Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA

Page created by Derek Ross
Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA


                                                    The 2018 Christmas
                                                     edition of Solships

+          OFFICE UPDATE
           From around the
                                  DESS AQUA
                                Our colleagues in
                                  fish farming
                                                            THE CREW
                                                         Interviews from
                                                            the vessels
Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA
Dear readers of Solships
Just before Christmas, our lenders granted us improved
payment terms for a six-month period. This has put us in a
stronger position to negotiate a long-term solution for the
company in a controlled way. After years with a poor market,
measures had to be taken. 2018 has been better than 2017
and we expect 2019 to be better still, but rate levels for our
services are still unsustainable. So even though optimism is
growing, the recovery is taking longer than most of us hoped
Meanwhile, we are continuing to build a great company.
There are so many competent people onboard the vessels
and in the offices and I must say I am very proud to be
heading the Solstad team.
The name change to Solstad Offshore on 1st October
increased the focus on becoming One Company. Not just in
name, but in reality. We relaunched our company values. To
be Safe – Reliable – Competent – Responsible, defines who
we are and the way we work.
Its interesting to see our vessels being contracted for other
types of work than we traditionally did say five years ago.
New contracts in offshore wind, subsea mining and ocean
bottom seismic are being added to the more traditional
subsea work. We are also heavily involved in aquaculture
with two vessels in operation and ten more under
construction. A recent capital injection by our partners
means we can secure further growth in this segment.
Solstad will continue with a smaller stake, while keeping
operational responsibility. All in all, very positive.
But for the foreseeable future, most of our clients will
continue to be in oil and gas. Which is why it is so positive to
see oil companies increasing activity again. We are offering
on more tenders than we have in a long time.
We have without doubt been through some tough years
and the next few years will not be straightforward either.
But there is a difference, we now see clear signs of market
recovery. Our clients are more optimistic. So are we.
Over the last few years we have built a world-leading
offshore vessel company with a strong organization while
simultaneously reducing our costs significantly. We have
used the market downturn to create a different, but great
company. This is why I am optimistic about the process we
are now in with lenders and confident a good solution will be
I would like to thank everyone onboard and ashore for
the hard work and dedication shown during the year. At
the same time, I wish all colleagues, your families, our
shareholders, clients, suppliers, banks and last, but not least
our pensioners a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New

Lars Peder Solstad
Chief Executive Officer

                                                                   PHOTO Adrian Christoffer Wik and Jan Magne
                                                                   Slatlem welding aboard the Far Sabre.
                                                                   Photo by Thomas Olsson, trainee on Normand
Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA


                  his year’s Solships
                  could not have
                  been put together
                  without the
                  incredible amount               06   We are Solstad
of input and help provided from                        Vision & Values
so many sources. All the regional
offices around the globe were a                   08   DESS Aquaculture
part of making this issue along                        How 2018 has been in fish farming
with several of the vessels and
many of the seafarers. Solships has               10   Aasta Hansteen
been sent out to staff onshore and
                                                       The installation of a giant.
offshore for many years, sending
Christmas greetings to the valued
employees and customers the                       14   Crew Conferences
world over. Though the company                         Four down, five to go
has been through many changes
over the past year the message to                 16   Captain Interviews
readers remains the same. Thank                        Five of Solstad's finest
you for the all the many ways you
have contributed to Solstad this                  36   The Offices
year. Enjoy this issue and we look                     Yearly roundup from around the globe
forward to sending even more news
from around the company in issues
to come!
                                                  52   Fleet Overview

Regards                                           55   Offices & Map
Inger-Louise & Liv Karina

  INGER-LOUISE                     LIV KARINA
  MOLVÆR                           DØSEN

  Office Grimstad                  Office
  Title                            Skudeneshavn
  Commerical                       Title
  Officer                          Information                                                THIS PHOTO Deck operations on Sea Frost.
                                   Coordinator                                                Photo by Łukasz Grodź, Sea Frost
                                                                                              COVER PHOTO Mr Snowman on Far Sabre. Photo
                                                                                              by Thomas Olsson.

4 SOLSHIPS                                                                                                                                 SOLSHIPS 5
Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA

WE ARE                                                                           OUR CORE VALUES

Our vision is to be a reliable world leading shipping
company. Acknowledged by our people, clients and other
                                                                                 SAFE                          RELIABLE
stakeholders by delivering high quality services to the global
Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy and Aquaculture markets..
                                                                                 Solstad vessels carry         We shall be trusted to
                                                                                 out operations all over       treat everyone fairly and
                                                                                 the world, sometimes in       with respect, and we keep
                                                                                 extreme conditions. We        our promises.
                                                                                 recognize all employees as

                                                                                                               With a vast fleet and a
                                                                                 our most valuable asset,      competent organization,
               ur history goes back to   doors”. This sentiment of being         and we will not compromise    our clients shall trust us
               1964 when Johannes        eager to develop has stayed in the      their safety.                 to perform all operations
               Solstad returned          company, though our founder could                                     in a safe manner and
               from sea to start his     never have imagined all the areas                                     with focus on quality and
                                                                                                               efficiency in all stages of
               own business, then        we operate in today around the
                                                                                                               our services.
named Solstad Rederi AS. The             globe.
first acquisition was a cargo vessel
of 8.700 dwt built in 1936 named         This hunger to develop and stay
Soldrott, named after the family         ahead of the competition is a
name of Johannes and his business        great skill for all of us to cherish.
partner Drotkowski                       To do so we have elected four
                                         core values we believe will lead
This was the start of what we know       us the way: To keep all our work
today as Solstad Offshore ASA.           safe, be a reliable partner for our
However, the offshore adventure          colleagues, clients and suppliers, to   COMPETENT                     RESPONSIBLE
did not start until 1973. In Solships    have highly competent and skilled
that same year Johannes states, “As      employees and be aware about our
                                                                                 We aim not only to fulfill    Our company is global, but
you probably are aware, oil fever is     responsibility to our people, assets    our client’s demands, but     also local in the areas we
currently infecting the North Sea,       and environment.                        to deliver a service beyond   operate. We conduct our
and the fever has reached us too.                                                their expectations.           business in a responsible
We wish to be involved and play          WE ARE SOLSTAD                          We ensure that our            manner, respecting the law
with the black chips in the lottery                                              personnel are under           and universal human rights
taking place just outside our office                                             constant learning to have     to benefit the communities
                                                                                 the right competence and      where we work.
                                                                                 knowledge required.           We are aware of our
                                                                                 Our operational knowledge     environmental footprint,
                                                                                 shall be developed in         and take measurable
                                                                                 close interaction between     steps towards a better
                                                                                 the marine crew and the       environment with the
                                                                                 onshore organizations.        Solstad Green Operations
                                                                                                                                             THIS PHOTO Sea Falcon taken from Sea Frost.
                                                                                                                                             Photo by Łukasz Grodź, Sea Frost

Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA

                                                                          An optimistic outlook for the fish farming industry and DESS
                                                                                  Aqua is carving out an important part in it.

