Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International

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Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International
Suffering In Silence
The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019
                                                         ©CARE/Josh Estey
Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International
©CARE/Jennifer Bose Ratka

2 | Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019    CARE International
Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International
 Introduction                          p4                  Ranking                   p6                What can we do?                         p16

Ranking: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019

    1        Madagascar
             Hungry and forgotten
                                                                                     2        Central African Republic
                                                                                              A brutal conflict in the heart of Africa
             Page 6                                                                           Page 7

    3        Zambia
             On the frontline of climate change
                                                                                    4         Burundi
                                                                                              Instability fuelling a humanitarian crisis
             Page 8                                                                           Page 9

    5        Eritrea                                                                6         Democratic People’s
             Fleeing drought and repression
                                                                                              Republic of Korea
             Page 10                                                                          Hunger behind locked doors
                                                                                              Page 11

    7        Kenya
             Trapped in the middle of floods
                                                                                    8         Burkina Faso
                                                                                              A silent humanitarian catastrophe
             and droughts                                                                     Page 13
             Page 12

   9         Ethiopia
             A vicious cycle of disaster, hunger and
                                                                                   10         Lake Chad Basin*
                                                                                              Ten years of armed conflict, displacement
             displacement                                                                     and hunger
             Page 14                                                                          Page 15

*This includes Cameroon, Chad and Nigeria. These three countries were grouped together as they are affected by the same crisis.

CARE International                                                   Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 | 3
Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International
Introduction                                                                              W    hether it was people participating in the
                                                                                                   #trashtag challenge,1 a Swedish teenager
                                                                                              driving a revolution of the climate emergency
                                                                                              or a massive wave of people protesting from
                                                                                              Khartoum to Santiago to demand change
                                                                                              from those in power – the outcomes were felt

                                                                                              online and offline.
 n 2019, countries across the world were rocked by
 activists, demonstrating the potential for anyone to                                         With so many people taking to the streets,
                                                                                              what about those who remained silent?
become or support a changemaker. Global movements                                             And with global trends in the spotlight,
have increasingly gone viral, spreading messages more                                         has the world also paid more attention
                                                                                              to under-reported crises? In 2019, over 51
quickly and widely than ever before.                                                          million people suffered in 10 crises away

Most under-reported crises of 2019
    10000                                                                                                                          9418
     9000                                                                                              8219
     8000                                                                        7300
     2000                                  1377        1469
               612           976
            Madagascar       CAR           Zambia    Burundi       Eritrea     DPR Korea   Kenya   Burkina Faso    Ethiopia     Lake Chad
                         Central African                                                                                          Basin

4 | Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019                                        CARE International
Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International

                                                                                                              U   sing the media monitoring
                                                                                                                  services of Meltwater Group,
                                                                                                              CARE International analysed
                                                                                                              those humanitarian crises
                                                                                                              that received the least media
                                                                                                              attention in 2019. More than 2.4
                                                                                                              million online media hits were
                                                                                                              captured in the time period
                                                                                                              from January 1 to November 15,
                                                                                                              2019. To filter according to scale,
                                                                                                              we identified countries in which
                                                                                                              at least one million people were
                                                                                                              affected by conflicts or natural
                                                                                                              disasters. The result was a list
                                                                                                              of 40 crises that were analysed
                                                                                                              and ranked by the number of
                                                                                                              online news articles mentioning
                                                                                                              each country and respective
                                                                                                              crisis. This report summarises
                                                                                                              the 10 most under-reported
                                                                                                              crises, starting with the
                                                                                                              emergency that received the
                                                                                                              least amount of media attention
                                                                                                              at number one.
from the public eye. Meanwhile, a stock           The European Commission defines a                           In order to mitigate potential
photo of an egg became the most-liked             forgotten humanitarian crisis as a severe and
                                                                                                              biases, we triangulated the
post on Instagram with almost 54 million          protracted humanitarian situation in which
                                                                                                              data on affected populations
likes.2 Although for the average person on        people receive little to no international aid.
                                                                                                              using several sources whenever
earth, life is better today than ever before,     In addition, there is a lack of political will
                                                                                                              possible, prioritising those we
around 2% of the global population (160           to end the crisis as well as a lack of media
                                                                                                              have historically deemed to
million people) will require US$28.8 billion in   attention, meaning the crisis develops
humanitarian assistance to survive. This is a     beyond public perception.4                                  have been most objective and
fivefold increase of needs since 2007. 3                                                                      accurate. The overall number
                                                  As a humanitarian organisation, CARE works                  of people affected by each
With CARE’s fourth global Suffering In Silence    tirelessly to deliver aid in places that are                emergency is derived from
report, we are starting to see a trend of         off the public radar. Getting support to the                ACAPS, Reliefweb and CARE’s own
certain countries annually remaining on           people who need it most is harder still when                data. In cases in which one crisis
the list of the most under-reported crises.       the world pays them little attention. Those                 affects more than one country,
While we expanded the analysis in 2019 by         with a voice in public, from individuals to                 such as the Lake Chad Basin
including Spanish and Arabic online media         politicians and media representatives, have                 displacement crisis, the countries
coverage (in addition to English, French          a political and moral responsibility to pay                 were grouped together. Multiple
and German), the results are surprisingly         attention to crises that are neglected. Each                large crises affecting the same
similar to previous years: 6 of the 10 crises     one is one too many.                                        country were separately ranked
had already appeared in the ranking at least                                                                  and analysed. The analysis that
twice in the past three years; 9 of the 10        Suffering In Silence serves as a call for the               underpins the report is drawn
crises take place on the African continent.       global community to speak up for people in                  from online media coverage in
They range from drought to displacement,          crises who are otherwise forgotten. The aim                 Arabic, English, French, German
conflict, epidemics and food insecurity.          of this report is to analyse those crises that,             and Spanish. Though not
                                                  though affecting many, have received little                 universal in scope, this report
In order to address these recurrences,            of the world’s attention while acknowledging                represents a tendency of global
we need to ask: what are the factors that         that each emergency is unique in its                        media attention. It seeks to
contribute to the silent suffering? The           causes, needs and complexity. Finally,                      contribute to a wider discussion
duration of a crisis may play a role, along       the report also addresses the question of                   between the humanitarian aid
with its effect on, or how it is affected by,     how to ensure better global attention to                    sector, media outlets and policy-
international geopolitics.                        humanitarian situations, outlining seven                    makers on how to jointly raise
                                                  ways to shine a light on forgotten crises.                  awareness and deliver aid to
                                                                                                              those in need.

