Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott

Page created by Billy Parsons
Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott
Spring National High School
Journalism Convention
                    April 14-17, 2011
                   Anaheim Marriott
Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott
Table of contents
2    Welcome
     Welcome to the JEA/NSPA Spring
                                                                                    2    Welcome to Anaheim

     National High School Journalism
                                                                                    3    JEA/NSPA Welcome
     Convention in Anaheim, Calif., where
     you will find hundreds of instructional                                        4    Convention Officials
     sessions covering writing, editing, design,
     broadcasting, photography, advertising                                         6    Convention Sponsors
     and digital media as well as personal and
     staff recognition.
                                                                                    8    Keynote Speakers

                                                                                  10     Featured Speakers
10   Featured speakers
     Join featured speakers each day as these                                     12     Special Events
     professionals and celebrities offer advice
     and suggestions, relating stories from                                       14     Special Strands
     their careers in journalism.
                                                                                  15     Middle School Strand

12   Special events                                                               16     Awards

     As if hundreds of instructional sessions                                     24     Thursday at a Glance
     weren’t enough, this convention also
     offers a trade show, student contests,
     activities for advisers and other                                            25     Thursday Sessions
     opportunities to get to know your fellow
     convention-goers.                                                            28     Friday at a Glance

                                                                                  33     Friday Sessions

                                                                                  48     Saturday at a Glance

                                                                                  52     Saturday Sessions

                                                                                  70     Speaker Biographies

                                                                                  88     Map of Anaheim Marriott

           on the cover
           Live From Anaheim logo designed by Daniel Falk, El Toro High School graduate (Lake Forest, Calif.)   u u u u
           Images of Anaheim, Calif., courtesy of the Anaheim/Orange County Visitor & Convention Bureau

                                                                                                                          JEA/NSPA   1
Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott
Welcome to

           o measure the changes in             came up with all the features you will     a national convention, especially
           scholastic journalism since the      enjoy this weekend.                        one in Southern California. That
           last time we all met in Anaheim         We encourage you to find a set          JEA/NSPA leaders saw two almost-
    a few years ago can be pretty daunting.     of sessions you can build upon for         septuagenarians as good candidates
    Students have become leaders in             your needs. Whether it’s tech issues,      to lead a dynamic committee of
    the innovative use of technology            student press conflicts, adviser help,     outstanding convention planners
    to produce online publications              innovation in yearbook production …        shows that scholastic journalism
    and specialty media, advisers have          you’ll find something in every hour.       spans the decades with an
    revised and renewed their own skills        Middle school students will have their     understanding of its importance
    as they work to keep their students’        own carousel of ideas; new advisers        to education and a vision for what
    achievements in the limelight, and we       will be saluted grandly at the Friday      journalism can be in the future.
    have all watched national media begin       luncheon; Write-off judges include            We thank our committee members
    to evolve into something new.               more professional journalists than         with unbridled pride in their
       That means coming back to                ever before; hospitality areas are         accomplishments, and thank you all for
    Anaheim can’t, and won’t be, the same-      packed with fliers, books, exchange        being with us this weekend.
    old, same-old convention experience!        publications and an opportunity to go         Welcome to Anaheim!
    We have planned, with JEA and NSPA’s        one-on-one with JEA adviser/mentors.
    help, some special things for everyone.        To rest and refresh, take time to             Jolene Combs, El Camino College
    “Live, from Anaheim!” means                 stroll through Downtown Disney
    innovative sessions, a lot of exposure      before you tour Disneyland. Take                 Konnie Krislock, Newport Beach,
    to professional and student talent          Harbor Boulevard all the way to the                     local committee co-chairs
    (think the student film festival Saturday   beach. Pan for gold at Knott’s Berry
    night), great local tours and support for   Farm. Sit in the sun without your
    advisers every minute of every day.         laptop, cell phone or Flip cam and
       Your planning committee includes         think about how things can and will        Top left photo: The Silver Bullet roller
                                                                                           coaster is one of the many attractions at
    some of those people who worked on          change in your journalism life when
                                                                                           Knott’s Berry Farm (Buena Park, Calif.).
    the Anaheim convention before. The          you get back to school. Then come          Top right photo: If you take Harbor
    wonderful mix includes experienced          back inside and learn something new        Boulevard from Anaheim, you will reach
    advisers, creative thinkers and             in a session or at a coffee/soda session   Newport Beach Harbor.
    cautionary veterans who have                with colleagues and fellow students.       Photos courtesy of the Anaheim/Orange
    enjoyed numerous breakfasts as they            Nothing is more energizing than         County Visitor & Convention Bureau

Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott
In his book “The Soloist,” Steve Lopez calls it the “golden
rule” in journalism: Everyone has a story.
 “Talk to people,” he writes. “There’s no telling what you
might find.”
    Lopez’s amazing story about profiling and befriending          local cuisine, or don a pair of mouse ears.
Nathaniel Ayers holds life-changing lessons for journalists           Events such as this rely on hundreds of volunteers, and
and students. We’re thrilled to have Lopez as one of our           we’re blessed to have the help of scholastic journalism’s
keynote speakers at the JEA/NSPA Spring National High              finest. Members of the Anaheim local committee, as well as
School Journalism Convention.                                      dozens of others from around the country, have pledged
    Moreover, his keynote is sure to set the tone for the entire   their time and energy toward making this convention a
convention. What better way to learn about journalism than         success. If you see folks with name tags that say “speaker” or
to talk to thousands of your peers, as well as hundreds of         “local committee” or “staff,” be sure to tell them, “Thank you,”
top-level educators and professionals?                             for all their hard work.
    This program is your key to unlocking a successful                There’s more you can do to help. As you take part
convention experience. Look through the hundreds of                in convention activities, we would love to receive your
breakout sessions for topics that interest you, or inspire         feedback. You’ll notice this program contains
you, or challenge you. Read up on our keynote speakers to          small boxes with four digits next to most activity u u u
develop insightful questions that will help you in your own        descriptions. If you visit jea.org/eval on your computer
scholastic journalism career. Find opportunities to unwind         or Web-enabled mobile device, you can enter that code and
and socialize with newly made friends at a dance, or while         provide some feedback for each of the events you attend.
watching a student film festival.                                     But we encourage you not to wait for the evaluation to
    Starting with the opening keynote Thursday evening, all        get the instruction you want. Raise your hand, ask questions
convention activities will take place in the Anaheim Marriott      and visit with instructors. In other words, talk to people.
Hotel. In addition to speakers and social activities, we have         There’s no telling what you might find.
critiques, contests, a college fair and an exhibit hall full of
journalism-related products and services.                                                                  Logan Aimone, MJE,
    And don’t forget the surrounding area. Southern                                                      NSPA executive director
California is among the most bustling areas for news media
and entertainment. We hope you get a chance to explore                                                         Kelly Furnas, CJE,
the area, whether that be to visit a local newsroom, sample                                                JEA executive director

     Explore Anaheim and
   its surrounding area and
        “talk to people.”

