Stokes flows in three-dimensional fluids with odd viscosity
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This draft was prepared using the LaTeX style file belonging to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Stokes flows in three-dimensional fluids with arXiv:2011.07681v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 16 Nov 2020 odd viscosity Tali Khain1,2 , Colin Scheibner1,2 , and Vincenzo Vitelli1,2,3 1 James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA 2 Department of Physics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA 3 Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA (Received xx; revised xx; accepted xx) The Stokeslet is the fundamental Green’s function associated with point forces in viscous flows. It prescribes how the work done by external forces is balanced by the energy dissipated through velocity gradients. In ordinary fluids, viscosity is synonymous with energy dissipation. Yet, in fluids with broken microscopic time-reversal symmetry, the viscosity tensor can acquire a dissipationless contribution called odd viscosity. As the ratio between odd and dissipative viscosity diverges, energy balance requires that the resulting flow gradients become singular. Here, we find that these singularities give rise to additional contributions to the Stokeslet flow that persist even when the odd viscosity is small. In this limit, we solve for the flow past a sphere and illustrate the distinct effects of odd shear and rotational viscosities. When applied to many-body sedimentation, our analysis reveals the emergence of non-reciprocal hydrodynamic interactions and chiral modifications to particle trajectories. 1. Introduction At low Reynolds numbers, fluid flow is controlled by viscosity (Purcell 1977). Viscosity itself is the ability of a fluid to exert stresses in response to velocity gradients, as expressed by the phenomenological equation σij (x) = ηijkl ∂k vl (x) (1.1) where σij (x) is the viscous stress, vl (x) is the velocity, and ηijkl is the viscosity tensor. For systems with microscopic time-reversal symmetry, the Onsager reciprocity relations imply that the viscosity tensor must be symmetric ηijkl = ηklij , and hence contribute to the entropy production ṡ ∝ σij ∂i vj (Groot 1962). However, for systems with broken microscopic time reversal symmetry, the viscosity tensor can acquire an additional antisymmetric part o o ηijkl = −ηklij (1.2) o o The antisymmetric tensor ηijkl is known as odd (or Hall) viscosity. Crucially, since ηijkl is antisymmetric, odd viscosity does not contribute to entropy production, i.e. dissipation, in a fluid. Fluids with odd viscosity arise in various domains. Experimental measurements of odd viscosity have been performed in electron fluids (Berdyugin et al. 2019), gases of polyatomic molecules subject to magnetic fields (Korving et al. 1967; Hulsman et al. 1970), and colloids composed of spinning parts (Soni et al. 2019). Moreover, odd viscosity has received theoretical attention in contexts inlcuding active matter (Banerjee et al. 2017; Han et al. 2020; Souslov et al. 2020; Markovich & Lubensky 2020; Banerjee et al.
2 2020), plasmas (Chapman 1939), quantum fluids (Avron et al. 1995; Vollhardt 1990; Hoyos & Son 2012), and fluids of vortices (Wiegmann & Abanov 2014; Bogatskiy 2019). As odd viscosity implies parity violation in isotropic two-dimensional fluids, it serves as an exciting platform for exotic wave phenomena (Souslov et al. 2019; Tauber et al. 2020; Baardink et al. 2020; Abanov et al. 2018; Avron et al. 1995; Avron 1998; Monteiro & Ganeshan 2020). Since odd viscosity itself does not entail entropy production, extensive attention has been paid to the ideal Bernoulli limit that is amenable to Hamiltonian and action principles (Abanov & Monteiro 2019; Markovich & Lubensky 2020; Banerjee et al. 2017). Here, we examine a different facet of odd viscosity. Working in two and three dimen- sions, we investigate the odd viscous response to local probes in the limit that inertial forces are negligible. Viscosity-dominated flows are the setting for phenomena ranging from many-body sedimentation (Purcell 1977; Goldfriend et al. 2017; Chajwa et al. 2019) to the locomotion of