STUDENT PROSPECTUS International Students - Einstein College of Australia

Page created by Alicia Smith
      International Students

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                            -1-

Courses, Entry Requirements and Fees ......................................................................................................... 5
   Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
   Courses/ Qualifications offered ....................................................................................................................... 5
   Fee changes .................................................................................................................................................... 6
   Entry requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 6
   Student Recruitment, Selection and Enrolment Process ................................................................................ 9

ELICOS Courses .............................................................................................................................................. 10
   General English (CRICOS Code: 097526A) ................................................................................................. 10
   English for Academic Purposes (EAP) (CRICOS Code: 097527M) ............................................................. 11

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Courses...................................................................................... 12
   CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (CRICOS Code: 092082J) ................................................... 12
   CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support (CRICOS Code: 092083G) ..................................................... 13
   CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability (CRICOS Code: 104834D) ................................................................ 14
   BSB50215 Diploma of Business (CRICOS Code: 087262C)........................................................................ 15
   BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business (CRICOS Code: 087526F) ...................................................... 16
   FNS40217 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping (CRICOS Code: 099700J) ................................. 17
   FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting (CRICOS Code: 099701G) .................................................................... 18
   FNS60217 Advanced Diploma of Accounting (CRICOS Code: 099702G) ................................................... 19

Refund Arrangements ..................................................................................................................................... 21
   If a Visa is refused by the Australian Government ........................................................................................ 21
   If the College defaults on delivery of qualifications ....................................................................................... 21
   If a student defaults on their Written Agreement ........................................................................................... 21
   Refund Terms and Conditions – International Students ............................................................................... 21

Information for Students ................................................................................................................................. 23
   VET course assessment................................................................................................................................ 23

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
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VET course delivery ...................................................................................................................................... 23
    Credit transfer ................................................................................................................................................ 23
    Pathways ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
    Qualifications/ Certificates to be issued ........................................................................................................ 23
    Recognition of prior learning (RPL) ............................................................................................................... 23
    Student orientation ........................................................................................................................................ 24
    Training facilities ............................................................................................................................................ 24
    Work-based assessment ............................................................................................................................... 24
    Access to Student Records ........................................................................................................................... 25

Student Support, Welfare and Behavior ........................................................................................................ 26
    Access and Equity Policy and Procedure...................................................................................................... 26
    Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure ............................................................................................ 26
    Important Contacts ........................................................................................................................................ 26
    Relevant Legislation ...................................................................................................................................... 27
    Student Code of Behaviour ........................................................................................................................... 27
    Student Support Services .............................................................................................................................. 29
    Plagiarism/ Cheating ..................................................................................................................................... 29

Visa Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 31
    Department of Home Affairs (DHA) Immigration and Citizenship ................................................................. 31
    Change of address, mobile and email address ............................................................................................. 31
    Student initiated deferral or suspension of enrolment ................................................................................... 31
    Student cancellation of enrolment ................................................................................................................. 31
    College initiated suspension or cancellation of enrolment ............................................................................ 31
    College deferral of commencement .............................................................................................................. 32
    Full time study and participation .................................................................................................................... 32
    Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) ...................................................................................................... 32
    Satisfactory Course Progress ........................................................................................................................ 32
    Satisfactory Attendance................................................................................................................................. 33
    School-aged dependents .............................................................................................................................. 33
    Student transfers between Registered Providers .......................................................................................... 33
    Use of personal information .......................................................................................................................... 34
    Working in Australia ....................................................................................................................................... 34

Living in Melbourne ......................................................................................................................................... 35

Cost of Living and Money Matters ................................................................................................................. 40

The ESOS International Student Fact Sheet – International education: ensuring quality and protecting
students ............................................................................................................................................................ 43
    Australia welcomes international students .................................................................................................... 43
    Australian laws protect international students ............................................................................................... 43
    Before you begin your studies ....................................................................................................................... 43
    Choosing a course to study ........................................................................................................................... 43

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                                                              -3-
Using an education agent .............................................................................................................................. 43
   Written agreements or contracts between the student and institution .......................................................... 43
   Your rights before you enrol .......................................................................................................................... 44
   Paying your tuition fees ................................................................................................................................. 44
   What happens if you can’t start the course because your visa is refused? .................................................. 44
   What happens if you decide you don’t want to start or continue the course? ............................................... 45
   During your studies ........................................................................................................................................ 45
   Support services for you in Australia ............................................................................................................. 45
   Your responsibilities as an international student in Australia ........................................................................ 45
   Your student visa ........................................................................................................................................... 45
   Academic integrity and misconduct ............................................................................................................... 45
   Your consumer rights and protections ........................................................................................................... 46
   Protecting your tuition fees ............................................................................................................................ 46
   Working in Australia ....................................................................................................................................... 46
   Changing education institutions or courses................................................................................................... 46
   Making complaints and getting help .............................................................................................................. 47
   Questions? .................................................................................................................................................... 47
   Find out more and connect on social media ................................................................................................. 47
   Contact details ............................................................................................................................................... 49

Resolve a problem with your Training Provider ........................................................................................... 50

National Training Complaints Hotline ........................................................................................................... 50

How to make a complaint ................................................................................................................................ 50

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                                                           -4-
Courses, Entry Requirements and Fees
Einstein College of Australia (the College) is an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) and meets
administrative, delivery, staffing, facility, marketing, financial, quality assurance and assessment standards agreed
to by Federal, State and Territory Governments in Australia. The National VET Regulator, ASQA (Australian Skills
Quality Authority), monitors and subjects the College to regular external audits to verify compliance to the
Standards for RTOs 2015. In addition, as a CRICOS provider, the College has to ensure that we provide
educational services according to the ESOS Legislative Framework for Overseas students which includes the
ESOS Act 2000 (Cth) and National Code 2018 Standards. The College provides ELICOS (English Language
Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) courses. Therefore, the College ensures that we meet the ELICOS
Standards 2018.

