2020-2021 Course Catalog - Shadow Ridge High School

Page created by Tina Parsons
2020-2021 Course Catalog - Shadow Ridge High School
2020-2021 Course Catalog
5050 Brent Lane                                             Phone: 702-799-6699
Las Vegas, NV 89131                                           Fax: 702-799-4698
2020-2021 Course Catalog - Shadow Ridge High School

Administration and Office Staff................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Bell Schedule ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Course Selection Guidelines ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
     SCHEDULE CHANGE POLICY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
     Honors and Advanced Placement Programs ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
     Advanced Placement Program............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
     Honors Classes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
     Awards..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
     Fees ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
     No Check Policy ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
     NON-DISCRIMINATION AND ACCESSIBILITY NOTICE ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Graduation Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
     CORE ENROLLMENT EXPECTATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
     REQUIRED HIGH SCHOOL CLASS LOAD ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
     EARLY GRADUATION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
     GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
     VALEDICTORIAN AND SALUTATORIAN ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
     DUPLICATE COURSE WORK – REPEATING COURSES ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
     MATRICULATION..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Academic Planning ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
     COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
     CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
     GRADUATION PROGRAMS AND PROGRESS........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
     FOUR-YEAR COURSE PLANS.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
     TESTING ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
           Optional: ACT National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
           Required: College and Career Readiness Assessment ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
           Optional: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) ................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Shadow Ridge High School                                                                                         2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                                                                                         2
Optional: SAT .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
           Optional: PSAT/NMSQT.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
     EARNING CREDIT .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
           Internal Credit ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
           Dual Credit............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14, 36
           External Credit................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
           Concurrent Credit ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Athletic Eligiblilty ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Postsecondary Options ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
     NEVADA UNIVERSITY ADMISSIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
     FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
     PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
     PRIVATE JUNIOR COLLEGE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
     CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASSES ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
     LIFE SKILLS TRAINING PROGRAMS....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
     APPRENTICESHIPS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
     CAREER, VOCATIONAL, OR TECHNICAL EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
     JOB CORPS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
     CITY YEAR AND AMERICORPS............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
     MILITARY................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Nevada Scholarships................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
     MILLENNIUM SCHOLARSHIP .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
     PUBLIC EDUCATION FOUNDATION ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
     NEVADA PROMISE SCHOLARSHIP .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CODE OF HONOR ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
     What is cheating? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
     What is plagiarism? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Elective Summary Table ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Academic Services ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Career Technical Education Sequences ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Career Technical Education ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Dual Credit Classes .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

Shadow Ridge High School                                                                                       2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                                                                                      3
English ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Mathematics ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Military Science: AFJROTC ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 214
Performing Arts .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
P.E./Health/Freshman Studies ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Science ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Social Studies.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Visual Arts .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
World Languages ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Student Support Services ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64

Shadow Ridge High School                                                                                         2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                                                                                       4

Principal – Robert Mars                                                          4100          Counseling Department                                         4300
       Administrative Secretary – Elizabeth Rush                                                      Natascha Carroll                            A-Cam
Assistant Principal, Athletics – Aaron Olson                                     4200
                                                                                                      Lisa Hebb                                   Can-E
       Secretary – Donna Young-Jenkins                                                                Karissa Guthrie                             F-He
                                                                                                      Anna-Marie Trotter                          Hi-Lop
Assistant Principal, College & Career Readiness –                                                     Jeff Kolish                                 Lou-N
       Shannon Johansen                                                          4206                 Diane Epstein                               O-Ros
       Secretary – Natasha Stewart                                                                    Jared Bushman                               Rot-Tor
Assistant Principal, Curriculum – Missy Shipp                                    4204
                                                                                                      Colleen Neely                               Tos-Z
       Secretary – Michelle Cowles                                                                    Secretary – Icela Riitano

Assistant Principal, Climate & Culture – Dr. Ed San Nicolas                      4204          Social Worker                                                 4351
       Secretary – Michelle Cowles                                                                   Fran McClain
                                                                                               Registration                                                  4065
Assistant Principal, Testing & Data - TBD                                        4204                Registrar – Rebecca Hoffman
       Secretary – Michelle Cowles
                                                                                               Attendance                                                    4035
Assistant Principal, Attendance & Discipline A-K – TBD                                              Clerk – Gail Watson
       Secretary – Angela Quintana                                               4500
                                                                                               Bank                                                          4044
Assistant Principal, Attendance & Discipline L-Z – Jimmie Gilmore                                     Banker – Shannon Berge
      Secretary – Angela Quintana                                                4500

