Sunshine Cathedral Ash Wednesday - Sunshine Cathedral, Fort ...

Page created by Michael Rivera
Sunshine Cathedral Ash Wednesday - Sunshine Cathedral, Fort ...
Sunshine Cathedral
                               Ash Wednesday
                   A Positive
                           ve Worship
                              Worship Experience
                                                                                              March 6th, 2019

Sunshine Cathedral is a different kind of church where the past is past and the future has infinite possibilities.
Sunshine Cathedral Ash Wednesday - Sunshine Cathedral, Fort ...
Welcome                     Rev Dr Durrell Watkins           Congregation: The Apostle Paul said that love is the
                         Please rise as you are able.        fulfillment of the law. And Jesus said that scripture could
                                                             be summarized as loving God and loving our neighbors
                  Service of Praise                          as ourselves. We keep the commandments by living in
                                                             love. Amen.
                                                             Sung Response
                                                                 Love in any language, straight from the heart
                                                                       Pulls us all together, never apart
                                                              And once we learn to speak it, all the world will hear
                                                                  Love in any language, fluently spoken here;
                                                                  Love in any language, fluently spoken here.

                                                             Service of Proclamation                  Rev Anne Atwell
                                                             The Wisdom of the Psalter (Psalm 146.5-10)
                                                             It is a great blessing for people to have the God of Jacob
                                                             [and Leah and Rachel] to help them. They depend on
                                                             the L       their God. God made heaven and earth. God
                                                             made the sea and everything in it. God can be trusted...
                                                             God does what is right for those who have been hurt.
                                                             God feeds the hungry. God frees people locked up in
                                                             prison and makes the blind see again. God helps those
                                                             who are in trouble. God is happy with those who do
                                                             right. God protects strangers in our country. God cares
                                                             for widows and orphans; God is displeased with cruelty.
                                                             The L        will rule forever!

                                                             Prayer after Readings                   Rev Ty Bradley
                                                             We know, O God, that you wish to heal the hurting,
                                                             comfort the lonely, and see that every person has
                                                             adequate housing, food, and medical care. We also
                                                             know that what you do for us, you must do through us.
                                                             We are your hands. May we be willing conduits through
                                                             which your love flows. Amen.
                                                                                                      Please be seated.
                                                             Musical Solo              You’ll Never Walk Alone
                                                                      By Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein
                                                                                       Performed By Sara Burns

                                                             Homily                           Rev Dr Durrell Watkins
                      The Decalogue                                            Service of Sacraments
Deacon: Hear again the commandments of God:                  Sacrament of Sharing              Rev Marian Cavagnaro
i. Worship nothing other than the omnipresent, eternal       Offering Prayer: “Divine Love, through me, blesses
God.                                                         and multiplies all that I have, all that I give, and all that I
ii. Do not try to confine God to any image.                   receive. Thank you, God! Amen.”
iii. Do not use God’s name in hurtful or hateful ways.
iv. Remember a day each week for worship and renewal.        Offertory Song                                         Largo
v. Honor your elders.                                            By George Friedrich Handel - Performed By Cheryl Barth
vi. Do not murder.                                                                           Please rise as you are able.
vii. Do not break sacred vows.                               Doxology
viii. Do not steal.                                          In whatever gifts we offer, All-inclusive One, you accept
ix. Do not bear false witness against anyone.                        your own creation, fragments we return.
x. Do not begrudge whatever good fortune your neighbor         Not as owners but as stewards is our giving done. In
may enjoy.                                                      true wonder we receive the love we cannot earn.

March 6th 2019                                           2
Sacrament of Hospitality                                           Communion Song

             Lenten Prayer of Confession                                            For All the Saints
Deacon: Join me in our Lenten confession.                             For all the saints who from their labors rest,
Congregation: “For all the times we fail to affirm and                 who thee by faith before the world confessed,
promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person,                  thy name most holy be forever blest.
when we do not affirm and promote the goal of a world                                   Allelu Alleluia!
community with peace, liberty, and justice for all, when we
live as though interdependence were a personal choice
and not a fact of our existence, we ask forgiveness of            Thou wast their rock, their shelter, and their might;
one another and we vow to begin again, in this and every           their strength and solace in the well fought fight;
moment.”                                                            thou, in the darkness deep their one true light.
                                                                                     Allelu Alleluia!
Deacon: God is good, and we are made in God’s image.
Let us remember and demonstrate this good news.                    O blest communion of the saints divine! We live in
Congregation: Amen.                                               struggle, they in glory shine; yet all are one in thee,
                                                                                     for all are thine.
Intercessions                          Rev. Kevin Tisdol                             Alleluia! Alleluia!
Clergy: We affirm blessings today for this congregation,
for all who are on our hearts, and for all who seek hope,
healing, peace, guidance, or joy.                                    And when the strife is fierce, the conflict long,
Congregation: We give thanks for grace equal to every                 steals on the ear the distant triumph song,
need.                                                              and hearts are brave again, and arms are strong.
                                                                                    Allelu Alleluia!
Clergy: We also celebrate the lives of our departed loved
ones, which we may now name either silently or aloud…[a           Prayer of Thanksgiving          Rev Dr Robert Griffin
moment]…We bless their memories, and we are blessed                                         Please rise as you are able.
by them.
Congregation: (+) Let light perpetual shine upon them.            Prayer of Protection

