Return to School Plan Fall 2020 - Division plans will evolve as required by emerging health risk assessments - Good Spirit School ...
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Return to School Plan Fall 2020 Division plans will evolve as required by emerging health risk assessments August 1, 2020
Table of Contents Intended Audience .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Background ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Safety Provisions ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 School Operations ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 Division Considerations ....................................................................................................................................................10 Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten ....................................................................................................................10 School Level Plan ..............................................................................................................................................................18 Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten ....................................................................................................................18 Grades 1 to 6 .................................................................................................................................................................19 School Level Plans .............................................................................................................................................................25 Grades 1 to 6 .................................................................................................................................................................25 Grades 7 to 9 .................................................................................................................................................................26 School Level Plans .............................................................................................................................................................32 Grades 7 to 9 .................................................................................................................................................................32 Grades 10 to 12 .............................................................................................................................................................33 School Level Plans .............................................................................................................................................................38 Grades 10 to 12 .............................................................................................................................................................38 Appendixes ..............................................................................................................................................................39 Appendix A Altered Timetables .......................................................................................................................................39 Appendix B Students With Additional Needs ..................................................................................................................44 Appendix C Essential Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................................52 Appendix D Practical Applied Arts ...................................................................................................................................59 Food Studies ..................................................................................................................................................................59 Nutrition Programs .......................................................................................................................................................59 Automotive/Construction/Autobody ..........................................................................................................................59 Welding .........................................................................................................................................................................60 Machining......................................................................................................................................................................60 Appendix E Physical Education .........................................................................................................................................62 Appendix F Arts Education ...............................................................................................................................................64 Appendix G Transportation Considerations ....................................................................................................................66 Appendix H Driver Education Guidelines .........................................................................................................................67 Driver Education Appendix A .......................................................................................................................................69 Appendix I Table Washing Procedure ..............................................................................................................................70 Appendix J Diapering and Handwashing..........................................................................................................................71 Appendix K School Bus Seating Plan ................................................................................................................................73 Appendix L Human Resources ..........................................................................................................................................74 HR Considerations for Returning to Work as part of the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan ............................................75 Page 2 of 88
Know When Not to Come to School.............................................................................................................................75 What is GSSD doing to keep employees and students safe? ......................................................................................76 GSSD Employees Have a Right to Safety ......................................................................................................................77 Frequently Asked Questions About My Return to Work ............................................................................................79 Appendix M Mental Health Preparedness and Supports – Trauma-Informed Practice.................................................83 Appendix N Outdoor Sports and Activities Guidelines....................................................................................................84 Appendix O Guidelines for the Preschool and Parent Education Program (PPEP) .........................................................85 Appendix P Guidelines for Early Years Community Partners in GSSD Facilities .............................................................87 Page 3 of 88
