BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile

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BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile
March / April 2019


BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile
 Payments Cards and Mobile
       the Leading Payments Industry Magazine
PCM is an award-winning magazine published every two months with a
global circulation of hard and soft copies. Readership comprises senior
executives responsible for managing all types of payment in issuers,
acquirers, retailers, telcos, schemes and networks.

          Celebrating                       in the industry

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BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile

                                                                                                                      Payments   CARDS & MOBILE

                                                                                                                       March / April 2019
                                                                                                                           Volume 11, Issue 2

Merchant Payments Ecosystem has passed,                                                                      Production Team
Seamless Middle East is coming and we have                                                                   Alexander Rolfe
                                                                                                             Editor-in-chief and publisher
already had the first Money 2020 show of the year.                                                           Tel (+44) 1263 711 800
Anyone miss anything?
                                                                                                             James Wood
The payments industry is on fire right now. At PCM, we re here to keep you in touch with                     Editor
all areas of this industry, curating the best news and information for you to digest at
your leisure. This is no easy task at the moment, given the speed at which the industry is                   Wendy Sanders
moving and the sheer weight of market information coming to us on a daily basis.                             Head of Business Development
                                                                                                             Tel (+44) 1263 711 801
Academically, I have always found it interesting how industries and markets ebb and
flow. I have lived through a slow period in the payments industry but we are very much                       Gemma Rolfe
                                                                                                             General Manager
full-on at the moment.                                                                                       Tel (+44) 1263 711 800
So, what can we serve up for you to digest in this issue We begin by taking a close
                                                                                                             Gemma Haywood
look at Big Tech. The GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) group of companies                              Subscriptions and General
have long been touted as candidates to enter banking and payments, causing                                   Tel (+44) 1263 711 800
significant disruption in doing so. In this issue we consider what those companies                 

have in playand, more importantly, what impact their presence could have on the                              Adam Unsworth
payments market.                                                                                             Head of Design & Digital
                                                                                                             Tel (+44) 7932905744
Next up we look at retail POS estates. Successive waves of Point-of-Sale (POS)
terminals are sunsetting , leading to significant upgrade or replacement costs for                           Printing
retailers. Meanwhile, non-POS methods of payment are proliferating, adding to the                            Micropress Printers

complexity retailers face. But is a completely new infrastructure really the answer

Finally, feature-wise, we consider national payments infrastructures. Growing                                Editorial Advisory Board
numbers of countries are rebuilding their infrastructures, including the UK, Australia,                      John Berns
India, Canada and Singapore. PCM looks at what s gone right and wrong, the pitfalls                          Managing Partner, Accourt
and expected benefits, and the role of the private sector in these changes.
                                                                                                             Sylvie Boucheron-Saunier
                                                                                                             SVP Financial Institutions, North America
                                                                                                             & Europe, ACI

                                                                                                             Chris Harris
                                                                                                             VP Sales Performance & Global Accounts
                                                                                                             at Ingenico Group
Alexander Rolfe,
                                                                                                             Siobhan Moore

AlexRolfe                                                                                                    Partner, Global Head Cards and
                                                                                                             Payments at Locke Lord LLP

                                                                                                             Fiona Wilkinson
Editor-in-chief and publisher,                                                                               PCM Board Member
Payments Cards & Mobile

All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the
publisher’s prior consent. While every care is taken to provide accurate information, the publisher cannot
accept liability for errors or omissions, no matter how caused.                                              Payments Cards and Mobile
                                                                                                             The Stable, Hall Yard, Kelling
© PaymentsCM LLP 2019                                                                                        Holt, NR25 7EW, United Kingdom
Payment Cards and Mobile™ is owned and published by PaymentsCM LLP ISSN 1759-829X                            +44 1263 711800 /
BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile
06 - 07 PAYMENTS NEWS                             26-27 ISSUING & ACQUIRING                          28-29 MOBILE PAYMENTS

NEWS IN BRIEF                                     EC SETS SIGHTS ON TIPS CHALLENGING                 SEPA PROXY LOOKUP: PAN-EUROPEAN P2P
All the latest news from the past 60 days.        VISA AND MASTERCARD                                PAYMENTS
                                                  The European Commission (EC) is                    The SEPA Proxy Lookup (SPL) service, a new
08 - 11 CARD NOTES                                considering implementing new regulations           service that creates secure interoperability
                                                  to support and accelerate the adoption of          between existing mobile P2P payments
REPORTS IDENTIFY OPEN BANKING                     the TARGET Instant Payments Settlement             services, has launched. The SPL service is
OPPORTUNITIES                                     System (TIPS) in an effort to challenge the        ready to be used, and the first provider has
New surveys from PwC and Cardlytics have          dominance of card companies and tech               already integrated the service into its mobile
identified opportunities and risks in Open        giants in Europe.                                  payment solution.
Banking, with estimated revenue of £7.2bn up
for grabs over the next three years.              COMMERCIAL VIRTUAL CARD PAYMENTS                   PAYPAL CEO: PAYMENTS MARKET TO HIT
                                                  TO EXCEED $1 TRILLION BY 2022                      $100 TRILLION
STRONG AUTHENTICATION ON THE RISE                 A new report has found that the annual value       Dan Schulman, the CEO of PayPal, has gone
New analysis from the FIDO Alliance and           of virtual cards (temporary card numbers only      on record with CNBC and said that the digital
Javelin Research has shown that strong            available for a single transaction or limited      payments industry may become a $100 trillion
authentication, which uses multiple-              time) used by businesses will grow 90 percent      market as the financial technology sector
factor, multiple-method authentication to         over the next four years; exceeding $1 trillion    continues to grow rapidly.
verify identity, is rising around the world in    by 2022.
response to increasingly sophisticated fraud                                                         GLOBAL MOBILE WALLET USAGE MAPPED
attacks and growing regulatory demands.           CASHLESS SOCIETY? US BANS                          Forecasts predict that by 2022, just 17 percent
                                                  ‘CASHLESS’ STORES                                  of global payments will be made by cash.
KEY CHARACTERISTICS OF GREAT FRAUD                In highlighting ust how difficult it will be for   Meanwhile, digital and mobile wallet usage will
MANAGEMENT                                        society to go completely cashless, this week       continue to rise, accounting for 28 percent of
A new report from Visa subsidiary                 has seen the UK report on how it cannot            all point of sale transactions in just three
CyberSource, based on responses from              allow its cash infrastructure to fail.             years’ time.
2,800 fraud management specialists around
the world, has revealed the characteristics       CARD NETWORKS PREPARE TO RAISE                     31 CONTACTLESS
that make for great fraud management in           SCHEME AND INTERCHANGE FEES
payments companies – while noting that            Visa and MasterCard are reported to be planning    APPLE PAY ADOPTION CONTINUES TO RISE
fewer than one in five firms actually adopt       increases in interchange fees as well as fees      In the December 2018 earnings call for Apple,
this approach.                                    that card networks charge financial institutions   analysts were given several incremental
                                                  for processing card payments for merchants.        data points on the usage of Apple Pay. It

