Stationery Lists For 2019 - Ellesmere College

Page created by Rita Malone
Stationery Lists For 2019 - Ellesmere College




Back to School Stationery 2019
Back to School time will soon be approaching once again. Once again, we have teamed up
with OfficeMax MySchool - an easy to use website where you can view our school station-
ery lists and order all your back to school stationery online. OfficeMax MySchool is a web-
site where you can link straight through to your child’s prepopulated stationery and work-
book list (for Years 10-13) or class packs (for Years 7-9). You have the option of adding
products or removing products that you already have.
Benefits for you:
     You receive competitive prices direct from our supplier
     Save time by avoiding busy retail stores
     Free delivery on all orders over $57.50
     Order early & have plenty of time to cover your books
     Your child will start the year with the correct supplies

Buying through OfficeMax MySchool will also earn our school much needed educational
supplies rewards. Every dollar spent with OfficeMax MySchool will earn us School Re-
wards. Orders must be placed by the end of February for School Rewards to count.

The easiest way to purchase your Back to School stationery requirements is online at using your credit / debit card. If you don’t have a credit / debit card,
this year you will also have the option of paying by bank transfer/ internet banking at the
time of the purchase. Simply search for our school, select your child’s class or subject lists
and follow the instructions on the website. The stationery lists will be available online from
1st December 2018. You must order your stationery by mid January 2019 to guarantee de-
livery before the start of the school year.

Website orders over $57.50 qualify for free delivery. Delivery must be to your home or
place of work - not to the school.
To order by mail order and/or pay by cheque, all you have to do is go to and when you get to the check out, click on the mail order form but-
ton. This will build a customised mail order form for you to print, which you can post away
with your cheque. You can also use this list to compare prices with other retail outlets.

Ellesmere College will continue to carry limited stationery items for students to purchase
throughout the year.

Whanau badges and the 2019 School magazine will need to be ordered and paid for at
school. Please use the order forms following this message.

Janise Clark
Stationery Officer

                                 ELLESMERE COLLEGE
            YEAR 7           STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS                 2019

    Name ____________________________________                 Class ________

          The Year 7 Back to School Stationery Pack can be purchased online by going to

    Search for Ellesmere College, select Year 7 and follow the instructions on the website. Payment
    can be made with a debit/credit card or mail order. Delivery will be made to your home or work
    (do not get it sent to the school). You can also print off the list to compare prices with other sup-
    pliers. This website will be available from 1st December 2018.


    House Badges may be purchased at a cost of $4.00
    College Magazine: Don’t forget that you will need to order your school magazine at the be-
    ginning of the year. The cost is $30.00

      NUMBER         BOOK TYPE                            UNIT      TOTAL
      RE-                                                 COST
                     Network Printing                      $5.00
                     Whanau Badge (optional)               $4.00
                     School Magazine (optional)           $30.00

                                                             TOTAL ________

    Please return this order form with your payment.

                                    ELLESMERE COLLEGE

                    YEAR 7        STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS               2019

               Order your stationery by going online to

 English                 3 x 1B8                Social Studies      1x 1B8
                         1 x 14B5 100 leaf                          1x 12 pack of coloured
                         Refill                                     pencils
                         2x HB Pencils
                         2x Biros (Red and
 Languages / Maori       2x 1B8                 Technology          1x 1B8
                                                                    1 x Earphones
                                                                    1x Food Technology Work-
                                                                    book (available via class-
                                                                    room teacher)
 Mathematics             2x 1E8                 Visual Arts         1 x 1A4
                         1x 14E5                                    1x 2B Pencil
                         1 x 30cm ruler                             1x Colouring Pencils
 Music                   1x 1B8                 General             $5 Network Printing
                                                                    2x Glue stick
                                                                    1x eraser
                                                                    1 Box of tissues

 Science                 1x 2B8
                         1 x Clearfile A4

Stationery can be purchased by going online to Search for Ellesmere Col-
lege, select Year 7 and follow the instructions on the website. Payment can be made online, or by
mail order, with delivery to your door. You can also print off the order form so you can compare
prices with other suppliers. Ellesmere College will not be issuing Back to School Stationery Packs
at the beginning of the year.

