Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia

Page created by Cecil Leonard
Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia
Spring 2021

soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380
Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia
The artistry
behind every
You take care of others. We take care of you.

To the service men and women of Australia,
Jet Aviation thanks you.

Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia
Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia

7 Royal Commission 8 Tuning into Kids
Soldier On supports the formal           Psychology based advice for navigating
                                                                                   11       Support for
                                                                                   Soldier On extends support services
establishment of the Royal Commission    parenthood in the ADF                     to Afghan Locally Engaged Employees
into Defence and Veteran Suicide                                                   and their families

37        Pathways
Securing the next chapter for veterans
                                         47 Tassie Turns One 48
                                         One year of employment support for
                                                                                             Veteran Led
                                                                                   Ambassador Gary Wilson facilitates
and their families                       veterans and their families in Tasmania   Bootcamp for participants

2          SOLDIER ON Spring 2021
Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia
Get in touch
                                                                              Ph: 1300 620 380
                                                                              Email: getsupport@soldieron.org.au

                                                                              About Us
                                                                              As a national charity, we support
                                                                              more than 6,000 veterans and
                                                                              their family members through our
                                                                              Health and Wellbeing services,
                                                                              Employment Support, Learning
                                                                              and Education Programs, as
                                                                              well as Participation and Social
                                                                              Connection activities. Our services
                                                                              help individuals build resilience and
                                                                              create meaningful connections with
                                                                              family, community and employers.
                                                                              These programs are made possible
                                                                              through the generous support of
                                                                              the Australian Community, the

14         Social
                                       33 Education
                                                                              Australian Government through the
                                                                              Department of Veterans Affairs, and
           Connections                                                        our Corporate Partners.
                                                                              Soldier On is a leader in supporting
From horse riding to surfing and       Veteran scholarship awarded & giving   those who have served and
international cooking – the diverse    credit where it’s due                  continue to serve in the Australian
activities on offer across Australia                                          Defence Force. With an exemplary
                                                                              track record of providing practical
                                                                              and emotional assistance critical
                                                                              to building successful post-service
                                                                              lives, Soldier On is recognised as
                                                                              an essential first port of call for
                                                                              veterans and their families as they
                                                                              transition from the Defence Force to
                                                                              civilian life.

                                                                              Advertisements in this journal are
                                                                              solicited from organisations and
                                                                              businesses on the understanding that
                                                                              no special considerations other than
                                                                              those normally accepted in respect of
                                                                              commercial dealings, will be given to
                                                                              any advertiser. Advertising funds the
                                                                              production, print and distribution of this

50 Partnerships 54 Fundraising
                                                                              journal, allowing Soldier On to get the
                                                                              word out. Countrywide Austral adheres
                                                                              to stringent ethical advertising practices
                                                                              and any advertising inquiries should be
                                                                              directed to:
Soldier On partners supporting the     Local community fundraisers and
veteran community                      a successful EOFY tax appeal

                                                                              Level 2, 310 King St, Melbourne VIC 3000
                                                                              GPO Box 2466, Melbourne VIC 3001
                                                                              Ph: 03 9937 0200
                                                                              Web: www.cwaustral.com.au

                                                                                                   #sidebyside         3
Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia
Huntington Ingalls Industries is proud to support Australia’s Naval
Shipbuilding College with advanced technical training and outreach
networks focused on creating stable, meaningful work for
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Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia
CEO Update
Despite many challenges that have faced our
veteran community in recent months, our
community continues to persevere and thrive
during times of difficulties.

    he ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue           Commission and share your experiences with those who will
    to disrupt the lives of many Australians. While some           be leading this inquiry. For those who may not be comfortable
    may have returned to a relatively normal day-to-day life,      submitting their views to the Royal Commission, Soldier On
others remain impacted by the constantly evolving situation        will be happy to represent your view.
with the continuation of lockdowns, periods of isolation and       In the meantime, Soldier On continues to advocate for a
reduced exposure to social interactions. For many, managing        Veteran Wellbeing Centre in the ACT to accommodate the large
the mental health and wellbeing of yourself and your family        number of service personnel and contemporary veterans
during these times can be challenging. Soldier On is here to       in the region. We are currently engaging in discussions
help you stay connected, get support, and keep informed            with stakeholders, government representatives and other
during the COVID-19 pandemic.                                      Ex-Service Organisations to advance the delivery of support
Despite these challenges, Soldier On has seen positive             services across the ACT, as well as other locations across the
engagement figures, showing us that the veteran community          country.
remains active and supported at critical times in our              Recent distressing scenes from Afghanistan pose new and
community. June saw a record month for Soldier On, with            resurfacing difficulties for those who have participated in
more than 1,300 serving and ex-serving ADF personnel, as           this conflict, and those who still carry the wounds of their
well as their families, engaging with services.                    service, as well as the families who have been impacted. More
While the COVID-19 pandemic may prevent many from                  than 39,000 Australian military personnel have served in
connecting through face-to-face activities, the Soldier On         Afghanistan since 2001. Of these, many have suffered physical
team has established a variety of online resources and             and psychological injuries, 41 personnel have lost their lives in
activities to keep participants connected, healthy and social.     combat, and many more have taken their own lives as a result
From psychological resources and online support sessions,          of their service.
to employment webinars and virtual social connections              The impacts of this conflict are not limited to our ADF personnel.
activities, there is something to suit every participants needs.   Many Afghan citizens have acted as key supporters and allies
Soldier On has recently welcomed a phenomenal $1 million           of our Australian forces in Afghanistan. These individuals face
donation from the Pratt Foundation. A long-time supporter          many of the challenges that our Australian troops have faced,
of Soldier On, the Pratt Foundation supports charitable            including mental health difficulties, career uncertainty, and
activities, working to enrich the lives of the community. This     social isolation. As we have done with our Australian troops,
donation will go a long way in supporting the expansion of         we must support our veteran community. For this reason,
Soldier On activities for participants. Thanks to the generosity   Soldier On has expanded the delivery of its support services
of the Pratt Foundation, Solider On will be able to increase       to include Afghan Security forces and their families, together
the psychological services offered to our veteran community,       with those who assisted the Australian Defence Force (ADF) in
engage with more veteran supportive employers and                  their development in Afghanistan, such as interpreters.
educators, and host a wider range of activities across the         During these challenging times, we encourage our veteran
country to strengthen connections and advance the wellbeing        community to stay connected with one another, reach out to
of our community.                                                  those around you and seek support when needed. Soldier On
On 8 July 2021, the Australian Government announced the            is here to help.
formal establishment of a Royal Commission into Defence
and Veteran Suicide. Soldier On intends to be an active
participant in the Royal Commission and has established
a working group to achieve this. Soldier On supports
thousands of veterans and their family members and will
work closely with them to continue to inform the Royal
Commission and National Commissioner of the needs of our
veteran community now and into the future. We strongly
encourage our participants to make a submission to the Royal       Ivan Slavich, CEO
                                                                                                                 #sidebyside      5
Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia
Inspired, designed,
and used by those
who serve
Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia
Support for
Royal Commission
Soldier On welcomes the formal establishment of the Royal Commission into
Defence and Veteran Suicide and acknowledges the firm action taken by the
Australian Government in addressing this issue.

