Escape Room games, greeting cards, and          3605.

Cllint and Kelly Elliot have curated a wonderful eclectic collection of antiques and
collectibles. 						                                                 Mila Besich | Sun
SUPERIOR SUN - Copper Area News
8 | Superior Sun                                                                                                                           April 7, 2021

                                                 COPPER CORRIDOR COMMUNITY CALENDAR
 Please note: many events have     New Superior Food Bank Hours                                             APRIL
                                                                                                                                           17       Oracle Community

 been canceled or postponed due      Clients can now receive food from 3                        Tri-Community Voter                                 Center Yard Sale
 to the COVID-19 outbreak. Please p.m. - 4 p.m. on the last Thursday and                        Registration Drive
                                   Friday of each month at 99 N. Lobb Ave.                                                                 The Oracle Community Center is hosting
 check with organizations when     in Superior. Drive up or walk up with an                  The Mobile Voter Outreach Center van          a Community Yard Sale on Saturday, April
 planning to attend events listed. adequate cart and receive food without                  will be parked in the Dollar General parking    17 from 8 a.m. until noon. Want to sell
                                              human contact. Every means possible          lots from noon - 4 p.m. on April 7 and          your stuff? Spaces are available for $5 in
                                              is used to make the experience safe.         14 at 74 E Main St in San Manuel, and           the OCC Shop online. Food will also be sold
 Tri-Community Food Bank Open                 Volunteers have their temperature taken      April 16 at 401 AZ-77 in Mammoth. The           in the Center.

   The Tri-Community Food Bank located        and sign a consent form stating they are     deadline for voter registration is April 19.
at 108 Redwood Drive in Mammoth               free from fever. Volunteers are always
                                                                                                                                                    Car Show Planned in
                                                                                           For more information call 520-866-6846,
continues to be in business. We are           needed. Even an hour will be appreciated!    email, visit online at pinal.            Oracle
observing social distancing. Hours            Please contact, Sandy Van Gorp, at           gov/vote.                                         The Oracle Assembly Show-n-Shine Car

are 9 a.m. to noon Monday, Tuesday,  or 520-                                                        Show will be held April 17, from 10 a.m.
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. To be       689-2202. if you have questions or want           First Things First Fun Van in              - 1 p.m. at the Oracle Assembly of God
eligible you must show proof of address       to sign up to be a volunteer.                     Dudleyville                                Church, 1145 N Robles Place in Oracle,
that you live near or in Mammoth, San                                                       Registration is now open for Fun Van!,         just off American Ave. Sign in is from
Manuel and Oracle and have an income          Superior Farmer’s Market                     supported by First Things First which will      9-10 a.m. The show is open to all antique,
within the federal poverty guidelines. The     Superior Farm to Fantastic Farmers          be in Dudleyville every Thursday March          classic, vintage and custom cars, trucks
thrift shop is closed and is not accepting    Market is open every Saturday 10             11 - May 20, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. to            and motorcycles. There is no cost to enter.
donations. Call 520-487-2010 for more         a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Food Court on          provide literacy and parent education for       Space is limited and will be had on a first
information.                                  Main Street. Fresh produce baked             Pinal County caregivers/parents and their       parked basis, so come early to sign in. For
Wednesday Night Tacos at San                  goods and much more. Follow us on            children 0-5 years old. They will enjoy         more info call Frank and leave a message
                                              Facebook.                                    crafts, stories, play time and a free book      at 520-252-3047.
