Page created by Cheryl Davis

 April is CDH Awareness Month                                   +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
 April 19th is Global Congenital                                 CDH International
 Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                              3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                 Wake Forest, NC 27587

             84 Countries, Dozens of CDH Charities, and 1000’s of CDH Families, Friends and
                Researchers Unite to Raise Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness

April 19th is internationally observed as "Congenital
Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day" and is recognized                      April 19th is Global
with proclamations, legislation, parades, lighted landmarks,
fundraisers, and other celebrations.
                                                                         Diaphragmatic Hernia
April 19th was chosen as CDH Awareness Day because on                       Awareness Day
April 19, 2010, after two years of court proceedings, the
trademark on "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness"
was removed and CDH Awareness was once again free to be
used by any person or entity without the threat or fear of                    The official Congenital
legal action.                                                                 Diaphragmatic Hernia
                                                                        Awareness Ribbon was created
Thanks to our efforts, proclamations to make April                        in 2004 and was voted on by
"Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Month" have                  many families and charities. It is
been signed by all 50 governors and legislation has passed              light blue, yellow, and pink with
unanimously in the Senate and been introduced in the                              white clouds.
House many times since 2012.

         April is CDH Awareness Month                                          +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
         April 19th is Global Congenital                                        CDH International
         Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                     3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                                Wake Forest, NC 27587

Founded in 1995 as CHERUBS, CDH International is a
global non-profit working to help over 6500 patient
families in 84 countries through support services, raising
                                                                        Our Mission:
awareness and funding, and conducting CDH research.
                                                                        CDH International was created to
CDHi is a registered non-profit in the United States,                   help families of babies born with
Canada, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Hong Kong,                         Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia by
Singapore, and the Netherlands.                                         providing support services,
                                                                        promoting research and raising
Headquartered in Wake Forest, North Carolina, CDH                       awareness.
International was founded by 2 CDH mothers and is run
by patient parents, grandparents, and adult CDH

        April is CDH Awareness Month                                             +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
        April 19th is Global Congenital                                           CDH International
        Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                        3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                                  Wake Forest, NC 27587

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) is a birth defect       Prognosis:
that occurs when a baby’s diaphragm (a thin sheet of
muscle that separates the abdomen from the chest)             The overall survival rate is 50% in Higher-Income
fails to fully form, allowing abdominal organs to enter       Countries and less than 1% in Lower-to-Middle-Income
the chest cavity and prevent lung growth.                     Countries. CDH is a spectrum disease, with each
                                                              survivor's journey and outcome very different.
CDH occurs in approximately 1 in 2500 births, with over
1600 babies diagnosed each year in the United States          Costs:
alone. There is currently no known cause, but studies
                                                              Babies born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia are
have suggested that it is likely due to a number of
                                                              the sickest and most expensive NICU patients. They
genetic and environmental factors.
                                                              spend weeks or months in intensive care, often
                                                              requiring heart and lung bypass, fetal treatments, and
Treatments:                                                   other costly interventions. Medical bills can be in the
Surgery to repair the diaphragm and place organs into         millions of dollars per patient.
their proper places is the most common treatment of
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Timing and types of          Families of CDH patients also lose time at work, and
repairs vary on the size of the hole, organs involved, and    sometimes must relocate out of state, losing jobs,
other health issues. Babies diagnosed in utero can            leaving other children behind, doubling their cost of
sometimes be treated with fetal intervention to help the      living and leaving behind their support system of
lungs to grow.                                                family and friends.

