Page created by Thelma Lang

               SUMMER DAY CAMP &
                 FIELD TRIP CAMP

W       E        L       C        O     M        E
                                                                 2022 Summer Dates & Hours
                                                                          June 27 - August 12
                                                                        Week 1: June 27 - July 1
 Dear families,                                                   Week 2: July 5 - July 8 (CLOSED July 4)
                                                                       Week 3: July 11 - July 15
 Welcome to Westborough Community Education’s Summer                   Week 4: July 18 - July 22
 Programs! Each summer, over 400 campers participate in our            Week 5: July 25 - July 29
 Summer Day Camp, Teen Leadership, and Summer                         Week 6: August 1 - August 5
 Enrichment programs. Conveniently located at Westborough            Week 7: August 8 - August 12
 High School, our summer programs offer a variety of exciting
 program options for children entering Kindergarten through
 10th Grade.                                                               9:00am - 4:00pm
                                                                      AM Care: 7:30am - 9:00am
 Whether you are looking to nurture your child’s passion for          PM Care: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
 STEM, performing arts, or sports, grow your teen’s leadership
 skills, or encourage your child to try new things, we have a
 program that will keep your child engaged, learning
 something new, and having fun all summer long!
 We look forward to sharing amazing new adventures with
 you and your children this summer! If you have any
 questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office!
 Give us a call at 508-836-7765 or send us an email at
 Westborough Community Education Summer Staff

             TABLE OF CONTENTS
WELCOME                                    Page 2
SUMMER DAY CAMP                            Page 3
TEEN LEADERSHIP                            Page 5
SUMMER STAFF                               Page 5
SUMMER ENRICHMENT                          Page 6
                             CHESS         Page 7
   CREATIVE & PERFORMING ARTS              Page 7
                            NATURE         Page 8
                            SPORTS         Page 9
                              STEM         Page 9
                               TEEN       Page 12
REGISTRATION INFORMATION                  Page 13
2022 SUMMER PROGRAMS RATES                Page 14                                      WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 2
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 Summer Day C am p
 Entering Kindergarten to 6th Grade
 Each day at the Summer Day Camp, our campers and staff will play, laugh, learn,
 and create a memorable summer! Camper’s weekly schedule involves a variety                             Camper to
 of age-appropriate activities including group games, sports, arts and crafts,                         Staff Ratios
 science experiments, team building challenges, and more opportunities to try                           K - 1: 5:1
 new activities and discover new interests.                                                             2 - 6: 8:1
 Summer Day Camp highlights include theme days, water play days, special guests
 and events, all camp activities, and field trips!

 Under the guidance of our experienced staff, campers will build social skills and self-
 confidence, foster relationships with their peers, learn the importance of teamwork and
 cooperation, and gain their own independence.

 Campers are divided into units / groups by grade. The BENNY Unit welcomes our
 Kindergarten (must be 5 years old) through second grade campers to camp. Campers are introduced to
 enriching camp activities in a fun and safe environment. The ALSO Unit is designed for our older campers in
 third through sixth grade. Activities are designed to expand campers’ experience through adventure-based,
 mind-stimulating activities. Also Unit campers will go on an exciting field trip on Fridays. Please see a sample
 schedule below:
    OFF                                                 ACTIVITY               ACTIVITY                  GROUP                      PICK-UP
                                                          #3                     #4                      CHOICE                      ENDS

   8:45am      9:15am          10:05am   10:55am     11:45am       12:35pm    1:25pm       2:15pm       3:05pm        3:35pm         4:00

                ACTIVITY                 ACTIVITY                                           ACTIVITY                     CLEAN
                  #1                       #2                       LUNCH
                                                                                              #5                           UP

            Field Trip C am p
 NEW        Entering 7th to 9th Grade
 FOR        Campers will go on an exciting field trip Monday through Thursday. Trips include local beaches, state
2022!       parks, amusement parks, and entertainment centers. Program staff provide general supervision and
            will meet up with participants at designated location multiple times throughout the field trip. Additional
            waivers are required for some trips and will be provided in advance. Weekly field trips are subject to
            change without notice, due to weather and/or other unexpected changes to the schedule. A final
            weekly itinerary with specific program details, including departure/arrival times will be
            emailed to participants the week before. Max Enrollment: 13 participants/week

            AMUSEMENT ADVENTURE WEEK: Six Flags New England, Canobie Lake Park, Water Country, Xtreme Craze                      SUMMER
            BOSTON BOUND WEEK: Museum of Science, George’s Island, New England Aquarium, Fenway Park
            FUN & GAMES WEEK: Bowlero, Dave & Busters, Apex Entertainment, Kimball Farm                                          LISTED ON
            HIGH-FLY ACTION WEEK: Urban Air Adventure Park, Launch Trampoline Park, Treetop Adventure, Codzilla/Boston
                                                                                                                                 PAGE 14!

