Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine

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Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine
                                                          The magazine for global video

                                  TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid
                                        The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                                                                               April 2019

                                                                                                                            8K TV
                                                                                                                            ATSC 3.0
                                                                                                                            Apple SVOD analysis

                      Streaming is entering a new phase
                      June 2016
                           • OTT, VoD, Cloud TV, Cable, Satellite, IPTV, DTT, IoT • The latest news, views and features
Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine
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Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine
Contents                                                                                                                                                                                                TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid

                                                          The magazine for global video
                                                                                                                                                       20 Interactive TV                                            The leading media for video delivery technology

                                                                                                                                                       Will Bandersnatch popularise branching

                                  TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid
                                        The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                                                                               April 2019                              narratives and storytelling?
                                                                                                                                 8K TV

                                                                                                                                                       21 Live OTT sports                              Editor

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Goran Nastic
                                                                                                                                 ATSC 3.0

                                                                                                                                                       How to improve the Quality of Experience
                                                                                                                                 Apple SVOD analysis

                      Streaming is entering a new phase
                                                                                                                                                       27 Blockchain in DRM                            Camilla Capece
                                                                                                                                                       The role it can play in future digital rights   Daniel Torelli
                      June 2016
                           • OTT, VoD, Cloud TV, Cable, Satellite, IPTV, DTT, IoT • The latest news, views and features

1_Cover.indd 1                                                                                                       19/03/2019 10:59:19

05 News & analysis
                                                                                                                                                       28 ATSC 3.0                                     Design and production
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Matt Mills (Manager)
                                                                                                                                                       Is it in danger of missing the boat?
06 Data corner: Apple SVOD                                                                                                                                                                             Jessica Harrington
Assessing Apple’s video streaming service
                                                                                                                                                       32 Building live OTT                            Regular contributors
                                                                                                                                                       Live content distribution over the internet     Adrian Pennington, Philip Hunter,
08 COVER STORY: DTC                                                                                                                                                                                    David Adams, Stephen Cousins,
Get ready for the next wave of (mega)                                                                                                                                                                  Anna Tobin
direct-to-consumer services                                                                                                                            34 CSI Awards 2019
                                                                                                                                                       All the categories in full                      Circulation
12 Low latency streaming                                                                                                                                                                               Joel Whitefoot
A CDN mechanism for reducing latency                                                                                                                   35 Media in the cloud
                                                                                                                                                       Accelerating file transfer in the cloud         Accounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Marilou Tait, Mohamad Saidani
13 Machine Learning
From ingest and metadata to                                                                                                                            41 Industry column: 8K TV                       Editorial
recommendations, discover how media                                                                                                                    The DTG zooms in on 8K television               tel +44(0)20 7562 2401
companies are increasingly relying on ML                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                       43 Connected entertainment
                                                                                                                                                       Towards a more connected world                  Advertising
19 VPNs and geolocation                                                                                                                                                                                tel +44(0)20 7562 4382
IP intelligence and geo-location is growing                                                                                                                                                  
in importance
                                                                                                                                                       50 Technology corner: IMF                       tel +44(0)20 7562 2438
                                                                                                                                                       The DPP on the progress of the standard


Editor’s report:                                                                                                                                                                                       tel +44 (0) 20 1635 588 861
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Circulation manager: joel.whitefoot@
             As OTT approaches maturity, the streaming market is entering the next phase in                                                                                                  
             its evolution. On the one hand, this will involve increasing business model
             diversification, including experimentation with ad-supported tiers. DAZN is the                                                                                                           Subscription rates
             most recent platform to go down this route, and even Netflix is thinking about it                                                                                                         Per year: Europe £88; UK £68;
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rest of World £98. Cheques payable to
             in some shape or form. At the same time, a new wave of direct-to-consumer
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Perspective Publishing
services is coming, led by some of the world’s largest media & entertainment brands that will                                                                                                          Limited and addressed to the
further shake up the market. The two developments are not necessarily mutually exclusive.                                                                                                              Circulation Department
Interestingly, these trends are coinciding with the launch of Apple’s long-rumoured and long-
awaited video streaming service, more thoughts on which can be seen on page 8 in the                                                                                                                   Printed by Buxton Press
analysis by Ampere’s Guy Bisson. Goran Nastic                                                                                                                                                          Managing Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                       John Woods

                                                                                                                                                                     Perspective Publishing            Publishing Director
                                                                                                                                                                     3 London Wall Buildings
                                                                                                                                                                     London                            Mark Evans
                                                                                                        2019                                                         EC2M 5PD
                                                                                                                                                                ISSN 1467-5935

                                                                                                                                                                                               April 2019                03
Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine

news in brief                  How do broadcasters approach AV1?
JP Morgan forecasts            Much has been written about      Stockhammer of Qualcomm           “I’ve been talking to
160m Disney+ subs              how the AOMedia grouping         at the DVB World 2019, a          broadcasters to understand
Disney’s direct-to-            could ruffle feathers with its   gathering of the global DVB-      what their needs are and I
consumer streaming             new AV1 codec whose spec         based broadcaster community       think the companies we had
service could accumulate       was frozen around NAB 2018       “With MPEG it was very            come together work on AV1
as many as 160 million         time. While the FAANGs are       clear, there were go-to people.   included profiles that are
subscribers globally, thinks   committed to deploying it,       But here, who is doing the        important for broadcasters.
JP Morgan. Analyst Alexia      and the four main browser        legwork, where do I go to,        So when I talk to
Quadrani reckons Disney+       vendors are on-board, the big    who supports me in all            broadcasters, those looking at
will ultimately be able to     question is how AV1 might be     these detailed issues? If I       upgrading to a next-gen
attract 45m subscribers        adopted by traditional non-      have a user case or a             codec, this becomes an
domestically in the US and     internet/OTT players.            problem how do I get into         attractive path for them, even
115 internationally for a        “There needs to be an          this, how can I be heard?         if it’s just in the back end.
total of 160m subscribers,     effort to support the            Are things controlled or is it       “There are companies who
depending on when Disney       ecosystem, because if            really open?”                     have invested significant
gets some of its content       something gets broadly             In reply, Nathan Egge of        resources in building this and
rights back. “We view          adopted you need to work on      Mozilla said that the process     they have committed to
streaming services as a        maintenance and addressing       of becoming a member of the       deploy and those people will
positive addition to           additional use cases. And        Alliance is very much open.       be there throughout the
Disney’s ecosystem,”           someone needs to put             “I think we have been as          lifecycle of this format.”
Quadrani said. Previously,     forward the resources and        forthcoming as possible to           Egge noted that the large
Moffett- Nathanson             make sure these things are       bring people in who have real     streaming players chose AV1
estimated Disney+ could        executed all the way to the      concerns and make the             not because it is royalty-free
attract about 2.4m             integration, support those       format cover as many use          but because it is technically
members in the US by the       who want to use the              cases as possible, I think        superior to alternatives,
end of its first year.         technology,” argued Thomas       there is an openness to that.     though this is up for debate.

