CATALOG TEMECULA/HILTON HEAD CAMPUS - JANUARY 1, 2021 - DECEMBER 31, 2021 - Professional Golfers ...

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CATALOG TEMECULA/HILTON HEAD CAMPUS - JANUARY 1, 2021 - DECEMBER 31, 2021 - Professional Golfers ...
                     JANUARY 1, 2021 – DECEMBER 31, 2021
                                  VOLUME 2
          Temecula Campus                                            Hilton Head Campus
             26109 Ynez Rd                                    4454 Bluffton Park Crescent W, #200
         Temecula, CA 92591                                           Bluffton, SC 29910
        Toll Free: 800-877-4380                                     Toll Free: 866-797-7422
         Local: 951-719-2994                                         Local: 843-757-9611
This catalog is the official announcement of the program, requirements, and regulations of the Professional Golfers
Career College. Students enrolling in the Professional Golfers Career College are subject to the provisions stated
herein. Statements regarding course, fees, and conditions are subject to change without advance notice. The contents of
this catalog are for informational purposes only and are not to be considered as a contract between a student and the
Professional Golfers Career College.
                                                                                                               Revised 9/2/2021
“Intentionally Left Blank”

About PGCC                                 4
                                              Statement of Legal Control              4
                                              Temecula Staff/Faculty                  4
                                              Hilton Head Staff/Faculty               5
                                              Approvals/Accreditation                 7
                                              Mission Statement                       8
                                              History and Background                  9
                                              Program Description                     9
                                              Campus Locations and Facilities         9
                                              Appearance                             10
                                           Temecula Administration                   11
                                           Hilton Head Administration                12
                                           Advisory Board                            13
                                           Student Services                          14
                                              Academic & Career Counseling           14
                                              Drug & Alcohol Counseling              14
                                              Sexual Assault Policy                  14
                                           Golf Program                              16
The philosopher Aristotle said                Championship Golf Courses              16
“You are what you consistently do.            Golf Tournament Policies               16
Excellence, therefore, is not an act          Tee Time Policies & Range Procedures   17
but a habit.” This is more than a          Admissions                                18
quote to us; it is a motto and the            Admission Requirements                 18
yardstick by which we measure our             Admission Procedures                   18
contribution to your career path.
                                              International Students                 18
     Our faculty goes above and
                                              Tuition and Fees                       18
beyond to make your time here
                                              Career Placement Services              19
memorable. We are dedicated to
providing you with a well-rounded          Gainful Employment Disclosures            20
education and we consider our              Academic Policies                         22
students part of our extended                 Attendance                             22
family. The Professional Golfers              Complaint or Grievance Procedures      22
Career College has built a                    Graduation                             25
reputation in education through               Grading Scale                          25
our graduates working as golf                 Satisfactory Academic Progress         26
professionals      and      general           Veteran’s Policies                     28
managers of country clubs. Our             Student’s Rights                          29
graduates      obtain      positions       Temecula Curriculum                       30
throughout the world and their             Temecula Course Descriptions              32
work has helped spread our hard-           Hilton Head Curriculum                    37
earned reputation.                         Hilton Head Course Descriptions           39
    Your interest in the golf              Cancellation Policy                       43
industry has led you here and I am         Temecula Student Tuition Recovery Fund    45
confident that you will find the           Financial Aid                             46
Professional     Golfers     Career           Financial Aid Programs                 46
College the right path leading you            Applying for Aid                       46
into a rewarding career.                      Awarding of Aid                        47
                                              General Eligibility                    47
Dr. Tim Somerville                            Title IV Return Policy                 48
Founder                                    ACCET Complaint Procedure                 50
                                           Academic Calendar                         51

Statement of Legal Control                        membership, and all have excelled in their
                                                  respective fields to which they instruct at the
The Professional Golfers Career College is        College.
owned by Professional Golfers Career
College, Inc. a California Corporation. The       Our faculty possesses not only the academic
corporate offices are located at 26109 Ynez       background, but also the "real world"
Road, Temecula, California, 92591.                experience to teach and make the
                                                  educational experience interesting to our
Auxiliary Classroom:                              students.
The Legends Golf Club
41687 Temeku Drive                                Temecula Faculty
Temecula, CA 92591                                Steve Adamiak, PGA
(951) 694-9998                                    B.S., University of Iowa
                                                  PGA of America
A branch campus is located at 4454 Bluffton       • Techniques of Golf Teaching I
Park Crescent West #200, Bluffton, SC             • Clinic Planning
29910. Toll Free: 866-797-7422.
                                                  Kimberly Brezniak
Auxiliary Classroom:                              M.A., San Jose State University
Pinecrest Golf Club                               B.A., Mills College
1 Pinecrest Way, Bluffton, SC 29910               • Psychology II, III, IV
(843) 757-8960
                                                  Lee Deitrick
The ownership board members are:                  M.A., Michigan State University
Sandi Somerville, CFO & Secretary.                B.S., University of Michigan
                                                  • Techniques of the Short Game
Temecula Administration                           • Techniques of Golf Teaching III

Sandi Somerville                                  Charles Farran, Ph.D.
Owner/Chief Financial Officer                     Ph.D., University of Michigan
                                                  M.S., University of Michigan
Alan Labotski                                     A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University
CEO, President                                    • Rules of Golf

Dawn Carmichael                                   Ginny Gallagher
Financial Aid Officer                             M.B.A., Golden Gate University
Student Accounts                                  B.S., University of Phoenix
                                                  • Personal Financial Planning
Jonathan Flietstra                                • Introduction of Business
Director of Admissions
                                                  Gary Gilleon
Dave Funston, PGA                                 M.A., University of Phoenix
Director of Golf                                  B.S., Oregon State University
                                                  SAS, Professional Golfers Career College
Ann Martin                                        • Calligraphy
Director of Compliance                            • Psychology I
Financial Aid Director                            • Psychology of Golf
                                                  • History of Golf
The Professional Golfers Career College
faculty have been selected for their
outstanding teaching ability and leadership
in the golf industry. Many of our faculty
members have advanced degrees or PGA
Hillary Goebel, Esq.                           Brian Richardson
J.D., Thomas Jefferson School of Law           M.A., California University of Pennsylvania
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University        B.S., San Diego State University
• Business Law                                 • Physiology of Exercise

