Page created by Virgil Salazar
1. JUNI 2019 // 78˚NORD



Velkommen til        Welcome to
Spitsbergen Marathon Spitsbergen Marathon
Det er med stor glede vi i Svalbard Turn ønsker tilrei­       It is with great pleasure that we in Svalbard Turn wel­
sende og lokale velkommen til årets vakre arktiske            come visitors and local runners to this year’s beautiful
løpeeventyr, Spitsbergen Marathon.                            arctic running adventure, Spitsbergen Marathon.

Longyearbyen ligger på 78 grader nord og sommerfor­           Longyearbyen is located at 78 degrees north and summer
holdene er ofte vekslende, men tross sin arktiske belig­      conditions are often alternating, but after all, the conditi­
genhet, relativt gode. Løypa går på veiene i og rundt         ons are relatively good. The track runs along the roads in
Longyearbyen, og med sitt åpne landskap betegnes              and around Longyearbyen, and with its open landscape,
løypa som tøff. I starten av juni er det normalt plussgra­    it is classified as tough. At the beginning of June its nor­
der, snøen har smeltet de aller fleste steder og byen har     mally above zero, the snow has melted in most places
et rikt dyreliv der du kan være heldig å møte på både         and the city has a wildlife where you can be lucky to meet
reinsdyr, gås og ærfugler i og langs løypa. Isbjørnfare er    reindeer, goose and eider ducks in and along the track.
en reell situasjon vi tar alvorlig og det er patruljerende    Polar bear hazard is a real situation that we take seriously
isbjørnvakter på ATV i løypa som vil ivareta sikkerheten      and we have patrolling polar bear guards on ATV along the
under løpet.                                                  trail that will ensure safety during your run.

Været kan vi ikke kontrollere, men er værgudene med           We cannot control the weather, but if we are lucky, we
oss kan vi forhåpentligvis oppleve midnattssolen som          will hopefully experience the midnight sun circling over
sirkler over oss 24 timer i døgnet og spaserturen etter       us 24 hours and a walk after the banquet can be a
banketten kan være en unik solskinnstur.                      unique sunny walk.

Vi takker alle våre frivillige som stiller opp, samarbeids­   We wish to thank our volunteers, sponsors and partners
partnere, sponsorer og ikke minst en stor takk til alle       and especially a big “thank you” to all runners partici­
løpere som deltar.                                            pating.

Svalbard Turn ønsker alle, både tilreisende og lokale         Svalbard Turn wishes everyone, both visitors and local
løpere, LYKKE TIL!                                            runners, GOOD LUCK!

                         Silje M. Hagen, Leder / Leader Spitsbergen Marathon, Svalbard Turn

Løpskontor/ Race office
Daglig leder Svalbard Turn:   Nina Lines                      General Manager:		Nina Lines
Løpsleder:                    Silje M. Hagen                  Leader: 		Silje M. Hagen
Løpskontor:                   Kristin Åvangen                 Race office: 		Kristin Åvangen
Arena/teknisk:                Pål G. Ellingsen                Arena/technical:		Pål G. Ellingsen
Tidtaking:                    Anders E. Haugen                Timing:		Anders E. Haugen
Løype:                        Remi Hermansen                  Track: 		Remi Hermansen
Matstasjoner:                 Arne Kooij                      Food stations: 		Arne Kooij
Salg:                         Gry Elise Barlund               Sales:		Gry Elise Barlund
Bankett:                      Maren Bekkeheien                Banquet:          Maren Bekkeheien
Sikkerhet:                    Longyearbyen Jeger og 		        Safety:           Longyearbyen Hunting and
                              fiskeforening v/Torgeir Prytz                     fishing association / Torgeir Prytz
Førstehjelp:                  Longyearbyen Røde Kors          First Aid: 		Longyearbyen Red Cross
                              Hjelpekorps v/Trond Olsen       		/ Trond Olsen
On Svalbard since 1911

        First telegram sent to Norway:
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        We are providing Svalbard with:
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        - Operating the sea fiber link between
          Svalbard and mainland Norway.

Telenor Svalbard AS
Vei 307-4 (Skjæringa)
9170 Longyearbyen
                                Come visit us and connect to the
Phone: +47 79 02 27 00          northernmost and most modern network
E-mail: svalbard@telenor.com    in Norway

Dear visiting marathon runners!
Welcome to the northernmost modern society in the world.    diverse society, consisting of approximately 2200 indivi­
                                                            duals from around 50 different nations. The population
Longyearbyen has a long and robust tradition of sports      of Longyearbyen is an enthusiastic and creative one,
and volunteering. This has been the case since the foun­    both in terms of work and leisure activities. Amongst
ding of Longyearbyen in the early 1900. Our city offers     other things, you find locally produced products such
a diverse variety of sports and recreational activities,    as chocolate, glacier water, beer, clothing, art and food.
customised to every physical level or age group. The
majority of this extraordinary effort is done on a volun­   During your stay you will not only run in magnificent
tarily basis. Spitsbergen Marathon is one of many highly    scenery and nature, you will also get an insight into our
professional and remarkable events frequently taking        unique history. By visiting our local museum, or by sim­
place in Longyearbyen, executed by our local volunteers.    ply spending time in and around our city. Longyearbyen
                                                            can offer you a wide variety of shops, sightseeing, fine
By using the term culture as a common denominator, the      dining or drinking at one of our many local pubs. It is
city of Longyearbyen is a cultural capital. We are very     easy and enjoyable to be a tourist in Longyearbyen. Our
proud to be the cultural capital of the true Arctic.        highly professional tourism industry will offer you a wide
                                                            variety of activities, ensuring that your stay will be a
Svalbard consists of 16.6 % of Norway’s total landmass,     unique and lifelong experience.
and Longyearbyen is Norway’s foothold in the Arctic.
From this northernmost modern society in the world, we      Thank you for visiting Longyearbyen. We know your stay
manage one of the last unspoiled areas of nature and        here will be magical.
wilderness. Managed in parallel with local and indus­
trial developments. For us living in Longyearbyen we        Arild Olsen
consider this a privilege. Longyearbyen is a unique and     Local Council Leader