                                                              BELL SCHEDULE

               1st Lunch                                                         2nd Lunch                                        Lunch is Determined by the
 1st Period        7:00 – 7:46 am                                   1st Period       7:00 – 7:46 am                                     5th Period Class
 2nd Period        7:51 – 8:40 am                                   2nd Period       7:51 – 8:40 am                            1st Lunch              2nd Lunch
 3rd Period        8:45 – 9:31 am                                   3rd Period       8:45 – 9:31 am                               CTE                   English
 4th Period       9:36 – 10:22 am                                   4th Period      9:36 – 10:22 am                               Math           Physical Education
   Lunch         10:22 – 10:52 am                                   5th Period     10:27 – 11:13 am                             AFJROTC              Film Studies
 5 Period
  th             10:57 – 11:43 am                                     Lunch        11:13 – 11:43 am                             Science           World Languages
 6th Period      11:48 – 12:34 pm                                   6th Period     11:48 – 12:34 pm                           Visual Arts         Freshman Studies
 7th Period       12:39 – 1:25 pm                                   7th Period      12:39 – 1:25 pm                        Special Education        Social Studies
                                                                                                                                                Fine/Performing Arts

Shadow Ridge High School                                                   2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                    5

The information in this publication has been compiled to assist students in       instructor or because the student is earning a low or failing grade.
planning their four years of high school coursework. Courses that will be
offered next fall are courses that you select during spring registration. If,     The administration may, due to enrollment and staff changes, balance
during final registration, too few students select a course, it will be           course sections by transferring students from one class and/or teacher to
cancelled, and those students will be rescheduled into alternate courses.         another. If a student is transferred in this manner, the student will not be
Additionally, classes have a limited number of seats. If an elective course       able to move back to the original schedule. Every effort will be made to
fills and no seats are available, a student will be assigned to an alternate      ensure a smooth transition for students.
elective. With this in mind, students are encouraged to select alternate
courses that are appropriate for their ability level and area of interest. If     Due to the State of Nevada Department of Education Guidelines, no student
no alternate electives are selected, then a student may be placed in an           may earn credit in a class started after the third week of school. After 15
elective where a seat is available.                                               days into the semester, no student may change a class due to the required
                                                                                  number of hours necessary to earn credit. Seniors who request to drop a
Students and parents should review the following important information before     class for an open period must have the principal’s (or designee’s) approval.
selecting classes:                                                                If the request to drop a class is approved and occurs after 15 days of
                                                                                  instruction, the student will receive an “F” on the semester transcript.
      Review graduation requirements.
      Set educational goals to prepare you for your post-high school             Because the philosophy of Shadow Ridge High School encourages students to
       plans and career interests.                                                meet the challenge of achieving their potential, students are strongly
      Discuss your career options with your parents and your school              discouraged from enrolling in courses below their academic levels.
      Fees associated with a particular course.                                  Prerequisites
                                                                                  Prerequisites are listed in the course catalog to help students make the best
Read the course descriptions carefully before you register. Choose courses        educational decisions possible. Students must meet these prerequisites to
that will challenge you and that will prepare you for college and/or a            enroll in a course. Both semesters of the prerequisite course must be
career. Students and parents will be selecting courses that the student will      successfully completed. Schedule adjustments will be made automatically
attend for the entire school year. Please review the schedule change policy       should a prerequisite not be met.
below very carefully before selecting courses.
                                                                                  Course Selection Guidelines
SCHEDULE CHANGE POLICY                                                            Students and parents should use this guide to carefully select courses for next
Students’ schedules are computer generated and students are placed in             year. All efforts are made to ensure your requests are accommodated. As
classes randomly based upon the courses selected during spring registration.      such, very few schedule changes will be made after registration. Those that
                                                                                  are made will be completed during the first fifteen days of the semester and
Since advanced planning and guidance are provided for each student prior          will be based on specific educational reasons such as graduation requirements,
to registration, schedule changes will not be made. Requests for schedule         misplacement or completion of courses or summer school. Changes made
changes are considered only for the following specific educational reasons:       after this date could result in the student failing the class as the required
                                                                                  seat time for the class will not have met accreditation standards. A
      Placement in a course required for graduation                              parent/teacher conference is required before considering a schedule change.
      Misplacement in an academic area                                           Courses chosen to fulfill an elective requirement will not be changed. All
      Successful completion of summer school course work                         course selections require a one year commitment.