Bx-WiFi targets hotspot
video congestion               SYFY and Sky to debut ambitious new VR
A new technology called
Broadcast WiFi could offer     and AR experience
a way of solving the           The SYFY is bringing a new       devices. It will blend
problems of wireless           science fiction experience,      elements of theatre,
reception and transmission     Eleven Eleven, in late May       gaming and cinema
in high-traffic venues like    2019, in a project influenced    with immersive
sports stadiums and music      by immersive theatre,            technologies.
festivals. Global Invacom      using storytelling techniques       Tethered VR
is partnering with             that enable users to             headsets will launch
Edgewater Wireless             view the action from             on Oculus Rift, HTC
Systems for the further        multiple perspectives.           Vive/ Vive Pro and
development of Bx-WiFi, a         Launching on various          PlayStation VR, with
technology they claim          virtual reality platforms and    a length over 90
enables live, high quality     AR devices, the story is set     minutes. Mobile VR
and large-scale event video    to test the consumer appetite    devices (70 minute duration)      interconnected characters
streaming over an 802.11       for long-form scripted           will launch on Oculus Go and      and their stories, with over
network. “This partnership     content in VR and                Samsung Gear VR. The AR           90 minutes of content
could set a new record         AR environments.                 version (also 70 minutes          to explore.
number for video                  Eleven Eleven will launch     long) is developed for iOS          Sky VR will partner with
streaming to a device on       with three custom                devices using ARKit.              SYFY in Sky territories in the
each hotspot,” they said.      experiences designed for            Users will have the ability    UK and Europe (Germany,
Tested by the BBC, it          tethered VR headsets,            to control their experience by    Spain and Italy) on the
could compliment 5G.           mobile VR headsets and AR        following a group of              release of Eleven Eleven.

04   April 2019
Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine

Sky continues OTT-focused evolution and                                                             news in brief

service integration with Comcast                                                                    LTE-over-satellite
                                                                                                    Chipmaker Sequans
UK-based satellite and                                                                              Communications and
broadband provider Sky has                                                                          aerospace giant Lockheed
long been one of the world’s                                                                        Martin are enabling LTE
most innovative technology                                                                          end-user devices to
companies and this track                                                                            connect directly to GEO
record is continuing in 2019                                                                        in what they describe as
with the launch of the Sky X                                                                        being the world’s first
streaming service in Austria         “Sky X is not just a more       solutions within AdSmart       LTE-over-satellite solution.
and deeper integration with       expensive version of Now TV,       brings together                For this purpose, Sequans
Comcast under the ownership       nor is Sky X a poor man’s          NBCUniversal’s Audience        engineers modified their
of the US cable network.          Sky Q, it represents the           Studio advanced targeting      existing LTE chips to
   First to Sky X, an             fundamental cannibalisation        solutions alongside Sky’s      enable a new LTE-to-
IP-delivered pay TV offering      of a company’s core business,      addressable advertising        satellite communication
that is something of a blend      which significant market           tools. Sky was one of the      specification developed by
of Sky Q and Now TV.              changes have forced it             first movers in Europe with    Lockheed Martin to take
   The app will be rolled out     to do,” noted analyst              addressable advertising with   advantage of the huge
to mobile devices, Samsung        Thomas Flanagan of                 its AdSmart solution, now      satellite opportunity now
and LG smart TVs, PCs, and        Rethink Faultline.                 over 5 years old, which        developing for M2M and
PlayStation 4 consoles, as           “Over two years ago, when       breaks down customer           IoT applications. Startup
well as through dedicated         Sky first announced its plans      demographics such as           UbiquitiLink is also testing
hardware in the form of           to take Sky Q broadband-           age, postal code and           technology with MNOs
the Sky X streaming               only, we shouted from the          viewing packages to better     that could connect most
device (pictured).                rooftops how the move was          segment the audience for       existing smartphones
   The full Sky line up of live   trendsetting and fearless – a      advertising purposes.          directly to a satellite.
channels and sports content       term we don’t use lightly –           Combined with Audience
is included, as are on-demand     and still Sky remains the only     Studio, it can target          Canal+ rethinks SVOD
series such as Game of            obvious tier 1 pay TV              audiences through the          strategy with launch
Thrones and movies, and           operator embracing online          widespread reach of            French broadcaster Canal
popular channels from the         video with such open arms.         national TV, leveraging        Plus has announced a new
likes of Disney, Discovery        Sky, of course has the             Comcast set-top box data in    SVoD service called
and NBCUniversal. It also         resources, reach and funding       the US and Sky set-top box     Canal+Series as a
comes bundled with                to make such dramatic              data in the UK for a total     replacement of its folded
broadcast free-to-air (FTA)       changes to its business model      data set of more than 50       CanalPlay offer. Prices
channels, including ORF 1 &       – even prior to Comcast            million households.            start at EUR6.99 per
2 in HD, RTL and Arte HD          ownership – but increasingly          Other initiatives are       month, with tiers up to
among others.                     those operators which don’t        already underway too. Sky      11.99 covering four user.
   All three options are on a     follow suit soon do so at their    will be bringing Comcast’s     The subscription will offer
monthly rolling contract with     own risk,” Flanagan said.          own voice interface to its     5,000 episodes across 150
fixed rates. The packages            In related news, Sky and        Sky Q box later this year,     current series, with several
start at EUR19.99 a month,        NBCUniversal are combining         and its broadband              new productions in the
with a EUR24.99 tier and a        their advanced advertising         customers in Italy will be     pipeline. Around 90% of
EUR34.99 all-in package.          platforms as Comcast pursues       able to use Comcast’s xFi      the content will be
   Analysts expect Sky to         integration opportunities now      digital dashboard to manage    exclusive to Canal Plus,
rollout its service in other      that it has acquired the           their home WiFi. Sky CEO       including deals with
markets if it proves a success    UK-based company. This             Jeremy Darroch said clear      Showtime and FX. It
in Austria. Sky’s footprint       unification of capabilities        benefits are flowing in both   comes eight months after
currently covers the UK,          marks the first joint              directions less than six       CanalPlay shut down.
Ireland, Austria, Germany,        advertising initiative following   months after his company       Netflix, which starts at
Italy and Spain (that is          Comcast’s acquisition of Sky.      became a part of the           EUR9.99/month has
expected to grow too).               The new joint set of            Comcast empire.                around 5m subs in France.

