Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow

Page created by Judith Schneider
Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow
The University of Glasgow
School of Interdisciplinary Studies
Rutherford/McCowan Building
Crichton University Campus

Tel: +44 (0) 1387 702001

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401
Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow
School Mission Statement
Contents                                                The School of Interdisciplinary Studies brings high quality research and teaching to
                                                        students in the southwest of Scotland. We offer undergraduate, postgraduate and
                                                        research programmes and are part of the University's College of Social Sciences.

                                                        Our mission encompasses the following:

                                                            Our vision is to be a centre of world class interdisciplinary teaching, research and
School of Interdisciplinary Studies Mission Statement         lifelong learning.

Staff and Contact Details                                   Our areas of specialism include: culture, environment, health and social
                                                              issues, ethics and education.
About The School of Interdisciplinary Studies
                                                            Our objective is to become an internationally recognised School that reaches the
                                                              highest academic standards and also serves the social and economic regeneration
Quality Assurance and Enhancement                             of the region in which we are located.

Student Support

School and University Policies

Dumfries Information

Postgraduate Student Information

International Student Information

                                                        Interact with us
                                                                    The University of
                                                                    Glasgow,                          @DumfriesCampus                uniglasgow
                                                                    Dumfries Campus
Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow
Staff Information and Contacts                                  Academic and Research Staff

Courses offered at the University of Glasgow, Dumfries
                                                                Mrs Josephine Adekola: Research Associate (National
Campus are developed and supervised by a variety of             Centre for Resilience)                                      Dr Sheri Gerson: Research Associate
academic staff. Courses have one or more lecturer or uni-       Telephone: +44 (0)1387 3308364                              Email:
versity teacher. The lecturer responsible for administering
a course is the convenor. The convenor of a degree pro-         Dr Nicole Baur: Research Associate (NCR)                    Miss Isla Gibson: Research Assistant
                                                                Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702015                               Email:
gramme is the Programme Convenor. These staff mem-
bers are usually University of Glasgow College members
                                                                                                                            Dr Steven Gillespie: Lecturer (Environmental Stewardship &
based at the Campus itself. Some lectures are also sup-         Dr Helen Baxter: Research Associate (National Centre for
                                                                                                                            PGT Director)
ported from the main campus of the university (at Gil-          Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702036                               Telephone: 01387 702344
morehill, in Glasgow) via the fibre-optic video-                                 Email:
conferencing link, and others by visiting lecturers to the
                                                                Dr Katarzyna Borkowska: Lecturer (Education)                Dr Stuart Hanscomb: Senior Lecturer (Humanities & Chair of
Dumfries Campus.
                                                                Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702021                               Learning and Teaching)
Teaching support for courses, seminars, tutorials, work-                                                                    Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702059
                                                                Dr David Borthwick : Lecturer (Humanities & PGR Director)   Email:
shops and labs is provided by course lecturers, university
teachers and tutors.                                            Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702024
                                                                Email:                        Dr Lizanne Henderson: Senior Lecturer (Humanities)
                                                                                                                            Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702097
All academic staff operate on a system of drop-in office                                                                    Email:
                                                                Dr Jane Cavani: University Lecturer (Primary Education/
hours or by appointment and can be contacted via tele-
                                                                Humanities & School International Lead)
phone or email. Messages can also be left in their pigeon-      Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702023
holes in the School Office. If you wish to see the Head of      E-mail:
School you should make an appointment through her Per-
sonal Assistant, Audrey Clowe.                                  Professor David Clark (Wellcome Trust Investigator)
                                                                Telephone: +44 (0) 1387 702049

                                                                Mr David Clelland: Research Assistant
                                                                Telephone: +44 (0) 1387 345381
Head of School & Executive Director of the Crichton Institute
Dr Carol Hill
                                                                Mrs Anne Ferguson: Lecturer (Primary Education )
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702006, Fax: +44 (0)1387 702005
                                                                Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702094

Head of School Administration
                                                                Dr Benjamin Franks: Senior Lecturer (Social and Political
Natalie Anderson                                                Philosophy)
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702054, Fax: (01387) 702005              Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702055
E-mail:                          E-mail:
Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow
Dr Ralph Jessop: Senior Lecturer (Humanities)                Miss Annie Wild: Research Assistant                          Danielle Johnstone: School Programme Administrator
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702035                                Telephone: +44 (0)1387 345388                                (Primary Education with Teaching Qualification)
E-mail:                           E-mail:                             Office: School Office, Rutherford/McCowan
Professor Sean Johnston: Professor of Science, Technology                                                                 Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702131
                                                             Dr Bethan Wood: Senior Lecturer and Chief Advisor of
and Society                                                  Studies                                                      E-mail:
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702038                                Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702096
                                                             E-mail:                            Jacqueline Kandsberger: Intern: Project Officer Athena Swan
Ms Gitte Koksvik: Research Associate (Wellcome Trust)                                                                     Implementation
Email:                           Miss Natalie Welden: Lecturer in Lecturer in Environmental   E-mail:
                                                             Science and Sustainability
Dr Marian Krawczyk: Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Fellow            E-mail:                         Ailsa MacKay: Business Development Manager (NCR)
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702016
Email:                                                                                      E-mail:
                                                             Support Staff
Dr Jeremy Law: Lecturer in Education                                                                                      Phillipa McNeill: Student Recruitment Officer
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702098                                Barbara Barlow: School Programme Administrator (Health
                                                             and Social Policy)                                           Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702026
                                                             Office: School Office, Rutherford/McCowan                    Fax: +44 (0)1387 702005
Dr Donald Macleod: Senior Lecturer (Tourism and              Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702235                                E-mail:
Heritage)                                                    Fax: +44 (0)1387 702005
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702010                                E-mail:
E-mail:                                                                                      Dr Michael Muir: Environmental Technician
                                                             Julie Bowman: Operations and Resources Administrator         E-mail:
Dr Geetha Marcus: Lecturer (Education)                       Office: School Office, Rutherford/McCowan
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702025                                Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702132
E-mail:                                                                                       Nicola Ritchie: PGDE Programme Administrator
                                                                                                                          Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702042
Dr Oscar Odena: Reader (Primary Education)                   Brian Brown: School Administrator                            E-mail:
Telephone: +44 (0) 141 3304350                               Office: School Office, Rutherford/McCowan
E-mail:                            Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702058
                                                             Fax: +44 (0)1387 702058                                      Kayleigh Scott: Project Officer
Dr Cristina Orsatti: Research Associate                      E-mail:                            Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702034
Telephone: +44 (0) 13871 345374                                                                                           E-mail:
E-mail:                       Audrey Clowe: PA to Director and Admin Assistant
                                                             (Academic and HR)
Dr Lauren Parry: Lecturer (Environmental Science and         Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702043                                Sophie Stewart: Administrative Officer (Nankai)
Sustainability)                                              Fax: +44 (0)1387 702005                                      E-mail:
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702041

