Page created by Ivan Parks
       In the spring of 2008, a group of healthcare and business professionals who shared profound
       personal experiences with the life-enhancing benefits of essential oils came together with a
       common vision of bringing a new standard of essential oils to the world. They wanted
       something different that would appeal to all people, from those who knew nothing of essential
       oils to those who were considered experts in the field.

       They asked themselves some defining questions: “What if we could provide the world with a
       new and powerful alternative?” “What if we could provide this new level through a mainstream
       approach to essential oils?” “What if we could source, test, and manufacture a higher quality of
       essential oil—more pure and more potent than any other oil available on the market today?”
       “What if we, in the most professional manner, could partner with major hospitals, doctors,
       scientists, and opinion leaders to provide the most compelling authentication of essential oils
       on the planet?”

       They concluded that, with the hard work and commitment of others who had a similar passion
       and vision, they could and would create a new paradigm for essential oils. With that conviction,
       they organised a company and named it dōTERRA, a Latin derivative meaning “Gift of the
       Earth.” The first dōTERRA offering of 25 single oils and 10 oil blends was introduced for sale on
       25 April 2008, to the acclaim of essential oil experts and product enthusiasts who immediately
       recognised the superior quality of dōTERRA essential oils.

       From these early beginnings, dōTERRA has developed and expanded its range of essential oils
       and wellness products, and the company looks to the future with optimism and positivity.

OUR MISSION                                                   CONTENTS
                                                              4 WHAT ARE ESSENTIAL OILS?
We at dōTERRA are committed to sharing the life-
enhancing benefits of essential oils with the world. We       5 CPTG CERTIFIED PURE TESTED GRADE™
will do this by:                                              6 ESSENTIAL OIL USES
  iscovering and developing the world’s highest quality
                                                              7 WHERE DO I BEGIN?
 essential oil products through a leveraged network of
 highly-educated and experienced botanists, chemists,         8 ESSENTIAL OIL SINGLES
 health scientists, and healthcare professionals.
                                                              14 ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS
  roducing our essential oil products to the highest
 standard of quality, purity, and safety used in the          18 dōTERRA TOUCH™
 industry - CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade™.                20 KITS AND COLLECTIONS
  istributing our products through Wellness Advocates
 who, working from home, introduce, educate and sell          22 KIDS COLLECTION

 dōTERRA wellness products locally through person-to-         24 AROMATOUCH TECHNIQUE™
 person contact and globally through personalised web
 shopping sites.                                              26 DIFFUSERS

  roviding educational opportunities for all people          28 dōTERRA BABY
 interested in learning how tested-grade essential oils can
 be used as a self-care wellness alternative.                 30 dōTERRA DEODORANTS

  ringing together healthcare professionals of               32 ESSENTIAL USAGE
 traditional and alternative medicine to encourage
                                                              34 dōTERRA AIR™
 further study and application of essential oils in
 modern healthcare practices.                                 36 DEEP BLUE™

                                                              38 dōTERRA SERENITY™
    dōTERRA™ proprietary essential wellness products are
                                                              40 ON GUARD™
    marketed exclusively by Wellness Advocates through
    person-to-person sharing, personalised websites, and      42 SKIN CARE
    in wellness centres and spas throughout the world. To
                                                              50 dōTERRA™ SPA
    order, talk to the Wellness Advocate who provided you
    with this product guide or call one of the numbers on     52 dōTERRA SALON ESSENTIALS™ HAIR CARE
    the back cover to find an advocate in your area.
                                                              54 dōTERRA HEALING HANDS™
    Wellness Advocate distributorships are available.

                                                              58 SUPPLEMENTS

                                                              64 SMART & SASSY™
             TO ORDER: See back cover
                                                              66 dōTERRA WOMEN                         3

         What are
         Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and
         other parts of plants. Their fragrance can be both beautiful and powerful. If you have ever enjoyed
         the gift of a rose, a walk by a field of lavender, or the smell of freshly cut mint, you have experienced
         the aromatic qualities of essential oils. Essential oils can lift the mood, calm the senses, and elicit
         powerful emotional responses. Yet the use of essential oils goes well beyond their fragrant appeal.

         Essential oils have been used throughout history in
         many cultures for their health-promoting properties.
         Modern trends toward more holistic approaches to
         self-care and growing scientific validation of
         alternative health practices are driving a rediscovery
         of the profound health benefits of essential oils. Many
         have powerful properties. Their unique chemical
         structure allows them to deliver targeted benefits
         through topical application and certain oils may be
         used internally.

         Extraction Methods
         Essential oils are most often extracted using a
         low-heat steam distillation process in which steam is
         circulated under pressure through plant material,
         liberating the essential oils into the steam. As the
         steam mixture cools, the water and oils separate and
         the oil is collected in its pure form. To ensure the
         highest quality oil extract of correct chemical
         composition, temperature and pressure must be
         monitored very closely. Too little heat and pressure
         will not release the valuable oil; too much can
         fracture an extract’s delicate chemical composition
         and alter its potency.

         Equally important to the meticulous extraction
         process is the careful selection of which plant species,
         plant parts and harvesting methods will produce the
         most pure and potent essential oils. This complex
         process is as much an art form as it is a science and
         requires experienced growers and distillers working
         together to ensure a superior product.

4           PRODUCT GUIDE
CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade™
dōTERRA™ CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade essential oils are pure, natural, aromatic compounds carefully extracted
from plants. They do not contain fillers or artificial ingredients that would dilute their active qualities and are free of
contaminants or other chemical residues.

As important as it is to keep contaminants out of our oils, assuring the presence of the oils’ active compounds at
the right levels is necessary to guarantee safety and effectiveness. Many oils claim to be therapeutic grade, and
some may be pure, but few are subjected to rigorous testing standards for chemical composition. dōTERRA
CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade essential oils are cross tested using Mass Spectrometry and Gas
Chromatography to ensure both the extract purity and composition potency of each batch.

dōTERRA works closely with a global network of leading essential oil chemists and growers to select botanicals
that are of the correct species, grown in ideal environments, and are carefully harvested at the right time. The
aromatic compounds of the plants are skillfully extracted by experienced distillers and subjected to chemical
analysis to ensure purity and composition. dōTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade essential oils are some of
the most pure and beneficial oils available in the world today.

                                        Tested, trusted.

Equally stringent standards of safety and efficacy are applied to all dōTERRA Wellness products. Guided by
our Scientific Advisory Board, dōTERRA uses only top development and manufacturing partners who
maintain Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification and enjoy industry reputation for superior
innovation and quality. Each dōTERRA product is guaranteed to exceed customer satisfaction and
performance expectations.

Essential oils are used for a very wide range of emotional and physical applications. They can be used
individually or in complex blends depending on the specific need and desired results. Essential oils are
usually administered by the following methods: topically or internally. Using essential oils can be both
profoundly simple and life changing at the same time. However, working with an experienced essential oil
user will help the novice have a more beneficial and enjoyable experience.

