STUDENT GUIDE 2018 Connect to support services at Chisholm

Page created by Edgar Pope
     GUIDE 2018
Connect to support services at Chisholm

Learning resources                       3
Student Services – we’re here to help    6
Other support services                   8
Your rights and responsibilities        10
Campus facilities                       13
Staying safe at Chisholm                16
Planning your next steps                18
Useful contacts                         20
Our locations                           21
  This Student Guide has been put together by the team at Student Services with you in
 mind. Whether this is your first time at TAFE, or if you are returning to study after a break -
  we want you to have all the information you need to succeed during your studies.
Take the time to have a read through the information outlined in this guide - it will help
you to get the best out of your Chisholm experience. Make sure you check out page 6,
        it tells you more about Student Services and how we can support you.
                                   We’re here to help!
               We wish you all the very best during your time at Chisholm.

Chisholm has resources to support you with your day-to-day study activities. Your teachers
will show you how to use them, but you can also ask for help at your Chisholm Library.

Chisholm student login                           Chisholm student email
Chisholm gives you a student login when          Chisholm gives you a student email account
you enrol. You will need to use this when        when you enrol. To make the most of your
accessing a Chisholm computer or the Wi-Fi       time with us, you need to login and check it
network on campus.                               regularly. We use this email to let you know
                                                 about your course, free campus events, and
New students (2017 onwards)                      fun things like giveaways and competitions.
For students who commenced study in 2017
or later, your username is the first letter of
your surname (not case sensitive) followed       Your email is the first letter of your surname
by your student number, e.g. C201312345.         + student ID number
Your default password is the first letter of     au e.g.
your last name (capitalised) followed by the     Your default password will be the first letter
second letter of your last name (lowercase)      of your surname (capitalised) followed by
followed by your student number, e.g.            the second letter of your surname (lower
Ca201312345. You will need to change your        case) followed by your student number
default password the first time you log on.      e.g. Ca201312345. You will be required to
                                                 change your default password the first time
Continuing/returning students                    you log on.
(prior to 2017)                                  You can also forward it to your preferred
For students who commenced study prior           email service, so you don’t have to check
to 2017, your username is the first letter of    two email accounts. Library staff can assist
your surname (not case sensitive) followed       you to forward your Chisholm student email
by your student number, e.g. C201312345.         to your preferred email service, or you can
Your default password is your date of birth      find instructions on how to do this under the
in eight digit format (DDMMYYYY), e.g.           How Can We Help? section of the Library
29051985. You will need to change your           website under IT help.
default password the first time you log on.

Moodle                                          Libraries
Moodle is Chisholm’s online learning            Chisholm’s Libraries are a great place for
portal where you can access your                you to meet your classmates and study.
course material and assessments.                You can access resources to help with
To access Moodle, use the icon                  your assessments. The Libraries also have
on the Chisholm desktop or visit                computers for you to use and can help you from your                connect to the free Wi-Fi.
personal device. You can also download          Along with helping you with Moodle, Library
the app on your smartphone or tablet.           staff can help with IT issues, show you how
Moodle requires you to log on using your        to load credit onto your student ID card for
Chisholm student login details. Library staff   printing, and assist you to download the
can provide assistance if required.             most current version of Microsoft Office suite
                                                onto your own computer for free!
                                                So come and say hi to the staff at your
                                                Chisholm Library, or give us a call on the
                                                numbers below. You can also chat with us
                                                online using the Chat to an expert service
                                                on the Library website.
                                                Library locations:
                                                Berwick Building B
                                                9212 4532
                                                Cranbourne Building A
                                                5990 7233
                                                Dandenong Building A, Level 2
                                                9212 5353
                                                Frankston Building E
                                                9238 8372
                                                Mornington Peninsula Building A
                                                5950 2038
                                                Email us at
                                                You can find our opening hours on our
                                                website at

Learning Skills                        
Learning Skills teachers run a help desk         Want to learn a new skill? Chisholm
at Berwick, Dandenong and Frankston              students have free access to
Libraries during term. They can assist you is a leading online learning
with writing reports and essays, referencing     resource that provides online tutorials to
and bibliographies, preparation with tests or    learn everything from computer skills to
exams and presentation skills.                   design software and basic business skills.
Connect with the Learning Skills Help            To access visit
Desk in your campus Library during     
scheduled sessions. You can check the
                                                 Log on using your Chisholm student
available times of the Learning Skills Help
                                                 login details.
Desk at the Library.