Dr Naomi Richards: Lecturer (Social Science)                 Laura Davidson: Student and Academic Administration
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702063                                Manager
E-mail:                         Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702065
                                                             Fax: +44 (0)1387 702005
Carlo Rinaldi: Lecturer (Primary Education)                  E-mail:
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702040
E-mail:                          Catriona Forrest: Knowledge Exchange Officer (NCR)
                                                             Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702007
Dr Guillaume Tiberghien: Lecturer (Management./ Marketing)   E-mail:
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702004
E-mail:                   Rebecca Giblin: School Communication and Marketing
Dr Sandy Whitelaw: Lecturer (Health and Social Policy)       Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702070
Telephone: +44 (0)1387 702089                                E-mail:
Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow
Student Communication
                                                                     About the School of Interdisciplinary Studies
There are various ways in which you will receive information from
the University. There are noticeboards located throughout the        The University of Glasgow in Dumfries is located on the Crichton Campus and housed in the
Rutherford/McCowan Building and you will also receive notifica-      Rutherford/McCowan Building, a beautifully refurbished Victorian building, located within 85
tion of events, meetings, important information etc. via your stu-   acres of parkland and gardens in the historic town of Dumfries, in South West Scotland. We
                                                                     share the campus with the University of the West of Scotland, Scotland’s Rural University
dent email and on the Dumfries Community moodle site, so
                                                                     College (SRUC) and Dumfries and Galloway College.
please ensure that you check it regularly, or set up a redirect to
your personal email.                                                 Facilities include a purpose-built library and networked IT suites complete with multi-lingual
                                                                     word processing and language learning programmes. There are good student support
Please ensure that your MyCampus record contains the most up         services, some sports and recreation facilities, on-site coffee shops and restaurants close-by.
to date information; out-dated or incorrect details may result in
delayed communication. There is a computer screen in the foyer       Useful weblinks
area of Rutherford/McCowan—this is updated with important            The University of Glasgow School of Interdisciplinary Studies:
campus, university and student information and news.       

                                                                     MyGlasgow for current students, giving access to your MyCampus student record, Webmail,
Each course has a number of dedicated Moodle pages. You              Moodle, and other useful information:
should visit these regularly to keep informed about your courses,
and access the learning resources.                                   University of Glasgow main website:

                                                                     University of Glasgow Registry

                                                                     University Session Dates:

                                                                     Crichton University Students’ Association website:
Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow
School Office Information                                                                       Building Opening Hours and Contacts
The School Office is the primary contact for various matters relating to current students.      Rutherford/McCowan Building
School Office staff can:                                                                        Monday:                 8:00am – 9:00pm
    deal with general enquiries;                                                              Tuesday:                8:00am – 9:00pm
    distribute forms for Council Tax exemption, locker requests, certification letters;       Wednesday:              8:00am – 9:00pm
                                                                                                Thursday:               8:00am – 9:00pm
    note attendance difficulties/absences;
                                                                                                Friday:                 8:00am – 5:45pm
    complete Council tax exemption forms;
                                                                                                Saturday:               10:00am – 2:00pm
    transmit messages;                                                                        Sunday                  CLOSED
    make appointments with Advisers.                                                          Opening times may vary on public holidays or outwith semester dates, please consult the School
Please note that students should contact other staff directly to make appointments, NOT via the Office for clarification of opening times on these dates. All queries regarding the University Build-
School Office.                                                                                  ings or room bookings should be directed to the Estates Administrator:

Coursework is posted into the essay box which is located outside the School Office. Completed
                                                                                              Estates Administrator: Gillian Watters
coursework can be collected from the School Office between the hours of 10.15am—11.15am and
                                                                                              Office: Room E17, Dudgeon House
                                                                                              Telephone: +44 (0)1387 345841, Fax: +44 (0)1387 345859
School Office opening times
Monday:               10:00am-4:00pm                                                                       Student Common Room
Tuesday:              10:00am-4:00pm                                                                       Room 131 on the ground floor of Rutherford/McCowan is a dedicated student common room for use
Wednesday:            10:00am-4:00pm                                                                       by both University of Glasgow and University of the West of Scotland students. Lockers are available
Thursday:             10:00am-4:00pm                                                                       in the area. If you wish to use a locker there is a £10 refundable deposit. Lockers are allocated on a
Friday:               10:00am-4:00pm                                                                       first come first served basis. An application form for a locker is available from the School Office.
Weekends              CLOSED
During Induction week the School Office will be open Monday—Friday 8.30am—4.30pm. Please                   IT Services and Support
note that the School Office closes for public holidays and other events. Every effort will be made to      IT services at Dumfries campus are
alert students to closures.                                                                                supported by UWS. The IT helpdesk can be contacted as follows:
                                                                                                           Tel: +44 (0)141 848 3999;
Session Dates and Timetable                                                                                Email:
Session dates are available from the Senate webpages using the following link:                             If required the local IT team is located in Room E15 Dudgeon Building.                                        differences to the IT setup from the standard UOG service.
Academic Timetable
Your timetable will be automatically created in MyCampus when you enrol on classes. If you change
any of your enrolments or the times/dates of your classes change, your timetable will be updated.
Your timetable will show the class, the type of class and the location of the class. You can find your
timetable in the Enrol tab or directly from your Student Centre in MyCampus.
Please note: The parking spaces adjacent to the Rutherford/McCowan building are for disabled
parking and for temporary loading/unloading of vehicles. Cars displaying blue badges are entitled to
park in these spaces. Students who do not hold blue badges but who have a temporary requirement
to park in them should provide appropriate medical evidence to their Adviser who will recommend
the issuing of a temporary permit. A log will be kept detailing cars illegally parked and owners will be
considered in breach of discipline.
Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow
Getting Started
                                                                                                            The Advising & Student Support Team – for questions about course choices: Email: inter-
                                                                                                   for Undergraduate enquiries, or for
                                                                                                            Postgraduate enquiries.
Registration for new students will open on MyCampus on Monday 20th August 2018

All students admitted to the University are sent an ‘Access to your Student Account’ email notifying
                                                                                                            Enrolment in courses and classes will only be available to you following successful completion of
you when you are able to begin registration and enrolment via MyCampus. This email includes your
                                                                                                            academic and financial registration. Most subjects will have a variety of classes and they can have
Glasgow Unique Identifier (GUID), temporary password and details of how to access your student
                                                                                                            several different types: lectures, tutorials, seminars, labs, workshops.
account, as well as links to support and guidance materials and contacts.

