Squalene epoxidase expression is associated with breast tumor progression and with a poor prognosis in breast cancer

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Squalene epoxidase expression is associated with breast tumor progression and with a poor prognosis in breast cancer
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 21: 259, 2021

    Squalene epoxidase expression is associated with breast tumor
       progression and with a poor prognosis in breast cancer

       Departments of 1Pathology, 2Surgery and 3Preventive Medicine, Chonnam National University Medical School,
         Gwangju 61469; 4College of Pharmacy, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 61186, Republic of Korea

                                    Received October 15, 2020; Accepted January 18, 2021

                                                   DOI: 10.3892/ol.2021.12520

Abstract. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) have been          and high SQLE expression may be a useful biomarker for
previously identified using massive parallel RNA sequencing        predicting a poor prognosis in patients with BC.
in matched normal, breast cancer (BC) and nodal metastatic
tissues. Squalene epoxidase (SQLE), one of these DEGs, is a        Introduction
key enzyme in cholesterol synthesis. The aim of the present
study was to investigate the potential involvement of SQLE in      In Korean women, breast cancer (BC) is one of the most
the tumorigenic process of BC and to determine its associa-        common type of cancer (1). Despite the significant improve-
tion with the clinical outcome of BC. SQLE mRNA expression         ments in the overall survival and quality of life for women
was measured using reverse transcription‑quantitative PCR in       with BC, BC remains a leading cause of cancer‑associated
10 pairs of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and BC tissues and     deaths (2). Therefore, it is necessary to develop new prognostic
their adjacent normal tissues. Immunohistochemical staining        and therapeutic markers for patients with BC.
of SQLE on tissue microarray was performed in 26 normal                Cancer cells frequently exhibit altered cellular metabo-
breast, 79 DCIS and 198 BC samples. The role of SQLE as            lism, which can mediate tumor progression and can be used
a prognostic biomarker in patients with BC has been verified       for therapeutic purposes (3). Cholesterol is a unique lipid
using BreastMark. SQLE mRNA expression was significantly           that is crucial for membrane formation, cell proliferation and
increased in DCIS and BC tissues compared with that in their       cell differentiation (4). The critical role of cholesterol in the
adjacent normal tissues. High SQLE expression was detected         pathogenesis of various types of cancer, such as prostate and
in 0, 48.1 and 40.4% of normal breast, DCIS and BC tissues,        breast cancer, has been recognized in tumor cell proliferation,
respectively. SQLE expression in DCIS and BC tissues was           survival and treatment resistance (4‑6). Moreover, several
significantly higher than that in normal breast tissues. High      studies have revealed that inhibition of cholesterol synthesis
SQLE expression was observed in DCIS with higher nuclear           at different steps results in human cancer cell death in both
grade, comedo‑type necrosis and HER2 positivity. High SQLE         in vitro and in vivo models (3,4,7). Overall, dysregulation of
expression in BC was associated with larger tumor size, nodal      cholesterol metabolism may be a promising new therapeutic
metastases, higher stage, HER2 subtype and distant metastatic      target for cancer treatment.
relapse. High SQLE expression was associated with poor                 Squalene epoxidase (SQLE) is one of the rate‑limiting
disease‑free and overall survival, and independently predicted     enzymes in cholesterol synthesis by catalyzing the first step
poor disease‑free survival in patients with BC. Following          of squalene oxygenation (8). Previous studies have revealed
BreastMark analysis, high SQLE mRNA expression in BC               that dysregulation of SQLE expression is involved in the
was significantly associated with a poor prognosis in the ‘all’,   molecular pathogenesis of various types of cancer, such as
lymph node negative, lymph node positive, luminal A subtype        prostate cancer (9,10), hepatocellular carcinoma (11), pancre-
and luminal B subtype groups. Therefore, SQLE expression           atic cancer (12), esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (13) and
may be upregulated during the tumorigenic process of BC,           squamous lung cancer (14). SQLE has been proposed as a new
                                                                   molecular marker to predict a poor prognosis in the aforemen-
                                                                   tioned types of cancer (9‑14).
                                                                       Several studies have already been conducted with the aim
                                                                   of exploring the potential effect of the dysregulation of SQLE
Correspondence to: Professor Ji Shin Lee, Department of
                                                                   expression in BC (15‑26). SQLE is involved in the mainte-
Pathology, Chonnam National University Medical School,
160 Baekseo-ro, Dong, Gwangju 61469, Republic of Korea             nance of lipid droplet homeostasis in BC (15). Additionally,
E-mail: jshinlee@hanmail.net                                       SQLE is involved in the process by which normal mammary
                                                                   fibroblasts induce a reversion of the malignant phenotype in
Key words: squalene epoxidase, breast, tumorigenesis, prognosis,   primary BC (16). SQLE overexpression is more prevalent in
immunohistochemistry                                               groups with an unfavorable prognosis of stage I/II estrogen
                                                                   receptor‑positive (ER+) BC (17), early‑onset BC (18) and
                                                                   African‑American patients with luminal A BC (19). Increased
Squalene epoxidase expression is associated with breast tumor progression and with a poor prognosis in breast cancer
2                                KIM et al: SQUALENE EPOXIDASE EXPRESSION IN BREAST CANCER

