Student guide INTERNATIONAL - PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL - Student guides

Page created by Cody Graves
Student guide INTERNATIONAL - PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL - Student guides

student guide
    PIACENZA AY 2021/2022
Student guide INTERNATIONAL - PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL - Student guides

> Before You Leave Home .................................................................................................................................................................... 6

> What to Bring to Piacenza .............................................................................................................................................................. 8

> Medical Assistance ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10

> Accommodation in Piacenza ................................................................................................................................................. 12

> Cattolica Regular Courses ........................................................................................................................................................... 16

> Italian Language Course and Welcome Days ............................................................................................. 17

> Student Life ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19

> Living in Piacenza ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

> Public Transportation in Piacenza ................................................................................................................................... 20

> How to Reach Us Upon Arrival ........................................................................................................................................... 22

> Money Matters ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

> Connecting You ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

> International Office ................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Student guide INTERNATIONAL - PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL - Student guides
Student guide INTERNATIONAL - PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL - Student guides

    Dear International Student,

    Studying in Piacenza can be an exciting and challenging experience as
    well as an opening of your social and cultural horizons.

    This guide has been carefully drawn up to provide the essential
    information about courses, visa, student life and practical tips for your
    stay here in Piacenza and your experience at Cattolica.

    Please check regularly the International Student Web Portal:
    in order to keep up-to-date on academic issues concerning your stay.

    Further information relevant to your day-to-day experience in Italy will
    be provided during the welcome day, however this guide should give
    you a good idea of what to expect upon arrival.

    We hope you will make your stay a positive and enriching experience.

    Cattolica International Staff

4                                    INDEX
Student guide INTERNATIONAL - PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL - Student guides
Student guide INTERNATIONAL - PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL - Student guides

    Application Form                          ■   Affidavit of financial support
                                              ■   Proof of adequate health insurance
    You can find the application form on          coverage outside your country
    our website                               ■   Flight itinerary
    > Exchange in Piacenza
    Please note that it has to be filled in   Once in Italy, you will have to follow
    and signed by your home Institution       the steps of the Residency Permit pro-
    Advisor as well.                          cedure. All information will be provi-
                                              ded at the Welcome Days.
    Confirmation and
    Course Selection
    Your international student advisors
    will send you information via email
    regarding your placement, forms, and      Residency Permit
    courses. If you need futher help you
    can send an e-mail to:                    Requirements
                                              If you are a non-EU Citizen holding a
                                              visa, you will have to submit an ap-
    Visa Requirements                         plication for a Residency Permit (per-
                                              messo di soggiorno) within 8 days of
    Non EU residents require a visa for a     your arrival into Italy. The Residency
    stay of longer than three months (90      Permit will be issued by the local poli-
    days). Students need to apply for a       ce (Questura).
    student visa at the Italian embassy or    You will require the following docu-
    consulate of their jurisdiction.          ments:
    Below you will find the basic appli-      ■ An Application Form (‘yellow kit’)
    cation requirements. However, it is          available from any Post Office or
    important that students verify their         from Cattolica International office
    consulate’s web site for any additional   ■ Your passport and the photocopy
    requirements:                                of every page of your passport (one
    ■ Admission letter issued by host in-
                                                 copy per page)
       stitution                              ■ VISA documentation and any
    ■ Passport
                                                 letter issued and stamped by the
    ■ Student visa application to be
                                                 Consulate (make additional
       submitted in person                       photocopies)
    ■ Proof of enrolment at home institu-
                                              ■ Admission letter issued by Cattolica
       tion                                      International

6                                       INDEX
Student guide INTERNATIONAL - PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL - Student guides
■ A copy of your health insurance           Medical Insurance
    ■ A revenue stamp (Marca da Bollo)
      of €16 that you can purchase upon         If you are a citizen from either a EU
      arrival from any Tobacconist shop         Member State or an EEA country
    ■ Your address in Piacenza, including       or of Swiss nationality, you should
      the zip code.                             have a European Health Insurance
    The total amount of fees you will have      Card (EHIC, Italian acronym: TEAM)
    to pay is € 116.46 (subject to change).     obtained in your home country from
                                                your national healthcare authority.
    After submitting the form at any Post       The European Health Insurance Card
    Office, you will be given a receipt. Ple-   will allow you to receive medical tre-
    ase keep it in a safe place as proof of     atment in another member state for
    your application.                           free, or at a reduced cost. The patient
    A special orientation session will be       will be charged for prescriptions, me-
    organised to assist you with the Ap-        dical examinations, oral and dental
    plication forms.                            care.