         April is CDH Awareness Month                                                  +1 919-610-01219/ +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
         April 19th is Global Congenital                                                CDH International
         Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                             3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                                        Wake Forest, NC 27587

Helping Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Families
"CDH International has
helped me by going above
                                                                               "Thanks to CDH
                                                                               International, we were
                                                                                                                                                                                Having a child born with Congenital Diaphragmatic
and beyond with as many
resources they provide
to this community.
                                                                               never fighting CDH
                                                                                                                                                                                Hernia can be emotionally, mentally, physically, and
The access to hundreds of
families going through their own
                                                                               We had the support, inspiration,
                                                                               and informational resources we
                                                                                                                                                                                financially devastating to families. CDH International is
                                                                                                                                                                                here to help.
                                                                               needed during the hardest fight
journeys, the research to be able
                                                                               of our life."
to educate myself and also my
family, and friends that had no
idea what CDH even meant, and
as well as providing an arm to lean
on when our good days turned to

                                                                                                                                                                                Our Services & Projects:
bad days. Their attentiveness
throughout Owen's life was truly a

                   HAYLEE DENSMORE                                                          JILL GIBSON
                   Mom to CDH angel, Owen                                                   Mom to CDH Survivor Ben

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Public Education
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Educating Newly Diagnosed Families
 "CDH International
 has helped us
                                                                               "The access to
                                                                               families with
                                                                                                                                                                                                     NICU Care Packages
                                                                                                                                                                                                     On-Call Emotional Support
 connect with other                                                            someone with
 families and not feel                                                         CDH is
 alone in this fight.                                                          unbelievable.

 Also CDH International is                                                     I was the one putting in
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Financial Assistance Grants
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Funeral Assistance Grants
 helping raise awareness and                                                   hours of researching time.
 fund research for future                                                      CDH was a lot to take in at
 generations."                                                                 19 years old.."

                                                                                 KAYLENE MOORE                                                                                                       Scholarships
                                                                                 Mom to CDH Survivor Jeremiah

              LAUREN DEITZ (CDH SURVIVOR)                                                                                                                                                            Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Patient Registry
              Mom to CDH Survivor Natalie

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Research Grants & Collaborations
                                             “CDH International
                                                                                                                                "21 years ago we were
                                                                                                                                faced with trying to learn
                                                                                                                                                                                                     CDH Family Conferences & Events
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Raising Global CDH Awareness Through Events, the
                                             gave our family the                                                                as much as we could
                                             beautiful gift of                                                                  about CDH as we
                                             support, accurate                                                                  brought our son home
                                             information, and
                                                                                                                                after surgery and with a
                                                                                                                                feeding tube.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Telethon, April 19th Light Ups, Proclamations,
                                             understanding when
                                             our daughter was
                                                                                                                                Had it not been for the CDH
                                                                                                                                International charity, I don't know
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Legislation, Social Media and More
                                                                                                                                                                                                     CDH Radio Show
                                                                                                                                where we would have turned. We
                                             born with                                                                          felt as though our Doctors were
                                                                                                                                learning about CDH as we were.
                                             undiagnosed CDH.
                                                                                                                                20 years later we attended our first

                                                                                                                                                                                                     CDH Phone App for Doctors and Patients
                                                                                                                                CDH conference and feel so
                                             CDH International was truly our                                                    grateful to be a part this incredible
                                             bright light in the dark."                                                         charity full of families that have

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Weekly CDH News
                                                                                                                                faced such difficult challenges and

                                              WHITNEY REYNOLDS                                                                TERRY AND WENDY BUCHAMER
                                              Mom to CDH Survivor Norah                                                       Parents to CDH Survivor Jared