Essential oils contain powerfully concentrated botanical extracts and should be used only as directed.
They are, however, powerfully concentrated and should be used with care. Be sure to use only pure
essential oils and follow all label warnings and instructions. Essential oils should never be used in the eyes
or inside the ear canal. If redness or irritation occurs when using essential oils topically, apply a carrier oil
such as Fractionated Coconut Oil to the affected area—water will not dilute essential oils. Consult your
medical professional before using essential oils if you are pregnant or under a doctor’s care.
Where do I
Using essential oils is intuitively simple and highly satisfying. However, the many oils available with
their numberless combinations and wellness applications can be a bit overwhelming to beginners.
As a simple first step on your journey with essential oils, we recommend a trio of Lavender, Lemon,
and Peppermint. As three of our most popular oils, they will provide you and your family a compelling
experience with the life-enhancing properties of essential oils.

                                                                                   LAVENDER             Lavandula angustifolia

                                                                                  • Apply to the bottom of feet or on a pillow before sleeping
                                                                                  • Use with bath salts for a relaxing spa bathing experience
                                                                                  • Lightly apply to soothe sun-exposed skin
                                                                                  • Apply to back, hands, or feet of a restless child
                                                                                  • Use to calm and soothe occasional skin irritations
                                                                                  • Calm sensitive skin and soothe pores after hair removal
                                                                                  • Apply to dry, chapped lips before applying lip balm
                                                                                  • Add to lotion for a stress-relieving hand massage

                                                                                   LEMON         Citrus limon

                                                                                  • Add a drop to a water bottle or to water served at a restaurant
                                                                                  • Add to drop of honey and take internally
                                                                                  • Add to your favourite treats and dessert recipes for a sweet,
                                                                                    zesty punch

                                                                                   PEPPERMINT Mentha piperita
                                                                                  • Add one to two drops to your favourite smoothie recipe for a
                                                                                    burst of minty flavour
                                                                                  • Use with Lemon in water f or a refreshing mouth rinse
                                                                                  • Add one drop of Peppermint oil with a cut fruit like strawberries or
                                                                                    limes for a deliciously infused water
INTRODUCTION TO                                                                   • Combine with Lemon to use internally

Perfect for beginners, the Introduction to Essential Oils Kit is everything you
need to start experiencing the life-changing benefits of dōTERRA™ essential
oils. The kit includes:
• Lavender essential oil (5 ml bottle)
• Lemon essential oil (5 ml bottle)
• Peppermint essential oil (5 ml bottle)


         The dōTERRA™ collection of single essential oils represents the finest aromatic extracts available in the
         world today. All single oils provide the living essence of their source botanical, which have been nurtured,
         carefully harvested and gently distilled throughout the world. Each oil passes strict standards of purity
         and potency. A beautiful palette of botanical energies, they can be used individually or blended for
         personalised essential oil benefits.
ARBORVITAE                                BASIL                                      BERGAMOT
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                         PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Thuja plicata | 5 ml                      Ocimum basilicum | 15 ml                   Citrus bergamia | 15 ml
Known as the “tree of life,”              Part of the mint family, Basil is a        Cold pressed from the rind of the
Arborvitae is majestic in size and        beneficial herb that is commonly           bergamot fruit, Bergamot is unique
abundant in benefits.                     used in cooking.                           among citrus oils.
• Has the potential to benefit the skin   • A versatile flavouring component         • Frequently used in massage therapy
• Frequently used in meditation             widely used across the world in a          for its calming benefits to the skin
  practices                                 variety of dishes                        • Apply to the skin while showering to
                                          • Herbaceous food flavouring                 enjoy its purifying benefits

BLACK PEPPER                              BLACK SPRUCE                NEW!           BLUE TANSY
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                         PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Piper nigrum | 5 ml                       Picea mariana | 5 ml                       Tanacetum annuum | 5 ml
Stimulating and flavourful, Black         Historically used by Native Americans      Blue Tansy essential oil comes from
Pepper enhances any dish.                 to promote skin health and as part of      the annual yellow-flowered
                                          their spiritual healing, Black Spruce is   Mediterranean plant. Key ingredient
• Enhances food flavour                   a powerful wood essential oil.             in many dōTERRA blends, including
• A versatile flavouring component                                                   dōTERRA Balance and Deep Blue.
  widely used across the world in         • Provides soothing relief to the skin
  savoury dishes, commonly ground         • Promotes feelings of relaxation          • Promotes a soothing sensation
  from peppercorn form                      and calmness                               when applied topically
                                          • Soothes minor skin irritations           • Its rich blue colour may stain
                                                                                       surfaces, fabrics, and skin, careful
                                          • Helps to provide a soothing and            use and dilution is recommended
                                            comforting massage after
                                            strenuous exercise                       • Add a drop to moisturiser or
                                                                                       cleanser to help reduce the
                                                                                       appearance of blemishes

CARDAMOM                                  CASSIA                                     CEDARWOOD
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                         PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Elettaria cardamomum | 5 ml               Cinnamomum cassia | 15 ml                  Juniperus virginiana | 15 ml
A close relative to ginger, Cardamom      A close relative to cinnamon, Cassia       Known for its rich hue and warm,
is known as an expensive cooking          has a wonderful fragrance and              woody scent, Cedarwood essential oil
spice and for being beneficial in a       thousands of years of historical use.      provides a myriad of benefits for skin.
variety of ways.
                                          • Used in cooking as a replacement         • Provides clarifying properties when
• Flavourful spice for cooking              for cinnamon                               added to facial toner or moisturiser
  and baking                              • Popular ingredient for many different    • Helps keep skin looking healthy
• Cool, minty aroma and herbaceous          appetisers, breads, and desserts
  flavour ideal for soups, salads and
  seasoning for savoury recipes

CELERY SEED             NEW!              CILANTRO                                   CINNAMON BARK
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                         PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Apium graveolens | 15 ml                  Coriandrum sativum | 15 ml                 Cinnamomum zeylanicum | 5 ml
With usage dating back as early as        From the leaves of the coriander           Cinnamon Bark has a long history
5th century China, celery has become      plant, Cilantro essential oil is           of culinary uses, but its essential oil
a well-known staple in a variety of       commonly used for its fresh and            is surprisingly versatile.
dishes. The seeds are the primary         tasty flavour.
repository for essential oil, which is                                               • A popular ingredient for different
extracted using steam distillation.       • Ideal for dips, sauces, and a variety      appetisers, breads, and desserts
                                            of savoury dishes                        • Can be used to replace ground
• Known for its complex, strong, sweet    • Gives food a fresh, flavourful kick        cinnamon in your favourite recipes
  and spicy aroma
• A flavourful addition to a variety
  of dishes

CITRONELLA              NEW!                  CLARY SAGE                                  CLOVE
             PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                            PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                          PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
             Cymbopogon winterianus | 15 ml                Salvia sclarea | 15 ml                      Eugenia caryophyllata | 15 ml
             From the leaf of a tall grass native to       Clary Sage is known for its soothing        Known as a popular cooking spice, the
             Asia, Citronella essential oil has a crisp,   and calming properties when applied         benefits and uses of clove date back
             fresh aroma. It is an ideal companion         to the skin.                                to ancient China and India.
             for camping, hiking, and anywhere
             else you might go to experience the           • Clary Sage essential oil is a key         • Frequently used as a cooking spice
             beauties of nature.                             ingredient in dōTERRA's proprietary       • Can be utilised outside of the
                                                             monthly blend, ClaryCalm                    kitchen with its unique and
             • May help promote clean skin                 • Promotes feelings of relaxation in          powerful properties
             • Soothing to both skin and scalp               preparation for a restful night’s sleep
             • Dilute as needed to apply to skin           • Promotes healthy-looking hair
                                                             and scalp