At right: Anaheim GardenWalk
Below: Anaheim Marriott lobby
Photos courtesy of the Anaheim/Orange County
Visitor & Convention Bureau

                                                                                                                           JEA/NSPA   3
Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott
Convention officials
               Journalism Education Association
               Officers                                                             Liaisons
               Jack Kennedy, MJE, president                                         Linda Barrington, MJE, NCTE assembly
               Bob Bair, MJE, vice president                                        Julie E. Dodd, MJE, scholastic press association directors
               Linda Drake, CJE, secretary                                          Logan Aimone, MJE, NSPA
               Ann Visser, MJE, past president/ convention consultant
                                                                                    Periodicals and Listserv
               Regional Directors                                                   Bradley Wilson, CJE, C:JET editor and webmaster
               Steve Matson, MJE, Region 1/Northwest                                Howard Spanogle, C:JET assistant editor
               Ellen Austin, CJE, Region 2/Southwest                                Candace Perkins Bowen, MJE, JEA Listserv manager
               Gary Lindsay, MJE, Region 3/North Central
               Wayna C. Polk, CJE, Region 4/ South Central
                                                                                    National Write-off Committee
                                                                                    Carrie Faust, MJE
               Brenda W. Gorsuch, MJE, Region 5/Southeast
                                                                                    Kim Messadieh
               Tom Gayda, MJE, Region 6/ Mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes
                                                                                    Nancy Y. Smith, MJE
               Jane Blystone, MJE, Region 7/ Northeast
                                                                                    Patricia Turley
               Commission Chairs
               Mark Newton, MJE, Certification
                                                                                    Headquarters Staff
                                                                                    A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications,
               Norma Kneese, MJE, Multicultural
                                                                                    Kansas State University
               John Bowen, MJE, Scholastic Press Rights
                                                                                    Kelly Furnas, CJE, executive director
               Lori Oglesbee-Petter, CJE, Development and Curriculum
                                                                                    Connie Fulkerson, adminstrative assistant/bookstore manager
               Anita Marie Wertz, MJE, Junior High/Middle School
                                                                                    Sharon Tally, officer manager/bookkeeper
                                                                                    Pam Boller, office assistant/advertising manager

               National Scholastic Press Association
               Headquarters Staff                                                   Timothy S. Dorway, Chanhassen (Minn.) H.S.
               Logan Aimone, MJE, executive director                                Linda Drake, CJE, Chase County H.S., Cottonwood Falls, Kan.
               Emily Griesser, member services director                             Kathy Roberts Forde, Ph.D., University of South Carolina,
               Marc Wood, communications director                                   Columbia, S.C.
               Kathy Huting, contest/critique coordinator                           Monica Hill, CJE, North Carolina Scholastic Media Association,
               Jacqueline Flaum, administrative assistant                           University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
               Kay Dawson, accountant                                               Christopher J. Ison, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
                                                                                    Jane Kirtley, J.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
               Board of Directors                                                   Samuel Terilli, J.D., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla.
               Albert R. Tims, Ph.D., president, University of Minnesota,           Alan Weintraut, CJE, Annandale (Va.) H.S.
               Minneapolis                                                          Laura Widmer, Northwest Missouri State University,
               David Therkelsen, treasurer, University of Minnesota,                Maryville, Mo.

    Get to know your convention leaders

    Kelly Furnas, CJE               Jack Kennedy, MJE             Ann Visser, MJE               Logan Aimone, MJE             Albert R. Tims,
    JEA executive director          JEA president                 JEA past president/           NSPA executive                President, NSPA board
                                                                  convention consultant         director                      of directors

Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott
Convention officials
Local Convention Committee
                                              Featured Speakers                           Student Film Festival
   Local Committee Chairs                     Kim Messadieh, El Camino Real High School   Sean Ziebarth, Fountain Valley High School
                                              Nancy Zubiri, Venice High School
                                                                                          Student Scholarships
                                              Friday Luncheon                             Lacey Buidosik, Dorsey High School
                                              Jo Zimmerman, MJE, Thousand Oaks
                                                High School                               Student Volunteers
                                              Michelle Saremi, Newbury Park High School   Wendy Faust, Fairmont Prep

   Jolene Combs,          Konnie Krislock,    Media Tours, Things-to-do Brochure          Swap Shops
   JEA mentor,            JEA mentor,
                                              Mitch Ziegler, CJE, Redondo Union           Julie Braun, CJE, Irvine High School
   El Camino              Newport Beach
   College                                      High School
                                              Opening, Strands                            Carol Strauss, retired, Newport Beach
Adviser Gift Bags, Issue Seminars             Kim Messadieh, El Camino Real High School
Olga Kokino, CJE, University High School                                                  Vendors
                                              New-adviser Outreach                        Wendy Faust, Fairmont Prep
Adviser Hospitality                           Lacey Buidosik, Dorsey High School
Carrie Cunningham, Schurr High School,        Sharon Branigan, retired, San Clemente      Write-off Contests
  SCJEA president                                                                         Steve Slagle, CJE, chair, San Gabriel
Jo Zimmerman, MJE, Thousand Oaks              On-site Critiques                             High School
  High School                                 Diane Honda, MJE, Bullard High School       Carol Strauss, judges, retired, Newport Beach
                                                                                          Sharon Branigan, retired, San Clemente
Adviser Receptions                            Outreach Academy                            Marilyn McElroy, retired, Palm Springs
Sue Demerjian, Palos Verdes Intermediate      Dawn Nelson, Lawndale High School           Patrick Geil, San Joaquin Memorial High
  School                                      Nancy Zubiri, Venice High School              School
Beth Lee, Hope International University                                                   Rebecca Chai, Walnut High School
                                              Online Promotions                           Lacey Buidosik, Dorsey High School
College Connection                            Debra Schaefer, MJE, El Toro High School
Ellen Kersey, CJE, Corban University,         Jo Zimmerman, MJE, Thousand Oaks            Video
   Salem, Ore.                                  High School                               Mike Hernandez, Mira Costa High School

Curriculum Exchange                           Maestro Project
Danielle Ryan, CJE, Carlsbad High School      Lindsay Safe, Sunny Hills High School

   Let us know how we’re doing.
   Visit jea.org/eval and tell us what you think.                                                                      9876

   We want to know how helpful the sessions are during the JEA/NSPA Spring National High School                  Look for this box
                                                                                                                   next to each
   Journalism Convention. For each session listed in this program, you’ll find an evaluation code next to
   the description (see pages 25 through 66). Please visit jea.org/eval on your computer or Web-enabled            description.
   mobile device, enter that code and provide some feedback for each of the events you attend.

                                                                                                                              JEA/NSPA   5
Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott
Convention                                          Convention
    sponsors                                            rules
    JEA and NSPA wish to thank the following            These guidelines are established to ensure
    for their sponsorship and underwriting of           that all convention participants have a safe
    convention events:                                  and enjoyable stay in Anaheim.

                                                           A midnight convention curfew will be in effect
    Academy of Art University                           Wednesday through Saturday. Students should be
    Friday adviser luncheon                             in their rooms, making no excessive noise, at that
                                                        time. The hotel reserves the right to remove any hotel
    Balfour Yearbooks                                   guest who makes excessive noise or creates similar
    Printing of convention program                      disruption. Advisers/chaperones will be responsible
                                                        for enforcing the nightly convention curfew.
    Saturday morning adviser hospitality refreshments      No student will be admitted to the convention
                                                        without a school-approved adviser/chaperone. At
    Gardena Valley News                                 least one adviser/chaperone is required for every
    Printing of convention registration booklet         12 students. It is understood that by the act of
                                                        registering students for the convention, advisers
    Herff Jones                                         assume responsibility for their students’ behavior and
    Name badge lanyards & Saturday adviser luncheon     well-being during the convention.

    hsj.org & my.hsj.org                                   Chaperones should recognize that they and their
    Thursday new adviser reception                      schools will be held liable for any damage to hotel
                                                        facilities incurred by students under their supervision.
    Adviser tote bags
                                                           Rudeness to hotel guests and employees; misuse
                                                        of or reckless behavior on the elevators; excessive
    School Newspapers Online
    Friday student entertainment
                                                        noise; destruction of property; or any other
                                                        inappropriate behavior is not acceptable and can
    USC Annenberg School for Communication              lead to expulsion from the hotel and/or criminal
    Friday adviser reception                            prosecution. Should individual students, advisers
                                                        or delegations prove disruptive, JEA/NSPA officials
    Walsworth Publishing                                reserve the right to declare all fees forfeited and to
    Macintosh computer lab                              send delegates home at their own expense.

