Devices at Strathcona - GIRLS UNSTOPPABLE - Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School

Page created by Gloria Cohen
Devices at Strathcona - GIRLS UNSTOPPABLE - Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School
Devices at
Strathcona      GIRLS
             UNSTOPPAB L E

Table of Contents
Technology at Strathcona: An age and stage approach ................................................... 3
The Year 7 and 8 Mandated Device Program ...................................................................... 4
Technology in the Year 7 and 8 Curriculum ........................................................................ 4
        •   Becoming responsible, safe and savvy: Expectations about Technology Use at
            Years 7 and 8 ............................................................................................................................... 4
        •   Caring for your device.............................................................................................................. 5
        •   Provided Software for Year 7 and 8 .................................................................................... 5
        •   Insurance and Warranty Procedure .................................................................................... 5
Technology in the Year 9 to Year 12 Curriculum ................................................................ 6
The Year 9-12 Restricted BYOD Program ............................................................................ 7
        •   Becoming responsible, safe and savvy: Expectations about Technology Use at
            Years 9 to 12 ................................................................................................................................ 7
        •   Caring for your device.............................................................................................................. 8
        •   Provided Software for Years 9 to 12 ................................................................................... 8
        •   Insurance and Warranty Procedure .................................................................................... 8

Attachment 1: Responsible Digital User Agreement (RDUA) – Students Years 7 to 102

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Technology at Strathcona: An age and stage approach
At Strathcona, we have carefully designed our technology programs so that our students have
access to the right tools, with the right freedoms, at the right time. This approach is designed
to ensure our students are safe and supported in developing their technological skills.

Technology has great power within the learning process. It can be used to create new learning
opportunities, like a video conference with an expert from across the world or a VR simulation
of a cell in the bloodstream. It can spark creativity, enable students to encounter different
points of view and new sources of information, or challenge them to reach beyond the
boundaries of the school to create change in the world.

In Junior School, students start their journey using the visual touch environment of iPads. As
their skills grow and the STEM program of the school becomes more advanced, they are
allocated school-owned laptops for use at school. Students are in a more contained sandbox,
limited in what software can be installed.

In Years 7 and 8, we are aiding our students in learning how to use devices responsibly. They
need opportunities to explore more advanced software and are explicitly taught how to use
software correctly and manage these devices. Teachers set expectations for how and when
devices are used in class. A set device has been chosen for these years to aid in this direct
instruction; it includes a pen, which allows the school to help students use the device for
notetaking, annotation, and creativity. As a family-owned device, they can take it home and
use it outside of school to extend their learning, and it is also able to be utilised in the BYOD
program in future years.

By Year 9, students are confident in their management and use of laptops at Strathcona. They
know how to use a variety of software tools and need less direct instruction. In recognition of
this, the students enter a restricted BYOD program, which means that they may use any device
(Windows or OSX) that meets the minimum specifications needed to run the software required
at school. It is expected that many students will continue to use their laptops from the Year 7
and 8 programs, but this is not mandated. Once again, students are expected to comply with
teacher expectations about the responsible use of their device, with consequences to
encourage the development of self-regulation.

Year Level              Device Access
Prep to Year 3          1:1 School Owned iPads.
Years 4 to 6            1:1 School Owned Laptops. Access to iPads.
Years 7 and 8           Mandated device: HP EliteBook x360 purchased via School Portal.
Year 9 to 12            Restricted BYOD (with minimum specifications). Digital pen is
                        highly recommended.

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The Year 7 and 8 Mandated Device Program
At Year 7 and 8, Strathcona has a mandated device program so that every student has access
to the same device as their peers. This consistency allows us to deliver training in how to use
the device and develop a toolbox of skills that can be used in later years. In 2022, this device is
the HP Elitebook X360 1030 G8. This flexible device can be used as both a laptop and a tablet;
the use of the pen is integral to the Year 7 and 8 program.

Families must purchase these devices from our partner’s Device Portal so that they are
covered by the onsite warranty and accidental damage service. More information about this
service is provided later in this booklet.