Courses/ Qualifications offered
Einstein College of Australia offers the following ELICOS courses to overseas students:
                                                                                      Materials &
  CRICOS                                                                  Tuition                      Text Book
                            Course Title                   Duration                     Service
   Code                                                                    Fees                          Fees
 097526A      General English                              52 Weeks
                                                                           A$320/                A$500
                                                          (Min 1 week
                                                                           Week         (Min. $100/ course level)
 097527M      English for Academic Purposes (EAP)          20 Weeks
                                                                           A$320/                A$500
                                                         (Min 5 weeks
                                                                           Week         (Min. $250/ course level)

Einstein College of Australia also offers the following VET (Vocational Education and Training) accredited and
nationally recognised qualifications to overseas students:
                                                                                     Materials &
  CRICOS                                                                  Tuition                   Text Book
                        Qualification Title                Duration                    Service
    Code                                                                   Fees                        Fees
 092082J       CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual      48 Weeks       A$10,000         A$500        N/A
 092083G       CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing           76 Weeks       A$14,500       A$1,000        N/A
 104834D       CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability       52 Weeks       A$10,000         A$500        N/A
 087262C       BSB50215 Diploma of Business                52 Weeks        A$9,750         A$500        N/A
 087526F       BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of                52 Weeks        A$9,750         A$500        N/A
 099700J       FNS40217 Certificate IV in Accounting       46 Weeks        A$9,750         A$500        N/A
               and Bookkeeping
 099701G       FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting              46 Weeks        A$9,750         A$500        N/A
 099702G       FNS60217 Advanced Diploma of                46 Weeks        A$9,750         A$500        N/A
 Description                                            Amount
 Enrolment Fee (Non-refundable)                         A$300
 RPL Fee                                                A$100/ per Unit of Competency
 Repeat unit fee                                        A$800 per Unit
 Reissuance of Student Card fee                         A$20
 Reissuance of Qualification Certificate fee            A$50
 Reissuance of Statement of Attainment / Record of      A$50
 Results Fee
 Reissuance of ELICOS Certificate/ Transcript Fee       A$25
 Reassessment fee1                                      No charge for a maximum of 2 reassessments

1 VET students are entitled to 3 assessment attempts for each unit. Therefore, if a VET student is not yet competent on completion of training
and assessment, they are entitled to 2 more re-assessments. If the student is still not yet competent after 3 assessment attempts they will be
required to repeat the unit and pay the repeat unit fee. For ELICOS students, there is no charge for a maximum of 2 re-assessments. Students
Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                                -5-
National Police Check Fee                               What the Australian Federal Police charges for the check
 Photocopy/ Scanning Fee                                 A$0.10/ Page
 Polo Shirt for Work Placement                           A$50.00
 Bank Transfer Fee                                       What the Bank charges for the transfer
 Home stay fee                                           Out sourced - contact College staff for details
 Airport pick up                                         Out sourced - contact College staff for details
 Only send the application fee with the completed student application.
 A request for payment of tuition and other fees will be made if you receive an Offer letter
 Please make your payment by Bank Draft to Einstein College of Australia. No obligation is created on Einstein
 College of Australia until funds are cleared and an official receipt is issued.

Street Address                Level 1, 55 Swanston Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Postal Address                Level 1, 55 Swanston Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone                         61 3 9629 3693
Fax                           61 3 9629 7146

Fee changes
Prior to a student enrolling fees may be altered without notice. Once a student has completed enrolment, fees will
not be subject to change for the normal duration of the course. If a course length is extended by the student then
any fee increases will be required to be paid for the extended component of the course.

Entry requirements
Selection for enrolment in our courses will be approved for applicants who meet the entry requirements
 CRICOS Code                    Qualification                                Entry Requirements
 097526A            General English                         18 years or older
                                                            IELTS 3 or equivalent
 097527M            English for Academic Purposes           18 years or older
                    (EAP)                                   IELTS 5.0 or equivalent
 092082J            CHC33015 Certificate III in             18 years or older
                    Individual Support                      Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent, or
                                                            relevant and sufficient work experience
                                                            IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
 092083G            CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing       18 years or older
                    Support                                 Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent, or
                                                            relevant and sufficient work experience
                                                            IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
 104834D            CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability 18 years or older
                                                            Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent, or
                                                            relevant and sufficient work experience
                                                            IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
 087262C            BSB50215 Diploma of Business            18 years or older
                                                            Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent, or
                                                            relevant and sufficient work experience
                                                            IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
 087526F            BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of            18 years or older
                    Business                                Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent, or
                                                            relevant and sufficient work experience
                                                            IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
 099700J            FNS40217 Certificate IV in              18 years or older
                    Accounting and Bookkeeping              Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent, or
                                                            relevant and sufficient work experience
                                                            IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

found to have cheated or plagiarised their work will not be entitled to re-sit assessments, instead they will be required to repeat the unit and
pay the repeat unit fee.

