SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books

Page created by Ross Morris
SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books
SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books
GREYSTONE                                                  ROB SANDERS
                                                                       Founding Publisher & CEO

              S TA F F                                                   JEN GAUTHIER

                SARA GILLINGHAM                                         K ALLIE GEORGE                                         PAT SY A L DA N A
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                      Greystone Kids                                         Greystone Kids                                      Greystone Kids

                    L AR A LEMOAL                                      LINDA PRUESSEN                                          T O N I B A N YA R D
          Publishing Manager (Greystone Kids)                            Editor, Middle Readers,                               Publishing Associate
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                    MEGAN JONES                                        ANDRE A DA MIANI                                          Editorial Director
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     Greystone Books gratefully acknowledges the            We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council
   Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh peoples        for the Arts, which last year invested $338 million to bring
   on whose land our Vancouver head office is located.         the arts to Canadians throughout the country;
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SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books

                                      A NEW ERA
With the past two years (well, almost two years) of pandemic publishing
behind us, it is time for some very good news.
     On behalf of myself and my business partners, I am delighted to announce
that beginning January 2022, Jen Gauthier will become the publisher of
Greystone Books, where she will run the day-to-day publishing programs
of Greystone’s adult list and Greystone Kids.
     We are fortunate to have an extremely good team involved in all aspects
of our programs—young people with a forward-thinking vision and non-
stop creative energy. It is absolutely time that this group be led by a new
generation. Jen Gauthier is the right person to provide that leadership,
which will ensure that the company continues to be successful and
that the program reaches new heights for many years to come.
     Jen’s time with Greystone goes back to 2005, when she was
part of the marketing team at Douglas & McIntyre, which owned
the imprint Greystone Books. When Greystone went out on its
own eight years ago, Jen was one of the key people I wanted to
help get the new entity off the ground. The company today owes
so much to Jen’s commitment and strength; I am extremely
pleased that Jen is moving into this new role, where I know she will
have the ear and support of the entire team.
     This note is about Jen and the team, but I also want to say that I will not
be stepping aside completely. I will take advantage of Jen’s presence and
Greystone’s stability to address a number of opportunities in front of us.
     A new era begins, and we are well positioned for an exciting future.


Greystone Kids is committed to reducing our environmental footprint in our production and supply chain.
We print on paper that meets international standards set by globally recognized organizations that
       certify paper sourced with socially responsible and environmentally friendly methods.

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SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books
                            B U FF Y SA I N T E- M A R I E
                Illustrated by B U FF Y SA I N T E- M A R I E

                A N D M I C H E LLE A LY N N C LEM E N T

                 BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE

           TAPWE           an
                                dt                 a         t
                                   he   M a g ic H

       illustrations by   Buffy Sainte-Marie   and   Michelle Alynn Clement

 From celebrated Cree author and singer-songwriter
  Buffy Sainte-Marie comes a story inspired by oral
 histories and traditions. On a prairie reserve, a child
receives a mysterious gift from his kohkom—and soon
         finds himself on a magical adventure.
SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books
juvenile fiction                         Tâpwê c an’t wait to spend a week with his cousins on the other
Hardcover, no jacket                     side of the Cree reserve—especially since his kohkom has given him
ISBN 978-1-77164-546-1                   the most amazing gift: a Magic Hat with bluebirds and grass snakes
Ebook also available                     that come to life! Tâpwê is so excited that he soon forgets Kohkom’s
6 x 8 • 152 pages                        advice: Watch out for tricksters!
16 spreads of B&W illustrations            Tâpwê’s adventure is everything he imagined. He meets his
Rights held:                             cousins, takes part in a powwow, and sleeps in a tipi. But soon he’s
World, all languages                     reminded of his kohkom’s words. Is his new, mischievous friend
                                         Wâpos leading Tâpwê astray?
Kauai, Hawaii (Saint-Marie);               Featuring a memorable cast of characters drawn from imagination
Vancouver, BC (Clement)                  and Indigenous oral storytelling, Tâpwê and the Magic Hat explores
                                         the importance of learning to dance to the beat of your own heart.
Age range:
6–9                                      Includes a glossary of Cree words and an author’s note to parents and
Grade range:                             educators about Indigenous storytelling.
Grades 1 to 4
                                         Buff y Sainte-Marie is a world-renowned and Academy Award–
Curriculum Connections:
                                         winning Cree singer-songwriter, activist, educator, and visual artist.
Indigenous Studies / Legends /
                                         Her picture books for kids include Hey Little Rockabye, illustrated
Traditional Storytelling / Risk-
                                          by Ben Hodson, and (forthcoming) Still This Love Goes On, illustrated
Taking & Self-Exploration / Family
                                          by Julie Flett.
                                            BuffySteMarie     BuffySainteMarie
June 2022 • $22.95                       Michelle Alynn Clement is an award-winning book designer and
U.S.                                     illustrator from Vancouver, BC.
June 2022 • $17.95                          michellealynn
July 2022 • £12.99

