Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 -

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Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 -
Barts and The London
School of Medicine
and Dentistry
Undergraduate Study 2015

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 -
Open Days
  School of Medicine
  and Dentistry
  Undergraduate Medicine (A100)
  and Graduate Entry Medicine (A101)
  20 June
  15 and 18 July

  Dentistry (A200)
  8 July

  For more information please visit:

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Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 -

Welcome                                    4
Why study at Barts
and The London?                           6
Essential facts about the School         10
Curriculum and
intercalated degrees                     15
Degree programmes – Medicine             18
Degree programmes – Dentistry            24
Subjects related to Medicine and
Dentistry taught at Queen Mary           30
Living in east London                    32
Student life                             35
Sport                                    38
Accommodation                            41
Living costs, tuition fees
and bursaries                            44
Student support                          49
Entry requirements                       52
Entry requirements
– Alternative entry routes
  into Medicine                          56
Selection                                58
Further information
and how to apply                         66
Maps                                     68

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 -
Welcome to Barts and The London
School of Medicine and Dentistry

Deciding where to study medicine or                  students who are all committed to continuous
dentistry is a big deal, and we want to              improvement and quality enhancement. We met
                                                     with students who are well supported and heard
help you get it right. Please take the
                                                     about strong support infrastructures.” We are
time to look through this prospectus;                very proud of how well our School was received
we think you will like what you see.                 by the national regulator.
Then come and visit us and meet our
                                                     Barts and The London School of Medicine
staff and students. We are confident                 and Dentistry brings together two venerable
that you will pick up on the pride that              teaching institutions: St Bartholomew’s Hospital,
we all have in Barts and The London –                which dates back to 1123, and The London
and the warmth of our welcome.                       Hospital Medical College, founded in 1785, the
                                                     oldest medical school in England and Wales.
There is a genuine excitement about being            The two hospitals lie in very different parts of
part of this institution. A unique combination       London, the City and the East End, meaning
of contrasts and opportunities flows from our        that you will be exposed to a greater diversity of
history. In the late 19th century, Queen Mary        people and their problems than at almost any
University of London grew out of the desire          other medical school. This combination of the
to bring education to the East End of London         scientific excellence mentioned above, and the
to people who had previously had limited             unmatched medical and dental opportunities
opportunities, either because of their social        that flow from our location, means that we are
background or because there were so few              in an unrivalled position to offer you the very
opportunities available to women. In a relatively    best experience as a student, shaping the sort
short period of time, the College has grown          of doctor or dentist you will become and the rest
to achieve an extremely high international           of your life.
standing. Commenting on the 2008 Research
Assessment Exercise, the Times Higher                Of course, it’s not all about studying. We are the
Education Supplement described us as “the            only true campus-based medical and dental
biggest star among the research-intensive            school in London and we offer fantastic social,
institutions”; and in the same process, we were      sporting and cultural experiences for all our
ranked second in the UK in Dentistry and in          students. All this makes Barts and The London a
Medicine – and, in both cases, top in London.        great place to study. We hope you enjoy reading
Since then, we have been climbing all the            our prospectus and that you’ll think seriously
externally validated league tables of universities   about coming and joining the Barts and The
and medical and dental schools as well as            London family. We’d love to welcome you!
the National Student Survey. Most recently, in
                                                     Professor Anthony Warrens
February 2013, the General Medical Council
                                                     Dean for Education, Barts and The
published the outcome of their recent inspection
                                                     London School of Medicine and Dentistry
of the School. They wrote “We observed a
strong sense of community amongst staff and

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 - 5
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 -
Why study at Barts
and The London?

Excellent league table ranking                     Campus-based
Barts and The London School of Medicine            Barts and The London is part of Queen Mary
and Dentistry has been rated first in the UK       University of London, the only university
for Dentistry and fourth for Medicine in the       in central London to offer a self-contained
Complete University Guide 2015 subject             residential campus, which creates a strong
league tables.                                     sense of community. If you are a single, full-
                                                   time, first-year undergraduate who applies
Professor Richard Trembath, Vice-Principal for     during the normal admissions cycle and has
Health at Queen Mary University of London,         not lived in Queen Mary housing before,
Barts and The London School of Medicine            you may be eligible for accommodation on
and Dentistry, comments: “We are proud of          campus. Priority is given to those who apply
our achievements in providing the highest          by the required deadline and who live furthest
standards in Medical and Dental education,         away. East London also offers affordable
recognised in the latest Complete University       privately owned accommodation at a walking
Guide league tables. To be identified as leaders   distance from our campuses. See page 41 for
in training the next generation of doctors and     more details about accommodation.
dentists is a reflection of our dedicated and
talented academics and all who support our         Russell Group member
teaching services.”                                Queen Mary is one of 24 leading UK
                                                   universities represented by the Russell Group
The east London advantage                          that are committed to maintaining the very best
Our location in the east of London and             research, an outstanding teaching and learning
elsewhere in the East London Gateway will          experience, excellent graduate employability
enhance your experience. Not only are we           and unrivalled links with business and the
in one of the capital’s most vibrant areas to      public sector.
live, we also serve a diverse local community
where you will develop your clinical skills and    State-of-the-art clinical facilities
knowledge.                                         We have modern state-of-the-art buildings
                                                   alongside more traditional facilities, such as
Moreover, Barts and The London offers you          our fantastic library. The School takes pride
many exciting opportunities to develop an          in its clinical skills laboratory, which closely
understanding of health and the treatment          simulates the real clinical experience and is
of disease in a global and international           an invaluable learning facility, helping new
context. Many curricular and extra-curricular      students prepare themselves well for patient
developments are under way to support              care in clinics. The majority of the new Royal
learning in this area.                             London Hospital is now completed and is
                                                   the largest hospital in Europe, and includes
                                                   London’s leading trauma and emergency care
                                                   centre, one of Europe’s largest renal services
                                                   and one of the UK’s biggest paediatric services.
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 -
“What I enjoy most is living in
                                                  a hugely diverse and up-and-
                                                  coming part of London. This
                                                  exposes me to a wide variety
                                                  of patients that other London
                                                  medical students don’t have
                                                  the chance to treat – and
                                                  I’m right in the thick of what
                                                  London has to offer!”
                                                  Hannah Fisher, Graduate Entry Programme

Students learn surface anatomy by body painting
– an essential part of their anatomy class
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 -
Why study at Barts
and The London?

