Page created by Warren Keller
Providing Camp-Specific Knowledge on Legal, Legislative, and Risk Management Issues
                                                                                            WINTER 2018 / VOLUME XXVIII / NUMBER 3

Photo courtesy of Tom Sawyer Camps, Altadena, CA

NEED OF TR ANS CAMPERS     lore m. dickey, PhD
                           Northern Arizona University

In This Issue                                                 Author’s note:
1 S ummer Camp for All:      12	What If It Does Happen?
   Serving the Need of           Camp Security – Plans to             lore m. dickey was previously known as Mary D. McKinney.
   Trans Campers                 Make and Actions to Take             He made a gender transition in 1999. lore is a licensed
                                                              psychologist and assistant professor at Northern Arizona University in
  Marijuana Revisited         16	ACA Adopts Two Public
                                                              the Department of Educational Psychology. Correspondence should
                                 Policy Position Statements   be directed to lore at the following: Dept. of Educational Psychology,
                              16	Tax Reform Update           PO Box 5774, Flagstaff, AZ 86011; (928) 523-4082;
Sponsored by:

CAMPER MEDICAL MADE EASY                                                                                               continued on page 3

                                                                                                      CAMPLINE // WINTER 2018 // PAGE 1
                     SUMMER                                                                                       ADVENTURE





                        HOME RELATIONSHIPS

                        STRENGTH                                      LIFELONG


                      EXPERIENCES                                                                                     JOY



    GROWING                             POSITIVE







               BEST                                                                              LIFE SKILLS


               Word Cloud compiled from May 2017 survey conducted of ACA Members asking “What Camp Means to You”

     Made Easy
                                                                                                                  Contact Bill Viar at

                                                                                          for coverage and rate information
AD-9 (R8-17)
continued from page 1

Summer camp can be a very special             genderqueer, gender expansive,              Will addressing the needs of trans
place for youth. Summer camp allows           trans boy, trans girl, and many more.       youth in a summer camp setting
a person to explore new activities            However, an important difference            require a change in “business as
like hiking, horseback riding, arts and       exists between trans children and           usual?” The obvious answer is yes.
crafts, and other outdoor adventures.         adolescents. Speaking in general            Are these changes impossible? Will
For some campers, as was the case             terms, trans children make a social         they disrupt campers’ experiences?
for me, summer camp was the first             transition, while adolescents consider      The answer to both questions is no. In
place I felt like I could be myself           medical interventions. Social transitions   the following sections, we will focus
without any filters or expectations. As       include a change in the name and            on several areas related to campers,
a child, I only attended Girl Scout           pronouns used by a child (having            including whether and how to accept
camps. When there was a male                  made a social transition could also be      a trans camper, housing at camp,
in camp, he was either the camp               said to have affirmed one’s gender).        the use of hygiene facilities (e.g.,
ranger or the dishwasher. It wasn’t           Social transitions also include a           bathroom and showers), and the use
that other men weren’t allowed, but           change in the manner of dress (also         of gender-inclusive programming.
looking back, it was the first space          known as expression). The difference        Following this focus on trans campers,
I visited where I was surrounded by           for trans adolescents is their readiness    we will address the needs of trans staff
women. The opposite is true about             for medical interventions. One such         in the camp setting and the need for
the Boy Scout camp that is 23 miles           intervention is the use of hormone          cultural knowledge as a part of staff
away. What happens though when a              blockers that suspend the adolescent’s      training. Some of the concerns with
gender-diverse child wants to attend          puberty. It is possible, with parental      staff members are no different than
summer camp, especially if that camp          support, for an adolescent to begin         they are for campers, but the focus is
is designed to serve a single gender?         “cross-sex” hormone therapy at the          different since the primary role of a
                                              age of 16. However, it is unlikely          staff member is camper safety.
Whether a camp is intended for youth
                                              that a trans person will have genital
of a single sex (girls or boys) or is                                                     Trans Campers at Camp
                                              surgery prior to becoming an
a co-ed facility, there are numerous
                                              adult (age 18). If a more thorough          In an ideal world, you will know
ways that boys and girls are segre-
                                              understanding of the needs of trans         prior to a camper’s arrival about their
gated such that it might as well be a
                                              children and adolescents is required,       gender identity. However, sharing
camp for children of a single sex. This
                                              please see the list of additional           this information prior to camp will not
traditional approach to summer camp
                                              resources at the end of this article.       always be the case. The challenge this
programming leaves out those children                                                     poses is that you may not have had a
and youth who are gender diverse. In          For the most part, trans campers with       chance to consider how this camper’s
this article, we offer some basic guid-       a binary gender identity (identifying as    needs can be met and whether the
ance on ways you might address the            a boy or a girl) create few challenges.     staff have any training to understand
needs of transgender youth who want           Campers with nonbinary identities           how to best work with a trans camper.
to attend your camp.                          may be confusing to you and may             Although you may not have personally
                                              bring some additional challenges
Gender-Diverse People                                                                     confronted any transgender issues,
                                              you haven’t begun to explore. People        enrolling trans campers is becoming
Who are gender-diverse people?1               with nonbinary identities believe that      increasingly common. In 2016,
                                              gender is on a spectrum, and they do
                                                                                          according to the ACA Fall Enrollment
                                              not believe their gender is limited to
  Gender diverse is used here as an all-
                                              the immutable concept of the gender
inclusive term. Some other identity labels
include transgender and transsexual. For      binary (i.e., only two gender choices
                                                                                          Icon Key
this article, we use trans as shorthand for   of male and female). Youth and adults
all gender-diverse people.                    with nonbinary identities may use           The icons below correspond to article topic
                                              pronouns that are not commonly used         areas. Use them to find the articles that
                                              among cisgender2 people. Pronoun
For the time being, we will focus on                                                      best match your interests!
                                              options for nonbinary people include
children and adolescents. We will             they/them/theirs that would be used in
address staff members later in this           the same fashion as she/her/hers and                EDUCATION           POSITION STATEMENT
article. Gender diverse children and          he/him/his.
adolescents are those youth whose                                                                 ISSUES              PUBLIC POLICY AGENDA
gender identity and expression is                                                                                     DEVELOPMENT
different from the sex they were
                                                Cisgender is a term that is used to
                                              describe people whose gender identity               LEGISLATIVE         REGULATORY
assigned at birth. Different terms                                                                                    ADVOCACY
                                              and sex assigned at birth are in align-
are used to describe these children           ment. In other words, a cisgender person
and adolescents: gender diverse,              is not trans.                                       MOBILIZATION        RELATIONSHIPS
gender creative, gender nonbinary,