          COVER STORY P14-16

 4     payments cards & mobile magazine - march / april 2019                                                         
BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile
may seem like an insignificant piece of the      cryptocurrency this month. It marked an           SOCIETE GENERALE SELECTS HPS FOR
ecosystem, as it only represents a fraction      unprecedented move for a major US bank.           PROCESSING IN AFRICA
of a percent of overall revenue, but it serves                                                     Société Générale, one of Europe’s largest
as a great example of what you can build         CURVE CONSIDER LEGAL ACTION AGAINST               banks with operations across the world, has
with integrated hardware/software and a          AMERICAN EXPRESS                                  selected HPS to improve payment processing
reputation of protecting user privacy.           Curve says it is considering legal action         activities for its ten African subsidiaries.
                                                 against American Express after the card
SHIPMENTS OF NFC POS TERMINALS TO                network blocked its customers from using          38 CONFERENCES
REACH 112 MILLION BY 2022                        Curve’s services this week.
According to new research from Berg                                                                RBI DIGITAL BANKING CONFERENCE EU
Insight, the market for NFC POS terminals        YOYO LAUNCHES OMNI-CHANNEL                        1-3 April, London
continued to show strong momentum in 2018        PAYMENTS AND LOYALTY PLATFORM           
with annual shipments reaching an estimated      RETAILERS
24.7 million units worldwide.                    Yoyo says it has combined its in-store digital    INTERNET RETAILING EXPO
                                                 payments and loyalty experience with a            3-4 April, NEC Birmingham
33 E-COMMERCE                                    unique e-commerce solution, enabling    
                                                 retailers to deliver integrated and rewarding
HOW WILL BREXIT AFFECT E-COMMERCE?               omni-channel buying experience for                SELF-SERVICE BANKING ASIA
Brexit brings a wave of uncertainty and          customers, in-store or online.                    3-4 April, Bangkok
change to the UK business landscape. Since                                               
the day the UK voted to leave the EU, it’s       37 CONTRACTS                                      ssba/
been a whirlwind. But what will the payments
landscape look like leading up to, and after     BARCLAYCARD AND UNIONPAY                          IFINTEC
Brexit? What kind of impact will it have on      PARTNERSHIP IN UK                                 9-10 April, Istanbul
e-commerce, especially smaller sellers just      Barclaycard, which processes nearly half of
starting up? With thousands of startups          the UK’s credit and debit card transactions,
launching each year, will the looming shadow     has announced a new card acceptance               SEAMLESS MIDDLE EAST
of Brexit threaten the livelihood of new         partnership with UnionPay International, a        10-11 April, Dubai
businesses and discourage people from            subsidiary of China UnionPay.           
starting out?
                                                 ANT FINANCIAL MAKES BIG STEP INTO                 ETA TRANSACT
35 PRODUCTS                                      EUROPE WITH $700 MILLION DEAL                     17-19 April, Las Vegas
                                                 Ant Financial has finally managed to make
JP MORGAN CHASE TO LAUNCH ITS OWN                its mark in a significant European first. The
CRYPTOCURRENCY                                   Chinese financial services giant has agreed       CONNECT:ID
Despite CEO Jamie Dimon labelling Bitcoin        to buy UK payments group WorldFirst in            29 April-1 May, Washington DC
a fraud, JP Morgan, the largest bank in          a deal worth around $700 million after  
the US, has announced it has created             WorldFirst was forced into a rapid fire-sale of   connect-id/index.stm
and successfully tested its JPM Coin             its US assets.

      FEATURE P18-20                                                           FEATURE P22-24
      IS THE SUN SETTING ON                                                    NATIONAL PAYMENTS
      RETAIL POS ESTATES?                                                      INFRASTRUCTURES                                                                   payments cards & mobile magazine - march / april 2019        5
BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile
news in brief                                                      global payments news from the last 60 days

US CREDIT card debt has hit a new record of        MASTERCARD IS continuing its round of               ANT FINANCIAL has unveiled a new core
$870 billion as of December 2018, according        acquisitions, announcing it has entered             banking platform co-developed with Hoperun
to data from the Federal Reserve. Credit card      into an agreement to acquire Transfast,             Information Technology. The Distributed
balances rose by $26 billion from the prior        an   account-to-account       money      transfer   Core Banking Platform (DCBP) aims to help
quarter. “The increase in credit card balances     network which competes with Earthport –             financial institutions tackle digital challenges,
is consistent with seasonal patterns but           a company Mastercard had been bidding               including distributed development, financial
marks the first time credit card balances          for in competition with Visa. Transfast will        product    management        and    accounting
have re-touched the 2008 nominal peak,”            complement       Mastercard      by    increasing   liquidation. It builds on Ant Financial's bPass
according to the report. Nearly 480 million        worldwide connectivity in the account-to-           (Business Platform as a Service) architecture,
credit cards are now in circulation, up by more    account      space,   enhancing       compliance    established to enable third party banks to
than 100 million since hitting bottom after        capabilities    and   offering    more    robust    benefit from the Chinese giant s tech know-
the recession a decade ago, according to           foreign exchange tools. Transfast currently         how. To date, Ant Financial has installed
Bloomberg. At the end of last year, credit cards   supports the Mastercard Send solution for           its technology into more than 200 financial
were the fourth-largest portion of consumer        business-to-business and person-to-person           institutions, including 100 banks, 60 insurers,
debt in the US after mortgages, student loans      payment services. On March 12, Mastercard           and 40 wealth management companies
and auto debt. But the quarterly increase in       also announced it would buy Toronto-based           and security brokerages. DCBP is the first
credit card debt was faster than the other         Ethoca for an undisclosed sum. Ethoca makes         co-developed product in Ant Financial’s
categories. Overall debt in all forms reached      technology that helps merchants and issuers         technology portfolio.
a record $13.5 trillion.                           collaborate to battle digital commerce fraud,
                                                   linking   ,000 merchants and 4,000 financial
                                                   institutions (FIs) globally. Mastercard also
                                                   purchased Vancouver’s NuData Security
                                                   in March 201 , and Brighterion, a firm
                                                   specialising in artificial intelligence (AI), in
                                                   July 2017.

