SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products

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SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products
SRPInsight         Issue 16 | June/July 2022               @SRP_Insider


     P24                    p44                           p50
SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products

                                                                                        Amelie Labbé, Pablo Conde,
                                                                                        Summer Wang, Marc Wolterink

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SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products
 NEWS | EUROPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NEWS | EUROPE

Finanzlab takes advantage of peaks in volatility                                                                                        Euronext adds futures to Cac 40 ESG
Finanzlab Multi Index Fund, a Swiss open-ended fund which invests in                                                                    Euronext has launched a futures contract on the Cac 40 ESG index.
structured products, celebrated its first six months of existence on 20 April.                                                                                                       forward for our derivatives franchise,”        index is an important underlying for our
                                                                                                                                                                                     said Charlotte Alliot (pictured), head of      structured product issuers clients.
                                            few weeks and since the end of January       Some 95.23% of the fund’s assets are                                                        institutional derivatives, Euronext.
                                            2022, the fund is about 94% invested.        invested in a portfolio of six structured                                                                                                  “Around 80% of the indices that we
                                                                                         products, including an Express                                                              The futures contract will facilitate the       create today for issuers of structured
                                            These initial investments were made          Certificate on a basket comprising                                                          ongoing reallocation of assets from the        products include ESG considerations.
                                            in very defensive products using 50%         Eurostoxx 50, S&P 500, and SMI that is                                                      Cac 40 index to the Cac 40 ESG index,          ESG is no longer a trend for us. It is
                                            barriers providing conditional capital       issued via Raiffeisen Switzerland. It offers                                                which was launched in March 2021.              being used on a continuous basis,” he
                                            protection, according to Vincent Bonnard     an annual coupon of 6.5% and has an                                                                                                        said.
                                            (pictured), founding partner, Finanzlab.     American barrier of 50%.                                                                    “Since the launch there's been a
                                                                                                                                                                                     significant reallocation of assets,            Since the launch of the Cac 40 ESG
                                            “By taking advantage of peaks in             It is also invested in a callable                                                           particularly from ETF issuers who              index last year, Euronext has successfully
                                            volatility and thanks to a very active       certificate from Banque Internationale à                                                    switched from the Cac standard index to        launched further ESG versions of
                                            search for the best price from numerous      Luxembourg (BIL), which is linked to the                                                    the ESG version,” said Alliot.                 national benchmark indices including
                                            issuers, very attractive coupons of on       Cac 40, Ibex 35, and Nasdaq-100.                                                                                                           the MIB ESG index in Milan, OBX ESG
                                            average 7.32% per year were obtained,”                                                                                                   Apart from natural use from the market         index in Oslo and AEX ESG index in
                                            said Bonnard.                                This product pays a monthly coupon of                                                       makers of ETFs who will use the futures        Amsterdam.
                                                                                         0.633% providing all indices close at or                                                    as a hedging tool, investors are highly
                                            With the markets facing inflation, rising    above 50% of their starting price on the                                                    committed into the development of              “For the issuers of structured products, it
                                            interest rates and the invasion of           validation date. The product matures in                                                     responsible finance, especially those in       was a natural move,” said Rahmouni.
                                            Ukraine, the fund was created in a very      November 2023 and is listed on the Six                                                      Scandinavia, according to Alliot.
                                            turbulent period, but its defensive nature   Swiss Exchange.                                The new contract, which is based on                                                         “The arrival of the futures linked to
                                            has worked as expected.                                                                     the ESG version of Cac 40, the French        “In Scandinavia they really are at the         this index will also help facilitating
                                                                                         Other issuers include Aargauische              national benchmark index, provides           forefront of trading ESG derivatives.          the management of our exposures to
                                            “Despite sharply declining equity indices    Kantonalbank (AKB), EFG, Postfinance,          institutional investors with an additional                                                  implied volatility – metrics that are used
The objective of the fund is to provide     and high volatility, the cumulative          and Vontobel. The maximum exposure             tool to contribute to the accelerating       “Normally they are attracted by liquidity,     commonly in this world.”
an efficient investment in a diversified    advantage of very low barriers and the       per issuer is 20%.                             development of sustainable investment.       but they have mandates to switch
portfolio of barrier reverse convertible    daily collection of coupons allowed                                                                                                      their activity from the standard Cac 40        The Cac 40 ESG index combines
products linked exclusively to equity       the fund to post an impressive relative      The subscriptions and part of the              Supported by BNP Paribas, DRW and            contract to the ESG version, as they are       measurement of economic performance
indices of the major developed              performance, and at the end of April the     coupons collected were invested during         Société Générale as market makers, the       strongly engaged in the reallocation of        with environmental, social and
countries (so-called multi-index            net asset value was down by only 1.99%       the month. The cash portion therefore          contract will enable market participants     assets towards sustainable investments.        governance impacts, in line with the
products). The strategy implements a        year-to-date,” said Bonnard.                 slightly decreased to 4.77%.                   to manage and hedge ESG portfolios                                                          French SRI label and the UN Global
systematic sale of exotic options, thus                                                                                                 efficiently and in compliance with ESG       “On the index side, as well as on the          Compact principles. The index excludes
capturing overvalued risk premiums. It      In April, although most indices ended        As of 30 April 2022, Finanzlab Multi           principles, and to lower the cost of         structured products side, there is also        companies involved in coal, controversial
aims for absolute capital growth.           up being in the red, the fund proved         Index Fund has CHF7.7m (€7.5m) assets          trading through the use of a futures         appetite from investors to hedge or to         weapons and tobacco activities.
                                            its resilience with a NAV of CHF 97.87       under management (AuM). The fund was           contract.                                    take direct exposure in the ESG version
After its launch in October 2021, the       on 29 April, down only 1.06% from the        launched on 20 October 2021. There is                                                       of the Cac 40,” said Alliot.                   Vigeo Eiris provides the ESG assessment
initial investments were spread over a      previous month.                              no minimum subscription.                       “It is the first future we released on                                                      of companies for the underlying universe
                                                                                                                                        an ESG version of an index that is our       Fabrice Rahmouni, head of Euronext             and engages in dialogue with them on
                                                                                                                                        leading benchmark […] it's a major step      Index Business added: “The Cac 40 ESG          their ESG performance.