    Travel Insurance                            Non EU residents must purchase an
                                                International Health Insurance protec-
    Your health insurance will likely not       tion to cover any cost related to me-
    cover any damage or loss of belon-          dical treatment and/or admission to
    gings during travel and stay in Pia-        hospital.
    cenza. We highly advise you to insure       Please refer to
    your most precious and expensive            > WAITALY for further details. The cost
    belongings such as laptop and other         is of € 71 for 6 months or € 120 for
    electronics. A travel insurance would       a year. Higher levels of cover are also
    usually cover any loss of important         available.
    documents such as passport, credit
    cards, etc. Your travel insurance may       Note: An insurance policy is compul-
    also cover medical expenses and eva-        sory if you apply for a Residency Per-
    cuation in case of emergency.               mit (Non EU Students only).
    Do a search to compare the benefits
    and seehow they complement your
    health insurance abroad.
    Never leave your belongings unat-
    tended anywhere on campus, library,
    computer lab, etc. Do not mail your
    laptop as it will be held at customs
    and will only be released by paying a
    customs fee.

7                                         INDEX
Student guide INTERNATIONAL - PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL - Student guides

     Documentation                              Packing
                                                The weather in Piacenza varies con-
     ■   A valid passport/ID card               siderably depending on the season.
     ■   A valid student visa (if applicable)   December to February are the coldest
     ■   Travel itinerary/ticket                months, but April usually brings nice
     ■   Travel insurance                       spring weather. July and August are
     ■   Health insurance                       the hottest months.
     ■   Credit cards & other cards
     ■   Any medical certificates               Students on campus generally dress
     ■   Admission letter issued by host in-    informally but you may want to bring
         stitution                              with you something more formal for
     ■   Four colour and original passport      special events. You can find everything
         size photos (3 x 4 cm). They cannot    in Piacenza so don’t worry if you for-
         be scanned.                            get to pack something.

                                                You will need to buy plug/power
     Documentation                              converters for your electrical devices.
     guidelines                                 Electricity in Italy and Europe comes
                                                out of the wall socket at 220 volts. The
     Make additional copies of all your do-     Italian plug is the two or three round-
     cuments, certificates, cards, etc. Keep    prong socket.
     copies in a safe place in your home
     country, and bring the rest to Italy.
     When travelling remember to keep
     copies in both your hand luggage
     and checked luggage. Upon arrival
     keep all documents in a safe place in
     your apartment.

     For further safety measures, scan all
     your documents, certificates, cards
     etc. and email them to yourself as at-

     Bring receipts of any electrical goods
     that you bring such as laptops, came-
     ras, mobile phones, etc. This ensures
     when and where the items were pur-

8                                         INDEX

                                              Health Centre
                                              at Cattolica
                                              An on campus Health Centre provides
                                              all registered students with medical
     Medication                               and nursing care as well as psycholo-
                                              gical counselling.
     You should verify the availability of    Opening hours (no appointment re-
     certain drugs in Italy, but we suggest   quired):
     that you stock up from home on any       ■ Mondays and Thursdays:
     specific medication you will need du-       11am - 12pm
     ring your stay. Check custom restric-    ■ Wednesdays: 3pm - 4pm
     tions for importing medication as you
     do not want to have your medication
     confiscated at customs. For safety me-
     asures, obtain a letter from your Ge-    Hospitals
     neral Practioner (GP) specifying the
     medication you will bring with you.      If you require more serious medical
                                              assistance you will need to visit the
                                              hospital. Remember to always bring a
     Pharmacies                               copy of your health insurance cover or
                                              Health Insurance card. If you require
     Many medications that you purchase       an interpreter, please ask the Interna-
     over-the-counter in other countries      tional Office to arrange one for you
     may be available only by prescription    (this may attract a fee).
     in Italy.