Intended Audience • This document is intended for Division & school personnel. • Communication plans will be developed by the Division, intended for a broader audience, before September 1, 2020. • GSSD has shared the Return to School Fall 2020 document with local health official, Dr. Ashok Chhetri, as directed by the Government of Saskatchewan. Background The Government of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Health officials is currently taking steps to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19 into our communities. Schools play an essential role in this effort. Through collaboration and coordination with the school division and local health departments, schools will take steps to disseminate information about the disease and its potential transmission within their school community. Under Division direction, schools will prepare to take measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among their students and staff, if local health officials identify such a need. Schools will continue to collaborate, share information, and co-construct school level plans with their Superintendent. School-level plans should build on everyday practices (e.g., encouraging hand hygiene, monitoring absenteeism, communicating routinely) that include strategies for before, during, and after a possible outbreak. GSSD has secured the services of experts in the area of infectious disease control to support a safe return to school. GSSD has developed a tiered approach for the delivery of instruction for its students. The three tiers are identified below: Current State as of August 1, 2020 TIER 1 TIER 2 TIER 3 Based on Provincial Context Based on Provincial, Division & Local Context Based on Provincial, Division & Local Context • Schools operate with both face-to-face and • Schools operate with traditional timetables synchronous online instruction delivery and administrator determined class sizes • Facilities will ensure that heightened sanitary and • Facilities will ensure that heightened sanitary hygienic practices are in place and hygienic practices are in place • Limits will be placed on mass gatherings as directed • Schools operate with mandatory remote • Limits will be placed on mass gatherings as by the CMHO learning directed by the CMHO and voluntary use of • Voluntary use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) o PPE will be mandatory at times • Students and staff who are sick are to stay at • Limits to school accessibility for parents and home community groups • Students and staff who are sick are to stay at home. Page 4 of 88
Overarching Thoughts as Outlined in the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan • Education will continue in the fall. It will not be voluntary learning. • Teachers will teach the Saskatchewan curriculum. Families are not responsible for providing curriculum learning opportunities but may support the learning opportunities provided by teachers. The partnership between the school and home is essential for student success. • The sector has transitioned from emergency remote learning to delivery of the provincial curriculum. Special considerations (such as increased special project credits available, all students progressing to the next grade and receiving a minimum 50% mark) implemented during the supplemental learning period from March 2020 to June 2020 are no longer in effect. • While students are in the care of school divisions, physical distancing and other health precautions will be followed, according to the direction of the CMHO and Re-Open Saskatchewan. • Student and staff health and well-being continue to be paramount. Consideration will be made for staff and students who have compromised immune systems or may require medical accommodations. Safety Provisions School Operations Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Enhanced • Refer to the Health-Related Protocol document for details Personal Protective Practices Monitoring for • Refer to the Health-Related Protocol document for details Symptoms Limiting • Refer to the Health-Related Protocol document for details • Students will be learning from Physical • Schools will: home. Contact o Limit physical contact during instruction, recess and noon periods and avoid activities that require clustering of students. o Minimize the number of teachers and support staff working with a specific group of students Consider cohort or homeroom configurations o Consider options for physical distancing within classrooms and other instructional spaces. o Modify the use of shared spaces, including shared instructional spaces, bathrooms, change rooms, boot rooms, hallways. Existing computer labs will remain as is; procedures may need to be altered. o Modify procedures for entering and leaving the building, parent drop-offs. Page 5 of 88
School Operations Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 o Consider the need to stagger recess, noon hour and other school day transitions. o Provide students with alternatives to activities that require physical contact with other students (Student play during physical education and recesses are primary considerations). o Promote and practice the use of non-physical greetings. o If the directional flow is recommended at the schools, logistics and code compliance is required for signage (paper on walls, consider fireproof signage). o Refer to the Physical Education Appendix for details. Managing • Refer to the Health-Related Protocol • Refer to the Health-Related Protocol document • No access to school facilities. Guests, document for details. for details. Volunteers, • Refer to Appendix O Guidelines for Early • Refer to Appendix O Guidelines for Early Years Visitors, and Years Community Partners in GSSD Community Partners in GSSD Facilities. Community Facilities. • Volunteers & community groups will not have Groups • Enact minimal restrictions and access to the building unless provisions have limitations as outlined by the CMHO. been established limiting movement throughout • Reduce access to school-based areas the school and with increased cleaning and sanitation . such as libraries and gymnasiums for • Ensure enhanced personal hygiene and hand community groups. sanitation guidelines are followed. • When possible, reduce entrance access points to guests and visitors. • Consider virtual meetings (SCC