CASH THE COMEBACK KING - Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments - Payments Cards & Mobile

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CASH THE COMEBACK KING - Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments - Payments Cards & Mobile
May / June 2019

Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments
    + global stories in the industry for the last 60 days
CASH THE COMEBACK KING - Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments - Payments Cards & Mobile
CASH THE COMEBACK KING - Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments - Payments Cards & Mobile

                                                                                                                      Payments   CARDS & MOBILE

Well, who would have thought it? It’s the Money                                                                         May / June 2019
                                                                                                                           Volume 11, Issue 3
2020 issue, an issue which is typically jammed
full of insights and statistics about digital
                                                                                                             Production Team
payments around the globe, and yet here I sit
                                                                                                             Alexander Rolfe
writing about the resurgence of cash!                                                                        Editor-in-chief and publisher
                                                                                                             Tel (+44) 1263 711 800
I have always said in various presentations and lectures that despite what we see
around the world in developing nations as they leapfrog technology and use more                              James Wood
digital transactions and those transactions grow at mind bending rates, that getting                         Editor
from zero to ninety percent of transactions is the easy part. Getting from ninety
percent to ninety-nine percent digital transactions is very difficult and the final one                      Wendy Sanders
percent would never happen.                                                                                  Head of Business Development
                                                                                                             Tel (+44) 1263 711 801
And so, as the backlash begins and some countries ban cashless stores and others,
at a governmental level, consider the very serious ramifications of a cashless society,                      Gemma Rolfe
                                                                                                             General Manager
PCM has taken a look at the global cash scene. This may seem extraordinarily                                 Tel (+44) 1263 711 800
un-politically correct in a payments magazine, but that's the point really. Cash is                
necessary and it's here to stay. Find out why in the cover feature.
                                                                                                             Gemma Haywood
                                                                                                             Subscriptions and General
Returning very quickly to solid payments ground, we also investigate the growing                             Tel (+44) 1263 711 800
phenomenon of data Lakes. Data lakes are gaining explosive traction with payments                  

businesses in Europe and North America. Proponents say they offer a more flexible,                           Adam Unsworth
scaleable and cheaper data storage solution than traditional data warehousing,                               Head of Design & Digital
alongside the improved analytics capacity the payments industry craves. However,                             Tel (+44) 7932905744
these same advantages may contribute to making them more risky than traditional
data solutions.                                                                                              Printing
                                                                                                             Micropress Printers

Finally, and we really are on firm footing here, we take a look at Europe-wide real-time
payments. The ECB recently launched its new TIPS settlement system, aiming to
enable instant payments across the continent and increase Europe’s competitiveness                           Editorial Advisory Board
relative to US and Chinese payment systems. But will Europe’s new arrangements                               John Berns
cannibalise the continent’s card business – and are they too late to stop next-                              Managing Partner, Accourt
generation digital P2P systems coming out of China and the US?
                                                                                                             Sylvie Boucheron-Saunier
                                                                                                             SVP Financial Institutions, North America
So, there we are, it's another busy issue and PCM looks forward to seeing you in                             & Europe, ACI
Amsterdam at the Money 2020 show. Also, keep an eye out for our forthcoming
                                                                                                             Chris Harris
European Fraud Report.
                                                                                                             VP Sales Performance & Global Accounts
                                                                                                             at Ingenico Group
Alexander Rolfe,
                                                                                                             Siobhan Moore

AlexRolfe                                                                                                    Partner, Global Head Cards and
                                                                                                             Payments at Locke Lord LLP

                                                                                                             Fiona Wilkinson
Editor-in-chief and publisher,                                                                               PCM Board Member
Payments Cards & Mobile

All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the
publisher’s prior consent. While every care is taken to provide accurate information, the publisher cannot
accept liability for errors or omissions, no matter how caused.                                              Payments Cards and Mobile
                                                                                                             The Stable, Hall Yard, Kelling
© PaymentsCM LLP 2019                                                                                        Holt, NR25 7EW, United Kingdom
Payment Cards and Mobile™ is owned and published by PaymentsCM LLP ISSN 1759-829X                            +44 1263 711800 /
CASH THE COMEBACK KING - Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments - Payments Cards & Mobile
06 - 07 PAYMENTS NEWS                             26 - RISK & REGULATION                          LETS ALL CALM DOWN ABOUT FACEBOOK
                                                                                                  AND PAYMENTS

NEWS IN BRIEF                                                                                     So, Facebook is creating its own
                                                  FRAUD & FRICTION: IS THE PAYMENTS
All the latest news from the past 60 days.                                                        cryptocurrency. The move is partly to counter
                                                  MARKET READY FOR SCA?
                                                                                                  the threat from up and coming messaging
                                                  With Card Not Present (CNP) fraud on the
08 - 11 CARD NOTES                                rise across the Single Euro Payments Area
                                                                                                  rivals Telegram and Signal, with the effort to
                                                                                                  build its own cryptocurrency starting last year
                                                  (SEPA) in recent years, the payments industry
CITI CALLS ON BANKS TO FACE THE                                                                   after Telegram raised an eye-popping $1.7
                                                  has responded with a number of innovations
                                                                                                  billion to fund its cryptocurrency project.
DIGITAL CHALLENGE                                 designed to contain CNP fraud. Recent
A new report from Citibank GPS, “Bank             data from the ECB suggests that these
X” calls on major financial institutions          interventions have largely been successful,     HOT DEBATE ABOUT APPLE'S DIGITAL

to reinvent themselves and save their             with CNP fraud growing at a lower rate than     CREDIT CARD

businesses from disintermediation by digital                                                      In early April, Apple launched the world’s first
                                                  CNP transactions in the SEPA.
challenger banks.                                                                                 digital credit card in partnership with Goldman
                                                                                                  Sachs and Mastercard. Industry opinion on
                                                  28-29 ISSUING & ACQUIRING
3RD PARTY PROVIDERS CONSTITUTE                                                                    the strategic and operational benefits of this

MAJOR CYBER-RISK FOR FIS                                                                          move is sharply divided, with some branding
                                                  VISA AND MASTERCARD AGREE TO END
BitSight and the Centre for Financial                                                             the launch a masterstroke, and others seeing
                                                  ANTITRUST INVESTIGATION
Professionals (CeFPro) have published the                                                         it as an example of Apple’s grasp exceeding
                                                  Visa and Mastercard have offered to cut
results of a global study into Cyber-Security                                                     its reach.
                                                  interchange fees on payments made by
in financial services.                            tourists using cards issued outside the
                                                                                                  SAUDI ARABIA'S SAMA TO LAUNCH FASTER
                                                  European Union to limit fines and end an EU
                                                                                                  PAYMENTS SYSTEM
MASTERCARD SETS OUT ITS                           antitrust investigation. The European Union
                                                                                                  The Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority
DIGITAL ID VISION                                 has reportedly accepted the offer.
                                                                                                  (SAMA), represented by Saudi Payments,
Mastercard has published its strategy for a
                                                                                                  has entered into an agreement with Vocalink
global, consumer-led future in digital ID. The    NEW COURT RULING PUTS MASTERCARD
                                                                                                  & IBM to develop the new faster payments
result of an eighteen-month consultation          BACK IN DOCK FOR £14 BILLION
with governments, security experts and                                                            system planned for launch at the end of 2020.
                                                  The UK Court of Appeals has overturned a
consumers around the world, Mastercard’s          formerly favourable Mastercard interchange
paper describes the challenges facing             fee ruling. The £14 billion lawsuit against
                                                                                                  30-31 MOBILE PAYMENTS
the payments industry, governments and            Mastercard for imposing charges on UK
security experts as the world moves towards                                                       MOBILE WALLET TRENDS ANNUAL REPORT
                                                  consumers looks set to proceed after the
a globally-enabled, multi-environment secure                                                      2019
                                                  court reversed its earlier decision by the
digital ID.                                                                                       GATE (Global Acceptance Transaction Engine)
                                                  Competition Appeals Tribunal to block it.

