PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston

Page created by Wendy Gonzales
PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston
PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston
PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

       Inventive. Invigorated. Dynamic. Different.        WHAT’S MORE, WE’RE
       IF you’re after thinking as fresh as your own,     SET FOR FURTHER
       look to Frankston City.                            UNPRECEDENTED
       We’ve been collaborating tirelessly with           Our population growth has been rapid, with
       business owners, educators, health services        forecasts in excess of 164,000 by 2040; that’s
       and Government to transform Frankston              over 17%! As Frankston City suburbs reach
       into the kind of place where you could see         higher popularity among home buyers and
       yourself doing business.                           business, there are no signs of this growth
                                                          subsiding, and it is no wonder Frankston has
       Frankston isn’t Frankston anymore.
                                                          been dubbed as a metropolitan “satellite city”
                                                          alongside Geelong.
       With purpose designed initiatives successfully
       supporting and encouraging businesses of
       all kinds, Frankston City has emerged as the
       ideal location to live, work, learn and play.

       Frankston City is well positioned to cater for     retail and leisure facilities, a burgeoning
       growth into the future and offers attractive       workforce, world-class health and education
       and competitive advantages for investment          set among idyllic lifestyle on offer, Frankston
       attraction, including:                             is Melbourne’s city by the bay.

           roximity to infrastructure and transport      IF that’s not enough to lure you, its proximity
           ffordability and availability of office and
          A                                               to infrastructure, newly upgraded transport
          industrial space                                hub, affordability, office and industrial
                                                          space availability and its ever-evolving
           trategic metropolitan activity centre         metropolitan activity centre providing limitless
           reat work-life balance and amenity            opportunities, certainly will.
                                                          IF THE FUTURE FEELS
                                                          LIKE YOURS FOR
       Covering an area of 131 square kilometres
                                                          THE TAKING, INVEST
       boasting 11 kilometres of pristine foreshore,      FRANKSTON.
       144 parks, reserves and natural reserves,

PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston
PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

Frankston City Council is dedicated to economic prosperity and city revitalisation – and this
commitment is paying big dividends in terms of the many exciting businesses and developments
springing up in our city and suburbs.
Over the past decade, Frankston has witnessed      To date, our Business Grant Program has
unprecedented business growth and there are        supported more than 50 businesses to
no signs of this slowing down. As a Council        startup, expand or relocate to Frankston
we are working with all levels of government       City. Our aim is to attract the best of the
to invest in Frankston’s future and you only       best, and nurture businesses to not only
have to walk through our streets to see that       survive but thrive.
something special is happening.
                                                   With formidable State and Federal
Once a seaside coastal village, Frankston City     Government support complementing
is now an epicentre of modernity – a satellite     Council’s commitment to growth,
city right on the water brimming with forward-     development and revitalisation, it is no
thinking entrepreneurs, trailblazers, creators,    surprise Frankston has been identified
makers and go-getters.                             as an entrepreneurial hotspot to watch.

While indeed beautiful, Frankston is so            In this prospectus, we highlight the various
much more than 11 kilometres of pristine           sectors booming in our local economy, and
waterfront, breathtaking open spaces and           the many opportunities and support we can
internationally recognised parks and reserves,     provide your business or investment. So what
it’s a city buzzing with art, culture and          are you waiting for? Now is the time to join the
diversity offering an unparalleled work-life       growing number of elite businesses who call
balance and lifestyle experience.                  Frankston City home.

In short, Frankston City is open for business          IF you want to break free from
and we’re on the hunt for more dynamic
ventures to join the plethora of cutting-edge          the norm, escape the city
innovators already capitalising on what our            and startup or relocate to a
city and region has to offer in terms of growth,       place where possibilities are
profitability and commercial success.
                                                       endless, opportunity is rife,
But should you choose to call Frankston                and where success knows no
home, you won’t be going it alone – we’ll
be right here to support you – whether it be
                                                       boundaries, then Frankston
through our extensive business mentoring               City is waiting for you.
programs, application support services or via
our flagship annual Business Grant Program
worth a pool of $350,000.

PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

                                                                                                CASE STUDY:
                                                                                                PHIL CANTILLON
                                                                                                CEO, FRANKSTON

01.                                                                                             CITY COUNCIL

  IF                                                                                            Frankston is on the move. Located in one

                                                                                                of the fastest growing regions in Australia,
                                                                                                our businesses have an annual economic

  & PRODUCTIVITY                                                                                output of $13.45 billion, generating
                                                                                                employment for over 44,000 people.