Darrell Haley, D.Min                           Kristen Scott
D.Min., Cleremont School of Theology           M.S., Cal State Long Beach
M.A., Biola University                         B.A., University of California Los Angeles
B.S., University of California, Berkeley       • Health Science
• Written & Oral Communications
                                               Richard Ward
Rich Iorio, PGA                                M.A., National University
B.A., Wichita State University                 B.A., San Diego State University
PGA of America                                 A.S., Grossmont College
• Golf Shop Operations I, II, III              • Principles of Club Design & Repair
• Organization of Golf Tournaments             • Golf Club Fitting & Performance
• Tournament Golf A, B, C, D
• Career Planning & Placement                  Hilton Head Administration
• Principles of Career Success
• Country Club Management                      Sandi Somerville
                                               Owner/Chief Financial Officer
Hart Johnson
M.A., Western Governor’s University            Alan Labotski
B.S., University of Phoenix                    President/CEO
• Word Processing
• Microsoft Office Suite                       Michael Collins, PGA
                                               Executive Director
McKynzi King
M.A., University of Redlands                   James Bell
B.A., Art Institute of California              Director of Admissions
• Food & Beverage
                                               Jim Hoff, PGA
Todd Liebman                                   Director of Placement
SAS, Professional Golfers Career College
                                               Carole Boehnen
• Principles of Salesmanship
                                               Financial Aid Officer
                                               VA Coordinator
Craig Schneider
• Turf Management
• Golf Course Development & Design             Hilton Head Faculty

Bill Parker                                    Marie Bliemeister
M.A., National University                      M.A., Georgia Southern University
B.A., San Francisco State University           B.A., Houghton College
• Human Resource Management                    • Written Communications
                                               • Oral Communications
Bill Picca, APGA
PGA of Argentina                               Michel Collins, PGA
• Fitness for Golf                             PGA of America
• Techniques of Golf Teaching II, IV           • Clinic Planning
                                               • Tournament Golf A, B, C, D
                                               • Organization of Golf Tournaments

Michel Dion                                      Leroy Purdie, Ph.D.
United States Golf Teachers Federation           Ph.D., Liberty University
• Video Analysis                                 M.A., Webster University
• Techniques of Golf Teaching I, II, IV          B.S., Campbell University
                                                 • Principles of Salesmanship
John Flanagan                                    • Psychology I, II
J.D., Suffolk University Law School              • Psychology of Golf
B.S., Northeastern University                    • Principles of Career Success
• Business Law
                                                 Cynthia Zambri
Jim Hoff, PGA                                    M.B.A., Iona College
PGA of America                                   M.S., College of New Rochelle
• Career Planning & Placement                    M.S., Long Island University
• Country Club Management                        B.A., Herbert H. Lehman College
• Golf Operations I, II, & III                   • Word Processing
• Turf Management                                • Microsoft Office Suite

Clyde Johnston
B.A., NC State University
• Golf Course Development & Design

Dr. Charles Kessler
M. Div., Southern Baptist Theological Sem.
B.A., Centre College of Kentucky
• Personal Growth I, II

Brian Lape
B.A., Spring Arbor University
SAS, Professional Golfers Career College
• Principles of Club Design & Repair
• Golf Club Fitting & Performance
• Techniques of the Short Game

David Littleton
B.S., University of Vermont
• Introduction to Business
• Personal Financial Planning

Joanne Smith, Ph.D.
Ph.D., Temple University
M.S., Pennsylvania State University
M.S., East Stroudsburg University
B.S., Brockport State University
• Health Science
• Kinesiology
• Fitness for Golf

Temecula Approval Disclosure                        Hilton Head Approval              Disclosure
Statement                                           Statement

This institution is a private institution           The Professional Golfers Career College is
approved to operate by the California               licensed by the South Carolina Commission
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education.         on Higher Education, 1122 Lady Street,
Approval to operate means the institution is        Suite 300, Columbia, SC 29201, and
compliant with the minimum standards                telephone     number    (803)    737-2260,
contained in the California Private        Licensure indicates only
Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 (as             that minimum standards have been met; it is
amended) and Division 7.5 of Title 5 of the         not an endorsement or guarantee of quality.
California Code of Regulations. Any                 Licensure is not equivalent to or
questions a student may have about the              synonymous with accreditation by an
college catalog or website that have not been       accrediting agency recognized by the U.S.
satisfactorily answered by the institution          Department of Education.
may be directed to the Bureau for Private
Postsecondary Education at:                         Accreditation

Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education          The Professional Golfers Career College is
1747 North Market Blvd., Suite 225                  accredited by the Accrediting Council for
Sacramento, CA 95834                                Continuing Education & Training (ACCET)
Phone: (916) 574-8900                               to award a Specialized Associates Degree.                                     ACCET is listed as a nationally recognized
                                                    accrediting agency by the United States
A student or any member of the public may           Department of Education. The address is:
file a complaint about this institution with
the Bureau for Private Postsecondary                ACCET
Education by calling (888) 370-7589 or by           1722 N. Street, NW
completing a complaint form, which can be           Washington, DC 20036
obtained on the bureau’s internet Web               Tel: (202) 955-1113
site                               Website:

As a prospective student, you are                   Note: See page 50 for ACCET Complaint
encouraged to review this catalog prior to          Procedure
signing an enrollment agreement. You are
also encouraged to review the School                Accreditation and licensure documents may
Performance Fact Sheet, which must be               be reviewed in the Administration Office.
provided to you prior to signing an
enrollment agreement.                               Fiscal Responsibility

Instruction is in residence with facility           The Professional Golfers Career College
occupancy level accommodating 200                   does not have a pending petition in
students at any one time. California statute        bankruptcy, is not operating as a debtor in
requires that a student who successfully            possession, has not filed a petition within the
completes a course of study be awarded an           preceding five years, nor has had a petition
appropriate degree verifying the fact.              in bankruptcy filed against it within the
                                                    preceding five years that resulted in
                                                    reorganization under Chapter 11 of the
                                                    United States Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C.
                                                    Sec. 1101 et seq.).

