Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico

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Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico
KKMCee for high precision two-fermion
 production at future electron colliders
 Stanisław Jadach

The 2021 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2021)

 March 15-18, 2021

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Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico
Moreover it features:
 1-st order electroweak corrections
 screening of the initial-final state interference for
 narrow Z resonance (following Frascati prescription)
 hadronization for quark pairs
 initial machine beam spread

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Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico

 Version 4.24 (2017) was tested/run under Centos7 and Ubuntu16
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Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico
Source code of KKMC on TWiki in CERN

 PHOTOS is inside

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Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico
Most recent KKMCee version is now on GITHUB

 New version of KKMCee entirely in C++ will appear on GITHUB soon

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Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico
Matrix Element organisation in KKMC

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Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico
How KKMC compares with other QED schemes in MC programs
Order-by-order approach (OLDBIS, MUSTRAL, KORALZ) disfavoured, soft photon resummation mandatory, collinear resumm. recommended.

 Collinear resummation of mass logs Soft photon resummation YFS-style
 1. Correct soft photon limit for n real or virtual photons
Strictly collinear PDFs (kT=0) Parton shower (finite kT) 2. Exact Lorentz invariant Phase Space (LIPS)
 3. Well defined scheme of including higher order
 non-soft real and virtual corrections at any order
1. LO formulas available analytically 1. Well developed for QCD
 4. Resummation of collinear logs truncated to finite
 at any higher order but little used in QED
 order, non-singlet transitions out of scope
2. Convenient and useful only for 2. Problems the same as in QCD:
 very inclusive observables like σtot. lack of NLO evolution,
 For AFB already problematic. factorisation scheme dependence,
3. Matching with NLO hard process kinks, gaps in angular distributions EEX CEEX
 possible but messy. in the soft limit, messy algorithms 1. Amplitudes
4. Soft limit only in inclusive form. of matching with NLO hard proc., 2. Generalised, YFS-inspired
 1. Differential sections
 hopeless beyond NLO, 3. Better suited for spin
 2. YFS 1961 based
 approximate LIPS… polarised charged emitters
 Examples: LUMLOG, ALIBABA, 3. Simpler algebraically
 3. In principle resummation of coll. 4. Well suited for narrow
 mass logs to infinite order is there, resonances like Z, W
 TOPAZ0, KKsem, KKfoam,
 but in practice not easy 5. Automatically accounts
 (needs backward evolution etc.) Examples: for interferences
 YFS2, YFS3 in KORALZ 6. Easy separating/combining
 Examples: BABAYAGA YFS3WW, BHWIDE, QED and pure EW corrs.
 Examples: KKMC

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Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico
CEEX = Coherent Exclusive EXponentiation

 Consider process

 Master formula covering the entire multi photon phase space (no approximations):

 Infrared (IR) cancellations occur between

 Spin amplitudes:

 ̂ functions are IR finite
 All β(r)

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Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico
CEEX = Coherent Exclusive EXponentiation

 Non-soft infrared finite remnants calculated using
 IR subtractions at the amplitude level:

 Newer ever use Bloch-Nordsieck to kill IR singularities at the cross section level!
 So far we were unable to convince our colleagues doing multi loop calculations to follow
 the above method. We had to undo their Bloch-Nordsieck and perform CEEX subtractions.

 Important advantage: The above methodology allows to split SM perturbative calculations
 into pure QED and pure EW parts beyond 1-st order in a systematic way. See next slide…

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Stanisław Jadach KKMCee for high precision two-fermion production at future electron colliders - CERN Indico
Separating and/or recombining non-soft
 pure EW correction and QED part
 QED corrections are bigger, hence they have to be calculated at the 1-2 orders higher level
 than pure EW corrections. For instance at LEP era QED corrections were soft-resummed
 to infinite and non-soft QED typically up to (α 2), while EW corrections up to (α 1).

 In TeraZ/GigaZ era non-soft QED corrections will have to be calculated to (α 4)LO and
 non-soft EW corrections up to (α 2).