                                                                                                   With a large amount of public
A to B. Here to There. To and Fro. IF you want to take the path                                    and private sector investment
more easily travelled, Frankston City is your destination.                                         completed, underway or planned,
                                                                                                   the city’s transformation continues
In today’s go, go, go environment, keeping       Road and public transport projects recently       to strengthen.
pace is everything. And following record         completed or underway:
investment in road and rail infrastructure                                                      Major transformative works have occurred
in recent years, travelling to and throughout       R
                                                     emoval of level crossings from            here in recent years, including the
Frankston City couldn’t be easier.                  Seaford Road, Seaford and Skye/             $63 million Frankston Station Precinct
                                                    Overton Road, Frankston                     redevelopment, a significant step in
With the newly redeveloped Frankston                                                            providing the vital connection needed
                                                     edevelopment of the landmark
Station shortlisted in the Australian                                                           to support Frankston as the Metropolitan
                                                    Frankston Station
Institute of Architects Victorian Architecture                                                  Activity Centre it has been identified
Awards 2019, successful level crossing               hompson Road duplication from Carrum
                                                    T                                           as (Plan Melbourne 2017–2050).
removal completion and the upcoming                 Downs through to Cranbourne including
Metro Tunnel set to create room for 36,000          the Westernport Highway intersection        Additionally, Frankston’s city centre
more passengers on the Frankston line                                                           has undergone a major transformation
                                                     ew bus services connecting Frankston
each week, Frankston City is bustling with                                                      which undoubtedly acts as a catalyst for
                                                    City with Cranbourne
progressive movement.                                                                           further city centre revitalisation initiatives.
                                                     reliminary business case into the         Also located within the Frankston
The EastLink tollway is the fastest and most        electrification of trains from Frankston    Metropolitan Activity Centre is the
direct route from Melbourne to Frankston City,      towards Mornington Peninsula                Frankston Health and Education Precinct
with Nepean Highway a scenic alternative                                                        including Monash University Peninsula
                                                 Upcoming road and public transport projects:
taking you along the coast and through                                                          Campus, Frankston Private Hospital,
inner city suburbs from Melbourne through           $
                                                     30 million upgrade to intersections on    Frankston Hospital (Peninsula Health),
Frankston towards the Mornington Peninsula.         Ballarto Road, Carrum Downs                 Peninsula Aquatic and Recreation
The alternative is Peninsula Link, directly                                                     Centre and Chisholm Institute Frankston
                                                     uplication of Lathams Road, Seaford –
connecting Frankston and outer Melbourne                                                        Campus. This precinct is a key driver for
                                                    a vital thoroughfare through the Carrum
suburbs to the Mornington Peninsula through                                                     growth of Frankston’s largest industry
                                                    Downs and Seaford Industrial Precinct
winding countryside paddocks.                                                                   sector, health care and social assistance,
                                                    Duplication of Hall Road, Carrum Downs      which employs 9,200 and $1.2 billion
Trains depart Frankston Station to                                                              annual output.
                                                     pgrade to Golf Links and Warrandyte
Melbourne every ten minutes, with the
                                                    Roads, Langwarrin South
Stony Point train line connecting the                                                           The opportunity to continue this
Mornington Peninsula to Frankston.                  E
                                                     stablishment of a new airport in          transformation through a range
                                                    Melbourne’s South-East region as part       of revitalisation and infrastructure
    The Victorian and Australian                    of the Plan Melbourne 2017–2050             investments will help Frankston City
    governments are currently                                                                   reach and exceed its full potential as
                                                                                                a liveable, sustainable and prosperous
    undertaking upgrades to vital                                                               community.
    transport options that will
    improve the connectivity,
    productivity and liveability
    for Frankston City residents
    and businesses.

PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22


$2.5                        7.5                         45                                 55
MILLION                     THOUSAND                    MINUTES                            MINUTES
passengers travel through   passengers travel through   from Frankston City Centre         from Frankston City Centre
Frankston City each year    Frankston Station daily     to Melbourne CBD                   to Melbourne Airport

PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

DEVELOPMENT                                                                                              CASE STUDY:
                                                                                                         DANNY CIAMA
                                                                                                         DIRECTOR, URBAN DC

Public sector investment. Private sector investment.                                                     Designed by Elenberg Fraser and

IF you’re looking for a city on the grow, Frankston City fits the brief.                                 developed by Urban DC, Horizon
                                                                                                         Apartments on Plowman place boasts
                                                                                                         a high-end 79-dwelling apartment
With a number of new multi-level apartment              N
                                                         ew luxury high density apartments
                                                                                                         complex providing uninterrupted
and office complexes and a massive shopping             N
                                                         ew community spaces                            spectacular city and bay sunset views.
centre upgrade, Frankston City is poised for
                                                         ew residential aged care facilities            Earmarked for completion in 2023,
further investment in city centre housing, retail,
                                                                                                         Horizon promises an influx of residents
hospitality, office space, services, residential        New retirement village
                                                                                                         keen to live, work and play in versatile
aged care, tourism and public realm.
                                                         ew office buildings                            Frankston City.

    Working with developers                             New gallery extension
                                                                                                            Frankston as a place to live has
    and the Victorian and                               N
                                                         ew medical centre                                 so much to offer, with its beautiful
                                                                                                            foreshore and beaches.
    Australian governments to                           N
                                                         ew childcare centre

    remove potential red tape                           N
                                                         ew Buddhist temple                             It is a very liveable place, boasting a
                                                                                                         train station, large shopping centre,
    roadblocks, the following                        Undeniable opportunities for development            hospital, university and all the Peninsula
    list of recent green-lit                         and a projected population growth of 20,000         has to offer at its door step.
                                                     over the next decade, creates further needs for
    projects illustrates Council’s                                                                       Plowman Place is one of Frankston’s
                                                     innovative developments.
    commitment to invest today                                                                           most coveted streets with a history
                                                     Capitalising on Frankston City’s own thriving
    in the infrastructure required                                                                       going back to the first settlement of
                                                     arts and culture scene and lifestyle escapes        Frankston. It is a beautiful, quiet leafy
    by the regions’ projected                        and experiences, invites developers to think big.   street but right in the heart of Frankston
    population growth tomorrow.                                                                          city centre and 300m to the beach. The
                                                     IF YOU HAVE A DREAM
                                                     TO BUILD, INVEST                                    site sits on the highest hill within the
These programs offer:
                                                     FRANKSTON.                                          Frankston CBD, giving it a demanding
   New supermarket and retail developments                                                              position of sweeping, never to be built
                                                                                                         out views, with water views from ground
    ew and major extensions to existing
                                                                                                         level – it’s the perfect location for
   shopping centres

