Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February

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Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February
Issue 197

stc’s emerging technologies
are helping to shape Saudi
Arabia’s sustainable future
Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February
Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February
Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February
17             02    February 2022

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Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February
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Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February
       08   stc’s emerging technologies are helping to
            shape Saudi Arabia’s sustainable future

15   Articles
       15   Towards excellence in the Digital Economy

       20   Measuring and Mitigating Cyber Risk

       21   The 3 Key IT Trends to look out for in 2022

       24   Is Eco-SIM unnecessary step
            in Telco Sustainability?

       17   Huawei showcased Secure-by-design
            Safety and Security Solutions

       18   OIC-CERT 5G Security Working Group
            announces new 5G Security Framework

       22   SAMENA Council emphasized on re-energizing
            Sustainable Development and Universal
            Connectivity Drives at WTPF

       39   Euroconsult estimates Global Space
            Economy totaled $370b in 2021

       47   Axon Technologies turns spotlight
            on Cyber Hygiene at Intersec

       48   What awards did Moscow receive in 2021
Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February
Editor’s Note

                                                                         Dear Readers,

                                                                         This edition features a report on stc's emerging
                                                                         technologies and innovative ventures that are aligned with
                                                                         the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and are helping to shape Saudi
                                                                         Arabia’s sustainable future. Something which means a lot
                                                                         to me personally is stc's commitment to reduce its carbon
                                                                         footprint and become a green network operator - many
                                                                         of their initiatives are directly pointed towards a Net
                                                                         Zero outcome which is something that I really hope other
                                                                         operators will pick up. It's about time that our environment

                                                             18          becomes the top priority for everyone in every sector.

                                                                         The month of February brings our attention to LEAP Saudi
                                                                         Arabia - the ground-breaking event which is bringing
                                                                         together the world’s greatest minds; from leading
Telecommunications                                                       technology corporations, inspiring pioneers from global
                                                                         start-ups and venture capitalists with the means to make it
 38    Infinet Wireless PtP solutions used to                            all happen. LEAP is at the moment one of the Most talked-
       interconnect Coca-Cola offices in Egypt                           about events around the world and the excitement around
                                                                         it is simply unmatched. I cannot wait to participate in the
 41    du deploys Ericsson’s new radio to                                disruptive discussions that will take place and I welcome
       reduce network carbon footprint                                   you all to join the industry leaders in Riyadh from February
 44    Ooredoo Group and CK Hutchison create Indonesia’s
       Second Largest Mobile Telecoms Company                            Moving on, I would definitely recommend reading through
                                                                         the editorial "Towards excellence in the Digital Economy"
                                                                         by Safder Nazir, SVP of Digital Industries, Huawei Middle
 45    Etisalat to offer first of its kind Digital
       Insurance Services Platform in UAE                                East. The article talks about the implications of digital
                                                                         technologies in the Middle East and how tech-focused
                                                                         thought leadership can help organizations benefit from
Satellite Communications                                                 these capabilities.

                                                                         As always, you will find the latest news and updates from
  30   ND SATCOM’s SKYWAN 5G is continuously                             all major players in the ICT space in this edition. Your
       enhanced with new features                                        feedback is welcome on

  31   Total solution combining satellite and IP-based                   Enjoy Reading!
       technologies from AsiaSat and OCGL

  33   Intelsat and Partners Bring Emergency
       Connectivity to Tonga                                                                                               Khalid Athar
                                                                                                                                 Chief Editor

  26   Aruba to turn spotlight on building
       ‘Your Journey. Your Edge’ at LEAP’22

  27   Intersec 2022 concludes on a high note
       with strong international participation
                                                                          Scan to download PDF version
  33   4th Grand Blockchain Event to be held in Dubai                     Follow @TeletimesIntl on Twitter

                                                     ... and much more
Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February
stc’s emerging technologies
are helping to shape Saudi
Arabia’s sustainable future
                                                                                              stc, with its
                                                                                              partners, is
                                                                                            now the MENA
                                                                                           region’s hub for
                                                                                             digital goods
                                                                                          and services and
                                                                                            is the national
                                                                                          enabler in KSA for
                                                                                          the government’s
                                                                                            Vision 2030 – a
                                                                                           that will see the
                                                                                           country depend
                                                                                           less on its oil by
                                                                                           developing and
                       STC Group CEO Eng. Olayan M. Alwetaid
                                                                                            diversifying its

As we hurtle toward a more technologically advanced future        in the Middle East, it’s Saudi Arabia’s leading digital enabler in
the sands of the world’s digital landscape are shifting faster    the telecommunications industry, stc that is paving the way,
than ever before. The way we use smart devices and consume        having been the fastest-growing brand in the region in 2021
digital content is continually evolving - NFTs are changing the   after reaching a market value of $9.2 billion . The company,
way we buy products, the Metaverse will impact the way we         with its partners, is now the MENA region’s hub for digital
communicate with each other and Web 3.0 will utilize ledger       goods and services and is the national enabler in KSA for the
blockchain technology to decentralize the Internet as it enters   government’s Vision 2030 – a revolutionary transformation
a new phase.                                                      that will see the country depend less on its oil by developing
                                                                  and diversifying its economy. To ensure the nation remains
By spearheading the globe’s digital revolution, technology        a thriving one and enriches lives for generations to come,
companies are some of the fastest growing in the world and        sustainability has been placed at the heart of the Vision, and

8   February 2022
Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February
Emerging technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence and
 augmented reality are already being used in innovative stc
products and services while new tech such as IoT and cloud
   technology are proving to be accelerants in achieving
                    sustainability goals.

given its crucial role in the development     and enabled transactions to take place      of people around the world as a way of
of Saudi’s digital framework, stc has         more sustainably. This was highlighted      accessing essential goods and services,
placed great onus on not only operating       further in June last year when stc          while giving the companies behind them
sustainably but evolving sustainability       signed an agreement with Huawei to          a sustainable growth.
with the use of emerging technologies.        advance sustainable development and
The company is leading the charge in          green initiatives in the KSA. Emerging      Digital products and services have the
stimulating innovation and creativity         technologies such as 5G, artificial         ability to change people’s lives for the
through a range of important domains          intelligence and augmented reality are      better, stc Group CEO Eng. Olayan M.
such as energy management and                 already being used in innovative stc        Alwetaid stated:
financial services, all of which contribute   products and services while new tech
to sustainable living.                        such as IoT and cloud technology are        “stc is committed to reducing its carbon
                                              proving to be accelerants in achieving      footprint and become a green network
One of the emerging technologies from         sustainability goals. A host of companies   operator, and we have taken several
the firm is stcpay, which has allowed         in various industries are now adopting      steps to achieve this goal and reach Net
users to spend and manage their finances      digitalized operations, which are proving   Zero. We have developed a Sustainable
from their digital device was downloaded      effective in reducing emissions and         Energy Framework designed to take us
by over a million people in its first year    waste. Apps are now a go-to for millions    through 2030.”

