SPRING FLING - MONSTROUS MAILBAG P.02 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + BIZ BRIEFS P.05 10-20-2021 ISSUE: 42 V.15 - Cascadia Weekly
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mail Contact Cascadia Weekly: THISWEEK 360.647.8200 Advertising Sales Manager: Calvin Schoneck ext 1 FOOD sales@ cascadiaweekly.com TOC LETTERS STAFF Editorial Editor & Publisher: REAR END6 Tim Johnson ext 3 editor@ cascadiaweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Amy Kepferle FILM “I hope I never recover from this,” 90-year-old Star Trek actor William Shatner/Captain Kirk said following his ext 2 10-minute space visit aboard Blue Origin’s New Shepard calendar@ spacecraft last week. “I hope that I can maintain what I feel cascadiaweekly.com now,” he added. “I don’t want to lose it...It has to do with Contributing Editor: MUSIC the enormity and the quickness and the suddenness of life Carey Ross and death. Oh my god, it’s unbelievable. The moment you music@ see the vulnerability of everything; it’s so small.” cascadiaweekly.com Production ART Art Director: Jesse Kinsman jesse@ GET OUT kinsmancreative.com Design: Bill Kamphausen bill@ kamphausendesign.com WORDS Advertising Design: Roman Komarov roman@ CHANGES ARE COMING cascadiaweekly.com Send all advertising materials to CURRENTS 4 GET READY for some ads@cascadiaweekly.com Cascadia Daily News. That’s the name of Bell- Distribution ingham’s new daily online/ weekly print newspaper, Distribution Manager: set to debut in January. Erik Burge VIEWS distribution@ The Cascadia Daily News cascadiaweekly.com team will be composed of news pros with a shared goal of boost- Whatcom: Erik Burge, Stephanie Simms MAIL22 ing the level of local watchdog news while MAIL maintaining and expanding on lifestyle/arts Skagit: Linda Brown, coverage that has been provided by Cascadia Barb Murdoch CRANKY CROAKING COLUMNIST COLLABORATION, NOT Weekly for more than 15 years. Alan Rhodes, Cascadia Weekly’s self-appointed CONFRONTATION The Cascadia Daily News staff is currently Letters “Mr. Cranky,” doesn’t like County Council can- As your former Bellingham City Council At- 10.20.21 being assembled by longtime Bellingham SEND LETTERS TO LETTERS@ CASCADIAWEEKLY.COM didate Kamal Bhachu. He dismisses Bhachu as Large representative for 22 years, I’m writing resident and WWU graduate Ron Judd, a Seattle Times veteran. “a Trump supporter, anti-vaxxer and conspiracy to urge you to vote for Russ Whidbee, who now Cascadia Weekly will continue to cover theorist.” seeks the same seat on the council. #42.16 None of this is actually true. But this is the Collaboration, not confrontation, is the ap- MONSTROUS MAILBAG P.02 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + BIZ BRIEFS P.05 arts and entertainment, music, dining and c a s c a d i a REPORTING FROM THE HEART OF CASCADIA WHATCOM *SKAGIT*SURROUNDING AREAS other popular features through the end of usual method used to describe any conserva- proach we need on the City Council, and we’ll 10-20-2021 • ISSUE: 42 • V.15 the year—in both print and PDF formats. tive by a local columnist too lazy to do any see that with Russ Whidbee. CASCADIA WEEKLY Look for our next print issue on the streets Weds., Oct. 27. real research. Research that would include—God I’ve known Russ for years as a neighbor in forbid—actually interviewing the candidate. Birchwood, as a member of the Whatcom Vol- In fact, Kamal Bhachu is a breath of fresh air. unteer Center Board where we served together, ©2021 CASCADIA WEEKLY (ISSN 1931-3292) is published each Wednesday by Young, well-qualified and one who would add and as someone who helped initiate Bellingham’s Cascadia Newspaper Company LLC. Direct all correspondence to: Cascadia Weekly PO Box 2833 Bellingham WA 98227-2833 | Phone/Fax: 360.647.8200 SPRING FLING Shelter in place with FishBoy P.09 that “diversity” to the County Council that liber- recycling program—Russ as a Western student, info@cascadiaweekly.com COVER: Illustration by als are always croaking about. and I as a new Council member back in the ’80s. Though Cascadia Weekly is distributed free, please take just one copy. Cascadia 2 Angel Boligan True to form, Rhodes’ reaction is to smear the Your vote for Russ Whidbee is a vote for a Weekly may be distributed only by authorized distributors. Any person removing papers in bulk from our distribution points risks prosecution SUBMISSIONS: Cascadia Weekly welcomes freelance submissions. Send material guy. Coward. Try running for public office your- thoughtful listener, a collaborator and a person to either the News Editor or A&E Editor. Manuscripts will be returned if you