$500+                                                $1+
MILLION                                              BILLION
of private development                               of public investment by Victorian and
currently approved                                   Australian Governments over the next
                                                     4 years

PROSPECTUS 2021/22 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

It’s ready, set, grow! IF you’re a trailblazer, a maverick,
or an innovator, Frankston City is the place for you.
Frankston City is one of the best places in              From innovators pushing
Australia to set up a business, our city centre is
home to a number of key precincts, including:            the boundaries to experts                      51%
                                                         at the top of their game,                      INDIVIDUALS
NEPEAN HIGHWAY                                           Frankston City’s increasingly                  working in Frankston City
                                                                                                        also reside there
Acting as the main “corporate corridor” for              collaborative, creative
Frankston city centre, this urban metropolis
provides ample commercial spaces, housing
                                                         and connected business
the largest offices on offer in the city.                community is home to over
Here you’ll find the South East Water HQ,
                                                         44,000 employees, 55,000
home to over 11,000 sq.m of professionally               sq.m of office space and 2,000
designed office real estate. Completed in                CBD based businesses.
2015, this is the city’s largest premium grade
office space.                                        IF you’re looking for a more flexible approach
                                                     to working, we’ve got what you’re looking for.
Adjacent to the South East Water HQ is the           With a range of co-working providers, you’ll

Landmark Corporate Centre. This elegantly            always have somewhere to call home.
renovated commercial space will be sure to
make a great impression and set the scene            The startup scene receives formidable support      JOBS
for your business success.                           from Local, State and Federal governments to       in Frankston City
                                                     expand on opportunities and build business here.
                                                                                                        (as of January 2019)
                                                     You too can expand your realm of possibilities
                                                     by embedding your business into the strong
A planned major office space development of          culture of creative industry disruption,
Bayside Shopping Centre will open a realm of         collaboration and entrepreneurship alive
opportunities in the near future stimulating the     and thriving in Frankston City.
economy with a predicted 1,470 ongoing jobs.
The eight-storey $116 million Balmoral Walk          IF YOU WANT LOCATION,
                                                     INVEST FRANKSTON.
project includes 14,037 sq.m of office floor
space with 1,772 sq.m of retail floor space at
                                                     Whether your business is established,
ground level.
                                                     emerging or unheard of, Frankston City

In Frankston the price is right. Prime office        presents opportunities to flourish with the
rentals in Frankston are around half that of         space and land to grow, a transport network
Melbourne CBD and a third cheaper than               to get you moving, a supportive business           BILLION
other central Melbourne locations, such as           community and a willing workforce.
                                                                                                        is the total GRP for Frankston City
Southbank. IF you compare Frankston to
other locations in Australia, the difference is
even greater.

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22


For me, there would be no other place
to create a co-working office space like
Joan. I adore Frankston, it is one of the
few places that has truly captured my

   Frankston punches well above her
   weight and offers an incredible
   array of benefits
   for businesses.

I wanted to create a space that lifted
women and the LGBTQI+ community.
Joan is more social enterprises and less
tech, a place for trail blazers and social
warriors. The space was always envisaged
as a community space and we see it
growing over time to the point we may
open more Joans within the city limits.

I think Frankston is in an incredibly
envious position economically.
Frankston has a vibrancy which
increases all the time, as young business
owners continue to launch exciting new
ventures here. It offers amazing value to
investors from all backgrounds and this
means, it has an opportunity to improve
further and attract more businesses and

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

$9.0                                  $2.3                             $2.5
BILLION                               BILLION                          BILLION
top six industries annual output      of manufacturing annual output   of construction annual output