CARE International                                              Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 | 5
Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International
Ranking: The 10 most under-reported crises of 2019


                                                                                                                                          ©CARE/ Clément Radar
 Hungry and forgotten

           adagascar is a country mostly          years of severe rain shortfalls during the
           known for its unique wildlife and      agricultural season, which were further
           rich biodiversity. But it also ranks   aggravated by the El Niño weather
           among the poorest countries            phenomenon in 2016/17. The fall armyworm
in the world, with three-quarters of its          infestation since 2017 and below-average
population living on less than US$1.90            precipitation in 2018 reduced harvest
per day.5 It is one of the countries most         yields of the main staple foods: rice,         Celestine, a widow and mother of
affected by the human-made climate crisis         maize and cassava. Increased food prices       seven, used to walk nine kilometres
due to its dependence on agriculture and          forced families to sell their assets, reduce   to the closest well to fetch water.
natural resources on the one hand, and its        the number of meals per day and travel
                                                                                                 Some days, she just couldn’t make it.
high exposure to natural disasters, such as       increasingly longer distances to search for
recurring cyclones, chronic droughts and          alternative incomes.                           “That’s when the children drank
pests, on the other.6                                                                            water from the river,” Celestine
                                                  This particularly affects women, as rising     remembers. “But it made them sick.”
At the end of 2019, more than 2.6 million         levels of food insecurity place additional     The consequences can be disastrous,
people were affected by the impacts               burdens on them. Struggling to feed their      particularly for children: poor water
of drought,7 and more than 916,000                families, they are vulnerable to abuse and     and sanitation have a detrimental
people were in immediate need of food             exploitation. Crop damages and income
                                                                                                 effect on child growth and
assistance.8/9                                    losses often increase family tensions
                                                  and the likelihood of child marriage and       development, often leading to
Madagascar has the world’s fourth highest         domestic violence.                             malnutrition and stunting. Even in
rate of chronic malnutrition, with one in                                                        years without drought, access to
every two children under five suffering           CARE provided life-saving humanitarian         drinking water remains one of the
from stunting.10 This severely impairs            assistance to more than 40,000 people in       major challenges for people living in
their cognitive and physical development,         Madagascar and helped improve food and         the south of Madagascar. This is why
increasing the risk of contracting or             nutrition security for 105,000 people. CARE
                                                                                                 Celestine’s village formed a water
developing other diseases. At the beginning       supported the drought-affected population
of 2019, an unusually large measles outbreak      by increasing productivity and profitability   management committee. CARE
with more than 127,000 confirmed cases            of crops and worked with farmers on            trained them on the treatment and
coincided with the seasonal occurrence of         using modern farming techniques. CARE          purification of water and provided
the plague. These diseases affected children      also repaired broken water systems and         the equipment necessary to
the most.11                                       established new ones, while supporting         transport it to the village. Now
                                                  village savings groups to help people set up   Celestine receives 20 litres of
Approximately 80% of the Malagasy                 alternative sources of income. The main goal
                                                                                                 drinking water every day. It’s not
population is engaged in agricultural             was to support communities to become more
activities, and thus highly susceptible to        resilient to climate change and recurring      much, but it’s a start.
climate shocks affecting the crop cycle.          natural disasters.
Over recent years, the Grand Sud region in
particular has suffered from consecutive

6 | Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019                                    CARE International
Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International
  Central African

                                                                                                                                                    ©CARE/ Sebastian Wells
 A brutal conflict in the heart of Africa

         ince gaining independence in 1960,       As in most armed conflicts, women and
         the Central African Republic (CAR)       children are particularly vulnerable to
         has enjoyed only short periods of        sexual and gender-based violence and often
         political calm. The latest internal      resort to desperate measures including
conflict broke out in 2013 and intensified        “transactional sex” to be able to afford
in 2017. Fights have led to widespread            basics like food. Some are even pushed into
displacement and an escalation of                 this practice by distressed parents.16               Khadija is putting her eight-month-
humanitarian needs. Despite the signing of                                                             old sister onto the scales. It is 10
a peace accord in early 2019, the security        With 244 attacks in 2019, the Central African        a.m. and she has been patiently
situation remains tense. About 2.6 million        Republic is one of the most dangerous
                                                                                                       waiting in line in front of the CARE
people, more than half of the population,         places in the world for aid workers.17 Regular
are in desperate need of humanitarian             attacks on staff, looting of facilities and          health centre in Chad, far away from
assistance.12                                     road blockages are a daily struggle for              her home in the Central African
                                                  humanitarian agencies. Poor road conditions          Republic. Although she is only nine
Violent clashes and attacks on civilians          make it extremely hard to reach those in             years old, Khadija carries the
have forced one in four citizens of the           need. Heavy seasonal rainfall and flooding           responsibility at home. She came to
Central African Republic to flee their homes.     have further complicated the delivery of             this health centre to get additional
More than 600,000 people are displaced            humanitarian aid.
                                                                                                       food for her sister, who is severely
inside their own country and almost
594,000 people have sought refuge in              CARE continues to support Central African            malnourished. CARE not only
neighbouring countries such as Cameroon,          refugees and host communities in the                 supports refugees with oatmeal, but
the Democratic Republic of Congo and Chad,        neighbouring countries of Cameroon                   also teaches Khadija how to prepare
all of which struggle with high poverty rates     and Chad, ensuring access to water and               food for her little sister. At home,
themselves.13                                     sanitation, distributing plastic sheeting and        Khadija receives help from her
                                                  sanitary items and working to prevent sexual         70-year-old grandmother, Fatime,
Years of conflict have also taken their toll on   and gender-based violence.
                                                                                                       who is worried about the well-being
health, water supply and sanitation, as well
as crippling agricultural production patterns.                                                         of her grandchildren. “We can eat
Consequently, 1.8 million people – 41% of the                                                          only once a day – usually we eat rice
population – are severely food insecure.14                                                             or millet. During the rainy season,
Particularly in areas with high numbers of                                                             we always try to grow some
displaced people, access to agricultural                                                               vegetables, but it is never enough
fields is limited due to movement                                                                      for all of us. I know it will have
restrictions. This prevents households from
                                                                                                       effects on the children’s
planting and maintaining their crops, hunting
and gathering. In addition, security concerns                                                          development. But what should
along trade routes have disrupted market                                                               we do?”
activities and contributed to shortages of
food and rising prices.15