                                                           Breaking convention rules may result in
                                                        disqualification from all contests and forfeiture of any
                                                        awards won.
    Common Abbreviations Key
                                                           Drinking or possessing alcoholic beverages
    DJNF — Dow Jones News Fund                          or possession/use of illegal drugs is absolutely
    CSPA — Columbia Scholastic Press Association        prohibited.
    JEA — Journalism Education Association
    NSPA — National Scholastic Press Association          All students are expected to wear their convention
    SIPA — Southern Interscholastic Press Association   name badges at all times while in the convention
    CJE — Certified Journalism Educator
    MJE — Master Journalism Educator                      When outside the convention hotel, travel in
    NBCT — National Board Certified Teacher             groups. Your personal safety is our concern.

Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott
Keynote speakers
Steve Lopez
7:30 p.m. Thursday, Marquis Ballroom
   Columnist Steve Lopez (top right) joined the staff of the Los Angeles Times in
2001 after four years at Time Inc., where he wrote for Time, Sports Illustrated, Life
and Entertainment Weekly.
   Prior to Time Inc., Lopez was a columnist at the Philadelphia Inquirer, the
San Jose Mercury News and the Oakland Tribune. His work has won numerous
national journalism awards for column writing and magazine reporting. Lopez has
won more than a dozen national journalism awards and is in the National Society
of Newspaper Columnists Hall of Fame.
   Lopez is the author of three novels and a book of nonfiction, “The Soloist: A Lost
Dream, An Unlikely Friendship, and the Redemptive Power of Music.” The 2008
book is based on columns Lopez wrote for The Times about his friendship with a
downtown Los Angeles musician. A film version was released in 2009.

Lisa Ling and Laura Ling
1 p.m. Friday, Marquis Ballroom
   Lisa Ling (center right) is the co- executive producer and host of “Our America”
on the Oprah Winfrey Network. She is also a field correspondent for “The Oprah
Winfrey Show” and contributor to ABC News’ “Nightline,” reporting from dozens
of countries. She was the first female host of National Geographic’s flagship show
   She got her start in journalism at age 21 as a correspondent for “Channel One
News,” where she covered the civil war in Afghanistan. She later went to become
a co-host of daytime TV’s “The View,” which won its first daytime Emmy during her
time at the show.
   Laura Ling (bottom right) is the host and reporter on “E! Investigates,” a
documentary series on the E! Network, which explores topics such as teen suicide
and the challenges faced by military spouses. Prior to joining the E! Network
Ling served as vice president of Current TV’s journalism department and created
Current’s weekly investigative documentary series, “Vanguard.” Ling also worked
as a correspondent, reporting on crucial issues from around the world.
   In March 2009, while reporting on the trafficking of North Korean women, Ling
was detained by North Korean soldiers along the Chinese-North Korean border.
She and colleague Euna Lee were arrested and held captive in North Korea for 140
days before being granted a special pardon and returning to the United States.
   Lisa and Laura Ling are co-authors of “Somewhere Inside: One Sister’s Captivity
in North Korea and The Other’s Fight to Bring Her Home,” the story of Laura Ling’s
capture by the North Koreans and the efforts of her sister, Lisa Ling, to secure
Laura’s release by former President Bill Clinton.
   A book signing will follow their presentation.

Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott
Featured speakers
                  Lalo Alcaraz                                                                John Cadiz Klemack
                  Political cartooning in newspapers and beyond                              Standby: A life in TV news
                  10 a.m. Friday, Grand Ballroom E                                           2:30 p.m. Friday, Orange County 1
                      Lalo Alcaraz is perhaps the most prolific Chicano                         John Cadiz Klemack is a general assignment
                  artist in the nation. He is the creator of the first                       reporter for “Today in LA,” KNBC’s early morning
                  nationally syndicated, politically themed Latino                           newscast airing from 5-7 a.m. and the “Midday
                  daily comic strip, “La Cucaracha,” which is syndicated                     Report” at 11 a.m. He joined the news team in January
                  by Universal Uclick to more than 100 newspapers,                           2008. Prior to joining KNBC, Klemack spent four years
including the Los Angeles Times. Lalo produced editorial cartoons for       as a reporter and anchor for a FOX Affiliate in Salt Lake City. While there
the LA Weekly from 1992-2010 and now creates editorial cartoons in          he covered some of the biggest stories in the Intermountain West —
English and Spanish for Universal. Lalo’s books include “Latino USA: A      from the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping to the arrest and prosecution of
Cartoon History” and “Migra Mouse: Political Cartoons On Immigration.”      polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs. Klemack has been honored with a
Alcaraz also authored the first collection of his daily comic strips, “La   number of awards, including a local Emmy award for producing.
Cucaracha.” Alcaraz is the co-host of KPFK Radio’s satirical talk show,
“The Pocho Hour of Power,” heard Fridays at 4 p.m. in L.A. on 90.7 FM.                        Rich Connell
There will be a book signing after his talk.                                                 Using multimedia tools in investigations
                                                                                             2:30 p.m. Saturday, Grand Ballroom E
                  Eric Best                                                                      Rich Connell is a veteran investigative and
                  Journalism or Business: It’s the story!                                    multimedia reporter with the Los Angeles Times.
                  11 a.m. Friday, Marquis Northwest                                          In his nearly 40 years as a journalist, he’s covered
                     Eric Best is the author of “Into My Father’s Wake”                      everything from local political corruption to post-
                  about his 5,000-mile solo sail from San Francisco                          9/11 terrorism and international street gangs. His
                  to Hawaii. His 20-year newspaper career included                           work has been recognized with numerous awards,
                  the Lowell Sun, the Stockton California Record, USA       including the Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting; Investigative
                  Today and the San Francisco Examiner. He won a            Reporters & Editors awards; Los Angeles Times awards for multimedia
1983 Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University, where he studied              reporting and investigative projects; as well a California Newspaper
the nature of capitalism and economic behaviors. He also wrote a            Publisher’s Association feature writing prize.
children’s book, “The Deep.” There will be a book signing after his talk.
                                                                                              Marc Cooper
                  James C. Black                                                              New Media: Here comes everybody
                    Staying ahead of the game                                                 11 a.m. Friday, Grand Ballroom E
                    2:30 p.m. Friday, Grand Ballroom E                                           Marc Cooper is an award-winning journalist and
                       The NFL editor for Yahoo! Sports, James C. Black                       author who has reported from across the country
                    has been involved in journalism for nearly 25 years.                      and around the world for four decades. His articles,
                    He served as writer/editor for Fremont High’s Green                       essays and interviews have appeared in scores of
                    & Gold newspaper in Oakland, Calif. He earned a B.A.                      publications ranging from The Atlantic, The New
                    from San Francisco State University, and covered        Yorker and Harper’s to Rolling Stone, Playboy and the L.A. Weekly. He
athletics for the Golden Gater newspaper. After graduating from             is a former senior editor of The Huffington Post and is a contributing
college and interning at Sports Illustrated, Black helped cover high        editor of The Nation magazine. The author of three nonfiction books,
school and college sports for Newsday (N.Y.), Roanoke Times (Va.),          including the L.A. Times bestseller “Pinochet and Me,” Cooper is an
News & Record (Greensboro, N.C.) and The Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk,          associate professor of professional practice and director of Annenberg
Va.) for five years. Black has spent 12 years handling the NFL, mostly      Digital News at the USC Annenberg School for Journalism and
coordinating coverage and updating Web pages. In that time, he’s            Communication.
covered nine Super Bowls, three Pro Bowls and 10 NFL drafts. He’s
helped build readership for the Internet’s two most popular sports                            Paloma Esquivel
destinations: ESPN. com and Yahoo! Sports.                                                 Breaking into journalism: Tips for young reporters
                                                                                           9 a.m. Saturday, Marquis Northwest
                  David Blumenkrantz                                                           Paloma Esquivel is a reporter for the Los Angeles
                   Advocacy Photojournalism: Alternative outlets                           Times, where until recently she covered crime and
                   for visual reporting                                                    courts in Orange County. Most recently she helped
                   1 p.m. Saturday, Marquis Northwest                                      cover municipal scandals in the Los Angeles County
                       David Blumenkrantz is as an associate professor                     city of Bell. Before coming to The Times she was a
                   of photojournalism and visual communication                             freelance writer who published stories in Colorlines,
                   at California State University, Northridge. A            Thenation.com and La Prensa in Riverside, Calif.
                   photographer, videographer and writer, he holds an
M.F.A. in visual communication, an M.A. in art education and a B.A. in
journalism. He spent eight years in Africa working as a photojournalist
and documentarist.

