Summer 2021 - What's inside ISHA ASM 2021 Update - International Society for Hip Arthroscopy

Page created by Darrell Craig
Summer 2021 - What's inside ISHA ASM 2021 Update - International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
Summer 2021


         President’s Report   Covid-19   More Than the Glutes   The Global Hip    ISHA ASM 2021
         Tony Andrade         Updates    – Key Considerations   Presentation      Update
                                         for Successful Hip     Registry – ISHA
                                         Rehabilitation         Members’ Survey
Summer 2021 - What's inside ISHA ASM 2021 Update - International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
Summer 2021

3. Editor’s Welcome                                 23 . COVID Update – South Asia
Thomas Wuerz                                        Soshi Uchida

5. President’s Report                               24. COVID-19 Update – UK/EU
Tony Andrade                                        Jonathan Hutt

8. Membership Committee Report                      25. Finally, Some Light at the End of the Tunnel:
Filiep Bataillie                                    An Update on the Impact of COVID-19 on
                                                    Orthopedic Surgery Practice
11. ISHA Education Committee Update Summer 2021     Benjamin Domb
John Christoforetti                                 Benjamin Saks

12. Research Report 2021                            27. The 19th ESSKA Congress
Hal Martin                                          Vikas Khanduja

13. Academy Committee Report Summer 2021            29. Update from the Travelling Fellowship Task Force
Nicolas Bonin
Femi Ayeni                                          30. Donation Flyers

14. Academy Submission Process                      30. ISHA Vimeo Channel
Parminder Singh
                                                    31. Volunteers Wanted
16. The International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
Physiotherapy Group Progress Report Summer 2021     32. More Than the Glutes – Key Considerations
Mike Voight                                         for Successful Hip Rehabilitation
Amir Takla                                          Ashley Campbell
                                                    Mike Voight
17. Asian-Australasian Regional Societies           Amir Takla
John O’Donnell
                                                    36. The Global Hip Preservation Registry
18. ISHA Regional Meeting – LATAM Webinar           – ISHA Members’ Survey
Marcelo Queiroz                                     Vikas Khanduja
                                                    Tony Andrade
18. ISHA Social Media Update 2021
Derek Ochiai                                        39. ISHA ASM 2021 Update
                                                    Paul Beaulé
19. Update from ANCHOR Group
Jeffrey Nepple                                      41. Ortho Summit Overview and Update
John Clohisy                                        Stephanie Pettersen

21. Steadman Philippon Research Continues
Forward on Hip Research Priorities
Karen Briggs
Summer 2021 - What's inside ISHA ASM 2021 Update - International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
Editor’s                                  Dear Friends and Colleagues!

Welcome                                   Welcome to the Summer 2021 edition of the ISHA
                                          Newsletter. I hope all of you, your families, and friends
Thomas H. Wuerz,                          have been well throughout this difficult past year and
Chair of Newsletter Committee             safely navigating the pandemic.

                                          We have certainly all seen our lives significantly
                                          affected by the pandemic but hoping to see some
                                          improvement with vaccinations being more widely
                                          available. The late spring and summer so far have
                                          shown some improvements, but the impact of delta
                                          variants and potential further variants with higher
                                          transmission rates and possible less protection
                                          from vaccines remains to be seen. Let’s hope the
                                          fall and winter will be better this year.

