St Joseph's - St Joseph's Catholic High School

Page created by Johnnie Mccormick
St Joseph's - St Joseph's Catholic High School
St Joseph’s                                      Friday, 14 January 2022


On Wednesday the Year 10 girl’s football team played in a tournament at Slough Powerleague. The girls
played exceptionally well winning 2 games, drawing 2 games and only losing 1 with goals scored by Athena,
Abi and Adina. Due to this fantastic result; they have made it into the cup finals next Wednesday.

                                     “Unlocking Belief in All”
St Joseph's - St Joseph's Catholic High School
Friday, 14 January 2022


Dear Parents and Carers,

Hope you are all safe and well,

My weekly message to all is in video format. Please do let us know what you think, any feedback is

Please find below the link to our website to view my message:

Newsletters - St Joseph’s Catholic High School (

Have a cracking weekend.

St Joseph, pray for us


                                      “Unlocking Belief in All”
St Joseph's - St Joseph's Catholic High School
Friday, 14 January 2022



Listen is our theme this week. Listening is something that we can find difficult to do at times, but it’s so
important to spend time listening to each other and the world around us. Reflecting on this word ‘Listen’,
comes at a great time for us this week. We as a school community, are going to be joining the wider Church
community in the Synod that Pope Francis has called us to take part in. A Synod is a coming together of
people, reflecting, discerning and answering questions about their faith, for the Bishops with the Pope to
discern the direction that the Church is moving in. It’s a chance for the people to speak and for the Church to
listen. We too, over the next couple of weeks, are taking part in this exercise.

In our Gospel reading, we read the story of the wedding feast at Cana when Jesus turns the water into wine.
This takes place at the start of Jesus’ ministry and He was prompted by His mother, Mary to perform this
miracle. We know that in the story, the wine had all run out at the wedding and so Jesus changed the water
that the servants brought to Him, into wine. This first miracle began to reveal who He was, of His power and
of what was to come in the future, especially His death on the cross. Mary knew she needed to call on her
son, Jesus and this is a great example for us to follow too. We need Jesus in our everyday lives, and we can
call on Him in our time of need knowing that He is ready and waiting to listen to us.

How can you be a better listener? Who is it that you need to listen to today?

When we spend time listening, and listening to what’s on our hearts and minds, we can begin to discern, to
make decisions, thinking about who and what is important in our lives. We can begin too, to hear the voice
of God speaking to us, and prompting us.

What is God saying to you today?

To be able to have the space to listen is needed, and having silence will help with this further. The words
‘silent’ and ‘listen’ have the same letters, another reminder that they can be linked together.

Where in your day can you have a moment of silence, to be able to stop and to listen?

                                       “Unlocking Belief in All”
St Joseph's - St Joseph's Catholic High School
Friday, 14 January 2022

                     Rewards Challenge – Win an iPad (9th Generation)
This half-term win an iPad. For every combined point you score this half-term will equal an entry into our
prize draw to win an iPad. In addition, more items are being added to our rewards shop. There will be an iPad
(9th Generation) on sale for points as well as an Apple Watch (Series 7). We have in stock ‘Game’ gift cards
with Amazon, Waterstones, Beauty Bay and Netflix gift cards on the way. If you do have ideas for prizes
please let me know and I will take them under consideration.

We had a challenge this week to win a Break/Lunch Queue Jump pass for a whole week. Our winners collected
the most combined points in their form for this week just passed. Please see our winners below. There will
be many more challenges to come!