                                                                                                       PAYPAL HAS announced instant fund transfers
THE BANK of England is to take supervisory                                                             to user bank accounts. This service expands
action against Visa following a widespread         THE CONCEPT of a cashless society has               the existing money transfer system offered by
outage last year that disrupted payments           suffered a number of setbacks recently, with        PayPal-owned Venmo since 2017. Although
for millions of shoppers across Europe.            the UK reporting that it cannot allow its cash      the Venmo feature lets users instantly transfer
More than five million transactions across         infrastructure to fail and India recording          funds from PayPal to a Visa or Mastercard
Europe failed during Visa's 10-hour outage         a significant rise in the amount of cash            debit card, the new option will let users move
in June last year following a failure in its       in circulation since the launch of 2008             it directly to their banks. PayPal says that the
primary data centre. In the UK, 2.4 million        demonetisation initiatives designed to bring        “instant” transfers will vary by bank and may
transactions failed to process properly, with      digital commerce to the country. Now the US         take up to 30 minutes to clear, but this is still
1.7 million credit and debit cards affected.       city of Philadelphia has outlawed cashless          faster than the “one to three business days”
Immediately following the incident, Visa           stores. Critics of cashless stores, which only      offered as standard. PayPal is charging the
Europe engaged an external party to conduct        accept electronic and digital payments, say         same fee for instant transfers, whether they
an independent review, with the scope agreed       the practice discriminates against people           be to a bank or debit card: 1 percent of the
with both the Bank and the Payment Systems         without bank accounts or credit cards, or who       total transaction up to a limit of $10. The new
Regulator (PSR). Despite Visa's commitment         prefer to pay cash. The new law, signed by          instant transfer feature is only available in
to remediation actions, the Bank of England        Mayor Jim Kenney last week, takes effect on         the US, although PayPal COO Bill Ready has
says it intends to direct the card giant to         uly 1 and could lead to fines of up to 2,000       confirmed the company is looking to launch
fully implement the recommendations of             on businesses not accepting cash. However,          the feature in other countries.
the independent review. As a further action,       many transactions will be exempt, including
it is also using its powers to require Visa        those at parking lots and garages; businesses
Europe to appoint an independent third party,      that sell goods through a membership model;
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), to assess            rentals that require security deposits; online,
the company's progress in implementing             telephone or mail-in transactions; and goods
the recommendations.                               sold exclusively to employees.

 6      payments cards & mobile magazine - march / april 2019                                                         
BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile
news in brief
FIRST DATA is to acquire Brazilian eftpos
manufacturer Software Express. Founded                                                                 Network with the leading innovators in
in 1986, Software Express serves 100,000                                                               Open Banking. Hear what’s working,
merchants in Brazil, processing more than                                                              who wants to collaborate and what is
11 billion transactions in 2018. The firm also                                                         coming next…
delivers recharge services for mobile phones,
                                                                                                       At the Open Banking World Congress
and terminal applications for correspondent                                                            2019 (7-8 May in London) we are
banking segments and transaction capture          FIDELITY NATIONAL Information Services               showcasing new propositions, emerging
networks. Combined, the two companies             (FIS), the Florida-based provider of computing       monetisation strategies and new revenue
                                                                                                       streams. This is a ground level view of
expect to process more than 15 billion            systems for financial institutions, agreed a         what is happening in Open Banking and
transactions in Brazil. Henrique Ribeiro          deal on 18 March to to take over payments            what opportunities will develop for the
Filho, Software Express CEO, said: “Software      processor Worldpay for $43bn including               finance industry, consumers, business
                                                                                                       and, ultimately, economies.
Express is accredited by all acquirers and        debt. The deal is the largest ever in the
has a broad portfolio offering including EFT,     payments industry. It is also the latest in          With speakers ranging from the biggest
recharge servers for prepaid phones, front-       a series of mergers as the race to build             banking and tech companies to new
                                                                                                       exciting FinTechs this is the definitive
end processor software, and correspondent         global payment powerhouses accelerates. In           Open Banking event in 2019 and is not to
banking software, among other services.           a press release, FIS said the deal expands its       be missed!
Our clients will now benefit from First Data’s    capabilities by enhancing its acquiring and
global expertise and knowledge, opening           payment offerings. For Worldpay, it expands
up additional possibilities for our clients,      its distribution footprint and accelerates its
partners and employees.” Financial terms of       entrance into new regions. Once the deal
                                                                                                       We’ll connect you….
the deal were not disclosed.                      is closed, the combined company will offer           • to the people you want to meet.
                                                  enterprise banking, payments, capital markets          Networking is very important to you
                                                  and global eCommerce services to financial             and we want to help. This event has
                                                                                                         been carefully constructed to help
                                                  institutions and businesses around the world.          you meet and engage with the right
                                                                                                         people for you. Multiple structured
                                                                                                         opportunities over two days, contact
                                                                                                         us via the website and we’d be
                                                                                                         delighted to share our plans and
                                                                                                         discuss your needs.
THE   BASEL       Committee    has    set   out                                                        • with expert discussion and demos
                                                                                                         on an innovation stag, providing
minimum standards for banks relating to                                                                  operational and strategic insights
crypto-currencies. While the crypto asset                                                                which will benefit your organisation at
market remains small relative to the global       THE INDIAN e-commerce market is estimated              a practical level.
                                                                                                       • with insights into how data mobility
financial system and banks currently have         to miss market growth expectations since               and portability will evolve in an
very limited direct exposures, the central        new FDI rules kicked in on February 1, 2019,           increasingly API connected world.
banking   committee     believes     continued    slowing investment by e-commerce giants                What possibilities will this offer you?
growth in crypto asset trading platforms          such as Amazon. Morgan Stanley has revised
                                                                                                       Join your peers, partners and
and new financial products has the potential      its estimate for Indian e-commerce, expecting        future contacts at this fantastic,
to "raise financial stability concerns and        it to reach $200 billion by 2027, a year later       vibrant and exciting meeting of the
increase risks faced by banks." The regulatory    than initially forecast. “The new regulations        world’s Open Banking community
body recommends that before acquiring             released in December 2018 strive to ensure
exposures to crypto assets, a bank should         those with FDI holdings operate as pure              Want to meet up regularly?
conduct comprehensive analysis of the risks       marketplaces without any equity interest             We recommend Open Banking Excellence
                                                                                                       (OBE), an open forum think tank that
and establish a robust risk management            or control on seller entities or mandatory
                                                                                                       meets monthly for those in the industry
framework appropriate to the size of its          exclusivity   clauses.   We   believe   these        to contribute, educate, share and
crypto asset exposures.        Furthermore, a     regulations will pose headwinds to growth in         collaborate with what is now a global
                                                                                                       movement to make bank data accessible.
risk assessment of crypto asset exposures         the near term as some prominent companies
                                                                                                       The goal of OBE is to create an authentic,
should be incorporated into a bank’s internal     restructure their businesses, processes and          collaborative channel for like mind people
capital adequacy assessment processes. The        contracts to be compliant,” notes Morgan             to share their stories and collectively have
                                                                                                       a greater impact within the immediate
committee is also demanding full disclosure       Stanley. However, the US bank said the overall
                                                                                                       industry at a practical, real-world level.
of any material crypto asset exposures and        market is growing as online commerce takes 
ongoing dialogue with supervisory authorities     market share away from offline channels due
relating to actual and planned crypto             to pricing attractiveness, convenience, and          We’d love you to join us….
asset exposure.                                   demand aggregation.                                                                   payments cards & mobile magazine - march / april 2019            7
BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile
card notes                                                                                                                                                                    GLOBAL