       COVER STORY P14-16

         the comeback king

  4     payments cards & mobile magazine - may / june 2019                                                       
CASH THE COMEBACK KING - Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments - Payments Cards & Mobile
has released its Mobile Wallet Trends Annual        32-33 - E-COMMERCE                                     37 PRODUCTS & CONTRACTS
Report, highlighting trends in both mobile
wallet and mobile payment usage across              CARD PAYMENTS RISE TO 24 PERCENT OF                    CITIGROUP LAUNCHING A B2C PAYMENTS
global markets.                                     TOTAL E-COMMERCE                                       PLATFORM
                                                    Card payments online are growing at double             Citigroup recently announced that it is
                                                    digit rates and will continue to increase              developing a consumer-payments platform
                                                    significantly faster than card spending at             (B2C payments), in a move to enter the rapidly
The UK’s competition regulator, which had
                                                    physical outlets to account for nearly a quarter       growing digital payments industry.
been looking into this merger, has dropped its
                                                    of all card expenditure by 2023.
opposition to PayPal’s $2.2 billion takeover of
                                                                                                           THE FUTURE OF KYC? WHAT'S SO COOL
iZettle, after finding that the enlarged payments
                                                    E-COMMERCE PAYMENTS IN UAE SET TO                      ABOUT KY3P
group would still face “significant competition”
                                                    REACH $12.6 BILLION BY 2022                            A group of 12 regional and digital financial
from rivals such as Worldpay and Square.
                                                    E-commerce payments in the Gulf states, which          institutions have joined together as investors
                                                    have grown rapidly in recent years, are set to grow    and members in KY3P, to manage third-party
                                                    at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.1        risk and optimise the processes by which
                                                    percent from AED 31.5 billion ($8.6 billion) in 2018   financial institutions assess and monitor
WhatsApp is rumoured to be developing a
                                                    to AED 46.3 billion ($12.6 billion) in 2022.           inherent risk.
cryptocurrency wallet service, created by
Wuabit, that allows users to make payments
                                                    GERMAN E-COMMERCE MARKET SET TO HIT                    THALES COMPLETES €4.8 BILLION
via Bitcoin along with other major
                                                    €57.8 BILLION                                          TAKEOVER OF GEMALTO
digital currencies.
                                                    The German e-commerce market is predicted              French electronics group Thales has
                                                    to increase by 9 percent this year, meaning            completed its previously announced €4.8
                                                    the online retail industry could be worth €57.8        billion ($5.4 billion) takeover of Gemalto,
                                                    billion at the end of 2019.                            boosting Thales’ presence in the booming
Visa has introduced a new API platform called
                                                                                                           security services market.
Visa Next. The platform, with beta application
programming interfaces (APIs) and
                                                    35 - CONTACTLESS
                                                                                                           105 ORGANISATIONS ANNOUNCE NEW
development tools for issuers and processors,
                                                    WHY JCPENNEY STOPPED APPLE PAY                         BLOCKCHAIN ASSOCIATION INATBA
was launched to help build and beta test new
                                                    Last week it was reported that major US                105 organisations representing the full
payment products.
                                                    retailer JCPenney had stopped support for              distributed ledger technology (DLT) ecosystem,
                                                    Apple Pay.                                             including a number of big names from
                                                                                                           the financial services sector, announced
                                                    COINBASE SET TO LAUNCH BITCOIN DEBIT CARD              their commitment to a new platform, the
Instagram has launched a new shopping
                                                    Coinbase, a small cryptocurrency exchange, is          International Association of Trusted Blockchain
function called Checkout on Instagram.
                                                    launching Coinbase Card, a Visa bitcoin debit          Applications (INATBA).
The additional functionality, only currently
                                                    card in the UK, letting users pay with bitcoin,
available in the US with 20 big brands, means
you can purchase directly through the app
                                                    ethereum and litecoin.                                 38 CONFERENCES
without being boosted off to another site.                                                                 Upcoming conferences in the payments world

      FEATURE P20-22                                                                 FEATURE P24-25
       DATA LAKES                                                                     TIPPING POINT                                                                             payments cards & mobile magazine - may / june 2019         5
CASH THE COMEBACK KING - Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments - Payments Cards & Mobile
news in brief                                                    global payments news from the last 60 days

UK SUPERMARKET chain Sainsbury's will trial        3C PAYMENT and UnionPay have announced            CANADA’S FIVE largest banks have officially
its first mobile “scan and go” outlet in London.   a partnership to expand UnionPay card             launched     a    blockchain-based       digital
The till-free store will build on Sainsbury’s      acceptance in Europe. UnionPay has seen           identity   network    designed    by   Toronto-
SmartShop Scan App. Customers scan their           its transaction volumes in Europe increase        based SecureKey Technologies, Inc. Dubbed
groceries as they go round the store, pay in       significantly over the last twelve months, the    Verified.Me, the service will be available via
the app and scan a QR code before leaving.         result of a long term strategy to increase the    a web portal and a mobile app. It promises
This reassures them they have paid, with no        number of European merchants accepting            consumers a way to control their personal
need to queue at a till. Already live in eight     UnionPay cards. The strategy is designed to       information: who it gets shared with, what
convenience stores across London, this is          meet the requirements of growing numbers          they use it for, and what they can do with it.
the first time Sainsbury's has extended the        of Chinese tourists visiting Europe, as well as   It also provides access to financial services
programme to go cash and card-free, with           European consumers with UnionPay cards.           in a way that makes it easy to prove you are
the outlet completely refurbished to remove        UnionPay has prioritised a number of key          who you say you are. Leading banks CIBC,
the checkout area and tills. The company           sectors including hotel and catering, travel      Desjardins, RBC, Scotiabank, and TD are
says the store will have a helpdesk to support     and transport and retail, as well as supporting   supporting the blockchain-powered app. The
anyone who wishes to pay with cash or cards,       small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in      Bank of Montreal (BMO) and the National Bank
adding that 82 percent of transactions in          accepting UnionPay payments.                      of Canada will launch the service soon. Banks
this outlet are already cashless. Group chief                                                        play a key role in the identity authentication
digital officer, Clodagh Moriarty, commented:                                                        service, requiring that users sign-on with
“We’ll be iterating continuously based on                                                            their online banking credentials. Built on the
customer feedback before we decide if, how                                                           IBM Blockchain Platform, the app’s multi-
and where we make this experience more                                                               factor verification system also makes use of
widely available.”                                                                                   biometrics and wireless carrier information
                                                                                                     about personal handsets.