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

   & MAKING                                                                                           CASE STUDY:
                                                                                                      ANDY THOMPSON
Small. Medium. Large. IF you’re enterprising, Frankston City                                          MANAGING DIRECTOR,
                                                                                                      HODEI PTY LTD
is the right fit for you.
                                                                                                      Located in the Carrum Downs Industrial
As a titan of your tools, you’re looking for       With its capable and available workforce,          Precinct for the past three years and in
somewhere special for your business. A place       strategic location and outstanding                 Frankston for the previous seven years,
where innovation and craftsmanship are at the      infrastructure, the Carrum Downs Industrial        we are a medical device designer and
heart of the city’s DNA. Cue Frankston.            Precinct is perfectly suited for big business to   consumables manufacturer. In fact, we
                                                   set up and take over the market from its new       have grown to be the largest supplier of
    From gin distillers to boat                    Frankston City headquarters.                       single use, sterile baby bottles to Australian
                                                                                                      Hospitals, such as Royal Women’s,
    builders, Frankston is a                       The Seaford Industrial Precinct continues          Sunshine and Northern Hospitals.
    city of doers and makers;                      to experience high-growth thanks to its
                                                                                                      I joined the Frankston precinct when I was
    it is the perfect hotspot to                   metamorphosis into a hipster paradise
                                                                                                      a general manager of Nylex in Seaford so
                                                   through the transformation of former trade
    invest, create, manufacture                    buildings into unique micro manufacturing          I knew that by establishing the business
    and showcase your quality                      spaces featuring industrial furniture, polished    here in Frankston City we would get the
                                                                                                      support from the local Carrum Downs and
    product.                                       concrete floors and Edison bulbs.
                                                                                                      Dandenong South precincts.
The Carrum Downs Industrial Estate Precinct        Excellent transport and telecommunications
                                                   infrastructure, access to a skilled local             I’ve found recruiting here in
and the Seaford Industrial Precinct are the                                                              Frankston City to be really positive
two strongest industrial precincts in Frankston    workforce, a business-friendly council and
                                                                                                         plus there’s great access to
City, both of which are seeing innovative small,   the many lifestyle benefits are attracting
                                                                                                         business support, IT development,
medium or large business in manufacturing and      investors in hordes.
                                                                                                         tool makers, excellent transport
making, boom. Ideally located alongside major
                                                   IF YOU’RE LOOKING TO                                  services and we have a fantastic
arterial roads, EastLink and Peninsula Link,       TAKE YOUR BUSINESS                                    business collaboration with a
these business zones have experienced high         TO THE NEXT LEVEL,                                    sterilising service nearby in South
                                                   INVEST FRANKSTON.
growth with the creation of over 3,000 jobs in                                                           Dandenong.
the last ten years and are among the highest
performing industrial precincts in Australia.                                                         We are looking forward to introducing
                                                                                                      some new products in the near future
                                                                                                      and further growing our business here
                                                                                                      in Frankston City.

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

05.                                                                                              CASE STUDY:
                                                                                                 BRIDGET RUSLING
  IF                                                                                             DIRECTOR

                                                                                                 PENINSULA HEALTH

		WELLBEING                                                                                      The $562 million redevelopment of
                                                                                                 Frankston Hospital will mean improved
                                                                                                 healthcare for all. It will bring together
Providers. Practitioners. Researchers. Carers. IF you’re looking                                 enhanced services and new capabilities
to be part of a dynamic and progressive health and medical                                       to ensure Peninsula Health can continue

services hub, Frankston City is just what the doctor ordered.                                    to provide exceptional care to a growing
                                                                                                 community for generations to come.

Over the past decade, Frankston City has           Frankston city’s growing                      Frankston Hospital was originally built
transformed into an industry-leading health
hub, servicing the booming Mornington              health and wellbeing sector                   in 1941. While it has undergone periodic
                                                                                                 developments, this redevelopment will
Peninsula and Melbourne’s South-East.              has become a major employer                   create a space that really meets the

Caring for a growing and an ageing
                                                   for the city and region, with                 needs of the growing community of

population, our rapidly expanding health           continued investments                         Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.

sector presents a range of opportunities for       adding to the provision of                       The priorities for the project are
primary and allied health businesses to more                                                        to ensure everyone in the local
                                                   high quality health care
specialised services, with health providers                                                         community has equitable access
already seeing the benefits of co-location,        services for our community.                      to high-quality healthcare services.
particularly allied health operators.                                                               It will be a world-class facility for
                                               This rapidly expanding health sector presents
                                                                                                    patients, staff and visitors.
Peninsula Health, Frankston Hospital and       a range of opportunities for primary and allied
Monash University Peninsula Campus             health businesses to more specialised services.   A multi-level tower will provide dedicated
have formed a Centre of Excellence for                                                           space for enhanced mental health
                                               WITH OUR FINGER ON
Alcohol and Other Drugs, looking to gain                                                         services, capacity for an additional 120
                                               THE PULSE OF WHAT’S
an international reputation for research       TO COME, IF YOU’RE NEXT                           beds, new operating theatres and new
specific to this health area.                  GENERATION HEALTH,                                and improved oncology facilities. It will
                                               INVEST FRANKSTON.
                                                                                                 also provide better working conditions
                                                                                                 and access to newer technology for staff.

                                                                                                 The project will boost the local economy
                                                                                                 and create up to 1,700 jobs at the peak of
                                                                                                 construction and in new opportunities for
                                                                                                 the healthcare sector.

$1.2                                           $55
BILLION                                        MILLION
in health care and social                      for the Peninsula Health-Monash
assistance annual output                       University Health Futures Hub


The Victorian Government has
acknowledged the importance of
Frankston’s Regional Health and
Education Precinct by committing
a record $605 million expansion
to healthcare services at Frankston
Hospital, with $10 million budgeted for
a Paediatric Emergency Centre.

The development will construct two
11-storey buildings, delivering 120 new
hospital beds, 2 new operating theatres,
an additional 13 new emergency
department beds, a new maternity
ward, obstetrics ward, women’s clinic,
paediatric ward, special care nursery,
more mental health care services and
beds, a new oncology ward and an
oncology day clinic.
Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