   oldier On’s primary consideration during this process lies       Soldier On intends to be an active participant in the Royal
   with ensuring the entire veteran community is equipped           Commission and has established a working group to achieve
   with the mental health and wellbeing support that they           this.
need to thrive.                                                     Soldier On CEO, Ivan Slavich, said the formal establishment
On behalf of the interests of the veteran community, Soldier On     of a Royal Commission displays a positive step towards
has made a submission recommending a broad and inclusive            preventing veteran suicide.
Terms of Reference to allow for a full examination of the myriad    “It is our hope that the Royal Commission and National
of issues that contribute to defence and veteran suicide and the     Commissioner will work closely to create an ongoing response
actions and strategies necessary to prevent these tragedies.         to the issue of Defence and veteran suicide, saving lives and
Soldier On’s submission recommended inquiries into the               improving the wellbeing of those who have served our Nation,”
pre-enrolment factors when joining the Australian Defence            Mr Slavich said.
Force, support provided by non-government organisations,            “Soldier On supports thousands of veterans and their family
current process of transitioning post service, as well as factors    members and will work closely with them to continue to
affecting the entire Defence family.                                 inform the Royal Commission and National Commissioner of
On 9 July 2021, the Australian Government announced the              the needs of our veteran community now and into the future,”
formal establishment of a Royal Commission into Defence and          Mr Slavich added.
Veteran Suicide. The Terms of Reference and Letters Patent
presented on this day were reflective of the recommendations
submitted by Soldier On.

                                                                                                               #sidebyside     7
Spring 2021 - soldieron.org.au | 1300 620 380 - Soldier On Australia

Negotiating Parenthood
for Defence Families
Elfin Berwick – Soldier On Psychologist

    ew people in life are more important to us than our               their feelings. Think about your child in the school yard
    own children. Yet the role of being a parent is hard.             and imagine that one of their friends is teasing them on a
    When my children were young, I remember getting up                daily basis just before class. They will probably feel angry,
in the morning after a series of disrupted nights’ sleep to           agitated, perhaps revengeful and sorry for themselves.
my eldest daughter crying because her breakfast cereal                They may start to worry about when the next attack is going
was not the right cereal, then she accidentally knocked it            to happen and how they might confront or avoid it. If they
off the table. I got up to help, already feeling a bit agitated       are good at managing their feelings, when they get into
and my youngest daughter started crying because I was                 class they will have passed through the feelings and be able
paying too much attention to her sister. By the time I                to direct their attention to the task. When they get home
had dropped them both off at school and day care I was                they will also be able to use their words to let you know
relieved to go to work. Don’t get me wrong there were a lot of        what is happening, how they are feeling and together you
good times as well, but life could feel a bit like a roller coaster   will be able to think about possible solutions to their daily
at times.                                                             challenges.
As a psychologist working at Soldier On, I have noticed that
on top of the normal stresses that come with parenting,               Empathy is the key
military life can pile on the stressors. Many families report the     For both mothers and fathers, empathising and responding
impact of deployment and multiple separations, trauma and             to emotions is critical part of parenting. It is through this
being exposed to traumatic events, and the impact of military         process of empathising that you develop an understanding
training and the institutionalisation. These stressors can            of your child’s inner world and feelings. And by sharing their
impact on the emotional climate of the family and research            inner world you will have a huge impact on their well being
shows that both anxiety disorders and behavioural disorders           because you will be teaching them how to label their internal
are higher in children of military families than non‑military         world and develop their own empathy skills and develop
families (Sullivan et. al., 2015).                                    their emotional intelligence. Research shows that emotional
Given these additional stressors, one of the most important           intelligence is a better indicator of wellbeing outcomes than
skills that you can teach your child is how to manage                 intelligence quotient or IQ.

8           SOLDIER ON Spring 2021
1   Become aware of your child’s feelings
                                                                         This is hard as it involves tuning into your own
                                                                         feelings and noticing what they are feeling from a
                                                                         curious and non-judgemental perspective. At this
                                                                         stage, you are being an emotional detective and
                                                                         asking yourself what the feelings might be and what
                                                                         they might be about.

                                                                     2   Recognise these feeling as an
                                                                         opportunity to build bonds and teach
                                                                         This is really an attitude. If you are feeling agitated,
                                                                         overwhelmed, uncomfortable, threatened or
                                                                         disrupted imagine what they must be feeling.
                                                                         Imagine how much they need you now. When you
                                                                         come to their side in this moment you are showing
                                                                         them that they are part of a team.