New Dental Hospital
The Institute of Dentistry moved to new             “There is a great social life
accommodation in the Alexandra wing of
the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel in         with a strong community feel
April 2014. Costing in the region of £78m,
it is the first new dental school to be built in
                                                    here which was evident from
the UK for over 40 years, and houses state-         day one. Everyone looks out
of-the-art facilities providing, we believe, the
most modern learning environment for dental         for each other and is proud of
education of any UK dental hospital.
                                                    being part of such a prestigious
Designed with clinical functionality at its core,
and complemented by cutting-edge technology,        institution.”
our staff, students and their patients benefit      Faraaz de Belder, MBBS
from an enhanced teaching and learning
experience, enabling improved quality of care,
underpinned by world-class research.                Excellence in research
                                                    The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise
New facilities in the 17,700 m2 of floor space      results showed Barts and The London School
include:                                            of Medicine and Dentistry joining Oxford,
• 11 dedicated seminar rooms and a student          Cambridge, Imperial College and University
  learning centre                                   College London in the top five medical and
• 92 production laboratory spaces                   dental schools in England for quality of
• Digital imaging and two cutting-edge cone         research. For more information, visit: smd.
  beam CT machines                        
• A PC in every operatory with ‘slave screen’
  on chair for viewing images and discussing        Integrated curriculum and opportunity
  results with patient                              for academic development
• Modern facial-scanning equipment                  We have completely eliminated the traditional
• Facilities and services for 72 ‘phantom’ heads    divide between pre-clinical studies and clinical
                                                    years and operate an integrated curriculum,
                                                    which means that you will start seeing patients
                                                    from the very first term. Subject to satisfactory
 Dentistry is ranked 1st in the UK in
                                                    academic performance, you will also have the
 the 2015 Complete University Guide
                                                    opportunity to take an extra year of studies
 subject rankings.
                                                    leading to an undergraduate Master in Science
                                                    degree, known as an intercalated degree.
                                                    This gives you a greater choice of career

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 -
International students                             Friendly environment
We have a long history of welcoming                We pride ourselves on being a friendly School,
international students from many countries.        with excellent staff-student relationships.
We support our international students in a
variety of ways – each year, for example, we       Small dental school
visit Hong Kong and Singapore to interview         With around 70 students per year, we are still
applicants from across South East Asia and         a relatively small dental school. Our size and
talk to prospective candidates in selected         location mean that there is a strong sense
schools, helping them to save on the cost          of community and that we are never short
of travelling to London for interview. For         of patients. Dental students also have the
successful applicants, our international student   opportunity to study at a variety of outreach
welcome programme is designed to make              clinics, gaining experience within different
you feel at home straight away. We will collect    clinical settings.
you from the airport and offer an induction
programme that includes practical advice
about living and studying in London. You           “We are a comparatively
will also have the opportunity to meet other
international students.                            small dental school and all
Student support                                    the teachers know the students.
We have a highly developed network for             We know them because we
pastoral and academic support; recently
commended by the General Medical Council           interact with them and teach,
as an area of good practice. At every stage of
your studies you will receive support from staff
                                                   assist and support. Students
who are experienced in helping and advising        are able to approach us
                                                   and know that we care about
 Medicine is ranked 4th in the UK in
                                                   their personal and academic
 the 2015 Complete University Guide                welfare.”
 subject rankings.              Dr Robert J McGeoch, BDS,
                                                   Clinical Senior Lecturer (Hon. Consultant)

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Study 2015 -
Essential facts about the School

Barts and The London is part of Queen Mary        What can I study at Barts
University of London, one of the three largest    and The London?
colleges of the University of London, and a       We run three programmes in medicine and
member of the Russell group. The College has      one in dentistry:
around 17,000 students enrolled on a wide
range of programmes including sciences, arts,     • A five-year MBBS programme (A100)
engineering, law and social science degrees.      • A shortened (four-year) Graduate-entry
The only residential campus-based College of        MBBS programme (A101)
the University of London, Queen Mary provides     • A shortened (three-year) Oral and
a close-knit environment for studying.              Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS)/Oral Medicine
                                                    programme (A300)
The School of Medicine and Dentistry was
formed in 1995 following the merger of The        • A five-year BDS programme (A200).
Medical College of St Bartholomew’s Hospital
and The London Hospital Medical College,          We also offer a range of taught medical
both important training institutions with long    and dental postgraduate programmes. For
and distinguished histories.                      more information, visit:
The Royal London Hospital opened its
medical school in 1785, making it the oldest      Where will I be based?
in England and Wales, and St Bartholomew’s        Teaching takes place on three campuses: Mile
Hospital dates back to the 12th century. The      End, West Smithfield (site of St Bartholomew’s
Dental School opened in 1911 and celebrated       Hospital) and Whitechapel (site of the Royal
its centenary in October 2011. Barts and The      London Hospital), which are based in east
London has a student body made up of people       London and the City of London.
from all over the country, from a range of
different educational and social backgrounds.     Medical students: in the first two years (A100)
The School has 2,351 undergraduate and 927        or in your first year (A101) you will be taught
postgraduate students, and is a major centre of   mainly at the Whitechapel campus. From an
medical and dental teaching and research in       early stage in the medical programme you
the UK.                                           will gain experience in the local community
                                                  through attachments with general practices.
Our location in east London and the wider
Thames Gateway offers a great opportunity to
develop varied clinical skills and knowledge.
You will be living in one of the capital’s
most vibrant areas and serve a diverse
local community.