Preschool, Primary and Secondary. Public and Private. TAFE
and University. IF you’re looking to give them the best possible
start to life, Frankston gets top marks.
Recognised for first-class education, research    Stage 1 Redevelopment, with $64 million
and training in Australia’s Education State,      redeployment now confirmed for Stage 2,
Frankston City boasts 44 public and private       providing for a significantly greater number

schools and a range of quality options for        of courses and university pathways.
preschool learning for families to choose from.
                                                  The Chisholm Institute Frankston Campus
This includes the highly sought after             has over 12,000 students enrolled in more
Frankston High School, one of Victoria’s          than 131 courses, including health and                offered at the Chisholm Institute
competitively zoned public schools.               wellbeing, building and construction, hair            Frankston Campus
It joins three other top tier independent         and beauty, art and design and hospitality.
schools – Woodleigh School, Toorak College
and The Peninsula School – in providing           Monash University Peninsula Campus is a top
the Frankston community with excellent            tier university offering a unique personal learning
secondary education options.                      experience with recently introduced new
                                                  undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the
    Higher education options                      areas of health, education and business leading
                                                  to a $32 million student accommodation
    include Chisholm TAFE,                        complex to facilitate an increase in enrolments.
    centrally located next to
                                                  With an impressive roster of public and
    Frankston Station, and
    Monash University Peninsula
                                                  private schools and access to world-class
                                                  higher education, the influx of families
    Campus, located within                        relocating from inner Melbourne suburbs
                                                  to Frankston City’s seaside location is proof         for Stage 2 at Chisholm TAFE
    Frankston City’s regional                     that Frankston is top of the class for education      which will significantly increase
    integrated Health and                         and vocational training.                              course numbers
    Education Precinct.                           IF LEARNING IS VITAL
                                                  IN YOUR MIND,
Chisholm is one of the largest providers          INVEST FRANKSTON.
of vocational education and training in
Victoria, with the Frankston campus
recently completing a major $75 million

                                                                                                        enrolled at Monash University
                                                                                                        Peninsula Campus

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

HOSPITALITY                                                                                         CASE STUDY:
                                                                                                    JASON ABSOLOM
		 & RETAIL                                                                                         OWNER, THE PIZZERIA
                                                                                                    FRANKSTON SOUTH

                                                                                                    I grew up here and am a Frankston
Restaurants. Cafés. Bars. Fashion. Lifestyle. Specialty.                                            advocate through and through. My motto
IF you’re hungry for opportunity, Frankston City’s booming                                          is live local, invest local which in turn

market is on the menu.                                                                              then supports other local businesses and
                                                                                                    creates local employment.

HOSPITALITY                                       RETAIL                                            We are second to none when it comes
                                                                                                    to both natural and manmade amenities.
Already popular with locals and visitors          From big brands and leading department
                                                                                                    Proximity to amenity is what people want.
alike, Frankston City’s beachside location        stores to boutique fashion, décor and bargain
makes it ideally suited to emerge as a            hunting, Frankston City is home to a diverse         Where else can you walk to a
thriving dining destination.                      range of vibrant shopping precincts, presenting      major shopping complex, a CBD,
                                                  shopping experiences to suit everyone.               a train station, a large movie
     A community and visitor                                                                           theatre, bowling alleys, pubs,
                                                  Frankston’s city centre retail district has
     thirst for a range of new                    undergone a series of upgrades, becoming
                                                                                                       clubs, the beach and a flora and
                                                                                                       fauna reserve?
     and interesting dining and                   a renewed face for the city. Recent multi-
     beverage options is driving                  million dollar streetscape upgrades have          We chose Norman Avenue in Frankston
                                                  transformed retail areas into a welcoming         South 11 years ago because we were
     continual demand for the                     public space. Featuring a range of new            confident we could be a destination venue
     introduction of exciting                     innovative dining experiences, this district      where people would come to us outside
     new restaurants, cafés and                   has become a true destination.                    the CBD because of the unique product
                                                                                                    we have to offer.
     eateries to the region.                      The city centre has 82,000 sq.m of retail
                                                  space (spread across the main shopping            Other advantages of establishing in
Paired with energetic new breweries and           streets in the city centre), and there are        Frankston City include affordability of
distilleries helping to showcase locally made     over 212,000 sq.m of retail space available       rent and services, both an exceptional
and crafted brews, it’s no wonder the city is     across lively destination shopping centres        value for money.
fast becoming a popular attraction for beer       Bayside and the Power Centre. Karingal hub
and gin connoisseurs to explore.                  is also undergoing a $160 million expansion       Frankston offers very good value to
                                                  investment over the next 18 months, bringing      people, it’s as simple as that.
From celebrating local produce to
                                                  its total leasable area to 53,000 sq.m.
championing international cuisines and
an impressive menu of destination dining          IF DESTINATION SHOPPING
to suit every taste and occasion, opportunities   IS ON YOUR LIST, INVEST
exist to grow and develop your hospitality        FRANKSTON.
brand among Frankston City’s eclectic mix
                                                  Appealing to visitors from outside the region
of restaurants, bars, cafés and bistros.
                                                  and encouraging residents to shop locally,
IF SERVING UP CREATIVE                            this mix of large name outlets and home-
FOOD IS ON YOUR PLATE,                            grown original businesses makes shopping
                                                  in Frankston City an attractive proposal,
                                                  with plenty of opportunity and appetite
                                                  for new retail possibilities to open up. Set
                                                  among these modern shopping centres and
                                                  street side boutiques are our entertainment
                                                  precincts, where cinemas, restaurants and
                                                  bars complement any visit to Frankston City.

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

$160                         $684
MILLION                      MILLION
Karingal Hub redevelopment   in retail trade annual output

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

A buzzy place to work. A relaxing place to wind down.
Suburban Dreams. IF you want it all, you can – in Frankston City.