                                                                                                            We expect you to enroll in your classes, before you come to Glasgow, following the guidance in
If you have not yet received your ‘Access to your Student Account’ email by the start of Freshers’          MyCampus.
week on Monday 10 September 2018 please complete the online Help and Support Form
                                                                                                            All new students will be sent an email with the date and time for a drop in session with the Advising
                                                                                                            Officer where any queries on your MyCampus enrolment will be addressed. This email will also
Remember: you can also access MyCampus through the link for Current Students at the bottom of
                                                                                                            include details of your first meeting with your Advisor of Studies.
most University Web pages, which leads to MyGlasgow students

                                                                                                            You should come prepared for your meeting with a Senior Adviser of Studies and have completed
There are two stages to registration and you must complete both stages of registration
                                                                                                            online registration.
Stage 1 Academic Registration:
You will need to check that your degree programme/plan details are correct (for clarity: your degree
                                                                                                            Self-Service Enrolment
is , update personal information, ensuring email and postal addresses are current,) and upload a
                                                                                                            Enrolment is the process for selecting courses in line with your plan requirements. Your plan is the
digital, passport-style photograph for use on your Student ID card.
                                                                                                            main subject/s that you applied to study in first year: for example, Economics & Politics, or
Stage 2 Financial Registration:
                                                                                                            Management & History. Places in classes will be available on a first-come-first-served basis so
You will need to provide details about how you will pay your tuition fees. Financial Registration
                                                                                                            early enrolment is recommended.
requires you to: Pay your fees in full, or Complete a Direct Debit agreement to pay your fees in
instalments, or Provide details of an external sponsor or scholarship (including SAAS or SLC) that
                                                                                                            During the process of enrolling in your classes in MyCampus, you must use “My Requirements” in
will pay fees on your behalf. You may be required to scan/upload a digital copy of your sponsor’s
                                                                                                            order to see the approved courses which meet the requirements for your plan. The self-service
award letter into MyCampus.
                                                                                                            enrolment guides are easy to follow, from the Registry web pages, look for the “Self-service step-by-
                                                                                                            step” heading.
Checklist to complete MyCampus online registration and watch online “how to” videos
Your Registration Email with your GUID number, temporary password and links to guidance
materials                                                                                                   Add/ Drop Period
     A digital, passport-style photograph                                                                 After you have enrolled on all your courses, you are still able to swap or drop courses/classes and
     If you are sponsored (including SAAS, etc) you will require your sponsor letter with your            select other course/class options up until 28 September 2018. The Advising team check the records
       personal reference number                                                                            of all students during the first two weeks of teaching to ensure they are on approved curricula.
     If you are personally liable to pay all or part of your tuition fees you will (a) need to make
       payment in full (using a debit or credit card) OR (b) know your UK bank details to set up a          We would recommend that in smaller, popular classes, you don’t drop the class until you know you
       Direct Debit instruction to pay your fees in instalments                                             have a place in another class that you want.
     International students with Tier 4 visas only will be required to attend a Tier 4 'check-in' event
       organised by Registry before the start of studies to complete registration. Failure to attend
       this event will mean that you are not fully registered and your access to University facilities
       will be restricted – see the following link for further information:
Registration support and advice is available from:
The Registry web pages – follow the guidelines and watch the online videos
Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow
Drop a class: To make this change go to MyGlasgow > MyCampus > My Enrolments and select                     you already have an existing GUID (Glasgow University Identity)
Drop Courses.
                                                                                                       Meeting Your Adviser of Studies
Swap a class section: For example to swap a tutorial time to another time, while remaining             All new and continuing students meet with their Adviser of Studies during the first fee weeks of
in a lecture: go to MyGlasgow > MyCampus > My Enrolments and select Swap Courses. If the               term. You will receive an email from the Advising Officer with details on your induction week
lecture is the enrolment section (the first part you have to complete to enrol) then keep the same     activities, advising appointment and MyCampus drop in session (see later section for details).
lecture code and choose another tutorial. If you had to enrol in a tutorial or lab as the enrolment
section, then that this the part two swap, leaving the lecture unchanged.

Remember, you must be enrolled for the correct number of credits for the year (120 credits for full-
time students) so if you drop a course you must then enrol on an alternative course and ensure that
your credits for the year still total to 120 credits – and that you are meeting your programme and
plan requirements.

Your timetable will be automatically created in MyCampus as you enrol on classes. If you change
any of your courses or the times/dates of your classes change your timetable will be updated. Your
timetable will show the class, the type of class and the location of the class.

To view your timetable go to: MyGlasgow > MyCampus > Student Center > MyEnrolments

Please remember to drop courses you have decided against from your MyChoices, when you have
decided not to take them. This will make it easier to see what you have actually enrolled on (green)
in your timetable. If a course remains in your MyChoices but you are not enrolled – it will appear
coloured in blue in your timetable.