                                                                     3   Listen with empathy and validate what
                                                                         your child is experiencing
                                                                         This means you may see the pain or confusion on
                                                                         their face, notice the shift in their voice and feel
Psychology is teaching us how to teach our kids about emotions           the change in the emotional climate of the room.
and one of the simplest methods is called Emotion Coaching.              You may just sit quietly next to them and give
This approach was developed by Haim Ginott, a child therapist            them your hand or offer up a hug. You may start
and clinical psychologist. He was very interested in how to              to imagine into their world and reflect back what
explore children’s feelings and at the same time develop                 you think you are hearing, seeing and feeling in
their problem-solving abilities and help parents set limits              them in a loving and curious way.
around their behaviour. According to Ginott, when we deny or
suppress our feelings they build up and become more intense
and confusing. When we acknowledge our feelings (even when

we don’t like them) we heal and learn how to problem solve.
John Gottman, also a psychologist, has completed more
                                                                         Help your child label their feelings and
than 40 years of clinical research that confirms the theory              put words to their internal experience
that Haim Ginott intuitively developed. Empathy is the key               This is what it seems and involves offering up words
to effective parenting because empathy teaches emotional                 to help them develop their emotional literacy and
intelligence and emotional intelligence predicts positive life           build his resilience.
outcomes, including better problem-solving skills.
“When fathers (and the same is true for mothers) are aware
 of their kid’s feelings and try to help them solve problems,

 children do better in school and in relationships with others.
 In contrast, emotionally distant dads – one who is harsh,               Set limits around your child’s behaviour
 critical, or dismissing of their children’s emotions – can have a       and problem solve with them so that
 deeply negative impact. Their kids are more likely to do poorly
 in school, fight more with friends, and have poor health.’
                                                                         they can do it differently next time
                                                                         This stage is only reached when you notice that
In Gottman’s extensive research they found that parents who               they have calmed down, is feeling connected with
are high in emotional intelligence do five things to teach the            you and is receptive to your limits. This really goes
same emotional intelligence to their children.                            back to Ginott and his claim that all feelings are
You will know when you get this process right because it feels            acceptable but not all behaviours are acceptable.
good to connect with your children and help them to be the               “Sometimes it feels that your sister gets all the
best versions of themselves. It is hard at first but gets easier          attention and you get none. My guess is that feels
with time and practice, and yes, acceptance that you will not             really unfair and I get that you probably feel angry
always get it right. Sometimes you will fumble and fall because,          with her and probably me too. But it is not okay for
as it turns out, being a good enough parent is not about being            you to hit her and you are going to have to say sorry
a perfect parent. Gottman’s research indicates that you only              for that. Is there a way that you can think of how
need to emotion coach about 30 percent of the time. And                   to say sorry? How about we think about something
yes, as I got better at emotion coaching the morning routine              special that just you and I can do together on the
got easier.                                                               weekend … have you got any ideas?”

                                                                                                            #sidebyside       9
At Soldier On, we understand that being a parent can
be incredibly rewarding and beneficial, but it can also             Participating parents
be one of the most challenging roles in life.                       report the following
Our parenting program, based on 30 years of scientific              •   Children can better
research, has proven to make a positive difference in children’s        regulate their emotions
development and family relationships.                                   and are more pro-social.

The takeaway skills you can are learn are broken into five steps,   •   Family relationships are
                                                                        stronger, more positive
enabling you to foster connections with your children, and better       and include greater
solve family problems and conflicts.                                    intimacy and closeness.

This free course is available to all Soldier On participants
nationwide and will be facilitated online.

  Online session available in 2021
  Tuning into Kids is a free online course and will commence on the 25th of October.

Contact us if you have any questions about the program, or you would like to register.

                                       psychology@soldieron.org.au |             1300 620 380

Soldier On enables serving and ex-serving veterans and their families to thrive

for Afghan Locally
Engaged Employees
(LEE) and their families

Soldier On has expanded the delivery of its support services to include Afghan
Locally Engaged Employees (LEE) and their families, together with those who
assisted the Australian Defence Force (ADF) in their deployment in Afghanistan.

    urrently reaching more than 6,000 members of the              “The withdrawal from Afghanistan poses new and resurfacing
    Defence community, Soldier On offers support services          difficulties for those who have participated in this conflict
    including a range of mental health and wellbeing services,     and those who still carry the wounds of their service, as well
employment and transition support and education programs,          as the families who have been impacted. This is not limited to
as well as activities, focused on connections with family,         those who served in the ADF,” Mr Slavich said.
friends, and the broader community.                               “Many Afghan citizens have acted as key supporters and allies
These services will now be made available to members of the        of our Australian forces in Afghanistan. These individuals
Afghan Security Forces, to Afghan Locally Engaged Employees        face many of the challenges that our Australian troops
(LEE) and their families and those who have played key roles in    have faced, including mental health difficulties, career
the ADF’s responses to this conflict, including those who have     uncertainty, and social isolation. As we have done with our
supported our troops in Afghanistan such as Interpreters.          Australian troops, we must support the LEE,” Mr Slavich said.
Soldier On CEO, Ivan Slavich, said the decision to expand the
provision of services reflects the need to assist those who
have supported the ADF.

                                                                                                              #sidebyside    11
Social Connections

Soldier On’s Women’s
                                     omen’s Vet-Connect is a national program aimed
                                     at rebuilding a sense of family and camaraderie of
Vet-Connect program                  service. Held over three weekends across the year, the
                               program is designed to address the needs of female veterans
has kicked off across          transitioning or planning to transition from the Australian
the Country, supporting        Defence Force into civilian life.
                               Transitioning from Defence can be distressing and isolating for
female veterans in their       service personnel, posing significant challenges in all aspects
transition to civilian life.   of a veteran’s life. This can often include loss of identity and
                               purpose, career uncertainty, social isolation, mental health
                               difficulties, trauma, and an increased risk of suicide. Soldier
                               On works closely with the veteran community, providing
                               holistic support services focusing on health and wellbeing
                               activities, employment support and education programs, as
                               well as activities centred on connections with family, friends,
                               and the broader community. The Women’s Vet-Connect
                               program encompasses activities and support which reflects
                               this integrated approach, ensuring that social connection,
                               learning and change can occur in a supportive environment.
                               Soldier On National Program Manager, Sarah Hartley, said the
                               program has been a remarkable success, with participants