“The dentistry course here at
Barts gives you maximum clinical
exposure and experience,
starting in the first year. This
is reinforced with lectures and
assessments to make sure
we understand the theory. To
further cement our knowledge
and develop our clinical skills,
we’re sent to outreach clinics
in Barkantine, in Docklands and
Southend, which are brilliant;
really state-of-the-art equipment
and staff who make you feel like
an actual dentist rather than a
Noor Taha, Dentistry

Essential facts about the School

Your third, fourth and fifth years (A100) or       Hospital redevelopment programme
your second, third and fourth years (A101)         Barts and The London is approaching the
are mostly spent on the wards in one of            end of a £1 billion hospital redevelopment
the main hospitals used by the School for          programme. Many of the hospital’s ageing
teaching. Apart from the Royal London and          buildings have been replaced with state-of-
Barts, students go to Homerton Hospital,           the-art healthcare facilities to rival the best
Newham General and Whipps Cross University         in the world. The Royal London Hospital will
Hospital, as well as a number of other hospitals   be Britain’s biggest new hospital, providing
in Greater London and Essex. Students              excellent general and specialist services.
particularly value their placements in district    The historic buildings of Barts, Britain’s oldest
general hospitals, as they provide excellent       hospital, have been refurbished and joined
teaching resources, with a good patient-to-        with a major new building to create Cancer
student ratio.                                     and Cardiac centres of excellence.

Dental students: the BDS programme is              The Blizard Building
based at Barts and The London Dental School        At the heart of the Whitechapel campus is the
attached to the Royal London Hospital in           Blizard Building, which houses state-of-the-
Whitechapel, but you will also undertake           art facilities for students and staff: open-plan
extended outreach periods in a number of           research laboratories, office space, a 400-seat
locations currently including the Barkantine       lecture theatre and a café. The lecture theatre
Outreach centre in the Docklands and               is fully equipped with audiovisual facilities and
Southend Outreach. The Dental Hospital             an induction loop system.
provides a wide range of services and operates
as a major centre for the local community and      There is also an interactive science centre,
for patients who need specialist treatment.        the Centre of the Cell, designed to inspire
Experience of dental practice outside the          local schoolchildren to develop an interest in
School also forms an important part of your        science. The Centre is open to children, their
learning.                                          parents and teachers. For more information,
Teaching facilities and learning
                                                   The Francis Bancroft Building
resources                                          This large modern building, located at Mile
You will be able to make use of excellent
                                                   End, is used for practical teaching during
facilities and learning resources during your
                                                   the first two years (the first year for dental
studies. We have listed a few of them below.
                                                   students). It houses two lecture theatres
                                                   with IT facilities, and multi-user laboratories
                                                   equipped with computers and closed-circuit
                                                   television for practical classes.

Turnbull Centre                                   The Clinical Skills Centre is designed and
Practical sessions on anatomy and physiology      equipped to allow medical students to practise
take place in the Turnbull Centre in the          clinical methods and practical skills using
Francis Bancroft Building. Here tutors lead       mannequins and models. Communication
demonstrations of anatomy using anatomical        skills are developed with the help of specially
specimens and models, clinical images, videos     trained actors who simulate patients and are
of surgical and endoscopic procedures and         able to give valuable feedback.
specialised computer imaging. You will have
the opportunity to learn topographical anatomy    Libraries
through cadaveric dissections. The physiology     During your studies you will have access
labs use state-of-the-art equipment and           to a large collection of basic medical and
software for practicals such as ECG analysis      dental texts in the main library at Mile End.
and control of breathing. Online facilities are   The Library is open seven days a week.
available for the purpose of study, revision      This resource is complemented by the two
and assessment.                                   large medical and dental archives based
                                                  at The Royal London and at Barts in older,
Garrod Building                                   architecturally distinguished buildings that
The historic Medical College building at          are well worth a visit just to experience
Whitechapel has teaching rooms for Problem-       their atmosphere.
Based Learning (PBL) sessions as well as
larger lecture theatres, computing facilities     All the libraries have computer facilities and
and the Student Office.                           space where you can work quietly on your own
                                                  or with other students on group projects. You
Innovation Centre                                 will also be able to use the extensive central
The latest addition to the Whitechapel            facilities at the University of London, including
development is the Innovation Centre, which       the library at Senate House, which contains
has office space, a café and the 122-seat A.E.    around 1.4 million volumes.
Clark Kennedy lecture theatre, which is fully
equipped with audiovisual facilities, including   Computing facilities
those for the hard of hearing and an induction    There are many computers available across
loop system.                                      Queen Mary’s campuses: the IT lab in the
                                                  Francis Bancroft Building, the Library at
Clinical and Communications Skills Centre         Mile End, and the computer centres at West
At West Smithfield, we have a purpose-built       Smithfield and Whitechapel campuses all have
Clinical and Communications Skills Centre,        open-access computers.
which is one of the most advanced of its kind
and was the first to be developed in the UK.      You will be given a personal email account
                                                  along with access to an extensive medical and
                                                  dental knowledge-base.

