STARTING FROM SCRATCH - Young Ohio Group Discusses How To Begin a Fresh Marksmanship Team - Civilian Marksmanship Program
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THE NEWSLETTER FOR COACHES AND JUNIOR SHOOTERS WINTER 2021 STARTING FROM SCRATCH Young Ohio Group Discusses How To Begin a Fresh Marksmanship Team Learn More: • CMP Scholarships • Developments in 3P Air Rifle • The New College Connect • CMP Talladega's Archery Program Featuring: • Civil Air Patrol at Camp Perry • Junior Pistol Athlete Abbie Leverett • U.S. AMU/Marine Corps Leaders Results On: • Monthly Match League • Dixie Double Air Gun Event
2 Sighting Shots ON THE MARK ON THE MARK Staff: Monthly Air Gun Matches in Ohio and organization works, how to become Alabama. The CMP’s Monthly Matches are involved and their new upcoming Gary Anderson DCM Emeritus Christine Elder Communications Manager set to return in 2022 with a mix of air gun events. CMP Podcasts, introduced in Ashley Brugnone CMP Writer/Editor events for all ages and experience levels. 2021, is a digital series of interviews Each Monthly Match is held simultaneously and conversations for listeners to enjoy. ON THE MARK is published quarterly by the Ci- at the South CMP Competition Center The podcast episodes cover a variety vilian Marksmanship Program. It is dedicated to of topics, including in-depth looks in Anniston, Alabama, and at the Gary disseminating news and information about junior Anderson CMP Competition Center at the into CMP departments and upcoming shooting activities to leaders and coaches of junior shooting clubs, teams and camps. Its primary pur- Camp Perry National Guard Training Facility competitions, along with insight directly pose is to help youth shooting leaders teach fire- in Ohio. The events includes a Junior 3×20, from the voices of professionals within the arms safety and marksmanship more effectively. Junior 3×10, 60 Shot Air Rifle Standing and marksmanship industry. CMP Podcasts Subscriptions: One free ON THE MARK sub- 60 Shot Air Pistol. Read more on the CMP are available on a number of platforms, scription is provided to each junior club that is af- website at including Apple Podcasts, Amazon filiated with the CMP, JROTC unit with a marks- competition-centers/monthly-air-rifle-and- Music, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and manship program and 4-H Shooting Sports Club. air-pistol-matches/. more! Discover it all on the CMP website Individual subscriptions to ON THE MARK are at available at $8.00 per year. To subscribe to ON podcasts/. CMP 2022 Travel Games. CMP is back THE MARK, contact: 419-635-2141, ext. 724 or email to its lineup of regional outdoor events in 2022 with the Western Games (March 11- Back Issues of OTM: To view back issues of ON 20), Eastern Games (April 22-May 1), New THE MARK, log onto media/on-the-mark/. Address Changes: To submit England Games (Sept. 18-25) and Oklahoma address changes or corrections, contact: 419-635- Games (Oct. 16-23). Each event includes 2141, ext. 724 or email onthemark@TheCMP. CMP 800 Aggregate Matches, a 4-Man org. Team Match and an EIC Service Rifle Match Editorial Submissions: To submit articles, edito- along with Marksmanship 101 Courses, rial material or photographs for possible inclusion Garand/Springfield/Vintage/Modern Military, in ON THE MARK, contact: Ashley Brugnone, ON Carbine, Rimfire Sporter and Vintage Sniper THE MARK Editor, P. O. Box 576, Port Clinton, Team events. There are also several pistol OH 43452; fax 419-635-2573 or email matches for competitors to fire in including the As-Issued 1911 Pistol Match, Military & Junior Program Resources: To request informa- Police Service Pistol Match, 40 Shot Pistol tion about CMP junior shooting programs, contact: Match, EIC Service Pistol Match, CMP .22 CMP Programs, P. O. Box 576, Port Clinton, OH Talladega Marksmanship Park Events. Rimfire Pistol EIC Match and Pistol 2-Man 43452; 419-635-2141 ext. 724 or email info@ Team Match. Learn more on the CMP The CMP Talladega Marksmanship website at Park, the "Home of Marksmanship," is ON THE MARK Wants Your Input: We want your cmp-travel-games/. open daily to the public, Wednesday correspondence and opinions. ON THE MARK and Thursday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will dedicate space to publish letters from read- Friday, Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. ers. Though we may not be able to publish them to 5 p.m. and accommodates rifle, all, we will make every effort to provide comments pistol, shotgun and archery. Along with that will be beneficial to the broadest audience. If daily activities, the park holds monthly there is a story you feel we should cover, notify us. Send your comments or questions to: Letters to events and educational clinics as well as the Editor, CMP Headquarters, P.O. Box 576, Port annual events like the Talladega D-Day Clinton, OH 43452 or email your letters or com- Matches and the Talladega 600. For ments to more information, visit https://thecmp. org/ranges/talladega-marksmanship- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * park/. The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a non- profit organization chartered by the U. S. Con- gress to promote marksmanship training and firearm safety, with a primary emphasis on youth. The CMP is authorized to receive and sell sur- Learn about the MidwayUSA Foundation plus government rifles and ammunition that are through CMP Podcasts. The latest suitable for marksmanship. Proceeds from these sales are dedicated to CMP programs. CMP en- installment of CMP Podcasts features abling legislation requires that its highest priority a conversation with the MidwayUSA must be given to “activities that benefit firearms Foundation’s executive director, Scott safety, training and competition for youth.” ON Reynolds, who discusses how the THE MARK is a vital part of CMP efforts to fulfill its mission to serve and develop junior shooting in the United States. Information about the CMP may be viewed on the CMP web site, or on the CMP on- On the Cover: Matt Muzik, with the help of others, formed the American Legion Post line newsletter, The First Shot, at 295 Marksmanship Team in June 2020. The American Legion Post 295 Marksmanship Team currently consists of 13 athletes, ages 8 to 15. He talks more of his experiences beginning a new team within the story on page 14 of this issue.