                    Sysselmannen på Svalbard
                ønsker arrangør, løpere og publikum
                   lykke til med arrangementet!
KSAT is a world-leading provider of ground
station services for polar orbiting satellites
from our uniquely located global ground
network, and provides advanced maritime
monitoring services like oil-spill detection
and vessel detection with rapid delivery
based on multiple satellite missions.

Our headquarters is located in Tromsø,
and here at Svalbard we have about 35
people working on our Svalbard ground
station (Svalsat) at Platåberget, which
is today the largest commercial ground

The extreme northern location on the
Svalbard archipelago, gives this ground
station its unique and favorable position.
The satellite coverage at this latitude
holds unique opportunities and SvalSat
is the only commercial ground station
in the world able to provide all-orbit-
support (14 of 14 orbits) to owners and
operators of polar orbiting satellites.

KSAT is a proud sponsor of Spitsbergen Marathon
and wish all the participants good luck in the race!

Om løpet                                                    About the race
Lørdag 1. juni 2019 vil det 25. Spitsbergen Marathon        Saturday the 1th of June 2019, the 25th Spitsbergen
arrangeres på 78 grader nord, bare 1200 kilometer fra       Marathon will take place at 78 degrees north, just
Nordpolen i den høyarktiske øygruppen Svalbard. Dette       1200 kilometers from the North Pole in the High Arctic
er verdens nordligste sertifiserte maraton på fast grunn    archipelago Svalbard. This is the northernmost certified
og startet med 45 deltakere i maraton og halvmaraton i      marathon race on solid ground in the world, which started
1994. Siden da har det utviklet seg til et mer profesjo­    out with 45 participants in marathon and half marathon
nelt, men likevel ganske lite maraton. I år går vi mot ny   in the 1994. Since then, it has developed into a more
rekord ded over 500 deltakere.                              professional, but still rather small marathon. This year we
                                                            are heading for a new record with over 500 participants.
Som deltaker kan du se frem til en ekte løpsopplevelse
gjennom fantastisk arktisk natur; fascinerende fjell,       As a participant, you can look forward to a genuine
isbreer, og arktiske flora og fauna. Longyearbyen er et     running experience through amazing arctic scenery; fas­
lite samfunn, med ca. 2200 innbyggere, og et veinett        cinating mountains, glaciers, and arctic flora and fauna.
på ca. 50 kilometer totalt. Under løpet, vil du dekke       Longyearbyen is a small settlement, with about 2200
det meste av dette nettverket. Løypa går på asfalt og       inhabitants, and a road network of about 50 kilometers in
grusveier, og består av to identiske runder, som starter    total. During the run, you will cover most of this network.
og slutter utenfor Svalbardhallen                           The course follows tarmac and gravel roads, and consists
                                                            of two identical loops, starting and ending outside the
                                                            Athletics Centre (Svalbardhallen).

Løpskontor                                                  Race Office
Startnummer kan hentes på løpskontoret i Svalbard­          Start numbers can be collected at the run office in
hallen fredag 31 mai kl. 17.00-19.00 og lørdag 1 juni       Svalbardhallen Friday, May 31. at. 17.00 to 19.00 and
fra kl. 08.30. Vennligst ta med legitimasjon.               Saturday, June 1. from. 08:30. Pleace bring identifica­

Matstasjoner                                                Food stations
Det er mat og drikkestasjoner ca hver 5km, enkelte          There is food and drink stations at almost every 5 km.
steder kun på en side av veien. Disse matstasjonene         Some places It is just one side of the road. You can
kan benyttes i begge løperetninger. Det serveres vann,      use the same food station in both running directions.
saft og energidrikk (Maxim), samt raske karbohydrater       Meaning you have to run to the other side of the road
som sjokolade og bananer                                    to get food/drinks. Look out for traffic! We serve water,
                                                            juice and energy drinks (Maxim), as well as carbohydra­
                                                            tes like chocolate and bananas.

Sanitet/førstehjelp                                         Medical services
              Longyearbyen Røde Kors Hjelpekorps vil        Longyearbyen Redd Cross will be present at the start/
              være stasjonert ved start/mål, samt ute i     finish area, and stationed along the track. Longyearbyen
              løypa. Longyearbyen Sykehus har lege og       Hospital will have a doctor and health personnel on duty.
              helsepersonell på vakt.
2019 – SPITSBERGEN MARATHON                 7

Polar bear guards ready to patrolling the trail on ATV, sponsored by Svalbard adventures

Isbjørnvakter                                              Polar bear guards
              På grunn av isbjørnfaren som gjelder          Due to the risk of polar bear encounters in Svalbard,
              overalt på Svalbard, er det bevæpnede         armed polar bear guards are positioned along the track.
              isbjørnvakter postert rundt i løypa.