Picture this... You’ve finished working a full       An understated gem in the Port Philip Bay          The city centre’s recent renaissance and
day in your city centre office on a hot summer       and Peninsula coastline crown, Frankston           revitalisation has ignited a flurry of new
day. Instead of travelling home to cook, you         City boasts a growing city centre with urban       hospitality and leisure operators and a healthy
stroll the short distance to Frankston’s pristine    street art and artisan cafés rivalling the likes   pipeline of interest from further investors.
beach to meet your family for a cooling swim         of Acland Street, St Kilda. Craft breweries        Dwellings have doubled in the last four
in the water, all while one of the local eateries    rival Collingwood and Fitzroy and industry         years, as more residents seek to experience
sorts out dinner.                                    leading medical research rivals Richmond           Frankston’s bayside metropolitan vibe. There
                                                     and East Melbourne.                                are now nearly 200 city centre apartments
That’s not a dream; that’s life in Frankston City!                                                      in 10 developments with an ongoing strong

Frankston City offers so much that other urban
                                                         Delivering an enviable work-                   demand for housing options.
regions can’t: the family home close to schools,         life balance, Frankston is a
parks and shops; a successful business                   major metropolitan retail and
without inflated costs and boasting uninhibited
transport options; a place of community
                                                         leisure hub with a thriving
celebration with a growing calendar of cultural          mix of businesses, services
events including festivals, art, sport and               and new investors.
everything in between.

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

A number of big scale city living investments    For those wanting to start or relocate their family,
promise an injection of economic positivity,     there’s plenty of family-style classics. For the
helping to secure Frankston as one of            business-minded, demand for more inner city
Melbourne’s top five growth suburbs.             apartment developments – such as Horizon –
                                                 is quickly escalating.
     Lifestyle lures and a range
                                                 Delivering an enviable work-life balance,
     of housing options make                     Frankston’s buzzing city centre business
     suburbs within Frankston
                                                 and office spaces are only moments from
     City a key for attracting                   the calming rural lifestyle. No matter what

     buyers and investors alike.
                                                 next step you’re taking in life – business,            FOR HOUSES
                                                 family, retiring – chances are you won’t
                                                 find anywhere more compatible than
                                                                                                        a compound growth
Frankston City boasts a wide-ranging
                                                 Frankston City.                                        (based on five years of sales)
diversity in housing stock: from architectural
gems hugging the winding coastal views           IF YOU’VE GOT PLANS
of Port Philip Bay along Olivers Hill in         TO ENHANCE CITY
Frankston South to semirural acreages in         CENTRE LIVING,
                                                 INVEST FRANKSTON.
leafy Langwarrin, inner city apartment living
to retirement villages, Frankston City has
something to suit everyone’s lifestyle.

                                                                                                        FOR UNITS
                                                                                                        a compound growth
                                                                                                        (based on five years of sales)

                                                                                                        HIGHEST INCREASE
                                                                                                        in property prices in Melbourne
                                                                                                        since 2020

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22


Having owned and operated Tunzafun
for 40 years, we began to see that
entertainment was increasingly moving
toward being paired with food and
beverage, so that’s exactly what we
have created with General Public. Tenpin
bowling, arcade, bars, cafés, restaurants,
pool tables, table tennis, live music and
functions all under one roof.

Our Tunzafun located in Wells St,
Frankston was a huge success for many
years, so we know it’s the place to be,
we just needed more space. Playne St,
Frankston is the home of our new project
and we believe this venue will be the star
of our business because of its location.

   Minutes’ walk from beautiful
   Frankston Beach, road and rail
   transport connections, surrounding
   schools, university, TAFE and
   sporting clubs; Frankston City
   has it all.

We are overly impressed with the local
community, the supportive Council
and the drive from all involved to make
Frankston a premium location and we’re
looking forward to a positive future.

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

09.                                                                                                  CASE STUDY:
                                                                                                     ANDREW MOON
  IF                                                                                                 MANAGER OF ARTS
                                                                                                     AND CULTURE,
ARTS, CULTURE                                                                                        FRANKSTON CITY


                                                                                                     Frankston Arts Centre is the heart of
                                                                                                     creativity and entertainment in the
Wonder. Inspiration. Entertainment. IF you’re looking to indulge                                     region. Following more than a decade