microswimmers (Huang et al. 2019; Elfring & Lauga 2020; Lapa & Hughes 2014). Due to the linearity of the Stokes equation, general solutions can be constructed from Green’s functions, known as Stokeslets (Happel 1983). Qualitatively, the interplay between the Stokeslet and odd viscosity can be viewed from the perspective of energy balance: the work done by an external force must be balanced by the heat generated by velocity gradients. As the dissipative viscosity is removed, flow gradients must become increasingly intense in order to offset the work done by the external agent. Consequently, in the formal limit that the dissipative viscosity vanishes and only the odd viscosity remains, the velocity gradient field must exhibit singularities. Our study illustrates how such singularities in the dissipationless limit belie the qualitative character of the odd viscous flow even when dissipation is present. 2. The Stokeslet of an odd viscous fluid: exact solution We begin our analysis by obtaining the Stokeslet solution in the presence of odd viscosity in an incompresssible fluid. When inertial forces are negligible, fluid flow is governed by the Stokes equation −∂j p(x) + ∂i σij (x) =fj (x) (2.1) where p(x) is the pressure and fi (x) is the external force density. In Fourier space, Eq. 2.1 may be written as iqi p(q) + Mil (q)vl (q) = fi (q) (2.2) −1 subject to the incompressiblity condition qi vi = 0, where Mil (q) = qi qk ηijkl . When Mij exists, the general solution is given by vi (q) = Gij (q)fj (q), where −1 −1 Mim qm qn Mnj −1 Gij (q) ≡ Mij − −1 (2.3) qk Mkl ql 1 2 q q For a standard isotropic, incompressible fluid, Gij = 8π q (δij + qi 2j ). Notice that Gij (q) o is symmetric whenever ηijkl vanishes. Moreover, whenever the symmetric (i.e. dissipative) component of ηijkl vanishes, the second term of Eq. 2.3 diverges, as can be anticipated on the basis of energy arguments. To concretely illustrate the consequences of Eq. 2.3, the form of ηijkl must be specified. As discussed in Appendix A, the most general ηijkl has 34 = 81 independent components in three dimensions in absence of any physical symmetries or constraints. Imposing cylindrical symmetry about an axis ẑ restricts ηijkl to the 19 independent components shown in Eq. A 2. We first consider only the shear viscosities which relate shear stress
3 Figure 1. A Stokeslet in an odd viscous fluid. An external force, F , is applied at the origin in the −ẑ direction (panel D). Panels A-C visualize the streamlines of the Stokeslet solution for a range of odd to even viscosity ratios, γ = η2o /µ. All flows are obtained analytically for the special case η1o = −2η2o (see Eq. 2.5-2.6). As the odd viscosity is added (panels B-C), the velocity field develops an azimuthal component that changes sign across the z = 0 plane, where the source is located. In the limit of only odd viscosity (panel C), the familiar radial component of the flow vanishes. Panels E and F show slices of the azimuthal velocity field on the r-z plane, and correspond to panels B and C, respectively. Panel G further details the angular dependence of vφ on θ for a variety of values of γ. The lobes in panels E and G arise from the singularity along the z-axis at γ → ∞ in panel F and swing out as γ decreases. to shear strain: µ1 , µ2 , µ3 , η1o , and η2o . Here, µ1 , µ2 , and µ3 respect Onsager reciprocity, while η1o and η2o violate Onsager reciprocity. Particularly elegant solutions are available when µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = µ and η1o = −2η2o , and we will assume this ansatz for the rest of this section. In this case, the viscosity tensor can be viewed geometrically as performing a rotation through the angle arctan(η2o /µ) about the ẑ axis. We note that the choice η1o = −2η2o is consistent with viscous terms derived from Hamiltonain coarse- graining procedures on fluids of spinning molecules (Markovich & Lubensky 2020), and representative of the range −2 . η1o /η2o . −1/2 measured in three-dimensional gases of polyatomic molecules (Hulsman et al. 1970). See Appendix A for further discussion of the symmetry properties of ηijkl . Taking f = −ẑFz δ 3 (x), we derive the resulting flow field parameterized by γ = η2o /µ, ! Fz cot θ 1 vr (ρ, θ) = − 1− p (2.4) 4πη2o γρ 1 + γ 2 sin2 θ