Mission Statement                                     found our graduates to have the skills necessary
                                                      to be successful in a very competitive
The mission of the Professional Golfers Career        environment in the business of golf.
College is to educate the future leaders in the
world of golf. This mission is accomplished by        The College
providing our students with the most updated
curriculum in business and golf-related               The mission of the college is to educate its
education.      PGCC has one program –                students so that they can become the future
Professional Golf Management. Our program             leaders in the world of golf. Our college is
objectives are as follows:                            designed to meet the worldwide need for golf
                                                      professionals who are trained in both the sport
1. Because our college focuses on a population        and in its business management.
of students who wish to attain leadership
positions in golf-related organizations, students     It takes much more than a great golf swing to be
can expect a broad-based education that covers        a golf professional in the future. Success
the many different aspects of professional golf       depends upon business, merchandising, teaching
management. The curriculum is designed to             and public relations skills. Our curriculum
include the business aspects of golf management       consists of a four-semester program over a 16-
as well as the teaching and playing of golf. The      month period that provides our students with the
ethical values found in the game of golf are also     best instruction possible. Graduates receive a
included in many of our classes, such as              Specialized Associate Degree in Professional
Leadership, Attitude & Motivation, and Rules of       Golf Management.
                                                      Our academic instructors have been selected for
2. One of the primary goals of our college is to      their teaching ability and leadership in the
exceed the expectations of our students. We do        business community.
this by having an updated curriculum and a
caring and professional staff and faculty.

3. Our curriculum is designed to cover an area of
general education subjects and specific related
professional golf management topics. These
include classes such as Golf Operations, and
Marketing. Students are also taught public
relations skills, golf teaching skills, Country
Club Management, and Golf Club Design. Each
class is designed to measure the student's
progress through exams. These exams may be
written, oral, or skill demonstrations, which
would include some of our golf classes.

4. The Professional Golfers Career College was
founded to provide a broad-based education for
skilled golfers who need a professional golf
management program before entering the
marketplace. The uniqueness of the College is
that it combines the skills of golf with a business
curriculum. Our graduates are not only golf
professionals and general managers of country
clubs, but also businessmen with golf-related
manufacturing companies. Employers have
History and Background
                                                     The College pro shop contains golf balls, golf
The Professional Golfers Career College was          shoes, shirts, golf clubs and other necessary golf
incorporated in November 1990 in Temecula,           equipment, including some books. The College
California. The College began with its first class   pro shop is a valuable learning experience for
on September 6, 1991, with a class of 30             students to obtain knowledge in pro shop
students. The first graduation was held on           operations.
December 19, 1992.
                                                     Our beautiful college library contains golf
Program Description                                  instructional books, golf videos and other
                                                     materials related to each class taught at the
Professional Golfers Career College offers a         College. Books and videos can be checked out
Specialized Associate Degree in Professional         for student use. The Library is open during
Golf Management. The degree program lasts            office hours: 7:00am to 4:00pm.
two academic years and contains 72 semester
units including 16 semester units in general         The golf instructional program uses training
education. Each course is worth one or two           aids, such as video cameras, practice training
semester credits and the program consists of         devices, such as putter tracks, swing plane
approximately 43 courses. The objective of the       trainers, swing mirrors, indoor hitting cages,
program is to help students attain a fundamental     weight shift monitors, and training clubs, all of
grounding in professional golf management,           which are available to the students.
including an introduction to the theory and
practice of golf shop operations, methods of golf    The Legends Golf Club is listed as an auxiliary
teaching, golf rules and country club                classroom of the Temecula Professional Golfers
management.        Prospective     students    are   Career College.
encouraged to visit the physical facilities of the
school and to discuss personal educational and       The Legends Golf Club is located at:
occupational plans with school personnel prior       41687 Temeku Drive
to enrolling or signing enrollment agreements.       Temecula, CA 92591
The College is in operation Monday through           (951) 694-9998
Friday. Classes are held from 8:00 am until
12:00 noon. Golf activities start at 1:00 pm.        Hilton Head Campus Location and
Temecula Campus Location and Facilities              The Professional Golfers Career College is
The Professional Golfers Career College is           located at 4454 Bluffton Park Crescent West,
located at 26109 Ynez Road, Temecula,                Suite 200, Bluffton, SC 29910. The College
California 92591, in the beautiful Temecula          campus consists of administration offices, six
Valley region of Southern California. The            classrooms, a club repair facility, pro shop,
College campus consists of administration            fitness/golf studio and library. Classrooms
offices, five classrooms, a club repair facility,    average over 700 square feet and are equipped
pro shop, fitness room, golf studio, library, and    with instructor computers, DVD/VCRs, movie
auditorium. Classrooms average over 300 square       screens and overhead projectors.
feet and are equipped with televisions,
VCR/DVDs, movie screens and overhead                 The club repair facility is located 4454 Bluffton
projectors.                                          Park Crescent W., Suite 109, Bluffton, SC
                                                     29910 has workstations for the students. A lie
The club repair facility is located on campus and    and loft machine plus club repair materials such
has workstations for the students. A lie and loft    as shafts and grips are made available to the
machine plus club repair materials such as shafts    students.
and grips are made available to the students.

The College library contains golf instructional      Every Friday is “dress for success” day. All
books, golf videos and other materials related to    students are required to purchase a PGCC blazer
each class taught at the College. Books and          and tie to be worn to class on Fridays.
videos can be checked out for student use.
                                                     As part of the college’s dress code appropriate
The golf instructional program uses training         footwear is a factor. The school allows dress
aids, such as video cameras, practice training       shoes, along with golf teaching shoes. The
devices, such as putter tracks, swing plane          college does allow golf specific shoes that are
trainers, swing mirrors, indoor hitting cages, and   spike-less, and professional looking. Any other
training clubs, all of which are available to the    type of shoe is not permitted unless approved by
students.                                            Campus Director please consult with him for
                                                     any questions or guidance.
Some of the hands-on golf classes are held at the
following golf course (auxiliary classroom):         Hair must be neatly styled. Bleached hair,
Pinecrest Golf Club                                  spiked hair styles or any other extreme hair
1 Pinecrest Way, Bluffton, SC 29910                  styles are not acceptable and male students must
(843) 757-8960                                       wear their hair less than collar length. Neatly
                                                     trimmed moustaches are permitted (trimmed at
Usual Class Size                                     the corner of the mouth). Beards and goatees
                                                     are not permitted, and students are expected to
The usual class size of an incoming class is
                                                     be clean-shaven daily. Men are not permitted to
about 30 students. The maximum student
                                                     wear earrings. Facial piercings or tongue rings
teacher ratio is 45 to 1.
                                                     are not allowed. Students can be sent home and
                                                     marked absent for not shaving and can also lose
The maximum number of students in a
                                                     golf privileges.
classroom and laboratory situation would be 20
in the computer and club repair labs. The
                                                     There will be no hats allowed in the classrooms
maximum student teacher ratio is 20 to 1.
                                                     or administrative building at any time.
Veteran’s Benefits                                   A student on campus for any reason must be
The Professional Golfers Career College is           dressed as a golf professional and well groomed.
approved for Veteran’s benefits.
                                                     Self-confidence comes in part from knowing one
Appearance                                           looks like a professional; the college will help;
PGCC is a business college and business attire       make it a habit every day.
(appropriate golf attire) will be worn while
attending classes, on the golf course or at the      Suspension of play, practice and lessons will be
driving range. Slacks, golf shirts, sweaters, and    given to a student not obeying these guidelines.
wind breakers, customarily recognized as golf
attire, will be permitted. If sweaters are worn,     Attitude
they must be accompanied by a collared shirt or      A cheerful, cooperative, and positive attitude is
turtleneck underneath. No shirts worn outside of     expected of all students. Complaints of any
pants (untucked). Blue jeans, cargo pants,           improper behavior towards any member of the
sweats, hoodies, warm-ups, and t-shirts are not      staff, faculty, or student body are to be directed
permitted. No “Loud Mouth” pants are allowed.        to the Administration.
Belts must be worn. Women’s shorts must not
exceed 4" above the knee and not be tight,
miniskirts are not allowed. All attire must be
clean and pressed. The PGCC Faculty will be
the sole judge of appropriate attire.