The cumulative advantage of very low barriers and the
daily collection of coupons allowed the fund to post an                                                                                 It is the first future we released on an ESG version of an
impressive relative performance                                                                                                         index that is our leading benchmark

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SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products
 NEWS | EUROPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NEWS | EUROPE

VLK, SG offer first euro fully protected                                                                                                 Solactive opts for smart beta, sector-based
Eurostoxx 50 ESG play                                                                                                                    approach
Van Lanschot Kempen (VLK) has launched the Positive Impact Finance Capped                                                                Solactive has won the award for ‘Best Smart Beta Index Provider’ at this year’s
Index Guarantee Note (IGN) ESG Eurozone 22-29 in the Netherlands.                                                                        SRP Europe Awards.
                                            and investment advisors in both the            The Eurostoxx 50 ESG index offers                                                           deposit plans distributed by Causeway             a human catastrophe that also had a
                                            Netherlands and Belgium to show them           exposure to blue chip companies from                                                        Securities in the UK.                             negative impact on the market,” he said.
                                            product proposals.                             the Eurozone, just like the traditional
                                                                                           Eurostoxx 50, but with a screening based                                                    “It is a climate transition, climate              The business did not stop, or slow down,
                                            This resulted first in some private            on ESG criteria.                                                                            efficiency index based on an innovative           but thinking of structured products
                                            placements products mainly for clients in                                                                                                  data point, which is effectively translating      Pfeiffer has seen a shift to more
                                            Belgium, but soon thereafter demand from       “The sector exposure of the ESG version                                                     the climate or carbon impact of a                 conservative structures.
                                            Dutch clients followed as well.                of the index is similar to the sector                                                       company into a degree Celsius figure,”
                                                                                           exposure of the traditional index and, also                                                 he said.                                          “There has been more interest in fixed
                                            “During the last couple of weeks, we saw       the historical performances of both indices                                                                                                   income than equity and we started to
                                            an acceleration in the increase in rates and   are quite comparable.                                                                       Under climate transition objectives, one          see some first potential outflows in the
                                            therefore decided that is was a good timing                                                                                                of the goals is not to warm the planet            ETF market,” he said. “I don't expect
                                            now to launch the first euro-denominated       “In addition, the Eurostoxx 50 ESG is not                                                   by more than 1.5-degrees Celsius. This            another buoyant year nor a gloomy year,
                                            product with 100% minimum redemption in        exclusively licensed to one investment                                                      can translate the climate impact of a             but it's certainly a year of increased
                                            the Netherlands as public offer.               bank, which is important from a best                                                        subsidiary of a company of business               uncertainty, and for the rest of the year
                                                                                           execution perspective. Based on these                                                       activities and translate these into specific      I would say one of continued volatility,”
                                            “As long as rates will stay at this level,     arguments we have selected this index for                                                   Celsius impact based on the target.               said Pfeiffer.
                                            we expect that demand for 100% capital-        this product offering,” said Pronk.
The seven-year note participates 100% in    protected structures will continue,                                                          2021 was a good year for Solactive. Not       “We are using this as an ingredient               Structured products have had five years
the Eurostoxx 50 ESG Index, capped at       especially in times of geopolitical            The product is VLK’s second positive          only did it win the award for ‘Best Smart     weighting factor to effectively get to this       without any rise in interest rates, and it
40%. It is issued on the paper of Société   uncertainty as we see right now with the       impact finance note launched in               Beta Index Provider’ at the SRP Europe        1.5-degree Celsius pass and over or               has been difficult for manufacturers to
Générale, which will use the proceeds       war in Ukraine,” said Pronk.                   collaboration with Société Générale.          Awards, but the index provider also           underweight companies accordingly,”               structure principal protected products.
to finance projects that are funded, in                                                    The first product was issued in 2019          experienced strong growth, driven and         said Pfeiffer. “It was innovative, and it had
a controlled manner, to have a positive     The underlying Eurostoxx 50 ESG                and offered access to the Eurostoxx           fuelled by client activity, despite various   a standard smart beta overlay with a low          “Now suddenly rates are rising in record
impact on the economy, the society or the   index was carefully selected from many         Sustainability 40 index. It is currently      lockdown restrictions caused by the           volatility/high dividend approach.”               time, and it will be possible again to
environment.                                ESG indices available in the structured        trading at around 103%, while the index is    global Covid-19 pandemic.                                                                       provide protected products. The volatility
                                            products market.                               trading approximately 10% above its initial                                                 For the remainder of 2022 and beyond,             that has kicked in allows for more
It is the independent wealth manager’s                                                     level.                                        “Yes, we did miss the personal                Pfeiffer expects a more cautious                  attractive, conservative autocallable
first euro denominated product with 100%    However, according to Pronk, a lot of                                                        interaction and connections, but the          approach as a rise in interest rates by the       pricing.
minimum redemption since October 2018       these indices include low volatility filters   “Sustainability is a very important element   virtual show must go on, and it did go        central banks is on everybody’s books.
when the Société Générale Variabele         and/or relatively high synthetic dividend      in the overall product offering of Van        on,” said Timo Pfeiffer (pictured), chief                                                       “Instead of the strong thematic next
Lange Rente Note 18-28 was issued.          levels, which make them less suitable for      Lanschot Kempen and therefore also            markets officer, Solactive.                   “We have high inflation prints which we           cybersecurity, Web3 or Metaverse
                                            the products VLK would like to offer to        in the offering of structured products                                                      haven't seen in a long time. All of that          trend and theme, maybe a smart beta,
Since then, it was no longer possible to    its clients.                                   whenever possible,” concluded Pronk.          One of the main themes for structured         accelerated and all of that started a             sector-based approach is a better, more
structure 100% capital-protected products                                                                                                products, ETFs and probably for the           drop in equity markets. Then in February          cautious way to diversify [exposures],”
in euro due to the sharp decline in long                                                                                                 whole financial market, is ESG, according     there was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,           Pfeiffer concluded.
term interest rates, according to Marcel                                                                                                 to Pfeiffer.
Pronk (pictured), director securities
marketing structured products, at VLK.                                                                                                   “Within ESG one of the driving themes
                                                                                                                                         is climate – climate transition, climate
“However, the demand for these types        As long as rates stay at this level, we                                                      efficiency, and carbon reduction
of products has always been there, so                                                                                                    strategies in an index format working
we continued to keep a close look at the
interest rate markets,” Pronk said.
                                            expect that demand for 100% capital-                                                         towards a net zero environment,” he said.     We have high inflation prints which
As soon as rates started to increase at     protected structures will continue                                                           A particular highlight for Pfeiffer was
                                                                                                                                         the Solactive Climate Change Europe           we haven't seen in a long time
the beginning of 2022, VLK proactively                                                                                                   BTI Index, which was used by Barclays
reached out to its private bankers                                                                                                       as the underlying for a number of

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SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products
 NEWS | EUROPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NEWS | EUROPE