                                                                       hat started as a       in Grimstad.                             and three landing utility vessels.      AQUA
                                                                       potential solution                                              The first of these utility vessels is
                                                                       to the many PSVs       Once the company was established,        expected to deliver at the start of
                                                                                                                                                                               Vessels 2 in
                                                                       that were unable       a newbuild program was quickly put       2019 and ultimately all three will      operation,
                                                                       to find work due       in place with a range of vessels that    go to work off the west coast of        10 under
                                                     to the offshore downturn, led to         can operate within the aquaculture       Scotland at the Marine Harvest          construction
                                       Ò Jason       the establishment of an incredibly       industry. The first of which delivered   facilities there.                       Office Grimstad
                                   Zamparutti at     interesting addition to the Solstad      in early 2018, Aqua Merdø. Aqua
                                                     family. It was however quickly           Merdø is a harvest vessel which          New equity was raised in
                                                     established that to provide a quality    means once the vessel has loaded the     December 2018 which meant an
                                                     service in the aquaculture industry,     fish from the fish farm, it ‘stuns and   additional NOK 700m was available
                                                     purpose build vessels was the only       bleeds’ the fish before transporting     to the company. This took Solstad’s
                                                     solution and the PSV conversion          the cargo to shore for further           share to around 20% of DESS
                                                     idea was set to one side.                processing. The second vessel to         Aqua while Marine Harvest and
                                                                                              deliver came towards the end of year     Hemen Holding represented the
               "Client feedback                      DESS Aqua was established in             and was named Aqua Tromøy. This          remainder. The new funds will to
                                                     2016 as a joint venture between          vessel is the first in a series of two   towards financing the vessels under
               has been positive                     Deep Sea Supply and Marine               3000 m3 live fish carriers that are      construction and further growth.
                                                     Harvest. Following the merger,           being built in Poland. Aqua Tromøy
             and operations are                      DESS Aqua became part of the             will go on a long-term contract          It’s been a busy year for the DESS
             running smoothly"                       Solstad portfolio. The DESS Aqua
                                                     team are based in Grimstad in
                                                                                              working in Canadian waters. It was
                                                                                              recently announced that one of the
                                                                                                                                       Aqua team dealing in a segment
                                                                                                                                       of the company going through
      Kjetil Løseth, Commercial Director DESS Aqua
                                                     southern Norway and is comprised         live fish carriers under construction    incredible growth while working
                                                     of five staff that are responsible for   in Turkey has secured a ten-year         alongside colleagues in offshore
                                                     the full project scope within the        contract offshore Tasmania.              still in many ways struggling with
                                                     DESS Aqua remit. Everything from                                                  the effects of a downturn. 2019 will
                                                     newbuild project management, to          The newbuilding program                  see further newbuilds delivery and
                                                     operations, technical, crewing and       continues with a further six live        hopefully more contract awards for
                                                     commercial is dealt with by the team     fish carriers being built in Turkey      those under construction.

8 SOLSHIPS                                                                                                                                                                        SOLSHIPS 9
Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA
The Solstad fleet’s role in the installation of
                  a giant

                                                  SOLSHIPS 11
Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA
                                                                                                                                                          Normand Ranger and Normand
                                                                                                                                                           Prosper during the installation
                                                                                                                                                                       of Aasta Hansteen

              ow does a 339 meter        Stord to the west of Marstein, says
              long SPAR platform         captain of Normand Prosper Jan I.
              get to a position where    Tytlandsvik. Here they met chal-
              it can do the job it was   lenges such as fish farms, clearance
              designed for? With         under the keel of 14 meters and
the help of some serious Solstad         high-voltage cables crossing in the
tonnage is how..                         fjords. Under a certain high-voltage
                                         cable Aasta Hansteen had to be tur-
The Aasta Hansteen platform is           ned 90 degrees so the “flame tower”
now located at the Aasta Hansteen        could stay clear. Thanks to the radio
field in 1300 meters of water in         communication and highly trained
the Vøring area in the Norwegian         crew the turn was performed under
Sea, approximately 300 KM west           controlled manner and did not stop
of Sandnessjøen. The gigantic plat-      the operation.
form had arrived offshore Norway
after transport from the other side      When entering open ocean Nor-
of the world. Normand Ranger and         mand Prosper changed to a pulling
Normand Prosper were two of five         position which was probably the
vessels that took part in the opera-     most challenging part for the whole
tion along with Skandi Vega, Skandi      operation. Aasta Hansteen could
Iceman and Siem Opal.                    not, due to construction, exceed
Representing Solstad was captain         a max speed of 2,5 knots through
Jan I. Tytlandsvik on Normand Pro-       open sea due to equipment installed
sper and captain Erlend Kristoffer-      below the water such as the J tube
sen on Normand Ranger. Eldar, a          and other pieces of equipment..
name you might recognize from the
Fish Farm article in last year’s Sols-   The Tow Master worked as the
hips Christmas edition, was at that      guide through the whole operation
point having a guest appearance on       and all vessels did as they were told
Far Sigma.                               over the radio, and luckily, they had
                                         good weather on their side and a
He mentions that the fish farm ope-      great crew who helped to avoid any
rations were quite the experience        delays during the operation.
but moving a 339-meter-tall plat-        Massive preparations were conduc-
form (higher than the Eifel tower)       ted by the clients, and Eldar adds
of 70 000 tonnes with four other         that due to them being so well pre-     NORMAND           2-2,5 knots and 500 nautical miles   RANGER
anchor handlers and tugboats made        pared and having the weather on         PROSPER           put on the clock, the clients were
it quite the challenge. The tow-out      their side from the start while going                     pleased with how the transport was   Design VS 490
of the Aasta Hansteen platform is        through the spiderweb of fjords         Design AH 12      conducted. The platform was on
                                                                                                                                        Current status
the biggest on the NCS since Troll       here in Norway, they helped make        Current status    arrival on the field moored to the   Working
A in 1995. Through the whole ope-        the operation as smooth it could        North Sea spot    sea floor by 17 mooring lines each   offshore South
ration they had two client person-       be with no injuries to personnel or     market            measuring 2500 meters.               Africa
nel onboard that were well prepared      equipment.                              Year built 2010
                                                                                                                                        Year built 2010
and helped with the communication
between all vessels and navigation       Having five larger anchor handlers
thereafter.                              and other tugboats adding up to 150
                                         000 hp makes such operations quite
The operation received tremendous        challenging. However, after 11 days
attention during the route from          of hard work with a max speed of

Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA

 At Solstad we recognize the importance of people. Per
Stange explains why 2018 meant a renewed focus on our
            staff through crew conferences.

