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Hindawi Security and Communication Networks Volume 2021, Article ID 4733190, 17 pages Research Article Stability of SDE-LJN System in the Internet to Mitigate Constant-Rate DDoS Attacks Kaijiao Huang ,1 Liansheng Tan ,1,2 and Gang Peng3 1 Department of Computer Science, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China 2 College of Science and Engineering, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia 3 School of Computer Science, Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, Shenzhen 518172, China Correspondence should be addressed to Liansheng Tan; Received 13 May 2021; Revised 20 July 2021; Accepted 2 September 2021; Published 6 October 2021 Academic Editor: Wenjuan Li Copyright © 2021 Kaijiao Huang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Internet is nowadays suffering dramatically serious attacks, with the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks being the representative and dominant ones. It is seen that, to stabilize the buffer queue length around a given target under DDoS attacks in the relevant routes is vitally important and helpful to mitigate the attacks and to improve the quality of service (QoS) for normal � users. In the current paper, a stochastic queue dynamic model with Le vy jump noise, which is affected by the continuous Brownian motion and the discontinuous Poisson process, is worked out to develop a novel and accurate mathematical framework for the stability of a route queue that deals with constant-rate DDoS attacks. This article proposes a security defensive mechanism in the network for solving the network collapse that can possibly be caused by DDoS attacks, otherwise. Particularly, based on the � formulation of a stochastic queue dynamic with Le vy jump noise, the mechanism that characterizes the behavior of the queue at routers is presented for stabilizing the queue length under constant-rate DDoS attacks. By applying the stochastic control theory into analyzing the performance of queue dynamic under constant-rate DDoS attacks, some explicit conditions are established under which the instantaneous queue length converges to any given target in a route. Simulation results demonstrate the satisfaction of the proposed defense mechanism with sharp contrast to the state of the art active queue management (AQM) schemes. 1. Introduction [7] apply the machine learning algorithm to differentiate attack and normal traffic in near-real-time and create Firewall Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attackers send large rules to make distributed filtering come true. However, due to volume of attacking packets through the distributed method, the static nature of these methods, there are some limitations which subsequently prevent the normal users to access the to recognize the constantly changing DDoS attacks. Internet services and seriously affect the availability of the Due to the lack of the reasonable modeling methods for networks. The motivations of DDoS attacks range from DDoS attacks and an effective DDoS combat solution, the commercial competition to extortion and even political trend of size, frequency, and complexity of DDoS attacks still motives. There are growing research interests on DDoS at- continues to increase. Due to the explosive growth of net- tacks, mainly including detecting DDoS attacks and mitigating work traffic under DDoS attacks, the traditional systems are DDoS attacks [1–3]. The biggest disadvantage of intrusion difficult to deal with DDoS attacks. Therefore, it is necessary detection system (IDS), as a DDoS defense platform, is that to establish a targeted and effective mathematical model for IDS can only detect the attacks, but it does nothing to alleviate research. Moreover, it is key to model the behavior of the attacks [4, 5]. Guarino et al. [6] presented a novel ap- constant-rate DDoS attacks, explain mathematically the plication of neural networks to classify DDoS attacks and used damage behavior of constant-rate DDoS attacks, and pro- hive plot images for DDoS attack classification. The authors vide a theoretical basis for the defense strategy.
2 Security and Communication Networks 1.1. Related Work of Stochastic Dynamic Theory. process, verified the existence and uniqueness of explicit Stochastic control theory has attracted many researchers’ control, and obtained the explicit form of optimal control for attention and has become a hot research area due to its this control system, therefore solving the quadratic sto- theoretical and practical significance. At present, stochastic chastic optimal control problem. This phenomenon that the nonlinear systems have been widely used in various fields surge in network traffic is caused by DDoS attacks cannot be such as population models, automatic control, and network described by traditional white noise. Taking into account, � models. Furthermore, the stability of stochastic nonlinear Le vy jump noise in a stochastic queue model makes the systems and other related theories have become important system analysis more realistic. Unfortunately, there are re- research directions. Mao and Yuan [8] conduct in-depth search gaps in the study of stochastic network dynamics with � professional research on the stability (e.g., asymptotic sta- Le vy jump noise in the field of network security, which bility and exponential stability) of stochastic nonlinear deserves more attention. In this context, for constant-rate systems. Zong et al. [9] derive the transient and exponential DDoS attacks problem, this paper introduces control stability criteria for Lyapunov functions on the basis of the technology to defense against constant-rate DDoS attacks. functional It o formula. Nguyen and Yin [10] obtained new conclusions for almost sure and Lp stability of SFDEs with regime switching by using Lyapunov functionals. Various 1.2. Key Challenge and Contributions. In the Internet, sta- discriminant conditions of