in a vibrant creative community filled with great open spaces,                                       of campaigning and fundraising by local
                                                                                                     visionaries, Frankston Arts Centre was
Frankston City paints a pretty picture.                                                              opened by the then Prime Minister, the
                                                                                                     Hon. Paul Keating in 1995.
Frankston City residents, and the 800,000         Our inspired City sculpture collection
who visit annually, are passionate about          actively invites community enjoyment               One of the largest outer metropolitan
art, pristine beaches, waterfront and natural     across iconic Frankston locations including        arts venues in Australia, the Frankston
assets, local business events, sport, good food   the waterfront, parks, community centres           Arts Centre was designed by renowned
and entertainment. They are keen to embrace       and libraries. Revealing the intriguing past       Australian Architect, Daryl Jackson,
and explore new and existing experiences and      of this extraordinary region, significant          and incorporates an 800 seat theatre,
we are committed to satisfying and wowing         historic homesteads such as Ballam Park            5 exhibition gallery spaces, a function
even the most voracious culture vulture.          and Mulberry Hill, thrill history buffs and        centre, a 200 seat black box theatre and
                                                  inquisitive visitors alike.                        a creative arts hub.
The region’s premier destination for
events, and located less than an hour             And with an energised community keen to            It’s a preferred venue for many
drive from Melbourne, Frankston City              participate, along with more major events,         international touring companies and
presents an excitingly diverse year-round         opportunities also exist for the establishing of   well-renowned artists as well as
calendar of festivals, theatre, exhibitions,      built infrastructure such as adventure tourism,    iconic Australian arts organisations.
concerts, and sporting events set among           eco-tourism, recreational activities and           Frankston Arts Centre is proud to be the
backdrops of pristine coastal beaches,            accommodation.                                     performance home to many local theatre
gardens and bushland.                                                                                companies, dance schools and local
                                                  With its urban art scene, awe-inspiring            schools, providing a platform for young
Frankston’s bustling urban art scene, created     murals sculpture trails, major events, theatre     talent who aspire to a career in the arts.
by local and international artists alike, has     productions, galleries, sporting events,
seen the city’s buildings transformed into        affordable and impressive venues and thriving         With a variety of flexible spaces
world-class attractions with awe-inspiring        libraries, Frankston City has been transformed        available for hire, it is also
murals and stencils covering city walls.          into a world-class attraction.                        regularly used by local businesses
                                                                                                        for conferences, expos, workshops
                                                  IF YOU’RE A PLAYER IN THE
     The Frankston Arts                           WORLD OF CREATIVITY,
                                                                                                        and offsite meetings.

     Centre, one of the largest                   ENTERTAINMENT AND                                  Frankston Arts Centre, alongside a lively
                                                  EXPRESSION, INVEST
     metropolitan art venues                      FRANKSTON.                                         street art scene, dynamic sculpture
                                                                                                     trail and a colourful festivals program,
     in Australia, hosts year                                                                        is integral in attracting and inspiring
     round local, national and                                                                       a community of entrepreneurial and
     international entertainment                                                                     imaginative individuals.

     showcasing unforgettable
     music, theatre, comedy,
     dance, opera and art.

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22


During the 1920s and 30s, Frankston
was “the” holiday destination for
Melbourne’s rich and famous; and a
popular spot for Melbourne’s young “it”
crowd – those in the emerging art scene.

In the 1920s, Nan and Harry
McClelland (whose legacies live on
through the McClelland Sculpture Park
+ Gallery) were Melbourne’s bohemian
cool kids. The brother and sister duo
ran their own theatre in Melbourne
before they packed it up and decided to
make the move down the coast.

According to Frankston Historical
Society President Glenda Viner: “They
used to get their visitors to skinny dip
down on Frankston Beach… As did
renowned Australian entertainer and
comedian Graham Kennedy, a few
decades later.”

                                           800K                        40+
                                           VISITORS                    MAJOR EVENTS
                                           to Frankston City in 2019   co-supported by Council in 2019

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

100                                     28                                      30,289
SPORTING                                DIFFERENT                               ACTIVE
CLUBS                                   SPORTING                                SPORT CLUB
                                        OPPORTUNITIES                           MEMBERS
                                        supported by public infrastructure

$4.40                                   ~$24
SOCIAL VALUE                            MILLION
                                        secured from Australian and Victorian
for every dollar spent on a community   Governments for sports infrastructure
football club                           projects planned or underway

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

                                                                                                  CASE STUDY:
                                                                                                  KATHERINE THOM
                                                                                                  CEO, PENINSULA

10.                                                                                               AQUATIC RECREATION
                                                                                                  CENTRE (PARC)

  IF                                                                                              & PINES FOREST
                                                                                                  AQUATIC CENTRE

SPORTS &                                                                                          The Peninsula Aquatic and Recreation
  RECREATION                                                                                      Centre (PARC) opened in September
                                                                                                  2014 thanks to the vision of Frankston
                                                                                                  City Council and the support of both the
IF you’re all about the active, Frankston City kicks all the goals.                               Federal and State governments. It is
                                                                                                  managed by Peninsula Leisure Pty Ltd
Health, fitness and wellbeing are vital           UPCOMING PROJECTS                               and is the premier aquatic, fitness and
contributors to a rewarding work-life balance.                                                    recreation centre for Frankston City and
                                                   34.9 million Council, State and Federal       surrounding regions with $4.771 million
And as you’d expect of a region abounding         funding for expansion of Jubilee Park           memberships and $1.057 million people
with pristine coastline and bushland, Frankston   Indoor Stadium for netball and basketball       using the facility casually.
does health and fitness extremely well.           $
                                                   6.5 million Council and Federal funding
To name a few, premier facilities include the                                                     With high quality facilities such as a 50m
                                                  for redevelopment of Lloyd Park Pavilion
renowned Peninsula Aquatic and Recreation                                                         pool, waterslides, an aquatic playground,
Centre (PARC), Jubilee Park Indoor Stadium,       $
                                                   9.37 million Council, State and Federal       a warm water recovery pool and spa,
Peninsula Kingswood Country Golf Club,            funding for RF Miles Recreation Reserve         sauna and steam rooms, onsite physio,
RF Miles Reserve and redeveloped Carrum           Redevelopment                                   a crèche, two group exercise rooms, a
Downs Recreation Reserve.                         $
                                                   2.3 million Council, Federal and club         large gym floor and a cycle room, it’s no
                                                  funding for Belvedere Bowling Club              wonder PARC is a very special place that
Whether you prefer getting active at our          extension                                       appeals to everyone in the community.
premier regional Peninsula Aquatic and
Recreation Centre (PARC) in Frankston’s           $
                                                   3.9 million Council and State funding         Many local sporting clubs connect with
city centre, exploring picturesque parks,         for Monterey Soccer pavilion                    us at PARC for training and we’re proud
foreshore and natural reserves or getting your    $2.75 million for Pat Rollo Pavilion Upgrade   of the contribution we make by providing
competitive side pumping by joining a local                                                       access to our quality training facility that
                                                   3.5 million for Ballam Park Master Plan
sports club – Frankston City has a plethora of                                                    ensures a strong feeder program into
recreational activities to get everyone moving.    2.55 million Council, State and Federal
                                                  $                                               some of the most successful sports in
                                                  funding for Frankston Park Sports Lighting      our area.
Our high-quality playgrounds attract visitors
from across South-East Melbourne and                                                              We employ close to 300 of the
Mornington Peninsula as a great location for                                                      community’s best and brightest in their
families to come together, and for children of                                                    chosen areas to deliver programs and
all ages to make new friends as they explore,                                                     services that contribute to the health
learn and develop in a fun environment.                                                           and wellbeing of the local area.