  Form                            Winner
   7C       Julia                  Kryger
            Rosie                  McGrory
    7J      Grayden                Dias
   7M       Alessia                Celorico-Jones
   7P       Oliver                 Stacey
   7T       David                  Stachura
   7V       Paulina                Konopka
            Amelia                 Misiak Chmielewska
   8C       Romain                 Janot
    8J      Jessica                Roff
   8M       Alexander              Homot
   8P       Anthony                Omale
   8T       Nathan                 James
            Darragh                O'Connor
    8V      Jovan                  Kasujja
    9C      Jack                   Wynne
    9J      Francesca              Curtis
   9M       Ethan                  Fernandes
    9P      Julia                  Pytel
    9T      Christian              Piscopo-Evans
    9V      Oskar                  Belniak
   10C      Mia                    Marshall
    10J     Nikola                 Siuta
   10M      Mariska                Sicad
   10P      Timothy                Banas
   10T      Charlene               Daguplo
   10V      Patrycja               Masko
   11C      Luca                   Clark
    11J     Eugenia                Fernandes
   11M      Bobby                  Kadiri
            Natalia                Kochanowska
   11P      Alan                   Belniak
   11T      Alexander              Kulczykowski

                                      “Unlocking Belief in All”
St Joseph's - St Joseph's Catholic High School
Friday, 14 January 2022

            Vollan                    Vaz
  11V       Yohanie Sathsari          Fernando
  VI C      Rebecca                   Conlon
  VI JE     Andreah                   Dagdagan
  VI JO     Belatriz                  Lamelo De Souza
  VI M      Patryk                    Nysiewicz
   VI P     Dominika                  Lawicka
  VI TE     Nathaniel                 Fernandez
  VI TH     Samreen                   Sarkaria
  VI V      Piotr                     Augustyn-Sharma

Another strong week for all the Year 7s this week with Tuesday being a particularly strong one where as a
year group we got over 200 positive points! I am very proud with how they have managed to come back from
two weeks off and get straight back into their normal routines, I look forward to seeing this continue going

A polite reiteration on the ClassCharts System:

Each child has been given a letter with a student log in and parental log in. Can we all please ensure that both
log ins have been done before Monday. You are able to access how your child is doing at school by seeing
both positive and negative points. Additionally, teachers will be setting homework through ClassCharts and
they may also send out announcements to make you aware of anything going on within lessons. You can
download ClassCharts directly onto your phones. Their are two separate apps “ClassCharts Parents” and log
in, and “ClassCharts Students”. Finally, you will also be able to see any detentions.

A polite reminder of the way our new ‘X’ system works for behaviour for learning:

An ‘X’ equals a lunch time detention the next day

2 ‘X’s equals the above lunch times and a HoY 1 hour detention on a Friday

3 ‘X’s equals the above lunch times and a SLT 2 hour detention on a Friday

Mr Cooper- Santos

                                       “Unlocking Belief in All”
St Joseph's - St Joseph's Catholic High School
Friday, 14 January 2022

A fantastic full week back. Wishing those students who are currently isolating due to covid a speedy recovery
and a warm welcome on arrival.

Please ensure that students are logging on to ClassCharts daily to check their homework – all teachers are
following the whole school homework timetable and therefore there should be daily homework for them to
complete. As it stands the students do not get live notifications on their phone and therefore need to go into
the app every evening.

Here is a fantastic photo from a Year 9 science lesson I walked into this week! Learning about metal as a

Have a great weekend,

Miss WD

Many thanks for your time yesterday evening. If you were unable to attend please can you let me know and
I can arrange some feedback to be sent over.

Intervention starts on Monday with English, Maths on Tuesday then RE and Physics on Wednesday. All
students are expected to attend as this will be key for their next set of assessments and beyond.

As always if you have any issues please let me know.

Mr Cudmore

                                       “Unlocking Belief in All”
St Joseph's - St Joseph's Catholic High School
Friday, 14 January 2022


Year 12 - Thanks to everyone for your great welcome to the new behaviour system as it has been a week
full of positive points. Please do not forget to ask your teacher about how you can improve your ATL and get
as many positive points as you can. I am aware that some negative points were due to new arrival time at
8:25 am so for next week do your best to arrive not just on time but few minutes earlier. Also please
remember to wear masks in lessons, corridors and the study room. Alongside this, you should be washing
hands regularly and testing at home twice a week.