stochastic systems are obtained bility of the instantaneous queue length in the relevant by applying Lyapunov, stochastic inequality, stochastic routes plays a very important role in the network perfor- differential equation, and so on. Stochastic control systems mance such as high throughput; controlling instantaneous include parameter estimation, characteristics identification, queue size is a key issue that network systems need to ad- state filtering, optimal disturbance rejection control, and dress. The variation of network parameters and instanta- other aspects [11]. Stochastic model and stochastic control neous queue length is essentially in random [26] nature, theory have been well developed and widely studied in other which has not been adequately attended so far in the current applications (e.g., finance and signal processing), but they expositions in this domain. When large amounts of mali- are rarely studied in the field of communication security. cious traffic inject packets into the routers, the inherent � Stochastic dynamic models with Le vy jump noise have randomness of instantaneous queue can be observed to be been studied extensively [12–15]. In addition, potential particularly significant. Therefore, this paper proposes a � � applications of Le vy jump noise models in communication stochastic differential equation approach with Le vy jump engineering have attracted great attention among scholars. noise (SDE-LJN). Other researchers improve network by The results of relevant theories have become an indis- building nonlinear controllers [27–29] which adjust con- pensable part of many cutting-edge technologies, including troller parameters compatible with system dynamics and aerospace technologies, automatic control, and network then affect system performance. In view of DDoS attack communications. Hu [16] proposed the stochastic linear traffic, control theory is used to analyze SDE-LJN system quadratic optimal control problem and the optimal stop under DDoS attacks and present a kind of so-called para- problem for finite time zone and infinite time zone driven by bolic control strategy in the article. The network quality of � Le vy process, which provides the theoretical basis. Complex service (QoS) can be improved by suppressing the attack � dynamical systems are often affected by non-Gaussian Le vy traffic. Our defense mechanism makes instantaneous queue noise. Chen et al. [17] presented a nonlocal interaction length in the router converge to a given target and effectively � differential equation that describes the average exit time of inhibits malicious traffic. We introduce Le vy jump noise � non-Gaussian discontinuous Le vy jump noise systems. into the stochastic queue system, which aims to describe the � In order to better model the system, Le vy noise is great influence of constant-rate DDoS attacks and to un- commonly found in finance [18], signal processing [19], derstand the impact of constant-rate DDoS attacks on secure communication system [20], and other fields [21] and network queues. Thus, SDE-LJN model is established and an has been successfully applied in many fields. There is adaptive defend strategy is derived, which can help to es- growing evidence that stochastic processes with jumps more tablish an anti-DDoS attack mechanism to block malicious realistically describe the behavior of many dynamic models; traffic and control outbreaks. Note that, a defense scheme for example, the load of vehicles can be described by a based on SDE-LJN system provides critical insight and � Poisson process [22]. Besides, the adaptive control of Le vy guidance into maintaining the desired queue length, jump noise systems and the adaptive control of systems’ resulting in robust performance for networks under con- parameter estimation are studied in the real networks. The stant-rate DDoS attacks. Simulation results indicate the literature [23] investigates the controllability of stochastic feasibility of our defend strategy against constant-rate DDoS � systems which are driven by Le vy process and proposes attacks. some assumptions to obtain completely suitable controlla- It is an important practical problem that is achieving bility. Zhang et al. [24] presented the class of stochastic stability of instantaneous queue length under DDoS attacks. � systems with Le vy noise on networks and established some According to the characteristics of constant-rate DDoS at- criterions to guarantee pth moment exponential stability tacks, this paper establishes a novel accurate model and and stability in probability by applying Lyapunov stability obtains the corresponding control feedback law, that is, this theory and graph theory. Huang and Wang [25] analyzed a paper models and analyzes SDE-LJN system under constant- � quadratic stochastic control system which is driven by Le vy rate DDoS attacks, and then the suitable defend strategy is
Security and Communication Networks 3 found to mitigate constant-rate DDoS attacks. The objective where Tp represents propagation delay (seconds), τ(t) � of SDE-LJN system is to make the instantaneous queue size q(t)/C + Tp means the round-trip time, W(t), wherein converge to a target value. The parameters of SDE-LJN 0 ≤ W(t) ≤ Wmax ) represents the congestion window size in system and the control parameter are adjusted to mitigate packets, Wmax is the maximum window size, q(t), wherein the attack traffic. How to mitigate DDoS attacks by using a 0 ≤ q(t) ≤ qmax ) is the queue size (packets), qmax is the less conservative technique and how to effectively deal with maximum queue size, C is a single bottleneck transmission DDoS attacks are extremely interesting and deserve our link of capacity, and N represents the number of connec- investigation. The major contributions of the paper are tions. Equation (1) can be linearized around its equilibrium outlined as follows: point (w0 , q0 ) to obtain (1) The SDE-LJN model is established under constant- dδq(t) 1 rate DDoS