                  he downturn in the      The conferences held have been a
                  offshore market         vital opportunity to hear from the seafa-
                  has hit everyone        rers and hear their thoughts on challen-
                  to some extent.         ges they are facing as well as suggestions
                  Both onshore            for improvement. Many success stories
and offshore and as a company             were also shared, and this sharing of
we have gone through many                 knowledge and experience is an impor-
changes. Maintaining a common             tant factor in improving the company as
company culture through open              a whole.
communication is a key challenge
for Solstad. It was decided that one      Next year we plan to build on the
way of achieving this would be to         success of the first four conferences and    PER
gather seafarers and office personel      continue with a further five. The team       STANGE
in a series of crew conferences. The      down in Australia will host two confe-
first conference was held in head         rences, one in January and one in Febru-     Office
office in November. Norwegian             ary. Manilla will host one conference in     Skudeneshavn
officers gathered for a day of            February and the team in Rio will wrap       Title HR
discussion and an opportunity to          things up for this round with two confe-     Director
hear how the onshore team can             rences in February and March.
support operations on the vessels.
                                          A year and a half after the merger we
The first crew conference was quickly     can now put an increased focus on bran-
followed up by our colleagues in Odessa   ding and company identity. I feel the
who hosted their conference with          company conferences are essential way
captains and chief engineers working      of building that company identity and
in the International segment. In total    contributing to the feeling of one uni-                                 source Rystad Energy
four conferences have now been held       fied company. My hopes for next year are
with more than 130 captains and chief     that the upcoming conferences will be as
engineers gathering to meet with          big a success as the ones we’ve just had.                    Chief Operational Officer Tor Inge
onshore staff.                            I look forward to seeing colleagues from                       Dale chatsJackup   Noble Lloyd
                                                                                                                    to Alexander          Noble
                                          around the globe during 2019.                                                Drilling
                                                                                                      captain on Normand         at the
                                                                                                                            Aurora      Mariner
                                                                                                                  the Odessa     on UK Ssector
                                                                                                                      Photo by Lukasz Grodz
                                                                                                                                on Sea Frost
Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA

Age 36
Current vessel
Sea Spear
Moscow, Russia

                         Dmitrii Maslov, Captain on Sea Spear tells us
                           how 2018 has been aboard Sea Spear

                             ea Spear is a PX105         Is there anyone in the company
                             design PSV which was        that has really stood out as being
                             taken across from           exceptional in your opinion this
                             Singapore earlier in 2018   year? I think we have all done an
                             after work was secured      exceptional job during the past
                 for her in the Kara Sea. The vessel     year, achieving highest standards
                 has been in continuous operation        in Industry. One Company – one
                 since.                                  family!

                 Tell us about what your ves-            Tell us about how you came to
                 sel has been doing over the past        choose a career on an offshore
                 year It’s been a very challenging       vessel I was a 1st year student and
                 year for mv Sea Spear, she has wor-     had to pass a summer placement. I
                 ked with three different clients BP     found work on a port tug. She was
                 Egypt, Saipem (Cyprus) and MAGE         a small tug moving vessels, going
                 (appointed by Gazprom) in Kara          around the port and city. I find
                 Sea, Russia. The vessel has carried     maneuvering vessels interesting
                 out supply duties for a semisub-        and up to now I’ve been happy to
                 mersible, Pipe layer and two rigs in    stay in the industry. But the first
                 Russia.                                 feelings handling that port tug were
                                                         unforgettable and I remember it
                 What have been the highlights of        like it was yesterday.
                 the year for the crew and the ves-
                 sel Definitely the Kara Sea project     If you had any advice to young
                 in North of Russia. The navigation      people considering working off-
                 period when the area is free from       shore what would it be? You
                 ice, starts end of July and lasts up    should be very flexible, respectful
                 to begin of November 2018 and the       of different nationalities, flights,
                 whole team did a great job there.       time zones, climates zones, challen-
                 Kara Sea has its own climate and        ging jobs and opportunities and be
                 the weather changes from minute to      a little bit crazy about this industry.
                 minute. All these challenges makes      If you fit this description, you can
                 oil and gas development there very      go far in offshore.

                                                                                SOLSHIPS 17
Solships - SEASONS GREETINGS The 2018 Christmas edition of Solships - Solstad Offshore ASA

                                                                                                                                        The other

                                                                                                                                                                         ALYONA LABUNSKA
                                                                                                                                                                         Crew Coordinator
                                                                                                                                                                         Sea Spear

                                                                                                                                                                         This year has really been
                                                                                                                                                                         a rewarding year for Sea
                                                                                                                                                                         Spear. I was to emphasize
                                                                                                                                                                         how easy it is to work with
                                                                                                                                        JON ARE SØRENSEN
                                                                                                                                                                         both captain Dmitrii and
                                                                                                                                        Vessel Manager
                                                                                                                                                                         Gennadiy Yerema, the cap-
                                                                                                                                        Sea Spear
                                                                                                                                                                         tain on the opposite shift.
                                                                                                                                                                         I hear a lot of favourable
                                                                                                                                        Sea Spear was one of the
                                                                                                                                                                         comments about their work
                                                                                                                                        first vessels I visited when I
                                                                                                                                                                         from the crews after every
                                                                                                                                        started working for Solstad
                                                                                                                                                                         shift and see an eagerness
                                                                                                                                        Offshore in June this year.
                                                                                                                                                                         when people are returning
                                                                                                                                        At that time they were mo-
                                                                                                                                                                         to work. It makes it a plea-
                                                                                                                                        bilizing for the drilling cam-
                                                                                                                                                                         sant and productive atmo-
                                                                                                                                        paign in Kara Sea and Dmitrii
                                                                                                                                                                         sphere to work in. I’d like to
                                                                                                                                        and his team were looking
                                                                                                                                                                         wish the whole crew health
                                                                                                                                        forward to the challenge
                                                                                                                                                                         and happiness for the new
                                                                                                                                        and was very motivated
                                                                                                                                                                         year ahead.
                                                                                                                                        for the upcoming project.
                                                                                                                                        Throughout the project, the
                                                                                                                                        vessel and her crew perfor-
                                                                                                                                        med exceptionally in a rough
                                                                                                                                        environment with perfect
                                                                                                                                        uptime, and the client was
                                                                                                                                        very content with the per-
                                                                                                                                        formance and professiona-
                                                                                                                                        lism, and has already ap-
                                                                                                                                        proached Solstad asking
                                                                                                                                        about availability for our
   «Kara Sea has its own climate,                                                                                                       vessel for next year’s Kara
                                                                                                                                        Sea campaign. At the mo-         THOMAS O
   the weather changes from                                                                                                             ment, Sea Spear is back in
                                                                                                                                        Egypt working for BP Egypt,
                                                                                                                                                                         PURCHASING MANAGER

   minute to minute »                                                            Oleg on board
                                                                                 Sea Flyer in port
                                                                                                                                        where she is substituting for
                                                                                                                                        Sea Spark until she returns
                                                                                                                                                                         Sea Spear

   Dmitrii Maslov, Sea Spear                                                                                                                                             It has been a challenging
                                                                                 in Peterhead                                           from drydock.                    year as we need to learn the
                                                                                                                                        I wish capt. Dmitrii and his     new purchasing systems
                                                                                                                                        crew a Merry Christmas and       and integrate with our exis-
                                                                                                                    Above - Sea         a prosperous New Year, and
What do you think makes a great       What type of work do you enjoy            family and my small daughter Sop-   Spear working                                        ting processes. The vessels
team aboard a vessel Honestly,        most aboard the vessel Maybe I            hiya.                                                   look forward to share more       have been very supportive
                                                                                                                    during a specta-    success with the vessel and
I believe you need a positive atmo-   am a restless soul, because for me                                            cular sunset in                                      and worked with us to make
                                                                                                                                        crew in the upcoming new         it more efficient. We would
sphere on board and a supportive      it’s hard to stay in one place, area or   If you could ask Lars Peder one     Kara Sea.           year.”                           continue to work together
captain that takes care of issues     point for a long time. I like to visit    question, what would it be? Wel-    Opposite - Sea                                       with the vessels in the new
on board regardless who it affects.   different countries, work with dif-       come on board. Would you like a     Spear working                                        year to improve our proces-
When people are in the right frame    ferent people and contracts, when         cup of coffee?                      alongside the rig                                    ses. Wishing all a Merry
of mind, they can overcome any        I see movement, I feel my life is                                             in Kara Sea                                          Christmas and Happy New
challenge in the industry and be a    moving too. So, I like the variation.                                                                                              Year.
part of a great team. I am always
saying: ‘’We are not working with     What inspires you to do a better
a job, we are working with people.    job for the company What inspires
People are the key.’’                 you to do a better job for the com-
                                      pany – Company development, my