Startkontingent                                             Entry Fee
Marathon: 		                    NOK 700                     Marathon: 		                    NOK 700
Halv Marathon: 		               NOK 600                     Half Marathon: 		               NOK 600
Spitsbergenmila: 		             NOK 400                     Spitsbergenmila:		              NOK 400
Spitsbergenmila trim (u/tid):   NOK 300                     Spitsbergenmila trim (u/tid):   NOK 300

For spitsbergenmila (10km) trim (uten tidtaking) kan        For Spitsbergenmila trim (10 km) (without timing), regis-
påmelding skje helt fram til kl. 11.00 lørdag 1. juni.      tration can be done until 11:00 pm Saturday, June 1th.

Norsk: Helmaraton er to like runder halv maraton og
merket med rødt. Spitsbergenmila 10km er merket
med blått                                                                Half marathon / marathon = Rød / red

Distanser og
                                                      Spitsbergen Mini Marathon: Start kl. 10.30 (for barn, i
                                                      samarbeid med Sparebank 1 Nord-Norge)

starttidspunkt                                        Løpet avsluttes kl. 16.00 De som eventuelt ikke har
                                                      kommet i mål vil bli plukket opp med bil. Viktig: Skulle
                                                      du avbryte av egen vilje er det viktig at det kommu­
                                                      niseres til frivillige ved matstasjoner, løypevaker eller
Maraton – 42 195 m:         Start kl. 10.00           isbjørnvakter langs løypa eller løpsleder på arena
Halvmaraton – 21 097.5 m:   Start kl. 11.30           umiddelbart.
Spitsbergenmila 10 000 m:   Start kl. 13.15
2019 – SPITSBERGEN MARATHON                 9

                                             Marathon is two equal rounds half marathon and mar­
                                             ked in red. Spitsbergen Mila 10km are marked blue.
Spitsbergenmila (10 km) = Blue

Distances and
                                             Spitsbergen MINI Marathon: Start at. 10:30
                                             (For children, in collaboration with Sparebank1)

starting times                               Cut off at 16.00. Those who have not crossed the finish
                                             line will be picked up by car. Important: for marathon,
                                             cut off time for completing first lap (21 097,5 m) is
                                             at 13.00. If you pull out during the race and will not
Marathon - 42 195m:        Start at. 10:00   continue, it is important that you communicate this
Half Marathon - 21 097.5m: Start at. 11:30   to a volunteer at food stations, trail guards, to a polar
Spitsbergen Mila 10 000m: Start at. 13.15    bear guard along the trail or the leader at the arena

Klasseinndeling                                               Age categories
Hel- og halvmaraton er delt inn i følgende aldersklas­        Full marathon and half marathon are divided into the
ser for både kvinner og menn: 16–19, 20–29, 30–39,            following age classes for both men and women: 16–19,
40–49, 50–59, 60–69 og 70+. Spitsbergenmila (10 km)           20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69 og 70+. The
har to klasser, en for menn og en for kvinner, uavhengig      Spitsbergenmila (10 km) has two classes, one for men
av alder. Nedre aldersgrense er 11 år. Spitsbergenmila        and one for women, regardless of age. The lower age
trim (uten tidtaking) har ingen aldersgrense eller klas­      limit is 11 years. The Spitsbergenmila exercise (without
seinndeling. Yngre barn kan delta i Spitsbergen Mini          circuit timings) has no categories or lower age limit.
Marathon løpet.

Resultater og                                                 Results and
premiering                                                    prizes
Resultatliste vil bli offentliggjort i Svalbardhallen.        Results will be published in Svalbardhallen. The results
Resultatene vil også bli lagt ut på Spitsbergenmarathon.      will also be posted on Spitsbergenmarathon.no and you
no og du kan følge live track på:                             can follow live track on:
https://live.eqtiming.com/44273                               https://live.eqtiming.com/44273

Alle som fullfører maraton, halvmaraton og                    All competitors who complete the marathon, half
Spitsbergenmila får medalje og diplom ved målgang.            marathon and Spitsbergenmila will be awarded with
Premieutdeling for 1-3 plass foregår under banketten          a medal and diploma after the run. Prizes for 1-3 will
samme kveld. Det er 1/3 premiering ut ifra antall star­       takes place during the banquet that evening. It is 1/3
tende i hver klasse. Hvis det er tre eller færre i klassen,   prize giving. If there are three or fewer in a class, eve­
får alle premier. For premiering fra 4 plass og utover,       ryone gets a prize. For prizes from 4th place onwards,
avhengig av antall deltakere pr klasse kan premier            depending on the number of participants per class, the
hentes ved løpskontor etter løpet. Vi ettersender ikke        winners collect their prizes at the run office after the
uavhentede premier.                                           race.

                                                              If you do not join the banquet, you may still come and
                                                              pick up your price at the banquet. We do not send
                                                              unclaimed prizes.