attacks. Some interesting conclusions are � (NδW(t) − δq(t)), (2) obtained to deal with DDoS attacks by applying dt τ0 � Le vy jump noise as the disturbance factor to de- where δW(t) � W(t) − W0 , δq(t) � q(t) − q0 and τ 0 rep- scribe the evolutions of instantaneous queue when resents the delay time at the equilibrium point of the system, the networks suffer from DDoS attacks. Then, SDE- which is the summation of the propagation delay and the LJN system, an accurate model describing DDoS queuing delay at the equilibrium point. That is, attacks, brings a new perspective for DDoS attacks τ 0 � q0 /C + Tp . defense. (2) A new defend criterion is proposed to regulate in- stantaneous queue length to a desired target and thus 2.1. Attack Model. As depicted in Figure 1 [35], Figure 1(a) is to hold back malicious traffic rate. composed of a single bottleneck queue driven by DoS flows, (3) An important fact has been revealed that the suitable and Figure 1(b) shows that the periodic l-length bursts create white noise can suppress the explosion of constant- short l′ -length outages. The incoming packets from the rate DDoS attacks effectively. violators reach the queue, which results in reducing the congestion window for users. (4) An anti-DDoS mechanism is designed to block If all users including normal users and perpetrators send malicious traffic to maintain the desired queue a mixed stream qTCP (t) and qV (t), then the associated rate of length and thereby to ensure normal transmission of the congestion windows is legitimate traffic. W(t) qTCP (t) + qV (t)IqV (Z) � , (3) τ(t) 1.3. Paper Layout. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 proposes and analyzes the stochastic where IqV (Z) is an indicator function in an attack packet set � queue model with Le vy jump noise under DDoS attacks. qV ; the function value equals 1 if Z is true, 0 otherwise: Section 3 shows the stability analysis of the stochastic queue � dynamic with Le vy jump noise under DDoS attacks. In ⎨ 1, Z ∈ qV , there is DDoS attack; ⎧ IqV (Z) � ⎩ (4) Section 4, simulation results verify our theoretical results 0, Z ∉ qV , no DDoS attack. and show the satisfaction of the proposed scheme. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper and discusses future work. When these attackers launch a DDoS attack, the network traffic increases significantly and does not attenuate during the attack, which is much higher than the normal network 2. Mathematical Modeling of Queue traffic value. Therefore, the total incoming rate of the Dynamic with Lévy Jump under Constant- congestion window can be used as a statistical feature of the Rate DDoS Attacks network traffic, and attacks can be judged by comparing the current network state with the normal network state. Once To bring the instantaneous queue length to the desired target the aggregation rate spikes significantly, the alarm will and to avoid overflow and serious fluctuations of instan- sound. However, some of the warnings may be false. Thus, taneous queue are considered to be the vital objectives once the warning is issued, the detection module will carry [30–33]. The instantaneous queue size, to a certain extent, out attack detection on the suspicious traffic. The detector represents the state of networks at the moment and can accurately detects DDoS attacks, and the isolator then estimate whether the network in normal or abnormal. correctly distinguishes attack traffic and legitimate traffic. Therefore, SDE-LJN system is proposed and the anti-DDoS This result is significant for applications in that, once the mechanism is used to block DDoS attack flows into the DDoS attack flows are discriminated from legitimate flows, victim networks. one is able to block the attack packets from entering the The sample path of the bottleneck queue size is described queue [1]. by the differential equation as follows [34]: The equivalent form of (3) is dq(t) N � −C + W(t), (1) τ(t)qTCP (t) + τ(t)qV (t)IqV (Z) � W(t). (5) dt τ(t)
4 Security and Communication Networks TCP 1 TCP 1 In general, researchers regard white noise as random ~ interference in stochastic systems. However, a drawback of C C TCP n TCP n white noise is not sufficient to describe the change of in- DoS “outage” stantaneous disturbance. In addition to the continuous ~ C white noise, network systems may also be affected by dis- � (a) (b) continuous noise such as Le vy jump noise. Interference from DDoS attack streams is discontinuous (see Figure 2). In Figure 1: (a) Denial of service attacks scenario and (b) system general, this phenomenon can be described as a combination model. � of stochastic differential equation of white noise and Le vy jump noise mathematically. Networks may suffer from According to the above description, δq(t) and δW(t) in sudden and powerful DDoS attacks with devastating force. the queue model (2) under DDoS attacks will be transformed DDoS attacks disrupt the QoS of a host from the Internet as follows: and dramatically waste network resources of target users, thus resulting in QoS cliff drop. Unfortunately, stochastic δq(t) � qTCP (t) + qV (t)IqV (Z) − qTCP 0 , (6) equation (9) with white noise is not enough to explain this kind of sudden and explosive phenomenon. This kind of δW(t) � τ(t)qTCP (t) + τ(t)qV (t)IqV (Z) − WTCP 0 , (7) phenomenon is generally described by stochastic differential � equations with Le vy jump noise, which describes the dy- qV0 IqV (Z) + qTCP namic behavior of system with the combination of con- 0 (8) τ0 � + Tp . tinuous and jump noise disturbing factors. C The DDoS attack strategy is the description of attack Assume that the instantaneous queue without a DDoS traffic at every time during the attack process. All DDoS attack is under a stable initial state, where WTCP and qTCP are attack strategies could be classified into three categories (i.e., 0 0 the initial values in a steady state, which are fixed at equi- varying-rate, constant-rate, and increasing-rate). The con- librium points