include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. To be considered for calendar list- self, Mr. Cranky. who follows through on his commitments. ings, notice of events must be received in writing no later than noon Wednesday There are way too many old, dull, white liber- I believe deep community roots and relationships the week prior to publication. Photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope. als littering local politics. Just as there are too matter. Russ will use his extensive experience and many old, dull, white local columnists that have- community trust to engage all of Bellingham in lost any semblance of talent or professionalism building fair and equitable long-term solutions, not in their dotage. short-term fixes, to address the problems we face. —John Lesow, Point Roberts —Louise Bjornson, Bellingham
MOTION SECONDED The 42nd Legislative District Demo- made a strong impression on me because to new approaches, collaboration, and cre- I echo former Council member Louise crats, among many other organizations, of the passion and interest with which he ative solutions. We need to keep his expe- Bjornson’s support for Russ Whidbee for have noted this and consequently en- could discuss a wide range of subjects. A rience and enthusiasm working for us. the at-large position on the Bellingham dorsed his candidacy. topic that another person might have a Please vote for Michael. City Council. Just a few highlights of his 40-year ca- simple black-and-white view of, Michael —Rachel Budelsky, Bellingham I have spent the last 28 years serving reer: Whidbee worked successfully to have would discuss from a myriad of angles. on the council and Russ has what it takes the Western Washington University Foun- Many years later, I was surprised to see GIVING VOICE TO THE to be a good council person. His 40 years dation divest from South Africa. And he Michael run for elected office. So many UNHEARD in this community gives him the experi- and his fellow students at WWU formed politicians speak in sound bites or redi- I am writing to share my endorsement FOOD ence to lead from the start. the basis of what was to become curbside rect questions and instead answer with of Eve Smason-Marcus for Bellingham City Bellingham faces a lot of tough issues. recycling in Bellingham. And he worked simple platitudes or campaign talking Council and I encourage you to join me I trust Russ to make the best decision for behind the scenes with many of our po- points. Michael instead attempts to sin- in voting for her. I ask that you reflect the city. lice chiefs, advising them on Black expe- cerely answer a question put to him, even deeply on the change you want to see in REAR END6 It is tough sometimes to make a deci- rience with the police such as DWB (driv- if the answer is complex. Bellingham, on the continued journey we sion that angers a lot of people, but if it’s ing while Black), while actively defusing I should not have been surprised about are on to include all the people, beings, the right decision you have to stand firm, many encounters. And he has raised sig- his involvement in politics. Instead I and earthly gifts of this community in our and Russ will do that. nificant funding for the Kulshan Commu- should have remembered that youthful work toward wholeness and repair. I served with Louise for 16 years, and nity Land Trust. And he was instrumental passion. It is still there and manifests it- Eve supports green choices and increased FILM I trust her judgement. Louise spent 22 in founding the Birchwood Food Desert self as a passion for getting things done. public services that will lead to more and years on the council and I am leaving af- Fighters. And he has literally saved lives Michael knows that problem-solving better access to affordable housing, food ter 28 years—that is 50 years of serving of the homeless while working with Salt does not come from simple black-and- access, and community resources for all, this city. on the Street Ministries. white positions. It takes understanding minimizing human impact on climate MUSIC We see the leadership in Russ. We hope He is the only candidate with a degree all the different angles of the problem change. Eve believes in participatory gov- you do also. in accounting and decades of financial and then collaborating to move to solu- ernment and that we need to creatively —Gene Knutson, Bellingham experience that will prove useful at the tions for those problems. engage in more and better ways to seek city’s budget reviews. Vote Russ Whidbee Michael’s forward-thinking leadership out listening to voices that have not been ART BIG PROGRESS