                                ELLESMERE COLLEGE
                              YEAR 8      STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS         2019

    Name _______________________________ Class ________

    The Year 8 Back to School Stationery Pack can be purchased online by going

    Search for Ellesmere College, select Year 8 and follow the instructions on the website. Payment
    can be made with a credit card or mail order. Delivery will be made to your home or work (do not
    get it sent to the school). You can also print off the list to compare prices with other suppliers.
    This website will be available from 1st December 2018.


    Whanau Badges: May be purchased at a cost of $4.00
    College Magazine: Don’t forget that you will need to order your school magazine at the be-
    ginning of the year. The cost is $30.00

      NUMBER        BOOK TYPE                            UNIT      TOTAL
      RE-                                                COST
                    Network Printing                      $2.00
                    Whanau Badge (optional)               $4.00
                    School Magazine (optional)           $30.00


    Please return this order form with your payment to the Main Office.

                                       ELLESMERE COLLEGE

                     YEAR 8           STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS           2019

                 Order your stationery by going online to

 English             4x 1B8                     Music         1x 1B8
                     1x 200 leaf refill
                     2x Biros (Red and Blue)
                     2 x Clearfile A4 20 pkts
 Social Stud-        1x 2B8                     Science       1 x 2B8
 ies / Current       1x 12 pack coloured                      1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts
 Events              pencils
 General             1x Glue stick              Technology    1x 1B8
                     1x Eraser                  & Digital     1 x Earphones
                     1x HB pencil               Technology
                     $2 Network Printing
                     1 x Box of Tissues
 Languages /         2x 1B8                     Visual Arts   1 x 1A5
 Maori                                                        1x 2B Pencil
                                                              1 x 12 pack of Coloured
 Mathematics         2x 1E8
                     1x 14E5
                     1x 30 cm ruler

Stationery can be purchased by going online to Search for Ellesmere Col-
lege, select Year 8 and follow the instructions on the website. Payment can be made online, or
by mail order, with delivery to your door. You can also print off the order form so you can com-
pare prices with other suppliers.

                                   ELLESMERE COLLEGE
                              YEAR 9       STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS                 2019

    Name _________________________________Class ________

              The Year 9 Back to School Stationery Pack can be purchased online by going to

    Search for Ellesmere College, select Year 9 and follow the instructions on the website. Payment can be
    made with a credit card or mail order. Delivery will be made to your home or work (do not get it sent to the
    school).You can also print off the list to compare prices with other suppliers. This website will be available
    from 1st December 2018.


    Whanau Badges: May be purchased at a cost of $4.00
    College Magazine: You will need to order your school magazine at the beginning of the year. The
    cost is $30.00.

      NUMBER          BOOK TYPE                                UNIT       TOTAL
      REQUIRED                                                 COST
                      Network Printing                          $2.00
                      Whanau Badge (optional)                    $4.00
                      School Magazine (optional)               $30.00

                                                             TOTAL ________

    Please return this order form with your payment to the Main Office.

                                   ELLESMERE COLLEGE

                  YEAR 9             STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS                             2019

                  Order your stationery by going online to

    Design and Visual          1 x A3 Cartridge pad 20    Mathematics        3x 1E5
    Communication (DVC)        leaves                                        1x 30cm ruler
                               A3 Drawing Wallet                             1x 2E5 Hard covered Maths
                               (18N9)                                        book
                               2x pencils (HB, 2H)                           1 x Scientific Calculator
                               Eraser                                        1 x Compass
                                                                             1 x Protractor
    Digital Technology         1 x Earphones              Music              1x1B8