                                                   VISA AND FIS are to launch a DLT-based
                                                   platform for international corporate payments.
                                                   Back in 2016, Visa revealed that it had teamed
                                                   up with Chain to develop Visa B2B Connect,
                                                   improving B2B payments with a system that
                                                   promises near real-time notification and          THE UK’S free-to-use ATM network is on
                                                   finality of payment aligned with an immutable     course to be "decimated" in the coming
PAYPAL IS to invest half billion dollars           system of record over a permissioned private      months unless urgent action is taken to
in Uber as part of the ride-share app’s            blockchain. Now the card giant is ready to        protect access to cash, according to new
IPO. PayPal CEO Dan Schulman said the              start taking on the likes of Swift and Ripple     research from Which? New figures obtained
investment would extend the company's              by pushing the platform to banks. FIS is          by the consumer champion show fees of at
existing partnership with Uber in the US and       integrating its technology with Visa B2B          least 95p per withdrawal were imposed on
Australia to other global markets and "explore     Connect to enable mutual bank clients to          1,700 non-bank operated machines between
future commercial payment collaborations,          send B2B payments directly to and from            January and March 2019, with 1,250 of these
including the development of Uber’s digital        participating banks, removing the friction        conversions taking place in March alone.
wallet.” PayPal has been investing heavily in      associated with multiple intermediaries. To       Most of the ATMs affected are operated
other high-growth marketplaces, including          encourage uptake, FIS has built a custom          by Cardtronics - the UK’s largest cashpoint
Latin America's MercadoLibre, as it bids to        integration module which cuts the need for        operator - which is likely to convert a further
embed itself as the top-of-wallet provider for     banks to carry out tech updates to their          thousand machines to charge fees in the
commerce transactions. Schulman added:             systems before using the Visa platform.           coming months. Notemachine, another major
"This is another significant milestone on our                                                        provider, is considering converting up to
journey to be a platform partner of choice,                                                          4,000 machines in its 7,000-strong network
helping to enable global commerce by                                                                 to charge fees due to changes in how Britain’s
connecting the world’s leading marketplaces                                                          biggest network of ATMs is funded. Gareth
and payment networks."                                                                               Shaw, Head of Money at Which?, commented:
                                                                                                     “A regulator is desperately needed to get a grip
                                                                                                     on these rapid changes and ensure those still
                                                                                                     reliant on cash aren’t shut out from accessing
                                                                                                     the funds they need for their daily lives."

 6     payments cards & mobile magazine - may / june 2019                                                           
CASH THE COMEBACK KING - Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments - Payments Cards & Mobile
news in brief
MASTERCARD HAS agreed to buy Transactis,          LONDON-BASED Checkout has raised $230
a platform that helps businesses deliver bills    million in Series A funding, valuing the firm
and receive payments. 44 percent of the 15        at approximately $2 billion. The investment
billion bills that Americans pay every year       round was co-led by Insight Partners and
are still made by paper cheque or cash. And       DST Global, with other participants including
people who pay bills online do so in different    GIC,   the   Singaporean   sovereign-wealth
ways, via banking applications or merchant        fund; Blossom Capital; Endeavor Catalyst,
sites. Last year Mastercard set out to address    and others. This first institutional round for
the issue, launching APIs that offer banks’       the company is one of the biggest Series
customers the ability to manage and pay           A rounds ever for a European company.
bills such as utilities and rent through apps.    Checkout helps businesses such as Samsung,
                                                                                                      What’s the answer to the SME
Now the payments giant is strengthening           Adidas, Deliveroo and Virgin to accept a range
                                                                                                      lending conundrum?
its position with Transactis, which provides      of payment types across their online stores
a flexible digital service that helps even        around the world. According to the Wall             Mishal Ruparel, GM, Europe of financial
the smallest businesses support online bill       Street Journal, Checkout’s European business        utility, Banking Circle, looks at the
payments. The company, which currently            generated $46.8 million in gross revenue and        challenges facing SMEs and how the
                                                                                                      payments community can provide a
counts several banks among its investors,         $6.7 million in profit in 2017. Checkout also
claims to deliver its technology to millions of   fits with the ongoing boom in online shopping
businesses through a network of banks and         and the growing number of businesses using          SMEs make up 99.9% of private
other service providers. Terms of the deal        online payments. Last year, investors poured        businesses and employ 60% of the
were not disclosed.                               more than $22 billion into payments start-ups,      UK workforce – that’s an astounding
                                                                                                      16.1 million people. By 2025, SMEs will
                                                  400 percent more than in 2017 according to
                                                                                                      contribute £241bn to the UK economy.
                                                  data from Dow Jones VentureSource.
                                                                                                      But recent Banking Circle research has
                                                                                                      revealed that over half of UK SMEs have
                                                                                                      been unable to access the cash they
                                                                                                      need in order to grow.
                                                  ROYAL BANK of Scotland (RBS) is launching
                                                                                                      Some of the difficulties SMEs faced in
                                                  a merchant acquiring service, NatWest
                                                                                                      getting hold of the cash they needed
THUNES, a Singapore-based cross-border            Tyl, for small to medium-sized businesses           include poor rates, high fees, slow
payments network for emerging economies,          (SMBs). The moves sees RBS head back                facilitation and length of loan available.
has raised $10 million in a Series A funding      into the payments business, putting it in           A quarter (24.6%) said that without
                                                                                                      additional funding they would have to
round led by GGV Capital. Previously called       direct competition with its former subsidiary
                                                                                                      let employees go. 13.3% expected that
TransferTo, Thunes specialises in four            Worldpay. EU regulators forced RBS to sell
                                                                                                      the business would not survive without
payment areas: P2P remittance processing,         its payments business, which was renamed            access to extra finance.
corporate mass payouts, B2B payments, and         Worldpay, as a condition of its nearly £50
digital payment services. The firm has built      billion taxpayer bailout during the financial       This is a real danger to the economy,
                                                                                                      when SMEs employ such a huge number
up a network that reaches over 80 countries       crisis. “Developing our own merchant acquiring
                                                                                                      of people. But it’s not game over for the
with more than 9,000 interconnected payout        and payments proposition is an important
                                                                                                      SME. The good news is that payment
partners and completes more than 300,000          step forward,” said Alison Rose, head of            providers working with Banking Circle
transactions a day. It recently signed a          commercial and private banking, RBS. The            can change this reality.
deal with Western Union to expand payout          move is likely to be welcomed by regulators,
                                                                                                      Banking Circle can handle non-core
capabilities to mobile wallets and also works     who are reviewing competition issues in
                                                                                                      banking functions such as payments,
with PayPal, MPesa in Kenya and Asian             the sector. The Payment Systems Regulator
                                                                                                      FX and loans on behalf of other financial
ride-hailing giant Grab. The new funding will     has raised concerns that incumbents have            institutions, removing the financial
speed up growth across Africa, Asia and           been taking advantage of their dominance            burden and risk and leaving them free
Latin America. Peter De Caluwe, executive         to overcharge small businesses. As well as          to focus on the all-important customer
                                                                                                      relationship. Banking Circle does not
chairman, Thunes, says: "This funding allows      basic payments services, Tyl aims to provide
                                                                                                      compete with the bank or FinTech but
us to accelerate our company mission and we       data analytics to help customers measure and
                                                                                                      supports it in delivering the best service
are all excited for the year ahead."              improve their performance. It is the latest in      possible.
                                                  a series of new technology-driven initiatives
                                                  designed to strengthen RBS’s business               To listen to Mishal Ruparel’s recent
                                                                                                      webinar on this subject, visit
                                                  banking offering, following a new digital
                                                  loans service called Esme and a standalone
                                                  business bank called Mettle.                                                                     payments cards & mobile magazine - may / june 2019          7
CASH THE COMEBACK KING - Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments - Payments Cards & Mobile
card notes                                                                                                                                                                                GLOBAL