Support will be provided throughout the registration and enrolment period. Guidance and FAQs are
available online to help you to navigate the enrolment process in MyCampus. This support and
guidance material can be found at your MyGlasgow portal at:

 MyCampus also provides guidance to help you select a suitable curriculum for your Academic
 Level and Academic Plan. The ‘My Requirements’ tab describes overall course, grade and credit

 For further assistance or specific queries relating to registration you can use Online Help and
 Support Form – fill in this form if:

     you are not able to log into MyCampus

     you have not received your Account Access Notification

     you are not taking up your place

     you would like to defer your offer
Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow
IT Services and Support                              If you have difficulty please contact the helpdesk   MOODLE
All labs and most teaching rooms are fitted           directly. The helpdesk is available either from      The University uses Web-based Virtual
with a black handset (usually wall mounted)           one of the black handsets in the rooms or by         Learning Environments (VLEs) to assist
that will directly connect you to the helpdesk        dialling 1041 848 3999 – please ensure you let       learning on many courses and the most widely
(along with several other services), if you           the operator know you’re a UOG student and at        used University VLE is Moodle.
have difficulties please use this for contact.        Dumfries Campus.
                                                                                                           For courses where Moodle is used you will be
There are various locations to access or use a        Wireless Access                                      able to login from either the College Web site or
computer on the Dumfries Campus. Computer             Wireless is fully operational for students and       the central University Moodle Web page using
and printing facilities are provided in the library   staff, covering both the Rutherford/                 your GUID and password. The system can be
and there are dedicated student PCs and printing      McCowan ,Dudgeon, Browne and Maxwell                 accessed from anywhere on or off campus.
facilities in other buildings: Rutherford/McCowan     buildings. Specific setup information can be
(Rooms 245, 249 and 247/8), Dudgeon (Rooms            found at:
                                                                                                      Once you enrol in a course it will normally take
W1 and W13) and Browne (B203).                                                                        24 hours for your access to that Moodle site to
                                                   Print credits can be purchased at the library desk become active.
When the IT labs are not in use for teaching, they or from the print credit machine located in the
are classed as open access and are available       student common room area of Rutherford/            More information about Moodle and how to use it
during building opening hours. A timetable will be McCowan Building. Full instructions for use of     check out the guides and information.
posted outside the labs at the beginning of the    this machine are located on the wall beside it.
semester.                                          Please note, do not use the University of
                                                                                                      Further details about some of the IT facilities
                                                   Glasgow online print credit facility as our
                                                                                                      available in the University are available on the IT
As a registered student of the University of       Dumfries campus printers are on the UWS
                                                                                                      Services web pages for students.
Glasgow in Dumfries, you have access to the        system. The correct link for the UWS online
Common Student Computing Environment,              print credit system is: https://
                                                                                                      The University of Glasgow student ICT
which means that you will be able to find a
                                                                                                      information webpage can be found at: http://
familiar IT environment that includes your own
network storage (home drive), internet and email.
Please note that as Dumfries Campus operates       Additional note:
on a University of the West of Scotland network    The print credit machine will NOT give change,
there are a few differences to the IT Setup from   so exact amounts must be used. The coffee bar
the standard UOG Service                           staff should NOT be asked to change notes for      Library - Welcome to the Crichton
                                                   coins.                                             Library
The standard student log-in for the UWS network                                                       As a registered student of the University of
here at Dumfries is;                               Use of Swipe Card in Print Credit                  Glasgow, you have access to both the Crichton
                                                      Machine                                              Library (located in the Dumfries and Galloway
username: your student number with a ‘G’ at                                                                College Building) and Glasgow University Library
                                               You will notice on the front of the machine a
the front, and the first letter of your                                                                    (located on Gilmorehill, Glasgow).
                                               swipe card slot - this is NOT to be used with
surname at the end i.e. G0012345W
                                               credit/debit cards, but will allow you to associate
                                               a card with a ‘mag’ strip with your account. You            Full information about the Crichton Library and its
password: your date of birth i.e. ddmmyy –                                                                 services see:
                                               can do this by logging in then swiping your
                                               chosen card - e.g. Tesco Clubcard (you will not   
Please note this is your initial password                                                                  studyindumfries/library/
                                               earn points!) - then press finish. The next time
which you will be asked to change on first log
                                               you come to credit your print account, all you will
in.                                                                                                        The Crichton Library holds the collections of the
                                               have to do is swipe your chosen associated card
                                               and you will be logged in.                                  Crichton Campus’s three partner institutions:
Student Handbook 2018/19 - University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow, University of the West of Scotland, and Dumfries and Galloway College and                                The Crichton Library Charter
provides library services for all students and staff on the Campus.
                                                                                                         The Crichton Library exists to provide library services to all staff
The Library holds books, journals and audio-visual material to support all courses taught at Dumfries    and students on the Crichton Campus.
Campus. The standard loan period is four weeks. Most library materials can be borrowed, with the
exception of journals and reference items.                                                               We aim to:
                                                                                                             Provide the resources needed to support all courses and
To borrow from the Crichton Library you will need a separate library card. You can apply for one at            modes of study;
the Library Service Desk. You will need to produce your Glasgow student ID card to confirm
                                                                                                             Provide help to research and locate information;
membership, and then Library staff will guide you through a simple registration procedure.
                                                                                                             Create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere;
Glasgow University Library (Gilmorehill Campus, Glasgow)                                                     Be helpful and courteous towards all;
In addition to the Crichton Library, you can also use the Glasgow University Library at Gilmorehill.         Provide a range of study accommodation suitable for
You can do this in person, or by requesting items via the postal loan system. Your Glasgow student             different learning styles;
ID card is also your Glasgow library card.                                                                   Deal with complaints promptly and thoroughly.

