ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey

Page created by Beth Wang
ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey
St Anne’s Primary School                                                          14 May 2020 Issue No. 1

                              Veritas - the ever lasting search for truth - Intergrity, Dignity and Respect of ourselves and towards others.

                        ST. ANNE’S WRAP!
               Principal’s Message
Welcome to the newsletter for this week.
For the last two weeks we have enjoyed reading the St Anne’s Remote
Learning Wrap as part of our school’s communications. A great read
and thank you to Mrs Pauline Burgess and Mrs Coralee Italiano for
creating our remote school newsletter. As good as it was with two
editions only, but two brilliant editions, it’s now being shelved/
archived in to St Anne’s history, and with all due respect to our
editors, hopefully never to return again. By that I mean, school’s back
and our school newsletters are back (although this newsletter is still
recognising some of the things happening in our homes).
On that, two points:
1.     The school newsletter is going through an evolution phase. Over the next few weeks we will ‘play and explore’ with the
       newsletter in terms of content, images, setting out, branding etc. So please keep an eye out for these changes.
2.     Today we saw a formal announcement from the State Government regarding a return to school on Monday 18 th May for all
       students. As a result of this announcement, Catholic Education Western Australia will detail their plans, policies and
       protocols regarding school return of which I should receive today and relay to our families tomorrow.
So with a return to school we will see a return to some form of normality, somewhat. As I expect to receive a range of
correspondence over the next week and our ‘new’ protocols need to be addressed, I feel I will need to take additional
opportunities aside this newsletter to re-engage, re-inform and re-direct our families with regard to school life at the moment.
Please keep an eye out for this information.
With a return to school please remember that policy and procedures need to be maintained. Specifically, next week we will see a
return to normal uniform. Please note this includes correct hair styles, jewellery wear, jumper wear, track pants and shoe choice.
As access to the Uniform shop is an issue at the moment, the transition from summer to winter uniform will be given some leeway.
I will write to you all next week detailing uniform expectations and uniform shop access.
Remember also, that “The Spirit of Jesus” continues to be a ‘theme’ celebrated within our school. Please take note of the ‘Making
Jesus Real Tip of the Week.’ By changing our behaviours and attitudes to live more like Jesus we can definitely make a difference to
other individual’s circumstances, as well as our own.
This week, with an attendance rate of 82% of our students coming back, our school is gradually returning to how we remember it,
and how we want it. Students full of fun, eagerness and energy to learn and share.
A sincere thank you to our families for all they have done, all they have given and for all the understanding they have shown over
the last few weeks. The support they have shown our school and our staff has been amazing. Thank you also to our wonderful staff
for the commitment, agility, care and dedication they have shown to our students. We welcome our school returning to the way
we want it but we should also reflect and celebrate the collaboration, partnership and uniqueness of achievement that our
parents, teachers and students were all collectively able to achieve over the last few months.
Let’s look to the future with optimism, hope and a smile for all those around us.
Have a safe and happy week.
Darrin Croft

MAKING JESUS REAL: The Spirit of Jesus continues to be a theme
celebrated within our school. Our MJR Tip of the Week is:                                         Monday           Sports Uniform (Green Shirt)

Remember every small kind act that you do is helping the receiver of that                         Tuesday          Formal Uniform
kind act and also making you feel good, and that’s the way Christ wants
us to live.                                                                                       Wednesday Sports Uniform (Green Shirt)

We live our religion every day with the smallest of kind acts.                                    Thursday         Formal Uniform

                                                                                                  Friday           Sports Uniform (House Shirt)
ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey
ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey
Remote Learning Stars

                                                             Year 5
                                            Sofia has worked hard to complete all                   Year 6
              Year 4                                                                  Sienna Larsen has shown outstanding
  Kane has been very productive in                work on time through this
                                                                                    independence with her learning, both at
     completing all his remote               challenging time – at times from the
                                                                                     home and after returning to school this
      learning tasks at home.                      other side of the country!                        week.

         Introducing our Student Leaders: Uduc Captains
                                      Uduc House Captain Trent Faulker, 11, is
                                     quite the sportsman. He loves all kinds of
                                          sports and playing basketball and
                                     football are his favourite things to do. He
                                     has won many awards for his efforts over
                                           the years. Some of Trent’s other
                                      favourite past times are fishing, catching
                                      up with friends and playing with his dog
                                            Rambo. Trent has three older
                                         brothers and lives in Harvey. He has
                                       loved being House Captain so far and is
                                       looking forward to leading Uduc for the
                                                   rest of the year!