                                                                                                                  February 2022      9
Stc's emerging technologies are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's sustainable future - Issue 197 February
“These steps will reduce our energy          our strategic approach and in our reporting.   The urge to be sustainable has never been
consumption and will include better energy   “We have made excellent progress in            greater as our planet faces climate and
management, monitoring, and reporting        aligning our disclosures with international    environmental issues on a never-been-seen
with clear benchmarks and KPIs. We will      standards such as GRI, SASB, national          scale that has led to a fifth of the world’s
also develop renewable energy generation     standards, and the requirements of             companies, including stc, to committing to
at our campus and facilities throughout      sustainability indices and rating agencies.”   being net zero by 2050.
Saudi Arabia.
                                             He went on to say, “First and foremost,        Caring for the environment is just one of
He added: "Saudi Arabia has committed        mobile communications are the key              stc’s seventh sustainability pillar, others

       stc is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and
     become a green network operator, and we have taken
      several steps to achieve this goal and reach Net Zero.

to generating 50% of electricity through     enabling factor in SMART technologies          include doing business with integrity,
renewable resources by 2030 and              and applications; it enables IoT and AI-       enhancing economic impacts, enriching
reaching the environmental targets           based infrastructures through high-speed       lives and experiences, expanding access
organizations are expected to collaborate    connectivity and low-latency, real-time        to technology and connectivity, advancing
and work together to achieve within KSA’s    edge-computing applications.                   innovative digital opportunities, and
sustainability goals.”                                                                      empowering its people. The use of
                                             “At STC, we also plan to reduce emissions      emerging technologies and the early
He elaborated “Stakeholder engagement        through a combination of engagements           integration of these in Saudi Arabia is
is an integral part of our approach. By      with our partners in the value chain and by    already helping to shape the country’s
engaging with our key stakeholders, we       developing e-services that reduce carbon       digital future into one that not only
make sure that we address the issues of      emissions by providing services over the       enhances humanity but also allows our
most importance to the business, both in     mobile network.”                               planet to thrive once more.

10 February 2022
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With a volume of financial transactions worth more than SAR 10 Billion

stc Contributes to Supporting Innovation
and Promoting the Digital Economy Within
the InspireU Program in the Kingdom
In the presence of His Royal Highness Prince
Mohammed K. Al Faisal, Chairman of the
Board of stc, and a group of government
officials and investors, as well as the GCEO
of stc Group, Eng. Olayan Alwetaid. stc
celebrated the graduation of the seventh
and eighth batches of the Entrepreneurs
Support Program which carried the slogan
“To go further” for this year, as it announced
that the support of entrepreneurs in the
program had reached the roof of 500 million
riyals. This came as a part of its endeavor
to support and develop entrepreneurship in
the Kingdom with the aim of contributing
to supporting innovation and promoting           first time in the same year, adding that the   The program also provides office space for
the digital economy in the entire technical      program has been able, since its launch        entrepreneurs to promote their projects
fields. This occurred at a ceremony held         in 2015, to support 75 start-up projects in    with an opportunity to be present and
at the King Abdulaziz Communications             various fields, which contributed to scoring   participate in many events starting from
Complex in Riyadh to showcase the 20             a volume of financial transactions worth       workshops, national and international
incubated projects and highlight their           more than SAR 10 billion. As a result,         exhibitions, and helping projects to reach
achievements.                                    InspireU projects benefited more than          the best investors and investment funds in
                                                 40 million users and provided more than        the market.
The GCEO of stc Group, Eng. Olayan               600,000 participatory jobs in the local
Alwetaid, emphasized the role of                 market.                                        stc, through its work strategy within
the InspireU program in supporting                                                              the social responsibility and sustainable
entrepreneurs, creative youth, and their         The InspireU program is one of the most        development sector, focuses on
emerging projects in the field of digital        important business incubators in the           activating the advantages offered by the
transformation which is considered an            Kingdom which provides many services to        InspireU program that aim at supporting
essential part of stc's strategy in this         emerging projects through an intensive,        entrepreneurships represented by small and
field. He indicated that this year has seen      high-quality training program provided         medium enterprises, facilitating financing
a doubling in the number of projects             by experts and consultants from Silicon        opportunities and providing administrative
incubated by the InspireU program while          Valley in several fields, including meetings   and technical support to develop the
incubating two additional batches for the        with many entrepreneurs and mentors.           capabilities of these companies.

12 February 2022
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As part of its Strategy for Sustainability
  stc announces its accession to the UN Global Compact
stc’s announcement of its accession to the        The UN Global Compact operates under a            applying responsible business practices
UN Global Compact aims to encourage               principles-based framework for businesses         since it established a sustainability program
companies around the world to adopt               by aligning its strategies and operational        in 2019 to ensure the continuity of business
sustainability and social responsibility, to be   processes with global principles including        management using the most sustainable
one of the local networks of the UN Global        human rights, labor, environment and anti-        methods. stc’s sustainable strategy, identified
Compact worldwide.                                corruption. This will take place by taking        9 goals that were effective in implementing
                                                  strategic actions to enforce broader societal     a deeper level of conformity of its action
stc’s accession to the UN Global Compact          goals like those of the UN sustainable            strategy with sustainable development goals
emphasizes of the sustainability strategy         development while focusing on cooperation         of global compatible priority including health,
that stc adopts in all its businesses, to be      and innovation, in addition to creating a local   education, decent work, climate action and
one of the leading global companies that          network and a platform for discussion and         others. These goals were effectively achieved
support the global movement towards a             exchange of information regarding the UN          due to integrating the mentioned social,
more sustainable future for the benefit of        Global Compact.                                   economic and environmental goals with stc’s
stakeholders in achieving the SDGs, and the                                                         administrative systems, actions and strategy
success of the companies’ future plans on the     This is the outcome of the stc’s commitment       management so it can contribute positively to
long run.                                         to sustainability in its comprehensive and        ensuring a positive future for all.