SQLE expression in patients with ER+ BC has been associated          Republic of Korea), which is a member of the Korea Biobank
with poor response to endocrine therapy (20). Furthermore,           Network, and were used for RT‑qPCR, as aforementioned.
high SQLE expression has been associated with increased              The present study included 10 female patients each with DCIS
risk of BC recurrence (21‑23). SQLE copy number amplifi-             or BC. The mean age in patients with DCIS was 57.2 years
cation has been associated with its overexpression and poor          (median age, 57.6 years; age range, 48‑73 years), while the
prognosis (24). MYC gene amplification and aberrant SQLE             mean age in patients with BC was 56.6 years (median age,
methylation have also been observed in aggressive BC (25).           53.0 years; age range, 39‑86 years).
Brown et al (26) have confirmed that SQLE is a true oncogene
by clinically relevant amplification in BC. Brown et al (26)         SQLE expression in normal, DCIS and BC tissues
have demonstrated that SQLE overexpression represents an             Patients and tissues. Tissues were fixed in 10% formalin
independent adverse prognostic factor and that SQLE inhibi-          for 12‑24 h at room temperature, cut into
Squalene epoxidase expression is associated with breast tumor progression and with a poor prognosis in breast cancer
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 21: 259, 2021                                                                 3

Figure 1. SQLE expression assessed via (A) RNA‑Sequencing and (B) reverse transcription‑quantitative PCR in matched N, C and LN tissues in seven patients
with breast cancer. FPKM, fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads; N, normal; C, cancer; LN, lymph node metastatic; SQLE, squalene

patients were analyzed using one‑way repeated measures ANOVA                  SQLE mRNA in DCIS and BC tissues and their adjacent normal
followed by post‑hoc analysis with Fisher's Least Significant                 breast tissues. SQLE expression was assessed by RT‑qPCR in
Difference adjustment for multiple comparisons. SQLE mRNA                     10 frozen DCIS tissues (Fig. 2A) and 10 BC tissues (Fig. 2B)
expression according to RT‑qPCR in the DCIS and BC tissues                    and their respective adjacent normal breast tissues. The
and their adjacent normal tissues were compared using a paired                expression levels of SQLE mRNA (mean ± SD) were signifi-
Student's t‑test (two‑sided). Categorical nominal variables were              cantly increased in DCIS and BC tissues compared with in
tested using the χ2 test or Fisher's exact test. Linear‑by‑linear             their adjacent normal breast tissues (6.27±7.54 vs. 1.00±0.00
association was added to test for the trend. Univariate survival              for DCIS vs. normal, P
Squalene epoxidase expression is associated with breast tumor progression and with a poor prognosis in breast cancer
4                                     KIM et al: SQUALENE EPOXIDASE EXPRESSION IN BREAST CANCER

Figure 2. SQLE mRNA expression assessed via reverse transcription‑quantitative PCR in (A) DCIS and (B) BC tissues and their adjacent N breast tissues.
N, normal; DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ; BC, breast cancer; SQLE, squalene epoxidase.