Technology in the Year 7 and 8 Curriculum
Technology is embedded in every subject in the curriculum. To assist with this, teachers at
Strathcona undertake regular professional development in the use of technology. Alongside this
technology enriched learning environment, technology is taught explicitly in a number of subjects.

In the Digital Technology subject at Year 7 and 8, students are introduced to the core tools used
at school including organisation in MyStrathcona, notetaking in OneNote, printing, OneDrive
storage and sharing, Adobe apps and Office 365. In the second half of the year, they are
introduced to coding using the BBC Micro:bit, which is a book-listed item.

Digital Futures is an elective subject at Year 8 in which students investigate emerging
technologies including robotics and wearable technologies. Students develop their coding skills
further in a project-based learning environment.

At the end of each academic year, all Year 7 and 8 students take part in an intensive design
learning challenge. This program is designed to enhance 21st century skills including problem-
solving, collaboration and creative thinking.

Becoming responsible, safe and savvy: Expectations about technology use at
Years 7 and 8
We want our students to be skilled and safe users of technology. The Responsible Digital User
Agreement is a document which outlines the key expectations for how technology is used at
Strathcona. It is discussed with students at the beginning of each year before it is sent home to
be signed alongside parents/guardians. It is attached at the end of this booklet. Of particular
importance are the following points:
  • we expect that students treat everyone in the school community with respect both online
    and offline.
  • no student is to record photos, video, or sound of another without permission.
  • technology can present distractions. To minimise this, students are expected to use their
    devices as directed by the teacher. Mobile phones are to be on silent and locked in lockers
    unless given permission for use in a class activity.
  • students are to spend time at lunchtime and recess without technology unless they are
    completing schoolwork in the library or participating in a co-curricular activity like Code

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Caring for your device
At Strathcona, we expect students to treat their devices with care and respect. This includes:
 • ensuring their device is ready for learning by being fully charged at the beginning of each
 • using an appropriate laptop bag to protect their device (for example, the STM laptop bag
   available via the School Portal). Cheap neoprene laptop sleeves such as the ones found at
   Typo do not offer enough protection.
 • it is recommended that antivirus and firewall software is kept regularly up to date. Windows
   has its own in-built firewall which should be enabled. The school recommends that families
   install 3rd party antivirus software, such as Sophos for Home (which is free or $75 for
   extended protection including Ransomware).
 • Windows 10 now includes Family Groups, which allow parents to implement filters, set
   screen time limits and get activity reports. To set it up, parents will need a Microsoft
   account. Visit for more details. We do not recommend
   other parental control software, as they can interfere with internet access at school.

 Provided Software for Year 7 and 8
 As part of their enrolment at Strathcona, students in Years 7 and 8 are provided with licenses
 for industry-level software to aid in their learning program. In 2022, this includes the following:
  • Office 365 including access to desktop versions of:
        o Microsoft Word                        o Microsoft PowerPoint
        o Microsoft OneNote                     o Microsoft Outlook
        o Microsoft Excel

   •       Minecraft: Education Edition
   •       Adobe Creative Cloud access, including software used at the Year 7 and 8 levels:
              o Adobe Photoshop                       o Adobe Acrobat DC
              o Adobe Premiere Rush                   o Adobe XD

 Families do not need to obtain this software elsewhere and students will be provided
 with the steps to set up this software at the start of each school year.
 Students beginning at other times in the year will be directed to the IT Department by
 their Heads of Year/Heads of House to aid them in setting up their laptop for learning.

 Insurance and Warranty Procedure
 By purchasing devices through the CompNow online portal, devices are provided with three
 years accidental damage and warranty support, reducing the amount of time a student
 might be without their learning device. Please note that the CompNow accidental damage
 cover has a $55 (ex GST) excess and a yearly limit of a maximum of two claims or the cost
 of laptop replacement. Loss or theft is not covered; if concerned about this, it is
 recommended that parents investigate listing this as part of their Home and Contents
 The procedure for making claims is as follows:
       •     a student would bring the laptop to the IT Department
       •     IT Department lodges the issue with Comp Now
       •     Comp Now process the claim and will email further documentation and, in the case
             of the accidental damage, $55 (ex GST) excess payment details to the parents
       •     once any required payments are received, the laptop is repaired by Comp Now
       •     an email is sent to the student by the IT Department when the laptop is ready for
             pick up.
             Terms and conditions are available via the Strathcona Technology page:
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in Years 9 to 12

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The Year 9-12 Restricted BYOD Program
In Years 9-12, we have a restricted BYOD program, which means that students can bring in
and use any device that fits our minimum specifications. We recommend that Year 9
students purchase devices with a pen, as the use of digital drawing and notetaking tools are
part of many classes.

