STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...

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STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...

ISSUE 7 • Spring 2021

                        Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom
                             with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new
                        strategic partnership with the American University of Bahrain
STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...
STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...
SPOTLIGHT                                                                                    FEATURES
                                                                                             05• The Brief
                                                                                             From Hong Kong to Egypt, catch up
                                                                                             on news and happenings from Esol
                                                                                             Education schools.

                                                                                             17• High Fliers
                                                                                             Meet some of our students who
                                                                                             are making waves with their superb

                                                                                             18• In Class
                                                                                             Get an in-depth look at the exciting
                                                                                             immersive learning happening within
                                                                                             and beyond our classroom walls.

                                                                                             25• World View
                                                                                             A tête-à-tête with Patrick Rich,
10 • Bahrain Calling                                                                         Director at American International
                                                                                             School Abu Dhabi about his vision and
Esol Education’s growth journey continues with the 2020 opening of the
American School of Bahrain, followed closely by its acquisition of a strategic stake         plans.
in American University of Bahrain and the development of new partnerships with
California State University, Northridge (CSUN).                                              26• Unexplored
                                                                                             Discover the secret treasures of
14 • One-to-One                                                                              Byzantine art hidden within modest
                                                                                             village churches in the high mountains
On the heels of Esol Education’s latest educational partnership with AUBH and
California State University, Northridge (CUSN), we caught up with Dean Joyce                 of Cyprus.
Feucht-Haviar from CSUN for a closer look at the future of higher education.
                                                                                             29• Last Word
                                                                                             Unearthing the hidden opportunities
22 • Get Wired                                                                               for transforming education that lie
Is gamification in learning here to stay? A deep dive into what it is and the pros and       within the challenges of the COVID-19
cons for educators.                                                                          pandemic.

The official newsletter of Esol Education – ISSUE 7 | Spring 2021
STRIDES is published twice a year by Esol Education for a wide internal and external
readership, including our students, parents and teachers. This publication covers
news and developments across the organization and its schools in the Middle
East and Mediterranean. Since 1976, Esol Education has specialized in providing
exceptional international K-12 education. With a strong focus on educational
excellence, Esol schools enjoy the benefits of experienced leadership and
management, superlative facilities, and caring and dedicated teachers.

Content Director
Tammam Abushakra
Jaya Java

Magazine Design, Layout and Sub-editing
Lourdes Lanote

                                                                                               ISSUE 7 • Spring 2021

The copyright for the images in STRIDES lies solely with the schools, students & teachers,                             Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom
                                                                                                                            with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new
unless stated otherwise.                                                                                               strategic partnership with the American University of Bahrain

© Esol Education FZ LLC, 2021

                                                                                                                                                                  STRIDES | 3
STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...

“Everything flows.”
   Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher

Like every school across the world, Esol Education school communities have experienced a sea change over the past year, with both
temporary and long-term disruptions to the ebb and flow of normal school life. While resilience in the classroom has long centered on
learning from failure and persevering to learn new concepts, this historic year has been a true test of resilience as a critical life skill for our
students, teachers, parents and leaders. Still, we are proud to say that the 2020-2021 school year has brought with it some wins, expected
and unexpected, within and beyond classroom walls.

We have proudly witnessed our schools’ impressive mobilization of home learning programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic,
swiftly adjusting to rapidly changing regulations in each of our host cities. Teachers have worked tirelessly to upskill themselves with new
technologies and create engaging and relevant lessons. This has given rise to exciting innovations in teaching and learning, many excellent
examples of which are shared in The Brief section of this issue, which covers news from our schools around the globe.

Our cover story highlights the inaugural year of Esol Education’s American School of Bahrain, which opened the gates to its 17-acre state-
of-the-art campus in Riffa on schedule, in September 2020. Staying in Bahrain, STRIDES’ One-to-One section features a discussion with
Dean Joyce Feucht Haviar of California State University, Northridge (CSUN), on the heels of Esol’s recently announced role in the American
University of Bahrain (AUBH) and in the university’s educational partnership with CSUN.

Our In-Class features showcase some of the remarkable learning happening within classrooms at Fairgreen International School in Dubai
and The American International School in Cyprus, while our High Flyers section spotlights our best and brightest students already making
their mark upon the world around them. Elsewhere in this edition of STRIDES, Gamification of Learning takes center stage as Dr. Joseph
Nettikaden, Esol Education CIO, shares insights on this rising phenomenon and its implications on teaching and learning in the years ahead.
We also meet with Mr. Patrick Rich, Director at American International School in Abu Dhabi (AISA), who shares reflections on his journey thus
far and his aspirations for the AISA community.

Since travel is off the cards this year for most of us, join us in an armchair exploration off the beaten trail in Cyprus, as we uncover a treasure
of Byzantine art nestled within humble village churches in the central mountains of the island. Lastly, Dr. Kapono Ciotti, Director at American
International School in Egypt – Main Campus, analyzes ways in which we can use the disruption caused by the pandemic to accelerate
innovation in education.

Thank you for being part of the Esol Education community! We wish you all a successful year ahead!

The Esol Education Team
STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...