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                                     -6-
CRICOS Code                    Qualification                                           Entry Requirements
 099701G               FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting                 18 years or older
                                                                      Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent
                                                                      IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
                                                                      Completion of the FNSSS00014 Accounting
                                                                      Principles Skill Set, FNS40615 Certificate IV in
                                                                      Accounting or equivalent, or FNS40215 Certificate IV
                                                                      in Bookkeeping or equivalent.

                                                                      Pre-requisite units for this qualification are:
                                                                      • BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports
                                                                      • FNSACC311 Process financial transactions and
                                                                          extract interim reports
                                                                      • FNSACC312 Administer subsidiary accounts and
                                                                      • FNSACC408 Work effectively in the accounting
                                                                          and bookkeeping industry
                                                                      • FNSACC416 Set up and operate a computerised
                                                                          accounting system
                                                                      • FNSTPB401 Complete business activity and
                                                                          instalment activity statements
                                                                      • FNSTPB402 Establish and maintain payroll

 099702G               FNS60217 Advanced Diploma of                   18 years or older
                       Accounting                                     Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent
                                                                      IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
                                                                      Completion of both FNSSS00014 Accounting
                                                                      Principles Skill Set and FNSSS00015 Advanced
                                                                      Accounting Principles Skill Set; or FNS50215
                                                                      Diploma of Accounting; or FNS50217 Diploma of

                                                                      Pre-requisite units for this qualification are:
                                                                      • BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports
                                                                      • FNSACC311 Process financial transactions and
                                                                          extract interim reports
                                                                      • FNSACC312 Administer subsidiary accounts
                                                                          and ledgers
                                                                      • FNSACC408 Work effectively in the accounting
                                                                          and bookkeeping industry
                                                                      • FNSACC416 Set up and operate a computerised
                                                                          accounting system
                                                                      • FNSTPB401 Complete business activity and
                                                                          instalment activity statements
                                                                      • FNSTPB402 Establish and maintain payroll
                                                                      • FNSACC511 Provide financial and business
                                                                          performance information
                                                                      • FNSACC512 Prepare tax documentation for
                                                                      • FNSACC513 Manage budgets and forecasts
                                                                      • FNSACC514* Prepare financial reports for
                                                                          corporate entities
                                                                      • FNSACC516 Implement and maintain internal
                                                                          control procedures
                                                                      • FNSACC517 Provide management accounting

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                               -7-
CRICOS Code                        Qualification                                        Entry Requirements

                                                                       *Note the following prerequisite unit requirements:
                                                                          Unit in this               Prerequisite units
                                                                          FNSACC514 Prepare          BSBFIA401 Prepare
                                                                          financial reports for      financial reports
                                                                          corporate entities         FNSACC311 Process
                                                                                                     financial transactions and
                                                                                                     extract interim reports

                                                                       1 Unit
                                                                            included in the Tax Practitioners Board approved
                                                                       course in Australian taxation law: FNSSS00008 Taxation
                                                                       Law for Tax Agents Skill Set (Tax documentation).

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                          -8-
Student Recruitment, Selection and Enrolment Process
Applications for admission for students on a student visa must be made using the student application form.
Students must complete the student application form and send the completed form together with relevant
supporting documents such as certified birth certificate/ passport, high school certificate/ qualification, IELTS/
English language evidence to the College along with the Enrolment Fee. All supporting documents that are not in
English language will need to be accompanied by their English translations. Completed student application forms
will be processed by the College and the application assessed on the basis of the information supplied. The
participants for each program offered by the College will be selected in a manner that reflects access and equity
principles. Completion of the student application form does not imply that the College will make an offer to the
student. When prospective students apply to enter the College to study, the following procedure applies to the
processing of applications:
•   The College will assess the applicant’s previous educational qualifications (either obtained in Australia or
    overseas) necessary for studying at the required level of the proposed qualification. The application is also
    assessed to determine whether the applicant meets the required entry level competencies for the particular
    qualification in which the applicant wants to enrol.
•   If the applicant’s educational qualifications do not meet the College’s admission requirements, other factors
    may be considered at the discretion of the College. Verified evidence of these other factors must be included
    with the application. These other factors may include:
       - Mature age, and or proof of being 18 years or older at the proposed date of commencement
       - Work experience,
       - Attitude and aptitude,
       - Previous academic results,
       - Attendance / participation rate in the previous College,
       - Ability and skills to function in an academic environment,
       - Possibility to succeed in his/her academic endeavours.
•   Having arrived at an admission decision, the English language skills will also be assessed. If student has a
    satisfactory IELTS score (listed under entry requirements), the applicant will be offered a place in the chosen
•   If an applicant cannot produce a satisfactory IELTS score, and there are doubts about the English language
    skills to cope in an academic environment, the applicant will be advised to enrol in an English language/
    ELICOS course, at their own additional expense, for an appropriate duration until the student achieves an
    IELTS score of 5.5 or equivalent. The cost of an additional English language course is not included in the fees
    that have been quoted.
•   In a situation where the student can demonstrate that he or she can communicate in English but cannot
    produce any formal English qualification as described above, then the student will be required to complete an
    English Placement Test at the College. If the student meet the required standard of the test, the student will
    be offered a place in the chosen course.
•   Successful applicants will be sent a Letter of Offer and Written Agreement and a request for payment by the
    College. The Leter of Offer and Written Agreement must be completed in full, signed by the applicant, dated
    and returned to the College
•   Applicants wishing to accept the Offer must pay the fee requested in the Letter of Offer and Written
    Agreement, complete the Letter of Offer and Written Agreement and send it to the College. Once the
    completed Letter of Offer and Written Agreement and the fee is received (and cleared by the bank) an
    Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment will be generated and sent to the Australian Student Visa issuing centre
    to facilitate the issuing of a student visa.
•   Applicants must then apply for a student visa at their Australian Student Visa issuing centre and make travel
    arrangements to arrive in Australia in time to commence their course.