I would like to thank Parminder J.        pandemic. His comprehensive               The Academy Committee chairs
Singh for his wonderful contributions     President’s Report can be read            Nicolas Bonin and Femi Ayeni
and leadership for the newsletter for     after this Welcome.                       are providing an update on the
the previous five years. I would also                                               tremendous achievements and
like to thank him for his generous        John Christoforetti, our chair of the     progress that has been made over
support and assistance transitioning      ISHA Education Committee, as always       the last year. The committee is in the
the newsletter Chairmanship to me.        provides us a comprehensive report on     process of building formidable online
                                          the extensive activities that have been   learning tools that will bridge the
ISHA also appreciates and thanks          developing over the past year. Task       educational gap between each
all the contributors to this newsletter   Forces have been established              annual meeting.
and thank you as well to Caroline         including Traveling Fellowships,
Mackenzie for her assistance in           Editorial, AGM, and Newsletter.           A focus is on developing structured
creating this newsletter and helping      I won’t spoil it here, but needless to    online learning tools that include
                                          say, there has been a plethora of
with securing all the contributions                                                 micro-modules, “masterclass”
                                          activities and events to be proud of.
in a timely fashion.                                                                courses, and interactive cases with
                                                                                    evaluative feedback such as quizzes.
                                          The Research Report by our
As you will have realized we had to                                                 Further, global hip rounds are being
                                          Research Chairman Hal Martin
hold off on the spring edition while                                                developed in which unique and
                                          brings us an update on ongoing
we had to adjust for the status of                                                  challenging cases are discussed
                                          projects and their progress. To name
the annual meeting. Due to the                                                      in an online forum seeking both
                                          a few, the ISHA Hip Anatomical Atlas,
great foresight and leadership of our                                               expertise and evidence informed
                                          progress on the creation of a US
current president Mr. Tony Andrade                                                  decision-making.
                                          non-Arthroplasty registry by Marc
and the unconventional support and
                                          Safran, and an IRB bank to facilitate
creativity of Allston J. Stubbs, T.                                                 Amir Takla and Mike Voight provide
                                          study reproduction are highlighted.
Sean Lynch and Kevin Plancher,                                                      an excellent summary and report of
the annual meeting will take place          A focus is on developing                the outstanding work the ISHA
in collaboration with OrthoSummit                                                   Physiotherapy Group has done
in Las Vegas this December!
                                            structured online learning              over the last year highlighting not
                                            tools that include micro                only webinars but also a consensus
In that sense, ISHA would like              modules, “masterclass”                  document by the group accepted
to thank our President Mr. Tony             courses, and interactive                for publication in the Journal of Hip
Andrade for his great leadership                                                    Preservation Surgery.
                                            cases with evaluative
through the ongoing Covid 19
                                            feedback such as quizzes.

Summer 2021 - What's inside ISHA ASM 2021 Update - International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
Together with Ashley Campbell                In this edition we start with the          Hip Preservation Registry, a very
both of them also have an excellent          ANCHOR Study Group and the                 exciting and important project. Briefly,
contribution later in the newsletter         Steadman Philippon Research                the results indicate that the members
on hip rehabilitation: More Than the         Institute.                                 are keen on the idea of a global registry
Glutes – Key Considerations for                                                         and would support it by submission of
                                             On behalf of the ANCHOR Study              data to the registry. The ISHA
Successful Hip Rehabilitation.
                                             Group, Jeffrey Nepple and John             Board have added their support to
A very insightful and helpful article.       Clohisy give us insights on the history    establishing this Global Registry and
Thank you!                                   of this group, the tremendous ongoing      have already been able to secure
As the chair of the ISHA Regional            projects and an outlook what may be        some initial funding for it.
Societies Committee ASIAN Group,             coming.
John O’Donnell gives us insight into                                                    Now that there is a mandate by
                                             On behalf of the Steadman                  the membership, and the ISHA
the virtual meetings in the region that      Philippon Research Institute in
were largely organized by individuals,                                                  Board, ISHA will start to invest in the
                                             Vail, CO, Karen Briggs gives us an         infrastructure, personnel and logistics
small groups and/or facilitated by           update on the current hip research         to support the creation of a Global
industry sponsorship. Based on the           being performed there. This includes       Registry which will allow monitoring of
report, due to financial constraints,        an exciting update on how losartan         outcomes of our patients and advance
ISHA seemed to have had limited              may help improve cartilage repair and      hip preservation surgery in a
success engaging this region                 on further research of the benefits of     scientifically robust manner.
virtually.                                   orthobiologics. ISHA is also grateful to
                                             Professor Soshi Uchida and Mr.             Throughout the last year ISHA
For the LATAM Committee Marcelo
                                             Jonathan Hutt to provide the               continued to offer its membership a
Queiroz provides an update on an
                                             membership with a Covid update from        variety of online educational content in
ISHA Regional Meeting held as a
                                             Asia and UK/EU respectively.               the form of e-learning webinars. Due
successful webinar. It had an
                                                                                        to continued restrictions, the annual
international audience with a focus          ISHA is also grateful to Professor         meeting in Ottawa had to be canceled
on Spanish and Portuguese speaking           Soshi Uchida and Mr. Jonathan Hutt         again, unfortunately. Thank you to
countries providing a wonderful              to provide the membership with a           scientific chairman Distinguished
opportunity to strengthen ISHA’s             Covid update from Asia and UK/EU           Professor John Clohisy and host
commitment to the Ibero-American             respectively.                              chairman of Professor Paul Beaulé for
                                             Related to this, Benjamin Domb             all their time and hard work. Information
The ISHA Social Media Update by              and Benjamin Saks provide a very           on the combined meeting with OSET in
Derek Ochiai highlights again the            insightful update on the impact of         Las Vegas in December can be found
continued strong growth of our social        Covid-19 on Orthopaedic Surgery            near the end of the newsletter.
media presence. This is in large part a      Practice and how to adapt a practice       Wishing you, your families, and your
tribute to Derek’s tireless efforts and we   successfully to the specific challenges    friends all the best in these difficult
are grateful for his dedication and wit.     posed by the pandemic.                     times and that all of you may get
A new section in the newsletter is           As a means to emphasize our partner        through this safely and healthy. Look
to provide a forum exhibiting some           organizations, Vikas Khanduja also         forward to seeing many of you in Las
of the numerous national and                 reports to us on the success of the 19th   Vegas this December and at the latest
international research groups                ESSKA Congress. The summary of the         in Glasgow 2022!
focusing on hip preservation. The idea       program demonstrates to us the strong
is to inform our membership on all the       hip focus that was present.                Thomas H. Wuerz, MD, MSc, FAAOS
wonderful research activities that are                                                  Chair of Newsletter Committee
going on helping us and our patients to      Vikas Khanduja and Tony Andrade
further our field and see what might be      report on the results of the membership
on the horizon.                              survey regarding the Global