             COPAIBA                                       CORIANDER                                   CYPRESS
             PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                            PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                          PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
             Copaifera reticulata, officinalis,            Coriandrum sativum | 15 ml                  Cupressus sempervirens | 15 ml
             coriacea, and langsdorffii | 15 ml
                                                           A popular cooking spice, just a touch       Cypress is frequently used in spas and
             Copaiba is similar to black pepper and        of Coriander essential oil can              by massage therapists because of its
             has been used in traditional health           transform any dish.                         many benefits to the skin.
             practices by the natives of Brazil.
             Copaiba oil is widely used in cosmetic        • Ideal for savoury recipes                 • Stimulating yet grounding effect
             products and perfumes.                        • Enjoy one drop of Coriander                 on emotions, making it helpful for
                                                             internally after eating large meals         mood management
             • Promotes clear, smooth skin                   for minor relief                          • Improves the appearance of oily skin
             • Reduces the appearance                      • Adds herbal flavour to a variety
               of blemishes                                  of dishes

             DOUGLAS FIR                                   EUCALYPTUS                                  FENNEL
             PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                            PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                          PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
             Pseudotsuga menziesii | 5 ml                  Eucalyptus radiata | 15 ml                  Foeniculum vulgare | 15 ml
             This tall, evergreen fir tree has a           Derived from eucalyptus leaves,             Used for centuries, Fennel provides
             sweet and refreshing aroma with a             Eucalyptus essential oil has many           many benefits and has a distinct
             light, lemony note.                           beneficial compounds.                       licorice aroma.
             • Promotes a positive mood and                • Promotes feelings of relaxation           • Flavourful addition to soups, dips,
               environment when applied topically,           when applied topically                      and salads
               helping the user feel uplifted              • Add one drop to a moisturiser of          • Take one drop of Fennel in water or
             • Sourced from evergreen fir trees in           your choice and apply to skin in            tea instead of indulging in sweets
               New Zealand, Douglas Fir oil                  circular motions
               possesses purifying qualities when          • Use alongside Lavender, Douglas Fir
               applied to the skin                           and Cypress oils for soothing,
                                                             relaxing properties

             FRANKINCENSE                                  GERANIUM                                    GINGER
             PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                            PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                          PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
             Boswellia carterii, frereana,                 Pelargonium graveolens | 15 ml              Zingiber officinale | 15 ml
             and sacra | 15 ml
                                                           Use of Geranium essential oil dates         dōTERRA Ginger essential oil comes
             Perhaps the most precious of the              back to ancient Egypt, where                from the fresh rhizome of the ginger
             ancient oils, Frankincense is highly          Egyptians used Geranium to                  plant. Ginger is most noted for its
             versatile in uses and benefits.               beautify skin.                              sweet flavouring.
             • May help hydrate and rejuvenate             • Helps to promote the appearance           • A popular kitchen spice used in
               the skin                                      of clear, healthy skin                      many dishes from around the world
             • Promotes feelings of relaxation             • Promotes a soothing effect when           • Use as a replacement for dried or
               and balances mood                             applied to skin after showering             fresh ginger in sweets like
             • Soothes skin                                • Add a few drops to your shampoo or          gingerbread and ginger snaps
                                                             conditioner for a healthy, vibrant glow
             See page 18 for Frankincense Touch

GRAPEFRUIT                                  GREEN MANDARIN                            HELICHRYSUM
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                          PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Citrus X paradisi | 15 ml                   Citrus nobilis | 15 ml                    Helichrysum italicum | 5 ml
Commonly known for its sour and             Pressed from the unripe fruit of the      Distilled from the flower cluster of an
tangy taste, grapefruit is the              mandarin tree, Green Mandarin             evergreen herb, Helichrysum is one of
rotund, yellow-orange fruit of an           essential oil is unique among citrus      the most precious and sought-after
evergreen citrus tree.                      oils in its flavour and uses.             essential oils.
• Delivers fragrant and exceptionally       • Helps to promote soothing feelings      • Reduces the appearance of
  uplifting flavours to food and drink      • Incorporate Green Mandarin in your        blemishes and skin imperfections
  with its robust, citrus properties          cooking or water for a quick,           • Massage into the temples and back
• Tangy, sour food flavouring                 refreshing burst of flavour               of neck for a soothing sensation
                                                                                      • Promotes a glowing complexion

JUNIPER BERRY                               LAVENDER                                  LEMON
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                          PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Juniperus communis | 5 ml                   Lavandula angustifolia | 15 ml            Citrus limon | 15 ml
Derived from a coniferous tree, Juniper     Lavender has been cherished for its       This top-selling oil has multiple uses
Berry essential oil has a rich history of   unmistakable aroma and health             and benefits and is cold pressed from
traditional uses and benefits.              properties for thousands of years.        lemon rinds to preserve its delicate
                                                                                      nature and potent properties.
• Apply one drop topically to promote       • Widely used for its calming and
  a clear complexion                          relaxing qualities                      • Tangy food flavouring
• Has a calming, grounding effect           • Apply one drop to your beauty           • Can be used to add a refreshing
  when applied topically                      routine to promote healthy skin           flavour to water or a myriad of
                                            • Add to bath water to soak away            recipes from savoury to
                                              your worries or apply to the              sweet desserts
                                              temples and the back of the neck        • Uplifting and energising properties
                                                                                        that help improve mood
                                            See page 19 for Lavender Touch

LEMON EUCALYPTUS                   NEW!     LEMONGRASS                                LIME
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                          PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Eucalyptus citriodora | 15 ml               Cymbopogon flexuosus | 15 ml              Citrus aurantifolia | 15 ml
With many topical benefits, Lemon           Lemongrass produces a smoky, citrus       The sharp, citrus smell of Lime
Eucalyptus provides powerful                essential oil that offers a variety of    makes it a must-have in any
support to the skin. Lemon                  benefits to the user.                     essential oils collection.
Eucalyptus is also known for its
refreshing aroma that helps create an       • Use in Asian cuisine, soups, teas,      • Cold pressed from lime rinds to
invigorating environment.                     and curries                               preserve its delicate nature and
                                            • Blends well with Basil, Cardamom,         useful, potent properties
• Supports and helps to purify the skin       or Spearmint                            • Can be used to add a zesty flavour
• Uplifting and invigorating aroma          • Smoky, herbaceous food flavouring         to a myriad of recipes from savoury
• Provides many topical benefits                                                        dishes to sweet desserts
• Perfect addition to a                                                               • Tart, sweet food flavouring
  soothing massage

MARJORAM                                    MELISSA                                   MYRRH
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                          PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Origanum majorana | 15 ml                   Melissa officinalis | 5 ml                Commiphora myrrha | 15 ml
Also known as “wintersweet” or “joy         Our rarest oil, Melissa has a sweet,      Used historically in many ways – from
of the mountains,” the herbaceous           fresh, citrus-like fragrance and a wide   meditaton to embalming – Myrrh is
flavouring of Marjoram oil can be used      range of beneficial properties.           still frequently recommended today.
in a variety of recipes.
                                            • Helps to calm tension                   • Helps promote emotional balance
• Warm, herbaceous cooking additive         • When used topically, Melissa can          and feelings of well-being
• Replace Marjoram essential oil in           help promote feelings of relaxation     • Contains unique properties
  your next recipe that calls for           • Rejuvenates skin                          that cleanse and improve
  dried Marjoram                                                                        skin's appearance
                                                                                      • Soothes skin