A SCHEDULE CHANGE.                                                                The administration may, due to increased/decreased enrollment and staff
Schedule changes will not be granted to move a student to a specific              changes, balance course selections by transferring students from one class

Shadow Ridge High School                                             2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                  6
and/or teacher to another section. Every effort will be made to ensure a           the number of required courses is different. To earn the Mustang Medallion,
smooth transition for students.                                                    in addition to the regular graduation requirements, the student must have no
                                                                                   F’s on their transcript, meet the following requirement, and maintain a
Honors and Advanced Placement Programs                                             minimum 4.000 GPA.
The Shadow Ridge High School Honors Program is designed to challenge
students to their maximum potential and prepare them to pursue higher                        Subject Area                 Required Number of Honors Courses
education. The program requires a commitment from parents and students                       English H/AP                                4
recommended to enroll in the Honors Program, which provides an umbrella                      Math H/AP                                   3
                                                                                             Science H/AP                                3
for the Advanced Placement and Honors courses and may lead to special
                                                                                             Social Science H/AP                         3
awards at graduation. Students and parents are advised that a yearlong                       Foreign Language H/AP*                      2
commitment in each course is required.                                                       Elective Credit H/AP**                      1

Advanced Placement Program
The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a cooperative educational endeavor          *Since the first year of foreign language is not an Honors course, the same
with the College Board in Princeton, New Jersey for academically talented          foreign language must be studied for a minimum of three (3) years.
juniors and seniors. Through this program, freshman, sophomores, juniors, and
seniors in high school take courses that have been developed with college-         **Elective credit may be fulfilled in an approved Honors or AP class in
level material and expectations. AP level classes carry the .050 weighted          foreign language, math, science, social science, or computers.
average. Since the curriculum is more in depth than the regular courses, there
is a greater opportunity for individual progress and achievement. The Advanced     Consideration will be given to equivalent classes successfully completed at
Placement examinations are given each May. All examinations consist of an          another high school for students interested in the Mustang Medallion who
essay or problem solving section and a series of multiple choice questions.        have not been enrolled at Shadow Ridge High School four years.
Each student is expected to take this examination at an approximate cost of
$95 per exam.                                                                      Fees
                                                                                   Elective class fees are charged for specific classes where students complete
Honors Classes                                                                     special projects or additional materials are needed. Class fees cover the
Classes designed to be more challenging, requiring higher level thinking skills,   additional cost for these projects.
and moving at a faster pace are designated Honors classes. Students on a                  If a student cannot pay fees immediately, a hardship form can
college preparatory track are encouraged to enroll in Honors classes. Honors                   be set-up. A payment schedule will not prevent a student’s
level classes carry the .025 weighted average. Students may receive a                          enrollment in any class.
maximum weighted GPA for 14.0 credits as applied to the Honors Diploma.                   Fine cards will be entered at the end of each quarter and
Students and parents are advised that a year-long commitment is required.                      students must settle their financial obligations at the end of each
                                                                                               school year.
Honors Award                                                                       No Check Policy
Graduating seniors whose weighted or unweighted grade point average after          In order to eliminate costs associated with returned checks, Shadow Ridge
eight semesters falls between 3.500 and 3.799 will be recognized as Honor          High School does not accept checks for payments of fines and fees. Only
graduates. They will receive an Honors cord to wear at graduation.                 cash, money order, cashier’s checks, and credit cards will be accepted. Any
                                                                                   questions, please call the school banker at 799-6699, ext. 4044.
High Honors Award
                                                                                   The registration process will determine which classes are offered at Shadow
Graduating seniors whose weighted grade point average after eight semesters
                                                                                   Ridge High School in 2020-2021. Choose your classes carefully. You will be
is 3.800 or higher will be recognized as High Honor graduates. They will           scheduled by computer based upon the courses you select. Be careful not to
receive a High Honors cord to wear at graduation.                                  select a class for which you have already received credit. Read the course
                                                                                   descriptions carefully. Discuss your selections with your teachers, your
Shadow Ridge Mustang Medallion                                                     parents, and your counselor before registration. All classes require a full
The Shadow Ridge Mustang Medallion is awarded to seniors who complete a            year commitment and will not be changed at the semester. All students
rigorous four-year academic program. Students who pursue the Mustang               who enroll in AP courses are expected to commit to that class for the
Medallion will enroll in the same classes as Honors Diploma students. However,     entire year and take the AP exam(s) in May.