Details of all materials held at Gilmorehill are available online via the Glasgow University Library     In order to do these things we need your help. We ask you to:
webpages at:
                                                                                                             Have your Library card with you when you want to
                                                                                                               borrow items;
If you have difficulty locating the material you require, or have any enquiries about library
services, please contact a member of the library staff. You can contact them by phone: 01387                 Be responsible for all items borrowed on your account;
345850, or by email                                                                Treat other students and staff with courtesy and respect;
                                                                                                             Eat and drink in designated areas of the Library;
In addition Students should take note of the Crichton Library Charter which outlines the services that       Show respect for the surroundings by leaving study areas
the campus library aims to provide, and the responsibilities that fall upon each individual student:           clean and tidy and putting litter in the bins provided;
                                                                                                             Observe the noise restrictions in designated areas of the
Student Support
Quality Assurance and Enhancement
                                                                                    Advisers of Studies and their Role
Information about Quality Assurance and Enhancement is available on the following
                                                                                    You will normally be assigned an Adviser of Studies before you arrive on campus and will have at
                                                                                    least one scheduled meeting with them during the academic session and at other times as required.
                                                                                    Your Adviser will be a member of the University's academic community who is primarily responsible
                                                                                    for supporting, advising and helping you, with a view to enhancing your learning experience and
Links to the University's key QA & E processes are provided below:
                                                                                    professional development. They will oversee and support your progress as a student and should be
Annual monitoring:                                                                  your first port of call in the event of any difficulties, whether these are related to your academic life                    or personal concerns. Your Adviser can either deal with your problems personally or direct you to
                                                                                    the most suitable form of assistance. Please let your Adviser know if you experience any health
Periodic Subject Review:
                                                                                    difficulties, family or personal problems, especially if these are likely to affect your attendance at
                                                                                    classes or examinations. Undergraduate students should make appointments with your Advisor by
External examiners:                                                                 contacting the Advising officer via . For Postgraduate appointments,                   please email
Programme design & approval                                                         For specific course-related problems, the first person to see should be the relevant                  lecturer or convenor.
                                                                                    The Advising Officer will be your first point of contact for any MyCampus enquiries. Please contact
Student feedback                                                                    via for Undergraduate queries, for                           Postgraduate enquiries.
Student representation
                                                                                    Advisors of Study                                    Dr Benjamin Franks
                                                                                    Dr Bethan Wood (Chief Adviser of Studies)            Dr Ralph Jessop
                                                                                    Jane Cavani                                          Prof Sean Johnston
                                                                                    Dr David Borthwick                                   Dr Donald MacLeod
                                                                                    Dr Katerzyna Borkowska                               Dr Geetha Marcus
                                                                                    Dr Steven Gillespie                                  Carlo Rinaldi
                                                                                    Dr Stuart Hanscomb                                   Dr Naomi Richards
                                                                                    Dr Lizanne Henderson                                 Dr Guillame Tibiergien
                                                                                    Mrs Anne Ferguson

                                                                                    Contact details for the Campus Academic Advisers are available in Staff Information and Contacts.
                                                                                    International students can also access the International Student Advisers at Gilmorehill.
                                                                                    The International Student Support Team are available at:
                                                                                    International Student Support,
                                                                                    Level 2, Fraser Building,
                                                                                    65 Hillhead Street, Glasgow,
                                                                                    G12 8QQ
                                                                                    +44 (0) 141 330 2912 or email:
Student Services                                                    Please note: Student support services for University of Glasgow          Spiritual Care
                                                                    Students at Dumfries are delivered by the University of the West         The Campus has an Interfaith Chaplain:
Throughout your student journey, there are student support of association with the University of Glasgow                         Rev. Dr Maurice Bond
services here to offer specialist advice & guidance. We are here                                                                             Tel: 01387 253849
to support your development, well-being, and encourage you to Students with Disabilities                                                     Email:
gain skills that will help you achieve success.                                                                                              A space of contemplation is available for all students on campus:
                                                                    The University of Glasgow, Dumfries Campus is committed to               Room 2087
The following services can be accessed via the STUDENT LINK: providing an accessible environment to all disabled students and                Dumfries & Galloway College Building
                                                                    visitors.    Contact   the     Disability   Service     by      email
Academic Skills – advice and guidance on reading and writing                                              Council Tax
skills, critical thinking, preparing for exams and referencing.
Career Development –help with career planning, graduate             Information on support and policies can be found here:                   As well as Undergraduate Students, Full time Postgraduate
recruitment, work placements, part-time work, summer jobs           School of Interdisciplinary Studies information: http://                 Taught and Research Students may also be eligible for Council
and volunteering.                                                          Tax Exemption. You should ask your Council how you apply for
Book a One to one appointment with a Careers Adviser or             studentservices/                                                         this and find more details at
Academic Skills Adviser via the Online Careers & Skills Centre.
                                                                                                                                             timestudents . Dumfries and Galloway Council Tax Exemption
Log in at University of Glasgow
                                                                    University of Glasgow Disability Policy and Procedures: http://          forms are available at Student Services at Dumfries Campus.
Students should register to book online appointments by
completing a registration form and e-mailing or taking this, to the
Student Link at Dumfries.
                                                                    If you believe you have a disability, please complete the Disability     The definition of full time for Council Tax purposes is slightly
Counselling Service: Confidential support to help you address
                                                                    Declaration Form and return it to University Student Services; the       different to the enrolment definition of full time, so if you are a part
issues that are affecting your emotional well-being
                                                                    forms can be downloaded from              time student, check the regulations for Council Tax exemption to
Disability Support: support if you have a disability or specific
                                                                    disability/ or picked up at Student Services. You will then be           see if you are studying sufficient hours to qualify. The forms are
learning difficulty.
                                                                    invited to meet with a Disability Adviser who will discuss with you      completed at the University of Glasgow Office in
Student funding and money advice: Helping you make the most of
                                                                    any requirements you have.                                               RuherfordMcCowan.
your money with specialist advice on student funding.