for city council! on the issues of services for the home- heard, actively responding in transforma- MADE OF SMALL STEPS —Dick Conoboy, Bellingham less, affordable housing, municipal policy tive ways. In my two terms on the Bellingham City in view of climate change, jail reform, and Eve shows up—again and again—with EXCITED ABOUT EVE GET OUT Council, my colleagues and I worked to improved public parks and trails has and a joyful presence, knowledge, skills and create genuine progress on water quality I am writing to say how excited I am should continue to improve the quality of vision. She works with countless local protection, smart growth, protection for about Eve Smason-Marcus’ run for Belling- life of all who live in Bellingham. groups to name and address inequities renters, and responding to the emerging ham City Council, Ward 6. —Jan Peter Dank, Bellingham and racism, to protect the environment crisis of climate change, among many As our city grows and becomes more and tribal sovereignty, and to celebrate WORDS other issues. Since I left the Council, I expensive and diverse in the process, we EXCELLENT STREET CRED the strengths, joy and resilience repre- am pleased to see that the good work need local leaders to be both aware of and Please join me in voting for Eve Smason- sented in the diversity of our community. continues, and much of the credit goes responsive to the challenges and opportu- Marcus for Bellingham City Council, Ward 6. Eve’s ongoing, collaborative advocacy for CURRENTS 4 to Michael Lilliquist, who is running for nities our community faces in this context. Eve has reached out to many resi- unhoused community members has result- re-election. I’m happy to support Eve’s candidacy, dents to hear their concerns and offer ed in deeper conversations and actions in It’s easy for his opponent to say that “in- knowing her as a creative and inspired creative solutions. I have known Eve for every setting I’ve shared with her. cremental progress is not good enough,” activist working behind the scenes on so- nearly five years and have found her to Recently, Eve spoke about compromise and that “more needs to be done.” But I lutions to housing insecurity and racial be a caring, compassionate, intelligent as a necessary component in working in VIEWS know firsthand that big progress is made inequity through the Bellingham Unity human, willing to listen to all sides of government, and what I appreciated so out of smaller steps. Committee and the Whatcom Human an issue. She is tireless in her involve- much about what she said is that compro- For example, Michael and I worked for Rights Task Force. ment volunteering with Birchwood Food mise is essential in these times. MAIL22 years to build a consensus on rental in- I have seen firsthand her commit- Desert Fighters, Alliance for Gun Re- In charting a deeper path to lasting sys- MAIL spections for health and safety. We suc- ment to improving life in our city for all sponsibility, Stand Speak Listen, What- temic change, we need to develop the will- ceeded, and now it is easy to take this and have admired her tireless volunteer com Youth Pride, Bellingham Girls Rock ingness to question and compromise our progress for granted. Similarly, we worked work, eagerness to learn and listen, and Camp, People First Bellingham, and the comfort, and to acknowledge that we need 10.20.21 for years to tighten up regulations to pro- her ability to act, rather than remain Whatcom Racial Equity Commission. She to learn anew—challenging ourselves and tect Lake Whatcom and emphasize proj- passive, in the face of urgent needs. currently serves on the board of direc- our conditioning to create a sustainable ects to improve water quality. That work This is why I am joining with others such tors with Bellingham Unity Committee community for all. #42.16 is starting to pay off. as the Lummi Nation, Service Employees and Whatcom Human Rights Task Force. Please join me in voting for Eve Smason- Thankfully, we still have Michael to move International Union 1199NW, the Riv- I know Eve will serve the City Council Marcus. things forward. Let’s keep him at work. eters Collective, the National Women’s with the same passion she exhibits in all —Julie Mauermann, Bellingham CASCADIA WEEKLY —Jack Weiss, Bellingham Political Caucus, the Washington Educa- of her endeavors. tion Association Fourth Corner, NARAL, —Terrance Morris, Bellingham A LIFETIME OF ACTIVE Planned Parenthood, and the Alliance ACHIEVEMENT for Gun Responsibility, among others, in WORKING HARD FOR Russ Whidbee is the candidate who endorsing her campaign. BELLINGHAM can hit the ground running due to dem- As