Spotlight on… top issuers in Sweden (Q1 2022)                                                                                    BNP joins UK SPA                                                                                   Nasdaq rolls
Some SEK1.8 billion (US$187m) was collected from 115 publicly offered
                                                                                                                                                                                 in the UK, which add to 71 live products           out EQD digital
                                                                                                                                                                                 mostly distributed by Meteor AM (56/
structured products during Q1 2022 in Sweden – down 25% by sales volume                                                                                                          GBP110m), Idad (six/GBP9m) and Investec            education program
year-on-year (Q1 2021: SEK2.4 billion from 141 products).
                                                                                                                                                                                 Zak De Mariveles, Chairman of the UK
Average volumes, at SEK15.9m per             Sweden: top 5 issuers - market share by sales volume (%)*                                                                           SPA, said the addition of BNP Paribas as
product, were fairly stable compared                                                                                                                                             a new member will help meet one of the
to Q1 2021 when products sold on                                                                                                                                                 association’s key objectives: provide a
average SEK17.3m.                                                                                                                                                                communal voice for structured products
                                                                                                                                                                                 in the UK, to lead the way in driving best
Ten different issuer groups, a mixture                                                                                                                                           practice and to support and educate the
of Nordic financial institutions and                                                                                                                                             wider investment community.
European/US investment banks, were                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nasdaq has launched the Nasdaq
active in Q1 2022 compared to 16 in                                                                                              BNP Paribas has joined the UK Structured        Mike Bayley (pictured), BNP Paribas’               Derivatives Academy in the Nordics.
the prior year quarter.                                                                                                          Products Association (UK SPA) as a new          head of equity derivatives & solutions,            The set of training modules responds
                                                                                                                                 member, bringing the total membership of        institutions & distribution for the UK, said       to the growing interest among both
Nordea retained its position as the                                                                                              the association to 19 firms.                    that joining the association reflects ‘the         investment professionals and retail
number one issuer, with a 35% share of                                                                                                                                           redoubling of our commitment to and                investors to use equity derivatives
the market – an increase of more than                                                                                            The French bank is an established               focus on the UK market’.                           and aims to increase knowledge
seven percent YoY. The bank collected                                                                                            issuer of structured products for retail                                                           about the opportunities and risks
SEK643m from 34 products that were                                                                                               distributors, banks and institutional           ‘BNP Paribas has a long history                    associated with trading these
predominately autocalls linked to a                                                                                              investors in the UK market. SRP data            of serving clients in the UK and                   instruments.
basket of shares. It also sold six credit-                                                                                       shows a slight dip in activity in 2021 which    recognises that collaboration across
linked notes.                                                                                                                    resulted in the bank falling out of the top     providers to maintain a transparent                ‘Equity derivatives bring with them
                                                                                                                                 10 issuer ranking.                              and accessible structured products                 opportunities to manage risks and the
In second, Goldman Sachs increased                                                                                                                                               market can contribute to delivering                possibility to generate returns in all
its market share to 34.1%, up 17.5%          *Excl. flow- and leverage products                                                  Year to date, BNP Paribas has issued 11         the best investment journey for                    market conditions,’ said Niclas Egmar
from Q1 2021. The US investment bank         Source:                                                products worth an estimated GBP20m              investors,’ he said.                               (pictured), head of equities trading
achieved combined sales of SEK625m                                                                                                                                                                                                  and derivatives at SEB.
from 41 products (Q1 2021: SEK405m
from 24 products). Like Nordea, almost                                                                                                                                                                                              ‘We welcome [this] initiative to spread
all its products were linked to a share
                                             5.8-year credit-linked note was the
                                             best-selling Swedish product of the
                                                                                       Deutsche Bank (1.21%), Morgan Stanley
                                                                                       and Leonteq (0.6% each) completed         Swiss bank partners with Vestr to                                                                  more insights on how to trade these
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    assets in a way that’s customised

                                                                                                                                 launch digital solution for AMCs
                                             quarter, collecting SEK70m during its     the top 10.                                                                                                                                  to both professional and less
BNP Paribas was another issuer that          subscription period.                                                                                                                                                                   experienced investors.’
saw a significant growth in its market                                                 Natixis, Investec, Crédit Agricole, EFG
share – from 3.8% in Q1 2021 to 12.8%        Danske Bank claimed seven percent of      Group, Citi, and Barclays, which had a                                                                                                       Nasdaq Derivatives Academy has
in Q1 2022. All of its products were         the market (Q1 2021: 5.2%) while Credit   combined market share of 7.1% in Q1       Luzerner Kantonalbank (LUKB) has                centre structured products at Luzerner             been developed in partnership
distributed via Strivo (formerly know        Suisse, which had captured 20.1% in       2021, were all absent this year.          partnered with AMC specialist fintech Vestr     Kantonalbank.                                      with educational partners as well
as Strukturinvest) with the exception        the first quarter of 2021, had to make                                              to expand its structured products business                                                         as Nordic market participants and
of Kreditcertifikat Investment Grade         do with a mere 5.7% this year.                                                      with AMCs.                                      LUKB’s B2B clients will have a full                offers three separate educational
Europa Kvartalsvis nr 4423, which                                                                                                                                                overview of their investment portfolios            programs aimed at professional and
was available via Garantum. This             Société Générale (1.7%), UBS (1.5%),                                                Under the partnership Vestr’s cloud-based       via the platform and will be able to ‘adjust       private investors as well as risk, post-
                                                                                                                                 platform will enable LUKB to launch and         their portfolios in a few clicks, anywhere         trade and compliance professionals.
                                                                                                                                 issue AMCs as it seeks to capitalise on the     and anytime’.                                      The private investor program is
                                                                                                                                 ‘great potential in active management’.                                                            offered free of charge. The launch
                                                                                                                                                                                 In December 2021, Nasdaq announced                 of Nasdaq Derivatives Academy
                                                                                                                                 ‘The AMC business is a volume business.         a partnership with a number of local               is the most recent development in
                                                                                                                                 This means that you need a large number         organizations across its European markets          exchange’s roadmap to ‘advance
Nordea, Goldman and BNP all significantly increased                                                                              of AMCs to reach your business goals.
                                                                                                                                 This is only possible through integrated
                                                                                                                                                                                 to enhance financial literacy among
                                                                                                                                                                                 community groups where knowledge of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    inclusive growth and prosperity by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    providing resources to underserved

their market share in the first quarter of 2022                                                                                  automation. A software specifically built for
                                                                                                                                 AMCs further reduces operational risks,’
                                                                                                                                                                                 investments traditionally is low. In 2019,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Nasdaq launched OptionsPlay to educate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    communities, making markets more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    accessible to all’.
                                                                                                                                 said Claudio Topatigh, head competence          Nordic investors on options trading.