Shadow Ridge High School                                              2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                   7
Not all courses listed in this catalog will necessarily be offered next fall. The
school master schedule is derived from the classes students sign up for
during pre-registration in the Spring 2020.

CCSD does not knowingly discriminate against any person on the basis of
race, creed/religion, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, gender identity or
expression, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or age, in admission
or access to, treatment or employment in, or participation in its programs
and activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and
other designated youth groups, pursuant to federal and state laws including,
but not limited to, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the
Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.

Shadow Ridge High School                                               2020-2021 Course Catalog   8

            1.   Complete coursework designed around individual goals and core enrollment expectations
            2.   Take the ACT with Writing in junior year, at no cost
            3.   Earn a diploma

Please review the Grade Point Average (GPA) section of this guide for a description of GPA weighted and unweighted calculations.
^ Students with significant cognitive disabilities are eligible to earn an Alternative Diploma through participation in the Nevada Alternate Assessment (NAA) and
successful completion of the course credits required for a standard diploma.
* CCSD students are required to take semester 1 and 2 of World History or Geography to satisfy either the
Arts/Humanities/CTE state requirement for the standard diplomas or the additional social studies requirement for the other diplomas. Students may combine
different semesters of World History and Geography to meet this requirement.
** Flex credits can be: a 2nd or 3rd year CTE concentrator course in one program of study, or a 4th year of math (including Algebra II or higher), or a 3rd year
of science, or a 3rd year of social studies.

*** Students must complete the 24 credits indicated, including Algebra II or higher, and demonstrate the following:
             1. Proficiency in two languages (Seal of Biliteracy), or 2 credits in AP, IB, Dual Credit, CTE, Work Based Learning, or world language courses.
             2. Earn one or both endorsements:
     College Ready: Students that complete a college readiness assessment and receive scores for placement into non-remedial college-level English and math
     courses as determined by NSHE Board of Regents. ACT English 18, SAT Reading 480, ACT Math 22, SAT Math 530, Smarter Balanced level 3 (English and
     math), PARCC level 4 (English and math).
     Career Ready: Students that complete the ACT NCRC - level Silver or above, or ASVAB - score 50 or above, or obtain a CTE Skills Attainment certificate, or
     obtain a Nevada Industry-Recognized Credential.

The Clark County School District (CCSD) strives to prepare students for success in postsecondary education and in the workforce by providing a rigorous curriculum.
The Core Enrollment Expectations are consistent with Nevada Revised Statute (NRS 389.018) and aligned with the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship minimum
core curriculum requirements. If the Core Enrollment Expectations do not align with a student’s individualized learning plan, then a modified course of study must
be agreed upon by the student’s parent/guardian and a school administrator or school counselor.
                                 Core Enrollment Expectations Units
                                 English                                                  4
                                 Mathematics (including Algebra II or higher)             4
                                 Natural Science                                          3
                                 Social Studies and History                               3
                                                                                          Total 14

Shadow Ridge High School                                           2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                       9
Students that successfully complete the Core Enrollment Expectations outlined above, with a weighted grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.25 may qualify for
the State of Nevada Millennium Scholarship. Please see your school counselor for more information about the Millennium Scholarship.

The State of Nevada requires all high school students to be enrolled as follows:
      Ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade students must be enrolled in at least the equivalent of six periods per day.
      Twelfth grade students that are not college and career ready* must be enrolled in at least the equivalent of six periods per day.
      Twelfth grade students that are college and career ready* must be enrolled in at least the equivalent of four periods per day.