                                                                                                                  WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 3
What to Bring to Camp
                                                                                                       Sunscreen and Bug Spray
                                                                                                       Lunch and Snacks
                                                                                                       Water Bottle
                    Extended Day Options                                                               Appropriate Footwear
                                                                                                       Change of Clothes
                    Looking for care before and after camp hours? We’ve got                            Bathing Suit and Towel*
                    you covered!                                                                       *For water play days

                                                                                                       (Please make sure to label
                    AM Extended Day is available to all campers from 7:30am                            your child’s items with
                    until the start of camp. Campers will enjoy fun activities                         their first and last name)
                    each morning and be escorted to their respective camp
                    groups for 8:45am. Pricing listed on page 14.                                      What NOT to Bring to
 PM Extended Day is available to all campers from 4:00pm until 6:00pm.                                 Toys from home
                                                                                                       Stuffed Animals
 Campers will be escorted from their respective camp groups to PM Extended                             Electronics
 Day and enjoy fun activities each afternoon. Pricing listed on page 14.                               Cell Phones

                               2022 SUMMER DAY CAMP CALENDAR
                 MONDAY                  TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY                   FRIDAY
                               27                      28                      29                    30                        1
JUNE/JULY                                                      SPECIAL GUEST                                  INFLATABLES
                                                                                                             SOUTHWICK ZOO
                                4                       5                      6                       7                       8
                CLOSED                                                                                        INFLATABLES

                               11                      12                      13                    14                       15
                                                               SPECIAL GUEST                                  INFLATABLES
                                                                                                            KIMBALL’S FARM
  JULY                         18                      19                     20                   21                         22
                                                               SPECIAL GUEST                                 INFLATABLES

                               25                      26                   27               28                            29
                                                              SPECIAL GUEST                                   INFLATABLES
                                1                       2                      3                       4                       5
                                                               SPECIAL GUEST                                  INFLATABLES
                AMUSEMENT               AMUSEMENT               AMUSEMENT             AMUSEMENT                 BOWLERO
                                8                       9                    10                      11                       12
                                                               SPECIAL GUEST                                  INFLATABLES
             FUN & GAMES WEEK        FUN & GAMES WEEK        FUN & GAMES WEEK       FUN & GAMES WEEK            SIX FLAGS

                                       ALL SUMMER
             KEY                                               BENNY UNIT              ALSO UNIT           FIELD TRIP CAMP
                                        DAY CAMP

                                                                                                       WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 4
T       E        E       N
    L       E        A       D        E       R        S       H           I    P

  C IT Progr am                                                                                        CIT “A”
                                                                                                   Weeks 1, 4, & 6
  Entering 7th to 10th Grade
  The Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Program is the first step in the Teen Leadership
  Program and is designed to give hands-on training to teens who are looking to be             CIT “B”
                                                                                             Weeks 3, 5, & 7
  future summer camp counselors. CITs will participate in activities designed to
  expand their leadership skills through teambuilding challenges, camp basics
  workshops, group assignments, all camp activities, and more. Teens in this program will
  experience life as a summer camp counselor and develop skills in problem solving,
  communication, positive role modeling, and more. Completion of the CIT Program does
  not guarantee future employment. The CIT program is broken up into two, one-week sections,
  “A” and “B”. Both sections must be completed before being awarded a Certificate. Sections can
  be taken in any order. Those individuals who have completed both Sections “A” & “B” of the CIT
  Program may register for the Jr. Staff Program. Max Enrollment: 12 participants/week

  Jr. St af f Pr ogr am
  Entering 7th to 10th Grade
  Designed to be the next step in the Teen Leadership Program, the Jr. Staff Program
  enhances the hands-on training for teens who are looking to be future camp counselors. Jr. Staff will spend
  the majority of their day assigned to one camp group, with the purpose of supporting our summer camp
  staff. Jr. Staff will also be involved in mentoring CITs, planning and running group activities, and more. Jr.
  Staff will be subject to evaluations during the camp season in order to gain valuable feedback and guidance
  to grow their leadership skills. Participants must have completed the CIT Program and be recommended for
  the program by the Teen Leadership Coordinator. Completion of the Jr. Staff Program does not guarantee
  future employment. Jr. Staff registrants may sign up for any amount of weeks. Max Enrollment: 12 participants/week

                                                                               S       U       M         M           E     R
                                                                                       S           T      A          F     F

Our dedicated staff team is what makes our Summer Day Camp an exciting place for our campers. Our
experienced staff are current and former EDP staff, high school students, and college/post college students. Many
of our staff come back to work at our summer camp year after year. Staff
are assigned to each group and maintain the required staff-to-child ratios
in their assigned groups.
Before the summer begins, our staff:
 Undergo a comprehensive interview process as well as reference and
    background checks.
 Attend a mandatory staff training covering topics including behavior
    management, supervision, staff/camper participation, child abuse
    prevention, problem solving and conflict resolution, COVID-19 safety
    guidelines and policies, emergency policies and procedures.
 Become certified in basic First Aid and CPR (Head Counselors)

                                                                                                        WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 5
  S          U          M         M          E         R                                                                        CHESS
                                                                                                                           CREATIVE &
  E          N            R          I       C         H          M     E         N          T                          PERFORMING ARTS

                        June 27th - July 1st                                                        July 25th - July 29th
       PROGRAM                GRADE LOCATION               TIME                   PROGRAM                 GRADE LOCATION             TIME
Adventures in STEM with
                              KG - 2       WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm    Jedi Engineering with LEGO®       KG - 2     WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm
Tournament of Champions
                               2-6         WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm              Dodgeball               2-6        WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm
   - Kickoff to Summer
   SkyRise Theater’s                                                            SkyRise Theater’s
                               1-9         WHS        9:00am - 2:00pm                                      2 - 10     WHS       9:00am - 2:00pm
    “Candy House”                                                             “101 Dalmatians Kids”
                                                     9:00am - 12:00pm
                                                                                                                                9:00am - 12:00pm
      Chess Wizards            1-5         WHS       12:00pm - 3:00pm          Wicked Cool Science         1-5        WHS
                                                                                                                                 9:00am - 4:00pm
                                                      9:00am - 3:00pm
 STEM Explorations with
                               3-5         WHS        1:00pm - 4:00pm    Farm Animals and their Care       1-6      Mill Pond   9:00am - 3:00pm
                                                                         Jedi Master Engineering with
                                                                                                           3-5        WHS       1:00pm - 4:00pm