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Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International

                                                                                                                                                ©CARE/Darcy Knoll
 On the frontline of climate change

    n Zambia, the effects of climate change        and other assets to secure food to survive.
    are undeniable. An estimated 2.3 million       This demand for food has in turn driven up
    people in the country are in urgent need       the price for maize, the main staple crop
    of food assistance as a result of recurring    in Zambia, which was 70% higher in August
and prolonged droughts.18 Food insecurity          2019 compared to the previous year and is
due to extreme weather events, pests or            continuing to rise. 24 Furthermore, as families
epidemics is nothing new for the landlocked        search for safe drinking water, boreholes         The current drought has forced
nations in Southern Africa, however,               are increasingly becoming overused, making        Moono and her husband to make
temperatures in the region are rising at           access to water a major concern.25                difficult decisions. They had to take
about twice the global rate, according to
                                                                                                     their children out of school and sell
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate             In Zambian society, women play a crucial role
Change. Zambia, along with its neighbouring        in food collection and preparation as well as     all of their livestock. Otherwise, they
nations, is increasingly being impacted by         the care and feeding of children. The drought     would not be able to buy food.
more extreme weather shocks.19 As such,            has placed additional hardships and risks         “Before the drought, we grew
malnutrition rates remain persistently high        on women as they cope with the changing           enough food for us to eat and had
in Zambia – approximately 40% of children          climate.26 For example, some women now            leftovers to sell, including maize,
under five are stunted.20                          report waking up as early as 3 a.m. in order      sorghum and vegetables,” Moono
                                                   to be the first to collect the scarce water
                                                                                                     explains. But nothing grew this last
In 2019, seasonal rainfalls in southern and        available and then spend all day searching
western Zambia were recorded at their              for food. Many have resorted to collecting        season. “Now we are even eating
lowest levels since 1981.21 The lack of rainfall   whatever wild fruits they can find to feed        wild roots and fruits.” The whole
has devastated people’s livelihoods after          their families.                                   family is desperately searching for
prolonged dry spells in 2015/16 and again in                                                         water and food. The longer the
2017/18, from which many families had not          CARE started its operations in Zambia in          season lasts, the longer the
yet recovered.22 For the second consecutive        1992 to respond to the severe drought of the      distances they have to travel to find
year, cereal crop harvests decreased sharply,      early 1990s. Currently, CARE supports the
                                                                                                     both. “We have one meal a day now
with some districts recording an almost            rehabilitation and drilling of boreholes in
complete failure of the maize crop.23 This         the most drought-affected areas to provide        and no food left over,” she says.
has put families who rely on these crops to        safe drinking water. CARE so far has reached      “We don’t know what we will do
sustain their livelihoods in a dire situation.     about 36,000 crisis-affected people with          until the next harvest. That’s not
As a result of crop failures, household            humanitarian assistance and 54,000 people         until in April.”
stocks are rapidly depleting and families          with aid to improve their food and nutrition
have been forced to sell their livestock           security and resilience to climate change.

8 | Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019                                          CARE International
Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International

                                                                                                                                                    ©CARE/Irenee Nduwayezu
 Instability fuelling a humanitarian crisis

             ith prolonged political insecurity,   According to the Human Development
             high levels of poverty and            Index, 30 Burundi is among the poorest
             significant human rights              countries in the world, ranking 185th out
             concerns, the humanitarian            of 189, and the country most affected by
situation in Burundi remains fragile. Natural      chronic malnutrition. Limited access to water
disasters, population movements, malaria           and sanitation also aggravates the risk of
epidemics and the risk of Ebola crossing into      communicable diseases. While over 90% of            “My daughter Irene was sick, lost
the country compound an already precarious         the population depend on agriculture for            weight and did not grow like her
situation. Despite increasing returns of           their livelihoods, Burundi has some of the          brothers and sisters since she was
Burundian refugees from Tanzania, close            lowest land productivity rates in East Africa
                                                                                                       three years old. Her body started to
to 326,000 people still remain refugees in         due to land conflicts, extreme population
neighbouring countries including Rwanda,           density and environmental degradation.              swell, her skin oozing with serious
Uganda and the Democratic Republic of              Burundi’s low preparedness for emergencies          infections. I was so worried seeing
Congo. With a quarter (24%) of returnees           and crises is troubling. Communities lack           Irene’s malnourishment that I
without land following repatriation, more          capacity to cope with severe shocks such as         thought I would get high blood
than 106,000 people are displaced inside           droughts, epidemics and floods, which often         pressure and die, too,” says
Burundi; many returnees have been                  claim lives and undermine livelihoods. 31           Consolate, mother of six children.
displaced again due to severe weather
                                                                                                       Irene became too sick to even walk
conditions, including floods and droughts,         Women and girls suffer the most. Not
and the socio-political situation.27               only do they bear additional financial and          and her condition was getting worse
                                                   domestic responsibilities to look after their       each day until she received support
While levels of food insecurity and                families, but many also endure daily violence       from CARE, teaching Consolate about
malnutrition have improved in 2019 due to          and insecurity. Some resort to paid sex to          better agriculture, nutrition and
relatively good agricultural seasons, the          support themselves and their children.              hygiene practices. “CARE helped me
majority still live under the poverty line and                                                         save the life of my youngest
lack basic services, such as healthcare, water     In 2019, CARE provided emergency packages
                                                                                                       daughter and keep my whole family
and sanitation.28 Reports indicate that some       that are specially tailored to the needs of
1.7 million people – over 15% of the country’s     women and girls. CARE helps vulnerable              safer and healthier,” says Consolate.
population – chronically struggle to feed          women with small savings groups to start
their families and are experiencing a steady       up small businesses. At the same time,
decline in off-farm income. The country            CARE works with communities to provide
is suffering from a slowdown of economic           information about balanced nutrition and
activity and a disruption of markets and           how to prepare food safely in order to
trade. In addition, a recent joint national        prevent malnutrition.
nutrition and food security survey found that
5% of all children are malnourished, with 1%
experiencing severely acute conditions.29