12    SOLDIER ON Spring 2021
taking enormous steps to improve their health and wellbeing       Program participants said the weekend’s activities provided
throughout the series of weekends.                                them with a greater understanding of their circumstances and
“It has been fantastic to see a wonderful group of women          gave them the tools to thrive in their transition to civilian life.
 form meaningful connections with their peers while pushing       “To have it broken down to me to understand why our brains
 themselves out of their comfort zones, exploring new              are trained for Defence life, and why I am feeling disconnected
 experiences and ways to look after themselves and their           to my civilian friends, now makes so much more sense. After
 mental health,” Sarah said.                                      16 years, I finally feel that I have a community I belong to, and
The free program takes a selection of female veterans to           it has given me so much hope,” a Vet Connect participant said.
serene locations across their home states, teaching them          “I am very appreciative and grateful to have experienced
mental and physical health strategies, relationship building       the program with other female veterans. The program was
and life skills, while also providing an opportunity to connect    something that I really needed. I don’t get out often, I keep
with other veterans on a personal level. From horse riding to      to myself, and I don’t do any self-care practices, so it was
yoga, massages, morning walks and peer support sessions, the       really nice to be supported, encouraged and spoiled over the
weekend’s activities provided opportunities for connection,        weekend,” another participant added.
education, and mindfulness. Soldier On Psychologists were
also in attendance, providing insights into the mental health
challenges that are specific to the veteran experience and the
conditions of their service. Psychologists were also present
throughout the weekend to support participants through
some of the more challenging activities as veterans confronted
their own fears and uncertainties following their service.

                                                                                                                #sidebyside     13
Social Connections – ACT

Connected in

What a huge couple of months,
with exciting and diverse activities
facilitated weekly for our participants.

We started off May with a family day at the Australian National
Botanical Gardens.
Participants enjoyed a guided tour through the Gardens,
followed by a relaxing picnic on the lawns. This activity saw
great attendance from our family participants and was a great
way to celebrate the school holidays.
From May to September, we facilitated a photography
workshop with the amazing team at Photo Access in Canberra.
We began with a beginners course which provided an overview
of the technical skills required to develop creative photographic
projects and gained basic skills of moving away from the auto
function on your camera. Soldier On participants have now
moved into the intermediate phase of the course. Participants
continue to develop their photography skills and have been
capturing interesting images to include in their creative
photography portfolio. These portfolios will be showcased
later in the year at our local gallery exhibition which will be     snowboarding at Vertikal Indoor Sports, followed by pizza
open to the public.                                                 and hot chocolates. We look forward to facilitating more
Other lessons that have been on offer include pottery, indoor       sessions at Vertikal early next year. One of the most exciting
snowsports, horse riding and ukulele. The pottery lesson            activities we ran was an hour-long horse trail ride through the
with the Clay Studio in Canberra proved to be successful.           Canberra bush near Mount Stromlo. 10 participants braved
Participants used clay and various texturising items to hand        the cold and were rewarded with the sight of kangaroos and
form pots, planters and spoons over a 2-hour workshop. For          wombats along the way. For some it was their first experience
those seeking adrenaline, we offered an evening of skiing and       riding. Many thanks to the team at Forest Park Riding School

14         SOLDIER ON Spring 2021
for providing such an amazing activity. Wrapping up a busy
quarter of learning new skills, volunteers Geoff and Pauline
ran a 4-week beginner’s ukulele course. This was a fun and
relaxing activity that will be run again in 2022.
Engaging the local community is an integral part of social
connections, and we were lucky to engage with the incredibly
smart Year 9 cohort at Marist College Canberra. They attended
The Robert Poate Centre during their Defence Service Day
excursion, where speeches from our Chief Operations Officer,
Pathways Officers, and Social Connections Officer were
presented detailing Soldier On’s history and services, along
with an amazing talk from our very own ambassador, Jeff
Shapiro about his experiences in the Navy and post service.

   Music Group
   We continue to make huge impacts in regional communities
   with our music group program. In June, music group
   members, Colin Greef and Mike Hogan, hit the road with
   ACT Programs Officer, Josie Rickard. They travelled to five
   schools across the Gundagai and Cootamundra regions
   to perform at local schools and provided community
   donated guitars and ukuleles to the students. At Gundagai
   South Public School Soldier On’s music group gave away
   our 150th donated guitar!
   A huge thank you to the following schools for hosting the
   Soldier On team and music group:
   §§   Stokinbingul Public School
   §§   Nangus Public School
   §§   Gundagai Public School
   §§   Gundagai South Public School
   §§   Wee Jasper Public School
   The Soldier On music group aims to share the positive
   power of guitar playing and has been running for four
   years now.

                                                                 #sidebyside   15
Social Connections – NSW

All aboard Sydney-siders,
we’re taking lockdown International
The past few months have proved
challenging for our NSW participants.
The social connections team have
had to get creative to find new ways
to keep connected in COVID-19.
This journey has taken us to Italy,
Mexico, Japan and Poland…

      orking together as a collective, the social connections
      team was able to reimagine how our face-to-
      face activities could exist in the online realm.
When COVID-19 first sent our participants into lockdown
across Australia in early 2020, Soldier On started Online
Connect. Online Connect is an online initiative, facilitating
activities via zoom. These activities range from cooking to
stretching and yoga.
The team in Sydney broadened their reach and engaged
with our international community to deliver interesting
online activities. First, we jumped into our stretchiest and
most comfortable pants to take a cooking class taught all the
way from Italy. Gio and Sacha from Sorrento, Italy, taught us
how to make delicious homemade gnocchi and tiramisu.
The results? Well, let’s just say any nonna would be proud.
Gio and Sacha were kind enough to send us recipes following
the activity to keep our participants cooking up an Italian        Above Gio and Sacha
storm in lockdown.                                                  from Sorrento, Italy

16         SOLDIER ON Spring 2021
Keeping the whole family
                                                                                                   entertained was important,
                                                                                                   and a family magic show
                                                                                                   was the perfect way to
                                                                                                   do so. Keeping with the
                                                                                                   international theme, our
                                                                                                   incredible magician David
                                                                                                   put on a fantastic show all
                                                                                                   the way from Tokyo, Japan.