Our restricted BYOD program continues through VCE. Parents are encouraged to consider
the pathway that their daughter is choosing when selecting a device, recognising that some
student pathways require different devices. A student undertaking media and design
subjects may benefit from a more powerful device than a student who is primarily studying
science and mathematics.

Technology in the Years 9 to Year 12 Curriculum
Technology is embedded in every subject in the curriculum. To assist with this, teachers at
Strathcona undertake regular professional development in the use of technology. Alongside
this technology-enriched learning environment, we have technology-specific subjects.

Digital Futures is an elective subject at Year 9 in which students investigate emerging
technologies. Students develop their coding skills further in a project-based learning

Creating Digital Worlds is a semester-based elective offered at Year 10. In it, students explore
the growing realm of VR and AR. They learn how to create digital realities, including in a
game development environment.

Students in Years 10 to 12 are given the opportunity to study VCE VET Creative Digital Media.
In this industry-informed subject, students learn about how to produce media products
including animations, websites and videos. They learn to code HTML and CSS and are
introduced to the fundamentals of online marketing.

Becoming responsible, safe and savvy: Expectations about technology use at
Years 9 to 12
We want our students to be skilled and safe users of technology. The Responsible Digital User
Agreement is a document which outlines the key expectations for how technology is used at
Strathcona. It is discussed with students at the beginning of each year before it is sent home
to be signed alongside parents/guardians. It is attached at the end of this booklet. Of
particular importance are the following points:

  • we expect that students treat everyone in the school community with respect both
    online and offline.
  • no student is to record photos, video or sound of another without permission.
  • technology can present distractions. To minimise this, students are expected to use their
    devices as directed by the teacher during class time. Mobile phones are to be left on
    silent and kept in lockers unless directed by a teacher.
  • students are encouraged to spend time at lunchtime and recess without technology,
    unless they are completing schoolwork or participating in a co-curricular activity like
    Code Club.

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Caring for your device

At Strathcona, we expect students to treat their devices with care and respect. This

  •   Ensuring their device is ready for learning by being fully charged at the beginning of
      each day
  •   Antivirus and firewall software that is kept up to date. The school recommends that
      both Windows and Mac users install 3rd party antivirus software, such as Sophos for
      Home (which is free or $75 for extended protection including Ransomware).
  •   If your device is damaged, ensure it is fixed and ready for work as soon as possible to
      avoid any disruption to your learning program. We recommend buying through our
      partner, CompNow, via the school portal and including accidental damage, so that our
      technicians can assist you in arranging to get your device repaired.

Provided Software for Years 9 to 12
As part of their enrolment at Strathcona, students in Years 9 to 12 are provided with licenses
for industry-level software to aid in their learning program. In 2020, this includes the Office
365 including access to desktop versions of:
 •    Microsoft Word                                •   Microsoft OneNote
 •    Microsoft Excel                               •   Microsoft Outlook
 •    Microsoft PowerPoint

Year 9-12 students are also provided access to Adobe Creative Cloud, including:
  •   Adobe Photoshop
  •   Adobe Premiere Rush
  •   Adobe Acrobat DC
  •   Adobe XD

Families do not need to obtain this software elsewhere and students will be provided with
the steps to set up this software at the start of each school year. Students beginning at
other times in the year will be directed to the IT Department by their Heads of Year/Heads of
House to aid them in setting up their laptop for learning.