                        July 11th - July 15th                                                     August 1st - August 5th
       PROGRAM                GRADE LOCATION               TIME                   PROGRAM                 GRADE LOCATION             TIME
       Flag Football           2-6         WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm             App Inventors            4-6        WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm

                                                                        Global Heroes! Service Learning
 Robotics Extravaganza         1-3         WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm                                      4-7      Mill Pond   9:00am - 12:00pm
                                                                           for Earth-Conscious Kids
                                                     9:00am - 12:00pm
         Dig Big!              1-5         WHS                                 Treats without Heat!        2-5        WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm
                                                      9:00am - 4:00pm
                                                                                SkyRise Theater’s
      Back to Nature           1-6       Mill Pond    9:00am - 3:00pm                                      3 - 10     WHS       9:00am - 3:00pm
                                                                                “Madagascar Jr”

      STEAM Survivor           3-5         WHS        1:00pm - 4:00pm            World of Crafts           2-5        WHS       1:00pm - 4:00pm

                                                                              Scratch Programming          3-5        WHS       1:00pm - 4:00pm

                       July 18th - July 22nd                                                   August 8th - August 12th
       PROGRAM                GRADE LOCATION               TIME                   PROGRAM                 GRADE LOCATION             TIME
                                                                            Tournament of Champions -
   Circuit Makers 101          1-3         WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm                                      2-6        WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm
                                                                                 Summer Finale
                                                                            Pokémania and Minecraft
  Floor / Street Hockey        2-6         WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm                                      1-3        WHS       9:00am - 12:00pm
                                                                                                                                9:00am - 12:00pm
   All About Gardens           1-6       Mill Pond    9:00am - 3:00pm            Rocket Science            1-5        WHS
                                                                                                                                 9:00am - 4:00pm
                                                                                                                                9:00am - 12:00pm
 Kids Sewing Adventures        2-6         WHS        1:00pm - 4:00pm            Chess Wizards             1-5        WHS       12:00pm - 3:00pm
                                                                                                                                 9:00am - 3:00pm

  Hands-On Electronics         4-6         WHS        1:00pm - 4:00pm    Amusement Park Adventures         3-5        WHS       1:00pm - 4:00pm

                                                                                 Empower Camp                9        WHS       9:00am - 4:00pm

                                                     GRADE - ENTERING FALL 2022
                                                                                                                      WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 6
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Chess Wizards                                                           Madagascar Jr.
Chess Wizards Staff                                                     SkyRise Theater Staff
Chess Wizards has been teaching the game of chess                       Join Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Melman the Giraffe,
since 2002! Join us this summer for tons of challenging                 Gloria the hip hip Hippo and, of course, those hilarious,
chess lessons, exciting games, and cool prizes. You'll                  plotting penguins as they bound onto your stage in the
improve your chess skills, meet new friends, and work                   musical adventure of a lifetime. Based on the smash
out your most powerful muscle - your brain! Our camps                   DreamWorks animated motion picture, Madagascar –
include fun team chess games (like Corner Chess),                       A Musical Adventure JR. follows all of your favorite crack-
recess time (of course), snacks, tournaments, and                       a-lackin’ friends as they escape from their home in New
puzzles. Each camper receives a T-shirt, trophy, and                    York’s Central Park Zoo and find themselves on an
puzzle folder. We include all the materials necessary for               unexpected journey to the madcap world of King Julien’s
your child to participate, but full day kids should bring a             Madagascar. In just 5 short days, your child will
lunch. Unleash your brain power and spend part of your                  strengthen their knowledge of all that is the performing
vacation with Chess Wizards!                                            arts. They will work as a team, and build their confidence
                                                                        on and off stage while having a blast! At the end of the
                Session 1: 6/27 - 7/1                Grades 1 - 5       week, they will perform a 60-minute musical for an
                Session 2: 8/8 - 8/12            Min/Max: 10/14         audience with costumes, make-up and stage set up.

      9:00am - 12:00pm (Half Day AM)           $254.00 (Half Day)                                 8/1 - 8/5                  Min/Max: 20/40
      12:00pm - 3:00pm (Half Day PM)           $387.00 (Full Day)                         9:00am - 3:00pm*                         $450.00
           9:00am - 3:00pm (Full Day)                                                          Grades 3 - 10
                                                                        Notes: *9:00am – 5:00pm on Friday, 8/5. Auditions will be done via
                                                                        video prior to program start date - details will come out 3-weeks prior.
                                                                        Program cost includes guaranteed role and provided costumes.
   CREATIVE & PERFORMING ARTS                                           Performance on Friday, 8/5 at 5:00pm. Tickets - $8.00/child,
                                                                        $10.00/adult. Performance will be filmed.