4 ! Fz cot θ 1 vφ (ρ, θ) = 1− p (2.5) 4πη2o ρ 1 + γ 2 sin2 θ ! Fz 1 γ2 + 1 vz (ρ, θ) = 1− p (2.6) 4πη2o γρ 1 + γ 2 sin2 θ and the pressure field, 2(γ 2 + 1) Fz cos θ p(ρ, θ) = 1− (2.7) 4π ρ2 (1 + γ 2 sin2 θ)3/2 Streamlines of the velocity field are visualized for a range of γ in figure 1a-c and supplementary movie 1. Notably, for γ 6= 0, the flow develops an azimuthal component (figure 1e-f), consistent with the planar chirality of η1o and η2o . In the limit µ → 0 (or γ → ∞), the r̂-component of the velocity field vanishes, and the two remaining components, vφ and vz , become proportional to (ρ sin θ)−1 . As anticipated on the basis of energy arguments, gradients in the velocity have singularities, in this case arising along the axis of symmetry, sin θ = 0. In terms of vorticity ω = ∇ × v, ωρ takes the form ωρ (ρ, θ) ∝ [δ(sin θ) − 1]/ρ2 when γ → ∞. In this limit, ωρ is the combination of two contributions: (i) a 1/ρ2 term that resembles the electric field emanating from a point charge and (ii) a delta-function along the axis of cylindrical symmetry that acts to cancel the net source of vorticity within any surface enclosing the Stokeslet. (See Appendix B for the Stokeslet in two dimensions.) While the singular line dominates the flow field at |γ| = ∞, a finite dissipative viscosity µ regularizes the singularity. As γ decreases, the singular line splits into lobes of high azimuthal velocity that migrate away from the vertical, illustrated by the angular profile of vφ in figure 1g. We note that the singular solution is purely a formal limiting case, as the diverging velocity is physically inconsistent with the assumption of negligible inertial forces. In the next sections, we examine flows regularized by large dissipative viscosity and objects of finite radius. 3. Stokeslet: perturbative solution In the section above, we considered the special case of η1o = −2η2o , which enables an exact solution of the Stokeslet problem for all values of γ = η2o /µ. We now take η1o and η2o to be independent and perform a perturbative expansion of Eq. 2.1 in the o quantities 1(2) ≡ η1(2) /µ 1. We find that both η1o and η2o contribute to leading order by introducing terms contained entirely in the φ̂-component of the velocity Fz (5 + 3 cos 2θ) sin 2θ + O 21 vφ (ρ, θ) = −1 (3.1) 128πµ ρ Fz (1 + 3 cos 2θ) sin 2θ + O 22 vφ (ρ, θ) = −2 (3.2) 64πµ ρ Figure 2a-b depicts the vφ profiles for η1o and η2o separately. While both velocity fields de- cay as 1/ρ, they differ appreciably in their angular dependence: η2o includes an additional sign change. As demonstrated in the previous section, this lobe structure originates from the singularities in the limit of µ → 0, yet persists for small η1o , η2o and evolves into the shape shown in figure 2. Fluids exhibiting odd shear viscosities often have sources of angular momentum that may additionally couple vorticity and anti-symmetric stress σij 6= σji . Such “rotational” viscosity coefficients, shown in the green top left block of Eq. A 2, break both minor
5 Figure 2. Contour plots of the first-order correction to Stokeslet flow due to a variety of distinct shear and rotational odd viscosity coefficients. Assuming that the odd viscosity is small as compared to the even viscosity, panels A-C visualize the azimuthal flow for a slice at constant φ as functions of the coordinates r, z, for odd viscosities η1o , η2o , and ηR , respectively. Blue denotes fluid flow into the page, and red denotes flow out of the page. The zeroth order streamlines of the normal Stokeslet are plotted in panel A. The inset in panel B demonstrates the complex near-field of the odd viscous flow past a sphere, for η2o /µ 1; an additional higher order term (1/ρ5 ) is needed to satisfy the no-slip boundary condition. The far-field is described by the Stokeslet. symmetries of the viscosity tensor, ηijkl , as they are odd under exchange of i and j as well as k and l. Here, we once again consider a system with cylindrical symmetry and investigate the role of the rotational viscosities Γ1 , Γ3 , and η R on the Stokeslet solution. Both Γ1 and Γ3 respect Onsager reciprocity, while η R violates Onsager reciprocity. Of the three coefficients, only η R violates planar chirality and, as a consequence, gives rise to an azimuthal flow: Fz sin(2θ) + O 2R vφ (ρ, θ) = R (3.3) 16πµ ρ While both the shear and the rotational viscosities generate azimuthal flow, the vφ profile due to η R shown in figure 2c differs subtly in its θ dependence from the effects of the shear viscosities. 