Manuel Elks

                                                                                           each class. This event is free! To register
                                              Superior Headstart Registration              call 480-474-8615,email Pam Harrison at                   Drive-Through Drug
  The San Manuel Elks Lodge will begin                                                                      Take-Back in Superior
hosting Wednesday Night Tacos on Oct.           Headstart is a free preschool program in

7, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. The Elks Lodge is now      your area located at 150N. Lobb Ave. Our              Superior Little League                   Don’t dispose of unused or expired
open to the public for dine-in with limited   program promotes school readiness and                                                        medications by flushing them down the
seating for social distancing. Please be      prepares your children for kindergarten.              Golf Tournament                        toilet. Instead, bring expired and unused
advised the final day for tacos will be May   In our program your children will receive     The Superior Little League 13th                pills, powders, patches and ointments
5. As always we appreciate the support        meals, learning experiences that promote     Annual Benefit Golf Tournament will be          to a drive-through drug take-back event
from the Community.                           growth in all areas of child development,    held Saturday, April 10, with a 7 a.m.          April 24 at the Superior Senior Center
                                              and individualized services for all          registration followed by an 8 a.m. shotgun      at 360 Main St. from 10 a.m. until 2
 BYOM: Bring Your Own Masks                   children. Headstart is currently accepting   start. This game will be played in 3 Man        p.m. Drop off your medications without
   Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center       applications for the upcoming school year.   Scramble format. Cash prizes (based on          leaving your car. Pills, powders, patches
 is asking everyone to bring their own        If you’re interested you can start the       number of entries) are Longest Drive,           and ointments are accepted but do not
 mask when you come to the hospital.          application process at or      Closest to Pin and Hole in One. There           bring needles, inhalers or liquids. Copper
 Thank you.                                   you can speak to one of the staff at the     will be raffles, food and drinks for sale.      Corridor Community Substance Abuse
                                              site. 5206892812 is the number to call       Cost for entry is $50 per player. Pre-          Coalition and Superior Police Department
 Wednesday Night BINGO                        for more information.                        registration is recommended. Call Martin        co-sponsor this event. Join the coalition’s
  Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for                                                              Navarrette 928-701-7451, Leslie Bryant          next once-a-month meeting online, for
 Wednesday night bingo and play starts                                                     at 520-827-0379, or Queen Valley Golf           details like and follow
 at 7 p.m., at San Pedro Valley Lions
                                              JFK Kindergarten Registration                at 520-463-2214 for more information            coppercorridorcoalition.
                                                                                           and to pre-register. The Little League is

 Club, 115 S. Main St. in Mammoth.              John F. Kennedy Elementary (Superior)
 Come down and enjoy! Remember to             is accepting Kindergarten Registrations      seeking hole sponsors. Cost is $50/hole.                 Rabies Vaccination
 wear a face mask. For information call       for the 2021-2022 school year. Children      For more information, call Leslie Bryant.                Clinics
 520-487-2000.                                must be 5 years of age by Sept. 1, 2021.

 Eagle One Veteran Outreach
  Visit Eagle One Veteran Outreach
                                              Parents/Guardians will need to provide
                                              the child’s original birth certificate,
                                              immunization record, and proof of
                                                                                           15       Diabetes Self-
                                                                                                    Management Workshop
                                                                                                                                            Pinal County Animal Care and Control will
                                                                                                                                           be hosting a Rabies Vaccination Clinic in
                                                                                                                                           Superior at Caboose Park, 830 Hwy 60 on
                                              residency. Applications are available at      A free virtual workshop on living with         April 24, each from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Costs
 Center online at            JFK Elementary School, 1500 Panther          diabetes will be hosted by Pinal County         of vaccinations are $9 for Rabies, $21 for
 Eagle One provides veterans a place          Drive, Superior. For more information,       Public Health for six weeks, April 15 - May     Parvo/Distemper and $10 for Bordetella.
 to learn about and apply for all             please call the Kennedy office at            20, noon - 1:30 p.m. Email maryg@pgcsc.         Microchips will be $20. They will also be
 services available to them.                  520.689.3000 ext. 3049.                      org to register.                                doing licensing at that time.
               Submit information to, online at or call 520-363-5554. Listings are free.
                Copper Area News reserves the right to edit or refuse submissions. Submissions are due the Friday before Wednesday publication.
SUPERIOR SUN - Copper Area News
April 7, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                              Superior Sun | 9

  Shop Local. Buy Local. Support Local.