Candy House
SkyRise Theater Staff
Musical parody about Hansel and Gretel! In just 5 short                 101 Dalmatians Kids
days, your child will strengthen their knowledge of all                 SkyRise Theater Staff
that is the performing arts. They will work as a team, and              Based on the classic animated film, Disney's 101
build their confidence on and off stage while having a                  Dalmatians KIDS is a fur-raising adventure featuring
blast! At the end of the week, they will perform a 35-                  Cruella De Vil, Disney's most outrageous villain, and 101
minute musical for an audience with costumes, make-up                   of the most adorable heroes to set their paws onstage.
and stage set up. On Monday morning, there will be                      With a high-spirited score and lovable characters, this
auditions - then parts are cast. Nothing needs to be                    stage adaptation is certain to charm and delight all
prepared for these auditions! Just be ready to move and                 audiences. In just 5 short days, your child will strengthen
have fun!                                                               their knowledge of all that is the performing arts. They
                                                                        will work as a team, and build their confidence on and off
                        6/27 - 7/1               Min/Max: 20/40
                                                                        stage while having a blast! At the end of the week, they
                  9:00am - 2:00pm                      $360.00
                                                                        will perform a 35-minute musical for an audience with
                       Grades 1 - 9
                                                                        costumes, make-up and stage set up.
Notes: Program cost includes guaranteed role and provided
costumes. Performance on Friday, 7/1 at 2:00pm. $6.00/ticket.                                    7/25 - 7/29                 Min/Max: 20/40
Performance will be filmed.                                                                 9:00am - 2:00pm                        $400.00
                                                                                                Grades 2 - 10
                                                                        Notes: Auditions will be done via video prior to program start date -
                                                                        details will come out 3-weeks prior. Program cost includes guaranteed
                       SIGN UP EARLY!                                   role and provided costumes. Performance on Friday, 7/29 at 2:00pm.
   We decide whether a program is running two-weeks                     $8.00/ticket. Performance will be filmed.
    before the program starts! Don’t take a chance -
    programs with low enrollment risk cancellation.

                                                                                                                  WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 7
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       Kids Sewing Adventures
       Sew Studio Southborough                                                                          NATURE
       Looking for a fun activity for your child to create their
       own stuffed animals, bags, and accessories? Sew Studio                     All About Gardens
       Southborough is bringing their popular sewing classes                      Mrs. Ariel Villa, Site Coordinator
       right to Westborough! This class will teach the basics of
                                                                                  If your child loves sunshine, getting dirty, and eating
       the sewing machine (including safety!) as well as some                     delicious food, this camp is for them! We'll spend the
       hand sewing techniques. Students will have a blast
                                                                                  week working our own garden plot; learning about
       bringing their sewing creations to life during this summer                 friends and foes of the garden world; discussing the ins
       session - with a seaside theme! At least FIVE projects
                                                                                  and outs of local and mainstream food systems and
       including a Beach Bag, Plush Seahorse, Plush Whale and                     culture; how to work with and not against our local
       more! No experience necessary and all materials are
                                                                                  ecosystems; and how to cook and preserve our garden's
       provided!                                                                  bounties. All equipment is provided, and each camper
                             7/18 - 7/22                     Min/Max: 5/12        will go home with their own set of ready-to-plant veggies
                         1:00pm - 4:00pm                          $460.00         suitable for any sized garden space.
                              Grades 2 - 6                                                            MILL POND                   Grades 1 - 6
                                                                                                     7/18 - 7/22               Min/Max: 8/15
NEW!   Treats without Heat!                                                                      9:00am - 3:00pm                     $325.00
       Ms. Jen Sharo, Kindergarten Teacher
       This summer we will learn how to make simple snacks
       and meals...without needing to use a stove or oven! This                   Back to Nature
       class is perfect for students who are becoming more                        Mrs. Ariel Villa, Site Coordinator
       independent or who love to help out in the kitchen. Some                   Critters, Healthy Soil, Flora, Fauna, and Fungi - There's so
       items on our menu will include desserts, healthy snacks,                   much to explore in the local woods of Westborough! If
       and easy meals that kids will enjoy.                                       your child loves to hike, explore, and catch all manner of
                                                                                  tiny critters, then they'll love our Back to Nature Camp.
                                 8/1 - 8/5                   Min/Max: 7/10        We'll have daily adventures in the Mill Pond woods,
                         9:00am - 12:00pm                         $210.00         where we will learn to identify native and invasive plants
                              Grades 2 - 5                                        and animals of New England; basic woodland survival
                                                                                  skills; and create a deeper appreciation of our
       Notes: Please clearly disclose any allergies during the registration
       process.                                                                   responsibility to the land around us through nature-
                                                                                  inspired crafts and hands-on science activities. Come
                                                                                  explore with us - Adventure awaits!
NEW!   World of Crafts                                                                                MILL POND                   Grades 1 - 6
       Ms. Jen Sharo, Kindergarten Teacher                                                           7/11 - 7/15               Min/Max: 8/15
       Travel to a new destination each day with World of                                        9:00am - 3:00pm                     $325.00
       Crafts! We will learn about a new country and make
       projects significant to the culture we are learning about
       that day. 5 days, 5 countries, endless opportunities to                    Farm Animals and their Care
       create!                                                                    Mrs. Ariel Villa, Site Coordinator
                                  8/1 - 8/5                   Min/Max: 7/10       Farm Animals and their Care aims to end the week with
                           1:00pm - 4:00pm                         $210.00        your child having basic scientific and care knowledge for
                                Grades 2 - 5                                      5 different farm animals. Hands-on instruction will
                                                                                  include the hatching and caring of young chicks
                                                                                  throughout the week; meeting and greeting goats;
                                                                                  building animal housing; and much more! Themed crafts,
                                                                                  guest speakers, lunches in the local woods, and play in
                       ENRICHMENT & CAMP OPTION                                   the sunshine round out the program to give your child an
       Half-day enrichment program participants may join our                      introductory look at life cycles on a farm.
        Summer Day Camp for a full day of activities. Children
        will be escorted between programs by staff. Discount                                          MILL POND                   Grades 1 - 6
       applied to the Summer Day Camp. Programs must be in                                           7/25 - 7/29               Min/Max: 8/15
                           the same week.                                                        9:00am - 3:00pm                     $325.00