                                                                                "Getting the news that                                                                                                        “Finding out our son had
"CDH International
                                                                                our baby was going to be                                                                                                      CDH was terrifying. Even
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     “From day one
was our biggest
                                                                                born with a serious birth                                                                                                     more terrifying was
support from the
                                                                                defect we had never                                                                                                           having borrowed time                                                                   CDH
very beginning.
                                                                                heard of was terrifying!                                                                                                      with his imminent birth
                                                                                                                                                                                                              and making life
We will forever be grateful."
                                                                                Our internet search led us to CDH
                                                                                International where I was able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                              threatening decisions                                                                  has supported
                                                                                learn about CDH and it was easy
                                                                                to understand but also helped me
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     us and now it is
                                                                                                                                                                                                              We found CDH International late in
                                                                                connect with a local mama who
                                                                                was support for me through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the evening. The next morning my                                                       time we give
                                                                                                                                                                                                              inbox was full of messages and
                                                                                whole journey. We were confused
                                                                                and alone until we found CDH
                                                                                                                                                                                                              friend requests from others who had
                                                                                                                                                                                                              been on the same path. I didn't feel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     back and help.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              so alone anymore. These families
                                                                                                                                                                                                              are still a wonderful support and so
                                                                                                                                                                                                              dear and near to me, as we watch
          JACK AND NOEMI GOMEZ                                                                                                                                                                                Anderson beat the odds."
                                                                                             REBECCA HENDRICKS
          Parents to CDH Survivor Leah
                                                                                             Mom to CDH Angel Collin                                                                                          NICKI YOUNG
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mom to CDH Survivor Anderson

                                                                                                                                                                        "I found CDH
                                                                               "CDH International                                                                                                                                                    "CDH International has
                                                                                                                                                                        International after losing                                                   been amazing for not only
 "CDHi has helped                                                              has provided us with                                                                     Sloane to CDH, while                                                         myself, but so many
 me connect with                                                               hope, strength, and                                                                      looking for information                                                      families! After I came home
 parents that have                                                             support through out                                                                      on the defect.                                                               from having my CDHer, we
 gone through                                                                  our journey.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     received a care package
 something similar                                                                                                                                                      It has given me a place to take one
                                                                               They welcomed us, with open                                                              of the worst things that's ever
 with their baby.                                                              arms and understanding hearts,                                                           happened in my life and turn it                                              CDHi filled with so
                                                                               into the CDH family."                                                                    into something meaningful.                                                   many goodies.
  It is nice being able to talk                                                                                                                                         Sharing her story, bringing
 with parents that have gone                                                                                                                                            awareness and helping other                                                  It was so nice to have a community
 through the same things my                                                                                                                                             families has helped tremendously                                             supporting us as we went through such
 daughter and I have. We all                                                                                                                                            in my healing."                                                              a difficult time in our lives!! This
 have different stories and                                                                                                                                                                                                                          organization is also my go to for any and
 journeys, but have been                                                                                                                                                                                                                             all info I need regarding CDH, because I
 affected by the same                                                                                                                                                                                                                                know all things on their site are facts and
 condition."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         comes with data.
                                                                                            JESSIE AND APRIL ALDERETE                                                               BRANDI MONTENEGRO
              MADISON CARPENTER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SARA ORTH
                                                                                            Parents to CDH Survivor Tristan                                                         Mom to CDH Angel Sloane
              Mom to CDH Survivor Adalynn                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mom to CDH Survivor Charles

                                      April is CDH Awareness Month                                                                                                                                                                    +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
                                      April 19th is Global Congenital                                                                                                                                                                     CDH International
                                      Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                                                                                                                                                  3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Wake Forest, NC 27587

                         Meet Our Boards

Exec. Board of Directors                                      Medical Advisory Board