                                                                                                                                                    Public Notice                                   Public Notice                                 Public Notice
                                                                                                                                              Community Development Block Grant               these responsibilities have been satisfied.   Base. Sin embargo, el Distrito de Control
                                                                                                                                              Program       Combined        FONSI/RROF        HUD’s approval of the certification           de Inundaciones del Condado de Pinal
                                                                                                                                              FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT                satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA     tomó la decisión de revisar los planes
                                                                                                                                              AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST                 and related laws and authorities and          de mejora ubicados dentro de una
                                                                                                                                              RELEASE OF FUNDS NOTICE OF                      allows Pinal County to use Program            zona de inundación FEMA de 100 años

      Public Notice                                 Public Notice                                    Public Notice                            DECISION REGARDING PROJECT TO
                                                                                                                                              BE LOCATED IN OR IMPACT ON A
                                                                                                                                              FLOODPLAIN April 8, 2021 Pinal County
                                                                                                                                                                                              funds. OBJECTIONS HUD will accept
                                                                                                                                                                                              objections to its Release of Funds and
                                                                                                                                                                                              Pinal County’s certification for a period
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            y proporcionar aprobación antes del
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            inicio de la construcción. El Distrito de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Control de Inundaciones del Condado de
Community Development Block Grant             allows Pinal County to use Program               Carlos Street en el derecho de paso            PO Box 1348 Florence, Arizona, 85132            of fifteen days following the submission      Pinal tomó su decisión basándose en la
Program       Combined        FONSI/RROF      funds. OBJECTIONS HUD will accept                existente de la ciudad. Las rampas serán       (520) 866-6422          date specified above or the actual receipt    evaluación de alternativas y determinó
FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT              objections to its Release of Funds and           reemplazadas a lo largo de South San           These notices shall satisfy two separate        of the request (whichever is later) only      que proporcionar accesibilidad a las
AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST               Pinal County’s certification for a period        Carlos Street en East Butte Avenue,            but related procedural requirements             if they are on the following bases: (a)       personas con discapacidades dentro
RELEASE OF FUNDS April 8, 2021 Pinal          of fifteen days following the submission         East Aguilar Street, East Brady Street,        for activities to be undertaken by Pinal        the certification was not executed by         del vecindario Heritage District era la
County PO Box 1348 Florence, Arizona,         date specified above or the actual receipt       East Collingwood Street y East Duron           County. REQUEST FOR RELEASE                     the Certifying Officer of Pinal County;       única decisión factible. Sin embargo,
85132 (520) 866-6422 heather.patel@           of the request (whichever is later) only         Street. El proyecto está cubierto por los      OF FUNDSOn or about April 26, 2021              (b) Pinal County has omitted a step           el condado de Pinal y la ciudad de These notices shall satisfy         if they are on the following bases: (a)          años fiscales 2020 a 2021 de CDBG              Pinal County will submit a request to the       or failed to make a decision or finding       Maricopa se asegurarán de que este
two separate but related procedural           the certification was not executed by            por un monto estimado de $130,000.             US Department of Housing and Urban              required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR         proyecto se ajuste a todas las normas
requirements for activities to be             the Certifying Officer of Pinal County;          DETERMINACIÓN SOBRE IMPACTO                    Development (HUD) for the release of            part 58; (c) the grant recipient or other     estatales y locales de protección contra
undertaken by Pinal County. REQUEST           (b) Pinal County has omitted a step              NO SIGNIFICATIVO El Condado de                 Community Development Block Grant               participants in the development process       inundaciones.            DETERMINACIÓN
FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS On or about              or failed to make a decision or finding          Pinal ha determinado que el proyecto           funds under Title 1 of the Housing and          have committed funds, incurred costs          SOBRE IMPACTO NO SIGNIFICATIVO
April 26, 2021 Pinal County will submit a     required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR            no tendrá un impacto significativo en          Community Development Act of 1974,              or undertaken activities not authorized       El Condado de Pinal ha determinado
request to the US Department of Housing       part 58; (c) the grant recipient or other        el medio ambiente humano. Por tanto,           as amended 42 U.S.C.-530.1 et seq, to           by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a        que el proyecto no tendrá un impacto
and Urban Development (HUD) for the           participants in the development process          no se requiere de una Declaración de           undertake a project known as Maricopa           release of funds by HUD; or (d) another       significativo en el medio ambiente
release of Community Development              have committed funds, incurred costs             Impacto Ambiental bajo la Ley Nacional         ADA compliant infrastructure. The City          Federal agency acting pursuant to 40          humano. Por lo tanto, no se requiere
Block Grant funds under Title 1 of the        or undertaken activities not authorized          de Política Ambiental de 1969 (National        of Maricopa intends to utilize FY20-21          CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written         una Declaración de Impacto Ambiental
Housing and Community Development             by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a           Environmental Policy Act, NEPA). La            CDBG fund to construct a multi-use              finding that the project is unsatisfactory    en virtud de la Ley de Política Ambiental
Act of 1974, as amended 42 U.S.C.-530.1       release of funds by HUD; or (d) another          información adicional del proyecto está        path along Plainview Street to serve as         from the standpoint of environmental          Nacional de 1969 (NEPA). La información
et seq, to undertake a project known as       Federal agency acting pursuant to 40             contenida en el Registro de Revisión           connectivity to Heritage Park. The project      quality. Objections must be prepared          adicional del proyecto está contenida en
Florence ADA compliant infrastructure for     CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written            Ambiental (Enviromental Review Record,         location is adjacent to the Heritage District   and submitted in accordance with the          el Registro de Revisión Ambiental (ERR)
the purpose of installing ADA compliant       finding that the project is unsatisfactory       ERR) archivada en el Condado de Pinal,         neighborhood along Plainview Street to          required procedures (24 CFR Part 58,          registrado en el Condado de Pinal, 31
sidewalks. The Town of Florence will          from the standpoint of environmental             31 North Pinal Street Bldg. A, Florence,       Maricopa-Casa Grande (MCG) Highway.             Sec. 58.76) and shall be addressed to         North Pinal Street Bldg. A, Florence,
replace non-Americans with Disabilities       quality. Objections must be prepared             Arizona 85132 o en el sitio web www.           This project will complete approximately        HUD administration office at address of       Arizona 85132 o en el sitio web en www.