“I liked the structure of the course and
                        the component modules. The variation
                        of specialisms across the members of
                        staff was also one deciding factor for
                        me, as well as the fact that the course
                        had been designed and headed up by
                        Professor Pollock.”
                        Nazia Malik, Global Public Health and Primary Care iBSc

Curriculum and intercalated degrees

Key benefits of our innovative curricula            Excellent patient care
Early clinical experience                           Throughout our programmes we emphasise
An early introduction to clinical topics provides   the development of communication skills that
a context for your learning and makes               are essential to building good relationships
studying more enjoyable and relevant. In            between doctor or dentist and their patients.
the first two years, you will be able to start
applying your growing knowledge in a clinical       Our curricula aim to enhance understanding of
context. Medical students accompany GPs in          ethical and moral dilemmas relating to medical
consultations, discuss diagnoses, work with         and dental practice.
general practice staff and, most importantly,
                                                    Greater choice
meet patients. Dental students have the
                                                    There are 13 separate opportunities to study
opportunity of studying at a variety of outreach
                                                    an area of your own interest in greater detail.
dental clinics. You will also gain clinical
                                                    These opportunities are spread over the five
experience during placements with general
                                                    years of the MBBS. Over 800 such ‘Student
dental practitioners.
                                                    Selected Components’ (SSCs) are available.
These experiences will help you appreciate          These may be taken in fields such as HIV
the social factors that influence health and        medicine, diagnostic imaging, plastic surgery,
healthcare. The diversity of the local population   intensive care and inner-city general practice.
will give you a valuable insight into the issues    For dental students the choices include
affecting different social classes and ethnic       pathology, pharmacology and social and
groups.                                             psychological sciences.

Wide-ranging experience                             Teamwork
You will develop your clinical skills through       We encourage a team approach throughout.
a variety of clinical attachments at the Royal      In addition to working with fellow students
London, Barts and Homerton hospitals, as            on study projects, you will on occasion train
well as further afield at hospitals in Greater      alongside nurses, physiotherapists and other
London and Essex. Community general                 healthcare professionals and, if you are a
practice sessions are integrated into these         dental student, alongside dental nurses,
hospital attachments, complementing the             therapists and hygienists. These experiences
clinical skills teaching. This gives you a useful   will help you to appreciate better the different
practical experience of a diverse range of          roles involved in the delivery of medical and
healthcare settings.                                dental services.

Dental students start outreach in their third
year, currently working at Barkantine, a
new community dental clinic in Docklands.
Here you will encounter a completely
different environment and broaden your
clinical experiences.
Curriculum and intercalated degrees

Learning and teaching                                • Communication skills: You will have practical
We understand that the transition from your            training in interviewing techniques and
school learning environment to university can          special sessions devoted to communication
be a challenge, and with support from tutors,          between doctors or dentists and their
we encourage you to develop an independent             patients.
attitude to learning. This approach is designed      • Clinical Skills: In the early stages of the
to prepare you well for life as a qualified            course this involves working with GPs and
doctor or dentist, when you will have to take          community tutors.
responsibility for keeping your knowledge
up-to-date through continuing professional           • Care of dental patients: If you are a dental
development. Important features of teaching            student, you will start to experience the
and learning are listed below:                         clinical environment. In the second year
                                                       you will see medical patients at Newham
• Problem-Based Learning (PBL): This is an             University Hospital as part of the training
  element of the medical curriculum (A100 and          in General Medicine as well as beginning
  A101). Here PBL involves groups of eight to          to see your own patients. You will take part
  ten students working together to understand          in examination, diagnosis, assessment and
  and explain the central issues of a problem          the prevention and management of disease,
  under the guidance of a tutor. Effective             working alongside therapists and hygienists
  teamwork is essential for PBL and undertaking        also training at the School.
  independent research and presenting your
  findings to the group will help you retain the     • E-learning: You will have access to a large
  information, and develop your communication          amount of teaching material via the university
  skills. The early use of clinical scenarios will     virtual learning environment – an intranet-
  help you apply your knowledge. Please note           based facility which enables you to revisit
  that even though PBL has a place in the              lectures and masses of other teaching
  dental curriculum, it features to a far lesser       material at any time you want.
  extent than for medicine.
                                                      DID YOU KNOW?
• Practical sessions: Sessions take place
                                                      Barts and The London were the first school
  in our laboratories, IT labs, clinical skills
                                                      of medicine and dentistry to offer an
  labs and wards. The Dental School has a
                                                      intercalated degree in Medical Education
  recently installed state-of-the-art clinical
  skills laboratory.
• Seminars.
• Lectures and symposia: In the Dentistry
  course, symposia aim to integrate learning by
  focusing on all aspects of a particular topic
  and making connections.

Intercalated degree – a chance to gain             • Master in Science (Medical Education)
an extra qualification                             • Master in Science (Molecular Medicine)
At Barts and The London School of Medicine
                                                   • Master in Science (Molecular Therapeutics)
and Dentistry, most students will have the
opportunity to take an extra year of study         • Master in Science (Neuroscience)
leading to a Bachelor of Science (BSc) or          • Master in Science (Oral Biology)
an undergraduate Master in Science degree
                                                   • Master in Science (Sports and Exercise
(MSci). The MSci has recently been introduced
and reflects the high standards expected
and achieved by our intercalating students.        • Bachelor of Science (Pre-Hospital Medicine,
Normally taken at the end of either the third        developed and delivered in partnership with
or fourth year, an intercalated degree allows        London’s Air Ambulance
you to study in depth the biomedical sciences
that underpin your course. This gives you a        See:
greater insight into your clinical studies and
                                                   To find out more about our intercalated
can also broaden your career choices when
                                                   degree programmes, see:
you graduate. The opportunity to intercalate
depends on your academic performance.
The study programmes aim to encourage you
to experiment and undertake practical work
and research projects in topics that form the      “The School places a large
theoretical basis of modern medicine and
dentistry. You will benefit from tutors who have   focus on clinical teaching,
personal research experience, lectures by
outside speakers and workshops where you
                                                   and is set in a fascinating
can talk about new developments.                   area of London, with lots of
There are now 11 intercalated degree courses       history and lots of stories,
• Master in Science (Biomedical Engineering        which all contribute to the
  and Clinical Materials)                          experience of studying here.”
• Master in Science (Experimental Pathology)
                                                   Anthony Hopkins, MBBS
• Master in Science (Global Public Health and
  Primary Care)
• Master in Science (Infectious disease and

