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Center for Security Studies STRATEGIC TRENDS 2018 Key Developments in Global Affairs Editors: Oliver Thränert, Martin Zapfe Series Editor: Andreas Wenger Authors: Brian Carlson, Severin Fischer, Tim Prior, Jack Thompson CSS ETH Zurich
STRATEGIC TRENDS 2018 is also electronically available at: Editors STRATEGIC TRENDS 2018: Oliver Thränert, Martin Zapfe Series Editor STRATEGIC TRENDS: Andreas Wenger Contact: Center for Security Studies ETH Zurich Haldeneggsteig 4, IFW CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland This publication covers events up to 5 March 2018. © 2018, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich Images © by Reuters ISSN 1664-0667 ISBN 978-3-905696-62-2
CHAPTER 1 Superpower Constrained Jack Thompson The US’ longstanding role of international leadership is under threat. It is struggling to manage external challenges, including great power competi- tion and globalization, and domestic constraints, such as underfunding and mismanagement of the military and diplomatic corps. Unfortunately, pros- pects for reform are uncertain given the dysfunctionality of the US political system. This should worry European policymakers and will hopefully hasten their efforts to develop a more robust and independent Common Security and Defense Policy. US President Donald Trump returns to the White House after addressing the Republican Congres- sional Retreat, 1 February 2018. Yuri Gripas / Reuters 11
STRATEG I C TR EN DS 201 8 Introduction changes to the international system, The United States enjoys an unrivaled but they have the power to deploy ability to shape world affairs. Thanks US troops more carefully, to man- in large part to its leadership of and age the military and diplomatic corps participation in the liberal world or- more intelligently, and to address the der (LWO), US military might is un- underlying causes of opposition to equalled, its economy is the largest in international trade and declining at- the world, and the US dollar’s status as tachment to democratic norms. the most important reserve currency provides enormous benefits. Soft pow- Unfortunately, a vigorous reasser- er is another area of advantage, with tion of US leadership appears to be US culture in particular commanding unlikely. Demanding deployments global influence. and – in light of its many commit- ments – inadequate budgets have left However, this favorable state of affairs the military in a state of crisis. The is under threat. Partly, this is due to diplomatic corps is also struggling structural changes in the internation- under the weight of poor leadership, al system. With the rise of persistent a sharp reduction in numbers, sinking global and regional challengers, the morale, and the prospect of reduced post-Cold War “unipolar moment” funding. Some of these problems are has ended, and US military and eco- specific to Donald Trump’s presiden- nomic predominance are no longer as- cy, but the problems go much deeper sured. Globalization and technological than the current administration. change have accelerated the process, fragmenting power, diffusing informa- In other words, reform is unlikely. tion, and weakening support for inter- There is little indication that the po- national trade and democratic values. litical will exists, or that the system is Even its soft power could be at risk, equipped to accommodate the sweep- as political and economic dysfunction ing changes that would be necessary undermine the US’ image abroad. to turn things around. Washington re- mains hamstrung by gridlock, which If the US is to reverse these trends, reflects the polarization that has di- to retain a position of unquestioned vided society in recent decades. It leadership in world affairs, and to pre- seems likely that the US will continue serve the LWO, it will need to get its to face significant constraints for the house in order. There is little policy- foreseeable future. In the meantime, makers can do to reverse the structural its rivals are gaining ground, and the 12
SU PER POWER CONSTRA I N E D The Return of Geopolitics from a US Perspective Russia North United States Syria Iran Afghanistan Korea Iraq China Niger Yemen Djibouti Great power challengers Regional challengers Hotspots Approximately 6,000 US troops stationed throughout the continent (biggest deployment in Djibouti (4,700) and Niger (800)) Sources: Kathryn Watson, “Where does the U.S. have troops in Africa, and why?”, in: CBS News (21.10.2017); International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), The Military Balance 2018 (Routledge, 2018), 59. world is becoming less conducive to Strategy acknowledges – “the primary liberal internationalist values such as concern in U.S. national security”. democracy, free trade, and the rule of law. This state of affairs should worry Two nations, China and Russia, have Europeans, as their foreign and secu- not reconciled themselves to the cur- rity policy relies upon vigorous inter- rent international order and consti- national engagement by the US. tute the foremost threat to US lead- ership and the future of