Act of 1990 (ADA) compliant curb ramps        and submitted in accordance with the    y puede ser revisada          650 linear feet of safety fencing on west       that office. Potential objectors should y puede ser examinado
with new ramps that meet the technical        required procedures (24 CFR Part 58,             o copiada en días laborables de 7 A.M.         Plainview Road to match the current             contact HUD at CPD_COVID-19OEE-               o copiado de lunes a viernes de 7:00 A.M
requirements of the ADA Accessibility         Sec. 58.76) and shall be addressed to            a 5 P.M. COMENTARIOS PÚBLICOS                  fencing to the south. Improvements             Potential    objectors   a 5:00 P.M. COMENTARIOS PÚBLICOS
Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities       HUD administration office at address of          Cualquier individuo, grupo o agencia           include grading and installation of             should contact HUD to verify the actual       Cualquier individuo, grupo o agencia
(ADAAG) per the ADA of 1990 and               that office. Potential objectors should          puede enviar comentarios por escrito           1700 linear feet of multi-use pathway           last day of the objection period. Leo Lew,    puede enviar comentarios escritos
Titles II and III of the ADA. The ramps       contact HUD at CPD_COVID-19OEE-                  sobre la ERR al especialista CDBG              (10’ concrete with 6’ of decomposed             County Manager, Certifying Officer            sobre el ERR al Especialista de CDBG
will meet the standards for slope, width,            Potential    objectors   en el Departamento de Finanzas del             granite pathway) and adding four shade          DETERMINACIÓN SOBRE IMPACTO                   en el Departamento de Finanzas del
surface, sides of curb ramps, detectable      should contact HUD to verify the actual          Condado de Pinal a Pinal County Finance        structures. Improvements also include           NO       SIGNIFICATIVO        (FONSI)     Y   Condado de Pinal, CDBG Specialist at
warnings, location of marked crossings,       last day of the objection period. Leo Lew,       Department, P.O. Box 1348, Florence,           the design and installation of a crosswalk      NOTIFICACIÓN DE INTENCIÓN DE                  Pinal County Finance Department, P.O.
and diagonal curb ramps as specified in       County Manager, Certifying Officer               Arizona 85132. Todos los comentarios           and increasing the curb median length.          SOLICITUD DE LIBERACIÓN DE                    Box 1348, Florence, Arizona, 85132.