Dr. Tim Somerville                                      Jonathan Flietstra
Dr. Tim Somerville is, Founder, for the                 Director of Admissions
Professional Golfers Career College. Dr.                Jonathan comes to PGCC with years of
Somerville has one of the most diverse                  coaching, counseling, and walking alongside
backgrounds in education, college athletics, and        people through the ups-and-downs of life.
golf.                                                   Jonathan has coached basketball and volleyball
                                                        at the High School level. From there, he earned
Dr. Somerville has a Ph.D. from Ohio State              the position as an alumnus at Cal State
University, where he also taught and coached.           University of Long Beach as the Men’s 8-man
His educational background and teaching                 Rowing Coach. During these years of coaching
experience provide an ideal background to serve         athletics, Jonathan was also coaching people
as President of the Professional Golfers Career         along in life. He earned his Master’s Degree in
College. He has taught and coached basketball           Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary.
on the college level for over 12 years and was          Over 10 years, Jonathan has served 1,000’s of
head basketball coach at Texas Christian                students from the Long Beach, Compton, and
University.                                             Greater Los Angeles areas.

For many years, Dr. Somerville was one of the           Jonathan lives in Temecula with his wife Jackie,
owners and Executive Director at the San Diego          and son Joah. They are excited to be a part of the
Golf Academy and was also instrumental in               long history that PGCC has established;
starting the Golf Academy of the South. After           developing students using the values intrinsic to
leaving that position, he founded the                   the game and then sending them out to shape the
Professional Golfers Career College. Dr.                future World of Golf.
Somerville is a leader in golf education and has
helped develop many of the concepts used in             Ann M. Martin
golf education curriculum development. He has           Financial Aid Director/ Director of
also appeared in professional golf videos and           Compliance
written many golf articles. Dr. Somerville has          As the Director of Compliance and Financial
also been on the editorial staff of Golf Tips           Aid Director at the College, Ann Martin was
Magazine.                                               instrumental in starting the Title IV Program at
                                                        PGCC. Her duties include all federal and state
Dr. Somerville was awarded one of golf’s great          compliance and regulatory reports as well as the
honors by being elected as an Honorary Lifetime         institutional surveys of students and graduates.
Member of the PGA of America by the Inland
Chapter of the Southern California Section of           Ann manages all aspects of compliance
the PGA.                                                including the development, implementation, and
                                                        monitoring of all policies and procedures. She is
Sandra Somerville                                       also responsible for student, staff, and faculty
Owner/Chief Financial Officer                           file completion, student transcripts and
As the Secretary and Chief Financial Officer,           overseeing the Financial Aid Department at both
Sandi is responsible for the College's financial        campuses. Ann has been with the College since
health. Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable,          1992.
Payroll, Banking, and General Ledger are some
of her areas of responsibility. She has over 30
years’ experience in the business arena. As an
owner, Vice President, and controller of two
multi-million-dollar companies, Sandi brings a
wealth of knowledge and wisdom to the

HILTON HEAD                                               and a variety of other classes. Jim’s golf
                                                          experience is essential in dealing with the
ADMINISTRATION                                            students and training them in all aspects of the
                                                          golf business.
Michael Collins, PGA
Executive Director                                        James Bell
Mike was born in Cleveland Ohio and grew up               Admissions Counselor
in Portland Oregon. His passion for the game of           James joined the Professional Golfers Career
golf comes from a life-long journey especially            College in May of 2021 and is currently the
learning about its history and etiquette.                 Admissions Counselor at the Hilton Head
                                                          Campus. Originally from Warsaw, NY, James
After playing High School golf in Portland                earned his B.S. in Business Management from
Oregon, he played College golf at the University          D’Youville College located in the City of Good
of South Carolina Upstate. He also caddied on             Neighbors that is Buffalo, NY. James moved to
the Hogan Tour.                                           SC in 2015 to escape the frozen tundra of the
                                                          Western New York winters with stops in
He started his golf career at The Landings Club           Summerville, SC, Moncks Corner, SC and
in 1995 and was elected into membership of the            finally making it to the Hilton Head area.
PGA of America in 2002. During his career,
Mike has held numerous positions in the golf              Prior to PGCC, James spent eight years in
industry including General Manager, Head Golf             Student Affairs serving as an Admissions
Professional and Director of golf for various             Counselor, Financial Aid Counselor, Career
facilities both private and public around the             Counselor and Mentor. His love for the game of
country. He is also the winner of two national            golf and his passion for academics makes him a
service awards.                                           perfect fit in the PGCC family.
Mike’s wife Tracey is originally from New
Jersey and son Cameron was born in Savannah               James has worn many hats in Higher Education
Georgia.                                                  but what truly makes him get out of bed in the
                                                          morning is greeting students as they arrive in the
Jim Hoff, PGA                                             morning with a handshake or a fist bump to
Director of Placement                                     ultimately guiding them through their academic
Jim Hoff has a wide variety of achievements and           journey culminating with the presentation of
positions in the golf industry. Jim started out as        their degree.
a player participating in the mini tours in

After his playing career Jim joined the HMS
Golf Management team in Savannah, Georgia,
overseeing the completion and opening of the
Southbridge Golf Club. After opening another
course, Cedar Creek Golf Club, Jim left HMS
Golf Management to pursue his goals; managing
up-scale courses from inception to opening.