the LWO. The Return of Geopolitics and the China resents US predominance and Forever War is positioning itself as a rival super- The apparent post-Cold War triumph power. Though Beijing is challenging of the LWO has proven illusory. In- US interests across the globe, its prior- stead, the US and its allies face a ity is to upend the status quo in East fractured, multipolar system that is Asia, where the US has long served rife with threats, especially from revi- as the fulcrum for the region’s power sionist powers. What Walter Russell structure. Much as the US asserted Mead dubbed the “return of geopoli- itself in the Western Hemisphere in tics” represents – as the Department the early 20th century by forcing Eu- of Defense’s 2018 National Defense ropean nations to acknowledge its 13
STRATEG I C TR EN DS 201 8 preeminent role, China seeks to re- also serves the broader goal of but- place the US as the leading power in tressing Beijing’s claim to sovereignty its neighborhood. over most of the South China Sea, the world’s most important shipping Though the US position remains zone. The US contests this claim by strong, recent political and economic regularly conducting freedom of navi- developments have drawn attention gation exercises, but has been unable to Beijing’s growing influence. Presi- to do anything to slow the reclama- dent Trump’s decision to withdraw the tion and fortification project. China’s US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership development of anti-ship ballistic trade agreement – which excluded missiles, which are designed to de- China, and which the administration stroy aircraft carriers, also threatens of Barack Obama viewed as a way to the ability of the US to intervene in reinforce its standing in East Asia – the region. China’s nuclear arsenal, represented a setback. China quickly though still small when compared to moved to fill the vacuum by redou- those of the US or Russia, is slowly bling efforts to promote an alternative increasing in size and in terms of its arrangement, the Regional Compre- capabilities.1 hensive Economic Partnership. This dovetails with a desire to link Eurasia China has moved aggressively to close under Chinese economic leadership, the gap with the US in the realm of embodied in the Belt and Road Initia- advanced technology, with consider- tive, and a long-term goal of establish- able success. When it comes to arti- ing footholds in Europe, Latin Ameri- ficial intelligence, for instance, China ca, and Africa. has announced a goal of becoming the global leader by 2030, and is al- Beijing is also challenging the US and ready closing in on the US. China is its allies on military, strategic, and also a powerful player in the cyber technological fronts. It is executing a domain and is using its influence to steady campaign of pressing a long list shape the global development of the of territorial claims in the region, in- internet in ways that are conducive to cluding a dispute with Japan over the its own interests, but not necessarily Senkaku Islands. Even more notewor- to those of the West.2 thy is China’s project of creating arti- ficial islands in the South China Sea, Like China, Russia seeks to under- several of which it is equipping for mine US leadership, which it views military purposes. Their development as the foremost hurdle to its return 14
SU PER POWER CONSTRA I N E D to superpower status. Vladimir Putin’s The US is also confronted by regional campaign to revivify Russian power powers that resent the status quo. The has enjoyed considerable success, even speed with which North Korea has if the economic resources at his dis- developed intercontinental ballistic posal are more modest than China’s, missiles that might already be able to and much of his progress has come reach the US mainland, and Pyong- at the expense of the US and its al- yang’s unwillingness to trade its nu- lies. Military interventions in Georgia clear weapons program for relief from and Ukraine – nations that harbored economic sanctions, has left policy- ambitions of drawing closer to the Eu- makers with a series of unappealing ropean Union (EU) and/or the North choices. They could accept North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Korea as a nuclear power and rely on – elicited condemnation and econom- deterrence. However, Kim Jong-un’s ic sanctions from the West. However, regime is particularly brutal and regu- these have done nothing to impair larly transgresses international laws Moscow’s aggressiveness, which in- and norms. It views a nuclear arsenal cludes frequent violations of NATO as more than merely a defensive in- airspace. Even Moscow’s interference vestment. Rather, it has a history of in the 2016 US elections, the full ex- engaging in brinkmanship to extract tent of which remains unclear, has yet concessions from the US and the rest to elicit an effective US response. of the international community. Russia’s intervention in the Syrian civ- One alternative to deterrence would il war appears to have been a decisive be an attack designed to destroy most factor in the resurgence of Bashir al- or all of the