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SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products
 NEWS | AMERICAS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NEWS | AMERICAS

Allianz hit by US$6bn SEC fine, Structured                                                                                               As a consequence of the guilty plea, Allianz
                                                                                                                                         Global Investors US has been disqualified
                                                                                                                                                                                        the Q1 group net income by €1.6 billion
                                                                                                                                                                                        after tax, resulting in a net income
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         approximately US$120bn. Voya IM’s AUM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         would increase to approximately US$370

Alpha managers charged
                                                                                                                                         from providing advisory services to US         attributable to shareholders of €0.6             billion on a pro forma basis after the
                                                                                                                                         registered investment funds for the next       billion. Group operating profit in the first     transfer.
                                                                                                                                         ten years, and will exit the business of       quarter 2022 amounts to €3.2 billion,
                                                                                                                                         conducting these fund services after a brief   while the Solvency II capitalisation ratio       AGI US closed down its Structured Alpha
A recent string of cases in which derivatives and complex products harmed investors                                                      transition period allowed by the SEC.          stands at 199%. Net income attributable          1000 and Structured Alpha 1000 Plus in
across market sectors have seen fines handed out.                                                                                        ALLIANZ PROVISIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                        to shareholders will be adjusted for
                                                                                                                                                                                        the Structured Alpha provision for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         early April 2020 after they took heavy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         losses on stock-options trades after the
                                                                                                                                         The German parent company, Allianz ES,         calculation of the dividend payout.              market sell-off in March 2020.
                                             Gensler also noted that ‘a recent string of   18.2607085709004% to negative                 booked last week an additional provision
                                             cases in which derivatives and complex        9.2607085709004% -- this time by              of €1.9 billion in Q1 2022 before tax ‘as      The ban to provide some fund services            The two hedge funds had been net
                                             products have harmed investors across         cutting the number 18 in half.                a fair estimate of its remaining financial     for a decade in the US has triggered             buyers of put options were designed to
                                             market sectors’.                                                                            exposure in relation to compensation           the sale of the Allianz Global Investors         hedge against losses the funds might
                                                                                           ‘When the 2020 Covid-related market           payments to investors and to payments          business to Voya Financial.                      endure from other positions should the
                                             The SEC’s complaint, filed in the federal     volatility revealed that AGI US and the       under any resolution of the governmental                                                        market decline, but the pace of the sell-
                                             district court in Manhattan, alleges that     defendants had misled investors about         proceedings’ relating to its Structured        The firm announced yesterday the                 off had a ‘particularly large impact on
                                             Structured Alpha’s lead portfolio manager,    the fund’s level of risk, the fund suffered   Alpha Funds.                                   transfer of ‘selected investment teams           the options positions held by Structured
                                             Gregoire P. Tournant (right), orchestrated    catastrophic losses and investors lost                                                       and assets comprising most of its US             Alpha funds’.
                                             the multi-year scheme to mislead              billions; the defendants all the while        Earlier in February the German insurer set     business to Voya IM in return for an up to
                                             investors who invested approximately $11      profited from their deception,’ stated the    aside another €3.7 billion (US$4.2 billion)    24% equity stake in the enlarged asset           Structured Alpha 1000 was a large hedge
                                             billion in Structured Alpha, and paid the     SEC complaint.                                to cover expected settlements with US          manager                                          fund with approximately US$8.8 billion in
                                             defendants over $550 million in fees.                                                       investors and government officials over                                                         assets; while Structured Alpha 1000 Plus
                                                                                           Tournant (right), Taylor and Bond-            the collapse of the strategy.                  The investment teams, which include              has approximately US$693m in assets.
                                             Tournant is a portfolio manager, a            Nelson then made multiple, ultimately                                                        income & growth, fundamental equities            Allianz Global Investors has 27 other
                                             managing director and CIO US Structured       unsuccessful, efforts to conceal their        The provision will negatively impact           and private placements, manage                   structured alpha funds.
                                             Products with Allianz Global Investors,       misconduct from the regulator, ‘including
The US Securities and Exchange               which he joined in 2002. He was also          false testimony and meetings in vacant
Commission (SEC) has charged Allianz         head of the structured products team,         construction sites to discuss sending their
Global Investors US (AGI US) and three       which he created in 2005, and was the         assets overseas’.                                …more troubles for Allianz as class actions pile up, fingers point everywhere
former senior portfolio managers with ‘a     lead portfolio manager for all strategies
massive fraudulent scheme that concealed     managed by this team.                         ‘While they were able to solicit over            The scandal surrounding Allianz Global Investors US is far from over as new class actions pile up and blame is being placed
the immense downside risks’ of its options                                                 US$11 billion in investments by the              across different quarters. A Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association benefits committee says adviser firm Aon Investments USA
trading strategy Structured Alpha.           LIES EXPOSED                                  end of 2019 and earn over US$550                 that was supposed to help investors vet their risks fell down on his responsibilities while the advisor firm claims a number of
                                             According to the court documents,             million in fees as a result of their lies,       executives at Blue Cross failed to do their jobs.
According to the regulators, after the       Tournant ‘manipulated numerous financial      they lost over US$5 billion in investor
Covid 19 market crash of March 2020          reports and other information provided        funds when the market volatility of              Blue Cross - a federation with more than 100 million customers - had invested US$3 billion into the Allianz funds, which
exposed the fraudulent scheme, the           to investors to conceal the magnitude of      March 2020 exposed the true risk of              represents 62% of its entire pension portfolio, and has become by far the biggest loser, among the 114 institutions that collectively
strategy lost billions of dollars.           Structured Alpha’s true risk and the funds’   their products,’ said Gurbir S. Grewal           invested US$11 billion in Structured Alpha funds. Despite reaching a settlement with Allianz there are hundreds of millions of
                                             actual performance’ with assistance           (pictured), director of the SEC’s Division       dollars potentially on the line in upcoming legal fights - the deal does not cover all the losses at Blue Cross which has sued Aon
The Allianz subsidiary which marketed        from co-lead portfolio manager, Trevor L.     of Enforcement.                                  which in turn has responded by suing five Blue Cross executives. The key question is how and why the Blue Cross pension office
and sold the strategy to approximately 114   Taylor, and portfolio manager, Stephen                                                         ended up investing so much of its portfolio into Structured Alpha funds.
institutional investors, including pension   G. Bond-Nelson. The three individuals         The subsidiary of the German insurer
funds, has agreed to pay more than US$1      left Allianz in mid-December after the        admitted the charges and agreed to               In a lawsuit filed May 17 in New York federal court (Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC),
billion to settle SEC charges and together   allegations of misconduct.                    a cease-and-desist order, a censure              Aon alleges the Blue Cross chief investment executive, Jamey Sharpe, who is now retired, encouraged the committee that
with its parent, Allianz SE, over US$5                                                     and payment of US$315.2 million in               oversees pension investments to repeatedly commit more to Structured Alpha. It also claims he fired a senior employee who
billion in restitution to victims.           Cour documents also show that the             disgorgement to the US Department of             disagreed with his strategy.
                                             ‘defendants reduced losses under              Justice as part of an integrated, global
‘Allianz Global Investors admitted to        a market crash scenario in one risk           resolution; US$34 million in prejudgment         The executive denies Aon’s allegations and says the lawsuit is baseless.
defrauding investors over multiple years,    report sent to investors from negative        interest; and a US$675 million civil
concealing losses and downside risks         42.1505489755747% to negative                 penalty, a portion of which will be              In the meantime, litigation firms such as Silver Golub & Teitell and Selendy Gay Elsberg have filed Securities Cblass Action
of a complex strategy, and failing to        4.1505489755747% -- by simply dropping        distributed to certain investors.                Lawsuits against Allianz Global Investors US in the Southern District of California on behalf of its client and all those ‘who
implement key risk controls,’ said SEC       the single digit 2.’                                                                           purchased, sold, or liquidated mutual funds shares managed by AllianzGI's Structured Products Group from January 1, 2015
chair Gary Gensler (right-below). ‘This                                                    In a parallel criminal proceeding, the US        through December 31, 2020’
case once again demonstrates that            In another example, the portfolio             Attorney’s Office for the Southern District
                                                                                                                                            Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman law firm has also notified investors that a class action lawsuit has been filed against Allianz
even the most sophisticated institutional    managers ‘smoothed’ performance               of New York has announced criminal
investors, like pension funds, can become                                                  charges for similar conduct against the          Global Investors U.S. and certain of its officers. The law firms are encouraging investors to inquire about the lead plaintiff
                                             data sent to investors by reducing
victims of wrongdoing.’                      losses on one day from negative               firm, and the three executives.                  position before 25 July.

