Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal

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Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal

 The Stories
 Behind the Symbols

Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal

All rights reserved National Library Board,
Singapore (NLB) 2013                                 INTRODUCTION                              03
Text by: Justin Zhuang
Design by: Somewhere Else                            SECTION A
Photos by: Jovian Lim
                                                     SCHOOLS OF ART
Published by:                                        (i) COLONIAL HERALDRY
National Library Board, Singapore
                                                     (ii) CHINESE PATRIOTISM
100 Victoria Street
#14-01 National Library Building                     (iii) SEEING THE LIGHT
Singapore 188064                                     (iv) FROM SHIELDS TO SHAPES               05
Republic of Singapore                                (v) MANY WAYS OF SEEING THE FUTURE
Tel: +65 6332 3255
email:                                       SECTION B
                                                     MY SCHOOL CREST                           57
The opinions expressed in this publication are
solely those of the author.
                                                     SECTION C
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The text, layout and
designs presented in this book, as well as           CRESTS OF MEMORIES                        75
the book in its entirety, are protected by the
copyright and intellectual property laws of the
Republic of Singapore and similar laws in other
                                                     SECTION D
countries. Commercial production of works            THE SCIENCE OF MEMORY-MAKING              91
based in whole or in part upon the text, designs,
drawings and photographs contained in this book
is strictly forbidden without the prior written
permission of the copyright owner.

ISBN 978-981-07-6524-8

This work was exclusively
created for the Singapore
Memory Project                              THE SINGAPORE                    MEMORY PROJECT
Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal

                              Every school in Singapore has one. The school crest is the
                              graphical symbol that represents an educational institution and
                              the values it aims to inculcate in its students. All things related to
                              the school are branded with the crest, from its building down to
                              its stationery, and even its students, who wear it as a badge that is
                              part of their school uniform.

                              The Ministry of Education oversees over 350 primary, secondary,
                              and tertiary institutions in Singapore today, making sure they
                              adhere to a standard curriculum and are provided with facilities like
                              school buildings as well as staff. Schools are left to determine how
                              they represent themselves — giving rise to the myriad designs that
                              make up the Singapore school crest landscape.

                              This book examines a selection of crest designs from both defunct
                              and existing schools in Singapore, as well as the iconic Young
                              Scientist badges, looking at the stories behind how they were
                              created, their place in the nation’s education history, and the
                              memories that principals, teachers and students have of them.
Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal

                               OF ART

                               Some school crest designs are guided by the schools’ origins and
                               history, others towards their imagined future, and while many
                               conform to societal conventions of the times, there are those that
                               express their designers’ personal tastes and beliefs.

                               Despite these different approaches and philosophies, school crests
                               all share one intention, which is to project a particular image of
                               an institution’s values and beliefs. Behind each crest is a unique
                               response from the people setting up the school — their answer to
                               the question of what does a school represent.

                               No matter how much time and effort is put into it, school crest
                               designs are never truly complete. They evolve with time, changing
                               societal conditions, and most importantly, how students take home
                               their memories of what their school crest means to them.

                 SECTION   A
Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal
SECTION                             A                                                                    SCHOOLS OF ART

                     CRESTS: A CLASSIFICATION

          COLONIAL      CHINESE          SEEING             FROM SHIELDS                     MANY WAYS
          HERALDRY     PATRIOTISM       THE LIGHT            TO SHAPES                        OF SEEING
                                                                                             THE FUTURE

                                                    Classify the school crests into five main categories. You
                                                    may have more than one crest per category. This question
                                                    is worth 5 marks. Not all crests have to be included.

SECTION                             A                                                                            06
Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal
SECTION   A                                                               SCHOOLS OF ART

              The oldest school in          in 1819. The crest is shaped
              Singapore, Raffles            in the form of a shield with
              Institution, was set up       a gryphon at the top and
              in 1823 as the Singapore      a motto scroll below. A
              Institution. The school’s     double-headed eagle and
              crest was based on the coat   gold medallions constitute
              of arms of its founder, Sir   the central elements.
              Thomas Stamford Raffles,      (Facing page)
              who established Singapore     Raffles Instituition (1966)
                                            by Wong Suan Shea
              as a modern trading port      and Lee Suan Hiang.
SECTION   A                                                                       08
Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal
SECTION                                                                   A   SCHOOLS OF ART

Such a school crest,            These forms of school crests
derived from a coat of          were typically made up of
arms, originates from the       a shield and included
European tradition of           objects and symbols that
heraldry. This practice of      told a school’s history,
graphic representation          background and affiliations.
emerged out of Europe           On the crest of St. Gabriel’s
in the mid-12th century as      Primary (1953-2006) are
a way to identify feudal        trappings of Christianity
lords and knights, and it       including the letters D+S
was later adopted by            (Dieu Seul) surmounted
citizens and schools to         by a cross, which means
establish connections           “God Alone”, the French
with age-old traditions.        motto of its founder St.
                                Louis-Marie Grignon de
This was also the case for      Monfort. Another example
many of Singapore’s earliest    is the Anglo-Chinese School
schools, which were set up      (1930) crest, which has a
by Christian missions and       mythical animal made up of
the colonial government.        a lion head, eagle wings and
The crests of these schools     a dragon body with claws
either adopted heraldic         — inspired by the school’s
elements from their original    founding during China’s
institutions in Europe or       Manchu Dynasty in the then
were inspired by one.           British colony of Singapore
                                by the American Methodist
An example of the former        Mission.
is the crest of St. Nicholas
Girls’ (1933), a Catholic
school by the Convent of
the Holy Infant Jesus (CHIJ),
while the latter includes       (From left to right)
                                CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ (17th century)
Beatty Secondary (1954),        by students in France, St. Gabriel’s
whose crest is based on the     Primary (1953-2006);
                                Beatty Secondary (1954) by A. G.
coat of arms of its namesake    Meyer, Anglo-Chinese School (1930)
Admiral David Richard           by Yap Pheng Geck;
                                Willow Avenue Secondary (1960s),
Beatty, a distinguished naval   St. Joseph’s Instituition (1950) by
officer from Britain.           Richard Walker.

SECTION                                                                   A           10
Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal
SECTION     A                                                       SCHOOLS OF ART

“These forms of school
 crests were typically
 made up of a shield
 and included objects
 and symbols that
 told a school’s history.”
                Particularly in the context of Singapore, heraldic crests
                became a way of identifying institutions in an education
                scene that was divided along language lines during a time
                when schools taught in the respective languages of the
                different immigrant communities that founded them — the
                Chinese, Malay, Indians and Europeans. A heraldic crest
                was a badge for those who attended English schools, the
                language of the ruling colonial power then.

SECTION     A                                                               12
Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal
SECTION                                                                  A                                                            SCHOOLS OF ART

                                                                                 Correct answer:

                                                                                 Crown: Symbolises victory of faith over evil. It is a reminder of the
                                                               40                school’s founding when Singapore was part of the British colony.