 Is there any systematic and practical scheme of calculating the two classes of corrections
 separately and recombining them without violating gauge invariance, IR cancellations etc.?

 The CEEX matrix elements of KKMC offers good workable example of such a scheme,
 which can be easily extended to higher orders. See next slide…
 Monte Carlo implementation is the key part of this methodology!

 Important remark: Never ever use Bloch-Nordsieck method of killing IR singularities in
 the EW+QED multi-loop integrals!!! (Subtract IR as early as possible!)
 Simply because MC with resummations already did that!

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 matrix element
 for UMC

 KKMC/CEEX ⟵ (α 3) (α r )
 β3(r)(kj1, kj2, kj3) βr(r)(kj1, kj2, . . . , kjr )
 ∑ ∑ }
 + + +…
Recent studies using KKMC

 QED Interference in Charge Asymmetry Near the Z Resonance at Future Electron-Positron Colliders

 Precision measurement of the Z boson to electron neutrino coupling at the future circular colliders

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Charge asymmetry μ
 AFB → sin2 θWeff , αQED(MZ )
 Muon charge asymmetry at TeraZ with δAFB (MZ ) ≃ 10−5 will provide δ sin2 θWeff ≃ 0.5 ⋅ 10−5 and
 μ μ μ
 ΔAFB = AFB (MZ + 3.5GeV) − AFB (MZ − 3.5GeV), will hopefully provide δαQED(MZ ) ≃ 10−5.
 See arXiv:1903.09895.

 IFI contribution AFB (MZ ) ≃ 50 ⋅ 10−5 was negligible at LEP. Here 2-digits precision required!

 However, in arXiv:1801.08611 (SJ&S.Yost), thanks to power of CEEX/KKMC soft photon resummation
 (with Frascati improvements) much bigger IFI contribution [ΔAFB ]IFI ≃ 1 % was shown to be controlled
 at the ∼ 10 ⋅ 10−5 level!

 It looks that another factor 10 improvement in IFI requires inclusion
 of missing non-soft contributions from (α 2) penta-box diagrams.

 For extraction of sin2 θWeff with 0.5 ⋅ 10−5 precision, the inclusion of
 the remaining (α 2) EW corrections and of QED beyond (α 2)
 may also be necessary (because of experimental cut-offs dependence!).

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4-5 digit control of QED Initial-Final-Interference in AFB
 S.J and S.Yost, PhysRevD.100.013002 arXiv:1801.08611 [hep-ph]

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New method of measuring electron neutrino coupling

 poorly measured

 From νµ e and νe e scattering

 How to do better at FCC-ee?

 In the following we assume ≡ 3 since will be measured at FCC with negligible error
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New method of measuring electron neutrino coupling

 Exploit interferences with diagrams with well known couplings
Zoom on Z Radiative Return (ZRR)
 Difference between ( ) and


 • The method proposed would lead to a considerable improvement on the presicion on

 " ( ) = ± 1.4%
 • Assuming 3 ν and no new physics coupled to Z, one would derive
 " ( ) = ± 4.8%
 S. Jadach, LCWS 2021, March 15-18, 2021
Ongoing developments in KKMC

 • Provisions for recalculating matrix element with modified input EW parameters
 like αQED(MZ ) for example. (For fitting SM parameters using MC.) ???

 • Upgrade of DIZET electroweak library, hadronic VP routine,
 more steering parameters for manipulating EW corrections. Done.

 • Upgrade of TAUOLA library. Done.

 • Cleanup and posting on the web next improved version,
 also with enriched C++ interface. Done.

 • Translation to C++. In the process. In the process, 80% advancement.

 • New upgraded CEEX matrix element. Planning.