Degree programmes – Medicine

Medicine MBBS – A100                              Phase 1 A100 (Years 1 and 2)
Medicine Graduate Entry Programme                 Phase 1 is taught via a series of systems-
(GEP) MBBS – A101                                 based modules which introduce the basic
                                                  biological sciences and address key topics
                                                  – including normal biological structure and
Medical curriculum
                                                  function of cells, organs and body systems,
The programme has been designed to provide
                                                  the effect of illness on people and their
you with the medical knowledge, clinical skills
                                                  families and the impact of environmental
and professional attitudes that are required
                                                  and social factors on health.
to become a competent and safe first-year
Foundation Year (FY1) Doctor. The curriculum      You take five systems-based modules and
closely follows the recommendations set out in    three student-selected components (SSCs)
Tomorrow’s Doctors (General Medical Council:      each year. You will be part of an effective
September 2009).                                  and mutually supportive community which
                                                  encourages collaborative learning through
Our spiral curriculum is taught in a series of
                                                  a programme of Problem-Based Learning
modules which are based on body systems
                                                  scenarios (PBLs); these involve groups of 8-10
which, in turn, encompass various scientific
                                                  students and a facilitator working together
and medical themes. Each system is visited
                                                  to tackle a problem presented as a clinical
a minimum of three times during the
                                                  scenario. In addition, learning is facilitated by
                                                  a programme of lectures, workshops and other
                                                  group activities. Regular patient contact is a
                                                  key feature of these early years.
 Barts and The London School of Medicine
 and Dentistry was the first medical school
 in the country to offer a pre-hospital care
 programme:          Phase 1 A101 (Year 1)
                                                  You take eight modules – six systems-based
                                                  plus Human Sciences and Public Health and
                                                  Infection and Immunity. A101 students do not
                                                  complete an SSC programme in their first year.
                                                  You will be part of an effective and mutually
                                                  supportive community, which encourages
                                                  collaborative learning through a programme
                                                  of Problem-Based Learning scenarios
                                                  (PBLs) (see Phase 1 above for the five-year
                                                  MBBS). In addition, learning is facilitated by a
                                                  programme of lectures, workshops and other
                                                  group activities. Regular patient contact is a
                                                  key feature of these early years.
On the wards: exposure to patients
early on in your studies is a key
feature of our medical degrees

Degree programmes – Medicine

 Phase 2 A100 (Years 3 and 4)                   Phase 3 A100 (Year 5) and A101
 and A101 (Years 2 and 3)                       (Year 4)
 You will return regularly to the medical       The final year of the programme provides
 school for teaching weeks and assessments      you with clinical and community
 as well as being introduced to clinical        placements, practical skills and first-hand
 medicine through a series of placements        experience of the working life of a first-year
 in our associated teaching hospitals. Your     Foundation Year (FY1) doctor.
 knowledge and clinical skills are enhanced
 by working alongside clinical teams both       You will be placed in the hospital and
 in the hospital and also within community      firm where you will be based for your
 placements. This enables you to expand         FY1 training. During this time, you will
 and apply the knowledge and skills acquired    shadow the current FY1 doctor. Community
 during Phase 1.                                placements include GP surgeries. You will
                                                complete your SSC programme, which may
 You may visit some or all of these hospitals   include spending time in a specialism not
 during your clinical years: The Royal          previously experienced or may allow you to
 London Hospital, Whitechapel, London • St      gain a deeper understanding in an area that
 Bartholomew’s Hospital, West Smithfield,       already interests you. Throughout the year,
 London • Whipps Cross University Hospital,     you will return to the medical school for a
 Leytonstone, London • Newham University        teaching programme; in addition, there are
 Hospital, Newham, London • Homerton            individual sessions in communication skills
 University Hospital, Homerton, London •        teaching and simulated patient scenarios.
 Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex •        You will also complete your Intermediate Life
 Southend University Hospital, Southend,        Support qualification.
 Essex • Colchester University Hospital,
 Colchester, Essex • The Princess Alexandra     On successful completion of final
 Hospital, Harlow, Essex • Queens’ Hospital,    examinations, you will complete a four-week
 Romford, Essex • King George Hospital,         elective and this is followed by a further
 Romford, Essex                                 four-week hospital placement shadowing the
                                                FY1 doctor you will be replacing following
 You will complete three SSCs over the two      graduation.
 year cycle, which are based around clinical
 scenarios, patient interviews and history
 taking and associated issues surrounding
 the chosen patient.

Student-Selected Components (SSCs)                Assessment
There are 13 separate SSCs spread across the      The pattern of assessment is a combination
five years of the MBBS, comprising around         of continuous assessment and regular
20 per cent of the total programme. Some are      examinations throughout the programme,
carried out in blocks, lasting from two to six    with final exams each year. A scheme of
weeks, while others run throughout the year.      merits and distinctions rewards excellent or
They are an integral part of the curriculum,      outstanding performance across each sector of
enabling you to demonstrate mandatory             the curriculum. There is also a comprehensive
competences while allowing a degree of choice     scheme of prizes to recognise special ability
in studying an area of particular interest.       both in the main examinations and in specialist
• SSCs range from basic sciences
  (biochemistry, anatomy, physiology and          Continuous assessment
  pharmacology), to clinical specialisms,         Continuous assessment provides you with
  community and public health, ethics             regular opportunities to consolidate your
  and law as applied to medicine, and             learning. You can monitor your own progress,
  understanding the importance of research        and teaching staff can identify whether or
  in the development of medicine. You are         not you need additional help. Continuous
  encouraged to pursue any area related           assessment takes many forms: short in-course
  to medicine or medical sciences that has        examinations, written accounts of problems
  particularly interested you. You are also       or cases studied, poster or clinical or other
  encouraged to organise your own SSCs.           presentations, log-books, work-books, direct
                                                  observation or clinical firm grades. This
Elective                                          approach to the end-of-year examinations
One of the most interesting areas of the          results in less cramming and examination
programme is the elective period in your final    stress.
year, in which you will spend time studying one
or more topics in the UK or abroad. This is a       DID YOU KNOW?
vital and challenging aspect of the programme       Medicine is ranked 6th in the UK in the
enabling you to gain experience invaluable to       Guardian University Guide 2015
your future career and personal development.