a local business owner and resident Michael Lilliquist is a hard-working onstrated experience over the last 40 of Bellingham, I will enthusiastically cast and committed City Council member who 3 years. No need for Russ to learn Belling- my vote for Eve for City Council. represents our city extremely well. He is ham’s political “lay of the land,” to learn —Kristina Lee Podesva, Bellingham responsive to requests from the commu- SEND YOUR LETTERS how the city operates, or to learn who nity, he does his research to educate him- Got something on your mind? Share does what so he can go directly to the KEEP MOVING FORWARD self about issues, and he genuinely cares how you feel. Send us letters and please one in charge to get things done. And he I urge you to re-elect Michael Lilliquist about public service. keep them short and concise (300 words himself has gotten things done through to Bellingham City Council for Ward 6. The reality is that even local issues are or fewer). Send to his work on many boards, nonprofits and I met Michael more than 25 years ago. complicated. Michael has proven to be a letters@cascadiaweekly.com academic committees. He was a young neuropsychologist who thoughtful and caring representative; open
SERVICE INTERRUPTION eek th FOOD at s The W LAST WEEK’S NEWS REAR END6 Wa OCTOBER 11-18 FILM BY TIM JOHNSON MUSIC PHOTO COURTESY WSDOT ART Washington State Ferries is slashing its scheduled service due to chronic staff shortages that have impacted the boat service, a condition that some workers who haven’t been vaccinated warned will only get worse. In addition to GET OUT staffing challenges, the ferry agency said other factors that led to the service reductions include an aging workforce; COVID-19 cases; and quarantines imposed by those who come into contact with a possibly infected person. 10.11.21 MONDAY Conservation Angler say the department re- for years to bring the South Fork Chinook WORDS Calling them “well-intentioned but flawed,” Bellingham City Council votes to cently embarked on an expansion of hatch- population back from the brink of extinc- formally oppose four initiatives appearing on the November 2 General Elec- ery salmon that could cause irreparable tion. [NPR] tion ballot and encourages community members to vote “no” on them. Council damage to fragile wild fish populations CURRENTS4 members stated they support the values and intentions behind the four People and to endangered Southern Resident killer Bellingham’s mayor proposes new cli- CURRENTS First initiatives, but believe they carry significant unintended legal, financial whales. [Wild Fish Conservancy] mate response measures . One proposal and administrative consequences for the city, for community members, and for would reduce the community’s greenhouse the local business community. [COB] 10.14.21 gas emissions by requiring all new housing THURSDAY projects using federal pandemic relief funds VIEWS new facility for low-intensity residential substance use and mental A to be fully electric and not rely on natural health treatment opens in Bellingham. The associated program will provide Washington’s Attorney General leads a gas, a fossil fuel. The mayor’s second pro- a safe, stable home for up to 16 men while they receive the assistance nec- bipartisan coalition of 15 attorneys gen- posal would invest $5 million in electric MAIL 2 essary to begin their transition back into the community. The project is the eral calling on Congress to pass legislation cooling and ventilation systems in munici- culmination of community partnerships and funders including the Opportunity supporting local journalism. The letter pal buildings, which could then serve as lo- Council, which developed the facility and will continue to own and maintain calls on key leaders to support and pass cations where community members can es- the property. [Lifeline Connections press release] the Local Journalism Sustainability Act of cape wildfire smoke and high temperatures. 