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                            -9-
ELICOS Courses
General English (CRICOS Code: 097526A)
DURATION:                              1 – 52 Weeks
HOURS / WEEK                           20 hours/ week + 5 hours/ week of self-study
TUITION FEES:                          $320/ Week
ENROLMENT FEES                         $300 (Non-refundable)
MATERIAL FEES:                         Max. $500 (Min. $100 per course level)
LEVEL:                                 Elementary – Advanced
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:                    IELTS 3.0 or equivalent or successful completion of the college’s English
                                       Language Placement Test
INTAKE DATES                           Every Monday

Course Description
This course aims to improve every aspect of English language and develop your speaking, listening, reading and
writing skills and knowledge. It covers a wide variety of topics to help you to meet your basic communication
needs in your everyday life so that you can gain social skills that are necessary to meet communication and
cultural needs while travelling and participating in community contexts in Australia and other English speaking
countries. It emphasises on practical use of English language.

Mode of Study and Assessment
This course is delivered in a classroom environment with formative (weekly tests) and summative (mid-course
level test and end of course level test) assessments.

Sample Timetables (subject to change)

          Time                     Monday                     Tuesday                   Wednesday                     Thursday
 Lesson 1                    Introduction to course      Vocabulary                  Speaking                    Listening & Video
 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM                                      Likes and dislikes          The last time I felt like   Video - Nice to meet
                             Vocabulary                                              this                        you
 Or                          Weekend activities          Grammar
                                                         Positive and negative       Starting a                  Writing
 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM           Grammar                     verb forms, words and       club Listening &            Questions with questions
                             Questions forms             phrases                     Video                       tags
                                                                                     Four clubs
                             Speaking                    Speaking                                                Help with Pronunciation
                             My weekend activities       How do you feel about       Help with Listening -       -ed adjectives
                                                         ...?                        Sentence stress
                             Things that make me         Things I like and I don't
                             happy                       like
                                                              30 minutes break
 Lesson 2                    Listening & Video           Reading                     Reading                     Chapter revision
 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM          What makes me happy         Love it or hate it          Laughter is the best
                                                                                     medicine                    Weekly Test
 Or                          Help with Listening -       Writing
                             Questions with you          Sentences with a            Speaking                    Weekly Test answers
 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM                                       negative meaning            The last party I went to    and feedback
                             Reading                     Things I like and don't
                             The secret of               like                        Conversations at a          Writing Portfolio work
                             happiness                                               party
                             Writing                     Adjectives: feelings
                             Questions with              Prepositions with
                             prepositions at the end;    adjectives
                             subject questions
 Homework                                                                       Workbook
Sample times only, subject to change depending on the class
*Please note fees are subject to change at any time throughout the year.

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
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English for Academic Purposes (EAP) (CRICOS Code: 097527M)

DURATION:                             5 – 20 Weeks
HOURS / WEEK                          20 hours/ week + 5 hours/ week of self-study
TUITION FEES:                         $320/ Week
ENROLMENT FEES                        $300 (Non-refundable)
MATERIAL FEES:                        Max. $500 (Min. $250 per course level)
LEVEL:                                Upper Intermediate – Advanced
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:                   IELTS 5.0 or equivalent or successful completion of the college’s English
                                      Language Placement Test
INTAKE DATES                          Every Monday

Course Description
This course focuses instructions on skills required to perform in an English-speaking academic context across core subject
areas generally encountered in a university or vocational education and training setting. It focuses on vocabulary, grammar
and the four skills (reading, writing, speaking including pronunciation and listening). It includes speaking in tutorials, giving
presentations, listening to lectures, reading academic texts, and writing essays and reports. This course aims to help you in
achieving your further study goals. This course can also be intended to raise students’ general English levels so that they can
enter a university or vocational education and training college.

Mode of Study and Assessment
This course is delivered in a classroom environment with formative (weekly tests) and summative (mid-course level test, note-
taking test, oral presentation project, essay project and end of course level test) assessments.

Sample Timetables (subject to change)

         Time                     Monday                    Tuesday                  Wednesday                      Thursday
 Lesson 1                   Review of previous         Speaking                   Vocabulary                 Writing
 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM         chapter                    Picture speculation -      Key vocabulary review      Word order
                                                       introducing module by                                 Sentence structure
                            Portfolio work based       discussion                 Speaking                   Problem sentences
                            on previous week           Talk about writing         Debate
                                                       Listening                                             Using APA Style and
                                                       Following instructions                                error correction
 30 minutes break
 Lesson 2                   Vocabulary                 Reading                    Listening                  Formative Assessment
 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM         Debate vocabulary          Academic writing           Communication
                                                                                  problems                   Weekly Test

                            Language and                                          Getting active PC blog
                            sentence structure                                    extracts                   Note-Taking Test

                            Presenting written work
                            Introduction to APA
 Homework                                                                   Workbook
Sample times only, subject to change depending on the class
*Please note fees are subject to change at any time throughout the year.

