STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2021 2019 - 2022 - COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICE - Ballarat & Grampians Community Legal Service

Page created by Bruce Williams
STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2021 2019 - 2022 - COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICE - Ballarat & Grampians Community Legal Service


      2018 – 2021

      2019 – 2022
STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2021 2019 - 2022 - COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICE - Ballarat & Grampians Community Legal Service
LLARAT                              &            GRAMPIAN
                                                    Plan 2019 – 2022
MMUNITY LEGAL                                                                                      SERVI

    Strategy Context   Ballarat & Grampians Community Legal Service (BGCLS) Strategy 2019-
                       2022 has been informed by structured workshopping and consultation with
                       our Committee of Management, staff, volunteers and other stakeholders
                       and with the expertise of a consultant with extensive experience working
                       with the community sector and our Legal Service more broadly.

                       In developing our Strategy 2019-2022 we applied our values of inclusivity,
                       collaboration and accountability to inform our priorities about who we
                       assist and how we would further enhance this into the future.

                       Through our strategic planning process, we identified 7 key priorities.
                       These 7 priorities will enable us to deliver appropriate and relevant legal
                       services based on the needs of the community.

       Who we are      BGCLS is a not-for-profit organisation providing free legal advice,
                       information and community legal education to people who live, work or
                       study in the Central Highlands and Wimmera regions of Victoria.

                       BGCLS assists not only with individual legal matters, but also more broadly
                       in community development, community legal education, capacity building
                       and law and policy reform projects based on the needs of our community.

                       We actively work in partnership wherever possible, with government,
                       Victoria Legal Aid and other publicly funded legal assistance service
                       providers, pro bono contributors, the private legal profession, community
                       services agencies and other community partners to ensure the best
                       outcomes for their clients and community.

     Why we exist      Community Legal Services exist to provide assistance to vulnerable
                       and disadvantaged clients within their communities, specifically those
                       individuals who cannot afford private legal representation and who are
                       unable to obtain legal aid funding. We are often the first point of contact
                       for people seeking assistance or their last resort when all other attempts to
                       seek legal assistance have failed.

          Funding      BGCLS receives Commonwealth and State Government funding and seeks
                       alternative funding options such as philanthropic funds for specialised

                                                 Acknowledgment of Country
                                                 BGCLS Acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the region we service, their
                                                 diversity, histories, knowledge and their continuing connections to land, water
                                                 and community. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                 Peoples, their Elders past, present and emerging.
LLARAT                                 &            GRAMPIAN
                                              StrategicPlan 2019 – 2022
MMUNITY LEGAL                                                                           SERVI

               Our Vision                  Our Purpose                        Our Values
        Striving for an informed       Providing high quality           Integrity, respect,
        community with access to       professional legal               inclusivity, confidentiality,
        justice through the law.       services, education,             accountability,
                                       support and advocacy to          collaboration.
                                       promote inclusion and
                                       enhance collaboration.

              WHAT DO OUR VALUES MEAN?

         Values               What does this mean for BGCLS?

         Integrity            Demonstrating honesty and trustworthiness in all aspects of our
                              work, being ethical at all times

         Respect              Treating our clients, volunteers, staff and partners with respect and
                              valuing what each has to say and contribute

         Inclusivity          Embracing our differences, encouraging all communities to
                              support and access our service

         Confidentiality      Ensuring privacy for all clients in all aspects of our work

         Accountability       Demonstrating high quality and professional services, being
                              responsible for our work, our successes and our challenges

         Collaboration        Working together with our clients, volunteers, partners and
                              communities to achieve sustainable change

         Priority 1		       Deliver high quality legal services
         Priority 2:		      Deliver innovative and holistic non-legal services
         Priority 3:		      Enhance prevention and intervention advocacy for family violence
         Priority 4:		      Build / strive for a sustainable not for profit business mode
         Priority 5:		      Be accessible to and inclusive of all of our communities
         Priority 6:		      Deliver client centred collaborative service planning
         Priority 7:		      Provide a safe and supportive organisational culture
LLARAT                                  &            GRAMPIAN
                                              Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022
MMUNITY LEGAL                                                                        SERVI

            OUR PRIORITIES
        Priority 1 - Deliver high quality legal services
        We will:                                     Over the next three years:
        • meet the ongoing needs of the               • agree on scope of services in terms of
          community in planning, service provision      legal matters (including priority matters)
          and reviews                                   and timing of CLC intervention (early vs crisis)
        • use flexible, responsive and innovative     • inform / educate client-referring
          techniques to meet the changing needs of      organisations about their scope, preferred
          the community                                 service access channels and client
        • promote early intervention and targeted       eligibility
          community legal education                   • greater access to legal services to
        • engage in targeted and appropriate law        communities outside the Ballarat Local
          reform to broaden the impact of legal         Government Area
          change across the community                 • conduct service mapping and identify
                                                        hot spots
                                                      • enhance preventative education and
                                                        services based on specific community need
                                                      • have a strong, visible presence in
                                                        law reform