North Korean nuclear Assad’s regime and should give Mos- arsenal. The Trump administration is cow a foothold in the Middle East for currently considering such a “bloody the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, in nose” strike. However, even if a mili- spite of the virtual defeat of the Islam- tary raid achieved its objectives – and ic State, the return on Washington’s the chances of success would be low investment of money and troops in – Pyongyang also has extensive con- Syria has been more modest. Never- ventional armaments at its disposal. theless, former Secretary of State Rex These includes a large array of artil- Tillerson recently announced that US lery that potentially could inflict cata- forces will remain in Syria for the fore- strophic damage upon Seoul.3 A third seeable future, thereby adding further option, relying on North Korea’s only strain to an overstretched military. close ally, China, to force Pyongyang 15
STRATEG I C TR EN DS 201 8 to denuclearize has also failed. There restart its nuclear weapons program. are limits to Beijing’s ability to dictate The preferred alternative of some to North Korea and it is unwilling to hawks – airstrikes on Iran’s nuclear fa- impose conditions that would lead the cilities – would further destabilize the Kim regime to collapse, as the most region. It would also be difficult to hit likely outcome would be a united Ko- all of the targets, and even a successful rea closely allied to the US. operation would only retard Tehran’s nuclear program for a few years.5 Policymakers are also uncertain how to handle the emergence of Iran as a The Trump administration’s attempt regional power. The 2015 Joint Com- to balance Tehran by reinvigorating prehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) the long-standing alliance with Saudi appears to have halted Iran’s nuclear Arabia and moving even closer to Is- weapons program. However, the pres- rael also brings risks. By siding so de- ident and some of his key advisors cisively with Riyadh and Tel Aviv, the have taken initial steps to undermine US further undermines its previous the JCPOA, and there are indications status as an honest broker and makes that they will withdraw from it alto- a broader peace agreement in the re- gether.4 Meanwhile, Iranian influ- gion between Israel and its neighbors ence in the Middle East continues to more unlikely. This strategy also ties increase. Tehran’s expansion has been the US more closely to Saudi Arabia’s enabled, in large part, by ineffective disastrous intervention in Yemen, US policy over the last 15 years, in- which will do nothing to improve the cluding the invasion of Iraq in 2003 US’ image in the region. and the indecisive response to the Syr- ian civil war. US troops have been involved in com- bat in the Middle East and South/ There are no appealing options when it Central Asia for more than 15 years, comes to restraining Iran. The Trump and the recent announcement of the administration complains that the Trump administration that it is plan- JCPOA, by ignoring the non-nuclear ning for an open-ended commitment aspects of Iranian expansionism, is of forces in Syria confirms that there worse than no deal. However, with- is no end in sight to the “Forever War” drawing from the JCPOA would al- against terrorism and hostile regimes. ienate the other signatories – espe- The length of this conflict, which cially the Europeans, who consider the constitutes the longest in US history, deal to be effective – and allow Iran to does not indicate resolve. Instead, it 16
SU PER POWER CONSTRA I N E D underlines the inability of the US to The Downsides of Economic obtain its political and military objec- Interdependence and Globalization tives, or even to formulate a coherent In the decades following World War strategy for doing so. The prosecution Two, the US did more than any other of the Forever War has led to an unsus- nation to create the foundations of tainable dynamic: The US is fighting the modern era. It encouraged free on too many fronts and lacks the re- trade and the lowering of barriers sources and political will to maintain to the flow of capital; US corpora- the present situation. It is a textbook tions penetrated new markets, tak- example of imperial overstretch. ing knowledge and technology with them; and millions embraced US If anything, the situation is worsen- popular culture. The results appeared ing. Military involvement in Africa is to be unequivocally positive. Many a case in point. It has notably escalated Americans attained unprecedent- over the last 15 years and now affects ed standards of living as a result of almost every nation on the continent. greater interdependence, and the US Many soldiers – at least 6,000, accord- economy remains the world’s largest ing to the Department of Defense – and arguably most dynamic. are participating in ill-defined activi- ties such as training or advising, which Nevertheless, in the years since the often entangle them in combat. financial crisis of 2007 – 2008 the downsides of globalization have be- Obama was anxious to avoid worsen- come apparent. Indeed, even as the