    English                    3 x 1B8                    Social Science     2 x 2B8

    General                    1x Glue stick              Science            1 x 2B8
                               $2.00 Network Printing                        1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts
                               1x Eraser
                               1 x Red Ball Point Pen
                               1 x Blue Ball Point Pen
    Home Economics             1 x Home Economics         Technology         1x A4 Visual Diary Spiral Bound
                               Workbook (available via
                               classroom teacher)
    Languages / Maori          2x 1B8                     Visual Arts        1 x A4 Visual Diary Spiral
                               1 x HB Pencil                                 Bound
                                                                             1x 2B Pencil
                                                                             1x 4B Pencil
                                                                             1 x Black Ballpoint Pen

Stationery can be purchased by going online to Search for Ellesmere College, select Year
9 and follow the instructions on the website. Payment can be made online, or by mail order, with delivery to your
door. You can also print off the order form so you can compare prices with other suppliers.

                                   ELLESMERE COLLEGE
                             YEAR 10         STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS                 2019

    Name ____________________________________                Class ________

           Back to School Stationery can be purchased online by going to

    Search for Ellesmere College, select your child’s year and subjects and follow the instructions on the web-
    site. Payment can be made with a debit/credit card or mail order. Delivery will be made to your home or
    work (do not get it sent to the school).You can also print off the list to compare prices with other suppliers.
    This website will be available from 1 December 2018.


    House Badges may be purchased at a cost of $4.00
    College Magazine: Don’t forget that you will need to order your school magazine at the beginning
    of the year. The cost is $30.00

    Please complete the order form and return to school with your payment.

      NUMBER          BOOK TYPE                                UNIT       TOTAL
      REQUIRED                                                 COST
                      Network Printing                         $5-00
                      Whanau Badge (optional)                  $4.00
                      School Magazine (optional)               $30.00

                                                             TOTAL ___________

                                   ELLESMERE COLLEGE

                    YEAR 10       STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS         2019

              Order your stationery by going online to

Agriculture            1x 1B5                 Mathematics      3x 1E5
                                                               1x ruler (30cm)
                                                               1 Scientific Calculator

Business Studies       1x 1B5                 Music            1x 1B8
                                                               1x 14M5 Manuscript
Design and Visual      1 x A3 Cartridge pad   Science          1 x 2B8
Communication          20 leaves                               1x Clearfile A4 40pkts
(DVC)                  A3 Drawing Wallet
                       2x pencils (HB, 2H)
Digital Technology     1 x Earphones          Social Studies   2x 2B8
(DTC)                  $5 Network Printing                     1 x Gluestick
                       USB 4GB or greater
English                3 x 1B8                Technology       1x Spiral Visual Diary
                                                               A4 (can use book from
                                                               Year 9)
Home Economics         Home Economics         Te Reo Maori     1x 2B8
                       Workbook (issued                        1x 3B1
                       via classroom teach-
Japanese               1x 1B8                 Visual Arts      1 x A4 Visual Diary
                       1x Clearfile A4 20                      Spiral Bound
                       pckts                                   1x 2B pencil
                                                               1 x 4B Pencil
                                                               1 x Black pen
                                                               1 x Paintbrush set

                               ELLESMERE COLLEGE

                        YEAR 11          STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS                 2019

 Name ____________________________________                Class ________

         Back to School Stationery can be purchased online by going to
 Search for Ellesmere College, select your child’s year and subjects and follow the instructions on the
 website. Payment can be made with a debit/credit card or mail order. Delivery will be made to your home
 or work (do not get it sent to the school). You can also print off the list to compare prices with other sup-
 pliers. This website will be available from 1 December 2018.


 House Badges may be purchased at a cost of $4.00
 College Magazine: Don’t forget that you will need to order your school magazine at the beginning
 of the year. The cost is $30.00

 Please complete the order form and return to school with your payment.

     NUMBER        BOOK TYPE                                UNIT      TOTAL
     REQUIRED                                               COST
                   Network Printing                         $5-00
                   Whanau Badge (optional)                  $4.00
                   School Magazine (optional)               $30.00

                                                          TOTAL ___________

 *Science/Biology/Physics Workbooks and Maths Workbook: The cost of the workbooks will be
 confirmed once classes commence and will be available from the classroom teacher.