CARE International                                              Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 | 9
Suffering In Silence The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 - Care International

                                                                                                                                       ©Pixabay/Silvia Di Giovanni
 Fleeing drought and repression

       ven though Eritrea’s population            Hundreds of thousands leave the country
       suffers from a drought-induced food        every year, making Eritrea one of the
       and water crisis and recurring armed       countries with the strongest exodus of
       violence and displacement, it is hardly    people. On their route towards what they
ever covered by international media. As           hope to be a better life, many experience
the country remains widely cut off from the       torture, rape and kidnapping.
outside world, aid organisations and media
face major challenges. The last reliable data     In Eritrea, women and girls are exposed to
on the humanitarian situation states that         severe gender-based risks: child marriage
half of all children under five are stunted as    is still common in many conservative
a consequence of malnourishment. 32               communities, leading to girls becoming
                                                  mothers at a very young age. This deprives

                                                                                                     Half of all children
A severe drought in 2019 following an above-      them of the chance to go to school and
average dry year in 2018 now worsens the          live a self-determined, independent life.35
situation as further crop failures lead to food   Additionally, female genital mutilation
insecurity and malnourishment in wide parts
of the population. Nomadic communities are
                                                  remains a widespread practice even though
                                                  it is formally illegal. The mutilation results
                                                                                                     under the age of five
especially vulnerable to natural disasters        in a very high maternal mortality rate and         suffer from chronic
such as drought and flooding during rainy
seasons. The national food production is
                                                  lifelong suffering for women. 36
                                                                                                     malnutrition and show
largely unable to meet the people’s needs:        Since private humanitarian organisations           growth deficits.
estimates suggest that a good agricultural        are banned from operating inside the
season can only produce 60-70% of the             country and access for journalists is almost
country’s requirements, a bad year just           impossible, many Eritreans suffer in silence. 37
20-30%. 33

Even though the existing conflicts with
Ethiopia and Somalia were officially put to an
end last year, landmines and other explosive
war remnants still endanger people. The
prolonged military service obligation and
forced labour coupled with ongoing conflict
and poor economic conditions continue to
leave young Eritreans no other choice than
to migrate. 34

10 | Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019                                CARE International
  Democratic People’s
  Republic of Korea

                                                                                                                                                    ©Getty Images
 Hunger behind locked doors

       ue to the political isolation of North     Lactating and pregnant women are
       Korea and the ban on journalists in        particularly affected by the food crisis
       the country, the dire humanitarian         and water shortages. They lack necessary
       situation of large parts of the            nutrients and cannot meet the needs of
population remains hidden from the eyes of        their children, who then often end up
the world.                                        chronically malnourished as well. This
                                                  cycle of malnourishment has disastrous
The UN estimates that around 10.9 million         effects as consequently children are often
people are in need of humanitarian                stunted – a severe health impediment that
assistance to meet their food, health,            is even more likely to hit girls than boys.41
water, sanitation and hygiene needs. 38           Additionally, existing health facilities lack
An estimated 43% of the population is             life-saving medicines and equipment.42 With
undernourished as agricultural food               many mothers giving birth at home with no
production fails to meet their requirements       medical support, the maternal mortality              Life in hunger and

due to the lack of modern equipment,              ratio remains high.43                                isolation:
compounded by heatwaves, droughts and
floods. Several such natural disasters in 2018    The geopolitical position of North Korea has         More than
led to increasing food shortages in 2019.         major impacts on humanitarian work in the            of the population do
                                                  country. Organisations struggle to deliver
The Global Hunger Index classifies North          aid supplies since there is little funding           not have access to
Korea’s situation as ‘serious’ since the          and no banking channel for humanitarian              clean drinking water or
percentage of the people suffering from           transfers. Access for international media
malnutrition has grown continuously in            is hardly ever granted – resulting in a lack         enough food. Almost
recent years and is now up to almost half         of up-to-date data, coverage and public              11 million people are in
of the population. 39 A very poor dietary         awareness.44
diversity contributes to this alarming figure.                                                         need of aid.
Almost 40% of the people in North Korea,
especially in rural areas, do not have access
to clean drinking water and many lack safe
sanitation facilities. As a result, the risk of
illness is high and diarrhoea is still one of
the top causes of child deaths.40

CARE International                                             Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 | 11

                                                                                                                                      ©CARE/ Sven Torfinn
 Trapped in the middle of floods and droughts

         enya is a popular tourist destination   Adding to this, conflicts over waning
         and is well known for breathtaking      resources in the shadows of the climate
         landscapes and wildlife. But climate    crisis are already a reality. Tensions between
         change is heavily and continuously      communities are rising as the competition
showing its impact on the East African           for scarce resources such as land and
country. Kenya has been facing droughts in       water intensifies.
recent years, with the most severe hitting
the country in 2016/17. Scientists found         The climate extremes exacerbate existing
that the probability of such a drought has       inequalities, vulnerabilities and negative
doubled because of human-made climate            gender norms.49 Girls face particular risks,
change raising sea-surface temperatures.45       including child marriage.50 While women and
In 2019, rainfall was at least 20% below         girls are suffering disproportionately, they
average, leading to a prolonged drought          also bring unique experiences and skills as
and adding to consecutive failed harvesting      active agents of change and first responders.    Climate crisis, floods
seasons that destroyed livelihoods and           CARE is trying to harvest their power in         and droughts:

                                                                                                  1.1 million
diminished the ability of communities to         community resilience when it comes to
cope.46 In western Kenya, the long rainy         disaster risk reduction, climate change and
season has been the driest on record.47          resilience-building strategies.