        Priority 2 - Deliver innovative and holistic

        We will:
                     non-legal services
                                                     Over the next three years:
         • invest in and deliver non-legal           • provide a comprehensive and holistic
           services to support our clients             approach to a client’s circumstances
         • adopt a more holistic approach to           and needs
           resolving people’s legal problems         • provide opportunities to work closely
         • ensure greater collaboration and            with other service providers to address
           cooperation between legal and               all of a person’s legal and non-legal
           non-legal services                          problems as part of a more holistic
                                                       approach to service delivery
                                                     • identifying systematic issues that create
                                                       problems for clients, and for services in
                                                       their efforts to meet client needs.
LLARAT                                  &     Strategic GRAMPIAN
                                                           Plan 2019 – 2022
MMUNITY LEGAL                                                                         SERVI

            OUR PRIORITIES

        Priority 3 - Enhance prevention and intervention

        We will:
                     advocacy for family violence

                                                        Over the next three years:
         • design strategies to change harmful           • work with clients to assess their risk and
           attitudes towards women, promote gender         manage their safety by providing ongoing
           equality and encourage respectful               non-legal support
           relationships                                 • provide court advocacy and legal
         • support people experiencing family              assistance across regional courts and towns
           violence, with the aim of stopping              in our catchment
           early signs of violence from escalating,      • source resources to expand the Community
           and preventing a recurrence of violence         Legal Education program to regional
         • find pathways for integrated services for       schools
           family violence                               • work collaboratively to promote prevention
         • advocate for the rights of people affected      messages
           by family violence through law reform         • provide intervention services to enhance
           and policy                                      access to the legal system and improve
         • address geographical isolation for victims      client outcomes
           of family violence and early intervention     • engage in family violence networks
           programs                                      • maintain White Ribbon Workplace
         • increase awareness about the prevalence         accreditation
           and impact of family violence on women        • ensure all staff believe an intersectional
           and children                                    approach is important to their work and
                                                           feel confident they understand how to
                                                           apply it in their work
LLARAT                                    &   Strategic GRAMPIAN
                                                           Plan 2019 – 2022
MMUNITY LEGAL                                                                        SERVI

            OUR PRIORITIES

        Priority 4 - Build / strive for a sustainable not for profit

        We will:
                     business model

                                                        Over the next three years:
         • invest in strong local, regional and state    • diversify funding opportunities
           level partnerships                            • develop a clear and cohesive business
         • invest in increasing community support          model
         • embed improved sustainability into our        • investigate options for increasing
           business model                                  accessibility in outer regional areas

        Priority 5 - Be accessible to and inclusive of all

        We will:
                     of our communities

                                                        Over the next three years:
         • provide services that are accessible          • undertake the Rainbow Tick Accreditation
           and inclusive of the diverse needs of           program
           our community                                 • complete a Reconciliation Action Plan
         • be culturally appropriate and mindful         • undertake a sector engagement and
           with our service provision                      service design review
         • undertake regular, organisation
           wide training
         • provide appropriate translating services
           for clients where requested
         • ensure physical facilities are accessible
           for clients accessing appointments or
           community based legal education
         • provide multiple referral pathways,
           targeted from multiple sources
LLARAT                                  &     StrategicGRAMPIAN
                                                          Plan 2019 – 2022
MMUNITY LEGAL                                                                        SERVI

            OUR PRIORITIES

        Priority 6 - Deliver client centred collaborative

        We will:
                     service planning

                                                       Over the next three years:
         • use a client-centred model of service        • embed monitoring and evaluation methods
           evaluation                                     across the whole of organisation
         • use our monitoring and evaluation            • review and update the Legal Needs
           framework to guide decision making and         Analysis
           resource allocation                          • establish strong partnerships and project
         • further develop partnerships with other        opportunities with diverse communities
           Community Legal Centres and all              • undertake a partnership review
         • enhance existing partnerships to progress
           collaborative work

        Priority 7 - Provide a safe and supportive

        We will:
                     organisational culture

                                                       Over the next three years:
         • foster a positive workplace environment      • ensure staff have ongoing professional
         • attract and retain highly skilled staff        development opportunities
         • recognise and value diverse skills,          • provide open and transparent
           culture and backgrounds of people in           communication
           the workplace                                • provide staff with rotation or source
         • encourage workplace cultures that              professional secondments to provide staff
           support family friendly arrangements and       with opportunities to broaden their
           work environments for men and women            experience and skills
         • be an employer of choice                     • develop a set of agreed team behaviours

                                   5 Chancery Lane, Ballarat Vic 3350
                                   PO Box 547 Ballarat Vic 3353
    BALLARAT & GRAMPIANS           T: 03 5331 5999 • F: 03 5331 8239 • Freecall: 1800 466 488
                                   E: • W:
    COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICE        DX35015 Ballarat
                                   ACN A0018716c.

                                                                         Funded by

                               This CLC is funded and supported by
                               Victoria Legal Aid
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