10                                      INDEX

      Before your arrival in Piacenza, Catto-   rooms, tv room, wi-fi connection,
      lica International will send you useful   private bathroom, room cleaning - all
      information about available options.      included in the accommodation fee.
      There are two on-campus residence
      halls and two residence halls in the
      town centre. The University also has
                                                Segreteria Operativa Piacenza
      agreements with some real estate
      agencies that can help students find
      the right place to stay charging a re-
                                                Tel. +39 0523 62 11 11
      duced fee.
                                                Fax: +39 0523 579416
                                                > Collegio Sant’Isidoro
      Residences for
      students                                  Inside the Collegio you will find the
                                                University canteen, open to students,
      Residenza Gasparini (on campus)           administrative and teaching staff and
      Located right behind the University       to external guests.
      canteen, it is our brand new Residen-     Collegio Sant’Isidoro will be closed
      ce on campus. With 52 single rooms        from 24 July to 29 August for Summer
      and private bathrooms, and three          Holidays.
      common kitchens, this residence is
      a very comfortable place to stay. The     Collegi di Piacenza
      price includes breakfast, bed linen,      Alternatively, you can apply for a priva-
      blankets, bath towels, weekly room        te room at one of the other residen-
      cleaning and Wi-Fi connection. There      ces for students.
      are also several common rooms whe-
      re you can study and spend your time      Collegio San Vincenzo
      with other international students.        (in the town centre)
                                                For information about the application
      Contacts:                                 procedure and deadlines please refer
      Segreteria Operativa Piacenza             to:
      EDUCatt                                   @:
      @:         Tel. +39 0523 338551
      Tel. +39 0523 62 11 11                    > Collegio San Vincenzo
      Fax: +39 0523 579416
      > Residenza Gasparini                     Collegio Morigi (in the town centre)
                                                For information about the application
      Collegio Sant’Isidoro (on campus)         procedure and deadlines please refer
      The Residence was built in 1995.          @:
      With 165 single bedrooms, the             Tel. +39 0523 338551
      Residence provides many services,         > Collegio Morigi
      including heating, air conditioning,
      sports facilities, common study

12                                           INDEX
Platforms for shared                     Agenzia Immobiliare Piacenza
     accommodation                            Affitti
                                              Mr. Sandro Mazzalupi
     options                                  Tel. +39 0523 305648
     You might prefer to share an
     apartment with other students. Have      Once you arrive in Piacenza, we sug-
     a look on the following accommoda-       gest that you also look at the ads on
     tion platforms:                          the notice boards located inside the
     > Roomtastic                             Uni (close to the café) or inside Colle-
     > AirB&B                                 gio S. Isidoro.

     Real Estate Agencies                     Temporary Lodgings
     If you prefer to stay in a private       Bed & Breakfast L’antica Torre
     apartment, we suggest that you book      Str. La Motta Vecchia, 31 - 29122
     a room in a hotel or hostel for a few    Montale (PC)
     days and make an appointment with        Tel/Fax: +39 0523 615267
     one of the real Estate Agencies that     Mobile: +39 392 3958926 - +39
     support our international students.      348 4590725
     The following agencies will offer Cat-
                                              Mulino degli Orti B&B
     tolica students a 50% discounted fee
                                              Via Colombo, 120 - 29122 Piacenza
     for finding an apartment for rent. The
                                              Tel. +39 0523 614272
     minimum rental duration is 6 months.
     Invest SRL                               > Mulino degli Orti
     Roberta Sarti
                                              Papa Giovanni Xxiii Hostel
     Via Mazzini 31-33 – 29121 Piacenza
                                              Mrs Daniela Ponzini
     Tel +39 0523 384842
                                              Cantone San Nazzaro 2/A - 29122
                                              Piacenza (PC)
                                              Tel. +39 (0)523 337989
     > Invest Immobiliare
     Tecnocasa                                > Ostello Papa Giovanni XXIII
     Ms. Umbra (English speaking)
                                              Petit Hotel
     Tel. +39 0523 455863 or
                                              Via Pennazzi, 5 - 29122 Piacenza
                                              Tel. +39 0523 590405
     > Tecnocasa
                                              > Hotel Petit Royale
     Casa In
                                              Euro Hotel Piacenza
     Ms Emanuela Anglani (English
                                              Via Cristoforo Colombo, 29/F
                                              29100 Piacenza
     Tel. +39 339 4297746
                                              Tel. +39 0523 606 011
     > Casa In