                      Far Sapphire
                             Bjørn Hjelvik, Captain on Far Sapphire shares how life
                                 aboard a North Sea AHTS has been this year

          ar Sapphire is a UT 732       of the year for the crew and the        Tell us about how you came to            BJØRN
          CD AHTS built in 2008         vessel? The highlight for this year     choose a career on an offshore           HJELVIK
          and has been working          must be ONS 2018 (Large offshore        vessel. I came from fishery
          in the North Sea almost       exhibition and conference held          vessels (factory trawlers) but after     Age 56
          exclusively since delivery.   every two years in Stavanger,           15 years there I decided to try          Vessel Far
The vessel is part of the Strategic     Norway). We had two trips from          something new. The main reason           Sapphire
Regions Segment.                        Randaberg Industries in Stavanger       for choosing offshore vessels I          Residence
                                        to the Aamøyfjord located nearby        believe was the curiosity about the      Eiksund, Norway
Tell us about what your vessel has      with around 50 passengers each          close maneuvering alongside the
been doing over the past year,          trip. The passengers were people        platforms, and how these kinds
Far Sapphire is an AHTS, equipped       from different areas related to the     of vessels were built to manage
with a work ROV with cable              oil industry, people from Solstad       this type of maneuver. So I joined
down to 3000m and a small AHC           office and press. In the Aamøyfjord     Farstad in May 1998 and after one
G5 crane. The vessel has been           we set one special anchor from          year on PSV I was transferred to my
working in the North Sea on both        Wryhof (Steweshark Rex) and             first AHTS, and I have been sailing
Norwegian- and UK sector since          demonstrated a release function of      on this type of vessels since then.
she was new, basically with rig         the chain attached to the anchor.
moves and presetting of anchors.        The ROV was remote operated             What do you think makes a great
The vessel was also in France and       from the ONS stand ashore, and          team aboard a vessel?
did a presetting of anchors for the     the whole operation was streamed        It’s hard to pinpoint what the
first floating windmill in France.      live on the ONS screen ashore. And      perfect recipe is for a good team on
The ship was also involved with the     even with all passengers on the         board a vessel. The needs of a small
presetting of anchors and hook-up       bridge at the same time and a strict    crew from one culture are totally
of the first ocean Salmon fish          time schedule, it all went well due     different to a large crew from many
farm in Norway. Due to the AHC          to good planning from office and        cultures.
crane we also have some crane           crew.                                   But I think what’s most important
jobs in between this can be subsea                                              is to listen to the crew and let them
operations, but also jobs with          Is there anyone in the company          participate. In all workplaces there
offshore windfarms both in UK           that has really stood out as being      is a kind of hierarchy and on a vessel
and in the German Bight. Since the      exceptional in your opinion this        it’s important to maintain that
vessel is trading the spot market,      year? I know it has been challenging    hierarchy due to the fact we are at
we are working with various             for all to grow as quickly as Solstad   sea often with nowhere to escape.
clients. If we get a good run, we       did overnight. We still have some       But when it comes to general
can have a few different jobs during    challenges ahead, but I also believe    behavior you need to open up and
our 4-week rotation. All in all, the    we will manage in the end by            let people in. To make good plans
variation of work makes the ship        having good communication and           and good team, everybody has to
very interesting to work on.            cooperation both at sea and shore.      participate and have a feeling they
                                        And all of us are looking forward to    belong and are included
What have been the highlights           better times in the industry.

                                                                                                                           SOLSHIPS 21

What type of work do you enjoy
most aboard the vessel? The work
I enjoy most aboard is manual hand-
ling of the vessel and costal sailing.
Manual handling we do when we are                                                            The other
moving the oilrigs, and this can be
challenging due to rough weather
in the North Sea. Costal sailing in
Norwegian waters is quite special
with its nature and varying weather.
Arriving foreign and/or new areas/
harbors is also enjoyable and is a
pleasant part of being a sailor.
                                                                                                                              GRO NESSE
What challenges are you facing                                                                                                Far Sapphire
now at work? The challenge at
work is the constant increase in                                                                                              I took over the purchase for
documentation. On an AHTS,                                                                                                    Far Sapphire February 2018.
there’s almost no time to do any                                                                                              It has been a busy year,
documentation when the ship is on                                                                                             starting to use new purcha-
                                                                                                                              sing systems, and new rou-
a job because of running watches.                                                            ROY OVE STANDAL
                                                                                                                              tines, but also nice to get to
When we are at shore waiting for                                                             Vessel Manager
                                                                                                                              know new vessels and new
new job, the Bridge team has to try                                                          Far Sapphire
to catch up in between maintenance                                                                                            My best wishes for
                                                                                             Bjørn Hjelvik is a one of a
and/or exercises etc. In my opinion                                                          kind professional, it takes
                                                                                                                              Christmas and for the new
a good ISM is not dependent of the                                                                                            year to the crew on Far
                                                                                             a lot to get him stuck when
amount of documents, but the qua-                                                            it comes to general ves-
lity of the content and as little as                                                         sel operations and especi-
possible within the necessary due to                                                         ally anchor handling. He is
regulations and laws.                                                                        not only skilled in his field,
                                                                                             but he also has a passio-
                                                                                             nate interest in the subject.
What inspires you to do a better                                                             This is something that both
job for the company? Belonging.                                                              crew and our customers en-
                                                                                             joy daily. In my career sai-
                                                                                             ling and now onshore, Bjørn
                                                                                             has been a resource to rely
                                                                                             on. He is an educator that
                                                                                             makes sure our clients can
                                                                                             sleep well at night. When        KATLA SKEIDE
                                                                                             decisions are to be taken,       HSEQ Coordinator
                                                                                             we often receive critical qu-    Far Sapphire
                                                                                             estions from him, and he is
                                                                                             seen as a healthy and ab-        From an HSEQ point of view,
                                                                                                                              it’s been a year without any
                                         "All in all, the variation of                       solute necessity for us as a
                                                                                             community to grow in the         big challenges. The crew

                                         work makes the ship very        Oleg on board       right direction. Great job to    have shown a continued
                                                                         Sea Flyer in port   Bjørn and the entire crew as     commitment to safety and

                                         interesting to work on."        in Peterhead        Far Sapphire.                    to delivering high quality
                                                                                                                              services to our customers.
                                         Bjørn Hjelvik, Far Sapphire                                                          I would also like to take this
                                                                                                                              opportunity to thank the
                                                                                                                              crew for another year of ex-
                                                                                                                              cellent teamwork and wish
                                                                                                                              everyone a Merry Christmas.


