Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School

Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School
R.D. Seymour School
                             185 Hartford Ave
                           East Granby CT 06026
                              (860) 653-7214

                            Robert McGrath

            *Summer Reading Challenge 2020*

Dear Families,

To encourage summer reading, we are offering the children an
opportunity to participate in our summer reading challenge. You can
help promote a lifetime of reading enjoyment and success for your
child by making reading a habit early in his or her life. Students
entering 3rd, 4th and 5th grade at Seymour School are receiving a log
to keep track of their reading during the summer. You are welcome to
add additional pages to the log if needed. Seymour School and the East
Granby Public Library support this combined summer reading program
that encourages families to share the joy of good books and children’s
literature. We hope that reading will become a regular family activity
during the summer and all year long! If you have any questions, please
email Mr. Lowman at

All t​he children who participate will be recognized for their
participation at a school-wide assembly in the beginning of the
2020-2021 school year. Reading should be fun and children are
encouraged to read books of their interest. We are proud of our
community connection to the East Granby Public Library and this is a
great place to visit over the summer and check out their wonderful
selection of books!

                            Happy Reading!
                   The Seymour School Staff
                 The East Granby Public Library
Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School
Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School
Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School
2021 Nutmeg Book Award
                                                    Elementary Nominees
                                                                                Grades 2-3

After the Fall (How Humpty Dumpty Got                                                       Jasmine Toguchi, Mochi Queen
Back Up Again) by Dan Santat                                                                by Debbi Michiko Florence
Everyone knows the story of Humpty Dumpty’s great fall off the wall. But what if            It’s hard to shine in the shadow of an older sister. So Jasmine wants to do some-
that was only the beginning of the story? Will Humpty be able to overcome his fear          thing her sister, and no other girl in her family, has done before.
and climb back up that wall?
                                                                                            Magic Ramen:
Because by Mo Willems                                                                       The Story of Momofuku Ando
A young girl is given the opportunity to listen to an orchestra for the first time and is
inspired to create her own music and perform it for others..                                by Andrea Wang
                                                                                            Do you like magic? Read Magic Ramen, the true story of noodles that become
Borrowing Bunnies: A Surprising True                                                        chicken soup!

Tale of Fostering Rabbits by Cynthia Lord                                                   Rescue & Jessica: A Life-Changing
Calling all animal lovers! This true story follows the cottontails of a special foster
family. Discover what it takes to foster animals and the ways rabbits communicate           Friendship by Jessica Kensky & Patrick Downes
with each other and with humans.                                                            Service dogs have important jobs and when Rescue gets an unexpected assign-
                                                                                            ment, he’s worried he isn’t ready. Together, Rescue and Jessica learn to believe in
The Cardboard Kingdom by Chad Sell                                                          each other and move forward into the future as a team.
Summer vacation can't last long enough for the kids in the cardboard kingdom.
Armed only with craft supplies and their imaginations, these neighborhood kids              Seashells: More Than a Home
become extraordinary characters and embark on thrilling adventures, filling their
summer with fun and learning more about themselves and each other in the pro-
                                                                                            by Melissa Stewart
cess.                                                                                       A shell is more than just a covering for the mollusk inside! What are the many jobs
                                                                                            a shell can do? The various types of shells help the animal to glide, stick, dig
Carter Reads the Newspaper                                                                  deep, pop things open, and curl up in a ball. Wonderfully written and illustrated so
                                                                                            young scientists can learn how seashells work in different ways.
by Deborah Hopkinson
Carter G. Woodson, the child of former slaves, grew up reading the newspaper to             We Don’t Eat Our Classmates
his family and later his fellow miners. His love of knowledge inspired him to further
his education, explore his people’s history, and become the founder of Black
                                                                                            by Ryan T. Higgins
History Month.                                                                              Starting school and making friends can be tough, especially when you are a T-Rex
                                                                                            in a classroom full of tasty children. Will Penelope learn how to make friends, not
Game Changers: The Story of Venus and                                                       eat them?