Coursework taken outside of the normal school day may be counted towards the required high school class load requirements, subject to school administrator
* The Nevada Department of Education establishes the standards for students that are considered college and career ready. Please see your school counselor for
details, or review the Nevada Department of Education guidance memo.
SOURCES: NAC 387.345, AB 7

Students that complete all graduation requirements for their cohort year may graduate early with approval from the school of full-time enrollment. Please contact
your school counselor with specific questions.

The student’s Unweighted GPA is calculated on a traditional 4-point scale (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0).
Bonus Points for successful completion of Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses will be added as follows, according to NAC
389.6625. This represents the student’s Weighted GPA.
      Honors 0.025
      Advanced Placement (AP)* 0.050
      International Baccalaureate (IB)* 0.050

*Mastery of AP and IB course content shall be determined by participation in the AP or IB examinations sponsored by the College Board and International
Baccalaureate. Students are required to take the examinations for each course. Parents or guardians may waive this testing requirement by informing the school
administration in writing.
For the Cohorts of 2019 and 2020, a maximum of fourteen (14) courses or twenty-eight (28) semesters of Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), and/or International
Baccalaureate (IB) courses will receive Bonus Points. This creates a Weighted GPA cap of 4.800 as the highest possible GPA.
For the Cohorts of 2021 and beyond, there is no limit to the number of Honors, AP, or IB courses that will receive Bonus Points. This removes the Weighted GPA
SOURCE: CCSD Regulation 5127

Valedictorians, students with the highest Weighted GPA in the graduating cohort, and Salutatorians, students with the second highest Weighted GPA in the
graduating cohort, will be identified as candidates at the end of the fall semester for each cohort year. Final Valedictorians and Salutatorians will be determined
upon completion of all high school graduation requirements by the last day of school.
SOURCE: CCSD Regulation 5127

A student may repeat a course but shall not receive additional credit for the repeated course. The higher grade shall be recorded on the permanent record and
the lower grade replaced with a repeated course (RP) notation. A student may repeat a failed course one time to improve a grade. Regardless of the number of
times a course is repeated, a grade of an “F” will only be removed once. If applicable, all other “F’s” will remain on a transcript.

Shadow Ridge High School                                            2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                      10
Grade classification for high school students is determined by years in school, not on credit earned. Students will be classified to the next grade level at the end
of each school year. However, progress should be continuous and student advancement through the curriculum should be according to the student’s demonstrated
ability rather than the student’s age or years in school.
SOURCE: CCSD Regulation 5123

Shadow Ridge High School                                            2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                       11

COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS                                                     a student does not satisfy all of the goals set forth in the academic plan,
Students benefit from comprehensive school counseling programs that include      he/she is eligible to graduate and receive a high school diploma if
college and career readiness standards. In addition to classroom lessons and     requirements for a diploma are otherwise satisfied.
family night events, students also meet individually with a school counselor     SOURCES: CCSD Regulation 5127, AB 117
to complete academic plans. An academic plan is a four-year course plan
that is built on a student’s individual strengths, weaknesses, and interests.                                          TESTING

CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION                                                   Required: College and Career Readiness Assessment
Career and Technical Education in Nevada is organized into six (6) program       All juniors will take the ACT with Writing exam in the spring. The college
areas and course sequences. Each high school in CCSD may offer different         and career readiness assessment (ACT with Writing) is a requirement for
programs and course sequences. Please review the section Courses and             graduation. Juniors will take the ACT in spring of the junior year at no
Descriptions for details on CTE courses. Additional information can be found     cost. It is recommended that all students take ACT in the spring of the
online at: http://www.doe.nv.gov/CTE/                                            junior year, as most four-year colleges/universities require test scores for
Nevada CTE Program Areas:                                                        admission. In addition, some colleges/universities and NCAA Division I Initial
      1. Agricultural and Natural Resources                                      Eligibility (for student-athletes) require a minimum score on the ACT to
      2. Business and Marketing Education                                        determine placement in freshman English and math courses. Finally, some
      3. Education, Hospitality, and Human Services                              universities determine scholarship eligibility based on ACT and/or SAT results.
      4. Health Science and Public Safety                                        Students attending college/university in Nevada can earn the Millennium
      5. Information and Media Technologies                                      Scholarship for completing the core curriculum and earning at least a 21
      6. Skilled and Technical Sciences                                          composite score on the ACT. For more information, please see the Nevada
                                                                                 Scholarships section of this guide.
GRADUATION PROGRAMS AND PROGRESS                                                 It may be necessary to retake the ACT and/or SAT to increase scores. This
A graduation program is assigned to students to assist with tracking             may enable a student to avoid placement in a remedial math and/or
progress toward postsecondary readiness. Parents and students can review         English college course. Remedial courses at Nevada System of Higher
graduation programs and progress online using the Infinite Campus Portal.        Education institutions provide no college credit and are not paid for by the
                                                                                 Millennium Scholarship program.
FOUR-YEAR COURSE PLANS                                                           SOURCE: CCSD Regulation 5127, NRS 390.610
Each ninth-grade student must have an approved four-year academic plan.
The academic plan must set forth the specific educational goals that the                    Optional: ACT National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)
student intends to achieve before graduation from high school. The plan          The ACT NCRC is a portable, evidence-based credential that certifies the
may include, without limitation, the designation of a career pathway and         essential skills for workplace success. Employers look for it from job
enrollment in dual credit, career and technical education, Advanced              candidates because it is a valid predictor of job performance. Students that
Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Honors courses.            earn a Silver or above for the ACT NCRC credential will also meet one of
The ninth-grade student and his/her parent or legal guardian are required        the qualifications for the College and Career Ready Diploma. Please contact
to work in consultation with a school counselor to develop an academic           your school counselor with additional questions.
plan, sign the academic plan, review the academic plan at least once each
school year in consultation with a school counselor, and revise the plan if                     Required: College and Career Readiness Assessment
necessary.                                                                       All juniors will take the ACT with Writing exam in the spring. The college
For students enrolling in high school after ninth grade, an academic plan        and career readiness assessment (ACT with Writing) is a requirement for
will be created with appropriate grade level modifications.                      graduation. Juniors will take the ACT in spring of the junior year at no
The academic plan must be used as a guide for the student and the parent         cost. It is recommended that all students take ACT in the spring of the
or legal guardian to plan, monitor, and manage the student’s educational         junior year, as most four-year colleges/universities require test scores for
development and make determinations of the appropriate course of study. If       admission. In addition, some colleges/universities and NCAA Division I Initial