Spring National High School Journalism Convention - April 14-17, 2011 Anaheim Marriott
Michael Fleeman                                                             Robert Lopez
                   You want to cover Hollywood? LOL!                                          Using social media on deadline
                   10 a.m. Saturday, Marquis Northwest                                        1 p.m. Saturday, Grand Ballroom E
                      Michael Fleeman is the West Coast editor of                             Using multimedia tools in investigations
                   People.com, the world’s largest entertainment news                         2:30 p.m. Saturday, Grand Ballroom E
                   website with 14 million unique visitors and nearly                            Robert Lopez is an award-winning investigative
                   1 billion page views monthly. Fleeman was a staff                          reporter and multimedia journalist at the Los Angeles
                   reporter for 13 years with the Associated Press before                     Times. In his 18 years at The Times, he has covered
moving to People Weekly in 1999 as a staff correspondent. In 2007,          issues involving crime, corruption and immigration across the United
he began overseeing the magazine website’s Los Angeles operations           States and in Mexico and Central America. He is the evening/nighttime
as well as coordinating video coverage for People TV. Fleeman               blogger for L.A. Now, The Times’ breaking-news blog.
has covered the Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, SAG Awards and
Grammys, the annual Television Critics Association meeting and the                           Scott Mason
film festivals in Sundance, Toronto and Palm Springs. A former cops                            Technologically speaking, what’s the future of radio?
and courts reporter, Fleeman is also a bestselling author of true-crime                        1 p.m. Saturday, Platinum 2
books, with two more titles coming out in 2011.                                                    Scott Mason began his radio career at age 15 by
                                                                                               obtaining an FCC third-class license. His first job was
                 Sid Garcia                                                                    answering request lines at KKDJ Los Angeles. He got
                Gadgets, facts and deadlines:                                                  his FCC first-class license the next year and moved
                Getting the story right and on the air                                         to KIQQ Los Angeles. He hit the airwaves in LA at 17,
                9 a.m. Saturday, Marquis South                              recording shows on county station KGBS while doing engineering
                    Sid Garcia is a longtime general assignment             work at station Ten-Q. To hone his on-air skills, he worked weekends on
                reporter for KABC-TV. He was raised in Southern             the air at KBIK in Lompoc, Calif. While still in college, he became chief
                California. He graduated with a B.A. in journalism          engineer and weekend deejay at a new station, KROQ, which has been
                from California State University, Long Beach. He has        popular among youth ever since. KROQ became part of CBS through
been a member of the California Chicano News Media Association for          a number of acquisitions and name changes through the 1980s and
more than 20 years and is a member of its board of directors. He is also    ‘90s. Mason was promoted in 2000 to regional director of engineering.
a member of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.               In 2009, he was assigned to work with the CBS Digital group, which
                                                                            streams all CBS stations as well as AOL, Yahoo, LAST.FM and other
                 Sara Harris                                                stations. Mason is on the board of directors of the Society of Broadcast
                   Radio realities: Mapping the city through sound          Engineers, and he is involved with FEMA’s efforts to provide disaster
                   9 a.m. Friday, Elite 3                                   communications to the American public as a board member of the
                       Sara Harris is host and senior producer of “Hear     Primary Entry Point Advisory Committee.
                   in the City,” a local environment, arts and education
                   radio magazine on 90.7 FM, in Los Angeles. Harris                         Robert Scheer
                   has more than a decade of experience as an audio                              Journalism thrives on the Internet
                   artist and radio journalist reporting from California                         11 a.m. Saturday, Orange County 1
and Mexico. Her work focuses on immigrant communities, urban                                        Robert Scheer, editor- in-chief of Truthdig, has
geography, land use and environmental justice. Harris’s radio stories                            built a reputation for strong social and political
have been featured on “Marketplace,” “All Things Considered,” “Morning                           writing during his 30 years as a journalist. His
Edition,” “Studio 360,” “Living on Earth,” BBC’s “The World” and Mexico’s                        columns appear in newspapers across the country,
IMER national network. Harris founded the AudioPostales cross-border                             and his in-depth interviews have made headlines.
radio project with youth in Mexico and the U.S. She continues to            Scheer can be heard on the political radio program “Left, Right and
develop community journalism and to teach radio and multimedia              Center” on KCRW, the National Public Radio affiliate in Santa Monica,
journalism to youth.                                                        Calif. He is a clinical professor of communications at the University
                                                                            of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and
                 Martin Kent                                                Journalism. Scheer has written nine books, the latest of which is
                   Everyone has a story — including you                     “The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton
                   Noon Friday, Grand Ballroom E                            Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street,” released
                      Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker              in September. There will be a book signing after his talk.
                   Martin Kent is the son of Polish Holocaust survivors,
                   but he never knew their story. Then in 1999 he made                       Natasha Vargas-Cooper
                   a documentary on Oskar Schindler. That opened                              We, the young people, whom you so rightly fear
                   up a dialogue with his parents. Two years later, he                        Noon Friday, Elite 2
traveled with his father, Jack, to Poland. There he learned that his                              Natasha Vargas-Cooper is the author of “Mad
father, who is Catholic, put his life on the line 70 years ago and saved                      Men Unbuttoned,” a companion book to the “Mad
the filmmaker’s Jewish mother, Roza, who was on the run after the                             Men” TV series. After graduating UCLA she worked
Nazis had massacred more than 6,000 Jews in her town. When Israeli                            as a union organizer for several years, then made the
officials learned of this story, they subsequently awarded Jack Kent                          switch to journalism. She has been published online
the very same medal of heroism as Oskar Schindler. “Years Later We          and in print by the Wall Street Journal, New York Magazine, Interview
Would Remember” — the documentary, the book, the website and                Magazine, Gawker, Daily Beast and the Awl.
public presentations — aim to promote tolerance in a compelling and
entertaining way.

                                                                                                                                         JEA/NSPA   11
Special events
Trade Show Exhibits                                                        On-site Critiques
Dozens of national and local vendors and colleges will educate and         Advisers and staffs who submitted newspapers, newsmagazines,
entertain during the trade show exhibit. Find out what’s new,              yearbooks, videos and literary magazines for a critique should
chat with company representatives, pick up information and have            check appointment times posted at the Elite Registration Counter. A
some fun.                                                                  complete schedule will be posted near the critique room Friday and
1 to 7 p.m. Thursday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Platinum 1-6             Saturday. Since critiques are only 30 minutes long, it is important to
                                                                           be on time.
                                                                           8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday, and 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, La Jolla
Write-off Contest Check-in
If both your Write-off registration and JEA membership fees have
been paid, your school’s Write-off packet containing student contest       JEA Bookstore
tickets, additional instructions and contest room assignments may          Check out the new books, as well as popular bestsellers, at the JEA
be picked up at the Write-off desk. If you have not paid, you must         Bookstore. Nearly 300 items relating to journalism are available,
do so at this time. Noon Friday is the deadline for substitutions in       including textbooks, curriculum development, yearbook, newspaper,
preregistered categories. No new entries will be accepted at the           design, photography, writing, desktop publishing, new media,
convention. Lost tickets will be replaced for $5. Broadcast contest        advertising and broadcast. Did you forget Write-off supplies? Check
entrants in Videography, In-camera Feature and Broadcast Package           here to buy dictionaries, thesauruses, stylebooks, paper, pens, pencils,
must have their contest ticket before the 8 a.m. Friday orientation        rulers and erasers. Supplies are limited. Look for schedule of Meet the
meetings.                                                                  Author book signings throughout the convention.
Desk open: 1 to 7 p.m. Thursday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday,               8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday,
Elite Registration Counter                                                 Grand Ballroom G-H-J