A new survey from PwC has identified                financial management and integrating lending                                             such as slow settlement speeds for international
opportunities and risks in Open Banking, with       and account platforms, PwC notes that banking                                            transactions. A second wave will see more
estimated revenue of £7.2bn up for grabs over       incumbents are at risk of falling behind to more                                         innovative products appear which address gaps
the next three years. Meanwhile, a consumer         nimble, tech-savvy challengers such as Monzo                                             in the market, while a third wave will see
study from US company Cardlytics has found          and Revolut. These firms have experienced                                                the integration of financial services products
low levels of awareness and trust in the            stratospheric growth in recent years and now                                             with products from other industries. One live
concept of Open Banking, and aversion among         have more than two million UK customers                                                  example of this is the integration of social media
consumers to the possibility of multiple layers     between them.                                                                            messaging and payments on one App, currently
of authentication when switching between                                                                                                     available in China and a few other markets
products in an Open Banking environment.                     ENABLERS OF OPEN BANKING                                                        around the world.
 The UK’s drive towards Open Banking began                   PROPOSITION DEVELOPMENT                                                          Whilst noting widespread benefits to the
                                                                                  Availability and
with a 2016 investigation into customer service                                standardisation of data                                       industry and consumers, PwC argue that Open
                                                                                       (e.g. Standard APIs)
by the Competition and Markets Authority                                                                                                     Banking is not without its risks. In particular,
(CMA). This investigation found that banks                                                                                                   the report sees the possibility of failure
needed to be doing more to deliver value                                                                                                     to protect consumer data as a factor that
for customers. The introduction of the EU’s                                                                                                  could significantly hamper the Open Banking
Second Payments Services Directive (PSD2) in                                                                                                 revolution, and urges regulators to be aware of
January 2018 forced major financial services                                                                                                 this possibility. Enhanced financial exclusion is
companies to make their data freely available                                                                                                also a possibility as those who refuse to share
                                                             Technology                                Consumers' interest
for trusted competitors, and to open customer              and maturity of                            and demand for Open                    their data are charged higher prices to access
                                                           data analytics                             Banking propositions
channels to competitors by sharing application            (e.g. Machine/AI learning)                (i.e. Willingness to pay for services)   certain products and services.
programming interfaces, or APIs. The UK is a                                                                   Source: PwC report             To succeed in this new, more competitive
world leader in Open Banking, with the first set                                                                                             environment, PwC say companies need a
of enacted legislation and associated regulatory                                                                                             compelling vision of what makes them different,
                                                           UK OPEN BANKING AWARENESS
frameworks anywhere in the world. UK                                                                                                         as well as developing fresh and creative
legislation aims to foster increased competition,                                                                                            propositions for the consumer. Given the short
making it possible for consumers to enjoy                              26%                                                                   timescales in which technologies can develop,
products from numerous providers on a single                           Have                                                                  companies will have to consider acquisitions
                                                                       heard of
platform and overcome the consumer inertia                             Open                                                                  and partnerships as a means of getting Open
which has stifled competition in the sector.                                                                                                 Banking products to market.
 According to data from Cardlytics, 84 providers
of open banking services have signed up                                       74%                                                            Cluing in the Consumer
                                                                              Have not heard of
since the launch of Open Banking in the UK                                    Open Banking

last January, including 58 third-party service                                                                                               If there are risks and upsides from the industry
providers such as insurance companies, utilities                                                                 Source: Cardlytics          point of view, then the Cardlytics study shows
firms and mobile phone businesses. A further 26                                                                                              that consumer awareness of Open Banking has
non-bank companies have registered to launch         With specific regard to financial services,                                             been patchy at best. The Cardlytics report states
their own current accounts, with 12 of these        PwC’s report identifies three key areas in which                                         that fully 74 percent of UK consumers have never
schemes going live as of October 2018. Access       Open Banking can create value – revenue                                                  heard of open banking.
to open banking technology protocols has more       generation, cost reduction, and the creation of                                           The study shows that men over fifty living
than doubled to 4.2 million since these protocols   shareholder value. Outside the financial services                                        in London and South-East England are most
were launched by the UK government in               market, however, there are also opportunities                                            likely to be aware of Open Banking, with women
June 2018.                                          for both non-banking companies and third party                                           under 25 living in the North least aware. These
                                                    service providers.                                                                       low levels of awareness aside, the survey also
Open Season                                          Grouping these opportunities around the                                                 provides evidence of poor consumer trust in
                                                    headings of data standards, analytics and open                                           both their existing financial services providers
PwC’s survey, The Future of Banking is Open,        banking propositions, PwC predict a series                                               and potential alternatives. A mere 20 percent of
says there are a number of opportunities for        of progressively creative waves of innovation                                            UK consumers said they trust their bank or other
early movers in the Open Banking market, with       coming to market from outside the major high                                             financial institution to handle their data securely
revenue opportunities of £7.2 billion across        street banks. In the first wave, solutions will                                          – a figure which drops to 13 percent for utilities
retail and corporate banking. Citing examples       appear that respond to existing and known                                                companies and as low as 4 percent for social
such as merging customer accounts, improving        challenges in the financial services market,                                             media firms.