Also of interest:

                         Hey Little Rockabye                                     We All Play
                         A Lullaby for Pet Adoption                              kimêtawânaw
                         Buffy Sainte-Marie                                      Julie Flett
                         Illustrated by Ben Hodson                               978-1-77164-607-9 • HC
                         978-1-77164-482-2 • HC                                  $22.95 can, $17.95 US,
                         $19.95 can, $16.95 us,                                  £12.99 U.K.
                         £12.99 U.K.

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SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books
           The Beloved Folk Song
       Illustrated by L AU R E N SO LOY

  For kids who love to sing and dance:
a vibrantly illustrated tribute to a classic
  folk song that celebrates community,
             music, and place.
SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books
Hailing from Newfoundl and, “I’s the B’y” (pronounced “eyes
                                           the by” and meaning “I’m the boy” in local dialect) is a decades-old
                                           folk song that has been sung and danced to the world over. In this
                                           spirited picture book, Maritime artist and children’s writer Lauren
                                           Soloy honors the song and its birthplace with rich, captivating illus-
                                           trations that celebrate Newfoundland’s incredible coastline, wildlife,
                                           history, and culture. Full of undeniable energy and joy, this picture
picture book
                                           book will have kids learning, singing, and dancing!
Hardcover with jacket
ISBN 978-1-77164-833-2                     Back matter includes sheet music so budding musicians can play
Ebook also available                       along—plus insights into the fascinating history of “I’s the B’y,” its
9 x 9 • 48 pages                           distinctive words and phrases, and life in modern-day Newfoundland.
Full-color illustrations
                                           L auren Soloy is an author and illustrator whose books include When
Rights held:                               Emily Was Small and Etty Darwin and the Four Pebble Problem. She
World, all languages
                                           lives in a 140-year-old house in the wilds of Nova Scotia with her librarian
ILLUSTRATOR HOME:                          husband, two curious children, an ever-expanding collection of books,
Bridgetown/Annapolis Valley, NS            two beehives, and one cat.
Age range:                                    laurensoloy
3–8                                                                           I’s the b’y that
Grade range:                                                                  builds the boat,
PreK to Grade 3                                                                And I’s the b’y
Curriculum Connections:                                                        that sails her!
Music / Dance / Community                                                      I’s the b’y that
Traditions / Maritime Culture /                                               catches the fish
                                                                               And takes ’em
Canada                                                                         home to Liza.
May 2022 • $22.95
May 2022 • $18.95
July 2022 • £12.99

Also of interest:

                           Hey Little Rockabye                                     The Hockey Song
                           A Lullaby for Pet Adoption                              Stompin’ Tom Connors
                           Buffy Sainte-Marie                                      Illustrated by Gary Clement
                           Illustrated by Ben Hodson                               978-1-77164-189-0 • HC
                           978-1-77164-482-2 • HC                                  $21.95, CAN, $19.95 US,
                           $19.95 can, $16.95 us,                                  £13.99 U.K.
                           £12.99 U.K.