Dawn Ireland, President                     N. Scott Adzick, MD, MMM, FACS, FAAP - Children’s Hospital of
Tracy Meats, CHERUBS President              Philadelphia
Warren Sumner, Director                     Kristin Aigner, RN, BSN - OSF St. Francis Medical Center
Rhonda Montague, Director                   Charles Carapinha, MBBcH, MRCS, FC Paed Surg, MMED, MPH
Dr. Brooke Newman, Director                  University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg, South Africa
David Holt, Director                        Badr Chaban, MD - Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Bill Opal, Director                         Priscilla Chiu, MD - Sick Kids, University of Toronto
                                            Wendy Chung, MD, PhD - Columbia Presbyterian / DHREAMS
                                            Jan Deprest, MD, PhD - University Hospital Gasthuisberg | Leuven,
                                            Patricia Donahoe, MD - Massachusetts General Hospital
                                            Mahmoud El Fiky, MD - Cairo University, Harvard University | Cairo,
                                            Matthew T. Harting, MD - University of Texas Medical School at
                                            Houston, CDH Study Group
                                            Timothy Jancelewicz, MD - Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
                                             Memphis, TN
                                            Gabrielle Kardon, MS, PhD - University of Utah CDH Lab
Patient Advocacy Board                      Richard Keitzer, MD, PhD, MS - University of Manitoba
                                            Mauro Longoni, MD - Massachusetts General Hospital
Tracy Meats, Board Vice-President           Steadman McPeters, CPNP - Pediatric Surgery Nurse Clinician |
Tina Ingham, Patient Parent                 Huntsville, Alabama
Renci Scurlock, Patient Parent              Henry Rice, MD - Duke University | Durham, NC
Sean Forney, Patient                        Giovanna Riccipetitoni, MD - Ospedaledei Bambini Buzzi, Milan
Lauren Dietz, Patient                       Dick Tibboel, MD, PhD - Erasmus University MC, Sophia Children’s
Morgan Nuchols, Patient                     Hospital | Netherlands
Danae Perkins, Patient Parent               Jay Wilson, MD - University of Texas Medical School at Houston,
Taylor Steffensmeier, Patient               CDH Study Group
Fani Dragati Stavrou, Patient Parent        Naomi Wright, MBChB (Hons) BSc (Hons) MRCS DCH MSc - Global
Melissa Johnstone, Patient Parent           Initiative in Pediatric Surgery, Oxford, UK
Robbie Fletcher, Patient Parent             Edmund Yang, MD - Peace Health Sacred Heart Medical Center at
Shelly Moore, Patient Grandparent           River Bend
                                            Augusto Zani, MD - Toronto Sick Kids Hospital

    April is CDH Awareness Month                                            +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
    April 19th is Global Congenital                                          CDH International
    Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                       3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                             Wake Forest, NC 27587

As the world's oldest, largest, and leading Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia charity, it is our duty at CDH
International to raise global awareness, so that in turn, we can raise funding that will save the lives of 52,000
children a year.

      Legislation                                                         CDH Celebrity Telethon
  Bills introduced into the House & Senate for Congenital           Online broadcasts of 12 hours live of patient and medical
  Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness and Research Funding               interviews, celebrity guests and raising money for CDHi

      Light Ups                                                           Proclamations
  Lighting up landmarks around the world on April 19th for          Requests to governors and mayors to proclaim April as
  CDH Awareness Day                                                 "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Month"

      Save the Cherubs Campaign                                           CDH in the Media
  Using wings as a symbol of hope for survivors and respect         CDH Radio Show, Educational Documentaries, PSAs, Social
  for our angels, while bringing attention to CDH.                  Media Posts and More

      CDH Awareness Shop                                                  Social Media Takeovers
  Almost 1000 projects created by CDH International to raise        High jacking (with permission) the social media accounts of
  awareness and funding                                             businesses to raise CDH Awareness

           April is CDH Awareness Month                                                    +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
           April 19th is Global Congenital                                                  CDH International
           Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                               3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                                            Wake Forest, NC 27587