                                                                                   April 2019     05
Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine
Data corner

I                                         Apple TV: Peeling
       s Apple’s imminent launch
       of an Subscription Video on
       Demand (SVoD) service the

                                          back strategies for
       longest mooted product
       launch in history? It certainly
       seems like it. But where

                                          a crowded market
       there was once only talk,
the last year has seen real
progress, not least in original
production. Apple is now a player
of note alongside its FAANG (Apple
                                          Apple’s upcoming SVOD service coincides
+ Facebook, Amazon, Netflix,              with the streaming market on the verge
Google) peers. With just 29 shows
in production or development,             of a new phase of business model
it’s still early days to derive too
much about its long-term strategy,        diversification. Guy Bisson of Ampere
but clues as to where Apple will
position its offer are already
                                          Analysis delves into the company’s video
apparent. And positioning is              plans, strengths and weaknesses
key now that the SVoD and
streaming TV market is a pretty           of streaming services households are       rush. Apple’s move into original
crowded place.                            willing to take is capping out, at         production is well underway, it is
    Late market entry can sometimes be    least in more saturated streaming          ahead of both Facebook Watch and
a good thing, leaving the company time    markets; and with studio majors all        Google’s YouTube in terms of shows
to work out what works and what           advanced with their own plans to           in development (although both
doesn’t in a new competitive space.       launch direct-to-consumer steaming         Facebook and YouTube already have
   But the issue for any new SVoD or      offers, content acquisition is becoming    a decent number of originals completed,
Advertising-supported Video on            more difficult.                            where Apple has only two). But
Demand (AVoD) entrant is two-fold:          The content challenge is one reason      Apple is a minnow compared to
there is early evidence that the number   that original production is the new gold   both Amazon and Netflix in terms of
                                                                                     its forward production slate. And
                                                                                     Amazon and Netflix benefited from
                                                                                     being early market entrants with
                                                                                     arguably easier access to acquired
                                                                                     content at a time when studios and
                                                                                     other producers were eager to license to
                                                                                     the new buyers.
                                                                                        Apple’s trump card, of course, is its
                                                                                     device ecosystem. Reports suggest
                                                                                     Apple is likely to be creative in the
                                                                                     way it bundles access to its new
                                                                                     service with device ownership. That
                                                                                     will give it a turbo boost during early
                                                                                     launch. But content is the real key to
                                                                                     success and sustainability.
                                                                                        Looking at the production and
                                                                                     development slate for Apple suggests
                                                                                     it has Netflix and Amazon firmly in its
                                                                                     sights with a heavy push behind
                                                                                     scripted content. This contrasts with
                                                                                     both Facebook and YouTube, the
                                                                                     content slates of which skew more
                                                                                     heavily towards unscripted content.

06   April 2019
Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine
Data corner

   Apple’s forward production genre mix
also points to a challenge to Netflix
and Amazon, with drama, crime, sci-fi
and kids’ content heavy in its
development slate, all mainstays of
the scripted output of the two SVoD
majors. By contrast, Facebook and
YouTube have much more documentary,
reality and light entertainment
in development.
   Early reports of Apple’s launch plans
suggest the device giant has ambitions
for a global launch. But to date, its
production slate shows little evidence
  of addressing global markets, or
leveraging local content for market
entry. Compared to its peers, Apple’s
upcoming production is distinctly
US. Only YouTube is close in terms
of its home-market focus. Netflix
long ago hit a 50/50 split between
domestic and international original
production and Amazon is already
at around one third international in
its forward production. Facebook
Watch has made international a
definite focus which, with its reality
and documentary mix, positions it
nicely in its own niche.
   Apple’s US focus is not too surprising
given it will focus on its home market
for its initial launch, but it will need
to ramp up international original
production rapidly if it has any hope of
competing with Netflix and Amazon.
And when you’re playing in the high-
end scripted space, that is not a cheap
thing to do. Apple’s mooted $1bn
content budget may not get it far.

Streaming content business model
reaching its next phase
A number of trends suggest that the
streaming content space is on the
verge of an impending adjustment.
Consumer trends that point to SVoD
stacking fatigue, emerging market
power balances and the rapid expansion      business model to date, and Apple’s      model mix that Hulu has proved can
in number of players thanks to studio       own plans suggest that subscription      work. I’d say it would be foolish to bet
and platform-led initiatives, mean a new    is key. But its own suggestion of        heavily against Apple, but it’s going to
phase of business model diversification     bundling services with devices could     be an interesting journey given the
could be on the horizon.                    also open the door to experimentation    current development of the streaming
   Subscription has been the dominant       with ad-supported tiers and a business   TV market.

                                                                                April 2019    07
Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine
Cover feature

Streaming wars set to enter                                                                                 service, our wholesale
                                                                                                            relationships will
                                                                                                            continue to be an

the next chapter                                                                                            important distribution
                                                                                                            channel. So, it will be
                                                                                                            a priority to work with
As Hollywood majors near the launch of their                                                                our partners to deliver
                                                                                                 a compelling and competitive
DTC services, more consumer TV choice than                                                       product that will complement
                                                                                                 our wholesale distribution,
ever is offering operators a new opportunity to                                                  allowing us to reach the largest
re-aggregate on a blended content business                                                       number of viewers,” says
                                                                                                 WarnerMedia CEO John