Shadow Ridge High School                                            2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                12
Eligibility (for student-athletes) require a minimum score on the ACT to          EARNING CREDIT
determine placement in freshman English and math courses. Finally, some           Nevada law states that students may earn a unit of credit for successful
universities determine scholarship eligibility based on ACT and/or SAT results.   completion of a course containing at least 120 hours of instruction or the
Students attending college/university in Nevada can earn the Millennium           equivalent. This means that a student must complete 60 hours of
Scholarship for completing the core curriculum and earning at least a 21          instruction, or the equivalent, to earn 0.5 credits at the end of each
composite score on the ACT. For more information, please see the Nevada           semester. The Clark County School District (CCSD) has a variety of ways for
Scholarships section of this guide.                                               students to earn credit. Internal credits are taken at a CCSD school, and
It may be necessary to retake the ACT and/or SAT to increase scores. This         external credits are taken outside of the school district. External credits are
may enable a student to avoid placement in a remedial math and/or                 limited to 6.0 total credits in high school, and must be pre-approved by
English college course. Remedial courses at Nevada System of Higher               the school of full-time enrollment. When a student attends a CCSD school
Education institutions provide no college credit and are not paid for by the      full-time and earns credit at another school at the same time, this is
Millennium Scholarship program.                                                   known as concurrent credit. Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year,
SOURCE: CCSD Regulation 5127, NRS 390.610                                         Dual Credit coursework is no longer considered external credit.
                                                                                  SOURCE: NAC 389.040
         Optional: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)                                              Internal Credit
The United States Department of Defense developed this test to administer                                      Credit by Exam (CBE)
to students all over the country. The test is typically scheduled during the      Students can earn credit for courses in which they demonstrate mastery of
school day and is normally at no cost to the student. Score reports received      course material. CBE is not a credit retrieval option. To be eligible to take
after taking the test can be useful in determining college and career             a CBE, the student must not have previously been enrolled in the course
pathways. This test is typically taken in grades 10-12. Students that earn a      and received a progress grade. Nevada Learning Academy (NVLA) offers a
50 or above on the ASVAB will also meet one of the qualifications for the         variety of options for CBE. For more details, please visit
College and Career Ready Diploma. Please contact your school counselor            www.nvlearningacademy.net.
with additional questions.
                                                                                  CBE Policies
                                  Optional: SAT                                        · Tests can only be taken for original credit
The SAT is used by most colleges and universities to make admissions                   · Tests can only be taken one time per course
decisions. It is a multiple-choice test administered by the College Board. The         · CBE credits are considered internal credit
purpose of the SAT is to measure college readiness by providing colleges               · All exams are computer-based and will be taken online
with common scores to compare all students. Free online test preparation is            · English courses require reading for the exam
available through Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org). This test is                     · CBEs are not considered Honors credit
typically taken during the spring of grade 11 and fall of grade 12. There is           · Students must earn a 70% on the CBE to earn credit
a cost associated with this exam, but fee waivers may be available to those            · Credits are posted as a P for passing
that qualify. Students who earn a 480 in Reading and a 530 in Math will                · Failed tests are not posted to the student’s transcript
also meet one of the qualifications for the College and Career Ready
Diploma. Please contact your school counselor with additional questions.          Courses Available for CBE
Students attending college/university in Nevada can earn the Millennium                · Mathematics: Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
Scholarship for completing the core curriculum and earning a combined                  · Social Studies: US Government, US History, World History
reading, writing, and math score of 1070 or higher. For more information,              · English/Language Arts: English 9, English 10, English 11, and
please see the Nevada Scholarships section of this guide.                                    English 12
                                                                                       · Introduction to Computers (0.5 credits)
                             Optional: PSAT/NMSQT                                      · World Languages (CCSD): Spanish I, Spanish II: The Spanish I &
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test is a great                    Spanish II CBEs are CCSD-developed exams that include teacher-
way to prepare for the SAT. Scores are used to identify National Merit                       scored speaking and writing components in addition to an online
Scholars and award merit scholarships. Score reports received after taking                   exam that will be computer-graded.
the test can be useful in determining which Advanced Placement (AP)                    · World Languages (ACTFL): Arabic, Chinese, French, German,
coursework may be appropriate during high school. Free online test                           Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and more. Foreign Language
preparation is available through Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org). This                    exams (except Spanish I & II) are offered through the American
test is typically taken in grades 10 and 11. There is a cost associated with                 Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
this exam. Please contact your school counselor with additional questions.