A new report from Citibank GPS, “Bank X”,                                incumbents and offering a digital-only version                    been able to benefit from somewhat relaxed
calls on major financial institutions to reinvent                        of the incumbent’s services                                       regulation designed to foster competition in
themselves and save their businesses from                              - Big Tech challengers, created in partnership                      banking, or “regulatory sandboxes.” Coupled
disintermediation by digital challenger banks.                           with firms like Google and Amazon, or in                          with delivery in partnership with major digital
The authors expect competition from digital                              China Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent. These                           platforms, challengers have been able to scale
challengers to lower revenues for traditional                            challengers leverage their tech partners’ vast                    rapidly to pose a threat to incumbent banks.
banks by between 10 and 30 percent, led                                  networks and marketing power to acquire new                         Armed with their founders’ experience of
by reductions in payments revenues in the                                customers rapidly.                                                banking and backed by data-driven insights,
first instance, as mobile-only wallet and P2P                          Citibank believe that mobile money stored in                        digital banks have built service models that
solutions erode bank margins in the issuing                            digital wallets is fast becoming an alternative                     focus on the pain points customers experience
and acquiring segments. Meanwhile, digital                             to traditional banking and payments services,                       when dealing with traditional banks. Digital
challengers are able to function at 30-50 percent                      especially in emerging and “frontier”, or high-                     challengers offer new products to serve unmet
of the cost base of traditional banks as they are                      risk markets.                                                       needs, more competitive prices, and more
unencumbered by legacy systems, and typically                           As a result, Citi envisage a base case with                        personalised services. They are also typically
use more technology and fewer people to deliver                        revenue reductions of between 10 and 30                             more open to partnering with third parties to
similar or better services to customers.                               percent for incumbent banks by 2030. Although                       deliver services, and can operate at lower cost.
 Following the Great Financial Crisis (GFC),                           technology improvements will allow headcount                          The solution for incumbent banks, according
incumbent      banks        turned        their     attention          to be reduced by somewhere between 23                               to Citibank, is nothing less than complete
to reducing costs and improving their use                              and 45 percent over the same period, these                          transformation. Traditional banks should be
of capital as revenue growth slowed. New                               reductions will not be sufficient to offset the                     thinking about turning themselves into fully
regulatory demands and business models –                               significant losses banks are likely to face. Citi                   digital financial institutions. Key elements of
such as internet banking – have siphoned funds                         expects digital disruption to start in payments,                    this transformation process will be partnering
away from technology investment since 2007.                            then widen out to other financial products.                         with technology companies to create effective
Meanwhile, Return on Tangible Equity (RoTE) has                        The tipping point will come when banks’ core                        joint ventures for customer service delivery and
declined from mid-teen levels prior to the GFC to                      businesses of savings and loans are affected.                       moving into new and disruptive technologies.
single-digit returns for European banks, with US                       Noting that modern banking is all about scale                       Above all, traditional banks should move
banks faring somewhat better thanks to recent                          and customer trust, Citi say there is still time for                away from outdated software and hardware
tax cuts.                                                              incumbent banks to act given that they currently                    infrastructures which are inefficient and
 While these painful changes were happening,                           hold customer relationships and have built                          expensive to maintain, and adopt many of the
digital challengers emerged. These banks                               up trust over decades. However, underserved                         technologies used by digital challengers that
offered more personalised services and a fully                         customer segments (SMEs in the UK, the                              threaten their business.
digital experience. Citibank identify three kinds                      emerging Asian middle class, migrant workers                          Traditional banks who act quickly and
of digital challenger as follows:                                      globally) are now turning to digital challengers to                 effectively to reduce costs and counteract
- Standalone challenger banks: primarily                               meet their needs. Meanwhile, incumbent banks                        anticipated revenue losses could manage to
 fintech companies that use technology and                             are grappling with out-of-date legacy technology                    maintain or improve their profitability and Return
 data insights to offer better convenience and                         systems and, in many markets, increasingly                          on Tangible Equity (RoTE); in the worst-case
 pricing through internet delivery;                                    burdensome regulation.                                              scenario, Citi see the profitability and investor
- Incumbent-led            challengers,             launched            In some markets such as the UK and to an                           returns for traditional banks reducing to near-
 with investment and shared services from                              extent the Nordic region, digital challengers have                  zero levels by 2030.

                     CHALLENGER BANKS
                                                                                                                    Strengths                                              Weaknesses
        Ease of use and accessibility with new products to serve unmet needs
                                                                                                  Better and completely digital customer experience         Unproven track record (with the exception of
                                                                                                                                                            challenger bank operated by incumbent banks)
        Greater transparency around products and competitive pricing
                                                                                                  New technology stack and absence of legacy                High customer acquisition cost in a saturated
                                                                                                  system reduces cost to serve                              retail banking market
        Personalized banking experiences with specialist proposition focused on a niche           Interests of tech giants to open digital banks have       Lower physical distribution cost could
        product, sector or client group                                                           the potential to completely redraw the retail banking     be offset by higher interest expenses
        An open ecosystem that is agile, easily scalable and reduces time to market via           New digital channels and ease of account opening /        Potential need to tap into the ATM network to
        greater collaborations with third-parties around technical solutions                      servicing                                                 meet the cash withdrawal needs of customers
                                                                                                  Ability to tap into customers who are not physically      High entry barrier and often lack of any regulatory
        Better operational efficiencies with lower costs                                          able to visit branches.                                   arbitrage.