Section 4 of ADAAG. The project scope         DETERMINACIÓN SOBRE IMPACTO                      recibidos hasta el 23 de abril del 2021        The project location is a fully developed       FONDOS (NOIRROF) 8º de abril, 2021            Todos los comentarios recibidos hasta el
of work entails removing and replacing        NO       SIGNIFICATIVO          (FONSI)      Y   serán considerados por el Condado de           residential area, including utilities and       Condado de Pinal PO Box 1348 Florence,        23 de abril de 2021 serán considerados
14 crosswalk ramps at five street             NOTIFICACIÓN DE INTENCIÓN DE                     Pinal antes de autorizar la entrega de         developed streets, all within existing          Arizona, 85132 (520) 866-6422 heather.        por el Condado de Pinal antes de
intersections, replacing 13 driveway          SOLICITUD DE LIBERACIÓN DE                       una solicitud de liberación de fondos. Los     city right-of-way. The project is covered Estas notificaciones          autorizar la entrega de una solicitud de
ramps, removing two driveways, and            FONDOS (NOIRROF) 8 de abril de 2021              comentarios deberán especificar a qué          under CDBG fiscal year 2020 funding             deberán cubrir dos requisitos de              liberación de fondos. Los comentarios
installing approximately 1,466 linear         Condado de Pinal PO Box 1348 Florence,           Notificación se refieren. CERTIFICACIÓN        in the amount of $130,000. Further, in          procedimiento      independientes     pero    deberán especificar a qué Notificación se
feet (LF) of five-foot sidewalk. The          Arizona, 85132 (520) 866-6422 heather.           AMBIENTAL El Condado de Pinal                  order to comply with Executive Orders           relacionados entre sí para las actividades    refieren. CERTIFICACIÓN AMBIENTAL
specific scope of work includes saw  Estas notificaciones             certifica al Departamento de Vivienda y        11988 or 11990 and the Water Resources          que realizará el Condado de Pinal.            El Condado de Pinal certifica al
cut the existing curb ramps, remove           deberán cubrir dos requisitos de                 Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados Unidos        Council’s      Floodplain     Management/       SOLICITUD DE LIBERACIÓN DE                    Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo
existing concrete, patch or replace           procedimiento         independientes      pero   (HUD) que Leo Lew, en su calidad de            Wetlands Protection Guidelines, Pinal           FONDOS El 26 de abril de 2021, o              Urbano de los Estados Unidos (HUD)
gutters if necessary, install curb ramps      relacionados entre sí para las actividades       Oficial Certificador, consiente en aceptar     County and the City of Maricopa hereby          alrededor de esta fecha, el Condado           que Leo Lew, en su calidad de Oficial
and returned curbs, install transitions,      que realizará el Condado de Pinal.               la jurisdicción de los Tribunales Federales    state the ADA compliant infrastructure          de Pinal presentará una solicitud al          Certificador, consiente en aceptar la
flares, and truncated domes, and install      SOLICITUD DE LIBERACIÓN DE                       en caso de ejecutarse una acción para          project lies within a Zone AO, without          Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo         jurisdicción de los Tribunales Federales
five-foot sidewalk. The project will          FONDOS El 26 de abril de 2021, o                 hacer cumplir las responsabilidades            Base Flood Elevation. However, the Pinal        Urbano (HUD) para la liberación de            si se interpuso una acción para hacer
take place in Florence, Arizona along         alrededor de esta fecha, el Condado              en relación con el proceso de revisión         County Flood Control District reached           fondos del Programa de Subvenciones           cumplir las responsabilidades en relación
approximately 1,500 LF on South San           de Pinal presentará una solicitud al             ambiental y que estas responsabilidades        a decision to review the improvement            para Desarrollo Comunitario (Community        con el proceso de revisión ambiental y
Carlos Street in the Town’s existing right    Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo            han sido cumplidas. La aprobación              plans located within a FEMA 100-year            Development Block Grant) bajo el              que estas responsabilidades han sido
of way. Ramps will be replaced along          Urbano (HUD) para la liberación de               del HUD de la certificación cubre sus          flood zone and provide approval prior           Título 1 de la Ley Federal de Vivienda        satisfechas. La aprobación del HUD de la
South San Carlos Street at East Butte         fondos del Programa de Subvenciones              responsabilidades bajo la NEPA y las           to the start of construction. The Pinal         y Desarrollo Comunitario de 1974, en          certificación cubre sus responsabilidades
Avenue, East Aguilar Street, East Brady       para Desarrollo Comunitario (Community           leyes y autoridades relacionadas y             County Flood Control District made its          su forma enmendada 42 U.S.C.-530.1            bajo la NEPA y las leyes y autoridades
Street, East Collingwood Street, and          Development Block Grant) bajo el                 permite que el Condado de Pinal utilice        decision based on the evaluation of             y siguientes, para ejecutar un proyecto       relacionadas y permite que el Condado
East Duron Street. The project is covered     Título 1 de la Ley Federal de Vivienda           los fondos del Programa. OBJECIONES            alternatives and determined providing           conocido como “Maricopa ADA compliant         de Pinal utilice los fondos del Programa.