For a decade Jim was responsible for overseeing
daily operations for McKinley Golf Corporation
on Hilton Head Island. Jim became corporate
controller for McKinley Golf Corporation. Jim
with his background in golf operations teaches
Golf Operations, Country Club Management,

                                                         Ray Carrasco
The Professional Golfers Career College has              In 2004 Ray won the prestigious Ryder Cup
attracted an outstanding Advisory Board that             Wales Senior Open. Ray had a great start in the
provides the administration of the College with          2003 European Seniors Tour by winning the
updated knowledge of the golf industry.                  2003 Digicel Jamaica Classic in Montego Bay.
                                                         In the 2002 season, Ray won the Travis Perkins
Our Advisory Board is involved in the business           Senior British Masters at Wentworth Club.
of golf, golf instruction, and ownership of golf
courses. The board is made up of the following           With his established position in the world of
individuals:                                             Golf -Ray has donated his time over the years
                                                         for various charitable causes, including the
Ken Ferrell, PGA                                         Ocean Institute, The Wise Place-Woman’s
Ken Ferrell is the former Director of Golf and           Shelter, L.A. and Orange Counties' Juvenile
Director of Placement for the Professional               Halls, and the Newport Beach Sport Museum.
Golfers Career College. Ken worked for PGCC
from 2001-2009.                                          Ray is a much sought-after Motivational
                                                         Speaker, writes instructional articles for golf
After leaving PGCC, Ken took the position with           magazines, and is also featured in Golf
the National PGA as Employment Consultant.               Instructional Videos.
Ken has been a PGA Member for 25+ years
having served as the Head Golf Professional at           Louis C. Skovron, PGA
Tustin Ranch and Dove Canyon Country Club.               Lou served on the Board of Directors for the
                                                         Southern California PGA while also serving as
Ken continues a close relationship with the staff        President of the San Diego Chapter PGA Board.
and students at PGCC by being a guest speaker
in our Golf Shop Operation classes.                      Lou was also named ‘Merchandiser of the Year’
                                                         in 1990 for the Southern California Section
Ed Smilow, Esq.                                          PGA. Lou was Awarded the ‘Bill Bryant
Ed Smilow is a graduate of Cornell University            Award’ for service for The Southern California
and also has a law degree from The New                   Section PGA in 2014.
England School of Law. After serving many
years as a trial lawyer, Ed enrolled and
graduated from the Professional Golfers Career
College where he was class Valedictorian and
Most Valuable Player.

After graduating from PGCC Ed became the
General Manager and Director of Golf at the
Ayala Golf Center in Chino, CA. Ed has served
as the Executive Director of the California Golf
Course Owners Association. He currently owns
Golf Course Law representing golf courses,
businesses, and persons in the golf industry
throughout California.

Advisory Program                                          Drug and Alcohol Counseling
During enrollment at the College, students have           The College strives to maintain a drug-free
one-on-one conferences each semester with one             environment for its students. A list of counseling
of the directors. At these conferences, career            centers is available to students seeking guidance
plans, academic concerns, and personal matters            for drug-related concerns.
can be discussed in confidence.
                                                          Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention
During their Senior semester, the students are            Program
assigned to the Placement Director for career             To prevent drug and alcohol abuse, PGCC
placement assistance. All directors are available         prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or
to students during office hours. Students can             distribution of drugs and alcohol including but
make appointments in the Administration                   not limited to recreational drugs and any form of
Office.                                                   marijuana by students and employees on school
                                                          property, or as part of the school's activities. The
Admissions Counseling                                     legal sanctions for the unlawful possession, use,
The College seeks to enroll only those students           or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol
who can be served by its specialized program.             include criminal prosecution, the payment of
Students who can be best served by another                court fines or incarceration.
college will be advised to enroll elsewhere.
                                                          Serious health risks are associated with the illicit
Every effort will be made to help the student             use of drugs and alcohol, including the risks of
before and after enrollment by the                        dependency, injury, and death. Consumption of
administration of the College. The College                alcoholic beverages impairs one's ability to drive
follows a strict nondiscrimination policy in the          a car or operate machinery and may cause health
admission of students.                                    problems. According to the U.S. Surgeon
                                                          General, women should not drink alcoholic
PGCC admits as regular students those                     beverages during pregnancy because of the risks
handicapped individuals whose handicap (1)                of birth defects. In addition, the school will
would not create, during their training, a safety         impose sanctions on students (consistent with
hazard to themselves or their classmates; and (2)         local, state, and federal law), up to and including
would not interfere with their ability to benefit         expulsion      from     school     or    mandatory
from the training offered through their                   participation in a substance abuse program, and
classroom performance capabilities and have               referral for prosecution, for violation of this
reasonable placement potential following                  policy.
                                                          Sexual Assault Policy
Academic Counseling                                       The Professional Golfers Career College has a
Academic counseling is a continuous process of            policy prohibiting any act involving sexual
helping students obtain success. At the                   assault or harassment by any of its employees,
Professional Golfers Career College, the                  students, staff, faculty, or anyone conducting
directors and the faculty are available                   business on College premises, which includes
throughout the school year to help students reach         the college building, and any location used for
their career goals.                                       an off-site school function.

Career Counseling                                         Sexual Assault includes but is not limited to
Career counseling and planning is offered as a            rape, forced sodomy, forced oral copulation,
part of the total experience for the student. From        rape by a foreign object, sexual battery, or threat
job-seeking skills, to resume preparation, to the         of sexual assault.
interview, instruction is provided as students are
assisted in making favorable career decisions.

If a student believes he/she is a victim of sexual           Housing
assault he/she should report the assault
immediately to the nearest faculty or staff                  PGCC does not have dormitory facilities and has
member, who will notify the school president                 no responsibility to find or assist with finding
and the police.                                              student housing. Professional Golfers Career
                                                             College refers students to local housing
Any observer of a sexual assault crime should                providers, allowing our students to have an array
notify the school president immediately rather               of options for housing, on a first-come, first-
than take the initiative to contact the police. It is        served basis. The apartments rented are fully
critical that the rights of the victim are protected         furnished, and non-smoking, from local
so that they are the one to call authorities and             apartment communities, and are leased to
report the facts of the crime accurately.                    students on a double-occupancy basis for
                                                             approximately $900.00 a month per student. For
The police will arrive to review the crime, take a           those that wish to take part in this housing
description of the attacker, etc. and ensure that            program, the providers take an active role in
the victim and his/her escort are transported to a           helping to suitably match PGCC student
medical facility.                                            roommates.