meetings, Student Led Conferences, Awards, etc.). Extra- • Extra-curricular activities are on hold. • Extra-curricular activities are on hold. • Extra-curricular activities are Curricular • Plans for extra-curricular activities and • Plans for extra-curricular activities and other suspended indefinitely. Activities other gatherings will be developed in gatherings will be developed in consultation consultation with the Chief Medical with the Chief Medical Health Officer once the Health Officer once the group/gathering group/gathering capacity limits for fall 2020 are capacity limits for fall 2020 are known. known. • Refer to Appendix L Outdoor Sports and • Refer to Appendix L Outdoor Sports and Activities Guidelines. Activities Guidelines. Facilities and • Refer to the Health-Related Protocol document for details Cleaning/ Sanitation Transportation • Transportation will proceed with • Division transportation services are to be used • No transportation provided of Students minimal restrictions and limitations as for delivering students to and from school or outlined by the CMHO. school programs. PPE may be required Page 6 of 88
School Operations Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 depending on the capacity of the bus. • Off-site programs will be supported. o Off-campus/feeder students may be required to wear PPE while participating in off-site programs (PAA, Millwright, etc.). • No field trips or extra-curricular trips will be supported until permission is granted by the Division, under the direction of the CMHO. • No guest ridership will be permitted. • The Division will: o work with schools and bus drivers to develop drop-off and pickup protocols that coordinate with school entry and dismissal procedures. Students should access multiple entrances and bus parking in various locations. • Schools will: o Support bus drivers with enforcing of seating plans and student behavior expectations on buses. o Work with the Transportation Department and bus drivers to develop drop-off and pickup protocols that coordinate with school entry and dismissal procedures . o Teach students drop-off and pickup procedures as well as school entry and dismissal procedures . o Develop and teach parents/guardians: Pick-up and drop-off procedures Protocols regarding entry to the building. • Bus Drivers will: o Create and enforce seating plans that group together students who live in the same household. Page 7 of 88
School Operations Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 o Work with the Transportation Department and in-school administration to develop drop-off and pickup protocols that coordinate with school entry and dismissal procedures. o Sanitize buses following each run. o Communicate student behavior expectations to families and students. Nutrition • Refer to the Health-Related Protocol • Refer to the Health-Related Protocol document • Nutritional programs will be Programs document for details. for details determined by the Division • Nutrition programs will proceed with • Nutrition programs do not include curricular based on community need and minimal restrictions and limitations as programmings such as Foods or Commercial under the direction of the outlined by the CMHO. Cooking programs CMHO. • Snacks (such as in PreK) will be served in o Students participating in those programs individual portions to each child by a must be taught and follow safe food designated staff member handling protocols, as indicated in the o Staff are reminded to follow proper respective curricula. hand hygiene. • Regardless of the use of a nutrition program • Food provided by families should be or school servery, proper hand hygiene must stored with the child's belongings and be practiced before and after eating. should not be handled by staff • School nutrition programs and serveries: members. o School-supplied food should be delivered directly to the classroom. o Students should eat lunches in their classrooms, where possible. o No self-serve or family-style meal service. o Utensils should be used to serve food items. Reusable utensils must be cleaned and sanitized after each use. o Food from home must not be shared with other students and should be stored with the student's belongings. o Students are not allowed to participate in food preparation to be served to others (excluding Commercial Cooking and/or Food Studies). Page 8 of 88
School Operations Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Noon Hour • Locally determined • Schools will: • Students will be learning from and Recesses o Examine recess and noon schedules as well home. as entrance and exit procedures to determine the structure that offers students break periods while best-promoting physical distancing in hallways and playgrounds. o Revise student eating locations, if necessary, to ensure that students are eating in their classrooms. o Review and revise the duties of noon supervisors and students to facilitate the cleaning of eating surfaces and emptying of garbage cans. o Attempt to limit the number of external noon supervisors used to provide supervision services. Page 9 of 88
Division Considerations Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Participants • All students registered in Prekindergarten, PPEP and Kindergarten will participate. • All registered students will to • GSSD will work with families who decline to send their children to school. participate. School Day Structure Timetables • Locally determined • Locally determined • Students will be learning from • Consider reducing the number of staff members home. interacting with grade cohorts. Arrival / • Locally determined • Encourage staggered drop-off and pick up times. • Students will be learning from Dismissal • Encourage multiple entry & exit points • Encourage multiple entry & exit points. home. • Consider transitioning to a contactless or electronic sign-in/out method. • If a contactless sign-in/out method is not possible, parents should use their own pena dn avoid direct contact with the sign-in/out sheet directly. • Arrange for pick-up and drop off of children to take place outdoors unless there is a need for a parent/guardian to enter the building (ie. Children requiring support transitioning into the classroom). • If a parent or guardian must enter the building for pick-up and drop off, the parent/guardian are encouraged to: o Wear a mask o Use hand sanitizer upon entering the building o Avoid entering the building if unwell or have travelled out of Canada or to an area deemed an area of concern for Covid-19 within the past 14 days. • School staff will not transport Prekindergarten students in private vehicles. Page 10 of 88
Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Movement of • Stay within classrooms as much as • Stay within classrooms as much as possible and • Students will be learning from Students possible and avoid other areas of the avoid other areas of the school. home. school. Academic Program Classroom • Locally determined • Teachers will consider the number of materials, • Students will be learning from Configuration furniture, items on walls, etc. given the carrying home. and capacity of the classroom. • The arrangement of the classroom will support physical distancing. • Interaction in smaller groups will be supported, and large group activity limited. • Individual learning activities will be balanced with small group interactions. Instruction • Students and staff are to build • Learning in Prekindergarten/PPEP and • Students will be learning from handwashing into the daily routines Kindergarten occurs through play. home. and follow the protocols in ECERS: • The focus will be on the Essential Learning o upon entry to a room Experiences (PreK/PPEP) and Curricular o before snack/lunch Outcomes (K) in a holistic, cross-curricular, or o after snack/lunch project approach. o after use of the toilet • Puppets, dolls, songs, and literature can be used o after shared materials such as to integrate physical health and wellness water or sand curriculum into the day. o after sneezing or coughing • The curriculum will be adapted, and creative o after outdoor play pedagogical practices used to ensure playful • Adaptations will be made to sensory learning experiences around the pandemic play. situation: o Sensory play may be conducted as o Fostering project-based learning which an individual activity (e.g., Each builds on children's experience with the child gets a ball of playdough and pandemic. tools; Children have a personal o Using imaginary play to help children cope sensory bin). with stress and promote resilience. Page 11 of 88
Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 o Handwashing must occur before o Using teachable moments to help children and after using shared sensory learn about the pandemic and their role in items. ensuring public health. o Items must be disinfected or • Land-based learning should be explored. discarded between uses by Meeting Time, lessons, play, and exploration can different groups. occur outdoors whenever possible. • Learning in Prekindergarten/PPEP and • The environment can be explored on neighborhood walks (weather permitted, with K occurs through play physical distancing maintained from members of • The focus will be on the Essential the public). Learning Experiences (PreK/PPEP) and • Students and staff are to build handwashing into Curricular Outcomes (K) in a holistic, the daily routines and follow the protocols in cross-curricular, or project approach. ECERS: • Land-based learning should be o upon entry to a room explored. Meeting Time, lessons, play, o before snack/lunch and exploration can occur outdoors o after snack/lunch whenever possible. o after use of the toilet o after shared materials such as water or sand o after sneezing or coughing o after outdoor play • The curriculum will be adapted, and creative pedagogical practices used to ensure playful learning experiences around the pandemic situation: o Fostering project-based learning which builds on children's experience with the pandemic. o Using imaginary play to help children cope with stress and promote resilience. o Using teachable moments to help children learn about the pandemic and their role in ensuring public health. Page 12 of 88
Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 • Land-based learning should be explored. Meeting Time, lessons, play, and exploration can occur outdoors whenever possible. • SMARTboards o Consider limiting multiple students touching the SMARTboard o If students are touching the SMARTboard, disinfect the board after each student contact • Alternatives to face-to-face family engagement events is strongly encouraged by face-to-face events may be slowly integrated over time depending on the community. • Face-to-face family engagement events and activities must ensure: o Activities align with the allowable services permitted within the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan. o Physical distancing of 2 meters between households and staff members. o Group sizes must comply with public gathering restrictions and cannot exceed maximum capacity of area when maintaining 2 meter physical distancing. o Adults (parents/guardians) will be encouraged to wear a mask. o Proper hand hygiene is implemented before and after the event. o All touch points and materials sanitized before and after the event. Page 13 of 88
Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Assessment • Teachers will use their professional discretion to determine the appropriate assessment practices within the local context. • Provincial-level assessments are to be determined (EYE). • Good Spirit School Division Assessment Calendar Reporting • Reporting will occur as per Division processes School Supplies • Mandatory supplies include a personal water bottle and Personal • Schools may consider purchasing supplies for all Kindergarten students: SchoolSmart Belongings o Consider subsidizing the expense through school raised funds. • If schools choose not to purchase supplies for students, families will be allowed to drop off materials on August 30 or 31. • Materials will be organized in containers and labeled with photos and the name of the material as per ECERS guidelines. Alternate Learning Spaces Gym • Besides the school gymnasium, physical education can take place outdoors or in other spaces • Students will be learning from within the school and community, if it is safe to do so (multi-purpose rooms, classrooms, home. hallways, open spaces, and community facilities). • Playing and learning outdoors should be encouraged as much as possible. • Ensure that proper entry and exit procedures are in place that promotes physical distancing and sanitary actions. • Sharing of equipment is not recommended. • Equipment used should be used on a rotational basis that includes proper cleaning and sanitization between student and classroom usage. • Clear and standard procedures should be established as to how equipment is used and stored. • No use of pinnies or any equipment that has the potential to be shared among students. Library • Locally determined • Due to the number of touch surfaces in a school • Students will be learning from library, students will not be permitted to self- home. select materials in the library space. Instead, schools can connect students with library materials in several ways: 1) students may create request lists or use the Destiny system to place holds on resources which library technicians will deliver to classrooms; Page 14 of 88
Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 2) library technicians may deliver book bins or book trucks of resources to remain in the classroom for some time; • Circulation of materials can occur in classrooms using the online program or the Destiny app. Computer Lab • Use of hand sanitizer or hand washing • Use of hand sanitizer or hand washing required • Students will be learning from required before touching a device. before touching a device. home. • Students should have a dedicated device when possible o If sharing devices is required, minimize the impact by assigning a consistent device to a group of students. o In Computer Labs, every student should have an assigned computer. Cafeteria / • Locally determined • Limited utilization of cafeteria and common • Students will be learning from Common Areas areas based on the carrying capacity. home. • Stagger entrance to these areas. • Utilization of delineation lines. Transitions • Division will: • Division will provide: o Provide School Administrators with consistent messaging to support all regular and ○ School Administrators with substitute staff as well as students and their families regarding successful school re-entry, consistent messaging to pedagogical approaches, any technical requirements, and hygiene practices and support all regular and procedures needing to be followed. substitute staff as well as • Schools will: students and their families o Conduct planning meetings for students transitioning to the next grade or school. regarding pedagogical Refer to the Transitions page on the portal. approaches, any technical o Consider providing students with a virtual tour of their classrooms, including shared requirements, and hygiene spaces, locker areas, washrooms, etc. practices and procedures o Communicate consistent messaging and a mode of delivery for all grades and needing to be followed. classrooms regarding the steps being taken to ensure safe re-entry for students. o professional development o Communicate a safety plan to students and families – including students and families to staff: in the discussion (this would cover student health precautions and procedures). Learning Management Page 15 of 88
Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Ensure all students and families are familiar with expectations regarding hygiene Systems - Seesaw practices to be followed while accessing GSSD transportation, upon entering the Communication building, in common spaces within the school, as well as in classrooms. Platform - Edsby o Communicate with staff, students and their families, alterations to typical routines and Blended Learning transitions which will be implemented. (Digital Assessment, Student Engagement & Choice) ○ learning support to families: iPads, laptops, Chromebooks; Edsby; Seesaw; and, consideration is being given to increasing IT support using a flexible schedule Student Well- • Maintaining physical distance is difficult • Maintaining physical distance is difficult with • Students are learning from being with young children and the focus young children, and the focus should be on home. should be on minimizing physical minimizing physical contact instead. • The school will provide contact instead. • Teach children about their 'personal bubble' and instruction and support on • Teach children about their 'personal help them learn about physical distancing and internet safety. bubble' and help them learn about less physical contact through games. • GSSD Counsellors will continue physical distancing and less physical • Consider greetings such as waves, peace signs, to offer mental health support contact through games. winks, air Hi-5s and signing 'hello' rather than for students experiencing • Consider greetings such as waves, hugs or handshakes. anxiety with their return to peace signs, winks, air Hi-5s and signing • GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer mental school. 'hello' rather than hugs or handshakes. health support for students experiencing anxiety • Mental Health supports will be • GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer with their return to school. provided for families and mental health support for students • Mental Health supports will be provided for students to access from the experiencing anxiety with their return families and students to access from the GSSD GSSD website. to school. website. • Mental Health supports will be provided for families and students to access from the GSSD website. Page 16 of 88
Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Attendance • Student attendance at school is mandatory. • Student engagement is • Schools will: mandatory. o Monitor daily student attendance using existing protocols in AP 340 Attendance of • Attendance policies will be Students: determined. ▪ Teachers will take am/pm attendance ▪ Attendance should be taken within ten minutes of class starting o AP 340 Appendix Attendance Flowcharts • If a student's absence is the result of student compromised immunity or anxiety stemming from COVID-19, the school shall work with the student and family to determine necessary accommodations. Resources • All school division resources will be cataloged through the library system and circulated through Destiny (i.e., library resources, textbooks, kits, novel sets, and technology). Page 17 of 88
School Level Plan The School Level Return to School fillable template is available in the COVID-19 Staff Information MySite on the portal. Prekindergarten/PPEP and Kindergarten Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Participants School Day Structure Timetables Arrival / Dismissal Movement of Students Academic Program Classroom Configuration Instruction Assessment Reporting School Supplies and Personal Belongings Alternate Learning Spaces Gym Library Computer Lab Cafeteria / Common Areas Transitions Students & Staff Well- being Attendance Resources Page 18 of 88
Division Considerations Grades 1 to 6 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Participants • All students are required to participate • All students are required to • GSSD will work with families who decline to send their children to school participate School Day Structure Timetables • Locally determined • Locally determined • Students will be learning from • Consider reducing the number of staff members home. interacting with grade cohorts. Arrival / • Locally determined • Encourage staggered drop-off and pick up times. • Students will be learning from Dismissal • Encourage multiple entry & exit points • Encourage multiple entry & exit points. home. Movement of • Stay within classrooms as much as • Stay within classrooms as much as possible and • Students will be learning from Students possible and avoid other areas of the avoid other areas of the school. home. school Academic Program Classroom • Locally determined • Teachers will consider the number of materials, • Students will be learning from Configuration furniture, items on walls, etc. given the carrying home. and capacity of the classroom. • The arrangement of the classroom will support physical distancing. • Interaction in smaller groups will be supported and large group activity limited. • Individual learning activities will be balanced with small group interactions. Instruction • Students and staff are to build • Full Saskatchewan curriculum will be delivered • Students will be learning from handwashing into the daily routines and • Student-teacher contact time must be home. follow the protocols below: prioritized regardless of the delivery format. • Multiple modes of delivery o upon entry to a room • Differentiation of instruction will be necessary should be considered to o before snack/lunch due to the supplemental learning that occurred. accommodate all students (i.e., o after snack/lunch • The focus will be on the teaching of outcomes, pencil/paper, technology, o after use of the toilet rather than the amount of time per subject (a asynchronous, synchronous, o after shared materials such as water cross-curricular approach is recommended). etc.). or sand Page 19 of 88