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
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Vocational Education and Training (VET) Courses
CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (CRICOS Code: 092082J)
Course Description                                                       Entry Requirements
This qualification reflects the role of workers in the                    • 18 years or older
community and/or residential setting who follow an                        • Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent
individualised plan to provide person-centred support to
                                                                          • IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
people who may require support due to ageing, disability
or some other reason. Work involves using discretion and                 Applicants with no formal qualifications and who are
judgement in relation to individual support as well as                   commencing within or have experience within a relevant
taking responsibility for own outputs. Workers have a                    business industry may also be considered for entry into
range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as                 the Course
well as some theoretical knowledge of the concepts and
practices required to provide person-centred support.                    Additional Requirements
                                                                         All students are required to submit a Federal Police
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have                   background check before undergoing work placement.
completed at least 160 hours of work placement.
                                                                         Applicants must be physically capable of doing general
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification                   lifting and be prepared to be on their feet for long stretches
requirements apply to this qualification at the time of                  of time.
                                                                         Course Contents/ Units of Competency
48 Weeks - Full Time Study including term breaks                         CORE UNITS
                                                                         CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Tuition Fee                                                              CHCCCS023 Support independence and well being
$10,000                                                                  CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community
                                                                         CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Pathways                                                                 CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
After completing this qualification, individuals may                     HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
undertake further studies in CHC43015 Certificate IV in                  HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
Ageing Support.                                                          ELECTIVE UNITS
                                                                         CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
Employment Opportunities                                                 CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia
                                                                         CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
 • Personal care assistant                                               CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families
 • Personal care giver                                                   CHCHCS001 Provide home and community support services
 • Personal care worker                                                  HLTINF001   Comply with infection prevention and control
 • Residential care worker                                                           policies and procedures

                                                                         *Elective units have been selected by the College in consultation
Mode of Study                                                            with industry experts.
The mode of study includes:
 • Classroom based training
 • Practical application during work placement (160
 • Self-study during the duration of the course

Note: The work placement will be organised by the
College at the approved Aged Care facilities where the
College has an agreement with.

Assessment Methods
Assessment methods include written tests, written work,
projects, observations, and third party reports in logbook.
Students are required to do 160 hours of work placement
as part of assessment. Student work placement will be
organised by the College.

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
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CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support (CRICOS Code: 092083G)

Course Description                                                       Entry Requirements
This qualification reflects the role of support workers who               • 18 years or older
complete specialised tasks and functions in aged services;                • Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent
either in residential, home or community based
                                                                          • IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
environments. Workers will take responsibility for their own
outputs within defined organisation guidelines and
                                                                         Applicants with no formal qualifications and who are
maintain quality service delivery through the
                                                                         commencing within or have experience with older persons
development, facilitation and review of individualised
                                                                         within a Community Services industry may also be
service planning and delivery.
                                                                         considered for entry into the course.
Workers may be required to demonstrate leadership and
                                                                         Additional Requirements
have limited responsibility for the organisation and the
                                                                         All students are required to submit a Federal Police
quantity and quality of outputs of others within limited
                                                                         background check before undergoing work placement.
                                                                         Applicants must be physically capable of doing general lifting
                                                                         and be prepared to be on their feet for long stretches of time.
76 Weeks - Full Time Study including term breaks
                                                                         Course Contents/ Units of Competency
Tuition Fee
$14,500                                                                  CORE UNITS
                                                                         CHCADV001   Facilitate the interests and rights of clients
Pathways                                                                 CHCAGE001   Facilitate the empowerment of older people
After completing this qualification, individuals may                     CHCAGE003   Coordinate services for older people
undertake further studies in HLT54115 Diploma of                         CHCAGE004   Implement interventions with older people at risk
Nursing.                                                                 CHCAGE005   Provide support to people living with dementia
                                                                         CHCCCS006   Facilitate individual service planning and delivery
                                                                         CHCCCS011   Meet personal support needs
Employment Opportunities                                                 CHCCCS023   Support independence and well being
Job titles may include:                                                  CHCCCS025   Support relationships with carers and families
 • Personal care worker                                                  CHCDIV001   Work with diverse people
 • Care supervisor                                                       CHCLEG003   Manage legal and ethical compliance
 • Care team leader                                                      CHCPAL001   Deliver care services using a palliative approach
                                                                         CHCPRP001   Develop and maintain networks and collaborative
 • Residential care worker                                                           partnerships
                                                                         HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
Mode of Study                                                            HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
The mode of study includes:                                              ELECTIVE UNITS
 • Classroom based training                                              CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships
                                                                         CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
 • Practical application during work placement (300                      HLTFSE001   Follow basic food safety practices
 • Self-study during the duration of the course                          *Elective units have been selected by the College in consultation
                                                                         with industry experts.
Note: The work placement will be organised by the
College at the approved Aged Care facilities where the
College has an agreement with.

