Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Use of Electric Blankets and Other In-Home Electrical Appliances and Breast Cancer Risk
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American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 151, No. 11 Copyright © 2000 by The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and PubOc Health Printed in USA. All rights reserved Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Use of Electric Blankets and Other In-Home Electrical Appliances and Breast Cancer Risk Tongzhang Zheng,1 Theodore R. Holford,1 Susan Taylor Mayne,1 Patricia Hansen Owens,1 Bing Zhang,2 Peter Boyle,3 Darryl Carter,1 Barbara Ward,1 Yawei Zhang,1 and Shelia Hoar Zahm4 Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from use of electric blankets and other in-home electrical Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/151/11/1103/87348 by guest on 26 October 2020 appliances has been hypothesized to increase breast cancer risk. To test the hypothesis, the authors analyzed data from a case-control study of female breast cancer conducted in Connecticut in 1994-1997. A total of 608 incident breast cancer patients and 609 age frequency-matched controls, 31-85 years old, were interviewed by trained study interviewers using a standardized, structured questionnaire to obtain information on lifetime use of various in-home electrical appliances. A total of 40% of the cases and 43% of the controls reported regular use of electric blankets in their lifetime, which gave an adjusted odds ratio of 0.9 (95% confidence interval (Cl): 0.7, 1.1). For those who reported using electric blankets continuously throughout the night, the adjusted odds ratio was 0.9 (95% Cl: 0.7, 1.2) when compared with never users. The risk did not vary according to age at first use, duration of use, or menopausal and estrogen receptor status. The authors also did not find an association between use of other major in-home electrical appliances and breast cancer risk. In conclusion, exposure to EMFs from in-home electrical appliance use was not found to increase breast cancer risk in this study. Am J Epidemiol 2000;151:1103-11. breast neoplasms; case-control studies; electromagnetic fields Chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) processes (12) and dysfunction of cell membranes in the range of 50-60 Hz has been hypothesized to (13). It has also been suggested that EMFs might increase female breast cancer risk (1-3). In-home elec- reverse the oncostatic effect of melatonin at the site of trical appliances often provide the highest magnetic action in breast tissue (14). field levels experienced in the residence, with electric Limited epidemiologic studies investigating electric blankets being among the largest sources. Some stud- blanket use and breast cancer risk have produced ies have reported that pineal gland exposure to EMFs inconclusive results (15-19). A case-control study from electric blanket use could be 10-40 times greater from upstate New York found a borderline signifi- than exposure to EMFs associated with electrical cantly increased risk of breast cancer for post- wiring in or around the home (4-6). Several mecha- menopausal women (odds ratio (OR) = 1.5,95 percent nisms have been suggested to explain the potential confidence interval (Cl): 1.0, 2.2) and for pre- relation between EMF exposure and breast cancer risk, menopausal women (OR = 1.4, 95 percent Cl: 0.9, including the following: 1) EMFs reduce the pineal 2.2) among those who reported using electric blankets gland's production of melatonin, a hormone that continuously throughout the night compared with inhibits mammary carcinogenesis (1,2, 7-9); 2) EMFs never users (15, 16). When pre- and postmenopausal have a direct effect on circulating prolactin and estro- women were combined (17), the odds ratio was 1.5 (95 gen (1, 10, 11); or 3) EMFs cause alteration of mitotic percent Cl: 1.1, 1.9). Two more recent studies, how- ever, found no increased risk associated with electric blanket use (18, 19). The study by Gammon et al. (18) found an odds ratio of 1.0 (95 percent Cl: 0.9, 1.2) for Received for publication March 18, 1999, and accepted for publi- cation August 5, 1999. women under age 45 years and an odds ratio of 1.1 (95 Abbreviations: Cl, confidence interval; EMF, electromagnetic field; percent Cl: 0.9, 1.4) for those 45 years and over among OR, odds ratio. women who reported using electric blankets, mattress 1 Yale University School of Medicine and Yale Cancer Center, New Haven, CT. pads, or heated water beds when compared with never 2 McGill University, Montreal, Canada users. Another study by Coogan and Aschengrau (19) 3 4 European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy. reported an odds ratio of 1.0 (95 percent Cl: 0.7, 1.4) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD. Reprint requests to Dr. Tongzhang Zheng, 129 Church Street, Suite among women who reported using an electric blanket 700, New Haven, CT 06510 (e-mail: tongzhang.zheng©yale.edu). compared with women who did not. 1103