                                                      DESIGN & INNOVATION
AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL                         At AISA, Design & Innovation (D&I) provides
IN ABU DHABI (AISA)                                   students with an open space to try new things
                                                      without fear of failure. Students combine their
CHANGING THE WORLD WITH                               classroom learning with their natural enthusiasm
                                                      for exploration. While the ongoing COVID-19
MUN                                                   pandemic made things especially challenging,
Students from AISA’s High School Model United         with innovation at the heart of the program, one
Nations Club (AISA HSMUN) decided months              can see opportunities where others may see
ago to dedicate their time, prepare and go on an      obstacles! Students have risen to meet these
enlightening adventure. MUN conferences usually       challenges head on and continue to amaze their
involve travel; however, during this pandemic, our    teachers. Driving through simulated severe
students harnessed their energy in a risk-taking,     blizzards, flying in a socially distanced hoop
intense 3-day international virtual conference,       glider derby, and learning 3D design have all
GWAMUN Conference 2021, without leaving the           contributed to the success of the D&I program.
comfort of their homes. The result? Students          Whether designing soft landing lunar probes,
left feeling incredibly challenged and inspired as    or improving animal adaptations, students are
changemakers under the ambassadorship of H.E.         able to collaborate using the Internet and share
Ban Ki-Moon, eighth Secretary-General of the          their learning on myriad platforms. While there is
United Nations. Through a mindset of change and       much work to be done, the D&I team will continue
international cooperation, our AISA leaders took      to improvise, adapt, and overcome in the “new
on the role of country ambassadors in the UN to       normal!”
collaboratively develop solutions to some of our
planet’s most pressing issues, and many received
prestigious conference awards for their hard work
and efforts. From position papers and resolutions     DUNECREST AMERICAN SCHOOL
to inter-governmental debates and dialogue, the
conference and the club was a paradigm-shifting       2021: A YEAR OF GROWTH
experience for all participants.
                                                      2020 was a year of reflection. It was a time for
                                                      prioritization and gratitude. 2021 is a time to
MENTAL WELLNESS IN A TECH                             harness this awareness and to be an agent of
                                                      growth, change and solidarity. For this reason,
WORLD                                                 Dunecrest American School has launched a series
The counseling team at the American                   of “growth” events focused on strengthening
International School of Abu Dhabi have made           our community and supporting one another’s
student, staff, and parent wellness a priority this   successes. In early January, IBDP Coordinator,
year. Some of these activities include parent         Mr. Eric Barrett, and four IBDP candidate students
presentations throughout the year on wellbeing        hosted a “How to Study Effectively” webinar
and mental health topics. For students, the           for Middle and High School students and their
team organized activities around International        parents. The over-subscribed, 90-minute
Kindness Week and Stress Awareness Week,              event was also open to the public and aimed at
including videos made by students talking             understanding how students learn and how this
about the strategies they use to manage stress.       translates into actionable organization, note
Wellness days were organized for staff, with          taking and study strategies. Attendees have
yoga, meditation, a scavenger hunt, funny videos      been effusive in their enthusiasm for the session!
contests, and “Tea and Talk” sessions. During         This has now inspired an upcoming series of live
Sunday PD time, staff are provided brief “wellness    and pre-recorded executive function coaching
tips” at the start of meetings. The team also         sessions for students at Dunecrest and in the
offered wellness presentations on how individuals     broader community.
can safeguard themselves, as well how to be a
mental health first aider during these times. The
                                                                                                           STEAM BEES ARE BUZZING AT
counseling team’s motto states: “you can’t pour       THE CLEAN TECH WAVE                                  DUNECREST
from an empty cup,” so as a department, they          Staying true to its core mission of helping          At Dunecrest, students in Grade 2 are exploring
make sure they model their beliefs and take care      students to realize their power to change their      how human's choices impact the survival of plants
of each other through regular check ins!              communities and the world around them,               and animals. Children harnessed cross-curricular
                                                      Dunecrest American School has partnered with         tools to explore this over-arching question. The
                                                      Million Solar Stars (MSS) Founder and our Middle     topic took students from non-fiction to research,
                                                      School Science Teacher, Adam Hall to launch          experimentation to procedural papers and
                                                      the Million Solar Stars Science course in Middle     eventually to technology and its ability to help
                                                      School(MSS MS). MSS MS connects students             solve man-made problems. Students began their
                                                      with tools to design and engineer hands-on solar     unit by looking at the conditions plants need to
                                                      power models and engage multiple stakeholders        survive. They tested their hypothesis by planting
                                                      to increase the number of schools powered by         radish seeds in the sun and in the closet. Children
                                                      solar energy. Term 1 has been incredibly busy for    then selected an animal and researched its food
                                                      our budding clean tech engineers and community       supply, habitat and the impact the environment
                                                      leaders! Students began the term by analyzing the    had on its survival. Using Evernote, children
                                                      feasibility of using solar power on our very own     created books for Grade 1 exploring how positive
                                                      campus as well as using Minecraft and TinkerCAD      choices could make a positive impact on the
                                                      to model different panel installation designs.       environment. Following their foundational study,
                                                      Proposals were presented to school leaders           students examined the role that technology
                                                      and to the local power authority. Students also      can play in supporting the survival of plants and
                                                      attended a week-long workshop with Photovoltaic      animals. Incorporating their Science standards,
                                                      Specialist from Namene Solar as part of Namene       Grade 2 students studied bee colony collapse
                                                      Solar's new student outreach program. The            disorder. Using design thinking they explored
                                                      4-day workshop included sessions on the history      the possibility of using drones to pollinate
                                                      and physics of light, how solar power works,         plants. This exciting unit leveraged the PARROT
                                                      building SM100 hand held solar lights for rural      Mambo Drone, Apple’s SWIFT Playground coding
                                                      communities and improvement of the SM100             language and our students’ future-focused
                                                      model itself.                                        problem solving techniques!