Winter 2021 3 Junior Athletes: Apply Now to Receive Thousands Through CMP Scholarships with donations from the High school student-athletes involved in marksmanship • Proof of participation, including match bulletins, programs have the opportunity to gain educational benefits photos or CMP Competition Tracker printouts for their commitment to hard work by applying for the (from the applicant; CMP will not look up Tracker Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Scholarships for info), which MUST be presented in order to be the 2022-2023 school year. These scholarships may be considered for the scholarship. used to pursue post-secondary education or vocational • Academic information such as GPA (3.0 or above programs, continuing CMP’s mission of supporting youth – anything below 3.0 will not be accepted), test marksmen. scores and an official transcript. Since the program’s beginning in 2005, the CMP has • A list of extracurricular activities. annually offered $1,000 one-year scholarships to current • A letter explaining why the applicant is applying high school seniors based on academic merit, humanitarian and what future plans the money will fund. efforts, extracurricular activities and marksmanship • A nomination/recommendation letter from a coach participation. Through its dedication to youth marksmanship or instructor. and safety programs, the CMP has awarded $3 million and growing in scholarship money to thousands of outstanding Incomplete applications will not be considered, so youth marksmanship competitors. please check that all required information is sent. Applicants Along with the $150,000 of awarded scholarships set may call a few weeks after their application is sent in order for the 2022-2023 school year, the CMP will present a to confirm all required info is met. $5,000 Carolyn Hines Memorial Scholarship to the top Because the CMP takes great care in personally graduating senior who best embodies the well-rounded reading each application, all mandatory information values of Dr. Hines, who was instrumental in shaping (including forms and other necessary materials) must be the CMP Scholarship Program. The overall applicant sent to the CMP in its entirety. Staff members are eager will be determined by members of the CMP Scholarship to recognize praiseworthy student-athletes for their hard Committee. work – so please take extra precaution in sending all Additionally, the Garand Collectors Association application requirements. has donated $30,000 to be distributed amongst the top scholarship recipients. DEADLINE: RULES: The deadline for application submission is March 20, TO BE CONSIDERED, applicants must present: 2022. Application forms and other scholarship information • A list of past and present rifle or pistol competition can be found by visiting history, awards, involvements, and future scholarship-program/. expectations for the sport.
4 Dorsten Leads Air Pistol in November and Overall in CMP's Monthly Matches CAMP PERRY, Ohio; ANNISTON, Alabama – After completing the closing Monthly Match of the season on Nov. 13, the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is now able to release the final results of the culminating 2021 Monthly Match League. Over the seven Monthly Matches fired in 2021 (February, March, April, May, September, October, November), a total of 1,355 entries flowed through the air gun ranges of the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center in Ohio and the CMP South Competition Center in Alabama. Monthly Match events include a Junior 3x10 and 3×20 Air Rifle Sporter, Junior 3×20 Air Rifle Precision, 60 Shot Air Rifle Standing and 60 Shot Air Pistol. The Monthly Match League names the top three outstanding participants from an average of each individual’s Monthly Match scores from repeat attendance. The first three places receive plaques for their performances, while places one through five collect monetary prizes based on the number of entries. The Most Improved competitor, with the highest margin of score progression, is also recognized. For his Monthly Match League win, Dorsten earned Leading the 60 Shot Pistol category out of 163 total $150. entries was Johnathan Dorsten, 18, of Bryan, Ohio, with Reaching second in 60 Shot Pistol was Lawrence an average score of 547.00. Dorsten was also High Junior. Gale, 53, of Copperhill, Tennessee, with an average of Living only an hour-and-a-half from Camp Perry, Dorsten 533.25. Gale received $100 for his performances. Taking was able to attend five of the seven Monthly Match events home $75 and the third place spot was David Maryakhin, in 2021. 50, of West Bloomfield, Michigan, with an average of Dorsten initially started competing through his local 532.5. The Most Improved athlete was Evan Beach, 12, of 4-H Shooting Sports program. In 2018, he was asked to Mason, Michigan, who began firing at the first few Monthly represent his team in air pistol at the 4-H Shooting Sports Matches with a Progressive Position Pistol (PPP) stand National Championships in Grand Island, Nebraska. for added stability and eventually moved on to competing Although he had never touched an air pistol before the without the device. match, he still managed to reach second place – trailing Claiming the overall win and $300 of prize money in the first by only four x’s over the field of nearly 50 competitors. 60 Shot Rifle category was High Junior Emme Walrath, 15, “I tried it and realized I kind of had a knack for it, so I of Kenosha, Wisconsin, with an average score of 626.78. stuck with it,” he said. “I like seeing myself put in the effort Walrath also cleared second overall in 3x20 Precision (for and the success I can achieve from that. It always feels $200) behind Katrina Demerle, 16, of Hamilton, Ohio, who good knowing I went out and did my best in a match and was the second highest competitor in the 60 Shot Match. have a score that shows it too.” Demerle earned $250 each for her 3x20 win and 60 Shot Though his run with the Monthly Matches is over for second place finish along with the High Junior honor in the now, he’s planning to return to Camp Perry in December to 3x20 match. Attaining third in both the 60 Shot and 3x20 compete in the USA Shooting Winter Airgun Championships Precision events was Bremen Butler, 17, of Fort Wayne, as well as the Camp Perry Open air gun event in May 2022. Indiana. Butler received $150 for 60 Shot and $125 for “I love this range,” he said of the Gary Anderson CMP the 3x20. Competition Center. “It’s kind of the first range I started Most Improved of 60 Shot Rifle was Katelyn Leibengood, shooting at, with it being so close, and it’s definitely world 8, of Green Springs, Ohio. Zach Bishop, 14, of Tiffin, Ohio, class. Of everywhere I’ve gone, this has always been my was the Most Improved title holder in 3x20 Precision. favorite range to shoot at.”