The student, as the victim, will be referred to              Identification Cards
specific counseling centers in your area.
                                                             Identification cards are required for all students.
Confidentiality is required to protect all parties
                                                             Photos are taken during new student orientation.
involved with the assault.
                                                             New valid ID stickers are made each semester
                                                             and distributed at the beginning of each
Any inquiries from newspapers, employees,
                                                             semester. Should an ID card be lost or
parents, or other students will be immediately
                                                             destroyed, its replacement will cost $5.00. ID's
forwarded President, to avoid misrepresentation
                                                             are necessary to be able to play golf at all the
of the facts and breach of confidentiality.
                                                             courses at which the College has privileges.
Efforts will be made by the school staff or
faculty member to help the victim deal with                  New Student Orientation
academic difficulties resulting from the crime.
Should another student, faculty members, or                  Orientation is held before the first day of class
staff member be accused of the crime,                        each semester. All new students are required to
appropriate disciplinary action will occur until a           attend. Orientation activities include meeting the
formal investigation is completed. The victim                directors and faculty, going over rules and
will be informed of any further disciplinary                 regulations, dress code, and ID cards.
action or appeal in connection with the sexual
assault.                                                     Library

Prevention is the best tool for elimination of               The College Library has resource materials that
sexual assault. All staff, faculty, and students             include books related to all the academic classes,
will take all steps necessary to prevent sexual              plus golf-related material.
assault from occurring such as expressing strong
disapproval, using self-defense techniques, and
increasing awareness of what sexual assault

Championship Golf Courses                                Another outstanding course for our students is
                                                         Menifee Lakes Country Club. This 27-hole
The Professional Golfers Career College has              course has a great layout with plenty of water
many championship golf courses available                 that comes into play, making it very challenging
nearby for students, in addition to a driving            for our students. This premier course is only a
range.                                                   fifteen-minute drive from our campus.

The Legends Golf Club at Temeku Hills –                  Other fine golf courses where students play
Temecula Home Course.                                    include Pala Mesa, RedHawk, and Cross Creek.

When Dr. Tim Somerville founded the                      PGCC Tournaments
Professional Golfers Career College in 1990,
owning a golf course was on the long list of             This is a mandatory class for all students who
things to do, and over the last two decades, one         are not in the Advance Skills class.
by one, that list has gotten shorter. Dr.
Somerville and PGCC are now the proud owners             Each student starts off with a letter grade of A.
of The Legends Golf Club at Temeku Hills.                Maintaining the A is based on the student’s
                                                         behavior, appearance, and attendance. Grades
The 6,600-yard course is a classic, designed by          are dropped one letter grade for each violation of
Ted Robinson. It features five lakes and                 tournament guidelines.       Violations of the
numerous doglegs that challenge every golfer,            following may lead to the student being
and every PGCC student. At the Legends Golf              disqualified from playing in any Cup Matches.
Club at Temeku Hills students will get hands-on
work in every capacity so when they graduate             All decisions regarding violations will be
with their 2-year degree in Professional Golf            handled by the Director of Golf.
Management, in addition to learning the basics
in class, they’ll have practical experience.             1. BE ON TIME - Show up 20 minutes before
                                                            your assigned tee time. If you miss your tee
Our students give free lessons to the community             time you will be disqualified and will not be
as part of their Golf Teaching course; their Turf           allowed to play.
Management classes are held there.
                                                         2. If you are absent from school the day of
Located very close to the campus is The Golf                your tournament you will not be able to play
Club at Rancho California. This championship                without consent from the Director of Golf.
club plays 7,100 yards from the back tees. Golf
Magazine ranked this course as one of the top 50             DRESS CODE - If you are out of school
public courses in the country. The Southern                  dress code you will not be allowed to play,
California PGA and Golden State Tour have                    and your round will not be made up.
both played many championship tournaments on
this great course.                                       3. Students must comply with the following:
                                                            A.      Clean shaven
Our students also play at the Temecula Creek                B.      Clean golf shoes
Inn, which is one of the finest resort courses in           C.      Collared shirt and slacks
Southern California. This outstanding course has
27 challenging holes and is the site of the              4. Any unprofessional attitude or activity, such
Temecula Creek Open, which has attracted top                as the following:
mini-tour players from throughout the country. It           A.       Total disregard of rules and
is also the site of many of the Golden State Tour                    etiquette
Championships. This beautiful resort is only a              B.       Profanity
ten-minute drive from our campus.                           C.       Club throwing

D.      Disregard for tournament                     9.   Report to the pro shop and show your current
            chairperson and or committee                      student I.D.
            members or golf course staff
            personnel                                     Range Procedures

5. Purposely disqualifying yourself because of            The following procedures are to be followed at
   poor play by:                                          the range:
   A.      Walking off the course
   B.      Not signing the score card                     Range hours are 1:00 through 4:00 PM Monday
                                                          thru Friday.
Violation of any of the above-mentioned rules
can result in you being disqualified from playing         All lessons will be conducted at home course
in any cup matches. Should a student be                   range unless otherwise stated.
disqualified, he/she is still required to play in
weekly tournaments to earn a letter grade.                PGCC dress code and conduct procedures are
                                                          always to be followed at the range.
Tee Time Policy
                                                          Students are limited to three buckets or range
1. The tee sheets will be posted on Friday for            balls daily.
   the following week.
                                                          Failure to follow range procedures will result in
2. Each student is responsible for their own              loss of privileges.
   name on the tee sheet.
                                                          The golf course rules and policies are to be
3. You should plan your week as to when you               followed without question.
   want to practice, take lessons, or play.
                                                          Violation of range golf policy may result in the
4. If you are not in school on that day, you will         loss of privileges for one week. The second
   not be allowed to play, take lessons, or use           violation may result in a three-week suspension
   the practice range.                                    or possible termination from the college.

5. If you play golf, take lessons, or use the
   practice range on a day that you are not in
   school, your privileges will be suspended for
   one week. 2nd offense - 2-week suspension,

6. Any cancellation of your tee time must take
   place no later than 24 hours prior to your tee

7. No shows - any student who does not show
   up for their tee time will be responsible for
   paying their green fee ($25.00) before their
   playing privileges are restored.