Det arrangeres bankett med premieutdeling 1-3 plass

for deltakere med billett i Svalbardhallen lørdag 1. juni
kl. 19.00. Dørene åpner kl. 18.00. Pris for bankett er kr
595,- Det inkluderer 2 retters middag og 2 drikke (øl/
vin/mineralvann).                                             The banquet is held with a award ceremony at
                                                              Svalbardhallen Saturday, June 1. at. 19:00. Doors
Billett til bankett kan kjøpes på løpskontoret i              open at 18.00. Price for the banquet is NOK 595, - This
Svalbardhallen ved henting av startnummer. Vi kan ikke        includes 2-course dinner and 2 drinks (beer / wine /
garantere plass da det ofte er fullbooket ved forhånds­       soft drinks).
bestilling. For de uten bankett billett åpner dørene til
prisutdelingen kl. 21.30                                      Tickets to the banquet can be purchased at the run
                                                              office in Svalbardhallen. Places to the banquet are
                                                              limited and often sold out. For those without a banquet
                                                              ticket the doors opens for the award ceremony at 21.30.
                          SUMMER IN

                                                                               Dbl room at Coal Miners' Cabins,

                                                                               per night from

                       Let us help you plan your next Arctic adventure. Hurtigruten
                       Svalbard has 3 hotels, 6 restaurants and offer a wide range of
                       activities. Visit our new website to book your Arctic holiday now!

                       Book on www.hurtigrutensvalbard.com, +47 79 02 61 00 or

Arenakart                                                                  Map of arena
Vi oppfordrer alle til å ta hensyn til maratonløperne som                  We encourage everyone to take account of marathon
starter kl. 10:00.                                                         runners who start at. 10:00. Follow directed route to
                                                                           the arena.

                   10 km
                   Full/half marathon
                   Finish line / Timing
                   Food/drink point
                   First Aid                                                             P
                   No parking
            P      Parking

                                          Sparebank 1

                                                                                  Lost and

                                                                     S ko
                                                                 yen                                P
                                                    n   gy
2019 – SPITSBERGEN MARATHON           13

Spitsbergen Mini Marathon
Spitsbergen Mini maraton er et løp for barn i alle aldre. Oppmøte
ved Sparebank 1 beach flaggene på arena. Der får man utdelt
startnummer. Starten går kl. 10.30 og det er valgfritt hvilke
løype man velger. Som anvist på kartet er rød løype lang og blå
løype kort. Alle får medalje ved målgang, boller og saft sponset
fra Sparebank1.

Vi oppfordrer alle til å ta hensyn til maratonløperne som starter
kl. 10.00 Følg ruten som anvist på kart for arena på side 12.

ENGLISH: Spitsbergen Mini marathon is a run for children of all
ages. The Spitsbergen Mini Marathon is a race for children of
all ages. Attendance at Sparebank 1 beach flags at the arena
where starting number is given. The start is at. 10.30 AM and it
is optional which route you choose. As indicated on the map, the
red trail is long and blue trail short. Everybody gets a medal at
the finish, as well as offers of buns and juice from Sparebank1.

We encourage everyone to take into account the marathon
runners that start at. 10.00. Follow the route as directed on the
map for the arena on page 12.

                                                                Helt rått!
                                                                Spitsbergen Marathon stiller i en klasse for
                                                                seg. Omgitt av magisk natur og egne
                                                                isbjørnvakter blir dette en helt rå opplevelse.

                                                                Vi ønsker deltakere og frivillige lykke til.

Points of interest along the route
By: Herdis Lien / Curator /
Communications Manager Svalbard Museum

The marathon route covers a large part of Long­
yearbyen and passes through several listed cultural
heritage sites and other points of interest. The
starting point by the school offers a view of the
whole valley with the various parts of the town.
Longyearbyen was originally a “company town”,
where the mining company owned everything and
made all the decisions. It was also a class-based
society, where people from different social groups
were housed in separate areas.

The neighbourhood closest to the school, Haugen,
was where the senior officials and managers had their
homes. Workers were housed in somewhat less refined
facilities in Nybyen. Such social distinctions reduced
over time, and workers were later given the opportunity      The «pointed houses» newly built
to bring their families. This was the beginning of the
housing development in the neighbourhood of Lia (‘the
Hillside’), which now sadly will have to be razed/reloca­
ted because of the danger of avalanche.

The iconic ‘pointy’ houses were built in the 1970s. Their
colourful facades have come to represent the quintes­
sential image of Longyearbyen. In 2015, 11 of these
houses were buried by an avalanche on the slopes of
Mount Sukkertoppen, and two people lost their lives.

The remnants of Coalmine 2a, which was opened in
1921 and was operational until 1968, can be seen on
the hillside.                                                Haugen

Continuing along Hilmar Rekstens vei, named after the       From the road along the Ice Pond (Isdammen), which is
shipowner Hilmar Reksten who during the war was             the source of Longyearbyen’s fresh water supply, you
Chairman of the Board of the Store Norske coal mining       can see that the valley tundra has been levelled. This
company, we reach the junction with Road 500 which          was the site of the old airport, built in March 1958 to
leads into the Advent Valley. Here we find the Berzelius    enable planes carrying mail to land. The first passenger
Rig, a simple oil rig which was used by the company         plane landed on 2 April 1959, and these flights continu­
Norsk PolarNavigasjon A/S, the first to search for oil on   ed sporadically until the present airport was opened in
Svalbard in 1962. The rig was erected here in 2008 and      1974. The runway was laid out on the frozen tundra and
is a monument to those pioneering times.                    could therefore only operate during the winter.
2019 – SPITSBERGEN MARATHON                15