This directly affects the nutrition situation    Significant needs for food, livelihood           people go to bed
in the country, which remains alarming. More     support, water, sanitation, health and           hungry. Half a million
than 1.1 million people live without regular
access to food and more than 500,000
                                                 protection exist in drought-affected areas
                                                 in Kenya. In 2019, CARE reached more than        children require
children under five are in need of treatment     660,000 disaster-affected people with life-      medical treatment
for malnutrition.48 Continuing dry conditions
across Kenya have led to the deterioration
                                                 saving supplies and more than 1.1 million
                                                 people to support their food and nutrition       for malnutrition.
of livestock and crop productivity, higher       security as well as resilience and adaptation
food prices and a decrease of water.             to climate change.
Agricultural production has halved according
to estimates. When there is not too little
rainfall, there is far too much: heavy rains
displaced tens of thousands of people during
the fall months and destroyed farmland and
livestock. This worsened an already dire
food situation in the country.

12 | Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019                               CARE International
©CARE/ Rakietou Hassane Mossi
  Burkina Faso
 A silent humanitarian catastrophe

         urkina Faso has been marked             affected by violence show high levels of food
         by years of protracted political        insecurity and malnutrition. To make things
         instability resulting from security     even worse, almost 2,000 schools were
         challenges, a power vacuum,             unable to reopen due to insecurity.54 A total
weak governance and the presence of              of 71 health facilities were closed and 75
armed groups. Additionally, the country is       provide only limited services.55 This affects
extremely poor and suffers from high levels      more than 880,000 people.56                          Djenaba Diallo (60) is from Sagou.
of economic inequality and agricultural                                                               She has been living in a camp since
deficits largely due to insecurity.51 Burkina    Overall, around 1.5 million people in Burkina        the beginning of the year, when she
Faso remains vulnerable to climatic shocks       Faso needed humanitarian aid – protection,
                                                                                                      had to flee her village after an
related to changes in rainfall patterns and      food and livelihoods assistance – in 2019,
faces an acute food and nutrition crisis. This   and this number is expected to rise to 2.2           attack that left two of her sons dead.
is a direct result of a major drought, which     million in 2020.57                                   Now, she shares a tent with her six
affected the Sahel region in 2017/18.52                                                               daughters, one son and 40 of her
                                                 The risk of experiencing gender-based                grandchildren. Fortunately, Djenaba
Unfortunately, the situation has been            violence, sexual assault and rape is elevated,       owned more than 50 goats and
deteriorating since late 2018 when violence      especially for displaced women and girls due         sheep. Thanks to this livestock, she
escalated in Central Sahel. Armed attacks        to a lack of security in settlements. These
                                                                                                      was able to sell milk to make a
and insecurity are an everyday reality in        incidents often go unreported. Furthermore,
parts of northern and eastern Burkina Faso.      child marriage is widespread in Burkina Faso,        living. “But I lost everything else
Around 5.2 million people – more than a          with one in two women (51%) married off              during the attack and I still have
quarter of the population – are affected         before the age of 18.58                              family members who are in the bush
by this crisis. An average of 30,000 people                                                           with their cattle,” she says. “They
per month were driven from their homes in        CARE supports communities in Burkina                 had gone to feed them when we were
2019.53                                          Faso with water, hygiene, sanitation, food           attacked and we do not know where
                                                 and tools to adapt to climate change. In the
                                                                                                      they are. We worry about them.”
The conflict has caused mass displacement        long term, CARE also focuses on conflict
and disrupted the livelihoods of more than       prevention, peacebuilding and women’s                Djenaba’s greatest wish is to be
486,000 people, a six-fold increase since        inclusive participation. We reached more             reunited with all her family members
the beginning of the year. This affects both     than 400,000 people in 2019.59                       and to return to peace. And she just
displaced and host communities as access                                                              wants the basics covered: food and
to food and livelihoods is becoming more                                                              better shelter. “There are almost 50
difficult and resources are stretched. Areas                                                          people staying in my tent, this does
                                                                                                      not allow us to live well and we can
                                                                                                      easily infect each other with
                                                                                                      illnesses. We need help.”

CARE International                                            Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 | 13

                                                                                                                                          ©Makmende Media
 A vicious cycle of disaster, hunger and displacement

      thiopia faced multiple challenges          Ethiopia is one of the world’s most drought-
      in 2019: there was a drought in the        prone countries; unpredictable rains and in
      eastern and south-eastern parts of         some years the complete failure of seasonal
      the country, localised flooding, as well   rains are linked to climate change. While the
as the significant humanitarian and recovery     country contributes only 0.27% to global
needs of internally displaced people,            emissions, it suffers extremely from the
refugees, returnees and host communities.60      impact of the human-made climate crisis.63      Due to infrequent rainfall, Amina
                                                                                                 Ame Usman has not harvested
Across the country, 84% of all families live     Overcrowded shelters in displacement and        anything this season. “The soil is
in rural areas and depend on subsistence         return areas in combination with lack of
                                                                                                 fertile, but the problem is the water
farming. The country faces recurrent             access to basic services have increased the
droughts and severe land degradation in          risk of gender-based violence for women and     shortage,” she says. Although she
many areas, which exacerbates the extreme        girls. Many resort to desperate measures        planted seeds, they did not grow.
poverty. Humanitarian needs like health,         such as survival sex to be able to cover        “Now, we have nothing.” Amina, a
water and food assistance mostly arise           their most essential needs.64 Women and         widowed mother of six, relied on
from natural hazards, particularly drought       girls affected by the drought also face an      sorghum (a cereal grain) to feed her
and flooding. Several consecutive years          increased risk of sexual violence when          children. Since the drought, which
of drought in southern and south-eastern         fetching water or collecting firewood.65
                                                                                                 has largely affected the eastern part
Ethiopia have worsened the food security
situation and disrupted the livelihoods of       CARE has been working in Ethiopia               of Ethiopia for the last six years,
hundreds of thousands of farmers.61 About        since 1984. In 2019, we reached 684,000         Amina’s family has been struggling.
7.9 million people suffer from a serious level   crisis-affected people with life-saving         Without the supplementary income
of malnutrition, particularly pregnant and       humanitarian assistance and projects            from her harvest, Amina hasn’t even
lactating women, infants and the elderly.        to increase food security and resilience,       been able to buy basic necessities
Localised flooding worsens the hunger            nutrition and access to water. CARE is also     such as soap or medicine for her
situation. People’s livelihoods are at risk      working to increase awareness of climate
                                                                                                 family. She receives food rations
due to crop losses, livestock diseases and       impacts and to improve people’s capacity to
displacement. In 2019, about 200,000 people      respond and adapt their livelihoods so they     from CARE such as wheat and lentils
are estimated to have lost their homes.62        can better deal with the immediate and long-    but still struggles to make ends
                                                 term implications of climate change.67          meet. “It’s not only my family,” she
                                                                                                 says. “The whole community around
                                                                                                 me is suffering.”66