8. Tee sheets are faxed 24 hours in advance.
   No changes to the tee sheet will be made
   after it has been faxed.

ADMISSIONS                                                  International Students
                                                            International students who apply to PGCC are
Admission Requirements                                      expected to meet the same admissions
The College seeks serious students who have a               requirements as all other students. Applicants
true desire to obtain entry-level positions in the          whose native language is not English are
golf industry. Both men and women who are                   required to take the Test of English as a Foreign
past the age of compulsory education and have               Language (TOEFL) and earn a score of 450PP,
earned a high school diploma or its equivalent              3.0 ITEP, 4.5 IELTS, or 45 IBT. All PGCC
will be accepted as regular students if they meet           classes are taught in the English Language.
the playing qualifications. A student who is not a
high school graduate may be admitted if they                PGCC provides Visa services. International
have earned the minimum of an Associates                    Students who are accepted into PGCC will
Degree from an accredited college recognized                receive an I-20 form from the College, so the
by the Department of Education.                             student can apply for their M-1 visa.
                                                            International students are not eligible for any
An applicant should also meet the playing ability           student financial assistance.
requirements. Applicants who want to be golf
professionals should have a golf handicap of 10             Tuition and Fees for Each Semester
or below. Applicants who desire to be general               Tuition payment and fees for U.S. students are:
managers or sales representatives or anything                       Tuition: $7,354
else in the golf industry must have a general                       Fees: $1,450
understanding of the game of golf.                                  Student Tuition Recovery Fund: $0
                                                                    Textbooks: Approximately $350
Admission Procedures                                              Total Cost: $9,154
In addition to the application and the $45.00
application fee ($75.00 application fee for                 Tuition payment and fees for international
International students), you will be required to            students are:
submit all the following:                                           Tuition: $7,354
                                                                    Visa Processing $300
* Official, sealed high school or G.E.D.                            Fees: $1,450
transcripts. These will not be returned to the                      Student Tuition Recovery Fund: $0
student.                                                            Textbooks: Approximately $350
* College transcripts, if you plan on transferring                Total Cost: $9,454
in any credits or are not supplying proof of High
School graduation. The college must be                      Tuition and Fees for Entire Program
accredited by an accrediting agency recognized              Tuition payment and fees for U.S. students are:
by the United States Department of Education.                       Non-Refundable Application Fee: $45
These will not be returned to the student.                          Tuition: $29,416
* One (1) letter of golf ability verification from a                Fees: $5,800
golf coach, golf professional, or other golf                        PGCC Sports Coat & Tie: $219.40
industry employee.                                                  Student Tuition Recovery Fund: $0
* Three (3) letters of personal character                           Textbooks: Approximately $1,400
recommendations from persons not living with                      Total Cost: $36,880.40
                                                            Tuition payment and fees for international
After the College receives these documents, the             students are:
admissions office reviews the documents, and a                      Non-Refundable Application Fee: $75
decision is made. Should a positive decision be                     Tuition: $29,416
made, an acceptance letter, starting date, and                      Visa Processing $1,200
contract is sent to the student. Students must                      Fees: $5,800
return the contract with a $500.00 deposit to                       PGCC Sports Coat & Tie: $219.40
reserve their place for entering the College. The                   Student Tuition Recovery Fund: $0
$500.00 deposit will be applied to the payment                      Textbooks: Approximately $1,400
of the first semester’s tuition.                                  Total Cost: $38,110.40

Tuition includes all the academic classes plus             No billing statements are mailed to
green fees, lessons from our golf staff, and range        students nor parents.
balls. Resource Fee Includes: Administrative
services, fitness center, club repair shop,               Dishonored Checks and Credit Cards
computer lab with internet access, CPR
certification, and use of library & services.
                                                          A $25 service fee will be charged for dishonored
                                                          check. It is the student's responsibility to ensure
Textbooks                                                 adequate funds are available to cover checks
Books that are required for each class are                written to the college.
mandatory. Students who attend class without
the required textbooks will receive a warning
and risk being dropped from the class if they
                                                          Delinquent Student Accounts
continue to attend class without their textbook.
                                                          PGCC Attempts to handle delinquent accounts
Build a professional library by keeping all your          in-house before referring accounts to outside
books. Your books will benefit you in your golf           collections agencies.
                                                          PGCC offers payment plans for past-due
                                                          accounts so students can continue to take classes
Payment Methods and Deadlines                             while paying off debt.
Tuition & fee charges are to be paid in full by
4pm on the first of the month prior to the                For students who are using financial aid
published term start date. See calendar on page           or VA funds to pay for their tuition and
50 of this catalog for due dates. Late payments
are subject to a $200 late fee.
                                                          If the student will have a balance owed once
PAYMENT IN PERSON:                                        financial aid and/or VA funds will be credited to
Cash- PGCC does not accept cash as a form of              their account, then that balance will be due on
payment.                                                  the tuition due date.

Check, Money order, trust fund check, etc., in            Career Placement Services
person- These payments MUST have the
student's name on the check. Personal checks              At the Professional Golfers Career College
must also have the check writer's phone number            placement of our graduates is one of our main
written on the check.                                     goals. The College cannot promise or
                                                          guarantee employment or level of income to
Credit/Debit Card- PGCC reserves the right to             any student or graduate.
check photo ID during credit/debit card
transaction. Debit cards have a transaction limit         PGCC helps students to prepare for the job
                                                          search by providing assistance in:
that should be checked with the bank and
increased as needed before payment is
                                                          1. Reviewing a student's resume
attempted. Credit Card payments are subject to            2. Counseling for a career choice in the golf
a 3% processing fee.                                         industry
                                                          3. Providing job leads
PAYMENT BY MAIL:                                          4. Helping the student in interviewing
Check, Money order, trust fund check, etc.,                  techniques
These payments MUST have the student's name
on the check. Personal checks must also have the          The success of the College's placement efforts
check writer's phone number written on the                will be influenced to a great extent by the
check. Payments should be sent to:                        attendance, attitude, and academic record of the
Professional Golfers Career College                       student. The placement office will do everything
26109 Ynez Road                                           possible to help our students understand the
Temecula, CA 92591                                        placement process.