                                                     Now, it wouldn’t be a complete         online escape room. This activity
                                                     international tour if we didn’t say    was a fantastic way to get our
                                                     a big hej to our friends in Poland.    brains taking on bigger questions in
                                                     We were lucky to have the riddle       lockdown, rather than the daily ‘what
                                                     company in Poland facilitate an        tracky dacks should I wear today?’

                                                     These global experiences have brought our little community
                                                     together and have allowed us to enhance our relationships
                                                     with others across the world who are experiencing the
                                                     frustrations of COVID-19 too.
                                                     We sent out some love to the kids around Greater Sydney in
Next stop, Mexico City! We zoomed with               the form of cookie decorating kits, craft and science mystery
the ever delightful Gaby from a small family         packs. Hopefully, these packs also enable our house heroes;
run cooking studio, Aura Mexicana. Gaby              mums and dads to get some much needed respite.
demonstrated how to make Mexican street              For those wishing to unwind, Frontline Yoga continues to be
tacos - yes, we are officially tossing the el paso   offered weekly online, helping our participants to practice
taco kits away now that we know how to make          mindfulness and meditation.
soft and delicate tortillas from scratch. Olé to
all who partook and embraced this wonderful          We can’t wait to see all our incredible participants once again
experience.                                          and encourage you all to stay in touch during this difficult
                                                     period. You can follow the Soldier On Sydney Facebook
                                                     group to keep connected, or join in on the Online Connect
   Top Mexican cooking class with                   competitions Facebook page to partake in challenges to win
    Gaby from Aura Cocina Mexicana                   monthly prizes.

                                                                                                              #sidebyside   17
Social Connections – Kiama

Keeping up with Kiama
During this period of uncertainty, it is reassuring looking back at the incredible
achievements we have been able to make in Kiama before lockdown.

     eing located in beautiful Kiama, we have
     been facilitating activities with an emphasis
     on getting out and connecting in nature.
One of the stand-outs being a day of mountain
biking in the Royal National Park. Combining
fitness and social connection in one of Australia’s
most serene locations made this activity a great
family day out. Thanks to the awesome staff at
Southbound Adventures for making it all possible.
For thrill seekers, we started running a paintball
session. A great team activity which emphasises
teamwork and comradery. Smiles all around,
followed by bruises all around in the coming
days. The team at Alpha Paintball looked after us
from start to finish and the feedback from the
activity was very positive. We will continue to run
this activity once possible again.
Family connection is an integral part of the social
connections program. Many would know that
defence life impacts the family unit as a whole.
Therefore, Soldier On encourages participants
to get involved with their partners and kids. We
were thrilled to see so many families come to our
Hangdog Indoor Rock climbing activity. Followed
by a pizza dinner together where young, old and
all that’s in between could bond.
Our regular coffee catch-ups have been great
and have proven to be a nice and relaxing way
for veterans and their families to socialise and
connect over a brew. We have expanded these
down to Nowra, with Kiama social connection
staff travelling to meet serving and ex-serving
ADF members and their families in this region.
As we work together to ensure the safety of our
community, we have been keeping connected
online. The team put together a kokedama kit
and drove around town dropping these off to
Soldier On participants in Kiama. We were able
to all tune in together and create a beautiful
woven kokedama basket and plant. Crafting this
living ornament together will hopefully serve as
a reminder to all our participants that during
difficult times, we are still together.
We encourage you to keep up with the Kiama
team during this period. Join us on our Facebook
group, this is where we share all our upcoming

18         SOLDIER ON Spring 2021
Social Connections – Port Macquarie

Collaboration in
Port Macquarie
We’ve been busy working with
local charities and helping to break
world records. Just another few
months in Port Macquarie.

    o kick it all off, Soldier On have been working alongside
    veteran led organisation, Disaster Relief Australia and
    was thankful to visit the team in Port Macquarie to say
thank you. Disaster Relief Australia provided extensive
support in the recent clean-up after extreme rainfall on the
east coast of Australia in March, which led to widespread
flooding in NSW.
 Disaster Relief Australia is a community of veterans,
 emergency service personnel and civilians. They are changing
 the narrative about what it means to be a veteran in Australia
- and continue to demonstrate through their community work
 that veterans are not broken and that they still have a lot to
 offer society. Soldier On is humbled to have a relationship
 with Disaster Relief Australia and look forward to providing
 further support in the future.
Soldier On participants further demonstrated their strength
by entering the boxing ring. Boxing classes have been a great
new activity offered in Port Macquarie. These sessions boost
morale and help our participants to get active and blow off
some steam in a safe environment. Thank you to Coach Mik
from Port Macquarie Boxing Club for teaching techniques and
getting our veterans and their families moving.
Whilst we might not be breaking any boxing world records
yet, Soldier On was able to be a part of breaking quite a
peculiar record recently. The Rotary Club of Port Macquarie
West, in conjunction with the Rotary Clubs of District 9650,
contested the world record title for the longest washing
line of socks with all funds raised going to four outstanding
community service organisations - Endeavour Club House; YP
Space; Soldier On; and Hastings Education Fund. The washing
line was more than 10,000 meters long and 107,886 socks were
pegged to the line. Well done to all the volunteers, and thank
you to The Rotary Club of Port Macquarie for all the support.
We continue to run a variety of activities for all participants,
including active Thursdays, wellbeing Wednesdays, bowling
and Coffee Catch-ups.
If you are located in Port Macquarie or surrounds and would
like to get involved, join our Soldier On Port Macquarie
Facebook group.