                                                                                                                 continued on page 4

                                                                                                CAMPLINE // WINTER 2018 // PAGE 3
continued from page 3

 Survey, one out of every five ACA           that is consistent with their affirmed   against someone on the basis of
 camps indicated they had served             gender? What is your responsibility      their gender, which includes people
 trans campers. Additionally, several        to share requests like this one made     with trans identities. For example, if
 camps operate in the US that only           by the camper with their caregivers?     you use any federal facilities (e.g.,
 serve LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual,        In another example, campers often        US Forest Service land) you are
 transgender, queer, or questioning)         develop strong connections at camp       required to have a statement of equal
 campers.                                    and decide to stay in touch after the    opportunity. Most of these statements
                                                                                      are inclusive of sex or gender, and
                                                                                      these very policies have been used
 In 2016, according to the ACA Fall Enrollment Survey,                                to support a trans person’s right to
 one out of every five ACA camps indicated they had                                   access of programs, employment,
 served trans campers.                                                                and housing. To this point, we are
                                                                                      not aware of such a legal decision
                                             camp session ends. If the trans camper   regarding a camp setting. However,
 The possibility exists that a camper will
                                             has been known by their affirmed         legal advice is critical to ensure that
 arrive at camp and inform the camp
                                             name and pronouns, what happens          you are not putting your organization
 staff that they have a trans identity and
                                             when their new friend reaches out        or business at risk by not allowing the
 would like to be housed with other
                                             to them and uses this affirmed name      child to enroll in and attend camp
 campers whose sex is consistent with
                                             when the parent is unaware of this       based solely on their gender identity
 the trans camper’s affirmed gender.
                                             change? How will you address having      or expression.
 The assertion of their gender identity
                                             accommodated the camper’s requests
 may be accompanied by a request                                                      A final word about trans campers
                                             to the parent? Although no easy
 from the camper that their parents not                                               in the camp setting. When you are
                                             answers exist, considerations of these
 be informed, as the camper would                                                     first faced with this question, you
                                             types of questions before the camper
 face harsh consequences (e.g., abuse)                                                may struggle to figure out how best
                                             arrives prepares you and your staff
 if their parents found out. One of the                                               to proceed. One of the first steps for
                                             with viable options for solutions.
 challenges, aside from the logistics                                                 you to take is to examine your mission
 of placing another camper in a              You might be wondering whether you       statement or the purpose for your
 sleeping area, is whether and how           can or should accept trans campers       program. If serving the trans camper
 to address this request. Assuming that      for your programs. As a word of          falls within your mission or purpose,
 you can accommodate the request             caution, before making a decision to     the answer is easy. You will serve
 of the camper, some bigger picture          not allow the child to come to camp,     the camper. If serving the camper
 concerns need to be considered.             you should consult with an attorney.     does not fall within the mission or
 For example, would you allow the            Legal precedence is building that        purpose, you have more to consider.
 camper to be in the sleeping area           makes it unlawful to discriminate        It is important to use the resources that

                                                                                                                              Photo courtesy of Tom Sawyer Camps, Altadena CA

                                                                                                        continued on page 5

PAGE 4 // WINTER 2018 //   THE
continued from page 4

are readily available to you, including     people are treated with respect, we         These policies need to have some
your agency or program administrative       know that campers may engage in             flexibility so the needs of each camper
support structures, as you make that        mistreatment of one another, especially     can be handled on a case-by-case
decision. You might also reach out to       when someone seems different from           basis. One of the best resources for
other camp directors or administrators      everyone else.                              understanding the camper’s needs
in your local area. Lastly, another                                                     is to have a conversation with the
                                            Unless your camp has a large
resource is to consult with the staff at                                                child’s parent(s). The parent(s) will
                                            endowment, it is unlikely that you
ACA. You may be surprised to find out                                                   likely be open to this conversation,
                                            will be able to make significant
that they have resources applicable to                                                  because they want their child to have
                                            renovations that would include
your situation.                                                                         an enjoyable and safe experience at
                                            gender-inclusive hygiene spaces.
                                                                                        camp. By partnering with parent(s) you
Addressing the Safety Needs                 However, simple, cost-effective ways
                                                                                        have demonstrated your willingness
of Trans Campers                            are available to address some of
                                                                                        to understand and address the unique
                                            these concerns. One of the easiest
Years ago, when I was a camper, the                                                     needs of their child in that camp
                                            solutions is to place shower curtains in
first thing I wanted to know was where                                                  setting.
                                            communal bathing spaces to ensure
I was going to sleep each night.
                                            that all people who are showering are       A final area of safety concern is
Prioritizing the designation of sleeping
                                            afforded privacy. It may seem like a        related to campers who return in
spaces for campers and staff alike
                                            good idea to just put up one shower         a subsequent summer after having
helps them to gain a sense of safety
                                            curtain; however, whoever uses that         made a social transition. All of the
and assurance that they have a space
                                            shower stall may find that they are         recommendations made to this point
they can call their own. For me, until I
                                            singled out in a way that feels unsafe.     apply. If the camper is returning with
had that assurance, I exhibited anxiety
                                            Another possible solution is to set a       a group of children with whom they
and had trouble concentrating. Anxiety
                                            shower schedule and allow campers           attended camp the previous year, it
can be especially true for campers
                                            to decide which shower time (based          is best to allow the camper to decide
who are new to sleepover programs
                                            on gender) best fits their identity. With   when and if others should know about
or to campers who have traditionally
                                            the right physical accommodations,          their social transition.
marginalized identities (e.g., racial,
                                            one or more time periods could be
ethnic, sexual, and gender minorities).                                                 Summer Camp Programming
                                            designated as a time for people of
Nothing is more sex segregated              all genders to use the space, with the      This section is devoted to co-ed
than housing and hygiene spaces.            understanding that people of other          camps. Few, if any, programs offered
Sex segregation is present in summer        genders might use the shower facilities     in camps need to be sex segregated.
camps, schools, and other public            at that time.                               However, programs are often set up
facilities (e.g., swimming pools, locker                                                for girls or boys depending on the
                                            Often, cisgender people have some
rooms, and restrooms). The accepted,                                                    activity. Any child with an interest in a
                                            difficulty understanding people with
affirming practice is to allow the                                                      program should be able to take part.
                                            nonbinary identities. The challenge
trans child or adolescent to use those                                                  The only exception to participation
                                            in the summer camp setting is mostly
facilities that are consistent with their                                               should be related to skill level. As
                                            related to the housing and hygiene
expressed gender. For example, a                                                        such, most directors would agree that
                                            issues. Ideally, all-gender housing with
trans female camper (assigned male                                                      programs are offered at all skill levels
                                            sleeping areas would be an option.
at birth) would sleep in the same tent                                                  as appropriate to the facilities and the
                                            Another option is to ask the camper
or cabin with other girls and would                                                     level of staff training. However, there
                                            and/or their parents where the child
participate in all other areas of the                                                   may be times when a group of girls
                                            will feel safest. The same approach
camp that are designated for girls. The                                                 or boys may choose to participate
                                            should be used with hygiene facilities.
most obvious area of concern is how                                                     together, but this engagement must
                                            Depending on the experience of the
to handle dressing, bathing, and the                                                    not be at the exclusion of any trans
                                            camper, you may need to have a
use of restrooms. Ideally, the camp                                                     campers. If a camper identifies
                                            conversation about how things are
would have one or more gender-                                                          as female, she should be allowed
                                            going. It is preferable to engage in
inclusive or all-gender changing and                                                    to participate in any activities or
                                            this conversation proactively with
hygiene spaces. There is certainly                                                      programs that cisgender girls are
                                            the camper rather than wait for the
some cost associated with this type                                                     offered. The same is true for male-
                                            camper to bring an issue to you. The
of facility addition, but to expect a                                                   identified campers.
                                            conversation does not need to be a
camper to use a centrally located
                                            big production. It is simple enough to      Who Needs to Know
facility that is far from their sleeping
                                            speak with the child during a meal or       It is easy to make the case that
area is unreasonable and singles out
                                            some other all-camp activity.               certain people need to know about
the camper in a way that can be
used against them. Although summer          Camps need to have policies about           a trans camper’s identity. However,
camps should be a space where               how they will work with trans campers.      the knowledge of camper’s gender
                                                                                        identity status should be protected in
                                                                                                            continued on page 6