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Global Heroes! Service Learning for                                Street / Floor Hockey
Earth-Conscious Kids                                               F.A.S.T. Athletics Staff
Mrs. Ariel Villa, Site Coordinator                                 Come join F.A.S.T. Athletics for some street hockey fun.
Many youth today are facing what some are calling "eco-            Fundamentals of hockey will be taught through training
anxiety", or "persistent worries about the future of Earth         stations the first portion of the course. One-timers,
and the life it shelters." This 3 hours a day, 1 week class        passing, shooting, and dribbling will be some of the
will focus on daily discussions of a different issue facing        training focus in the beginning. After the instructional
our world - Ocean Troubles, Food Security, Reduce/                 period is over, each day will end with a good old fashion
Reuse/Recycle Realities, and Our Impact on the Local               street hockey game. At the beginning of class, we will
Ecosystem. Each day we'll discuss a few base problems,             remind students of safety and good sportsmanship.
and come together to talk about big and little solutions.                              7/18 - 7/22               Min/Max: 10/30
We'll also hike in the local woods and take part in an off-                       9:00am - 12:00pm                     $155.00
site service project at a local non-profit. Your child will                            Grades 2 - 6
end the week feeling more aware and armed with actions
they can take to help their homes and community remain
happy and healthy places to live for many years to come!
                                                                   Tournament of Champions
                                                                   SportsZone 101 Staff
                    MILL POND                   Grades 4 - 7       In this action-packed program, all children will participate
                      8/1 - 8/5              Min/Max: 8/15         in a variety of games, such as street hockey, soccer,
              9:00am - 12:00pm                     $220.00         football, battleship, four corners, dodgeball, basketball,
                                                                   and many others during our fun-filled week! In addition to
                                                                   learning the fundamentals of these sports, we will have
                                                                   exciting discussions about current events in sports, learn
                       SPORTS                                      the importance of good sportsmanship, and understand
                                                                   the cool statistics on sports cards. Each participant will
                                                                   receive a daily pack of cards as a major prize. These
                                                                   prizes help emphasize value and are a fun way to
F.A.S.T. Athletics Staff                                           enhance learning. Come and play like a champion! This
The most intense and exciting program you have ever                program is open to both boys and girls.
seen. The students will learn how to work together,
strategize and exercise without even knowing it! There                  Kickoff to Summer: 6/27 - 7/1                Grades 1 - 5
are tons of creative and competitive dodgeball games                       Summer Finale: 8/8 - 8/12             Min/Max: 12/25
incorporated into this program – there will never be a                              9:00am - 12:00pm                    $160.00
dull moment!!! Gatorskin dodgeballs will be used which
are proven to be the safest dodgeballs out there! Safety
rules and regulations will be enforced before each class.
                    7/25 - 7/29            Min/Max: 10/30
               9:00am - 12:00pm                  $155.00
                    Grades 2 - 6
                                                                   Adventures in STEM with LEGO®
                                                                   Play-Well TEKnologies Staff
Flag Football                                                      Let your imagination run wild with tens of thousands of
F.A.S.T. Athletics Staff                                           LEGO® parts! Build engineer-designed projects such as:
F.A.S.T. Athletics will teach everyone game strategies,            Trains, Helicopters, and Treehouses. Design and build as
catching techniques, and most importantly, how to work             never before, and explore your craziest ideas in a
together as a team. The students will be able to                   supportive environment.
participate in different situational games such as Red                                  6/27 - 7/1               Min/Max: 11/15
Zone Defense, fourth and inches, and The QB Challenge                            9:00am - 12:00pm                      $180.00
as they learn the importance of fair play. Each class will                            Grades KG - 2
end with a simulated game broken down into 4 quarters
– the coaches will have tons of plays ready to go for their
                                                                         REGISTERED FOR AN AM & PM ENRICHMENT?
                    7/11 - 7/15            Min/Max: 10/30          Children registered for an AM & PM enrichment program
               9:00am - 12:00pm                  $155.00           may stay with us for a supervised BYO lunch/recess hour
                    Grades 2 - 6                                   for a rate of $40.00/week. Students will be escorted to
                                                                        classes by our staff. Pre-registration required.

                                                                                                        WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 9
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       Amusement Park Adventures                                      NEW!       Dig Big!
       Snapology Staff                                                           Wicked Cool for Kids Staff
       We bet your child loves going to amusement parks to                       Paleontologist? Geologist? Archeologist? You’ll dig our
       experience the variety of fast, dropping, and spinning                    biggest “in the dirt” week yet. Unearth the secrets of
       rides, but have they ever thought about the science that                  ancient Egypt to see how Pharaohs were buried and then
       goes into building those rides and the people who are                     make your own mummies. Create colossal fossils and
       responsible for designing them? In Snapology’s                            learn about your favorite dinosaurs as we travel back in
       Amusement Park Engineering class, students will                           time. Dig up a cool crystal collection to take home as you
       become engineers of their own amusement park rides                        excavate Earth’s buried treasures.
       and will learn the core physics and engineering concepts                  Make it a full day! Opt for a full day to take a deep dive
       used to make a ride thrilling! All participants will have                 into reconstructing a T-Rex, along with more amazing
       ample time for creativity and experimentation with their                  Dino predators and prey.
       LEGO® builds along with teamwork in creating a
       complete Amusement Park of rides.                                                                 7/11 - 7/15              Grades 1 - 5
                                                                                                                              Min/Max: 10/20
                            8/8 - 8/12              Min/Max: 8/16
                      1:00pm - 4:00pm                    $240.00                          9:00am - 12:00pm (Half Day)       $334.00 (Half Day)
                           Grades 3 - 5                                                     9:00am - 4:00pm (Full Day)      $467.00 (Full Day)