Degree programmes – Medicine

End-of-year examinations                          Assessment of Student-Selected
End-of-year examinations measure progression      Components
through the core curriculum and use a range       SSCs are assessed individually on a simple
of innovative assessment methods. Written         grading system, and they build into a portfolio
papers test knowledge and its application         covering many aspects of medicine. They must
to problem solving with extended matching         be successfully completed at the end of each
questions, short answer and modified essay        year in order for the student to progress to the
questions, often used in conjunction with         next year, and they can help inform the award
clinical scenarios. In addition, computer-        of merit in other parts of the programme.
based exams for anatomy, histology and data
interpretation are used in the first two phases
of the programme.
                                                  ‘When choosing which medical
Objective Structured Clinical
Examinations (OSCEs)
                                                  school to attend, Barts and
These are used from the first year of the         The London really shone
programme to assess competence in clinical,
communication and practical skills. You will      through as having a great
move through a series of stations, where you
have five or ten minutes to perform a specified
                                                  social atmosphere and great
task with a real or simulated patient or a        relations between students
                                                  and the college/staff. When I
Formative assessment workshops                    came for my interview everyone
Formative assessment workshops (where
scores do not count) and informal feedback        was really open and friendly in
in small group teaching sessions help you
develop your knowledge, personal and group        comparison to other interviews
skills throughout the programme.
                                                  I’d had, and this reinforced my
                                                  first impression.’
                                                  Angela McGilloway, MBBS

‘Our unique selling point is that
we initially teach anatomy using
models and prosections and then
every student can dissect the
structures later on in the year.
This means that students have
a good background knowledge
and understand the clinical
relevance of structures before
they begin to dissect.’
Cathy Molyneux,
Director of Anatomical Studies
Degree programmes – Dentistry

Dentistry BDS – A200                                • Clinical practice: more dominant from Year 2
Dental curriculum
The five-year course leading to Bachelor of         • Teamwork and professionalism and social
Dental Surgery was completely redesigned              responsibility: runs throughout.
after 2012 to provide a modern student-             • Evidence-based dentistry, dental public
focused integrated curriculum which:                  health, global health and research: all years.
• Promotes oral health and provides patient-        • Academic advising and graduate
  centred, evidence-based care.                       attributes: overarching support of individual
• Develops knowledge, skills values, attributes       development through feedback, monitoring
  and behaviours of a dental professional.            and career development throughout all years.

• Recognises the need for lifelong learning          Scientific basis of clinical practice/
  and professional development.                      clinical practice year 1
• Promotes the development of social                 Year 1
  responsibility and awareness of global             Overview
  oral health needs.                                 The first part of the programme aims to
                                                     introduce you to basic biological principles.
You will develop the appropriate knowledge,          You will develop the study skills necessary
skills, attitudes and understanding of scientific    throughout the programme to make
and clinical principles so that you are able to      the successful transition from school to
apply them to the prevention, alleviation and        university learning. Through lectures,
treatment of oral diseases. Great emphasis is        seminars, practicals and clinical sessions in
placed on the acquisition of clinical skills and     the dental hospital and e-learning, you will
professional attributes by working closely with      be given a firm grounding in the scientific
your teachers, peers and other members of the        basis of clinical practice.
dental team. You will provide patient care in
a range of settings, exposing you to a diverse       What will I be doing?
population group and a variety of opportunities      You will be introduced to: the normal
for professional development.                        biological structure and function of cells,
                                                     the body’s main organs and systems, oral
The new curriculum will have five themes             biology, the effects of illness on people and
running through all the years, with some             their families, the impact of environmental
themes having a greater presence in the early        and social factors on health and clinical
years. The themes will be:                           skills, dental materials and their application,
• Scientific basis of clinical practice: more        key early clinical skills and critical thinking.
  dominant in Years 1 and 2 but will run
  throughout the programme.

The Institute of Dentistry moved to a
new accommodation in the Alexandra
wing of the Royal London Hospital in
Whitechapel in April 2014
Degree programmes – Dentistry

 Clinical practice, scientific basis              Final-year preparation for
 of clinical practice years 2-4                   independent practice
 Year 2-4                                         Year 5
 Overview                                         Overview
 You will build on the knowledge gained           The final part of the curriculum provides
 in the first year and apply this to learn        you with the opportunity to consolidate the
 about the body systems in both health            knowledge and skills you have developed in
 and disease, with topic areas geared             preparation for professional dental practice.
 towards the requirements of a dentist in         There will be a greater exposure to cases
 training. Particular emphasis is placed on       and teaching normally seen as hospital cases.
 oral biology, including the study of normal
 structures and functions of the adjacent         What will I be doing?
 tissues. This leads to the consideration of      As newly qualified dentists you will work for
 abnormalities and diseases of the mouth          a year in an approved practice as part of
 and the understanding of how to care             your Dental Foundation Training. This year
 effectively for patients suffering from them.    is often called Vocational Training, or DFY1.
 During the second year there is a greater        Your final year is designed to consolidate the
 emphasis on patient care, which increases        knowledge and skills acquired in the earlier
 throughout the subsequent years. All             part of the course as well as to assist you in
 the main dental disciplines are covered,         obtaining the best results in readiness for
 including adult and child restorative            application of your first job after qualification.
 dentistry, prosthodontics, endodontics, oral     Teaching is delivered through symposia,
 surgery and orthodontics. During Years 3         small group teaching, elective modules and
 and 4 you will experience dental practice        continuing clinical experience, including
 in our outreach centres, with a diverse          practice visits. As part of your preparation
 group of patients, in which you will devise      for graduation you will get a chance to hear
 strategies for prevention and treatment.         the experiences of graduates when they
 What will I be doing?                            applied for jobs. You will also hear about
 A considerable proportion of time will be        different career routes from dentists working
 spent in clinical contact with patients,         in a variety of fields. During this period you
 coupled with complementary educational           will consolidate your own career pathway
 activities, including seminars, laboratory       and recognise your distinctive graduate
 class work, tutorials, e-learning projects and   attributes. The Queen Mary careers team
 library activity. You will also be encouraged    provides excellent support, including group
 to engage critically with knowledge and          workshops (eg interview skills), careers
 ultimately be able to adapt to new and           diagnosis and one-to-one advice. They also
 unfamiliar settings while providing treatment    provide a range of information on the Mind
 for your patients.                               the Gap website (