ing the problem of overstretch, and US appears to be thriving, it is also Trump, albeit inconsistently, has also increasingly constrained by many of criticized the Bush administration’s the forces it was instrumental in un- overuse of the military. Yet neither leashing. In spite of strong headline has explained how to prevent it. This numbers – including an unemploy- suggests that the US is caught in a vi- ment rate of approximately 4 per cious cycle. Policymakers recognize cent and an economic expansion of that they need to use force more in- 2.3 per cent in 2017 – there is ample telligently in order to husband finite reason for concern. Partly, this can resources and revitalize an exhausted be ascribed to ineffective policymak- military, but struggle to extricate the ing at home. Inequality has reached US from its existing obligations. Fur- historic levels, and legislators appear thermore, the temptation to intervene to be more concerned with placating in new hotspots is ever-present. wealthy donors than with the need 17
STRATEG I C TR EN DS 201 8 to rebuild crumbling infrastructure The nature of the Chinese regime and or make university education more its geopolitical ambitions also make affordable.6 its status as an economic superpower problematic. In spite of occasional Changes in the structure of the glob- friction between the US and Germa- al economy also present long-term ny or Japan over trade practices, the obstacles. The rise of China – fa- fact that they are close allies that hold cilitated in part by the interdepend- free elections and embrace the rule of ence pursued by the US – is particu- law means that they pose no threat to larly problematic. In and of itself, core US interests – a point that is lost the emergence of a strong economic on President Trump. China, by con- counterweight is not necessarily cause trast, has failed to democratize. This for concern. The economic clout of has confounded many analysts, who allies such as Germany, Japan, or the argued that accession to the World EU – in spite of occasional alarmist Trade Organization in 2001 and a headlines – does not generate wide- long-term program of economic lib- spread alarm. However, the threat eralization would force Beijing to re- posed by China is more profound: it form its political system. If anything, is expected to surpass the US as the the opposite has occurred, and Presi- world’s largest economy in the near dent Xi Jinping has redoubled the future, and its ability to influence the grip of the Communist Party, as well global system dwarfs that of other as his own, on the Chinese political trade competitors. system. The scale of China’s influence can be This combination of economic power seen in the consequences of its rapid and resilient authoritarianism gives growth. The “China Shock”7 – the in- Beijing considerable global sway.8 ability of labor markets to adjust to China is now Africa’s largest trading competition from China – and other partner and, in spite of Beijing’s of- manifestations of interdependence, ficial policy of “non-interference” in such as the North American Free Trade the internal affairs of other countries, Agreement (NAFTA), have led to the it has gradually expanded its influ- loss of millions of jobs, the long-term ence throughout the continent. In decline of regions most vulnerable to doing so, it has pursued strategic aims increased competition, and an increase – such as garnering support for its in political populism, including calls “One China” policy and its model of for protectionism. non-democratic governance – as well 18
SU PER POWER CONSTRA I N E D as economic growth.9 Similar efforts infrastructure of adversaries such as in Latin America pair economic and South Korea, and to undermine the strategic objectives, such as counter- dissemination of what it views as hos- balancing the strong position of the tile cultural products. The US has yet US in East Asia.10 to develop an effective response.12 Be- cause its economy is relatively primi- Most worrying is China’s growing in- tive, retaliatory attacks are of limited fluence in Europe. It has used prom- value, and until recently, the US has ises of investment in the “16+1” group been reluctant to respond with con- of Central and Eastern/Southeastern ventional military force for fear of European countries to engender closer sparking a broader conflict. ties and more sympathy on issues such as human rights.11 While China’s in- Hostile powers and non-state actors fluence is still modest in comparison alike have discovered that some of to that of the US – and is generating the longstanding strengths of the US, opposition in some corners of Europe such as its democratic form of govern- – its efforts underscore the sweeping ment and the ability to develop and scale of Beijing’s vision. Furthermore, integrate advanced technology into China’s emergence as an alternative to its economy, render it vulnerable to the US when it comes to leading the cyber attacks. Russia’s interference in international community on pressing the 2016 election relied on a combi- global challenges, such as trade liber- nation of cyber espionage