Winter 2021 5 Devyn Chapman, 15, of Piedmont, Alabama, produced the highest average and the High Junior title in the 3x20 Sporter competition with 529.25. The overall finish netted Chapman $200. Bethany Shirley, 14, of Monroe, Georgia, landed in second for $150, as Brandon Edwards, 17, of Millbrook, Alabama, took third for $100. Most Improved 3x20 Sporter athlete was Adalynn Anstead, 9, of Green Springs, Ohio. View a complete list of the CMP’s Monthly Match League Results here: spreadsheets/d/1ldIv1yaM8XXwZS hiIhObOOP7sGmUJoLDg2S87qd0c IU/edit#gid=0. For a complete list of results of the 2021 November Monthly Johnathan Dorsten was the overall winner and High Junior of the 60 Shot Pistol event Matches, visit the CMP’s Competition of the Monthly Match League. Tracker page at https://ct.thecmp. org/21MMNovAAresults for Anniston firing line by calling (419) 635-2141, ext. 704. and for Camp The South Competition Center in Alabama includes Perry. the CMP South Store that is fully stocked with equipment Photos of the matches can be viewed and downloaded and memorabilia needs. The Gary Anderson CMP for free on the CMP’s online photo album, Zenfolio, at Competition Center in Ohio features authentic Olympic and other memorabilia from the career of celebrated American marksman, Gary Anderson. The facility also About CMP Competition Centers: includes a retail center for equipment and memorabilia The CMP’s air gun facilities are open to the public, needs. Learn more about the CMP Competition Centers year-round, and feature 80-point ranges filled with CMP’s by visiting the CMP website at own electronic targets. Schedule your appointment on the cmp-competition-centers/. Katrina Demerle (center) led the 3x20 match in the Monthly Match League and the November Monthly Match. Emme Walrath (left) was second in both, as Bremen Butler (right) was third.
6 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THREE-POSITION NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THREE-POSITION AIR RIFLE COMPETITIONS By Gary Anderson, DCM Emeritus Junior Three-Position Air Rifle Competitions are changing—for the better. This photo shows eight finalists being introduced before the start of the 2021 CMP National Championship final. For the first time, finals in this year’s championships were three-position, start-from-zero finals. The finals were filled with suspense, had dramatic endings and athletes, coaches and spectators loved them. The Winter 2020 edition of On the Mark published down so many competition opportunities in 2020. But my article titled “Participating in Competitions: A How-To instead of just returning to what was taking place before for Coaches and Junior Athletes.” That article explained covid, there are several new developments in 3PAR and why youth who participate in shooting programs should be junior shooting competitions that promise to bring new introduced to competitions and what young athletes should opportunities to youth who participate in them. These new do to make their competition experiences positive. This On developments include: 1) the emergence of new junior the Mark article examines another aspect of competitions, shooting stars from the USA, 2) the publication of a new how Junior Three-Position Air Rifle competitions are Three-Position Match Officials Manual, 3) the release of changing and how these changes promise to make Three- an updated 2020-2022 Rulebook, 4) new developments for Position Air Rifle (3PAR)* competitions and the experiences showcasing athlete performances including an affordable young shooting athletes have in them even better. electronic target and the successful use of Olympic-style In 2021, the junior shooting community began to start-from-zero finals, and 5) new CMP programs that offer emerge from the covid pandemic restrictions that shut youth opportunities to broaden their horizons. * The junior shooting sports discipline Three-Position Air Rifle will be abbreviated as “3PAR” throughout this article.
Winter 2021 7 continued... America’s New Junior Shooting Heroes Positive change begins with inspiration and hope. The successes USA juniors enjoyed in the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games and the 2021 ISSF Junior World Championship should inspire junior athletes and program leaders to excel and give them confidence in the quality of our country’s junior shooting programs. In the Tokyo Olympic Games that took place this past summer, two American athletes who are still juniors, emerged as new shooting heroes. William Shaner from Colorado and Mary Tucker from Florida won Olympic gold and silver medals. Both are current student-athletes at the University of Kentucky. In the early stages of their development, both competed in 3PAR competitions. Mary Tucker earned Junior Distinguished Badge #1206 in 2017. In the Olympic 10m Air Rifle Men event, Shaner shot the third best qualification score with a 630.8. In the final, he was third after the first five shots and then took the lead with a phenomenal 53.7 in the second series. He never relinquished that lead en route to a gold medal score of 251.6 and a new Olympic record. His worst shot was a 10.1 and he had only one of those. It is interesting to note that the silver medal winner in this event, Lihao Sheng of China, who finished 0.7 points behind Shaner, was just 16 years old. The gold and silver medal winners in this event were both juniors! The 10m Air Rifle Women event was the first gold medal event in the entire Olympic Games. Mary Tucker shot the third best qualification score in that event with a 631.4 and finished sixth in the final. Her medal win came in a new Olympic event, the 10m Air Rifle Mixed Team event. She teamed with Lucas Kozeniesky, who had placed 6th The two most successful junior rifle shooters in the world in 2021 in the 10m Air Rifle Men event. Their qualification score were USA juniors. William Shaner (top photo) won an Olympic gold medal in the 10m Air Rifle Men event. Mary Tucker (directly of 628.0 ranked 7th but that got them into the semi-final above) won an Olympic silver medal with her USA teammate where their 418.0 score ranked second and qualified them Lucas Kozeniesky in the 10m Air Rifle Mixed Team event. for the gold medal match against Qian Yang (she won the Games first gold medal in the 10m Air Rifle Women event program leaders must now ensure that their successes and celebrated her 21st birthday just before the Games are known by everyone who encounters their programs. opened) and Haoran Yang of China. The medal matches Their 2021 Olympic and Junior World Championship are decided by points. Both athletes fire single shots and performances were inspiring. They demonstrated how the the team with the highest two-person score receives two best juniors in the USA can compete with the best athletes points. 16 points are needed to win. The Chinese team won anywhere in the world. the gold medal 17 to 13, giving Tucker and Kozeniesky the silver medal. In the Junior World Championship in October, in Lima, New Three-Position Match Officials Peru, Shaner won the 10m Air Rifle Men Junior gold medal Manual in that Championship as well, while Tucker won two silver With so many JROTC units, schools and junior clubs medals and one bronze in individual women junior rifle conducting 3PAR Matches, the CMP and National Three- events. Overall USA juniors won four individual Junior World Position Air Rifle Council decided that a guidebook or Championships and 21 total medals. Most young athletes in manual on how to conduct 3PAR Matches was needed. shooting already know about Shaner and Tucker, but junior Its objective was to help junior program leaders apply best