Grades 1 to 6 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 o after sneezing or coughing • Focus on efficient learning opportunities and o after outdoor play approaches that are conducive to flexible • Land-based learning should be explored. groupings and interaction time with teachers. Meeting Time, lessons, play, and • Schools will make plans for library resources to exploration can occur outdoors be delivered to classrooms for borrowing. whenever possible. • Teachers are encouraged to continue to explore options for blended learning. Support and professional development from GSSD will be offered. • Multiple modes of delivery should be considered to accommodate all students (i.e., pencil/paper, technology, asynchronous, synchronous, etc.). • Consider land-based learning whenever possible ensuring physical distancing from community members. • GSSD teachers will utilize one of the following platforms for online learning and communication with families depending on the grade level and context of the school: o Learning Management Platforms Seesaw (Gr. 1-3) Google Classroom (Gr. 4-6) o Communication Platform Edsby o Collaboration Platforms Google Meet TEAMS Zoom • Subjects impacted by the physical environment will be provided if the curriculum can be delivered using an approach that allows for flexible groupings and considers safety. Page 20 of 88
Grades 1 to 6 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Assessment • Teachers will use their professional discretion to determine the appropriate assessment practices within the local context. • Teachers will follow the GSSD assessment windows outlined in the Department calendar, which will take into account that students were engaged in supplemental learning from March to June. • GSSD will provide professional development on a variety of assessment methods that consider multiple modes of instruction. • Good Spirit School Division Assessment Calendar • Provincial-level assessments will continue. Reporting • Reporting will occur as per Division processes. School • Mandatory supplies include a personal water bottle. Supplies and • Schools may consider purchasing supplies for all students: SchoolSmart Personal o Consider subsidizing the expense through school raised funds. Belongings • If schools choose not to purchase supplies for students, families will be allowed to drop off materials on August 30 or 31. • Materials will be organized in containers and labeled with student names. Alternate Learning Spaces Gym • Besides the school gymnasium, physical education can take place outdoors or in other spaces • Students will be learning from within the school and community, if it is safe to do so (multi-purpose rooms, classrooms, home. hallways, open spaces, and community facilities). • Playing and learning outdoors should be encouraged as much as possible. • Ensure that proper entry and exit procedures are in place that promotes physical distancing and sanitary actions. • Sharing of equipment is not recommended. • Equipment used should be used on a rotational basis that includes proper cleaning and sanitization between student and classroom usage. • Clear and standard procedures should be established as to how equipment is used and stored. • No use of pinnies or any equipment that has the potential to be shared among students. Library • Locally determined • Due to the number of touch surfaces in a school • Students will be learning from library, students will not be permitted to self- home. select materials in the library space. Instead, schools can connect students with library materials in several ways: o students may create request lists or use the Destiny system to place holds on resources Page 21 of 88
Grades 1 to 6 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 which library technicians will deliver to classrooms; o library technicians may deliver book bins or book trucks of resources to remain in the classroom for some time; o Circulation of materials can occur in classrooms using the online program or the Destiny app. Tech Devices / • Use of hand sanitizer or hand washing • Use of hand sanitizer or hand washing required • Students are learning from Computer required before touching a device. before touching a device. home Labs • Students should have a dedicated device when possible o If sharing devices is required, minimize the impact by assigning a consistent device to a group of students. o In Computer Labs, every student should have an assigned computer. Cafeteria / • Locally determined • Limited utilization of cafeteria and common • Students are learning from Common areas based on the carrying capacity. home Areas • Stagger entrance to these areas. • Utilization of delineation lines. Transitions • Division will: o Division will provide: o Provide School Administrators with consistent messaging to support all regular and o School Administrators with substitute staff as well as students and their families regarding successful school re-entry, consistent messaging to pedagogical approaches, any technical requirements, and hygiene practices and procedures support all regular and needing to be followed. substitute staff as well as • Schools will: students and their families o Conduct planning meetings for students transitioning to the next grade or school. regarding pedagogical Refer to the Transitions page on the portal. approaches, any technical o Consider providing students with a virtual tour of their classrooms, including shared requirements, and hygiene spaces, locker areas, washrooms, etc. practices and procedures o Communicate consistent messaging and a mode of delivery for all grades and needing to be followed. Page 22 of 88
