Status Report & Plans - Work package 1: Physics & Simulation - 16/9/2020 Meeting with RD-FA Referees
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Work package 1: Physics & Simulation Status Report & Plans 16/9/2020 Meeting with RD-FA Referees P. Azzi (PD), S. Braibant (BO)
Summary since last meeting March 2020 International collaboration activities: due to COVID trips planned to exchange students with IHEP (via FEST) have been blocked. Collaboration mantained with FCC-ee and CEPC communities via virtual meetings for preparation of documents and planning of workshops Participation to effort for Snowmass process for R&D and analysis(LOIs) Continued development of IDEA FullSim and FastSim (DELPHES) description and performance studies. Continued development of a global software framework effort for future experiments/machines (Key4HEP) in collaboration with both FCC-ee and CEPC RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 2
IDEA Tracker System Simulation Status G. Tassielli (LE), W. Elmetenawee(BA), N. DeFilippis(BA) Standalone GEANT implementation of drift chamber: code development for a coherent description of both DriftChamber and DR Calorimeter in a standalone Geant framework in progress The IDEA full simulation Simplified description of drift chamber in FCCSW already available, can now be compared with the more detailed one, in collaboration with CERN fellow (V. Volkl, CERN) an to provide a standalone Geant4 RD-FA Referee Mtg simulation - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 for IDEA dete 3
Dual Readout Calorimeter Status L. Pezzotti(PV), M. Antonello (MI), J. Vivarelli (Sussex) Geant4 fully projective fiber calorimeter description available in GitHub/lxplus Collaboration with South Korea in progress (2Million grant obtained by SK) Geant4 porting to DD4HEP and FCCSW ongoing Simulation (w/ CERN) Performance studies with single particles, jets and physics Currently events we support two Geant4 appli Reconstruction code developed to reconstructThey are both2evolving but can jets final already states. Exclusive rojective jet clustering tower-based dual-readout with N=2. Now moving calorimeter. • INFNoncode to 4on and 6. [github]. l studies. How to run locally or with cvmfs sourcing [TWiki]. Geometry adapted to the IDEA drift chamber volume. • South Korea code on [github]. RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 4
Physics benchmarks - 2 jets final state Physics benchmarks - 2 jets final states e +e − → HZ → χ̃0 χ̃0 jj Only decays to u,d,s,c c semileptonic decays excluded e +e − → WW → νμμjj Contribution of tagged muon from Monte Carlo truth subtracted from the calorimeter signal c semileptonic decays excluded e +e − → HZ → bbνν b semi-leptonic decays excluded Still very well separated peaks when solenoid is included! From INFN group Lorenzo Pezzotti - FCCSW Meeting 5/6/2020 15 RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 5
Physics benchmarks - 2 photons final states Physics benchmarks - 2-photons final states e +e − → HZ → γγνν 5 million events fully simulated at Sussex University. Starting from calibration constants estimated with particle gun, after few energy corrections, the resolution on the mass term is consistent with the single photon energy resolution. From INFN group Lorenzo Pezzotti - FCCSW Meeting 5/6/2020 16 RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 6
Delphes Fast Simulation of IDEA Detector Concept E. Fontanesi, S. Braibant (BO), F. Bedeschi, L. Pezzotti(PV) Delphes provides the response of a multipurpose detector in a parameterised way Addition to the official IDEA Delphes card of the covariance matrix description for tracks. Crucial feature for improving development of b- and c-tagging algorithm in a more realistic way Validation in progress in view of usage for « case studies » σ p p T versus p T (GeV) 0.16 Events/0.5 GeV T 0.14 IDEA Covariance Delphes 0.12 Delphes Cov 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 Performance with vertex detector 0 + drift chamber + Si wrappers 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 Recoil mass (GeV) 7 RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 7
Deep Learning for Tau-ID S. Giagu,S.Francescato, L.Sabetta(RM) Sviluppo di modelli basati su DeepNN models per tau ID nel calorimetro dual-readout e detector IDEA τ → final state 0 π 0π −ντ e −−ν̄eντ Stima e ottimizzazione delle prestazioni/disegno del calorimetro dual-readout 1 Studio preliminare: identificazione decadimenti di tau singoli in un modulo del prototipo del 2 μ ν̄μντ calorimetro 3 π −ντ Ongoing: Z→ττ vs Z→qq con full simulation del detector IDEA completo 4 π −π −π +ντ π 0π 0π −ντ 2x2 2x2 2x2 2x2 2x2 5 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 6 classes 111x111x10 probability input output 64 128 256 512 512 1536 6 256 512 512 1536 CNN 1.02 Rejection (1-Efficiency) for the others τ decays 1 0.98 0.96 111 0.94 Average Accuracy CHERENKOV 0.92 99.6% 0.9 SCINT 0.88 ROC Curve 111 0.86 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 “immagini” formate da gruppi di fibre canali: Efficiency for a given τ decay feature estratte dall’elettronica di lettura dei SiPM RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 8