Summer 2021 - What's inside ISHA ASM 2021 Update - International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
Dear friends, colleagues, ISHA members
and fellow hip preservation enthusiasts...
                                          As March 2021 came and went it was
                                          important to reflect on how life and the world
                                          has changed over the last twelve months.
                                          The Covid-19 pandemic has affected us all. For
                                          some it has been on a very personal level leaving
                                          potentially long-lasting effects. For others it has
                                          been more indirectly affecting but nevertheless
                                          still potentially having a profound impact.
ISHA has always prided itself on being    committee and its sub-committee          cases including a labral reconstruction
a family, and it has been comforting      the Academy committee. The virtual       case from our live surgery
to see how during these difficult times   education program instigated by our      supermoderator Dr Ben Domb.
the ISHA family has rallied round to      immediate past president Michael         We were then invited into the
provide support to others. This has       Dienst and delivered by John             operating room of Dr Jit Balakumar for
not only been in the form of              Christoforetti has been a huge           an amazing periacetabular osteotomy
educational support with our ongoing      success. It has delivered high           case where his use of 3D modelling
virtual education program, but also       quality educational content and the      demonstrations at different stages of
on a more personal level with support     webinars have all been well attended.    the open surgery really enhanced the
for those who may be going through        All webinars have been recorded and      viewing experience. All of these live
a period of isolation or may even be      have then become available to watch      surgery events are also on our
going through a period of intense         on the Academy module of our             Academy module.
involvement with or redeployment          website. If you have missed these,
due to the pandemic.                      then please do take the time to          Our Partnership with Proximie dates
                                          browse through the content on the        back to 2018 and has really come
ISHA is a global community and            Academy module and enjoy these           into fruition over the last year. Here is
we have witnessed over the last 15        valuable educational opportunities.      a link to an article on our partnership
months or so how in some parts of                                                  with Proximie.
the world the effects can seem to be      Our live surgery events, in              the-link-by-proximie/proximie-x-isha-
easing off whilst in other parts of the   collaboration with Proximie have been    the-evolution-of-an-educational-tool-
world it is hitting harder than ever.     a huge success and we have been          995032cd2714
Our thoughts are with all ISHA            able to see not only arthroscopic and
members who are being affected            endoscopic procedures but also open      We look forward to an ongoing
by these world events.                    procedures. Dr Jovan Laskovski           partnership with this award winning
                                          started things for us with two           organisation.
Virtual Education Program                 wonderful endoscopic cases - a
Our committees have been busy             gluteal repair and a hamstring repair.
throughout these times, and none          We have then been fortunate enough
more so than the educational              to have some great arthroscopic

                                    ISHA has always prided itself on being a family,
                                    and it has been comforting to see how during
                                    these difficult times the ISHA family has rallied
                                    round to provide support to others.