                                                                                                                                                          Source: Citi GPS: Global Perspectives & Solutions

 8      payments cards & mobile magazine - may / june 2019                                                                                                            
CASH THE COMEBACK KING - Also featured: Data Lakes & European Instant Payments - Payments Cards & Mobile
In today’s instant, connected, global market,         Some lenders are ahead of the curve, already           into virtuous circles – of provision, availability
speed is critical to get ahead, deliver innovative   providing dedicated solutions to better-serve           and use – will require a more collaborative and
solutions at the right time and to remain            companies where traditional banks have been             creative approach, to build a mutually supportive
competitive. However, financial solutions do         unable to help. But fear of the unknown could           ecosystem in which SMEs can thrive and
not currently always serve the new, energetic        be holding back SMEs from capitalising on the           improve their contribution to the economy. And
SMEs of the global economy well.                     new solutions coming onto the market. It was            the significance of financial inclusion should not
 Financial exclusion is an increasing concern        recently reported that 51% of SMEs would still          be underestimated.
for businesses. Companies of all sizes, but          approach a traditional bank in the first instance,       The Enterprise Europe Network recently
especially the smaller, younger firms, can be        if they needed additional funding . The figure          reported that 65% of small businesses expect to
held back from meeting their full potential          has, in fact increased since the previous survey a      increase their turnover and 85% expect to create
by difficulties with payments and cashflow.          year earlier when 45% said they would approach          or preserve jobs in the next year. However, these
Transfers can be too slow and expensive, and         a bank first.                                           ambitious companies need financial services
without access to additional funds many SMEs          But there is light at the end of the tunnel. The       providers equally committed to innovation
struggle and potentially fail.                       survey, which involved 2,000 SMEs, also showed          and growth. Despite the EU recognising the
 There are more than 24 million SMEs in              an annual increase in the number of SMEs                importance of financial inclusion and bringing in
Europe, making up more than 99% of the               considering using an alternative lender – up to         policies and programmes to help deliver better
region’s businesses, and accounting for              35% in 2019, from 30% in 2018.                          access to SME finance, many SMEs are yet to
two thirds of employment. As such, SMEs               A recent Banking Circle survey of more than            reap the benefits.
represent a significant opportunity, and their       500 SMEs revealed that without access to                 We are now at a point for change, which, I
collapse would cause significant damage to the       additional funding, 24.6% would have to cut             believe can be built on collaborative models and
economy. That’s why we recently commissioned         employee numbers and 13.3% believe the                  solutions that can fit this diverse and disparate
Magna Carta Communications to carry out              business would fail. Therefore, this loyalty to         market. In turn, this should help build a larger
independent research into financial exclusion        traditional banks - despite SMEs confirming             marketplace from which providers old and
for SMEs, to uncover the views and experiences       their lack of satisfaction with the service             new can benefit. We have seen evidence that
of businesses, FinTechs and banks today.             delivered and costs incurred - could cause small        there are significant gains to be made by all
And to identify the opportunities that exist         businesses to fail.                                     participants. But rather than relying on top-down
for those organisations supporting the sector                                                                directives from state institutions, this needs to
– banks, PSPs, FinTechs and other financial          BARRIERS TO BETTER PROVISION                            be led by forward-thinking participants, who can
services institutions.                               With Europe’s SMEs covering every industry,             find and build accessible and inclusive solutions
 The research confirmed that there is no             with varying business models, distribution and          from the bottom up.
one-size-fits-all solution to creating financial     ambitions, no two firms are alike. This creates a        The full report, Financial Inclusion for Europe’s
inclusion, because there is no single cause          barrier to providing effective and viable financial     SMEs: Building a circle of trust, will be published at
affecting all excluded companies.                    solutions at scale. So SMEs are left out in the cold.   Money20/20 Europe. Visit
                                                      There are plenty of ambitious, but still               to register for a copy available from 3rd June 2019.
THE CURRENT LANDSCAPE                                underserved, businesses with specific needs that
SMEs make up over 99% of all of Europe’s             could be met by an open, joined-up ecosystem.           ABOUT ANDERS LA COUR
businesses, and account for two thirds of all        There are also plenty of potential providers of         Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of
employment. They contribute more than half           innovative ‘point’ solutions. But there remains a       Banking Circle, Anders la Cour is a hands-
of all business turnover and generate more           lack of connection between the two, apart from          on leader driving innovation to facilitate
than half of all value added in the non-financial    individual, often ad hoc collaborations.                more inclusive, efficient and cost-effective
business sector - worth €4,030 billion in 2016.       The current offering, or lack thereof, is              banking, lending, payments and FX. He was
These businesses clearly represent a significant     perpetuating the difficulties for SMEs and in           also instrumental in arranging the $300 million
opportunity,      yet   many     find   themselves   turn their higher-risk status from the point of         acquisition of Banking Circle by EQT VIII and EQT
financially excluded.                                view of the banks. To transform vicious circles         Ventures in 2018.

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BitSight and the Centre for Financial                                Disconnected nodes                                                              of cyber security and cyber-risk management,
Professionals (CeFPro) have published the                                                                                                            concerns remain about the cost of monitoring
results of a global study into cyber-security                        The growing profile of cyber-risk in financial                                  and reporting programmes, as well as the time
in financial services. Polling more than 125                         services firms is not, however, being matched                                   required to make these programmes a success.
senior professionals in financial services from                      by most financial firms’ actions. Although the                                   BitSight make four key recommendations
North America, the UK, Europe and Asia, the                          study found that more than eighty percent of                                    for the future:
report found that only one in five (22 percent)                      companies now place responsibility for cyber-                                   • Standardise                third-party           cyber        risk
of financial services companies continuously                         risk in the boardroom, less than 45 percent of                                       management as part of firm-wide risk
monitor the digital security arrangements                            companies actually report regularly on cyber                                         management strategies. This should include
of their suppliers, and fewer than half (44                          security to their board. Furthermore, one in five                                    a single process for all suppliers, and an
percent) regularly report to their boards about                      of the executives surveyed believe that their                                        established communications procedure for
cyber-risks from their suppliers.                                    board does not understand the cyber-risks                                            escalating any anomalies or concerns found
 Despite this poor monitoring performance,                           facing the organisation.                                                             in third party suppliers.
80 percent of firms surveyed said they would                          Although some of the organisations surveyed                                    • Continuous monitoring. Financial services
refuse to work with a supplier if they knew that                     undertake risk audits for their suppliers’ systems,                                  companies should use an agreed set
supplier had had cyber-security challenges,                          many are concerned about the accuracy and                                            of criteria and engage with suppliers to
and 97 percent of those surveyed said the                            quality of these audits. Respondents said                                            continuously monitor their performance
cyber-security performance of their suppliers                        that assessments were seen as costly and                                             against these metrics. Given the rapidly-
was a “critical”, or, “important” issue.                             time-consuming, and produced results which                                           changing nature of IT systems in the digital
                                                                     were difficult to translate into clear actions.                                      era, a simple “Yes or No” decision when
Taking cyber-risk on board                                           Worse, the study revealed that a majority of                                         engaging a supplier is no longer sufficient.
                                                                     organisations did not continuously monitor                                      • Board              reporting.        Communication            and
The good news from this study is, firstly,                           their suppliers, and did not understand where                                        reporting strategies are clearly failing to
that companies are increasingly interested                           responsibility for cyber-risk lay in the supplier                                    report issues at the most senior level in
in collaborating across the financial services                       organisation. Budgets are also a concern:                                            companies. Financial services firms are also
sector to combat cyber risk; and secondly, that                      three-quarters of those surveyed said that                                           failing to report on supplier’s risk profiles
responsibility for cyber-risk is increasingly                        their budget for implementing cyber-security                                         with any regularity. The report recommends
given to “C” suite executives in companies,                          checks and monitoring on suppliers was set to                                        a thorough, main board review of supplier
rather than lower-level IT and risk managers.                        either stay the same, or only increase slightly, in                                  cyber-risk profiles once a year as a minimum.
 A combination of high-profile data breaches                         the next year.                                                                  • Monitor fourth party risks. As organisations
such as those suffered by British Airways in                                                                                                              become increasingly connected, simply
                    2017 or India’s Adahaar digital                  Solving cyber security in                                                            monitoring your suppliers’ cyber-risk profiles
                        ID service in 2018, coupled                  financial services                                                                   may not be enough. BitSight recommend
                         with          growing         regulator y                                                                                        that fourth parties, that is, suppliers to your
                         pressure from data protection               A key concern for respondents is the investment                                      supplier, should also be regularly reviewed.
                        legislation like the EU’s GDPR,              required to make cyber-risk monitoring for                                           This can be achieved by gaining oversight
                     has driven cyber-risk right to the              suppliers and third parties a success. Although                                      into your supplier’s risk management and
top of most organisation’s agendas.                                  almost all respondents recognise the importance                                      cyber-security monitoring systems.