The following consumer information is provided            This program of study is designed to prepare
as required by federal regulations.         This          students for the types of occupations listed
information is based on current and historical            below. The occupations listed are types of
data and does not constitute a promise or                 positions for which the program generally
guarantee of future performance. There are                prepares graduates. The College makes no
many factors that will change the cost of a               representation or warranty that its graduates
program, the time to complete the program, or             have obtained these positions or that any future
the amount of debt that an individual may incur           graduates will obtain these positions.
in order to complete the program, including
transfer credits, eligibility for grants, course              Head Golf Professionals
failures, and non-continuous attendance. These                Assistant Golf Professionals
figures represent general program information                 Outside/Inside Services
that depends on individual situations, and the                Golf Instructors
Professional Golfers Career College makes no                  Directors of Golf
guarantee or warranty, either expressed or                    General Managers
implied. The College reserves the right to adjust             Directors of Instruction
tuition and fees and to add or delete programs                High School/College Golf Coaches
of study at any time, in accordance with                      Golf Clinicians
applicable statutes and regulations.                          Course Superintendents
                                                              Merchandise Representatives
Articulation Agreements                                       Sales Executives
                                                              Tournament Directors
                                                              Rules Officials
The Professional Golfers Career College has an
articulation agreement with the University of


The occupational objective of the two-academic-
year Specialized Associate Degree Program is
Professional Golf Management. The curriculum
is designed to cover areas of general education
subjects and specific related professional golf
management topics. These include classes such
as Golf Operations, and Marketing. Students are
also taught public relations skills, golf teaching
skills, Country Club Management, and Golf
Club Design. Each class is designed to measure
the student’s progress through exams. These
exams may be written, oral, or skill
demonstrations, which would include some of
our golf classes.

Cost of Program for Domestic Students

Tuition and fees:                             $36,480.40
Books:                                        $1,000
On-Campus room & board                        Not Offered

Tuition includes all of the academic classes plus green fees, lessons from our golf staff, and range balls. Fees
include: Administration, Library, Internet Access, Tournament Fees, Computer Lab, Club Repair Lab and
Supplemental Class Resources.

The amount quoted is the typical cost of a program that does not factor in individual circumstances such as
course failures, and price changes. The College does not offer on-campus room and board. The Professional
Golfers Career College does not make any guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied.

In addition to any grant aid for which they are eligible, students may use loans to finance their education. The
median loan debt for program graduates is as follows.

Federal loans:                                 $13,718
Private Educational Loans:                     $9,177

The median loan debt is calculated based on students who graduated between January 1, 2016 and December
31, 2016. An individual's loan debt will vary based on individual factors such as a student's decision to pay
for the program from sources other than student loans or to borrow more than is needed to pay the direct costs
of education, course failures, and program changes. Private educational loan data are based only on
information reported to the College.

The job placement rate for students who complete the program is 75%.
The placement rate is calculated using the formula promulgated by the Accrediting Council for Continuing
Education and Training for 2019. The College makes no promise or guarantee of employment.

Campus Security Report

You can view the entire report at:

On-campus Student Housing Facilities                  Local Police Crime Statistics

This institution does not provide On-campus            Local statistics are included with the campus's
Student Housing Facilities.                           statistics.

 Criminal Offenses - On campus
                                                           Total occurrences On campus
            Criminal offense                  2016                2017                 2018
 a. Murder/Non-negligent
                                                0                    0                        0
 b. Negligent manslaughter                      0                    0                        0
 c. Sex offenses - Forcible                     0                    0                        0
 d. Sex offenses - Non-forcible                 0                    0                        0
 e. Robbery                                     0                    0                        0
 f. Aggravated assault                          0                    0                        0
 g. Burglary                                    2                    0                        0
 h. Motor vehicle theft                         1                    0                        0
 i. Arson                                       0                    0                        0
 Criminal Offenses - Public Property
                                                        Total occurrences on Public Property
            Criminal offense                  2016                 2017                   2018
 a. Murder/Non-negligent
                                                0                    0                        0
 b. Negligent manslaughter                      0                    0                        0
 c. Sex offenses - Forcible                     0                    0                        0
 d. Sex offenses - Non-forcible                 0                    0                        0
 e. Robbery                                     1                    0                        0
 f. Aggravated assault                          0                    0                        0
 g. Burglary                                    0                    0                        0
 h. Motor vehicle theft                         2                    0                        0
 i. Arson                                       0                    0                        0

Attendance Policy                                       Complaint or Grievance Procedures
Regular attendance is essential for academic            Students experiencing problems with any
progress and success in your golf career.               teacher or administrative personnel should
Absences may jeopardize a student’s ability to          first try to resolve the problem directly.
complete their program in a timely manner.              Should there still be difficulties, the student is
                                                        requested to make an appointment with the
All students are encouraged to complete the             Director of Operations so that any complaint
specified hours for the program by the end of           may be registered, and solutions discussed. If
each week. If a student is unable to22 attend           further action is required, refer to the
or leaves campus early on a given day(s), they          grievance procedure.
should contact their instructor or their class
coach. Students are encouraged to make up               Grievance Policy
missed attendance. The instructor will assist in        It is important for every student, staff and
creating a makeup plan. Attendance is checked           faculty to know the correct procedure for
daily.                                                  resolving any problems they may encounter.
                                                        The following is an outline of the procedures
PGCC encourages 100% attendance and                     to be followed.
requires 80% attendance for graduation. Any
student who has an unexcused absence of                 Any grievance must be first addressed to the
fourteen (14) consecutive days will be                  person or department with whom the
automatically withdrawn. Instructors turn in            disagreement originally occurred.
absence sheets the first 15 minutes of each
class. This data is kept on the computers in the        If a resolution is not achieved, a formal written
Administration Offices and are tracked on a             statement must then be submitted to the
weekly basis and attendance reports are                 Director of Operations. A meeting will be held
generated.                                              with the disagreeing parties and the Director
                                                        of Operations.
Students will be placed on warning status at
the 85% absenteeism mark.            Failure to         If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved
successfully return to good standing from               with the Director of Operations, a written
warning will lead to probation. Probation will          statement must be forwarded to the President
be lifted once they get back to above the 80%           of the College. Upon reviewing the facts
mark. Failure to successfully return to good            presented by the students, faculty or staff, the
standing following probation will lead to loss          President will render a decision. All decisions
of Golf privileges until attendance improves.           made by the President are final.

At the end of the semester, a counseling                Students wishing further assistance may direct
session will take place and a plan to get the           concerns to ACCET, please see page 50 for
student back on track will be setup.                    the ACCET Complaint procedure.

Tardy Policy: Being late for class equals an            Hilton Head students wishing further
absence.    Low attendance can result in                assistance may direct concerns in writing to
warning or probation status or termination              the South Carolina Commission on Higher
from the program as stated above.                       Education. The address for CHE can be found
                                                        on page 7 of this catalog.
Early Departure Policy: Any student
missing 20% or more of the scheduled class              Knowledgeable violation of college rules and
time will be marked absent.                             regulations or rules of golf may constitute
                                                        grounds for disciplinary action. Specifically,
Clock Hours                                             but not limited to, the following acts will not
There are 50 minutes in each clock hour.                be tolerated:

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