Study through exchange and scholarship programs in Canada or the USA in 2022/23 - Uni Trier

Page created by Seth Marshall
Study through exchange and scholarship programs in Canada or the USA in 2022/23 - Uni Trier
Study through exchange and
scholarship programs in Canada or
       the USA in 2022/23
Study through exchange and scholarship programs in Canada or the USA in 2022/23 - Uni Trier
Study through exchange and scholarship programs
                    in Canada or the USA

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Study through exchange and scholarship programs in Canada or the USA in 2022/23 - Uni Trier
The US education system
Study through exchange and scholarship programs in Canada or the USA in 2022/23 - Uni Trier
II. Exchange programs for
    studying in Canada

Exchange with the University of Manitoba
Students of all subjects (as far as possible at the U. of Manitoba, with the
exception of business administration) in their Bachelor's degree; Masters
possibly - depending on the subject
Tuition fee waiver; Scholarship from funds from the ERASMUS partner
country program; Duration: end of August until end of April

Exchange with the Ryerson University, Toronto (Pedagogy)
for students in the bachelor's degree in social and organizational pedagogy, in
particular students with a focus on childhood, youth, family, child and youth
welfare; Contact person: Dr. Annen

International Student Exchange Program * 
(* ) = graduate studies possible
Study through exchange and scholarship programs in Canada or the USA in 2022/23 - Uni Trier
I. Exchange programs for studying in the USA

Target groups: Students of all subjects in Bachelor and Master

        International Student Exchange Program *

Exchanges of Trier University:
• Bloomsburg University, Pennsylvania
• Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts (only graduate studies)
• Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota
• Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, North Carolina (*)
• Francis Marion University, Florence, South Carolina (*)
• Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri (*)
• Saint Martin‘s University, Lacey, Washington *

(* ) = graduate studies possible
Study through exchange and scholarship programs in Canada or the USA in 2022/23 - Uni Trier
Exchange programs of Trier University:
Study through exchange and scholarship programs in Canada or the USA in 2022/23 - Uni Trier
Members of ISEP in USA/Kanada:
Study through exchange and scholarship programs in Canada or the USA in 2022/23 - Uni Trier
9-10 months

An application for one semester is also possible if the reasons are given.

Depending on the program either
 No tuition fees at the host university
 No tuition fees at the host university and free accomodation and meals with
contribution of 3.500 EUR (for one semester, 2.500 Euro)

(Can be combined with BAföG and/or PROMOS-funding)
II. Teaching assistantships
Collaboration including teaching in the German Department of
Colleges; taking usually one course per semester from the
university's range of courses

Partners of Trier University:
• Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina
• Texas Christian University, Fort Worth
• Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota
• University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
• Gardner-Webb-University, Boiling Springs, North Carolina
Teaching assistantships
Target groups:

 Students studying English, German as a foreign language and/or German
  studies in their Bachelor's or Master's degree program

 Hamline und Gardner-Webb-University: completed bachelor's degree at the
  beginning of the stay

 It is desirable to complete the DaF modules 1-3 by the start of the stay;
  Interested parties without a DaF degree should be ready to acquire the basics
  of teaching DaF in the coming summer semester.


one academic year (not only 1 semester)
for teaching assistants
   exemption from tuition fees at the host university
   free accommodation
   meal plan or a monthly grant
   OR only a monthly (higher) grant

(Can be combined with BAföG and / or PROMOS funding)
name                   Texas Christian University                       Appalachian State University

location               Fort Worth, Texas                                Boone, North Carolina

study cycle            Bachelor and Master                              Bachelor and Master

study options          attendance of 1 class (3 credits)                attendance of classes as guest only, no credits

costs                  Visa costs, travel expenses, personal needs      Visa costs, travel expenses, personal needs

                                                                        ca. 4000 $/semester, free accomodation (does
                       free accomodation and board, tuition fee         NOT include board), participation in training for
scholarship benefits   waver, sports, health service, transport ticket, teachers, access to flat in NY, accomodation
                       estimated funding 2000$                          until end of August, health insurance, research
                                                                        assistance through library

                       teaching assistance; conversations with
                       students; German Stammtisch once a week;
job description                                                         assisting in class about 10-15 hours/ week;
                       peer tutoring programme; organisation of
Teaching Assistant                                                      organising conversation and cultural events
                       events for the „German House“, field trips

accomodation           dormitory (German House)                         shared house

                                     Information is subject to change!
name                   Hamline University                University of St. Thomas            Gardner-Webb-University

location               St. Paul, Minnesota               St. Paul, Minnesota                 Boiling Springs, North Carolina

study cycle            Master                            Bachelor and Master                 Master (and possibly Bachelor)

                                                         full course load (attendance of 3
study options          attendance of 1 class                                                 2-3 classes
                                                         classes/ semester incl. credits)

                       Visa costs, travel expenses,      Visa costs, travel expenses,        Visa costs, travel expenses,
                       personal needs                    personal needs                      personal needs

                       Free accomodation and board,      Free accomodation and board,        Free accomodation and board
scholarship benefits   tuition fee waver, salary about   tuition fee waver, money for text   (women‘s dorm), scholarship,
                       500$/ months                      books about §200 pro Semester       access to rental cars

                       TA in the German classroom 30-
                                                       Teaching Assistance 20 hours/
Job description        35 h/week (team-teaching,                                             Taking over of beginner‘s classes
                                                       week (tutoring and sitting in on
Teaching Assistant     running language labs, planning                                       and conversation (under guidance)
                       activities with students, etc.)

accomodation           shared appartment                 dormitory                           Women‘s dormitory

                                      Information is subject to change!
Application deadline: 21. November 2021 (submission in room V 20a or via post box)

Application documents: see
To be submitted:
1. Check list
2. Program list (only USA) (Formular)
3. Application form (Online and signed printout)
4. Certificate of enrolment
5. Curriculum vitae
6. Motivation letter
7. Study results (printout from PORTA)
8. Copy of „Abiturzeugnis“ (or similar)
9. Letters of recommentation from professors
10. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) (can be submitted
    by the end of January – in this case please take the English test at the Trier University Language
    Center on November 19 > application by November 17)
11. If applicable: Application form for DAAD/Promos funding
Further possibilities for a Stay in North America:
• Academic year at the German Department of Georgetown University, USA,
  for students of German studies in the B.A. and M.A. (Call in Oct, application
  deadline December)
• Fulbright study scholarships (only for Master’s degrees in the USA,
  application deadline in August! )
• DAAD-Jahresstipendien Kanada/USA (application deadline: Oktober)
• DAAD/PROMOS-Funding for one-semester study visits, theses, internships:
• Foreign language assistants (FSA) of the PAD (educational exchange
  service) (application deadline in November (USA) or January (other
• Internship funding (Auslandspraktikum): see www.uni-
Further information:

•   Advising on studying/interships in the USA:
        Stefanie Morgen,, Tel. 201-3398

•   Links:
Thank you very much!
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