STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership

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STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership
Year in Review 2020


STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership

           10   FEATURED

           15   OUR REGIONAL

           19   WORK

           33   REFLECTIONS

STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership

2020 was a year unlike any other. Despite the          The resilience of our human capital                    have embraced the adoption of legal technology to
challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we                                                                 deliver legal solutions and services to our clients,
ended the year on a positive note. As we continue      Our people are our most important asset. Over the      but technology in itself is not sufficient to meet our
into 2021, we take along with us a few important       past year, we were inspired to see how our lawyers     clients’ needs. It is just as important for our lawyers
lessons from 2020:                                     and employees demonstrated resilience, boldness,       to bring together the best of our different practice
                                                       and flexibility to adapt to the many protocols         areas to develop new solutions and solve new legal
•   The need to adapt quickly to changing              that were implemented to facilitate the way they       problems.
    circumstances                                      work (whether in the office or at home). The initial
•   The resilience of our human capital                response to the COVID-19 pandemic required us          For instance, the Firm first launched our
•   Innovating to meet clients’ needs                  to keep our people safe by sending them home           Environmental & Green Economy Practice in 2010.
                                                       to work. Cabin fever aside, everyone logged on at      Over the past decade, we have been working
Adapting quickly to changing circumstances             the beginning of the day and took things in their      with our clients who were early adopters of green
                                                       stride to get things done. Many had to juggle work     business practices and initiatives on various
As a leading law firm and employer, we faced the       with their competing roles as a parent, a spouse,      sustainability (and the broader ESG) related issues.
same challenges that many organisations had            a partner, or a child. Parents with school-going       In that time, we have built up a substantial body
to confront when the COVID-19 pandemic came            children soon learnt that home-based learning          of expertise and experience in this field. Today,
ashore. Whether it was to equip all our lawyers and    tends to trump work-from-home arrangements.            the conversation surrounding ESG has grown
staff with a notebook to allow them to work from       Somehow, we all managed the best that we could         louder and more varied and our clients now
home during the circuit breaker or to learn to host    in the circumstances. Transactions were signed and     have to deal with a myriad of emerging issues
a virtual meeting on Zoom, it was clear to many        closed. Hearings carried on virtually. Meetings were   — the need for transparency and accountability,
that everyone had to adapt quickly to the changing     conducted by various means. The human spirit           disclosure and reporting, stakeholder activism,
circumstances. Many of my colleagues were soon         has an astonishing capacity to remain resilient in     supply chain risks, and even climate litigation.
adept at juggling flexible work arrangements           difficult moments.                                     There are also more tools available to our clients
while ensuring that their clients’ needs remain a                                                             to deal with these issues and existing tools have
priority. Our early investment in legal technology     Innovating to meet our clients’ needs                  also evolved to become more sophisticated, such
tools proved useful as lawyers were able to rely on                                                           as the use of carbon credits and carbon trading
different solutions that were now available on their   As a Firm, we have always strived to stay ahead        to support carbon offset programmes. Therefore,
notebooks, even if they were not physically in the     of the curve by being adaptable and innovative in      we spent much of 2020 looking at building a
office.                                                the face of emerging challenges. Since 2017, we        multidisciplinary practice which would take over

STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership

from our Environmental & Green Economy Practice.      On the practice front, the Firm has been busy              We also celebrated six of our deals and cases that
This multidisciplinary practice — Sustainability      despite the economic downturn last year. We                received top awards from different organisations.
& Responsible Business Practice, will bring           continue to handle some of the most complex and            These include the merger of CapitaLand
together (and builds on) the experience and           widely publicised matters. On this note, we are            Commercial Trust and CapitaLand Mall Trust,
expertise that our Partners already have to better    pleased to introduce a new section in our report           CapitaLand’s acquisition of Ascendas-Singbridge,
serve our clients’ needs.                             this year that throws a spotlight on matters our Firm      Ascott REIT’s merger with Ascendas Hospitality
                                                      was involved in. It showcases how we were able             Trust, a joint venture between IronNet Cybersecurity
As we look back on 2020, we are proud that            to leverage our capabilities across more than one          and Ensign InfoSecurity, China Telecommunications
our Firm is a signatory to the Law Society of         practice area through our work in each matter.             and Udenna’s joint venture and Committee of
Singapore’s Law Firm Pledge 2020 on Preventing                                                                   Inquiry into a cyber-attack on a patient database.
Bullying and Harassment in Singapore’s Legal          To highlight a few, we advised Pacific International
Profession. We are committed to provide a             Lines on the restructuring of the approximately            As we continue to operate in the new normal, we
nurturing work environment where opportunities are    US$3.3 billion in aggregate of debts and liabilities       are confident that we will rise above the challenges.
available to all based on merit.                      of the shipping group. The strategy and approach           With the support of our clients, business partners,
                                                      we took on the project was never done before in            and friends, we will be stronger as one.
In terms of diversity and inclusion, we are pleased   the Singapore restructuring arena and paves the
that our Firm continues to be recognised for our      way for future restructurings in the region. Our           Ng Wai King
support of women in the legal profession. In 2020,    Corporate and Financial Services team was also             Managing Partner
WongPartnership clinched the “Country Award for       involved in the notable structuring and execution          WongPartnership LLP
Singapore” for a record ninth time for promoting      of the S$2.1 billion renounceable rights issue by
the work and culture of women in the legal industry   Sembcorp Marine Ltd. The transaction’s complex
at the Euromoney Women in Business Law Awards.        and unique nature required extensive negotiations
We were also recognised for the seventh time as       and formulating which we were adept at handling.
the “Best National Firm for Women in Business         Additionally, our Firm successfully assisted the only
Law” and also named the “Best National Firm           standalone Singapore-based (and New York-listed)
for Minority Women Lawyers” for our efforts in        company, Sea Ltd., in its application for a digital full
championing progressive and innovative work that      bank licence.
promotes diversity and inclusion within the Firm.

STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership

“   The depth of knowledge and professionalism of
    WongPartnership is unsurpassed and they are an
    exceptional firm at the top of their game. They are highly
    responsive, cognisant of client needs and consistently
    deliver high-quality advice that major business decisions
    and entities can rely on.