Emma Epiro, 11, is also enjoying her role as Uduc House Captain this
                                   year. Emma has two sisters, Annie, 13, and
                                   Jane, 8, and has 2 cats, 1 dog and 2 horses
                                   at her home in Cookernup. Her hobbies
                                   include basketball, performing arts and
                                   horse riding. She is looking forward to
                                   taking part in her third musical in Harvey
                                   soon. Emma also loves spending time at
                                   the beach and some of her favourite
                                   memories are holidaying at Karratha,
                                   Coral Bay and Augusta. She loves to swim,
                                   kayak and snorkel. Her Nonno and Nonna
                                   own a dairy farm where she likes to help
                                   out in her spare time. Emma is proud to
                                   be the Uduc House Captain as her
                                   father was also Uduc Captain when he
                                   was a child at St Anne’s.
ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey
       It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow (try it!)

                                     A shark is the only known fish that can blink with both eyes.

                                                    Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

                                                           Your heart is about the same size as your fist.

                                                    No words in the dictionary rhyme with the word orange.

                                                Staff in the Spotlight

Mrs Amber Shaw (Miss C) is in her seventh            her dogs Atlas and Nova, taking photos for Mrs Shaw loves Ice Hockey and supports
year at St Anne’s. She started her teaching          their Instagram.                           Vancouver Canucks.
career in Year 4 and then moved to Year
                                        Mrs Shaw loves all things country music, she                          Did you know? Mrs Shaw had to cancel her
One. Mrs Shaw lives in Waroona and grew
                                        has attended Boyup Brook Rodeo 11 times                               wedding due to Covid-19 and instead got
up in Lake Clifton; her husband Cameron
                                        and boot scoots with the Harvey Line                                  married in her backyard with five people.
comes from Queensland.
                                        Dancers. She travelled to Nashville and Texas                         She live streamed the ceremony to all her
Mrs Shaw’s hobbies include kayaking, to go to the world’s largest honky-tonk,                                 wedding guests and will celebrate later in
                                                                                                              the year.
crochet, macrame and spending time with Country Music Hall of Fame and Sun studio.

Mr Luke Godwin is currently teaching in Year 5       Little Athletics, Surf Life-saving and squash, before   park, ice-skating rink, mini-golf and more inside!!!
and is also one of the Assistant Principals at St.   focusing more on soccer, tennis, hockey, and            They went to St Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal.
Anne’s School. He began teaching at St. Mary’s in    netball. More recently he has been into jogging         “Driving through the Rocky Mountains was a bit
Bunbury in 1997, then went back to Perth for a       and the occasional round of golf. He had                dangerous though, it was hard to keep my eyes on
number of years and returned to the South West       registered for his first Marathon earlier this year,    the road because of the scenery – not a good idea
in 2008 when his children started school.            only to have it cancelled by the Coronavirus (he        when you’re driving on the other side of the
                                                     wasn’t too disappointed though). Mr Godwin also         road”, he said.
He lives in Australind and is married with two       enjoys cooking and gardening. “It is really
children. Mrs Godwin teaches at Our Lady of          satisfying when you can grow something and then         Then onto USA where they saw the Grand
Mercy College and his children attend the same       use it in your cooking”. He also enjoys watching        Canyon, Times Square in New York and Fenway
school. They have 2 fish (Fin and Shark) and 1 dog   the football and is starting to miss it a bit on the    Park where the Boston Red Sox play Baseball.
– Maisy the Wonder-dog. She is about 13 years        weekends.                                               They also went on the roller coasters at Disney
old and still manages to jump the fence during a                                                             World, spent some time with relatives in Dallas,
thunderstorm, even though they have tried His best ever holiday was travelling across North                  saw Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge and
everything to keep her in!                         America for three months with his family. Starting        finished up looking at the Hollywood sign in Los
                                                   in Canada they saw some amazing sites – Niagara           Angeles before heading home.
He has always enjoyed sports. He briefly tried Falls, Edmonton Mall which even had a water

ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey
ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey
ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey ST. ANNE'S WRAP! - St Anne's School, Harvey
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