NEW!   App Inventors
       Circuit Lab Staff                                                         Hands-On Electronics
       Want to know how the apps work on your phone or iPad?                     Circuit Lab Staff
       Or do you already have the next great app idea, and just                  Tinker with electronics while learning the basics of
       need to know how to make it? In this no-experience-                       computer programming. We begin by experimenting with
       required course, we use MIT App Inventor software to                      the fundamentals of electronics and circuitry, and step
       make fun, creative apps for Android phones and tablets.                   up to projects where our class of young makers will
       We will also explore wireless communication by building                   design their own interactive and programmable devices.
       custom Bluetooth hardware controllers and readouts for                    Participants use the latest tools including Arduino (for
       our apps. Participants will learn both the programming                    building interactive devices) and Raspberry Pi (for
       and design aspects of creating great apps, and have the                   learning about computers and coding) to experiment with
       opportunity to build apps of their own with the support of                LEDs, resistors, motors, and programming. Each class
       Circuit Lab instructors.                                                  day gives participants the chance to design a hands-on
                                                                                 project with the guidance of skilled Circuit Lab
                             8/1 - 8/5              Min/Max: 7/20                instructors.
                     9:00am - 12:00pm                    $220.00
                          Grades 4 - 6                                                              7/18 - 7/22                Min/Max: 7/20
                                                                                                1:00pm - 4:00pm                     $220.00
                                                                                                     Grades 4 - 6
       Circuit Makers 101
       Circuit Lab Staff
       Let’s get creative with electricity! In this junior hands-on
       electronics class, students will gain experience with              NEW!   Jedi Engineering with LEGO®
       creating their own electronics; designing custom light-up                 Play-Well TEKnologies Staff
       greeting cards, electric mazes, and even musical                          The Force Awakens in this introductory engineering
       instruments. Each class day consists of a circuitry                       course for young Jedi! Explore engineering principles
       lessons and a hands-on electronics project, using                         with LEGO® materials as we construct the Ewok Village
       components like lights, buzzers, switches, motors, and                    on Endor, fly through space on our X-Wings, and defend
       sensors. Circuit Lab staff will make sure participants                    the Echo Base on Hoth. Create motorized and
       create many projects that they can be proud of, and each                  architectural projects with imagination and engineering
       class day includes a take-home project.                                   to defeat the Empire!

                          7/18 - 7/22               Min/Max: 7/20                                    7/25 - 7/29              Min/Max: 10/25
                     9:00am - 12:00pm                    $220.00                               9:00am - 12:00pm                     $180.00
                          Grades 1 - 3                                                              Grades KG - 2