 The Berzelius Rig                                           The passenger plane has landed in Advent Valley

On the riverbed, not visible from the road, are the rem­    Back in the town, the route crosses the Longyear River
nants of a German aircraft which made an emergency          and continues through Old Longyearbyen. The town
landing during WW II.                                       was founded by the American John Munro Longyear, in
                                                            1906. The first building we come to is the old piggery,
Continuing towards the valley of Endalen, you come across   which for many years was home to Svalbard Museum.
the coal cableway central station (Vinkelstasjonen). This   The stumps sticking up from the ground and visible
is where the aerial coal cableways from the mines in the    on both sides are the remains of the original founda­
valley merged, and from there continued on the same         tions of Old Longyearbyen. The town was bombed and
track to the cableway terminal in town.                     burnt down during the war. The natural heaving of the

 Norway formally assume the sovereignty of Svalbard
2019 – SPITSBERGEN MARATHON                   17

                                                              Goods wagon drawn by horse

 Old Longyearbyen (LongyearCity)

 The hotel on Hotellneset                                      One of the cableways

permafrost later caused these remnants to be pushed          lodge which stood there towards the end of the 19th
back up to the surface. Directly across from the piggery     century. The old cargo crane, Titankrana, from 1953, is
is a memorial to John M. Longyear, and on the hillside       a well-known landmark here. Close to the road are the
above we see the remains of the first coalmine, Gruve        stables, and behind them Longyearbyen’s oldest gravey­
1a, or the American Mine, as it is also called. The mine     ard. Today, only a few graves and one cross are visible.
was shut down following an explosion in 1920. Below
it there is a memorial of everyone who lost their lives in   Next we get onto Burmaveien, built in 1967. Prior to that
the mines up until 2017.                                     there was no road to Hotellneset, and those who worked
                                                             there on loading and shipment of coal lived in their own
Next we pass Svalbard Church, consecrated in 1958.           little isolated community of residential barracks and a
The old Post Office which survived the war is located        canteen.
below it. We pass Kurven (the Curve), a kink in the oth­
erwise straight aerial coal cableway, and a little further   Parallel to Burmaveien is the aerial coal cableway to the
down the official residences of the Mining Inspector         coal wharf. It is still intact, with cables and buckets, but
(Bergmester) and the Governor (Sysselmannen) of              was closed in 1987/88.
Svalbard. A long time ago, this part of town was given
the name Skjæringa (the Cut). The name originates from       Towards the end of the race, the aerial cableway termi­
the excavation of the ground in the hill rising up from      nal appears. It is mounted on high pillars and is a real
the wharf, where there was a wagonway up to the town.        landmark in Longyearbyen. The terminal was rebuilt
The goods wagons were horse-drawn. At the farthest           in 1957 after it was destroyed during the war. This
point of Skjæringa is the memorial of the fallen during      is where the cableway tracks from the Longyear and
World War II. This was also the spot where Norway            Advent valleys meet, and where the coal was then trans­
formally assumed the sovereignty of Svalbard on 14           ported on to the coal wharf.
August 1925.
                                                             From the cableway terminal we have a view over
Strandveien towards Hotellneset passes Norway’s only         and into the valley, with Coalmine 1a below Mount
working coal-fired power station, Energiverket. Shortly      Sukkertoppen and Coalmine 2b above Nybyen (the New
before the route reaches its turning point, we have a        Town); which for the record is not new at all, but was the
view over Hotellneset. The name stems from the tourist       first part of town to be rebuilt after the war.

         Book your activities at

                                   Welcome to the Tourist   + 47 79 02 55 50
                                   Information in the       info@visitsvalbard.com
                                   pedestrian street        www.visitsvalbard.com
The world’s
      We offer a wide range of products
Come visit our store in the heart of Longyearbyen

             Opening hours:
        Monday – Friday 10:00 – 20:00
          Saturday 10:00 – 18:00
           Sunday 15:00 – 18:00

Marine litter on Svalbard

                                                               Photo: Andrè Jenssen

 Photo: Einar Jenssen

In winter, Svalbard is a natural wildlife beauty that
does not necessarily make you think too much
about pollution of the natural environment. But as
the picture of the reindeer so clearly conveys, litter
in nature can affect the animals also in wintertime.
However, it is when the snow melts that we can truly
see the amount of litter that finds its last rest on the
archipelago. It all draws a pretty different picture           Photo: Silje M. Hagen
than most people associate with wilderness and
expect to see in the high Arctic.                             areas are now being opened for increased commercial
                                                              activity. Plastic pollution from the south, as well as
Svalbard Turn has since the 19th century been founded         increased fishing and ship activity in northern sea areas,
on voluntary work. For our small town it is an important      have resulted in increased plastic pollution in the Arctic.
community builder and contribute to activity and healthy      (source: Hallanger and Gabrielsen 2018).
values in the local community. In 2015, Aktiv i friluft       In 1976, each person in the world used an average of 2
was established, a project under the auspices of the          kg of plastic products per year. In 2017, this figure was
sports team that was to facilitate outdoor activities and     43 kg per person per year. Reduction of plastic con­
outdoor life for residents. One result of this was, among     sumption is the most important measure against marine
other offers, Project Isfjorden. This project contribute to   litter and other environmental and health problems
give the residents boat trips for outdoor living and to       related to plastics. Today, 15 tonnes of plastic waste
clean up beaches we visit, spreading knowledge about          leaks into the oceans every minute, and this figure is
the natural environment and creating good attitudes           expected to quadruple by 2050. In addition, it is estima­
towards our own consumption and local / global litte­         ted that plastic production will then account for 15 per
ring.                                                         cent of the world’s CO2 emissions (source: Webforum.
Global plastic pollution is one of the most visible and
well-documented environmental changes over the past           In the sea there are huge amounts of plastic and resear­
20-30 years. As a result of sea ice melting, the Arctic       chers have estimated that 1% of the plastic waste floats
2019 – SPITSBERGEN MARATHON                 21