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Innovation fronts in QED/EW precision calculations

 Better Monte Carlo algorithm for phase space with very hard photons.
 Phase space generation in KKMC for extremely hard photos is inefficient.
 Novel ideas for better incorporation of the collinear resummation within soft photon
 resummation, especially at the amplitude level (CEEX), main problems are loops.
 Alternative methods of calculating spin amplitudes in CEEX,
 instead of Kleiss-Stirling, for massive particles?
 Soft photon emission resummation from unstable charged particles like W boson.
 Outline is already there ( by S.J and M.Skrzypek)
 but implementation is nontrivial.
 Subtraction of IR part from (gauge invariant) sets of multi-loop diagrams at the loop
 integrand level.
 Fitting EWPOs to data using high statistics “MC templates”, weight differences, machine
 learning etc.
 Effective methods of parametrising the virtual (loop) correction to be used in the matrix
 element in the MC generators.

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Strategy issues

 One should avoid the “monopoly” of a single MC for a given process/observable.
 The best would be (at least) two MCs of similar high quality developed independently
 by two groups of authors.
 Example of duo-poly:) YFSWW3 + RACOONWW,
 Examples of monopoly:( KKMC, BHLUMI, BHWIDE)
 Upgrade of LEP legacy MCs is a good but limited strategy. For factor 50-150
 improvement in precision one needs new innovative projects.
 The division of MCs into “general purpose” class covering hundreds of processes,
 background, BSM, good for fast simulation of the detectors and “high precision” MCs
 specialising for a single or small subset of observables/processes is the optimal
 LEP experience shows that developing a good quality MC costs many years of hard
 work and bright ideas. It should be planned well in advance.
 LEP was lucky that this activity has started already in the beginning of 80-ties.

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 • LEP era has seen development of the precision MC event generators
 tailored for just one process/measurement.

 • KKMC is the most sophisticated LEP legacy MC program for ee->2f.

 • KKMC is being maintained and further developed.

 • Legacy MCs will help, but at the precision two orders higher,
 developing new much better innovative projects is mandatory.

 Many thanks to my usual collaborators:
 M. Skrzypek, Z. Wąs, Bennie Ward, W. Płaczek and S. Yost
 for discussions, help and encouragement!!!

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Efficient methods of calculating
 higher order QED

 General advice:
 • Always use soft photon resummation to infinite order
 • Resum big mass logarithms LO first, then NLO and NNLO
 • Never ever use Bloch-Nordsieck! See below…
 • Integrate one the entire multi photon phase space exactly
 using Monte Carlo method
 • Resum α n lnn(Γ/M) for narrow resonances
 • Avoid using collinear structure functions (PDFs) integrated
 over kT

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“DO and DONT” list in precision QED

Do exponentiate (soft photon resummation)
Do implement phase phase multi-photon in the Monte Carlo,
experimental cutoffs will be (almost) never mastered analytically
Dont add real photon emission to loop corrections a’la Bloch-Nordsieck
(MC does it for you) but instead subtract well known IR terms
Do keep finite masses of charged particles
Do separate pure QED (IR) and pure EW parts at the early stage
of calculations at the amplitude level

Dont go order-by order but
take care of non-soft leading
mass logs first:

Specification of the MC for TeraZ
 Total cross section qq̄ and l +l −
 Upon removal of QED effects, hadronic σh0 = σh(MZ ) will serve as an input for neutrino
 counting (invisible Z width) and for very precise αS(MZ ) determination from Rl = σh0 /σl0
 For σh(s) acceptance rate is almost 100%, cut-off dependent acceptance corrections negligible.
 Small and known (α 1) IFI corrections easily accountable, inclusive FSR handled analytically.
 Initial state QED radiation (ISR) treatment of LEP seems almost sufficient,
 non-MC programs might be able to cope with QED ISR, as in LEP. But….

 For leptonic cross section σl(s) acceptance correction will be sizeable, a few %,
 hence the use of the MC will be mandatory (non-MC program unable to cope).
 One order better QED ISR and FSR mat. elem. (beyond KKMC) mandatory at 0.001% precision:


 The inclusion of (α 1) EW corrections sufficient in both cases??
 Improved production of additional light fermion pairs necessary.
 IFI up to (α 1) probably enough? With soft photon resummation, of course.

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Topography of the KKMC code

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