14 February 2022
Towards excellence in
the Digital Economy
Safder Nazir, SVP of Digital Industries, Huawei Middle East

Over the last two decades, digital                                                           Every GCC country currently has
technologies have transformed our                                                            a national vision focusing on the
societies at unprecedented scale,                                                            development of non-oil sectors for
changing the ways we live, work, and                                                         economic growth, local value and
interact. The COVID-19 pandemic has                                                          employment creation, and social
only reminded us of this fact, teaching the                                                  development. National leaders have
world that it must build digital resiliency                                                  recognized the importance of the digital
to prepare itself to better handle                                                           economy in achieving such visions. For
unforeseen, disruptive events. Overall,                                                      example, Saudi Arabia has launched a
the digital economy as a share of the total                                                  Digital Economy Policy that aims to have
economy has, in general, been growing                                                        the digital economy's GDP share on par
and those countries with larger digital                                                      with other leading global economies.
economies, relative to the whole, have                                                       A little further east, the UAE plans to
proven to be more resilient.                                                                 double the size of its digital economy in
                                                                                             just 10 years. Indeed, all of the countries
According to the Organization for               leadership because of its positive impact    of the region have undertaken initiatives
Economic Co-operation and Development           on national economies and job creation       to realize ambitious policy goals,
(OECD), the digital economy                     and the boost it gives to inclusion.         focusing on data, Artificial Intelligence
encompasses all economic activities                                                          (AI), the cloud, and 5G-enabled services.
reliant on, or significantly enhanced           The Implications for the Middle East
by, digital inputs, including digital                                                        Thriving in the Digital Economy
technologies, digital infrastructure, digital   The Middle East has made significant
services, and data. This can be taken as a      progress in adopting digital technologies    Organizations need to transition into
broad definition. As such, the emergence        over the last decade. Mobile broadband       digital enterprises to thrive in a digital-
and evolution of the digital economy            penetration across Gulf Cooperation          first world. Fueled by data, a digital
is characterized by the dominance of            Council (GCC) countries is now at 100%       enterprise provides personalized
digital business models and digital-native      and more than 50% of consumers in the        experiences to customers through digital
companies such as Careem and Noon.              region already shop online. In the UAE,      platforms, backed by constantly evolving
There has also been a clear shift, from         80% of digital payments are contactless.     and expanding digital infrastructure.
providing mere services to creating                                                          However, 62% of enterprises in the
experiences, allied to the rise of industry     Similarly, government-to-consumer            Middle East are yet to reach sufficient
ecosystems that are scaled-up and               interactions in the UAE, to take one         digital transformation maturity to take
integrated, using software platforms to         example, are now predominantly digital,      advantage of the digital economy.
deliver value.                                  and there are plans in place to close        To get there, they must re-invent
                                                half of the existing government service      business models, create new customer
Today, the impact of digital is visible         centers by the end of 2022. Indeed, the      experiences, reimagine work models,
everywhere, from accessing essential            number of bank branches in the country       and innovate with partners. Such
services and purchasing products through        has already fallen, by 34% between 2016      efforts often face significant internal
digital platforms, to the shift to virtual      and 2020, coinciding with the launch of      challenges, which organizations must
methods of learning and working. Indeed,        several digital banks, such as Liv., E20.,   overcome through well-executed change
the digital economy is vital to national        NEO, NEOBiz, and CBD Now.                    management.

                                                                                                                     February 2022   15
To start with, it's vital to recognize that    in the workplace. To tackle the issue          in cloud-based applications, requiring
success in the new economic paradigm           and improve organizational agility,            organizations to rapidly modernize
will depend on an organization's capacity      digital enterprises are increasingly           legacy applications into cloud-native
to collect, synthesize, and analyze            investing in technologies such as Robotic      versions, to support new customer and
data, along with the ability to apply          Process Automation (RPA), AI, and              operational use cases.
resulting insights at scale. However,          Machine Learning (ML). Organizations
most organizations struggle to achieve         that effectively use AI-augmented              Embrace the Future
such success due to the large volume           automation to boost efficiency and
and variety of available data. AI-based        contain costs will gain a significant          Today, a nation's future heavily depends
automation can enhance each step in            competitive advantage as the digital           on advancements in science, knowledge,
the business intelligence and analytics        economy evolves.                               innovation, and technology. Many
process, from finding and preparing to                                                        countries in the Middle East are nurturing
exploring, analyzing, and acting on data.      Finally, digital organizations must            such advances by developing foundational
Such solutions can also help businesses        embrace the cloud. A digital enterprise's      elements — such as infrastructure, data,
re-architect into data-native enterprises,     capacity to generate revenue depends           and skills — through investments in
creating superior customer experiences         on the responsiveness, scalability,            critical technology enablers like 5G, the
and making more informed decisions.            and resiliency of its infrastructure,          cloud, and AI. For digitally determined
                                               applications, and data resources.              enterprises in the region that have
Next, organizations must prioritize            Cloud-centric digital infrastructure           embarked on their digital journey,
automation to address the global               and applications are essential for any         renewed focus on these foundational
skills shortage. In the digital economy,       organization's transition into a digital       elements and technology enablers will
organizations have to grapple with skills      enterprise. Many features needed for the       reveal significant opportunities to thrive
issues as digital technologies proliferate     digital economy are now only available         in the new world.

  UK banned Huawei because
  US told us to: Former minister
                                                                      government led by David Cameron, said that the decision against
                                                                      the Chinese tech giant was taken “because the Americans told us
                                                                      we should do it.”

                                                                      In July 2020, Boris Johnson’s government announced that Huawei
                                                                      products would be removed entirely from the UK’s 5G networks
                                                                      by the end of 2027, citing new advice produced by the National
                                                                      Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

                                                                      The move came just months after the United States imposed
                                                                      sanctions against Huawei on the grounds that it was acting
                                                                      contrary to US national security or foreign policy interests. The
                                                                      US barred Huawei from acquiring crucial components such as
                                                                      microchips and forced it to create its own operating system.