and collab- alization or combating global warm- oration with US citizens. WikiLeaks ing, underscores the fact that the US has caused considerable damage by can no longer take predominance for releasing a large number of sensitive granted. government documents. These data dumps, which have relied on leaks Regional powers have also harnessed from inside the US national security aspects of globalization to increase community and intelligence acquired their ability to frustrate the US. North by state actors such as Russia, have Korea and Iran have used technology angered allies and damaged US soft first developed in the West in their power. quest to attempt to develop nuclear arsenals. North Korea has developed As the example of WikiLeaks indi- sophisticated cyber capabilities and cates, globalization has enabled some used them to carry out cybercrime, non-state actors to accrue dispro- to infiltrate the political and military portionate influence. The ability of 19
STRATEG I C TR EN DS 201 8 terrorist groups such as al-Qaida or working-class white voters feel that the Islamic State to confront the US they have lost economic and political would not have been possible in the status and power.15 This perception era before modern international travel, has been amplified by the growing mass immigration, and wider access to diversity in the US – at some point information about weapons and mili- in the mid-21st century, whites will tary tactics. The tendency of the US to no longer constitute of a majority overreact, and to pay correspondingly of the population – and has fueled less attention to more acute problems support for extremist political ideas such as global warming, only com- and figures, with several notable pounds the problem. consequences. Domestic Constraints One is decreased enthusiasm for Trade liberalization and advances in democratic politics and norms – technology have had a profound im- which correlate closely with support pact on US political culture. Politi- for internationalism. This phenom- cal polarization, for instance, has in- enon is particularly notable among creased in areas that are exposed to younger Americans, but can be seen increased international trade. Over the throughout the US body politic.16 last 15 years, congressional districts The rise in authoritarian values – a represented by moderates have tend- preference for order and conformity, ed to replace them with more liberal especially in times of crisis – and the Democrats or more conservative Re- growing tendency of authoritarians publicans. In presidential races, these to vote for the GOP, is a manifesta- areas have become more likely to vote tion of this tendency.17 Another is for Republican candidates.13 The re- the radicalization of border politics, sults at the national level are striking, as a majority of white Americans as polarization has reached historically have come to view immigration as high levels and the Republican Party a burden and/or threat.18 Opposi- (GOP) is more conservative than at tion to free trade has become an im- any point in its history.14 portant feature of US politics, espe- cially among culturally conservative Related to this increase in partisanship whites.19 Support for international is the tendency of voters who have suf- alliances is shaky and notably weak fered economically as a result of free among Republicans (though support trade and/or technological change to for NATO remains strong). Even embrace radical political views. Many when it comes to broad attitudes 20
SU PER POWER CONSTRA I N E D Public Attitudes Toward International Engagement Maintaining existing alliances is a very effective way to achieve the foreign policy goals of the US: 2015 37% Democrats 31% 55% Republicans 2017 43% Core Trump Supporters Free trade agreements have been a good thing for the US: 67% 2017 34% Large numbers of immigrants and refugees entering the US represent a critical threat: 29% 2015 64% 20% 2017 61% The US should be the dominant world leader: 21% 2015 38% 26% 2017 47% 53% The US should play a shared leadership role in world affairs: 72% 2015 57% 68% 2017 49% 42% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Sources: Dina Smeltz et al., “What Americans Think about America First”, in: 2017 Chicago Council Survey, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs (2017), p. 3, 5, 9; Dina Smeltz et al., “America Divided: Political Partisanship and US Foreign Policy”, in: 2015 Chicago Council Survey, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs (2015), p. 12; Bradley Jones, “Support for free trade agreements rebounds modestly, but wide partisan differences remain”, Pew Research Center (2017). toward international engagement, his promise to renegotiate or with- which a large majority of Republicans draw from NAFTA and to get tough advocate, many in the party – and a on Chinese trade practices; his at- majority of Trump supporters – pre- tempts to reduce the number of im- fer a dominant position rather than a migrants, legal and undocumented shared leadership role.20 alike; his ambivalence about NATO; his enthusiasm for illiberal leaders; When viewed in this light, the elec- and his reluctance to condemn white tion of Donald Trump is not surpris- supremacists – all of these policies ing. His withdrawal from the Trans- are acceptable to millions of Ameri- Pacific Partnership trade agreement; cans, and in some instances enjoy the 21