4. Odd viscous flow past a sphere We now consider the odd viscous flow past a finite radius sphere. We assume a uniform velocity field v = U ẑ at ρ → ∞ and no-slip boundary conditions v = 0 on the surface of the sphere ρ = a. In standard isotropic fluids, a superposition of the Stokeslet (v ∝ 1/ρ) and its second derivative (v ∝ 1/ρ3 ) are sufficient to satisfy the boundary conditions and provide the force that holds the sphere in place. However, in the presence of odd viscosity, we find that higher order gradients are necessary. Solving for the flow to leading order in 1 , 2 , and R , we obtain " 3 5 # 3U 1 a 3 a 5 a vφ (ρ, θ) = f (θ) + f (θ) + f (θ) sin(2θ) (4.1) 64 ρ ρ ρ
6 Figure 3. The trajectories of three inertia-less particles sedimenting in each others’ Stokeslet flows. Panel A visualizes the three-dimensional nature of the particle paths in the presence of odd viscosity, η o = η1o = η2o . Without odd viscosity (panels B and C), the trajectories are purely two-dimensional: if the particles are initialized with y = 0, they remain so throughout the dynamics. Panel B shows a top-down view (x-y plane), and panel C shows a side view (x-z plane). Panels D and E present alternate views of the trajectories from panel A. Panel F demonstrates the non-reciprocity of the Stokeslet flow. The velocity fields (small colored arrows) are generated by point forces (large colored arrows) in an odd viscous fluid. where f 1 (θ) =8R − (5 + 3 cos 2θ)1 − (2 + 6 cos 2θ)2 + O 2 (4.2) f (θ) = − 8R + (6 + 10 cos 2θ)1 + (4 + 20 cos 2θ)2 + O 3 2 (4.3) f 5 (θ) = − (1 + 7 cos 2θ)1 − (2 + 14 cos 2θ)2 + O 2 (4.4) with no modifications to vr and vz at leading order. We note that the far field of the flow is indeed described by the odd Stokeslet solution in Eq. 3.1-3.3 with Fz = 6πaU µ. However, unlike standard isotropic fluids, Eq. 4.1 contains a 1/ρ5 term, which is higher order than the Stokeslet or its second derivative appearing in standard isotropic fluids. Finally, we note that Eq. 4.1 is obtained via a perturbation about the solution for a standard isotropic fluid. The resulting vector Poisson equation for the perturbed flow is formally equivalent to the electrostatics problem of finding the electric potential due to a conducting spherical cavity enclosing a point charge. Application of the Dirichlet Green’s function of the vector Laplacian yields Eq. 4.1. 5. Sedimentation and non-reciprocal Stokeslet interactions We now examine the role of odd viscosity on hydrodynamic interactions between particles at low Reynolds number. Features of the particle geometry, such as chirality and alignability, have received extensive attention in sedimentation problems (Goldfriend et al. 2017; Chajwa et al. 2019). Here, by contrast, we consider identical spherical particles immersed in an odd viscous fluid and study its effect on their trajectories. In the dilute limit, each particle subject to external forces can be treated as a Stokeslet. In this case, assuming the odd viscosity is small results in the equation of motion (Happel 1983)
7 dxα 1 X = Fα + G(xα − xβ ) · F β (5.1) dt 6πµa β where G(x) is the inverse Fourier transform of Eq. 2.3, F β is the force applied to the sphere at position xβ , and a is the radius of the spheres. As an illustration of the effects of odd viscosity, we consider three particles sedimenting under a constant vertical force −Fz ẑ. In supplementary movie 2 and figure 3a-e, we show the resulting trajectories of the particles due to their mutual interactions in the frame co-moving with speed −Fz /6πµa. The initial arrangement of the particles is an equilateral triangle pointing downward in the x-z plane. As the particles descend, the odd viscosity gives rise to a chiral spiraling behavior, forbidden by symmetry in an isotropic fluid. For the trajectories shown, we consider the regime of perturbatively small odd viscosity with η1o = η2o . In figure 3b- c, we show the trajectories of the particles when odd viscosity is absent: they remain entirely planar. However, once odd viscosity is added, the azimuthal flow from the odd Stokeslet induces the distinctive three-dimensional trajectories shown in figure 3a,d-e and supplementary movie 2. In addition to modifying the trajectories, odd viscosity also affects the energetic relationship between the external forces. For example, Onsager reciprocity implies the following relationship for the work done by two point forces (Masoud & Stone 2019; Brenner & Nadim 1996), dW21 dW12 ≡ F 2 · v 1 (x2 ) = F 1 · v 2 (x1 ) ≡ , (5.2) dt dt where v 1(2) is the velocity field generated by the force F 1(2) on particle 1(2). The quantity W21 is the additional work done by F 2 owing to the particle motion induced by F 1 , and vice versa for W12 . While W12 and W21 must be equal for a fluid respecting time- reversal symmetry, external forces acting on an odd viscous fluid can violate Eq. 5.2. As a simple illustration, figure 3f shows two point forces in the x-y plane for a fluid in which η1o = −2η2o and µ = 0. Upon evaluating Eq. 5.2, we find dW21 /dt = −dW12 /dt. Indeed, when µ = 0, the interaction terms between the two Stokeslets must be equal and opposite since the fluid cannot dissipate energy. Notice that violations of Eq. 5.2 do not in principle require experimental detailed resolution of the flow field or particle motion, but only the determination of the work done by the external forces. Beyond sedimentation, reciprocity underlies the conventional treatment of viscous phenomena such as particulate mixing, drag on extended bodies, and the motion of air bubbles (Masoud & Stone 2019). Thus, the simultaneous breaking of reciprocity and chiral symmetry in three-dimensional Stokes flow suggests a host of experimental effects due to odd viscosity that do not rely on detailed measurements of pressure and velocity fields. Appendix A. Viscosity tensor in three dimensions In three-dimensions, the viscosity tensor is a rank-4 tensor, ηijkl , with 81 possible elements. Following the notation in Scheibner et al. (2020b,a), we use a basis of 3 × 3 A matrices denoted by τij , with A = 1 . . . 9 to decompose the stress tensor and velocity gradient tensor, and thereby express ηijkl as a 9 × 9 matrix. The basis consists of three k anti-symmetric matrices (torques and rotations, Rij = kij ), a diagonal matrix (pressure q 2 and dilation, Cij = 3 δij ), and five traceless symmetric matrices (shear stresses and
8 shear strains, 3 × 3 Pauli matrices, Sij ), −1 √ 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 03 −1 S 1 = 0 −1 0 S 2 = 1 0 3 0 S = √ 0 S 4 = 0 0 1 S 5 = 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 √2 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 (A 1) A B Note the normalization τij τij = 2δ AB . Defining v A ≡ ∂i vj τij A and σ A ≡ σij τij A , we find σ A = η AB v B where η AB = 21 τijA B ηijkl τkl . Subject to cylindrical symmetry about the ẑ AB axis, the most general form of η is given by (A 2) Writing the viscosity tensor in this way elucidates the physical meaning of each element. In an isotropic fluid, the only remaining terms are the familiar bulk viscosity ζ, which couples isotropic dilation to isotropic pressure; shear viscosity µ = µ1 = µ2 = µ3 , which couples shear strain to shear stress; and rotational viscosity Γ = Γ1 = Γ3 , which couples vorticities and internal torques. In the main text, we investigate the role of the odd counterparts to these terms, focusing on the shear (η1o , η2o ) and rotational (η R ) viscosities. In gases of polyatomic molecules, coefficients η1o and η2o have been measured and they are sometimes referred to as η4 and η5 , respectively (Groot 1962). It is instructive to note the relationship between Eq. A 2 and chirality. We say that a tensor is achiral if and only if every parity operation (i.e. a negation of an odd number of spatial components) is equivalent to a rotation. Working in three dimensions, every parity operation on a tensor may be implemented by acting on each index of the tensor with −Rik , where Rik is a rotation matrix. Since ηijkl is a rank-4 tensor, ηijkl is manifestly achiral. However, the