PSHE is compulsory and you must attend! For this half term PSHE will be on the following dates, please add
them to your diary.

    Wednesday January 19th P1

    Wednesday January 26th P3

    Thursday February 3rd P5

    Thursday February 10th P1

    Thursday February 17th P3

In each of your subjects the teachers should be providing you with flipped learning tasks. This is for you to
use your own and private study time to independently learn knowledge allowing for deeper knowledge, more
evaluation, analytical and application skills to be developed in lesson time.

I understand that everyone has classcharts login at this point but if you do not you must get yours as soon as

A big thank for parents who are using regularly classcharts. If you have not received yours, please do
not hesitate to contact me

On Monday next week we will have assembly in the hall. At 8:25 the very latest, please can you all be lined
up on the quad in alphabetical order with your tutor group. We will be checking uniform so make sure this is
perfect and you have a mask on.

Wednesday 19th 15 students will have personal aspirational interview as part of "Learn to Work Program"

Have a great weekend

Mr Romero

HOY 12

                                       “Unlocking Belief in All”
St Joseph's - St Joseph's Catholic High School
Friday, 14 January 2022

Year 13 - Well done to all the students who have worked hard in their exams this week. Good luck to the
health and social care group who have their exam on Monday.

This half term students are trying to earn as many positive points as possible to participate in the ‘in it to win
it’ challenge. All students who receive a positive point will be added into a draw to win an iPad. The more
points they earn, the more chance they have to win. The following students have been awarded canteen
queue jump passes for winning the most positive points this week.

VI C    Rebecca       Conlon
VI JE   Andreah       Dagdagan
VI JO   Belatriz      Lamelo De Souza
VI M    Patryk        Nysiewicz
VI P    Dominika      Lawicka
VI TE   Nathaniel     Fernandez
VI TH   Samreen       Sarkaria
VI V    Piotr         Augustyn-Sharma

All year 13 students need to ensure they have logged into Classcharts. Please download the app to view their
behavior points, homework and detentions. If you have not received your password please contact your form
tutor. Just a reminder;

        1 ‘X’ equals a lunch time detention the next day

        2 ‘X’s equals the above lunch times and a HoY 1 hour detention on a Friday

        3 ‘X’s equals the above lunch times and a SLT 2 hour detention on a Friday

Next week PSHE will be on Wednesday 19th period 1.

Have a great week,

Mrs Bray

                                        “Unlocking Belief in All”
St Joseph's - St Joseph's Catholic High School
Friday, 14 January 2022

A reminder that all homework will be set on Class Charts for your child and yourself to see what is being set
and the due date. The feedback so far has been very positive, therefore we hope you are finding the online
platform user friendly and clear in its communication. A reminder that homework will be issued on the
prescribed day as per the homework schedule for the relevant year group. The homework timetables can
be found under ‘Curriculum’ on the school website and have also been attached to the newsletter for your

A huge thank you for your ongoing support in your child’s education.


The school-aged immunisation team will be visiting St Josephs on Friday 4th February 2022.

COVID-19 vaccination - 2nd Visit to Schools for young people aged 12-16 (year groups 7-11).

Gentle reminder to those that have not yet completed the e-consent form - the deadline to provide
consent is 3pm on Wednesday 2nd February 2022.

Copy of the form is attached to the Newsletter. NHS nurses CANNOT take verbal consent on the day .

                                      “Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

                      Changes to the Curriculum from September 2022
After a significant period of consultancy, we have made the decision to extend our Key Stage 3 curriculum by
an extra year, which means that Year 8 students will begin GCSE in Year 10 rather than in Year 9. To support
parents and students with this change we will be hosting a Curriculum Information Evening for Year 8
students on Thursday 27th January 2022 at 6pm in the hall.