model, says Adrian Pennington                                                                    Stankey. Similar agreements are
                                                                                                 happening elsewhere, but the
                 ay-TV operators have        emergence of services like Amazon’s          relationships are becoming increasingly
                 long grappled with          subscription hub.”                           strained as competition intensifies.
                 cord cutting but ‘cord         Jeroen Ghijsen, CEO at user
                 confusion’ may be the       experience specialist Metrological           SVOD overload will strain existing
                 issue that offers them      makes a similar point: “Aggregation of       business relationships further
                 a new opportunity.          video content is on the rise. Historically   The explosive growth in TV choices has
                 The huge array of TV        it was the MVPDs - and they are still        seemingly escalated consumer
and video services available                 trying to bring as many OTT channels         frustration. A Hub Entertainment
baffles many consumers, as they              as possible into their video offerings -     Research survey of US consumers last
are increasingly compelled to mix            but now there’s competition from OTT         July found consumers hungry for
and match services such as Netflix,          streaming devices which unite a variety      consolidation: looking for fewer
Amazon Prime, Hulu or NOW TV                 of OTT channels.”                            platforms — even a single platform —
and devices ranging from standard               Roku, Netflix, Amazon, even Sling         that will deliver their full array of
customer premise equipment to                TV are slowly becoming what optional         content in one place.
streaming players Chromecast,                premium channel bundles were 15 years           “The opportunity is for pay TV
Roku and Apple TV.                           ago, observes Tony Maroulis of Ampere        operators to take advantage of this ‘cord
   2019 is primed for SVOD overload as       Analysis. “Netflix’s list of pay-TV          confusion’ by providing a single
Hollywood majors near the launch of          partners has grown rapidly, and              platform that will build loyalty among
their D2C services. Disney+, an              Amazon’s Prime Video has followed            existing subscribers, bring in new
international rollout for NOW TV and         suit, albeit a little bit further behind.    consumers and even win back lapsed
another from NBCU join MGM’s Epix               “Simultaneously we’ve seen a growth       customers,” suggests Mark Evensen,
and AT&T’s WarnerMedia-fuelled               in SVOD-stacking [consumer taking            CTO at Amino.
direct-to-consumer (DTC) strikes. ITV        multiple SVOD services], with some              The research indicates the time is
plans an online paywall for its content if   countries exhibiting very high stacking      right: among respondents, more than
a united UK broadcaster service fails to     rates amongst SVOD subscribers,” says        twice as many would rather access all
fly. Then there’s Apple’s long               the analyst. “As many as seven in ten        their TV and video content from a
anticipated debut, among many others.        US SVOD respondents take more than           single provider (69%) than through a
   The dichotomy is neatly put by            one subscription OTT service, and            range of sources (31%) “making it
Dimitar Serafimov, demand generation         with heavy content hitters planning          crystal clear that consumers long for
manager at OTT solutions developer           their own DTC services this is likely        simplicity when it comes to choosing
Cleeng: “The rationale behind the OTT        to increase.”                                and managing their entertainment
surge is to give the freedom to                 Then consider this statement from         choices,” says Evensen.
consumers to pick and watch their            WarnerMedia’s chief exec about                  Laurent Maillot, marketing manager
preferred video everywhere, every time,      balancing DTC with existing                  for pay-TV operator Orange agrees:
on any device possible. At the same          partnerships. “While going direct-to-        “Consumers are looking for some
time there are signs that the market is      consumer gives us an additional              flexibility. They prefer to have premium
moving towards consolidation mainly          opportunity to reach audiences that          content from different providers but
through a string of acquisitions and the     aren’t part of a traditional subscription    only one stop shopping. They don’t

08   April 2019
Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine
Cover feature

want multiple accounts.”                    “Integrating apps/OTT and live TV            “By signing partnerships with DTC
  He adds: “We are convinced that the       behind one remote control can help           providers, operators can create hubs
next phase of pay-TV strategy globally is   showcase a broad range of targeted,          and packages that will make the pill
about aggregated SVOD.”                     contextual content and significantly         easier to swallow and give easy access
  There are other trends too. While the     enhance the user experience with             to all the content they need. On the
number of content providers is growing      second screen, voice control, and            other side, operators will benefit from
to respond to a clear demand from           universal search.”                           the fact that consumers will stay locked
consumers for more targeted video              Whether from an operator or the likes     into their environment and will be
content, many consumers want to enjoy       of Roku, the bottom line is that             willing to pay an extra dollar for the
that on the main TV screen.                 consumers are willing to pay for it if       easiness of use,” Gai.
  “SVOD is mainly a complement not a        they can find and purchase their               Viacom seems to have this strategy in
replacement to broadcast TV for end         preferred content with ease of use and       mind from the get-go of its first DTC
users,” argues Jorgen Nilsson, CEO at       one billing system, integrated into a        subscription service for MTV. Initially
Zenterio. “There’s a great opportunity      single UI.                                   available only in the UK, MTV Play is
for operators now, and it is a must for        “You will see OTT look like pay-TV        designed to reach the mobile screens of
them, to maintain the role of prime         with prices going up and pay TV more         millennials and Gen Zs will provide
provider of content and services to         like OTT with prices and contractual         long-form content experience in a
the home.”                                  terms more like an SVOD service,”            standalone app.
  Yet OTT subscription fatigue is real.     predicts Jean-Marc Racine, chief               “We know there is a segment of
“The ‘Netflix 20 minutes’ is when you       product officer at video software            younger potential MTV fans who sit
spend a long time just deciding what to     provider Synamedia. “From a                  beyond the basic pay-TV bundles,”
watch, instead of actually watching         consumer’s point-of-view a [pay TV           explains Arran Tindall of VIMN.
content,” adds Nilsson. “Users need         aggregation] will be attractive because it     Viacom nonetheless acknowledges the
and appreciate an easy way to discover      will be less expensive to access several     importance of Sky, Virgin Media and
content and manage multiple                 SVOD services plus linear programming        BT and said it was speaking with telco
subscriptions in a straightforward and      from one platform than if you shop for       providers and other platforms about
consistent way.”                            the same content and subscribe to them       future distribution partnerships.
  The argument is that consumers need       one by one.”
an aggregator to deliver an array of           The benefit for pay-TV and OTT            Stemming churn?
targeted content and services like          providers, especially the smaller ones,      A combined SVOD/pay-TV offer should
contextuality, second screen and voice      of a unified TV hub appears mutual.          help stem churn on both sides. As Gaï
control in a single user experience that    “Users who want to watch shows and           points out, whose company specialises
they can access without leaving the TV.     movies from different producers need to      in subscriber retention management for
  “This will ultimately satisfy their       multiply DTC platforms which makes           OTT services, when Netflix and pay TV
desire for easiest access to their          their bill quite expensive at the end of     are packaged together, the pay TV
changing content needs,” says Ghijsen.      the month,” says Cleeng’s Alexis Gaï.        provider reaches more viewers who
                                                                                         want that SVOD experience.
                                                                                           Consumers can switch from a
                                                                                         schedule to an on-demand experience
                                                                                         within the same UI and an operator can
                                                                                         deliver the latest UHD (HDR)
                                                                                         experience for integrated SVODs.
                                                                                           Among other factors, DTC providers
                                                                                         can guarantee a high QoE for viewers
                                                                                         with pay-TV carriage, no longer being
                                                                                         reliant on an external CDN to deliver
                                                                                         their content to viewers.
                                                                                           “Operators can guarantee QoE on
                                                                                         their managed network,” says
                                                                                         Broadpeak’s Nivedita Nouvel. “DTC
                                                                                         content providers have the possibility
                                                                                         of following Netflix, for example, where
                                                                                         they would provide operators with local

                                                                                   April 2019    09
Streaming is entering a new phase - The magazine for global video - CSI Magazine
Cover feature