    The Legal 500: Asia Pacific – The Client’s Guide to the Asia Pacific
    Legal Profession
STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership

                        CONSISTENTLY RANKED AS ONE OF THE
                  TOP 100 GLOBAL FIRMS

   Global Arbitration                                   Global Competition
      Review 100                                           Review 100
                                                                                        HIGHLY RECOGNISED FOR

                                                                                        DIVERSITY &
  Global Investigations                                 Global Restructuring
      Review 100                                            Review 100                   COUNTRY AWARD
                                                                                         FOR SINGAPORE
                                                                                         (For the 9th time)

                                                                                         BEST NATIONAL FIRM
                                                                                         FOR WOMEN IN BUSINESS LAW
                                                                                         (For the 7th time)

                                                              NUMBER OF WOMEN
                                                                                         BEST NATIONAL FIRM
 BEST LAW                        GOLD                   ASIA PACIFIC                     FOR MINORITY WOMEN LAWYERS

  FIRMS                         AWARD                             TOP 3
  The Straits Times                Community                Euromoney LMG Women in      Euromoney LMG Asia Women in
  Inaugural Survey                Chest Awards              Business Law Expert Guide       Business Law Awards

STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership

                                         DEBT CAPITAL MARKETS
     • Chambers Asia-Pacific             DERIVATIVES & STRUCTURED PRODUCTS

     • Chambers Global                   DISPUTE RESOLUTION EMPLOYMENT
                                         EQUITY CAPITAL MARKETS
     • Chambers FinTech
                                         FINANCIAL SERVICES REGULATORY
     • The Legal 500
                                         FINTECH INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
     • IFLR1000: Financial & Corporate   INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION
                                         INVESTMENT FUNDS
                                         LITIGATION MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS
                                         PRIVATE WEALTH
                                         PROJECTS & ENERGY REAL ESTATE
                                         RESTRUCTURING & INSOLVENCY
                                         START-UPS & VENTURE CAPITAL TAX
                                         TECHNOLOGY, MEDIA, TELECOMS
                                         WHITE COLLAR CRIME

STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership

    (Singapore & Myanmar office)
                                                                       DEALS OF THE YEAR
    Asialaw Profiles - Client Service Excellence

    ALB SE Asia Law Awards                              MERGER OF CAPITALAND COMMERCIAL TRUST AND
                                                        CAPITALAND MALL TRUST
                                                        •   FinanceAsia Achievement Awards
    Asialaw Awards - Industry Expertise
                                                               Megatrend Deal of the Year (Property)
    CONSTRUCTION                                               Top Three Deals in South East Asia
    (For the 2nd time)
    Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards
                                                        ASCOTT REIT’S MERGER WITH ASCENDAS HOSPITALITY TRUST
    MYANMAR                                             •   ALB SE Asia Law Awards - M&A Deal of the Year (Midsize)
    Asialaw Awards - Client Service Excellence

                                                        CAPITALAND’S ACQUISITION OF ASCENDAS-SINGBRIDGE
                                                        •   ITR Asia Tax Awards - Impact Deals
      TOP-RANKED                                        JOINT VENTURE BETWEEN IRONNET CYBERSECURITY AND
      IN LEAGUE TABLES                                  ENSIGN INFOSECURITY
                                                        •   Asia Legal Awards - TMT Deal of the Year

    Bloomberg Global M&A Market Review Legal Rankings   •   ALB SE Asia Law Awards - M&A Deal of the Year (Premium)
                                                        •   Asian-mena Counsel Deals of the Year Award
    Bloomberg Global Legal Advisers League Table        DATABASE
                                                        •   Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards - Impact Cases
    TO BORROWERS IN ASIA PACIFIC & JAPAN                    of the Year
    Refinitiv Global Syndicated Loans Review

STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership

       Alvin Lim                 Lin Chunlong                    Daniel Chui                    Daniel Liu               Zhuang WenXiong
 Specialist & Private Client   Commercial & Corporate              Mergers &                    Restructuring &           Commercial & Corporate
    Disputes Practice            Disputes Practice             Acquisitions Practice          Insolvency Practice           Disputes Practice

                                    “   We warmly welcome these outstanding lawyers to our partnership ranks. Their promotions are
                                        testament to their hard work, professionalism and expertise. We look forward to their continued
                                        contributions to the Firm as we seek to set new standards of excellence for ourselves and our clients.

                                        Ng Wai King
                                        Managing Partner
                                        WongPartnership LLP

STRONGER AS ONE Year in Review 2020 - WongPartnership

“   Good knowledge of the process, very clear in the
    communication of requirements to the client, and very
    objective in advising the multiple parties involved in the


    IFLR1000: Financial & Corporate – The Guide to the World’s Leading
    Financial Law Firms
                                                                                                              common in United States Chapter 11 proceedings,
                                                                                                              they are not typically undertaken in Singapore.

                                                                                                              Accordingly, we engaged in negotiations with
                                                                                                              an informal steering committee of bank lenders
                                                                                                              and Heliconia, and formulated the restructuring
                                                                                                              terms before filing the scheme application on 10
                                                                                                              November 2020.

                                                                                                              The restructuring and investment successfully
                                                                                                              completed on 30 March 2021. By pre-negotiating
                                                                                                              with PIL’s creditors, PIL was able to expedite
                                                                                                              the court proceedings, thereby minimising any
                                                                                                              negative market reaction. The court process took
Successful completion of a US$3.3 billion debt                                                                only slightly under four months, a duration which
                                                                                                              is almost unheard of in the context of Singapore
restructuring plan                                                                                            restructurings, and a feat especially commendable
                                                                                                              given the complexities and debt size. Our strategy
Our Firm took on the role of advising Pacific         comprehensive restructuring proposal in place, we       and approach, never done before in the Singapore
International Lines (“PIL”) last year on its          knew that this would not be feasible in light of the    restructuring arena, sets a new industry standard
US$3.3 billion debt restructuring which involved      Hanjin collapse which saw an immediate supply           and paves the way for future restructurings in the
a combination of a US$1.1 billion scheme of           chain implosion upon filing for court protection that   region.
arrangement sanctioned by the Singapore court,        ultimately resulted in its demise.
an out-of-court restructuring of the company’s
remaining debts and a US$600 million investment       Hence, we conceptualised an ambitious                     Lawyers from the following practice
by Heliconia Capital Management.                      strategy for PIL to embark on a “pre-negotiated”          groups were involved:
                                                      restructuring process where key terms of the                •   Antitrust & Competition
The steep downturn in shipping demand over            restructuring are negotiated with principal creditors       •   Banking & Finance
the past few years has led to rapid consolidation     before the filings of any court proceedings, without        •   Debt Capital Markets
among big shipping operators. This decline was        any votes being solicited. Only upon obtaining              •   Mergers & Acquisitions
further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.         the agreement of a substantial group of creditors           •   Restructuring & Insolvency
Despite the negative outlook, PIL, the world’s 12th   did court proceedings commence with the draft
largest container liner, successfully completed its   restructuring documentation having been prepared
restructuring process.                                in substantially final form and with a request that
                                                      the timelines for soliciting creditor approvals and
While the traditional restructuring route would be    court hearings proceed on an expedited timetable.
to commence moratorium proceedings without a          While pre-negotiated restructurings are fairly

                                                                                                                 a whitewash waiver and ensure that the transaction
                                                                                                                 was undertaken in compliance with applicable
                                                                                                                 regulations. We also undertook numerous
                                                                                                                 discussions with the SGX on the application of
                                                                                                                 certain listing rules and voting restrictions by SCI
                                                                                                                 and SCM shareholders.