                                                                      LOBBYING ON CAPITOL HILL
CDH International has written legislation that has been
introduced to the House & Senate and also signs on                     1. Write the legislation
                                                                       2. Find a Sponsor in the Senate
support for Congenital Anomaly, Rare Disease, and
                                                                       3. Find a Sponsor in the House
Pediatric Health legislation written by other parties.
                                                                       4. Introduce the Bills
                                                                       5. Find families who will travel to Washington DC
Legislation Written by CDH International:
                                                                          or attend meetings via Zoom
                                                                       6. Schedule each meeting for each family with
   S.Res. 115 (114th)                S.Res. 128 (115th)                   their Representative and both of their
   S. 3396 (112th)                   S.Res. 414 (113th)                   Senators
   S. 3396 (112th)                   H.Res. 224 (114th)                7. Prepare the families
   H.Res. 144 (113th)                H.Res. 297 (115th)                8. Confirm the meetings
   S.Res. 408 (114th)                H.Res. 715 (114th)                9. Sit on the meetings
                                                                      10. Thank everyone with hand written notes
                                                                      11. Follow up with each member of Congress for
    Legislation Sponsorship ($45,000)                                     their support
                                                                      12. Keep momentum going until Legislation is
    Funds will be used to hire a full-time lobbyist to                    passed
    help CDH International work with Capitol Hill to                  13. Also work with the Rare Disease, Congenital
    ensure funding for our patients.                                      Anomaly and Pediatric lobbying groups

           April is CDH Awareness Month                                                 +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
           April 19th is Global Congenital                                               CDH International
           Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                            3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                                         Wake Forest, NC 27587

                                                                       A FEW OF THE MANY LANDMARKS
                                                                       THAT LIGHT UP FOR APRIL 19th
                                                                       FOR CDH AWARENESS:

                                                                         Niagara Falls
Thanks to the tenacity of our staff and volunteers,                      Eiffel Tower
over 150 buildings have lit up on April 19th around the                  The Kelpies
world for global "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia                        Pyramids of Giza
Awareness Day"                                                           Blarney Castle
                                                                         CN Tower
Each year, we hope to add more landmarks to the list.                    Tower42
Our biggest deterrent is lack of man hours and lack of                   Mercedes-Benz Superdome
fees to pay for lighting fees that some landmarks                        Calgary Tower
charge.                                                                  Bank of America
                                                                         Gateshead Millennium Bridge
                                                                         Brant Street Pier
                                                                         Dublin Castle
  Light Up Sponsorship ($10,000)
                                                                         Dublin City Hall
                                                                         BC Place
  Funds will be used to hire part-time help for 3                        Brisbane City Hall
  months a year, plus pay landmark fees.                                 Tallinn TV Tower
                                                                         Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame

        April is CDH Awareness Month                                         +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
        April 19th is Global Congenital                                       CDH International
        Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                    3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                              Wake Forest, NC 27587

                                                                                                   Feathers are made with
                                                                                                   the names of 1000's of
                                                                                                             CDH Patients

The original name of CDH International was CHERUBS - The Association
of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Research, Advocacy, and Support.
For two decades, CDH patients were lovingly referred to as "cherubs".

Cherubs are everywhere. They are your next-door neighbor’s new baby.
The little girl on the swing set at the park. The teenager that sits behind
your son in high school geometry class. The person behind you in the
grocery store line. Their scars are hidden under clothes, their stories a bit
sad and taboo to talk about – so the miracles are not seen with the naked
eye, and you have probably mistaken a cherub for a “normal” person many
times. But they are there, walking miracles with invisible wings. And
missing babies that belong to the grieving parents who you don’t see
grieve; your local bank teller, the man who held a door for you at the gas
station, the old woman who drove the car in front of you at the stop light         Save the Cherubs
this morning. Cherubs are everywhere.
                                                                                   Sponsorship ($50,000)
Unless you have been affected personally by CDH, you probably have
never heard of it. The mission of “Save the Cherubs” is to make Congenital
                                                                                     20 Murals
Diaphragmatic Hernia a phrase everyone knows how to say and everyone
knows what it means. By raising awareness with a simple pair of wings, we            2,000 Posters
hope to raise research funds to save these babies – Save the Cherubs.                $5,000 in Ads to Promote Book

             April is CDH Awareness Month                                                +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
             April 19th is Global Congenital                                              CDH International
             Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                           3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                                          Wake Forest, NC 27587

Awareness Shop Sponsorship ($35,000)                                 Official CDH Tartans
                                                                     In 2021, CDH International
The CDH Awareness Shop has almost 1000 original                      registered 2 official Congenital
products in our catalog but we are competing with                    Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness
for-profit companies for sales. Funds are needed to                  Tartans with the Scottish Tartan
hire a full-time shop manager to assist customers, add
new items and drop ship our products with Amazon,                    CDH International is the exclusive
Ebay and Facebook.                                                   seller of these items.