8 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THREE-POSITION practice procedures while conducting their competitions. • Equipment control testing The result of this effort is a new Three-Position Air Rifle • Model forms for match operations Match Officials Manual. The 76 page, spiral-bound, 5.5” x 8.5” manual was designed so match officials could carry Anyone who serves as a 3PAR Match Official should it with them and consult it whenever questions come up. obtain and study the sections of the manual that are Here is a partial list of topics covered in the manual: relevant to match functions which they fulfill. Copies are • 3PAR Values and Principles available from the CMP at no cost. Send requests for • How to use the 3PAR Rulebook the Three-Position Air Rifle Match Officials Manual to • Guidelines for serving as a Match Official • Requirements for operating safe air rifle ranges • Procedures for conducting 3PAR competition firing New Updated 3PAR Rulebook • Range Officer scripts and standard range The National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules commands are the governing document for 3PAR competitions. Every • How to resolve issues that arise during match firing 3PAR Match Official should become intimately familiar with • Electronic target operations this rulebook and carry a copy with them whenever they • Procedures for resolving EST complaints and work a competition. A new edition of this rulebook was protests released in August 2021 so be sure to obtain this latest • How to conduct finals edition. Download the 13th Edition 2020-2022 National • Scoring and results operations (for Orion and Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules at https:// manual scoring) • Rule violations and protests air-rifle-rules/. Printed copies can also be ordered from • Awards and award ceremonies CMP, or you can download and print your own rulebook. • How to plan and organize 3PAR competitions This new 76-page manual contains detailed instructions, pro- One of the best ways for Match Officials to carry a rulebook cedures, and tips for running Three-Position Air Rifle Matches. is to save the rulebook on a tablet or cell phone. Electronic Copies are available on request from the CMP at no cost. Send search features are usually faster and easier to use than printed requests to indexes.
Winter 2021 9 continued... There are some changes in the latest edition that Match • EST Protest and Complaint Procedures. Officials will want to note: Previous rules for resolving electronic target scoring • Automated Range Commands. New Orion issues were based on ISSF rules developed for Athena electronic targets have red/green START/ older acoustical-sensing targets. Newer electronic STOP signal lights on top of each target and display targets offer simpler issue resolution procedures. For current range commands on each athlete’s monitor. example, the shot validation procedure on Athena Rule changes permit the use of these visible signals targets makes it unnecessary to direct athletes to conduct range firing. A Range Officer script for who protest a score value or claim a missing shot conducting firing with automated range procedure to fire an additional shot. The updated rules also signals is included. include procedures for adjudicating missing shots • New Crosman CH2021 Sporter Air Rifle. on KTS targets that do not have witness strips. If Crosman’s latest model competition rifle was your range has electronic targets, check these new added to the list of approved sporter class air rifles. rules carefully to be sure you are applying rules Crosman Challengers already dominate sporter applicable for your EST system. class competitions, and this new version provides • Options for Conducting Finals. The options for further improvements. The maximum allowable scheduling and conducting either standard finals cost for approved sporter air rifles was increased (Ten additional shots for the top eight finalists) from $600 to $650; that price ceiling had not or start-from-zero three-position finals were changed in five years (2016). Since the CH2021 expanded. Detailed rules and Range Officer scripts has a detachable fore-end riser, a maximum fore- for conducting start-from-zero three-position finals end depth of 100 mm was added for sporter air are now included. rifles. • Technical Rule Changes. The updated rules also include numerous, mostly minor, technical clarifications. Match Officials need to look for changes (marked in underlined red type) in the rulebook to be sure they are aware of any rule The new Crosman CH2021 sporter class air rifle changes that impact their duties as a Match Official. Start-from-Zero Finals and Showcasing • Decimal Scoring. Match sponsors that use either Orion (VIS) scoring* or electronic targets now have Athlete Performances Everyone who was present for the individual final for the option of using decimal scoring (tenth ring the 2021 National 3PAR Junior Olympic Championship scoring) in their competitions. Decimal scoring has surely remembers its dramatic ending. For the first time, a strong appeal to many juniors and their coaches the 2021 National 3PAR Championships used start-from- because this is how Olympic and international air zero finals. The top eight athletes in the 60-shot three- rifle events are scored. position events advanced to 45-shot three-position finals • Virtual CMP Cup Matches Authorized. Covid- where the top eight places were decided solely by how related travel restrictions impacting many 3PAR athletes finished in the final (60-shot scores do not carry teams led the National Council to authorize forward in start-from-zero finals). In this final, finalists shoot virtual CMP Cup Matches. Virtual matches allow three 5-shot series kneeling, three 5-shot series prone, two participating teams to shoot on their home ranges 5-shot series standing, and then progressively eliminate or on designated, decentralized ranges as a means the lowest ranking athletes as the last five shots standing of reducing or eliminating travel requirements. The are fired one shot at a time. Only two athletes remain for use of Orion (VIS) scoring or electronic targets is the last shot which decides the gold and silver medals. necessary to ensure uniform scoring. Virtual CMP In the Junior Olympic final, two outstanding young Cup Matches continue to be authorized because athletes, Katie Zaun from North Dakota and Emme Walrath they fulfill an important need in areas where greater from Wisconsin remained to contend for the gold and silver travel distances make them a practical option for medals with one shot remaining. Zaun had a 1.2-point offering accessible matches. lead, but her 9.6 and Walrath’s spectacular 10.8 left the * The Orion Scoring System, Athena electronic targets were designed, produced and marketed by Dr. Erik Anderson, the author’s son.