                                     FIGURE 1 - KEY TPRM CONCERNS                                        FIGURE 2 - GROWING AWARENESS OF THIRD-PARTY CYBER RISK
          What issues related to the vendor cyber assessment process are you concerned about?              Who has primary accountability for third-party cyber risk in your organization? (Multiple choice)
                          Rank on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being of “higher concern”
                                                                                                                                             CISO                                                        34%
                Speed of assessment process                                          3.68
                                                                                                                                              CIO                               20%
                  Cost of on-site assessments                              3.09
                                                                                                                                CHIEF RISK OFFICER                                    23%
      Scope of assessment process (not being
                  able to review more vendors)                                                                          CHIEF COMPLIANCE OFFICER                          13%

           Quality/accuracy of data we receive                                                4.15                                            CEO                    9%

               Actionability of data we receive                                                          HEAD OF VENDOR/THIRD-PARTY/SUPPLIER RISK                    9%
                    from vendors/third parties
                                                                                                                       CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER           4%
             Timeliness of the data we receive
                    from vendors/third parties
                                                                                                                                           BOARD          3%

               Unclear responsibility internally                              3.30                                          CHIEF FINANCE OFFICER    1%

                                                   0    1       2      3               4             5                                     OTHER                                        Source: BitSight CEFPRO Report

 10         payments cards & mobile magazine - may / june 2019                                                                                                                    
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Mastercard has published its strategy for a                             the population), costing individuals and                      digital ID system are of paramount importance.
global, consumer-led future in digital ID. The                          businesses a combined $16.8 billion. In                          Their blueprint for digital ID starts from the
result of an eighteen-month consultation with                           the same period, data breaches in the US                      premiss that individuals have the basic right
governments, security experts and consumers                             increased by 44.7 percent, with the majority                  to control their own identity and data in the
around the world, Mastercard’s paper describes                          of these breaches resulting in further fraud                  online and physical environments. Following
the challenges facing the payments industry,                            which cost another $6 billion.                                on from this right, the company has established
governments and security experts as the world                     - Social and financial inclusion. The UN                            ten principles which any successful digital ID
moves towards a globally-enabled, multi-                                estimates that more than 1 billion people                     scheme should follow (see graphic below.)
environment secure digital ID.                                          world-wide have no access to proof of identity,
 The average consumer in the digital age can                            and that these people are overwhelmingly                      How it works
have up to 150 accounts to manage, taking                               among the poorest in the world. Without
in to account utilities, telecom, banking and                           access to identity, these disadvantaged                       The key features of a future digital ID system
online services. At present, all of these services                      people cannot access social, healthcare                       will be based on roles, beginning with the
have disparate approaches to passwords and                              and financial services. And as the internet                   end user at the heart of the system. Users
authentication. Despite the wide range of                               continues to grow in importance, this “digital                will be required to gain the confidence of
approaches on offer, identity fraud continues to                        divide” could widen further.                                  relying parties by using ID services provided
increase, especially in the online environment.                   - User focus. People cannot continue to                             by verification providers. The system will also
As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes a                               maintain growing numbers of passwords                         include a commercial transactional element
reality, the number of interactions which require                       and authentication systems as the number of                   as part of an app provided in partnership
ID will only increase: estimates suggest that                           services areas – from commercial services, to                 with a bank, mobile operator or similar
within a few years there could be more than 50                          entertainment, healthcare, taxes and financial                commercial concern. The role of the digital
billion connected devices, each one a potential                         services – requiring digital identification                   identity service at the centre of this system is
vulnerability for their owners.                                         continues to grow. Any solution must take                     to give all participants confidence and trust
 While some countries have developed their                              into account the rights of individuals to data                that other parties identities are verified.
own national digital ID schemes, there is at                            privacy and data protection.                                     Mastercard expects that this kind of system
present no solution that will work across                         - Organisations. Any solution must respect                          infrastructure will help to simplify the process
countries and geographical regions.                                     organisations which originate these services,                 of ID in the digital and physical worlds,
                                                                        and make sure that digital ID does not create                 reducing friction and the cost of providing
Social and Financial Inclusion:                                         more friction, increase the risk of fraud, and                and confirming identity for all parties, as well
The (Digital) Key                                                       reduce access to services for individuals.                    as making life easier for end consumers. It’s
                                                                                                                                      interesting to note that, with its combination
Mastercard’s study identifies four key areas                      Digital ID Principles                                               of a commercial function and a digital ID in
of focus for any successful global digital ID                                                                                         a single app, Mastercard’s proposed system
strategy as follows:                                              Envisioning a service which is simple, smart                        is markedly similar to the combination of
- Data breaches and identity theft. In 2017                       and secure, Mastercard underline that ease                          social media, digital ID and P2P payments
 alone, the US suffered 16.7 million cases                        of use, minimising the requirement for data                         found in WeChat, AliPay and UnionPay Mobile
 of online identity fraud (4.5 percent of                         exchange and maximising the security of any                         in China.