      April is CDH Awareness Month                                            +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
      April 19th is Global Congenital                                          CDH International
      Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                       3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                               Wake Forest, NC 27587

                                         12 Hours of patient
                                         family and doctor
                                         interviews, celebrity
                                         appearances, guest
                                         hosts, and raising
                                         funds for CDH
                                                                    A FEW OF THE CELEBRITIES
                                           CLICK HERE TO
                                          VIEW THE VIDEOS
                                                                    THAT WE HAVE WORKED WITH:
                                                                    Don Johnson              Elijah Wood
                                                                    Eric Roberts             Sean Astin
                                                                    Brett Favre              Boy George
                                                                    Chris Daughtry           Justin Long
                                                                    Graham McTavish          Ernie Hudson
                                                                    Melissa Ethridge         Vince Neil
                                                                    Kevin Smith              Montell Jordan
                                                                    Ice T                    Joey Lawrence
                                                                    Dean Cain                Lance Bass
                                                                    Ryan Lochte              Melissa Gilbert
                                                                    Leah Thompson            Dr Drew
                                                                    Eric Nelsen              Colin Egglesfield
                                                                    Mara Wilson              Peter Facinelli
                                                                    Melissa Joan Hart        Jeff Foxworthy
                                                                    Priscilla Presley        Debbie Gibson
                                                                    Billy Boyd               Brian Austin Green
                                                                    Jefferson White          Jeremy Piven
CDH Telethon Sponsorship ($50,000)                                  Pete Alonso              Jack Wagner
                                                                    Michael Weatherly        Charlie Sheen
  $25,000 in matching donations                                     Bernard Bullen           Jose Conseco
  $10,000 in social media ads                                       Dee Snider               Coolio
  $10,000 in celebrity guest fees                                   Debbie Gibson            Emma Rigby
                                                                    David Foster             Larry Holmes
  $5,000 in tech support and graphic art
                                                                    Kevin Woo                Lenny Dykstra

    April is CDH Awareness Month                                            +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
    April 19th is Global Congenital                                          CDH International
    Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                       3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                             Wake Forest, NC 27587

Proclamations Sponsorship ($5,000)
Part-time help for 2 months to contact governors and
mayors to request proclamations for Congenital
Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Month.

      April is CDH Awareness Month                                   +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
      April 19th is Global Congenital                                 CDH International
      Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                              3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                      Wake Forest, NC 27587

                                                                    Our Reach:
Media Sponsorship ($100,000)                                         Facebook Pages - 38,000
                                                                     Facebook Groups - 5,000
  $50,000 for a 2-Hour Documentary
                                                                     Instagram Accts - 6,208
  $5,000 for 5 45-second PSA's                                       Twitter Accts - 8,852
  $5,000 to promote the CDH Radio Show                               TikTok - 485
                                                                     E-Mail List - 13,500
  $40,000 for a full-time Social Media Expert
                                                                     YouTube - 250,000 views
  $15,000 for a SEO Expert                                           Website Views - 62,000

     April is CDH Awareness Month                                           +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
     April 19th is Global Congenital                                         CDH International
     Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                      3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                             Wake Forest, NC 27587

April is CDH Awareness Month                                   +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
April 19th is Global Congenital                                 CDH International
Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                              3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                Wake Forest, NC 27587

April is CDH Awareness Month                                   +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
April 19th is Global Congenital                                 CDH International
Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                              3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                Wake Forest, NC 27587