Serena Williams by Lesa Cline-Ransome                                                       Wedgie & Gizmo by Suzanne Selfors
Venus and Serena Williams sisters, best friends and two of the greatest tennis              When two families become one, Wedgie the dog who thinks he is a superhero, and
players of all time. Before they were world famous they were two young girls with           Gizmo the guinea pig who thinks he is an evil genius, need to share their humans.
big tennis dreams.                                                                          The story unfolds through the point of view of the pets in alternating chapters. This
                                                                                            fun book is the first in a series.
Ida, Always by Caron Levis                                                                  The World is Not a Rectangle: A Portrait of
Gus and Ida are polar bears and best friends at the zoo. Together they toss a ball,
splash water, chase, and race. They sit quietly and listen to the sounds of the city.
Until one day when Gus finds out that Ida is ill. How will the friendship change?
                                                                                            Architect Zaha Hadid by Jeanette Winter
                                                                                            When young Zaha Hadid looked at the world around her, she didn't see rigid
The Infamous Ratsos by Kara LaReau                                                          squares and rectangles, but flowing curves. Overcoming the odds as a female
                                                                                            Muslim architect, she took this vision and created architecture that swooped and
Louie and Ralph Ratso want to be tough just like their dad, Big Lou. They try their         flowed and changed the world.
best to be tough, but somehow end up helping others. What will happen when
their dad finds out that Louie and Ralph have been doing good deeds for others?

                                Copyright 2020-2021Nutmeg Book Award Materials may not be altered without written permission.
Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School
2021 Nutmeg Book Award
   Intermediate Nominees
                                         Grades 4-6

Framed! by James Ponti                                The Nameless City
Florian Bates has a Theory of All Small Things        by Faith Erin Hicks
(T.O.A.S.T.) which helps him navigate through         Kaidu and Rat both live in the Nameless City,
a new school and life. When he explains his           but they come from different cultures. Kaidu is
theory to Margaret and then shows her how it          the privileged son of the current conquerors and
works in an art museum, they uncover a BIG            Rat is a street-wise native of the city. Their
mystery. Things get really exciting!                  unlikely friendship might be just what the frag-
                                                      ile peace of the Nameless City needs to survive.
Front Desk by Kelly Yang
Mia Tang’s family has moved from China to
California in hopes of a better life. When they       New Kid by Jerry Craft
start to manage the Calivista Motel, Mia gets to      Jordan Banks’ parents send him to an elite
run the front desk but soon gets into trouble         school far from his neighborhood in the city.
with the cruel owner. It will take Mia’s plucky       Now he feels like he is living two lives and not
perseverance to help the hotel guests and her         fitting in with either. What will it take for Jor-
family while trying to reach her dreams.              dan to feel welcome with old friends and new
The Great Treehouse
War by Lisa Graff                                     The Peculiar Incident on
After Winnie’s life falls apart due to her par-       Shady Street
ents’ divorce, she decides the only solution is to    by Lindsay Currie
move into a treehouse between her parents’
                                                      It is bad enough Tessa Woodward had to say
houses and stay there until they will listen to
                                                      goodbye to the beach and her best friend and
her. When her friends move in, there are de-
                                                      move to cold, chilly Chicago with her family,
mands from ten different children and ten sets
                                                      but then unexplained things start happening in
parents all determined to bring this arrangement
                                                      her new house. Lights flicker on and off, doors
to an end!
                                                      slam and her little brother’s creepy ventriloquist
I Love You, Michael Col-                              doll starts crying real tears. With the help of her
                                                      new friends, Tessa soon starts to unravel the
lins                                                  mystery of what happened in the house on
by Lauren Baratz-Logsted                              Shady Street.
It’s 1969 and the world is awaiting the launch
of Apollo 11. Mamie’s class is writing letters to     Restart by Gordon Korman
the three astronauts aboard Apollo 11. She            Chase can’t remember anything! ANYTHING!
alone chooses to write to Michael Collins who         Not his name, not his mother, not his friends.
will orbit the moon while Neil Armstrong and          When he goes back to school, some people treat
Buzz Aldrin walk on it. What should she say?          him like a king and some run the other way.
What should she do?                                   Who was Chase before the accident? Is this a
                                                      chance to restart his life and be a better person?
Macy McMillan and the
Rainbow Goddess                                       We're Not From Here
by Shari Green                                        by Geoff Rodkey
Macy’s life is turning upside-down! Her mother        Earth is destroyed, Mars is running out of food
is getting married and her home is up for sale.       and Planet Choom has invited humans to live
Macy is sent next door to help an elderly neigh-      on their planet. After travelling for 20 years to
bor who is also moving. Despite Macy’s deaf-          reach Choom, humans are no longer welcome.
ness, she and the “Rainbow Goddess” learn to          One family is chosen to represent the human
communicate and even discover a shared love           race. Can they convince the species of Choom
of stories and cookies.                               that humans are peaceful so they can stay?