without DDoS attacks. Taking DDoS attacks stant-rate DDoS attack differs from other DDoS attacks with into consideration, equations (6)–(8) impose the effect of the obvious feature that periodically sends a short-time high DDoS attacks on the network system dynamics. Starting rate such as pulse. The constant-rate DDoS attack stream is from (3), all the equations contain the factor of DDoS attacks created by the model given in Figure 2 [36], where a is the in our paper, and our discussions focus on the solution to attack period, u indicates the burst period, and r(u) means handle the traffic under the DDoS attack. the burst rate. DDoS attackers inject TCP flows into the time-out (RTO) mechanisms by sending attack rate r(u); thus, the TCP throughput will be reduced. Mathematically, 2.2. System Model. The deterministic systems mean that discontinuous Poisson process can depict the major un- network parameters in the models are all deterministic predictable disaster events, thus it can describe this char- irrespective of stochastic fluctuations, from the points of real acteristic phenomenon caused by DDoS attacks. network view, which has some limitations in modeling and An accurate mathematical model is crucially important practical application of network dynamic models. White to study how to mitigate DDoS attacks. In order to explain noise or Brownian motion is an ordinary model to describe � the phenomenon of DDoS attacks, Le vy jump noise was disturbances, and network systems in real-world environ- introduced into queue dynamics. DDoS attacks make the ment are affected inevitably by random noise. Therefore, network traffic have high noise characteristics, so the sto- considering stochastic perturbation into the sample path of � chastic model with Le vy jump noise (SDE-LJN) is a rea- the bottleneck queue size is necessary. We study a para- sonable and necessary way to describe networks under metric class of stochastic processes to model instantaneous DDoS attacks and provides a feasible and more realistic queue in our paper. As a result, (2) can be written as model that directly reflects the dynamic characteristics, the 1 dynamic variation of the parameters of SDE-LJN system and dδq(t) � (NδW(t) − δq(t))[dt + ξdB(t)], (9) τ0 performance of instantaneous queue. Referring to the sto- � chastic dynamic models with Le vy noise, the novel SDE- _ where B(t) denotes a white noise and B(t) represents a LJN model is formulated to analyze the evolution of network Brownian motion defined on a complete probability space states under attacks. Therefore, SDE-LJN system is estab- (Ω, 5, P) with a filtration 5t≥0 satisfying the usual conditions lished as follows: (namely, it is right continuous and increasing while 50 contains all P-null sets). ξ is the intensity of the noise process. 1 dδq(t) � (NδW(t) − δq(t))[dt + ξdB(t)] + δq(t− ) r(u)N(dt, du), (10) τ0 Y
Security and Communication Networks 5 u Rate r (u) Time a Figure 2: The constant-rate DDoS attack stream pattern. where τ 0 represents the delay time at the equilibrium point Hypothesis 2. Kwq < 0 and δq(t) and r(u) are bounded of the system under a DDoS attack. The function r(u) is functions; δ�q: � supt∈R+ δq(t) and r(u) > − 1, u ∈ Y , called the jump term with jump size u. According to Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) ≥ 0. equation (10) and Figure 2, the jump term r(u) in equation ��������������������������� (10) is equal to the attack rate r(u) in Figure 2; the jump size Hypothesis 3. 8τ 20 Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) ≥ ξ 2 + 2τ 0 u in equation (10) is the same as the burst period u in −1 and ξ 2 > 1. Figure 2. Therefore, as can be seen from Figure 2, equation (10) describes the characteristics of constant-rate DDoS Only when malicious flows can be differentiated from attack. In other words, SDE-LJN system well reflects the legitimate flows as stated in Hypothesis 1, the attack flows influence of constant-rate DDoS attack intensity on the can be controlled and blocked without affecting the normal system. The component δq(t− ) � lims↑t δq(s). N(dt, du) is a flows in the mitigation phase. Hypotheses 2 and 3 are closely Poisson counting measure with characteristic measure λ on a related to the parameters of networks and the disturbance measurable subset Y of [0, ∞) with λ(Y ) < ∞, � intensity of white noise and Le vy jump noise. N(dt, du): � N(dt, du) − λ(du)dt. Also, N(dt, du) de- notes an adapted compensated Poisson random measure with intensity measure λ in [37, 38]. Note that B(t) and 3. The Stability Analysis of the Stochastic N(dt, du) are independent. Queue Dynamic with Lévy Jump under SDE-LJN system directly reflects the dynamic charac- Constant-Rate DDoS Attacks teristics and transient performance of the queue under DDoS attacks. We advocate that the stochastic queue dy- The stability analysis of networks queue model has caught � namic with Le vy jump noise can greatly benefit to describe many researchers’ attention [39–42]. However, DDoS at- the dynamic of network under DDoS attacks and help us to tacks are the most main cause of network instability, di- develop more efficient design guidelines. Hence, in order to vergence, and instantaneous queue oscillation. This section deal with the DDoS attack, it is significant and necessary to will discuss the stability of SDE-LJN system under constant- analyze the dynamic of SDE-LJN system. rate DDoS attacks. As explored later, this article gives the following rea- sonable hypotheses. 3.1. The Control Analysis of SDE-LJN System under Constant- � Hypothesis 1. Detecting the DDoS attack in the process of an Rate DDoS Attacks. Using It o − Le vy formula [43] to attack can discriminate attack traffic qV (t) from legitimate function ln δq(t) with respect to SDE-LJN system in (10), traffic qTCP (t), and qV (t) and qTCP (t) can be separated. one has that 1 ξ2 d ln δq(t) � (NδW(t) − δq(t)) − (NδW(t) − δq(t))2 + [ln(1 + r(u)) − r(u)]λ(du) dt δq(t)τ 0 2(δq(t))2 τ 20 Y (11) ξ + (NδW(t) − δq(t))dB(t) + ln(1 + r(u))N(dt, du). δq(t)τ 0 Y