                                                                                 Five-pointed star: Sign of faith and logo of the Brothers of the
                                                                    50           Christian Schools founded by St. John Baptist de La Salle.
                                                                                 White cross: Symbol of the Christian faith.
                                                                                 Objects in crest:
                                                                                  · Three interlocking circles: Games and the sporting spirit.
                                                                                  · Lamp of knowledge atop a book: Symbol for learning.
  Designer and Artist at PHUNK                                                    · Lion: Courage and determination, and the founding of the school in
  School: St. Joseph’s Institution (SJI)                                             Singapura (Singapore), the Lion City.
  Graduation Year: 1990                                                           · SJI monogram of the school
                                                                                 Motto: Ora et Labora, Latin for “Pray and Work”.

1. Please draw us your school crest. (10 marks)                      8/10      3. What memories do you have of your school crest?                         25/25
                                                                                  (25 marks)

                                                                                 I had to design the hockey and class T-shirts so I used to trace the
                                                                                 crest a lot as I was part of the art team. Everybody will pay like $8 or
                                                                                 something, and we’ll go to Queensway to make T-shirts. There was no
                                                                                 computer then, so we had to draw the crest by hand, and the printers
                                                                                 would use it to make our T-shirts and jerseys.

                                           Correct answer

2. What does your school crest stand for? (10 marks)                 2/10      4. What are some other school crests you remember? Why?                    5/5
                                                                                  (5 Marks)
  I don’t know what the individual objects stand for but the three rings
  reminded me of Led Zepplin! I know the motto means “Pray and Work”,            I remember the Raffles Institution, Anglo-Chinese School and St.
  but I remember we used to say “Play and Play” instead!                         Andrew’s crests because they were our rivals in hockey and soccer.
                                                                                 When you play for the teams, you were always trying to see which
                                                                                 school team had more cool jerseys. Ours was quite cool: our home
                                                                                 jersey was green with white stripes and the away version was white
                                                                                 with green stripes.
  SECTION                                                                  A                                                                         14
Singapore School Crests - The Stories Behind the Symbols - THE SINGAPORE - Singapore Memory Portal
SECTION                                                                    A                                                            SCHOOLS OF ART

  CREST TEST                                                                       Correct answer:

                                                                                   ACJC: The golden creature has a lion head, eagle wings and a dragon
                                                                                   body with claws, representing the fact that the school was founded
                                                                  41               during China’s Manchu Dynasty in the then British colony of Singapore by

 & RAI
                                                                        50         the American Methodist Mission. The overall shield shape represents the
                                                                                   knightly virtues of chivalry, honour, loyalty, valour and manliness.
                                                                                   RI: The double medallion represents the Order of the Golden Sword
                                                                                   conferred upon Raffles by the Sultan of Aceh in 1811. The upper medallion
                                                                                   bears the salutation by the sultan, which is in Jawi. The lower medallion
  Musicians                                                                        bears the image of a kris, which symbolises heroism. The twin-headed
  School: Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC) / Raffles Instituition (RI)          eagle represents the Rafflesian ability to look at issues from multiple
  Graduation Year: 1995 / 1994                                                     perspectives, and the search for inspiration from the East and West. The
                                                                                   two heads point in opposite directions: one head draws lessons from the
                                                                                   past, while the other looks towards the future.

1. Please draw us your school crest. (10 marks)                           7/10   3. What memories do you have of your school crest?                           25/25
                                                                                    (25 marks)

                                                                                   Jack: Being in the rugby team, I always remember the flag flying high
                                                                                   during major tournaments. It reminds me of the camaraderie we had in
                                                                                   JC, definitely one of the schools where I had fun and made good friends.
                                                                                   Rai: The crest was always a point of pride for me. It was always an
                                                                                   honour to wear the sports crest when I was in the athletics team.

          Jack                  Rai                  Correct answers             4. What are some other school crests you remember? Why?                      5/5
                                                                                    (5 Marks)
2. What does your school crest stand for? (10 marks)                      4/10
                                                                                   Jack: St. Joseph’s Institution. It was my secondary school and it taught me
  Jack: There is a phoenix or some creature but I don’t know what                  a lot about humility. I would always forget to wear the badge, so I was pun-
  it represents. I assume the shield serves to remind the students to              ished countless times by having to buy one from the bookshop!
  defend their school! But any hardcore ACJC-ian will remember the
  motto is “The Best Is Yet To Be”.                                                Rai: I would like to think I remember the CHIJ crest because IJ girls were
                                                                                   eye candy for us, but I don’t! I remember my primary school crest, Qifa.
  Rai: The two-headed eagle has something to do with British tradition.            I never knew what it meant, but it was easy to remember because it was
  The school motto means “Hope for a Better Age”.                                  simple.

  SECTION                                                                    A                                                                           16
SECTION                                                          A                                                SCHOOLS OF ART

In contrast to the heraldic     active in the politics of his        White Sun and a Wholly            (From left to right)
                                                                                                       The Chinese High School (1919),
crests of English schools       homeland China like many             Red Earth” flag that the          The Chinese High School (1930-2004),
were those of the Chinese       of his contemporaries, this          Republic’s first president        Ngee Ann Secondary (1940).
schools that made up the        particular crest was inspired        Sun Yat-Sen would later
other majority of Singapore’s   by the state and army flag           declare as its new
education scene in the          of the short-lived Republic          national flag.
early 20th century. Chinese     of China (1912-1949). It bore
schools had relatively          the colours red, yellow, blue,       Subsequent schools set up
simpler crests, often just      white, as well as black, and         by the Chinese immigrants
the school name written in      had 18 stars encircling the          in Singapore also adopted
Chinese calligraphy inside      Chinese characters of the            similar elements in their
a particular shape, for         school name. Before the              crests — particularly the star,
example, The Chinese High       civil war in China between           as well as the colours, red,
School’s first crest in 1919.   the government and the               white and blue — although
As its founder Tan Kah Kee,     communists, the school’s             they did not make explicit
a prominent businessman         crest was even changed               connections to such political
in Singapore, was very          to match the “Blue Sky,              symbolism like Chinese High.

SECTION                                                          A                                                                18
SECTION              A                                                                SCHOOLS OF ART

“...used the
 triangle to
 the moral,              (From left to right)
                         Nan Hua High, Yangzheng Primary (1988), Catholic High.

 physical and            In 1930, Chinese High
                         had a new crest. The
                         new triangular-shaped
                                                               members, teachers and
                                                               students of Chinese High,
                                                               school crests from Nan

                         crest reflected another               Hua High and Chung Cheng
                         distinct trait of the crests          High used the triangle
                         from Chinese schools,                 to symbolise the moral,
                         which typically contain               physical and intellectual

                         elements that represent the           development of their
                         harmonious relationship               students. Another Chinese
                         between values and people.            school, Nan Chiau High, also
                         While the crest’s shape               sought to express this, but

 of its students.”
                         signified the three-way link          with three interlocking rings
                         between the school’s board            instead.

SECTION              A                                                                         20
SECTION                                                                     A                                                             SCHOOLS OF ART

 EESHAUN                                                             40
                                                                                     Correct answer:

                                                                                     The logo draws inspiration from the Chinese character “华”, which
                                                                                     reflects the school’s mission of promoting Chinese language and
  School: The Chinese High School
  Graduation Year: 1996

1. Please draw us your school crest. (10 marks)                            10/10   3. What memories do you have of your school crest?                         25/25
                                                                                      (25 marks)

                                                                                     I remember drawing it on school T-shirts I designed for my class and
                                                                                     a Secondary 3 camp T-shirt. It was quite an easy crest to draw, plus it
                                                                                     was single coloured and had a distinctive form, so it was quite easy
                                                                                     to remember.