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SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products
 NEWS | AMERICAS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NEWS | AMERICAS

iCapital snaps up Simon Markets                                                                                                                JPM, BofA debut new underlyings, indexed
Asset and wealth management fintech iCapital will acquire Simon Markets, the US                                                                annuities up 21% YOY
multi-issuer platform for an undisclosed amount.
                                                                                                                                               US life and annuity provider Independent Life Insurance Company has launched
                                                ‘Together we’re delivering something
                                                the wealth management industry has
                                                                                                provide thoughtful ways to diversify and
                                                                                                potentially enhance long-term returns in       iStructure, the first uncapped index-linked structured settlement annuity offering
                                                wanted for a very long time – access            client portfolios,’ said Lawrence Calcano      exposure to the Franklin BofA World Index.
                                                to all alternative solutions under one,         (pictured), chairman and chief executive
                                                centralized platform.’                          officer of iCapital.                           The new gauge powered by quantitative           live structures in the US market including        long-term impact of inflation,’ said Holly
                                                                                                                                               insights from Franklin Templeton and            the BofA Destinations Index; and Bank of          Snyder, president of Nationwide Life.
                                                According to the announcement, Simon            This is the second high profile acquisition    Bank of America aims at capturing long-         America Merrill Lynch GPA Index.
                                                transacted more than US$48 billion in           by iCapital in the structured products         term growth by systematically investing                                                           POSITIVE MOMENTUM
                                                issuances of structured investments and         market following its purchase of US third-     in a volatility-controlled equity index of      The second market debut comes via                 Despite the challenging market backdrop
                                                annuity products in 2021 across 50 plus         party distributor for structured notes Axio    companies around the world with the             Nationwide which has added new index              the new additions come on the back of
                                                product manufacturers and 50 plus wealth        to expand its suite of investment strategies   potential for high profitability. The index     options to one of its indexed universal           increased momentum in indexed-annuity
                                                managers through its platform – including       and bolster its distribution capabilities.     combines a factor-based screen with a           life insurance products, Nationwide IUL           sales which have boosted overall annuity
                                                IBDs, bank/regional broker-dealers and          The deal saw Axio chief executive officer      proprietary intraday risk management            Accumulator II 2020. The new indices are          sales in the US market up by 4% to
                                                private banks, and it serves more than 100      Marc Paley move to iCapital as head of         strategy and a US Treasury allocation to        pitched as having ‘growth potential even          US$63.3 billion year on year.
                                                registered investment advisors (RIAs), and      distribution, reporting to Calcano.            achieve consistent returns.                     in choppy markets’ and they both seek to
                                                more than 100,000 advisors.                                                                                                                    limit the impact of market volatility.            ‘Fixed-indexed annuities (FIA) benefited
Under the agreement, Jason Broder,                                                              Earlier this year, iCapital acquired Bank      Independent Life has secured almost                                                               from rising interest rates and increased
chief executive officer of Simon, will join     The deal will significantly expand iCapital’s   of Singapore’s in-house private market         US$50m in committed sales for the               The latest addition to the pool of U.S.           market volatility, as investors sought
iCapital as managing director, head of          investment menu, and augment its                feeder fund platform.                          product from both settlement recoveries         underlyings is the J.P. Morgan Mercury            protected growth options,’ said Todd
iCapital solutions and member of the            technical capabilities, education offerings                                                    and instalment sales of real estate and         Index, a global multi-asset index with an         Giesing, assistant vice president, Limra
operating committee. In this new role,          and support services for wealth managers        According to SRP data, there are 7,321         businesses.                                     equity allocation based on the current            Annuity Research. The organisation
he will oversee the combined platform’s         the iCapital platform services more than        products listed on the Simon Platform with                                                     stage of the business cycle, along with           expects indexed-annuities ‘to thrive under
integration, market development, and            US$125 billion in platform assets and           a value of US$22.5 billion. Goldman Sachs      ‘One Fortune 50 company is already              diversified fixed income and volatility-          current market conditions, growing 5%-10%
sales of iCapital’s full suite of technology    employs more than 800 people globally.          with US$10 billion is the most active issuer   utilizing iStructure to resolve claims and      based commodities allocations which               by year end’.
offerings. Additionally, iCapital will extend                                                   on Simon followed by J.P. Morgan, TD           their representative says this is the product   is rebalanced dynamically based on
offers of employment to the nearly 200          The deal includes the acquisition of Simon      Securities and Morgan Stanley.                 they have been waiting 15 years for,’ said      market conditions.                                Overall, fixed annuity sales rose 14% in the
Simon team members.                             Spectrum, the platform’s allocation analysis                                                   Christopher Bua, senior vice president of                                                         first quarter to $35.2 billion. According to
                                                and portfolio construction tool designed to     Simon Markets, formerly owned by               sales for Independent Life.                     The BNP Paribas Global H-Factor                   Limra, all fixed products except income
“We have long-admired iCapital and              evaluate how structured investments and/        Goldman Sachs, became an independent                                                           Index which was already deployed on               annuities recorded positive growth with
everything it has accomplished in the           or annuities may fit into a portfolio.          financial technology company in                The iStructure annuitiy can be used for         Nationwide’s Peak 10 fixed indexed                FIA sales 21% higher than first quarter 2021
alternative investing space. After a highly                                                     December 2018 after adding a group of          different situations including personal         annuity (FIA) last week, has also been            results at US$16.3 billion.
collaborative exploratory process over          ‘Today’s wealth management professionals        investors and issuers including Barclays,      injury cases, structured attorney fees,         incorporated to the Accumulator II FIA.
recent months, it became abundantly clear       seek a premium technology platform              Credit Suisse's Next Investors, HSBC, J.P.     structured installment sales and taxable                                                          Registered index-linked annuity (Rila)
that together we can create an unrivaled        and access to a broader range of                Morgan, Prudential and Wells Fargo, to its     settlements.                                    ‘The three major stock market indices             sales grew 5% to US$9.6 billion in the
experience for our clients,” said Broder.       alternative investment strategies that          ownership structure.                                                                           have been taking huge hits and how to             first quarter. Limra expects Rila sales to
                                                                                                                                               This is the first time the Franklin BofA        find growth potential is a big client concern     increase as high as 30% by year-end
                                                                                                                                               World Index is used in the US annuities         right now, especially with fears about the        2022.
                                                                                                                                               market and adds to the existing range of
  BNY Mellon’s Pershing to offer structured notes, market-linked CDs via Halo                                                                  underlyings used in structured notes and
                                                                                                                                               annuity products offered by the bank and
  Clearing and custody services BNY Mellon’s Pershing will include Halo’s independent structured notes platform in its Pershing’s              the asset manager.
  NetX360 offering access to registered independent advisors (RIA) and broker-dealer (BD) firms via the multi-issuer platform’s
                                                                                                                                               Some of Franklin Templeton’s underlyings
  technology, analytics, controls, and tools to trade and manage structured notes. Halo grew by 113% in 2021 as more advisors
  recognized the benefits of protective investments to navigate market uncertainty and address retirement savings shortfalls,
                                                                                                                                               include the Franklin Resources Fund;
                                                                                                                                               Franklin US Index; Franklin LibertyQ
                                                                                                                                                                                               The index aims at capturing long-term growth
  according to Jason Barsema, co-founder & president of Halo. ‘Financial advisors are constrained by investment choices and
                                                                                                                                               Global Equity SRI UCITS ETF; and Franklin
  fragmented trading systems, hurting their ability to build their businesses,’ he said. ‘Financial advisors on Pershing’s platform
                                                                                                                                               Liberty Euro Green Bond UCITS ETF ,
                                                                                                                                                                                               by systematically investing in a volatility-
  now have more choices and opportunities to deliver a differentiated client experience to fuel their growth.’ Halo has achieved a             among others.
  significant number of milestones over the past 24 months, including closing a US$100+ million Series C round of funding, as well                                                             controlled equity index of companies
  as onboarding more than 40 global banks and carriers, said Barsema.                                                                          Bank of America has also two custom
                                                                                                                                               proprietary indices used as underlyings in