Free, online study support                       Timetables
                                                 Timetables are provided by your teaching
Prefer to work on your assignments from
                                                 area at enrolment or shortly after. You can
home and get help online? You’re going
                                                 check updates to your timetable online.
to love Studiosity. It provides free online
                                                 Simply go to the link below and enter your
advice from expert tutors to help you with
                                                 group name - this will be provided by your
assignment and study questions. It might be
                                                 teaching area.
something like a complex math concept or
feedback on the way you’re responding to a       Visit
question. Tutors can also guide you on how
to improve your grammar and language
                                                 How to read a room number
                                                 Room numbers are listed in the following
choices. Tutors are available for one-on-
                                                 format: Campus, building, level and room.
one tutoring from 3pm to midnight, Sunday
                                                 So, if you checked your timetable and
- Friday.
                                                 it listed DA-A105 you would be at our
If you have an essay or assignment you’d         Dandenong campus in Building A, level 1.
like someone to read or review, a 24/7           The room number listed on the door will
essay review service operates all year           be A105.
round. It’s easy to use, just login using your
Chisholm student login details and upload a      Wi-Fi
draft, and in 24 hours you’ll get feedback to    You can access Chisholm’s Wi-Fi network
make that credit a high distinction!             on your laptop and devices while on
To access Studiosity visit                       campus for free. If you need help setting up                       your laptop or device, visit the Library.

     – WE’RE HERE TO
Perhaps you want to change your course, or are just looking for some additional support.
        Maybe you’re not sure what steps to take to achieve your career goals.
  You might be experiencing some personal issues that are impacting on your studies.
                   Student Services can help you get back on track.

Student Centre locations                       Career Support
Dandenong Building A, Level 1                  If you have started your course and are
Frankston Building E, Level 1 –                thinking ‘what comes next?’, consider
inside the Library                             speaking with a Chisholm Career Counsellor.
                                               During a one-on-one appointment, we can
Berwick Building A, next to the Aroma café
                                               support you to plan your pathway to further
If you’re studying at a campus other than      study to get the career you want. We can also
those listed above, don’t worry. We can        review your resume and help you target your
easily connect with you through our video      strengths for your industry prospects, along
phone network.                                 with polishing up your LinkedIn profile and
Simply call us on 9212 5269 or email us at     helping you to prepare for interviews.                Call Student Services on 9212 5269 to make
                                               an appointment.
Personal Support
You can talk to a Student Counsellor about     To access our resume review service,
what is happening in your life and get         visit
some help to lighten the load. Call Student    and download the templates provided
Services on 9212 5269 to make a private        under the Career Support section to
and confidential appointment or email          complete your initial drafts. To have your                    drafts reviewed, email them to us at
Disability Support
If you have a diagnosed disability,            Student Activities
mental health or medical condition,            Life at Chisholm is so much more than
you can apply for support.                     what you do in the classroom, it’s all about
Visit               balance. That’s why Student Services
to make an application.                        create opportunities to relax and connect
                                               with new people at our free Student
If you need further information you can call
                                               Activities. While there, you can also get to
Student Services on 9212 5269 or email
                                               know our Student Services staff.
                                               Our activities are kind of awesome... think
                                               free food, live music, games and activities
                                               like a photo booth, seated massage and so
                                               much more!
Koorie Services                                Find out what’s happening at your campus
Our Koorie Liaison Officer (KLO) is here to    by checking your Chisholm student email,
support you during your time at Chisholm.      the TV screens in your campus cafe or the
Get in touch with the KLO to make a time       Chisholm Facebook page. You can also
to meet and have a chat. We offer cultural     keep up to date with events by visiting
support, guidance with applications, course
advice and more.
To make an appointment with the KLO call
Student Services on 9212 5269 or email

Support for finding a job                      International Students Office
Connect with employers who are looking for     International students who need support
students just like you. Chisholm’s very own    with course changes, documents for the
free online careers board MyWorkSearch,        Department of Immigration and Border
lists the latest job vacancies including       Protection, or general advice can contact
casual, part time, full time, apprenticeship   the International Students Office.
and volunteer opportunities online.            Contact 9212 5040 or email
You will need to register for MyWorkSearch
through the Skills & Job Centre.               If you need help or support after hours or
Contact them on 9212 4909 or email             on weekends, you can call the Chisholm for more         International Student Assistance Line on
information.                                   1800 175 349.
Visit MyWorkSearch                        Caroline Chisholm
                                               Education Foundation
Support for apprentices                        The Caroline Chisholm Education
Apprenticeship Support Officers (ASOs)         Foundation (CCEF) provides scholarships
provide free, confidential advice, support     and grants to help students who may be
and mentoring to apprentices under 25.         experiencing financial hardship with tuition
Your ASO can help with work, training or       and materials fees. Eligibility criteria apply.
personal issues that are affecting your        Contact the CCEF at the Student Centre at
apprenticeship.                                Dandenong campus on 9238 8114
Contact 9238 8186 or 0423 826 745              or email
or                         For more information visit