                                          ELLESMERE COLLEGE

                        YEAR 11          STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS                  2019

                        Order your stationery by going online to

Agriculture                         2x 2B5                      LANES              1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts
                                    Resource Book                                  1 x 2B8
                                    (available via Class-
                                    room teacher)
Business Studies                    1 x 1B5                     Mathematics        3x 1E5
                                    Workbook (issued via                           1x ruler (30cm)
                                    Classroom Teacher)                             1x scientific calculator/
                                                                                   Graphics Calculator
                                                                                   Workbook (issued via class-
                                                                                   room teacher
Design and Visual Communica-        A3 Cartridge Pad            Music              1x 14M5 Manuscript Refill
tion (DVC)                          (120gsm) 20 leaves                             1x 1B8
                                    A3 Art Case
                                    3x pencils (2H,4B, HB)
                                    Watercolour Pencils-        Physical Educa-     1x Clearfile A4 40pkt
                                    (packet of 12)              tion               1 x 14B8
                                    Black Fineliner 0.3 Pen
Drama/Performing Arts               1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts     Rural Trades       1x Blue Clearfile 20pkts
                                    1 x 14B8 Refill             Academy (RTA)

English                             1x Lever Arch folder        Science            1x 2B8
                                    1x subject dividers (10                        Scipad workbook (issued via
                                    tabs)                                          classroom teacher)
                                    1x 14B8
Geography                           1x 2B8                      Technology         1x Ringbinder
                                    1x Clearfile 20 pkts
                                    1x Coloured pencils
                                    1 x Ruler
                                    Workbook (available
                                    via school)
Health                              1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts     Te Reo Maori       1x 2B8
                                                                                   1x 3B1

History                             2 x 2B8                     Visual Arts       1 x A3 Visual Diary
                                    1 x Clearfile 40Pkts                          1 x Clearfile A3 20pkt
                                                                                  1 x Black Pen
                                                                                  1 x 2B Pencil
Home Economics                      ESA Home Economics
                                                                                  1x 4B Pencil
                                    Learning Workbook
                                                                                  1 x Paintbrushes Set
                                    Level 1 , Year 11
                                                                                  1 x Double Sided Tape
Internal Mathematics                 2 x 1E5                                      1 x Blue tack
                                    1 x ruler (30cm)                              1 x USB 8GB
                                    1x Clearfile A4 20pkts                        Optional Items:
                                    1 x Scientific Calculator                     1 x Paint set of 5
Japanese                            1 x 14B8                                      1 x A3 Carry case
                                    2 x Clearfile A4 20pkts
                                    1 x 2B8

                                ELLESMERE COLLEGE
                            YEAR 12        STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS             2019

 Name _________________________________ Class ________

         Back to School Stationery can be purchased online by going to
 Search for Ellesmere College, select your child’s year and subjects and follow the instructions on the web-
 site. Payment can be made with a debit/credit card or mail order. Delivery will be made to your home or
 work (do not get it sent to the school).You can also print off the list to compare prices with other suppliers.
 This website will be available from 1 December 2018.


  House Badges may be purchased at a cost of $4.00
 College Magazine: Don’t forget that you will need to order your school magazine at the beginning
 of the year. The cost is $30.00

 Please complete the order form and return to school with your payment.

     NUMBER        BOOK TYPE                                UNIT       TOTAL
     REQUIRED                                               COST
                   Network Printing                         $5-00
                   Whanau Badge (optional)                  $4.00
                   School Magazine (optional)               $30.00

                                                          TOTAL ___________

 *Maths Workbooks and Science/Biology/Physics Workbooks: The cost of the workbooks and write
 on notes will be confirmed once classes commence and will be available from the classroom teacher.