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SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books
             M E L A N I E B ROW N
     Illustrated by SA R A G I LLI N G H A M

A stunning picture book that celebrates
      gardens and inclusion from
         award-winning talent.
SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books
Daisy is new to the garden and just opening her petals to the
                                                   sun when Rose tells her that she’s just a weed. What’s a weed? Rose
                                                   explains that weeds aren’t planted on purpose and only get in the way.
                                                   As Daisy compares herself to other plants in the garden, she begins to
                                                   feel even worse: she isn’t tall like Sunflower, nor sweet like Strawberry,
                                                   nor fragrant like Rose. Just as Daisy worries that Rose might be right—
                                                   that she is a weed after all—a strange and beautiful plant offers a new
picture book
                                                   perspective. Maybe Daisy does have a purpose! And why do others get
Hardcover, no jacket
                                                   to decide who she is?
ISBN 978-1-77164-906-3
                                                      This sweet and empowering story shows the inner strength it can
Ebook also available
                                                   take to define ourselves on our own terms, and how supporting one
8 x 11 • 36 pages                                  another can help us grow.
Full-color illustrations
                                                   Back matter includes a Gardener’s Glossary and note about the value
Rights held:
                                                   of weeds.
World, all languages
AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR HOME:                           Mel anie Brown has worked as both an elementary school teacher and
Vancouver, BC                                      an interior designer, and she lives in Vancouver, BC, with her family and a
(Brown & Gillingham)                               sweet silver Labrador retriever named Rosie. Wildflower is her first book.
Age range:                                         Sar a Gillingham is an award-winning children’s book author and
3–8                                                illustrator, art director, and designer who has helped publish many
Grade range:
                                                   bestselling books. Gillingham has written and illustrated
PreK to Grade 3
                                                   more than twenty-five titles for children,
Curriculum Connections:                            including How to Grow a Friend, Snuggle
Features of Plants / How Plants                    the Baby, the Empowerment series, and
Are Used / Plant Adaptations /                     the bestselling In My series.
Positive Peer Relationships /
                                                   She lives in Vancouver with her family.
Bullying / Self-Awareness
May 2022 • $22.95
May 2022 • $17.95
May 2022 • £12.99

Also of interest:

                           Grasshopper                                                     Hello, Crow!
                           Tatiana Ukhova                                                  Candace Savage
                           978-1-77164-692-5 • HC                                          Illustrated by Chelsea O’Byrne
                           $24.95 CAN, $18.95 US,                                          978-1-77164-444-0 • HC
                           £12.99 U.K.                                                     $22.95 CAN, $17.95 US, £12.99 U.K.
                           An Aldana Libros Book

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SPRING 2022 - Hornblower Books
                J E N N I FE R L AVA LLE E
           Illustrated by N ATA LI A CO LOM BO

The perfect picture book for inspiring art activities
     in the classroom or at home, while also
       fostering an appreciation for nature.
Nature Is an Artist explores different art forms that kids can find
                                          in the natural world. A group of children follow Nature—the most
                                          inspiring of teachers—as they discover the world’s greatest art show
                                          hidden in plain sight. As they witness beautiful landscapes, stunning
picture book
                                          vistas, and unusual creatures, each child is inspired to recreate their
Hardcover with jacket
                                          own fine work of art—from fingerprint bumblebees to sculptures
ISBN 978-1-77164-649-9
                                          made of sand.
Ebook also available
                                             With charming, rhythmic text from Jennifer Lavallee and vivid,
9 x 11 • 36 pages
                                          eye-catching illustrations from Natalia Colombo, Nature Is an Artist
Full-color illustrations
                                          celebrates nature’s beauty and variety, and instills kids with the
Rights held:                              confidence to see themselves as artists, too.
World, all languages
                                          Jennifer L avallee is from the Canadian prairies, where she lives
                                          with her busy family of five. An avid reader and crafter, Lavallee grew
St. Albert, AB (Lavallee);
                                          up experiencing all the wonder and beauty of nature, including the
Buenos Aires, Argentina
(Colombo)                                 soaring Rocky Mountains, curious Alberta Badlands, and lush boreal
                                          forests of the north. Nature Is an Artist is her first book.
Age range:
3–8                                          acutelyjen    jenlavalleewrites
Grade range:                              Natalia Colombo is an illustrator and graphic designer
PreK to Grade 3                           whose picture books have been published in
Curriculum Connections:                   multiple languages around the world. Her book
Visual Art / Nature / Artistic            Cerca was awarded the first International
Expression / Elements of Design /         Compostela Prize for Picture Books.
Outdoor Classroom                         She works with colored and
Canada                                    black pencils, acrylics,
May 2022 • $22.95                         pen, ink, and markers on
U.S.                                      different types of paper and
May 2022 • $17.95                         in digital format. She lives in
                                          Buenos Aires.
May 2022 • £12.99                            nataliacolombo