                                                                      Cable, who has a reputation for being more sympathetic towards
                                                                      China than most UK officials, added that during his tenure as
                                                                      minister, the intelligence and security services gave repeated
                                                                      assurances that there was no risk posed by using Huawei services.
  The UK government’s decision to ban Huawei 5G equipment
  and services “had nothing to do with national security,” and was    “If Britain had kept with 5G, we would now be at the forefront of
  because of American pressure, a former business and industry        countries using the most advanced technologies. And we’re not,”
  minister has said. Speaking at an event, Vince Cable, who served    said Cable.
  as Business and Industry Minister for five years in the coalition                                    (With compliments from euractive)

16 February 2022
Teletimes Report

 Intersec 2022
Huawei showcased Secure-by-design
Safety and Security Solutions

Huawei, a leading global provider             Huawei Global Cybersecurity and Privacy        and intelligent ecosystem to safeguard
of information and communications             Protection Office, took part in a panel        connected societies."
technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart     discussion on moving from cybersecurity
devices, has showcased at Intersec 2022       to cyber-resilience, and the importance        To further demonstrate its commitment
the next generation of cybersecurity          of deploying ecosystem-wide resilience         to raising cybersecurity standards, Huawei
solutions, standards, and strategies to       plans. Additionally, Aloysius Cheang,          has partnered with the Cybersecurity
help organizations in the Middle East be      Chief Security Officer of Huawei UAE, has      Lab at Intersec. The Cybersecurity Lab
secure from the ground. As part of the        spoken on policing the “Metaverse" and         provides a platform where information
region’s leading emergency services,          addressing the challenges of securing a        security, emergency response, and safety
security, and safety conference, Huawei       world where the boundaries between the         professionals can collaborate around
is highlighted how it enabled customers       virtual and physical domains are yet to be     shared cybersecurity needs and objectives.
to meet their digital transformation goals    defined. Nadim Abdulrahim, Government          Experts are networking, discussing, and
securely and resiliently under the theme of   Industry Expert at Huawei Middle East,         evaluating best practice approaches and
'Safeguarding the Digital Future'.            has given a keynote speech on the second       tactics to manage evolving cyber threats.
                                              day highlighting how cybersecurity can
The 22nd edition of Intersec took place       serve as the foundation for tomorrow’s         Huawei has long worked with
between January 16 - 18 at the Dubai          smart cities, including innovative solutions   organizations like the GSMA, 3GPP, OIC-
World Trade Centre, with participants from    that can help build safe, secure, and          CERT, and other industry stakeholders to
120 countries, governments, and industry      resilient cities.                              examine emerging cybersecurity threats
leaders discussing the latest security                                                       and promote independent certifications
advances.                                     Aloysius Cheang, Chief Security Officer at     and standards such as the NESAS Security
                                              Huawei UAE, said: "The boundaries that         Assurance Specifications. In addition,
During the event, Huawei regional and         existed between the physical and cyber         Huawei is now driving the development of
global experts participated in various        world are rapidly disappearing. Therefore,     the OIC-CERT 5G Security Working Group
panel discussions as well as delivering       all connected devices should be built on a     (WG) aiming at enhancing cybersecurity
keynotes on trending security topics. On      robust cybersecurity foundation. We look       measures proportionate to the threats
the first day of the event, Gong Xiaoxin,     forward to fruitful discussions with our       emerging from digital technology
Senior Cyber Security Expert at the           peers on creating a secure, trustworthy,       advances.

                                                                                                                     February 2022    17
OIC-CERT 5G Security Working Group
announces new 5G Security Framework

In a significant milestone, the OIC-CERT      remarkable progress in addressing some          Security Framework within OIC community
5G Security Working Group (WG) has            of the security concerns around 5G in           and outline additional technical work
announced the completion of the core          general." Meanwhile, Ts Dato Dr Amiruddin       needed to enhance the Framework. The
OIC-CERT 5G Security Framework in less        Abdul Wahab, CEO of CyberSecurity               document remains a work in progress due
than eight months after the initiative        Malaysia, was of the opinion that, “5G          to 5G evolving technological improvements
was launched. The Framework, now in           is another disruptive technology that all       and new application scenarios and there
the hands of the OIC-CERT, consists of a      parties have no choice but to embrace           are plans to give a technical presentation
5G security risk repository, a 5G security    it. The OIC-CERT has overcome a major           of the OIC 5G Security Framework during
baseline technical specification, and a       hurdle by defining the requirements in this     the GISEC in Dubai in March 2022, bringing
cross-recognition assurance methodology.      framework for the OIC community and             the initiative to a full circle as the formation
                                              could not have come at a more opportune         of the WG was also announced at the same
The Organization of the Islamic               time as 5G matures worldwide”.                  event in 2021.
Cooperation- Computer Emergency
Response Team (OIC-CERT) is a platform        Ts Mohd Shamir bin Hashim, SVP for              The 5G heralds a new era of digital
for information sharing and developing        International & Government Engagement           transformation. But with this progress
cybersecurity capabilities for the members    Division of Cybersecurity Malaysia and          comes new threats and vulnerabilities
mainly among the Organization of the          Co-chair of OIC-CERT 5G Security Working        because of the vastly expanded attack
Islamic Cooperation (OIC) community. It       Group said: "Our objective was to develop       surface. Adopting IoT, for example, will
is an Affiliate Institution of the OIC. The   a set of guiding principles for the OIC-CERT    add a new set of challenges such as the
OIC-CERT 5G Security WG is jointly led        members on how to address the emerging          security, safety, and robustness of cyber
by Cybersecurity Malaysia, the OIC-CERT       5G security threat. Thanks to the support of    and physical systems. Therefore, there's
permanent secretariat, and Huawei UAE,        the WG members and my co-chair, Huawei          an urgent need to enhance cybersecurity
an OIC-CERT commercial member.                Dubai. we have delivered.”                      measures proportionate to the threats
                                                                                              emerging from digital technology
Eng. Badar Ali Al-Salehi, Chairman OIC-       A meeting between the co-chairs and the         advances. More than ever, cross-border
CERT said, "It has been eluded on many        OIC-CERT secretariat team is planned for        collaboration is key to mitigating cyber
platforms and occasions that the only way     February 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,        threats and that is so true for OIC whose
to solve the ever increasing cybersecurity    where the WG work plan for the year 2022        57 member states are spread over 4
challenge is through collaboration. The       will be announced immediately after it is       continents, a challenge that is exacerbated
OIC-CERT 5G Security working group            finalized in the meeting. The work plan shall   by the contrasting maturity of ICT adoption
affirms this viewpoint and we are seeing      address promotion and adoption of the 5G        within the countries.