                                             Correct answer

2. What does your school crest stand for? (10 marks)                       0/10    4. What are some other school crests you remember? Why?                    5/5
                                                                                      (5 Marks)
  “学” is the Chinese word for “learn”. It also looks like a torch with a
  flame.                                                                                                   The old crest of The Chinese High School. I had to pin
                                                                                                           the badge onto the breast pocket of my school uniform
                                                                                                           everyday, so after a while, you subconsciously
                                                                                                           remember the design, although I think I actually
                                                                                                           remember the colours (yellow, blue, red) more than
                                                                                                           the details on it.

  SECTION                                                                     A                                                                          22
SECTION                                                                      A                                                            SCHOOLS OF ART

                                                                                     Correct answer:

                                                                                     The four arrows symbolise the four educational aims of the
                                                                   45                college: the moral, intellectual, physical and social development
                                                                                     of the students. The horizontal bar holding the arrows together
                                                                                     represents the synthesis of the four aims in developing the
                                                                                     character and corporate unity of the students.

  Co-founder of Uyii Bags
  School: Hwa Chong Junior College
  Graduation Year: 1998

1. Please draw us your school crest. (10 marks)                          6/10      3. What memories do you have of your school crest?                         25/25
                                                                                      (25 marks)
                                                                                     I‘m less of a graphics person, so symbols don’t mean as much to me as
                                                                                     words. I think mottos are easy to remember and abide by, and these are
                                                                                     philosophies that anchor people, such as Victoria Junior College’s Nil
                                                                                     Sine Labore (Latin for “Nothing Without Labour”). Another way people
                                                                                     remember a school and form an association with it is through its physical
                                                                                     premises. I studied in Beijing University, where the campus is over a
                                                                                     hundred years old and the room where writer Lu Xun worked as a librarian
                                           Correct answer                            is still there! When you walk into the campus, it feels different — you know
                                                                                     generations have passed through it.

2. What does your school crest stand for? (10 marks)                     9/10      4. What are some other school crests you remember? Why?                    5/5
                                                                                      (5 Marks)
  The arrows represent the four aims of the school: the moral, intellectual,
  physical, and social development of a student.                                     My secondary school, The Chinese High School. It was where I learnt
                                                                                     about a “win-win” philosophy, which is if you want to benefit yourself,
                                                                                     you should benefit others too. It is the idea of finding a way for both
                                                                                     parties to advance. Whenever I meet people who ascribe to such a
                                                                                     philosophy, it turns out they were from Chinese High too.

  SECTION                                                                      A                                                                         24
SECTION                                                      A                                                SCHOOLS OF ART

Singapore’s education         was set up in 1955. MOE’s
system was transformed        logo was designed by Mr
with the 1957 Education       Kwan Sai Kheong, who was
Ordinance. This act           the ministry’s permanent
established the basis for     secretary cum Director of
equality in education by      Education from 1964 to
giving attention and equal    1975. MOE’s logo is a red
treatment to the major        shield made up of two lions
ethnic groups in Singapore.   holding an open book,
All schools, including        with a flaming torch sitting
langauge medium schools,      atop the book and a blue
had to be registered with     scroll beneath it. These
the government and have       elements are also found on
syllabuses of similar         Singapore’s National Coat
content.                      of Arms (1959) and that of
                              the University of Singapore        (From left to right)
Leading the transformation    (1962), one of the country’s       University of Singapore (1962-1980),
                                                                 Ministry of Education, by Kwan Sai Kheong.
was the Ministry of           two institutions of higher
Education (MOE), which        education then.

SECTION                                                      A                                                        26
SECTION   A                                                  SCHOOLS OF ART

              (From left to right)
              Bartley Secondary (1952) by Chua Leong Hean,
              Singapore Polytechnic (1960), Sang Nila Utama
              Secondary (1961–1988);
              Gan Eng Seng School (1950s) by P. R. Aroozoo and
              Charton, Telok Kurau Secondary, Yusof Ishak Secondary;
              Monk’s Hill Secondary, Lee Kuo Chuan Primary (1987),
              Bukit Merah Primary.

              That the logo of the state’s highest education order was
              associated with a visual language inherited from its former
              colonial masters reflected the trend then. An alternative
              would have been to take inspiration from the crest of the
              country’s other university, the then Nanyang University
              whose crest consisted of a star and three interlocking rings
              that established its lineage with other Chinese-language
              schools then.

              The MOE logo and the crests of most schools in the 1950s
              and 1960s adopted some form of heraldry, essentially
              shields supported by a scroll emblazoned with the school
              name or motto. These include Bartley Secondary (1952),
              Singapore Polytechnic (1960), and even the nation’s
              first Malay-medium secondary school, Sang Nila Utama
              Secondary (1961-1988).

SECTION   A                                                            28
SECTION                                                             A     SCHOOLS OF ART

          Commonly found inside these crests were the open book
          and flaming torch — such as Elling North Primary (1958-
          1993), Corporation Primary (1975), and Eunos Primary
          (1984) — two stereotypical elements used to represent
          schools. Also popularly used in school crests were the
          colours blue, red and white, which symbolise “knowledge”,
          “passion” and “purity” respectively. Together, these design
          elements form the archetypal school crest in the early
          years of independent Singapore.

          That Singapore schools were largely represented by
          heraldic crests was perhaps an early indication of the future
          of education here. While equal treatment for all language
          streams was established at first, English gradually became
          the working language of Singapore over the decades, and
          many parents started sending their children to English-
          stream schools instead. While the Primary One cohort
          was equally divided between English-stream and Chinese-
          stream schools in 1959, over 90 percent were enrolled in
          the former some two decades later. In December 1983,
          it was announced that all pupils in Singapore schools
          would be taught English as their first language by 1987. A
          progressive conversion to English medium began in 1984.

          (From left to right)
          Elling North Primary (1958–1993), Corporation Primary
          (1975) by Fong Kim Chong, Eunos Primary (1984);
          Sembawang Secondary (1999), Playfair Morning School
          (1949), Changkat Primary;
          Pioneer Secondary (1994) by Tay Kay Sui, Joo Avenue
          School (1964), Heng A Khe Bong (1970s);
          Jin Tai Secondary, MacRitchie Primary (1970s),
          Bukit Merah North Secondary.

SECTION                                                             A             30
SECTION                                                        A                                                            SCHOOLS OF ART

                                                                       Correct answer:

                                                                       The school crest bears the motto ‘Be Diligent and Helpful’, with the
                                                          36           belief that diligent pupils know their work well and should always

                                                            50         help those who need assistance.
                                                                       At the top of the crest is a book of knowledge. Beside the school’s
                                                                       initials is the educational torch, which is a beacon of truth and

  Visual Artist                                                        Colour significance
                                                                       White: Everlasting purity and honesty.
  School: Corporation Primary School                                   Green: Youthful vigour in our pupils.
  Graduation Year: 1995
                                                                       Orange: Alertness in our pupils’ minds.