in the sea surface, 94% drops to the sea bottom and 5%         What can you do?
ends up on the beaches. In other words, it is just the         • Bring your bag and drink bottle (re-use) to any
”top of the iceberg” that we actually see on the beaches.          event
According to Jan Sundet (Institute of Marine Research),        • Don’t throw trash on the ground
20% of King Crab and 40% of Snow Crab in the Barents           • Start with your own local environment and clear the
Sea have microplastic in their stomach.                            street / nature where you live.
                                                               • Think about reduction, reuse and recycling
It has been shown that as much as 88% of all sea horses        • Repair clothes and equipment rather than buy new
(birds) in Svalbard have plastic in their stomachs. In the         ones
bird that can be as old as 65 years and who hunt food          • Use the carry net, sack and bags you have from
in the sea surface, they have found 0.08g of plastic and           before to carry food etc.
15.3 parts of plastic per individual (source: Trevail et al.   • Stop using disposable cutlery and take away cups.
2015). If we scaled this to apply to a human we would              Buy reusable and remember that most cafes fill
have had 10 grams of plastic in our stomach.                       thermo cups with pleasure.
                                                               • In Norway we have several beach clean events that
As users of nature, it is about time to wake up and give           you can find here: https://holdnorgerent.no/
back. Truly. We believe that more people must see, dig,
experience, and see the reality that is often just outside     We hope all of our great participants at Spitsbergen
your own door. If work is to be done preventively, the         Marathon help us keep the track clean and join us in
responsibility of the plastic producers, user habits and       the fight against marine litter. We wish you all a magical
changes in attitudes is what may give the best effect.         running experience and a great stay in Longyearbyen.
But it’s too late to just do that.
We know that today is the most effective way to remove
marine litter, to actually pick it up. And everyone must
contribute where they are. The cost and complexity of
littering the ocean has enormous consequences.

“Aktiv i friluft” has organized trips so over 600 local par­
ticipants have been able to experience Svalbard’s wild
nature. They have helped to reduce over 16 tonnes of
marine litter along the beaches of only Isfjorden the last
two Arctic summers. And 2019 is no exception, we will
continue to clean beaches and hope to make as many
people as possible aware of the developments that take
place in this vulnerable natural environment.

We all have to take notice that if we continue to increase
plastic consumption and do nothing about the current
trend of use-and-throw, the future will look daunting to
both marine life and all those who depend on it.

All photos on this side: Silje M. Hagen
Win a Walrus Safari
for 2 persons

We are proud sponsor of
Spitsbergen Marathon!

Find our stand at the arena
and participate in our

Svalbard Adventures wishes
all participants good luck
on Spitsbergen Marathon.
Få ditt eget unike spesialdesign til din
                   lokale klubb, bedrift eller
              arrangement. Hos oss er alt mulig!


nilsarne@trimtex.no | 37 26 91 05 | 90 67 34 04

Warm water, fresh water,
wind and tides – ice or
no ice around Svalbard?
Angelika HH Renner and Sigrid Lind // Institute of Marine Research
Arild Sundfjord // Norwegian Polar Institute

September onboard the research vessel Lance north          and the rest of us scan the water surface. Luckily, the
of Svalbard. Kristen, our mooring engineer, is happy.      buoys are easy to spot when they come up. The crew
There is no sea ice to be seen anywhere – ideal            lifts everything onto the deck, and a little later, we have
conditions to find the instruments we left here two        two years of temperature, salinity and current data in
years ago attached to a rope, anchored to the sea­         our hands. They will help us understand how the ocean
floor, and held upright under water by several buoys.      is changing around Svalbard.

Without ice, Lance is free to move around and locate the   In recent years it has become increasingly normal that
mooring using the ship’s echo sounder. Kristen sends       the ocean around Svalbard is free of sea ice. While this
the command to the mooring to let go of the anchor,        is good news for ship traffic, fisheries, and potential
2019 – SPITSBERGEN MARATHON                   25