10 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THREE-POSITION THE LAST SHOT IN A START-FROM-ZERO FINAL Rylie Passmore (on left) and Emme Walrath (on right) battled it out during the National CMP 3PAR Final at Camp Perry. The pho- tos show them firing their last shots and sharing an embrace after Walrath prevailed. two athletes tied. Ties are broken by a sudden death shoot- now standard for NCAA off, where Walrath prevailed 10.4 to 10.1, to take the gold college rifle competitions medal. No youth sport offers drama and excitement that is in the U. S. Major junior any better than that, and it took place in a 3PAR National championships conducted Championship competition. on CMP, USA Shooting and The memorable finish in this final occurred because USAMU ranges have used 1) the match sponsor (CMP) had a range equipped with EST for the past 20 years. electronic targets, 2) the range accommodated lots A few junior programs were of spectators, 3) a start-from-zero final was used to able to raise the funds decide final place finishes, 4) two highly skilled athletes needed to purchase EST performed exceptionally well under tremendous pressure, but for most junior clubs 5) the range had a visual display system where spectators and schools, EST were could instantly see every score and athlete rankings after simply too expensive. A every shot and 6) the Chief Range Officer and Announcer new development within kept the final running smoothly and the audience informed. the last year is changing These are all things match sponsors can build on to better that--the introduction of showcase the drama and excitement inherent in youth Orion Athena electronic shooting. targets (http://www. Electronic Targets (EST). The future in shooting orionscoringsystem. is electronic targets. Everyone is familiar with EST com/orion/Home.aspx), advantages, with instant scores visible to competitors, which sell for $1,500 per spectators, and online audiences. However, until now, firing point. This target is high costs have prevented almost all 3PAR ranges from already making it possible The Athena electronic target installing EST. EST have been mandatory in Olympic for many more school and (above) and an image from the and World Championships for 30 years and they are club teams to enjoy EST Athena athlete monitor.
Winter 2021 11 continued... benefits. Several hundred of these new targets have now been installed in ranges all over the country and are being used to conduct many 3PAR Matches. Accommodating Spectators and Score Display Technology. Anyone who says shooting is not a spectator sport doesn’t know shooting. The problem is not that shooting lacks spectator appeal but that we haven’t been very good at accommodating spectators or displaying athlete performances and scores. The first step in changing this is for 3PAR match sponsors to take steps to acquire score display technology and simultaneously make room for spectators on their ranges. Score Display Technology. Modern EST installations have software that supports the public display of scores, usually with graphic displays of shots. The Orion VIS Scoring System for paper targets also supports the Electronic display panels like this Spectator Display Module for Athena EST can keep coaches and spectators fully informed display of ranked results and a leaderboard. To display about match progress. scores for spectators, the range’s main computer needs to be connected to an OLED, LCD or plasma display panel conducting start-from-zero Olympic format finals. These that is large enough for spectators in the range to read finals are one of the best ways to present the true drama of scores and rankings. target competitions and make shooting a better spectator Accommodating Spectators. Most shooting ranges sport. were not designed to accommodate spectators, but even ranges with limited space behind the firing line or with an New Opportunities for Growth — adjacent assembly room have some space for spectators. Match sponsors should make conscious efforts to include CMP Smallbore and Air Gun Programs New developments in other CMP programs also offer spectators in their planning. By installing a visual display many 3PAR athletes opportunities to broaden their horizons panel and providing a few chairs, it is possible to start a by participating in air rifle standing and smallbore rifle spectator program. At first, spectators may only be family position competitions. These opportunities are especially members and school friends but if you give them a good important to junior athletes who hope to shoot in college experience more will come. Start-From-Zero Finals. The so-called standard final in 3PAR shooting with ten additional shots in standing for the top eight competitors has been used for 3PAR championships for more than 20 years, but that format has not been used in international competitions since 2012. The new international norm for finals is the start- from-zero format, with progressive eliminations, 24 shots in a standing final or 45 shots in a three-position final. The problem with progressive elimination finals is that they require electronic targets. With major electronic target installations at Camp Perry, Anniston, Fort Benning, Colorado Springs, and the CMP mobile range, and with several hundred electronic targets now being installed on junior program ranges, the possibilities for conducting start-from-zero final are expanding. The CMP’s use of start-from-zero finals during last summer’s National An ideal range configuration to accommodate spectators: Junior Olympic and CMP 3PAR Championships was Bleachers or chairs for spectators and an LCD panel (top cen- well received and will continue. As more ranges acquire ter) showing results. This Sporter Class Final took place at the electronic targets, their competition plans should include CMP Competition Center at Camp Perry.
12 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THREE-POSITION Many 3PAR athletes who come to the National Matches at Camp Perry now are also able to compete in 50m position champion- ships like this National Smallbore Rifle Position Championship. because in college rifle competitions, team members • New CMP Air Rifle/Air Pistol Competition Rules. shoot two events, 60-shot air rifle and 60-shot 3-position The CMP Rules Committee recently approved a new smallbore rifle. As a result, most college rifle coaches rulebook, CMP Air prefer to recruit athletes with records of success in both Rifle and Air Pistol air rifle and smallbore position. Juniors who have the skills Competition Rules. The to shoot in college, and who have access to smallbore new rulebook will go into equipment, will be able to expand their competitive effect in 2022 and allow resumes by including these CMP program opportunities the CMP to sanction 60- in their 2022 competition plans: shot air rifle and 60-shot • The Camp Perry Open, which previously was a air pistol competitions. popular January air gun only competition, with three- These rules are closely position and standing events, was moved to May in 2021. modeled after ISSF By holding this competition in May, it was possible to also rules. They require, for offer a 50m 3-position smallbore rifle event, in addition to example, air rifle events traditional 10m 3PAR and 60-shot standing events. For sanctioned under these juniors who have access to smallbore rifle equipment, that rules to use decimal gave them another opportunity for a high quality smallbore scoring. Either electronic position match. And with more high level smallbore position targets or paper targets matches being offered, more juniors will be encouraged with Orion VIS scoring to also try smallbore competition. The 2022 Camp Perry are needed to do that. Open will take place on May 13-15 and will include a 50m However, the Orion smallbore rifle position event. system now dominates The CMP will have a new air gun the scoring of 3PAR rulebook in 2022.