14 | Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019                                   CARE International

                                                                                                                                                   ©CARE/ Josh Estey
  Lake Chad Basin
 Ten years of armed conflict, displacement and hunger

        he crisis in the Lake Chad Basin         Another threat for the suffering population
        has many faces: 10 years of conflict     is the worsening food crisis. In Cameroon,
        and violence, poverty, hunger,           Chad and Nigeria, there are almost 3.4
        displacement and the sinking water       million people with irregular access to food
levels of the lake have led to nearly 10         at crisis and emergency levels.73 In Chad, the
million people in need of humanitarian           number of malnourished people increased
assistance.68                                    by 29% in 2019 compared to the year before,          Nana’s words to her daughter,
                                                 and by an alarming 59% for children during           Fatima, who has been missing since
In Chad, about 657,000 displaced are in          the lean season.74 In Nigeria, 3 million people      armed men attacked their village in
need of help. In addition, thousands of          are food insecure, an 11% increase since
                                                                                                      Nigeria five years ago:
refugees from the Central African Republic       October 2018.
and from Sudan have sought refuge in                                                                  My dear daughter, I don’t know if
Chad. Their prospects of returning remain        One reason for the critical situation in             you’re ever going to read this or how
restricted since the safety situation in their   the region is the shrinking of Lake Chad
                                                                                                      you are. But I hope you are well. No
home countries continues to be fragile. The      as a consequence of climate change and
burden of displacement does not only pose        exploitation. The lake once served the               matter what, we will find a way for
exceptional challenges to the refugees but       people as a source of life for fishing or as         you to go back to school. If we would
also puts strain on host communities.69          watering fields. Today, the lake has only one-       have had money to send you to
                                                 tenth of its surface area left.75                    school, I would have helped you.
In neighbouring northeast Nigeria,                                                                    I see that most of the children who
chronic under-development and poverty            Due to limited access to clean water, lack           have gone to school lead better
persist.70 Insecurity has led to waves           of hygiene and low immunisation coverage,
                                                                                                      lives today.
of mass displacement and continues               diseases and epidemics such as measles,
to impact humanitarian operations. At            cholera, hepatitis E and malaria spread              We are not doing so well. We don’t
least 20 aid workers have been killed in         rapidly. Combined with a dysfunctional               have enough food or clothes. We
northeast Nigeria since the beginning of         health system, the consequence is a                  also don’t live in a good place. We
the humanitarian response in 2016. Recent        mortality rate of 133 per 1000 people; one of
surges of armed violence caused 40,000           the highest worldwide.76
                                                                                                      only live in a tent in a camp but it’s
people to flee to Cameroon. Many of them                                                              better than living in the bush. Many
were forced to return, which violates the        Pregnancy and childbirth are life-threatening        organisations are here to help us. If I
principle of voluntary return.71 Displacement    in the Lake Chad Basin, with maternal deaths         could even just see you for one
rates reached a new peak with 2.5 million        accounting for 45% of all deaths of women            moment, it would make me so
people displaced.72                              aged 15 to 49 years.77 Marriage of under-aged        happy. I’m praying that one day we
                                                 girls is widespread and sexual violence as           will see each other again. All I need
                                                 well as exposure to trafficking and other
                                                 forms of gender-based violence is rampant
                                                                                                      is for you to be with us. I want you to
                                                 because of the armed conflict.                       forget about the life in the bush. You
                                                                                                      are always in my memories.
                                                                                                      Your mother.

CARE International                                            Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 | 15
What can we do?
 Seven ways to help shine a light on forgotten crises

W     ith so many different types of disasters and conflicts repeatedly ignored by the media year after year, the
      question remains: what can or should be done?

While the reasons for a crisis to be forgotten may share commonalities, the solutions can be many and varied.
Anything from simple actions to creative attempts can make a difference. But doing nothing is not an option. Here are
seven important actions that are crucial to shine a light on millions of people and their suffering.

 For governments and policy-makers

   1       Consider reporting as a form of aid:
           Reporting on crises surely cannot compete with life-saving assistance
           in the form of food, clean water or medical aid. However, crises that
                                                                                      2        Money is not enough:
                                                                                               In order to reach an increasingly younger,
                                                                                               active and diverse population, it is crucial
           are neglected are also often the most underfunded and protracted.                   to use voices that can reach wide audiences.
           A quick analysis shows a strong correlation between the amount of                   In today’s world, policy-makers more than
           media coverage and funding received: 3 of the 10 most under-reported                ever are required to engage and inform
           crises in this report also appear in the UN’s list of most underfunded              the public. Young people are increasingly
           emergencies in 2019.78 With close links between public awareness and                concerned about the interconnected climate
           funding, it needs to be acknowledged that generating attention is a                 and humanitarian crises occurring in their
           form of aid in itself. As such, humanitarian funding should include                 backyard. They would like to be educated
           budget lines to raise public awareness, particularly in low-profile                 through in-depth, trustworthy information
           countries. This can be used to encourage affected countries to                      with on-the-ground stories in real time,
           increase their local news coverage, to offer press visits to emergency-             from real people. In a digital landscape built
           affected areas, or to provide logistical support and training for                   on attention and speed, there are many
           journalists. At the same time, it is crucial that press freedom                     opportunities for governments and policy-
           constitutes a condition for receiving aid. Affected countries have a                makers to demonstrate their commitment
           responsibility to support unrestricted coverage and unhindered media                and help drive media attention to crises,
           access in order to improve humanitarian conditions. Press freedom is                starting from a simple tweet to participating
           essential to shine a light on issues that would otherwise be forgotten.             in a campaign on forgotten crises.