18 February 2022
ISNR partners with Huawei
for upcoming edition

The Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions             edition of ISNR Abu Dhabi. As an event          He added: “The continuous digitalisation
Company (ADNEC) will host and organize         where thought leaders, experts, and             efforts across the world has led to a rise in
the International Exhibition of National       change makers in national and cyber             cyberattacks, therefore, we firmly believe that
Security and Resilience (ISNR Abu Dhabi).      security communities convene, ISNR              in order to achieve a greater defense, we need
The upcoming edition of the event will see     Abu Dhabi is truly the perfect platform to      strengthened global cooperation. It is not the
Huawei join as technology partner, offering    identify avenues in which we can safeguard      responsibility of one company or country. We
their insights and expertise as a leading      our communities and countries, as well as       need to cooperate on unified regulations to
global ICT solutions provider.                 spark meaningful change in the industry.        protect the cyber space and ensure the digital
                                               With the continued support of Huawei UAE,       economy is safely guarded.”
The exhibition, held in collaboration with     we are looking forward to witnessing the
the Ministry of Interior, will take place at   success and excellence that the upcoming        Co-located alongside the Unmanned
the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre       edition of ISNR Abu Dhabi will bring.”          Systems Exhibition & Conference (UMEX)
(ADNEC) from February 21-23, 2022.                                                             and the Simulation and Training Exhibition
                                               Jiawei Liu, CEO of Huawei UAE said:             and Conference (SimTEX) for the first time,
ISNR Abu Dhabi will highlight the latest       “We are again pleased to be partnering          ISNR Abu Dhabi will attract several official
innovations and solutions, strengthen          with ADNEC for this year’s International        delegations, consisting of representatives of
commercial and business relations, as          Exhibition of National Security and             the Ministry of the Interior, police and security
well as foster partnerships in the fields      Resilience 2022. ISNR will bring the global     leaders, as well as a large number of visitors,
of National Security, Cyber Security,          cyber security community together to            officials, and decision makers – reinforcing
Policing and Law Enforcement and Critical      accelerate public-private collaboration for a   the event's status as the most trusted regional
Infrastructure Protection.                     safer, connected world. This mission aligns     platform.
                                               with Huawei’s vision around cybersecurity.
Saeed Al Mansoori, Executive Director of       We regard cybersecurity as a shared             ISNR Abu Dhabi is expected to see
Capital Events, said: "We are thrilled to      concern and have long advocated for             participation from 20 countries from around
have the support of Huawei as Technology       lasting partnerships to tackle a common         the world, welcoming more than 26,000
sponsor and partner for the upcoming           threat.”                                        visitors.

                                                                                                                          February 2022     19
Measuring and Mitigating

Cyber Risk
Saket Modi, Co-Founder and CEO at Safe Security

As businesses continue to invest in digital     New approach to cybersecurity                     Objectivity and simplicity should be at the
transformation and base their business                                                            core of a cybersecurity strategy
models on technology, cyber threats only        Today, the delegation of risk decisions to
become more imminent. Cyber Risk is no          the IT team cannot be the only solution and       Cybersecurity posture cannot be
longer an IT problem, but a board-room          has to be a shared responsibility. The board      represented by lengthy reports anymore.
concern. With cyberattacks disrupting           and business executives are expected to           It needs to become objective and help
business continuity, they pose a direct         incorporate the management of cyber risk as       decision makers across the organization
impact on the top and bottom line of an         part of their business strategy since they are    truly understand the risk posture and the
organization’s balance sheet. Thus, making      accountable to stakeholders, regulators and       financial value of risk that the organization
cybersecurity one of the top priorities of      customers. For the CROs, CISOs, and Security      faces. It also needs to be free from IT
every organization.                             and Risk Management Professionals to be           jargons to enable the boardroom to
                                                on the same page, there has to be a single        have a clearer view of the risk posture,
Challenges with traditional cybersecurity       source of truth for communicating the impact      thereby facilitating data driven and
approach                                        that cyber risk has on business outcomes, in a    informed decisions. Executives can get
                                                language that everyone can understand.            overwhelmed with excruciating details
The evolving breach trends verify that                                                            from multiple tools or people. They can
complying to frameworks alone can no            This is where Cyber Risk Quantification           now rely on all the data that has been
longer holistically safeguard organizations.    becomes a game-changer. There is a need           collected and converted from these
Frameworks such as ISO, NIST, PCI DSS           for a solution which integrates with the          sources into a simple yet comprehensive
and others are used as reference checklists     entire security stack and gives a measurable      risk metric that they can use to track and
for cybersecurity and risk management           analysis that supplements decision making.        build their trust on.
practices, however, they provide limited        This comprehensive information empowers
visibility. Cybersecurity must be aligned in    CISOs and executives to make informed and         Benefits of Cyber Risk Quantification
every organization; threats and mission-        timely data backed decisions to ensure the
critical business needs, provided by            cybersecurity of the organization.                With quantified cybersecurity risk management
products that deliver holistic and actionable                                                     practices, organizations have:
insights. The Frameworks approach to            Continuous Assessment of Cyber Security is
risk-posture assessments is subjective,         the need of the hour                              1. A unified cybersecurity strategy:
labor-intensive, and only offers point-in-                                                           Cybersecurity that is presently siloed,
time snapshots/assessments. They rely on a      Compliance and government guidelines                 will have a single pane of glass view for
qualitative scale without any objective and     mandate the move to go beyond periodic               security leaders to make quicker, data-
quantitative measure to assess the security     assessments and into continuous monitoring          driven decisions.
posture of an organization.                     of sensitive and critical information. In such    2. An objective metric of communication:
                                                situations, a CISO may often be unable to            The potential financial impact of a
Similarly, Security Rating Services represent   quantify the maturity of the Information             cyber attack converts its risks to a direct
an independent source of publicly accessible    Security measures deployed in the                    business threat. It becomes a simple and
data to support some use cases. However,        organization. Continuous Assessment of               effective means to communicate risks to
these services don't provide a complete         cybersecurity risk posture lets an organization      all internal and external stakeholders.
assessment of security controls, as their       prioritize the key focus areas across             3. Real-time visibility: Dynamic visibility of
information is primarily sourced from           their Critical Assets and most vulnerable            what is going well and what needs
publicly accessing internet IP addresses,       technology, third parties or employees. This         improvement is enabled by a real-time
honeypots, analyzing Deep and Dark web          ensures that adequate measures towards               cohesive output - breach-likelihood across
content, and individual proprietary data        holistic Cyber Security maturity are adopted         people, process, technology, and third-
warehouses.                                     throughout the organization.                         party.