The policies that may affect you as a         More on the Student
Chisholm student are in one place, we call    Code of Conduct
it the QMS. It’s our Quality Management       It’s your responsibility to read the Student
System. To access the QMS, visit              Code of Conduct and familiarise yourself                      with what is expected of you as a valuable
It’s your responsibility as a student to be   member of the Chisholm community. This
aware of our policies and to follow them.     will ensure that what you do at Chisholm
They are also a roadmap to your rights and    meets our standards of behaviour. It’s easy:
Chisholm’s responsibility to you. Some of     treat everyone reasonably, make them
the policies you should be aware of include   feel welcome and help others enjoy their
(note the code number after the name):        learning experience at Chisholm.
Student Code of Conduct (QMS117)              Plagiarism
Withdrawals, Refunds and Breaks in            Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s work
Study (QMS115)                                or ideas in your assignment without crediting
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and       the source - that is, where you found it and
Credit Transfer (QMS107)                      who wrote it.
Complaints and Appeals (QMS306)               If you’re not sure what this means or how to
Special Assistance Application                provide credit in your assessment, speak
(assignment extensions) (QMS111_01)           to your teacher or Library staff at your
                                              Chisholm campus.
Practical Placement (QMS109)
                                              You can also find out more about plagiarism
Fees and Charges (QMS127)                     and other forms of academic misconduct if
Academic Misconduct (QMS129)                  you look at Academic Misconduct (QMS129)
Privacy and Freedom of Information            in the QMS.
(QMS301)                                      In a nutshell, you can’t try to get a better
Copyright and Intellectual Property           mark by:
(QMS302)                                      • copying large sections of someone else’s
                                                text into your work, without crediting the
                                                original author
                                              • buying an essay or other piece of work
                                                from someone else and then submitting it
                                                for assessment as your own work
                                              • using a phone, other mobile or fixed
                                                device or other unauthorised sources to
                                                improperly access information, support
                                                or text during an examination or other

regulated assessment setting                  you feel unfairly affects you in comparison
• allowing others to copy your own work for     to other students. Initially, you should
  their assessments.                            raise your issue directly with the teacher
                                                involved. If you are unable to do that, or the
If you do any of these things, it is regarded
                                                discussion does not bring about a resolution
as cheating. Chisholm has policies in place
                                                of your issue, you have access to a fair and
to address the seriousness of inappropriate
                                                impartial appeal and complaint resolution
behaviour and implement consequences.
                                                process. Further information can be found
Complaints and Appeals                          in the Student Code of Conduct (QMS117), or
You can ask for an academic or procedural       Complaints and Appeals (QMS306).
decision to be reviewed, or raise a
grievance about a process or situation that

No Smoking                                       Front reception
Our campuses are smoke free.                     Front reception on each Chisholm
                                                 campus is your one-stop-shop for student
Parking                                          administration enquiries and helpful advice
Limited free parking is available at each        like campus directions. Front reception can
Chisholm campus but you need to display          help you with:
a current student parking permit on your car
                                                 • Fee payments and enrolment
so you don’t get fined. You’ll get this permit
when you enrol and if you lose it, you can       • Parking permits
buy a replacement from our front reception       • Student ID cards
desks for $12.                                   • Statement of results
Parking is at your own risk, so try not to       • Changing your address or updating
leave valuables in your car and be careful         personal details
to store trade tools securely. Remember,
                                                 You can also call 1300 244 746 for support.
you’ll be fined if you park on grass areas or
in loading bays or staff parking areas.
Accessible parking bays are available on
campus, just make sure you display the
relevant permit.