                                                                                                                                             STRIDES | 5
STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...
                                                                                                                from an IB visitation team, our consultation visit in
                                                                                                                November and our authorization visit in March will
FAIRGREEN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL                                                                                  be held virtually. This changes the dynamic and
                                                                                                                requires the preparation of a series of videos and
ROOFTOP GARDEN GROWS                                                                                            live Zoom sessions that capture every aspect of
INQUIRY                                                                                                         the school’s authorization process - from a tour
                                                                                                                of the school, peek into classrooms, examination
This year, Fairgreen International School made a                                                                of facilities and resources, study of assessment
mindful addition to its campus with a new rooftop                                                               practices, etc.
garden. Due to COVID-19 precautions students
were restricted from leaving campus to use their                                                                Through the efforts of our leadership team,
community biodome and garden plot so this new                                                                   dedicated staff, enthusiastic students, and
space is very exciting. Students were part of every                                                             supportive parents, the consultation and
step of the process, from planning, designing to
                                                                                                                authorization process has been a dynamic,
building the new garden. They donated materials,
                                                                                                                positive experience and an opportunity for
recycled useful items from home, and repurposed
                                                                                                                growth. We consider ourselves fortunate to be
unique items to use as planters, such as used
                                                                                                                part of such a close and caring community who
tires. Friends from Diamond Developers in The
                                                                                                                embrace the new paradigm.
Sustainable City donated custom planter beds             of Design Teacher, Mr. Samuel Landete, Fairgreen
they built from recycled wood. Students even             is one of only a handful of schools in the region
came to school over the winter break to start
building a greenhouse, which they hope will
                                                         that holds this distinction. "We're honored to be      ASHK EXPANSION PLANS
                                                         recognized as a Common Sense® School," said
extend the growing season.                               Graeme Scott, Fairgreen's Director. "By preparing      The research is quite clear with respect to the
                                                         our students to use technology safely and              characteristics of successful schools. Always
The rooftop garden allows students to                    responsibly, we are providing them an opportunity      at or near the top of the list of factors are high
experiment with plant species, test hydroponics          to build lifelong habits to help them succeed in a     standards and expectations along with a clear
systems, solve water conservation challenges             tech-driven world."                                    and shared focus. In addition, there is a body of
and use the information they have learned in                                                                    evidence which indicates that school climate,
class to solve real world problems. The addition         Fairgreen has demonstrated its commitment to           resources, and facilities aligned to best practice
of the greenhouse allows students to use                 taking a whole-community approach to preparing         programs are critical factors for school success
design principles and engineering skills to build                                                               and that these have been associated with higher
                                                         its students to think critically and use technology
something that will be used by the rest of the                                                                  academic achievement and healthy behavioral
                                                         responsibly to learn and create. Fairgreen
community. In the future, students can plan and                                                                 outcomes for students.
                                                         implements Common Sense® Education's
add items they think would improve the building.         innovative and research-based digital citizenship
It’s not just a rooftop garden, it’s a science lab for                                                          At American School Hong Kong, the school has
                                                         resources, which were created in collaboration         begun an exciting building project to coincide with
real world experiments!                                  with researchers from Project Zero, led by             the expansion of the secondary school program.
                                                         Howard Gardner at the Harvard Graduate School          This will result in the full renovation of the top two
                                                         of Education, and are grounded in real issues
REALIZING DREAMS                                         faced by students and teachers. The resources
                                                                                                                floors of the 7-story building. Additional facilities
                                                                                                                will include a library, music room, blackbox theatre,
In a continued effort to support the overall             teach students, educators, and parents tangible        rooftop garden, student lounge, 12 classrooms,
wellbeing of its students, Fairgreen officially          skills related to internet safety, protecting online   and a secondary school cafeteria.
launched the DREAMS Wellbeing Program. Led               reputations and personal privacy, media balance,
by Head of Counselling Jackie Greenwood with             managing online relationships, and media literacy.
the support from Inclusion Lead Alison Scott, as         amazing energy from the sun!                           THIRD GRADE CONTENT
well as the school’s Wellbeing Team, DREAMS                                                                     CREATORS
stands for Drive, Relationships, Emotions,
Accomplishment, Mindfulness, and Service. The
program encapsulates the culture of care and
                                                         AMERICAN SCHOOL HONG KONG                              Like most schools around the world, ASHK has
                                                                                                                toggled back and forth between learning at home
many ongoing efforts the school initiated since its      (ASHK)                                                 and learning in school during the COVID-19
                                                                                                                pandemic. Because of this, the Grade 3
inception to prioritize student wellbeing.
                                                         A NEW PARADIGM FOR IB                                  students have become incredibly proficient at
                                                                                                                using EdTech! After learning about different
DREAMS fosters wellbeing through classroom               AUTHORIZATION                                          cultures, students worked on Apple Clips, a free
visits, one-to-one meetings, group activities
and special celebrations and programs, including                                                                and easy- to-use video creation app. Students
                                                         Many aspects of a school’s operations have been        worked to combine pictures and videos with
Wellbeing Week, Anti-Bullying Week, and World
                                                         altered as a result of COVID-19. At ASHK, we           captions and music. They showed incredible
Teacher Day. The team started a Wellbeing
                                                         have toggled between e-learning and face-to-           engagement while explaining their understanding
Champions Club where students spread cheer
                                                         face learning over the past 12 months. With that,      of cultures, then they enjoyed sharing their
across campus, and they designed and created
                                                         we have successfully learned to transition our         original and informative creations with each other
the Fairgreen Wellbeing Hub, a special room
within the school that is used as a calm space for       parent/teacher conferences, assemblies, awards         even while at home. When asked for feedback on
DREAMS and other mindfulness activities.                 ceremonies, coffee mornings etc. from live             creating their videos, their answers consistently
                                                         sessions to virtual.                                   contained the words “fun,” “interesting,” and
Through this programme, Fairgreen’s Wellbeing                                                                   that this allowed them the opportunity to be
Team provides a service that is both preventative        One additional aspect has been our application         “more creative.” Miles H wrote, “I like it and I get
and responsive to students’ needs, supporting            for IB authorization. Whereas, in a world without      sucked into the app.” Authentic use of EdTech
the aims of the school’s social and emotional            the need to grapple with a pandemic, schools           can help students develop their confidence to
curriculum. The team strives to know the                 would typically gear up for a live, multi-day visit    share their voice in the world. And based on their
students’ strengths and challenges while helping                                                                recommendations, it’s undeniably fun!
them to develop their values, character and social

In November 2020, Fairgreen International School
received recognition as a Common Sense®
school by the namesake nonprofit organization
dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in a
world of media and technology. Led by the efforts

STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...
(AISE-M)                                             Several months ago, the first staff member at
                                                     AIS Egypt – Main Campus tested positive for
                                                     COVID-19. The human impact reverberated
READY, SET, CODE!                                    throughout the school as contact tracing began.
In Middle School Coding class at AISE, students      In a profound act of courage and selflessness this
learn how to break down problems, organize their     educator said to use her name, in communication
thinking, and construct solutions. The focus of      to the community, as a way of mitigating the
the course is on drawing and animation, which        stigma around contracting the virus. As hindsight
are the building blocks of video games! Students     brings clarity to much of the human experience,
first outline their ideas using flowcharts. The      this act set the tone of how AISE as a community
outcome of this process is finding out the basic     would address future positive cases. By giving
requirements of each design. What shapes are         permission to use her name others followed
being used in my drawing? How can I break down       suit. Instead of suspicious glances, staff felt
complex shapes into simpler ones? Using these        empowered by the support they knew they would           ART'S POSSIBLE!
requirements, students create modular functions      receive when bad news came. Sometimes a few
                                                     simple words bring a community together in              AIS West Middle School defied all odds by
– pieces of code that perform a single action
                                                     support of each other. AISE – Main is proud to          launching our first ever Arts Week during Hybrid
– that are used directly (e.g. to draw a square)                                                             Learning, safely in the middle of the pandemic.
or indirectly to build more complex functions        have Ms. Mary as a part of the family, and is even
                                                                                                             Creative Arts students impressed the student
(e.g. drawing a window using multiple squares).      happier that she has fully recovered and rejoined
                                                                                                             body by sharing their talents during the weeks
They then start constructing the program while       the school. Ms. Mary has made the community
                                                                                                             of December 6 and December 13. Visual Arts
continuously evaluating and redeveloping their       happier, healthier and safer.                           students displayed art in an outdoor, socially
code following the design cycle. Students                                                                    distanced gallery, which included a group doodle
learn how to think critically and algorithmically                                                            mural. Drama students performed one act plays,
while collaborating on challenging,
self-directed projects.
                                                     AMERICAN SCHOOL IN EGYPT-WEST                           including an original piece written and directed by
                                                                                                             Grade 7 student, Hassan Kandil. Our dance team
                                                     (AISE-W)                                                entertained classmates during lunch with live
                                                                                                             performances throughout the weeks. The Lynx
THAT CHRISTMAS FEELING                               AISE - WEST GOES GREEN!                                 Band wowed an outdoor audience with full band
                                                                                                             performances of “Eye of the Tiger,” “Party Rock,”
This December, first graders at AISE-Main started    The AISE - West PTO Community Building                  and “We Were Young.” We are all so proud of our
off their Social Studies unit, “Connections and      Committee first announced their “Go Green”              young artists and are excited for an even better
Conflict,” by exploring feelings. They focused       campaign in January 2018. It was the first school       COVID-free 2021 Arts Week next fall.
on how they feel, how others feel and how their      in Egypt to install a hydroponic system on campus.
actions contribute to these feelings. As the unit    Today this produces 120 crops that grow in 4-5
coincided with the holiday season, Grade 1D
further learnt about the importance of spreading
                                                     weeks. The “Go Green” campaign was a huge
                                                     success! Students were part of the entire process,      CAIRO ENGLISH SCHOOL (CES)
kindness around this time. A Christmas tree in       helping with with seeding, planting, harvesting,
class was decorated with a “light of kindness”       and even selling the crops. They sold more than
                                                                                                             ACADEMICS VS. REALITY
(paper bulb) whenever an act of kindness was         300 lettuce heads, and are planning to continue
                                                                                                             To create well-rounded and well-educated
done or received in class. Additionally, a holiday   planting and running their farm to raise more
                                                                                                             graduates, CES has been making links with the
kindness challenge saw each family receiving a       funds in order to expand their project. They are
                                                                                                             Nestle company to help engage students in
Santa cutout, with his long beard divided into 12    excited to spread and share their enthusiasm
                                                                                                             their business curriculum coverage. On a trip to
sections, each a challenge. The aim was to spread    about Urban Agriculture. This year, the PTO team
                                                                                                             the Nestle factory students had the chance to
kindness by cutting off the whole beard, section     was able to install a new system in the school’s
                                                                                                             experience firsthand how a real-world company
by section as the challenges were completed!         desert garden. This system uses automatic
                                                                                                             implements marketing, production, supply
One student, Ryan Ball, took the mission to          irrigation with a water tank. Both systems are
                                                                                                             chains, and to gain an insight into the operational
heart, firmly embracing that spreading kindness,     water and energy efficient, thus reducing resource
                                                                                                             management process.
not presents, was the true spirit of the season.     consumption, subsequently reducing pollution
Together with his family, he completed the entire    and minimizing the environmental impact of
challenge earnestly, with a mini celebration                                                                 The experience had a direct impact on the
                                                     excess water and energy use.
marking the end. His elder sister was inspired to                                                            subject understanding and led to several
create her own Santa’s Beard challenge as well!                                                              work placements. The impact of this visit also
                                                     HAPPY NEW BEGINNINGS                                    motivated several senior students to enter the
                                                                                                             World Economic Cup, WEC, making them the
                                                     AND BOOKS!                                              first and only Egyptian competitors in a worldwide
                                                     2020 was a year of challenges and changes.              competition, where a CES student proudly placed
                                                     The AIS Egypt-West Secondary School Library             in the top 30 students among competitors across
                                                     has a new librarian, Maureen Johnson, and new           33 different countries.
                                                     ideas. Some of these changes have included
                                                     re-organizing and brightening up the Secondary
                                                     School Library. Housed under our fabulously
                                                     naturally-lit dome, eye-catching book displays
                                                     make the space more attractive and user friendly
                                                     for our students and faculty. Christmas came
                                                     early this year with 44 gorgeous new books
                                                     recently purchased from the American University
                                                     in Cairo Press. “Meet Someone New,” is a newly
                                                     created biography section which includes many
                                                     interesting and famous people. We invite visitors
                                                     to get reacquainted with or discover a new
                                                     personality. Lastly, if you liked the movie, you will
                                                     love the book! This January we are featuring over
                                                     100 amazing books in our collection which have
                                                     been turned into films and TV series. We can’t
                                                     wait to have our school community come by and
                                                     visit us soon!