other exploitation of resources around Svalbard, a shift     meltwater layer is established. This thin layer of cold
towards an ice-free normal can also be seen as an            water, which can be formed locally by sea ice melt or
alarming sign of drastic changes in the climate system.      can be moved in from the north by wind, protects the
                                                             sea ice cover from the Atlantic Water heat below.
Svalbard is at the front between the Arctic and Atlantic
domains. This is the entrance to the Arctic Ocean where      The largest inflow of warm water from the North Atlantic
large amounts of heat are brought in with the Atlantic       occurs in autumn and early winter. During this time of
Water current – a continuation of the Gulf Stream            the year, large pulses of water with temperatures of up
flowing northward along the Norwegian coast and              to 5°C arrive at the continental slope north of Svalbard.
around Svalbard. When Atlantic Water enters the Arctic,      With longer periods of open water, wind will mix the
it encounters fresher Arctic waters. Since the Atlantic      upper part of the water column more efficiently, and the
Water contains more salt and is denser, it becomes sub­      surface will not freeze despite very low air temperatures
merged and continues into the Arctic Ocean below the         and the sun being below the horizon. It is only when
Arctic Water. This means that the Arctic Ocean is strati­    the temperature and volume of incoming warm water
fied, with a cold and fresh Arctic layer above a warm and    decrease later in winter, and the surface becomes suffi­
saline Atlantic layer. The Arctic layer thus restricts the   ciently cold and fresh, that sea ice forms locally, or that
amount of heat that comes up from below, enabling sea        sea ice blown into the region from the north, can persist
ice to form and persist in cold winter conditions.           and not be melted by the Atlantic heat.

But these patterns are changing. New research at the         Behind the front in the northern Barents Sea, the layer of
Fram Centre reveals an altered inflow of warm water          fresher Arctic waters is thicker and more persistent than
and ongoing changes to the stratification (i.e. the gra­     north of Svalbard: winter-cooled water with temperatu­
dient between fresher surface layers and more saline         res down to freezing-point occupies the upper 100 m of
Atlantic Water), and emphasises how these changes            the ocean. Here, the “Arctic layer” persists and remains
play a key role in enhanced warming and reduced sea          cold through the summer, thereby making the conditions
ice cover in this region.                                    ready for sea ice growth earlier in autumn and winter.

North of Svalbard, Atlantic Water is carried by a narrow     The Institute of Marine Research together with its
current along the continental slope and is pushed below      Russian partner, PINRO, have been monitoring the
a layer of Arctic Water as it travels eastwards. In recent   marine environment in the Barents Sea in late summer
years, the Atlantic Water has been able to continue at       since 1970. A new study using this extensive set of
the surface further east than before throughout much         observations of ocean temperature and salinity shows
of winter. The Fram Centre “Arctic Ocean” Flagship           that vertical mixing between the Arctic and Atlantic
project A-TWAIN has been monitoring the Atlantic Water       layers brings up heat and salt. The salt flux means that
boundary current since 2012 using an array of moored         a freshwater input is needed to sustain the freshwater
instruments north of Kvitøya. Results from this project      reservoir and stratification. Using satellite data in combi­
show how the heat in this boundary current, in combina­      nation with the hydrographic data, the study shows that
tion with wind-driven mixing and tides, has contributed      sea ice import into the Barents Sea is the most important
to keeping the region free from sea ice until the middle     freshwater source.
of winter, when sea ice appears and a cold and fresh

Recently, a decline in sea ice import and freshwater          stay at the surface further east than it used to. Prolonged
input has led to a major loss of freshwater, weakened         ice-free periods will enable more direct influence of
ocean stratification and facilitated efficient vertical       the wind on mixing in the ocean. At the same time, the
mixing between the layers, resulting in an extreme war­       efficiency of tides in redistributing heat might change as
ming of the Arctic layer. This heat is then released to the   stratification weakens.
atmosphere in winter. This contributes to the develop­
ment of the Barents Sea as a hotspot of Arctic warming,       It will be important to follow this region closely in the
with the highest rates of atmospheric temperature rise        coming years. The A-TWAIN mooring array north of
and winter sea ice decline in the Arctic. Unless the fres­    Svalbard is continuing to record the properties of the
hwater input recovers, the stratification can break down      inflowing Atlantic Water boundary current, and new
and the entire region could become part of the Atlantic       projects will help extend the array. Later in 2019, Kristen
domain, where Atlantic Water occupies the entire water        will be back at sea to search for the moorings, recover
column.                                                       the instruments, and put out new moorings so that we
                                                              can slowly build up a longer time series also in this
The fresh surface layer in the northern Barents Sea is        region. The annual monitoring of the Barents Sea by IMR
maintained by melting sea ice imported from the Arctic        and PINRO continues and is being extended with the
Ocean, and is thus thicker during summer when more            new icebreaker RV Kronprins Haakon.
ice melts. The sea ice cover and the freshwater layer
support each other’s presence. North of Svalbard, both        The Nansen Legacy project (see article on page 100)
sea ice and the surface freshwater layer are strongly         expands the interdisciplinary research, enabling us to
influenced by wind, and fresh water is brought in both        include more chemical and biological parameters in our
through sea ice melt and by advection from further north      work, and to further investigate linkages between the
and east in the central Arctic.                               northern Barents Sea and the region north of Svalbard,
                                                              the entrance to the Arctic. With the observed rapid
As climate change is leading to a strong warming in           climate change, will larger parts of the Eurasian Arctic
the Arctic, both in the ocean and in the atmosphere,          shift towards an Atlantic climate? Will a new frontier
and to a drastic decline in sea ice extent in all seasons,    region develop further east in the Arctic? How will
less sea ice is transported into the northern Barents         the ongoing changes affect societies and ecosystems
Sea, and local freshwater volume decreases. This in           around Svalbard, the Barents Sea and the Norwegian
turn allows the upper ocean to warm dramatically from         mainland? The Fram Centre with its partner institutions
below, contributing to the fastest temperature increase       and key projects are in a very good position to take a
and greatest winter sea ice decline yet observed in the       lead in understanding how our region will develop in the
Arctic. North of Svalbard, the sea ice is thinning and        near future.
melting faster than before, enabling the Atlantic Water to

      DELTAKELSE I 2020?