three-dimensional viscosity tensor can nonetheless possess a distinct property known as planar chirality. A three-dimensional object is planar chiral if it has two-dimensional chirality about a given axis. More formally, a tensor is planar achiral about an axis p̂i if and only if every parity operation preserving p̂i is equivalent to a rotation preserving p̂i . For the matrix in Eq. A 2, all the components introduced by odd viscosity are planar chiral about ẑi , except ηso , which respects planar chiral symmetry. e e e Moreover, of the even terms, ηA , ηQ,3 , and ηQ,1 are planar chiral, while the remainder are not. Appendix B. Stokeslet in two dimensions Here we provide the Stokeslet solution for isotropic odd viscosity in two dimensions. In this case, the incompressible Stokes equation is given by (Avron et al. 1995) Fi δ 2 (r) =∂i p(r) + µ∇2 vi (r) + η o ∇2 ij vj (r) (B 1) 2 =∂i p(r) + η∇ Rij vj (r) (B 2)
9 p where η = µ2 + (η o )2 and Rij is a rotation matrix through angle θ = arctan(η o /µ). The Green’s function for Eq. B 1 is given by: −1 −1 " # −1 −2 Rij r̂j r̂l Rlk Rik Rik vi (r) = + log(r) + Fk (B 3) η µ µ The logarithmic divergence in Eq. B 3 is a well known feature of two-dimensional Stokes flows. We note that the coefficient η o disappears from the bulk equations of motion for isotropic odd viscosity by defining an effective pressure (Ganeshan & Abanov 2017). However, odd viscosity can still be detected by the application of point forces described by Eq. B 3, because the Stokeslet acts as a stress boundary condition. Appendix C. Stokeslet Reciprocity Here, we comment on the equivalence between Eq. 5.2 and the Onsager reciprocity relation ηijkl = ηklij . Suppose force distributions F 1 and F 2 are associated with velocity distributions v 1 and v 2 over some volume V . Let us define Wαβ = V F α (x) · v β (x)dV . R Using the incompressiblity of the flow, we obtain Z dW21 dW12 − = (ηijkl − ηklij ) ∂i vj2 ∂k vl1 dV dt dt V Z + [ηijkl vj ∂k vl2 − ηijkl vj2 ∂k vl1 − p2 vi1 + p1 vi2 ]n̂i dA 1 (C 1) ∂V where n̂i is the outward normal. Hence, when the flow and pressure vanish at the boundary of the fluid, dW21 /dt − dW12 /dt is determined by the major symmetry of the viscosity tensor. The far-field boundary term, however, is not always negligible. As an illustration, consider the two Stokeslets obeying the solution in Eqs. 2.5-2.7 at γ = ∞. In this case, ηijkl = −ηklij , and yet one obtains dW21 /dt 6= −dW12 /dt. This apparent discrepancy arises since the flow along θ = 0 does not vanish at ρ → ∞ and hence the boundary term of Eq. C 1 must be considered. REFERENCES Abanov, Alexander G., Can, Tankut & Ganeshan, Sriram 2018 Odd surface waves in two-dimensional incompressible fluids. SciPost Phys. 5, 10. Abanov, Alexander G. & Monteiro, Gustavo M. 2019 Free-surface variational principle for an incompressible fluid with odd viscosity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 154501. Avron, J. E. 1998 Odd viscosity. Journal of statistical physics 92 (3-4), 543–557. Avron, J. E., Seiler, R. & Zograf, P. G. 1995 Viscosity of quantum hall fluids. Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 697–700. Baardink, Guido, Cassella, Gino, Neville, Luke, Milewski, Paul A. & Souslov, Anton 2020 Complete absorption of topologically protected waves, arXiv: 2010.07342. Banerjee, D., Souslov, A., Abanov, A. G. & Vitelli, V. 2017 Odd viscosity in chiral active fluids. Nature communications 8 (1), 1–12. Banerjee, Debarghya, Souslov, Anton & Vitelli, Vincenzo 2020 Hydrodynamic correlation functions of chiral active fluids, arXiv: 2005.00621. Berdyugin, A. I., Xu, S. G., Pellegrino, F. M. D., Krishna Kumar, R., Principi, A., Torre, I., Ben Shalom, M., Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Grigorieva, I. V., Polini, M., Geim, A. K. & Bandurin, D. A. 2019 Measuring hall viscosity of graphene’s electron fluid. Science 364 (6436), 162–165. Bogatskiy, A 2019 Vortex flows on closed surfaces. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (47), 475501. Brenner, Howard & Nadim, Ali 1996 The Lorentz reciprocal theorem for micropolar fluids, pp. 169–176. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
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