Winter 2021 13 continued... AIR & SMALLBORE RIFLE OPPORTUNITIES are awarded by the CMP IN THE 2022 NATIONAL MATCHES and the respective military Championship Date Comments commands in accordance with federal law. One of National Junior Precision Air Rifle 3PAR the most coveted awards 13-15 competition for athletes who Olympic and CMP 3PAR July qualify in state or CMP postal in marksmanship is for a Championships competitions person to “go Distinguished” Air Rifle and Air Pistol and be presented with National Matches Air 16-18 National Championship one of these badges. The Gun Championship July events for juniors and seniors first Distinguished badges Smallbore Rifle 50m were awarded by the Army National Matches Smallbore Rifle 19-22 3-Position Championship for in 1884. For decades, July juniors and seniors (2 x 120 Position Championship shots) Distinguished Badges were Smallbore Rifle Prone restricted to Service Rifle, National Matches 22-27 Championship for juniors Service Pistol, International Smallbore Rifle Prone CMP changes in the Distin- Championship July and seniors (4 x 160 shots at competitions, and the Junior 50 yds, 50m, 100 yds) guished Badge program will Distinguished program, now give smallbore rifle and Smallbore rifle and air CMP National Junior 23-28 rifle instructional camp for which recognizes excellence air gun competitors opportu- Rifle Camp July beginning and intermediate in 3PAR competitions. nities to earn prestigious gold juniors Recent CMP decisions to Distinguished Badges. Open Rimfire Sporter Rifle expand the Distinguished National Rimfire Sporter 23-24 (7.5x weight limit) juniors and Rifle Championship July seniors Badge program will now Detailed program announcements for these championships will be released award Badges for Smallbore Rifle Position, Smallbore through the CMP Shooters' News electronic newsletters and posted on Rifle Prone, Air Rifle and Air Pistol. Sanctioned matches the CMP website. where EIC (excellence-in-competition) credit points can be earned with top ten percent finishes will be available competitions to the extent that scoring paper targets by in the coming year to give junior and senior athletes hand is becoming a relic of the past. This and more EST new opportunities to work towards earning one of these installations in 3PAR ranges will allow the conduct of 60- prestigious badges. shot air rifle events that are scored in decimals. It’s a great time to be a young athlete who is active in • More Junior Opportunities in the National 3PAR and junior shooting competitions. These programs Matches. In 2021, the Precision Air Rifle CMP and are changing, and for the better, by giving juniors more Junior Olympic National Championships took place opportunities to participate in high quality national and local in July, just before the National Matches Smallbore Rifle competitions. Now juniors and their program leaders just Position Championship. This made it possible for many need to act to take advantage of these new opportunities. juniors to compete in the National 3PAR Championships and then remain at Camp Perry for the Smallbore Rifle Position Championship. This schedule change was a About the Author big success. 88% of the 137 competitors in the National Gary Anderson is the Director of Civilian Marksmanship, Smallbore Position Championship event were juniors. Emeritus, and is the holder of two Olympic gold medals, seven World Championships and 16 National Championships. Mr. In 2022, this scheduling combination is being expanded Anderson served as a Technical with another new program, a new National Matches Delegate for Shooting during the Air Gun Championship that will offer National Trophy 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games Match competitions in both air rifle and air pistol (see as well as for the 2014 and 2018 chart). Juniors who come to next summer’s National World Shooting Championships. Matches will have an unprecedented ten days or more In 2012, the International of national championship competition opportunities. Olympic Committee awarded • Smallbore and Air Rifle Distinguished Badges. Gary Anderson with the Olympic Gold Distinguished Badges are the highest individual Order, its highest honor “for awards authorized by the U. S. Government for excellence outstanding services to the Olympic Movement.” in marksmanship competitions. Distinguished Badges
14 How To Form a Marksmanship Team, From Someone Who's Done It Matt Muzik, with the help of others, formed the American Legion Post 295 Marksmanship Team in June 2020. As part of its mission, the Civilian Marksmanship money can’t buy,” Muzik said. “One of the biggest reasons Program (CMP) has been dedicated to the development I started a team was because of my daughter, Claudia and longevity of youth shooting sports around the country. Muzik, and her passion for this sport.” With several junior programs currently established in each Muzik has been working hard at being a marksmanship state, aspiring young marksmen are fortunate to have a leader for nearly a decade now. Over the last eight years, number of venues available to continue their growth – yet, he has been certified as a Level 2 NRA coach and has a there’s always room for more. background check for both USA Shooting Safe Sport and The thought of starting a team can be daunting, but American Legion Safe Sport. He was also involved with the one new coach local to Camp Perry, where the CMP Ottawa County Shooting Stars, a local Camp Perry team, Headquarters is located, knows what it’s like to form a for about five years. fresh group of athletes from the ground up and gives his “I enjoy watching these kids grow and mature as own advice on how others may do the same. athletes and as young adults,” he said. Matt Muzik of Green Springs, Ohio, is the head coach His green American Legion program has been, to say of the American Legion Post 295 Marksmanship Team the least, thriving in the area – so much so that he even – newly created in June 2020. Currently, the team is has a waiting list of kids, with 40 individuals trying out for comprised of 13 athletes, ages 8 to 15, an assistant coach the single open spot available this year. and five board members. The group competes in 60 shot “Starting this program from scratch was very difficult,” and three-position air rifle, 60 shot pistol and smallbore. Muzik admitted. “I love helping kids, and the reward you get is something Challenges along the way for Muzik included setting up
Winter 2021 15 bi-laws, something he wish he had an understanding of prior to setting up the team, and instituting a training plan to ensure an effective program – along with the usual trials and tribulations brought on with anything new. “I’ve been able to keep the team growing by growing myself and challenging myself and the athletes each and every day,” he admitted. A piece of advice Muzik has is to make a cost sheet on all the required equipment needed to be productive and to have a strategic plan to obtain it. He also says it’s important to learn where matches are located and to come up with a program that can put interested athletes on a positive path toward college. Muzik went on to say he owes a lot of thanks to Diane and Gregg Muzik’s interest began through watching his daughter, Claudia (pictured here), in her Rice, CMP’s Indiana State Directors, own marksmanship journey. who have their own marksmanship program, The X Count. The duo, who “Funding is one of the biggest things people struggle met Muzik through a match at The X Count and at several with,” Rice said. “There are some fundamental principles other events since, were instrumental in assisting the that can be followed, but, more importantly, know that every American Legion Post 295 team with finding gear and community is different. You have to know the characteristics funding to get off the ground and even donated their used of your audience to be successful at raising funds.” equipment. She added, “Your mindset is critical as well. Adopt an “I sat down with them (Diane and Gregg) multiple abundance rather than a scarcity mindset.” times to discuss starting a team and the things needed Muzik has been able to effectively incorporate to be successful,” Muzik said. “Any team looking to start fundraising efforts like beach matches, selling decals and up, there is a lot of experienced teams that will help you be successful to grow this sport.” With a reputation of aiding teams from all over the country in getting their programs started, Diane Rice and The X Count know the tips and tools that work – and sharing her knowledge with others has become a great gratification in her coaching career. “It is one of the very rewarding things that we do and one of the best ways we can grow the sport,” she said. In the past, Rice has stressed the importance of fundraising for starter teams, saying it is critically important to their progress. She says it’s important to know your market – that is, realize what goes best with your target patrons. Muzik says having a strategic plan in place will greatly help the success of a start-up.