Food at Chisholm                              Campus maps
At each Chisholm campus, you’ll find a café   Keep getting lost on campus? Check out our
with good coffee and wholesome food.          maps online at
Some campuses also have student-run
cafés, with super friendly student prices.    Hair and beauty services
                                              Get quality hair and beauty services for a
Berwick Aroma Café, Building A and G
                                              fraction of the normal cost. These include:
Cranbourne Aroma Café, Building A             haircuts, colours and styling, nail treatments
Dandenong Aroma Café, Building A and          like manicures and pedicures, relaxation
Patisserie 121 Building P, Level 2            massage and hair removal.
Frankston Aroma Café, Building J              Berwick
Mornington Peninsula Canteen, Building A      Beauty services 9212 4563
There are also kitchenettes on campus, with   Dandenong
microwaves and hot water facilities if you    Hair and beauty services 9212 5401
prefer to bring your own lunch from home.     Frankston
                                              Hair and beauty services 9238 8515
The Campus Bookstore                          Mornington Peninsula
You can buy your course materials and
                                              Hair and beauty services 5950 2065
supplies, stationary, Chisholm merchandise
and computer accessories at The Campus        Student Massage Clinic
Bookstore. You can also purchase discount     Support Chisholm students in their
movie tickets for Village or Hoyts cinemas.   training by attending our Student Massage
You can find them at:                         Clinic, and receive remedial massage
Dandenong                                     and Myotherapy treatments at student
Building Z, opposite the Aroma Café           friendly prices.
Call them on 9212 5277 or email chisholm.     Frankston Building D              Monday to Thursday, 4pm - 7pm
Frankston                                     Bookings by appointment only, call the
Building L, next to the Aroma Café            Student Massage Clinic on 9238 8484.
Call them on 9238 8435 or email chisholm.              Multi-faith rooms
                                              Multi-faith prayer rooms are available for all
The Campus Bookstore is open Monday -
                                              students to use during our opening hours.
Friday, 9.30am - 1pm.
                                              You can find them at:
If the Chisholm campus where you
study doesn’t have a bookstore - don’t        Berwick Building B, B123
worry. You can order from The Campus          Cranbourne Building A, A150
Bookstore by contacting them directly by      Dandenong Building B, B116
email or phone, or you can order online at
                                              Frankston Building N, N210
                                              Mornington Peninsula Building A, A110A
                                              Springvale Room SP112

             AT CHISHOLM
                       Safety at Chisholm is everyone’s responsibility.

Emergencies and                                  Online safety
evacuation signals                               Take care online by following some simple
It’s rare, but if a serious injury or incident   tips. Don’t give out personal information
takes place on campus, contact a Chisholm        when online - e.g. your phone number,
staff member or Security right away. If there    date of birth, where you live and what your
is no time to wait, call 000 (on internal        plans are. Don’t click on links in emails
phones dial 0-000) and ask for police, fire      from people you don’t know, or don’t know
or ambulance, then make sure a Chisholm          well. Protect your passwords - when using
staff member is advised of the situation.        a public computer, make sure you logout
If there is an emergency at Chisholm where       of the accounts you’ve accessed before
you need to evacuate, a warning signal           leaving the terminal. And perhaps most
will sound and/or a Chisholm staff member        importantly, protect your digital footprint -
and the building’s fire warden will guide        don’t put anything online that you wouldn’t
you when it is time to leave. There are fire     want all of your friends, family, teachers
and emergency evacuation plans in the            and future employers to see.
corridors of each building. They show you
where the nearest exit and assembly areas
                                                 Personal safety
                                                 Use common sense at all times. If you don’t
are – just remember that evacuation plans
                                                 know how to use something, ask. Follow
are different for each building.
                                                 all safety procedures and instructions from

your teacher and wear all required personal       Mental Health CAT Team Dandenong Area
protective equipment (PPE). Always take note      1300 369 012
of any warning signs and don’t interfere with     Mental Health CAT Team Peninsula Area
equipment in classrooms, workshops, salons,       1300 792 977
kitchens and other places around Chisholm.
                                                  Mental Health CAT Team Wonthaggi Area
If you see something that looks dangerous         1300 363 322
or unsafe, tell a Chisholm staff member and
                                                  Poisons Information Centre 13 11 26
if you hurt yourself or have a ‘near miss’ tell
a staff member. These things need to be           RACV 13 72 28
reported so we can make sure the problem          Safe Steps Family Violence Response
is fixed and big accidents don’t happen in        Centre 1800 015 188
the future.                                       State Emergency Service (SES) 13 25 00
If you have attended an evening class             Translating and Interpreting Service 13 14 50
and would like an escort to your car,
                                                  Victims of Crime Helpline 1800 819 817
contact Security.