 NSPA Best of Show                                                         Adviser Hospitality
 Will your staff bring home the trophy this year? See how your             Meet with your colleagues from across the country in the adviser
 publication fares against others represented at the convention. High      hospitality suite, the hot spot for advisers. Local committee
 school publications are eligible if at least one student representative   members will be available to recommend sightseeing, dining and
 is attending the convention, and junior high publications can enter       entertainment options. Friesen Yearbooks will underwrite Saturday
 if the adviser is a registered delegate at the convention. Enter your     morning hospitality refreshments.
 newspaper, newsmagazine, literary arts magazine, video, website or        8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, and 8 a.m. to noon Saturday,
 yearbook at the Best of Show desk. Winners will be announced at the       Grand Ballroom G-H-J
 NSPA Awards Ceremony on Saturday.
 Desk open: 1 to 7 p.m. Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday,
 Platinum 1-6                                                              College Connection
                                                                           It’s a quantum leap from high school journalism to a career in mass
First-Time Attendee                                                        communications, and the connecting step is college. Representatives
                                                                           of colleges and universities, from California and across the nation,

Orientation Meeting                                                        will share information about their institutions. They will discuss their
                                                                           journalism programs, majors, student opportunities and possible
Advisers attending their first JEA/NSPA convention should consider         careers. They’ll have copies of their catalogs and their student
attending a short orientation meeting. JEA Past President Ann Visser       publications available so you can get a first-hand look at the work
will provide a general overview and explanation of convention              they do. Some colleges bring student editors to discuss publications
events and how to get the most out of them. Meet in the front of           with you. Have your questions ready. Preregistration was required. A
the room.                                                                  ticket is required.
6:45 p.m. Thursday, Marquis South                                          9 and 10 a.m. Friday, Grand Ballroom F

Adviser Reception Honoring                                                 Meet the Mentors
                                                                           This is your chance to talk one-on-one with a JEA mentor. Ask for
First-Time Attendees                                                       advice. Ask about how to get a mentor for yourself. Ask about how to
Advisers who are first-time convention attendees and Outreach              become a mentor. Or just talk about teaching and advising. All JEA
participants are the guests of honor at this informal reception for all    mentors are experienced journalism educators who are good listeners
advisers. Meet the local committee, the JEA board of directors and         and have plenty of tricks up their sleeves to help you solve journalism
JEA and NSPA staffs. This informal reception will follow the opening       problems. Stop by and visit in the Adviser Hospitality room.
keynote. Nsj.org & my.hsj.org is the sponsor of this event.                9 a.m. to noon and 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Friday, and 8 to 10 a.m. Saturday,
9:30 to 11 p.m. Thursday, Orange County 1-2                                Grand Ballroom G-H-J

Middle School Advisers                                                  Electronic Curriculum
 Reception                                                               Exchange
                                                                         If you sent in materials for the electronic curriculum exchange, your
 With a new concept in mind, the Anaheim Committee is hosting a          free CD of the submitted items is in your registration packet.
 reception just for middle school advisers. Come for a midmorning
 pick-me-up and get information on the middle school carousels.
 10 a.m. to noon Friday, SCJEA Suite (Come to Middle Madness
 to get the room number)
                                                                         Hands-on Computer Sessions
                                                                         If you are interested in getting hands-on computer experience, sign
                                                                         up and get a ticket at the registration desk for one or more of the
                                                                         scheduled sessions. The lab in room Elite 1 has courses InDesign,
Friday Adviser Luncheon                                                  iWeb, Garage Band, Photoshop and Audacity software. There is a
                                                                         34-person limit so it’s first-come, first served. No more than two
Often the best adviser information and advice happen during              people per school per session may sign up, and only those with
informal conversations around a luncheon table. For this opportunity,    tickets may sit at a computer. Walsworth Publishing Co. has provided
join the convention planning committee and JEA mentors at the            this lab.
Friday Adviser Luncheon featuring Geneva Overholser, director            Friday and Saturday, Elite 1
of the School of Journalism at the USC Annenberg School for
Communication and Journalism. Her topic will be “Journalism: The
future has never looked more promising.” Here is the opportunity
to make new friends, ask questions, share experiences and perhaps         Saturday Adviser
win a door prize. Relax under the palm trees and enhance your
convention experience. Preregistration was required. Please bring         Recognition Luncheon
your ticket.
                                                                          JEA and NSPA will present awards at this special event. New and
11 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. Friday, Platinum Patio
                                                                          renewing Certified Journalism Educators and Master Journalism
                                                                          Educators will be recognized. Winners of JEA’s Yearbook Adviser of
Media Swap Shops for                                                      the Year, Teacher Inspiration Award, Rising Star and Diversity awards
                                                                          will be honored. Sarah Nichols, MJE, Yearbook Adviser of the Year,

Students and Advisers                                                     and Linda Puntney, MJE, Teacher Inspiration Award winner, will
                                                                          speak. Preregistration was required. Please bring your ticket. Herff
Newspaper, newsmagazine, yearbook, literary magazine, broadcast,          Jones has underwritten this event.
junior high/middle school and adviser swap shops are prime                Noon to 2:20 p.m. Saturday, Grand Ballroom F
opportunities for preregistered students and advisers to share
useful ideas and concepts with others. Bring at least nine samples
of your newspaper, literary magazine or one copy of your yearbook
or broadcast DVD to show at your table. Each delegate attending a
                                                                         Student Film Festival
Swap Shop must have a ticket, which will be in the school registration   Saturday night will feature a first-time student film festival. Students
packet. Please check the ticket for your assigned table and time.        were invited to submit 10- to 20-minute feature or documentary
8 and 9 p.m. Friday, Grand Salon E (high school students)                films, suitable for ages 13-18, for this event. A concession area will be
8 a.m. Friday, Orange County 4 (middle school students and advisers)     available. At the end of the screenings, awards will go to the winning
9 a.m. Saturday, Platinum 10 (advisers)                                  filmmakers as determined by the audience.
                                                                         9 to 11 p.m. Saturday, Marquis Ballroom

Friday Adviser Reception                                                 Award Ceremonies
Friday’s reception attendees will be entertained with a jazz band
and treated to a dessert buffet. Those who are judging Write-off         Two award presentations will recognize students and their work.
competitions are especially encouraged to attend this reception          NSPA will honor winners of Best of Show, Pacemakers and individual
when they have finished judging. Advisers can look forward to free       awards at 3:30-5:30 p.m. Saturday in the Marquis Ballroom. JEA will
door-prize drawings beginning at 10 p.m. USC Annenberg School for        announce winners of the Write-off competitions and National High
Communication and Journalism is the sponsor for this event.              School Journalist of the Year scholarship recipients during the closing
8:30-11 p.m. Friday, Orange County 1-2                                   ceremony, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Sunday in Marquis Ballroom. JEA and NSPA
                                                                         encourage everyone to celebrate all winners.