OREGANO                                  PATCHOULI                                  PEPPERMINT
             PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                       PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                         PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
             Origanum vulgare | 15 ml                 Pogostemon cablin | 15 ml                  Mentha piperita | 15 ml
             Derived from the leaves of the oregano   Patchouli is easily recognisable for its   A top-selling favourite, Peppermint
             plant, Oregano essential oil has many    rich, musky-sweet fragrance.               provides myriad health benefits.
             traditional and modern uses.
                                                      • Blend with other essential oils for      • Refreshing and powerful flavour
             • Spicy, herbaceous food flavouring        a sweet-smelling, musky perfume            addition to smoothies, cakes
             • Ideal for soups, salads and              or cologne                                 and desserts
               seasoning any savoury dish             • Can be used frequently to help           • When the summer heat seems to
             • Incredibly pungent fragrance and         soothe and cleanse the skin                overwhelm you, add one drop of
               flavour when used in cooking           • May promote feelings of calmness           Peppermint oil and a cut fruit like
                                                                                                   strawberries or limes to a glass
                                                                                                   of water for a deliciously
             See page 19 for Oregano Touch
                                                                                                   infused beverage

                                                                                                 See page 19 for Peppermint Touch

             PEPPERMINT BEADLETS                      PETITGRAIN                                 PINK PEPPER
             PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                       PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                         PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
             Mentha piperita | 125 beadlets           Citrus aurantium | 15 ml                   Schinus molle | 5 ml
             Experience a refreshing, invigorating    Petitgrain has a fresh, slightly           A sacred tree to the Incans, Pink
             burst of Peppermint in the               herbaceous aroma and a variety             Pepper essential oil is distilled from the
             convenience of a dissolving beadlet.     of uses.                                   fruit of the pink peppercorn tree. A
                                                                                                 great oil to add spice to your next meal.
             • Keep these convenient beadlets in      • Applying topically may promote
               your purse or child's backpack for       calming and relaxing feelings            • Mildly fruity and peppery oil that
               added support on-the-go                • Dilute and apply to skin to                is sure to add variation and depth
             • Provides all the benefits of             help reduce the appearance of              of flavour
               Peppermint essential oil                 skin imperfections                       • Pink Pepper can be substituted for
                                                      • The relaxing properties of                 Black Pepper for food flavour
                                                        Petitgrain essential oil can be
                                                        beneficial for a massage

             ROMAN CHAMOMILE                          ROSE        NEW!                           ROSEMARY
             PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                       PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                         PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
             Anthemis nobilis | 5 ml                  Rosa damascena | 5 ml                      Rosmarinus officinalis | 15 ml
             The most versatile of the chamomiles,    Known as the "Queen of Oils," Rose is      Considered sacred by the ancient
             Roman Chamomile is extracted from        one of the most precious essential oils    Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Hebrew
             the daisy-like flower of the Roman       in the world. Rose petals produce a        cultures, Rosemary has myriad uses.
             chamomile plant.                         sweet floral aroma, renowned in the
                                                      perfume and essential oil industries.      • Adds a savoury, herbaceous flavour
             • Apply to bottoms of feet at bedtime                                                 to meats and speciality dishes
             • Promotes hair and scalp health         • Rose has a sweet floral aroma with       • Herbaceous and energising scent
                                                        uplifting properties
             • Has a calming effect when applied                                                 • Add to meats and favourite entrées
               to the skin and body                   • Reduces the appearance of                  for extra flavouring
                                                        skin imperfections
                                                      • Promotes an even skin tone

                                                      See page 19 for Rose Touch

             SANDALWOOD                               SANDALWOOD,                                SIBERIAN FIR
             PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                       HAWAIIAN                                   PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
             Santalum album | 5 ml                    PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                         Abies sibirca | 15 ml
                                                      Santalum paniculatum | 5 ml
             With documented history of use over                                                 With a fresh, woody scent, Siberian Fir
             several thousand years, Sandalwood       From a renewable source in Hawaii,         can produce a soothing, calming
             has a wide variety of applications.      dōTERRA Hawaiian Sandalwood                effect when applied to the skin.
                                                      delivers a variety of benefits.
             • Helps promote clear and                                                           • Provides a soothing effect when
               healthy-looking skin                   • Helps improve the appearance of            used in massage
             • Add two drops to a hot bath to           skin and hair                            • Soothes minor skin irritations
               promote relaxation                     • Frequently used in meditation and          when applied topically
             • Traditionally highly valued in           yoga for its grounding and uplifting     • Massage for soothing comfort
               incense and used during meditation       properties when applied topically          after strenuous activity
               practices all over the world to
               increase mindfulness

SPEARMINT                                 SPIKENARD                                 TANGERINE
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Mentha spicata | 15 ml                    Nardostachys jatamansi | 5 ml             Citrus reticulata | 15 ml
Well-known for its sweet and              Spikenard has been valued for             Tangerine has a sweet, tangy
minty flavour, Spearmint is often         centuries, traditionally used to anoint   aroma, similar to other citrus oils,
used in cooking.                          people of high honour and in the          that is uplifting.
                                          Ayurvedic health practices of India.
• A milder option for when Peppermint                                               • Its refreshing taste makes
  essential oil is a bit too strong       • Uplifting aroma that can help             Tangerine a tangy addition to any
• Blends well with Lavender, Rosemary,      promote feelings of relaxation            recipe that calls for citrus fruits
  Basil, Peppermint and Eucalyptus          and calmness                            • Adds a tangy kick to baked goods
• Adds flavour to desserts, drinks,       • Purifies the skin and promotes          • Blends well with warm and spicy
  salads or entrées                         a clean, healthy glow when                oils like Cinnamon Bark or Clove
                                            applied topically
                                          • Combine one drop with moisturiser
                                            to smooth or soften skin

TEA TREE (MELALEUCA)                      THYME                                     TURMERIC
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Melaleuca alternifolia | 15 ml            Thymus vulgaris | 15 ml                   Curcuma longa | 15 ml
Sometimes called “melaleuca,”             Thyme, familiar to most as a common       Turmeric is an aromatic plant in the
Tea Tree oil is composed of 90            seasoning, produces a potent              ginger family that has been used for
different compounds and has               essential oil.                            centuries in China, India, and Sri Lanka.
limitless applications.                                                             Turmeric has a warm, spicy taste that
                                          • Has a fresh, herbal flavour             acts as a great burst of flavour in your
• Provides benefits for the hair, skin,   • Flavourful, spicy food flavouring       favourite savoury meals.
  and fingernails
                                          • Great for meat marinades, savoury       • Turmeric brings a burst of flavour to
• Renowned for its cleansing and            entrées, breads and more
  rejuvenating effects to provide skin                                                savoury meals
  with a revitalised freshness                                                      • Try using 1-2 drops in tea or water
                                                                                      for a subtle herbal flavour
See page 19 for Tea Tree Touch