10.20.21 2021, providing tax credits to local media [Bellingham Herald] 10.12.21 outlets. “High-quality, independent jour- TUESDAY nalism is critical to our democracy,” the Today marks the final day for thousands of #42.16 AG said. “Local outlets have been hit par- workers in Washington who want to keep their The Biden administration announces the border travel ban between the ticularly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic— jobs to prove they’ve been fully vaccinated U.S., Canada, and Mexico will be lifted after a 19-month hold on nonessential ironically, just when their role as distribu- for COVID-19. Washington’s vaccine mandate, CASCADIA WEEKLY travel. The new travel policy that requires vaccination for foreign national tors of reliable information has rarely been issued by Gov. Jay Inslee in August, is believed travelers to the United States will begin Nov. 8. Canadian Border Services more crucial. We must do all we can to save to be among the strictest in the nation and agree border measures will remain in place for travelers entering or returning local journalism.” [AGO] covers more than 800,000 workers. The man- to Canada. [White House] date applies to most state workers, long-term 10.18.21 care employees, and teachers and staff at the 4 “It should have happened sooner,” Gov. Jay Inslee said of the border de- cision. “Canada has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, and MONDAY state’s schools, including the state’s colleges and universities. [Seattle Times] Canadians were already allowed to travel to the U.S. by air throughout the pan- An estimated 2,500 Chinook salmon died demic. The local economies of border communities in Washington and other before they could reach their spawning The Washington State Patrol reports 127 states are connected to our friends across the border, and their recovery from grounds in Whatcom Countyin September. individuals had “separated from employ- the pandemic has been delayed by the border closure.” [Office of Governor] Lummi Nation officials say a lethal combina- ment” due to the state’s COVID vaccine tion of warm water, low flows, and bacteria mandate. That includes 74 commissioned Conservation organizations file a lawsuit against the Washington Depart- killed 80 percent or more of Chinooks return- officers; 67 troopers, six sergeants and one ment of Fish and Wildlife for the agency’s refusal to follow state environmental ing to the South Fork of the Nooksack River. captain. WSP employs around 2,200 people laws when setting statewide hatchery policy. Wild Fish Conservancy and the Tribes and state officials have been working in eight districts around the state. [WSP]
index SUPPORT LOCAL BOW HILL BLUEBERRIES I love Bow Hill Blueber- ries. Not only is their oper- FOOD ation located in my favorite BUSINESS small town, but they also have BRIEFS taught me that pickled blueberries REAR END6 are delicious. Much like everyone 10.20.21 else who is a fan of their wares, I was shocked and saddened to see BY CAREY ROSS that their farm suffered a recent electrical fire that devoured their FILM warehouse and farm store. They’re FOOD AND BREWS NEWS assessing the damage and pledge BAR 542 to “move forward in any way we $3.79 The last time I was can.” I’m sure they’ll need as MUSIC at Bar 542 was for much of our support in that effort an outdoor burger as they can get. at the beginning of the pandemic. Some ART time thereafter they CLOSED FOR NOW Current average price for a gallon of gasoline in Bellingham. closed in order to remodel, retool and Those hard- revise their space, strategy and food working clowns GET OUT $2.76 $4.50 program and will reopen Oct. 21, all at HomeSkillet fresh and new. The bar is under new (seriously, have management, who promises comfort you seen their food from scratch and quality cocktails bathroom?) have Average price for a gallon of Highest average price for a gallon of made with local ingredients. Indoor decided that a brief hiatus is in order gasoline in Bellingham one year ago. gasoline in Bellingham, set in 2008. WORDS 13 seating will be vaxx-only and, yes, tots so that they can rest and refuel in are still on the menu. order to come back and make vats of chorizo gravy and sling equal amounts BRAZILIAN BARBECUE CURRENTS44 of well-intentioned harassment at CURRENTS Fairhaven’s their loyal fans and customers. They’ll Percent increase in assessed property values in Whatcom County. double-decker red be back Oct. 28, which is not a second $556,000 fish-and-chips bus too soon for those of us who can’t do has been fully trans- without them and their massive and VIEWS formed into Fairhav- delicious meals. en’s double-decker Median sales price for a Whatcom County home in the third quarter of 2021, red Brazilian barbe- CLOSED FOR A WHILE up 23.6 percent from a year ago. Median sales price for a home in Bellingham MAIL 2 cue taco bus—and just typing that has Details are scant, but Harris Avenue in the same period was $645,000, up 17.3 percent from a year ago. got me craving a signature steak and Cafe announced they’ve closed for “a chimichurri taco. The Brazilian tacos in question are being crafted by the same while” in order to “reassess and make adjustments.” The pandemic has been 21 10.20.21 folks responsible for nearby Milano’s, brutally difficult for our local restau- and the taco menu is fairly abbreviated rant community and it is my hope that Average number of days a home is on the market in Bellingham. The at the moment, but they’ve got big they take all the time they need—as average sale in Bellingham is 5 percent above the listing price, due to #42.16 market competition. plans for the future. long as a return is in the works. 