Assessment Methods
Assessment methods include written tests, projects,
observations, and third party reports in logbook. Students
are required to do 300 hours of work placement as part of

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                            - 13 -
CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability (CRICOS Code: 104834D)

Course Description                                                       Entry Requirements
This qualification reflects the role of workers in a range of             • 18 years or older
community settings and clients’ homes, who provide                        • Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent
training and support in a manner that empowers people                     • IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence,
self-reliance, community participation and wellbeing.                    Applicants with no formal qualifications and who are
Workers promote a per-son-centred approach, work                         commencing within or have experience with people with
without direct supervision and may be required to                        disability within a Community Services industry may also
                                                                         be considered for entry into the Course.
supervise and/or coor-dinate a small team.
                                                                         Additional Requirements
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have                   All students are required to submit a Federal Police
completed at least 120 hours of work as detailed in the                  background check before undergoing work placement.
Assessment Requirements of the units of competency.
                                                                         Applicants must be physically capable of doing general lifting
Duration                                                                 and be prepared to be on their feet for long stretches of time.
52 Weeks - Full Time Study including term breaks
                                                                         Course Contents/ Units of Competency
Tuition Fee
$10,000                                                                  CORE UNITS
                                                                         CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Pathways                                                                 CHCDIS002 Follow established person-centred behaviour
After completing this qualification, individuals may
                                                                         CHCDIS005 Develop and provide person-centred service
undertake further studies in disability work including the                           responses
Diploma of Community Services.                                           CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with
Employment Opportunities                                                 CHCDIS008 Facilitate community participation and social
Job titles may include:                                                              inclusion
 •    Disability support officer / worker                                CHCDIS009 Facilitate ongoing skills development using a
                                                                                     person-centred approach
 •    Disability officer - day support
                                                                         CHCDIS010 Provide person-centred services to people with
 •    Lifestyle support officer                                                      disability with complex needs
 •    Senior personal care assistant                                     CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
 •    Behavioural support officer                                        CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
 •    Development officer                                                HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
 •    Project officer (life enhancement team)                            HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
                                                                         ELECTIVE UNITS
 •    Residential care officer
                                                                         CHCCCS006 Facilitate individual service planning and delivery
 •    Employment coordinator (disability)                                CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
 •    Social educator                                                    CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
 •    Job coordinator
 •    Social trainer                                                     *Elective units have been selected by the College in consultation
                                                                         with industry experts.
Mode of Study
The mode of study includes:
 • Classroom based training
 • Practical application during work placement (120
 • Self-study during the duration of the course

Note: The work placement will be organised by the
College at the approved disability support care facilities
where the College has an agreement with.

Assessment Methods
Assessment methods include written tests, case studies,
projects, observations, and third party reports in logbook.
Students are required to do 120 hours of work placement
as part of assessment.

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                            - 14 -
BSB50215 Diploma of Business (CRICOS Code: 087262C)

Course Description                                                       Entry Requirements
This qualification would apply to individuals with various               • 18 years or older
job titles including executive officers, program consultants             • Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent
and program coordinators.
                                                                         • IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
Individuals in these roles may possess substantial
                                                                         Applicants with no formal qualifications and who are
experience in a range of settings, but seek to further
                                                                         commencing within or have experience within a relevant
develop their skills across a wide range of business
                                                                         business industry may also be considered for entry into
                                                                         the course.
Conversely, it may also apply to those with little or no
                                                                         Course Contents/ Units of Competency
vocational experience, but who possess sound theoretical
business skills and knowledge that they would like to
                                                                         ELECTIVE UNITS
develop in order to create further educational and
                                                                         BSBADM502 Manage meetings
employment opportunities.
                                                                         BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services
                                                                         BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment, selection and
Duration                                                                             induction processes
52 Weeks - Full Time Study including term breaks                         BSBMGT403 Implement continuous improvement
                                                                         BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development
Tuition Fee                                                              BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing
$9,750                                                                                opportunities
                                                                         BSBPMG522 Undertake project work
Pathways                                                                 BSBRSK501 Manage risk
Pathways into the qualification
Preferred pathways for candidates considering this                       *Elective units have been selected by the College in
qualification include BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business                consultation with industry experts.
or other relevant qualification or with vocational experience
in a range of work environments in senior support roles but
without a qualification.

Pathways from the qualification
BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business or a range of
other Advanced Diploma qualifications.

Employment Opportunities
Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors.
Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:
• executive officer
• program consultant
• program coordinator.
Mode of Study
The mode of study includes:
 • Classroom based training
Assessment Methods
Assessment methods include written tests, projects,
observations, research, and case study.

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                        - 15 -
BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business (CRICOS Code:
                                                                         Entry Requirements
Course Description                                                        • 18 years or older
This qualification reflects the role of individuals with                  • Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent
significant experience in a senior administrative role who
                                                                          • IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
are seeking to develop expertise across a wider range of
business functions.
                                                                         Applicants with no formal qualifications and who are
                                                                         commencing within or have experience within a relevant
The qualification is suited to individuals who possess
                                                                         business industry may also be considered for entry into
significant theoretical business skills and knowledge and
                                                                         the course.
wish to consolidate and build pathways to further
educational or employment opportunities.
                                                                         Course Contents/ Units of Competency
                                                                         ELECTIVE UNITS
52 Weeks - Full Time Study including term breaks
                                                                         BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign
                                                                         BSBFIM601 Manage finances
Tuition Fee                                                              BSBHRM602 Manage human resources strategic
$9,750                                                                              planning
                                                                         BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational change
Pathways                                                                 BSBMKG607 Manage market research
Pathways into the qualification                                          BSBMKG609 Develop a marketing plan
Candidates may enter the qualification through a number                  BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and
of entry points demonstrating potential to undertake                                 procedures for sustainability
vocational education and training at advanced diploma                    BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and
level, including BSB50215 Diploma of Business or other                               professional development
relevant qualification or with substantial vocational
experience in a range of environments, acting in a range                 *Elective units have been selected by the College in
of senior support or technical roles.                                    consultation with industry experts.