STRATEG I C TR EN DS 201 8 support of a majority of Republican deal that would increase funding for voters. Many in the GOP political the military over the next two years establishment have quickly embraced by 160 billion USD, this is unlikely the Trumpification of Republican to include nuclear weapons. Further- foreign policy. (It is also worth not- more, though the additional funding ing that in regard to some aspects of is a necessary first step, it will still take international engagement, such as free time to undo the damage wrought by trade, a large minority of Democratic sequestration. For instance, in the voters also express skepticism.) event of a conflict, the Army would only be able to field an estimated Overstretch, polarization, political three brigade combat teams out of dysfunction, and skepticism about in- more than 50.22 ternationalist policies have contributed to a crisis in funding and readiness for The diplomatic corps is also in a state the military. The problem began with of crisis. At one per cent of the fed- the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, eral budget, funding for the Depart- which led to frequent and lengthy de- ment of State and the Agency for ployments for many soldiers and a cor- International Development is already responding drop in morale. This prob- modest. To make matters worse, the lem has been compounded by certain Trump administration has proposed provisions in the Budget Control Act sweeping cuts to these departments of 2011 – commonly referred to as se- – though Congress is unlikely to ap- questration – which was opposed by prove these reductions in full. This in- most members of Congress, but was difference to the importance of diplo- nevertheless implemented because no macy and development, along with agreement could be reached to fund mismanagement by former Secretary the government. Sequestration has re- of State Tillerson, has resulted in a quired substantial spending cuts and steep decline in morale and a mass led to uncertainty about long-term exodus of senior diplomats. Mean- funding streams.21 while, a hiring freeze by Tillerson has dramatically lowered the number of President Trump has called for a sus- incoming Foreign Service Officers.23 tained increase in military spending, including an upgrade and expansion With the exception of the ongoing of the nuclear arsenal that will cost at disaster at the State Department, it least 1.2 trillion USD. Although Con- would be a mistake to blame Trump gress recently agreed to a spending for these developments. Rather, the 22
SU PER POWER CONSTRA I N E D The US National Defense and International Affairs Budget 1990 – 2019 (in billion USD) se or in State nse, e de all pt. of r Def tan et se ses c t of dg ea nis De fo Cri bu cr ffe ct Tru s for eases ha s e ol A ial r q Wa Afg Ira nc ake ntr fen s f cu incr old na of of 11 t Co l Fi on on fC of p c big st 20 et t ba asi e asi do dg m d Glo Mo Inv Inv Bu En 800 700 National Defense Budget International Affairs Budget* 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016** 2017** 2018** 2019** * International Affairs Budget consists of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance, International Security Assistance, Conduct of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Information and Exchange Activities, International Financial Programs ** Estimate Sources: U.S. Government Publishing Office; Paul Singer, “What’s in the senate budget deal? Billions for defense, infrastructure, disasters and more”, in: USA Today (7.2.2018). president embodies an evolving politi- The rest of the world has noticed. cal culture in which actual or perceived Although there is still widespread threats assume disproportionate im- admiration for some aspects of the portance for many. This imposes ad- US, such as popular culture, there is ditional constraints on foreign as well widespread unease about its political as domestic policy making and makes system and opposition to the spread it more difficult to sustain interna- of its ideas and customs. Partly, these tionalist policies such as admitting attitudes can be linked to the election immigrants, promoting trade deals, of Trump, who is unpopular in all but maintaining alliances, and upholding a few countries.24 It is also evidence democratic values. of a wider sense of disquiet about the 23