April is CDH Awareness Month                                   +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
April 19th is Global Congenital                                 CDH International
Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                              3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                Wake Forest, NC 27587

            Level:                       Cost:                                      Includes:

                                                          Blog Post
 Legislation Sponsorship*                $4,500
                                                          1 Social Media Post

                                                          Blog Post
                                                          1 Social Media Post
  Light Ups Sponsorship                  $10,000
                                                          Logo / Photo on every post & blog for a Light Up that required a fee
                                                          30 second (approved) commercial on CDH Telethon

                                                          Blog Post,
      Save the Cherubs                                    4 Social Media Posts
        Sponsorship                                       Name/Logo on every poster and mural
                                                          1 minute (approved) commercial on CDH Telethon

                                                          Name/Logo on every page of Shop web site
                                                          Blog Post
  CDH Shop Sponsorship                   $35,000
                                                          3 Social Media Posts
                                                          1 minute (approved) commercial on CDH Telethon

                                                          30 second (approved) commercial on CDH Telethon
        Proclamations                                     Blog Post
         Sponsorship                                      5 Social Media Posts
                                                          3 Shout Outs During the Telethon

                                                          1 minute (approved) commercial on CDH Telethon, aired twice
        CDH Telethon                                      Blog Post
         Sponsorship                                      5 Social Media Posts
                                                          Name mentioned every time totals are updated

                                                           Name/Logo on charity web site footer on all pages
                                                           Blog Post
    Media Sponsorship                  $100,000
                                                           5 Social Media Posts
                                                           Listed as producer and sponsor of any documentary and PSA

* Also listed in the CDH International Research Sponsorship Proposal

             April is CDH Awareness Month                                                     +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
             April 19th is Global Congenital                                                   CDH International
             Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                                3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                                               Wake Forest, NC 27587

Please complete the online registration form at www.cdhi.org/cdhawareness-sponsor. You may also
print and complete the form below. You will receive a confirmation once payment is received.

Please return the completed form and your logo via email to sponsor@cdhi.org

                                                                   Legislation Sponsorship ($45,000)
                                                                   Light Up Sponsorship ($10,000)
                                                                   Save the Cherubs Sponsorship ($50,000)
                                                                        Social Media Ad Campaign ($5,000)

COMPANY/ORGANIZATION                                                    20 CDH Wings Murals ($40,000)
                                                                        1000 Posters ($5,000)

                                                                   CDH Shop Sponsorship ($35,000)
                                                                   Telethon Sponsorship ($50,000)
                                                                        Matching Donations ($25,000)

CITY                                                                    Social Media Ad Campaign ($10,000)
                                                                        Celebrity Appearances ($10,000)
                                                                        Tech Support & Videography ($5,000)
STATE/PROVINCE                    ZIP/POSTAL CODE                  Proclamations Sponsorship ($5,000)
                                                                   Media Sponsorship ($100,000)
                                                                        CDH Documentary ($50,000)
                                                                        5 Public Service Announcements ($5,000)
                                                                        CDH Radio Show Ad Campaign ($5,000)

EMAIL                                                                   Social Media Director ($40,000)
                                                                        SEO Expert ($15,000)

                                                      PAYING BY CHECK?
                                                      Make payable to “CDH International”, and reference “Awareness
                                                      Sponsorship” in the memo/reference line. Please mail your check and
SIGNATURE                                             registration form to: CDH International, 3650 Rogers Road, #290, Wake
                                                      Forest, NC 27587

          April is CDH Awareness Month                                                 +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
          April 19th is Global Congenital                                               CDH International
          Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                                            3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                                        Wake Forest, NC 27587
End Of Proposal

We appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to working with you to help
save the lives of children born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.

April is CDH Awareness Month                                   +1 919-610-0129 / +1 919-610-2972 (cell)
April 19th is Global Congenital                                 CDH International
Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day                              3650 Rogers Rd #290
                                                                Wake Forest, NC 27587
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