13                                      INDEX
Hotel City Piacenza                   Casa del Viaggiatore
     Via Emilia Parmense, 54
                                           Ms. Valentina
     29100 Piacenza
                                           Stradone Farnese 63/a
     Tel. +39 0523 579752
                                           29121, Piacenza
     > Hotel City
                                           Tel.+39 0523 1996230 -
                                               +39 348 6376766
     Bed & Breakfasts in                   @:
     Piacenza                              > Casa del Viaggiatore

     B&B Giò
     Via Croce 10                          Casa Scalabrini
     29121 Piacenza                        Collegio di Piacenza
     Tel.+39 333 6595722 -                 Via Francesco Torta 14 -
         +39 340 5252402                   29122 Piacenza
     @:       Tel.+39 0523 348611
     > B&B Giò                             @:
     > Bed and Breakfast                   > Casa Scalabrini


         Accommodation         Average fees/month            Other fees

      Residenza Gasparini               € 650                   meals

      Other residences         Depending on your
                                 family income
                                  € 300 - 350             Estate agency fees
      One-room apartments
                                 (bills excluded)           (50% discount)
                                  € 400 - 500             Estate agency fees
      Two-room apartments
                                 (bills excluded)           (50% discount)
                                  € 550 - 650             Estate agency fees
      Three-room apartments
                                 (bills excluded)           (50% discount)

14                                     INDEX

     ECTS                                       The Italian Grading
     You can select your courses by con-
     sulting our online course offer. Plea-     The Italian Grading System ranges
     se note that CFU correspond to ECTS        from 18/30 (=pass) to 30/30.
     credits.                                   The highest mark is 30eLode (with
     > ECTS Guide                               distinction).
                                                All the exams under 18/30 are con-
     Please check course requirements           sidered as “not passed” and thus are
     when you select subjects to fill out       not registered on the final Transcript
     your Learning Agreement.                   of Records.

     You may also have a look at the Cat-       1 ECTS corresponds to 1 CFU (Credito
     tolica homepage:                           Formativo Universitario).
     > Piacenza Unicatt
                                                ■   Economics and Law
     Registering for                                > Courses Details
     Cattolica courses
                                                ■   Agricultural, Food and Envi-
                                                    ronmental Sciences
     You may attend as many courses as              > Course Details
     you want and within three weeks
     from the beginning of the lectures         ■   Education
     you must decide which courses you              > Courses Details
     want to keep for the rest of the se-
     mester.                                    Fall semester
                                                 ■ Lectures: September - December.
     Attending a course does not mean
                                                 ■ Examination Session: December
     you are supposed to take the exam.
                                                   - February
     For instance, you can follow 5 courses
     but decide to take 4 exams. Remem-         Spring semester
     ber that you will not have any writ-        ■ Lectures: February - May
     ten proof of your attendance to the         ■ Examination Session: May - July
     courses unless you take the corre-          ■ Extra Examination Session: dates
     sponding exams.                               may vary according to the Faculty.

     Note: You will not get any credit by       Academic Calendar
     Cattolica International if you take a      Please check the Academic Calendar
     class but drop (or fail) the exam at the   of your Faculty at
     end of the semester.                       > Unicatt

16                                        INDEX

     Cattolica International organizes an Ita-
     lian Language and Culture Course, de-
     signed for students who want to learn,
     study and explore the Italian language
     and culture.