Insurance and Warranty Procedure
It is recommended that parents consider purchasing accidental damage and warranty
support in order to minimise the time that their daughter spends without their device. Those
who purchase their BYOD device through the CompNow portal can purchase this as an add-

Minimum Specifications for 2022
The minimum specifications have been determined as those required for Adobe CC, as this is
the most powerful software that students are likely to need for their learning. Please note
that iPads do not satisfy our requirements. All devices should be able to connect to
enterprise wireless networks (5GHz, 802.1x authenticated, 802.11ac Gigabit Wifi).

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•   Intel® or AMD Athlon® 64 processor with 64-bit support
•   Windows 10 (64 bit)
•   8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)
•   256 GB HDD (512gb or more recommended)
•   1280x800 display (1920x1080 or larger recommended)


•   Multicore Intel® processor with 64-bit support or M1 Apple Silicon processor
•   macOS High Sierra (v10.13) or Big Sur 11.0 (M1 silicon)
•   8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)
•   256 GB HDD (512gb or more recommended)
•   1280x800 display (1920x1080 or larger recommended)
•   Sound card compatible with Apple Core Audio
•   Optional: Adobe-recommended GPU card for GPU-accelerated performance

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Attachment 1: Responsible Digital User Agreement
(RDUA) – Students Years 7 to 12
 Responsible Digital
 User Agreement
 Year 7 – Year 12, 2022

Strathcona Girls Grammar is committed to empowering young women to shape their
future in a rapidly changing world. We seek to leverage a wide range of technologies for
contemporary learning experiences and we expect our students to be responsible digital
citizens. This Student ICT User Agreement sets out the expectations for Strathcona
students when using any school or student owned hardware, software or online/cloud
services .

Technology in use at Strathcona includes, but is not limited to, the following student
and/or school owned hardware, software and online services:

   •   Desktop computers
   •   Personal Electronic Devices
           o Laptops
           o iPads
           o Mobile Phones
   •   Video Conferencing Services including Zoom, Teams, Google Meet and BlueJeans
   •   Microsoft Office 365 Apps including OneDrive, Outlook, Teams and OneNote
   •   Schoolbox Learning Management System
   •   Google Apps including YouTube and Google Earth
   •   Adobe Apps including Adobe Spark, Post, Page and Video
   •   Blogs and Content Sites including EduBlogs, Wakelet, Pinterest and Kahn
   •   Collaborative and Social Apps including Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn
   •   Essential Assessment and ACER Progressive Achievement Testing
   •   Education platforms including ClickView, Education Perfect and Edrolo
   •   Canva
   •   Flipgrid
   •   Kahoot!
   •   Grok
   •   Soundtrap
   •   Minecraft

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Responsible Use of Personal Devices
Students agree to:
   •   have their laptop fully charged and available for use at school each day;
   •   check their student email and Learning Management System daily;
   •   ensure their files are stored in their OneDrive;
   •   store their personal devices in a secure location when not in their possession;
   •   report promptly to IT Services any malfunction of their software or hardware, or
       loss or damage to their personal devices;
   •   seek their teacher’s permission before using a mobile phone, headphones or other
       personal devices during classes;
   •   have their mobile phone switched off during school hours, including assemblies,
       sport and other activities, unless otherwise instructed by a teacher or unless
       permission has been given for its specific use;

Responsible Management of Security and Privacy Risks
Students agree to:
   •   keep their Strathcona password/s private and secure at all times;
           o student passwords must never be revealed to other people, except where
               IT Services staff explicitly request this information for the purpose of IT
           o student passwords must never be stored in an insecure location;
   •   only store or share data on Strathcona’s network, OneDrive or Learning
       Management System that is for learning;
           o any personal files must not be stored on shared drives, shared folders, or
               the Learning Management System;
   •   report any malfunction of personal devices, including software malfunctions, to IT
       Services immediately;
   •   report any accessing of inappropriate material to a staff member immediately;
   •   report any hurtful or damaging online communication to a staff member
   •   understand that when on campus, using the Internet from a source other than
       Strathcona’s network is forbidden, and will result in Internet access that is without
       the protection of the school’s firewall and security settings;
   •   understand that any online communication or publication of content forms part of
       an individual’s reputation for which there may be immediate or long-term
           o students understand that electronic communication is not private;
           o students understand that electronic communication carries the risk of being
               accessed or used inappropriately;
   •   read and understand the risks and student responsibilities outlined in the Privacy
       Policy and Terms of Use of any Cloud or Online Service, application or software
       prior to use, and;
   •   seek permission of a teacher before photographing, videoing, audio recording or
       publishing online any staff member or student’s identifiable data, image, movie
       and/or audio;
           o students are strictly forbidden to record a member of the school
               community without the subject’s permission.