Figure 3. SQLE expression in normal breast, DCIS and BC tissues. (A and B) Normal breast tissue exhibited weak cytoplasmic SQLE expression (A: magni-
fication, x4; scale bar, 500 µm; B: magnification, x400; scale bar, 60 µm). (C) High and (D) low SQLE expression in the cytoplasm of DCIS tissues. (E) High
and (F) low SQLE expression in the cytoplasm of BC tissues. Magnification, x4; scale bar, 500 µm (inlet magnification, x400). DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ;
BC, breast cancer; SQLE, squalene epoxidase.
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 21: 259, 2021                                                                  5

Figure 4. Survival of patients grouped according to SQLE expression. High SQLE expression predicted a significantly poor disease‑free survival and overall
survival (P= 0.001 and P= 0.001, respectively). SQLE, squalene epoxidase.

                          Figure 5. Prognostic role of squalene epoxidase expression in breast cancer assessed using BreastMark.

status (P
6                                 KIM et al: SQUALENE EPOXIDASE EXPRESSION IN BREAST CANCER

Table I. SQLE expression in normal breast, ductal carcinoma           Table III. Association between SQLE expression and clinico-
in situ and breast cancer tissues.                                    pathological parameters of patients with breast cancer (n=198).

                             High SQLE expression,                                                           High SQLE
Type of tissue                    n/total n (%)           P-value                                             expression,
                                                                      Characteristics                        n/total n (%)    P-valuea
Normal                              0/26 (0.0)             0.018a
Ductal carcinoma in situ           38/79 (48.1)                       Age, years		                                             >0.05
Breast cancer                     80/198 (40.4)                        ≤46                            40/112 (35.7)
                                                                       >46                              41/86 (47.7)
 Linear-by-linear association. Normal vs. ductal carcinoma in situ,
                                                                      Histopathologic type		                                   >0.05
P50                 17/34 (50.0)
                                                                       1                                 4/26 (15.4)
Size, cm		                                                 >0.05
                                                                       2                              47/101 (46.5)
 ≤2.5                21/45 (46.7)
                                                                       3                                30/71 (42.3)
 >2.5                17/34 (50.0)
                                                                      Stage		                                                  0.05
                                                                       Negative                         39/87 (44.8)
 Negative            17/28 (60.7)
                                                                       Positive                       42/111 (37.8)
 Positive            21/51 (41.2)
                                                                      HER2 		                                                  >0.05
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 21: 259, 2021                                                                                                               7

Table IV. Univariate analysis of prognostic factors in patients with breast cancer.

Characteristics                                                      Disease-free survival (P-value)                                         Overall survival (P-value)

Age (≤46 vs. >46 years)                                                                        0.972                                                             0.522
Histological type (invasive carcinoma of no special                                            0.076                                                             0.409
type vs. other types)
Tumor size (pT1 vs. pT2 vs. pT3)
8                               KIM et al: SQUALENE EPOXIDASE EXPRESSION IN BREAST CANCER

associated with tumorigenesis (normal‑cancer transition)           SQLE gene resides, is one of the hotspot genomic regions
rather than metastasis (cancer‑metastasis transition).             exhibiting the strongest association between copy number
    Although BC is believed to develop from DCIS (27), to the      gain and aberrant gene expression in high‑grade, ER‑ BC.
best of our knowledge, there are no studies that have examined     Furthermore, amplification of 8q24 was associated with a poor
the association between SQLE and tumor progression in BC,          prognosis independently of standard prognostic factors (24).
including DCIS lesions. In the present study, mRNA expres-         Brown et al (26) independently confirmed that SQLE is a
sion levels of SQLE in frozen DCIS and BC tissues and their        bona fide oncogene by amplification with clinical relevance in
adjacent normal breast tissues were assessed using RT‑qPCR.        BC. SQLE overexpression was more prevalent in high‑grade,
The present data revealed that SQLE mRNA expression was            HER2+ and hormone receptor‑negative invasive BC, and
significantly increased in DCIS and BC tissues compared with       was an independently significant unfavorable prognostic
in adjacent normal tissues. This result demonstrated the onco-     biomarker in BC (26). Yu et al (18) evaluated gene expres-
genic properties of SQLE in BC as well as in DCIS. However,        sion profiles from early‑onset BC tissues (age of patients,
there were no significant differences in SQLE mRNA expres-
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 21: 259, 2021                                                          9

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