                                                                                   or smart TV, as well as the APIs
                  Media majors launching DTC/VOD services                          underneath it for payments, DRM,
 Company/service         Notes                                                     etc,” says Ghijsen. “Similarly, where
 Disney+                 The big one. Disney will rely on exclusivity and          custom, native implementations used
                         originals to help attract and keep customers when         to be required, while the resources
                         it launches end-2019. Some estimate that Disney+          on the hardware were limited, now
                         could attract up to 2.5m users in the US by the           we are seeing HTML5-based
                         end of its first year. Can Disney+ give Netflix a run     cloud implementations.
                         for its money, in the US and internationally?               Nonetheless, there will be pressure
                                                                                   on aggregators to keep pace with every
 NBCUniversal            Coming in early 2020, the company’s as-yet-               new content provider and integrate or
                         unnamed service will employ a freemium model              onboard them in an aggregated offer.
                         comprising a free AVOD part alongside an ad-free,         This creates business and technical
                         subscription-based tier.                                  challenges - and opportunities
 NOW TV                  Under Comcast’s ownership of Sky, there are               for vendors.
                         plans to take it global in 2020, building on a strong       Zenterio, for example, offers its
                         brand recognition in the UK and Europe, though            Zenterio Cloud and Zenterio TV
                         not so much elsewhere.                                    solutions for premium OTT app
 WarnerMedia             Arriving later in 2019, it is expected to be one of       integration, working with APIs to
                         the new leaders to emerge from the battle for the         deliver unified search and discovery.
                         US market, under its new AT&T-defined, free-                “The operator needs to find ways to
                         mium strategy. Rethink Research estimates it              make all content available easily and
                         reaching 29.6 million SVoD homes by 2023.                 give the user the possibility to browse
                                                                                   different content providers seamlessly,”
 Epix Now                The MGM-owned service launched this February,             says Nilsson. “This is mainly around
                         priced at $5.99 per month, offering a library of          how the operator can control the UI/
                         MGM blockbuster films, four live EPIX channels,           UX to maximise content consumption,
                         and original content, some in 4K HDR streaming.           but there is a technical aspect as well to
                         Available stand-alone and via payTV.                      harmonise the metadata available from
 T-Mobile (US)           Original plan was to launch a disruptive OTT TV           the different content providers.”
                         service nationwide, but gave up due to the huge             Bringing IP and broadcast, together,
                         saturation now experienced in this space, choos-          architecturally, is what Synamedia call
                         ing instead to become a DTC aggregator like Ama-          Blended TV. “Whether the broadcast
                         zon Prime Channels. “Reality topped rhetoric,” as         network is digital terrestrial, QAM, IP
                         analysts at TDG put it.                                   multicast or DTH, operators require
                                                                                   next-gen platforms to aggregate services
 ITV Hub+                ITV’s premium online subscription service. For
                                                                                   with unified metadata and content
                         £3.99 a month, users get all the features of the
                                                                                   discovery,” says Racine.
                         original ITV Hub, but with ad-free content and
                         downloads. Saw strong growth in 2018.
                                                                                   Unified search
 Apple                   The long, long debut is almost here. Late is not          Unified-search is considered a key
                         always bad, but it doesn’t suit Apple and might be        component of the additional value
                         a sign that it is stuck for ideas to innovate in this     provided by aggregators. Should studios
                         space. Much more analysis on pages 6-7                    choose to keep all their content within
                                                                                   their proprietary ‘walled gardens’, the
caches to boost the quality of their     myriad content and SVOD services. It      value of a content aggregator will
video content. Combining local caching   is becoming easier and easier as          increase, reckons Ampere’s Maroulis,
with a CDN service is a win-win          technology matures.                       “assuming the aggregator can provide a
situation for DTC content providers         “With cloud-based technologies, all    greater degree of convenience for
and network operators.”                  that’s needed is a browser and a          the customer.”
   Historically, it was difficult for    platform that can take care of the          Since there’s no difference in the
operators to setup their own back-end    abstraction layer between the cloud and   consumer’s mind about where content
systems to onboard and aggregate         the underlying hardware, such as a STB    comes from, “the ability to aggregate

10   April 2019
Cover feature

metadata and go from search to directly     audience is increasingly
viewing the content is essential,”          fragmented and weakening
stresses Racine.                            every year, linear remains
   What’s important is for operators to     mass consumption and
have the ability to react to consumers’     enables us to keep control
personalised, shifting content appetites    of the TV. Our battle is to
— whether the consumer desires niche/       keep the user on our side.”
localised programming or international         Maillot says Orange’s
content — with the tools in place to        target is to offer the
track and measure real-time content         maximum available content.
consumption, and modifying the              “There are some services
content without disruption to               which are a no-brainer, such
the network.                                as Netflix. With others there
   “Simply put, related to the user’s       are trade-offs to be done.
personal preferences, if an application     Amazon is a competitor on
isn’t being used, then it should be         the aggregation side and
removed,” states Ghijsen. “If an            that’s an issue for us. We
application is being used often, it         don’t deal with them now….
should be integrated into the EPG,          maybe in future.”
so it appears as if it was just a              There will be pressure for
broadcast channel.”                         a clearer distinction between
   “The key for the operator is to remain   content providers and aggregators.             “Media giants with top-notch content
the main point-of-consumption for users     “Hybrid models — where the same             (HBO, Disney) won’t license to the
and make sure users can find all            company is both content provider and        likes of Netflix which will in turn strip
content they love in one platform rather    aggregator — can work for very big          SVODs of a chunk of their subscriber
than many different platforms,” says        players, but has its challenges,”           base,” says Cleeng’s Serafimov. “That
Nilsson. “This is the differentiator for    outlines Nilsson.                           will increase competition among the
operators compared to DTC platforms.”          “They will compete with their own        best and will raise the overall quality
                                            distribution channels, because a user       of the service offered. That is always
Content mix                                 could find the same content in various      good news for the market and
Striking deals for the right mix of         places, at different prices. Another        the consumers.”
SVOD services is another factor.            challenge is that there will always be         “The winner will be the one that
Customisation and personalisation is        some piece of content that users want       makes life easiest for the end users
key here as there’s no one-size-fits-all    but that is not available on a DTC store.   by removing as many friction points
approach. Says Nilsson, “Different users    It seems more likely that pure-             as possible,” says Zenterio’s
will need a different mix in their UX so    aggregators have a better chance to         Tom Keaveney.
it is crucial that the operator can         provide a complete content offer to end        Because, ultimately, while the onset
aggregate as much content as possible       users, and simplifying the discovery and    of broadband, together with SVOD,
and be flexible in deciding how to          access to it.”                              skinny bundles and DTC platforms,
present that. This way, every user can                                                  has resulted in more choice,
get the optimal mix over time.”             The consumer wins… or do they?              convenience and flexibility for users,
   There are ‘must have’ services [like     Inevitably, there will be casualties.       it has also created something of a
Netflix] which consumers expect to get      Many SVOD-only services (ad-funded,         mess for both the industry and
access to, reckons Racine. “Don’t forget    transaction- or subs-based) simply          consumer in terms of app and platform
the importance of local channels either.    won’t survive the aggressive content        fragmentation. Now - as OTT matures
FTA content still attracts the lion’s       origination strategy of Netflix or          and the streaming industry enters a
share of audience. The combination of       Disney. There has already been a lot of     new phase in its evolution - the
these with catch-up and SVOD is where       consolidation and quite a few failures in   question is how the future of TV will be
pay-TV can differ.”                         the SVOD-only DTC space (Turner’s           about deploying new integrated
   “Linear and local TV is key,” agrees     FilmStruck and the original CanalPlay).     experiences that are truly personalised
Orange’s Maillot. “Local content has a      Even Amazon is looking to cull some of      and contextual while keeping in
good ranking… we will keep on               its SVOD Channels to focus more             mind some of these challenges from
distributing FTA channels. Even if the      on exclusivity.                             both perspectives.

