Stable isotope ratio analysis for verifying the authenticity of vegetal oils - Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via ...

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Stable isotope ratio analysis for verifying the authenticity of vegetal oils - Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via ...
Stable isotope ratio analysis for verifying the
         authenticity of vegetal oils

                   Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo,
    Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via E. Mach 1, 38010, San Michele
                         all’Adige (TN), Italy
Stable isotope ratio analysis for verifying the authenticity of vegetal oils - Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via ...
Vegetable edible
-   glycerides of fatty acids (mainly unsaturated) of vegetable origin,
    small amounts of phosphatides, unsaponifiable constituents and
    free fatty acids;
-   obtained by mechanical procedures (virgin and cold pressed oils) or
    by solvent extraction
-   wide variety of food uses: commodities, condiment for salad or for
    cooking, essential ingredients in processed food (pastries, cookies).
Stable isotope ratio analysis for verifying the authenticity of vegetal oils - Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via ...
Production and price
•   World 2011 production of edible vegetable oils (FAOSTAT data, 150 million tonnes

•   Different price: e.g. soybean oil: 677 US$ per metric ton whereas
    extravirgin olive 4200 US$ per metric ton).
•   EU Regulation 1169/2011: it is compulsory to specify the type of
    vegetable oil present also in the case of blended vegetable oils used
    in food products.
•   commercial temptation to fraud: dilution with cheaper oils,
    different geographical origin
Stable isotope ratio analysis for verifying the authenticity of vegetal oils - Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via ...
Isotopo (iso+topos) = stesso posto

                          13 12   16   18
                          C C     O    O
Stable isotope ratio analysis for verifying the authenticity of vegetal oils - Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via ...
Analisi dei rapporti tra isotopi stabili di
                           Metodi ufficiali per la verifica di adulterazioni
anno   metodo                    prodotto                       strumento        Rapporto isotopico
1987   OIV                       vino, mosto                    SNIF-NMR         D/H
1990   EU Reg 2676/90, encl. 8   vino, mosto                    SNIF-NMR         D/H
1991   AOAC 998,12               miele                          IRMS             13C/12C

1993   ENV 12140, 13070          succhi di frutta e vegetali    IRMS             13C/12C

1995   AOAC 995,17               succhi di frutta e vegetali    SNIF-NMR         D/H
1996   OIV 2/96                  vino, mosto                    IRMS             18O/16O

1997   EU Reg 2676/90, 822/97    vino, mosto                    IRMS             18O/16O

1997   ENV 12141                 fruit juice                    IRMS             18O/16O

2000   AOAC 2000.19              sciroppo d’acero               SNIF-NMR         D/H
2000   OIV 71/2000               vinegar                        SNIF-NMR, IRMS   D/H, 13C/12C
2001   OIV 17/2001               vino, mosto                    IRMS             13C/12C

2003   EU Reg. 2676/90, 440/03   vino, mosto                    IRMS             13C/12C

2003   OIV MA-F-AS314-03         vino                           IRMS             13C/12C

                                 succhi di frutta e vegetali,
2004   AOAC 2004,01              succo d’acero                  SNIF-NMR         D/H
2006   AOAC 2006,05              vanillina                      SNIF-NMR         D/H
2007   OIV-MA-AS312-07           vino                           IRMS             13C/12C

2011   EU Reg 584/2011           Grana Padano DOP               IRMS             D/H, 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 34S/32S

2013   EN 16466-1, 2, 3          aceto                          SNIF-NMR, IRMS   D/H, 13C/12C, 18O/16O
2013   OIV 510, 511/2013         Aceto                          IRMS             13C/12C, 18O/16O
Stable isotope ratio analysis for verifying the authenticity of vegetal oils - Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via ...
Stable isotope ratio analysis: factors of variability

(emissions, natural and industrial)                                     (photosyntesis, specie)

   anthropogenic                   d15N
                                     Indicator function of    d2H
[Environment]               d34S
                                                    d18O                 climatological

                                                                    (precipitation, evaporation)

  (rocks, soils)
Stable isotope ratio analysis for verifying the authenticity of vegetal oils - Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via ...
H, C, O Stable isotope analysis in oil:
      bulk and specific compound!



                 glycerol, sterols, aliphatic acids, fatty acids
                 and n-alkanes
Stable isotope ratio analysis for verifying the authenticity of vegetal oils - Federica Camin, Luana Bontempo, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Via ...
Compound-specific d13C and d2H analysis of fatty
      Methanol transesterification of oil triglycerides
      Methanolic sodium hydroxide 2 M, 1 min

      GC-c-IRMS and GC-Py-IRMS analyses
      13C/12C   and 2H/1H Isotopic Fingerprints
                                                                        • Paolini et al.,Talanta 2017
                                                                        • Bontempo et al., Food Chemistry
                                       Internal                           accepted

Peaks: Heneicosane (1), methyl palmitate (2), methyl stearate (3), methyl oleate (4), methyl linoleate (5)
Extravirgin olive oil
•   Since 1993 (Bianchi et al., 1993)
•   Spangenberg et al, 1998 and 2001 (d13C bulk, d13C16:0, d13C18:1, FA
d18O and d13C isoscapes and relative 95% confidence
intervals (C.I.) for Italian extra virgin olive oils
collected in 2011. (Chiocchini et al., FC, 2016)
> 160 authentic (almeno 3 campioni
   per ognuna delle 43 DOP/IGP
   italiane), campionate dall’ICQRF
   (convenzione MIPAAF)
Annuale dal 2001
Italian databank 2011 + TUNISIA



                27                                                                                                    Calabria
                                                                                                                      Emilia Romagna
                26                                                                            TUNISIA, Sicilia,       Friuli Venezia Giulia
                                                                                              Sardegna, Calabria,     Lazio
                                                                                              Lazio (4)
O ‰ vs V-SMOW

                25                                                                                                    Lombardia
                24                                                                                                    Puglia

                                                                  Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia                           Sicilia
                23                                                Romagna, FVG, Liguria,                              Toscana
                                                                  Marche, Molise, Puglia,                             Trentino Alto Adige
                                                                  Toscana, Umbria, Lazio                              Umbria
                22                            Veneto, TAA,                                                            Veneto

                                                                                                                     Camin et al.,
                20                                                                                                   2016, Food
                  -175   -170   -165   -160       -155         -150       -145         -140       -135          -130 Chemistry
                                                      H ‰ vs V-SMOW
Traceability model:
 stable isotope + 1H-

               ITALIA   TUNISIA   TUNISIA_LAMP   class.error
   ITALIA       177        0           0            0.00
  TUNISIA        3        50           1            0.07
TUNISIA_LAMP     0         0           32           0.00

                                                 Camin et al.,
                                                 2016, Food
Sesame oil
Addition of corn oil to sesam oil   Sesam oil with different origin
(Seo et al. J Am Oil Chem Soc,      (Horacek et al., Plose one, 2015)
2010; Seol et al., J Food
Science 2012)
Camelina sativa oil
d13C ‰

                           Hrastar et al., JAFC, 2009
Sunflower oil

            Kelly et al., RCM, 1997

H, C, O stable isotope ratio analysis of bulk oil and components

          Detection of dilution with other types of oil

             Verification of the geographical origin
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