Elective modules                                     Ethics and jurisprudence
Elective modules are included in the dental          Through case-oriented group discussions,
curriculum to provide opportunities for you to       you will gain an insight into the salient
study particular areas of personal interest in       aspects of ethics and jurisprudence (law) that
greater depth. Examples of SSCs currently on         relate to working in dental practice. Topics
offer, include:                                      discussed will include informed consent,
                                                     truth telling, confidentiality, medical and
• Pathology
                                                     dental experimentation and research, rights of
• Pharmacology                                       children, rights of mentally ill people and those
• Clinical and Communication Skills                  with a learning impairment and the moral and
                                                     legal obligations of the dental practitioner.
• Dental Materials Science
• Prevention of Oral Diseases.                       Evidence-based dentistry and global health
                                                     Throughout the course you will learn the
Team work, professionalism                           principles and application of evidence-based
and social responsibility                            dentistry as well as learning about global and
We emphasise the development of clinical             dental public health.
and communication skills in oral healthcare,
history-taking and patient examination. You          Elective period
will practise communication skills in small          One of the most interesting areas of the
groups using role-play with each other and           programme is the elective period at the end of
simulated patients as part of the teamwork,          Year 4, in which you will spend time studying
professionalism and social responsibility            one or more topics in the UK or abroad.
theme that runs through all the years. Clinical      This is a vital and challenging aspect of the
skills are currently taught in our clinical skills   programme, enabling you to gain experience
laboratories and two on-site polyclinics – one       invaluable to your future career and personal
for adults, one for children and in two purpose-     development.
built outreach centres at Barkantine in London
Docklands and at Southend-on-Sea in Essex.
                                                      DID YOU KNOW?
Further outreach locations are currently in
                                                      Barts and The London dental students start
                                                      working in our clinics in Year 1 and seeing
As well as developing your clinical skills at the     their own patients in Year 2
Dental School, you will also spend time at the
Royal London and St Bartholomew’s Hospitals.
You will be given responsibility to manage your
own supervised practice in the Dental Institute.

Degree programmes – Dentistry

Assessment                                      Annual assessments
A range of innovative methods is used to        Annual examinations using a range of
assess your progress and acquisition of         assessment methods allow you to demonstrate
knowledge and skills. We are moving away        the knowledge, skills and attitudes you have
from the ‘finals’ examination that was once     developed throughout the programme. These
the traditional climax of a dental student’s    assessments will also contribute to your final
programme. You accumulate a varying             degree result.
proportion of your marks as you progress
throughout the programme. All assessments       Formative assessments
are focused on you demonstrating the            Throughout the programme, you will also be
integration of knowledge and its application    given formative assessments that are designed
in practice. Prompt and effective feedback is   to help you appreciate the effectiveness of your
always provided following such assessment.      own learning. The dental school has invested
                                                in the LIFTUPP iPad system which enables
There are four main types of assessment:        tutors to provide feedback after every session
                                                and records all student participation. This does
Continuous assessment                           not count towards your final marks or grading,
This measures your progress throughout          but allows us to identify whether you need
the programme and comprises in-course           additional help with your studies.
summative examinations, project and elective
modules (using virtual learning environment,    Objective Structured Clinical Examinations
libraries, internet, laboratory or clinic as    (OSCEs)
sources of information). A progress review      OSCEs are used to test your abilities across a
is carried out twice a year, informed by your   wide range of areas by assessing your clinical
electronic portfolio and the LIFTUPP system     and communication skills. In OSCEs you
– essentially a diary. This helps you reflect   move through a series of stations and will be
on your daily experiences and achievements      assessed on your ability to interact with clinical
and, with the help of personal tutors, devise   simulations, effectively accomplish tasks and
personal action plans and targets.              communicate or interact with both real and
                                                simulated patients.
  Dentistry is ranked 2nd in the UK in the
  Guardian University Guide 2015

“The people you meet
at the Dental School are
truly wonderful, warm and
inviting – both students
and staff alike. With tutors
who are specialised and
proficient at their subjects,
you can feel confident you
are delivering good care to
the patients who attend the
Joanne Omidvaran, BDS Student

 Joanne mixes up some white stone
 to articulate her study casts
Subjects related to Medicine and
Dentistry taught at Queen Mary

The university has a well-established reputation
                                                   Alumni profile: Naila Aslam
for excellence across many medically-related
and health-related disciplines. Graduates of       Studied: Biomedical Sciences BSc; Graduate Entry
these programmes will often go on to study         Medicine
Medicine or Dentistry at Barts and The London      Currently: Doctor specialising in paediatrics
School of Medicine and Dentistry or at another
university.                                        What did you enjoy most about your time here?
                                                   Everything! I think the best part was what you
Subjects related to Medicine and Dentistry that    learned outside the lecture theatres. QMUL gives you
we offer include:                                  the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life
                                                   and learn about them as well as about yourself.
Barts and The London School
                                                   It’s more than just a university, it’s an amazing
of Medicine and Dentistry
• Global Health
                                                   What did Queen Mary do to prepare you for work?
Faculty of Science and Engineering                 Let’s put it this way – I wouldn’t be a doctor if it
• Biochemistry                                     wasn’t for QMUL.
• Biology                                          The biomed course really helped me to prepare for the
                                                   graduate entry medicine course. That’s what I did and
• Biomedical Sciences
                                                   I have never looked back.
• Chemistry
                                                   Could you provide a brief description of your
• Dental Materials                                 current role?
• Genetics                                         At the moment I am working in neonatology. I get
• Medical Engineering                              to go to deliveries and save newborn babies! It just
                                                   doesn’t get any better.
• Medical Genetics
• Medical Materials
• Pharmaceutical Chemistry
• Pharmaceutical Chemistry with a Year in          Student profile: Samantha A. Gabriel
  Industry                                         Studied: Medical Materials
• Psychology                                       What do you enjoy about studying at Queen Mary?
• Zoology                                          I love my course because it’s very multidisciplinary,
                                                   having topics based in biology, mathematics, physics
Forthcoming new programmes                         and my favourite: physical chemistry. In addition,
• Neuroscience
                                                   everything I learn has a practical use in commercial
• Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics         products that people use every moment of the day.
To find out more about these programmes,           I am so very happy that I came to Queen Mary. I can’t
see:                  imagine going anywhere else