                                                                                   April 2019    11
Low latency

Hearing future voices                                                                   delivery to client: MPEG-TS over UDP,
                                                                                        WebRTC and CMAF. The client then

from the past
                                                                                        generates a request (with the token) to
                                                                                        start the stream from the said edge
                                                                                        server. After the token is authenticated
“If a goal was scored without me seeing it -                                            the edge server starts streaming the
                                                                                        content to the requesting client, using
did it really happen?”                                                                  MPEG-TS over UDP.
                                            and the adaptive bitrate concept should         Once streaming has started, this
                                            be implemented on UDP and not on            low-latency CDN mechanism includes
                                            TCP. Therefore, It is critical to develop   special data exchange between the CDN
                                            an streaming mechanism and protocol         edge server and the served player, from
                                            which handles MPEG-TS over UDP in           which the edge server can conclude the
                                            combination with WebRTC and CMAF            current quality of the line and manage
                                            at the last mile. The protocol is           individual sessions.

                                            enforced by an advanced CDN                     This mechanism of constant
                                            technology and player’s SDK.                monitoring, profiles switching and
                   ere is a scenario that      Internal CDN Distribution. The CDN       stream concatenation, implements a
                   only OTT subscribers     architecture is unique and innovative, as   pure adaptive bitrate policy while
                   are familiar with: you   it introduces some patent pending           maintaining a continuous connection to
                   are seating in your      concepts for providing best streaming       the client. The result is an optimal
                   apartment and            serving decisions and performance AI        quality of experience for the viewer,
                   watching a dramatic      algorithms (which will not be               both in terms of video quality, RTT and,
                   tight playoff game of    elaborated in this article).                most importantly, streaming latency -
your favourite team. Maybe even it’s the         In this low latency implementation,    with an average of less than 1-second
final itself. There is 1 minute to go and   the use of ABR transport stream             from the actual source feed in any
you are sitting at the edge of your seat    discards the need for a packager. The       unmanaged OTT network.
when suddenly you hear hysteric             CDN’s Publish-Server gets from the
screams of joy coming from                  transcoder couple of TS in different        Conclusion
your neighbours.                            bitrates and profiles. It is then pushes    As the popularity of real-time live
    You immediately realise that there      these streams to the appropriate edge       content, such as sport, reality voting
was a goal/buzzer-beater event, that        servers according to Vimmi’s special        and betting, is sky-rocking, and as the
your OTT service will be kind enough        internal distribution algorithms, based     network’s infrastructure, capacity and
to show it to you in 60 seconds or so.      on consumption patterns, end-users’         quality are constantly improving, the
This 1-minute-long limbo-zone, of           session management and overall system       common chunked HTTP protocols have
knowing that your present is other          load. This CDN ensures a sufficient         become insufficient and the need for
people’s past, generates a variety of       bandwidth between the CDN POPs              low latency streaming solutions has
passing thoughts in your mind, starting     and the publishing point for                become a necessity.
from the obvious “which team actually       accommodating the sum of all profile          Low Latency CDN is an inevitable
won?” and “who scored?”, moving to          levels of all channels.                     evolution of the OTT streaming
frustration such as “when do OTT               Detecting Bandwidth Fluctuation and      industry, and it is just a matter of few
services will finally provide a real-time   Switching Between Bitrates. The low-        years until it will become a mandatory
experience for their viewers?” and          latency CDN mechanism treats a live         requirement for any content service
ending in existentialistic insights such    playback request as any standard            provider which includes live content.
as “if a goal was scored without me         playback request: the CDN picks the         Vimmi can be found at NAB Show 2019
seeing it – did it really happen?”          best Edge Server to serve the specific      on SU8622
                                            request (based on Vimmi’s CDN grid-
Low Latency CDN Mechanism                   computing algorithm), it then generates
Moving Back to TS over UDP. It is a         and sends a token to the requesting
well-known convention that in order to      client which relates to chosen Edge                    Eitan Koter is Co-founder &
                                                                                                   Co-CEO, Vimmi Communications
reduce the streaming latency, chunked       Server, the client and the request time.
HTTP protocols should to be discarded,      Edge server support three protocol to

12   April 2019
Sponsored by:

                      Machine Learning in broadcast
                      Looking at how ML is being used in video content
Machine Learning

AI touches all parts of                                                                       needed to act as conductors,
                                                                                              directing the process, ensuring the
                                                                                              algorithms deliver the results they

the video lifecycle                                                                           would have achieved themselves
                                                                                              given the time.
                                                                                                  Along similar lines, some movie
Philip Hunter examines some use cases of                                                       studios have been experimenting
                                                                                               with use of AI techniques to
Machine Learning in broadcast