under CDBG fiscal years 2020 to 2021          y Desarrollo Comunitario de 1974, en             El HUD aceptará objeciones a la Solicitud      accessibility to persons with disabilities      infrastructure” (Infraestructura Maricopa     OBJECIONES           El    HUD     aceptará
in an estimated amount of $130,000.           su forma enmendada 42 U.S.C.-530.1               de Liberación de Fondos y Certificación        within the Heritage District was the only       compatible con ADA). La ciudad de             objeciones a su Liberación de Fondos y
FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT              y siguientes, para ejecutar un proyecto          del Condado Pinal por un período de            practicable decision. Pinal County and          Maricopa tiene la intención de utilizar       a la certificación del Condado de Pinal
Pinal County has determined the project       conocido como Florence ADA con el                quince días después de la fecha de             the City of Maricopa will however, ensure       el fondo de CDBG FY20-21 para                 por un período de quince días a partir
will have no significant impact on the        propósito de instalar aceras compatibles         presentación especificada anteriormente        this project will conform to all state and      construir un camino de usos múltiples a       de la fecha de presentación especificada
human environment.           Therefore, an    con la Ley sobre Estadounidenses con             o la fecha exacta en que se recibe la          local floodplain protection standards.          lo largo de Plainview Street para servir      anteriormente o la recepción real de la
Environmental Impact Statement under          Discapacidades (ADA). La ciudad de               solicitud (lo que sea posterior) solo si se    FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT                como conectividad a Heritage Park. La         solicitud (lo que sea posterior) solo si se
the National Environmental Policy Act of      Florence reemplazará las rampas de               basan en lo siguiente: (a) la certificación    Pinal County has determined the project         ubicación del proyecto está adyacente         basan en lo siguiente: (a) la certificación
1969 (NEPA) is not required. Additional       acera no compatibles con la Ley sobre            no fue ejecutada por el Oficial Certificador   will have no significant impact on the          al vecindario Heritage District a lo largo    no fue ejecutada por el Oficial Certificador
project information is contained in the       Estadounidenses con Discapacidades               del Condado de Pinal; (b) el Condado de        human environment.           Therefore, an      de la calle Plainview hasta la carretera      del Condado de Pinal; (b) el Condado de
Environmental Review Record (ERR)             de 1990 con rampas nuevas reúnen los             Pinal ha omitido un paso o no ha realizado     Environmental Impact Statement under            Maricopa-Casa Grande (MCG). Este              Pinal ha omitido un paso o no ha tomado
on file at Pinal County, 31 North Pinal       requisitos técnicos de las Directrices de        una determinación o hallazgo requerido         the National Environmental Policy Act of        proyecto completará aproximadamente           una decisión o hallazgo requerido por las
Street Bldg. A, Florence, Arizona 85132       accesibilidad de ADA para edificios e            bajo las regulaciones del HUD en el 24         1969 (NEPA) is not required. Additional         650 pies lineales de vallado de seguridad     regulaciones del HUD en el 24 CFR parte
or on the website at           instalaciones (ADAAG) según el ADA de            CFR parte 58; (c) el beneficiario de la        project information is contained in the         en la calle West Plainview para que           58; (c) el beneficiario de la subvención
grants and may be examined or copied          1990 y títulos II y III de la ADA. Las rampas    subvención u otros participantes en el         Environmental Review Record (ERR)               coincida con la cerca actual hacia el         u otros participantes en el proceso de
weekdays 7:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC         cumplirán con los estándares de cuesta,          proceso de desarrollo han comprometido         on file at Pinal County, 31 North Pinal         sur. Las mejoras incluyen la gradación e      desarrollo han comprometido fondos,
COMMENTS Any individual, group, or            anchura, superficie, lados de rampas             fondos, incurrido en gastos o llevado a        Street Bldg. A, Florence, Arizona 85132         instalación de 1700 pies lineales de vía      incurrido en costos o llevado a cabo
agency may submit written comments            de acera, advertencias detectables,              cabo actividades no autorizadas por 24         or on the website at             multiusos (hormigón de 10’ con 6’ de vía      actividades no autorizadas por el 24
on the ERR to the CDBG Specialist at          ubicación de cruces marcadas y                   CFR Parte 58 antes de la aprobación            grants and may be examined or copied            de granito descompuesta) y la adición         CFR Parte 58 antes de la aprobación
Pinal County Finance Department, P.O.         rampas de acera diagonales según lo              de una liberación de fondos por HUD;           weekdays 7:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC           de cuatro estructuras de sombra. Las          de una liberación de fondos por HUD;
Box 1348, Florence, Arizona, 85132. All       especificado en la Sección 4 de ADAAG.           (d) otra agencia Federal que actúa de          COMMENTS Any individual, group, or              mejoras también incluyen el diseño y la       o (d) otra agencia federal que actúa de
comments received by April 23, 2021           El alcance de los trabajos del proyecto          conformidad con 40 CFR Parte 1504              agency may submit written comments              instalación de un paso de peatones y el       conformidad con 40 CFR Parte 1504 ha
will be considered by Pinal County prior      consiste en remover y reemplazar 14              ha presentado una constatación escrita         on the ERR to the CDBG Specialist at            aumento de la longitud media de la acera.     presentado una constatación escrita de
to authorizing submission of a request        rampas de paso de peatones en cinco              de que el proyecto no es satisfactorio         Pinal County Finance Department, P.O.           La ubicación del proyecto es una zona         que el proyecto es insatisfactorio desde
for release of funds. Comments should         intersecciones de calles, reemplazar             desde el punto de vista de la calidad          Box 1348, Florence, Arizona, 85132. All         residencial completamente desarrollada,       el punto de vista de la calidad ambiental.