Also of interest:

                           Birdsong                                              Catch the Sky
                           Julie Flett                                           Playful Poems on the Air We Share
                           978-1-77164-473-0 • HC                                Robert Heidbreder
                           $22.95 CAN, $17.95 US,                                Illustrated by Emily Dove
                           £12.99 U.K.                                           978-1-77164-631-4 • HC
                                                                                 $22.95 CAN, $17.95 US, £12.99 U.K.

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An Aldana Libros book

                   JA I RO B U I T R AGO
         Illustrated by R A FA E L YOC KT E N G
             Translated by E LI SA A M A DO

 From award-winning international picture book
collaborators Jairo Buitrago and Rafael Yockteng
     comes a story about drawing dinosaurs
      outside with an extraordinary teacher.
picture book                                 Many school s in our part
Hardcover with jacket                        of the world have playgrounds,
ISBN 978-1-77164-847-9                       gyms, computers, lots of teach-
(English Edition)
                                             ers, school libraries, and all
Dibujando en el campo
                                             sorts of other equipment.
ISBN 978-1-77164-954-4
                                                But not this school that is
(Spanish Edition)
                                             set amongst remote mountains
Ebook also available in both                 next to a stream. As the girl who
English and Spanish                          tells us this story says, “Our
9 x 9 • 36 pages                             school has almost nothing. A                                    AVA I L A B LE
Full-color illustrations                     blackboard, some chairs. It has a                               S PA N I S H !

Rights held:                                 teacher. She’s always there. She
World, all languages                         stands in the doorway and waits for us every morning.”
(excl. Spanish rights for Colombia)             And this teacher is not like any other. A day spent drawing
AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR HOME:                     outdoors—drawing astounding, spectacular creatures—would make
Mexico City, Mexico (Buitrago);              any child desperately wish to go to this incredibly special school.
Bogotá, Colombia (Yockteng)                  And to be taught by this extraordinary teacher.
                                                And who is to say this can’t happen anywhere?
Translator HOME:
Canada                                       Jairo Buitr ago (author) and R afael Yock teng (illustrator) have
Age range:                                   collaborated on many highly acclaimed picture books, including Jimmy
5–9                                          the Greatest!, Two White Rabbits, Walk With Me, and Lion and Mouse.
Grade range:                                 They won the A la Orilla del Viento Picture Book Competition for the
K to Grade 4                                 Spanish edition of Walk With Me (Camino a casa), which was also
Curriculum Connections:                      named to the IBBY Honour List and the Kirkus Prize
Visual Arts / Artistic Expression /          shortlist. Their books have also appeared on Kirkus
Imagination / Dinosaurs /                    Reviews Best Books, the Horn Book Fanfare, and
Outdoor Classroom / Exploring /              in the White Ravens catalogue.
Creating                                     Buitrago lives in Mexico City.
Canada                                       Yockteng lives in Bogotá.
May 2022 • $22.95                                  rafael_yockteng
May 2022 • $18.95
April 2022 • £12.99

Also of interest:

                           The Capybaras                                              When My Dad Went
                           Alfredo Soderguit                                          to the Jungle
                           978-1-77164-782-3 • HC                                     Gusti
                           $22.95 CAN, $18.95 US                                      Illustrated by Anne Decis
                           An Aldana Libros Book                                      978-1-77164-670-3 • HC
                                                                                      $22.95 CAN, $17.95 US,
                                                                                      £12.99 U.K.
                                                                                      An Aldana Libros Book

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An Aldana Libros book

                 SU N I YAY MO R E NO
           Illustrated by M A R I A N A C H I ESA
             Translated by E LI SA A M A DO