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SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products
 NEWS | AMERICAS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NEWS | AMERICAS

BNP Paribas, Fidelity roll out new custom                                                                                                 Spotlight on… top issuers in Mexico (Q1 2022)
strategies                                                                                                                                Structured product sales got off to a slow start in 2022 with BBVA the only issuer
                                                                                                                                          that increased its market share.
BNP Paribas (BNPP) has licensed its Global H-Factor Index to US annuity
provider Nationwide to serve as underlying of the Nationwide Peak 10 fixed                                                                The 1,074 structured products issued
                                                                                                                                          in the first quarter achieved combined
                                                                                                                                                                                      The company’s products were exclusively
                                                                                                                                                                                      linked to the USD/MXN currency pair and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    other underlyings, including the interbank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    equilibrium interest rate (TIIE 28), S&P/
indexed annuity (FIA).                                                                                                                    sales of MXN64.3 billion (US$3.1 billion)   featured accrual, range, digital and dual     TSX 60 Index, the proprietary Solactive
                                                                                                                                          – the lowest volume in an opening           currency payoffs.                             BBVA ixESG Lideres Globales MXN Risk
The index offers a probability-based          4,000 equities once a quarter using the         ‘create more certainty for investors in     quarter since Q1 2018 and a decrease of                                                   Control 10% Index, and eight different
approach to investing ‘by identifying         last 12 quarters of financial data and the      uncertain markets’. The new Rila offers     21.3% compared to the prior year period     BBVA Mexico, in second, saw its market        exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
and removing potentially overpriced           current stock price to determine how            four different index options including      (Q1 2021: MXN81.7 billion from 1,484        share increase to 27.8%, up almost seven
stocks likely to lose value due to human      likely it is that the implied growth rate can   the S&P 500 index and iShares Russell       products).                                  percent year-on-year (YoY). It collected      Santander claimed 2.2% of the market,
behaviour, resulting in a portfolio made up   be achieved.                                    2000 ETF as well as two new entrants                                                    sales of MXN17.9 billion from 165 issued      level on last year. It accumulated sales
of equities more likely to deliver growth’.                                                   to the market - the Fidelity World          Despite a drop in sales, average            products.                                     of MXN1.4 billion from 29 products that
                                              Companies with high H-Factors -                 Factor Leaders Index and iShares US         volumes, at MXN59.8m, were 8.5%                                                           were either dual currency notes or range/
Using a methodology developed by              increased probability of failing to             Technology ETF, along with different        higher than those in Q1 2021 when           The bank, which between 2000-2019             accruals on the USD/MXN.
asset management company New Age              deliver implied growth are removed,             levels of protection from market losses.    products sold on average MXN55.1m.          was known as BBVA Bancomer, was also
Alpha, the BNPP Global H-Factor Index         leaving the best 225 from the original                                                                                                  responsible for the best-selling product      The only other issuer active in the quarter
identifies overpriced stocks due to the       list of 4,000. The remaining 225                The Fidelity World Factor Leaders Index     Once again, Monex dominated the             of the quarter, which came in the shape       was Banamex, a 100% subsidiary of Citi,
H-Factor, or Human Factor - the risk          equities are then weighted so that the          (FIDWFLEN) which features for the           market. The Mexican financial group         of a dual currency note linked to the         which sold 29 products worth MXN1.1
that comes from investors interpreting        best potential performing stocks have           first time in the US annuities database,    sold 851 products worth MXN43.9 billion     appreciation of the US dollar relative to     billion (1.7% market share, a decrease of
vague or ambiguous information about          greater impact.                                 is an equity index offering exposure        between 1 January and 31 March 2022         the Mexican peso that sold MXN1 billion.      4.6% YoY). Once again, the bulk of the
a company in an incorrect way, which                                                          to a combination of 60% domestic            – the equivalent of a 68.3% share of the                                                  issuance was tied to the USD/MXN (28
can lead to overpricing and may make          FIDELITY, ISHARES                               equity securities and 40% international     market and almost on par with last year     Apart from the USD/MXN, which it used         products), with the remaining product
it difficult for a company to deliver the     In another development, annuities               securities that reflect the performance     (Q1 2021: 69% market share).                in 142 products, BBVA implemented 11          linked to iShares Silver Trust ETF.
growth implied by the current stock price.    provider Transamerica has launched              of companies with certain characteristics
                                              the Transamerica Structured Index               including high-quality profiles, lower
To counter this, the BNPP Global              Advantage Annuity, a new registered             volatility than the broader market, and     Mexico: top issuer groups by market share (%) Q1 2021 vs Q1 2022
H-Factor Index evaluates more than            index-linked annuity (Rila) designed to         positive momentum signals.

  Luma expands ecosystem with Nasdaq, Yieldstreet deals
  The US platform is seeking to increase transparency and accessibility as well as putting structured products on a level
  playing field with other investment vehicles. US multi-issuer structured products and annuities platform Luma Financial
  Technologies has partnered with the Nasdaq Fund Network to assign standardised identifiers to structured products.