6 Security and Communication Networks Integrating from 0 to t and then dividing by t on both sides of (11), one obtains ln δq(t) ln qTCP 1 t 1 ξ2 − 0 � (NδW(t) − δq(t)) − (NδW(t) − δq(t))2 ds t t t 0 δq(t)τ 0 2(δq(t))2 τ 20 1 t ξ + [ln(1 + r(u)) − r(u)](du) + (NδW(t) − δq(t))dB(s) Y t 0 δq(t)τ 0 1 t 1 t 1 ξ2 ξ2 (12) + ln(1 + r(u))N(ds, du) ≤ + 1 NδW(t) − δq(t) − 2 ds t 0 Y t 0 δq(t)τ 0 τ 0 2τ 0 + [ln(1 + r(u)) − r(u)]λ(du) Y 1 t ξ 1 t + (NδW(t) − δq(t))dB(s) + ln(1 + r(u))N(ds, du). t 0 δq(t)τ 0 t 0 Y In order to solve the challenge of DDoS attacks, we study input, one is able to compute the output signal δW(t) as a � the random queue system with Le vy jump noise and design feedback signal. Taking parabolic controller (13) into ac- the parabolic controller as a defense mechanism against count in the internal structure of SDE-LJN system, then DDoS attacks (see Figure 3). The parabolic controller is parabolic controller (13) as feedback controller is integrated introduced into SDE-LJN system to improve the practical into the networks, forming a coupling structure with SDE- applicability and anti-interference performance of the sys- LJN system. Furthermore, parabolic controller (13) makes tem. The purpose of the defense scheme based on SDE-LJN the SDE-LJN system (10) become a closed-loop system. mathematical modeling is to return the network to a steady Once a DDoS attack is found, the value of Kwq is adjusted to state when the DDoS attacks occur. less than 0, then mitigation modules can be set off and block Based on the above analysis, now we consider a novel the DDoS attack stream, so as to avoid the network con- control strategy for the SDE-LJN system and utilize the gestion and even breakdown. It is worth noting that only if parabola equation as feedback control criteria: Kwq < 0, then one has δW(t) < 0, which means that the δW(t) � Kwq (δq(t))2 , (13) congestion window size is decreasing under DDoS attacks and is consistent with the actual situation. Thus, the com- where Kwq is a control parameter which dynamically adjusts bination of SDE-LJN system (10) and parabolic controller the congestion window size based on the current level of the (13) forms the mitigation mechanism. � network. The controller itself emits a signal, which can be The stochastic queue dynamic with Le vy jump noise used to drive the SDE-LJN system state equation (10) di- takes the feedback control law (13) into consideration; rectly. As is seen in Figure 3, as δq(t) is a sampled signal substituting (13) into (12), one has ln δq(t) ln qTCP 0 1 t 1 ξ2 ξ2 − ≤ + 1 NKwq δq(t) − 1 − 2 ds t t t 0 τ0 τ0 2τ 0 1 t ξ + [ln(1 + r(u)) − r(u)]λ(du) + NKwq δq(t) − 1 dB(s) Y t 0 τ0 1 t + ln(1 + r(u))N(ds, du) (14) t 0 Y 1 t 1 ξ2 ξ2 � + 1 NKwq δq(t) − 1 − 2 ds t 0 τ0 τ0 2τ 0 Φ(t) Φ(t) + [ln(1 + r(u)) − r(u)]λ(du) + + , Y t t
Security and Communication Networks 7 Bottleneck queue · ~ c B (t) N (dt, dµ) – δq· + δq δw ∫ + 1/R N TCP load factor δW Kwq (δq(t))2 Parabola controller Figure 3: Block diagram of SDE-LJN system under DDoS attack. t where Φ(t) � 0 ξ/τ 0 (NKwq δq(t) − 1)dB(s) and Φ(t) � therefore, in the light of strong law of large numbers for local t 0 Y ln(1 + r(u))N(ds, du) are both local martingales. The martingales [44], yielding quadratic variation processes of Φ(t) and Φ(t) are Φ(t) lim � 0, a.s., ξ2 t 2 t⟶∞ t 〈Φ, Φ〉t � 2 NKwq δq(t) − 1 ds, (17) 0 τ0 Φ(t) lim � 0, a.s.. t t⟶∞ t t � [ln(1 + r(u))]2 λ(du)ds Φ〉 〈Φ, (15) 0 Y Moreover, by Theorem 4.4 in [45], one has that the limit ln δq(t) � t [ln(1 + r(u))]2 λ(du), lim � 0. (18) Y t⟶∞ t respectively. Using Hypothesis 2, namely, Kwq < 0 and Y [r(u) By (15), one obtains that −ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) ≥ 0, and taking the limit on both sides of (14), due to (17) and (18), one can conclude that ξ2 2 lim sup 〈Φ, Φ〉t ≤ t NKwq δ�q − 1 < ∞, a.s., t⟶∞ τ 20 (16) Φ〉 lim 〈Φ, t � ∞, a.s., t⟶∞ 2 1 t ξ /2τ 0 + τ 0 Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) + 1 lim δq(t)ds ≤ 2 ≤ 0. (19) t⟶∞ t 0 ξ /τ 0 + 1 NKwq Moreover, using the basic inequality ab ≤ (a + b/2)2 (a, b ∈ R), one can calculate that
8 Security and Communication Networks 2 2 ln δq(t) ln qTCP 0 1 t NKwq δq(t) − 1 ξ + 2τ 0 − ξ NKwq δq(t) − � ds t t t 0 2τ 20 1 t ξ + [ln(1 + r(u)) − r(u)]λ(du) + (Nδq(t) − 1)dB(s) Y t 0 τ0 1 t + ln(1 + r(u))N(ds, du) t 0 Y 2 2 2 1 t 1 − ξ NKwq δq(t) + ξ + 2τ 0 − 1 ≤ ds t 0 8τ 20 (20) 1 t ξ + [ln(1 + r(u)) − r(u)]λ(du) + (Nδq(t) − 1)dB(s) Y t 0 τ0 1 t + ln(1 + r(u))N(ds, du) t 0 Y 2 2 2 1 t 1 − ξ NKwq δq(t) + ξ + 2τ 0 − 1 � ds t 0 8τ 20 Φ(t) Φ(t) + [ln(1 + r(u)) − r(u)]λ(du) + + . Y t t Taking the limit on both sides of (20), due to (17) and (18), one can conclude that 1 t 2 8τ 20 [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) ≤ lim 1 − ξ 2 NKwq δq(t) + ξ 2 + 2τ 0 − 1 ds. (21) Y t⟶∞ t 0 ��������������������������� According to Hypotheses 2 and 3, namely, Kwq < 0, 8τ 20 Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) ≥ ξ 2 + 2τ 0 − 1, leading ξ 2 > 1, Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) ≥ 0, and to ��������������������������� 1 t 8τ 20 Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) − ξ 2 − 2τ 0 + 1 lim δq(t)ds ≥ ≥ 0. (22) t 0 2 t⟶∞ 1 − ξ NKwq Finally, from (19) and (22), according to the squeeze Equation (25) indicates that the instantaneous queue theorem, one then derives that length under DDoS attacks can converge to any given initial value qTCP 0 , where q0 TCP is a fixed equilibrium point without t DDoS attacks; one then has lim δq(t)ds � 0, (23) t⟶∞ 0 lim qTCP (t) � qTCP 0 . (26) namely, t⟶∞ lim δq(t) � 0. (24) Combining (23) and (26), then we have t⟶∞ lim qV (t) � 0. (27) t⟶∞ Substituting (6) into (22), consequently, Equation (27) implies that malicious packets tend to 0 lim qTCP (t) + qV (t) � qTCP 0 . (25) and indicates that our defense technology is effective in t⟶∞ blocking DDoS attacks based on Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3.