Summer 2021 - What's inside ISHA ASM 2021 Update - International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
ISHA committees                              other projects that may also lead to        discussions with the Arthroscopic
Our committee chairs report on their         further publications.                       Association of North America (AANA)
activities later in this newsletter. There                                               as to how we might be able to partner
have been some changes to our                Dr Marcelo Queiroz, the chair of our        up on educational activities, and this is
committees already this year and some        communications committee, is leading        a work in progress.
further changes will take place later        on an initiative to produce patient
this year as some of our committee           information leaflets on the common          Through Dr Al Stubbs we have
members reach the end of their terms         conditions we see. There are also           also been able to forge a link with
of office.                                   plans to potentially launch a patient       Orthopaedic Summit (OSET) and this
                                             forum and perhaps even a series of          has been particularly important for us
I would like to start by thanking Dr Tom     Webinars for patients.                      this year, as with the news that we
Wuerz for taking on the role of editor                                                   would not be able to hold our Annual
of our newsletter at an extremely busy       If any of our members wish to join          Scientific Meeting in Ottawa in October,
time for most of us. Dr Parm Singh has       any of our committees, please do            due to Covid-19 issues, we were then
been publishing our newletters over          get in touch!                               able to reconfigure to hold a blended
the last few years and I thank him for                                                   meeting with OSET in Las Vegas in
his superhuman efforts in getting all        Charitable donations                        December 2021. We are extremely
the contributions in on time to meet         Please do remind patients and               grateful to Dr Kevin Plancher for this
publication deadlines. I would also          colleagues that we do welcome               opportunity and to Dr Al Stubbs for
like to congratulate him for now taking      charitable donations and these can be       facilitating this for the society. We do
on the role of education committee           processed through a portal on               hope that travel restrictions will have
chairman, this latter role having been       our website.                                been lifted so that we will all be able
vacated by Dr John Christoforetti who                                                    to travel to Las Vegas in December.
has been groundbreaking in that role         Training in Hip Arthroscopy                 Hopefully see you all there!!
establishing and delivering our Virtual      There are plans to launch a trainee
Education Program. Dr Christoforetti         forum, in an attempt to maximise            Annual general meeting
had also been voted into the role of         training opportunities globally. The        Even though an in person annual
general secretary and can now focus          technological advancements we have          scientific meeting (ASM) will not be
wholeheartedly on that. Thank you,           seen in recent years will undoubtedly       taking place in October this year, we
Dr Christoforetti, for all that you          help with this even whilst travel           do still plan to hold our traditional
continue to do for the society.              restrictions are in place. We have          annual general meeting (AGM) in
                                             already seen how Proximie can               October. Preceding this there will be
Dr Hal Martin has made a huge                maximise the remote live surgery            an ISHA general board meeting, and
impact in the research committee             learning opportunities, and recently        we will then share updates from this
despite the frustration of funding           Precision OS have demonstrated how          at the AGM, the date of which will be
shortages, and I thank him for all that      their VR technology is a very important     announced very soon. Please do try to
he has done for the society over the         learning tool in hip arthroscopy that can   join us for this to ensure familiarisation
years. He leaves a stable infrastructure     aid the trainee surgeon to gain             with the society’s plans. The
that Dr Femi Ayeni, the new chair of the     competence in certain tasks. We hope        education committee is currently
research committee can now build on          to be able to partner with Precision OS     working on whether we might have
to expand our research outputs,              too, to help deliver better training        some sort of virtual meeting in
and hopefully deliver a number of publi-     opportunities to our associate              October for the scientific papers and
cations for the society.                     members.                                    trainee presentations. One option being
                                                                                         considered is then for the winning
Our treasurer Dr Hassan Sadri has            Partner societies                           presentations from that to then be
been in that role for the society since      As many of you will know we have an         presented in person at the ISHA/OSET
it was formed. He has been the               existing partnership with ESSKA, and        blended meeting in December.
financial guardian of the society and        through that ISHA members enjoyed a
we thank him for all he has done to          discount in registration fees for the       I do hope you enjoy reading this
keep us financially afloat even in the       ESSKA conference in May 2021. This          edition of the ISHA newsletter, and
troubled times of the pandemic. His          was an excellent meeting despite it         I look forward to seeing as many of
term as treasurer comes to an end this       being a virtual meeting this year.          you as possible in December in Las
year, and we shall be announcing his                                                     Vegas.
replacement at the Annual General            We have also been in discussions
Meeting in October 2021.                     with the Brazilian Hip Society (SBQ)
                                             and (SLARD) The Latin American
Amir Takla and Mike Voight have              arthroscopic society to forge
continued their hard work with the           partnerships with those societies too.
Physiotherapy committee and have             We will share more details on those         Tony Andrade, MSc, FRCS (Orth)
produced their first publication.            once the partnerships are formalised.       President of ISHA
They are now working on several              Furthermore, we are also in                 The Hip Preservation Society

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