Sponsorship Information - Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County

Page created by Theresa Myers
Sponsorship Information - Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County
Sponsorship Information
    Sickle Cell Foundation
    of Palm Beach County & Treasure Coast, Inc.

    The 2018 walk promises to be one of the
    most visible events in the Sickle Cell
    Disease Community. Advocates of all
    ages, races and backgrounds will unite
    in an effort to bring awareness to sickle
    cell disease. As a sponsor you will garner
    a great deal exposure throughout the
    entire campaign.
                                                  Help Us Reach Our 2018 Goals!
    By becoming a sponsor of the Sickle
    Cell-ebration Walk 2018, you can make          Corporate            $25,000
    a significant contribution to the fight        Sponsorship
    against sickle cell disease and play a
    central role in what we are aiming to be       Participant Teams    25+
    one of the largest and most respected          Virtual Walkers      75+
    SCD fundraising events of 2018.                Event Day            250+
    Your partnership will be highlighted
    within the SCW18’s extensive                   Vendors              10+
    promotional campaign, which extends                Total Fundraising Goal
    to virtually every medium and conveys                 $50,000 or more
    the extraordinary energy and sense of
    community of the event.                           With your participation
                                                    we can meet the challenge!

    The Sickle Cell-ebration Walk will provide sponsors with the opportunity for
    extraordinary involvement and visibility. Depending on your organization’s
    sponsorship level, recognition on the day of the SCW18 may include:

    • Opportunity for a representative to address the crowd at the
      SCW18 Opening Ceremony
    • Logo on Event Stage Banner
    • Logo on Official Walk T-shirts
    • Logo on Start & Finish Line Banner
    • Checkpoint Host Distinction
    • Celebrity meet and greet opportunities

Sickle Walk 2015
Sponsorship Information - Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County
Levels of Sponsorship
PREMIER ................................................ $25,000
• Logo featured on select outdoor advertising             • Mentions in social media outreach
  such as street banners, posters, etc.                     campaigns and announcements
• Logo featured on SCW18 push cards and                   • Opportunity for a representative to address
  other marketing materials                                 the crowd during the Opening Ceremony
• Acknowledgment in Press Releases                        • Logo on the SCW18 Stage Banner
• Logo featured on select print                           • Checkpoint Host distinction on the day of
  advertisements                                            the walk
• Logo on select e-communications                         • Logo on Official Walk T-shirts
• Two week “Featured Sponsor of the Week”                 • Banner placement on the day of the walk,
  on the SCW18 website homepage                             at the SCW18 venue
• Logo included on the official Sickle                    • Logo, with link on the SCW18 Sponsor Page
  Cell Foundation of Palm Beach
  County & Treasure Coast, Inc. website

GRAND .................................................. $10,000
• Logo featured on select outdoor advertising             • Logo with link on SCW18 Sponsor Page
  such as street banners, posters, etc.                   • Logo included on Sic kle Cell
• Logo featured on SCW18 push cards and                     F oundati on of Palm Beac h
  other marketing materials                                 County & Tr eas ur e Coas t, I nc
• Acknowledgment in Press Releases                          we bsi te
• Logo featured on select print                           • Mentions in social media outreach
  advertisements                                            campaign and announcements
• Logo on select e-communications                         • Logo on the Walk stage banner
• One week “Featured Sponsor of the Week”                 • Logo on Official Walk T-shirts
  designation on the SCW18 homepage                       • Banner placement on the day of the walk,
                                                            at the SCW18 Walk venue

SUPPORTING ......................................... $5,000
• Logo featured on select outdoor advertising             • Mention in social media outreach
  such as street banners, posters, etc.                     campaigns and announcements
• Logo featured on SCW18 push cards and                   • Acknowledgment at the SCW18
  other marketing materials                                 OpeningCeremony
• Logo on select e-communications                         • Banner placement on the day of the walk,
• Logo included on official SCW18 website                   at the SCW18 venue
• Logo with link on the SCW18 Sponsor Page
Sponsorship Information - Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County
Special Event Opportunities
HOST ....................................... $1,500
Make a great first impression on the Sickle Cell-ebration Walk 2018 (SCW18) participants by hosting the
Sign-in area. On the morning of the event, when the walkers first enter the Walk venue, they see and
experience the Sign-in Area. The Sign-in Area is located in the most central area of the event.
• Logo on Sign-In /Registration Area banner
• Organization logo on all Sign-in Area signs
• Opportunity to have members of your organization
    volunteer as a group at Sign-in
• Opportunity to have your organization’s balloons in
    the Sign-In Area
• Logo on the Official Registration Envelope
• Logo on the Official SCW18 and Sickle Cell Foundation
  Of Palm Beach County & Treasure Coast, Inc.’s websites
• Logo with link on one e-communications sent to registered
    walkers, prior to the event