                                                                                                                 The demerger enabled SCM to raise financing
                                                                                                                 to strengthen its balance sheet and improve its
                                                                                                                 liquidity position, as well as to demerge SCI’s core
                                                                                                                 businesses from its marine interests previously
                                                                                                                 held through SCM, in order to create two separate,
                                                                                                                 focused companies that would be in a stronger
                                                                                                                 position apart to achieve further sustainable
Enabling a leading corporate group to achieve further                                                            growth.

sustainable growth                                                                                               Following the completion of the transaction, the
                                                                                                                 largest shareholder of SCI became a direct and
Our Firm was involved in the demerger of               (the “Rights Issue”) to enable it to meet its liquidity   significant shareholder of SCM.
Sembcorp Marine Ltd. (“SCM”) from Sembcorp             requirements, followed by a demerger of SCM
Industries Ltd. (“SCI”) last year.                     from SCI by way of a distribution in specie (the
                                                       “Distribution”) of the SCM shares held by SCI to            Lawyers from the following practice
As the pandemic took a toll on many business           its shareholders. The timeline and process for the          groups were involved:
operations, both SCI and SCM revealed a major          transaction, including the timing of shareholders’            •   Antitrust & Competition
plan to demerge from each other in a bid to            meetings of SCM and SCI, and the completion of                •   Debt Capital Markets
strengthen both companies’ financial positions. Our    the Rights Issue and Distribution, were carefully             •   Equity Capital Markets
Firm was involved in structuring a transaction that    planned to ensure that the transaction would flow             •   Mergers & Acquisitions
achieved the objectives of multiple stakeholders,      smoothly with minimal disruption to market trading,
taking into consideration execution risk and speed     and that the Rights Issue and Distribution could be
of execution, requirements for various shareholders,   completed within the same day.
regulatory and other third-party approvals, while
balancing the concerns of minority shareholders of     As both SCI and SCM are SGX-listed companies
both SCM and SCI.                                      and the Distribution would potentially trigger a
                                                       requirement for the largest shareholder of SCI
To achieve the objectives above, the transaction       to make a mandatory offer for SCM, parties also
was structured as a two-part transaction involving     engaged in extensive consultations with regulators
a S$2.1 billion renounceable rights issue by SCM       including the Securities Industry Council to obtain

                                                                                                           healthy rate of unitholder participation in spite of
                                                                                                           the COVID-19 restrictions.

                                                                                                           The Merger was successfully completed in
                                                                                                           November 2020 amidst a challenging environment
                                                                                                           for the retail and office real estate markets.

                                                                                                           To date, the Merger is the largest Singapore
                                                                                                           REIT merger transaction via trust scheme of
                                                                                                           arrangement, in terms of transaction value. The
                                                                                                           Merger saw the creation of a diversified REIT
                                                                                                           (CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust), with a
                                                                                                           bigger and more integrated platform, enabling it
                                                                                                           to better leverage on current and future real estate
Forming one of the largest REITs in Asia Pacific                                                           trends to ride through Singapore’s economic
                                                                                                           recovery in 2021.

Our Firm advised the manager of CapitaLand             •   the Merger could progress within the existing     Lawyers from the following practice
Commercial Trust (“CCT”) in the acquisition, via           regulatory framework, in line with evolving       groups were involved:
a trust scheme of arrangement, by CapitaLand               COVID-19 regulations; and                           •    Corporate Real Estate
Mall Trust (“CMT”) of CCT to form one of the           •   unitholders were not disenfranchised                •    Debt Capital Markets
largest REITs in the Asia Pacific region (“Merger”).       throughout the Merger process.                      •    Litigation & Dispute Resolution
The Merger was announced in January 2020 at a                                                                  •    Mergers & Acquisitions
relatively nascent stage of the global COVID-19        We worked with clients to optimise unitholder
pandemic.                                              participation in the Merger process within the
                                                       regulatory boundaries by, among others, engaging
As the COVID-19 pandemic worsened drastically          with the relevant regulators where necessary to
during the Merger process, a slew of new laws          facilitate regular outreach to investors through
were fast-tracked in Singapore, with movement          announcements, reminder letters, newspaper
control restrictions being introduced and constantly   advertisements and virtual dialogue sessions and
updated throughout 2020.                               investor briefings.

There were several aspects to consider for a deal      On 29 September 2020, the CCT unitholders
executed in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.   voted resoundingly in favour of the Merger at the
In particular, we had to ensure that:                  first virtual scheme meeting in Singapore, with a

                                                                                                            As a multi-disciplinary practice, we were able to
                                                                                                            bring together the expertise of various teams in
                                                                                                            our Firm. Communication between the teams was
                                                                                                            necessary to ensure that the relevant expertise was
                                                                                                            effectively deployed.

                                                                                                            The matter had commenced originally by way of
                                                                                                            negotiations in physical face-to-face meetings. Due
                                                                                                            to the pandemic and restrictions on overseas travel,
                                                                                                            we had to quickly adapt to conducting a substantial
                                                                                                            part of the negotiations through extensive video-
                                                                                                            conferencing sessions.

                                                                                                            Despite the time pressures to conclude the
Joint venture and concession agreement for the Johor                                                        negotiations, we were able to navigate the contract
                                                                                                            negotiation process to ensure that the terms were
Bahru–Singapore rapid transit system                                                                        well considered, and to assist to minimise financial,
                                                                                                            legal and operational risks to the client.
In this landmark cross-border railway project,       differing complements of stakeholders. The joint
our Firm acted for SMRT Corporation Ltd.             venture agreement had to be agreed between
(“SMRT”) in the proposed development and             SMRT and Prasarana while the concession                  Lawyers from the following practice
operation of the cross-border rapid transit system   agreement was negotiated between the OpCo and            groups were involved:
between Singapore and Johor Bahru, Malaysia          both Governments.                                          •   Energy, Projects and Construction
(“RTS Link”) in:                                                                                                •   Intellectual Property, Technology & Data
                                                     As the project involved the provision of a public          •   Mergers & Acquisitions
•   its joint venture agreement with Prasarana       good (i.e. public transport), parties had to balance
    Malaysia Berhad (“Prasarana”) for the            their commercial interests and those of the OpCo
    incorporation of a special purpose vehicle to    against the larger national and public interests. We
    serve as the Operating Company (“OpCo”) for      also had to ensure that the commercial interests of
    the project; and                                 SMRT and the OpCo were adequately protected in
•   the concession agreement entered into by         the documentation.
    the Government of Malaysia and the Land
    Transport Authority of Singapore with the        Besides having to navigate and reconcile Singapore
    OpCo.                                            and Malaysian laws, negotiations had to take into
                                                     consideration that key principles and project terms
The project involved the negotiation and execution   were already agreed between both Governments
of key agreements representing the interests of      under a separate bilateral agreement.