          Inclusion        Ownership            Simplicity                     Consent
                                                                                              Everyone has a right     An individual’s digital       Identity data and           An individual’s
                                                                                              to a digital identity    identity should not           transactions that           identity data will
                                                                                                                       be used or shared             involve an individual’s     be used only for
                                                                                              Individuals own          without their explicit        digital identity should     legitimate, fair, and
                                                                                              their identity and       consent, or as                be held with the            non-discriminatory
                                                                                              personal data            permitted by law              highest standards of        purposes
                                                                                                                                                     security and integrity
                                                                                                                       Individuals have the
                                                                                              An individual’s use                                                                Individuals should
                                                                                                                       right to understand           Individuals should
                                                                                              of their digital                                                                   have a choice of
                                                                                                                       how their digital             have the right to
                                                                                              identity should be                                                                 trusted digital identity
                                                                                                                       identity data is used         access, correct, and
                                                                                              simple and intuitive                                                               providers and the
                                                                                                                       and shared                    delete their identity       right to opt out or to
                                                                                              An individual has                                      data and the right          change providers
                                                                                              the right to keep                                      to recourse if their
                                                                                              their digital identity                                 rights are violated
       Transparency   Security and Integrity   Data Rights   Fair Use           Choice
                                                                                              information private

                                                                                                                                                 Source: Mastercard - Restoring Trust in a Digital World

 12     payments cards & mobile magazine - may / june 2019                                                                                                           
  by James Wood, PCM Editor

Despite legislative moves to enable the digital economy and a ten-year media blitz about the coming
cashless society, cash in circulation (CIC) in the world’s economies keeps growing. What’s more, some
governments are now expressing concerns about the socio-economic implications of a world without
paper money. So are notes and coins set to make the greatest comeback since Lazarus?
PCM Editor James Wood finds out what’s on the cards for cash…
Just a few years ago, major media outlets like      curb corruption and combat organised crime.       are the only two out of 47 global economies
Wired and The New Yorker were publishing            What’s more, everyone just knew the future of     surveyed to see a decline in the amount of
articles headlined, “It’s Official: Cash is         money was digital, because the world’s media      physical cash in circulation.
Dying”, and, “We live in a Cashless World.”         told them so.                                      Admittedly, some of the markets surveyed
Observing the rapid decline in cash usage            It must have come as no small surprise, then,    experienced special circumstances, such as
on the part of developed economies, major           when the US Federal Reserve of San Francisco      India after its demonetisation initiative. In
emerging markets such as Nigeria (2012)             published figures in late 2017 demonstrating      late 2016, the Reserve Bank of India withdrew
and India (2016) launched demonetisation            that the amount of physical dollar bills          500- and 1,000- Rupee notes from circulation
initiatives designed to reduce the risks posed      circulating in the American economy had           to reduce the high number of counterfeit
by fraudulent banknotes and speed up the            actually been increasing faster than the rate     notes circulating and fight the country’s
velocity of money in their economies via            of inflation in recent years.                     large black economy. As this constituted 86
electronic payment systems.                          In fact, according to data from the US Federal   percent of India’s cash stock at the time, the
 Cash, the argument ran, was expensive              Reserve and the IMF, the only two markets in      economic shock experienced was intense,
to handle and slow to move. By switching            which CIC had decreased in the three years        and the Reserve Bank promptly pumped
to    electronic   payments,    emerging    and     prior to 2016 were Norway and Sweden. The         23.8   billion    smaller-denomination   bank
developed markets could bring oversight to          World Cash Report 2018 from G4S confirms          notes into circulation with a value of 5.540
their significant “grey”, or informal, economies,   this trend, noting that these Nordic countries    billion Rupees.

 14     payments cards & mobile magazine - may / june 2019                                                           
cover feature
Following this initiative, the expected uptick
                                                                                                                                                                 FIGURE 1 - US FEDERAL RESERVE REPORT
in electronic payments did not, however,
materialise: although digital transactions
spiked in December 2016, they have since
tailed off, with an overall increase in electronic
payments of just 2.2 percent in the two years
between July 2016 and July 2018. Worse, from
the Indian government’s perspective, is that
counterfeit notes have begun to re-appear
                                                                                                                                                                   CIC expanding faster than GDP
in the new, smaller denominations – and
                                                                                                                                                                   CIC declining
evidence suggests that the “black” economy
                                                                                                                                                                   No comparable data
remains undiminished, whilst cash-based
sectors such as agriculture and real estate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Source: US Federal Reserve
have suffered.

Culture beats strategy                                                                                                                                        course, with cash being used in 45 percent         held as personal stocks of cash. Hoarding
                                                                                                                                                              (Netherlands) and 34 percent (UK) of all           is also in evidence in India, with household
Despite                  the                  Indian                             government’s                                                   best          transactions. In a late 2018 report, UK Finance    cash stocks at record highs following the
efforts, the amount of cash being used by                                                                                                                     stated that they expect cash to fall to 16         attempted demonetisation initiative of 2016-
Indians has actually increased since the                                                                                                                      percent of payments by 2027. In making this        2018 according to Quartz, an Indian financial
2016 demonetisation initiative. One factor                                                                                                                    prediction, though, the industry body also         media outlet.
behind the global resurgence of cash is                                                                                                                       noted that there would still be more than four      In the case of major currencies like the US
some countries’ cultural affinity for the hard                                                                                                                billion cash transactions in the UK each year –    Dollar in particular, and to a lesser extent the
stuff. Among major economies, Japan and                                                                                                                       meaning that the infrastructure to handle and      Euro and Pound Sterling, there is also the
Germany have cultural and historical reasons                                                                                                                  process cash will have to be maintained at a       phenomenon of substitution for domestic
for preferring cash: in 2018, Germans used                                                                                                                    cost of nearly £5 billion per year.                currencies in very poor or war-ravaged
cash for 74 percent of all transactions by                                                                                                                                                                       states. Zimbabwe offers the most well-
volume, and 48 percent by value.                                                                                                                              More money, more problems                          known example of this, where hyperinflation
 In Sweden, by contrast, just 16 percent                                                                                                                                                                         caused the national currency to be replaced
of transactions are undertaken using cash,                                                                                                                    There are two simple, and not necessarily          by the US Dollar in the informal economy. This
reflecting a long and comfortable relationship                                                                                                                welcome, reasons behind the recent increase        replacement was later formalised with the
with electronic payments in that country.                                                                                                                     in cash in circulation – though these reasons      introduction of Zimbabwean “Bond Notes” in
Sweden was one of the first markets to                                                                                                                        are by themselves not sufficient to explain        2016, which are pegged to the US dollar and
introduce a national app, Swish, for smart                                                                                                                    all of the growth witnessed in global cash         can’t be exchanged outside the country.
phone payments in 2012 – and remains one                                                                                                                      stocks. The first is that criminals prefer the
of only three markets in the world, along with                                                                                                                anonymity of cash, or as one senior anti-          Cash in your rights
Denmark and Norway, where a majority of                                                                                                                       money laundering (AML) analyst from a major
the country’s population regularly use smart                                                                                                                  financial institution puts it, “Cash works for     In noting cash’s global resurgence, it’s
phone apps for payments.                                                                                                                                      criminals because it’s much tougher to trace.”     important to state that digital and electronic
 Between these extremes, markets such as                                                                                                                      That said, a switch to digital payments can        payments are growing rapidly world-wide, and
the Netherlands and the UK chart a middle                                                                                                                     hardly be said to remove the risk of fraud,        that the use of cash – as opposed to it being
                                                                                                                                                              which continues to rise even as the world          held or saved – has been decreasing. Both of
                                                                                                                                                              moves away from cash.                              these trends are expected to continue over
  FIGURE 2 - PAYMENT VOLUMES CASH                                                                                                                              Hoarding also explains some of the increase       the next ten to fifteen years, although cash
  TO 2017 ACTUALS, 2018 TO 2027                                                                                                                               in cash stocks. In Romania, there has been a       still accounts for more than 50 percent of all
  FORECAST                                                                                                                                                    steady increase in the number of cards and in      transactions in three-quarters of the world’s
                                                                   Cash                          Debit card
                                                                                                                                                              card usage – as well as a nascent movement         economies, according to the G4S study.
  20,000                                                                                                                                                      to mobile banking. However, the cultural            Statistics like these highlight two challenges
  15,000                                                                                                                                                      memory of the economic shock that followed         facing many governments in the next decade:
  10,000                                                                                                                                                      the move from a planned economy to a market        firstly, the need to maintain a cash handling
   5,000                                                                                                                                                      economy persists some thirty years after the       infrastructure, and secondly, the need to
                                                                                                                                                              fact. As a result, Romania has a very high         respect peoples’ right to pay in any way they