 8     payments cards & mobile magazine - march / april 2019                                                                                                 
BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile
Regulatory changes in the past few years               payments quickly and cheaply, regardless of           Soni, director of innovation and FinTech at
have led to a significant shift in banking and         geography.                                            Finastra, commented, “Real platform players are
payments. Non-bank providers can now offer               Compared with traditional correspondent             coming into the market from adjacencies such
payment solutions, increasing competition and          banking network processes, FinTech payments           as big tech companies like Google, Amazon,
raising expectations among consumers and               are received in seconds rather than days, cost        Facebook, Apple, Alibaba – they don’t have
businesses alike.                                      pennies rather than pounds and take place with        core banking experience but are looking at the
 More agile FinTechs stepped in to fill the gap        just a few taps or clicks rather than detailed        world through the lens of consumers shaping
between what consumers wanted, and what                paperwork, phone calls and maybe even a trip to       attractive user experiences and have a real
traditional banks were able to deliver. These new      a local branch.                                       advantage.”
entrants built their solutions from the ground           However, it is not entirely painless for the         Financial utilities - which essentially do not
up, with consumer needs and preferences as             Financial Tech businesses. Without the customer       compete with the banks or the FinTechs -
the foundation, and have therefore been able           history and relationship many are struggling to       can underpin a financial institution s offering,
to provide solutions which better suited today’s       get a real foot-hold, particularly in business        providing their non-core functions such as
consumer. This improvement has led to a further        payments. The 2018 FinTech Disruptors report 2        payments, F and lending. This allows financial
rise in demand across the financial board.             revealed that banks and FinTechs are indeed           institutions to focus on their customers and add
 Trends such as this in the consumer market            both keen to pair-up and deliver better solutions.    value to their customer service proposition, and,
often lead to similar changes in the business          Change is on the horizon, and the future looks        importantly, remain competitive.
market. Consumers expect better, faster,               distinctly more connected than the present.
cheaper banking solutions in their personal                                                                  THE FUTURE FOR BANKS AND FINTECHS
lives and once this becomes well established,          COLLABORATION – NOT COMPETITION                       For the third consecutive year, the 2018 FinTech
they naturally expect and demand the same level        Banks understand that they must focus                 Disruptors report showed that creating or
of service in their business lives.                    their resources on managing the customer              extending partnerships are the main goals of
                                                       relationship, rather than on non-core activities.     banks’ intentions with FinTechs. Working in
THE EVIDENCE                                           To remain competitive and relevant in this            partnership with financial utilities, banks and
A global survey of more than 8,000 consumers           market, many of these banks are already               FinTechs alike will be better able to provide
in 20181 showed that 34% of all consumers,             partnering with third party Financial Tech            efficient and convenient solutions, helping them
and 52% of 18-34-year-olds, would consider             businesses and financial utilities such as            to remain competitive in the long-term. In ten
banking with a familiar tech giant such as             Banking Circle, to deliver non-core banking           years, banks and FinTechs will look much more
Amazon, Google, Facebook or Apple rather than          services. It’s a new world of seeing each other as    similar than they do today.
a traditional bank. The main reasons given were        collaborators rather than competitors.                 Financial utilities can handle the tech side
for simplicity and convenience (42%), followed           As recently as five years ago, the idea of a bank   without it being a burden on resources. The
by a more personal service (23%). 2018 Banking         working with external partners to deliver banking     financial institution is then able to offer
Circle research showed that banks are gearing          services was unfathomable to most. However, in        affordable, flexible and efficient credit, payments
up to take on the FinTech challenge.                   today’s market, with the complexities of legacy       and FX to all customer segments. This allows
 With more agile FinTechs building innovative          systems together with the rapidly increasing          banks and FinTechs to provide the best service
customer-centric solutions the front-end of            competition from FinTechs, banks are ready            possible, empowering businesses to reach their
payments is being rapidly simplified. Seamless         for this vision. Most have accepted that              full global potential, without payments or lack of
payments, local or cross border, are making the        partnerships are the only way they can remain         access to credit holding them back.
world smaller and more accessible. FinTechs are        competitive, as it allows them to offer the best
increasing financial inclusion, now allowing even      solutions to their valuable customers, without        Anders la Cour,
the smallest business and newest start-up to           compromising on the relationship.                     Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer,
operate on a global scale, sending and receiving         In the 2018 FinTech Disruptors report, Mitesh       Banking Circle

        Source: Consumer connectivity insights report, Mulesoft, June 2018:
        Source: 2018 Fintech Disruptors Report, MagnaCarta, December 2018:
BIG TECH AND PAYMENTS - March / April 2019 - Payments Cards & Mobile
card notes                                                                                                                                            GLOBAL

New analysis from the FIDO Alliance and             in authentication. Of these non-adopters,                   of use” following behind. Being compliant with
Javelin Research has shown that strong              two-thirds believe that passwords alone are                 existing and future regulatory requirements
authentication, which uses multiple-factor,         sufficient to authenticate their employees                  was the least-frequently cited factor.
multiple-method authentication to verify            and customers, perhaps because they do not
identity, is rising around the world in response    see the value of the data assets they hold                  Customer Keys are King
to increasingly sophisticated fraud attacks and     where those assets do not include financially
growing regulatory demands. As companies            sensitive information.                                      Organisations       which       do    employ        strong
and consumers increasingly turn to digital           Even    where        stronger      authentication          authentication methodologies are more likely
channels to communicate and do business,            methodologies are deployed, many of these                   to be concerned about friction created for
FIDO argue that more organisations need to          involve relatively easy-to-compromise factors               customers in the authentication process, with
employ strong authentication techniques.            such as static or dynamic security questions                factors such as cryptographic keys or some
 The adoption of strong authentication              (e.g. mother’s maiden name, or the make                     biometric systems risking a cumbersome entry
methods significantly reduces the likelihood        of a consumer’s first car.) Only 5 percent of               process. Despite this concern, FIDO argue
of successful fraud attacks, since multiple         organisations employ fully robust multiple-                 that the adoption of stronger authentication
fraud approaches must be successfully               factor authentication methods, such as                      systems will allow companies to focus on
combined in order to fully impersonate the          cryptographic keys.                                         enhancing their customer experience after ID
targeted individual or organisation. Strong                                                                     validation, rather than worrying about system
authentication usually combines two or              Regulation Push and Pull                                    and data security.
more factors, including passwords, off-line                                                                      In support of this argument, FIDO offer
cryptographic keys, or biometric factors            After the introduction of PSD2 and GDPR                     the examples of Google, Tradelink and Visa,
and behaviours.                                     regulations in Europe, with Canada, Australia               all of which have recently adopted strong
 As digital channels become the norm, weak          and US states such as California set to follow              authentication         methodologies.              Google
authentication methods are being targeted by        suit, companies have recognised the need to                 introduced FIDO-approved security keys for
criminals to compromise customer accounts           improve their authentication methodologies.                 its 85,000 staff world-wide in 2018, and has
at depth. As a result, regulators are raising the   Whilst 70 percent of businesses agree that                  not had a single security breach on its internal
bar for corporate data security – and placing       regulatory pressure to change is increasing,                systems since. Responding to concerns about
the onus on corporations to protect customer        more than half also recognise that their current            the complexity of introducing strong multi-
data at the same time. FIDO’s analysis suggests     authentication systems are inadequate and                   factor systems, Visa has recently launched its
that companies need to focus not just on            will not meet regulatory expectations in a few              ID Intelligence service, allowing its customer
their customer and data security, but also on       years’ time.                                                financial institutions to select from a range of
the introduction of stronger authentication          Despite this, companies are still primarily                biometric verification solutions and integrate
for employees, as impersonating the ID and          concerned about simplicity and cost when                    from a single source with a trusted provider.
passwords of employees becomes a favoured           it comes to selecting an authentication                      FIDO      recommend          sunsetting        one-time
method for fraudsters to gain entry to corporate    technology.    32     percent      of   businesses          passwords and giving strong authentication
IT systems.                                         surveyed cited “ease of integration” as their               in online and mobile communications urgent
 The     use      of   strong   authentication      main consideration when selecting a new                     priority, since these face the greatest risk of
methodologies has increased by 50 percent           authentication system, with “cost”, and, “ease              compromise by fraudsters.
since the last time this analysis was conducted
in 2017. Furthermore, the use of passwords as a
                                                                           ADOPTION OF STRONG AUTHENTICATION RISES FOR
sole means of verification has decreased by 25                                    CUSTOMER AND ENTERPRISE USE
percent for consumer identification, with only
31 percent of global organisations now using            2018 Consumer
                                                                                      16%                        52%                                  33%
password-only authentication. For enterprise            Authentication