1104 Zheng etal. Besides electric blankets, there are other in-home had similar breast cancer mortality rates as well. Newly electrical appliances that could be significant sources diagnosed cases with Tolland County addresses were for domestic exposure to EMFs (20). These include identified from area hospital records by the Rapid Case electric hair dryers, curling irons, vacuum cleaners, Ascertainment Shared Resource of the Yale and electric irons. A potential relation between expo- Comprehensive Cancer Center, where the staff are sure to these in-home electrical appliances and breast assigned geographically to survey all of the state's non- cancer risk has been suggested, but no study has been pediatric hospitals in order to identify newly diagnosed conducted to actually assess the relation. Because of cases. Cases identified in the field are sent regularly to the inconclusive nature of the association and the the Rapid Case Ascertainment Shared Resource data widespread use of the aforementioned appliances, we entry staff where the case's demographic information is examined the relation between in-home use of electri- entered, verified, and screened against the Connecticut cal appliances and the risk of breast cancer in a case- Tumor Registry database. Connecticut also has recipro- control study conducted in Connecticut between 1994 cal reporting of cancer cases with adjacent states, facil- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/151/11/1103/87348 by guest on 26 October 2020 and 1997. itating complete ascertainment. A total of 238 such cases were identified for this study with 176 of them (74 percent) completing in- MATERIALS AND METHODS person interviews. Population-based controls with Study population Tolland County addresses were recruited using either random digit dialing methods for those below age 65 as Cases were histologically confirmed, incident breast described by Hartge et al. (21) or Health Care Finance cancer patients (International Classification of Administration files for those aged 65 years and over. Diseases for Oncology codes 174.0-174.9) who either The participation rate from random digit dialing- had breast-related surgery at the Yale-New Haven selected controls was 64 percent including the initial Hospital, New Haven County, or who were residents telephone screening and from Health Care Finance of Tolland County, Connecticut, between January 1, Administration controls, 54 percent. A total of 152 ran- 1994, and December 31, 1997. Subjects were dom digit dialing-selected controls and 53 Health Care restricted to 31- to 85-year-old women who had no Finance Administration controls participated in the previous diagnosis of cancer, with the exception of study. Efforts were made to frequency match the cases nonmelanoma skin cancer, and who were alive at the and controls by age (within 5-year intervals) using a 1:1 time of interview. ratio by adjusting the number of controls randomly Potentially eligible cases from the Yale-New Haven selected in each age stratum every few months. Hospital were identified using computerized patient The study pathologist (D. C.) reviewed all the patho- information from the Yale-New Haven Hospital logic information for the breast cancer cases and for Surgical Pathology Department, where records of all the benign breast disease controls recruited from Yale- newly performed breast-related surgeries are kept. We New Haven Hospital. He also reviewed the pathologic consecutively selected all breast cancer patients who information for the cases recruited from Tolland met the study eligibility requirements as described County. Carcinomas were classified as in situ, invasive above. A total of 561 incident breast cancer cases were ductal, or invasive lobular and were staged according identified from Yale-New Haven Hospital, with 432 of to the tumor-nodes-metastasis system (22). them (77 percent) completing in-person interviews. From the computerized files, we also randomly Interviews selected 569 potential control patients who had had breast-related surgery and who were histologically All procedures were performed in accordance with a diagnosed with normal tissue or benign breast diseases protocol approved by the Yale Human Investigations (excluding atypical hyperplasia). Of these, 404 (71 Committee. After approval by the hospitals and by percent) participated in the study. Efforts were made to each subject's physician, or following selection frequency match the cases and controls by age (within through random sampling, potential participants were 5-year intervals) using a 1:1 ratio by adjusting the approached by letter and then by phone. Those who number of controls randomly selected in each age stra- agreed were interviewed by trained study interviewers, tum every few months. either at the subject's home or at a convenient location. In addition to the cases and controls recruited from A standardized, structured questionnaire was used to the Yale-New Haven Hospital, we also recruited cases obtain information on electric blanket usage. The and controls from Tolland County, Connecticut. respondents were asked whether they had used an elec- Tolland and New Haven counties have similar breast tric blanket regularly at any time in their life. If their cancer incidence rates, and in recent years they have response was affirmative, the respondents were then Am J Epidemiol Vol. 151, No. 11, 2000