                                                                                                                    WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 10
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NEW!   Jedi Master Engineering with LEGO®                                        Rocket Science ‘22
       Play-Well TEKnologies Staff                                               Wicked Cool for Kids Staff
       The Force is strong in this advanced engineering course                   NEW Rocket Science ‘22 features the all-time favorite—
       for young Jedi! Use the force and tens of thousands of                    customizable E2X model rocket. As an aerospace
       LEGO® parts to raise your X-Wing from the Dagobah                         engineer, you choose the final design as we journey to
       swamp, challenge the At-At walkers on Hoth, and fly the                   the moon. Keep a Captain’s Log as you investigate
       Millennium Falcon through the Kessel Run. Apply real-                     what’s inside the rocky planets and gas giants. Map
       world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture                  distant constellations, create glittering moon rocks, and
       while you explore a galaxy far, far away.                                 make galaxy slime as part of you out-of-this-world lunar
                                                                                 journey. Blast off with a solid fuel high flying launch at
                           7/25 - 7/29              Min/Max: 10/25               the end of the week (weather permitting).
                       1:00pm - 4:00pm                    $180.00                Make it a full day! Stay for a full day to terraform a Mars
                            Grades 3 - 5                                         colony and investigate how NASA’s DART mission is
                                                                                 learning to redirect Asteroids in space!
       Pokemania & Minecraft Adventures                                                                    8/8 - 8/12              Grades 1 - 5
       Snapology Staff                                                                                                         Min/Max: 10/20
       A great combination of our Pokémania and Minecraft
       programs! Students will explore the Pokémon world and                              9:00am - 12:00pm (Half Day)        $334.00 (Half Day)
       practice their Pokémon training skills! They will create                             9:00am - 4:00pm (Full Day)       $467.00 (Full Day)
       their own training gyms, unique battles, and even their
       very own generation of Pokémon. Your student will also             NEW!   Scratch Programming
       explore some real-world science as they examine the                       Circuit Lab Staff
       habitats, characteristics, and needs of different                         Let’s write some code! In this class, designed for
       Pokémon. In addition, children will transition from the                   computer programming beginners, we will use the
       virtual 2D world of Minecraft to practicing their creativity              Scratch programming language to create interactive
       and LEGO construction skills all based on the Minecraft                   stories, animations, and even custom computer games.
       themes they know and love.                                                Scratch was developed by MIT, and has a user-friendly
                           8/8 - 8/12                Min/Max: 8/16               interface that is fun and intuitive. Through their projects,
                     9:00am - 12:00pm                     $240.00                participants will also develop logical thinking skills and
                          Grades 1 - 3                                           an understanding of how computers work. No previous
                                                                                 programming experience is necessary. At the end of the
                                                                                 class, participants can keep copies of their programs to
                                                                                 take home or continue developing in the online Scratch
       Robotics Extravaganza                                                     community.
       Snapology Staff
       In this Snapology robotics program, your student will                                            8/1 - 8/5               Min/Max: 7/20
       begin to explore the world of robotics as they follow                                     1:00pm - 4:00pm                     $220.00
       instructions to build various models utilizing LEGO®                                           Grades 3 - 5
       WeDo 2.0 that teach the fundamentals of robotic design.
       With a partner they will use sensors, build and utilize            NEW!   STEAM Survivor
       simple machines, explore the utility of gears and axles,                  Snapology Staff
       and use coding on a tablet connected by Bluetooth to                      Are you ready for a challenge? Snapology’s S.T.E.A.M.
       their robot. A great experience in engineering design and                 Survivor program will put you student’s design, building,
       fun solving practical robotic challenges. Your student will               and critical thinking skills to the test! They will be given
       be challenged in fun ways that will captivate their                       daily challenges for which they must design functional
       interest and grow their technical skills. Groups will be                  solutions with their teammate! They will earn Survivor
       formed based on age and the builds will be selected                       Bucks when they perform well and be able to use those
       from a combination of our RoboPets, Kinderbots, and                       survivor bucks to purchase supplies or prizes throughout
       Creature Creator programs.                                                the camp. The goal of this program is to encourage our
                          7/11 - 7/15                Min/Max: 8/16               students to carefully work through the engineering
                     9:00am - 12:00pm                     $240.00                design process to see how often they can design with a
                          Grades 1 - 3                                           purpose.
                                                                                                     7/11 - 7/15                Min/Max: 8/16
                                                                                                 1:00pm - 4:00pm                     $240.00
                                                                                                      Grades 3 - 5
                                                                                                                     WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 11
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STEM Explorations with LEGO®                                          NEW!
                                                                             Wicked Cool Science
Play-Well TEKnologies Staff                                                  Wicked Cool for Kids Staff
Level up your engineering skills with Play-Well                              How did you do that? Solve awesome science mysteries
TEKnologies and tens of thousands of LEGO® parts!                            by becoming a super science sleuth! Grow giant glowing
Apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and                       cubes, discover crazy chemical reactions, make glow
architecture through engineer-designed projects such as                      sticks glow brighter and delight your friends with magic
Gear Cars, Merry-Go-Rounds, and Tower Cranes. Design                         fish. Make a DNA necklace with real DNA and harness
and build as never before and explore your craziest                          the power of the sun. Use a chemical to create crazy
ideas.                                                                       “atomic worms” that glow.
                                                                             Make it a full day! Stay for the full day and solve the
                     6/27 - 7/1              Min/Max: 11/15                  amazing mystery of the color changing liquid and
               1:00pm - 4:00pm                     $180.00                   disappearing water using the power of science magic!
                    Grades 3 - 5
                                                                                                     7/25 - 7/29               Grades 1 - 5
                                                                                                                           Min/Max: 10/20

                                                                                      9:00am - 12:00pm (Half Day)         $334.00 (Half Day)
                                                                                        9:00am - 4:00pm (Full Day)        $467.00 (Full Day)

Empower Camp
Enjoy Life Education, Inc. Staff
Empower Camp is an advanced, weeklong empowerment program that equips rising 9th
graders with the tools in leadership, habits, and mindset to make a confident and                     SAMPLE DAILY SCHEDULE
successful transition from middle school to high school. It is for any rising 9th grader who:         8:45am – Student arrival
 Has a desire to start their high school journey off with a strong, assured first step               9:00am – Energizers
                                                                                                      9:15am – Full Group Presentation
 Possesses interest in becoming a positive leader                                                    10:00am – Small Group Workshop
 Wants to improve their attitude, self-belief, and outlook on life                                   11:00am – Team Building Challenge
                                                                                                      12:00am – Lunch
 Enjoys helping others and wants to have a positive impact on their community                        12:30pm – Energizers
                                                                                                      12:45pm – Full Group Presentation
                      8/8 - 8/12             Grade 9 (entering fall 2022)                             1:30pm – Small Group Workshop
                 9:00am - 4:00pm                       Min/Max: 40/60                                 2:30pm – Team Building Challenge
                                                                $425.00                               3:30pm – Full Group Reflection
                                                                                                      4:00pm – Student Pick-up

                                                     CURRICULUM & OUTCOMES
                 Mindset                                  Leadership                                    Mental Strength

    Increase presence & awareness                  Increase teamwork                      Increase resilience & self-efficacy
     Develop personal core values             Develop communication skills           Develop personal mission positive daily habits
 Activate positive identity and gratitude    Activate empathy & compassion               Activate confidence and self-belief

                                             About Enjoy Life Education, Inc.
  We empower teens to become the best version of themselves. Founded by a team of award winning educators, coaches,
  entrepreneurs, and positive psychologists, we equip our students and athletes with the tools, mindset, and community to
 maximize their potential and to perform in life as confident, positive, and compassionate leaders to themselves and others.
Our life-changing summer programs are indescribable, our virtual programs are transformative, and our curriculum nourishes
 teens with a mindful advantage to succeed in life. We are a progressive, education nonprofit with a fierce drive to positively
        impact the world through teen empowerment. For more information about Enjoy Life Education, Inc, please visit