     Further information about the courses
     and Welcome Days date will be com-
     municated directly via email as soon as

     For more information visit:
     > Italian Language and Culture Course

17                                        INDEX

     Some of the activities organized
     throughout the semester include:

      ■   Welcome Activities
      ■   Happy Hours and Aperitivo
      ■   Cooking Course
      ■   Dinners
      ■   Cultural and Social Events
      ■   Trips

                LIVING IN PIACENZA

     Piacenza is a quiet but dynamic city.       Piacenza is a living, breathing, exciting
     People ride their bikes everywhere.         city, friendly and welcoming.
     The essence of Piacenza is as true to-
     day as in centuries past.                   Useful links:

     Piacenza is a beautiful city, a city        > Cattolica International
     which offers a multitude of cultural fe-    > Seta
     atures that tourists rarely discover.       > Trenitalia
                                                 > Comune di Piacenza
     Piacenza is the real Italian city, whe-     > Castelli del Ducato
     re theaters and concerts pervade the
     atmosphere, where rivers, castles and
     hills are perfect locations for picnics
     and discoveries of real Italian food &

     Piacenza is a city to explore and a
     place to reflect. Piacenza is a city of
     people. A city full of life. The menus of
     Piacentini restaurants have influenced
     the world’s finest cuisines.

19                                         INDEX
            IN PIACENZA

                                                ■   Single ride: € 1,50
     Bus                                        ■   Multi-ride pass: € 8 (6 rides/ indi-
                                                    vidual - it cannot be shared)
     A wide network of buses covers the         ■   Multi-ride pass that you can share
     entire city. It will allow you to access       with other passengers on the
     all major city attractions within 30 mi-       same ride: € 15 (12 rides)
     nutes.                                     ■   Student one-month pass: € 32
                                                ■   SETA/bus company I.D. card: € 5
     Tickets                                        (compulsory for the monthly pass)
     All tickets for the public transporta-     Additional information will be given at
     tion system can be purchased online,       the Welcome days.
     through Apps such as Roger, myCi-
     cero e Muver or at authorised new-         For further information visit the web-
     sagents kiosks, tobacco shops or at        site:
     the main Bus Station (via Colombo,         > Seta
     3 - Piacenza).

20                                        INDEX

     Situated at the heart of the Po Valley,     By Train
     in the lush and fertile region of Emilia-   From Milano Centrale Station take
     Romagna, Piacenza lies on the border        a train to Piacenza. Shuttle buses to
     between Lombardy and Piedmont,              Central station are also available from
     two of the most industrialized re-          all Milan airports.
     gions in the north of Italy, at a crucial   Please check out the timetable at:
     crossroads for road and rail transport,     > Trenitalia
     both national and international.
                                                 By Bus
     Thanks to its easy access from both
     the south and the north of the count-       From Piacenza Railway Station take
     ry, Piacenza has always been an im-         bus no. 2 or 3 to Università.
     portant center for commerce and
                                                 Please Check the timetable at:
                                                 > Seta

     By Plane                                    You can also catch a taxi outside
                                                 Piacenza Railway Station or call the
     Once arrived at any of the Airports         following numbers:
     listed below, you may take a bus to
     Milano Centrale Railway Station (plea-      Radio Taxi: +39 0523 591919
     se check the Airport website for time-      Night hours - Taxi service:
     table, tickets and prices).                 +39 348 4485155
                                                 The average taxi fare from the station
     Airports:                                   to Cattolica is about € 10-15 (during
     ■ Aeroporto Orio al Serio (BG)              the day) and a little higher at night.
        - 110 km from Piacenza
        > Milan Bergamo Airport
     ■ Aeroporto di Linate (MI) -
                                                 By Car
        - 65 km from Piacenza
        > Milano Linate                          Coming from the A1 Highway
     ■ Aeroporto di Malpensa (MI) -
                                                 towards Bologna, take the ‘Basso
        - 120 km from Piacenza                   Lodigiano’ exit.
        > Milano Malpensa                        Stay on the ‘tangenziale’ (ringro-
                                                 ad) and follow for San Lazzaro/