Security and Communication Networks 9 3.2. The Proposed Collaborative Architectures of Network attack rate r(u) so that the optimal value of ξ 2 makes the Defense Deployment. The attacks defense system, the pro- attack rate r(u) minimum. Figure 5 intuitively reveals an cess of successfully protecting a victim network from attacks, important fact that the suitable white noise can suppress the can be widely composed of four modules: prevention, de- explosion of constant-rate DDoS attacks effectively. The tection, mitigation, and analysis [46]. In this paper, the standard method of calculating the minimum value of the mitigation phase carries out the task based on Hypothesis 1, attack rate r(u) requires o(n2 ) time. therefore the accuracy of discriminating attack traffic from The specific relationship of the white noise factor ξ 2 , the legitimate traffic is required to be very high. Luckily, the attack rate r(u), and the network parameter τ 0 of SDE-LJN current relevant research results and technologies have been system can be taken as DDoS attacks’ defense strategy to able to achieve a very high degree of detection and classi- achieve the purpose of protecting the networks. That is to say fication. Many literatures have studied the detection of that the attack flows are unable to enter the routers of the DDoS attacks and obtained high detection rate. Hoque et al. victim networks (i.e., qV (t) ⟶ 0) by adjusting the pa- [47] used a novel correlation measure to detect DDoS at- rameters of SDE-LJN system. The disadvantage is that the tacks; further, field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) de- network parameter τ 0 , white noise parameter ξ 2 , and attack vices classify an incoming traffic as attack traffic or normal rate r(u) influence each other. Although these parameters traffic in real-time. Alsirhani et al. [48] proposed a dynamic are coupled, it is worthwhile to solve DDoS attacks. DDoS attack detection system composed of three compo- The defense strategy objectives of SDE-LJN system are nents: a set of classification algorithms, a distributed system, (i) Effectively controlling and blocking the attack flows and a fuzzy logic system. Classification algorithms are used into the network to identify DDoS attacks, a distributed system (i.e., Apache Spark) accelerates the enforcement of these classification (ii) Minimizing the attack traffic as much as possible, so algorithms, and the fuzzy logic could dynamically select the that DDoS attacks do not make the network collapse right classification algorithm from a set of classification algorithms to detect DDoS attacks. Nandi et al. [49] applied 4. Simulation Results the hybrid feature selection method to select the most im- portant features and used various machine learning classi- Verifying the effectiveness of alleviating the DDoS attacks is fiers to detect and classify the attack packets and normal a challenging task. The stability of instantaneous queue packets, then achieving the satisfactory detection rate. under DDoS attacks means the effectiveness of alleviating We expound the operation of the proposed defense DDoS attacks. We use ns2 simulator [50] to simulate and deployment. The proposed collaborative deployment evaluate the performance of the instantaneous queue under framework of defense DDoS attacks (please see Figure 4) the DDoS attack. In addition, we also simulate and test the consists of two main modules: network attack detection throughput performance metric of ordinary users. The ex- module and network attack mitigation module. The de- perimentation network environment setup is shown in tection module is responsible for analyzing the traffic Figure 6. characteristics and classifying them as normal or malicious In our experiment, we simulate a single bottleneck link traffic. The mitigation module then is accountable for with a capacity of 15 Mbps. The maximum buffer size is set to blocking malicious traffic into networks. Our defense 15, 000 packets. The round-trip time is set to 0.25 s and the strategy has a complementary defense solution, which target queue size q0 is set to 1, 450 packets. The ordinary provides the combination of detection attack and the exe- users and malicious attackers both send their packets cution of mitigation attack. Therefore, how to effectively consecutively within 100 seconds. Attack period a and attack mitigate the attack is particularly important when the attack burst u are set to be 1 s and 0.5 s, respectively. is detected, and this paper focuses on the research of In order to simply distinguish ordinary users from mitigating DDoS attacks. Note that SDE-LJN system with malicious attackers and intuitively evaluate the performance the parabola feedback controller is used as the defense of ordinary users, let ordinary users transmit TCP-based mechanism. traffic and malicious attackers send UDP garbage packets. (i) Normal flows: TCP flows of normal users are created � 3.3. Technical Note. The white noise and Le vy jump noise by 100 TCP/Reno sources. The TCP-based traffic is transmitted with the rate of 1 kbps. are introduced into a new stochastic queue model and the parabolic feedback controller then is proposed for this queue (ii) Malicious flows: the primary purpose of attackers is model. In order to solve or mitigate DDoS attacks, it is to prevent normal packets from arriving at the necessary to use the control mode and apply control valves destination, rather than to ensure the delivery of to block malicious flows in real-time. Now, consider the malicious packets [51]. Malicious traffic is generated relationship between the white noise factor ξ 2 and the attack by sending attack packets and interfering with the rate r(u) which conforms to the constraint of inequalities normal communication. The UDP-based traffic as (17) and (20). The relationship between ξ 2 and r(u) under a the attack traffic is created by 50 attack sources. The set of values of λ(Y ) and τ 0 is plotted in Figure 5, where attack rate is 50 Mbps. Tens of thousands packets Y � (0, +∞), λ(Y ) � 1, τ 0 � 0.25. As shown in Figure 5, the overwhelm the network in a short time, and the white noise factor ξ 2 can be adjusted dynamically to tune the DDoS flows then consume the network resources.