                                                                   #sidebyside   19
Social Connections – QLD

Waves of
Change in QLD
Getting into nature, having a go and getting back up has been the motto
for the Brisbane office over the past few months.

      e have been able to utilise the incredible region we      and coaching in between larger periods of tunnel time to take
      are located in with kayaking, walking and stand up        our participants from their first flight, to having the skills to
      paddle boarding sessions at Walkabout Creek and           fly solo in the tunnel! The results have been very special and
the picturesque Enoggera Dam. It truly is a special place for   Soldier On Brisbane will continue to trial and test to make sure
families and we were blessed by the weather on each visit.      our participants and their families are getting the best from
Thanks to Soldier On Ambassador, Garth Camac, IFLY Brisbane     this experience.
has become what seems like Soldier On’s second home. We         Surfing Australia held a 2-day intermediate to advanced surf
attended four times in the last three months to test our new    camp at the High-Performance Centre in Casuarina NSW.
program. Our initial packages were a lot of fun and well        18 veterans were given world class coaching and tuition from
worth attending, but our participants were leaving the day      Michael ‘Crispy’ Crisp and Michael ‘Raf’ O’Rafferty, as well as
with an experience and not a skill. We changed this with our    dietician and chef prepared meals to keep their energy levels
development packages and have now focused on teaching           up in the surf. By the end of the camp, our participants were

20         SOLDIER ON Spring 2021
spent physically but were all asking when the next camp will     numbers have been incredible and have grown every week,
be. A more regular camp is currently being coordinated with      regardless of the weather. The squad is also now sponsored
the legends at Surfing Australia’s HPC.                          with equipment by Vorgees, who we cannot thank enough.
June saw our regular programs start to take hold and we          The squad will finish this year off with an ocean swim in
were able to introduce our Swim Fit program with Ferny Hills     Tallebudgera Creek on the Gold Coast in late October, with
Swimming Pool, which is run by Belgravia Leisure. From the       Ironman Phil Clayton.
outset they have been incredibly accommodating and we get        The Queensland team are looking forward to continuing this
an incredible squad coach to teach and develop our swimming      momentum over the coming months and encourage you
strokes every week. The feedback is that the regular staff and   to join the Brisbane Facebook page to keep updated about
pool goers love having our participants at the pool and like     events near you.
seeing the Soldier On flag every Tuesday. June is definitely
not the ideal month to start a swimming program but the

                                                                                                         #sidebyside   21
CSC is proudly partnering
                                                                           with Legacy Australia
                                                                           CSC is honoured to partner with Legacy
                                                                           Australia. It’s a privilege to work with this
                                                                           iconic Australian organisation to provide
                                                                           financial, emotional and social support to
                                                                           the families of veterans in times of loss,
                                                                           hardship and grief. We continue to take
                                                                           pride in caring for those who serve
                                                                           Australia and their families.

                                                                           Scan the QR code to watch
                                                                           our Loss and Hardship
                                                                           Support team talk about
                                                                           the new ways we’re
                                                                           helping customers.

                                                                                        To find out more about Legacy call 1800 LEGACY (534 229)

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The program draws on an understanding of trauma, its effect on the brain
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Call 1300 941 488 or visit           NDIS Provider. Fully subsidised places
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questforlife.org.au                  Violence. Speak to us if you’re covered by
                                     worker’s compensation.

                                                     Special Offer for
                                                    Soldier On readers

                                                 $200 off
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                                                ‘Soldier On’ when booking
Social Connections – WA

to our new digs in Perth
From axe throwing to candle making and a change of location in between.
It has been another busy few months in the West.

      e were off to a great start in June, with the team at
      Lumber Punks in East Perth helping us to facilitate a
      monthly axe throwing activity. The outing was joined by
both veterans and current-serving ADF members. Participants
were shown the art of axe throwing – who knew there was
such a precise technique. After instruction, participants
were then paired up for a little bit of friendly competition.
Anyone who hits 80 has their name placed on the Wall of
Fame. Think you’ve got what it takes to make the Wall of Fame?
Join us on our next axe throwing session, every third Friday of
the month.
For something a little craftier, Soldier On participants headed
to Subi Studios in Subiaco to make some beautiful soy candles.
Their incredible team explained the history of candlemaking
and then it was time to get creative. Participants were able to
select their colour and scent for two candles. The best part?
Everyone was able to take their new candles home.
On 27th July Comet Bay College opened its doors to the
community to host an Open Night in their Military History
Museum. 75 current serving personnel, veterans and
community members attended the event in Secret Harbour.
They were able to see and engage with the displays which
included historical memorabilia and uniforms as well
as student produced exhibits honouring our Australian
Defence Force men and women. Soldier On and Comet Bay
College Museum are looking for adult volunteers who may
be interested in helping us preserve our military history.
Please contact Claire.Hunt@education.wa.edu.au if you are
interested in volunteering.
Soldier On Perth has a new home located in the heart of
Osbourne Park. We are very excited and pleased to have
found not only a wonderful location but an amazing military
community. This new location is exciting as it allows us
to expand our social connection activities and have more
participants visit us on site. Stop in and say hello to your
friendly Soldier On Staff and other participants every
Wednesday between 10am and 1pm for a coffee catch-up.
We are now located at 129 Main St, Osborne Park WA 6017
at Osbourne Park RSL Subbranch.
To keep up to date with upcoming activities in Perth, join our
Facebook group – Soldier On Perth

                                                                  #sidebyside   23
          SUPPORTING VETERANS                                    FREE ANONYMOUS COUNSELLING LINE
           AND THEIR FAMILIES                                          CALL 24/7: 1800 142 072
       At Open Arms your wellbeing is our business.                        Safe Zone Support’s specialist
                     We offer free:                                counsellors understand the military and can
                                                                  offer help to veterans and their families without
                                                                           needing to know who you are.
confidential counselling for individuals, couples and families
                      group programs
                   transition workshops
                       peer networks                               Calls to 1800 142 072 are answered 24/7, and
                suicide prevention training                                      are not recorded.
        education, self-help resources, and more...