Grades 1 to 6 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 classrooms regarding the steps being taken to ensure safe re-entry for students. o Provide professional o Communicate a safety plan to students and families – including students and families in development to staff: the discussion (this would cover student health precautions and procedures). Ensure all o Learning Management students and families are familiar with expectations regarding hygiene practices to be Systems – Seesaw & followed while accessing GSSD transportation, upon entering the building, in common Google Classroom spaces within the school, as well as in classrooms. o Communication o Communicate with staff, students and their families, alterations to typical routines and Platform - Edsby transitions which will be implemented. o Blended Learning (Digital Assessment, Student Engagement & Choice) o learning support to families: iPads, laptops, Chromebooks; Edsby; Seesaw; and, consideration is being given to increasing IT support using a flexible schedule. Student Well- • Maintaining physical distance is difficult • Maintaining physical distance is difficult with • Students are learning from being with young children, and the focus young children, and the focus should be on home. should be on minimizing physical contact minimizing physical contact instead. • The school will provide instead. • Teach children about their 'personal bubble' and instruction and support on • Teach children about their 'personal help them learn about physical distancing and internet safety. bubble' and help them learn about less physical contact through games. • GSSD Counsellors will continue physical distancing and less physical • Consider greetings such as waves, peace signs, to offer mental health support contact through games. winks, air Hi-5s and signing 'hello' rather than for students experiencing • Consider greetings such as waves, peace hugs or handshakes. anxiety with their return to signs, winks, air Hi-5s and signing 'hello' • GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer mental school. rather than hugs or handshakes. health support for students experiencing anxiety • Mental Health supports will be • GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer with their return to school. provided for families and mental health support for students students to access from the experiencing anxiety with their return to GSSD website. Page 23 of 88
Grades 1 to 6 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 school. • Mental Health supports will be provided for • Mental Health supports will be provided families and students to access from the GSSD for families and students to access from website. the GSSD website. Attendance • Student attendance at school is mandatory. • Student attendance is • Schools will: mandatory. o Monitor daily student attendance using existing protocols in AP-340 Attendance of Students: • Attendance policies will be ▪ Teachers will take am/pm attendance determined. ▪ Attendance should be taken within ten minutes of class starting. o Apply AP 340 Appendix Attendance Flowcharts • If a student's absence is the result of student compromised immunity or anxiety stemming from COVID-19, the school shall work with the student and family to determine necessary accommodations. Resources • All school division resources will be cataloged through the library system and circulated through Destiny (i.e., library resources, textbooks, kits, novel sets, and technology). Page 24 of 88
School Level Plans The School Level Return to School fillable template is available in the COVID-19 Staff Information MySite on the portal. Grades 1 to 6 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Participants School Day Structure Timetables Arrival / Dismissal Movement of Students Academic Program Classroom Configuration Instruction Assessment Reporting School Supplies and Personal Belongings Alternate Learning Spaces Gym Library Computer Lab Cafeteria / Common Areas Transitions Students & Staff Well- being Attendance Resources Page 25 of 88
Division Considerations Grades 7 to 9 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Participants • All students are required to participate • All students are required to • GSSD will work with families who decline to send their children to school participate School Day Structure Timetables • Locally determined • Locally determined • Students will be learning from • Consider reducing the number of staff members home. interacting with grade cohorts. Arrival / • Locally determined • Encourage staggered drop-off and pick up times • Students will be learning from Dismissal • Encourage multiple entry & exit points • Encourage multiple entry & exit points home. Movement of • Stay within classrooms as much as • Stay within classrooms as much as possible and • Students will be learning from Students possible and avoid other areas of the avoid other areas of the school. home. school. Academic Program Classroom • Locally determined • Teachers will consider the number of materials, • Students will be learning from Configuration furniture, items on walls, etc. given the carrying home. and capacity of the classroom. • The arrangement of the classroom will support physical distancing. • Interaction in smaller groups will be supported and large group activity limited. • Individual learning activities will be balanced with small group interactions. Instruction • Full Saskatchewan curriculum will be • Full Saskatchewan curriculum will be delivered. • Full Saskatchewan curriculum delivered. • Student-teacher contact time must be will be delivered. prioritized regardless of the delivery format. • Students will be learning from • Differentiation of instruction will be necessary home. due to the supplemental learning that occurred. • Multiple modes of delivery • The focus will be on the teaching of outcomes, should be considered to rather than the amount of time per subject (a accommodate all students (i.e., cross-curricular approach is recommended) pencil/paper, technology, Page 26 of 88
Grades 7 to 9 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 • Focus on efficient learning opportunities and asynchronous, synchronous, approaches that are conducive to flexible etc.). groupings and interaction time with teachers. • Teachers are encouraged to continue to explore options for blended learning. Support and professional development from GSSD will be offered. • Multiple modes of delivery should be considered to accommodate all students (i.e., pencil/paper, technology, asynchronous, synchronous, etc.). • Consider land-based learning whenever possible ensuring physical distancing from community members. • GSSD teachers will utilize one of the following platforms for online learning and communication with families depending on the grade level and context of the school: o Learning Management Platform Google Classroom (Gr. 7-9) Moodle (Gr. 7-9 ELA & Math) o Communication Platform Edsby o Collaboration Platforms Google Meet TEAMS Zoom • Subjects impacted by the physical environment will be delivered if the curriculum can be delivered using an approach that allows for flexible groupings and considers safety. Page 27 of 88