                                                                                                                                                STRIDES | 7
STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...
COMPANY OF THE YEAR                                                                                                STUDENT COUNCIL 2021
VOSS TECH, a company created by IB2 students              AMERICAN SCHOOL BAHRAIN (ASB)                            As a new school, ASB’s Student Council has
at CES, participated in an inter-school Egyptian                                                                   been very fortunate to be involved in many
entrepreneurship competition organized                                                                             foundational activities and start new traditions!
by INJAZ, successfully obtaining the title of
                                                                                                                   It has been a year of firsts. These include the
“Company of the Year 2020.” VOSS TECH
                                                                                                                   school’s mascot (go Eagles!), special activities
introduced high-tech pet products that aim to
                                                                                                                   at the school, a selection of charities to support
facilitate an easier life for people globally. Students
                                                                                                                   and develop ASB’s brand new House System.
identified a niche market by noticing that Egyptian
consumers have become more aware of the joys                                                                       The senior Grade 9 class held elections in early
of keeping pets along with responsible ownership.                                                                  December in order to put together an executive
The students created a machine, “pet-time,”                                                                        along with classroom representatives, in order
that not only dispenses food but also has a self-                                                                  to lead school initiatives. Their first task was to
activated timer and facial recognition options.                                                                    build a “House System.” Students decided on the
Pet-time allows users to feed, communicate with                                                                    theme of mythical creatures to represent the
and watch their pets whilst outside their home to                                                                  houses. The student body provided names and
make sure they were safe and well cared for when                                                                   designs for these four different creatures. Over
owners were not at home.                                                                                           twenty students submitted their artwork for the
                                                                                                                   design of the creatures. The senior students on
                                                                                                                   each team decided the best name and design for
BREAKING NEWS! DINOSAURS                                                                                           their house. The names will be announced to the
                                                                                                                   student body very soon. The ninth graders will be
INVADE CES                                                                                                         ASB’s senior-most class for the next four years,
One of the challenges of Early Years education                                                                     an honor that gives them a special privilege as
is to provide opportunities for writing that are                                                                   well as the unique opportunity to leave a lasting
both purposeful and meaningful to the child. By                                                                    impression on the future of the school!
planning around students’ interests and providing
hooks that engage their imaginations, Early Years
practitioners can provide the stimulus for children
to do their best independent writing. Based
                                                                                                                   AMERICAN SCHOOL IN CYPRUS
around the fascination that CES’ current co-hort                                                                   (AISC)
had with dinosaurs, the EYFS team planned a
Dinosaur Invasion in the Early Years. With an             WATER SMART                                              AISC SAFETY MEASURES
e-mail from the head that led to an investigation
of our outdoor environment, students uncovered
                                                                                                                   LAUDED BY MINISTRY
                                                          ASB recently announced a collaboration with
dinosaur footprints, bones and even dinosaur              Royal Life Saving Bahrain (RLSB) to jointly facilitate   At the beginning of the school year, the Minister
eggs! The excitement caused by these                      a robust swimming and water safety program               of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, Mr.
discoveries was immense. Students were inspired           for all ASB students, in line with international         Prodromos Prodromou, visited AISC to observe
to think critically about how these dinosaurs             standards. The partnership will also work towards        the school’s health and safety measures. He
had entered the school. They wanted to find the           utilizing the outstanding facilities at ASB to serve     was accompanied by the Director of Secondary
best way of sharing the news with the rest of our         as a community hub for swimming and water                Education, Dr. Kyprianos Louis.
school community! Even the quietest children              safety education. RLSB was established in Bahrain
were bursting with ideas, and the most reluctant          with the vision of preventing drowning related           Congratulating the staff and management of the
writers were eager to write their breaking news           death and injury and prospering from the waters          school, the Minister noted that AISC “provided
reports. Proof, if any were needed, that the best         surrounding the island. With this collaboration,         simple but very effective practical solutions,
learning really does take place when children are         all ASB students receive professional swimming           ensuring, first of all, that all the rules of health care
excited about their experiences.                          lessons at the school pool during regular school         are observed, but at the same time we have the
                                                          hours. One of the pillars at ASB is "community           regular and comfortable attendance of classes
                                                          leadership" and the school team is looking               in the classrooms. The whole school is proof
                                                          forward to working side by side with RLSB to give        that if there is the will and the right framework
                                                          local schools without access to a swimming pool,         for cooperation, solutions can be found for all
                                                          an opportunity to learn to swim and save lives in        the issues that the extraordinary circumstances
                                                          the process.                                             bring before us.” He added that the whole school
                                                                                                                   effort, supported by parents and students
                                                                                                                   following the rules of health care and mask
                                                          DESIGNING WITH EMOJI                                     wearing would be the island’s best defense during
                                                                                                                   these extraordinary times.
                                                          The ubiquity of emoji symbols in our popular
                                                          culture is so undeniable, one even made it to
                                                          Oxford Dictionary’s word of the year in 2015: “face      BRINGING HOPE TO
                                                          with tears of joy!” From ASCII emoticons in the
                                                          1980s to emoji keyboards on mobile phones, they
                                                                                                                   CHILDREN WORLDWIDE
                                                          now universally convey emotion in a text driven          AISC High School student, Kasra Mulot, has been
                                                          world. Originally meaning “pictograph,” the word         hard at work advocating for children’s rights in
                                                          emoji originates in Japanese: e (絵, "picture") +         partnership with Hope for Children (HFC), an
                                                          moji (文字, "character"). This year Grade 5 Art            international independent charity working towards
                                                          & Design students at ASB looked at emoji as a            a world where every child has a happy childhood
                                                          subject matter. This unit of work provided them          that sets them up for a positive future.
                                                          with an opportunity to develop an understanding
                                                          of this 21st-century global language, paying close       As a Children’s Rights Ambassador, Kasra
                                                          attention to emotion and color theory. Students          attended the Council of Europe’s international
                                                          explored a range of media and techniques from            conference on "Redefining Power: Strengthening
                                                          collage to ceramics, and many enjoyed the novel          the Rights of the Child as a Key to a Future-Proof
                                                          experience of sculpting with clay: “Using clay for       Europe" in Strasbourg, France. Representing HFC,
                                                          the first time was a wonderful experience and            AISC, and the children of Cyprus, he delivered a
                                                          helped develop my artistic skills in a new area,”        speech to the entire conference delegation on
                                                          remarked Dilnaz, one of the student artists. Most        "The Power of Speaking up Against Violence".
                                                          recently, students also embarked on an Adobe
                                                          Illustrator outcome.
STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...
ensure that pandas are not harmed. While building     each other. They did not give up even when they
                                                       their world on Minecraft, students reported that      experienced difficulty with certain concepts.”
                                                       they learned more about the UN Sustainable
                                                       Development Goals, nutrition preferences of           Comprised of teachers, academic coordinators
                                                       pandas, and improved their Minecraft skills! They     and principals, the UCA PD Team was founded in
                                                       are very much looking forward to participating in     2017 for the explicit purpose of developing high-
                                                       the 2021 championship later this year.                quality, prescriptive professional development,
                                                                                                             fostering collaboration and leveraging internal
                                                                                                             subject matter experts. Over the past four years,
                                                       UNIVERSAL COLLEGE - ALEY (UCA)                        the team has developed into a cohesive unit,
                                                                                                             identifying areas where support is most needed,
                                                                                                             then designing and implementing PD modules
                                                       PBL: THE ONLINE SAVIOR!                               that equip teachers to successfully address the
                                                       UCA’s adoption of online learning would not have      needs of students while continuously building into
                                                       happened as rapidly, had it not been for the multi-   and refining their practice throughout the school
                                                       faceted crisis experienced by Lebanon: economic,      year. UCA is incredibly proud of this team and
                                                       social and political instability in addition to the   appreciative of their servant leadership!
                                                       global pandemic. Living in the midst of chaos,
                                                       pedagogically, Project-Based Learning (PBL)
                                                       has been a silver lining. It set the foundations
                                                                                                             TRIBUTE: MRS. SARVER
                                                       for teamwork and provided a constructive              It is with a heavy heart we announce the passing
                                                       opportunities for students to stay connected          of Mrs. Esther Sarver, former Deputy Director and
                                                       with their classmates, and teachers with their        High School principal at UCA. Mrs. Sarver was a
                                                       colleagues. Adapting to the new norm of online        teacher and Instructional Coach for 20 years in
                                                       learning via PBL has not only involved parents        Dallas, TX before joining Esol in 2015 to serve as
                                                       in their children’s education but also developed      the Assistant Director of Universal College in Aley.
                                                       students’ 21st-century competencies faster.
                                                                                                             Mrs. Sarver served the UCA Learning Community
                                                       Students’ projects have reached a wider audience      faithfully until the end of the 2018-2019 school
Last year, he led a delegation to meet with            and they have built core knowledge and skills.        year when her illness forced her to return to
Strovolos Mayor Andreas Papacharalambous to            Flipped classroom strategies have also motivated      the U.S. Mrs. Sarver was a passionate educator
present their proposal for cooperating with the        students to become more creative in the delivery      who was tirelessly committed to the success
municipality to make Strovolos a “Child Friendly       of their work. Appreciating students’ voice and       of each individual student and the growth and
City” and to raise awareness and educate other         choice, continuous feedback and peer critique         development of our teachers. Her contributions
children on their rights and responsibilities, and     has also encouraged students to strive harder to      to UCA and the UCA learning community were
the mayor agreed to move forward with the              produce better outcomes. By creating a positive       significant and their impact will be felt for years to
initiative.                                            learning environment in classes, where mistakes       come.
                                                       are welcomed, PBL has truly been a stepping
Over the summer, he furthered his advocacy             stone to online learning success.                     “Esther Sarver was the consummate educator,
work as an intern at the charity, and designed HFC
                                                                                                             student advocate and capacity builder for
masks that were launched as part of a fund-
                                                                                                             teachers. Her addition to the UCA team in 2015
raising initiative in November marking
                                                                                                             set the stage for the significant progress we
World Children's Day. According to Kasra,
                                                                                                             have made as a school in cooperative learning,
“Children are full human beings in their own right.
                                                                                                             authentic assessment and teacher professional
They have their own lives and experiences and
                                                                                                             development. Her impact on UCA is only rivaled by
most importantly, they are more vulnerable with
                                                                                                             the loss we feel of her absence.”
less experience than adults. They should be
entitled to the same rights as adults and even
more. My favorite children’s right is the right to
be heard. I think no one can decide better than
children about children. We are brave, dynamic,
fearless, and full of hope and energy and we have
a lot to offer.”