Security and first aid                            Health services
                                                  Get to know the health services located
If you need first aid on site or feel unsafe,
                                                  near your campus. The following medical
call campus Security for help on the
                                                  clinics offer bulk billing to patients who hold
following numbers:
                                                  a valid Medicare card, Healthcare card
Bass Coast 0417 787 010                           or pension card. Check the terms of bulk
Berwick 0400 483 123                              billing with the clinic when calling to make
Chisholm @ 311 0457 098 633                       an appointment.
Cranbourne 0400 483 005
                                                  Chisholm @311
Dandenong 0400 483 277
                                                  Modern Medical Dandenong 9794 7866
Frankston 0400 483 002
                                                  176 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong VIC 3175
Mornington Peninsula 0427 281 803
Other helpful services                            Stawell Clinic 5998 4839
and numbers                                       12 Stawell Street, Cranbourne VIC 3977
Allocation Call Centre for Accident Towing        Dandenong
Service 13 11 76                                  Stud Road Medical Centre 9794 5055
Beyondblue 1300 22 4636                           82 Stud Road, Dandenong VIC 3175
CASA (Centre Against Sexual Assault) after        Frankston
hours 1800 806 292                                Young Street Medical Centre 9771 8111
Child Protection after hours service 13 12 78     89/97 Young Street, Frankston VIC 3199
                                                  (walk in only, no appointments)
DirectLine (Drug and Alcohol Issues)
1800 888 236                                      Mornington Peninsula
                                                  Advantage Medical Centre 5982 0011
Gambler’s Help Youthline 1800 262 376
                                                  1541 Point Nepean Road, Rosebud West
Lifeline 13 11 14                                 VIC 3940
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
1800 032 017

         NEXT STEPS
You’ve finished your course …                Certificates
congratulations, party time! But where to    When you finish your course you’ll receive
from here? Maybe you want to continue        your certificate in the mail. Make sure you
your studies or get your certificate and     keep your address details current in our
head out into the world of work. Whatever    database. To update your details, visit
your decision, here is some helpful          front reception.
information you’ll need to know.             Certificates are withheld if you have
                                             outstanding fees, parking fines or library
Further study                                books/charges.
Your options are endless for further study
at Chisholm, with partner universities       Questions?
or elsewhere. Moving from certificate        Contact us at
to diploma, diploma to degree, or
undergraduate to postgraduate degrees
                                             Graduation happens once a year, usually
is easy. We’ll advise you throughout the
                                             in March/April, and is a great opportunity
process to ensure that you have the full
                                             for you to celebrate your achievement with
picture on what’s available in terms of
                                             family and friends. And did we mention a
guaranteed pathways and credit transfers.
                                             great opportunity to take plenty of photos in
For more information visit
                                             those stylish gowns?
                                             To attend graduation, you will need
And don’t forget, Chisholm Career
                                             to apply. For more information visit
Counsellors are available to help you with
all career related support. As a Chisholm
student, you can visit a Career Counsellor   Employment
for up to six months after you graduate.     Taking that leap from student to employee?
Call Student Services on 9212 5269 or        Get the support you need to stand out from
email to make        the crowd and engage with employers.
an appointment.                              Make an appointment with a Chisholm
                                             Career Counsellor by calling Student
                                             Services on 9212 5269 or emailing
                                    A Chisholm
                                             Career Counsellor can help give your
                                             resume a lift, polish your LinkedIn profile
                                             and help you sharpen your interview skills.
                                             And remember MyWorkSearch – our online
                                             jobs board that can link you with the latest
                                             job opportunities.

General enquiries 1300 244 746
8.30am-5.00pm, Monday – Friday

Security                                        Important dates
Bass Coast 0417 787 010                         Chisholm offers a range of courses with
Berwick 0400 483 123                            many different study modes so there is no
Chisholm @ 311 0457 098 633                     official academic calendar. Course dates
Cranbourne 0400 483 005                         will be confirmed by your teaching area at
Dandenong 0400 483 277                          orientation.
Frankston 0400 483 002
                                                You can check the term and term break dates
Mornington Peninsula 0427 281 803
                                                online at
Student Services 9212 5269                      in the A-Z student information section.