                                                                   Accessibility Statement
To find out more or book an appointment:
                                                                   The University of Glasgow Accessibility Statement can be found
Visit us: at the Student Link in the Crichton Library, D&G College
                                                                   Accessibility questions in relation to the Dumfries Campus should
                                                                   be directed to the Head of School Administration, Natalie
                                                                   Anderson. Should you require a Personal Evacuation Plan,
Email us:
                                                                   please contact your Adviser of Studies.
Academic Skills
Careers Service
                                                                   University Equality Statement
Counselling Service
                                                                   The University of Glasgow is committed to promoting equality in
Disability Service
                                                                   all its activities and aims to provide a work, learning, research and
Funding & Advice
                                                                   teaching environment free from discrimination and unfair
Phone us:
                                                                   treatment. For more information see:
01387 345825 OR 0141 848 3800
Services can be accessed: 8:45am-4:45pm, Monday – Friday
Money Matters - Student Financial Aid, Session 2017-18                                                                                   available. Assistance is discretionary and most applicants are
                                                                     Students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland can apply         interviewed by the Hardship Committee.
We know that money matters can be a concern for you and your for a grant of £320 if they are in receipt of a maximum
family while you are at university. These pages offer a brief        maintenance grant from their LEA/ELB. Information can be            See:
guide to the assistance the University of Glasgow, Dumfries          obtained from Financial Aid Section, Fraser Building, 65 Hillhead hardshipfund for details on how to apply.
Campus can provide you with and where you should go for              Street, Glasgow, G12 8QF Tel: 0141 330 2216.
further advice. You are welcome to arrange an appointment, to                                                                            Crisis Loan (full-time & part-time students)
call into the University Student Services where our staff can help Discretionary and Childcare Funds
you or, alternatively, you can visit the University of Glasgow                                                                           This is an immediate limited cash loan, normally up to £100,
Registry website for more detailed information:                      The funds exist to assist undergraduate and postgraduate            available to registered students in an emergency. Restrictions                                    students currently facing or expecting to face financial difficulty apply. Speak to the Funding Adviser/Reception at the Student
                                                                     at some point in the academic session, and provide means-           Link, Dumfries.
Managing your money                                                  tested, needs-related and non-repayable awards to full and part-
You may need to revise your budget and assess your outgoings                                                                             SAAS Part time fee grant (part-time students)
when you start studying. For additional resources and                time students.
information on money management and budgeting visit
                                                                                                                                         Anyone over 18 and living in Scotland can apply for help with You will also find a lot of              In order to apply for a grant from the Discretionary or Childcare
useful tools and resources for minimising your outgoings and                                                                             tuition fees.
                                                                     Funds you must:
saving money at and                                                                                            To be eligible applicants must have a personal income of                                                Be a full-time or part-time UK Home undergraduate or
                                                                                                                                         £25,000 a year or less and be studying at least 40 credits within
There is also a useful budgeting tool for International students at:          postgraduate student AND
                                                                                                                                         an academic year on a higher education qualification course.                                           Be in receipt of your full student loan entitlement (if
                                                                                                                                         Undergraduate and postgraduate students can apply.
Fees and Student Loans (full-time students)                                   eligible) AND
                                                                                                                                         Further information from:
I’m from Scotland                                                             Fall into one of the categories below:
The Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) is the source          Eligibility Categories:
for information on applying for tuition fee payment and your          Discretionary Funds                                               Professional and Career Development Loans (up to 2 years
Young Persons’ Bursary and Student Loan entitlement. Full-time                                                                           studying)
                                                                      Accommodation Costs
students apply on-line at the website
or Tel: +44 (0)300 555 0505                                           With Children and/or Informal Childcare Costs                     A Professional and Career Development Loan is a bank loan to
                                                                      Disability                                                        help you gain the experience, training and qualifications you
I’m from England
                                                                      Mature/Independent Student Premium                                need to improve your job skills. For more information visit
Contact your Local Education Authority for information about
applying for tuition fee payment and any maintenance grant and  Students on part-time undergraduate degree programmes
student loan entitlement.                                                                                 Other Funds for Dumfries students
                                                                     Childcare Fund
or Tel: +44 (0)845 300 50 90
I’m from Wales                                                                                                                       There are some specific Trust Funds available for postgraduate
                                                                    Registered/Formal Childcare Costs
Your Local Education Authority can provide information about                                                                         and undergraduate students studying at Dumfries Campus,
                                                                    Grants can be made towards registered or formal childcare costs
tuition fee payment and any maintenance grants and loans you                                                                         supported by the Hollywood Trust and Crichton Foundation
                                                                    which are not covered from ANY other source for undergraduate
are entitled to.                                                                                       (further information below). There may also be some funding
                                                                    students in receipt of SAAS tuition fee funding.
or Tel: +44 (0)845 602 8845                                                                                                          available to you if you have previously had funding for a Degree.
                                                                                                                                     If you wish to find out more about these options, please contact
                                                                    Full information can be found at:
I’m from Northern Ireland                                                                                                            Student Services on 01387 345825.
Information about tuition fees and any maintenance grant and
                                                                    . Or visit the Student Link to find out more.                    The Holywood Trust
loan entitlement is available from your Education and Library
                                                                    University Hardship Fund (full-time & part-time students)           See: for information on
or Tel: +44 (0)845 600 0662
                                                                    This is help for those experiencing severe financial difficulties   applying for an individual young person grant.
                                                                    and who have exhausted all other sources of financial support
Funding your postgraduate studies                                        Scottish Funding Council awards (environment and tourism)
                                                                                                      The Scottish Funding Cl (SFC) has awarded a number of funded places to cover tuition fees for
The funding available for Postgraduate level study is dependent on:                                   certain courses. These places ounciare open to students from Scotland and the EU. At the Dumfries
                                                                                                      Campus there will be awards for students on the MSc Enhanced Practice In Education, MSc
                                                                                                      Environmental Change and Society, MLitt Environment, Culture & Communication, MSc Tourism,
• Your nationality – are you international, EU, Scottish or Rest of UK?                               Heritage and Sustainability and the MLitt Tourism Heritage & Development. Apply in good time as
• The type of course – is it a taught or research degree?                                             these places are limited and may be competitive.
• Whether you wish to study on a full time or part time basis                                         Funded places:
• The subject you are studying                                                              
                                                                                                      Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)
Organising your finances in good time can help you plan effectively and allows you to fo-             Tuition fee loans
cus on your studies. This information leaflet is intended to give you signposts that may              SAAS administer the postgraduate tuition fee loan. You can find a comprehensive list of courses
help you find sources of postgraduate funding.                                                        covered by this loan on the SAAS website. Applications open in April and are open to full-time and
                                                                                                      part-time students. Visit:
It is your responsibility to establish your source(s) of financial support, and we are here to        International students: funding from your home country
help you. Remember that you will need to consider both your tuition fees and your living
costs. Eligibility criteria can vary and some funds are competitive.