 For the media

  3        Reporting on the under-reported:
           Representation matters and reporting on the misery and
           adversity of marginalised people79 is extremely important to
                                                                                      4   Stories of hope:
                                                                                          More and more research points to the fact that
                                                                                          fear and pessimism trigger conservative and
           ensure that their voices are heard and concerns addressed.                     suspicious views, while hope and optimism tend
           When covering sensitive or complex issues, media outlets must                  to generate more liberal views. The project Hope
           ensure that linkages are explained – for instance, recognising                 not Hate states: “Where people are more likely to
           the diverse forms of gender-based violence including early                     feel in control of their own lives, they are more
           marriage and intimate partner violence, or the ties between                    likely to show resistance to hostile narratives,
           human-made climate change and its consequences on                              and are more likely to share a positive vision of
           stressors such as forced displacement, conflict, health or                     diversity and multiculturalism.”80 Hidden Tribes,
           gender inequality. While the number of people in need is                       a 2018 report from More in Common,81 insists that
           likely to rise in the coming years, their suffering cannot                     the media landscape accentuates the conflicts
           be ranked, regardless of the extent of a disaster. Focusing                    but downplays the solidarity in our society. It
           only on the number of deaths can shift attention away from                     advises us to find common ground to counteract
           underlying challenges and overlook people who will urgently                    the divisions magnified on our screens with stories
           need help. Media attention on under-reported issues helps to                   of human contact and respectful engagement that
           move the mainstream narrative from numbers to impact and                       “spotlight the extraordinary ways in which [people]
           from outcomes to root causes. Examples of change include                       in local communities build bridges and not walls,
           committing to devote a certain percentage of world coverage                    every day”. In the midst of crises and suffering, it
           to humanitarian crises that do not receive sufficient attention;               can be difficult to find positive angles. But when
           sending one reporter to one forgotten crisis per year; or doing                they are found, they can be a powerful force to
           one round-table event about a forgotten crisis advertised                      combat populist fear framing and dehumanisation
           through your platform.                                                         and instead trigger empowerment and solidarity.

16 | Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019                                         CARE International
For aid agencies                                                                 For the public

  5        Focus on the people and solutions:
           Dwindling news budgets, plummeting advertising revenue and
           downsizing of foreign correspondent networks have left a void
                                                                                   6        Lend your voice to the voiceless:
                                                                                            Know that your voice can and does make a
                                                                                            difference, even if your newspapers, TV and phone
           in crisis coverage. This is increasingly filled by aid agencies who              screens are devoid of ‘good news’. Volunteering
           provide news content or organise press visits. While aid agencies                your energy, money and time can feel like a drop
           can and should play their part in reporting on neglected crises                  in the ocean, especially when you take action
           and highlighting the voices of people affected, it is important to               on some of the world’s most forgotten crises.
           recognise the need for localised angles when pitching stories not                But every supporter action can and does make a
           necessarily in line with their agendas. Humanitarian organisations               difference. We have witnessed how one Swedish
           have a duty to promote the role of local and national actors and                 teenager’s climate change protest grew into a
           acknowledge the work that they carry out. Including them as                      global movement of millions. Across Africa and
           spokespeople when security considerations permit is crucial.                     other parts of the globe, more than 6.7 million
           Issues of trust, professionalism, norms and ethics play a major                  women are turning empowerment into financial
           role on both sides. While aid agencies are often restricted in                   independence and better lives through CARE’s
           political messaging for reasons of impartiality or relying on                    village savings groups.82 With the rise of citizen
           local administrations to provide aid, the media has an obligation                journalism and people taking issues to the streets
           to report based on transparency, neutrality and accuracy. It is                  around the world, there is no doubt that every
           crucial to understand each other’s limits, risks and goals so that               voice matters and can start or strengthen a
           partnerships can truly address the local needs of those suffering.               movement towards change.

 For businesses

   7       Help responsibly:
           Recognise corporate social responsibility not primarily as a PR or image boost, but as a duty towards the communities affected
           by conflict and natural disaster – many of which are caused by extractive and other industries. Consider carefully the investments
           you are making in humanitarian settings and work towards a triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. Ensure that any
           investments made in humanitarian settings are done for the long-term benefit of local communities. While leveraging strengths
           and assets, keep in mind that the most urgent needs of people in need are typically food, clean drinking water, emergency shelter
           or medical care. In most cases, cash contributions are much more effective than in-kind donations, allowing needs to be covered
           and ensuring donations will feed into the existing humanitarian response. Also, providing flexible emergency funding to NGOs can
           help them respond better to forgotten crises. Moreover, address and reduce your contributions to underlying stressors such as
           human-made climate change.