specify which Notice they are addressing.     13 rampas de entrada, remover dos                ambiental. Las objeciones deberán              comments received by April 23, 2021             que incluye servicios públicos y calles       Las objeciones deben prepararse y
ENVIRONMENTAL             CERTIFICATION       entradas e instalar aproximadamente              prepararse y enviarse de acuerdo con           will be considered by Pinal County prior        desarrolladas, todo dentro del derecho de     presentarse de conformidad con los
Pinal County certifies to United States       1.466 pies lineales (LF) de acera de cinco       los procedimientos requeridos (24              to authorizing submission of a request          paso de la ciudad existente. El proyecto      procedimientos requeridos (24 CFR
Department of Housing and Urban               pies. El alcance específico de los trabajos      CFR Parte 58, Sec. 58.76) y deberán            for release of funds. Comments should           está cubierto por la financiación del año     Parte 58, Sec. 58.76) y se dirigirán a la
Development (HUD) that Leo Lew                incluye el corte de las rampas de acera          dirigirse a la oficina administrativa HUD      specify which Notice they are addressing.       fiscal 2020 de CDBG por un monto de           oficina de administración del HUD en la
in his capacity as certifying officer         existentes, la eliminación de hormigón           a la dirección de esa oficina. Los posibles    ENVIRONMENTAL             CERTIFICATION         $130,000. Además, para cumplir con las        dirección de esa oficina. Los objetores
consents to accept the jurisdiction of the    existente, parchar o remover canaletas           objetores deberán comunicarse con el           Pinal County certifies to United States         Órdenes Ejecutivas 11988 o 11990 y las        potenciales deben ponerse en contacto
Federal Courts if an action is brought to     si es necesario, la instalación de rampas        HUD en CPD_COVID-19OEE-SFO@                    Department of Housing and Urban                 Directrices de Protección de Llanuras de      con el HUD en CPD_COVID-19OEE-
enforce responsibilities in relation to the   de acera y bordes, la instalación de    Los posibles objetores deberán        Development (HUD) that Leo Lew                  Inundación/Humedales del Consejo de  Los posibles objetores
environmental review process and that         transiciones, brotes y cúpulas truncadas,        comunicarse con el HUD para verificar          in his capacity as certifying officer           Recursos Hídricos, el Condado de Pinal        deberán comunicarse con el HUD para
these responsibilities have been satisfied.   e instalación de aceras de cinco pies. El        el último día efectivo del período de          consents to accept the jurisdiction of the      y la Ciudad de Maricopa afirman que el        verificar el último día efectivo del período
HUD’s approval of the certification           proyecto se llevará a cabo en Florence,          objeción. Leo Lew, Gerente del Condado,        Federal Courts if an action is brought to       proyecto de infraestructura conforme          de objeción. Leo Lew, Administrador del
satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA     Arizona, a lo largo de aproximadamente           Oficial Certificador                           enforce responsibilities in relation to the     a la ADA se encuentra dentro de una           Condado, Oficial Certificador
and related laws and authorities and          1.500 pies lineales (LF) en South San            MINER, CBN, SUN Legal 4/7/21                   environmental review process and that           Zona AO, sin Elevación de Inundaciones        MINER, CBN, SUN Legal 4/7/21
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