Electromagnetic Fields and Breast Cancer Risk 1105 asked to provide information related to each period were measured immunohistochemically at the pathol- when they had used an electric blanket. Specifically, ogy department of Yale-New Haven Hospital and were they were asked to give their age at first/each use, age considered to be positive with an H-score larger than when they stopped use, the number of years of use, and 75 as described by McCarty et al. (25) (an "H-score" finally, the number of months per year and days per is calculated as the percentage of stains x the intensity week during months of reported use. Respondents of the stain). Detailed information also allowed us to were also questioned about their most typical pattern examine breast cancer risk by cumulative exposure (or mode) of use, that is, whether their electric blanket (lifetime duration in months of use), by duration of was left on for most of/the entire night, if it was only exposure (number of years of use), and by intensity of used to warm the bed, or if it was left on for up to 1 exposure (such as the average number of months of hour or 1-3 hours after getting into bed. Most of the use per year and the average number of days of use per participants in this study reported the same mode of year). use over the different periods of use reported. Only Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/151/11/1103/87348 by guest on 26 October 2020 Unconditional logistic regression was used to esti- eight controls and one case reported different modes of mate the association between exposure and disease and use over different periods of use. The results were to control for potential confounders. Potential con- essentially the same even when the reported mode of founding variables included in the final model were use spanned a lifetime as opposed to being only the age (50 years), body mass index (30 kg/m2), age at menarche (16 years, or unknown), lifetime months of lactation jects who reported different modes of use over differ- (0, 1-6, 7-12, £13), age at first full-term pregnancy ent periods were grouped into the other use pattern (nulliparous,
1106 Zheng etal. TABLE 1. Selected characteristics of breast cancer cases and controls, Connecticut, 1994-1997 No. of cases No. of controls Characteristics (n-608) (n = 609) OR*,t 95% CI* Age (years)
Electromagnetic Fields and Breast Cancer Risk 1107 TABLE 2. Electric blanket use and risk of breast cancer, Connecticut, 1994-1997 No. of No. of Blanket use OR*,t 95% Cl* controls Never 367 346 1.0 Ever 241 263 0.9 0.7, 1.1 Age (years) at first use
1108 Zheng et aJ. TABLE 3. Electric blanket use and risk of breast cancer by study site, Connecticut, 1994-1997 YNHH1•'subjects Tol land County Blanket use No. of No. of No. of No. of cases controls OR*,t 95%CI» cases controls ORt 95% Cl Never 260 237 1.0 107 109 1.0 Ever 172 167 1.0 0.7,1.3 69 96 0.7 0.5,1.1 Age (years) at first use
Electromagnetic Fields and Breast Cancer Risk 1109 TABLE 4. Lifetime duration (In months) of In-home electric appliance use and risk of female breast cancer, Connecticut, 1994-1997 Appliance use No. of cases No. of controls OR'.t 95%CI« Heated waterbed (months) Never 548 524 1.0 236 131 155 1.0 0.7, 1.4 Curling iron (months) Never 378 352 1.0 1-58 104 128 0.8 0.6,1.1 £59 126 129 1.0 0.8, 1.4 Heating pad (months) Never 550 556 1.0 1-13 30 26 1.2 0.7, 2.1 2:14 28 27 1.2 0.7, 2.1 Electric razor (months) Never 532 541 1.0 1-35 52 33 1.7 1.1,2.8 £36 24 34 0.6 0.3, 1.0 Missing information 0 1 Electric toothbrush (months) Never 513 510 1.0 1-32 38 48 0.8 0.5, 1.2 £33 57 51 1.0 0.7, 1.6 Vacuum cleaner (months) Never 58 52 1.0 1-46 135 136 1.1 0.7, 1.8 47-70 127 141 0.9 0.5, 1.5 71-109 147 136 1.0 0.6,1.6 £110 141 144 0.9 0.5, 1.4 Popcorn maker (months) Never 503 509 1.0 1-9 51 50 1.2 0.8, 1.8 £10 54 50 1.2 0.8, 1.9 Computer (months) Never 312 261 1.0 1-38 92 115 0.7 0.5, 1.0 39-90 115 118 0.9 0.6, 1.2 £91 89 115 0.7 0.5, 0.9 Iron (months) Never 72 63 1.0 1-53 170 181 0.9 0.6, 1.4 54-100 188 182 0.9 0.6,1.4 £101 178 183 0.9 0.6,1.4 • OR, odds ratio; Cl, confidence interval. t Adjusted for age, body mass index (kg/m1), lifetime months of lactation, age at menarche, age at first full- term pregnancy, family breast cancer history, fat intake, race, income 10 years before disease diagnosis or inter- view, and study site. Am J Epidemiol Vol. 151, No. 11, 2000