20 February 2022
3 Key                                             IT Trends to look
                                                  out for in 2022
Sherifa Hady, VP Channel, Europe Middle East & Africa at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company

The huge changes brought about by the                                                          have for trusted advisors to help them
pandemic were the catalyst for a faster                                                        with this transition. The process can be
pace of digital transformation across every                                                    overwhelming - particularly if customers
industry sector. Now it’s time for businesses                                                  don’t have the skills to understand the
to go from surviving to thriving.                                                              benefits of the cloud or whether it’s more
                                                                                               cost-effective for them to deploy a hybrid
Businesses have been made fully aware                                                          cloud model.
of how crucial digital transformation is
to their future success and are looking to                                                     To take full advantage of the increased
invest in IT services, support and solutions                                                   interest in cloud, channel partners need
that match their new needs - distributed                                                       to differentiate themselves - guiding
workforces, agile IT and all things cloud.                                                     customers through the process, and
Channel partners who can tap into these                                                        helping them maximise the benefits of
trends and offer guidance, services, and                                                       the cloud - perhaps via a support offering.
solutions, will be the ones to succeed within                                                  This means developing a comprehensive
this rapidly changing IT landscape.                                                            cloud-based strategy to ensure they have
                                                  Network simplification is even more          the best tools and management software
Here’s our pick of the top three trends driving   crucial since the pandemic has shrunk        available to support customers.
market demand in 2022:                            many business budgets making it crucial
                                                  for IT teams to have capacity to manage      #3 Shift to flexible subscription models
#1 Network simplification                         distributed environments without
                                                  damaging wider operations. By offering       The rapid uptake of cloud technologies
Distributed workforces and hybrid-                a unified infrastructure, channel partners   has prompted a widespread re-think of
working have led to complexity in IT              can provide customers with new levels        IT consumption models and we have now
systems and infrastructure. Applications          of operational simplicity so that IT teams   moved from hardware-driven revenue to
and workloads are distributed across              can redirect precious resources to more      a software-first market - essentially an
data centres and the cloud and at the             business-critical areas.                     SaaS-based economy. In 2022, we can
same time, businesses have pivoted to                                                          expect to see heightened demand for
meet new customer expectations within             #2 Cloud transition support                  flexible subscription models.
stores, such as touchless interactions. The
combination of fragmented networks and            There is no doubt that the outlook for       Recent research from Aruba found that
unyielding demands puts businesses at risk        2022 is for plenty of cloud. Recent Aruba    customers are becoming more open to
of jeopardising the key benefits of new IoT       research found that 83% of IT decision       exploring flexible models of consumption.
and cloud technologies.                           makers were looking to increase their        Only 8% of IT decision-makers said
                                                  investments in cloud-based networking        they would continue with solely Capex
In 2022, IT teams will need to focus on           over the next 12 months and data from        investments in light of the pandemic,
network simplification, and channel               Canalys reveals that the channel helped      compared to 55% who said they would
partners can get a step ahead by offering a       fuel a 33% increase in cloud spend in        look at SaaS models. With many key
unified network operating system. A unified       2020.                                        services such as deployment and
infrastructure, centrally managed via a                                                        decommissioning included in subscription
single point of control, will help IT teams       Upgrading to the cloud is a complex          offerings, these models give IT staff more
to effectively manage distributed network         journey and there is opportunity for         time to carry out the more complex,
environments, while also delivering a             channel partners to step in with new         value-add business tasks. It’s vital that
high-quality user experience within a single      product offerings - and it’s important to    channel partners broaden their own
architecture.                                     understand the deep need that customers      offerings to reflect this new demand.

                                                                                                                      February 2022    21
SAMENA Council emphasized                                                                  at the top of their data-centric policy and
                                                                                           regulatory approaches.

on re-energizing Sustainable                                                               Bocar BA, in his keynoted, stated,
                                                                                           "Focusing on these two aspects will help
                                                                                           establish a foundation on which the future

Development and Universal                                                                  of connectivity can be built. SAMENA
                                                                                           Council suggests that the Policymakers
                                                                                           and Regulators consider extending