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Students agree not to:
   •   download or access any software, cloud services or applications that are insecure;
   •   use any account assigned to another student or staff member, at any time, and;
   •   reveal any Personal Identifying Information about themselves, other students,
       families or staff, when using any non-school-administered (external) cloud service,
       app, website, software, online tool or social media;
          o Personal Identifying Information includes but is not limited to:
                    Given Name
                    Surname
                    Location
                    Birthdate
                    Phone number
                    Physical or Virtual Address
                    Online identifications/handles
                    Images of a person or location
                    Video of a person or location
                    Signature
                    Medical Records

Responsible Communication and Social Media Use
Students agree to:
   •   understand that where Strathcona has provided a communication application,
       software or infrastructure, such as school email, the Learning Management System,
       or collaboration tools within Microsoft Office, Google or Cloud Services, the
       contents of the communication application, software or infrastructure remain the
       property of Strathcona;
   •   receive permission from their teacher prior to communicating electronically to a
       whole group, such as a whole class email or news item;
   •   understand that Strathcona will inspect and disclose the contents of electronic
       communication transactions in the course of an investigation. This may be
       triggered by indications of misconduct or misuse, as a response to legal processes,
       or to fulfil Strathcona’s obligations to third parties;
   •   understand that actions that are not OK in the school environment or outside
       world are also not OK online;
   •   take responsibility to ensure that their online communication reflects a positive
       image of themselves;
   •   understand that when using online tools and Social Media, you are acting,
       communicating and behaving inside a public, global setting; and
   •   check with a Strathcona teacher before publishing anything online related to
       Strathcona such as the School’s logo or branding, Personal Identifying Information
       of students, staff or others in the community, or content about school activities.
       Strathcona maintains the right to its branding and corporate image and permission
       for its use and publication needs to be granted by the Principal.

When using Social Media or any electronic communication platform, on physical school
grounds or elsewhere, students agree not to:
   •   behave in a way that may be perceived as Cyber Bullying, including but not limited
       to content that is intimidating, abusive, threatening, hateful, violent or constitutes
   •   disclose any confidential, sensitive or Personal Identifying Information of
       themselves or another person, regardless of the tool being used, the level of
       privacy settings in place, or the person/s being communicated with;
   •   be disrespectful of the rights and confidentiality of others;
   •   impersonate or falsely represent another person, including accessing another
       person’s account;
   •   make any defamatory comments online, regardless of the context, especially in
       regards to portraying another person as inferior;
   •   use obscene, offensive or inappropriate language;
   •   post content that harms the good standing of Strathcona or those within its

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•    share passwords or account details with any other person; and
   •    disclose their full name, location, birthdate, phone number, physical address,
        image/s or Personal Identifiable Information of themselves or other people, either
        in the account registration process or when engaging in the use of Social Media or
        other electronic tool.

Any violation of the above agreements is in breach of the School’s expectations and, in
some instances, may be a crime. The School has procedures if this agreement is breached
which include student consultation, parental consultation, removal of technology
privileges, suspension and (in extreme cases) expulsion.

                                    Student Agreement
       I have discussed my understanding of the school’s expectations, as outlined in this
                             document, with my parent/guardian.

       I understand my responsibilities as a digital citizen and student of Strathcona Girls

       I will use digital devices safely, ethically and responsibly and agree to abide by the
                               expectations outlined in this document.

    ____________________________                     _________________________________
             Student Name                                       Parent Name

    _____________________________                    _________________________________
            Student Signature                                  Parent Signature

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