                                             ELLESMERE COLLEGE

                           YEAR 12          STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS                     2019

                        Order your stationery by going online to

Agriculture                      2x 2B5                         Mathematics             1x 1E5
                                 Resource Book                                          1x 14E5
                                 External Workbook                                      Graphics Calculator (Casio
                                 (Both workbooks issued via                             FX9750GII)
                                 Classroom teacher)                                     Nulake Workbook (issued via Class-
                                                                                        room Teacher)
Biology                          1 x 2B8                        Media Studies           1 x A3 Clearfile 20pkts
                                 Workbook (issued via Class-                            1 x 1B8
                                 room Teacher)
Business Studies                 1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts        Music                   1 x 1B8
                                 1x 1B5                                                 1x 14M5 Manuscript Refill
                                 Workbook (issued via class-
                                 room teacher)
Chemistry                        1x 2B8                         Personal Finance        1 x File Storage Box
                                 Scipad (internal & external,   and Budgeting           1 x 1B5
                                 issued via classroom teach-
Design and Visual Communica-     A3 Cartridge Pad               Physical Education      1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts
tion (DVC)                       (120gsm) 20 leaves                                     1 x 14B8
                                 A3 Art Case
                                 3x pencils (2H,4B, HB)         Physics                 1x 2B8 OR Ringbinder and 14B8
                                                                                        Y12 workbook (issued via classroom
                                 Watercolour Pencils-
                                 (packet of 12)
                                                                Rural Trades Acade-     1 x Blue Clearfile 20pkt
                                 Black Fineliner 0.3 Pen        my (RTA)
Drama/Performing Arts            1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts        Statistics              2 x 1E5
                                 1 x 14B8 Refill                                        Graphics Calculator (Casio
                                                                                        Nulake Workbook (issued via Class-
                                                                                        room teacher)
English                          1 x Lever Arch Folder          Te Reo Maori            1x 2B8
                                 1 x Subject Dividers                                   1x 3B1
                                 1 x 14B8 Refill
                                                                Tourism                 1 x 1B8

Geography                        1x 2B8                         Visual Arts: Design     1 x A3 Visual Diary
                                 1x Clearfile 20pkts                                    1 x Clearfile A3 20pkt
                                 1x Coloured Pencils                                    1 x Black Pen
                                 (12pack)                                               1 x Black Fine Tip
                                 1 x Ruler                                              1 x 2B Pencil
                                                                                        Blue Tack or similar
                                                                                        Double Sided Tape
                                                                                        USB 8GB

Health                           1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts        Visual Arts: Painting   1 x A3 Visual Diary
                                                                                        1 x Clearfile A3 20Pkt
                                                                                        1 x Black Pen
                                                                                        1x 2B pencil
History                          2 x 2B8                                                1 x 4B Pencil
                                 1 x Clearfile 60pkts                                   Paintbrushes in Sizes:0,4,6,1/2”,1”
                                                                                        Blue Tack or similar
Home Economics                   ESA Home Economics                                     Double sided tape
Food and Nutrition               Learning Workbook NCEA                                 A3 Carry case (optional)
Textiles / Clothing              Level 2, Year 12                                       Paints-set of 5 colours (optional)
Japanese                         2 x Display Book A4 20 pkt     Visual Arts: Photog-    1x A3 Visual Diary
                                 1x 2B8 OR                      raphy                   1 x Clearfile A3 20 pkt
                                 {1x Ringbinder                                         1 x Black Pen
                                 {1x 14B8                                               1 x Black Fine tip
                                 {1x Subject Dividers                                   1x 2B Pencil
                                                                                        Blue tack or similar
                                                                                        Double Sided Tape
                                                                                        USB 8GB

                             ELLESMERE COLLEGE
                          YEAR 13       STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS         2019

 Name ________________________________ Class ________

    Back to School Stationery can be purchased online by going to
 Search for Ellesmere College, select your child’s year and subjects and follow the instructions on
 the website. Payment can be made with a debit/credit card or mail order. Delivery will be made to
 your home or work (do not get it sent to the school).You can also print off the list to compare pric-
 es with other suppliers. This website will be available from 1 December 2018.