    To get support or find out more call or visit:                       For more Information visit:
       1800 011 046 | OpenArms.gov.au                             OpenArms.gov.au/safe-zone-support
Social Connections – SA

Social Butterflies
in South Australia
The team in Adelaide has had an action packed few months with some
stand out activities, including paintball, bowling, escape rooms and regular
coffee connects.

    delaide put the call out for all paintball warriors, and we
    had 22 very keen participants show up to our adult only
    paintball. This activity brought out the competitive side
of many involved as we split into two teams and had a great
time bonding with one another. Luckily for our participants,
we were using the low velocity paintball guns, leaving our
participants with great memories and no bruising. Thanks to
Indoor Paintball Skirmish at Port Adelaide for making it all
We took off our camo and put on our problem solving caps
to take on an escape room. 20 Participants joined the Social
Connections team in taking on the clock at Escaplex in Klemzig.
The brains beat the brawns this time around with all groups
making it out before the bomb went off. It was a close call
for one team, with sweat pouring off them only cracking
their code right as the timer clicked over the 60-minute mark.
After the code was cracked, everyone hung around to connect
with each other. High praise was sung for a fun filled day with
everyone agreeing “until we meet again” at the next one.
Soldier On Adelaide is lucky to have great involvement with
many family based participants and our regular bowling
catch-ups remain a very popular activity amongst this group.
Our youngest bowler is only three-years-old and managed to
show everyone else up with a strike, not once, but twice.
Our coffee connects continue to be a staple activity for the
Adelaide team, allowing the team to travel across Adelaide
and different bases in the region. In the last few months we
have shared more than 120 cups of coffee with participants
across various locations. A one hour coffee connect allows
our participants to receive peer support, which may be
the first step in receiving further support from Soldier On.
Serving and ex-serving ADF members, as well as their family,
are all welcome to come. We have even had a four legged,
furry family member called Lily join us.
If you think you could take on your peers in a game of paintball
or are looking for an activity that allows you to sit and connect
with likeminded people, join the Soldier On Adelaide Facebook
group to learn more about upcoming activities.

                                                                     #sidebyside   25
Social Connections – Victoria

Lock it down Eddie!
Keeping positive in Melbourne
Victorians have demonstrated over the past year that they’re incredibly
resilient during difficult times.

    nfortunately, as Victoria experiences prolonged periods
    of lockdown and moments of normality, we have had to
    postpone many of our exciting activities.
Fortunately, Victoria was finally able to host our first ever
Women’s Vet-Connect Weekend, where our participants
enjoyed a weekend of mindful activities emphasising
connecting to ourselves and each other. The weekend was
a huge success and has been the catalyst to our female
participants finding other like-minded women to turn to
during these difficult times for an online chat. To ensure the
success we made at the first weekend of Women’s Vet-Connect
maintained momentum, Soldier On hosted an online chat for
past vet-connect participants and those who are signed up to
take part in the future to maintain social connection during
this difficult time.
“I was expecting one or two people to show up as it was a bit of a
 see how it goes situation. I was shocked when 20 women joined
 us online. We talked, we laughed and we were able to support
 each other through this difficult time” Sarah Hartley, Soldier On
 Social Connections Manager.
Other fantastic activities we facilitated include a ceramics class,
allowing our participants to use the ceramics wheel to create
beautiful bowls and vases. For those looking to get active and
challenge themselves, we have been offering bouldering and
rock climbing sessions which have been successfully embraced
by our family participants. Many of our participants expressed
interest in attending a Yoga class. The Melbourne team are now
offering regular weekly Yoga sessions at The Art of Balance
in Frankston. A fantastic activity that enables us to become
mindful and tune out of day-to-day stressors for an hour.
We continue to host regular monthly Coffee Catch Ups
at Studley Park when out of lockdown. To ensure that our              “These coffee catch-ups are all about having connection and
participants have access to this style of connection in                a sense of normality, without feeling inclined to talk yourself” –
lockdowns, we are facilitating an online coffee catch-up once          Sandy Melbourne Social Connection Officer
a month, which has now expanded and encourages participants           If you would like to connect and or register for any of our
nationwide to tune-in. At these catch-ups, we encourage new           activities, you can view them on our website or visit the Soldier
people to tell us a little bit about themselves, what people          On Melbourne Facebook group which provides our veteran
are doing in their area, any movies or books that they’re             community first hand information about what is happening
enjoying and would recommend to each other. The best part?            in Melbourne and any relevant information that may be
We sometimes have our furry friends join us.                          applicable to you.

26          SOLDIER ON Spring 2021
Serving On,
Serving Our Community
The Brunswick Neighbourhood House volunteering project came to fruition
with the support of veterans and BAE staff seeing them building a Wicking Box
and painting a Cubby House!

    he Brunswick Neighbourhood House is a community
    centre providing community education, training,
    recreational activities, community support and services
for all community members.
The community centre boasts an edible oasis for the local
community and keeps them actively engaged in maintaining
the gardens. The wicking box will provide them with further
opportunity to increase their vegetable garden. Painting the
donated cubby house makes a great space for children to play
whilst parents are engaged in other activities. Thanks to Very
Edible Gardens for providing the wicking box and guiding us
on the day to construct these.
Serving On is now a national volunteering program that aims
to provide service personnel with the skills, opportunities and
support to continue to serve through purposeful work and
impactful projects that help people and communities. Following
the success of 2018, what was initially an NSW based pilot
program, is now fully-fledged and has expanded to all states.
There are approximately 5,000 contemporary veterans in NSW
in receipt of DVA benefits. The total number of contemporary
veterans and other service personnel in the state, however,
is much higher. Despite significant improvements in the
range of support services available, many contemporary
servicemen and women still struggle to find meaningful work,
social connection and purpose after their service. As a result,
service personnel can become socially isolated and unable to        To find out more about Serving On, or to get involved yourself
find ways to connect with and contribute to, the community.         please email serving.on@soldieron.org.au. You can also
This can lead to, or exacerbate, other issues including mental      visit our website soldieron.org.au/health-and‑wellbeing/
health conditions.                                                  serving-on/
Participants who partake in these activities tend to find that
they get a lot more out of it than they put in.
“I had an awesome day making the wicking box and painting
 the cubbyhouse. It was good to meet and talk to others . I had a
 awesome time” – Victorian Participant                              Serving On is proudly supported by BAE Systems.

                                                                                                               #sidebyside    27
March On
is back in 2022,
bigger and better than ever!
Walk 96kms, the distance of the Kokoda Trail,
in March 2022. Sign up on your own or with a team.
Get fit . Raise funds . Help prevent veteran suicide

  1 - 31 March 2022
     Walk 96km in 31 days to help
      prevent veteran suicide
The rate of suicide in ex-serving men and women is higher than in Australia’s
general public. Help serving and ex-serving veterans and their families
rebuild and thrive. March On with Soldier On.