Clergy: And with people all over the world we pray,
Congregation: May peace prevail on earth!

Clergy: Joining hands and hearts together, we offer these
prayers using the words of Jesus which we now sing…

                       Model Prayer
Creator, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy names. Thy
kin-dom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kin-dom, and the
power, and the glory forever, Amen.

                                       Please be seated.

The Lord’s Supper                 Rev Dr Robert Griffin

   Invitation to Communion & Disposition Ashes
               Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

                                                                  Benediction                   Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Fort Lauderdale, FL                                           3                                             March 6th 2019
Closing Song
                                                                                       The Cathedral Staff
                          Day Is Done                                                               Upcoming Events
       Day is done, but love unfailing dwells ever here;
     Shadows fall, but hope, prevailing, calms every fear.
God, our Maker, none forsaking, take our hearts, of Love’s own                                                March
                           making,                                            Sunshine Cathedral Dining with Friends Fund-raiser
   Watch our sleeping, guard our waking, be always near.                      March 9 - New Thought Class with Pastor Durrell - 9am
                                                                              March 9 – Outlandish Show: Miss Richfield 1981 – 8pm
 Dusk descends, but light unending shines through our night;                  March 23 – Outlandish Show: Coco Peru – 8pm
    You are with us, ever lending new strength to sight:
 One in love, your truth confessing, one in hope of heaven’s                                                   April
                           blessing,                                          April 5 - Dining with Friends Appreciation Gathering
   May we see, in love’s possessing, love’s endless light!                    April 6 - New Thought Class with Pastor Durrell - 9am
                                                                              April 6 – Outlandish: Lee Squared: An Evening with Liberace
                                                                              and Peggy Lee – 8pm
Sending Forth                           Rev Dr Durrell Watkins
                                                                              April 14 – Palm Sunday
                                                                              April 21 – Easter


                                                                              May 3 – Wine and Food Pairing – Chef Penny - 7pm
                                                                              May 6 - Bona Italian Restaurant – Give Back
                                                                              Monday for Sunshine Cathedral
                                                                              May 27 - 2020 Cruise Raffle Drawing (Memorial Day Picnic)

                                                                                           Progressive Dining
                                                                             We invite you to join Sunshine Cathedral in our Progressive Dining
                                                                           Outreach. These dining opportunities are a great way to connect with
                                                                           family, friends or church members while enjoying a meal together. Also,
                                                                           when you dine at one of the venues on the designated day, Sunshine
                                                                           Cathedral will receive a percentage of your check as part of our community
                 Gਮਮਣ F਱ਨਣਠਸ Cਠਭਲ਼ਠਲ਼ਠ
                                                                           fundraising efforts.
                   A    19 - 7 pm
                                                                                               The Pub in Wilton Manors
                                                                                                      1st Wednesday of each month:
                     Eਠਲਲ਼ਤ਱ S਴ਭਣਠਸ                                                        Location: 2283 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305
                    Worship Services                                                        10% of your check returns to Sunshine Cathedral
                       on Sunday,
                        April 21st
                                                                                                California Pizza Kitchen
                                                                                                  3rd Wednesday of each month:
                     9am & 10:30am                                                      Location: 2301 N. Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305
                                                                                            20% of your check returns to Sunshine Cathedral

                                                                                                                     Two Sunday morning services
                                                                                                                 9:00 (ASL interpreted) 10:30
                                                                                                                    Sunday 5:00 in Second Life

                                                                                                                                              1480 SW 9th Ave
                                                                                                                                     Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
Sunshine Cathedral is not liable for any vehicle incident, including             
acts of nature, while attending any events.

March 6th 2019                                                         4
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