VETIVER                                   WILD ORANGE                               WINTERGREEN
PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL                        PURE ESSENTIAL OIL
Vetiveria zizanioides | 15 ml             Citrus sinensis | 15 ml                   Gaultheria fragrantissima | 15 ml
Vetiver is loved for its rich, exotic,    Cold pressed from the peel, Wild          The main chemical component in
complex aroma and is used                 Orange is one of dōTERRA’s top selling    Wintergreen, methyl salicylate, is used
extensively in perfumes.                  essential oils due to its energising      in topical creams and massage blends
                                          aroma and multiple benefits.              because of its soothing properties.
• Vetiver essential oil is known for
  its grounding properties when           • Apply topically to take advantage of    • Known for its soothing and
  applied topically                         Wild Orange’s energising properties       stimulating benefits that provide a
• Use as part of a soothing, massage      • For an invigorating shower, add a         fresh and uplifting environment
• Apply to bottom of feet before            few drops of essential oil to a body    • Massage into hands, back, and legs
  bedtime to help promote a restful         wash and lather                           for a soothing and warming
  environment before sleep                                                            sensation after exercise

YARROW|POM                                YLANG YLANG
30 ml                                     Cananga odorata | 15 ml
Yarrow|Pom combines the benefits          Ylang Ylang, while famed for
of blue yarrow essential oil and          its exquisite fragrance, has
cold-pressed pomegranate seed oil.        myriad benefits.
• Yarrow and pomegranate seed can         • Promotes relaxation when used
  help to moisturise and restore            in massage
  healthy-looking skin and may reduce     • Popular for its aromatic aroma,
  the appearance of skin imperfections      Ylang Ylang is used in perfumes
• Add to your moisturiser for added         and hair care products
  hydrating benefits                      • Lifts mood while simultaneously
                                            providing a calming effect


         dōTERRA essential oil blends are proprietary formulas for targeted wellness applications. They represent
         the converging wisdom of many years of historic essential oil applications and validation of a growing
         body of research and scientific study. Harnessing the inherent living energies of plants, each formula is
         synergistically balanced to enhance product potency and benefits and contains only CPTG Certified Pure
         Tested Grade™ essential oils.
dōTERRA ADAPTIV™                 NEW!    dōTERRA AIR™                                dōTERRA ALIGN™
CALMING BLEND                            ESSENTIAL OIL BLEND                         CENTRING BLEND
15 ml                                    15 ml                                       5 ml
Adaptiv is a proprietary blend that      This minty, invigorating blend has a        dōTERRA Align™ Centring Blend
combines Wild Orange, Lavender,          calming and soothing effect when            helps you to trust in yourself and stay
Copaiba, Spearmint, Magnolia,            applied topically. Air is enriched with     open to all possibilities.
Rosemary, Neroli, and Sweetgum           a combination of oils meant to help
essential oils. Keep Adaptiv on hand     cool and enliven the body, providing        • Ideal yoga poses with Align’s aroma
to help comfort you in new               you with feelings of clear airways.           are Warrior II, Triangle, and Gate pose
surroundings or situations.                                                          • Promotes feelings of self-acceptance,
                                         • Use topically before outdoor activity       trust, and fluidity throughout your
• Helps boost mood when applied          • Calms the senses                            yoga practice
  on the skin
                                         • Promotes feelings of clear airways        • Apply on to desired areas to use
• Soothes the skin                                                                     during yoga practice or anytime
• Calming and relaxing aroma             See page 18 for dōTERRA Air Touch             during your day

See page 18 for Adaptiv Touch

dōTERRA ANCHOR™                          dōTERRA ARISE™                              AROMATOUCH™
STEADYING BLEND                          ENLIGHTENING BLEND                          MASSAGE BLEND
5 ml                                     5 ml                                        15 ml
dōTERRA Anchor Steadying blend           dōTERRA’s Enlightening blend                Essential oils have long been used for
brings a firm trust in yourself so you   inspires moments of rising up and           massage, which is why dōTERRA
can approach your practice and life      reaching for your highest.                  created a proprietary massage blend
with calming strength.                                                               that improves various massage
                                         • Use Arise while practicing the            techniques with the help of relaxing
• The perfect yoga poses to pair           following yoga poses: standing,           and comforting essential oils.
  with Anchor are Seated Meditation,       arms high and standing side stretch,
  Seated Twist, and Bhu Mudra              and Half Moon                             • Apply AromaTouch to neck and
• Apply to ankles, base of spine, and    • Apply to temples, wrists, and neck          shoulders to promote relaxation
  bottoms of feet to promote feelings      to promote feelings of happiness          • Produces comforting and
  of completeness and calmness           • Enjoy the benefits of Arise when            relaxing effects
• Encourages a sense of a steady           you are challenging yourself to           • AromaTouch oil can also be used in
  foundation from which to                 achieve the next level                      the AromaTouch Hand Technique
  move forward

dōTERRA BALANCE™                         dōTERRA CHEER™                              CITRUS BLISS™
GROUNDING BLEND                          UPLIFTING BLEND                             INVIGORATING BLEND
15 ml                                    5 ml                                        15 ml
The dōTERRA Balance blend is a           Like a ray of sunshine, the Cheer           The powerful essences of Wild Orange,
subtle combination of essential oils     Uplifting Blend can provide a               Lemon, Grapefruit, Mandarin,
that promotes harmony, tranquillity      positivity boost. The sunshiny, fresh       Bergamot, Tangerine, Clementine, and
and a sense of relaxation by             aroma of citrus and spice essential oils    a hint of Vanilla Absolute are combined
producing a grounding effect.            will brighten any moment of your day.       to create this unique and harmonious
                                                                                     blend that is sure to uplift your mood.
• Infused with Spruce, Ho Wood,          • Provides a cheerful boost of
  Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and          happiness and positivity                  • Start your day off in a positive mood
  Frankincense essential oils              during massage                              by applying Citrus Bliss in the
• Produces feelings of tranquility       • Cheer is made up of citrus and spice        morning to invigorate and energise
  and balance                              essential oils, which contribute to its   • With refreshing properties
• Promotes a sense of relaxation           warm, inviting nature                     • Creates a cheerful aroma
  and harmony                                                                          during massage
                                         See page 18 for dōTERRA Cheer Touch

CLARYCALM™                               dōTERRA CONSOLE™                            DDR PRIME™
SOLACE BLEND                             COMFORTING BLEND                            RENEWAL BLEND
10 ml roll-on                            5 ml                                        15 ml
ClaryCalm provides you with a            dōTERRA Console Comforting Blend            DDR Prime combines the benefits of
calming, soothing effect when applied    uses sweet floral and tree essential oils   Clove, Thyme, and Wild Orange
topically and balances mood              to promote feelings of comfort,             essential oils.
throughout the month.                    putting you on a hopeful path.
                                                                                     • It also includes essential oils such as
• Apply to the abdomen for a             • Add to Fractionated Coconut Oil             Frankincense, Lemongrass and
  soothing massage to bring relief         and use in a soothing massage               Summer Savory
• Helps soothe and balance               • Invites feelings of hope and positivity   • Add 1–2 drops to citrus drinks, teas,
  heightened emotions                    • Combines Frankincense, Patchouli,           or water
• Provides a cooling sensation when        Ylang Ylang, Labdanum, Amyris,            • Add a few drops to a veggie capsule
  applied topically to the skin            Sandalwood, Rose, Osmanthus