AISC students participated in the first ever
Minecraft Global Championship held in 2020,            COLLABORATE. CONNECT
designing spaces that support a healthy
                                                       As schools globally grappled with preparations for
environment for both humans and animals. Eight
                                                       the 2020-2021 school year, UCA’s Professional
entries were selected for the championship, and
                                                       Development Team quickly focused on the two
participants were asked to develop their ideas
                                                       “Ps” of “Platforms” and “Pedagogy” for online and
through different biomes including the forest
                                                       blended learning which included Microsoft 365,
to protect honeybees, the jungle to save from
                                                       Project Based Learning, Flipped Learning and
habitat loss and fragmentation, and the beach in
                                                       Authentic Assessment.
search of ways to save sea turtles from the impact
of coastal development and beach traffic. And
                                                       Teachers experienced remarkable success due to
so was born the city of Pandalogia, built by AISC
                                                       the ongoing support of the PD team and constant
students, where citizens live in caves so they do
                                                       school-wide collaboration of instructional staff.
not disturb the pandas and help them by bringing
                                                       PD team member Janna Chehayeb, remarked, “In
them food. In return pandas do not disturb them
                                                       keeping with our UCA belief that lifelong learning
and also bring food to the citizens. Structures like
                                                       is important, teachers were ready to extend their
the Generator Guard take care of generators that
                                                       own learning by connecting and collaborating with
run 100% on solar energy and at the same time

                                                                                                                                                  STRIDES | 9
STRIDES - BAHRAIN CALLING Esol Education successfully ventures into the island kingdom with the launch of American School of Bahrain and a new ...

With an auspicious new school opening
and its first university partnership, Esol
Education deepens its commitment to
bringing American international education
to students in Bahrain and the wider region,
while expanding its global reach to a network
of 11 schools and universities.

       merican School of Bahrain (ASB), the
       newest addition to Esol Education’s
       global family of schools, is situated
on an expansive 60,000 square meter,
state-of-the-art campus. Located in Riffa,
near the Bahrain National Stadium, ASB is
home to one of the most advanced learning
environments on the island.

Designed to facilitate innovation, academic
excellence, international mindedness and
happiness, American School of Bahrain aims
to foster students who will be leaders within
their communities and beyond. The school’s
facilities include technology-enabled
classrooms, STEAM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) labs and
                                                       Undeterred by the ongoing
maker spaces. A multi-level library, equipped
with the latest digital resources, will serve
                                                    pandemic, ASB opened its doors
as a research space and learning hub, while
art studios, music rooms and performance               on schedule with a healthy
spaces build visual and performing arts skills.
ASB’s sizeable athletics complex boasts                enrollment, and is already
                                                      gaining acclaim as one of the
excellent sporting facilities, with a swimming
pool, large indoor gymnasium, basketball
courts, regulation-sized soccer field and a
400-meter track.
                                                        best schools in Bahrain.
”The Esol Education and ASB teams have
worked diligently over the past three years
                                                  Education and Elm Education Fund (Elm),        vocational education,” he added.
to bring their vision for the school to life.
                                                  a Bahrain-based education platform,
I’m proud to say that thanks to their efforts,
                                                  established by Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding      Established in 1976, Esol Education
undeterred by the ongoing pandemic, ASB
                                                  Company (Mumtalakat), the sovereign            currently operates ten schools across five
opened its doors on schedule with a healthy
                                                  wealth fund of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Elm     countries, and is the largest operator of
enrollment, and is already gaining acclaim
                                                  establishes and co-invests in world-class      international American schools in the world.
as one of the best schools in Bahrain,”
                                                  educational institutions in partnership with   The opening of the new school in Bahrain
remarked Mr. Walid Abushakra, Chairman
                                                  leading global operators.                      is a major milestone for the organization,
and Superintendent of Esol Education. “Over
                                                                                                 following closely after its entry into East
the past forty-five years we have built a
                                                  “Local demand for high quality education       Asia in 2016 with the opening of American
strong reputation of educational excellence
                                                  continues to rise with private school          School of Hong Kong (ASHK), and the
in the world of international education.
                                                  enrolment growing at almost twice the          opening of Dunecrest American School and
With its experienced leadership team, ASB
                                                  rate of public school enrolment in recent      Fairgreen International School in Dubai in
is on track to become a leading center of
                                                  years,” explained HE Khalid Al Rumaihi,        2018. Each Esol Education school is a close-
education in Bahrain, equipping our students
                                                  Mumtalakat CEO. “The American School of        knit community, bringing families together
with the essential skills they need to excel
                                                  Bahrain is a promising venture for Elm and     with the values of multiculturalism and
at top universities worldwide and in their
                                                  Mumtalakat as it addresses the changing        dedication to helping students discover their
chosen careers,” he added.
                                                  needs of an ever-changing world, from the      individual talents.
ASB is a joint venture between Esol
                                                  skills for tomorrow to quality academic and