“   It was comforting to be handled by a team that doesn’t
    just do the work, but makes sure you are completely
    apprised of the local laws, rules, regulations and


    The Legal 500: Asia Pacific – The Client’s Guide to the Asia Pacific
    Legal Profession

CHINA                                                INDIA                                                 INDONESIA
Beijing, Shanghai

Co-management agreement for managing                 First investor-state arbitration related matter       SIAC arbitration against a Chinese property
an international school within Guangzhou             brought before the SICC                               developer in relation to the sale and
Knowledge City                                                                                             purchase of land in Indonesia

Acted for SCHS International Pte. Ltd. in the        Acted for the Republic of India in proceedings        Acted as counsel for an Indonesian property group
co-management agreement for managing an              before the Singapore International Commercial         listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, in a SIAC
international school within Guangzhou Knowledge      Court (“SICC”) to set aside an arbitral tribunal’s    arbitration against a Chinese property developer
City. This is the first Singapore school to manage   decision on jurisdiction in an investor-state         in relation to the sale and purchase of land in
an international school in Guangzhou Knowledge       arbitration brought against the Republic of India     Indonesia valued in excess of US$200 million,
City, an icon project between Singapore and the      by Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. (Japan). This is the first   which was not completed due to the alleged impact
People’s Republic of China.                          investor-state arbitration related matter to be       of COVID-19 and change in applicable laws in
                                                     brought before the SICC, and a panel of three         China.
                                                     Judges was convened to hear the matter. We also
                                                     successfully defended an application by Nissan to
                                                     admit their Queen’s Counsel in the arbitration to
                                                     represent them in the SICC proceedings.


MALAYSIA                                             MIDDLE EAST                                            MYANMAR
                                                     Abu Dhabi, Dubai                                       Yangon

Landmark Deal – the Johor Bahru-Singapore            Multi-million ICC award in respect of a                US$43 million refinancing for the Junction
RTS Link                                             claim relating to the construction of a waste          City development in Yangon, Myanmar
                                                     treatment plant

Acted for SMRT Corporation Ltd. in reviewing,        Acted for a claimant in an international arbitration   Acting for the Mandated Lead Arrangers,
negotiating and finalising the concession            (under the auspices of the ICC arbitration rules)      the Original Lenders, the Original Hedge
agreement for the operation of the Johor Bahru-      against the Middle East Government over disputes       Counterparties, the Account Bank, the Facility
Singapore Rapid Transit System (“RTS”) Link,         relating to the claimant’s construction of a           Agent and the Security Agent as transaction
awarded by the Government of Malaysia and the        waste treatment plant and successfully obtained        counsel in the US$43 million refinancing to City
Land Transport Authority of Singapore as Joint       a substantial award in respect of a claim of           Square Commercial Company Limited, for the
Grantors to the RTS Link operating company, RTS      approximately S$100 million, with the counterclaim     commercial component of the landmark Junction
Operations Pte. Ltd. (a joint venture between SMRT   by the Government dismissed. WongPartnership           City project in Yangon, Myanmar.
Corporation Ltd. and Prasarana Malaysia Berhad).     subsequently advised on proceedings commenced
                                                     by the Middle East Government to partially set
                                                     aside such award, which proceedings were
                                                     substantially dismissed.


PHILIPPINES                                            THAILAND                                               VIETNAM

Asian steel manufacturer’s US$600 million              Arbitrations arising out of US$700 million             Arbitration against a Vietnamese property
arbitration                                            sale and purchase of a 97.94% stake in a               development group
                                                       leading renewable energy company based in

Acted for the liquidator of one of the largest         Acting for BVI and Thai plaintiff entities in three    Acting as counsel for an Australian company in
steel manufacturers in South East Asia in a SIAC       parallel arbitrations relating to the US$700 million   the business of finance and commercial brokerage
arbitration commenced against the liquidator and       sale and purchase (governed by Thai law) of a          and a Singapore company in the business of
the secured creditors of the steel manufacturer, for   97.94% stake in the holding company of one             the lending of wholesale funds as Claimants in
alleged breach of an asset purchase agreement          of South East Asia’s leading renewable energy          a SIAC arbitration against four Respondents –
(governed by Philippine law), involving claims of      companies based in Thailand, as well as in related     three Vietnamese property developers and the
over US$600 million.                                   proceedings before the Singapore International         Vietnamese chairman of the group – in respect of a
                                                       Commercial Court to set aside three awards arising     US$400 million loan facility agreement and various
                                                       out of the arbitrations.                               guarantee agreements entered into to secure the
                                                                                                              loan facility.


“   They can cut through the matter and offer clear insights
    and practical solutions. We have navigated many complex
    and difficult situations together and we trust them to give

    us thoughtful, insightful and practical advice.

    Chambers Asia-Pacific – Asia-Pacific’s Leading Lawyers for Business
WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                    CORPORATE & FINANCIAL SERVICES

                ANTITRUST                                          ASSET                                                      BANKING
              & COMPETITION                                  MANAGEMENT & FUNDS                                               & FINANCE

Uber Singapore’s appeal in respect of a              Tower Capital Asia in its first closing of Tower       S$4 billion loan facilities granted to
merger decision by the Competition and               Capital PE Fund I, LP                                  Singapore Airlines
Consumer Commission of Singapore

Acted for Uber Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd.      Acted for Tower Capital Asia in its first closing of   Acted for DBS Bank Ltd. and United Overseas
in its appeal against the infringement decision      Tower Capital PE Fund I, LP which raised US$250        Bank Limited as lenders in relation to S$4 billion
by the CCCS on the sale of Uber’s South East         million for investment in South East Asia companies    loan facilities granted to Singapore Airlines Limited
Asian business to Grab, Inc. leading to the most     across a variety of sectors, including consumer,       as borrower for the purpose of supporting the near-
significant decision on merger control to date in    education, healthcare, manufacturing and business      term liquidity requirements of Singapore Airlines
Singapore, clarifying the law on the procedure for   services.                                              Limited.
acceptance of commitments by the CCCS.