                                         See page 18 for dōTERRA Console Touch

DEEP BLUE™                                  DEEP BLUE™                                ELEVATION™
             SOOTHING BLEND                              SOOTHING BLEND                            JOYFUL BLEND
             5 ml                                        10 ml roll-on                             15 ml
             Deep Blue Soothing Blend brings             Formulated to soothe and cool,            True to its name, Elevation Joyful
             together eight essential oils known to      dōTERRA Deep Blue serves as an            Blend is enriched with a combination
             comfort and cool joints and muscles.        enriching blend of oils perfect for a     of energising, revitalising, and uplifting
             Wintergreen and Peppermint work             massage after a long day or an            essential oils.
             together to soothe, especially after an     intense workout.
             intense workout.                                                                      • Elevation essential oil’s powerful
                                                         • The same benefits as Deep Blue            benefits can be obtained topically
             • Provides a cooling and soothing             Blend in a convenient roll-on bottle    • Promotes a positive environment
               sensation to targeted areas               • Produces relaxing effects               • Apply Elevation on the skin in the
             • Creates a revitalising, comforting        • Provides targeted, soothing comfort       morning to create a positive,
               massage experience                                                                    energising mood
             • Deep Blue provides a soothing effect      See page 18 for Deep Blue Touch
               that relieves joints and cools muscles

             dōTERRA FORGIVE™                            HD CLEAR™                                 INTUNE™
             RENEWING BLEND                              TOPICAL BLEND                             FOCUS BLEND
             5 ml                                        10 ml roll-on                             10 ml roll-on
             dōTERRA Forgive Renewing Blend of           The ultimate blend for troubled skin,     The carefully selected essential oils
             tree and herb essential oils will help      HD Clear is made with skin-benefiting     in dōTERRA InTune Focus Blend
             you discover the liberating action of       essential oils that will help keep the    work together to support the
             forgiving, forgetting, and moving on.       skin looking and feeling smooth, clean,   efforts of staying on task.
                                                         and healthy.
             • Promotes grounding emotions in                                                      • Apply InTune to temples and back
               your everyday life                        • Easily apply to targeted areas with       of neck before tasks
             • Uplifts and inspires positive thinking      the convenient roll-on applicator       • Apply with ease using the
             • Promotes feelings of contentment,         • Promotes a clear complexion               convenient roll-on bottle
               relief, and patience                      • Helps keep skin clean, clear,           • Supports efforts of paying attention
                                                           and hydrated                              and staying on task
             See page 18 for dōTERRA Forgive Touch

             dōTERRA MOTIVATE™                           ON GUARD™                                 ON GUARD™ BEADLETS
             ENCOURAGING BLEND                           ESSENTIAL OIL BLEND                       ESSENTIAL OIL BEADLETS
             5 ml                                        15 ml                                     125 beadlets
             We all need a little extra                  One of dōTERRA's most popular             dōTERRA On Guard Beadlets provide
             encouragement now and then, and             blends, dōTERRA On Guard is a             a flavourful dose of dōTERRA’s
             dōTERRA Motivate provides exactly           must-have because of its incredible       proprietary blend of Wild Orange,
             that! Fresh, clean, and minty, this blend   benefits. On Guard is a perfect blend     Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and
             will promote feelings of confidence,        to have on-hand throughout the year.      Rosemary, all contained in tiny
             optimism, and determination.                                                          vegetable beadlets that dissolve in
                                                         • Adds a warm, citrusy spice to hot       the mouth.
             • Combines citrus and mint                    drinks and desserts
               essential oils                            • Soak sliced apples in a bowl of         • Consume in the wintertime, while
             • Apply in the morning to jump-start          water with one drop of On Guard           travelling, or when around large
               your day                                    for a healthy snack                       groups of people
             • Promotes feelings of confidence,                                                    • Provides a convenient consumption
               courage, and belief                       See page 19 for On Guard Touch              method for dōTERRA On Guard
                                                                                                     Essential Oil Blend
             See page 19 for dōTERRA Motivate Touch

             dōTERRA PASSION™                            PASTTENSE™                                dōTERRA PEACE™
             INSPIRING BLEND                             RELAXATION BLEND                          REASSURING BLEND
             5 ml                                        10 ml roll-on                             5 ml
             dōTERRA Passion Inspiring Blend of          PastTense is a distinctive blend of       dōTERRA Peace, a blend of floral and
             spice and herb essential oils will help     essential oils known to help              mint essential oils, is a positive
             you rekindle excitement in your life.       promote grounded and balanced             reminder you don’t have to be perfect
             With dōTERRA Passion, dare to try           emotions. Known to soothe the             to find peace. Slow down, take a deep
             something new, as well as discover          body, the essential oils in PastTense     breath, and reconnect with the
             renewed joy for the current blessings       quickly promote feelings of               composed, collected you.
             in your life.                               relaxation and calm.
                                                                                                   • dōTERRA Peace includes relaxing
             • To help spark creativity, clarity, and    • Apply with ease using the                 and calming oils such as Lavender,
               wonder in your work area, bring             convenient roll-on bottle                 Marjoram, Vetiver and Ylang Ylang
               Passion with you to work                  • Provides a grounding, balanced          • Promotes feelings of peace
             • Apply to wrists and heart                   effect on emotions                        and reassurance
               throughout the day to feel inspired
               and passionate                                                                      See page 19 for dōTERRA Peace Touch

             See page 19 for dōTERRA Passion Touch

dōTERRA PURIFY™                           SALUBELLE™                               dōTERRA SERENITY™
REFRESHING BLEND                          BEAUTY BLEND                             RESTFUL BLEND
15 ml                                     10 ml roll-on                            15 ml
A favourite among dōTERRA users,          Salubelle Beauty Blend is formulated     dōTERRA Serenity is a peaceful
Purify contains Lemon, Lime, and          to support the skin while helping to     blend of essential oils that
Pine essential oils, known for their      reduce contributing factors to the       promotes tranquillity and
cleansing properties, along with          appearance of aging skin. These          relaxation. dōTERRA Serenity
Siberian and Austrian Firs.               unique essential oils were expertly      combines essential oils renowned
                                          selected to benefit skin.                for their ability to calm emotions.
• Beneficial for irritated skin, Purify
  has strong cleansing properties that    • Helps to reduce the appearance         • Serenity can be felt instantly when
  can help soothe skin irritations          of blemishes                             applied topically
• Use Purify to soothe skin irritations   • Promotes youthful-looking skin         • Add 2–3 drops into a warm bath
  such as bug bites and provide relief    • Use as part of your morning and          with Epsom salts to create a
                                            night facial routine                     relaxing, renewing experience
                                                                                   • Helps create a restful sleeping

SMART & SASSY™                            TERRASHIELD™                             TERRASHIELD™ SPRAY
ACTIVE BLEND                              OUTDOOR BLEND                            OUTDOOR BLEND
15 ml                                     15 ml                                    30 ml
Smart & Sassy, a proprietary blend of     TerraShield Outdoor Blend is a safe      TerraShield Spray contains essential
Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint,            formula that can be used by every        oils and other plant oils historically
Ginger, and Cinnamon, is a flavourful     member of the family, outdoors and       known to provide outdoor protection.
addition to any beverage or dessert.      throughout the home.
                                                                                   • Its convenient spray bottle makes
• Make it part of your daily routine to   • Always pack TerraShield when             TerraShield Spray easy to take with
  consume Smart & Sassy with water          you go on camping trips or to            you on-the-go
  before meals                              outdoor events                         • Can be used by everyone in
• Flavourful addition to any beverage     • Combines essential oils historically     the family
  or dessert                                known to protect against
• The vibrant, spicy scent of Smart &       environmental annoyances
  Sassy oil can help give you the         • Apply TerraShield to the legs, arms,
  positive mood you need during a           and neck before going outdoors
  vigorous workout