Grades 7 to 9 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Assessment • Teachers will use their professional discretion to determine the appropriate assessment practices within the local context. • Teachers will follow the GSSD assessment windows outlined in the Department calendar, which will take into account that students were engaged in supplemental learning from March to June. • GSSD will provide professional development on a variety of assessment methods that consider multiple modes of instruction. • Good Spirit School Division Assessment Calendar • Provincial-level assessments will continue. Reporting • Reporting will occur as per Division processes. School • Mandatory supplies include a personal water bottle. Supplies and • Schools may consider purchasing supplies for all students: SchoolSmart Personal o Consider subsidizing the expense through school raised funds. Belongings • If schools choose not to purchase supplies for students, families will be allowed to drop off materials on August 30 or 31. • Materials may be organized in containers and labeled with student names (based on local context). Alternate Learning Spaces Gym • Besides the school gymnasium, physical education can take place outdoors or in alternate spaces • Students will be learning from within the school and community, if it is safe to do so (multi-purpose rooms, classrooms, home. hallways, open spaces, and community facilities). • Learning outdoors should be encouraged as much as possible. • Ensure that proper entry and exit procedures are in place that promotes physical distancing and sanitary actions. • Sharing of equipment is not recommended. • Equipment used should be used on a rotational basis that includes proper cleaning and sanitization between student and classroom usage. • Clear and standard procedures should be established as to how equipment is used and stored. • No use of pinnies or any equipment that has the potential to be shared among students. Library • Locally determined • Due to the number of touch surfaces in a school • Students will be learning from library, students will not be permitted to self- home. select materials in the library space. Instead, schools can connect students with library materials: students may create request lists or use the Destiny system to place holds on resources which library technicians will deliver to classrooms Page 28 of 88
Grades 7 to 9 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 • Circulation of materials can occur in classrooms using the online program or the Destiny app. Tech Devices • Use of hand sanitizer or hand washing • Use of hand sanitizer or hand washing required • Students will be learning from / Computer required before touching a device. before touching a device. home. Labs • Students should have a dedicated device when possible . o If sharing devices is required, minimize the impact by assigning a consistent device to a group of students. o In Computer Labs, every student should have an assigned computer. Cafeteria / • Locally determined • Limited utilization of cafeteria and common • Students are learning from Common areas based on the carrying capacity. home. Areas • Stagger entrance to these areas. • Utilization of delineation lines. Transitions • Division will: • Division will provide: o Provide School Administrators with consistent messaging to support all regular and o School Administrators with substitute staff as well as students and their families regarding successful school re-entry, consistent messaging to pedagogical approaches, any technical requirements, and hygiene practices and procedures support all regular and needing to be followed. substitute staff as well as • Schools will: students and their families o Conduct planning meetings for students transitioning to the next grade or school. regarding pedagogical Refer to the Transitions page on the portal. approaches, any technical o Consider providing students with a virtual tour of their classrooms, including shared requirements, and hygiene spaces, locker areas, washrooms, etc. practices and procedures o Communicate consistent messaging and a mode of delivery for all grades and needing to be followed. classrooms regarding the steps being taken to ensure safe re-entry for students. o professional development o Communicate a safety plan to students and families – including students and families in to staff: the discussion (this would cover student health precautions and procedures). Ensure all Learning Management students and families are familiar with expectations regarding hygiene practices to be System – Google followed while accessing GSSD transportation, upon entering the building, in common Classroom spaces within the school, as well as in classrooms. Communication Page 29 of 88
Grades 7 to 9 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 • Communicate with staff, students and their families, alterations to typical routines and Platform - Edsby transitions which will be implemented. Blended Learning (Digital Assessment, Student Engagement & Choice) o learning support to families: o iPads, laptops, Chromebooks; Edsby; and, consideration is being given to increasing IT support using a flexible schedule. Student Well- • Focus on minimizing physical contact. • Focus on minimizing physical contact. • Students are learning from being • Communicate expectations regarding • Communicate expectations regarding physical home. physical distancing. distancing. • GSSD Counsellors will continue • GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer • GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer mental to offer mental health support mental health support for students health support for students experiencing anxiety for students experiencing experiencing anxiety with their return to with their return to school. anxiety with their return to school. • Mental Health supports will be provided for school. • Mental Health supports will be provided families and students to access from the GSSD • Mental Health supports will be for families and students to access from website. provided for families and the GSSD website. students to access from the GSSD website. Attendance • Student attendance is mandatory. • Student attendance is • Schools will: mandatory. o Monitor daily student attendance using existing protocols in AP-340 Attendance of Students: • Attendance policies will be ▪ Teachers will take am/pm attendance for elementary and period attendance for determined. high school. ▪ Attendance should be taken within ten minutes of class starting. o Apply AP 340 Appendix Attendance Flowcharts. Page 30 of 88
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