                                                                                              CAMPLINE // WINTER 2018 // PAGE 5
continued from page 5

 the same ways that health information      with the trans staff member about their     Conclusion
 is protected. The need for privacy         privacy needs. For example, several         As said in the beginning of this article,
 and confidentiality is especially          years ago, I had the opportunity to         camp can be a very special place.
 true for adolescents who may be            spend a week at a summer camp               With some attention to the needs
 taking hormone blockers or cross-sex       for youth with diabetes. My work at         of trans youth, it should be easy to
 hormones. Besides the camp director,       the camp came after I had made a            ensure that trans campers also have
 the camp nurse is an important person      medical transition. I was assigned          wonderful memories of their time at
 to have on board. The staff in the         to oversee a cabin group of boys. I         camp. Here are a few thoughts to
 camper’s unit or living area should        asked the camp director for the ability     keep in mind as you make plans to
 know about the child’s identity, but       to shower and change clothes out            welcome trans youth to your camp:
 generally do not need to know more         of the sight of campers. Fortunately,
 details about the child’s experience as    the camp facilities were such that this       • Camp is for everyone.
 a trans person.                            request was easy to fulfill. Outside of       • T he needs of trans campers
                                            the camp director, no one else in the            should always be taken seriously.
 Parents of other campers are another
                                            camp knew of my status as a trans
 likely source of concern for many                                                        •A
                                                                                            trans camper’s identity should
 directors. No logical reasons exist                                                       be respected.
 for informing the parent(s) of other       Staff Training
 campers about the trans camper’s                                                         •G
                                                                                            ender-segregated programming
                                            We all know that many content areas            is likely not needed.
 attendance at a camp their children        need to be covered in staff training.
 will attend. Camps that are committed                                                    •B
                                                                                            e proactive in working with
                                            The challenge is how to add training
 to serving the needs of trans campers                                                     campers whose needs are
                                            content when the schedule is already
 should openly describe their policies                                                     different than most other campers
                                            full. Many camps may already have
 and options like all-gender living                                                        (regardless of gender identity).
                                            a segment about values that could
 spaces. In this way, if a parent wants     be tweaked to accommodate a                 The American Camp Association has
 their child to be in a single gender       broader discussion around cultural          long believed that summer camp is
 living space, they can identify that in    knowledge. Such training could              for all children. Trans children are in
 their registration.                        include an exploration of values that       need of a positive camp experience
                                                                                        as much as any other child. With
 . . . the knowledge of camper’s gender identity                                        some considerations for the specific
 status should be protected in the same ways that                                       needs of a trans child or staff member,
                                                                                        it is possible to create a safe and
 health information is protected.
                                                                                        enjoyable summer camp for all.
                                                                                        Additional Resources
 Addressing the Needs of                    staff members hold and the ways
 Camp Staff                                 that those values can impact the            Angello, M. & Bowman, A. (2016).
                                            safety of all members of the camp           Raising the transgender child: A
 Two areas related to staff need to be
                                            community. Staff members’ personal          complete guide for parents, families,
 addressed. The first is related to the
                                            values should not be discounted;            and caregivers. Berkeley, CA: Seal
 needs of staff members who have a
                                            however, in exploring their values, staff   Press.
 trans identity. The second area is the
                                            should come to an understanding of          Brill, S. & Pepper, R. (2008). The
 training that all staff need to complete
                                            the ways their values may negatively        transgender child. San Francisco: CA:
 to ensure culturally competent
                                            affect other community members. The         Cleis Press.
 interactions with campers, staff
                                            goal of this type of activity would
 members, and parents.                                                                  Brill, S. & Kennedy, L. (2016). The
                                            be to ensure that staff members have
 Just as a cisgender person may             a good understanding of how and             transgender teen. Jersey City, NJ: Cleis
 have the desire to work at a summer        when to make these values known             Press.
 camp, the same could be said of            to others, especially campers, and          Nealy, E. C. (2017). Transgender
 a transgender person. Similar to           how they philosophically relate to the      children and youth: Cultivating pride
 the warning about a policy of not          camp’s policies. In order to work in a      and joy with families in transition. New
 accepting trans campers without            culturally competent manner, staff must     York, NY: W. W. Norton.
 exploring the legal ramifications,         have a basic knowledge of camper
 directors are cautioned against making                                                 Testa, R. J., Coolhart, D., & Peta, J.
                                            backgrounds and identities. This
 an unfavorable hiring decision for a                                                   (2015). The gender quest workbook:
                                            cultural knowledge does not need to
 person, who is otherwise qualified,                                                    A guide for teens and young adults
                                            be specific to just trans campers, but
 based on their gender identity. As                                                     exploring gender identity. Oakland,
                                            should address all of the demographic
 most staff members are at least 18                                                     CA: New Harbinger Press.
                                            differences that may exist.
 years old, a discussion is needed