WHISPER™                                  ZENDOCRINE™                              ZENGEST™
BLEND FOR WOMEN                           RESTART BLEND                            SUPPORTIVE BLEND
5 ml                                      15 ml                                    15 ml
With an aroma as soft and warm as         Zendocrine is a go-to oil for those      This unique blend with Ginger,
its name, dōTERRA Whisper Blend           looking to begin a lifestyle change.     Peppermint, Caraway and Fennel
for Women creates a uniquely              Use Zendocrine daily by adding to a      essential oils is beneficial for stomach
personal fragrance with a diverse         glass of water!                          discomfort. A must-have oil
blend of essential oils.                                                           on-the-go or at home!
                                          • For food flavouring
• Whisper Blend contains essential        • Add 1 drop to citrus drinks, teas      • Add 1-2 drops to water or tea after
  oils of Ylang Ylang, Jasmine,             or water                                 large or heavy meals
  and Patchouli                                                                    • Add 1-2 drops to water or tea before
• Apply to wrists, back of neck, and                                                 flying or taking a road trip
  pulse points for a distinct and                                                  • Take ZenGest when travelling or
  individual fragrance                                                               on-the-go for convenient support
• Provides a warming, musky aroma                                                    at a moment's notice
  that entices and intrigues the senses
  when applied topically                                                           See page 19 for ZenGest Touch


        Striking the proper balance between protecting sensitive skin while still delivering the benefits found in
        essential oils is not just a matter of science, but also of art. dōTERRA Touch has achieved that balance.
        Making application simple with 10 ml roll-ons, dōTERRA Touch products are ideal for children, adults and
        especially those with sensitive skin. You can start benefiting from essential oils immediately with these
        ready-to-use bottles. Enjoy the convenience and benefits of dōTERRA Touch today.

                dōTERRA ADAPTIV™                     NEW!      dōTERRA AIR™                                  dōTERRA CHEER™
                TOUCH BLEND                                    TOUCH BLEND                                   TOUCH BLEND
                10 ml roll-on                                  10 ml roll-on                                 10 ml roll-on
                When you feel the need for a calming           Experience the benefits of dōTERRA Air        dōTERRA Cheer Touch combines
                boost, Adaptiv is your solution. Keep          on-the-go with the gentle and quick           Fractionated Coconut Oil with the
                Adaptiv on hand to help comfort you in         application of dōTERRA Air Touch! This        sunshiny, fresh aroma of dōTERRA Cheer
                new surroundings or situations. Use            minty, invigorating blend has a calming       Uplifting Blend. Like a ray of sunshine,
                Adaptiv in combination with the                and soothing effect when applied topically.   the Cheer Touch Uplifting Blend can
                Adaptiv Touch for synergistic results.                                                       provide a positivity boost.
                                                               • Calms the senses
                • Helps boost mood when applied on             • Promotes feelings of clear airways          • Provides a cheerful boost of happiness
                  the skin                                                                                     and positivity during massage
                                                               • Use in conjunction with other
                • Keep this convenient roll-on in your purse     dōTERRA Air products                        • When applied topically, Cheer may
                  or a child's backpack for use on-the-go!                                                     promote feelings of optimism that will
                • Soothes the skin                                                                             invigorate your mood

                dōTERRA CONSOLE™                               DEEP BLUE™                                    dōTERRA FORGIVE™
                TOUCH BLEND                                    TOUCH BLEND                                   TOUCH BLEND
                10 ml roll-on                                  10 ml roll-on                                 10 ml roll-on
                dōTERRA Console Touch promotes                 Experience the benefits of our                dōTERRA Forgive Touch contains the tree
                feelings of comfort and hope. The              proprietary Deep Blue essential oil blend     and herb essential oils found in our
                dōTERRA Console Touch Comforting               in a gentle formula that’s perfect for        proprietary dōTERRA Forgive blend along
                Blend may aid in bringing joy and              children and adults.                          with Fractionated Coconut Oil for gentle
                happiness into your life.                                                                    application and ease of use. The fresh,
                                                               • Creates a warm, tingly sensation            woody aroma of dōTERRA Forgive Touch
                • Apply to encourage feelings of hope            when applied to the skin to provide         Renewing Blend helps to liberate feelings
                • All the benefits provided by                   targeted comfort                            of contentment, relief, and patience.
                  dōTERRA Console Blend in a                   • Apply as part of a soothing massage
                  convenient roll-on bottle                      after a long day for rejuvenating effects   • Convenient and practical roll-on bottle
                • Combines Frankincense, Patchouli,            • Keep in your gym bag for easy access        • Promotes grounding emotions in your
                  Ylang Ylang, Labdanum, Amyris,                                                               everyday life
                  Sandalwood, Rose, Osmanthus

                FRANKINCENSE                                   HOPE™                                         JASMINE
                TOUCH BLEND                                    TOUCH BLEND                                   TOUCH BLEND
                10 ml roll-on                                  10 ml roll-on                                 10 ml roll-on
                dōTERRA Frankincense Touch                     dōTERRA Hope Touch is a distinct              Experience the esteemed fragrance and
                provides the renowned benefits of              essential oil blend combining the fresh       the many cosmetic benefits that Jasmine
                Frankincense essential oil in a                scent of Bergamot with Ylang Ylang            oil offers in this convenient roll-on blend.
                convenient roll-on applicator.                 and Frankincense, then sweetened
                                                                                                             • Reduces the appearance of skin
                                                               slightly with the warming aroma of
                • Soothes skin while reducing the                                                              imperfections
                                                               Vanilla Bean Absolute.
                  appearance of imperfections                                                                • Can be used as a personal fragrance
                • Promotes peaceful, relaxed and               • Apply to wrists, neck, and pulse points
                                                                 for a personalised fragrance                • Incorporate into your skin care routine
                  satisfied feelings                                                                           for a bright-looking complexion
                • Helps to hydrate and rejuvenate the skin     • Keep in purse and apply throughout the
                                                                 day to uplift mood
                                                               • Easy and convenient roll-on bottle for
                                                                 easy application throughout the day

18         PRODUCT GUIDE
LAVENDER                                       MAGNOLIA                                         dōTERRA MOTIVATE™
TOUCH BLEND                                    TOUCH BLEND                                      TOUCH BLEND
10 ml roll-on                                  10 ml roll-on                                    10 ml roll-on
Widely used for its calming qualities,         Magnolia essential oil has a fruity and floral   dōTERRA Motivate Touch will help you
dōTERRA Lavender Touch provides                aroma and may help to promote calm and           unleash your creative powers and find
soothing comfort to the skin while             soothing feelings. Combined with                 the courage that comes from believing
promoting feelings of relaxation.              Fractionated Coconut Oil, Magnolia Touch         in yourself again.
                                               is moisturising and soothing to the skin.
• Soothes occasional skin irritations                                                           • Promotes feelings of confidence,
• Roll on the skin to benefit the skin         • Combine topically with Bergamot or               courage, and belief
                                                 Ylang Ylang to promote healthy-                • dōTERRA Motivate essential oil blend
• Use to encourage calm and                      looking skin
  relaxing feelings                                                                               is formulated with oils that inspire
                                               • Roll onto the skin to promote feelings of        the senses
                                                 calm and relaxation                            • Combines citrus and mint essential oils