3.0 CASCADIA WEEKLY SOCKTOBER Percent change in the Consumer Price Index for the greater Seattle metro PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD area over last year, a modest measure of inflation. The rate of inflation Socks are the number-one item requested erases the nominal increases in hourly earnings in the last year. by those who are unhoused, even more 11 than blankets and warm meals. That’s why 5 Peoples Bank has gotten into the habit of declaring October to be “Socktober” at their 23 branches across the state. They’re Cost of living in Bellingham is 11 percent higher than the national accepting donations of new, unopened average. Housing costs are the most out of balance when compared to national averages. Food, transportation and health care costs track pairs of socks, and for each pair donated to similarly to the national average. a Whatcom County branch, they’ll donate a dollar to the Opportunity Council. Get sock-hoppin’ folks. SOURCES: by Oil Price Information Service (OPIS); AAA; Whatcom County Assessors Office; Troy Muljat, Muljat Group Realtors; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
rearEnd comix + sudoku Sudoku FOOD INSTRUCTIONS: Arrange the digits 1-9 so that each digit occurs once in each row, once in each column, and once in each box. sudoku for December 09, 2005 difficult 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 END66 B-BOARD REAR 0 4 0 6 0 0 2 9 0 FILM 0 8 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 MUSIC 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 0 0 ART 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 7 2 0 GET OUT 0 1 3 0 0 9 0 4 0 WORDS 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 9 © sudokuplace.com All rights reserved. CURRENTS 4 VIEWS MAIL 2 10.20.21 #42.16 CASCADIA WEEKLY 6
rearEnd crossword channel 12 Lipstick smudge 48 Yangs' counterparts 41 Longest waterway in 14 NBA star Irving in 49 Waffle brand that China the news for refusing somehow has a cereal 43 Toward the rear of to get vaccinated version FOOD a boat 18 Word often used by 50 Propose a romantic 46 Objective “Jeopardy!” champ connection, in fanfic 47 Prized instrument, Matt Amodio 51 Like some bloomers for short 20 It covers a lot of 52 Constellation named END66 B-BOARD 48 “I’m serious” ground for a stringed instru- 54 “No argument here” 23 It’s hard to distin- ment REAR 56 “Empire” actor Diggs guish, for short 53 Chuck as far away as 57 Like two, but not 24 “3:10 to ___” possible, in modern too? 25 Conditional suffix? slang FILM 58 Cardiologist’s proce- 26 Engine buildup 55 Toyota ___4 (SUV dure, for short 27 Minimal beachwear model) 59 Raison d'___ (justifi- 28 Fired up again MUSIC cation) 29 Presley-inspired 60 Hardy title character Mexican-American 61 Abbr. on a cognac singer with the bottle albums “Graciasland” ART 62 Ticket specification and “Merry MeX-mas” 32 Chuck D’s Public En- Last Week’s Puzzle DOWN emy partner, for short YRs Truly GET OUT 1 Hang around 33 Zero, for Nadal MORE INITIAL REACTIONS 2 “America’s Next Top 34 Dumpster emanation Model” host Banks 36 ___ diagram (logic ACROSS song 30 Commandeer 3 Impressive in scope illustration) 1 Brit’s WWII weapon 19 Genre for Michael 31 “The Hangover” actor 4 Vessel crammed full of 37 Order for humans WORDS 5 Eight, to Teo McDonald and Rupert Ed wildlife 39 “En ___!” (fencing 9 Tiny tastes Holmes 32 Progressive character 5 McFlurry variety command) 13 Chance for change, 21 “___ la vista, baby!” 35 Otter relative 6 A.P. math subject 40 Runny cheese CURRENTS 4 maybe? 22 Raphael’s weapon, 36 Car brand that trans- 7 Smashing fellow? 41 Longs (for) 14 Bratwurst topper in “Teenage Mutant lates to “I roll” 8 Prefix meaning “ear- 42 Keep an ___ the 15 Spike’s demon friend, Ninja Turtles” 37 Galumph related” ground on “Buffy” 23 Chess piece, at times 38 Play the quizmaster 9 Cancels 43 Until now VIEWS 16 Opera highlight 24 Getaways with a 39 “Aladdin” character 10 “Have ___ my mind?” 44 Cooking appliance 17 Flower in a Texas focus on poses 40 “Real Housewives” 11 Bucatini sauce 45 Squares up ©2021 Jonesin’ Crosswords MAIL 2 10.20.21 #42.16 CASCADIA WEEKLY 7 Advertising supports the Cascadia Weekly newspaper and creates valued content.
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