                                                                                                                               STRIDES | 11

                Ar c h i t e c t 's No t e s
                                                                                                                                                 ld, inquiry-
                                                                                           s,  A   S B   ai  m  s  to  combine real -wor
                                                                       vative facilitie
                   at ur in g st at e- of -the-art and inno                                          in gi  ng key 21st centur
                                                                                                                                          y skills of
                Fe                                                               ch no  lo gy  ,  br
                                                                    ational te
                                        ith the latest educ                                          tivity into its clas
                based teaching w                                           in ki ng , an  d   cr  ea
                                                                      l th
                                          llaboration, critica
                 communication, co
                                                                                                                                                  mpus supports
                                                                                               hi  te ct s  En  gi nee  rs, the school’s ca
                                                                     team at THA A         rc
                                           Bennett and his                                                                                   mal student
                  D es ig ne d  by  Je ff
                                                                                      bor at  iv  e le  ar  ni ng spaces and infor
                                                                       ating colla
                                               ethos by incorpor
                  its future -focused
                   presentation area
                                                                                                                                                ool, the campus
                                                                                             S   ch oo  l  to  M   id dle and High Sch
                                                                        d Elementary                                                                      tural
                                                ildhood Center an                                                                    maintaining a na
                    From its Early Ch                                          ate learning envi
                                                                                                           ro nm   en  ts  w  hi  le
                                                      built, age appropri                                                                              t commons,
                    incorpor    at es pu  rp   os e-
                                                                                                     co  m   m on    ar ea  s  such as the studen
                                                                          rconnected with                                                           teachers to
                            th ro ug ho  ut  .  Cl assrooms are inte                                             B  re ak-out areas allow
                     flow                                                                  d    ca fe  te ri a.
                                                                         ning hub an                                                                  other's
                                                , playgrounds, lear                                                            d build on one an
                     athletics complex                                           ling them to         sh  ar  e  id ea  s  an
                                                         aller groups enab                                                                         to extend their
                      divide    st ud en ts    in to  sm
                                                                                                 sp ac  es   of fe r  st udents the chance
                                                                            oor learning
                                                  large, covered outd
                       experiences while
                                                    e classroom walls.
                       learning beyond th
                                                                                                                                                        ate natural
                                                                                                        at  io n  of  th  e  bu  ildings to incorpor
                                                                              clude the orient                                                     the classrooms
                              er  no ta bl e   on  -c ampus features in                                             ga in   with majority of
                        Oth                                                                      so la  r  he  at
                                                                            tal impact of                                                                   solar
                                                     e the environmen                                                                  while maximizing
                        light and minimiz                                                reduce dire         ct  su  n  ex  po  su re
                                         th    an  d  so uth  facing windows to                                                id e  sh ad ed  ga thering points to
                                    nor                                                                                    ov
                         having                                                               exterior areas pr
                                              l.  Fu  rth er m or e, spacious covered                                                  le to students from th
                                                                                                                                                                e interior
                             er gy  co nt ro                                                                        ar e  ac  ce ss ib
                          en                                                           torium facilities                                                 contributing to
                                      m er   he   at  w hi le the gym and audi                                                  rk ing area, thereby
                          the sum                                                                         ro  ug h   th e  pa
                                                                                    the public th
                                  e ca m  pu   s  w ith  separate access for
                           of th
                           a safe and secure

Esol Education is excited to announce that it has concluded a
strategic partnership with the Elm Education Fund in respect
of the American University of Bahrain (AUBH).

        long with the newly acquired
        strategic stake, Esol Education
        will play an active role in the         [Esol Education’s] reputation for
development of the institution with
two of its representatives joining the          academic excellence, experience
                                                  in the region, and longstanding
Board of Directors of AUBH. Speaking
on behalf of the Elm Education Fund,
member of the AUBH Board of Directors,
Mr. Marwan Tabbara, shared, “We are
excited to welcome Esol Education as a
                                                   relationships with American-
strategic partner in AUBH and expand the
scope of their involvement across the fund.         based academic institutions
                                                     will be a great asset to the
Their reputation for academic excellence,
experience in the region, and longstanding
relationships with American-based
academic institutions will be a great asset
to the partners and academic leadership of
                                                       partners and academic
AUBH, and further support the University’s
development and growth.”                              leadership of AUBH, and
Through this new partnership Esol
Education seeks to provide an attractive
                                                 further support the University’s
regional higher-education pathway for
students enrolled in its K-12 schools across
                                                     development and growth.
the Middle East and internationally. It also
intends to leverage its established network     partnership with the Elm Education Fund, which opened its doors to
in the development of new educational           students in the Kingdom of Bahrain in September 2020. ASB offers a holistic and challenging
partnerships for AUBH, as it has most           American and international educational program with experienced leadership, dedicated and
recently done with the introduction of          caring educators and state-of-the-art facilities.
California State University Northridge
(CSUN) as a proposed academic partner
to AUBH, providing AUBH students with
opportunities to study abroad in the United
States of America and complete their
studies in the State of California.

Renowned for its commitment to advancing
high quality American education within
the Middle East for over 44 years, Esol
Education has earned its status as a trusted
partner. Its Superintendent and Chairman,
Walid Abushakra, commented, “We are
excited to be playing a role in AUBH, which
is destined to become the Kingdom of
Bahrain’s leading institution of higher
learning. The planned academic partnership
with CSUN will support the University in
fulfilling its promise to produce thousands
of young graduates with the skills needed to
contribute to Bahrain’s future success in the
global economy. Esol Education’s strategic
stake in AUBH underscores our long-term
commitment to the educational landscape
in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the wider

Esol Education has also recently established
the American School of Bahrain (ASB) in
                                                                                                                             STRIDES | 13

Dean Joyce Feucht-Haviar from CSUN’s Tseng College
discusses the evolution of a new partnership with Esol
Education and American University of Bahrain (AUBH) and the
future of higher education in a post-COVID world.