1. Please draw us your school crest. (10 marks)             6/10     3. What memories do you have of your school crest?                            25/25
                                                                        (25 marks)

                                                                       I remember it was on my PE T-shirt. I also drew the school crest
                                                                       when I could not concentrate in class, and on the last day of
                                                                       primary school when I had to fill up autograph books. It was not
                                                                       a very memorable crest.

                                         Correct answer

2. What does your school crest stand for? (10 marks)        0/10     4. What are some other school crests you remember? Why?                       5/5
                                                                        (5 Marks)
  Have a burning passion to learn.
                                                                                           Commonwealth Secondary. It was my
                                                                                           secondary school and the crest looked more
                                                                                           symbolic. Its initials CSS translate into tiny
                                                                                           flames on the crest.

  SECTION                                                        A                                                                            32
SECTION   A                                                    SCHOOLS OF ART

              FROM SHIELDS
              TO SHAPES
              Over the years, school crests moved away from the shield
              as a frame, favouring simple shapes instead. However,
              the idea of picking elements to create meaningful crests
              remained at the heart of many designs. Good examples
              are Bukit Panjang Government High (1960) and Chestnut
              Drive Secondary (1960s), which have crests filled with
              illustrations of their students’ expected abilities upon

              From the 1970s, crests formed from the schools’ initials
              started gaining popularity as seen in that of Bedok Town
              Secondary (1984-2012). Some schools also used their
              initials to create distinct and abstract shapes such as
              Shuqun High (1985). Others created familiar graphical
              symbols instead. For instance, the initials of Peirce
              Secondary (1994) were transformed into the typical flame
              and torch, while Bishan Park Secondary (1993) had its
              initials designed to resemble a leaf.

              (From left to right)
              Marsiling Primary, Chestnut Drive Secondary (1960s),
              Tanjong Katong Girls’ School (1953) by Maude Scott;
              Bukit Panjang Government High (1960), Bedok Town
              Secondary (1984–2012), Shuqun High (1985);
              Peirce Secondary (1994) by Keng Thiang Kee,
              Bishan Park Secondary (1993) by Goh Lye Kiat.

SECTION   A                                                            34
SECTION                                                  A                                                SCHOOLS OF ART

          (From left to right)                               (From left to right)
          Deyi Secondary (1980), Damai Primary (1984);       Yuhua Secondary (1985) by Leong Chye Chye,
          Beng Wan Primary, Fajar Secondary.                 East Payoh Secondary (1975-1998);
                                                             Juying Primary, Pioneer Primary (1995).

SECTION                                                  A                                                        36
SECTION   A                                                               SCHOOLS OF ART

              “ Some schools used
                their initials to
                create distinct and
                abstract shapes
                while others
                created familiar
                graphical symbols
               (From left to right),
               Fengshan Primary, Anderson Junior College (1984) by Heng Eng Hwa;
               Zhangde Primary (1984), South View Primary (1990) by Thomas Yeo,
               Boon Lay Secondary (1977);
               Braddell Secondary (1985-1999) by Dolores Chia, Clementi Town
               Secondary (1980) by Lim T.W. and M. Yazid.

SECTION   A                                                                        38
SECTION                                                                        A   SCHOOLS OF ART

          As MOE began naming                 organisations around
          schools after the areas they        the world, who wanted
          were located in, schools also       to represent themselves
          sought inspiration from the         graphically with logos.
          surroundings for their crests.      Nowadays, some schools
          This is why Bukit Merah             even have crests that are
          Secondary (1967) has a red          inspired by the logos of
          hill-like crest that reflects its   major brands. These include
          Malay name, which means             the crests of the National
          “Red Hill” in English, and          University of Singapore’s
          its Chinese name, “红山”.             High School of Mathematics
          The school’s initials “bm” in       and Science (2004) and the
          white, stand out against the        Singapore Sports School
          red background. Similarly           (2004). While most schools
          for Seng Kang Secondary             have their logos designed by
          (1999), the history of its          their art teacher, the sports
          location as a harbour led           school crest was designed
          to the school using its             by Ukulele, a commercial
          initials to create a crest that     brand consultancy.
          includes an anchor.
                                              (From left to right)
          The movement from                   Bukit Merah Secondary (1967),
          traditional shields towards         Seng Kang Secondary (1999);
                                              Pioneer Junior College (2004)
          abstract crests matched             by Ling Wan Yan,
          the rising popularity               Northland Secondary (1994);
                                              NUS High School (2004),
          of corporate identities             Singapore Sports School (2004)
          among businesses and                by Ukelele.

SECTION                                                                        A           40
SECTION                                                                   A                                                             SCHOOLS OF ART

                                                                                  Correct answer:

                                                                                  The two Ps represent Pandan Primary and the head is “S”, which
                                                                   46             stands for School. The crest is actually an anchor.

  Scientist at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
  School: Pandan Primary School
  Graduation Year: 1989

1. Please draw us your school crest. (10 marks)                          8/10   3. What memories do you have of your school crest?                            25/25
                                                                                   (25 marks)

                                                                                  It looks like a face to me as there is a pair of eyes and a smile at
                                                                                  the bottom. Before the badge was sewn onto the uniform, it was
                                                                                  to be pinned on and I would always forget to do so. So I always
                                                                                  got scolded or punished by having to stand in class.

                                           Correct answer

2. What does your school crest stand for? (10 marks)                     8/10   4. What are some other school crests you remember? Why?                       5/5
                                                                                   (5 Marks)
  It actually stands for Pandan Primary, with two Ps, one a reflection
  of the other.                                                                   My secondary school, Bukit View. I remember drawing it for
                                                                                  some school project when we had to put the crest on the cover.
                                                                                  It’s very easy to draw, just three triangles and another inverted
                                                                                  one below.

  SECTION                                                                   A                                                                            42
SECTION                                                      A   SCHOOLS OF ART

          MANY WAYS
          OF SEEING
          THE FUTURE
          The school as an institution for knowledge
          and learning has remained at the core of
          its existence. This is why the open book
          and flame remain evergreen symbols on
          Singapore’s school crests, although over
          the years, the latter has been updated
          to more modern interpretations. In place
          of the flame, Rulang Primary has a rising
          sun, Admiralty Secondary (2001) has a
          lighthouse, while Yuhua Primary (2002)
          uses a lightbulb. Another approach used to
          represent the important role of schools in
          nurturing young minds is through symbols
          of nature, such as animals and plants. Farrer
          Park Primary (2002) has a plant growing
          out of a book, while Westwood Secondary
          and Zhonghua Secondary use a plant and
          leaf respectively to show how hardy their
          students are.

          (From left to right)
          Guangyang Secondary, Yuhua Primary (2002),
          Admiralty Secondary (2001);
          Rulang Primary (1955) by Yar Wee Har, Chong Shan
          Primary (1982), Westwood Secondary;
          Farrer Park Primary (2002), Zhonghua Secondary,
          Jurongville Secondary (1994) by Ruth Lee Ng Gek.

SECTION                                                      A           44
SECTION                                                            A                                                SCHOOLS OF ART

          (From left to right)
          Anglican High Secondary, Concord Primary,

          As for animals, birds like the eagle have been used by
          Anglican High (1959) and Concord Primary (2000) to
          symbolise how their students “soar to new heights”.