    Copyright 2020-2021 Nutmeg Book Award materials may not be altered without written permission.
Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School
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             Children who participate
      in public library summer reading
programs make achievement leaps
during the summer and score higher
on fall reading achievement tests.

The books on this list come highly
recommended by kid readers from                        
all over the country and may also be
                                                                                                                                       E   S
                                                    The 2020 Summer Reading Book List was created
                                                by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC),

available in ebook, audio book, braille,

                                                  a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
and large print formats. Connect                      Titles on this list were selected by members of

                                                         ALSC’s Quicklists Consulting Committee.
with your local library to find out

                                           For more booklists, please visit
what’s happening this summer.
                                                            © 2020 American Library Association.
Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School
SUMMER READING LIST                                                                                                                           GRADES 3—5
Aquicorn Cove                       to a new life in America after      The Lost Girl                      Rocket to the Moon!                The Simple Art of Flying           To Night Owl
                                    emigrating from China.                                                 Big Ideas That Changed                                                from Dogfish
by Katie O’Neill, illustrated by                                        by Anne Ursu                                                          by Cory Leonardo
the author                                                              WALDEN POND, 2019                  the World                          ALADDIN, 2019                      by Holly Goldberg Sloan and
ONI, 2018                           Granted                             ISBN: 9780062275097
                                                                                                           by Don Brown, illustrated by the
                                                                                                                                              ISBN: 9781534420991                Meg Wolitzer
ISBN: 9781620105290
                                    by John David Anderson              Twins Iris and Lark are            author                             A pair of brother-and-sister       DIAL, 2019
Lana discovers the Aquicorns,       WALDEN POND, 2018                   challenged by their first school   HARRY N. ABRAMS, 2019,             parrots navigate the perils        ISBN: 9780525553236
magical sea-dwelling creatures      ISBN: 9780062643865                 year in separate classrooms,       9781419734045                      of living in a pet shop,           Twelve-year-olds Avery and
who need her help to stop the       What happens when you make          as well as a mystery involving     Taking readers through the         which means trying to stay         Bett discover their dads are
overfishing that is destroying      a wish? In this story, it may get   crows, missing belongings,         history of rocket building, this   together while also spreading      dating and plan to send the
their home.                         assigned to a fairy whose job is    and a strange new shop in          title explores the people and      their wings. Told from the         girls to summer camp to
                                    to make it come true, even if it    their town.                        technology that made the           perspective of the brother         meet, while they vacation
The Book of Boy                     almost kills her.                                                      moon landing possible. First in    parrot, this book offers           in China. The girls develop
                                                                        Mañanaland                         a series.                          a unique perspective on            a long-distance friendship
by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
                                                                                                                                              relationships and coming of        via email and letters, first to
GREENWILLOW, 2018                   Indian No More                      by Pam Muñoz Ryan
                                                                                                                                              age.                               thwart their fathers’ plans and
ISBN: 9780062686206
                                    by Charlene Willing McManis         SCHOLASTIC, 2020                   Ruby in the Sky                                                       then to reunite them when
In 1350, Boy, an orphaned           and Traci Sorell                    ISBN: 9781338157864
                                                                                                           by Jeanne Zulick Ferruolo                                             the men break up.
servant, is hired to accompany      TU, 2019, ISBN: 9781620148396       In this magical story,             FARRAR, STRAUS AND GIROUX,
                                                                                                                                              Stanley Will
a shadowy pilgrim on an                                                 Maximiliano Córdoba goes           2019                               Probably Be Fine
                                    Ten-year-old Regina Petit is                                           ISBN: 9780374309053                                                   Twinchantment
action-filled quest across          Umpqua and lives on the Grand       on a dangerous journey                                                by Sally J. Pla, illustrated by
medieval Europe for the seven                                           armed only with a compass, a       Ruby knows that she and            Steve Wolfhard                     by Elise Allen
                                    Ronde reservation. When the
relics of St. Peter.                federal government signs a bill     mysterious stone rubbing, and      her mom will not be living         HARPERCOLLINS, 2018                DISNEY-HYPERION, 2019
                                                                        the legends Buelo told about       in Vermont for long, so she        ISBN: 9780062445797                ISBN: 9781368008624
                                    saying Regina’s tribe no longer
The Cardboard Kingdom               exists, Regina struggles to         traveling mythical gatekeepers.    is determined to not get           Stanley struggles to fit in,       Twin princesses must save