16 Muzik was able to incorporate fundraising efforts that equipped his team with gear, rifles and electronic targets. t-shirts and asking local business for help – all of which designed to enhance youth marksmanship around the have raised enough to outfit the entire team with gear and country and exists to give others a place to start when rifles. In fact, he did so well with business donations that forming a new team. There are many others like Rice open he was able to buy six electronic targets for his team’s use. to discussion on how to begin the conversation and are Rice has also suggested getting creative and taking happy to aid those ready to make the commitment. Contact advantage of the knowledge that can be gained from talking and other information on each state’s director can be found to existing programs. Being open to learning from others on the CMP website at who were once in the same position can be advantageous state-director/. to both teams and the marksmanship community as a “Talk to everyone – think long term and short term,” whole. Rice said. “Always strive to be better. Never stop learning.” “There are many people out there who want to help,” Rice said. “There is a great deal of wealth in the world, and CMP Guide to Forming a CMP Marksmanship Club it is available to even your little new program. Most people Visit the CMP’s website at think that if someone gives to another cause, it means they a-guide-on-forming-a-cmp-marksmanship-club/ to view won’t give to them. On the contrary, the greatest predictor step-by-step directions to form a marksmanship club. The of future giving is past giving.” CMP Guide is also available in a printed booklet and you Muzik and Rice have both suggested looking into larger can request a copy by emailing If you organizations dedicated to supporting youth shooting have additional questions, please contact the CMP Club sports through funding, endowments and programs like Affiliations Department at (419) 635-2141, ext. 753. Friends of the NRA, the MidwayUSA Foundation and, of course, the CMP. By Ashley Brugnone, CMP Writer The CMP’s State Director program in particular was
Winter 2021 17 Second Place Athletes Return to Win at the 2021 Dixie Doubles Air Gun Event Emme Walrath (center) led the junior rifle competitors, followed by Katie Zaun (left) and Camryn Camp (right). They were awarded by the Army Marksmanship Unit’s SFC Hank Gray (far left). ANNISTON, Ala. – Motivated runners-up from last Beard, 30, of the Army Marksmanship Unit, rose above year’s Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Dixie the rest by only three-tenths of a point with a score of Doubles air rifle and air pistol competition came back in 1260.6. Last year, Beard was just shy of the overall win 2021 to emerge victorious, reaching the top of the podium after earning second behind yet another Tokyo Olympian in both categories. The two-day Dixie Doubles air gun SPC Sagen Maddalena. Beard’s Army teammate SP4 event was held Nov. 5-6, at the CMP’s South Competition Ivan Roe, 25, earned an aggregate score of 1260.3 for this Center in Anniston, Alabama. year’s second place position, followed closely by Olympian Over 100 competitors fired in the 2021 Dixie Doubles and gold medalist Virginia (Ginny) Thrasher, 24, with a match, which attracts athletes of a variety of experience score of 1259.4. levels – from beginners to military members to Olympians. Roe led Day 1 of the match, while SGT Brandon The annual event includes two days of 60 Shot international Muske, 27, also of the Army Marksmanship Unit, was the air rifle and air pistol matches for Open and Junior athletes, high competitor of Day 2. Muske landed in fourth behind with qualification scores and finals fired each day. Overall Thrasher overall. competitors are awarded at the conclusion of Day 1 and In just her second showing at the Dixie Doubles, Emme Day 2 as well as from the combined, two-day aggregate Walrath, 15, of Kenosha, Wisconsin, claimed the overall scores. win in the Junior Rifle event. Following Walrath was Katie Recent Tokyo Olympian and past Dixie Doubles winner Zaun, 18, of Buffalo, North Dakota, and Camryn Camp, James Hall, 37, of Columbia, Missouri, overtook the Open 15, of Hillsboro, Texas, who landed in second and third, Pistol portion with a score of 1149-31X – nearly 10 points respectively. above fellow Olympian SSG Sandra Uptagrafft, 50, of Coinciding with the Open and Junior competitions is Phenix City, Alabama, who earned second with a score the two-person team match that combines the scores of of 1137-29X. In 2020, Hall fell just short of the win behind an adult and youth athlete in both air rifle and air pistol. another Tokyo Team USA athlete, SGT Nick Mowrer. Leading the rifle side was last year’s team champions SGT Hall and Uptagrafft swapped places on the leaderboard Brandon Muske and Katie Zaun (North & South), while each day as Hall led Day 1 and Uptagrafft came out on top Thing 1 & Thing 2 (James Hall and Chandler Livingston) of Day 2. Timothy Schmeltzer, 24, of Greenville, Michigan, overtook pistol. stayed close to the pack and claimed third overall behind A complete list of results for the 2021 Dixie Doubles air Hall and Uptagrafft with a score of 1122-22X. High pistol gun match can be found on the CMP’s Competition Tracker junior of the match was Chandler Livingston, 17, of Chula, page at Find free Georgia. downloadable photos of the event at https://cmp1.zenfolio. After two days of competition in air rifle, 1LT Sarah com/p511054655.