Connectivity Drives at WTPF                                                                the regulatory sandbox approach to
                                                                                           understand and address new challenges
                                                                                           associated with cross-border data flows,
                                                                                           which are an integral part of the global
                                                                                           connectivity system we have recognized
SAMENA Council, represented by its                                                         today for building a sustainable digital
CEO - Bocar BA, who also delivered a                                                       future for all."
keynote in support of the Private Sector,
participated and contributed to the                                                        BA also reiterated, "In the age of
Opinions adopted during the Sixth World                                                    collaborative regulation, policy and
Telecom/ICT Policy Forum (WTPF-21),                                                        regulatory approaches should aim to
held virtually in December 2021. The                                                       more effectively address the needs
Forum brought together representatives                                                     of the Private Sector, in particular of
from all stakeholder groups belonging                                                      Telecom Operators. The success of
to 90 ITU Member States, 40 Sector                                                         the Governments and the success and
Members, including SAMENA Council,                                                         sustainability of the Private Sector are
and various Observers.                                                                     closely interlinked. Consequently, in
                                                                                           support of the Opinions adopted regarding
Deliberations at the WTPF-21 delved into                                                   future-oriented policy approaches, it is
identifying actions that can be taken to                                                   almost inevitable that we’d also need to
mobilize new and emerging technologies                                                     focus specifically on the need for reducing
and ICTs for sustainable development,                                                      Taxation and incentives in investment,
as well as practical measures to boost                                                     adopting future-friendly Spectrum
universal, affordable and secure                                                           allocation approaches and rectification
connectivity. Delegates recognized                                                         of Spectrum Interference issues and
the need to re-energize sustainable           the ITU Secretary General, Houlin Zhao,      supporting innovation in the creation,
development and drive faster and more         and Opinions 3 & 4 agreed to during          adoption, and championing by the
inclusive connectivity, and to ramp up        the WTPF-21 regarding the need to            government sector of the adoption of new
digital skills. The essential requirement     adopt effective future-oriented policy       digital services."
for setting best policies and practices for   approaches for building the digital
adopting and utilizing new and emerging       future, SAMENA Council stressed upon         WTPF-21 brought together policy-
technologies and services to facilitate the   two particularly important aspects for       makers from across the globe, providing
use of ICTs for sustainable development       future policymaking and governance:          a venue for exchanging views and
was recognized as being crucial. It was       One, adopting innovative and sustainable     knowledge to create shared vision on
also agreed that an enabling environment      funding, financing and investment            issues arising from the emergence of
for the development and deployment of         models that need to be much broader          new telecommunication/ICT services
new and emerging telecommunication/           and include contributors apart from          and technologies. It is the sixth such
ICT services and technologies to advance      Telecom Operators alone and predictable      Forum, previous having taken place in
sustainable development is critical for       and sustainable contributions from all       1996, 1998, 2001, 2009 and 2013. The
a sustainable digital future. (SAMENA         those that benefit from infrastructure       Forum was convened at the request of
Council noted that this was in accordance     investments. Two, understanding and          ITU Membership to discuss new and
with the earlier acknowledgement by           meaningfully utilizing the vast data         emerging technologies. The Sixth World
the global community of the role that         flow landscape that now exists, and          Telecommunication/ICT Policy Forum
the Telecom/ICT industry, especially the      for which Policymakers and Regulators        (WTPF-21) was due to be held on 16-18
Telecom Operator community, has been          should help in the harmonization of data     December 2021 in Geneva, Switzerland.
playing in digital development worldwide      categorizations such as global definitions   However, given the deterioration of
and more so throughout the 2020-to-           and data-related concepts; developing        the epidemiological situation and the
date pandemic response and future             common technical data-related                announcement of travel restrictions and
preparedness processes.)                      standards; exploring emerging forms of       quarantine requirements in Switzerland
                                              data governance, and agreeing on digital     and many other countries, WTPF-21 was
Aligned with the Report presented by          and data-related rights and principles       only held as a fully virtual event.

22 February 2022
Is Eco-SIM unnecessary step in Telco Sustainability?
                              Shifting straight to eSIMs is a more strategic choice

                                               industries reach net zero targets by          the eSIM shift could be challenging,
                                               facilitating the avoidance of carbon          since a lack of expertise, technological
                                               emissions and enabling the use of SMART       inaccessibility and bulky processes
                                               technology. That is, devices connected to     continually act as roadblocks. However,
                                               the internet that use sensors and software    Mobilise’s eSIM as a Service solution
                                               to improve performance and efficiency.        simplifies the process and empowers telcos
                                                                                             of all sizes to overcome these barriers and
                                               But telcos are also part of the problem.      launch their eSIM capabilities quickly and
                                               When it comes to sustainability, their        easily.
                                               own operations are not carbon-free, and
                                               a key emission contribution is SIM cards.     Staying ahead of the curve
                                               Despite their small size, SIM cards’ impact
                                               on the environment is huge. Manufacturing     Widespread adoption of eSIMs is inevitable
                                               SIM cards requires large amounts of           and at some point — all telcos will need to
                                               virgin plastic, and distributing the cards    adopt the technology to remain relevant
                                               to customers globally creates even more       and retain their customer base. But,
                                               emissions.                                    besides from being more sustainable,
                                                                                             what are the benefits of becoming an early
                                               In 2020, 4.5 billion plastic SIM cards were   adopter of eSIM technology?
                                               produced. If they were to be placed in a
         Hamish White, CEO eSIM                line, they’d measure 11,250 kilometres        In terms of boosting brand reputation,
                                               — the distance between Delhi, India           being an early adopter enables a company
In October 2021, telecom giant and             and Montreal, Canada. So, even though         to influence how the technology develops
leading global mobile network operator         recycled plastic Eco-SIMs eliminate           and have a say in its progression. It
(MNO) Vodafone announced its new               the need for virgin raw materials, the        also helps telcos to establish a lasting
Eco-SIM — made from recycled plastic.          emissions related to the delivery of such     name for themselves as a pioneer for
Any sustainability feat is positive for the    a large quantity of components means          new technology within the industry and
telecommunications industry, which             that telcos using Eco-SIMs cannot call        presents them with an opportunity to
contributes two percent of the global          themselves green just yet.                    develop their image as a thought leader
emissions in total. But why stop at recycled                                                 that should be listened to among their
plastic SIM cards, when there is an entirely   eSIMs enter the chat                          peers.
digital solution available? In this article,
Hamish White, CEO of eSIM as a Service         Eco-SIMs are a step in the right direction,   From an economic perspective, being quick
provider Mobilise, explains why it isn’t too   but why stop with a temporary fix when        to market also corresponds to greater
early to adopt an eSIM strategy.               there is already a permanent, digital         growth — according to Harvard Business
                                               solution? Embedded SIMs, or eSIMs,            Review, one in five ‘pioneers’ report growth
Vodafone claims that by adopting Eco-          remove the need for a physical SIM card       rates of more than 30 per cent, where just
SIMs across Europe, Egypt, Turkey and          by downloading network authentication         ten per cent of technology ‘followers’ could
South Africa, it can save 1,280 tonnes of      credentials that are usually stored on the    match that. Launching early presents a
carbon dioxide (CO2) each year. That’s the     plastic SIM digitally.                        window of opportunity for telcos to use
equivalent CO2 emissions of flying from                                                      eSIMs as a unique selling point, facilitating
London, United Kingdom, to Sydney,             A McKinsey survey revealed that across        market differentiation.
Australia — 427 times.                         the United Kingdom, 25 per cent of people
                                               tried a new brand for purpose-driven          While Eco-SIMs will temporarily improve
Striving for sustainability                    reasons, like being more sustainable than     telco sustainability, other SIM technologies
                                               their competitors. So, for telcos looking     can make a bigger impact. Eco-SIM
Sustainability’s importance continues to       to offer eSIMs now, they present not          adopters will inevitably have to shift to
grow across all countries and industries.      only an opportunity to keep ahead of the      eSIM anyway, without the benefits of
At the landmark climate event COP26            innovation curve but also drive their own     doing so as an early adopter. With financial,
in November 2021, over 140 countries           economic growth.                              economic and environmental benefits
pledged to reach net zero carbon                                                             abundant, is it time to take the plunge into
emissions. Telecoms will help other            For small and medium-sized telcos, making     the era of the eSIM?