Pathways into the qualification
Learners may have pathways to higher education

Employment Opportunities

Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors.
Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:
• senior administrator
• senior executive.
Mode of Study
The mode of study includes:
 • Classroom based training
Assessment Methods
Assessment methods include written tests, projects, and

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                        - 16 -
FNS40217 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping (CRICOS
Code: 099700J)
Course Description                                                       Entry Requirements
This qualification reflects the job roles of workers in the               • 18 years or older
accounting industry, including BAS Agents and contract                    • Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent
bookkeepers; and of those employees performing
                                                                          • IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
bookkeeping tasks for organisations in a range of
industries. It includes preparing and lodging business and
                                                                         Applicants with no formal qualifications and who are
instalment activity statements, and providing advice or
                                                                         commencing within or have experience within a relevant
dealing with the Commissioner on behalf of a taxpayer in
                                                                         accounting industry may also be considered for entry into
relation to activity statements. Individuals in these roles
                                                                         the course.
apply theoretical and specialist knowledge and skills to
work autonomously, and exercise judgement in completing
routine and non-routine activities.
                                                                         Course Contents/ Units of Competency
Licensing/Regulatory Information
                                                                         CORE UNITS
Work functions in the occupational areas where this                      BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports
qualification may be used are subject to regulatory                      BSBITU422 Use digital technologies to collaborate in the
requirements. Refer to the FNS Financial Services                                  workplace
Training Package Companion Volume Implementation                         FNSACC311 Process financial transactions and extract
Guide or the relevant regulator for specific guidance on
                                                                                   interim reports
                                                                         FNSACC312 Administer subsidiary accounts and ledgers
Persons providing a business activity statement (BAS)                    FNSACC408 Work effectively in the accounting and
service for a fee or other reward must be registered by the                        bookkeeping industry
Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) and this qualification is                  FNSACC416 Set up and operate a computerised
currently cited as meeting the TPB education requirements
                                                                                   accounting system
for registration. Other conditions apply, including a
designated period of experience. Persons seeking BAS                     FNSTPB401 Complete business activity and instalment
agent registration should check current registration                               activity statements 1
requirements with the TPB, as registration requirements                  FNSTPB402 Establish and maintain payroll systems1
are reviewed regularly.                                                  ELECTIVE UNITS
Duration                                                                 BSBITU402   Develop and use complex spreadsheets
46 Weeks – Full Time Study including term breaks                         BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and
                                                                                     professional development
Tuition Fee                                                              FNSACC411 Process business tax requirements
$9,750                                                                   FNSACC412 Prepare operational budgets
                                                                         FNSACM401 Evaluate and authorise payment requests
Pathways into the qualification                                          Elective units have been selected by the College in
FNS30317 Certificate III in Accounts Administration                      consultation with industry experts.
with relevant vocational experience but without a                         1
                                                                           Unit required for the FNSSS00004 BAS Agent Registration Skill
qualification.                                                            Set.

Pathways from the qualification
FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting

Employment Opportunities
Possible job roles relevant to this qualification include:
•   BAS (Business Activity Statements) agent
•   Contract bookkeeper

Mode of Study
The mode of study includes:
 • Classroom based training

Assessment Methods
Assessment methods include written tests, projects, and

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                         - 17 -
FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting (CRICOS Code: 099701G)
Course Description
This qualification reflects professional accounting job roles            Entry Requirements
in financial services and other industries, including tax                •   18 years or older
agents, accounts payable and accounts receivable                         •   Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent
officers, payroll service providers, and employees                       •   IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
performing a range of accounting tasks for organisations in              •   Completion of the FNSSS00014 Accounting
a range of industries. Individuals in these roles apply                      Principles Skill Set, FNS40615 Certificate IV in
solutions to a range of often complex problems, and                          Accounting or equivalent, or FNS40215 Certificate IV
analyse and evaluate            information from a variety of                in Bookkeeping or equivalent.
sources. They apply initiative to plan, coordinate and
evaluate their own work and provide guidance to others                   Pre-requisite units for this qualification are:
within defined guidelines.                                               •     BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports
                                                                         •     FNSACC311 Process financial transactions and extract interim
Licensing/Regulatory Information                                               reports
                                                                         •     FNSACC312 Administer subsidiary accounts and ledgers
Work functions in the occupational areas where this                      •     FNSACC408 Work effectively in the accounting and bookkeeping
qualification may be used are subject to regulatory                            industry
requirements. Refer to the FNS Financial Services                        •     FNSACC416 Set up and operate a computerised accounting system
Training Package Companion Volume Implementation                         •     FNSTPB401 Complete business activity and instalment activity
Guide or the relevant regulator for specific guidance on                       statements
requirements.                                                            •     FNSTPB402 Establish and maintain payroll systems

This qualification includes units that comprise an approved
Tax Practitioner Board (TPB) course in Aus-tralian taxation              Course Contents/ Units of Competency
law and commercial law, which are relevant for registration
as a tax agent. Persons seeking registration with the                    CORE UNITS
TPB should check current registration requirements with                  FNSACC511 Provide financial and business performance
the TPB, as       registration requirements are reviewed                            information
regularly.                                                               FNSACC512 Prepare tax documentation for individuals1
                                                                         FNSACC513           Manage budgets and forecasts
46 Weeks – Full Time Study including term breaks                         FNSACC514           Prepare financial reports for corporate entities*
                                                                         FNSACC516           Implement and maintain internal control
Tuition Fee                                                                                  procedures
$9,750                                                                   FNSACC517           Provide management accounting information