At St Joseph’s we are proud of delivering a curriculum that suits our pupils’ varying needs within each year
group and constantly seek to review and evaluate its effectiveness in meeting our curriculum intent. As part
of our curriculum review, we have been in consultation with a number of key stakeholders over the Autumn
term, regarding the effectiveness of our current curriculum model and whether it is fit for purpose given the
significant disruption caused by the Covid 19 epidemic. We are particularly aware of the disruption caused
during the formative years of primary education and during our own transition work at the school with your
children. We have concluded that our students need the additional support of a further year of Key Stage 3
study in Year 9 prior to commencing GCSE study in Year 10 to ensure they are ready for the challenge of these
important qualifications.

We believe that the decision to adjust the length of our Key Stage 3 curriculum for Year 8 students, and by
extension for Year 7 students next year, will allow us to amend our curriculum to support them and get them
fully prepared for GCSE.

I appreciate that you may have questions or queries regarding this change to the curriculum, which I am
hopeful this evening will answer. If there are any immediate questions or concerns they can be addressed to
myself at

                                      “Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

‘Bikeability’ Training & Awards

   “Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

This week saw 19 of our Key Stage 3 pupils achieve their ‘Bikeability’ Level 2 Certificates and Badges. Our
pupils took to the roads of Slough, in quite frankly, very bad weather conditions in order to enhance their
bike skills and knowledge of being safe on the roads. I am very proud of their achievement and as a
community it should give us all confidence that our pupils are able to take care of themselves when cycling
to and from school. Certificates were awarded to the following pupils.

 Surname      Forename       Year    Surname     Forename        Year    Surname       Forename       Year
 Buda         Viktor          7      Bialek      David            8      Barrett       Liam            9
 Kroliczek    Oliver          7      Konarski    Gabriel          8      Galka         Igor            9
 Nowak        Kacper          7      Oleszak     Maksimilyan      8      Marczuk       Filip           9
 Szymczak     Mateusz         7      Smith       Cameron          8      O'Neill       Dylan           9
 Wedrzyj      Maksymilian     7      Zurkowski   Brajan           8      Przbylo       Jakub           9
                                                                         Przbylski     Adrian          9
                                                                         Szczepanik    Igor            9
                                                                         Kosiba        Matthew         9
                                                                         Zabski        Alexander       9

  Form                            Winner
   7C        Julia                 Kryger
             Rosie                 McGrory
    7J       Grayden               Dias
   7M        Alessia               Celorico-Jones
   7P        Oliver                Stacey
   7T        David                 Stachura
   7V        Paulina               Konopka
             Amelia                Misiak Chmielewska
   8C        Romain                Janot
    8J       Jessica               Roff
   8M        Alexander             Homot
   8P        Anthony               Omale
   8T        Nathan                James
             Darragh               O'Connor
    8V       Jovan                 Kasujja
    9C       Jack                  Wynne
    9J       Francesca             Curtis
   9M        Ethan                 Fernandes
    9P       Julia                 Pytel
    9T       Christian             Piscopo-Evans
    9V       Oskar                 Belniak
   10C       Mia                   Marshall
    10J      Nikola                Siuta
   10M       Mariska               Sicad

                                      “Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

10P     Timothy            Banas
10T     Charlene           Daguplo
10V     Patrycja           Masko
11C     Luca               Clark
 11J    Eugenia            Fernandes
11M     Bobby              Kadiri
        Natalia            Kochanowska
11P     Alan               Belniak
11T     Alexander          Kulczykowski
        Vollan             Vaz
11V     Yohanie Sathsari   Fernando
VI C    Rebecca            Conlon
VI JE   Andreah            Dagdagan
VI JO   Belatriz           Lamelo De Souza
VI M    Patryk             Nysiewicz
 VI P   Dominika           Lawicka
VI TE   Nathaniel          Fernandez
VI TH   Samreen            Sarkaria
VI V    Piotr              Augustyn-Sharma

                             PE After School Clubs

                            “Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

                              Literacy - Word and Idiom of the Week
The word this coming week is ‘curious’; an adjective, which means eager to learn or know. By extension, this
is a virtue which means that all things are worthy of our attention. If all things are made by God, by definition
they are worthy of our attention.