SembWaste’s proposed acquisition of                  East Ventures in its first closing of EV8 LP           S$900 million term loan facilities to Suntec
Veolia’s issued shares                                                                                      REIT

Acted for SembWaste Pte. Ltd. in successfully        Acted for East Ventures in its first closing of EV8    Acted for DBS Bank Ltd. and Oversea-Chinese
obtaining a Phase 1 clearance from the CCCS in       LP which raised US$57 million for investment in        Banking Corporation Limited in the grant of S$900
respect of its proposed acquisition of 100% of the   tech companies emerging from the aftermath of the      million term loan facilities to HSBC Institutional
issued shares of Veolia ES Singapore Pte. Ltd.       COVID-19 pandemic.                                     Trust Services (Singapore) Limited (the “Trustee”)
                                                                                                            (in its capacity as Trustee of Suntec Real Estate
                                                                                                            Investment Trust).

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                        CORPORATE & FINANCIAL SERVICES

                 CORPORATE                                                 DEBT                                            DERIVATIVES
                 REAL ESTATE                                         CAPITAL MARKETS                                 & STRUCTURED PRODUCTS

The Place Holdings’ acquisition of Realty               Singapore Airlines’ issue of Mandatory                 Electronic execution of derivatives and
Centre                                                  Convertible Bonds                                      structured products documentation

Acted for the purchaser, a subsidiary of The Place      Acted for The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking            Assisted a major financial institution with the
Holdings Limited, in the purchase of Realty Centre      Corporation Limited, Singapore Branch; the             review of derivatives and structured products
for S$148 million. This was the first collective sale   Principal Agent, the Registrar and the Transfer        documentation to address issues relating to the
of a commercial building successfully awarded in        Agent of the Rights Mandatory Convertible Bonds;       electronic execution of such documentation under
2019 where the transaction had to be navigated          and HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore)      Singapore law, arising as a consequence of the
through disruptions arising from the COVID-19           Limited, the trustee of the Rights Mandatory           COVID-19 disruption.
pandemic last year.                                     Convertible Bonds, in Singapore Airlines Limited’s
                                                        S$15 billion fund-raising exercise.

Acquisition of a logistics warehouse at 7               UOB’s establishment of its ECP/ECD                     Cross-border foreign exchange derivatives
Bulim Street                                            programme                                              services

Acted for the REIT managers of AIMS APAC REIT           Acted as Singapore counsel for United Overseas         Advised an international MNC on legal,
in the S$129.6 million acquisition of a master          Bank Limited (“UOB”) in the establishment of           documentary and regulatory implications (including
tenanted logistics warehouse at 7 Bulim Street in       its US$10 billion Euro-Commercial Paper and            foreign exchange controls) arising from cross-
the Jurong West Logistics Cluster within the Jurong     Certificate of Deposit Programme, under which          border activities associated with the provision of
Innovation District.                                    UOB may issue euro-commercial paper notes and          centralised treasury and hedging services and
                                                        certificates of deposit from time to time by acting    arrangements involving OTC FX derivatives, and
                                                        through its registered office in Singapore, its Hong   cross-border remittances.
                                                        Kong, London or Sydney branch or any of its other
                                                        branches outside Singapore.

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                          CORPORATE & FINANCIAL SERVICES

    EQUITY CAPITAL MARKETS/                                                                                                         MERGERS
 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS                                             INSURANCE                                             & ACQUISITIONS

The initial public offering (“IPO”) and listing          Avatar Property and Casualty Insurance                   Merger of CapitaLand Mall Trust and
of Elite Commercial REIT on the Singapore                Company’s catastrophe bonds issuance                     CapitaLand Commercial Trust

Acted for Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation            Acted for Avatar Property and Casualty Insurance         Advised the manager of CapitaLand Commercial
Limited, UBS AG, Singapore Branch, CGS-                  Company in the issuance by Casablanca Re Pte.            Trust in the merger of CapitaLand Commercial
CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and China          Ltd., a special purpose reinsurance vehicle licensed     Trust and CapitaLand Mall Trust by way of trust
International Capital Corporation (Singapore) Pte.       by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, of US$65         scheme of arrangement to form one of the largest
Ltd. as the joint bookrunners and underwriters           million principal at-risk variable rate notes due 2021   REITs in the Asia Pacific region and the largest in
in the IPO of Elite Commercial REIT on the Main          comprised in two classes.                                Singapore, with a total portfolio property value of
Board of the Singapore Exchange, raising gross                                                                    approximately S$22.4 billion. 
proceeds of approximately £130.9 million. This
is the first IPO and listing of a REIT in Singapore
to be focused on the United Kingdom and to be
denominated in pound sterling.

The renounceable rights issue by Sembcorp                Advised Singtel and its related companies on             Privatisation and delisting of Perennial Real
Marine and demerger from Sembcorp                        insurance regulatory issues                              Estate Holdings

Acted for the largest shareholder of Sembcorp            Advised Singapore Telecommunications Limited             Acted for Beaufort Investment Global Company
Industries Ltd. (“SCI”) in relation to the demerger of   and its related companies on insurance regulatory        Limited, an entity managed or advised by HOPU
Sembcorp Marine Ltd. (“SCM”) from SCI by way of          issues in connection with their new business plans       Fund Management Company Limited and/or its
a distribution in specie of all of the shares in SCM     to venture into various collaborations with various      affiliates, in its participation in a consortium formed
held by SCI to its shareholders and the S$2.1 billion    insurers including AIA, Etiqa and Great Eastern and      with the existing sponsors of Perennial Real Estate
renounceable rights issue by SCM.                        NTUC.                                                    Holdings Limited (the “Company”) to make a
                                                                                                                  voluntary conditional general offer for all the issued
                                                                                                                  shares in the Company, with a view to privatise the

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                  CORPORATE & FINANCIAL SERVICES

                                 PRIVATE                                                                   WPGROW:
                                 EQUITY                                                            START-UP/VENTURE CAPITAL

Establishment of O2 Power, a renewable energy platform in India                   Biofourmis’ US$100 million Series C funding round

Acted for a global investment firm in its joint venture with EQT Infrastructure   Acted for Biofourmis Holdings Pte. Ltd. in their US$100 million Series C
IV fund in the establishment of O2 Power, a renewable energy platform in          funding round led by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. This brings the software start-
India, to develop utility-scale renewable projects worth US$500 million.          up to near-unicorn status in a matter of months.