          The importance of the student in the school has also led
          to crests with abstract human figures such as Bukit View
          Primary (1986) and Xinmin Secondary. Another way to
          represent this is through stars, as how Hong Kah Secondary
          (1994) has done.

                                                                       (From left to right)
                                                                       Ghim Moh Secondary, Xinmin Secondary;
                                                                       North Vista Primary (2007) by Phua Kia Wang and Sim
                                                                       Choon Tee, Hong Kah Secondary (2009) by Muhammad
                                                                       Radzif Anif.

SECTION                                                            A                                                         46
SECTION   A                                          SCHOOLS OF ART

              (From left to right)
              Yuan Ching Secondary (1979–2007),
              Yumin Primary (1985), Evergreen
              Primary (1999);
              Hong Wen School, Red Swastika
              School, Rangoon Road Secondary;
              Zhenghua Secondary (2000),
              Anderson Primary (2000).

              In the schools’ quests to create unique crests and
              project themselves as having moved with the times,
              some have even made use of contemporary objects.
              When manufacturing was seen as an important part of
              Singapore’s industrialisation, the gear wheels in the crests
              of Yuan Ching Secondary (1978–2007) and Yumin Primary
              (1985) made them look ready for the future. However, as
              Singapore’s shifted towards a service economy, their crests
              became dated. A similar case is Evergreen Primary, the only
              school to have a CD-ROM on its crest. This made sense
              because when it was founded in 1999, multimedia was
              touted as the next big thing, but who would have thought
              that just over a decade later, the CD-ROM is hardly in use?

              The one element introduced in crest designs post-
              millennium that has stayed relevant is the globe. The crests
              of Zhenghua Secondary (2000) and Anderson Primary
              (2000) have incorporated the globe, promising to mould
              students with a global outlook. This has become ever more
              important in today’s globalised world.

SECTION   A                                                       48
SECTION                                                              A                                                              SCHOOLS OF ART

                                                                             Correct answer:

                                                                             The logo is a stylised initial of its name in a circle. The main motif
                                                             42              is a blossoming bud, emphasising the significance of its Chinese

                                                                             characters “Qi Fa”. The blue represents aspiration for excellence in
                                                                             every endeavour, the red circle signifies an all-rounded education
                                                                             within a multiracial society, and the white background depicts the
                                                                             importance of character building.

  Food Writer
  School: Qifa Primary School
  Graduation Year: 1998

1. Please draw us your school crest. (10 marks)                   10/10    3. What memories do you have of your school crest?                          25/25
                                                                              (25 marks)

                                                                             I thought it looked very distinctive. The symbol inside the crest
                                                                             is not your usual shape such as a triangle, or an object like a leaf.
                                                                             I think Qifa is the only school with a symbol like that.

                                           Correct answer

2. What does your school crest stand for? (10 marks)              2/10     4. What are some other school crests you remember? Why?                     5/5
                                                                              (5 Marks)
  I always wondered... It looks like a tree, maybe growth?
                                                                             The Chinese High School’s crest. I was a prefect at Jurongville
                                                                             Secondary and as we were in the same cluster as Nanyang Girls’
                                                                             High, we often had activities there. From Nanyang, we could see
                                                                             The Chinese High School’s crest, and I’ve always remembered it
                                                                             as I used to wonder what life was like in such good schools.

  SECTION                                                              A                                                                              50
SECTION                                                                    A                                                             SCHOOLS OF ART

                                                                                   Correct answer:

                                                                                   The heart represents the highest of all emotions, love — the love
                                                                  36               of God for man and the love of man for his neighbour. When the

                                                                    50             heart is pure and honest, the Holy Spirit can dwell within and
                                                                                   transform the nature of the individual, ennobling and refining it.

                                                                                   The torch of knowledge and wisdom illuminates the mind and
                                                                                   broadens the vision of all who seek its light. Emblazoned in a band
                                                                                   of gold across the heart are the initials of the school, representing
  IT Consultant,                                                                   loyalty for the alma mater. The two stars reflect the school motto,
  Founder of The Gyanada Foundation                                                “Pure & Honest”.
  School: Fairfield Methodist Primary School
  Graduation Year: 1997

1. Please draw us your school crest. (10 marks)                        6/10      3. What memories do you have of your school crest?                             25/25
                                                                                    (25 marks)

                                                                                   I had to wear my school badge, name tag and tie to school
                                                                                   everyday, so I remember putting them on in a set of three: the
                                                                                   badge first, the name tag and then the tie. I also remember
                                                                                   playing football and sepak takraw in the volleyball court during
                                                                                   PE lessons. We had to be in our PE attire, but when the boys did
                                                                                   not wear theirs, they would remove their school badge and name
                                                                                   tag, and play wearing only their uniform.
                                          Correct answer

2. What does your school crest stand for? (10 marks)                   0/10      4. What are some other school crests you remember? Why?                        5/5
                                                                                    (5 Marks)
  I only remember the motto, “Pure & Honest” because it always made
  me giggle. Purity is such a Christian school thing. I remember the badge         My secondary school, Singapore Chinese Girls’. Compared to
  colours were yellow and blue, and so was the school uniform.                     Fairfield, the crest was more symbolic of what the school stood
                                                                                   for. The yin and yang crest and kim gek (Hokkien for gold and
                                                                                   jade) colours represent well-rounded students, who are good in
                                                                                   English and Chinese, as well as intellectual women who have no
                                                                                   problems getting married!

  SECTION                                                                    A                                                                             52
SECTION                                                            A                                                             SCHOOLS OF ART

          SCHOOL SYMBOL,
          The crest designs of           Over the years, some            Dunman Secondary               school will understand why
          Singapore schools have         schools have had their crests   wanted to update its more      changing the school badge
          changed little over the span   changed because of mergers      than 30-year-old crest in      is not about evolution.”
          of the last five decades       with other schools or simply    2008 to “better reflect the
          since a unified education      to keep up with the times       Dunman of the 21st century”.   Dunman’s school crest did
          system was established.        While the crests of some        However, both decisions        change eventually, but such
          Most changes have been         schools may be lacking          caused an uproar with their    sentiment shows how
          updates to keep up with the    aesthetically, they remain a    alumni, who started online     the crest is an important
          times, although sometimes      source of pride for present     petitions to protect their     graphical symbol for students
          this has led to unexpected     and former students of the      school’s identity.             to identify themselves with
          results such as when their     schools.                                                       the school. It is one of the
          choice of elements became                                      One former Dunman              few items all students,
          obsolete. One reason for the   In 2012, Catholic Junior        student, who opposed to        regardless of when they
          lack of innovation in crest    College unsuccessfully          the change, wrote in to the    enrolled, how well they
          design is that most crests     proposed to refresh its         newspaper forum saying:        performed, or who they
          are put together by art        37-year-old crest that bears    “My point is, symbols that     become, remember their
          teachers in schools rather     a dove. The school wanted       build an identity hold         school. A school’s building
          than professional graphic      to replace the dove with a      meaning for their uses and     may change, principal and
          designers. Often, crest        flame that is already worn      create continuity of culture   teachers may leave, students
          designs have to be approved    by students as collar pins on   and sense of belonging.        will graduate, but as long as
          by a committee whose           their uniform as the flame      To Dunman’s principal —        the crest remains, the school
          members may have differing     has “a more modern feel and     try the idea of changing       exists — even if it’s just as a
          views on the design.           universal appeal”. Similarly,   the national flag and the      fragment of a memory.