PRAISE CEREMONY HOST ..................... $1,000
Help kick off the event by hosting the most inspirational event of the Sickle Cell-ebration Walk 2018
(SCW18). The Praise Ceremony kicks off the walk before the Opening Ceremony. Hosts are featured
on the website, along with other media outlets including church mail-outs and souvenir fans.
• Organization representatives will help lead participants in the Praise
    Ceremony at the Event Stage
• Recognition in announcements made from the Event stage prior
  to the Praise Ceremony
• Logo on a Sponsor Banner placed on the Event Stage
• Logo on Souvenir Faith-based Fans
• Logo on the Official SCW18 website
• Logo Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County & Treasure Coast, Inc. website
• Logo, with link, on one e-communication sent to registered walkers prior
  to the event

AEROBIC WARM-UP HOST .................... $500
Walkers will start their day with an aerobic warm-up prior to the start of the race. Warm-Up Hosts are
featured on the schedule page of the Sickle Cell-ebration Walk 2018 (SCW18) website, as well as on a
direct mail piece and e-communications sent to walkers prior to the event.
• Organization representatives will help lead, with celebrity
    guest, the thousands of participants in the Aerobic
    Warm-Up from the Event Stage
•   Recognition in announcements made from the Event Stage prior
    to the Aerobic Warm-Up
•   Logo on a Sponsor Banner placed on the Event Stage
•   Logo on one piece of direct mail sent to Walk Registrants
•   Logo on the Official SCW18 website
•   Logo, with link on one e-communication sent to registered
    walkers prior to the event

YARD SIGN ............................................ $100
About Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is the most common genetic disorder in the United States. Present
at birth, SCD consists of a group of inherited red blood cell disorders. The effects of SCD can
be devastating with symptoms consisting of severe pain, hand & food syndrome, anemia,
acute chest syndrome, vision loss, stroke and in many instances, death. It is particularly
common among those whose ancestors come from sub-Saharan Africa, Spanish-speaking
regions in the Western Hemisphere, Saudi Arabia, India, and Mediterranean countries such as
Turkey, Greece and Italy.

• Approximately 3 million people in the United States and 300 million worldwide are carriers
• SCD affects an estimated 90,000 - 100,000 Americans
• 1800 - 2000 infants are born with SCD each year in the United States, primarily African
   American and Hispanic
• Worldwide, over 300,000 infants are born with SCD each year
• People with the most severe form of SCD may have a 2-3 decade shorter life expectancy
• 20 - 30% of children with SCD experience stroke, which commonly results in cognitive
• Individuals living with SCD average 200,000 emergency department visits annually
• 65 - 70% of those with SCD are classified as low income or economically disadvantaged
• SCD patients experience 18,000 - 20,000 or more blood transfusions per year

About US
The Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County & Treasure Coast, Inc. serves as the
county’s only organization working full time to address issues surrounding SCD and trait. Since
1971, the organization has been on the forefront of services for individuals, families and
communities affected by sickle cell disease and related conditions. Our various programs
help us to fulfill our mission.
Sponsorship Registration Form


City                                                        State                        Zip Code

Contact Name                                                Title

Phone Number                                                Fax


Listing, as you wish it to appear in the program


        Premier: $25,000          Grand: $10,000                    Supporting: $5,000

        Sign-in: $1,500           Praise Ceremony: $1,000           Aerobic Warm-Up: $500

        Yard Sign: $100


Enclosed is my check made payable to Sickle Cell Foundation of PBC for $__________

Please charge my credit card in the amount of $____________
        Visa         MasterCard        American Express             Discover

        Credit Card Number                          Exp. Date


Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County, Inc.
Please fax this form to Crystal Thackoor at 561-444-0178 or
Mail checks to Sickle Cell Foundation, 1600 N. Australian Ave, West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Thank You to Our Sponsors

SCW18 has worked with a number of sponsors for in-kind support. If your
company would like to contribute to the Sickle Cell Walk 2018, in return for a
comprehensive tailor-made sponsorship package that meets your needs
and reaches your customers, we welcome the opportunity. Sponsor recognition
and benefits will be determined by in-kind donation.

If you are interested in any of our sponsor opportunities or have questions
regarding the Sickle Cell-ebration Walk 2018, please do not hesitate to
contact us.

Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County, Inc.
1600 N. Australian Avenue
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
(561) 833-3113
Email: cthackoor@sicklecellpbc.org

  Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County and Treasure Coast, Inc.’s Federal Tax Identification Number is 59-1975315;
  Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Solicitation Registration Number is CH-4337. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL
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