CARE International                                             Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 | 17
About CARE International
Founded in 1945, CARE                                CARE International works in 100
International works around                           countries to assist more than
the globe to save lives,                             68 million people to improve
defeat poverty and achieve                           basic health and education, fight
social justice. We put women                         hunger, increase access to clean
and girls in the centre                              water and sanitation, expand
because we know that we                              economic opportunity, confront
cannot overcome poverty                              climate change and recover from
until all people have equal                          disasters. More than 70% of
rights and opportunities.                            those helped are women.
                                                                                                        ©CARE/ Josh Estey

To learn more, visit

18 | Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019       CARE International
1 BBC, #Trashtag: The online challenge cleaning places up:                                               43 Maternal Mortality Index 2019:                                                               44 UN Report DPRK 2019:
2 Instagram, World Record Egg:                                             korea-needs-and-priorities
3 Global Humanitarian Needs Overview 2020:              45 Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective:
4 European Commission 2017:                                                                                          46 ACAPS Briefing Note Kenya Drought 2019:
5 World Bank 2019:                                         files/20190604_start_acaps_kenya_drought.pdf
6 FAO 2019:                                          47 ACAPS Kenya:
7 IPC Madagascar Analysis 2018/2019:                                                                     48 ACAPS Briefing Note Kenya Drought 2019:                           files/20190604_start_acaps_kenya_drought.pdf
8 OCHA Southern Africa Humanitarian Snapshot 2019:      49 CARE International Press Release 2018:
   resources/ROSEA_20191113_SA_Humanitarian_Snapshot_Nov2019.pdf                                            and-girls-are-among-the-most-impacted-by-extreme-disasters-says-care-and-un-women-kenya
9 FSIN Global Report on Food Crises 2019:               50 ACAPS Briefing Note Kenya Drought 2019:
   resources/files/GRFC%20UPDATE%20SEPT%202019%20FINAL.pdf                                                  files/20190604_start_acaps_kenya_drought.pdf
10 Global Hunger Index 2019:                              51 ACAPS Briefing Note Burkina Faso 2019:
11 WHO Measles Monitoring:                 acaps_briefing_note_conflict_in_burkina_faso.pdf
   vpd/surveillance_type/Country_slides_measles.pptx?ua=1                                                52 OCHA Global Humanitarian Overview 2020:
12 Humanitarian Needs Overview Central African Republic 2020:       (p50)
   sites/              53 OCHA Situation Report Burkina Faso 2019:
13 UNHCR Central African Republic Regional Update 2019:           54 OCHA Situation Report Burkina Faso 2019:
   car#_ga=2.234582557.2071032685.1575362167-1439441648.1565686851                                       55 OCHA Situation Report Burkina Faso 2019:
14 IPC Acute Food Insecurity Analysis 2019:   56 OCHA Global Humanitarian Overview 2020:
   IPC_AFI_CAR_Summary_2019MayOctober_English.pdf                                                           (page 50) and OCHA Situation Report Burkina Faso 2019:
15 FAO and the Crisis in the Central African Republic:         burkina-faso/
16 CARE Far From Home Report 2018:                                57 OCHA Global Humanitarian Overview 2020:
17 OCHA Security Incidents CAR 2019:                                                                     58 ACAPS Briefing Note Burkina Faso 2019:                   acaps_briefing_note_conflict_in_burkina_faso.pdf
18 IPC Acute Food Insecurity Analysis Zambia 2019/2020:           59 CARE PIIRS – FY 2019, Burkina Faso
   ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Zambia_Acute%20Food%20Insecurity_2019May2020March.pdf                                60 Ethiopia Humanitarian Mid-Year Review 2019:
19 FAO 2019:           
20 UNICEF Zambia Nutrition Programme:                                    61 ACAPS Ethiopia Crisis Update 2019:
21 ECHO Report Zambia 2019:           62 ACAPS Ethiopia Crisis Update 2019:
   food-insecurity-echo-daily-flash-31-august-2019                                                       63 Climate Change Profile Ethiopia 2018:
22 ACAPS Crisis Update Zambia 2019:                   
23 IPC Acute Food Insecurity Analysis Zambia 2019:        64 Ethiopia Humanitarian Mid-Year Review 2019:
24 FAO Country Brief Zambia 2019:                    65 Gender Analysis for Ethiopian Drought Response 2016:
25 ACAPS Crisis Update Zambia 2019:                   
26 SADC Synthesis Report 2019:      66 CARE News Feb 2019:
   Southern_Africa.pdf                                                                                   67 CARE Climate Change:
27 UNHCR Burundi Situation Regional Update 2019:           68 OCHA Crisis Update Lake Chad Basin Crisis 2019:
28 FAO Burundi:                                     69 OCHA Chad Update 2019:
29 WFP 2019:                   people-struggling-hunger-displacement-and-epidemics
30 Human Development Report 2019:                          70 OCHA Humanitarian Update 2019:
31 WFP Burundi Country Brief 2019:                             71 UNHCR:
32 UNICEF Humanitarian Situation Report Eritrea 2019:      72 OCHA Chad Update 2019:
   humanitarian-situation-report-mid-year-january-june-2019                                                 people-struggling-hunger-displacement-and-epidemics
33 UNICEF Humanitarian Situation Report Eritrea 2019:   73 316k in Cameroon, 145k in Chad and 2.9 million in Nigeria.
   resources/UNICEF%20Eritrea%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20January%20to%20                  74 OCHA Chad Update 2019:
   June%202019.pdf                                                                                          people-struggling-hunger-displacement-and-epidemics
34 Human Rights Watch Eritrea:                                                75 OCHA Faces of Climate Change 2019:
35 Inter Press Service Report 2019:  
   eritrean-women-must-fight-gender-discrimination-new-peace                                             76 OCHA Chad Update 2019:
36 Maternal Mortality Index 2019:                              2m-people-struggling-hunger-displacement-and-epidemics
37 Inter Press Service Report 2019:         77 OCHA Chad Update 2019:
   eritrean-women-must-fight-gender-discrimination-new-peace                                                2m-people-struggling-hunger-displacement-and-epidemics
38 UN Report DPRK 2019:         78 FTS Appeals and Response Plans 2019:
   korea-needs-and-priorities                                                                            79 Including but not limited to persons with disabilities, youth, women, lesbian, gay, bisexual,
39 Global Hunger Index 2019:                             transgender and intersex people, members of minority groups, indigenous people,
                                                                                                            internally displaced people, and non-nationals, including refugees, asylum seekers and
40 UN Report DPRK 2019:            migrant workers. OHCHR 2014:
   korea-needs-and-priorities                                                                               aspx?NewsID=14690&LangID=E
41 UN Report DPRK 2019:         80 Hope not Hate 2019:
                                                                                                         81 More in Common 2018:
42 UN Report DPRK 2019:
   korea-needs-and-priorities                                                                            82 CARE VSLA:

CARE International                                                                        Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019 | 19
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