                                                                                               automate production of trailers to
                                                                                               generate as much suspense and
                     I and its subsidiary   Archive, which applied AI algorithms to     anticipation as possible without giving
                     machine learning       dredge the broadcaster’s huge archive       away the plot. IBM Watson Media has
                     (ML) entered           comprising 270,000 hours of video to        been working with studios on movie
                     broadcasting well      identify content meeting the tone and       trailer creation, where the challenge is
                     over a decade ago      style of its BBC 4 channel. This led to     in conforming with particular
                     and have now           150 programmes being selected, rather       requirements for context and tone,
                     infiltrated just       less than 0.1% of the amount analysed,      according to David Kulczar, the
about every aspects of the video            which human observers agreed seemed         company’s Senior Offering Manager.
lifecycle and even started to               very much in keeping with the spirit of       “IBM Watson created a movie trailer
determine what content is made in           the channel, which is focused on            for the thriller “Morgan,” says Kulczar
the first place. There is no single         emerging arts, music and culture with a     “To make the trailer, we essentially sent
killer application, with benefits           fair dose of comedy.                        Watson to film school to train it
emerging more through                          This was a once off exercise whose       extensively on what elements make a
coordinated application of different        object was not to deploy AI on its own      compelling horror teaser. Watson ran
algorithms and methods across               for programme selection but to discover     visual, audio, and contextual analysis on
workflows and production lines in           how it could assist human editors to        the film, to determine which scenes
a case of the whole being greater           automate the effort of pre-selection        were suspenseful, and arrange visuals
than the sum of the parts.                  from a vast archive. Two lessons were       accordingly. The process to create the
   We see this in metadata creation         learnt, firstly that AI could provide       trailer took about 24 hours to complete
where AI tools are cutting costs and        valuable assistance, according to BBC       — a significant reduction from what
speeding up the process through             Four channel editor Cassian Harrison,       typically takes around 10-30 days.”
automation, which in turn improves the      one of two architects of the programme.       He admits more work was needed
viewer experience by enriching search       “AI can effectively analyse video           before video producers can adopt such
and discovery. Users are more likely to     content and edit and build its own          technology at critical mass, especially to
find or be recommended something            image sequences”, he says.                  develop clear frameworks for training
they really want to watch, possibly            The second lesson was that AI in this    AI and machine learning modules to
content they would not have searched        context was a powerful tool only when       meet the needs of production teams. “In
for directly. ML can be employed            exercised judiciously by humans and         order to power that training, modules
to home in on the most effective            would be useless on its own. “With AI,      will require troves of training data to
mix between more obvious                    you have to build it with humans,” says     better understand everything from
recommendations (for instance,              BBC Research & Development’s head           unique sounds to identifying exact
based on known likes) and more              of internet research and future services,   objects or faces within a video.”
intuitive suggestions, akin to thinking     George Wright, the other architect of          Such advanced examples do
outside the box.                            the programme. “Without human               exemplify how AI will progress in
   It is also true that some AI based       involvement, you would deliver quite a      established domains of video creation,
ideas, such as artificial news anchors,     poor output.”                               production and delivery, according to
might at first seem like gimmicks, but         This is certainly true of such           Aditya Ganjam at Conviva. A major
turn out to illuminate aspects of           advanced applications where the             driver he reckons will be the ability of
potential value, or give pointers to the    algorithms are making the sort of           AI and ML to uncover more signals, in
future. That was the case in the UK         decisions previously confined to            less time, than other techniques.
when the BBC staged an experimental         humans, involving judgements with a           “Without AI and ML techniques,
programme in May 2018 called Made           subjective component through fuzzy          providers must spend a considerable
By Machine: When AI Met The                 combinations of attributes. Humans are      amount of time and effort to review

14   April 2019
Machine Learning

data or configure and monitor manual       decisions. Conviva has seen that a          viewership will drop dramatically. This
alerts in order to predict successes or    single pilot often provides the detailed    is the case for content producers at all
detect issues with the streaming           engagement data indicative of the           scales, from casual uploading to
experience,” says Ganjam.                  show’s future success. Real-time analysis   YouTube through to major distribution
  “With AI and ML techniques, this         at the pilot phase of publication also      deals with Netflix. In fact, the big SVoD
process can be automated to proactively    gives creators the opportunity to edit or   players like Netflix and Amazon Prime
predict and discover, and reactively       develop subsequent episodes based on        insist their content suppliers label their
perform root-cause analysis. To            those learnings.                            content in very fine detail and that can
consolidate and correlate across              This can then guide ongoing              only be done efficiently at any scale
devices, channels, social media requires   development of the content where that       with the help or AI tools.
scale and real-time responsiveness of an   is under the service provider’s control,       Algorithms similar to those used for
AI or ML engine,” he says.                 as well as how to promote it and target     metadata creation are also being used to
  Such AI based correlation across data    individual customers. “AI and ML            generate captioning and subtitling
sources enables analytics firms such as    techniques can be used to tie a             which have traditionally been time
Conviva to address the three               customer to the content that would          consuming manually intensive
fundamental issues of prediction,          most resonate for them through deep         processes. AI algorithms are automating
detection, and diagnosis in various        analysis of their data, and the data of     language analysis, translation and
contexts. “With detection, we are          other viewers like them. The ideal is a     speech-to-text, which in turn enables
looking at identifying events of           closed loop where providers are both        generation of subtitles and captions
importance, in real-time, to determine     promoting and delivering content that       in multiple languages. AI tools can
factors that can lead to a poor user       excites their audience and ensuring that    convert audio to text, so that the
experience when streaming. Finally,        the experience of that content is at the    words can be delivered aligned with
we’re utilising diagnosis to analyse all   level of quality the creator envisioned,    the video segments.
the hundreds of millions of possible       all in real time.”                             Such audio to text conversion also
permutations for root cause of                                                         helps with content moderation, which
deterioration in quality in order to       AI and the future of content                has been a requirement for years but
recommend action a publisher can take      While being an opportunity, AI also         has become a rapidly growing burden
to improve the user experience.”           imposes requirements that must be           given recent proliferation of both
  When looking at the implications         fulfilled in order to remain competitive    content and compliance rules, which
of AI and ML for content, the main         and this applies not just to service        vary significantly between countries.
goal would be to understand how data       providers or distributors but also          More advanced AI tools can now
can be used to decide what content         content producers. In fact, it especially   augment text analysis with sentiment,
to license or create, or at an even        holds for content producers because         image and object recognition, allowing
more granular level, how to tailor         unless their assets are “AI ready” in the   editors to detect more easily not just
content to be most impactful with the      sense of having the fine-grained            offensive language but also adult
target audience.                           metadata that makes them discoverable       content deemed unsuitable for a given
  On the business operations side, AI      by contemporary search and                  audience or window.
and ML can inform investment               recommendation algorithms, their               Another area where AI has been
                                                                                       making an impact is colour matching
                                                                                       during the editing process. This
                                                                                       example again highlights how AI and
                                                                                       ML work best in combination with
                                                                                       human experts. As IBM’s Kulczar
                                                                                       stresses, there is the prospect of AI and
                                                                                       ML having a growing impact on the
                                                                                       nature of content itself. “Looking
                                                                                       ahead, AI and machine learning will
                                                                                       generate new, realistic audio and visual
                                                                                       content: think, voice overs, splicing
                                                                                       together manufactured shots from pre-
                                                                                       existing visuals, and automatically
                                                                                       sequencing shots into new scenes,”
                                                                                       Kulcar says.