10 Security and Communication Networks Incoming traffic Detection module Classifiers Normal traffic qTCP and Malicious traffic qV DDoS Normal packets packets Alarm SDE-LIN system Save + state Parabola controller Mitigation module A control valve Output traffic Normal traffic qTCP Figure 4: A collaborative defense framework. 22 20 18 20 16 15 14 12 10 10 5 8 0 6 50 40 4 30 50 40 20 30 2 ξ2 10 20 0 0 10 r (u) 2 Figure 5: Relationship between ξ and r(u) when Y � (0, +∞), λ(Y ) � 1, τ0 � 0.25.
Security and Communication Networks 11 malicious attackers destination normal users router router Figure 6: The ns2 simulation environment. 4.1. Experiment 1: Comparison of Four Circumstances. length at the target is well done by using our proposed SDE- The parameters of experiment 1 are implemented under 4 LJN scheme. circumstances as follows: (i) Circumstance I: the configuration parameters Kwq 4.1.2. Throughput under DDoS Attacks in Experiment 1. � 0.45 > 0, ξ 2 � 1.21, and Y � (0, +∞), λ(Y ) � 1, r Figure 11 shows the comparison of TCP throughput of four (u) � 30.15, τ 0 � 0.25; one then obtains by calcu- ��������������������������� circumstances under the DDoS attack, and Figure 11 in- lation 8τ 20 Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) ≈ dicates that the TCP throughput of Circumstance I, Cir- 2 cumstance II, and Circumstance III has a terrible 3.6545 ≥ ξ + 2τ 0 − 1 � 0.7100 and Y [r(u) − ln consequence, respectively, but the TCP throughput of (1 + r(u))]λ(du) � 26.7112. Circumstance IV achieves high throughput under the (ii) Circumstance II: the configuration parameters attacks. Kwq � −0.0001, ξ 2 � 0.93 < 1, and Y � (0, +∞), λ(Y ) � 1, r(u) � 30.15, τ 0 � 0.25; one then obtains ��������������������������� 4.2. Experiment 2: Comparison of Three Schemes. The pa- by calculation 8τ 20 Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) rameters of experiment 2 are implemented under 3 schemes ≈ 3.6545 ≥ ξ 2 + 2τ 0 − 1 � 0.4300 and Y [r(u) − ln as follows: (1 + r(u))]λ(du) � 26.7112. (i) Drop-tail: use ns2 defaults. (iii) Circumstance III: the configuration parameters (ii) RED: the configuration parameters of RED scheme Kwq � −0.0001, ξ 2 � 1.21, and Y � (0, +∞), [52] minth � 200, maxth � 1000 wq � 0.006. λ(Y ) � 1, r(u) � 0.05, τ 0 � 0.25; one then obtains ��������������������������� (iii) SDE-LJN: the configuration parameters Kwq � by calculation 8τ 20 Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) −0.0001, ξ 2 � 1.21, and Y � (0, +∞), λ(Y ) � 1, r(u) � −0.983, τ 0��������������������������� � 0.25; one then obtains by ≈ 0.0246 ≤ ξ 2 + 2τ 0 − 1 � 0.7100 and Y [r(u) − ln (1 + r(u))]λ(du) � 0.00121. calculation 8τ 20 Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) (iv) Circumstance IV: the configuration parameters ≈ 1.2433 ≥ ξ 2 + 2τ 0 − 1 � 0.7100 and Y [r(u) −ln Kwq � −0.0001, ξ 2 � 1.21, and Y � (0, +∞), (1 + r(u))]λ(du) � 3.0915. λ(Y ) � 1, r(u) � 30.15, τ 0 � 0.25; one then obtains ��������������������������� by calculation 8τ 20 Y [r(u) − ln(1 + r(u))]λ(du) 4.2.1. Instantaneous Queue under DDoS Attacks in Experiment ≈ 3.6545 ≥ ξ 2 + 2τ 0 − 1 � 0.7100 and Y [r(u) − ln 2. Figures 12–14 display the instantaneous queue for three (1 + r(u))]λ(du) � 26.7112. schemes (i.e., Drop-tail, RED, and SDE-LJN) under the The configuration parameters of Circumstance I, Cir- DDoS attack, respectively. From Figures 12 and 13, it is cumstance II, and Circumstance III all do not satisfy SDE-LJN observed that Drop-tail scheme and RED scheme cause the scheme. However, the configuration parameters of Circum- instantaneous queue length serious oscillations and have stance IV are suitable for the conditions of SDE-LJN system. severe fluctuations of queue length under the attacks. Drop- tail and RED schemes have terrible outcomes because they are not designed to struggle against the attacks. However, 4.1.1. Instantaneous Queue under DDoS Attacks in Experiment Figure 14 indicates that the instantaneous queue length 1. Figures 7–10 depict the instantaneous queue of four fluctuates around the target with small oscillations under the circumstances under the DDoS attack, respectively. attacks. Figures 7–9 show that the instantaneous queue sizes of Circumstance I, Circumstance II, and Circumstance III have 4.2.2. TCP Throughput under DDoS Attacks in Experiment 2. serious oscillations and severe fluctuations under the attacks. Figure 15 demonstrates the comparison of TCP throughput of However, in Figure 10, the instantaneous queue length three schemes (i.e., Drop-tail, RED, and SDE-LJN) under the fluctuates around the given target with acceptable oscilla- DDoS attack. The CPU utilization at the router affects the tions under the attacks. Therefore, adjusting the queue throughput, so the throughput could be an indirect reflection