Student Dance
A dance for students on Friday night will have music provided by a
disc jockey. This is a good time to enjoy the music and dance with
other student journalists from around the country. Students must
present their convention name badge to be admitted to the dance
sponsored by School Newspapers Online.
9 to 11:30 p.m. Friday, Platinum 5-6

                                                                                                                                      JEA/NSPA   13
Special strands
JEA Certification Preparation
Teachers interested      Get Certified: Coverage, content and         Get Certified: Photojournalism
in pursuing JEA’s        reporting                                    9 a.m. Saturday, Suite 304
Certified Journalism
                         9 a.m. Friday, Suite 304                     Get Certified: Design and graphics
Educator or
Master Journalism        Get Certified: Role and history of media     10 a.m. Saturday, Suite 304
Educator status          10 a.m. Friday, Rancho Las Palmas            Get Certified: Legal and ethical issues
may be interested        Get Certified: Managing student media        11 a.m. Saturday, Rancho Las Palmas
in attending
                         10 a.m. Friday, Suite 312                    Why consider JEA certification?
these sessions in
preparation for          Get Certified: Writing and editing           10 a.m. Saturday, Rancho Las Palmas
testing.                 11 a.m. Friday, Suite 304

For New or Nearly New Advisers
If you’re a rookie       Taming the grading monster                   Advising students on First Amendment
journalism teacher       9 a.m. Friday, Newport Beach                 rights
or adviser, come to
                         Putting the ‘pal’ in principal               2:30 p.m. Friday, Rancho Las Palmas
these sessions to
absorb knowledge         9 a.m. Friday, Orange County 2               JEA Mentoring: Triage for new advisers
from JEA mentors         Accentuate the positive                      9 a.m. Saturday, Desert Springs
willing to share         9 a.m. Friday, Rancho Las Palmas             Leadership Development = Good Business
their expertise.
                         Building relationships                       9 a.m. Saturday, Rancho Las Palmas
Look through the
program for other        9 a.m. Friday, Suite 315                     What I wish I had known ...
sessions specifically    Proven strategies to make money              9 a.m. Saturday, Suite 312
for advisers.            10 a.m. Friday, Newport Beach                Grammar crammers for journalists
                         Whose grade is it anyway?                    10 a.m. Saturday, Desert Springs
                         Noon Friday, Suite 312                       It’s your opinion; get it right
                         TAO of Journalism: Transparent,              10 a.m. Saturday, Grand Ballroom B
                         accountable, open                            Help for new advisers
                         2:30 p.m. Friday, Grand Ballroom C           10 a.m. Saturday, Los Angeles
                         Putting together a literary magazine
                         2:30 p.m. Friday, Grand Ballroom D

A number of              Putting the ‘pal’ in principal               TAO of Journalism: Transparent,
activities and           9 a.m. Friday, Orange County 2               accountable, open
sessions during the
                         Building relationships                       2:30 p.m. Friday, Grand Ballroom C
convention will be
of interest to school    9 a.m. Friday, Suite 315                     Making the case for scholastic journalism
administrators. They     The importance of sound editorial policies   9 a.m. Saturday, Suite 315
may attend any           9 a.m. Friday, Grand Ballroom C              Why consider JEA certification?
sessions, but here
                         Stemming assault on scholastic journalism    10 a.m. Saturday, Rancho Las Palmas
are some they might
find helpful. They are   programs                                     Censorship, fact and fiction
invited to the 7:15      10 a.m. Friday, Grand Ballroom A             11 a.m. Saturday, Grand Ballroom A
a.m. Friday meet, eat
                         ‘Protocol for Free and Responsible Student   Don’t cut that class!
and greet regional
meetings and the         News Media’                                  2:30 p.m. Saturday, Grand Ballroom A
8 a.m. Friday JEA        10 a.m. Friday, Suite 315                    Opening forums and opening minds
general membership       Mythbusting high-school journalism           2:30 p.m. Saturday, Grand Ballroom D
meeting.                 11 a.m. Friday, Grand Ballroom C

Middle school
Middle school           Middle madness                               Junior High/Middle School Commission
journalism advisers                                                  meeting
                        9 a.m. Friday, Orange County 4
and students have
scheduled sessions      Middle School Advisers Reception             8 a.m. Saturday, Suite 312
in a meeting room       10 a.m.-noon Friday, Local Committee Suite   Writing/photography evaluation
dedicated just to                                                    8 a.m. Saturday, Orange County 4
them. Advisers, we’ll
                        Middle-school writing activity
show you how to         10 a.m. Friday, Orange County 4              Photos in 5
prepare younger         Middle School: Time for recess!              9 a.m. Saturday, Orange County 4
students for the
                        11 a.m. Friday, Orange County 4              3 P’s: Publication policy planning
world of journalism.
And students, we’ll     Great design from unexpected places          10 a.m. Saturday, Orange County 4
show you how to         Noon Friday, Orange County 4                 Our Favorite Trends: 2010 is so last year
get started and
                        Behind the lens                              11 a.m. Saturday, Orange County 4
prepare you for the
future.                 2:30 p.m. Friday, Orange County 4            Size 7 shoes, size 9 feet
                        Middle School Fun Night and Swap Shop        Noon Saturday, Orange County 4
For complete
descriptions of         6:30-10 p.m. Friday, Orange County 4         Roundtable: Looking ahead to high-school
each middle school                                                   journalism (2.5 hours)
session, please see                                                  1 p.m. Saturday, Orange County 4
Friday sessions
on page 34 and
Saturday sessions
on page 52.
thursday at a glance
                   (Room capacities
                                            8:30 a.m.              1 p.m.                3 p.m.                 5 p.m.                    Evening
                   in parentheses)

                   Elite 1
                                        Photoshop for beginners

                   Elite 2                                                                                                      JOY judges’ dinner, judging
                                        Redesign seminar
                   (51)                                                                                                         (6 p.m.-midnight)

                   Elite 3
                                        Writer’s workshop

                   Elite Registration
                                                             Check-in for Write-offs and On-site Critiques (until 7 p.m.)

                   Grand Ballroom K
                                                             Write-off headquarters

                   Marquis Ballroom                                                                     New-adviser orientation Opening Ceremony/
                   (2,462)                                                                              (6:45 p.m.)             Keynote (7:30-9 p.m.)

                   Orange County
                   1-2 (334)

                   Platinum 1-6
                                                             Convention check-in and registration, trade show, Best of Show desk (until 7 p.m.)

                                                                                                                                Adviser Reception
                   Platinum 8 (54)      Team storytelling                                                                       (9:30-11 p.m.)
                                                                                                                                Platinum 7-8

                   Platinum 9 (45)      Leadership seminar

                   Platinum 10 (30)     Digital photography workshop

                   Suite 304
                                        Mentor training

                   Suite 312
                                        Mentor forum

                   Garden A
                                        National journalism PLC training