US$220 million funding round of PropertyGuru                                      Singapore Economic Development Board’s loan investment to
                                                                                  Arcturus Therapeutics for a COVID-19 vaccine

Acted for KKR & Co. Inc. in relation to the US$220 million funding round          Acted for Singapore Economic Development Board (“EDB”) in the loan
of PropertyGuru Pte. Ltd. (“PropertyGuru”). The additional investment will        investment of US$45 million to Arcturus Therapeutics into the manufacturing
enable PropertyGuru to continue building South East Asia’s property trust         of a COVID-19 vaccine (“Vaccine”) and EDB’s right to purchase up to
platform and accelerate their momentum in key markets.                            US$175 million of the Vaccine.

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                      LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION

              BANKING &                                           COMMERCIAL &                                             ENERGY,
          FINANCIAL DISPUTES                                    CORPORATE DISPUTES                                 PROJECTS & CONSTRUCTION

Defending a US$14 million private banking             One of the most high profile and landmark               One of the longest criminal trials under the
claim                                                 minority oppression cases in Singapore                  Workplace Safety and Health Act

Acting for Credit Suisse to defeat a claim of US$14   Acting for the founder of Mustafa Centre, one of the    Defending Or Kim Peow Contractors (Pte.) Ltd.,
million (with further damages to be assessed)         most iconic retail businesses and tourist landmarks     one of Singapore’s largest privately-owned property
brought by a former high net worth private banking    in Singapore, in multiple minority oppression suits     developers/contractors, in a 60-day trial, against
client and his Bahamas investment vehicle, for        brought against him and his immediate family            criminal charges brought by the prosecution under
investment losses arising from alleged fraudulent     members by their extended family members in             the Workplace Safety and Health Act, and the
and/or negligent misrepresentations and the           respect of the operation and management of the          Building Control Act, arising out of the collapse of a
alleged mismanagement of funds.                       business’ holding company, Mohamed Mustafa &            partially-constructed highway viaduct structure on
                                                      Samsuddin Co. Pte. Ltd.                                 Upper Changi Road East.

S$26 million claim dismissed                          Employment dispute relating to a former                 Arbitration proceedings and Thailand Civil
                                                      senior employee’s termination                           Court proceedings against a Thai company

Acted for Mr Chew Hua Seng against a claim in         Acting for one of the most prominent private            Acting for joint claimants in an international
excess of S$26 million, brought against him by Mr     equity firms in Asia in respect of a dispute relating   commercial arbitration administered by the SIAC
Oei Hong Leong and Oei Hong Leong Art Museum          to a former senior employee’s termination of his        against a Thai company specialising in ICT services
Limited. This case is significant as it emphasises    employment and his alleged entitlement to carried       which proceedings involve issues of contractual
the importance of context in construing parties’      interest. The Plaintiff, Mr Uday Mehra who was a        interpretation, jurisdiction and conflicts of law.
intention to create legal relations, and written      Managing Director for operations in L Catterton,        We are also the Coordinating Counsel for parallel
documents/contracts.                                  commenced a claim against 2 L Catterton entities        proceedings in the Civil Court of Thailand, which
                                                      and 2 individuals. The Plaintiff has asserted claims    involves defending multiple claims in excess of
                                                      up to US$75 million.                                    US$500 million.  ​

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                             LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION

                   INFRASTRUCTURE,                                                                      INTERNATIONAL
              CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING                                                                 ARBITRATION

Claims in excess of S$27.3 million brought by a multinational                 Annulment of BIT arbitration awards before the SICC
company based in Korea

Acted for an established Singaporean electrical sub-contractor to defend      Acted for Macau and Dutch investors against an ASEAN state in
against various back charges, liquidated damages and prolongation claims      proceedings before a three-Judge coram in the Singapore International
(amongst others) in excess of S$27.3 million brought by a multinational       Commercial Court (“SICC”), in what we believe is the first case concerning
company based in Korea in respect of a major commercial mixed-                the annulment of BIT arbitration awards before the SICC. The two
development project in Singapore, and to present various counterclaims in     arbitrations concerned high profile treaty claims of over US$1 billion where
the sum of approximately S$8.5 million. The disputes arose out of a S$27      the investors sought compensation for the State’s unlawful expropriation of
million subcontract, and are being resolved in an ongoing arbitration under   gaming assets and other breaches of the relevant investment treaties.
the International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Rules.

Remission of the Adjudication Determination to the Adjudicator                Setting aside partial arbitral award in US$5.5 billion SIAC

Acted for a main contractor, Kelington Engineering (S) Pte. Ltd., and         Acted for a leading multinational energy company and its subsidiary
successfully argued that the Adjudication Determination (“AD”) be remitted    against another global energy company and its subsidiary in proceedings
back to the Adjudicator, for his reconsideration on several questions. The    in the Singapore High Court to set aside a partial arbitral award rendered
remission of the AD was a novel issue given that there has been no reported   pursuant to a SIAC arbitration. The partial award arises out of a claim of
decision on the same remission to-date, pursuant to the recently amended      approximately US$5.5 billion for fraudulent misrepresentation, breach of
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act.                   warranties and recovery of losses under an indemnity in relation to a North
                                                                              Sea oil venture.  

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                               LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION

                        SPECIALIST &                                                           SPECIAL SITUATIONS ADVISORY/
                   PRIVATE CLIENT DISPUTES                                                     RESTRUCTURING & INSOLVENCY

Cross-border investment dispute involving Canadian crude oil                    The restructuring of liabilities of Pacific International Lines

Acted for the marketing agent and security party in defending a complex         Advising Pacific International Lines (“PIL”) on the restructuring of the
cross-border investment dispute involving Canadian crude oil investments.       approximately US$3.3 billion in aggregate of liabilities of the shipping
More than 1,100 investors across multiple jurisdictions in Asia collectively    group via a negotiated debt re-profiling exercise with various creditors via
sued the defendants for more than C$55.8 million and S$37 million. Third-       a scheme of arrangement and a new investment of up to US$600 million.
party proceedings were commenced against more than 60 sales agents in           PIL has filed its scheme of arrangement with the Singapore court and the
Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore, who had marketed and sold             requisite majority of creditors have approved the scheme.
the crude oil investments, as well as the current directors of the Canadian
entities that managed the investments.

Multi-jurisdictional dispute on the use of the “Merck” name                     Judicial Management of Xihe Holdings Group

Acted for Merck Sharp & Dohme, Corp., MSD Pharma (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.,         Acting for the judicial managers of Singaporean shipping group Xihe
MSD International GmbH (Singapore Branch), and Merck & Co., Inc, in a           Holdings and its fleet of 82 vessels. The judicial management involves
multi-jurisdictional dispute involving the use of the “Merck” name. The wide-   multiple banks and liabilities in excess of S$1 billion.
ranging allegations in the Singapore proceedings relate to the breach of a
1970 contract, trade mark infringement, and passing off.