‘The idiom this coming week is ‘to steal someone’s thunder’. To upstage someone and take the attention or
praise from them. To upstage someone means to draw attention away from them by your own actions.

Year 12 – The Sutton Trust University and Apprenticeship Summer Schools are now open!

These are exciting opportunities for our Year 12 students to experience university life/gain experience of an
apprenticeship. Why apply?

Why apply?

       Experience university life/gain an insight into apprenticeships
       Explore one of 40 subjects at a leading university – imagine how this looks on your Personal
        Statement – it is highly effective broadening and deepening of your knowledge in a subject (Super
        Curricular learning)
       Meet new people
       Develop essential life skills – most of them are residential
       Receive 1:1 UCAS/apprenticeship application support
       Join the alumni platform to network and make connections (it’s all about who you know)
       Access Sutton Trust Online – a portal for information and guidance
       Networking opportunities – get your foot in the door

For more information, please see the attached PDF documents or visit our dedicated webpage, here:

                                        “Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

“Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

Solution to last Week’s Puzzler

Solution to the Break time Teaser:

Problem of the week

Break time Teaser:

Send your answers to Mr Allinson. The first full complete answer will get satchel

                                  “Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

GCSE Mathematics Tuition Club is every Wednesday 3 pm to 4 pm in M1

Benefits of the maths club:

To develop MATHEMATICAL knowledge and understanding of the CURRICULUM

Strengthen the cross curricular links with MATHEMATICS and real life problems.

Provides pupils with opportunities to try new things like augmented learning with the use of VR.

Apply mathematical skills to other 'real-life' maths investigations.

For questions or more information speak to Mr. D. Nyuydzewira


Business and Economics News
    -   Please ensure any submissions for the house competition are sent to Miss Hurley – a.hurley@st-
    -   The Apprentice is back on TV on Thursday nights. Students can watch this on BBC each week and
        keep up to date with the different business challenges. There is also a sweepstake in M7 for those
        Business and Economics students who want to try and guess the winner of the show.
    -   Well done to the Year 11 Enterprise and Marketing students who sat their exam on Wednesday.
    -   The Year 13 Economic students were joined (virtually) by a representative from the Bank of
        England. Students are learning about the role of the Bank of England so gained lots of insightful
        information during the talk. Students were able to engage in the talk by asking questions and they
        gave some excellent questions that impressed the speaker. He commented on the excellent
        participation of the students - “It was so good to see all the interaction and excellent
        questions from them. It’s probably the most I’ve had from any school presentation I’ve

                                       “Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

                                     Music Department News
Extra-Curricular Clubs are back on

Monday Lunchtimes - Guitar Club (All year group welcome and all abilities)

Tuesday Morning (8:00-8:20am) - St Joe's Vox (All year groups welcome)

Thursday Lunchtime 1 (Yr7 and 6th form) - Keyboard club.

Instrumental Lessons Back On

Lessons provided by Slough Music Service are back on this week.

If you interested in taking lessons in a musical instrument, please speak to Miss Ure.

                                       “Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

“Unlocking Belief in All”
Friday, 14 January 2022

                    YEAR 7                                                YEAR 8
Lucas Passos - For his good level of participation
during class discussion in Science.
Kaitlyn Wynne - For consistently producing good
work across all lesson.

                    YEAR 9                                               YEAR 10
Nicola Szuba for being Learned and Wise in English
and Adrian Wrobel for being Active and Curious in

                   YEAR 11                                               YEAR 12
Jakub Olszanski and Kaitlin Titterall for highest Georgiana Koroma highest positive points in
positive point differential this week             classcharts
                                                  Piotr Augustyn highest positive points in classcharts

                                              YEAR 13
                         Alicia Ado for being active and curious in computing.
                      Hasan Allababidi for being eloquent and truthful in science.

                                    “Unlocking Belief in All”
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