Frankston’s sporting facilities strengthen the                                                    Frankston just gets more and more popular
city’s status as a prime location for families                                                    and has been so successful at drawing
and visitors to enjoy leisure time in.                                                            people down to her attractive shores.

IF YOU WANT ACTIVE,                                                                                  The City is being re-imagined and
INVEST FRANKSTON.                                                                                    morphing into a thriving business,
                                                                                                     culture and sporting precinct.

                                                                                                  I am excited about the future prospects
                                                                                                  for growth, partnerships and innovation
                                                                                                  that I see in both small and big ideas.

Invest Frankston Prospectus 2021/22

  IF                                                                                              CASE STUDY:

                                                                                                  ED COX
                                                                                                  THE HOP SHOP

                                                                                                  Receiving an Invest Frankston Business
We are here; beginning and beyond. IF you want a Council that                                     Grant of $15,000 in 2019, helped put
walks the talk in supporting businesses, talk to Frankston City.                                  our enterprise into full swing and assisted
                                                                                                  with our renovation costs. Business has
Helping businesses set up, grow and succeed    Evidence of Frankston City’s commitment to         been booming for us since we opened
is the ultimate purpose of Frankston City      providing dynamic assistance to business is        our shop on Playne Street, Frankston,
Council’s Economic Development Team.           nowhere better illustrated than by the creation    late 2020. Even though we opened
We are tenacious with our commitment to        of our priority planning initiative, where major   during the pandemic, we have been
providing investors with the tools they need   development applications demonstrating             very busy complimented with huge
to enrich our city.                            significant economic benefit to the region         support from Frankston City Council,
                                               may be decided within 60 statutory days.           the local community and the Frankston
     With access to funding,                                                                      business community.
                                               Frankston City Council offers a number of
     advice, regulatory                        grants and incentives to help you take the            The beachside locale and a gap
     assistance and training,                  next step in your business enterprise, from           in the market contributed to our
                                                                                                     decision to open The Hop Shop
     Council is a great place                  providing support to help you activate our
                                               city streets, increase employment, beautify           here in Frankston City and we
     to start the conversation                 your shopfront, extend outdoors, relocate to          haven’t looked back.
     about new enterprise.                     Frankston or expand your creativity.
                                                                                                  We knew there were a lot of young
A strategically developed range                Additionally, after eight years of business        families coming to the area – we thought
of Council support programs includes:          grants, Frankston City Council has stepped up      it was the right time for Frankston to
                                               its commitment to support business growth          get a venue that was more than your
   Investment Facilitation Service            and attracting new businesses and startups         regular pub.
   Business Grants                            to our city by increasing the business grants
                                                                                                  We’re also really lucky to have craft
                                               pool to a total of $350,000.
   Specialist Business Mentoring                                                                 breweries such as Mr Banks, Dainton,
   Entrepreneurial Network                    IF A SUPPORTIVE CULTURE                            and Mornington close by as we had
                                               IS IN YOUR BUSINESS                                always planned to get involved with them
   Business Events                            PLAN, INVEST FRANKSTON.
                                                                                                  and champion them when we could, it’s
   Marketing and Promotional Support                                                             a great way to show off the area and give
   Business Concierge Service                                                                    your support.

$350K                                          54
FUNDING POOL                                   GRANTS ISSUED
for business grants, with grants               generating 650 jobs
of up to $30,000 available                     in the Frankston area

Invest Frankston is our commitment        We will continue to support and          We are committed. We are dedicated.
to creating the most robust, most         encourage the people and businesses      We are unswerving.
forward thinking, most energetic,         of Frankston City to make it happen,
                                                                                   IF YOU SHARE THE
exciting, progressive suburb, city,       through our highly innovative and        VISION AND THE
municipality and region in Melbourne.     successful support programs.             PASSION FOR WHAT
                                                                                   CAN BE, INVEST
We aim to become an epicentre             We will continue to work with the        FRANKSTON.
of innovation, growth, industry,          Victorian and Australian Governments
modernity and thinking.                   to ensure we remain at the forefront
                                          of infrastructure and investment
Fully supported by Council, this is our   facilitation, now and into the future.
ethos; the mantra we live, grow and
develop by.
1300 322 322
PO Box 490
VIC 3199
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