Common software framework key4HEP P. Giacomelli(BO), P. Azzi (PD) INFN took initiative to propose towards a common software framework for different experiments at future colliders (Meetings in 06/2019, 01/2020) Consensus reached among software and computing experts on: Common Event Data Model (EDM4HEP) managed by the PODIO- like tool Common Turnkey Software Stack (Key4HEP) connecting and extending the individual packages to enable a complete data processing framework As of today first version of key4HEP available on CVMFS that can be installed and tested and-getting-started/README.html Regular weekly meetings with presence of INFN, CERN, IHEP, DESY etc. RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 9
Detector Requirements Studies: benchmarks & plans For FCC-ee and CEPC: focus on benchmark physics studies to extract detector performance requirement. To push realization of studies and preliminary detector concepts and proto-collaborations by 2023 FCC-ee management created a new Physics Performance Coordination role (P. Azzi (INFN), E. Perez(CERN). Study physics cases at each energy scale (Z, H, top) to better define the real detector requirements for FCC-ee. Summary here: 951830/contributions/4000220/attachments/2095812/3522643/SNOWMASS21-EF0- NF0-RF0-TF0-IF0-CompF0-017.pdf Profit of the Snowmass process to submit LOIs of interest to INFN work (complete list and extend international collaboration: Instrumentation Frontier: IDEA Detector (Bedeschi et al. ), IDEA Drift Chamber for a Lepton Collider (F. Grancagnolo et al.) , mu-RWell Detector (P. Giacomelli et al.) , Dual Readout Calorimetry (R. Ferrari et al.) Energy Frontier: Search for LLP at the FCC-ee (P. Azzi et al.) , Top quark Physics at the FCC-ee (P. Azzi et al.), Measurement of the W mass (P. Azzurri et al.) Computing Frontier: Key4Hep (P. Giacomelli et al.) RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 10
Richieste di Calcolo RD_FCC Programma di lavoro 2021 focalizzato su: sviluppo simulazione Full per i rivelatori componenti di IDEA e studio delle prestazioni sviluppo di nuovi algoritmi di ricostruzione e identificazione sviluppo dei « case studies » per lo studio di richieste di fisica sul design dei rivelatori Nuovo software framework (Key4HEP) in progress. Primi studi pero’ con Geant standalone FullSim e Delphes. Dimensione eventi per FCC-ee/CEPC ~piccola (da esperienza pregressa), ma alta statstica necessaria a Tera-Z e diverse analisi previste. es FullSim del DR calorimetro per ora salvata solo poca informazione e pochi eventi (200MB per 50K-> scala di un fattore 100 se si salva piu’ info). Simile rapporto per CPU. Richiesta per 2021 con le informazioni che abbiamo ora scalando in modo realistico: 100TB di disco al CNAF 1 kspec di CPU Momento molto fluido (COVID non ha aiutato), probabile aumento di collaboratori e di analisi piu’ complete durante il 2021 focalizzato su preparazione per TDR per le proto-collaboration dei rivelatori RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 11
Activities for 2021 Possibility of sending students to IHEP and HK with the FEST program for software development and detector requirement studies depending on the COVID-19 situation —> Several sections involved (BA,BO,FE,LE,LNF, MI,PI,PV,TO) Continue Delphes development with features necessary to its use for performance studies (P. Azzi-PD, S. Braibant-BO, M. Selvaggi-CERN) Porting GEANT4 standalone full simulation of IDEA complete detector in DD4HEP and validation (L. Pezzotti-PV, S. Lo Meo-BO, P. Azzi-PD, N. De Filippis-BA, G. Tassielli-LE) CERN hiring more fellows for new software development Key4HEP Stronger collaboration with SouthKorea and Sussex on Dual Readout Calorimeter software needs Continue work on object/event reconstruction and begin new « case studies »: i.e. in DRCalo tau shower reconstruction using DNN (S. Giagu-Roma1, L. Pezzotti-PV) start of new case studies analyses for detector requirement definition (P. Azzi- PD, P. Azzurri-PI, G. Panizzo-UD, L. Pezzotti-PV, etc) RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 12
European Funding Applications & Publications AIDAinnova proposal submitted. Results known in October. (likely to be funded and start in February/Mars 2021). It includes key4hep and several IDEA detector and software developments. IDEA the project with the biggest funding with more than 500Keuro. (P. Giacomelli BO+CERN+DESY+etc). Experimental MSCA ITN « SPIRAL-NET » for performance studies and detector requirements at lepton colliders(SPIRAL-NET) unfortunately rejected (as all the HEP projects). Will be resubmitted now that Strategy is out. (P. Azzi PD+8 European Institutes+CERN, DESY, KEK) Preparation of a special issue of EPJ+ review article in collaboration with Nature/Springer: « The next big leap ». Several INFN people responsible for sections both for physics and detector challenges. RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 13
Conclusions Software and physics activities for RD-FA are very complex and delicate topic. COVID-19 had in impact on some of the planned activities involving travel. Nonetheless continued progress both on the simulation development and benchmark studies. For the future: Growing internal and international collaboration to increase with European/International grants (barring COVID19) Expanding simulation and reconstruction work to be applied to concrete benchmark cases for detector requirement. Nicely connected to R&D studies as well. RD-FA Referee Mtg - WG1 Report 16/09/2020 14
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