International Student Office 9212 5040
                                                Public holidays
International Student Assistance 1800 175 349   New Year’s Day Monday 1 January

Caroline Chisholm Education                     Australia Day Friday 26 January
Foundation 9238 8114
                                                Labour Day Monday 12 March

Useful websites                                 Good Friday Friday 30 March
Chisholm website
                                                Easter Saturday Saturday 31 March
                                                Easter Sunday Sunday 1 April
Current Students page                Easter Monday Monday 2 April

Library website                                 ANZAC Day Wednesday 25 April
                                                Queen’s Birthday Monday 11 June
                                                Friday before the AFL Grand Final
                                                Friday 28 September
                                                Melbourne Cup Tuesday 6 November
                                                Christmas Day Tuesday 25 December

                                                Boxing Day Wednesday 26 December

Our locations
Flinders Lane
234 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000
Closest train station: Flinders Street, 350m

Melbourne City
Level 1, 399 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
VIC 3000                            Sunbury
                                                      Craigieburn                                             Mernda

Closest train station: Melbourne Diggers
                                 Central,Rest 300mRoxburgh Park
                                                                                                   Epping                   Hurtsbridge
                                                                                                                                                                   Yarra Glen
                                                             Melbourne Airport                                                                                                             Healesville
Dandenong              Melton                                                    Campbellfield
                                                                                                        Mill Park     Diamond Creek

121 Stud Road, Dandenong VIC 3175
                                   Taylors Lake                                  Hadfield
                                                                                 Coburg North
Closest train station: Dandenong, 2.3km
                                      St Albans
                                             Sunshine North
                                                                                           Thornbury                                                 Chirnside Park
                                                 Ravenhall                                                  Manningham
                                                         Sunshine West             Fitzroy North              Doncaster                                           Mount Evelyn
Chisholm @311                                                                Melbourne
                                                                                                                 Box hill           Ringwood
                                                                                             Richmond                   Blackburn
311 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong
                                     VIC 3175   Altona North
                                                                                 Albert Park Toorak       Camberwell
                                                                                                                                   Vermont        Bayswater

                                                                                                Malvern                                 Wantirna Boronia             Olinda
Closest train station: Dandenong, 800m Altona Meadows
                                                                                     St Kilda
                                                                                                            Chadstone                          Ferntree Gully
                                   Werribee                                                 Brighton                                                     Tecoma Belgrave
                                                Point Cook
Frankston                                                                                     Bentleigh
                                                                                                               Clayton                 Rowville
                                                                                                                                                        Lysterfield               Emerald
Fletcher Road, Frankston VIC 3199                                                                Cheltenham                  Noble Park

                                                                                              Beaumaris             Dingley Village
Closest train station: Frankston, 200m                                                                   Mordialloc
                                                                                                                                            Narre Warren

                                                                                                                               Dandenong South
Berwick and Berwick TEC                                                                                         Patterson Lakes
                                                                                                                                             Lynbrook         Beaconsfield

25 Kangan Drive, Berwick VIC 3806                                                                                    Carrum Downs
                                                                                                                                             Cranbourne North                        Pakenham

Closest train station: Berwick,       50m
                                                                                                                                      Skye      Cranbourne
                                       Indented Head                                                          Frankston                Cranbourne South

Cranbourne            Drysdale St Leonards
                                                                                                              Frankston South

New Holland Drive, Cranbourne VIC 3977                                                                                                Pearcedale                                       Koo Wee Rup
                                                                                                   Mornington                                                         Tooradin
                                                                                                                            Somerville                Warneet

Closest train station: Cranbourne, 1.9km
                                   Queenscliff                                              Mount Martha                           Tyabb                                                            Lang Lang

Mornington Peninsula                                                                                                          Hastings
                                                               Safety Beach
Boneo Road, Rosebud VIC 3939Sorrento                          Dromana
                                                          Rosebud                                                                                         French Island
Metro bus: 886                   Blairgowrie
                                                 Rosebud West       Red Hill
                                                                                                                                  Crib Point

Bus stop: Chisholm TAFE – Rosebud Campus/St Andrews Beach
Henry Wilson Drive (Rosebud West)                                                                                                            Cowes
                                                                    Cape Schank                                                                           Ryhll
Bass Coast                                                                                                                    Phillip Island

Corner Bass Highway and South Dudley                                                                                                                                 San Remo

Road, Wonthaggi VIC 3995
V/Line bus operates between Wonthaggi                                                                                                                                                                    Wonthaggi
and Melbourne                                                                                                                                                                                                              Inverlo

Bus stop: Corner Bass Highway and South                                                                                                                                                                   Cape Patterson

Dudley Road

For maps of Chisholm locations visit

To find public transport travel options use
the Public Transport Victoria (PTV) Journey
Planner at

            For more information about the content of this booklet, or if you need help or advice,
                       contact Student Services during business hours on 9212 5269.

                                Information in this booklet is correct at the time of printing.
                      Copyright Chisholm Institute December 2017 CRICOS No. 00881F RTO No. 0260
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