                                    understand what it means to be                                         attached. When her mom is          so he creates an imaginary         their mother after magic
by Chad Sell, illustrated by the
                                    “Indian no more.”                   Other Words for Home               arrested, she realizes they will   superhero named John               resurfaces in their kingdom;
                                                                                                           be there a bit longer than she     Lockdown who helps him             they do so with the help of
KNOPF, 2018                                                             by Jasmine Warga
                                                                                                           originally planned.                compete in Trivia Quest, a         some newfound friends, a
ISBN: 9781524719371
                                    Knights vs. Dinosaurs               BALZER + BRAY, 2019
                                                                                                                                              comics-trivia scavenger hunt.      brave servant and his black
A diverse group of kids create      by Matt Phelan, illustrated by
                                                                        ISBN: 9780062747808
                                                                                                           Sanity & Tallulah                                                     kitten.
their own world of play and         the author                          In this novel in verse, 12-year-
safe self-expression using a        GREENWILLOW, 2018                   old Jude does her best to          by Molly Brooks, illustrated by    Sweeping Up the Heart
little cardboard and a lot of       ISBN: 9780062686237                 adjust to American life after      the author                         by Kevin Henkes                    We’re Not from Here
imagination.                        Action and comedy rule when         she and her mother travel          DISNEY-HYPERION, 2018              GREENWILLOW, 2019                  by Geoff Rodkey
                                                                                                           ISBN: 9781368008440                ISBN: 9780062852540
                                    boasting sends four of King         alone to live with relatives as                                                                          CROWN, 2019
                                                                                                           Two best friends decide to                                            ISBN: 9781524773045
Clayton Byrd Goes                   Arthur’s knights back in time       violence approaches their                                             Amelia is disappointed to
Underground                         to battle a legion of “terrible     home city in Syria.                engineer a three-headed            be stuck at home for spring        Follow the story of a family
                                    lizards.”                                                              kitten named Princess Sparkle,     break, but when she meets a        from Earth who moves to
by Rita Williams-Garcia,                                                                                   Destroyer of Worlds. If only her
                                                                        The Parker Inheritance                                                new friend at a local art studio   a new planet in this sci-fi
illustrated by Frank Morrison
                                                                                                           name didn’t turn out to be a       who claims to see the spirit       adventure that explores
AMISTAD, 2017                       The Last Last-Day-                  by Varian Johnson                  little too appropriate.            of her dead mother, the week       concepts such as immigration,
ISBN: 9780062215918
                                    of-Summer                           ARTHUR A. LEVINE, 2018
                                                                                                                                              takes an exciting turn.            culture shock, and a galaxy of
When his beloved grandfather,                                           ISBN: 9780545946179
                                    by Lamar Giles, illustrations by                                       Sarai and the Meaning of                                              differences.
the blues man Cool Papa Byrd,       Dapo Adeola                         Candice would rather be home
dies suddenly, Clayton’s anger      VERSIFY, 2019                       in Atlanta with her friends        Awesome                            Sweep: The Story of a
and misplaced alliances get         ISBN: 9781328460837                 this summer, instead of where      by Monica Brown and Sarai          Girl and Her Monster               What a Waste: Trash,
him into trouble. This story of                                         she is, in her grandmother’s       Gonzalez, illustrated by           by Jonathan Auxier                 Recycling, and
                                    On the last day of summer,
family grief, reconciliation, and   local crime-solving celebrities     small town of Lambert, South       Christine Almeda                   HARRY N. ABRAMS, 2018              Protecting Our Planet
the power of music is set in        and cousins Sheed and Otto          Carolina. But the discovery        SCHOLASTIC, 2018                   ISBN: 9781419731402                by Jess French
                                                                                                           ISBN: 9781338236682
New York City.                      encounter members of an             of clues to an intricate puzzle                                       Nan is an orphan living alone      DK CHILDREN, 2019
                                    interdimensional community          entwined in the town’s             For Sarai, awesome means           and working in a dangerous,        ISBN: 9781465481412
Front Desk                          battling between good and evil.     complicated history could lead     amazing, love, family, and fun…    cruel world. She discovers a       What can we do to keep our
                                    The boys join the fight when        to a hidden fortune.               and it’s going to take all that    friendly monster, and together
by Kelly Yang                                                                                                                                                                    home, planet Earth, healthy?
                                    they accidentally freeze time.                                         and more to help save the day.     they try to start a new life.
ISBN: 9781338157796

A young girl and her family
manage a motel and adjust
Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School Summer Reading Challenge 2020* - R.D. Seymour School
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