 In the hills of Argentina, a five-year-old Quechua
girl is entrusted with a big job: to collect a marrow
    bone from the neighbor for the family soup.
Picu’s family is very poor. In the dry northern hills of Argentina,
                                             her mother must feed fourteen people—her kids, her relatives’ kids,
                                             and the hired hand’s kids—every day. One morning Picu, the young-
picture book                                 est sister, is sent to get a marrow bone from a neighbor. The bone will
Hardcover with jacket                        add flavor and nutrition to the lunchtime soup. Her mother warns
ISBN 978-1-77164-875-2                       her not to dawdle on the two-hour walk, each way, through the wild
Ebook also available
7 x 9.5 • 40 pages                             But Picu can’t help looking at butterflies, sampling cactus fruit,
Full-color illustrations                     and exploring other delights. She also daydreams about using the
Rights held:                                 marrow bone as a football. Will the neighbor let them keep the bone
World, English                               after the soup is made? Will her mother let her play with it? And will
AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR HOME:                     she be punished for being so late?
Buenos Aires, Argentina (Moreno);               Picu is a child of joie de vivre and resourcefulness. This story, like
Bologna, Italy (Chiesa)                      Picu herself, is tough, hard, and honest. And moving. And fun.

translatoR HOME: Canada                      Suniyay Moreno received her name from her Quechua grandmother.
Age range:                                   She was born and lived in the dry hills above Santiago del Estero in
5–8                                          Argentina where she loved to climb trees barefoot, run after baby goats,
Grade range:                                 and sing songs and make riddles in Quechua, her mother tongue. As
K to Grade 3                                 a grown-up she became a librarian so she could climb around in the
Curriculum Connections:                      stacks over piles of books and children. She lives in Buenos Aires, and
Global Indigenous Peoples /                  this is her first book.
Poverty / Cultural Diversity /               Mariana Chiesa’s best-known books are Migrando and No hay tiempo
Exploration & Imagination /
                                             para jugar which are published and prize winning in many countries.
                                             In 2014 she won the Latin American Illustration Award given by the
Canada                                       University of Palermo. The Youngest Sister is her first
May 2022 • $22.95                            book available in English.
May 2022 • $18.95
June 2022 • £12.99

Also of interest:

                           A Small History of                                       Grandparents
                           a Disagreement                                           Chema Heras
                           Claudio Fuentes                                          Illustrated by Rosa Osuna
                           Illustrated by Gabriela Lyon                             978-1-77164-566-9 • HC
                           978-1-77164-707-6 • HC                                   $22.95 CAN, $17.95 US, £12.99 U.K.
                           $24.95 CAN, $18.95 US,                                   An Aldana Libros Book
                           £14.99 U.K.
                           An Aldana Libros Book

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      Making a Difference in a Messed-Up World
            Rob Greenfield’s Call to Kids

  An inspiring guide to sustainable living from
internationally acclaimedenvironmental activist
        and adventurer Rob Greenfield.
juvenile nonfiction
Hardcover printed without
a dust jacket to reduce                      Rob Greenfield is an extreme guy. He’s ridden across the United
environmental impact                         States on a bamboo bike three times, worn his garbage around New
ISBN 978-1-77164-591-1                       York City for an entire month, and has even gone a full year eating
Ebook also available                         only what he could grow or forage.
7 x 9 • 96 pages                                For Greenfield, it’s all worth it: the more extreme his actions, the
Full-color photos throughout                 more attention he brings to important topics, including food and
Rights held:                                 water waste, our dependency on fossil fuels, our piles and piles of
World, all languages                         stuff (and the energy it takes to produce it), and our lack of connec-
                                             tion with our communities and the world.
St. Petersburg, Florida (Greenfield);           Backed by solid information and chock-full of kid-friendly ideas for
Nelson, BC (Banyard)                         everything from cutting down on waste and saving water to growing
                                             food and connecting with neighbors, Rob’s message comes through
Age range:
                                             loud and clear: no one is too young to make a difference, and no
                                             action is too small to make a start.
Grade range:
Grades 3 to 7                                Rob Greenfield is an activist and humanitarian dedicated to leading
Curriculum Connections:                      the way to a more sustainable and just world. His work has been covered
Climate Change / Global &                    by media worldwide including National Geographic, and France 2 TV
Social Awareness / Leadership                named him “The Robin Hood of modern times.”
Skills / Goal Setting / Self-                   Rob Greenfield                              robjgreenfield
Assessment / Sustainable Living /
                                                RobJGreenfield                              robgreenfield.org
Canada                                       Antonia Banyard’s books for kids include the award-winning
April 2022 • $24.95                          Water Wow! An Infographic Exploration (co-authored with Paula Ayer).
                                             Originally from South Africa and Zambia, she now lives in British
                                             Columbia (antoniabanyard.ca).
April 2022 • $18.95
U.K.                                         Greenfield will donate 100 percent of his proceeds from this book directly to
                                             Indigenous women–led environmental organizations. Banyard will donate
April 2022 • £12.99
                                             part of her proceeds from this book to Malambo Grassroots in Zambia.