                                                                                   April 2019    15
Machine Learning

How Machine Learning is                                                                      using natural language; by asking
                                                                                             questions and providing a set of
                                                                                             search parameters that doesn’t

super-charging content                                                                       necessarily include a title or actor’s
                                                                                             name. Conversational services not
                                                                                             only dramatically increase the

discovery for consumers                                                                      number of searches a viewer
                                                                                             instigates, it also broadens the type
                                                                                             of search. With text search, the
                                                      automatically imported, and       viewer will typically search twice a
By TiVo’s Charles Dawes

                                                      even then, a process of           month, using show titles. With
                                                      random checks meant that          Conversation, our research has shown
                he terms Machine            incorrect or incomplete content could       this number jumps to an average of 26
                Learning (ML) and           slip through the net.                       queries and the type of search becomes
                Artificial Intelligence        In order to combat these challenges,     more natural. Try typing ‘What is that
                (AI) are quickly            TiVo uses advanced machine learning         movie with Peggy from Eastenders and
                becoming two of the         algorithms to assess the content that is    Kenneth Williams?’ using text, and it
                most talked-about           imported from multiple sources and          quickly becomes clear why the natural,
                terms in the                assign a confidence level to the content.   conversational search is changing how
technology sector, but what do              Only if it falls below a defined level of   viewers access content.
they really mean for media? How             confidence does a human editor need to         Voice solutions rely almost exclusively
are media companies like TiVo               get involved to check it. Content above     on the data in the underwater part of
using ML and AI to make their               the confidence level is able to be          the iceberg along with the weighted
businesses and the businesses of            automatically processed and ingested        connections that form the basis of the
their customers more efficient?             into the content database.                  TiVo ‘knowledge graph’, or proprietary
How do these technologies benefit                                                       machine learning content technology.
end-consumers especially as they            The Metadata Iceberg – building             It is this graph technology that is
sift through the ever more-                 out the detail                              constantly looking for more
complicated mix of content choices          The content database is now bigger          information, understanding the context
and content platforms available             than ever before and requires a level       of what it finds and is continuously
to them?                                    of detail that many consumers will          refreshing the content that forms one of
  This article explores those questions     never be aware of. The days of time,        the core areas that Machine Learning is
as well as how TiVo has invested in ML      title, cast and where content is playing    making a difference for the consumer.
and AI throughout its workflows to help     is no longer sufficient to meet the         Without the sophisticated algorithms
super-charge content discovery.             needs of the industry. A paradigm we        that seek, sort, make sense and apply
                                            use at TiVo for our content is ‘the         structure to the vast oceans of
Content ingest and streamlining             metadata iceberg’. The basic                unstructured content we wouldn’t be
the process                                 information is above the waterline for      able to deliver on the promise that
Content ingest – or the process where       everyone to see in the discovery            consumers can ask questions such as
metadata aggregators like TiVo bring        experience but below the waterline          ‘What is the film where Olivia Colman
rich media into their systems – is the      there is more information than you          won an Oscar?’ or ‘What was the
starting point for preparing the content    expect as themes, tones, product links,     Friends episode at the beach?’ or ‘Show
needed for discovery engines. However,      soundtracks, ratings, reviews and many      me some TV programmes filmed near
it’s become increasingly complicated as     other categories help to build out a        me’, etc.
the needs for more and more                 resource that is fit for purpose in            As part of any Conversation
comprehensive information has grown.        today’s discovery systems.                  integration project, TiVo asks its
TiVo processes information from                                                         partners for entertainment sources
hundreds of sources every day but           Making metadata voice-ready                 which are most relevant to their services
sources have different ways of collecting   One of those discovery systems is           and customers. By constantly updating
content information and different           “voice-led discovery’ – an area where       these sources, this ensures that the tone
formats, so it becomes difficult to         TiVo’s Conversation product is a world      and content of the service is maintained
ensure content sources align. Only          leader. With voice-led discovery,           and enables natural, conversational
recently could each content item be         consumers are able to find content          content discovery.

16   April 2019
Machine Learning

                                                                                                             start times of
                                                                                                             programs so
                                                                                                             recordings can be
                                                                                                             corrected in near
                                                                                                             real-time. This
                                                                                                             enables a seamless
                                                                                                             customer experience
                                                                                                             where they can
                                                                                                             replay a programme
                                                                                                             from the start and
                                                                                                             be assured that
                                                                                                             they won’t have to
                                                                                                             watch minutes of
                                                                                                             unnecessary content
                                                                                                             – or miss any of the
                                                                                                             content they love.

                                                                                                               Closing the
                                                                                                               feedback loop
                                                                                                               None of these
                                                                                                               improvements and
                                                                                                               advancements in
                                                                                                               content discovery
                                                                                                               would make sense
                                                                                                               without the ability
                                                                                                               to learn from the
There’s more to it than                     personalised content, twenty-one times       consumers’ interactions as they find
collaborative filters                       more likely to view that content which       and enjoy their content. TiVo applies
Now let’s talk recommendations. We’ve       will have a total lift of fourteen percent   advanced machine learning to the
become accustomed, as television            more unique viewers and a 129% lift          return path data we receive in order to
viewers, to have a user experience show     in views overall.                            derive business insights that can help
us new things we might want to watch.                                                    service providers and content producers
When it comes to content                    The game is running late – what              understand how their services are being
recommendations, because of the             can we do?                                   used. From being able to introduce a
myriad of choices out there today,          In the past, a major problem that would      new sense of serendipity into the
there’s a need to go far beyond the basic   frustrate viewers on an individual level     recommendations world through to
collaborative filters that show us ‘you     was changes in broadcast schedules that      helping get the right advertisements in
watched X, people who also watched X        weren’t reflected in their personal          front of the right consumers, machine
also watched Y so you should watch Y’.      recordings on their video recorder or        learning and AI will continue to have a
There are many personal reasons we          DVR. More recently, this has become a        profound effect on how entertainment
like to watch content and the               much wider problem as service                technology companies like TiVo do
algorithms need to be equally diverse.      providers begin to implement start-over      business. It will also continuously
These sophisticated algorithms need         and network-based PVR solutions that         change how consumers find the right
to be powered by machine learning as        rely on accurately being able to start       piece of content at the right time as the
the viewer progresses through the           and stop recordings at the time when         industry drives to create more and more
content discovery timeline. The systems     they actually begin and end. In order to     great television for us all to consume.
will gain more knowledge about a            implement this at the speed and scale
viewer and tailor the content discovery     that a multiple channel service requires,
journey to them individually. It’s this     TiVo has been working with partners to                  Charles Dawes is senior
powerful personalisation that has           implement machine learning algorithms                   director, international
showcased real results; users are eighty    that are constantly looking at the                      marketing, at TiVo
times more likely to click on               content streams to identify the accurate

                                                                                    April 2019    17
You can also read