Funds raised will help Soldier On extend the reach of its services for serving
and ex-serving veterans and their families.

              Scan the QR code to sign up for March 2022, or visit the website:
Social Connections

Volunteers enabling Social Connection
Each year, over six million Australians volunteer more-than 600 million hours
to help others. At Soldier On we are incredibly grateful for the support provided
by our amazing volunteers. Soldier On is lucky to have more than 370 registered
volunteers who give up their valuable time to support our participants every
single day.

                                   Jye Martyn – Newcastle
                                   Facilitating coffee catch-ups in Newcastle
                                   One of our volunteers is Jye Martyn. Jye is a RAAF veteran and after leaving the ADF, wanted
                                   to continue working closely with the veteran community.
                                   “Since leaving the RAAF I have wanted to work with veterans to support them with the challenges
                                    we face after transitioning. I hope to use my past experiences to motivate others in their own
                                    journeys as well as aid in connecting veterans with other veterans to restore the comradery they
                                    lost after leaving the military.”
                                   Jye has been facilitating coffee catch-ups every third Friday of the month and has temporarily
                                   made this an online event. You can find out more about this coffee catch-up by following the
                                   Soldier On Newcastle Facebook group.

  Felicity Geosits – Brisbane
  Facilitating mums & bubs coffee catch-ups
  Felicity is a serving veteran and has served 17 years in the Army. She has diverse
  experiences, deploying to both East Timor and Afghanistan in the past. Felicity is currently
  posted in Brisbane and has recently welcomed her second son. Upon commencing
  maternity leave, Felicity felt isolated from work and from current-serving veterans who
  could relate to her experiences. After hearing about Soldier On through her sister Jody
  Geosits, the social connections programs officer in Port Macquarie, Felicity wondered
  whether other women veterans involved with Soldier On may be feeling similar and
  would be interested in catching up.
  After commencing this catch-up Felicity noticed the importance of these catch-ups.
 “I realise that some veterans aren’t so lucky and that there was a gap for support within our
  veteran communities for parents and their families within my area who have just had kids or have posted to the region, some of
  which have no local family or support networks.”
  Mums and Bubs coffee-catch ups are facilitated every second Friday at various locations. Join the Brisbane Soldier On
  Facebook group to keep updated with upcoming events.

30        SOLDIER ON Spring 2021
Colin Greef and Mike Hogan – Canberra                                   Volunteer with Soldier On
Facilitating the music group program and Guitar for kids                “I get more out of volunteering with
                                                                        Soldier On than what I put in. Being
The music group program has been a wonderful long-term
                                                                         a part of an organisation like this
initiative for our Canberra based participants. Colin and
Mike have been helping veterans and their families to find a             brings along a sense of belonging.
sense of mindfulness in playing an instrument. Colin and Mike           For a lot of veterans that feeling
welcome all participants to join in, whether you’re a musician
or keen to learn a new skill.
                                                                         disappears after discharge.”
The commitment to the veteran and wider community stretches             Jye Martyn, Newcastle
further than the music group. Colin and Mike, alongside Social
Connections Officer Josie, have also been delivering refurbished        The Soldier On Social Connections Program
guitars to schools in the greater Canberra region.                      would love to hear from you. If you have a skill,
“Every now and then we’ll play at a nursing home or a retirement        hobby or program you would like to facilitate
 village. We want to give something back to the oldies in the nursing   then please contact our volunteer coordinator,
 homes, but also, now, we want to start giving something to the         we would love to hear from you and have a
 young kids.”                                                           chat about what it is you would like to become
                                                                        involved in.
Two of the donated guitars have also gone to two young boys
whose dad was ex-army and a federal police officer, who
passed away due to a brain tumour. One of the guitars was
donated from a lady in Weetangera. The guitar had belonged
to her brother who was also a former policeman and had died
from a brain tumour. When the two boys were presented with
the guitars it was a very emotional moment and they were
thrilled to receive such special gifts.                                    Volunteering at Soldier On
Music group is facilitated every Thursday from 11:00am-                    Call: +61 2 6188 6119
12:00pm in the Robert Poate Centre. To keep up to date,                    Email: Volunteering@soldieron.org.au
join our Soldier On Canberra Facebook group.

                                                                                                      #sidebyside   31
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Veteran Scholarship Winner Announced
Soldier On participant and Australian veteran, Alexander Hering, has been
awarded a First Choice College Scholarship to study a fully-funded Diploma
to aid in the transition to civilian employment post-service.

  n partnership with Soldier On’s Pathways Program, the               Business Management will help me enhance the skills I already
  First Choice College Veteran Scholarship Program has                have through my career in Defence,” Alexander said.
  been established to enable current serving personnel,               Soldier On CEO, Ivan Slavich, said Soldier On is proud to work
contemporary veterans or Defence family members to                    with education partners, such as First Choice College, to
achieve their educational goals and secure meaningful long            help enable veterans and their families to secure education
term employment pathways.                                             opportunities.
First Choice College Business Development Manager, Sarah              “Soldier On works with a number of education providers
Bray, said the College was thrilled to award the Scholarship to        around the country to deliver accessible learning to our
Alex, who will be completing a Diploma of Business to advance          Defence community. This collaboration with First Choice
his career.                                                            College is helping to enable veterans and their families to
“There were many wonderful entries, all with their winning             secure education opportunities that lead to new pathways
 attributes…reading each of the stories re-emphasised why              into employment,” Mr Slavich said.
 we are a huge supporter of this program. Helping veterans            “We would like to thank Alexander for his service to our
 transition into the next stage of their career is something we        country and wish him all the best in his studies and future
 are honoured to be involved in,” Ms Bray said.                        career,” Mr Slavich added.
Scholarship recipient, Alexander, dedicated 35 years to the
Australian Defence Force before pursuing life outside the military.
“I am very grateful to have been chosen for this opportunity.            Above Alexander Hering, Winner of
 As I look to starting a business of my own, a Diploma in                 First Choice College Scholarship

                                                                                                                 #sidebyside    33
You can also read