SECTION                                                            A                                                                      54


                                Crest designs are exercises for the principal and teachers to
                                visually translate what they hope to achieve as a school. Starting
                                from a school name assigned by the Ministry of Education, most
                                principals conceptualise what the school’s mission and values are
                                before working with their art teachers or professional graphic
                                design studios to express these in visual form. Here are some
                                stories behind the designs of school crests from over the decades,
                                which show the different inspirations and intentions, and how
                                designs sometime get lost in translation!

                  SECTION   B
SECTION                                                          B                                          MY SCHOOL CREST

                     FLAMES OF
                     The torch has always been associated
                     with education. When Commonwealth
                     Secondary’s art teacher Miss Ruth Ng Lee
                     Gek discovered that the school’s initials
                     could be designed to resemble flames,
Commonwealth         she created the crest of a torch emitting
Secondary (1972)
by Ruth Ng Lee Gek   flames.

                     She was tasked by the principal to work
                     on the design in 1972. Without any brief,
                     Miss Ng decided to depart from the
                     traditional shield and focus on a single
                     object instead. “I wanted something that
                     could be with the school forever, and
                     nothing can beat the flame. This idea of
                     lighting up the students’ passion was
                     almost natural,” she says.

                     The art teacher was so passionate about
                     her design that she even wrote a poem to
                     explain its significance:

                     Behold our school crest
                     With our motto “Ever with the Best”
                     See the flame burning with zest
                     It proudly stands for CSS
                     Blue for infinite resourcefulness
                     Gold for faith and fruitfulness
                     Ever-glowing is our flame
                     Ever-growing is our name
                                                                     School tie of alumnus Ang Song Nian.

SECTION                                                          B                                                   58
SECTION                                                          B                                            MY SCHOOL CREST

                    To mark Yio Chu Kang Secondary’s
                    relocation to bigger premises in 1982,
                    then principal Mdm So Bie Leng decided
                    to revamp its shield-like crest to something
                    more modern. At the same time, she
Yio Chu Kang        wanted a crest that better reflected
Secondary (1982)
by So Bie Leng,     the school’s original motto, “Pursuit,
Mr Goh and Mr Teo   Knowledge, Service”, which was written by
                    its founding principal.

                    Mdm So worked with two art teachers and
                    they came up with the idea of using a
                    generator. Its core is the letter ‘Y’ to stand
                    for the school’s name, with three blades
                    representing the values in the original
                    motto. The ‘Y’ and three blades are bound
                    by a circle that represent the staff and

                    Says Mdm So, “We wanted a crest
                    that involved all three ideas, to say
                    they combined as one and powered
                    our students.”                                   Souvenir keychain from the 1984 Annual
                                                                     Athletic Meet.

SECTION                                                          B                                                     60
SECTION                                 B                                                 MY SCHOOL CREST

                                                                     BEYOND THE
                                                                     As its school name suggests, the principal
                                                                     of Horizon Primary, Mrs Janet Ang, looked
                                                                     beyond existing crest designs when
                                                                     conceptualising this crest. Mrs Ang worked
                                                                     with Graphic Masters & Advertising, a
                                            Horizon Primary (2009)   design studio she had previously worked
                                            by Graphic Masters
                                            & Advertising            with, to come up with the crest.

                                                                     “I did not want the standard kind of school
                                                                     logo, i.e. a crest with a torch or a book,”
                                                                     she explained. “We are entering the 21st
                                                                     century and I think we should think out of
                                                                     the box and the school logo should really
                                                                     reflect what Horizon is.”

                                                                     The result is a crest made up of the sun, a
                                                                     horizon line and a soaring bird. When seen
                                                                     together, the sun and horizon line also
                                                                     resemble a human form, which Mrs Ang
                                                                     says represents everyone in the school
                                                                     helping each of its students soar like a
                                                                     bird. The crest also has no boundaries so
                                                                     as to not restrict the soaring bird.

A set of standard exercise books used
by students.

SECTION                                 B                                                                62
SECTION                                                         B                                               MY SCHOOL CREST

                       SAILS OF
                       When East Coast Primary was formed
                       from the amalgamation of three schools in
                       the 2000s, it asked its uniform supplier,
                       United Uniforms, to design a new school
                       crest. Then company director, Mr Brian
                       Leong Kuen, volunteered to create this
East Coast
Primary (2000s)        crest, which articulates the school’s hope
by Brian Leong Kuen,   for its students to pursue excellence.
United Uniforms

                       “The principal didn’t want an old-style
                       badge with colonial influences. By the
                       same token, she didn’t want a human form,
                       which was used in many logos of that
                       era... one dot and a shape that together
                       represent a human form. This idea that
                       students are all important,” he says.

                       Instead, Mr Leong took inspiration from the
                       school’s location in the east to come up
                       with the background of a rising sun, and
                       introduced the idea of movement in the
                       form of sails, which were shaped after the
                       school’s initials.

                                                                     A portfolio folder used by all Primary 1
                                                                     and 2 students.

SECTION                                                         B                                                        64
SECTION                                                         B                                          MY SCHOOL CREST

                     Tanjong Katong Secondary started as a
                     technical school for students until 1993
                     when it assumed its current name and
                     offered mainstream curriculum subjects. Its
                     first principal, Mr N. Vaithinathan, strongly
                     believed in his students’ potential, and he
                     expressed this belief by putting the image
Tanjong Katong       of Leonardo da Vinci on his school’s crest.
Secondary (1957)
by N. Vaithinathan
                     “I was looking for things to inspire, and I
                     saw this picture in a book about famous
                     engineers,” he says. “I thought this was the
                     right thing because not only was da Vinci a
                     great engineer, he was also a multi-talented
                     personality, a philosopher, an artist, an

                     An art teacher from the neighbouring Haig
                     Boys’ School, Mr S. Arulampalm, helped
                     draw and colour the original black-and-
                     white image. Completing the crest is the
                     school’s motto, “Diligence · Ingenuity ·        A hand-painted sign of the school’s
                     Dexterity”, which is written in Latin because   original crest.

                     this was the language of great classics, and
                     was regarded as an important language of
                     learning then.

SECTION                                                         B                                                   66
SECTION                                B                                                 MY SCHOOL CREST

                                                                   Baharuddin Vocational Institute’s lecturers
                                                                   were shocked when they saw his school
                                                                   crest design, recalls Mr Wee Chwee Beng,
                                           Baharuddin Vocational
                                                                   one of the school’s pioneer teachers.
                                           Institute (1971-1990)   For Singapore’s first design school, now
                                           by Wee Chwee Beng       known as Temasek Polytechnic School of
                                                                   Design, Mr Wee proposed using the school
                                                                   initials “BVI” to create a modern crest
                                                                   that departed from the norm then of using
                                                                   shields with tigers and lions.