  By assigning identifiers to structured products for the first time, Luma and the Nasdaq Fund Network are putting structured
  products into the same category as stocks, ETFs and mutual funds. The new identifiers, which will resemble the mutual fund
  symbology will assign structured products seven characters.

  Under the partnership, over 100 million investors across the Nasdaq Fund Networks’ 400+ market data platforms will now be
  able to identify a holding as a structured product, search for, and have instant access to Luma’s product data and information.

  In addition, the platform has reached an agreement with Yieldstreet on 8 June to enable investors access to structured
  notes portfolios ‘more effectively and strategically’.

  Yieldstreet’s structured notes products are distributed as a portfolio of notes, with at least three notes included for
  diversification benefits. The firm has seen more than US$100 million invested in its income notes since launching the family
  of products one year ago.

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SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products
 NEWS | APAC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NEWS | APAC

StanChart cashes in on ESG as change of                                                                                                 Bank of Singapore leverages fixed income
direction pays off                                                                                                                      underliers
The UK bank for the first time has offered interest rates-linked structured notes with net                                              The private bank has capitalised on increased demand for fixed income structures from
proceeds allocated to finance green and social projects.                                                                                investors in Singapore.
                                             In an environment of rising rates and        inflationary backdrop, which are “less                                                       The appeal is simple - if the spread            the geopolitical and inflation risks that
                                             market volatility, the notes were designed   conducive to equity-linked products”.                                                        between the 30-year USD constant                come along with it, Chia added.
                                             with simple payoffs and offer full capital                                                                                                maturity swap (CMS) and two-year USD
                                             protection. SCB sustainability programme     In contrast, the first three months of 2021                                                  CMS, which refer to the secured overnight       “The fixed income structured products
                                             represents a strategy shift towards          translated to a record quarter for SCB’s                                                     financing rate (SOFR) - is above a pre-         along with the minimum redemption notes
                                             sustainable investing through structured     structured product business fuelled by                                                       determined level on an observation              linked to equity have been immensely
                                             products as the UK bank historically         a very strong demand for flow equity                                                         date, the enhanced coupon for that day          popular this year,” she said.
                                             focused efforts on equity-linked ESG         derivatives in a relatively benign market                                                    becomes payable.
                                             products with limited success.               context, according to Rigois.                                                                                                                ASSET DIRECTION
                                                                                                                                                                                       “Going higher on the risk return spectrum,      Since the beginning of the year many
                                             Under SCB’s sustainability programme,        “However, we were fast to pivot towards                                                      range accrual credit-linked notes allow         distributors have shifted their focus
                                             the proceeds of equity-linked product        other asset classes such as interest rate                                                    investors, who would like to receive even       towards fixed income or multi-asset
                                             shall be invested into sustainable           and FX derivatives which has reshaped                                                        higher coupons and are willing to take on       underlying assets in the structured product
                                             projects by third-party derivative           the business,” he said.                                                                      more risks, to overlay a credit element,”       market driven by the risk-off environment.
                                             manufacturers while the reference                                                                                                         said Chia without disclosing the volume.        From February-end to April, Standard
                                             assets must be qualified as ESG              In April, the bank, which focuses on                                                                                                         Charted Bank collected US$350m
Available for subscription from the end of   investment, according to SCB’s internal      flow strategies, delivered a stable           Bank of Singapore, OCBC Bank’s private         This product also offers full principal         traded notional from interest rates-linked
February to April, these structured notes    guidelines.                                  traded notional of structured products in     banking arm, has seen a six-fold increase      protection if there’s no credit event           structured notes featuring capped floored
raised a total traded notional or assets                                                  Singapore year-on-year.                       in the traded notional of fixed income-        associated with the issuer or the               floaters, step-up and range accrual
under management (AuM) of US$350m,           “All structured notes have two                                                             linked structured notes and minimum            reference credit. Meanwhile, re-risking has     payoffs in Asia and the Middle East, as
according to Nicolas Rigois (pictured),      components, a funding component and          “Where the flows last year were almost        redemption notes on equity from January        been seen in the broader equities space.        SRP reported. SRP data shows that the
global head of capital markets products      a derivative component that provides the     exclusively equity-linked we now see a        to April compared with 2021.                                                                   Taiwan market has seen a noticeable
and solutions, wealth management at          structured exposure to an underlying,”       healthy balance between asset classes,”                                                      “There were also pockets of opportunities       growth of interest rates-linked structured
Standard Chartered Bank (SCB).               said Rigois. “At the start of 2022, we       said Rigois. “Looking forward, with the       “There was recognition early in the year       in the form of hedging solutions and            notes year-to-date compared with the
                                             decided to change our approach and           rise in interest rates we expect to see       that certain types of structured products      switches into more defensive plays,”            same period in 2021.
“Issued and structured by SCB, the           really focus our message on the funding      sustained interest in principal-protected     such as fixed income structured notes          said Chia, citing minimum redemption
notes offered a range of payoffs such as     component of the note which is the key       structures and plan to keep innovating in     and minimum redemption notes would             notes. “Having a minimum redemption             A group of 19 distributors in the market
capped-floored floater, step-up and range    ESG component.”                              that space.”                                  make sense for a lot of investors,” Vivienne   at maturity provides some comfort for           have launched 139 structured notes
accrual with tenor ranging between two                                                                                                  Chia (pictured), global head of investment     investors who would like to participate in      tracking the performance of unspecified
and five years,” Rigois told SRP. “[They]    The change of popular underlying             As the capacity of these ESG-linked           advisory solutions at Bank of Singapore,       the market but are concerned with further       interest rates, five-year USD CMS, 30-year
allowed us to reach a broad set of clients   asset classes has reflected the evolving     structured notes was exhausted in the         told SRP, adding that the structures have      downside risk.                                  USD CMS, 2-year USD CMS or 10-year
in private banking and priority banking      market conditions triggered at the           first round, Rigois noted that SCB will       enabled investors to take advantage of the                                                     USD CMS, year-to-date. The figure
across our key markets in Asia and the       beginning of 2022 on the back of             consider re-opening the programme             rising interest rates.                         The private bank is aware of the power          represents an increase from four marketed
Middle East.”                                heightened geopolitical tensions and an      once available.                                                                              dynamics at play on the world stage and         between January and April.
                                                                                                                                        Conservative offerings such as capped
                                                                                                                                        floored floaters which will be redeemed
                                                                                                                                        with full principal protection at maturity
                                                                                                                                        and allow investor to receive a minimum
                                                                                                                                        coupon and potentially higher coupons
                                                                                                                                        subject to the prevailing interest rates
At the start of 2022, we decided to change our                                                                                          have seen increased momentum.                  The fixed income structured products
approach and really focus our message on the funding                                                                                    “Moving a notch higher on the spectrum,
                                                                                                                                        investors may achieve higher coupons
                                                                                                                                                                                       and equity-linked minimum redemption
component of the note                                                                                                                   with the callable daily range accrual
                                                                                                                                        notes,” said Chia. “The potential coupon
                                                                                                                                                                                       notes have been immensely popular
                                                                                                                                        is enhanced by adding a range accrual