                                                                                                               WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 12
HOW TO REGISTER                                                         CAMP, FIELD TRIP, & TEEN LEADERSHIP CANCELLATIONS AND
Online registration at:                                                 REFUNDS/CREDITS                                          Summer Day Camp cancellations must be made prior to May
                                                                        31st, 2022 to receive a full refund, minus the $260.00 non-
REGISTRATION INFORMATION                                                refundable deposit. Cancellation requests must be made in
By registering for programs with Westborough Community                  writing to and are not considered
Education, you agree to the policies and procedures detailed in         completed until confirmed in writing by the Community Education
the Community Education Family Handbook. When registering for           office. There are no refunds/credits issued for any cancelled
a program, please provide an email address that you frequently          Teen Leadership Program or Field Trip Camp weeks.
check. Email addresses will be used to send program information
and will be added to our marketing email list*.                         If a participant is unable to attend the Summer Day Camp, Field
                                                                        Trip Camp, and/or Teen Leadership program prior to the start of
*If you do not wish to receive our marketing emails, please send        the camp week due to a verifiable medical emergency
an email to                                     (accompanied by a doctor’s note), a credit will be issued. Credit
                                                                        requests must be submitted in writing to the Director of
GRADES                                                                  Community Education, Brian Bacon at
The grade listed is the grade your child will be entering in the Fall
of 2022.
                                                                        ENRICHMENT REGISTRATION DEADLINE
REGISTRATION FEE                                                        The registration deadline for any Community Education
The annual registration fee is $25.00 per family, per year. There       enrichment program is two-weeks before the start date of the
is no registration fee for enrichment programs. Non-residents of        program. Registrations will not be accepted after that date.
Westborough are welcome to attend.                                      Enrichment programs will only run if we have received the
                                                                        requisite number of minimum registrations.
Registration for all programs is on a first-come, first served basis.   ENRICHMENT PROGRAM WITHDRAWALS AND REFUNDS
                                                                        Due to the fact that Westborough Community Education is self-
 SUMMER DAY CAMP - Online registration must be completed               funded and the number of participants determines whether a
    along with a $260.00 non-refundable deposit, per family.
                                                                        program will run, no refunds are available for any program unless
    The deposit is deductible from the camp tuition. If you are
                                                                        it is cancelled. Participants who arrive late, depart early, or miss
    registering multiple children, please complete one
                                                                        days are not granted prorated tuition, refunds, or credits.
    registration per child. Full payment is due by June 1st, 2022.
    No child will be permitted to attend camp unless tuition has
                                                                        PROGRAM CANCELLATIONS AND CHANGES
    been paid in full.
                                                                        All programs are offered pending sufficient enrollment and are
 FIELD TRIP CAMP - Online registration and full payment due            subject to cancellation at the discretion of Westborough
    at time of registration.                                            Community Education. We reserve the right to cancel programs
 TEEN LEADERSHIP - Online registration and full payment due            that are under enrolled, and to change the times, locations, and
    at time of registration.                                            instructors when necessary.
 SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS - Online registration and
    full payment due at time of registration.                           HEALTH RECORD
                                                                        Each participant must have a health record, including
PAYMENT POLICY                                                          immunizations, on file with the Westborough Community
You become obligated to submit payment when you register for a          Education office. A copy of these records must be obtained from
program. Please pay via Tuition Express via your                        your child’s physician and given to the Community Ed office two
SchoolCareWorks Parent Portal. Fees applicable to Tuition               weeks prior to your child starting any summer program. The
Express.                                                                health record must be from within the past 18 months.

WAITLIST                                                                LICENSING
Once a program has reached its maximum enrollment, we begin             Our summer programs are licensed by the Westborough Board of
a waitlist for that specific program. If an opening becomes             Health. All policies and procedures for the Summer Day Camp
available, families will be contacted in the order in which they        are on file with the Board of Health and are available upon
were added to the waitlist. Waitlists are monitored regularly.          request. Parents of campers have the right to review background
                                                                        check, health care, discipline policies and grievance procedures
OUTSTANDING ACCOUNT BALANCE                                             upon request of the Summer Day Camp. This camp must comply
Any outstanding balance owed to Westborough Community                   with the regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public
Education must be paid in full before a participant can attend          Health (140.190c) and be licensed by the local board of health.
any program run through Community Education.                            Additionally, we are recognized by the Commonwealth of
                                                                        Massachusetts Division of Unemployment Assistance as a
CAMP SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENTS                                               Seasonal Employer for our summer programs.
Adjustments to camp schedules can be made if there is
availability that week. All requests for schedule adjustments must      A full listing of our program policies and procedures can be found in
be made in writing via email to,                the Westborough Community Education Family Handbook.
require a two-week notice, and are not considered completed
until confirmed in writing from the Community Education office.

                                                                                                                WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 13

   Week #             Week 1        Week 2         Week 3       Week 4       Week 5      Week 6          Week 7
Date Beginning       June 27th     July 5th*      July 11th    July 18th    July 25th   August 1st      August 8th
                                  *4-day week

                                           SUMMER DAY CAMP OPTIONS
  Summer Day
                    $260/week $208/week                                     $260/week
   Camper +
   Summer           $208/week                                               $208/week

  Camper +
Summer School

                                                   FIELD TRIP CAMP

 Boston Bound                                                              $300/week

 Fun & Games                                                                                           $300/week

 High-Fly Action                                              $300/week

                                    TEEN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM OPTIONS
  CIT Section            A             -             B             A            B            A               B

  CIT Program       $150/week          -                                    $150/week

Jr. Staff Program                                             $150/week

                                      SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM
                    Varies based on program - refer to program description for pricing details.

                                               EXTENDED DAY OPTIONS
AM Extended Day
   7:30am to                                             $8/Day (M, T, W, Th, F)
PM Extended Day
   4:00pm to                                             $12/Day (M, T, W, Th, F)
                                                                                          WCEP Summer 2022 - Page 14
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