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                      SPECIALISED PRACTICES

                                                                                                                        HEALTH SCIENCES
               EMPLOYMENT                                                 FINTECH                                      & BIOTECHNOLOGY

Asia Capital Reinsurance’s acquisition by             Launch of Xfers’ Singapore-dollar                    Setup and operations of laser medical clinics
Catalina Holdings                                     stablecoins                                          in Singapore

Acted for Asia Capital Reinsurance Group in a         Advised Xfers, in respect of its cutting-edge use    Advising one of Australia’s largest aesthetic clinic
multi-jurisdiction employment matter related to the   of blockchain-based stablecoins to represent         chain with more than 150 clinics worldwide, on the
Group’s acquisition by Catalina Holdings (Bermuda)    e-money for payment transactions. The public         legal and regulatory landscape in Singapore for the
Ltd., where we advised and coordinated advice         release of Xfers’ Singapore-dollar stablecoins was   setup and operations of laser medical clinics for
from foreign counsels of multiple jurisdictions on    announced on 5 October 2020.                         their intended entry into the Singapore market.
the said exercise and the regulatory process of
closing representative offices of the reinsurance

Acquisition of an Asia-based Human Capital            Series D investment in ShopBack                      Exploration, development and distribution of
Management (“HCM”) service provider                                                                        COVID-19 test kits

Acted as Singapore counsel for a global human         Acted for a global investment firm in the Series D   Advised a local biomedical company listed on
capital management software company in HCM            funding round for ShopBack, the top cashback         the Singapore Exchange in the exploration,
technology in its acquisition of an Asia-based        platform in South East Asia.                         development and distribution of their portfolio of
HCM service provider. The transaction required                                                             COVID-19 test kits across multiple jurisdictions;
local legal expertise across multiple jurisdictions                                                        working with our client to navigate the challenging
as the company acquired has business presence                                                              and ever-changing nature of COVID-19 testing
across the APAC region and was achieved through                                                            systems and the regulatory landscapes in which
collaboration of multiple law firms.                                                                       they exist.

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                       SPECIALISED PRACTICES

                    PRIVATE                                          PROFESSIONAL
                    WEALTH                                             SERVICES                                                    TAX

Misappropriation of assets and breaches of             Multi-party, multi-million dollar, cross-border     Frasers Property’s divestment exercise
fiduciary duty                                         dispute over alleged negligence in the
                                                       conduct of a statutory audit

Acted for one of the top businessmen in Greece         Acting as Singapore counsel in defending an         Acted for Frasers Property Limited in its divestment
in a claim against his former solicitor and trustee    auditing firm against concurrent claims for         through a wholly-owned subsidiary, FCL Amber
for misappropriation of assets and breaches of         professional negligence, contribution and/or        Pte. Ltd., of 50% of the units, via the issue of
fiduciary duty. The matter had involved intricate      indemnity in connection with a statutory audit      new units, in North Gem Trust to Bright Bloom
unveiling of complex trusts and corporate              of a company that had engaged in purportedly        Capital Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
structures across jurisdictions. In July 2020, the     high-risk trading activities concealed by fraud     TCC Prosperity Limited. North Gem Trust holds
High Court of Singapore delivered judgment for         of its shareholders and officers. The fraud was     Northpoint City (South Wing), and the transaction
more than €17 million to be paid to our client. The    subsequently uncovered in conjunction with the      was valued at S$1.1 billion. We assisted in advising
matter is presently before the Singapore Court of      collapse of its group of companies.                 on the stamp duty implications arising from the
Appeal.                                                                                                    divestment.

Trustee of a multi-jurisdictional trust with           Jungle Ventures in its establishment of             Issuance of S$125 million subordinated
significant foreign elements                           Jungle Leaders I                                    perpetual securities by AIMS APAC REIT

Acted for a licensed trust company in its capacity     Acted for Jungle Ventures in the establishment      Acted for AIMS APAC REIT Management Limited,
as a trustee of a multi-jurisdictional trust with      of Jungle Leaders I Pte. Ltd., a venture capital    in its capacity as manager of AIMS APAC REIT
significant foreign elements. We advised the           fund approved under Singapore’s Global Investor     in the issuance of S$125 million 5.65 per cent
client on various complex issues relating to the       Program which targets to raise up to S$30 million   perpetual securities by HSBC Institutional Trust
trust, including their investigations into whether     for investment into post-seed stage software,       Services (Singapore) Limited, in its capacity as
the settlor of the trust had the mental capacity to    internet, mobile and hardware companies in South    trustee of AA REIT. The perpetual securities were
revoke the trust, the various conflicting reports on   East Asia or India.                                 issued under the S$750 million Multicurrency
the settlor’s mental capacity, potential disputes                                                          Debt Issuance Programme established by the
involving the foreign beneficiaries of the trust and                                                       REIT Trustee on 30 November 2018. We assisted
the trust protectors, and engagement with the                                                              in the Issuer’s successful application for a tax
Singapore regulatory authorities.                                                                          ruling in relation to the debt characterisation of the

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                              INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, TECHNOLOGY & DATA

                                                                         DATA                                               INTELLECTUAL
              CYBERSECURITY                                           PROTECTION                                              PROPERTY

Regulatory compliance projects related to            Local and cross-border data projects                    Copyright site blocking action for seven
the Cybersecurity Act                                                                                        leading South Korean broadcasters and/or
                                                                                                             production houses

Advised prominent clients on regulatory compliance   Advised both international and local clientele          Acted for seven leading South Korean broadcasters
projects in connection with the Cybersecurity Act,   across a diverse range of commercial sectors on         and/or production houses on their copyright site
and matters concerning cybersecurity by design,      their local and cross-border data projects, including   blocking action before the Singapore courts to
management of critical information infrastructure    data analytics and data collaboration projects etc.     successfully obtain a court order to block the
etc.                                                 Our clients include some of Singapore’s largest         streaming of infringing media and content. The deal
                                                     banks, insurers, telecommunications, transport,         highlights the team’s deep expertise in advising
                                                     media, hospitality, healthcare and property             clients on copyright enforcement matters.