                                                                   Instead, he created an easily recognisable
                                                                   crest that looked identical regardless
                                                                   which side of the flag one saw it. Up
                                                                   against other more traditional-looking
                                                                   proposals by his colleagues, Mr Wee’s
                                                                   design eventually won the most votes and
                                                                   was chosen to be the school’s crest.

                                                                   “I felt strongly at that point in time that we
                                                                   should break away from the norm of what is
                                                                   expected. I am designing for the future, not
                                                                   for the present or the past,” he says. “Mine
                                                                   was the most popular probably because I
                                                                   was a very good politician!”

Cover of the school’s first and only
magazine, published in 1971.

SECTION                                B                                                                68
SECTION   B                            MY SCHOOL CREST

“I am designing for
 the future, not
 for the present or
 the past.”
                   — Mr Wee Chwee Beng,
                     Baharuddin Vocational

SECTION   B                                     70
SECTION                                                                        B                                                MY SCHOOL CREST

                                In line with Singapore’s vision to be a
                                world-class education hub in the early
                                2000s, the first principal of Balestier Hill
                                Primary School, Dr Ho Seng Tuck and art
                                teacher Mr Hamzah bin Mahmid, came
                                up with the idea of using a globe on the
                                school’s crest.
Balestier Hill Primary (2002)
by Ho Seng Tuck and Hamzah
bin Mahmid                      Said Mr Hamzah, “The global vision was
                                in line with the ministry’s vision of making
                                Singapore an education hub... When the
                                school started, our pupils made up of about
                                30 nationalities, so that also inspired us.”

                                While the school was forward-looking in
                                this aspect, Dr Ho suggested the crest
                                take on a traditional form of the shield.
                                According to Mr Hamzah, the shield was
                                believed to be an evergreen symbol and
                                best suited the school’s traditionally
                                designed uniform.

                                                                                   Original school uniform used up till 2012.

SECTION                                                                        B                                                         72


                                   A revamp of Singapore’s education system began with the
                                   enactment of the 1957 Education Ordinance. Since then, the
                                   education landscape has evolved with the nation’s development
                                   — even as more schools were built with more diverse offerings,
                                   others have closed or merged with other schools. The crest is often
                                   the only reminder of a school that has closed, a doorway into the
                                   memories of Singapore’s educational development over the last
                                   50 years.

                     SECTION   C
SECTION   C                                                    CRESTS OF MEMORIES

              Sang Nila Utama
              Secondary (1961-1988)

                               1950s: THE LANGUAGE
                               Education in early Singapore was divided along language
                               lines — Chinese, Malay, English and Tamil — as many
                               schools were founded by the country’s immigrant
                               communities. In anticipation of self-governance from
                               British colonial rule, the 1957 Education Ordinance unified
                               the education landscape, stipulating that all schools be
                               registered and have similar syllabuses across the different

                               Even as the government introduced secondary education,
                               it kept the tradition of different language-medium
                               schools. Sang Nila Utama Secondary was the nation’s
                               first Malay-medium secondary school established after
                               Singapore attained self-government in 1959. It was
                               named after Sang Nila Utama, a Palembang prince who
                               called this island “Singapura” (Sanskrit for “Lion City”)
                               after supposedly spotting a lion upon landing here.
                               This is why its crest had a lion accompanied by an open
                               book, an object schools commonly used to represent
                               themselves then.

SECTION   C                                                                      76
SECTION                                                          C                                                          CRESTS OF MEMORIES

                                                                                                Buona Vista Secondary
                                                                                                Kim Seng Technical School

          1960s: 3 LANGUAGES                                         1960s: GEARING UP
          SPEAKING IN 1 VOICE                                        FOR THE FUTURE
          When the People’s Action    schools offering a bilingual   As the young nation             An example is the million-
          Party (PAP) formed the      education, while secondary     industrialised, technical       dollar Kim Seng Technical
          government in 1959,         schools became trilingual.     and vocational education        School, one of six first built
          it implemented the          Students finishing             were developed to address       by the government. Kim
          recommendations of the      secondary school were          Singapore’s manpower            Seng’s school crest was
          1956 report by the All-     expected to have a working     needs. To overcome the          designed by artist Loh Khee
          Party Committee of the      knowledge of Chinese,          prejudice against blue-collar   Yew, and it consisted of a
          Legislative Assembly on     Malay and English.             jobs, seen by many as lower     wheel that symbolised its
          Chinese Education. One                                     in status and less rewarding,   industrial nature, while the
          of them was a bilingual     Buona Vista Secondary’s        the government built            individual pictorial symbols
          education policy, which     crest reflects this with its   workshop facilities for         within it represented a
          emphasised equal            name written in English,       metalwork and woodwork          school that prepared
          treatment of the four       Chinese and Malay (in          in new schools, breaking        students for the academic,
          language streams of         Jawi script). Together,        down the traditional            manufacturing and shipping
          education — English,        they represent Singapore’s     separation amongst the          sectors.
          Chinese, Malay and Tamil.   multicultural society,         academic, technical and
                                      and this is bounded by a       vocational units.
          With an eye on a future     wheel symbolising how
          merger with Malaya, the     the different groups
          government made Malay       built Singapore into a
          the national language,      progressive nation.
          and this led to primary

SECTION                                                          C                                                                      78
SECTION                                                                       C                                             CRESTS OF MEMORIES

1970s:                                                                                                1970s:
NO STUDENT                                                                                            EFFICIENT
LEFT BEHIND                                                                                           EDUCATION
In the early years of Singapore’s education       Singapore Armed Forces          Whampoa Secondary   In 1978, then Education Minister Dr Goh Keng
                                                  Boys’ School (1975 -1984)       (1961-1994)
system, students who struggled academically                                                           Swee revolutionised Singapore’s education
had few choices but to drop out of school.                                                            system by introducing streaming based
The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) saw                                                                  on students’ academic abilities to avoid
an opportunity to instil discipline in these                                                          “educational wastage”.
“wayward youths” and grow the young
nation’s defence by starting a school for                                                             The bilingual education policy led to more
them.                                                                                                 parents sending their children to English
                                                                                                      medium schools, causing many vernacular
The SAF Boys’ School offered military,                                                                schools to close. The Special Assistance
technical and academic training to students                                                           Plan (SAP) Programme was started in 1979
between the ages of 14 and 16. During their                                                           for selected Chinese medium secondary
two-year residential programme, students                                                              schools so as to enhance students’ learning of
were given a monthly allowance, and upon                                                              Chinese language and culture, and upgrade
graduation, served six years in the military as                                                       the teaching of English to develop effectively
tradesmen or combat non-commissioned                                                                  bilingual students. Non-SAP Chinese schools
officers.                                                                                             became less popular as parents increasingly
                                                                                                      sent their children to either SAP or English
However, the school closed in 1984 — “a                                                               medium schools to secure a better future.
victim of our improved national education
system”, explained then Defence Minister                                                              To address the falling enrolment in Chinese
Goh Chok Tong. By then, less academically                                                             schools, a government Chinese school,
inclined students could study in the many                                                             Whampoa Secondary, became an integrated
technical and vocational institutions instead.                                                        institution in 1980, and redesigned its crest in
                                                                                                      1987 to reflect its bilingual status. However,
                                                                                                      the school still closed in 1994 due to low

SECTION                                                                       C                                                               80
SECTION                                                             C                          CRESTS OF MEMORIES

          1980s: ENGLISH
          FOR ALL
          After decades of debate, the government announced in
          December 1983 that Singapore schools would be run on
                                                                          Nanyang University
          a single national stream with English as the first language     (1956-1980)
          and mother tongue as the second by 1987.