PAGE 6 // WINTER 2018 //   THE
                                                       By Charles R. Gregg and Catherine Hansen-Stamp©2018*

I. Introduction                         joined those allowing medical             to proceed when a staff member,
                                        marijuana, and at least seven states      camper, or other visitor (including
We last wrote on the subject of         now allow, with some variations, the      rental group staff and campers) asks
camps and marijuana use in the          use, possession, growing and sale         to be allowed to use marijuana on the
fall of 2011, following a variety       of marijuana for purely recreational      camp’s premises. Other challenges
of camp concerns and inquiries to       purposes. (See: www.governing.            include staff who use marijuana off
ACA’s Hotline. At that time, camp       com/gov-data/state-marijuana-laws-        camp premises, but whose use may
managers, and the rest of us, were      map-medical-recreational.html and         be reflected in random drug testing or
concerned about the apparent               impairment during work hours.
conflicts between federal laws          state-medical-marijuana-laws.aspx.) By
pertaining to controlled substances                                               II. Refresher — Legal Issues
                                        way of example, as of January 2018,
and a few states’ laws permitting       California is issuing licenses to allow   First, a brief refresher regarding laws
the use of marijuana (cannabis) for     the growth, transport, and sale of        related to the use of marijuana —
medicinal purposes. See: www.           marijuana for recreational purposes,      medical or otherwise. Marijuana is          some 20 years after first allowing        a scheduled drug (Schedule 1) under
articles/medical-marijuana-current-     the use of marijuana for medical          the federal Controlled Substances
issues-camps1, and an American          purposes. The early tension between       Act of 1970 (CSA). Under that law,
Camp Association summary citing         state and federal laws continues,         marijuana (along with other Schedule
to our article at: www.ACAcamps.        vacillating between federal deference     1 drugs) is deemed to have a high
org/resource-library/public-policy/     to such state laws and aggressive         potential for abuse and no accepted
medical-marijuana-and-camps.            action against violators.                 means of safe use under medical
Since our 2011 article, a significant                                             supervision. Accordingly, the CSA
                                        Camps are challenged to know how
number (at least 29) states have                                                  comprehensively prohibits its use,

                                                                                                      continued on page 8
                                                                                        CAMPLINE // WINTER 2018 // PAGE 7
continued from page 7

 manufacture, distribution, dispensing,      III. Issues for Camps                       the primary (and mind-altering)
 or possession for any purpose.                                                          cannabinoid in marijuana, delta-9
 Violators of the Act are subject to         Conundrum                                   tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is
 monetary penalties and imprisonment.2       The problem for camps confronted            significantly more concentrated now
                                             with the prospect of marijuana use is       than in the recent past — and even
 As noted above, the majority of states
                                             two-fold: 1) may a camp legally deny        more so when it is extracted from
 now allow marijuana for medical
                                             such use; and 2) if a camp permits          marijuana in the form of a resin (a
 purposes, and several for recreational
                                             such use, how can it best manage            practice frequently referred to as
 purposes — an awkward situation for,
                                             the risks of doing so (including the        “dabbing”).6 Importantly, depending
 under the Supremacy Clause of the
                                             risk of criminal and civil liability)?      upon a variety of factors, impairment
 US Constitution, federal law prevails
                                             These issues impact the camp’s staff        can last from a shorter period to up to
 in the event of a clear conflict with a
                                             employment and camper enrollment            one to three days. Studies have shown
 state’s laws.3
                                             policies, in addition to a camp’s           a correlation between marijuana
 In his 2008 campaign for the                endeavor to manage the risks of             use and a significant increase in
 presidency, Barack Obama                    harm to campers, visitors, and              workplace absenteeism and on-the-job
 signaled an intent to scale back            staff. As we discussed in our 2011          incidents and injuries, and a decrease
 the enforcement of the CSA as it            CampLine article, the staff member,         in productivity.7
 pertained to medical marijuana.             camper, or other visitor is expected to
 In fact, in December 2014, after a          engage in camp activities with motor        •P
                                                                                           rotections for Employers in
 good bit of haggling in congress, the       function and mental acuity (absent           State Marijuana Laws.
 Rohrabacher-Farr Act was passed,            legitimate program modifications for        Some states provide protections for
 prohibiting the Justice Department          an individual with a disability). On        employers within their laws legalizing
 from spending funds to interfere with       the flipside, organizations, including      marijuana. Colorado, for example,
 the implementation of state medical         camps, may be tempted to “turn a            provides with regard to laws legalizing
 marijuana laws. Adherence to this Act       blind eye” to marijuana use, reasoning      medical use of marijuana: “Nothing in
 has been inconsistent. Penalties, raids,    that since it has been “legalized” in       this section shall require any employer
 and imprisonments continue to be a          so many states, it can’t be that bad.       to accommodate the medical use of
 threat, and efforts to more formally        Organizations may believe that if           marijuana in any workplace” and in
 relax the application of the CSA have       they adopt a strict no-drugs policy,        its laws legalizing recreational use of
 routinely failed, even in the face of       or aggressively enforce their existing      marijuana: “Nothing in this section
 evidence of the medical benefits of         policy, they may have very few              is intended to require an employer
 cannabis. The current Department of         employees left! Another concern may         to permit or accommodate the use,
 Justice has indicated an intent to follow   be a fear that state marijuana laws         consumption, possession, transfer,
 the practice of President Obama’s           as well as anti-discrimination laws,        display, transportation, sale, or
 Attorney General, declaring that a          may raise barriers to enforcing an          growing of marijuana in the workplace
 state can legalize marijuana “for its       explicit workplace “no drugs” policy.       or to affect the ability of employers
 law enforcement purposes,” but the          Alternatively, camp management may          to have policies restricting the use of
 federal law remains in effect — that        believe that a staff member’s off duty      marijuana by employees,” and among
 is, marijuana is an illegal substance       medical marijuana use is necessary for      other restrictions, prohibiting driving
 under federal law and federal               that employee’s well-being on the job.5     under the influence or while impaired
 prosecutors will continue to prosecute
                                             Some Realities                              [by marijuana].8 If your state has
 those in violation of the law, as it sees                                               legalized marijuana, you and your
 fit. The confusion continues.4              • Impairment                                legal counsel should be aware of any
                                             There is no question that marijuana         such protections.
  Related Update:                            use can result in significant impairment,
                                             regardless of whether the use is            •P
                                                                                           rotections in Other
  On January 4, 2018,                                                                     Federal Laws
                                             medical or recreational. The National
  Attorney General Jeff                      Institute on Drug Abuse reports             As we discussed in our 2011 article,
  Sessions repealed the Cole                 serious impairment issues affecting         certain federal laws expressly
  Memorandum, indicating                     both the mind and body, including           provide protection to organizations.
                                             an altered sense of time, impaired or       For example, Titles I and III of the
  the potential enforcement of
                                             delayed body movement, difficulty           Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  federal regulations as they                in thinking and problem solving,            requiring, respectively, employers
  relate to marijuana. The                   and, with high doses, hallucinations        and private organizations not to
  impact of this is unknown at               or delusions. Recent studies also           discriminate against individuals
                                             show that marijuana affects brain           with disabilities, does not protect
  the time of publication.                   development in youth. Disturbingly,         individuals (employees or prospective