22                                         INDEX

     You may keep your bank account at         Avarage expenses
     home and use your debit/credit card       (per semester)
     at any ATM around the city.
     When withdrawing money from an            ■   Accommodation*:
     ATM be mindful of the people around           € 2,400 to € 3,300
     you. We advise you to use ATMs that       ■   Food**: € 650 to € 1,000
     are inside banks and not those right      ■   Personal expenses:
     off the street. Unless necessary do not       € 200 to € 400 per month
     use ATMs inside or near stations.         ■   Books: € 200
                                               ■   Local Transportation: € 100 - 200
     Bank account and
     Codice Fiscale                            * The price for accommodation may
                                               vary depending on the area, single or
     If you wish to open a bank account        double room and possible program
     or rent an apartment you will need        benefits.
     a Tax code/tax file number, Codice        ** The University provides you with
     Fiscale (Please note that the Tax         a badge (student card) which allows
     Code is free of charge.). This card is    students to have meals in the cafete-
     issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate       ria at discounted prices:
                                                 ■ Full meal: € 7.70/light meal: € 5
     - Via Modonesi 16. You will need
     to bring your Passport and a copy of
     your Visa if you are a non-EU student.    Average single priced
     More information will be given at         items
     the Welcome Day and orientation
     sessions.                                 ■   Pizza & Beer: € 20
                                               ■   Movie ticket: € 10
                                               ■   Ice-cream, gelato: € 3
                                               ■   Sandwich, panino: € 5
                                               ■   Coffee, caffè: € 1.50

23                                       INDEX

     Mail                                        Telephone
     To locate a post office look for the yel-   The most convenient way to keep in
     low and blue PT sign. For mailing cost      touch with your new Italian friends
     information consult the Italian Post        and family back home is the mobile
     web site:                                   phone. You can purchase an unlo-
     > Poste Italiane                            cked GSM phone back home and get
                                                 an Italian SIM card at local providers
     If you need to mail important docu-         such as TIM, 3, Vodafone or Wind.
     ments or fragile items we would advi-
     se you send them by recommended             Only triband and quadband phones
     mail, courier, or through express mail      will work in Europe. Check with your
     services, such as DHL, UPS or FedEx.        home mobile phone service provider
     Postal & customs taxes are very high        to find out if your current phone (once
     depending on the weight and the va-         unlocked) can support an internatio-
     lue of the package content.                 nal SIM card. Once in Italy, you may
                                                 look into signing up for a plan offer
     Please note that if you are going to        or simply getting pre-paid/rechargea-
     get packages delivered to our office,       ble service. If you do not have a GSM
     this is the procedure you are required      phone purchased at home you may
     to follow:                                  also buy one at a reasonable cost
                                                 once in Italy.
     ■ inform  us that you are expecting a
       package and the estimated delivery
     ■ since our office is not authorized to
       keep cash money, you are kindly
       requested to leave us the amount
       you are supposed to pay at least a
       couple of days before the foreseen
       delivery date.

     Please note that if you don’t respect
     this procedure, Cattolica International
     will not accept the package and it will
     be sent back to the post office head

25                                         INDEX

     At Cattolica we have so much to offer.
     Much more than can be contained in
     the few pages of this brochure.

     On paper they are just names. But
     once you are enrolled at Cattolica,
     the International Office Staff will soon
     become your advisors, mentors and
     friends. International Student Advisors    Particularly, we will give you assistance re-
     are not only responsible for promo-        garding:
     ting the attractions and benefits of
     Cattolica, they are there for the du-       ■   VISA/Residency permit
     ration of your time at Cattolica. And       ■   Course registration
     beyond.                                     ■   Cultural adaptation and home-
     Many of our past students have since        ■   Any other problems that you may
     started international networks endor-           be experiencing
     sing the benefits of our beautiful and
     supportive university as a study desti-    Should you have any problems or inquiri-
     nation, whether for a few weeks, a se-     es, please do not hesitate to contact Da-
     mester, a year, or many years.             niela Morni, the Incoming Exchange Stu-
                                                dent Advisor:
     Whether your need or concern relates       >
     to your studies, experiences or needs,
     our purpose is to be both your first       Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
     port of call and in the vast majority of   Cattolica International
     cases, your answer.                        Via Emilia Parmense, 84 - Piacenza 29122
                                                Tel: +39 0523 599 106
     We have a unique understanding of
     the challenges experienced by Inter-
     national Students.

     The International Office gives support
     and advice to all international stu-
     dents at the University making sure
     they have a happy and successful
     time in Piacenza.

26                                        INDEX

              Piacenza-Cremona Campus
  Via Emilia Parmense 84, 29122 Piacenza (PC) - Italy
                  +39 0523 599 106
                  +39 0523 599 441

Study in Piacenza at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

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