NEROLI                                         ON GUARD™                                        OREGANO
TOUCH BLEND                                    TOUCH BLEND                                      TOUCH BLEND
10 ml roll-on                                  10 ml roll-on                                    10 ml roll-on
Neroli Touch can be used to soothe skin        Enjoy the unique aroma and powerful              dōTERRA Oregano Touch provides a
and reduce the appearance of blemishes.        benefits of dōTERRA On Guard                     gentle option for those with sensitive
Neroli is also known to encourage              essential oil blend in a convenient              skin to receive the renowned benefits of
relaxation and uplift mood.                    roll-on application.                             Oregano essential oil.
• Promotes a positive mood                     • Perfect for both children and adults           • Apply Oregano Touch to skin
• Soothes skin                                 • Apply dōTERRA On Guard Touch to                  imperfections to target your
                                                 wrists or pulse points in the morning            problem areas
• Encourages relaxation
                                                 or evening                                     • Rub on the bottoms of feet to deliver
                                               • Convenient roll-on bottle is a perfect           the benefits of Oregano essential oil
                                                 companion when travelling or on-the-go!        • Oregano possess purifying properties
                                                                                                  that can help reduce the appearance
                                                                                                  of blemishes

dōTERRA PASSION™                               dōTERRA PEACE™                                   PEPPERMINT
TOUCH BLEND                                    TOUCH BLEND                                      TOUCH BLEND
10 ml roll-on                                  10 ml roll-on                                    10 ml roll-on
dōTERRA Passion Touch combines                 The dōTERRA Peace Touch Reassuring               dōTERRA Peppermint Touch combines
Fractionated Coconut Oil with the              Blend of floral and mint essential oils is a     Peppermint essential oil and Fractionated
spice and herb blend of dōTERRA                positive reminder you don’t have to be           Coconut Oil to provide a multitude of
Passion to help you rekindle the               perfect to find peace. Slow down, take a         topical benefits.
excitement in your life.                       deep breath, and reconnect with the
                                               composed, collected you.                         • Invigorates and enlivens the senses
• Combines Fractionated Coconut Oil,                                                            • Apply when studying or when waking
  Cardamom, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger,             • Promotes feelings of peace, reassurance,         for a refreshing morning boost
  Clove, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Vanilla,           and contentment
  and Damiana                                                                                   • Convenient Touch format is perfect for
                                               • Creates a comforting aroma perfect for           travelling and on-the-go
• Inspiring blend with a joyful and exciting     meditation and yoga practices when
  aroma when applied topically                   applied topically
• All the benefits of dōTERRA Passion in a     • Use in a soothing massage
  convenient roll-on package

ROSE                                           TEA TREE (MELALEUCA)                             ZENGEST™
TOUCH BLEND                                    TOUCH BLEND                                      TOUCH BLEND
10 ml roll-on                                  10 ml roll-on                                    10 ml roll-on
Rose Touch provides an affordable and          The perfect balance of Tea Tree essential        ZenGest Touch is diluted with dōTERRA
convenient way to experience the               oil and Fractionated Coconut Oil has been        Fractionated Coconut Oil to make it
benefits of Rose essential oil, one of the     combined in dōTERRA Tea Tree Touch               gentle on sensitive skin. The convenient
most precious essential oils in the world.     making it ideal to use on gentle and             roll-on bottle makes ZenGest Touch a
                                               sensitive skin.                                  must-have oil on-the-go or at home!
• Rose Touch roller bottle makes usage
  both affordable and convenient               • Renowned for its cleansing and                 • Unique blend of Ginger, Fennel and
• Helps balance moisture levels in skin,         rejuvenating effect on the skin                  Coriander essential oils
  which will keep your skin looking its best   • Provides reinforcing and rejuvenating          • Apply to the stomach or bottoms of feet
• Apply to neck and wrists as a sweet,           benefits for the hair, skin and fingernails      after eating a large or heavy meal
  floral personal fragrance                    • Soothes skin irritation                        • Have on hand when flying or
                                                                                                  travelling for convenient support at a
                                                                                                  moment's notice


         dōTERRA has created a selection of essential oil kits and collections designed to bring essential oils to
         every household. Each kit includes carefully-selected oils, gently distilled from plants that are nurtured
         and harvested to meet dōTERRA’s strict standards of purity and potency. Enjoy the targeted benefits of
         your favourite single oils and blends in one convenient package.

                                                                 FAMILY ESSENTIALS KIT                  TOP SELLER

                                                                 The dōTERRA Family Essentials Kit contains 10 essential oils and
                                                                 blends – the must-have, daily essentials parents need on-hand.
                                                                 Experience the infinite ways that dōTERRA CPTG™ essential oils can
                                                                 help you help your family.
                                                                 • Ten 5 ml bottles of essential oils and blends
                                                                      avender              O
                                                                                             regano               Z
                                                                     Lemon                  Frankincense           On Guard™
                                                                     Peppermint             Deep Blue™
                                                                     Tea Tree               dōTERRA Air™
Including nine of our most popular essential oils, (Lavender, Peppermint,
Frankincense, Tea Tree, ZenGest, dōTERRA Air, On Guard, Oregano, and
Deep Blue) our dōTERRA Touch Kit is a convenient purchase for
supporting the whole family's needs.
• Nine 10 ml roll-ons of essential oils and blends
    Lavender               Tea Tree                On Guard™
    Peppermint             ZenGest™                Oregano
    Frankincense           dōTERRA Air™            Deep Blue™


Each delicate blend in this kit contains CPTG Certified Pure Tested
Grade™ essential oils that can be used to help you throughout the day.
• Six 5 ml bottles of essential oils and blends
   dōTERRA Motivate™       dōTERRA Passion™        dōTERRA Console™
   dōTERRA Cheer™          dōTERRA Forgive™        dōTERRA Peace™

The dōTERRA Essential Aromatics Touch line contains six unique
essential oil blends combined with Fractionated Coconut Oil in 10 ml
roll-ons for convenient and gentle topical application. These proprietary
blends provide targeted benefits for the entire family and can be applied
every day to specific points on the body to help you throughout the day.
• Six 10 ml roll-on bottles of essential oils and blends
     ōTERRA Motivate™
    d                       dōTERRA Passion™        dōTERRA Console™
    dōTERRA Cheer™         dōTERRA Forgive™        dōTERRA Peace™

An exclusive trio of CPTG™ essential oil blends designed by dōTERRA for
the yogi in you. dōTERRA Anchor, dōTERRA Align, and dōTERRA Arise
are the perfect blends to enhance your life and yoga practice. These
blends provide aromas to steady, centre, and enlighten your spirit
through every breath while strengthening and stretching your body.
• Three 5 ml bottles
    dōTERRA Anchor™        dōTERRA Align™         dōTERRA Arise™

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