         The following items can be purchased through Ellesmere College

 House Badges may be purchased at a cost of $4.00
 College Magazine: Don’t forget that you will need to order your school magazine at the be-
 ginning of the year. The cost is $30.00

 Please complete the order form and return to school with your payment.

     NUMBER      BOOK TYPE                             UNIT     TOTAL
     RE-                                               COST
                 Network Printing                      $5-00
                 Whanau Badge (optional)               $4.00
                 School Magazine (optional)            $30.00

                                                          TOTAL ___________

 * Maths Workbooks and Biology/Physics/Chemistry Workbooks: The cost of the work-
 books will be confirmed once classes commence and will be available from the classroom teach-

                                  ELLESMERE COLLEGE

              YEAR 13               STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS                                     2019

               Order your stationery by going online to
Agriculture                       2x 2B5                            Media Studies          1 x 1B8
                                                                                           1 x Clearfile A3 20 pkts
Biology                           1 x 2B8                           Music                  1x 14M5 Manuscript refill
                                  Workbook (issued via Class-                              1x 1B8
                                  room Teacher)
Business Studies                  1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts           Personal Finance and   1 x 1B5
                                  1 x 1B5                           Budgeting              1 x File Storage Box
                                  2x 1E5                            Physical Education     1 x Clearfile A4 40 Pkts
Calculus                          1x 14E5                                                  1 x 14B8
                                  Graphics Calculator (Casio        Physics                1x Ringbinder
                                  FX9750GII)                                               1 x 14B8 or 1 x 2B8
                                  Workbook (Issued via Class-                              1x 14K5
                                  room Teacher)                                            1x Clearfile A4 20pkts
                                                                                           Workbook (issued via class-
                                                                                           room teacher)
Chemistry                         1x 2B8                            Statistics             2x 1E5
                                  Scipad (internal & external,                             Graphics Calculator (Casio
                                  issued via classroom teacher)                            FX9750GII)
                                                                                           Workbook (issued via Class-
                                                                                           room Teacher)
Design and Visual Communication   A3 Cartridge Pad (120gsm) 20      Technology             1x Spiral Visual Diary A4
(DVC)                             leaves
                                  A3 Art Case
                                  3x pencils (2H,4B, HB)            Te Reo Maori           1x 2B8
                                  Watercolour Pencils- (packet of                          1x 3B1
                                  Black Fineliner 0.3 Pen
Drama                             1 x Clearfile A4 40 pkts          Tourism                1 x 1B8
                                  1x 14B8 Refill

English                           1 x Lever Arch folder
                                  1 x 14B8 Refill
                                  1 x subject dividers
Geography                         1x 2B8                            Visual Arts:           1 x A3 Visual Diary
                                  1x Clearfile 20pkts               Painting               1 x Clearfile A3 20pkts
                                  1x Coloured Pencils (12 pack)                            1 x Black Pen
                                  1 x Ruler                                                1 x 2B Pencil
Health                            1 x Clearfile A4 40pkts                                  1 x 4B Pencil
                                                                                           Paintbrushes in Sizes:
                                                                                           Blue tack or similar
History                           2 x 2B8                                                  Double Sided Tape
                                  1 x Clearfile 60pkts                                     A3 Carry Case(optional)
                                                                                           Paints set of 5 (optional)

Home Economics                    Home Economics Workbook                                  1x A3 Visual Diary
Food and Nutrition                (issued via Classroom Teach-      Visual Arts: Photog-   1 x Clearfile A3 20 pkts
Textiles/Clothing                 er)                               raphy                  Black Pen
                                                                    Visual Arts: Photog-   Black Fine Tip
                                                                    raphy                  1 x 2B Pencil
Japanese                          1x Ringbinder
                                                                                           Blue Tack or similar
                                  1x 14B8
                                                                                           Double Sided Tape
                                  1x Clearfile A4 20 pkts
                                                                                           USB 8GB
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