         Kjell Arve Sætre is captain on the subsea
          construction vessel Normand Oceanic.

              ormand Oceanic is        this year? The vessel started           KJELL ARVE
              an STX 06 L design       this contract in May last year          SÆTRE
              subsea construction      and naturally; the team around
              vessel built in 2011.    the vessel (vessel managers and         Age 57
              The vessel is equipped   technical superintendent) had a         Vessel Normand
with a 400MT AHC crane and is          big workload during the startup         Oceanic
built to perform a wide range of       phase. I myself joined Normand          Residence
subsea work roles over the whole       Oceanic in June this year. As this      Lauvstad,
globe.                                 was a new vessel, new area and new
                                       client for me the vessel managers in
Tell us about what your vessel has     particular played an important role
been doing over the past year,         during my own implementation in
Normand Oceanic has been               Solstad and the company systems.
working for Typhoon Offshore
in the Gulf of Mexico since May        Tell us about how you came
2017. Typhoon Offshore is on           to choose a career on an
contract to Pemex which is the         offshore vessel. Various random
Mexico's state-owned oil company.      circumstances lead to me ending
Normand Oceanic rotates among          up on an offshore vessel. I worked
5-6 different platforms where          with various fisheries until end of
we perform well stimulation/           1999 when a down turn hit which
intervention. Normally we stay         led to down-manning etc. In the
alongside the platforms during the     beginning of 2000, I accepted an
operation and lift personnel and       offer as a stand-in on Far Scandia
equipment to the platforms.            and since than I have been working
Even though most of the time           offshore. I stayed with Farstad until
it’s good weather conditions           they merged with Solstad last year.
in the Gulf of Mexico, during
certain periods of the year we         What do you think makes a great
experience almost daily so-called      team aboard a vessel?
“turbonadas”. They are very            Firstly, making sure all employees/
unpredictable, show up quick with      crew members are properly
little warning, bringing strong        included in the group. It is also of
winds with lightening/thunder and      high importance that we are open
very often heavy rain.                 and can talk about issues outside
                                       the vessel like family, vacations,
Is there anyone in the company         hobbies etc. Than we can all work as
that has really stood out as           one group and pull together in the
being exceptional in your opinion      same direction towards a common

                                                                                                SOLSHIPS 25

                                                          The other
                  What type of work do you enjoy          perspective
                  most aboard the vessel? Planning
                  jobs according to established
                  procedures and routines. I get a
                  great deal of satisfaction when a
                  plan comes together.

                  What challenges are you facing
                  now at work?
                  The biggest challenge seems to be                                       LOVISE
                  stretching things as far as possible                                    FALNES-ELLINGSEN
                                                                                          HR Crew Coordinator
                  in order to satisfy clients/customer
                                                                                          Normand Oceanic
                  without compromising safety
                  and procedures. In addition, we                                         I have worked with Normand
                                                          KLAUS WILLIAM FRIIS
                  face language barriers in Mexico        Vessel Manager                  Oceanic since September
                  as many of the locals speak only        Normand Oceanic                 and it has been a pleasu-
                  Spanish. From time to time see                                          re. We know that there are
                                                                                          some challenges when wor-
                  large differences in culture but        For the crew it can be chal-
                                                          lenging with long travel to     king in Mexico, but captain
                  most of the time it is all about give                                   Kjell Arve and Tore are doing
                  and take.                               get on board and a diffe-
                                                          rent culture to work in. But    an amazing job, specially
                                                          on the other hand it is very    with the crew.
                  What inspires you to do a better        positive with a long con-       I wish Kjell and the other
                  job for the company?                    tract that gives the crew       crew members a Merry
                  Good feedback on jobs carried out.      more security in this chal-     Christmas, and I`m looking
                                                                                          forward to continue the
                  When the client and customers           lenging market. I have very
                                                          good cooperation with both      work in 2019
                  appreciate the job we carry out.
                                                          Captains and their crews,
                                                          and have full respect for the
                  If you could ask Lars Peder one
                                                          work they are doing and I am
                  question, what would it be?             happy to have them in my
                  Not really a question but I would       team. I wish you all a Happy
                  encourage Solstad to give support       Christmas and an even bet-
                  and facilitate the conditions for       ter New Year, especially for
                  young employees, trainees and           those of you that are on
                                                          board during the holidays.
                  cadets in order to secure good
                  and stabile recruitment for the
                  company’s future.

                                                                                          FRODE WAREBERG
                                                                                          HSEQ Coordinator
                                                                                          Normand Oceanic

                                                                                          The crew onboard Normand
                                                                                          Oceanic have shown high
                                                                                          commitment to contribute
                                                                                          to incident free operations.
                                                                                           I’m looking forward to come
                                                                                          onboard in the first quarter
                                                                                          of 2019 to carry out the in-
                                                                                          ternal audit.


                 Far Statesman
                               Rune Larsen, Captain on Far Statesman shares his
                                     experiences from the vessel in 2018

           ar Statesman is a UT          exceptional in your opinion this          worked five years in Brazil, a year       RUNE
           731 CD AHTS vessel            year? Our vessel manager Jason            in the North Sea and the last four        LARSEN
           built in 2013. The vessel     Zamparutti has given the vessel           years here in Asia.
           is currently working          both support and service which                                                      Age 48
           offshore Indonesia and is     is far beyond what you normally           If you had any advice to young            Vessel Far
part of the International Segment..      expect. Operating vessels in Asia         people considering working off-           Statesman
                                         can sometimes be frustrating and          shore what would it be? This is a         Residence El
Tell us about what your vessel has       complicated due to language bar-          profession that means you will miss       Albir, Spain
been doing over the past year The        riers and cultural differences. To        out on numerous events at home, so
vessel came from Australia in June       make this work, you have to be flexi-     it is vital that before you make the
and after dry docking in Singapore       ble and sometimes turn to unortho-        decision you are sure you are willing
we sailed down to Indonesia and          dox and creative solutions.               to make these sacrifices. If you are,
started on our present contract. We      Jason is always there whenever we         you will be rewarded with an adven-
are on charter to ENI supporting         need assistance in solving logistic       turous and exciting job that will
the rig Scarabeo 7 for a drilling cam-   issues, HR issues, client issues, chal-   give you the possibilities to work
paign in Makassar Strait. The town       lenges with authorities, operational      with big responsibilities regardless
Balikpapan on Borneo Island is our       difficulties or if you simply need to     of position onboard. It’s not easy
base for this operation. Together        share some thoughts.                      to combine this work with a stan-
with 2 other anchor handlers we fol-                                               dard family life at home. However
low the rig on this project. We do       Tell us about how you came to             the long leaves gives you great opp-
the anchor handling during the rig       choose a career on an offshore            ortunities to realize other dreams
moves between the different wells        vessel I have always been fascinated      you have in life. Me and my wife
and while drilling is ongoing we do      by ships, so a maritime education         enjoy travelling and the long leave
supply and stand-by duties.              was a natural choice for me. I            times have given us the possibility
                                         finished my education in the mid          to undertake long road trip’s, moun-
What have been the highlights            nineties and the job market for           tain trekking and backpacker jour-
of the year for the crew and the         young deck officers was not very          neys all over the world that would
vessel I must say that the ship and      good at that time so after finishing      not have been possible if I had nor-
crew’s biggest achievement this year     officer candidate school in the navy,     mal nine to five job.
was the first successful deepwa-         I was assigned to the Norwegian           So if you are young and are looking
ter anchoring of Scarabeo 7 here in      Coastguard. After 10 exciting years       for adventure, big responsibilities,
Indonesia. Far Statesman did all 8       in uniform, I was ready for new           good carrier opportunities and
anchors herself and needless to say      challenges. At this time the offshore     are willing to sacrifice hundreds
this gave the crew a real confidence     service vessel industry was booming       of weekends and dozens of
boost and a feeling of job satisfac-     and the vessels were modern and           Christmases, then you are in the
tion. .                                  sophisticated with all the latest         right place.
                                         technology. It was obvious to me
Is there anyone in the company           that this was the future and I joined     What do you think makes a great
that has really stood out as being       my first AHTS. Since then I have          team aboard a vessel?