Also of interest:

                       Plasticus Maritimus                                                 Palm Trees at the North Pole
                       An Invasive Species                                                 The Hot Truth About Climate Change
                       Ana Pêgo and                                                        Marc ter Horst
                       Isabel Minhós Martins                                               Illustrated by Wendy Panders
                       Illustrated by Bernardo P. Carvalho                                 978-1-77164-682-6 • HC
                       978-1-77164-643-7 • HC                                              $26.95 CAN, $19.95 US, £14.99 U.K.
                       $24.95 CAN, $19.95 US

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                                          Z A N A FR A I LLO N
                                          I llustrated by PH I L LES N I E

                                          A lyrical and moving celebration of neurodiversity
                                          and self-discovery, from the award-winning author
                                          of The Bone Sparrow.

                                             With The Curiosities, a whole world of wonders and
 picture book                                possibilities awaits . . .
 Hardcover with jacket                          Miro wakes one morning to find the world isn’t quite the
 ISBN 978-1-77840-008-7                      way he thought it was. When the Curiosities choose Miro as the
 Ebook also available                        one they nest on, Miro is led to discover all the marvels waiting
 9 x 9 • 40 pages                            in the shadows where no one else looks. Sometimes though, the
  Rights HELD: North America, English        Curiosities can make Miro feel alone and invisible in the dark-
                                             ness. But perhaps Miro isn’t as alone as he thinks . . . Featuring
 Age range: 3–7
                                             gorgeous art inspired by Phil Lesnie’s Filipino heritage, and a
 Grade range: PreK to Grade 2
                                             gentle, heart-touching story from award-winning children’s
 Curriculum Connections:                     book author Zana Fraillon, The Curiosities is a nuanced portrait
 Neurodiversity / Legends / Traditional      of emotions, self-expression, and empathy, and will leave read-
 Storytelling / Social & Emotional           ers feeling inspired to celebrate themselves and others who do
 Learning / Filipino Heritage & Culture      not adhere to societal rules.
 Author/ Illustrator Home:
                                             Z ana Fr aillon has won and been shortlisted for some of
 Melbourne, Australia (Fraillon);
                                             the most prestigious prizes in children’s literature: Her 2016
 Sydney, Australia (Lesnie)
                                             novel The Bone Sparrow won the ABIA Book of the Year for Older
                                             Children, the Readings Young Adult Book Prize, and the Amnesty
 June 2022 • $22.95
                                             CILIP Honour. It was also shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal. She
 U.S.                                        was inspired to write this book by her own neurodivergent child,
 June 2022 • $18.95                          and she lives in Melbourne, Australia.

                                             Phil Lesnie is a Sydney-based children’s book illustrator and a
                                             children’s bookseller. He is the illustrator of Feathers, which was
                                             shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards in 2018. His
                                             first three books were CBCA Notable Books in 2015, 2016, and 2018.

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Featured Backlist

                                                               N AT U R E & S C I E N C E

     Can You Hear the Trees                    Do You Know Where the                    Peter and the Tree Children                    I Hear You, Forest
           Talking?                                Animals Live?                                Peter Wohlleben                            Kallie George
    Discovering the Hidden Life                 Discovering the Incredible                Illustrated by Cale Atkinson             Illustrated by Carmen Mok
           of the Forest                         Creatures All Around Us                    978-1-7 7164-457-0 HC                     978-1-7 7164-736-6 HC
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