                                                                                                                                                              savings rate, at nearly 20 percent of all earned   choose. The second of these issues has been
                           Source: UK Finance, UK Payment Markets 2018
                                                                                                                                                              income in 2018, with much of these savings         gaining much prominence of late, with US                                                                                                                                                                                   payments cards & mobile magazine - may / june 2019           15
cover feature
   FIGURE 3 - AGE DISTRIBUTION OF                                                  free, easy to use and convenient. In any society,          savings or a payment instrument, then the
   MOBILE PAYMENT USERS VS TOTAL                                                   some groups are more comfortable with cash.”               problem of how to pay for cash handling
   POPULATION 2017                                                                  In recognition of consumers’ right to access              costs and infrastructure remains. When
                                                  Total population

      30%                                         Use mobile payments              cash, the Government of Norway passed a law in             more than half of an economy is run
      25%                                                                          April 2018 to the effect that all banks must have          digitally, then transferring, counting and
      20%                                                                          cash reserves for consumers. This followed a               handling cash becomes an increasingly
                                                                                   2016 decision by Norway’s largest bank, DNB, to            expensive proposition. Although a 2016
                                                                                   no longer offer cash in its branches, on the basis         report from the British Retail Consortium
                                                                                   that only six percent of Norwegians use cash for           stated that the cost of handling cash was
                                                                                   their everyday expenditure.                                approximately similar to that of debit
             16 -24   25 -34   34 -44    45 -54          54 -64         65+

                                                                                    However, statistics like these only tell part             and credit card payments for retailers
                  Source: UK Finance, UK Payment Markets 2018
                                                                                   of the story. As the Swedish Riksbanks’ 2018               themselves, this ignores the “hidden costs”
                                                                                   Payments Report demonstrates, cash usage is                of managing a payments infrastructure,
cities like Boston and Philadelphia introducing                                    heavily segregated by age and income bracket.              estimated at around £5 billion. By contrast,
laws preventing stores from being “digital                                         In developing economies, this segregation                  cash handling costs for 2017 in the US
only”, and enshrining the citizen’s right to pay                                   occurs in a split between urban populations                and Canada were estimated at US$96
with cash. This trend was confirmed when                                           and rural economies, where up to 90 percent                billion including transpor tation, security
Amazon, Crown Prince of the digital economy,                                       of wages may be paid in cash, as is the case               and handling – the same as the entire
recently announced plans for all of its Amazon                                     in Ghana.                                                  Ukrainian economy.
Go stores to accept cash alongside card                                             According to Paul van der Knaap of G4S’s                   According to management consultants
and mobile payments in recognition of                                              Cash Division, countries should now be looking             McKinsey, the answer may lie in “hybrid”
the continued importance of cash to the                                            at maintaining cash from the perspectives of               arrangements between Central Banks and
US economy.                                                                        social and financial inclusion, on the one hand,           commercial banks. At present, most National
 Digital payments are more commonly used                                           and emergency preparedness on the other: “The              Central Banks are responsible for printing
by younger, better educated and more affluent                                      Swedish Riksbank has acted as a role model in              and issuing cash, with cash handling costs
consumers. Statistics from UK Finance                                              planning a role for cash in the digital economy.           managed by retailers and commercial banks.
suggest that cash is most widely used by the                                       Failure to plan for cash as part of your economy’s         But it’s likely that future schemes would
unemployed, unskilled manual workers, and                                          future does not address the social and financial           seek to pool these costs and share these
retired people living on state pensions; by                                        inclusion issues in your economy at all.”                  costs as the amount of cash in economies
contrast, mobile payments are most widely                                           Governments,           especially   those     in    the   reduces, retaining the capacity to handle
used by the 18-34 age bracket and the highly-                                      developed world, appear to be waking up to                 cash without massively increasing the cost
educated and affluent.                                                             the systemic risks of an over-reliance on digital          per transaction. Companies like G4S have
                                                                                   payments – including the risk of a terrorist               already launched hybrid products such as
In a rich man’s world                                                              attack on electronic transfer systems, which               G4S Pay, which combine cash handling and
                                                                                   would have the effect of paralysing any economy            electronic payments for retailers.
Both the government and population of                                              without the capacity to store and handle its                Whatever solution emerges, we are unlikely
Sweden appear to have belatedly awoken                                             currency as cash.                                          to see an end to the use of cash any time
to the social dangers of a cashless society.                                                                                                  soon – especially in a world where the threat
A 2016 survey of Swedes showed the first                                           Cashing up                                                 from terrorists, fraudsters and catastrophic
increase in negative attitudes to the decline in                                                                                              incidents linked to climate change shows no
cash payments.                                                                     If cash is here to stay, either as a means of              sign of abating.
 This         negativity                stems                 from            an
acknowledgement that there are marginalised                                          FIGURE 4 - INDIAN CASH IN                                 FIGURE 5 - WHICH MEANS OF
and disadvantaged groups in society that still                                       CIRCULATION                                               PAYMENT HAVE YOU USED IN THE
use, and are likely to continue to use, cash for                                                                                   17.78       PAST MONTH? PER CENT
                                                                                            17.97                                              100                                                100
payments and savings. These problems are                                                                                                             2014 2016 2018
especially pronounced in emerging markets and                                                                                                  80                                                 80

in lower-income groups in the West, according                                                                                                  60                                                 60

to Drew Propson, Project Lead for Financial                                           12
                                                                                                                                               40                                                 40
Inclusion at the World Economic Forum (WEF):                                          10
                                                                                                    8.98 (6 Jan 2017)
“It’s not just about developing markets versus                                                                                                 20                                                 20
developed markets: it’s about financial inclusion                                      4 Nov 2016                             16 Feb 2018       0                                                 0

around the world. We’ll see cash continue
                                                                                                                                                         Cash         Debit card        Swish

                                                                                                                        Source: Bloomberg                               Source: Central Bank of Sweden
alongside digital payments, in part because it’s

 16         payments cards & mobile magazine - may / june 2019                                                                                                           
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