                                                                                                                               SOLSHIPS 29

A successful offshore operation is
not a one man show. In order to do                                             The other
an efficient and safe job everybody                                            perspective
needs to understand that they are
an important part of the outcome
of the job. The team members
have various backgrounds, age
and nationalities and onboard
the Statesman we strive to make
everyone contribute with their
experience and knowledge.
This unity, the open dialogue
and the mutual respect between
the crew members is what in my
opinion creates a good team aboard
our ship.                                                                      JASON ZAMPARUTTI                TERESA VIOLA
                                                                               Vessel Manager                  Crew Manager
                                                                               Far Statesman                   Far Statesman
What type of work do you enjoy
most aboard the vessel? I really                                                                               Far Statesman team was
enjoy trying to build up the team                                              Working in Indonesia is         put together with the confi-
onboard. Training new crew mem-                                                challenging as each area has    dence that they can do the
bers and see the crew getting invol-                                           its own local way of inter-     job on a sophisticated ves-
ved in the ship and operations is                                              preting rules. End clients      sel... and these crew don’t
very inspiring work.                                                           all have different expecta-     just do the job, but instead,
                                                                               tions and requirements and      they committed themselv-
                                                                               one of the biggest challen-     es to give it their best every
What challenges are you facing
now at work? This is a multicul-            "A successful offshore             ges on the Far Statesman
                                                                               was putting together a crew
                                                                                                               single day onboard. Keep it
                                                                                                               up and enjoy Christmas on
tural ship and we have people from
all over the world working here.
                                            operation is not a one             who could meet internal
                                                                               and external expectations
                                                                                                               your second home. Stay safe

Currently there are seven different         man show"                          in Indonesia without having
                                                                               time to gel or work with each
nationalities onboard. Our area of          Rune Larsen, Far Statesman         other beforehand.
operation also means we operate                                                The crew have done a won-
in many different countries in the                                             derful job impressing me
region. This can easily create chal-                                           with every challenge we
lenges and to get this to work it is     What inspires you to do a bet-        have worked through. The
important to get to know everyone        ter job for the company? Nothing      vessels onboard manage-
well and to get everyone involved        inspires me more than the feeling     ment team have been for-
                                                                               ging a local connection with
and build up an understanding of         you get after completing a challen-
                                                                               the client that can be sum-
why we do things the way we do.          ging job successfully.                marised by the end clients
We therefore put a lot more effort       I remember one very demanding         comments below:
here in meetings, operation plan-        job last year when we towed a
ning and training than what I am         HLV loaded with the world’s first     “The best vessel we have
used to from when I was working in       offshore fish farm from Singapore     ever worked with”
the strategic regions. It is important   round Africa and up to Norway. The    ENI Tri Prasetiyo
that everyone understands their          height of the tow was 65 meters and
                                                                               Being away at any time of
and others role in the operation and     the diameter of the circular fish     year is hard but it beco-
that we agree on the way we are          farm was 95 meters. The same crew     mes more so over any ho-
doing things. All this detailed plan-    was onboard for the entire 11 weeks   liday period where we miss
ning and training results in that we     journey. There were some truly        our families all the more.
quickly become a united gang des-        happy faces when the job was done     Traditionally during these
                                                                               periods, we see an increase
pite language barriers and cultural      and the ship was safely moored.
                                                                               in small incidents so please
differences. So even if it is chal-                                            remain focused and look af-
lenging it is also perhaps the most                                            ter yourself and your fellow
rewarding part of the job and the                                              crew members. Safe watch
main reason I like working in the                                              and Merry Christmas team
international segment.                                                         to you and your families.


                      Far Scorpion
                            Rob O'Dowd Captain on Far Scorpion tells us how 2018
                                    has been working offshore Australia

           ar Scorpion is a UT 731      Australia. The result was three       If you had any advice to young          ROB
           CD AHTS vessel working       persons located in the water and      people considering working              O'DOWD
           offshore Australia.          recovered in rough conditions         offshore what would it be? The
           The vessel was built in      at night, after they spent many       opportunities are limitless; keep an    Age 47
           2009 and is part of the      hours in the ocean. I feel this was   open mind as you never know where       Vessel Far
Strategic Regions segment.              testament to the vessel crew’s        you could end up working either at      Scorpion
                                        professionalism in carrying out       sea or ashore.                          Residence
Tell us about what your vessel has      what we are trained to do; a                                                  Perth, Western
been doing over the past year,          humbling experience when real life    What do you think makes a great         Australia
Working for INPEX on the                is directly on the line.              team aboard a vessel?
‘Ichthys’ Field; with LNG, LPG,                                               A common interest outside of work
and condensate exploration.             Is there anyone in the company        hours; there is a strong focus on
Recently the field went through a       that has really stood out as being    fitness and well-being on board
construction/ development phase,        exceptional in your opinion this      keeping people healthy and happy.
an 890km pipeline run to Darwin         year? The vessel crews have been      What type of work do you enjoy
with one of the world’s largest         amazing during this industry          most aboard the vessel?
semi-submersible production             downturn period, particularly over    Anchor handling, towing & ROV
facilities installed alongside an       the past year. All have remained so   operations
FPSO.                                   focused and professional providing
Over the past three years I have        a high work standard in what was      What challenges are you facing
worked three different ships in this    often a difficult time with many      now at work? The global down turn
region carrying out installation        redundancies experienced across       certainly provides many challenges;
anchor handling/ supply and             the industry.                         employment continuation/industry
undertaking ROV operations.                                                   wide casualization, managing vessel
This field has certainly kept many      Tell us about how you came to         budgets & cost control restrictions,
of our vessels active across a          choose a career on an offshore        vessel utilization and the general on
diverse range of activities and still   vessel. After a number of years       going industry uncertainty.
continues to do so.                     in the Blue Water industry on
                                        container and bulk cargo ships        What inspires you to do a better
What have been the highlights           I thought it was time to give the     job for the company?
of the year for the crew and the        offshore industry a go. Now with 15   This downturn period we find
vessel? The operational diversity       years’ experience in this company,    ourselves in and ensuring we
across this INPEX field; provided       working both at sea and ashore        remain the number one offshore
opportunities for many to further       in the Perth office as Operations     service provider in this region.
their experience in supply/ anchor      Manager and part time Simulator
handling and ROV operations.            Centre Instructor, the diversity in
Far Scorpion and crew were              this company and offshore industry
recently involved in MOB - SAR          is something I continue to find
operations off Perth, Western           interesting and challenging.