24 February 2022
Indonesian Telecoms provider installs long
   distance ViaLiteHD RF over Fiber System
One of the largest telecommunications
providers in Indonesia now benefits from
the ViaLiteHD Long Distance DWDM Link
System. ViaLite Communications was
chosen due to the company’s ability to
supply a reliable system with guaranteed

The system was designed to meet specific
requirements provided by the customer
that matched the predicted results
generated by ViaLite’s software design

Having teleports tens or hundreds of
kilometers apart, in regions where            deployment include switchable fiber routes    long distance with redundant switchable
rain fade and diversity operations            to allow for optical fiber redundancy and     paths, and was tuned to meet performance
are key considerations, allows the            SNMP monitoring of both sides of the          specifications remotely,” said Amair Khan,
telecommunications provider to maintain       link from a single control room, enabling     ViaLite’s Business Development Manager.
satellite connectivity from either of their   remote changes to be made easily without      “We managed to not only assist installation
sites. With High Throughput Satellite (HTS)   the need to travel between sites.             of the system remotely but also train staff
connectivity becoming a prerequisite                                                        in the operation of the system at the same
where 500 MHz and 800 MHz bandwidths          “Despite the difficulties caused by the       time,” he added.
are necessary, ViaLite was able to exceed     COVID-19 pandemic, our team was able
HTS bandwidth requirements using their        to support the installation using remote      The customer said that the equipment was
long distance links.                          logins and by providing guidance with local   straightforward to implement and easily
                                              engineers on site. The fully operational      fine-tuned to improve performance as
Some of the key features of this              diverse system was installed across a         required on site.

                                                                                                                   February 2022    25
Aruba to turn spotlight on building
‘Your Journey. Your Edge’ at LEAP’22
Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise
company, has announced its participation
at LEAP, the global platform for the most
disruptive technology professionals, taking
place in Riyadh in February. Exhibiting
under the theme ‘Your Journey. Your
Edge’, the company will demonstrate how
regional organizations in the Middle East
can lay the foundations for hybrid working,
digital-first experiences, and hyper-aware
facilities by leveraging the power of Aruba
ESP (Edge Services Platform).

Jacob Chacko, Regional Director - Middle
East, Saudi & South Africa at Aruba says,
“Saudi Arabia’s intention behind hosting
LEAP is to help the region lead and
leapfrog with technology and innovation.                       Jacob Chacko                                    Jamil Ahmad
According to Saudi Vision 2030, the               Regional Director, ME Saudi & SA Aruba                Country Manager, KSA Aruba
Kingdom ‘aims to increase its investments
in, and lead, the digital economy’. Aruba       • AIOps: Event attendees can discover           The focus of Aruba’s participation at
shares the government’s vision and is             Aruba network’s sixth sense – one that        the event will be on Aruba ESP. It is the
committed to enlarging its footprint in the       automatically monitors and fixes Wi-Fi,       industry’s first platform with an AI-
country and offering solutions that will          wired and SD-WAN environments.                powered ‘sixth sense’. The solution is
help government and private enterprises         • As-a-service: Aruba executives will           designed to unify, automate, and secure
leverage data securely, increase efficiency       explain the company’s flexible                the Intelligent Edge and help organizations
in operations and services, and encourage         consumption and financing options, to         harness its immense potential. Event
innovation for a better future. LEAP is           easily deploy new networking                  attendees will also be given an opportunity
the ideal platform for us to showcase our         technologies in times of change.              to discover Aruba’s new EdgeConnect
‘game-changing’ technology in simple, yet                                                       Microbranch solution, an industry-leading
innovative ways.”                               Jamil Ahmad, Country Manager, KSA at            home office and small office networking
                                                Aruba, comments, “The Saudi economy is          solution for hybrid work environments that
At the event, Aruba will demonstrate            on a steep growth trajectory. The various       securely provides remote personnel all of
its latest technologies addressing the          government-backed smart city initiatives        the traditional services workers receive
digital transformation needs of regional        and mega projects like NEOM, King Salman        in-office via a single Wi-Fi access point (AP)
enterprises including:                          Park and others are transforming the            – with no gateway, agent or additional
• Edge transformation in action: New            Kingdom into a commercial, financial and        hardware required at the remote site.
  Aruba ESP use cases will be demonstrated      cultural powerhouse. Technology is the
   across healthcare, education, hospitality,   backbone of these projects and we see           Aruba is keen to showcase the company’s
   finance, manufacturing and retail.           Aruba’s solutions playing a very important      630 Series Access Points (APs) – the
• Unified Infrastructure: The COVID-19          role in contributing to the success of these    industry’s first enterprise-grade Wi-Fi
   pandemic accelerated digital                 initiatives.”                                   6E solution that enables businesses to
   transformation but created operational                                                       become more connected than ever before.
   complexity for businesses. The company       “Different vertical industries have different   With organizations looking to lower
   will showcase how its unified network        technological needs. Our solutions              their risk during uncertain times, Aruba
   simplifies network operations and boosts     are designed to address these specific          executives will be educating attendees
   IT agility.                                  imperatives and create value through            about Aruba as-a-service and Aruba
• Edge-to-cloud security: More remote           transformed customer experiences and            network as a service (NaaS) options that
   workers means more applications in the       accelerated financial outcomes. We are          offer business and IT leaders greater
   cloud. Aruba will discuss starting a SASE    excited to showcase some great demos            visibility, control, and flexibility across
   (Secure Access Service Edge) journey         and use cases in hospitality, education and     hardware, software, and management
   with WAN and security transformation.        retail to trade visitors at LEAP.”              operations.

26 February 2022
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