                   Palm East
                                        JEA board meeting

                   Palm West
                                        JEA Outreach Academy

                                         Advisers                       Computer Technology               Law/Ethics                    Photography
                                         Broadcast                      Digital Media                     Middle School                 Yearbook
                   24   JEA/NSPA         Business/Advertising           General Audience                  Newspaper
8:30 a.m.                                            What is this box?       u u u u    9876        Mentor forum
                                                                                                    Mentors who have gone through
Preregistration was required for the                 It’s your chance to tell us                    training will discuss strategies they       1041
Thursday workshops.                                  what you think about the sessions              are using to help their mentees.
                                                     you attend. Visit jea.org/eval on your         Nick Ferentinos, Saratoga, Calif.; Bill Flechtner,
COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY                     computer or Web-enabled mobile                 MJE, Warner Pacific College, Portland, Ore.,
Photoshop for beginners                              device, enter that code and provide            Peggy Gregory, CJE, Glendale, Ariz., and
Learn to use Adobe Photoshop in this                 some feedback for each of the                  Judy Robinson, CJE, University of Florida,
daylong workshop.                                                                                   Gainesville, Fla.
                                     1006            events you attend. You’ll be able to
Mark Murray, Arlington ISD,                                                                         8:30 a.m. Thursday, Suite 312
Arlington, Texas
                                                     rank each session as well as provide
8:30 a.m. Thursday, Elite 1                          further input to help us improve our
                                                     upcoming conventions.
                                                                                                    National journalism professional
                                                                                                    learning community training
Redesign seminar                                                                                    Advisers will join with other
This seminar will take students through a          GENERAL AUDIENCE                                                                           1046
                                                                                                    journalism professionals to create
discussion of advanced packaging                   Leadership seminar                               working PLCs using a national
techniques, grid design, typography 1011           Leading the way for the best staff you can       journalism PLC (NJPLC) model. Advisers can
and infographics. Students are                     have starts now! This special session            join with other participants to create a PLC on
                                                   will give the editors the chance to       1021
encouraged to bring their own publications                                                          site or simply learn about the NCPLC model
for sharing.                                       learn not only what it means to be               and bring that knowledge home to create
Pete LeBlanc, Antelope High School,                a good leader but also how to be a good          their own group.
Antelope, Calif.                                   leader. This intense day of interactivity and    Karen Barrett, MJE, Wheeling High School,
8:30 a.m. Thursday, Elite 2                        motivation will help editors produce some of     Wheeling, Ill.; Paul Restivo, CJE, Johnson
                                                   the best publications and manage the best        County Community College, Overland Park,
GENERAL AUDIENCE                                   staffs ever.                                     Kan.; and Jim Streisel, MJE, Carmel High
                                                   Sarah Nichols, MJE, Whitney High School,
Writers’ workshop                                  Rocklin, Calif.
                                                                                                    School, Carmel, Ind.
If you’re looking for ways to sharpen                                                               8:30 a.m. Thursday, Garden A, Sheraton
and brighten your writing so others      1016      8:30 a.m. Thursday, Platinum 9
will be clamoring to read it, this                                                                  MEETING
day-long, interactive seminar is for you. This     PHOTOGRAPHY
                                                                                                    JEA board meeting
seminar will entertain and inspire as well as      Digital photography workshop                     JEA board members meet to discuss ongoing
give you a chance to analyze excellent writing     Designed for photographers who have at           projects and other agenda items.
and apply what you learn to your own work.         least one year’s experience shooting             Jack Kennedy, MJE, Colorado High School
                                                   for their publications, this intensive   1026
Dan Austin, Casa Roble High School,                                                                 Press Association, Highlands Ranch, Colo.
Orangevale, Calif.                                 workshop will cover composition,
                                                                                                    8:30 a.m. Thursday, Palm East, Sheraton
8:30 a.m. Thursday, Elite 3                        lighting, cropping and camera technique.
                                                   Participants will receive instruction and go
                                                   out on assignment. Following the photo           ADVISING
GENERAL AUDIENCE                                                                                    JEA Outreach Academy
                                                   shoot area professional photographers will                                                 1051
Team storytelling                                  critique students’ work and offer editing tips   This intensive one-day program will
Great storytelling combines strong                 and techniques. Participants must bring a        include training in setting up, staffing
writing, insightful photos and                     digital camera, and they are encouraged to       and funding a journalism program; teaching
reader-friendly design. Behind it                  bring a laptop computer with the photo-          the basics of journalism; design; press law;
all is good planning. In this team-based           editing program (Photoshop, Lightroom) they      making sure your publication represents your
reporting experience, students will work in        will use.                                        student body; and covering issues pertaining
groups of three to create real story packages.     Andy Nelson, Kansas State University,            to diversity.
The workshop begins with instruction on            Manhattan, Kan.                                  Steve O’Donoghue, California Scholastic
planning packages with readers in mind, and                                                         Journalism Initiative, Sacramento, Calif.; Linda
                                                   8:30 a.m. Thursday, Platinum 10
then the students will go off-site to gather                                                        Shockley, Dow Jones News Fund, Princeton,
stories. Students will come back to the hotel                                                       N.J., and Stan Zoller, MJE, Rolling Meadows
to finish their packages.
                                                                                                    High School, Rolling Meadows, Ill.
Jill Chittum, CJE, Blue Valley High School,        Mentor training                                  8:30 a.m. Thursday, Palm West, Sheraton
Stilwell, Kan.; Lindsay Safe, Sunny Hills High     JEA’s new mentors will meet for training
School, Fullerton, Calif., and Amy DeVault, CJE,   sessions.
                                                   Nick Ferentinos, Saratoga, Calif.;       1036
Wichita State University, Wichita, Kan.
8:30 a.m. Thursday, Platinum 8                     Bill Flechtner, MJE, Warner Pacific                Trade Show Exhibits
                                                   College, Portland, Ore., Peggy Gregory, CJE,       Dozens of vendors and colleges will
                                                   Glendale, Ariz., and Judy Robinson, CJE,           be on hand during the exhibit.
                                                   University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.           1-7 p.m. Thursday, Platinum 1-6
                                                   8:30 a.m. Thursday, Suite 304

                                                                                                                                         JEA/NSPA   25
6 p.m.                                                7:30 p.m.
CONTEST                                                                    Opening Ceremony and Keynote Address
Scholarship judging                                                        Walk the red carpet as the local committee welcomes 1056
Those who volunteered to judge the                                         you to the Anaheim convention and fills you in on
Journalist of the Year scholarship competition                             what’s in store. Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez will
will meet here until the judging is completed.                             give the keynote address.
6 p.m. Thursday, Elite 2                                                   7:30 p.m. Thursday, Marquis Ballroom

6:45 p.m.
New adviser
convention orientation
                                                      9:30 p.m.
Advisers attending their first JEA/   1061               Adviser Reception
NSPA convention should consider
                                                         Advisers who are first-time convention attendees and Outreach participants
attending a short orientation
meeting to get a general overview and
                                                         are the guests of honor at this informal reception for all advisers. Meet the
explanation of convention events and how to              local committee, the JEA board of directors and JEA and NSPA staffs. This
get the most out of them.                                informal reception will follow the opening keynote. Reception sponsor is
Ann Visser, MJE, Pella Community High                    hsj.org and my.hsj.org.
School, Pella, Iowa                                      9:30 p.m. Thursday, Platinum 7-8
6:45 p.m. Thursday, Marquis Center

       The Roy H. Park School of Communications
       would like to congratulate the 2010 S’Park
       Media Mentor Award Winners
                 Lori Oglesbee                                               Mike Zito
          McKinney High School,                                              Staples High School,
                         Texas                                               Connecticut

                                                                   Do you know of an outstanding high
                                                                   school media mentor? Nominations
                Clifton Raphael            Dharini Rasiah          for the 2011 award are now being
                Jenks High School,         Berkeley High School,   accepted. For more information, visit:
                Oklahoma                   California              www.ithaca.edu/rhp/community/sparkaward


Advisers                    Computer Technology          Law/Ethics                    Photography
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Broadcast                   Digital Media                Middle School                 Yearbook
                   friday at a glance                                                                                                                                                            Business/Advertising        General Audience             Newspaper
                                                                     Rooms beginning with D through L

(Room capacities
                             7:15 a.m.               8 a.m.                     9 a.m.                      10 a.m.               11 a.m.                        Noon                   1 p.m.                 1:30 p.m.            2:30 p.m.               4-6 p.m.               Evening
in parentheses)

Desert Springs       Region 5/Southeast                                JEA state directors                                 Working with
                                                                                                  A program in the city                                                                                  Broadcast contest                            Write-off contest
(44)                 meet, eat and greet                               meeting                                             technology

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (3:30 p.m.) CJE/MJE
Elite 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                       InDesign: Text is
                                                                       Beginner’s InDesign        InDesign creativity      Creating a Soundslides presentation (2 hours)                                                                              certification testing
(34)                                                                                                                                                                                                                          more than words
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (2.5 hours)
                                                                                                  How to be a one-                                       We, the young
Elite 2                                                                Success with a small                                                                                                                                   Incredible
                                                                                                  person multimedia        Story matters here            people, whom you so                                                                          Write-off contest
(95)                                                                   staff                                                                                                                                                  embeddables
                                                                                                  journalist                                             rightly fear
                                                                       Radio realities:
Elite 3                                                                                                                                                  The power of                                                         The pop and pow of
                                                                       Mapping the city           Issue Seminar: Schools going green                                                                                                                  Write-off contest
(92)                                                                                                                                                     positivity                                                           advertising design
                                                                       through sound

Elite Registration
                                             Check-in for Write-offs and On-site Critiques (until 3 p.m.)