Shadow Ridge High School                                             2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                 13
Dual Credit                                     credit required to graduate from high school. Common courses include, but
A dual credit course is either taken at a local college/university or at a        are not limited to:
CCSD school where both high school and college credit are earned.                       · Computer Science and Applications
                                                                                        · Algebra I, Geometry Honors
Dual Credit: Students take coursework outside of the normal school day                  · Foreign Language
from an accredited college/university. There is typically a cost. Students
must complete a CCF-856, Dual Credit Application, before enrolling in any                                         External Credit
dual credit coursework.                                                           External credits may be granted for coursework completed outside of the
                                                                                  Clark County School District (CCSD) while a student is enrolled in CCSD
Cooperative Agreement Dual Credit (e.g. Jumpstart): Students take a college-      during the school year and over the summer. A maximum of six (6)
level course at the school of full-time enrollment that is taught by an           external credits can be applied toward graduation from high school. A
approved instructor. There is typically a cost. The CCF-856, Dual Credit          maximum of three (3) external credits can be earned in the combined core
Application, is not needed for programs with a formal cooperative                 areas of English, mathematics, science, and social studies.
agreement with CCSD.                                                              External credits in the following categories must be pre-approved with
                                                                                  supporting documentation by a student’s school of full-time enrollment. The
CTE College Credit: Students complete state-approved programs in CTE to           school determines which supporting documentation is required and accepted.
earn postsecondary credit at no cost to the student. CTE College Credit is        Students may request the External Credit Application (CCF-850) from a
articulated credit, the high school coursework aligns to postsecondary            school counselor.
courses, and the teacher of record is a high school CTE teacher. The CCF-
856, Dual Credit Application, is not needed. Instead, students complete a                                        Community Service
separate application through the college of their choice (e.g. CSN).              0.5 elective credit will be granted for volunteering 60 hours (1.0 credit for
To qualify for the CTE College Credit, students must:                             120 hours) of time at a school-approved community agency (1 credit max).
      · Earn a 3.0 GPA in the CTE course sequence,
      · pass the state end-of-program technical content assessment, and
                                                                                                           Online/Correspondence Course
      · pass the state Workplace Readiness assessment for employability
            skills.                                                               High school credit will be granted for high school coursework completed at
                                                                                  accredited institutions.
Students who complete a CTE program of study according to the criteria are
eligible to earn the CTE College Credit within three years of graduating from                                  Educational Travel Credit
high school and upon admission to the postsecondary institution. The              0.5 elective credit will be granted for a 21-day educational trip/tour (1.0
amount of credit is dependent upon the state standards for each high              credit for 42 days). Students are required to submit a log with general
school CTE program and how the standards align to the college courses for         descriptions of sites visited detailing items of interest, the student’s
a certificate or degree in a related career pathway.                              reactions, and photographs of the student at the sites. A parent or guardian
                                                                                  may sign logs for educational travel credit supporting documentation.
   Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), and International Baccalaureate (IB)
The CCSD Honors, AP, and IB course offerings are designed to challenge                                          Enrichment Program
students to enroll in more demanding and rigorous coursework and to               Elective credit will be granted for successful completion of academically
improve advanced academic achievement of students demonstrating                   accelerated coursework at accredited institutions.
accelerated educational potential.
Mastery of AP and IB course content shall be determined by participation in                                Physical Education II Waiver
the AP or IB examinations sponsored by the College Board and International
                                                                                  1.0 Physical Education credit (required for graduation) will be waived for
Baccalaureate. Students are required to take the AP or IB examinations for
                                                                                  120 hours of activity completed under the direct supervision of a qualified
each course.
                                                                                  instructor/coach who is a credentialed or licensed professional in that
Parents or guardians may waive the testing requirement related to AP and
                                                                                  activity. The Physical Education II Waiver may only be issued if credit for
IB by informing the school administration in writing.
                                                                                  Physical Education II has not been granted. To be approved, this activity
SOURCE: CCSD Regulation 5127
                                                                                  must be geared toward competition. Students cannot earn a PE II Waiver if
                                                                                  they failed the PE II course.
                 High School Credit Taken in Middle School
Certain coursework taken in middle school (grades 6-8) may be counted as

Shadow Ridge High School                                             2020-2021 Course Catalog                                                                 14
Music Equivalent Credit
High school credit will be granted for private music lessons. A student is
limited to 0.5 credit for each school year (1 credit max). The instructor
must be certified, or demonstrate membership in one of the following
organizations: The National Association for Music Education, The American
Music Teachers Association, The Must Teachers National Association, The
Suzuki Music Teachers Association, or a faculty member at a college,
university, or school of the arts.

                               Concurrent Credit
Concurrent credits are credits a student earns from another CCSD school
while still attending the school of full-time enrollment. A student may not
be enrolled in two or more instances of the same course concurrently. All
concurrent course enrollments require prior approval from a school
counselor. There is no limit on earning concurrent credits. See a school
counselor for more information on the following concurrent programs:

                           Nevada Learning Academy
For specific information, including fees, call (702) 855-8435 or visit

                                 Adult Education
For specific information on this program, call (702) 799-8650, extension
317 or visit http://ccsd.net/divisions/education-services-division/adult-

                      Horizon/Sunset High Schools/Programs
For specific information, call (702) 855-9775 or visit
                                 Summer School
Students may earn credit during the summer. Registration information is
available in the counseling office in the spring. Additional information is
available at http://ccsd.net/schools/summer-school/.

                 Duplicate Coursework – Repeating Courses
A student may repeat a course but shall not receive additional credit for
the repeated course. The higher grade shall be recorded on the permanent
record and the lower grade replaced with a repeated course (RP) notation.
A student may repeat a failed course one time to improve a grade.
Regardless of the number of times a course is repeated, a grade of an “F”
will only be removed once. If applicable, all other “F’s” will remain on a

Shadow Ridge High School                                                2020-2021 Course Catalog   15
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