 The Crichton Foundation
for information on applying for hardship or academic excellence grant.
Please note that sources of funding can change regularly. For this reason we recommend that you
consult the websites listed here for up-to-date information.
Programmes at the Dumfries Campus -
Tuition fees and funding -
Scholarship eligibility - OR                                    If you are an international student there are often sponsorship opportunities available from your
Discretionary and childcare funds -             home government, and trust funds, bursaries and scholarships provided by organisations in your
                                                                                                      home country. We recommend that you explore these options early and apply in good time.
Glasgow Alumni Scholarship                                                                            Other Sources of Funding
A 10% fee reduction is available to Glasgow graduates. Full details are available on the Glasgow      Professional Career Development Loans
scholarships pages, above.                                                                            Professional and Career Development Loans are bank loans to pay for courses and training that
                                                                                                      help with your career or help get you into work. You may be able to borrow between £300 and
                                                                                                      £10,000. Loans are usually offered at a reduced interest rate and the government pays interest while
The Alternative Guide to Student Funding                                                              you’re studying. For more information, including details about how the scheme works and how to
The University has subscribed to The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding, which all current     apply, please visit
students and applicants can download.                                                       
This guide details how to find and apply to alternative sources of funding - especially charities -   Employer Sponsorship
which make awards to current and prospective graduate students. Charities are an underrated           You may wish to discuss your desire to study with your employer. If this forms part of your
funding resource, and often make awards to students of any subject and any nationality.               professional development, they may be able to contribute towards the cost.
To download the Alternative Guide, email:
                                                                                                      Trust Funds & Scholarships                                                                        Searching for suitable trusts or scholarships that can support your studies is all about research so it
The username and password needed to download the Guide will be sent to you by reply.                  is important you give yourself the time to do this if you hope to be successful in securing funding.                                                          University of Glasgow students can use the Scholarship search and
                                                                                                      information is also available on the UWS website. Visit for a long, but by no
                                                                                                      means exhaustive, list of potential trusts.
                                                                                                      You can also often find books on trust funds available in your local or campus library.
International Studies                                                                                        host institutions you want to apply to – you must list three on the application
                                                                                                             form - and which courses you would take there, as approved by your
Main contacts: Dr Jeremy Law (Student Mobility Coordinator); Dr Jane Cavani (School                          Programme Convenor and the Student Mobility Coordinator. You must then
International Lead)                                                                                          complete and submit the online application form and all supporting
                                                                                                             documents by the deadline at the end of Semester 1.
A period of study or work abroad enhances both your student experience and your employment
prospects and you are strongly encouraged to consider it as part of your undergraduate degree
See our School International webpages:
Note that a School International Opportunities Information Session is held every year early in
Semester 1 – look out for the email notification.

Also note that you can get more detailed, up-to-date information on study abroad options by attending
the University's Study Abroad Fair, generally held at main campus in the middle of Semester 1. Even
if you cannot attend, it is a good idea to register for the event, since you will then receive updates and
be able to access blogs and participate in online discussions with student ambassadors who have
experienced study abroad.

Normally study abroad can be undertaken in Year 2 or Year 3 of your undergraduate degree
programme. Do remember that the study overseas counts as part of your University of Glasgow
degree, and must be carefully planned to fit in with your programme of study. You will therefore
initially need to discuss the possibility of an exchange with both your Programme Convenor and your
Adviser of Studies. Please also note that, unfortunately, in some subjects at some levels it is simply
not possible to find a suitable exchange. Each degree programme has different requirements, and so
before taking a decision you must check exactly what will be required in order to have the work
overseas recognised by the University of Glasgow.

Overseas study can be undertaken outside of Europe, e.g. the United States, Canada, Australia,
South America, etc. with one of the University-level international exchange partners, or our School-
level partner:
Northland College, Wisconsin USA, suitable for all UG degree programmes. See: https://

OR it can be undertaken within the European Union with one of our School level partners:
Amsterdam University College in the Netherlands, specifically for Environmental Science &
Sustainability and Health & Social Policy students. All courses are taught through English. Note that
students must have completed at least three semesters of study and have achieved a B3 average to
be considered. See

Mainz University in Germany. Here a more limited number of courses are taught through English.