                                                                                                                        SOLSHIPS 33

                                                                                          The other

                                                                                                                          ERIKA PARDO
                                                                                                                          HSEQ Coordinator
                                                                                                                          Far Scorpion

                                                                                                                          At this time of the year, we
                                                                                                                          need to start focusing on
                                                                                                                          keeping safe over the fes-
                                                                                          JOEL MULLINS                    tive season and into the New
                                                                                          Vessel Manager                  Year. From the office, we ap-
                                                                                          Far Scorpion                    preciate that this is a dif-
                                                                                                                          ficult time to be away from
                                                                                          I joined the AUPE team in       family and friends, but we all
                                                                                          October and can say that        need to work together to en-
                                                                                          the last few months have        sure we maintain our vigilan-
                                                                                          been an exciting challen-       ce in work practices, look af-
                                                                                          ge for me personally, get-      ter one another and ensure
                                                                                          ting to know the Perth and      you all get to go home in one
                                                                                          Singapore teams, as well as     piece. Thanks for your sup-
                                                                                          our crew and vessels off-       port during 2018. Wishing
                                                                                          shore. Recently I spent         you a Happy Holiday and a
                                                                                          6days on Far Sirius during a    joyful New Year.
                                                                                          rig move, it was great opp-
                                                                                          ortunity to witness the skill
                                                                                          and experience of our crew
                                                                                          offshore and recognise the
                                                                                          vast capability that our cli-
                                                                                          ents see in us

                                                                                                                          PANKAJ BATHAM
                                                                                                                          Technical Superintendent
  "Far Scorpion is due 2nd renewal docking in                             Above - Far
                                                                    Scorpion Picture
                                                                                                                          Far Scorpion

 February 2019 and will emerge after docking                           kindly sent by
                                                                   captain on oppo-
                                                                                                                          It's been a challenging year

    re branded “Normand Scorpion” painted                            site shift, Dylan
                                                                                                                          for the crew on the techni-
                                                                                                                          cal front and the vessel had
    in Solstad livery, will return to the INPEX
                                                                                                                          to face a few major events
                                                                            Left - sis-                                   with various parts of the
 campaign to commence operations at the end                             ter vessel Far
                                                                        Statesman in
                                                                                                                          machinery. The vessel team
                                                                                                                          have overcome the chal-
                    of cyclone season 1st April "                        new Solstad
                                                                       colours as Far
                                                                                                                          lenges with great patience,
                                                                                                                          vigour and sincere work. I
                            Roger Middlebrook, Technical Manager      Scorpion will be                                    have noted a focused devo-
                                                                    after drydocking                                      tion from Master and crew
                                                                   in 2019. Photo by                                      to maintain the vessel and
                                                                         Rob O'Dowd                                       company credibility in sup-
                                                                                                                          porting the client’s opera-
                                                                                                                          tions. I would like to wish all
                                                                                                                          onboard and their family a
                                                                                                                          Merry Christmas and Happy
                                                                                                                          New Year 2019.


           Our onshore staff reflect on 2018 in the
              various offices around the globe.

                                                           Evening Reception after second
                                                        Odessa Conference. The team from
                                                      Odessa are joined in this photo by Per
                                                       Stange, HR DIrector, and Bjørn-Inge
                                                              Engene, Operations Director


Its been a big year for the team in Odessa. Gleb
Grygoriuk tells us about how 2018 has been and his
hopes for next year.

               ow has the Odessa         days. It was a lot of work trying to   mean more seafarers and more
               office changed over       get the new system installed but we    vessels under crew management.
               the past year?            enjoyed our time together.             2018 has been a year of adjustment
               We started out 2018                                              in many ways, with everyone
               with six people and       What does the average day              finding their place within the
that’s grown to a total of nine          look like in the Odessa office?        Solstad system. In addition, we see
people now. The extra people meant       Our tasks can be summed up as          signs that the offshore market is
we needed extra space so our office      searching, screening, recruiting       slowly improving. So, if 2018 was
here in Odessa expanded too. The         and then transporting seafarers        the year we laid the ground work
main reason for the expansion was        on a 24/7 basis. We are organized      I hope 2019 can be the year we
the list of vessels we are responsible   in teams where we have a main          start to improve things like the
for has grown. We are now                crew coordinator who is assisted       social package (pension, insurance
providing crew manning services          by a crew assistant and they are       program, pay scale etc.) for the
for 29 vessels to varying degrees. As    responsible for specific vessels. We   seafarers. In addition, we hope to
of December 2018, we have a total        need to make sure that the crew        start a deck/engine cadet program       ODESSA
of 1002 employment agreements            are fully compliant with national      for seafarers from the Odessa office.
signed with seafarers and this           and international standards for        Its been a busy but productive year
translates to 401 active crew.           the various areas of operation. We     from the team here in Odessa but        Above (L-R) Iryna,
Its been a big undertaking growing       also need to gather feedback from      we are finishing the year on a high     Alina, Olga, Alyona,
our operations as we have done but       previous employers and make sure       with hopes for an even better year      Viktoriya, Evgenia
it’s been done in close cooperation      the OCS database is kept up to date.   next year. So, from the Odessa          Violetta is missing
with several key people in the           It’s a constant process of dealing     office we wish all Solstad employees    from the photo
Solstad organization, and for that       with the active seafarers and the      a very Merry Christmas and a            Right Gleb
we are really grateful. Per Stange       demands of the new ones coming         happy new year.                         Grygoriuk speaking
in Skudeneshavn and Odd Magne            through the system.                                                            at Odessa
Skeie in Manila have provided                                                                                           Conference
support and encouragement and we
have benefited greatly from their
                                         What are your hopes for 2019?
                                         The team here have done a fantastic    "The highlight of the
experience in HR.                        job of meeting the increased           year was definitely the
The implementation of the new IT
systems meant we had Benjamin
                                         workload and I am confident we
                                         can head into 2019 with ambitions      crew conference"
Røstenskar here in Odessa for three      to increase this further. This would   Gleb Grygoriuk, Odessa Office

38 SOLSHIPS                                                                                                                                    SOLSHIPS 39

Perhaps one of the toughest markets to navigate,
Managing Director Andrew Coccoli describes how the
market in Asia has been this year.

                   e predicted 2018     result the DLB team now finds          "We predicted a
                   was going to be
                   a tough year for
                                        itself re-tasking personnel from
                                        Operations to tendering and            tough year and
                   SE Asia and our      marketing activities. This has been    our forecast
                   market forecast      a difficult but necessary transition
was not far off.                        which we are confident will            wasn't far off"
                                        maximise our opportunities for the     Andrew Coccoli, MD Singapore Office
Although it was pleasing to see         DLB.
a pick up in tendering activity the
rates remain stuck at a historically    Next year will bring some exciting
low levels.                             possibilities and announcements
Despite this we have tasted success     by the oil majors reported by
with long term fixtures in new          the industry press suggest more
parts of the world such as Qatar and    investment in our region. We
Mozambique as well as returning         have already seen press releases
to the more familiar regions of         from Gazprom indicating some
Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia.         big discoveries in Sakhalin where
Singapore office covers both the        our large AHTS vessels will be
International AHTS/PSV and              contesting for work next year. ENI
Subsea Construction segments as         Indonesia have also declared a
well as hosting the DLB team. This      significant discovery in a gas field
results in some interesting vessel      where our vessels are already well
combinations and co-operation           entrenched. If we play our cards
between segments. No better             right we can expect some contract
example is Normand Tonjer, Nor          extensions very soon.
Spring and Far Swan all working
for end client Qatar Gas. This          We might watch with worry as
requires segments to work together      the oil price bobs up and down
and provides opportunities for          each day but none of us can
commercial departments to               control it’s movements. What we
co-ordinate their marketing efforts.    can do is focus our energy on the
As 2018 draws to a close it is with     things within our control and the
mixed feelings we look toward           Singapore office is doing everything
                                                                                                                     The crew on board Far Statesman
2019. After six very profitable years   possible to maximise Solstad
                                                                                                                     during its current charter with ENI
the Norce Endeavour could be            Offshores profile and reputation in                                                                 in Indonesia
finishing it’s long term relationship   the SEA region.
with Chevron Thailand. As a