                                                                                                           continued on page 9

PAGE 8 // WINTER 2018 //   THE
continued from page 8

campers, for example) who are               the employee. The illegal conduct of         lawful activities laws or other state
currently engaging in the use of            the employer, however, was not the           laws that may impact the camp’s
illegal drugs.9 In addition, the            firing for marijuana use — it was its        decisions. Any decision to hire or
Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988             failure to attempt to accommodate            allow accommodation for a staff
requires federal agency contractors         (under a state handicap anti-                member who may be using medical
and grantees to certify that they will      discrimination law), the employee’s          marijuana should be considered
provide a drug-free workplace as a          handicap (Crone’s disease). Under            very carefully. A camp that allows
pre-condition to receiving a contract or    that disability law, the court found         the medical use of marijuana must
a grant from a federal agency.10 Other      that the employee had a legitimate           reasonably manage the risk of harm
federal laws may come into play (see        claim for handicap discrimination,           by strict policies governing the time
our 2011 article). The goal is often a      as the employer was required to              and circumstances of medication —
“safe” work environment.11                  engage in an interactive process with        on or off the premises — and the
                                            her, before termination, to determine        nature of permitted tasks or activities.
  arying Court Legal                       whether it could make a reasonable           In setting these policies/requirements
 Interpretations                            accommodation consistent with its            for use, the camp should rely on sound
Our 2011 article identified several         drug policy (which it had not). The          medical expertise and advice — not
cases where courts held that state          court went on to find that in this           simply a vague notion of the effects
marijuana, anti-discrimination, or          case, since there was no reasonable          of the drug, or the assurances of the
other laws were pre-empted by the           alternative to medical marijuana             user, regarding, for example, his or
CSA, or otherwise finding that state        for this employee (based upon her            her tolerance for the drug. Remember
law could not prevent an employer           physician’s opinion), the employer           that the rationale behind the federal
from enforcing anti-drug policies           was entitled to make an exception            classification of medical marijuana
with its staff.12 Consistent with those     to its drug policy to allow the off-site     as a Schedule 1 controlled substance
cases, recently, in Brandon Coats           use of marijuana — which, in these           is its potential for abuse and the
v. Dish Network, LLC, the Colorado          circumstances, the court found to be a       dangers of its use even under medical
Supreme Court upheld the firing of an       “facially reasonable accommodation.”         supervision.
employee for off-duty use of medical        The case was sent back to the lower          The camp must carefully weigh
marijuana (he tested positive at work).     court to determine whether other             the risk that a staff member using
The worker claimed that such use was        aspects of the disability law might          medical marijuana may come to
allowed by a state “lawful activities”      relieve the defendant of its obligation      work impaired, and thus endanger
statute which prevented discriminatory      to provide accommodation to the              his own health or well-being or that
or unfair employment practices in           employee.14 Recent cases out of Rhode        of campers, visitors, or other staff
terminating an employee for “lawful         Island and Connecticut have also             members. This could occur as the staff
activities” off the employer’s premises.    ruled in favor of employees, upholding       member engages in his work duties
The court cited federal law, and its        claims brought by medical marijuana          — leading and supervising activities,
supremacy over state law, in finding        users under state laws, and declining        driving vehicles, or otherwise. This
that use of marijuana was illegal under     to find that the CSA preempted               directly impacts the camp’s legal
the CSA, and so was not a “lawful           application of those laws.15 In another      duty of care to protect its campers,
activity” off premises.13                   case, a New Mexico court held that           and others on its premises, from
                                            an employer must reimburse an injured
Recent cases out of other states have                                                    unreasonable risks of harm.
                                            worker for his medical marijuana
taken different directions, giving some     costs, under a state “Compassionate          As reflected above, a camp permitting
strength to state laws. In an interesting   Use Act.”16                                  staff members to engage in the
2017 case, the Massachusetts                                                             off-premises/off-duty use of medical
Supreme Court found that an employer        • Issues Camps Face                          marijuana cannot be sure that it is
unlawfully discriminated against                                                         immune from CSA penalties, even if
                                            A camp screening for medical
an employee who was fired after                                                          the camp operates in a state whose
                                            marijuana use or denying such use
testing positive for (off-duty) medical                                                  laws permit the use of marijuana.
                                            does not, merely by virtue of that
marijuana use. Massachusetts has a                                                       Importantly, consider the camp’s own
                                            screening or prohibition, violate the
state law legalizing the possession                                                      drug policies and any professed
                                            ADA. Marijuana is illegal under
and use of marijuana for medical                                                         intention or required legal obligation
                                            federal law, and illegal drug use
treatment, but the court acknowledged                                                    to provide a drug-free workplace.
                                            is not protected under the ADA.
that an individual using marijuana
                                            However, recent state court decisions        Other issues may arise if the camp
in compliance with that law was
                                            (examples cited above) make clear            allows employees — or campers — to
nevertheless subject to criminal
                                            the importance of camps working              engage in marijuana use (medical or
prosecution under the CSA. Against
                                            with legal counsel to understand the         recreational) on its premises. As noted
that backdrop, the court found the
                                            implications of state anti-discrimination,   above, camp activities — and simply
employer acted illegally in terminating

                                                                                                            continued on page 10
                                                                                               CAMPLINE // WINTER 2018 // PAGE 9
continued from page 9

 moving about the premises — might           Importantly, if marijuana use is         prohibitions against smoking and
 expose a marijuana user to certain          allowed on camp premises, what if        drug use. And a camp that employs a
 harm and cause that user to be a            the camp maintains the supply for the    strict “zero tolerance” drug use policy,
 danger to others. Even state laws that      user? Is the camp thereby an illegal     but ignores marijuana use at camp
 allow the use of marijuana frequently       possessor of the drug? Might the         (among campers or staff) sets itself up
 prohibit such use when engaged              camp be considered an abettor to the     for problems — both in the increased
 in skilled activities while under the       crime merely by knowingly allowing       potential for incidents and injuries, and
 influence, in a way that endangers the      the use?                                 regarding its duty of care. A violation
 health or safety of another. Consider                                                of the camp’s own policies may, in the
                                             Hiring or enrollment that permits the
 an employee or camper, arguably                                                      event of an injury or other loss, allow
                                             use of marijuana would certainly
 impaired, on the waterfront, or rifle                                                a plaintiff to successfully argue, without
                                             violate at least the spirit of the ACA
 range, or on a zip line, climbing wall,                                              more, the violation of a duty of care
                                             standards, and, more clearly, camp
 or challenge course.                                                                 owed to the injured person.