     ollowing the recent announcement of        education. When Walid contacted me some
     Esol Education’s strategic educational     years ago about exploring a new university
     partnership with American University       project with CSUN in Egypt, I knew that we
of Bahrain (AUBH) and California State          could count on Esol being a solid partner
University, Northridge (CSUN), STRIDES          that shared a commitment to educational
caught up with Dean Joyce Feucht-Haviar,        excellence. Esol also had the capacity and
University Senior International Officer &       experience to make a new university work
Dean of The Tseng College for Graduate,         on all administrative fronts. Without CSUN’s
International, and Midcareer Education          and my own personal experience with Walid
at CSUN. Under her leadership, The              and Esol, embarking on a sizeable project
Tseng College has won many accolades,           halfway across the planet would not be
establishing itself as a leader in innovative   something CSUN would normally consider.
program design, winning awards for program      However, with Esol we found a partner
excellence; developing the capacity to          that shared our purpose and values, and
create and manage distinctive custom-           it seemed like a perfectly sensible thing to
designed and contracted programs;               do. When the organization began another        too. Individual employers need to evolve
expanding its degree, certificate and           collaboration in the Kingdom of Bahrain, it    with increasing agility. Organizations are
professional development programs;              invited CSUN to help implement a higher        transforming and pivoting, and may evolve
and establishing innovative international       university model through an educational        into a completely different business model
partnerships. Here, Dean Feucht-Haviar          partnership with the American University of    in the future – car companies become
shares some insights into the future of         Bahrain.                                       transportation companies or mobility
higher education:                                                                              companies and reimagine what is possible.
                                                What do you see as the key priorities for      What will engineering be when it is shaped
Can you tell us about the history of            the future development of the American         by virtual reality, living materials, and or
CSUN’s relationship with Esol Education         University of Bahrain (AUBH)?                  AI? The university-prepared workforce is
and the factors that led CSUN to pursue                                                        now expected to be far more conceptually
collaboration with Esol?                        I don’t think that it has escaped anyone’s     agile the ever before. Innovation, solution
                                                notice that the worlds of work and             design, breadth of education that empowers
I was first introduced to Esol Education by     professional practice are changing in          imagination and analytic capacities are now
a colleague at CSUN over 15 years ago.          fundamental ways. The knowledge, skills,       essential professional capabilities across
The organization had been working with          and abilities needed for success in that       nearly all fields and disciplines.
CSUN on programs and services to support        changing context are, in turn, changing
teachers at its international schools. Esol’s
Chairman, Walid Abushakra
invited me into the world of

                                        COVID-19 has forced a time for
international schools, and
we seemed to find many
things to talk about in the
world of education, at all
levels. I soon discovered           invention, creative problem solving,
that he was highly regarded
in this sphere as a visionary
committed to educational
                                         mutual support, and more. As
excellence, not only at his own
schools but in the overall field of
                                        COVID fades from the planet in
international education; as well as a
remarkably astute businessperson.      the years ahead, I predict that all
                                     educators would have been pushed
He made his vision a reality
by prioritizing excellence and
educational values as the
foundations of a highly successful
school network. Walid and I shared    to rethink the role and application
                                          of technologies in achieving
that odd combination. .
In my field, institutions must be
innovative and self-supporting
if they are to harness the
transformative potential of higher           educational outcomes.
The national and international conversations     programs for more than 20 years. Those          In general, students at CSUN are very
about the future of higher education, the        programs are carefully crafted, and, in turn,   comfortable with technology, but having
future of the economy, and the future of         have exceptionally high student success         their classes all online was a challenge, not
the global world of work have all recognized     rates. To make that happen, CSUN has            because of the technology, but because
these challenges. However, recognizing           built a team of instructional designers to      of the isolation and disconnection from
it is one thing and making radical change        work with faculty developing and teaching in    their usual ways of engaging with other
is another if you are a well-established         CSUN online programs. Further, CSUN had         students to work their way through
university. AUBH, as a new university with       the good fortune to literally “fall down” in    challenging classes. The increasing online
an expansive vision, can aspire to model         an earthquake in 1994! I say “good fortune”     instructional skills, which included a lot of
what higher education needs to be to             because all such natural disasters (likely      focus on approaches to expanding student
prepare students for success and leadership      including COVID) are unimaginably painful       engagement, has helped. Because CSUN
in the world today – thought leaders and         and destructive, but the world that emerges     also has students from diverse economic
creators as well as leading professionals.       after is not the same. While that includes      contexts, some students did not have their
Working in partnership with CSUN, one            the hardship of dealing with things lost,       own laptops and their residences didn’t
of the largest universities in California,       it also opens a path to new possibilities.      have Wi Fi. The university acted quickly even
AUBH and CSUN faculty will together              CSUN’s new impressive campus is in part         with increasingly constrained resources to
create a purposefully interconnected             due to the fact that the university was able    ensure students had what they needed to
breadth of education that links to college       to rethink and rebuild its campus over the      keep their education moving forward. No
majors in a way that is designed to prepare      ten years that followed. CSUN faculty had       small challenge.
a different kind of graduate -one that is        to learn to teach in new ways and in new
conceptually sophisticated, committed to         spaces, including exploring the potential       I should also mention that the CSUN
values and to making a positive difference.      of online education. CSUN today has a           instructional design team offered several
A knowledgeable, innovative and engaged          large number of faculty members who             series of webinars on instructional
professional that is a ready explorer of new     have embraced and taught one another            strategies for delivering online courses,
information and possibilities, expecting         to use virtual options. This has led to a       including syllabus development, assignment
tomorrow to be different than today and to       particular approach to faculty development      design, student engagement, and the like.
play a meaningful part in making it so.          and a faculty technology center. With the       These webinars were also made available to
                                                 onset of the pandemic, CSUN called on           AUBH faculty, just one of the ways we put
The current COVID-19 pandemic has had            all its online/virtual education resources      our collaboration in action!
huge implications for traditional education      starting in March 2020 to support faculty in
for schools and universities, accelerating       changing instructional modes. We offered        What changes or innovations should we
the availability of online offerings. How has    lots of professional development programs,      expect to see in higher education as a
the current learning framework at CSUN           acquired some of the latest educational         result of the COVID-19 pandemic?
supported its students?                          technologies, and provided those who
                                                 needed it (faculty and students) with           COVID took away a lot of the ability to
While CSUN has a very big and impressive         laptops and hot spots for expanded Wi Fi        “assume.” It is a quiet kind of natural
campus (you should visit sometime), it           connections.                                    disaster. You sit in your home – you don’t
has delivered distinctive fully online/virtual                                                   see it outside, you don’t hear it, and yet
                                                                                                                                STRIDES | 15
You can also read