applications, 47 percent of companies still             2017 Consumer
                                                                                5%                     51%                                      44%
use password-only authentication, though this           Authentication

figure represents a 20 percent decline over the         2018 Enterprise
                                                                                  12%                    41%                                  47%
last 18 months.                                         Authentication
                                                        2017 Enterprise
                                                                                 7%                37%                                    56%
Two Steps to Heaven                                     Authentication

                                                              Strong authentication     Traditional multifactor authentication   Single-factor authetication
FIDO warn that nearly half of those companies
                                                                                                                                 Source: Javelin Strategy & Research 2018
surveyed are not using two or more factors

 10    payments cards & mobile magazine - march / april 2019                                                                        
GLOBAL                                                                                                                     card notes
A new report from Visa subsidiary CyberSource,          management processes and minimise the                    The sectors best-equipped to manage fraud are
based    on   responses        from     2,800   fraud   number of chargebacks.                                   those dealing with digital goods, the foodservice
management specialists around the world, has                                                                     industry and professional services firms.
revealed the characteristics that make for great        Plan, Do, Review
fraud management in payments companies –                                                                         Balancing the Mix
while noting that fewer than one in five firms          Given the relentless growth in consumer
actually adopt this approach. With emerging             expectations and increasingly sophisticated              CyberSource’s survey revealed that the top
fraud such as account takeover and ID theft             criminal behaviour, a “set it and forget it”             anti-fraud measures favoured by “leading”
rising in importance, CyberSouce argue many             approach won’t work when it comes to fraud               companies were Card Verification Numbers ( 4
companies need to rethink their attitude to             management,      CyberSource        say.    Instead,     percent), biometrics (53 percent) and customer
fraud management.                                       regularly rebalancing your firm s focus between          order histories (52 percent). By contrast, other
 The report says the best fraud management              customer acceptance, fraud detection and                 companies relied more heavily on 3D Secure
strategies place equal emphasis on delivering           operational cost management yields the best              ( DS) and Address Verification Services (AVS).
a positive experience for genuine customers,            results across the board.                                Leading companies proved themselves to be
accurately detecting and rejecting fradulent             However, it appears few firms are actually              more adept at switching their reliance between
orders, and efficiently managing operational            taking up this challenge, with only 18 percent           different tools depending on the circumstances.
costs   associated    with      fraud    prevention.    of those surveyed recognising all three pillars          Other tools considered to be effective across
Companies that achieve a balance between these          of CyberSource’s approach as important. North            the board, but used by respondents to various
three factors see significant benefits accrue           America is most advanced along this path, with           degrees, include negative lists for known fraud
across their business, including chargeback rates       28 percent of companies surveyed recognising             sources, two-factor phone authentication,
75 percent lower than other companies, and lower        the importance of all three factors. By contrast,        and       mobile     geo-location         confirmation.
staff costs associated with fraud prevention.           only 12 percent of Asian firms currently use             Recent improvements to 3DS have seen the
Although less than one in five of the firms             CyberSource’s recommended methodology.                   reputation of this tool improve significantly,
surveyed are categorised as leaders by                  By revenue source, those with moderate revenues          with previous concerns over high levels of
CyberSource, these leading companies are                from e-commerce were least likely to adopt a             disruption to customer service diminishing
more likely to respond quickly to fraud attacks.        balanced approach (14 percent), while small and          as 3DS has refocused on challenging only
“Leader” companies in fraud management also             larger firms in terms of e-commerce revenue both         those transactions where a risk factor has
put their digital anti-fraud strategy at the heart      regularly review their anti-fraud arrangements.          been identified.
of their business, and have almost twice the
capacity to manage customer data to prevent
                                                                          PRIORITISING ALL THREE BALANCING ACT REQUIREMENTS
fraud compared to other firms.
 Citing the advent of “omnichannel” payments as
one reason why companies need to rethink their
                                                                         North America                                                                       28%
approach to fraud management, CyberSource
argue that increasingly strict fraud management                          Latin America                                                              26%
legislation encourages companies to err on                               Middle East and Africa                                 20%
the side of caution, flagging genuine customer                           Europe                                      16%
transactions as fraudulent and creating negative                                                                                    rate all three dimensions
                                                                                                         12%                         as extremely important
customer experiences. Instead of focusing solely
on fraud management, the report argues for a                             Small                                                  20%
customer-centric approach to fraud, where the               eCommerce    Mid-market                            14%
focus is on ensuring genuine customer orders are
                                                                         Enterprise                                             20%
automatically accepted at the same time as fraud
is identified and prevented.                                             Physical goods                        14%
 Whilst recognising that criminal behaviour is                           Digital goods                                                              26%
constantly changing to adapt to developments in             By
                                                                         Services                                                   21%
anti-fraud technologies, CyberSource report that            vertical
                                                                         Food/Restaurants                                              22%
fraud management controls must be constantly
fine-tuned to help maximise customer revenue                             Travel                                      16%
                                                                                                                                             STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT

and ensure the best possible customer
experience. Through a process of continuous                                                                                                         Source: CyberSource
review, it’s also possible to streamline fraud                                                                                payments cards & mobile magazine - march / april 2019                  11
How banks (even outside of Europe!) can
get ahead in the open banking age
Stéphane Joseph, Financial Services Product Manager at FIME