STRATEG I C TR EN DS 201 8 US Soft Power Since 2012 Obama Presidency 2012 Favorable view of the US: Trump Presidency 2017 52% - the German public 35% 52% - the Russian public 41% 72% - the Japanese public 57% Confidence in the US President: 87% - the German public 11% 36% - the Russian public 53% 74% - the Japanese public 24% Global job performance approval rating: 41% - US leadership 30% 41% - German leadership 41% 23% - Russian leadership 27% 29% - Chinese leadership 31% Favorable view of US music, movies and TV: 67% - the German public 74% 48% - the Russian public 56% 69% - the Japanese public 73% Favorable view of US ideas about democracy: 45% - the German public 37% 26% - the Russian public 30% 64% - the Japanese public 63% 0 20 40 60 80 100 Sources: Andrew Kohut et al., “Global Opinion of Obama Slips, International Policies Faulted”, Pew Research Center (2012), p. 3, 5, 22 – 23; Richard Wike et al., “U.S. Image suffers as Public Around World Question Trumps Leadership”, Pew Research Center (2017), p. 22, 28, 34, 93 – 94; Gallup (2018), Rating World Leaders: 2018, p.2. future of US global engagement. Ap- prevailed during the Bush administra- proval of US leadership worldwide tion. It now ranks on par with China, rose between 2008 and 2016, but has a troubling omen for those who con- since returned to the low levels that sider US soft power to be an advantage 24
SU PER POWER CONSTRA I N E D in its rivalry with Beijing. Also worry- Aspects of soft power, such as popular ing is that only one-quarter of Europe- culture and the reputation of its lead- ans approve of US leadership.25 ing universities, will continue to be a strength, but the longer the US is Conclusion: the Consequences of plagued by political dysfunction and Constraint radicalization the more difficult it will Policymakers face a different geopo- be to attract talented foreigners and litical landscape than their post-World influence other nations. One worry- War Two predecessors. The US remains ing sign is that after years of steady the world’s most powerful nation, but growth, enrollments by international its influence is undermined by foreign students at US universities declined in and domestic constraints that are un- 2016 and 2017.26 likely to dissipate. Great power com- petitors such as China and Russia will Meanwhile, the diffusion of informa- remain antagonistic – though China, tion and technology will continue to given its economic strength, has a empower regional competitors and much better chance of sustaining its non-state actors. Here, too, policy- challenge over the long term. makers remain at a loss as to how to respond. The nature of the US eco- The downsides of globalization will nomic and political system, with its also endure. Economic interdepend- reliance on the rule of law, advanced ence, a source of considerable strength technology, and the free flow of infor- for the US economy, will also con- mation and people, leaves it uniquely tinue to fuel inequality and – in com- vulnerable to asymmetric attacks bination with cultural conservatism from weaker and authoritarian foes. – political radicalization. There is lit- Partisanship further complicates mat- tle reason to expect that the political ters by making it difficult to assess the will exists to address this paradox, or impact of previous attacks and to im- that the system is even capable of ac- plement effective countermeasures. commodating the type of changes that would be necessary. On the contrary, What does all of this mean for the the situation appears set to worsen, as future of US foreign policy? Sweep- key arms of the US foreign policy and ing predictions are unwise in the era national security apparatus – its mili- of Trump, but the evidence suggests tary and diplomatic corps – are in the several trends. Fears that the US will midst of crises that could leave them embrace a form of neo-isolationism hobbled for years. are unjustified. However, we can 25
STRATEG I C TR EN DS 201 8 expect more extreme swings in behav- 2010 NPR called for modernizing ior, based partly on which party holds the nation’s nuclear arsenal, but also power. The GOP has fused comfort- sought to lead the way on arms con- ably with Trumpism, leaving it more trol. In keeping with his skepticism nationalist and unilateralist than was regarding the value of international previously the case – a fact which is cooperation, Trump shows no such highlighted by the administration’s interest.27 decision to continue using the unsa- vory phrase “America First”, which ap- European policymakers are under- pears numerous times in the recently standably concerned about the direc- released National Security Strategy. tion of US foreign policy. It is more This means it will be prone to bouts aggressive but less effective, and more of protectionism, nativism, xenopho- demanding of its allies but unwilling bia, and illiberalism. This will hamper to provide leadership. This state of af- efforts to sustain an internationalist fairs presents potential opportunities grand strategy in the coming years. and pitfalls. The return of geopolitics The Democratic Party, meanwhile, will focus US attention on Africa, the continues to be more committed to Middle East, and East Asia, leaving engagement, multilateralism, and limited time and resources for as- democratic values. However, a vocal sisting allies across the Atlantic. This minority of the party firmly opposes could encourage Europe to accelerate trade liberalization and favors further the development of a robust Com- cuts in military spending – tendencies mon Security and Defense Policy which bode poorly for revitalizing US (CSDP) and, in