1110 Zheng et al. the actual level of exposure to EMFs, including the appliances could also significantly contribute to following: the type and routing of the heating element; human EMF exposure (20). the controller design; the means of overheat protec- Our study assessed the effect of lifetime use of tion; and human use factors such as heat tolerance, fre- major in-home electrical appliances and was not lim- quency, and pattern of use (31). Lack of detailed infor- ited to exposures at just one time. It is currently mation about these factors would cause a unknown which exposure (past or current) is more misclassification of exposure. While the misclassifica- important if a relation indeed exists between EMFs tion is unlikely to be differential, nondifferential mis- and breast cancer risk. It has been suggested (8) that classification can still cause underestimation of the EMF exposure many years in the past should be association between in-home electrical appliance use assessed if stem cell turnover has been affected. On the and breast cancer risk. This argument, however, does other hand, if cancer cell growth is the underlying not seem to coincide well with the fact that there was mechanism for an association between EMFs and breast cancer risk, then very recent exposures could be Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/151/11/1103/87348 by guest on 26 October 2020 no apparent increased risk for women who started using electric blankets at a very early age, used them crucial. Savitz et al. (37) pointed out that, if prolonged for a long time, and kept them on continuously exposure is the basis for purported adverse health throughout the night. effects, the duration of exposure from different sources Another potential explanation for the lack of associ- would be of paramount importance. These suggestions ation observed in our study concerns the use of benign emphasize the importance of examining the relation by breast disease patients as part of the control group. If age at first regular use and duration of use of various benign breast diseases were associated with EMF electric appliances. exposure, a weak association between use of electrical In summary, there has been increasing concern that appliances and breast cancer risk could be obscured. exposure to EMFs resulting from in-home electrical However, this explanation does not seem to be highly appliance use and residential and occupational expo- likely because population-based controls were used for sures may increase breast cancer risk, as well as cause subjects recruited from Tolland County. As described other adverse health effects (1-3). This possibility has earlier, when these two study sites were analyzed sep- provoked considerable controversy, as summarized by arately, we reached essentially the same conclusions as others (7-9, 33, 38-40), and is far from resolved. in the combined analyses. While recent epidemiologic studies, including this Another potential limitation of our study is that we one, do not support an association between exposure to did not collect information on occupational and resi- EMFs from in-home electrical appliances and breast dential electric wiring exposure to EMFs. However, cancer risk, several possible limitations may have the proportion of the female work force employed in hampered these findings. One of the potential limita- electrical occupations associated with exposure to tions discussed earlier is a lack of detail in information EMFs is small, and most of the studies relating such collected through in-person interviews related to occupational exposures to breast cancer risk have pro- domestic EMF exposure. The resultant misclassifica- duced largely negative results (32, 33). Studies have tion of exposure may cause an underestimation of the association between in-home electrical appliance use also suggested that EMF exposure associated with and breast cancer risk. Future epidemiologic studies electrical wiring in or around the home was substan- would be needed to improve the measurement tools so tially smaller than that from electric blanket use or that a better estimate of EMF exposure from various from the use of other in-home electrical appliances (4, sources over many years could be achieved, but thus 5, 20). Finally, residential exposure to EMFs also has far the evidence for such an association is not strong. not been consistently associated with breast cancer risk (33-36). Therefore, it is unlikely that the observed lack of association between in-home electrical appliance use and breast cancer risk can be entirely explained by confounding from occupational and residential EMF ACKNOWLEDGMENTS exposures. This study is supported by grant CA-62986 from the One of the advantages of our study is that we have National Cancer Institute/National Institute of collected detailed information on major in-home elec- Environmental Health Science. trical appliances and not limited our investigation to The authors thank Donna Carrano, Melita Bosnyak, electric blanket use. Examination of the relation Heather Hutson, and Sylvia Ullman for their high quality between breast cancer risk and use of electrical appli- interviewing. They also are grateful for assistance provided ances other than electric blankets is important since by the Yale Cancer Center Shared Resources in ascertaining studies have shown that these other in-home electrical the study patients from Tolland County. Special thanks are Am J Epidemiol Vol. 151, No. 11, 2000
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