18 CMP Hosts Ohio Civil Air Patrol Cadets at Camp Perry in October Ohio holds 25 cadet Civilian Air Patrol components, with almost half of that number attending the event at Camp Perry in October. CAMP PERRY, OH - On Oct. 9, 2021, the Civilian firearm before, but they learned a lot.” Marksmanship Program (CMP) welcomed cadets from The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is a civilian auxiliary of 12 Ohio Civil Air Patrol squadrons at the Camp Perry the U.S. Air Force that was established in 1938, in the National Guard Training Site’s Petrarca Range and the years preceding World War II. The core missions of CAP Gary Anderson CMP Marksmanship Center, where the are emergency response services, such as search and group participated in a day of learning. rescue/disaster relief, aerospace education and youth Led by CMP Highpower team member, Danny Arnold, cadet programs. CAP also conducts 90 percent of inland CMP smallbore manager, Brad Donoho and CMP education search and rescue in the U.S. – equipped with the largest and training manager, Steve Cooper, the instruction fleet of single-engine planes in the world at over 500. The focused on safety and basic rifle shooting fundamentals. program is congressionally chartered and operates as a The young cadets participated in classroom instruction 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Currently, there are 25 and live practice using .22 caliber rifles at 50 yards, firing squadrons in the Ohio Wing, with a cadet component and on sandbags for stability. The event concluded with a 40- over 66,000 youth and adult members nationwide. shot qualification match. “I think CMP’s mission dovetails with CAP in that we “I thought the event went well,” said Arnold, who is are reaching out to youth in a way that exposes them to an adult member of Oklahoma’s Civil Air Patrol Wing. “As the shooting sports in a responsible way. Responsible usual, there were a few cadets who had never touched a marksmanship focuses on self-control, improvement and
Winter 2021 19 learning new things,” Arnold said. Arnold has been involved with CAP since 2009 and holds the rank of Major in the Oklahoma Wing. There, he ran a marksmanship program for about five years while also helping out with the Kansas Wing. “I had college friends who had been members when they were younger and wished I had known about it,” he said. “When my son was old enough to join, he became interested and I followed along.” Recently, the CMP Board of Directors learned of CAP’s cadet program and reached out to CAP National, located at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. Arnold briefed CMP Board members about CAP’s mission, history and what his experiences have been with Steve Cooper, CMP’s education and training manager, guided cadets on the range as the program. They were impressed they participated in live-fire practice. and instructed him to reach out to the Ohio and Alabama Wings to see relief efforts, been involved in cadet programs and have if he could coordinate a youth training session. been able to teach marksmanship – so it’s been a good “We, CMP, should be seeking out opportunities like experience.” this,” said Arnold. “CMP already has partnerships with Learn even more by visiting CAP’s official website at other youth organizations, and CAP is a large one to partner with.” Covering all 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, CAP is composed of eight geographic regions consisting of 52 wings. Its cadet program attracts youth ages 12 through 20, which makes up around 10 percent of the U.S. Air Force Academy’s classes. Members of CAP also have the opportunity to earn college scholarships in several different disciplines and may even enter the Air Force at a higher pay grade. “CAP is a well-kept secret, kind of like CMP,” Arnold explained. “The program is different for adults, but still quite rewarding. I’ve been part of an aircrew, helped out with the Moore, Oklahoma, tornado CMP’s smallbore manager, Brad Donoho, also helped lead fundamental instruction during the day.
20 CMP Introduces New Service for Aspiring Junior Athletes, College Coaches If you are a junior or senior high school marksmanship athlete and are interested in moving on to the collegiate level, the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) has created a new online service with you in mind. College Connect, an addition to the CMP’s Competition Tracker software, is a venue for athletes to indirectly connect with NCAA coaches. Similar to recruiting for college football or basketball, the versatile program allows users to regularly update online profiles with current educational and competitive info for college coaches to observe. Likewise, the service provides a central location for coaches to maintain awareness of potential team prospects. “It’s a resume, basically,” said CMP’s opportunities offered within the sport of marksmanship. smallbore manager, Brad Donoho, who helped create the “The most important part is, first off, there’s a lot of program. “It’s meant to be a passive connection between shooters out there who have no clue that shooting is a prospective athletes and coach.” college sport. I was one of them,” said Donoho, who is an The service is currently live and available to junior and alumnus of the University of Kentucky rifle team. senior student-athletes, with free use. Though there is no “The cool part is that, before, coaches had no central actual contact between athletes and coaches through way of viewing a shooter’s results. They’d have to comb College Connect, the service will allow for athletes to through match after match . . . keep their own notes,” provide their contact information for coaches to contact Donoho explained.” This (College Connect) takes the hard them during permitted recruiting periods. work out of it.” “If my name is on a page like this, and all of a sudden Since July 2021, Donoho and CMP software developer, I’m shooting some decent scores – a coach might look at Jared Kail, have worked together to generate the College that and go, ‘Wait a second. This kid’s pretty good. Maybe Connect online medium that will now allow coaches to stay I should contact them,’” Donoho explained. current on an individual’s achievements while also allowing The idea for College Connect came to Donoho after individuals to showcase his or her accomplishments in an being frequently contacted by a number of coaches asking easily accessible forum. The pair also worked openly with about specific athletes. He wanted to find an easier way NCAA coaches to ensure their personal athlete criteria to bridge the gap while, in turn, promoting the NCAA was displayed through the service.
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