the best-case scenar- leadership. io, lead to a more equal and fruitful US-European relationship. In the worst-case scenario, extremist nationalism combined with an inabili- However, if the US continues to ty to satisfactorily counter asymmetric struggle to adapt to the evolution of threats could lead to a more danger- global politics and to address its most ous, unpredictable foreign policy. One pressing domestic challenges, the hint of this troubling possibility can transatlantic alliance will suffer ac- be found in the 2018 Nuclear Posture cordingly. This would be dangerous Review (NPR). It expands the category for both sides – and for the entire in- of threats that could elicit a nuclear re- ternational system. sponse and calls for placing more em- phasis on low-yield devices. Obama’s 26
SU PER POWER CONSTRA I N E D 1 Hans M. Kristensen/Robert S. Norris, “Chinese 13 David Autor et al., “Importing Political Polari- Nuclear Forces, 2016”, in: Bulletin of the Atomic zation? The Electoral Consequences of Rising Scientists 72 (2016), 205 – 211. Trade Exposure”, in: NBER Working Paper no. 22637 (2017). 2 Nigel Inkster, China’s Cyber Power (London: Routledge, 2017); Sophie-Charlotte Fischer, 14 Noland McCarty, “What we know and don’t “Artificial Intelligence: China’s High-Tech know about our polarized politics”, in: The Ambitions”, in: CSS Analyses in Security Policy, Washington Post, 08.01.2014. no. 220 (2018). 15 Justin Gest, The New Minority: White Working 3 Uri Friedman, “What Are America’s Options on Class Politics in an Age of Immigration and North Korea?”, in: The Atlantic, 07.04.2017. Inequality (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016). 4 Jack Thompson/Oliver Thränert, “Trump Pre- paring to End Iran Nuke Deal”, in: CSS Policy 16 Yascha Mounk and Roberto Stefan Foa, “Yes, Perspectives 5, no. 4 (2017). people really are turning away from democ- racy”, in: The Washington Post, 08.12.2016. 5 The Iran Project, Weighing Benefits and Costs of Military Action Against Iran, 2012. 17 Christopher Weber et al., “How authoritarian- ism is shaping American politics (and it’s not 6 Maggie Severns, “Big Donors Ready to Re- just about Trump)”, in: The Washington Post, ward Republicans for Tax Cuts”, in: Politico, 10.05.2017. 29.01.2018; Jack Thompson, “Looking Beyond Trump”, in: Strategic Trends (2017), 35 – 54. 18 Marisa Abrajano and Zoltan Hajnal, White Backlash: Immigration, Race, and American 7 David H. Autor et al., “The China Shock: Politics (Princeton: Princeton University Press, Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to 2017). Large Changes in Trade”, in: NBER Working Paper, no. 21906 (2016). 19 Bradley Jones, “Support for free trade agree- ments rebounds modestly, but wide partisan 8 Nadège Rolland, China’s Eurasian Century? differences remain”, Pew Research Center, Political and Strategic Implications of the Belt and 25.04.2017. Road Initiative (Seattle: The National Bureau of Asian Research, 2017). 20 Dina Smeltz et al.,“What Americans Think About America First”, Chicago Council on 9 Yun Sun, “Africa in China’s Foreign Policy”, Global Affairs Report, 10.2017. Brookings Institution Report, 04.2014. 21 Grant A. Driessen/Marc Labonte, “The Budget 10 Thorsten Benner et al., “Authoritarian Advance: Control Act of 2011 as Amended: Budgetary Responding to China’s Growing Political Influ- Effects”, Congressional Research Service Report, ence in Europe”, Global Public Policy Institute 12.2015. Report, 02.2018. 22 United States Government Accountability 11 Keith Johnson, “China’s New Silk Road into Office, Department of Defense: Actions Needed Europe is about more than Money”, in: Foreign to Address Five Key Mission Challenges, 06.2017; Policy, 01.06.2016; Lucrezia Poggetti, “China’s Katherine Blakely, “More Money on the Hori- Charm Offensive in Eastern Europe Challenges zon? Analysis of the FY 2018 Defense Budget EU Cohesion”, in: The Diplomat, 24.11.2017. Request”, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Report, 12.2017; Dan Goure, “The 12 Jenny Jun et al., “North Korea’s Cyber Opera- U.S. Military Is Suffering A Crisis Of Strategy, tions: Strategy and Responses”, Center for Strate- Not Just One Of Readiness”, in: The National gic and International Studies Report, 11.2015. Interest, 30.05.2017; Statement by General Daniel Allyn, Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army, Senate Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, 08.02.2017. 27
STRATEG I C TR EN DS 201 8 23 Barbara Stephenson, “Time to Ask Why”, in: The Foreign Service Journal, 12.2017, 7; Robbie Gramer et al., “How the Trump Administration Broke the State Department”, in: Foreign Policy, 31.07.2017. 24 Pew Research Center, U.S. Image Suffers as Pub- lics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership, 06.2017. 25 Gallup, Rating World Leaders: 2018. 26 Elizabeth Redden, “International Student Num- bers Decline”, in: Inside Higher Ed, 18.01.2018. 27 Oliver Thränert, “President Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review”, in: CSS Analyses in Security Policy no. 223 (2018). 28
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