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SRPInsight - TRANSITION IN - Structured Retail Products
 NEWS | APAC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NEWS | APAC

                                                                                                                                           We've seen an increase in alternative investments
                                                                                                                                           within the fund space
                                                                                                                                           Aditya Sehgal, Nomura

                                                                                                                                           enable investors to have more pricing         the year-end, which was at a similar level       of wealth management at Citibank Korea,
                                                                                                                                           choices.”                                     of total return swaps, data from China           who has relocated to London as UK head
                                                                                                                                                                                         Securities Regulatory Commission shows.          of investment and product.
                                                                                                                                           Structured products are traditionally
                                                                                                                                           sold through private banks to the ultra-      “Quantitative investment strategies [QIS]        “Q1 22 has come down significantly.
                                                                                                                                           wealthy investors, and activity is expected   became popular from 2019 for their               That’s impacted new sales given that
                                                                                                                                           to remain high as there is now huge           volatility control feature and full capital      client sentiment is more reversed or
                                                                                                                                           demand for portfolio protection with          protection,” said Cheung.                        defensive,” said Kessel, adding that a slew

SRP Apac 2022: market trends triggered shift
                                                                                                                                           defined outcome, according to Law.                                                             of new regulations was implemented over
                                                                                                                                                                                         For offshore investors, Asian equities           the past 18 months including consumer
                                                                                                                                           Wai Meng Goh, executive director, head        began to gain traction from 2018 with            protection act requirements triggered by

in investor demand                                                                                                                         of solutions & sales, structured products
                                                                                                                                           in Singapore at Julius Baer, noted that
                                                                                                                                           tailor-made solutions remain critical for
                                                                                                                                                                                         more research on China equity available
                                                                                                                                                                                         in the structured products market. To
                                                                                                                                                                                         capitalise on the growth, CLSA has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the 2019 mis-selling crisis.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          “As a consequence, it's made the
                                                                                                                                           structured product investors, including       manufactured worst-of autocallable notes         sales process extremely convoluted,
A panel comprising senior wealth management, private banking and investment                                                                family offices.                               tracking Asia index and single stocks.           albeit in the interest of the client,” he
banking executives at the SRP Apac 2022 Conference held on 11 May, shed light on the                                                                                                                                                      said. “However, by adding additional
                                                                                                                                           At the Swiss bank, the strategies cover       “Some investors started to look at our QIS       paperwork, cooling off periods, post sales
current challenges and opportunities in the Apac market amid increased market volatility.                                                  yield enhancement products, interest rate     offerings and Asia thematic baskets such         call-backs, it has put off some clients.”
                                                                                                                                           swaps, inflation-linked strategies, cash      as ESG,” she said. “This shows that the
“The last 24 months has led to investor       increase in alternative investments within    those more risk-adjusted strategies, and       extraction and share financing depending      interest in China equity has increased. In       Some clients have switched to more
trends evolving at a much faster pace         the fund space, be it outright investing      the business cycles are getting shorter        on the client’s need, according to Goh.       the meantime, a challenge for us securities      execution or flow-driven solutions, rather
than before,” said Aditya Sehgal (first on    into some of these funds into REITs or        along with the investments.                                                                  houses is to provide more value-added            than going through the arduous process
the left), head of capital market solutions   real estate space, including some of the                                                     “Bespoke is the key,” she said. “We have      products, instead of just flow products.”        of trading structured products. And
at International Wealth Management            diversified macro funds.”                     “It's really important that we are providing   to make use of the flexibility provided                                                        there’s more flexibility for the security
Nomura, noting that May 2020 saw                                                            the solutions as quickly as possible,” he      by automation and data to analyse and         In April, Yves Bonzon, group CIO of Julius       house channel compared with banks,
one of the fastest growing markets in         According to Shegal, there is a pickup        said.                                          hence we can come up with a more              Baer published the report - Why China            according to Kessel.
traditional asset classes, particularly       in investments featuring value-based or                                                      individualised solutions to our clients.”     is no longer a core asset class - and cut
equities, on the back of the liquidity        volatility-based strategies, and investors    From a family office perspective, there’s                                                    China allocation to zero.                        “From an optics perspective or a risk-
provided by central banks.                    are keeping a decent portion of their         growing demand for automation from             CHINA & SOUTH KOREA                                                                            averse sentiment perspective, you've seen
                                              assets in cash. In addition, with rising      structured products investors as they want     Chinese investors are starting to             “Our relationship managers are actively          that shift in flow multi asset solutions and
However, activity stumbled in 2021 when       interest rates, a wide range of capital-      to know what they can get out of their         look at global assets and multi-asset         engaging clients to diversify out of China,”     derivative-linked funds (ELF) as opposed to
inflation talks surfaced and the Chinese      protected products linked to a wider          investments quickly, according to Eva Law,     strategies, which represented significant     said Goh. “Of course, you can have               being equity-centric,” he said. “A lot more
government began its crackdown                variety of underlying assets across equity,   founder and chairman at Association of         development in the structured product         positions in especially Chinese tech and         flow will go back into back into ELS sooner
on technology giants and real estate          commodity, credit and rates has been          Family Offices in Asia and Association of      as derivatives only began to gain traction    American depositary receipts [ADRs]. We're       or later as stock baskets constitute 50% of
companies. However, US equities               developed.                                    Private Bankers in Greater China.              in the country in 2014, according to Na       trying to do some recovery strategies [as        the float, which is primarily denominated by
continued to reach new highs and led to                                                                                                    Cheung, executive director, head of           well]. If not, we just switch them to other      US equity and defensive blue chip names.
a bounceback until November.                  “It’s good to also have your in-house         “I see both institutional and the private      equity derivatives for Singapore at CLSA,     outside of China in this aspect.”
                                              CIO. The asset allocation framework is        investors searching for structured             a subsidiary of CITIC Securities.                                                              “ELS is still the bread and butter of the
“As central banks tighten monetary            something more conservative and has           products that deliver their view while                                                       In South Korea, macro conditions haven't         Korean market, and I don't see that
policies, you're now seeing investors         helped us push the message across,”           providing features such as capital             In 2021, the onshore market delivered         been conducive to the equity-linked              changing, particularly the three-year ELS
look at alternatives, or other ways of        said Sehgal, adding that the increase of      protection, leverage, reduction of             an over-the-counter (OTC) option              securities (ELS) market due to regulatory        autocall payoff. Every distributor, both
expressing risk adjusted strategies and       cash allocation is part of the CIO view at    portfolio risk exposure and access to new      issuance amount of US$571 billion – the       restrictions and a lack of velocity,             bank and security house continue to build
portfolios,” said Sehgal. “We've seen an      Nomura, which complies with some of           markets,” said Law. “Multi-issuer platforms    outstanding notional was US$156 billion at    according to Gidon J. Kessel, former head        up the volume,” he said.

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