Pathways                                                                 ELECTIVE UNITS
Pathways into the qualification                                          BSBITU402           Develop and use complex spreadsheets
•   FNS40615 Certificate IV in Accounting or                             BSBWOR501           Manage personal work priorities and professional
•   FNS40215 Certificate IV in Bookkeeping or                                                development
•   FNS40217 Certificate IV in Accounting and                            FNSACC505           Establish and maintain accounting information
    bookkeeping                                                                              systems
                                                                         FNSFMK505           Comply with financial services legislation and
Pathways from the qualification                                                              industry codes of practice
•   FNS60217 Advanced Diploma of Accounting                              FNSINC601            Apply economic principles to work in the financial
                                                                                             services industry
Employment Opportunities
Possible job roles relevant to this qualification include:               Elective units have been selected by the College in consultation with
•   Tax agents                                                           industry experts.
•   Accounts payable and accounts receivable officers,                   *Note the following prerequisite unit requirements:
•   Payroll service providers                                              Unit in this qualification      Prerequisite units
•   Employees performing a range of accounting tasks for                   FNSACC514 Prepare               BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports
                                                                                                           FNSACC311 Process financial
                                                                           financial reports for
    organisations in a range of industries.                                corporate entities              transactions and extract interim reports

Mode of Study                                                              Unit included in the Tax Practitioners Board approved course in
                                                                          Australian taxation law: FNSSS00008 Taxation Law for Tax Agents Skill
The mode of study includes:                                               Set (Tax documentation).
 • Classroom based training

Assessment Methods
Assessment methods include written tests, projects, and

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                                     - 18 -
FNS60217 Advanced Diploma of Accounting (CRICOS Code:
Course Description                                                       Mode of Study
This qualification reflects the role of individuals                      The mode of study includes:
working in accounting and seeking professional                            • Classroom based training
recognition, including tax agents, accounts
managers and business analysts; and to employees                         Assessment Methods
performing a range of accounts management tasks                          Assessment methods include written tests, projects,
for organisations in a range of industries. At this level                and observations.
individuals are expected to apply theoretical and
technical skills in a range of situations and to display
initiative and judgement in planning activities. They
                                                                         Entry Requirements
have autonomy in performing complex operations                           •    18 years or older
and can be responsible for planning, coordinating                        •    Satisfactorily completed year 12 or equivalent
and evaluating the work of others within broad but                       •    IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
generally well-defined parameters.                                       •    Completion of both FNSSS00014 Accounting
                                                                              Principles Skill Set and FNSSS00015 Advanced
Licensing/Regulatory Information                                              Accounting Principles Skill Set; or FNS50215
                                                                              Diploma of Accounting; or FNS50217 Diploma of
Work functions in the occupational areas where this                           Accounting.
qualification may be used are subject to regulatory
requirements. Refer to the FNS Financial Services                        Pre-requisite units for this qualification are:
Training Package Companion Volume                                        •     BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports
Implementation Guide or the relevant regulator for                       •     FNSACC311 Process financial transactions and extract
specific guidance on requirements.                                             interim reports
                                                                         •     FNSACC312 Administer subsidiary accounts and ledgers
                                                                         •     FNSACC408 Work effectively in the accounting and
This qualification includes units that comprise an                             bookkeeping industry
approved Tax Practitioner Board (TPB) course in                          •     FNSACC416 Set up and operate a computerised accounting
Australian taxation law and commercial law, which                              system
are relevant for registration as a tax agent. Persons                    •     FNSTPB401 Complete business activity and instalment
                                                                               activity statements
seeking registration with the TPB should check                           •     FNSTPB402 Establish and maintain payroll systems
current registration requirements with the TPB, as                       • FNSACC511 Provide financial and business performance
registration requirements are reviewed regularly.                              information
                                                                         • FNSACC512 Prepare tax documentation for individuals1
Duration                                                                 • FNSACC513 Manage budgets and forecasts
46 Weeks – Full Time Study including term breaks                         • FNSACC514* Prepare financial reports for corporate entities
                                                                         • FNSACC516 Implement and maintain internal control
Tuition Fee                                                                    procedures
$9,750                                                                   • FNSACC517 Provide management accounting information
                                                                          *Note the following prerequisite unit requirements:
Pathways                                                                    Unit in this                 Prerequisite units
Pathways into the qualification                                             qualification
• FNS50215 Diploma of Accounting or                                         FNSACC514 Prepare            BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports
• FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting                                            financial reports for        FNSACC311 Process financial
                                                                            corporate entities           transactions and extract interim
Pathways from the qualification
• Higher education courses                                                1
                                                                           Unit included in the Tax Practitioners Board approved course in
                                                                          Australian taxation law: FNSSS00008 Taxation Law for Tax
Employment Opportunities                                                  Agents Skill Set (Tax documentation).
Possible job roles relevant to this qualification
• Tax agents
• Accounts managers
• Business analysts
• Employees performing a range of accounts
     management tasks for organisations in a range
     of industries.

Shiv Sans Pty Ltd trading as Einstein College of Australia National Provider No: 22459 CRICOS Provider No: 03223E
Version 32 Last Updated: 22 January 2021                                                                                           - 19 -
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