                                                                                            Girl Scouts of Limberlost
                                                                                                  courtesy            Council,
                                                                                                           of Camp John  Marc, FortMeridian,
                                                                                                                                    Wayne, TXIN

                                                                                                                continued on page 11

PAGE 10 // WINTER 2018 //   THE
continued from page 10

An over-arching concern associated                                • Develop drug policies for campers                                   thinking that because it is now “legal”
with the camp’s decisions regarding                               specifically addressing use or                                        in most states, it can’t be so bad.
marijuana is, of course, the camp’s                               possession of marijuana on camp                                       As discussed above, despite the
mission, its culture, and the relationship                        premises; consider a “zero-tolerance”                                 increased “legalization” of marijuana
of trust it has with its camper families.                         policy for unauthorized drug use on                                   across the US, federal law still
The camp’s reputation is one of its                               camp premises, including marijuana18,                                 prohibits the use, sale, possession,
most valuable assets. The camp owes                               considering the potential for                                         and distribution of marijuana — and
it to itself and its camp community to                            impairment and other legal issues.                                    classifies it as a Schedule I controlled
be clear on its marijuana policies, and                                                                                                 (and illegal) substance. Stay engaged
                                                                  • Comply with state and federal laws
firm in enforcing them.                                                                                                                 and stay tuned!
                                                                  that require a drug free workplace
                                                                  (including the Drug Free Workplace
IV. Conclusion
                                                                  Act of 1988).
In closing, whether your camp
                                                                  • Consider a drug testing policy
operates in a state that has legalized
                                                                  for your camp staff, compliant with
marijuana or not (and most have,                                                                                                        **This article contains general information
                                                                  applicable law. Despite the fact that
to some degree), work closely with                                                                                                      only and is not intended to provide
                                                                  testing is variable and inconsistent, the
informed legal counsel to:                                                                                                              specific legal advice. Camps and related
                                                                  science is evolving and can assist the                                organizations should consult with a
• Thoughtfully develop an employee                                camp in targeting users and managing                                  licensed attorney regarding application
drug policy and consider zero                                     risks to both staff and campers.                                      of relevant state and federal law, as well
tolerance — incorporating the                                                                                                           as considerations regarding their specific
                                                                  • Be alert to legislative and legal
importance of a drug-free workplace,                                                                                                    business or operation.
                                                                  developments in this rapidly changing
and consideration of specific
                                                                  landscape!                                                            Charles R. (Reb) Gregg is a practicing
ramifications for illegal drug use                                                                                                      attorney in Houston, Texas, specializing in
— including marijuana17. Any drug                                 • Ask your insurance representative to                                outdoor recreation matters and general litiga-
policy should be crafted carefully and                            explain your insurance coverage (or                                   tion. He can be reached at 713-982-8415
informed by an understanding of state                             lack of coverage), for losses related to                              or by email at;
statutes and case law — considering                               marijuana use (including medical) and                       
the tension between marijuana’s status                            how the camp’s actions or policies
                                                                                                                                        Catherine Hansen-Stamp is a practicing
as an illegal CSA controlled substance                            may impact that coverage.
                                                                                                                                        attorney in Golden, Colorado. She consults
and continuing efforts by states to                               Don’t become complacent regarding                                     with and advises camps and other recre-
make inroads on employee rights. That                                                                                                   ation and adventure program providers on
                                                                  employee or camper marijuana use.
being said, any exceptions for medical                                                                                                  law, liability, and risk management issues.
                                                                  Impairment is real, and the camp
marijuana use may run a slippery                                                                                                        She can be reached at 303-232-7049 or by
                                                                  must strongly consider the legal and
slope — consider with caution!                                                                                                          email at;
                                                                  risk management issues associated                           
                                                                  with “normalizing” marijuana and

 In addition, see the ACA’s short summary of issues at: www.      7
                                                         ; /02/01/Marijuana-Use-and-               officers to return seized medical marijuana to an acquitted    Its-Impact-on-Workplace-Safety-and-Productivity.aspx; www.tss-        patient is in direct conflict to (and preempted by) the CSA which
and-camps and a very informative article at             prohibits the distribution of marijuana.
resource-library/camping-magazine/dont-let-your-camp-go-pot-      Experience-Presentation.pdf.                                          14
                                                                                                                                          Barbuto v. Advantage Sales and Marketing, LLC, 78 N.E.3d 37
impacts-policy-challenges-legalized-marijuana-youth-camps.        8
                                                                      Colorado Constitution, Article XVIII, Section 14 and 16 (2017).   (MA Sup. Ct. July, 2017).
    CSA – 21 U.S.C. 801, et seq.; 812(b)(1) and 844.              9
                                                                   ADA Title III, 42 U.S.C. 12210 - “illegal use of drugs” is defined   15
                                                                                                                                          Both cases involved an employer who declined to hire the indi-
    Id., 21 U.S.C. 903.                                           in accompanying regulations as those drugs that are defined as        vidual and involved various claims. See, Callaghan v. Darlington
4          unlawful under the federal CSA – see 28 CFR 36.104, similar to        Fabrics Corp, 2017 R.I. Super. Lexis 88 (May, 2017); Noffsinger v
clarifies-dojs-marijuana-stance/:                                 ADA Title 1 restriction at ADA Title I, 42 U.S.C. 12114(a).           SSC Niantic Operating Co. LLC, 2017 U.S. Dist. Lexis 124960 (CT
U.S. Department of Justice Memo, Attorney General James Cole,     10
                                                                       41 U.S.C. 701, et seq.                                           U.S. Dist. Ct., August, 2017);
August 29,2013; 4/3/17 Letter from Alaska, Colorado, Oregon        See Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (“OSHA”), 29
                                                                  11                                                                     Vialpando v. Ben’s Auto. Servs., 331 P. 3d 975 (N.M. Ct. App.