“Our research and teaching
are unique because of their
multidisciplinary nature and their
focus on public health and social
justice at home and abroad”
Allyson Pollock,
Professor of Public Health Research and Policy
Living in east London

The hub of London’s creative community, and        In nearby Stratford, the Queen Elizabeth
home to its financial centres, Canary Wharf        Olympic Park opened in spring 2014
and the City, east London is one of the most       following an amazing £300m transformation.
dynamic and vibrant areas of the capital.          It includes five state-of-the-art sporting
During your time at Barts and The London,          venues, cafes, restaurants, cultural venues
you will have the opportunity to sample the full   and lots of green space. Find out more at
spectrum of East End life. Another benefit of
our location is that the cost of living is lower
than many other parts of London.                   London is one of the greenest cities in the
                                                   world. Regent’s Canal and the nearby Victoria
East London is home to a huge range of cafes       Park are pleasant areas for relaxing walks or
and restaurants, most famously the curry           invigorating runs and bike rides. The Mile End
houses on Brick Lane. The nearby Spitalfields      campus is just beside the Millennium Park
market has a host of great bars and restaurants    with its distinctive ‘green bridge’, a road bridge
catering for all tastes and budgets.               planted with grass and wildflowers.

There are also many traditional pubs close         Exploring the capital
by. You are also in the right place for bargain    Both the Whitechapel and Mile End campuses
hunting, with several nearby street markets,       are well connected to the rest of the capital
including Whitechapel, Brick Lane, Spitalfields,   by public transport. From Mile End it is only
Petticoat Lane and the Columbia Road Flower        five minutes to the City and fifteen minutes
Market.                                            to the West End by underground. London’s
                                                   sightseeing often costs little or nothing, with
The area has long been a favourite destination     many renowned galleries and museums
with artists, many of whom live in the area. The   offering free entry. You will love the fascinating
Chisenhale, Hales Gallery and the Whitechapel      mixture of architecture, the atmosphere on the
galleries are all nearby. The Museum of            busy streets and the amazing array of shops.
Childhood in Bethnal Green and the Geffrye         There is always something going on; for the
Museum are local museums with exhibitions          most up-to-date information, visit:
and collections which draw national audiences.,
The Truman Brewery, that hosts contemporary
exhibitions and lively bars is on Brick Lane.
Both the Barbican Centre, with its concert
halls, galleries, theatre and cinema, and Tate
Modern art gallery are a short distance away.

As a student at Queen Mary, you’ll be
at the heart of a thriving community
Students finding out about the
                        activities offered by the Student Union
Student life

Barts and The London (BL) students are in            Clubs and societies
a unique and privileged position of having           BLSA has over 50 clubs and societies that
membership to three Students’ Unions: Barts          offer students the chance to meet new people,
and The London Students’ Association (BLSA),         develop new skills and have a good time. Each
which is part of Queen Mary Students’ Union          year, there is a varsity day in which BL clubs
(QMSU), and through this, the University of          play their QMUL counterparts, the winner
London Union (ULU). This means that as well          being crowned ‘Merger Cup’ champions.
as enjoying all the social activities available to
you on campus, you can also benefit from the         Dental Society
facilities and social events offered by all these    Student dentists have the opportunity to
organisations.                                       become involved in the Dental Society, a
                                                     historic group which is dedicated to the
Barts and The London Students’                       dentists’ academic, welfare and social needs.
Association                                          The society works closely with BLSA and dental
Medical and dental students spend a lot              staff and encapsulates the community that
of their leisure time together on campus,            exists at the School.
taking part in the wealth of activities on offer
through the Students’ Association. This is an        Queen Mary Students’ Union (QMSU)
association within the overarching QMSU that         As a student of Barts and The London, you
exists to represent and provide services to          automatically become a member of Queen
those studying at BL and protect the history         Mary Students’ Union (QMSU), which
and traditions of the historic medical schools. It   represents students both within the College
is led by the BLSA President who is supported        and at a national level. QMSU is one of the
by a student committee with strong links with        most active students’ unions in the country.
teaching staff. The Association reflects the
                                                     QMSU has a number of different clubs
friendly community atmosphere of the whole
                                                     and societies in addition to those offered
School. It offers a place to meet, relax and
                                                     by BLSA. There is also plenty of support if
socialise and provides cultural and sporting
                                                     you wish to set up your own student group.
facilities, and personal advice and support if
                                                     You will additionally have the opportunity to
you need it.
                                                     develop skills through student community
Whitechapel is home to the BLSA Building,            action projects or volunteering opportunities
which has recently undergone a major                 run through an accredited volunteering
redevelopment. It now houses a newly fitted          programme.
bar and grill that also hosts a number of
                                                     For more information on any of the societies,
evening events ranging from quiz nights to
                                                     please contact the Vice President, Student
live bands and club nights. The building also
                                                     Activities by email:
has a games room, dance studio and IT suite.
The building is truly the heart of BLSA.

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