Open banking is high on the agenda. For banks that fall under PSD2, the
European regulation mandating banks to open-up their back-end to third-
parties, the urgency of joining the open banking trend is clear. But that doesn’t
make open banking a purely European pursuit. Nor should PSD2’s underlying
objective – to facilitate more valuable and engaging consumer experiences –
escape the priorities of banks internationally.
In fact, from the US to the Middle East and      digital transformation projects requiring        and complexities of compliance without
Asia, open banking and digital transformation    such extensive revisions to banks’ back-         huge internal investment. Not to mention
have been making waves. Consumer demand          end infrastructure need to be planned and        advising how best to monetize these new APIs,
for more valuable, connected services will       managed sensitively.                             balancing the weight of initial investment with
only rise in coming years, meaning the need                                                       the pressure to generate short-term revenues.
to deliver more valuable services, strong        The rewards are high for moving quickly, but
customer authentication (SCA) and open-          any break in service or data compromise could    Flying solo or working together?
access APIs will soon become ubiquitous –        be fatal. In short, agility must be balanced
even if not legally mandated globally.           with trust. Defining a comprehensive and         There are different approaches to open API
                                                 effective testing roadmap can ensure trust is    development. Resource can be invested
Its unsurprising many countries are already      built-in to new open API initiatives from the    internally to develop a new in-house API
looking to get ahead but such transformation     start. Effective planning also minimizes any     tailored to your organization, or a number
projects    entail    significant    technical   unexpected delays to service launch, ensuring    of API standards and external ‘hubs’ can be
complexities and strategic challenges. Banks     a quality, fully functional and interoperable    reviewed. These initiatives have proved popular
need to be smart to remain competitive – so      service is launched on time and on budget.       in recent years as a means for players to pool
how can they best prepare for success?                                                            resources and streamline the launch of open
                                                 For   those   facing   regulatory   pressures,   APIs.
Build with trust to promote trust                it’s important to meet all the necessary
                                                 compliance hurdles. There are several legal      One example in France is STET s definition
Consumers      will   applaud    open-access     constraints to consider, so consultancy can be   of an open banking API standard. Developed
accounts and new digital services, but           invaluable in understanding the technicalities   with support from FIME, the protocols enable
banks and application developers to ensure          investing to compete is more valuable than      with any digital transformation, the benefits
regulatory compliance, security and seamless        collaboration with – or even acquisition of –   of gaining early-mover advantage also come
interoperability – all at a considerably lower      new players.                                    with high complexities, both technically and
cost and greater efficiency. While currently                                                        strategically.
active across France, the organization plans        Enabling new data and authorization requests
to extend across the continent and later,           across channels to be managed securely and      Partnering with leading experts such as FIME
the globe.                                          in ‘real-time’ is another technical headache.   can help take the strain of understanding the
                                                    With rising demand for stronger customer        market, technical and regulatory requirements,
Another example is The Berlin Group, a pan-         multi-authentication methods too, issuers       as well as defining how your transformation
European harmonization initiative focussed          also need to review new technologies and        will maximize ROI. With so many new, sensitive
on delivering open banking with a common            protocols such as biometrics, risk-based and    and technical complexities to consider, a
scheme- and processor-independent standard.         3D Secure. Prioritization is key to remaining   testing expert working at the centre of
Incorporating major stakeholders from across        flexible, responsive and competitive.           innovation can be considerably more cost-
the ecosystem, participation in these and similar                                                   effective and agile than trying to source
standards efforts can maximise resource and                                                         in-house expertise.
speed-up time to launch.
                                                                                                    FIME is working with banks and TPPs across
FIME has actively engaged in standardization                                                        the world to define, design, deploy and
efforts across the payments industry for                                                            validate their open API strategy and digital
over twenty years and is helping banks and                                                          transformation projects. Learn more about
payment stakeholders effectively evaluate the                                                       our open banking services on
different initiatives.                                                                              or contact FIME to find out how we can help at

Fintech friends & tackling                                                                          Stéphanie Pietri, Marketing Communications

the trends                                                                                          Director: “You can also meet our experts
                                                                                                    and check out our open banking demos
We’re witnessing more than just open banking                                                        at the following industry events: Seamless
however. Driven by Fintech innovation and
                                                    Partner up!                                     Middle East, Dubai (April 10-11): booth H61
rising consumer demands – this is an era of         Trust, efficiency and agility are needed to     and Money20/20 Europe, Amsterdam (June
pure digital transformation. From branchless        compete in this rapidly changing and exciting   03-05): booth K115.”
banks to mobile-native services and cross-          market to ensure long-term success. But as
platform integration, acquiring and issuing
banks need to create more flexible business
models to remain competitive.

For those reviewing new Fintech offerings
across payment platforms and form factors,
one important consideration may be whether
 by James Wood, PCM Editor

A late 2017 McKinsey study warned payments firms should be more worried about “Big Tech” than fintechs
as a threat to their businesses. Since then, Facebook, Apple, Google and Amazon (“FAGA”) have made
further inroads into global payments. PCM Editor James Wood looks at recent developments, and asks
whether Big Tech’s relentless advance may be halted by regulatory concerns and consumer reluctance.

The attractions of payments for a new entrant        Enter Big Tech. By end 2018, the world s five     giants known as “FAGA” are most aggressively
are clear: rapid revenue growth over the next ten   largest brands were tech companies: Amazon,        targeting the entire payments spectrum, from
years, initiatives like Open Banking enhancing      Apple, Google, Samsung and Facebook.               virtual currencies to credit cards, intermediation
competition by favouring new entrants, and          They have the consumer recognition and             services and P2P.
stability: people will always need to pay for       financial muscle to make this kind of move          Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made
things. Against these attractions, there’s rising   work. Bloomberg Markets recently weighed in        headlines last month with a new strategy
regulation (including five ma or pieces of US       alongside McKinsey, describing the advent of       including a specific intent to move into
legislation since 201 ) firmly established global   big tech as a nightmare scenario for US finance,   payments. This announcement comes as no
brands with deep pockets and, worst of all,         should one of these companies succeed in           surprise to those following the company: as
consumer inertia. When it comes to payments,        replicating WeChat’s success in the West.”         of 31 December 2018, payments revenues at
people trust what they know.                                                                           Facebook rose 42 percent year-on-year. Four
 Ideally, any new entrant would have enough         Facing the Future                                  months ago, the company announced the
cash and the marketing clout to take on existing                                                       launch of “Facecoin”, a so-called “stablecoin”
giants such as Visa and Mastercard. They would      Although Samsung, IBM and Intel have all           – or crypto-currency linked to the US dollar.
also be fluent in emerging payment technologies     made moves into payments, with Samsung’s           Facecoin allows users to transfer value person-
like mobile and digital, and conversant with data   mobile wallet targeting the company’s device       to-person and make purchases across all of the
privacy and consumer protection issues.             users, there’s little doubt that the four tech     company’s plaforms.