Cyber incidents, data breaches and                   Complex data protection regulatory                      Acquisition of a significant stake in a cloud-
investigations by the Personal Data                  compliance matters and projects                         based foreign exchange trading platform
Protection Committee

Advised both international and local clientele       Advised both international and local clientele          Advised a national multi-asset securities exchange
across a diverse range of commercial sectors on      on existing and emerging legal and regulatory           on intellectual property, technology and data in
cyber incidents, data breaches and investigations/   requirements in the data protection and privacy         connection with its acquisition of a significant
enforcement by the Personal Data Protection          space, and assisting clients on complex data            stake in a cloud-based foreign exchange trading
Committee.                                           protection regulatory compliance matters and            platform, including restructuring of the existing
                                                     projects, such as data audits, supporting clients on    licensing arrangements and intellectual property
                                                     data protection trust mark certification etc.           dependencies, advising on data migration issues
                                                                                                             and the provision of transition services.

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                              INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, TECHNOLOGY & DATA

                              & MEDIA                                                                TELECOMMUNICATIONS

Roll out of wearable devices for Singapore’s COVID-19 contact                   Cloud-based offerings in Singapore
tracing initiatives

Advised a Singapore Government agency in connection with the roll out           Advised a multinational technology conglomerate with services in social
of wearable devices to support Singapore Government’s nation-wide               network, music, web portals, e-commerce, mobile games, internet services,
COVID-19 contact tracing initiatives.                                           payment systems, smartphones, and multiplayer online games in relation
                                                                                to telecommunication licensing & regulatory matters concerning its cloud-
                                                                                based offerings in Singapore.

COVID-19 related initiatives for a prominent international                      Telecommunication licensing & regulatory matters
technology and cloud services company

Advised a prominent international technology and cloud services company         Advised various leading telecommunications companies in relation to
in relation to its COVID-19 related initiatives, including the roll out of      telecommunication licensing & regulatory matters across a wide range
digital solutions to facilitate online education/learning for educational       of services-based and facilities-based operator licences in Singapore
organisations, remote work & collaboration for businesses, and sharing of       required to support various global initiatives, including value-added
resources between medical experts globally in contribution to efforts for       network services and subsea fibre infrastructures. Our clients include global
the prevention & treatment of COVID-19, and the deployment of predictive        telecommunications infrastructure owners, international cloud service
technology using artificial intelligence for medical analysis of COVID-19       providers, and prominent networking companies looking to implement novel
data.                                                                           communications solutions from Singapore.

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                                        REGULATORY

                       CORPORATE                                                                       CORPORATE &
                 GOVERNANCE & COMPLIANCE                                                         REGULATORY INVESTIGATIONS

Assisting issuers in conducting virtual general meetings amidst the              Catalist-listed company on potential breaches of the Listing Rules

Advised and assisted listed issuers in convening and holding of general          Advised and represented a Catalist-listed company in its response to
meetings via electronic means pursuant to alternative arrangements under         Singapore Exchange Regulation on potential breaches of the Listing
the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020. As the evolving pandemic             Rules in relation to share buybacks and disclosure obligations for financial
caught many issuers off-guard at the start of the year, we also assisted them    statements.
in seeking and securing the necessary regulatory waivers and extensions of
time from the SGX and the MAS in relation to general meetings.

Advising boards and management on corporate governance                           Investigation in relation to a whistleblowing complaint against a
regulatory developments                                                          senior officer of a company

Provided updates, guidance and training to boards and management in              Advised the subsidiary of a Mainboard-listed company on an investigation in
respect of changes to the corporate governance regulatory landscape in           relation to a whistleblowing complaint received against the city head of one
2020. These included sweeping changes to the SGX listing rules in early          of its offices in China on alleged undisclosed conflicts of interest in an M&A
2020 (in particular, to the quarterly reporting regime) and the removal of the   transaction and secret profits obtained thereby.
minimum trading price regime, as well as on various public consultations,
including wide-ranging proposed amendments to the Companies Act
and further proposed revisions to the listing rules (in particular, regarding
auditors and valuations).

WORK HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                                        REGULATORY

                           FINANCIAL                                                                       WHITE COLLAR
                      SERVICES REGULATORY                                                                 & ENFORCEMENT

A regional e-commerce platform’s payment services licence                       Criminal proceedings arising from a successful arbitration in
                                                                                Switzerland in claim for shares

Advised and assisted a regional e-commerce platform with its application        Acted for the claimant in an international arbitration held in Geneva,
for a payment services licence under the Payment Service Act 2019. The          Switzerland over a dispute on the ownership of shares relating to the
regional e-commerce platform is one of the largest players in the South East    claimant’s company. Our client succeeded before the Tribunal and also
Asian market, with over US$9 billion of gross merchandise value transacted      resisted the Respondent’s appeal before the Swiss Federal Tribunal.
on its platform in the third quarter of 2020. Its parent company is listed on   Arising from the evidence adduced, the Claimant is now pursuing criminal
the New York Stock Exchange.                                                    proceedings against the respondent, for, inter alia, execution of judgment
                                                                                sum and recovery.

Sea Limited’s successful application for digital full bank licence              Legal audit in respect of foreign criminal investigations

Acted for a New York-listed consumer internet group headquartered in            Acted for a multinational company and related corporates/affiliates in a legal
Singapore that operates businesses in e-commerce, gaming and digital            audit in respect of cross-boundary criminal investigations and proceedings.
finance across Asia in relation to its successful application for one of two    The purpose of the legal audit was to assist the client in identifying the gaps
digital full bank licences proposed to be issued by the MAS.                    in their process and to ensure that similar situations resulting in criminal
                                                                                investigations and/or proceedings do not recur.


“   The firm is responsive, understands commercial issues,

    and provides sound and insightful advice.

    IFLR1000: Financial & Corporate – The Guide to the World’s Leading
    Financial Law Firms
At WongPartnership, we constantly challenge ourselves to set the bar higher. Over the past year, we have continually sought to
innovate, collaborate and stay in touch with our clients and communities despite the challenging situation. From sharing our
knowledge at over 150 events to investing in our communities, we continued to explore new ideas and technology to improve the
way we work and serve our clients. This section captures some key highlights over the past year.

                                                                                               Recognised for our support towards
                                                                                               the community

                                                                                               WongPartnership received the Community
                                                                                               Spirit – Gold Award at the Community
                                                                                               Chest Awards 2020 for our contributions to
                                                                                               charity over the past year. In 2020, we had
                                                                                               elected to lend our support to four deserving
                                                                                               charities endorsed by the National Council
                                                                                               of Social Service. These charities include
                                                                                               the Asian Women’s Welfare Association,
                                                                                               HealthServe Ltd. and two funds, the Courage
                                                                                               Fund and the Invictus Fund, both of which
                                                                                               provide relief and support to those affected
                                                                                               by the current COVID-19 situation.

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