40 SOLSHIPS                                                                                                                                 SOLSHIPS 41

Greetings from Australia!

            he Perth office lies the    the demands of the clients and
            furthest away from          the maritime workforce that are
            HQ in Skudeneshavn,         involved in doing business here in
            so how does the team        Australia.
            in Australia stay
connected to the Solstad system?        Company culture
Managing Director for AUPE, Phil        This year we had a visit from
Stewart tells us how the year has       several key people from head office,
been.                                   not least Lars Peder Solstad. For
                                        us its great to see people making
How has 2018 been in the                the effort to come all the way down
Perth Office? For the Australian        here but when that isn’t practical
office, the merger meant increasing     the video conferencing system is
our capabilities through greater        being put to good use. Its important
access to a bigger, more diversified    for us to stay connected and be
fleet. The Solstad Australian           part of the Solstad company and
operation is made up of 34 onshore      that is done through constant
personnel, 284 offshore seafarers       communication.
servicing a fleet of 10 vessels.
The ten vessels all fall under the      The year ahead
Strategic Regions segment. The          The market outlook for Australia
onshore staff make up a fully           is improving but we feel we may
operational set up. We have people      still be a year or so away from any
that cover all aspects of running       big recovery. So, for us it’s about
an offshore vessel owner from the       continuing to improve the team set
Perth office including crewing,         up we have in the Perth office, build
technical, operations, purchasing       on relations we have with existing
and HSEQ. This allows us to give        and potentially new clients and of
particular care and attention to the    course continue to work at being
demands of the Australian clients.      a part of the Solstad company. We
In addition to the vessel
management we also have a DP
                                        believe clients are still looking for
                                        quality vessels from a quality owner
                                                                                 "Solstad is strongly
Simulation center. This was             and Solstad is one of the very few       positioned to take
originally built to train company
seafarers but was later expanded
                                        companies that are in a position to
                                        offer that in the Australian market.
                                                                                 advantage of many new
so that it could be a business in its   Availability of tonnage is starting      sector prospect"
own right with an aim to generate       to decrease but rates are still low so   Phil Stewart, AUPE Managing Director
revenue through training seafarers      for us it’s about getting everything
from all over Asia.                     in place for the upturn which will
                                                                                                                        The Perth Office team gather for a group photo in the new premises. At the front,
Australia has experienced the           likely come next year and in to
                                                                                                                                                                         Managing Director Phil Stewart
downturn in the oil and gas             2020.
industry like all the other offshore    But from everyone in the Perth
hubs. For us that has also meant        office we wish everyone on shore
there’s been less activity offshore     and at sea a very merry Christmas.
but still we have to strive to meet

42 SOLSHIPS                                                                                                                                                                              SOLSHIPS 43

The Manilla office supports HQ, several branch offices
and the fleet as a whole.                                                         The layup team from left
                                                                                    to right Lukasz, Darius
                                                                                                 and Oleg.

              t the end of 2017         duty phones that was held in all
              the team in Manilla       three companies. The call center
              moved to new              is the first line of response for
              premises. Here the        both Emergency and Operational
              Solstad ROHQ kicked       contingencies onboard when an
off 2018 with a total of 39 staff.      immediate shore assistance is
Solstad Offshore has had its own        needed. Since the launch the team
crewing company in Philippines          has catered and assisted more than
since 2013 but since the office         100 calls.
opened the scope of the Manilla         We are looking forward to 2019 and
office has grown substantially.         wish all our international colleagues
Today in addition to the crewing        a merry Christmas.
functions, the team are handling
accounting, invoicing and eight
different payrolls for 1300 seafarers
from 25 different countries. Many
of the support functions have also
been transferred to the Manilla
office namely TM Master (PMS)                             Left - break time on
                                                              Normand Vision
support, ICT support, HSSEQ
                                                            L-R AB Venancio
support, support for environmental
                                                             Mesiona, Bosun
reporting, SIMS and OCS support.                         Odd Arne Lyster, AB
                                                        Roderick Jimenez, AB
During the second half of 2018 a                                Garry Garcia
new Emergency Response function                             Photo by Jan Erik
was established to be a 24/7 support                  Steinry, Chief Officer on
system and to merge together                                  Normand Vision

44 SOLSHIPS                                                                                                   SOLSHIPS 45

The Solstad Office in Cyprus             Sea Spark in drydock
is in the capital Limassol.             in Limassol in Cyprus,
                                   December 2018. The ves-
The Office is based on the
                                   sel now painted in Solstad
previous administration of                            colours.
Deep-Sea Supply and has now
                                     Photo by Second Officer
received additional accounting          Oleksandr Vienikov,
responsibilities from the
                                                   Sea Spark
joined companies. The
accounting services of Solstad
will now be centralized in
Cyprus, and the office is now in
charge of all three setups. As
part of this, the company has
expanded its administration
to a total number of 15
employees and moved into
facilities last year. .

46 SOLSHIPS                                                      SOLSHIPS 47
                                                                                 Rizza Ombao , second officer on
                                                                                  Normand Flipper takes a photo
                                                                               on the vessel in Aberdeen harbour
                                                                                       overlooking the new office

Signs of market recovery in Scotland, Managing
Director Graham Dale tells us how 2018 has been in

      t’s been a busy year for the      to new premises in December
      Aberdeen office, we’ve gone       2018 which provides a much more
      from three members of             comfortable working environment
      staff to 11 in addition to a      for what has become a larger
      host of other changes. The        regional operation. Our biggest
new contracts have come in at an        hopes for 2019 are continued
encouraging pace with 15 vessels        improvements in the market. We
now working for seven different         managed to secure 13 new term
clients, all on multi-year contracts.   contracts for our vessels this year
                                        which meant taking vessels out
Our cadet program has also geared       of layup and getting them back
up a notch, going from 12 cadets to     to work. If we can build on that
54 over the course of the year and      success and take it even further
this will increase further in 2019      next year it will be a good year. In
by a further eight. On that note we     addition the cooperation we enjoy
can not thank the vessels enough        from the other offices around the
for taking the time to train these      world is really appreciated. We hope
cadets and accommodating them in        to continue our efforts to build a
order for them to get the necessary     global team in the year ahead.
sea time.
                                        Lastly merry Christmas to all our
The technical team has seen a           colleagues around the globe and
lot of changes too. Pete Donaldson      to our seafarers working over the
joined us at the start of the year      festive period.
and took responsibility for seven
vessels. There has been several new
systems to learn plus several dry
dockings but the challenges have
been well managed.
The Aberdeen team also moved

48 SOLSHIPS                                                                               SOLSHIPS 49
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