GoAbroad applications are accepted for Semester 2 of Year 2 or for full year, Semester 1 or
Semester 2.
It is a competitive process, and successful applications are dependent on good academic results, a
well-written supporting statement and adequate financial support (i.e. proving that you can afford to
get there, live there and get back!). As a student applicant, you are responsible for identifying the
host institutions you want to apply to – you must list three on
     he application form - and which courses you would take there,     Coursework Information
     as approved by your Programme Convenor and the Studen             Academic Writing Skills – Online Exercise and Course
     Mobility Coordinator. You must then complete and submit the
                                                                       Academic Writing is the means by which most of your assessments
     online application form and all supporting documents by
                                                                       will take place at University. It will be your main method of com-
     the deadline at the end of Semester 1.
                                                                       municating your ideas, the work you have done, and the progress
                                                                       you have made to your tutors. It will need to convey complex, ab-
   Please note that in addition, a limited number of Semester 2
                                                                       stract, detailed, and accurate concepts and arguments.
   ‘clearing’ places are usually released late each year, with an
   application deadline in July. However there is no guara
   tee that such places will become available at the institution you Experience has taught us that everyone, from first year undergra-
   may be interested in.                                             dates to experienced academics, can benefit from reflection on
                                                                     their writing skills. We also understand that first year students are
Full details on the GoAbroad programme, where you can go and         often worried about writing essays at University standard. We want
the application process can be found here:     therefore to offer you advice, some pointers and support before you
myglasgow/students/goabroad/                                         have to write an assessed essay which counts towards your final
                                                                     course grades.
Undergraduate Placement Opportunities                                  Therefore we require ALL NEW UNDERGRADUATES to undertake
In addition there are an increasing number of options for under-       a diagnostic online writing exercise, by the end of Week 1 (details
graduate international work experience placements:                     of which will be sent to your student email accounts). We will then
                                                                       send you feedback on the exercise to your student email account.
      Optional 4-week International School Experience place-
       menst in Berlin International School nursery and primary
                                                                       Should you fail to reach the required standard, we will then require
       sections are available to successful Year 3 or Year 4 MA
                                                                       you to attend a short series of classes designed to raise important
       Primary Education applicants. On successful completion the
                                                                       issues within your academic writing and further your understanding
       placement is recorded on your transcript. See: https://
                                                                       of them before you have to write an assessed piece of course-
       Accredited Year 3 60-credit work placements are available
       to BSc Environmental Science & Sustainability or MA Health      We ask that you please understand that this course is designed to
       & Social Policy students. NB If the placement is undertaken     help you improve your academic attainment, and that you therefore
       within the EU then students may apply for an Erasmus+           engage with it fully.
       traineeship grant. See:
       students/goabroad/ erasmuseuropeanwork/                         For further information contact: Dr Stuart Hanscomb or visit http:/
In each case the relevant Programme and Placement Convenors            coursesandeventsacademicwritingskills/
can provide more detailed information.
                                                                       Submission of Coursework
Postgraduate Placement Opportunities
There are a number of postgraduate Placement opportunities for         How your coursework is submitted will depend upon your course
students on the following programmes: MSc Tourism, Heritage            convenor but for general coursework submission information
and Development, MSc Tourism, Heritage and Sustainability, and         please see the section in School and University Policies.
MSc Management and Sustainable Tourism. Again these may be             For further information contact: Dr Stuart Hanscomb or visit
undertaken overseas. Please talk to the relevant Programme   
Convenor in the first instance if you wish to pursue this opportuni-
ty. Hopefully, your re-       not present the ideas/arguments of your source fully in your own
Marking Criteria
                                                                           sults will show that you have a good understanding; if not, support   words, you should be quoting and using the rules outlined above.
                                                                           from Student Services can be provided to help you develop your        4. An Unacknowledged Summary of a Source
Your course work will be graded according to accepted academic
                                                                           writing skills – it is up to you to take action to receive assis-
norms. It is important for you to understand how staff assess the
                                                                           tance.                                                                Again, you may not present the ideas/arguments of others without
merits of your work. Staff use grade-related criteria to guide them
                                                                                                                                                 acknowledgment and so a reference in the relevant section of
in their marking and to ensure that there is consistency between
                                                                           Experience has shown us that students most regularly plagiarise       your assessment is needed.
markers. The criteria for each grade level are average or ideal
                                                                           their work unintentionally and in the following ways:
criteria. Inevitably, each script will display a mixture of characteris-
tics from more than one level; markers will identify the level of          Copying text from the source without using quotation marks and/      5. Direct Copying or Transcription
best fit. External examiners then confirm these marks for each             or not citing the source in the text.
                                                                                                                                                You may not simply reproduce material from other sources and
subject at the end of the course.                                          Paraphrasing text by changing only some words from the origi-       present it as your own.
Grade related criteria can be viewed here:
                                                                           nal so that the text includes several phrases/sentences that are     While your dissertation/scientific report may contain some primary
                                                                           copied word-for-word yet does not have quotation marks.              work, i.e. your own interpretation of primary or raw data, your
                                                                           Paraphrasing/summarising material but not providing a citation – if coursework will generally be based on secondary sources and so
                                                                           you are not expressing your own argument/opinion or providing        you should expect to include references to these throughout the
Plagiarism                                                                 your findings or data, you should cite your source.                  text. Care must be taken when note-taking to ensure you always
                                                                                                                                                keep details of your sources.
The first step to avoiding plagiarism is to understand what it is.
The University Plagiarism Statement defines plagiarism as fol-             How to avoid plagiarism
lows: 31.3 The incorporation of material without formal and proper                                                                              Class Attendance,. Illness and Absence
acknowledgement (even with no deliberate intent to cheat) can              1.       Acknowledging your sources
constitute plagiarism. Work may be considered to be plagiarised if                                                                              It is required that you attend all classes. If you are ill or cannot
it consists of:
                                                                           Effective acknowledgement of your sources by using quotation         make a class for some reason, you should contact the course
                                                                           marks and references will allow you to avoid plagiarism. This rule convenor and let them know. If the reason for your absence
     a direct quotation; a close paraphrase; an unacknowledged                                                                                means that you are likely to miss more than one class, you should
                                                                           applies to all secondary sources, i.e. published or unpublished
       summary of a source;
                                                                           material produced by others, and includes books, journal articles, contact your Advisor of Studies who will advise about getting a
                                                                           newspaper items and all types of information derived from the        ‘good cause’ exemption.
     direct copying or transcription.
                                                                                                                                                Details on the |University Absence and Good Cause process can
                                                                                                                                                be read here:
With regard to essays, reports and dissertations, the rule is: if
                                                                           2. Use of direct quotations
information or ideas are obtained from any source, that source                                                                                  Submission of Assignments
must be acknowledged according to the appropriate convention in
                                                                           Quotations should be used to illustrate rather than to express your
that discipline; and any direct quotation must be placed in quota-                                                                              All assignments need to be submitted electronically on your
                                                                           argument and should either be placed in quotations marks (“…”)
tion marks and the source cited immediately. Any failure to
                                                                           or, in the case of longer quotations, indented as a separate para- course Moodle page before the deadline. This is so that they can
acknowledge adequately or to cite properly other sources in sub-                                                                                be checked by the plagiarism software URKUND (see Plagia-
                                                                           graph. The quotation should be followed by the source in brack-
mitted work is plagiarism. Under examination conditions, material                                                                               rism section). Some lecturers also mark assignments electroni-
                                                                           ets, i.e. (Smith 2005, p. 125). The full reference should be listed
learnt by rote or close paraphrase will be expected to follow the
                                                                           in your reference list at the end of the assessment. It is important cally. Some course convenors also require you to submit hard
usual rules of reference citation otherwise it will be considered as
                                                                           when note-taking to identify clearly when you have written down a copies of your assignments to the School Office on or before the
plagiarism. Schools should provide guidance on other appropriate                                                                                deadline. If hard copies are required, this will be clearly stated in
                                                                           quotation in case you forget this when it comes to using your
use of references in examination conditions.                                                                                                    the course handbook.
                                                                           notes for writing the assessment.
Plagiarism Quiz
                                                                           3. A Close Paraphrase                                                 Deadlines, Penalties and Extensions
To check your understanding, Indiana University hosts a useful
quiz that asks you whether examples of text are plagiarised and            It is insufficient simply to change a few words in a sentence or      All work should be submitted before the deadline. University of
                                                                           paragraph or to restructure material to avoid plagiarism. If you do   Glasgow policy stipulates that essays submitted after the deadline
why. We strongly recommend that you take the test, see: http://
                                                                                                                                                 will be penalised TWO SECONDARY BANDs per day for a maxi-
You can also read