 14    payments cards & mobile magazine - march / april 2019                                                          
big tech
 Having previously purchased social media            clear that Apple has watched the rise of digital        debit cards in Mexico; government payments
platforms WhatsApp and Instagram, Facebook           P2P payment systems like AliPay and WeChat              and charity subscriptions across France, Spain
intends to create a single platform for social       with interest.                                          and Italy. If this sounds like the company has
messaging, imaging and payments across all of         As with Facebook, Apple believes it can deploy         no clear strategy, think again: these products
its platforms. Collectively, these platforms have    huge amounts of data from other customer                have two clear objectives. They deepen the
more than 1.5 billion users around the world.        interactions into the stringent identity required       customer’s relationship with Amazon, and allow
 As a first step to realising these ambitions,       by payments. The meteoric rise of digital               the firm to harvest as much information as
the company has been trialling payments                                                                      possible about spending habits, building up
over WhatsApp in India since January 2018.                                                                   strong customer identity. Amazon is so keen
                                                        FIG 1 - APPLE SERVICES GROWTH -
Intended as a rival to PayTM, Facebook’s                                                                     on customer information that they’ve enabled
                                                        INCLUDING APPLE PAY                        $12B
Indian social media payments service has                                                                     AmazonPay, their digital wallet solution, as a
more than 1 million users. Whatever the                                                            10        third-party proxy for other merchant websites:
platform, the huge advantage Facebook and                                                          8         as the 1990’s advertising slogan had it,      for
other tech companies have in launching digital                                                     6         everything else – there’s AmazonPay.
payments is the capacity to identify parties to
any transaction through their own verification                                                               Eyes Agoogle
technologies, as well as behavioural data that
                                                          Q1      Q2       Q3     Q4       Q1      0
acts like a virtual biometric, confirming the                                                                As this template of data redeployment emerges,
                                                         2018    2018      2018   2018    2019
consumer is present and acting normally. As the                                                              the question of when consumers may revolt
                                                                                    Source: Compay filings
physical and virtual worlds continue to merge,                                                               against being treated like cabbages on a data
maintaining consumer identity on-line will be a                                                              farm rears from the mist. Such revolts are not
massive benefit.                                     payments in China has only been made possible           unfamiliar: Ireland’s competition commission
                                                     by that country’s compulsory online ID system.          announced a preliminary study into Facebook
Apple Takes a Bite                                   In using data harvested from its devices to             and Google for monopolistic practices in late
                                                     confirm the identity of parties to a transaction,       2018, and 2020 US Presidential Candidate
Facebook’s competitors have not stood by             Big Tech believes it can steal a march on banks         Elizabeth Warren has just called for FAGA to
watching. Though many have carped that Apple         and card networks still struggling with the issue       be broken up into smaller companies. If cynics
Pay is less successful than other wallets, one of    of online security.                                     believe this can’t happen, they should consider
Big Tech’s distinguishing features is the capacity                                                           the break-up of Standard Oil in 1911, which gave
to lead a sustained, multi-year push into sectors    Amazon: Before the Flood                                birth to Esso and Texaco. Standard Oil simply got
ripe for disintermediation. In January 2019,                                                                 too big for anyone’s comfort.
Apple Pay announced all US Taco Bell locations       If Big Tech is all about capturing customer              In the payments world, Visa and Mastercard
and Target stores, some 11,000 locations, would      data and translating this into the opportunity          are no strangers to such accusations, with
accept its digital wallet – and also declared        to pay securely, then the world’s largest online        allegations of alleged anti-competitive practices
that Apple Pay now reaches 60 percent of US          marketplace should be best placed to lead               echoing around the globe over the last twenty
retail locations.                                    the charge. Amazon’s move into financial                years. However, these allegations are yet to
 Since then, Apple has proceeded to notch            services is not limited to payments: in recent          dampen Big Tech’s enthusiasm for payments,
further acceptance deals in France, Australia        years, the company has launched a small-                least of all at Google.
and Ireland that bolster its network. As Jennifer    business lending platform offering loans of              Although the search giant may appear a
Bailey, Vice-President of Internet Services at       up to $750,000, with more than $3 billion in            blushing debutante next to more brash public
Apple Pay, put it to Time magazine late last         loans to 205,000 small businesses. A suite of           statements by its peers, Google’s comparatively
year: “Our aim is to replace the physical wallet     personal insurance products – Amazon Protect            low profile may speak to a more considered
altogether. Payments are something people do         – is now available, and the firm has begun              approach. Despite lagging behind Samsung and
every day … this is all about making people love     establishing a physical presence to match its           Apple in the US digital wallet market, with only
their iPhones.”                                      virtual dominance. Following its well-flagged           11 percent market share, GooglePay has now
 Bailey’s statement masks a more frank               purchase of WholeFoods, which integrated                enabled P2P payments and debit payments for
strategic intent – the need to make money for        grocery payments with customer loyalty offers,          GooglePay, making it a comprehensive digital
investors. Whether measured by growth rate or        the company set up 25,000 “Amazon Cash”                 solution from physical wallet payments via tap
profit margin, Apple Pay is a growth machine,        kiosks in 7/11 and CVS stores across the US.            to online debit. GooglePay is now more likely to
with revenue and profitability growth, if not        Amazon Cash helps the underbanked to shop               be used for debit transactions than either Venmo
raw dollar numbers, now outstripping Apple’s         on-line by topping up their virtual amazon              or Zelle in the US, demonstrating customer
hardware and software (see Figure 1). As Apple       accounts using cash.                                    enthusiasm for this model.
Pay continues its rise, the iPhone is faltering,      Amazon’s financial services offering goes               In January 2019, Google announced that it
with sales down 15 percent in Q4 2018. It’s          on – branded US credit cards with Citibank;             would be trialling non-tap contactless payments                                                                           payments cards & mobile magazine - march / april 2019        15
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