and Washington Governors to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and   U.S.C. 651, et seq.                                                   2014).
his various responses to those governors dated 7/24/17.                                                                                 17
                                                                                                                                          Although marijuana may be “legalized” under a state law, it
                                                                    Roe v. Teletech, et al., 2011 Wash. Lexis 393 (Wash. Supreme
 12/6/17 Interviews with Lynn Reimer,         Court June, 2011); Casias v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 764 F.            remains illegal under Federal law, per the CSA.
(Act on Drugs, Inc. is a nonprofit company organized to provide   Supp. 2d 914 (U.S.D.C. Mich. February, 2011); Emerald Steel            See above note. The camp’s policies will allow for certain

drug awareness and prevention training for communities) and Jo    Fabricators, Inc. v. Bureau of Labor and Industries, 230              drug use – that is, a camper’s authorized prescriptions or other
McGuire,, private consultant, on the board of   P.3d 518 (Ore. Supreme Court, 2010); Ross v. Raging Wire              medications – via its medical and health processes. Unauthorized
directors for the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association   Telecommunications, Inc., 174 P.3d 200 (Cal. Supreme Court            substances would include illegal drugs, like marijuana, or a
and co-chairs the Marijuana Education Committee. Both Ms.         2009).                                                                camper’s unauthorized use of prescription drugs, narcotics or
Reimer and Ms. McGuire are recognized national experts in their                                                                         other substances, like alcohol.
                                                                    350 P.3d 849 (Co. Sup. Ct. 2015); see also, People v. Crouse,
                                                                  388 P. 3d 39 (Co. Sup. Ct 2017), where the court reached a simi-
 Id (interviews; see also         lar finding in a criminal case, holding that a state law allowing

                                                                                                                                              CAMPLINE // WINTER 2018 // PAGE 11
 In July 2011, Anders Brevik detonated        • A sorority (rental group) is hosting    of this article is security in a variety
 a “car bomb,” killing eight people           a “pledge event” at your camp. The        of situations. Having a basic plan is
 in the Parliament Building in Oslo,          first night of the event, a group from    important. Training on and rehearsing
 Norway. He then proceeded to shoot           a fraternity comes to “visit.” You have   the plan is critical.
 and kill 69 participants at the Workers      locked the gate, yet they choose to       According to ACA’s research, there
 Youth League Summer Camp on the              abandon their cars and walk up to         are 14,000 youth camps in the US,
 Island of Utoya. He entered the camp         camp — carrying a keg of beer.            with 14 million participants attending
 property by killing the security guard.      • In monitoring the police scanner,       camp each year2.
 Teenage campers attempted to flee by         you hear of an active threat at a
 running and swimming away from the                                                     As part of her master’s thesis3, Jenika
                                              facility located three miles from camp.
 camp property.1 Too often, we think “it                                                Doberstein sent a survey to a random
                                              There is no other news at this point.
 could never happen here/to me.”                                                        sampling of youth camps related to
                                              • During dinner, a staff member           camp security and preparedness for
 While the above situation is one             unlocks the gun storage cabinet and       disaster response. Natural, human-
 extreme, being prepared for a variety        steals three rifles. He then gets three   caused, and technological disasters
 of scenarios is critical in today’s world.   boxes of ammunition. He walks into        were the focus of the research. The 66
 Other potential security situations that     the dining room aiming/waving the         respondents were from 23 states and
 could occur at your camp include:            rifles at campers and staff.              Canadian provinces.
 • Several camp alumni come visit             • After an all-camp activity, it is        • Fifty-four percent offered day
 during the all-camp event.                   discovered that an 11-year old camper      camps, 68 percent offered resident
 • An individual from the company             is missing.                                camps, and 14 percent offered
 that provides and checks the chlorine                                                   wilderness programs.
                                              Would you be prepared to deal with
 at the swimming pool arrives during          these scenarios? The primary focus
 lunch to service the pool.

                                                                                                          continued on page 13

PAGE 12 // WINTER 2018 //   THE
continued from page 12

 • Eighty-eight percent of the             phases: mitigation, preparedness,           • PREPAREDNESS
 camps shared they have a formal           response, and recovery. The                     Establish a solid relationship with
 emergency and disaster management         grouping of emergency management             local government agencies (police,
 plan or an emergency action plan          functions is useful for classifying and      fire, sheriff, public lands contacts,
 (EAP).                                    conceptualizing activities. While            Department of Transportation, and if
                                           conceptually useful for targeting            near train tracks, the rail road) as you
 • Forty-four percent of the camps
                                           efforts and resources, the phases            work to develop your plan to address
 indicated they have indoor space in
                                           of emergency management are not              identified threats while incorporating
 the event of an active shooter.
                                           distinct — activities in each phase          your responses.
 • Fifty-four percent of camps stated      often overlap. 6
 they can transport all campers and                                                           Make sure to share pre-planned
 staff in an hour to a designated          • MITIGATION                                      entry/exit routes and any necessary
 location.                                                                                   access codes for the local fire
                                             Conduct a “safety and security”
                                                                                             department, law enforcement,
The Redwoods Group, an insurance            audit of your property.
                                                                                             emergency medical services (EMS),
company, reported that in 86 percent            Consider having an outside                   etc.
of the recent visits to customers,            consultant conduct this audit (or your
Redwoods employees were able                                                                   Provide detailed maps of the
                                              local authorities such as police,
to get inside of the building without                                                        facility to the dispatch system(s).
                                              sheriff, or emergency management).
being questioned.4                                                                            Invite key individuals from the
                                                Someone trained in this skill will
In an April 2015 Huffington Post                                                             agencies for a tour of your facility.
                                              view your property and buildings
article5, security consultant Joshua                                                         Have them for lunch. Allow them to
                                              with a trained eye and critical lens.
Gleis warned that many camps are                                                             host trainings at your facility.
                                              They will identify “challenges” you
failing to adequately deal with the                                                           Hold a pre-season, in-person
                                              might miss.
fact that summer camps have become                                                           briefing.
what is known as a soft target.               Recognize that deterrence is critical
                                            (gates, guards, cameras, someone                 Develop your plan.
Gleis also states that as schools           near the entrance to camp, someone                 Use the information obtained in
have begun to tighten their security        in the front of the office, use of               your “audit” and recommendations
protocols making them more difficult        signage, lights, etc.) You want to               from the local authorities
to attack, summer camps often remain        send a message that you take safety
wide open. The good news is that                                                              Consider using a template, which
                                            and security seriously.
much can be done to change this.                                                             can then be adjusted and/or
                                              Once you have analyzed                         expanded for the various situations
In talking with individuals from large      the nature of your facilities and                such natural disasters, human-
organizations that work with multitudes     programming, create standards and                caused disasters, etc.
of camps (YMCA, Union for Reform            protocols in safety and security. This
Judaism, JCCA), and in reviewing the                                                          There are many resources
                                            will be the basis of your plan.
recommendations from the Department                                                          available — talk with your local
of Homeland Security (DHS) and other                                                         school district, camps in your areas,
security resources the following are                                                         community centers, and places of
actions that should be taken by all                                                          worship. Determine how you might
camps.                                                                                       work together.
According to the Federal Emergency                                                             Realize there must be some
Management Agency (FEMA),                                                                    flexibility in any plan based on the
emergency management functions                                                               reality of the situation.
are generally grouped into four
                                                                                          Review your plan annually. Things
A note on terminology: Over the past several years, law enforcement and
emergency management departments have “standardized” their language and                   Train, rehearse, train, rehearse,
terminology. School districts are doing the same. Prior to this, different agencies     train, rehearse:
might use different words to mean the same thing, leaving a statement open                     Training your staff to manage
to interpretation. This caused mis-steps and issues. Generally, the terminology              urgent situations is critical.
used in this article is what is currently recommended by authoritative sources
and used by most law enforcement, fire, and emergency services. A “camp                        Consider who needs to know
equivalent” is referenced, yet when working with your partners, it is important              what and realize that all staff (and
to use their language and terms. As you work with your emergency contact,                    campers) need basic information
having a conversation related to terminology used is important.                              so they know how to respond
                                                                                             immediately and appropriately.