12 Security and Communication Networks 15000 Instantaneous Queue Length 10000 (packets) 5000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (seconds) Figure 7: The instantaneous queue length under Circumstance I. 15000 Instantaneous Queue Length 10000 (packets) 5000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (seconds) Figure 8: The instantaneous queue length under Circumstance II. 16000 Instantaneous Queue Length 14000 12000 10000 (packets) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (seconds) Figure 9: The instantaneous queue length under Circumstance III. 7000 Instantaneous Queue Length 6000 5000 (packets) 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (seconds) Figure 10: The instantaneous queue length under Circumstance IV. of router CPU utilization. We can see from Figure 15 that the could indirectly indicate that the CPU utilization at the router normal users’ throughput of two schemes (i.e., Drop-tail and is reasonable. Our proposed SDE-LJN scheme is more su- RED) under the DDoS attack is unsatisfactory, since these perior to mitigate DDoS attacks and improve the performance schemes cannot mitigate the attack traffic, resulting in high of networks than existing queue policy algorithms (herein CPU utilization at the router, or even overload. Compared refer to Drop-tail and RED). with Drop-tail and RED schemes, the TCP throughput of Based on the comparison of experiment 1 and experi- SDE-LJN scheme is persistently satisfactory under the attacks. ment 2 above, the simulation results verify the effectiveness The high throughput of normal users under SDE-LJN scheme of the proposed SDE-LJN system as defense scheme to
Security and Communication Networks 13 10 TCP Throughput under 8 attacks (Mpbs) 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (seconds) Circumstance I Circumstance III Circumstance II Circumstance IV Figure 11: Comparison of TCP throughput of four circumstances under the DDoS attack. 15000 Instantaneous Queue Length 10000 (packets) 5000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (seconds) Figure 12: The instantaneous queue length under Drop-tail scheme. 15000 Instantaneous Queue Length 10000 (packets) 5000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (seconds) Figure 13: The instantaneous queue length under RED scheme. mitigate DDoS attacks. In order to more clearly demonstrate given target and the minimal standard deviation of the this fact, we calculate the mean and standard deviation of the instantaneous queue length. Moreover, the results show that instantaneous queue size. Tables 1 and 2 show that SDE-LJN the proposed SDE-LJN scheme succeeds in improving the scheme can achieve the mean queue length closest to the user’s experience (i.e., throughput).
14 Security and Communication Networks 16000 Instantaneous Queue Length 14000 12000 10000 (packets) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (seconds) Figure 14: The instantaneous queue length under SDE-LJN scheme. TCP Throughput under attacks (Mpbs) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (seconds) Drop-tall RED SDE-LJN Figure 15: Comparison of TCP throughput of Drop-tail, RED, and SDE-LJN under the DDoS attack. Table 1: Comparison of mean and standard deviation of instantaneous queue in experiment 1. Mean Standard deviation Circumstance I 6.0182e + 03 4.2677e + 03 Circumstance II 5.8253e + 03 5.2641e + 03 Circumstance III 6.3045e + 03 5.2491e + 03 Circumstance IV 1.4649e + 03 259.6918 Table 2: Comparison of mean and standard deviation of instantaneous queue in experiment 2. Mean Standard deviation Drop-tail 4.0150e + 03 4.7520e + 03 RED 4.2051e + 03 3.0884e + 03 SDE-LJN 1.4362e + 03 524.7265 5. Conclusions the instantaneous queue are obtained. Furthermore, the feedback controller taking into account SDE-LJN system is This paper addresses the performance problem of users that adopted to enhance the practical applicability and anti- is caused by constant-rate DDoS attacks. The main objective DDoS attacks. The theoretical analysis and simulation results of this paper has been to create the stochastic queue model show that the stability of the instantaneous queue can be under constant-rate DDoS attacks and to design an auto- maintained under the hypotheses so that constant-rate mated defense mechanism. By analyzing the stochastic DDoS attacks can be effectively blocked. The stochastic � � queue system with Le vy jump noise, the corresponding control theory with Le vy jump noise is applied to constant- defense strategy is designed and the stability conditions of rate DDoS attacks defense strategy, and the law of network
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