                                                                                                  Stemming assault on                                    Community
Grand Ballroom A Region 1/Northwest                                                                                                                                                                                           Get an internship, get
                                                                       Taking the ‘lede’          scholastic journalism    Blah, blah, blog              journalism: From war                                                                        Write-off contest
(80)             meet, eat and greet                                                                                                                                                                                          a job
                                                                                                  programs                                               vets to prison

Grand Ballroom B Region 2/Southwest                                                                                                                      All the students, all
                                                                       Thou shalt not shovel      Producing a winning JOY portfolio                                                                                           Team yearbook           Write-off contest
(80)             meet, eat and greet                                                                                                                     the time

                     Region 4/South                                    The importance                                                                                                                                         TAO of Journalism:
Grand Ballroom C                                                                                  That’s not plagiarism!   Mythbusting high-             How to get and use
                 Central meet, eat and                                 of sound editorial                                                                                                                                     Transparent,            Write-off contest
(80)                                                                                              Or is it?                school journalism             press credentials
                     greet                                             policies                                                                                                                                               accountable, open
                                                                                                                                                         20 Design Rules —
Grand Ballroom D                                                                                  Take the ‘dead’ out of                                                                                                      Putting together a
                                                                       Organization 101                                    Sell like a pro               Hey, I didn’t make up                                                                        Write-off contest
(80)                                                                                              deadlines                                                                                                                   literary magazine
                                                                                                                                                         this stuff
                                                                                                  Political cartooning
Grand Ballroom E                                                       No same old, same                                   New Media: Here               Everyone has a story                                                 Staying ahead of the
                                                                                                  in newspapers and                                                                                                                                   Write-off contest
(306)                                                                  old                                                 comes everybody               — including you                                                      game
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Write-off judges
Grand Ballroom F                                                                                                                                                                                                              (2:45 p.m.) Write-off
                                                                       College Connection                                                                                                                                                                                     dinner and judging
(400)                                                                                                                                                                                                                         moderators meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (6 p.m.-midnight)
                                             JEA Bookstore/Adviser Hospitality (8 a.m.-5 p.m.);
Grand Ballroom
                                                                        Meet the Mentors (9 a.m.-noon; 2:30-3:30 p.m.);
G-H-J (120)
                                                                                               Resources for the journalism classroom (10 a.m.)

Grand Ballroom K
                 Write-off Headquarters (all day)

JEA Suite                                                              National journalism PLC meeting                                                                           Broadcast contest taping

La Jolla
                                                                       On-site Critiques (until 3:30 p.m.)                                                                                                                                            Write-off contest

Los Angeles          (7:30 a.m.) Broadcast   Broadcast Package
                                                                       Broadcast Contests (Broadcast moderators meeting at 12:30 p.m.; contests continue until 6 p.m.)
(30)                 Moderators Meeting      orientation meeting

28   JEA/NSPA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           JEA/NSPA   29
Advisers                     Computer Technology          Law/Ethics                Photography
                                                                                                                                                                                             Broadcast                    Digital Media                Middle School             Yearbook
                   friday at a glance                                                                                                                                                        Business/Advertising         General Audience             Newspaper
                                                                   Rooms beginning with M through S

(Room capacities
                          7:15 a.m.                8 a.m.                     9 a.m.                   10 a.m.                  11 a.m.                      Noon                   1 p.m.                  1:30 p.m.            2:30 p.m.               4-6 p.m.            Evening
in parentheses)

Marquis Center                                                                                 Storytelling: The heart   M&M’s — It’s more
                                                                     No excuses                                                                                                                                                                    Write-off contest
(1,228)                                                                                        of what we do             than just candy

Marquis                                                                                        Not your grandma’s        Journalism or Business:                             General session/keynote
                                                                     Four of a kind                                                                                                                                                                Write-off contest
Northwest (442)                                                                                yearbook copy             It’s the story!                                     (1-2:20 p.m. in the Marquis Ballroom)

                                                                     A ‘Glee’-worthy           Photography:
Marquis South
                                                                     yearbook distribution     From ordinary to          Game changer                                                                                                              Write-off contest
(792)                                                                event                     extraordinary
                    Region 6/Mid-Atlantic                                                                                Have questions about        Earning money online:
Newport Beach                               In-camera Feature        Taming the grading        Proven strategies to                                                          Broadcast moderators
                    and Great Lakes meet,                                                                                Quill and Scroll? Here’s    Make your website                                Broadcast contest
(44)                                        orientation meeting      monster                   make money                                                                    meeting
                    eat and greet                                                                                        the scoop                   work
                                                                                               Free tools to inspire,
Orange County 1                             JEA general                                                                  Telling this year(book)’s   Yearbook:                                                             Standby: A life in TV
                                                                     The right to write        invoke and innovate                                                                                                                                 Write-off contest
(165)                                       membership meeting                                                           story                       Chronological style                                                   news
                                                                                               your Web journalism ...                                                                                                                                                 Adviser Reception
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (8:30 p.m.)
Orange County 2                                                      Putting the ‘pal’ in      Leading the writing of    Run your publication        Yearbook Remix:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Designapalooza          Write-off contest
(127)                                                                principal                 others                    like a theme park           Lessons from DJs

Orange County 3                                                                                The devil’s in the        The Power of 10:            Photography Portfolio                                                 Going gaga for social
                                                                     Foto finish                                                                                                                                                                   Write-off contest
(128)                                                                                          details                   Awesome academics           2.0                                                                   media

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Middle School Fun
Orange County 4                                                                                Middle-school writing     Middle School: Time         Great design from
                                                                     Middle madness                                                                                                                                        Behind the lens         Write-off contest   Night and Swap Shop
(127)                                                                                          activity                  for recess!                 unexpected places
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (6:30-10 p.m.)

Platinum Patio
                                                                                                                         Adviser Luncheon

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Student Dance
Platinum 1-6
                                            Convention check-in and registration, trade show, Best of Show desk                                                                                                                                                        (Platinum 5,6:
(1,349)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9-11:30 p.m.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Advising students
Rancho Las          Region 3/North Central Videography               Accentuate the            Get Certified: Role and   Journalism camp in
                                                                                                                                                     Broadcast contest judging                                             on First Amendment      Write-off contest
Palmas (44)         meet, eat and greet    orientation meeting       positive                  history of media          a can

San Diego           Region 7/Northeast                                                                                                                                                                                     CJE/MJE certification
                                                                     Photo judging (until 2 p.m.)                                                                                                                                                  Write-off contest
(25)                meet, eat and greet                                                                                                                                                                                    study session

SCJEA Suite                                                                                    Middle School Advisers Reception

                                                                     Get Certified:
Suite 304                                                                                      Grading: Ideas for        Get Certified: Writing
                                                                     Coverage, content and                                                           Make it work                                     Broadcast contest                            Write-off contest
(63)                                                                                           making it easier          and editing
                                                                                               Get Certified:
Suite 312                                                                                                                                            Whose grade is it
                                                                     Broadcast teacher talk    Managing student          Trip adviser                                                                 Broadcast contest                            Write-off contest
(56)                                                                                                                                                 anyway?
                                                                                               ‘Protocol for Free and
Suite 315
                                                                     Building relationships    Responsible Student                                                                                    Broadcast contest                            Write-off contest
(56)                                                                                           News Media’

30   JEA/NSPA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     JEA/NSPA   31
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