                                                                                                              continued on page 14
                                                                                             CAMPLINE // WINTER 2018 // PAGE 13
continued from page 13

 Become familiar with and consider using the Incident Command System (ICS).             Lockdown: Ordered when there
 ICS is a standardized approach to incident management that:                            is a threat inside the building (or
 • Enables a coordinated response among various jurisdictions and agencies.             on camp). Students/campers and
                                                                                        staff are secured in the school (or
 • Establishes common processes for planning and managing resources.                    designated buildings). School/camp
   llows for the integration of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and      staff does not communicate during a
  communications operating within a common organizational structure.                    lockdown. Parents are not allowed on
                                                                                        site during a lockdown. Interior doors
 ICS helps ensure integration of response efforts. ICS is a standardized, on-           are locked/barricaded, the lights
 scene, all-hazards approach to incident management. ICS allows all responders          should be out, and all should do
 to adopt an integrated organizational structure that matches the complexities          their best to remain out of sight and
 and demands of the incident while respecting agency and jurisdictional                 maintain silence.
 authorities. Although ICS promotes standardization, it is not without needed
 flexibility. For example, the ICS organizational structure can expand or contract      EXAMPLES of what might
 to meet incident needs.                                                                occur when:                                      Severe weather — schools/camps
                                                                                        may shelter until weather passes;
                                                                                        could delay the release of students/
     Your plan should include                usual within the classrooms/programs       campers at the end of the day until
   responses for the most common             area; doors closed. Remain in place        it is safe to exit the building, or might
   (weather-related issues), for missing     until an all clear is announced.           impact programming at resident camp.
   campers, active threats, etc.             Shelter: Ordered when personal             Fire or hazmat situation in the
     Staff are the eyes and ears —           protection is necessary from               area — evacuation or shelter,
   train them for different scenarios so     dangerous weather conditions such as       depending on location and the
   they can use their best judgment.         a tornado, blizzard, or hail. May also     severity of fire/hazmat issue.
                                             be ordered in the event of a hazmat
     Rehearse different scenarios at                                                    Threat of violence or weapon
                                             situation in the area.                     on a person — lockout, lockdown,
   different times (during the various
   levels of staff training and with         Evacuate: Ordered when people              or evacuation, depending on the
   campers. Remember — most                  must exit the building (or camp) due       situation.
   campers will have received similar        to unsafe circumstances. If student/
   “training” at school).                    camper pick-up or off-site reunification   Some entities (schools, churches,
                                             is required, instructions will be          camps) will have a “black box”
    When available, take advantage
                                             communicated by the camp. Staff            (think some type of tool box) that
  of “reverse 911” and/or county
                                             should bring phones if they are readily    will contain important camp maps
  emergency text message systems.
                                             available. Take a “go bag” if one is       with cut-off valves for water, gas,
  These can alert you to severe
                                             packed and time allows (camps in           and electric noted, important
  weather, active threats, fires, etc.
                                             known fire areas often have campers        phone numbers, rosters, necessary
  Depending on location, some camps
                                             pack a “go bag” or have counselors         keys, and maybe a radio for
  monitor the police scanner.
                                             pack a “go bag” by cabin. The bag          communication with camp staff.
    Establish a communications plan          includes a change of clothes for           Emergency personnel are made
  with authorities, the media, and           each camper in the event they are          aware of this resource should it ever
  parents. Develop your protocols and        away from camp overnight). Leave all       be necessary.
  include this aspect in your training. It   other belongings behind and follow
  is important to respond to parents in      instructions.                              Intruder — requires an immediate
  a thoughtful, serious manner.
                                             Lockout: Ordered when there is             lockdown; an emergency notification
 • RESPONSE                                  an issue outside the building/off          will be sent to parents by the district
                                             camp property, most often due to           with any instructions.
 To address the potential “language/         police activity in the area that could
 terminology” confusion, consider using                                                 Police Activity in the Area —
                                             pose a threat, or a wild animal            usually a lockout; action may be taken
 standard response protocols (SRP)7 as       nearby. Consider moving campers
 outlined below.                                                                        at the direction of law enforcement or
                                             to buildings if possible. All exterior     any staff member at the school.
 Hold: “Hold in your classroom/              doors are locked while “business as
 program area” is used when there            usual” continues inside the school/at      Communication with authorities will
 is an issue in a specific part of the       camp. Staff must have an increase in       vary during these different scenarios.
 building/camp that is under control,        situational awareness.                     It is important to instruct campers/
 but not yet fully removed. Business as                                                 staff to listen and clearly follow any
                                                                                        directions provided.

                                                                                                          continued on page 15

PAGE 14 // WINTER 2018 //   THE
You can also read