                               Svalbard Skimaraton
                                     25. april

Spitsbergen marathon
        6. juni

     Vi ønsker alle en fantastisk tur
     We wish everyone a wonderful trip

                                         Kultur og idrett utvikler
                                         og arrangerer gjennom
                                         • Longyearbyen folkebibliotek
                                         • Longyearbyen kulturskole
                                         • Svalbardhallen
                                         • Galleri Svalbard
                                         • Longyearbyen kunst- og håndverkssenter
                                         • Longyearbyen kino
                                         • Longyearbyen kulturhus
                                         • Lyd-, lys- og sceneløsninger

                                         Kultur og frivillighet
                                                                                    Foto: Mari Tefre

                                         gjør samfunnet bedre!


      Samarbeidspartner                        Regnskapsfører med lokalkunnskap     Kvalitet

                                      Stolt sponsor

                                           Tlf: 916 16 182
                                           Email: ppa@pole-posi�on.no

Sightseeing Bus and Taxi
Svalbard Bus and Taxi have vehicles of all sizes with
capacity from 1-53 passengers.
• Multiple daily departures for sightseeing.
• Online registration or via the hotel reception.
We carry out all types of passenger transport.
Please contact us for an offer.
TAXI: +47 79 02 13 05 / www.taxiguiden.no
BUSS: +47 79 02 10 52 / www.svalbardbuss.no

                   Svalbard Bus and Taxi AS
                  PB 160, 9171 Longyearbyen

This year’s motiv has been given the title «TILSKUAR»        Årets motiv har fått tittelen «TILSKUAR»
”He sees you! The big white bear is out there in the         «Han ser deg! Den store hvite bjørnen er der ute i ter­
terrain, and he follows every move. For every bear you       renget, og han følger med. For hver bjørn du ser, er der
see there is nine bears you have not seen »                  ni stykker du ikke har sett»

For the third year in a row, Olaf Storoe makes an            For tredje året på rad lager Olaf Storø et eksklusivt bilde
exclusive picture to the Spitsbergen Marathon. The           til Spitsbergen Marathon. Bildet, som er et litografi,
picture, which is a lithograph, is drawn and printed in      er tegnet og trykket i Olaf Storø’s eget verksted her i
Olaf Storø’s own workshop here in Longyearbyen. It is        Longyearbyen. Det er trykket i to farger og er laget i et
printed in two colors and is made in one edition of 100.     opplag på 100. Ønsker du et spesielt minne fra Svalbard
Do you want a special memory from Svalbard, it can be        kan det kjøpes på stand under arrangementet. Der vil
purchased on stand during the event. There will              også tidligere års motiver være for salg.
also previous years’s motives be for sale.
                                                             Billedkunstner Olaf Storø bor og arbeider i Longyearbyen.
                                                             Han besøkte Svalbard første gang i 1989 og forel­
Visual artist Olaf Storø lives and works in Longyearbyen.    sket seg i landskapet, naturen og det spesielle lyset.
He visited Svalbard for the first time in 1989 and fell in   Bildet «Tilskuar» er til salgs for en spesialpris under
love in the landscape, the scenery and the special light.    Spitsbergen Marathon til kr 1500, vanlig galleripris er
The image ”Tilskuar”, that means spectator, is for sale      kr 2500.
for a special price at Spitsbergen Marathon for NOK
1500, the usual gallery price is NOK 2500.                   Ring +47 901 72 071 eller mail olaf@storoe.no om
                                                             du ønsker å avtale besøk i galleriet. Du kan også se og
Call +47 901 72 071 or mail olaf@storoe.no about you         handle bilder i hans nye nettgalleri: www.storoe.no
wish to arrange a visit to the gallery. You can also
see and purchase pictures in his new web gallery:

                                      Svalbard Turn
                                     ønsker å rette en
                                        STOR TAKK
                       til deltakere, sponsorer, annonsører, frivillige medhjelpere og alle andre
                             som har bidratt til at vi kan arrangere Spitsbergen Marathon.

                                      A big thank you:
                       to participants, volunteers, sponsors, advertisers and anyone who has
                                  helped us arrange the 25. Spitsbergen Marathon.

Foto: Sofia Mercadal

                     LNS Spitsbergen AS
                   Tlf. 79 02 49 50
                   Fax 79 02 49 51
Anleggsarbeid, transport, feltarbeid, boring/peling,
    mekanisk verksted og bunkring av båter .

                 Svalbard Busservice AS
                    Tlf. 79 02 10 52
  Flybuss, shuttelbuss, skolebuss, timecharter
       pluss andre oppdrag på bestilling .

              Toyota Svalbard
 Verksted, delelager, bensinstasjon, bilutleie
       Tlf. 79 02 49 30
       Fax 79 02 49 31
  Kundemottak 79 02 49 32/34
   Mandag – fredag  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 08 .00 - 16 .00
   Lørdag  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Stengt
   Søndag  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Stengt
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