          Prior to this, there was a major shake-up of the education
          system when the National University of Singapore was
          formed in 1980. This came about from the merger of the
          English-medium University of Singapore and the Chinese-
          medium Nanyang University.                                    “ ... symbolising
                                                                         it as a place
          Nanyang University’s closure was a disappointment for
          the Chinese community here, as it was the first Chinese-
          language university outside China. Affectionately known
          as Nantah, the university was a bastion of Chinese culture
          and tradition, as portrayed in its crest’s three rings —
          symbolising it as a place for cultural exchange, pride and
          unity for the community.
                                                                         for cultural
                                                                         exchange, pride
                                                                         and unity for the
SECTION                                                             C                                      82
SECTION                                     C                                                       CRESTS OF MEMORIES

“ Its crest had an illustration
                                                 1980s: BETTER
 of a public housing                             NATION, BETTER
 block near its location at                      SCHOOLS
 Clementi Avenue 3, which                        As Singapore prospered economically in the 1980s,
                                                 the government invested more money to improve the
                                                 education system. Schools were upgraded with air-

 indicated the school was                        conditioned classrooms, language laboratories and audio-
                                                 visual aid equipment. To allow students to participate in
                                                 more activities besides studying and have more interaction
 a ‘New Generation School                        time with teachers, schools were also encouraged to switch
                                                 to single-sessions from the existing two-sessions a day.

 in a New Town’.”                                As the government built new Housing Development Board
                                                 (HDB) public housing estates across Singapore, it also
                                                 pledged to ensure there were schools conveniently located
                                                 near homes. Clementi Town Primary was one such example
                                                 built in 1980. Its crest had an illustration of a public housing
                                                 block near its location at Clementi Avenue 3, which
                                                 indicated that it was a “New Generation School in a New

                     Clementi Town Primary

 SECTION                                     C                                                                      84
SECTION                                                               C                                               CRESTS OF MEMORIES

1990s:                                                                                            GLOBAL
ALTERNATIVE                                                                                       EDUCATION
PATHWAYS                                                                                          AT HOME
                                                  Seletar Institute       German-Singapore
                                                  (1988-1997)             Institute (1982-1992)

To help students who were unable to                                                               In 1992, a fourth polytechnic was established
continue with their education at junior                                                           to boost Singapore’s technical education
colleges, centralised institutes (CI) were                                                        system. Nanyang Polytechnic and its school
set up in 1986. They replaced pre-university                                                      of engineering was formed from the merger
courses offered in secondary schools then,                                                        of three existing training institutes the
which had a high attrition rate. Unlike                                                           Economic Development Board (EDB) had set
existing junior colleges, which offered                                                           up separately with the German, Japanese and
a two-year programme towards a GCE                                                                French governments in the 1980s.
Advanced-Level certificate in arts and
science subjects, students in CIs spent three                                                     Such institutes were first created to train the
years in school and also had the option of                                                        necessary manpower to serve in industries
taking commerce courses.                                                                          that EDB had attracted to set up shop in
                                                                                                  Singapore, including the petrochemical,
Seletar Institute was one of the four CIs                                                         automotive and aerospace industries. While
established, and it opened in 1988. However,                                                      the French and Japanese schools specialised
it barely lasted a decade and closed in                                                           in electronics and software technology
1997 due to decreasing enrolment. Only                                                            respectively, the German-Singapore Institute
one CI still stands today, Millennia Institute,                                                   of Production Technology offered a two-year
which was formed by the merger of Jurong                                                          diploma course based on the German system
Institute and Outram Institute in 2004.                                                           of technical training. Its graduates worked
                                                                                                  as skilled craftsmen in the precision and
                                                                                                  engineering industries.

SECTION                                                               C                                                                  86
SECTION                                                                     C   CRESTS OF MEMORIES

2000s:                                                    Yung An Primary

To prepare its citizens for the 21st century, Singapore
articulated a new vision of “Thinking Schools, Learning
Nation” for its education system in 1997. This was
followed by the launch of the $4.46-billion “Programme
for Rebuilding and Improving Existing Schools” (PRIME)
to create an environment where students could think
and learn creatively through the use of information

Schools were upgraded or completely rebuilt to
accommodate new computer laboratories, media
resource libraries, health and fitness rooms, as well as
bigger classrooms. One example was Yung An Primary,
which merged with two others to form Lakeside Primary
in 2003. While the school crest no longer exists, it
symbolised Yung An’s desire to “progress forever”, as
represented by the kite formed from its initials ‘Y’ and ‘A’.

SECTION                                                                     C               88



                                             Three decades on, primary school students in Singapore
                                             continue to discover the wonders of science through the
                                             Young Scientist Badge Scheme.

                               SECTION   D
SECTION                                               D                THE SCIENCE OF MEMORY-MAKING

Dr Loh Yuin-Han is recognised as one of
Singapore’s top young scientists today.
                                                “ I got a lot       budding interest in science, so he signed up
                                                                    for what became his first activity towards
He has won accolades both locally and
overseas for his work in the field of stem
cell research, including the inaugural            of satisfaction   earning the Young Botanist badge. Learning
                                                                    science through activities turned out to be
                                                                    so much more fun than attending lessons

                                                  in completing
Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s                             in class. In his quest to become a young
Technology Review 35 Award (2012), which                            botanist, the 11-year-old not only maintained
recognises top innovators in the Asia-Pacific                       the school garden, but also carried out
region under the age of 35.                                         other activities, including writing a story

                                                  some of these
                                                                    about plants and creating a collection of
But over two decades ago, Dr Loh was                                seeds from 20 different plant species.
already winning “Young Scientist” awards
as a student in the now-defunct Pandan                              “I got a lot of satisfaction in completing
Primary School. In fact, he received
not just one, but a series of 12 badges
across the science disciplines of botany,         projects.         some of these projects. It gave us
                                                                    something we did not get in the classroom,
                                                                    as there was a lot of work in gathering

                                                  It gave us
geology, astronomy, mathematics, ecology,                           resources to complete a project,” recalls
environmentalism, chemistry, ornithology,                           the scientist with the Institute of Molecular
zoology, physics, meteorology, and                                  and Cell Biology (IMCB).
entomology. These were given by the

Primary Science Activities Club, a national                         After earning his first Young Scientist badge
scheme started to get primary school                                in 1989, he set out to earn the remaining 11
students interested in science. Students                            badges in his final year of primary school.
who completed a series of science                                   While many of his classmates were working
projects listed on activity cards were
rewarded with these badges.
                                                  we did not        hard for their Primary School Leaving
                                                                    Examination (PSLE) and worrying which
                                                                    secondary school they would be posted to,

                                                  get in the
Dr Loh was introduced to the scheme when                            Dr Loh and three of his classmates spent
his science teacher asked the class for                             their time after school pursuing activities to
volunteers to maintain the school’s garden.                         earn the badges instead.
The then Primary 5 student already had a

SECTION                                               D                                                  92
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